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Cato National High School

Infanta, Pangasinan


I. IDENTIFY THE FOLLOWING TERMS: Choose from the box and write the correct word in your answer

Rhyme stress internal rhyme end rhyme primary stress

Secondary stress consonance onomatopoeia assonance imagery

Poetry blank verse repetition alliteration
1. It is a sound device used by poet to suggest actions, movements, and meanings.
2. It is a personal type of writing where words flow and carry you along the realms of beautiful thought.
3. Poetry with an unrhymed iambic pentameter lines.
4. It is a central part of poetry that adds enjoyment of a poem where words, phrases, or lines are repeated.
5. It refers to the mental pictures that readers experience when reading the literature
6. Repetition of similar sounds in two or more words, most often in the final syllables of lines in poems and
7. The repetition of vowel sounds within words.
8. The degree of loudness given to syllables or words to express some added meaning or some extra prominence
which the speaker wishes to attach to a certain word or sentences.
9. Stress which is very strong and very long.
10. A rhyme that appear within the line.

II. Match the descriptions in A to the stages in life in B. Write the letter of the correct answer in your paper.
A. Descriptions of stages in life.
1. Stage of oblivion.
2. He makes his presence felt by crying.
3. Full of obligations, compliances, oaths and vows and maintain a dignified reputation.
4. He learns to utter a plaintive, high-pitched sound, as in pain, fear, or complaint.
5. Sighs like a burning furnace and sings the sad ballad of romance full of woes.
6. He is to take a lot of correct decisions to keep up with the ever changing times.
7. His strength begins to weaken.

B. Stages in Life.
A. Infancy
B. Schoolboy (childhood)
C. Youth (lover)
D. Soldier (early adulthood)
E. Adulthood
F. Middle-aged
G. Old Age
III. Identify the poetic device used in the following.
1. That’s the first photo of France from the Moon.
2. Clang, clang went the bell, reminding us all that it was time for school.
3. He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake
4. I will crawl away the ball.
5. Hear the mellow wedding bells.
6-10 Tell what imagery is used.
6. The night was black as ever, but bright stars lit up the sky in beautiful and varied constellations which
were sprinkled across the astronomical landscape.
7. Silence was broken by the peal of piano keys as Shannon began practicing her concerto.
8. He smelled the scent of sweet hibiscus wafting through the air.
9. After the long run, he collapsed in the grass with tired and burning muscles. The grass tickled his skin and
sweat cooled on his brow.
10. The candy melted in her mouth and swirls of bittersweet chocolate and slightly sweet but salty caramel
blended together on her tongue.

IV. Tell what sound of s each word with s has. /s/, /sh/, /z/
1. crabs
2. misty
3. sure
4. clothes
5. house
V. Write correct if the words are properly accented (in bold letters) and wrong if they are not properly accented.
1. DIL igent
2. preMAture
3. preferaBLE
4. recomMEND
5. purgaTOry

VI. Rewrite the following sentences. Capitalize the words that need to be capitalized.

1. our english literature class is reading paradise lost by john milton.

2. many motorcycle riders spent the christmas holidays in tagaytay city.
3. the food at maxim’s restaurant is the best in the downtown area.
4. when sheila arrived she said, “ please fix me some hot tea; i’m so cold!”
5. roger is going to college in september, and he plans to study sociology.

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