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Class Schedule: TTH 12:00 – 1:30

Ancheta, Maria Julia Monique P.
Gutierrez, Joyce Ann V.
Isaguirre, Ederlyn R.
Paragas, Rishanelle P
Psamonte, Roselle D.

Topic: 19th Century

Bernhard Riemann - He is recognized for his contribution to differential geometry, analysis and
number theory.
Elliptic Geometry – Is a non-Euclidean geometry with positive curvature which replaces the
parallel postulate with the statement “through any point in the plane, there exist no lines parallel
to a given line. “
Disquisiones Arithmeticaf - Latin for Arithmetical Investigations, a textbook of number theory
written in Latin by Carl Friedrich Gauss
Fundamental Theorem of Algebra - States that every non-constant single variable polynomial
over the complex number has at least one root.
Complex Number - a quantity of the form v + I w where v and w are real numbers, and i represents
the unit imaginary numbers equal to the positive square root of -1.
János Bolyai - Hungarian mathematician who explored Imaginary Geometry or is now known as
Hyperbolic Geometry.
George Boole - English mathematician who helped establish modern symbolic logic.
Georg Cantor – He was a German Mathematician. He created set theory, which has become a
fundamental theory in mathematics.
Infinity – Represents something that is boundless or endless or else something that is larger than
any real or natural number.
Cardinality – The number of elements in a set or other grouping, as a property of that grouping.

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