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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Nueva Ecija St., Bago Bantay, Quezon City


School Year 2018-2019

Name: __________________________________________ Score: _____________

Grade & Section: __________________________________ Date: ______________

Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the BEST answer and write the letter on your paper.

1. Which of the following data show the relationship between volume and pressure?

Volume Pressure A. C. Volume Pressure

2L 4.5 atm 5L 5 atm
4L 3.0 atm 10 L 10 atm
8L 1.5 atm 15 L 15 atm

Volume Pressure Volume Pressure

3L 10 atm B. D.
2 atm 7.5 L
4L 12 atm 4 atm 5.0 L
5L 14 atm 6 atm 2.5 L

2. Joan is trying to figure out what will happen to the volume of the gas of the container once she increased its temperature. Which of the
following statements can be correct based on her prediction?
A. The volume of the gas does not change. C. The volume of the gas increases
B. The volume of the gas decreases. D. The volume can’t be determined.
3. Suppose the temperature of the air in a balloon is increased and the pressure remains constant, what quantity must change?
A. Adhesion B. Compressibility C. Number of molecules D. Volume
4. What secretes glucagon, which causes the liver, muscle and fat to convert glycogen back to glucose?
A. heart B. intestines C. pancreas D. stomach
5. Which of the following BEST describes the characteristics of lipids?
A. Water insoluble molecules composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. C. They are found as structural materials in hair.
B. Molecules made up from aldehydes and ketones. D. They are biological catalyst.
6. Which of the following contains the most lipids?
A. Banana B. porridge C. Olive oil D. Cheese
7. What is always TRUE about a chemical reaction?
A. It takes in heat. B. It gives out heat C. It takes place very quickly. D. It produces new substances
8. Using a grinder, Kent was able to obtain ground meat. What kind of change in matter did he produce?
A. Chemical B. physical C. nuclear D. phase
9. Which of the following changes to a system will not result in an increase in pressure?
A. Decreasing the volume of the container. C. Adding more gas molecules.
B. Increasing the volume of the container. D. Raising the temperature.
10. An amount of gas occupies a container with an adjustable volume. At constant temperature its pressure is 3 atm. What will be its
pressure if the container expands twice the original volume?
A. 2 atm B. 1.5 atm C. 1.0 atm D. 0.5 atm
11. What is needed in order for a chemical reaction to start?
A. catalyst B. potential energy C. activation energy D. heat of reaction
12. One whole kremil-s tablet reacted slowly to a glass of water when compared to powdered kremil-s reacting with the same amount of
water. What factor affected the rate of the reaction?
A. The amount of the reactant. C. The surface area of the reactant.
B. The nature of the reactant. D. The concentration of the reactant.
13. The best way to prolong the lifetime of metal tools at home is to clean and coat them with oil. Why do you think it is effective?
A. Oil preserves the metal. C. Oil prevents access of oxygen to the metal
B. Oil makes the metal clean and shiny. D. Dust is prevented from coming in contact with the metal
14. What happens when a reaction takes place endothermic ally?
A. The temperature of the system drops. C. The temperature of the surrounding rises.
B. The temperature of the surrounding drops. D. The temperature of the surrounding remains the same.
15. Study the figure below. The two magnets in the drawing repel because

A. like poles attract B. unlike poles attract C. like poles repel D. unlike poles repel
16. It is sometimes called HEAT RAYS.
A. Gamma Rays B. Visible Light C. Infrared D. UV Rays
17. What happens to the image in curved mirrors if the magnification (M)?
A. The image is virtual, otherwise real. C. The image is virtual, otherwise erect.
B. The image is inverted, otherwise real. D. The image is inverted, otherwise erect.
18. The north pole of a bar magnet attracts the first nail. If the first nail attracts the second nail, what is the parity of second nail attached to
the first nail?
A. South Pole B. The second nail doesn’t have any polarity C. North Pole D. The second becomes an electromagnet
19. EM waves produced by sun, stars and radioactive substances,
A. Gamma Rays B. Microwaves C. Radio waves D. UV Rays
For item numbers 20 and 21, study the figure below:
A wire was placed vertically in a wooden block of wood with a compass beside it then current pass through the wire

20. How the current in the wire affects the deflections of compass needle?
A. The current in the wire produced an induced that affects the polarity of compass needles.
B. The current in the wire produced an induced magnetic field but doesn’t affect the compass needles reflection.
C. The current in the wire produced straight lines of magnetic fields that deflect the compass needle.
D. The current in the wire produced an induced magnetic field which stagnate the compass needle.
21. In right hand rule, what does the right thumb indicate?
A. direction of induced magnetic field B. direction of current C. presence of current D. A and C
For item numbers 22 and 23, analyze this statement: At certain place on the ocean one day. The distance between adjacent crest was 50
meters and a crest passed every 4.5 seconds.

22. What is its frequency?

A. 0.22 Hz B. 2.2 Hz C. 7.5 Hz D. 7.0 Hz
23. What is the velocity of the wave?
A. 12 m/s B. 11 m/s C. 13 m/s D/ 11.9 m/s
24. When you look on a plane mirror, your face clearly. This is due. What property of waves?
A. Refraction B. Reflection C. Diffraction D. Interference
25. What kind of mirror is used in automobile and tracks to give the driver a wider arc and smaller image of traffic behind him?
A. Concave mirror B. Convex mirror C. plane mirror D. none of the above
26. Which EM waves show the temperature variation of the body for medical diagnosis?
A. Infrared B. Visible spectrum C. X-ray D. Gamma ray
27. Which range of frequencies our eyes are sensitive?
A. 7.5 x 1011 – 3 x 1016 Hz C. 3 x 1011 - 4 x 1014 Hz
B. 4 x 1014 – 7.5 x 1014 Hz D. 3 x 109 – 3 x 1011 Hz
28. In Boyles law, volume of a gas is inversely related to its pressure when the temperature and amount of gas are _____.
A. decreased B. increased C. doubled D. constant
29. The following are areas with no earthquakes EXCEPT:
A. Large part of the Pacific Ocean. C. Majority of the Europe
B. Along the Pacific Ocean coastline. D. Eastern portion of North and South America.
30. Which of the following laws show the direct relationship between volume and temperature? A. Boyle’s Law B. Charles’s Law C.
Graham’s Law D. Gay-Lussa’s Law
31. A tank of oxygen gas has a volume of 12.0 liters. Find the volume of the oxygen when its temperature is increase from 298K to 377K?
A. 15.18 L B. 16.28 L C. 14.78 L D. 17.38 L
32. The main difference between the directed mutation theory and the random mutation theory is the ___.
A. chemical nature of the mutagens C. cause of mutation
B. effects of the mutation on the phenotype D. heritability of trait.
33. The splitting of ancestral population into two or more sub populations that are geographically isolated from one another is called
A. divergent evolution C. homologous evolution
B. convergent evolution D. analogous evolution
34. The Earth’s magnetic field is created by__________.
A. convection current in the mantle. C. liquid outer core.
B. different densities of the crust D. solid outer core.
35. Which type of waves is useful to seismologists in the study of the interior of the Earth?
A. Body wave B. Foot wave C. Rayleigh wave D. Surface wave
36. A process by which the screws become a magnet is _________
A. magnetic induction B. attraction C. repulsion D. polarity
37. Which of the following causes the movement of Plates EXCEPT?
A. Faulting and Folding B. Mantle convection C. Slab pull D. Ridge push
38. Slab pull is a force that occurs as a sub ducting plate sinks into the hot mantle beneath it. Slab pull creates ____________.
A. Convection current B. Rift valley C. Ridge D. Trench
39. Vasectomy is irreversible operation that inhibits the passage sperm cells that prevents fertilization of egg.
Which male reproductive structure is tied off during vasectomy?
A. Vas deferens B. urethra C. epididymis D. testes
40. Gynecomastia is a condition where there is an excessive development of breast in the male. What hormone could possibly in high levels
of a male with gynecomastia?
A. Estrogen B. epinephrine C. Luteinizing hormone D. testosterone
41. Maturation of ovarian follicle occurs in the follicle stage of menstrual cycle. This event is triggered by what hormone?
A. FSH B. GnRH C. Luteinizing D. progesterone
42. During A stressful condition such as fire accident, the body is so alert and active or in “fight or flight” response.
What specific division of nervous system is stimulated during this situation?
A. Brain B. Parasympathetic system C. Spinal cord D. sympathetic system
43. RNA molecules differ from DNA in the following ways EXCEPT
A. 4 nitrogen’s base B. No. of strands C. sugar D. phosphate group
44. What specific part of the male reproductive system is the site of sperm production?
A. Scrotum B. Seminiferous tubules C. penis D. vas deferens
45. The figure below shows abnormalities in chromosomal structure may occur during meiosis. Infer when might inversion happen in

A. Anaphase I B. Anaphase II C. Both A & B D. Neither A or B

46. Darwin’s Theory of natural selection is based on the idea that organism with favorable hereditary characteristics will ______________.
A. Live to reproduce C. undergo a new mutation
B. Compete successfully D. maintain a stable environment
For question 47, refer to the illustration at the right side
47. The changes in the population are most
likely the result of which of the following
A. Artificial selection C. Immigration
B. Natural selection D. Migration
48. What is the sequence of structures where sperm pass during ejaculation?
A. Epididymis → urethra → vas deferens → seminiferous tubules
B. Urethra → vas deferens → epididymis → seminiferous tubules
C. seminiferous tubules → epididymis → vas deferens → urethra
D. testes → vas deferens → urethra penis
49. The following are limiting factors that control the growth of population, EXCEPT
A. Diseases and parasites C. predation
B. Competition for resources D. migration
50. Which of the following situations would have the greatest biodiversity?
A. The human population with more than 6 billion people C. Tropical rainforest
B. All of the rice fields in Nueva Ecija D. Tundra ecosystem

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