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Name : Elnath Budi Alamsyah

No. : 17

Pacific Rim tells the story of the war between humans against the monsters (kaiju) that came from
other worlds through a hole located on the seabed. The hole is a tunnel that connects the world of
Kaiju and the world of humans. To defeat a giant monster, a giant monster is also needed, now
that's what made the leaders of the countries in the world work together to make Jaeger, a giant
robot controlled by two humans. Why should two people be the pilots? Because a human brain is
not strong enough to control a giant robot.

In the midst of his struggle against kaiju, the Jaeger project was stopped because it was considered
ineffective by a combination of governments in the world. Without the support of the government,
Stacker Pentecost (Idris Elba) the leader of the Jaeger project continues to fight Kaiju. Without
support from the government, Jaeger left only 1 Jaegers from Australia, 1 made in Hong Kong, one
Jaeger made in Russia, and 1 old jaegers named Gipsy Danger piloted by Raleigh Becket (Charlie
Hunman) and Mako Mori (Rinko Kikuchi). The task of this team is not to fight Kaiju anymore, but to
close the portal connecting Kaiju and the human world.

This is a movie that tells a robot against a monster. But the most amazing thing, this film still has a
soul. Yes, you really have to have a soul to work on robot movies like this, so that it doesn't just just
make fun. The visual effect from the film are great too, the war between the jaeger and kaiju make
your heart beating, and make this movie worth watching

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