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The techniques of modern structural geology, volume 3: Applications of

continuum mechanics in structural geology: J.G. Ramsay and R.J. Lisle,
Academic Press, London, Sept. 2000. IS...

Article  in  Tectonophysics · February 2002

DOI: 10.1016/S0040-1951(01)00270-0

6 2,497

1 author:

D.W. Durney
Macquarie University


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Tectonophysics 344 (2002) 307 – 310

Book review

The techniques of modern structural geology, tures, strain in superposed folds and the idea of flow
volume 3: Applications of continuum mechanics in sheets are just some examples. Recognition of separate
structural geology strains for first- and second-generation superposed
J.G. Ramsay and R.J. Lisle, Academic Press, structures — a problem at the heart of many field
London, Sept. 2000. ISBN 0-12-576923-7. US$65, studies — is a further welcome addition in this volume.
softback As you would expect in a book of this subtitle, there
is an analytical treatment of elastic deformation and
Keeping up with the inimitable standard set by viscous flow theory. It is developed in a straightfor-
‘‘The Techniques of Structural Geology’’ volumes 1 ward manner from first principles and can be followed
and 2 and making a subject like continuum mechanics without reference to external sources. However, a
relevant to a wider geological audience would not be significant new feature (for a geological text) is the
easy tasks, yet that is what John Ramsay and Richard presentation of numerical methods. The treatment is at
Lisle do in the third and final volume of this well- an introductory level but covers both the finite differ-
known series. ence (FD) and finite element (FE) methods and a broad
The key phrase that describes the work is ‘‘Appli- range of applications to problems in statics and finite
cations in Structural Geology’’ since it is exclusively ductile flow, including materials with mechanical
concerned with the problems of geological deforma- anisotropy. Although more advanced texts and proce-
tion at micro- to macro-scale. As such, it is one of the dures are available, the book provides a good starting
first texts to comprehensively explore the use of point to gain experience with these techniques and, for
continuum mechanics in this field and has little overlap geologists, has the attraction of being directed towards
with standard classical works, which are mostly con- geological problems. Best of all, executable and source
cerned with engineering and geomechanics applica- codes for both the FD and FE methods are available on
tions. The book is essentially about understanding an accompanying compact disk, as well as codes for
structures through models, chiefly ductile flow struc- most of the other procedures described in the book.
tures, though also brittle and semi-brittle ones. Models (The programs can be run directly from Windows 3.1+
are constantly compared with and often inspired by a on a PC or with QuickBasic on a Macintosh. Graphical
diverse range of well-illustrated natural structures. output requires a plotting program such as Surfer.)
However, the writers frequently remind us of the This ready availability removes a significant deterrent
limitations of a purely model-driven approach, which for first-time users: the need to compile and verify
underscores their philosophy that there is at least as lengthy computer codes. In my estimation, the disk
much to learn from careful examination of nature as alone makes the book easily worth its price though the
there is from model theory. Volume 3 maintains the price is reasonable for the text as well.
unpretentious, even anti-jargon, writing style of the The book is primarily concerned with techniques
earlier volumes. This will be a bonus for readers with and guidance on how to apply them. It is thus best
little previous background in the theory, considering suited to a foundation study in structural geology
that continuum mechanics is a subject often shrouded mechanical modelling or as a sourcebook for mathe-
by its own specialist nomenclature. Readers who are matical models. Because of this approach, it does not
more familiar with the general subject matter will attempt to set out the results of previous studies in a
notice several new topics or ones not discussed to systematic way. Indeed, it frequently branches into
the same extent in a textbook before. Banded struc- new and little-explored areas. Readers will neverthe-

PII: S 0 0 4 0 - 1 9 5 1 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 2 7 0 - 0
308 Book review

less find an up-to-date bibliography that covers rele- unconventional use of bold type (normally reserved for
vant earlier work together with explanatory notes symbolic representation of vectors and tensors) for
about the main sources. As in earlier volumes of the scalar components was also noted in parts of Sessions
series, most of the sessions or chapters are set out in a 33 and 36 – 39, and the lack of punctuation after
theory – question –answer/comment format or (in this equations was a general feature of most sessions.
volume) as worked examples, a format that teachers However, the irregularities or errors are localized and
and independent users will find helpful. do not affect results derived later on. They can be
The book is divided into twelve sessions following easily tracked by working through the derivations.
on from volume 2. The first, Session 28, moves Despite its possible appearance as a well-ordered
quickly into heterogeneous stress, with applications discipline, continuum mechanics provides scope for
to fracture patterns. This is followed by Sessions 29 – terminological disputation. In some works, there can
31 which deal with analytical, FD and FE methods and be abstraction to such a degree as to render the phy-
solutions to a variety of static and quasi-static prob- sical meaning of particular terms incomprehensible
lems (fault patterns, possible pressure-solution effects, (as in ‘deformation gradients’, which are really just
pressure-shadows, inclusions, strain-refraction, crack ‘deformations’). On the whole, Ramsay and Lisle
propagation, en echelon cracks, indentation and cren- present the terminology in a more cognitive style
ulation). Session 32 provides an introduction to paleo- suitable for readers who are interested in applications.
stress analysis of fault-slip data using some new Nevertheless, some inconsistencies do occur. An
approaches (clusters and trihedra). Sessions 33 – 36 example is the dual use of the term displacement in
describe the geometrical patterns of finite strain, with the introductory session on finite strain. In places, this
many insights into such structures as similar-type means a transformation (as in a ‘displacement’ or
folds, banded structures, apparent rotations of porphyr- ‘displacement gradient matrix’ M: the finite Lagran-
oblasts, transecting cleavage, superposed cleavages, gian tensor [a,b,c,d] for the stretch with rotation where
coaxial and other types of refolds, three-dimensional a = 1 + qu/qx, etc.; see also volume 1), and elsewhere,
flow sheets (lavas, slumps, glaciers, nappes and it has the more usual meaning of a change of position
décollement sheets) and even hackle marks. Problems (u,v) and gradients (qu/qx, etc.) and gradient matrices
of flow in viscous materials are introduced by means (strain with rotation) thereof. Similarly, strain is used
of stream functions in Session 37. Polynomial func- in the engineering sense (a change in relative position
tions are used to describe homogeneous and simple of particles measured by a change of length over old
heterogeneous flows (e.g., pure shear, extrusion and length as in ‘strain rate’), as a stretch (new length over
gravity flow), while transcendental functions are used old length as in ‘finite strain ellipse’ and ‘strain ratio’
for velocity patterns in incompetent material around derived from the semi-axes of this ellipse) and as a
buckle folds, boudins and load casts and for special displacement gradient tensor (as in ‘rotational compo-
flows with singularities. Stream functions also appear nent of strain’). Although some of these expressions
in a brief treatment of viscous single-layer buckling have been used for a long time, I feel there is
theory in Session 38 and are found by FD methods in justification for questioning their internal consistency.
the first part of Session 39. Finally, the latter part of On the other hand, an old term whose transmutation I
Session 39 applies time-step FE modelling of viscous could not help lamenting is ‘pressure shadow.’ The
flow to finite amplitude folds, vein-bridges, boudins writers use this term for diffuse augen-like regions of
and inclusions: an appropriate culmination for the crystal growth in the microlithon matrix material near
book and for the series as a whole. a rigid object, in line with the current fashion in
In a book with so many mathematical expressions, metamorphic literature (which may have stemmed
it is perhaps inevitable that some typographical irreg- from an arbitrary redefinition by Spry, 1969). Its
ularities would occur. The ones I found are mainly in original use in English was for the related but distinct
Session 37 and a few in Sessions 29, 33 and 39.1 The effect of sharply defined regions of entirely new
crystal growth (Pabst, 1931).
Visit for While on the subject of pressure-shadows (sensu
typographical errors found so far (RLcorrections.htm). Pabst) and pressure-shadows (sensu Spry), the work
Book review 309

on FD and FE elastic stress modelling of these struc- condition required specifying an arbitrary force com-
tures and other cases of heterogeneous mass transfer ponent first, then overwriting it with the displacement,
(Sessions 29 – 31) should be noted. This is part of what (b) angles are in degrees for principal directions but in
the writers, as a way of acknowledging the pioneering radians for rigid body rotation, (c) a minor rounding
work by H.C. Sorby, refer to as ‘pressure solution’ error appeared in the file output from program Fe2d
(which they use in the sense of dissolution plus but not from program Fe2dfin, and (d) the ‘strain
diffusive mass transport and precipitation rather than ratio’ (stretch ratio) output parameter of Fe2d did not
just dissolution alone). Modelling of these effects is seem particularly useful since it is a quantity that
barely covered in other texts, apart from Price and should be theoretically close to unity.
Cosgrove (1990), and in a broad way, Ramberg Much checking and scenario testing with very
(1952). In addition, Session 34 discusses P- (pres- simple models is advisable when first using the finite
sure-solution) band structure in terms of geometrical element method, in order to familiarize oneself with
models and describes the general nature of mass the limitations. One of these is that the method is
transfer effects in rocks. Although the stress models designed only for small or infinitesimal strains.
provide an intuitive idea of the directions of mass Although the programs allow the user to produce large
transfer (see also Ghosh and Sengupta, 1973; Ström- strains and displacements in one step, as done for
gård, 1973 for example), perhaps the writers’ saga- clarity in some of the figures in Session 30, such
cious advice elsewhere in the book, about not being results are best viewed as ‘magnified’ small strains.
overly satisfied with one’s models, could have some For example, the principal strains for pure shear and
application here. Two difficulties in applying the simple shear are always given as e3 = e1, whereas the
classical mechanics of continua to mass transfer are: finite values would be e3 = 1/(1 + e1) 1. (Session 39
(1) the theories of elasticity and viscosity incorporate describes how finite strains and displacements can be
an assumption that mass does not change; (2) growth obtained using Fe2dfin.) This restriction applies to
or dissolution of solid at specific interfaces, for exam- many of the analytical methods, too. In Session 37,
ple in pressure-shadows (sensu Pabst), represents a for example, instantaneous displacement rate fields
discontinuity in displacement, which is at odds with calculated from stream functions have been plotted
the assumption of a continuum. using arbitrary scale factors so that the patterns can be
Turning now to practical matters, an important clearly seen in the diagrams. (The vectors can be
consideration is the functionality of the software on thought of as infinitesimal displacements developed
the accompanying disk. I report here on the FE pro- over an infinitesimal period of time and magnified for
grams, which I tested against known solutions for plotting.) Finding exact finite displacements from
simple shear stress and accumulated simple shear stream flows over a finite time period is more difficult
strain on a Windows platform. There are three core and, in fact, has not been attempted in the book.
programs: Fe2ddat, which prepares the input data, However, approximate solutions can be found by the
Fe2d, which runs a single-step elastic solution, and successive application of small increments2 (ironically,
Fe2dfin, which works out finite displacements from the smaller the better).
multiple increments. They all worked fine. In fact, the Overall, volume 3 provides many challenging
procedures are very simple, and the programs do not examples and detailed insights into the structural
even require setting up. You just double-click the deformation processes that will engage both the new-
relevant application icon in Explorer, then follow the comer and the experienced practitioner in a fascinat-
prompts. Keeping track of the input and output is ing journey of exploration. Above all, it is a book that
made simple by labels for all of the parameters and promotes wider participation in quantitative model-
plain text file formats. Of course, there are some ling. This is in tune with today’s computing power
restrictions on the number of elements and nodes and the inevitable consequence that computationally
(200 and 102, respectively), and a little more effort
is required to plot the results. However, this is accept- 2
Visit for
able for learning purposes anyway. The only idiosyn- viewing progressive deformation for some Ramsay and Lisle
crasies encountered were: (a) a mixed boundary polynomial stream functions (StreamF.htm).
310 Book review

intensive procedures, such as FE, are bound to be used Price, N.J., Cosgrove, J.W., 1990. Analysis of Geological Struc-
more and more in the future. The no-nonsense tures. Cambridge Univ. Press.
Ramberg, H., 1952. The Origin of Metamorphic and Metasomatic
approach of this book will not only guide the unin- Rocks. Univ. Chicago Press.
itiated through the basic principles and assumptions Spry, A., 1969. Metamorphic Textures. Pergamon, Oxford.
that underlie such methods but, with careful applica- Strömgård, K.-E., 1973. Tectonophysics 16, 215 – 248.
tion, should help to accelerate the development of
physically realistic reconstructions of geological David W. Durney
deformation. Perhaps the only question is: ‘‘can we Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences,
afford not to keep up with these developments?’’ Macquarie University,
Sydney, Australia
E-mail address:

Ghosh, S.K., Sengupta, S., 1973. Tectonophysics 17, 133 – 175.

Pabst, A., 1931. Am. Mineral. 16, 55 – 61.

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