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Kristin: Good morning ladies and gentlemen and welcome to our

Lincoln-Douglas Debate Format. Our debate for today is just a simply
two-person debate.
Destiny: Just a little bit trivia, this kind of debate or format is named
directly after the US Presidential debate between Abraham Lincoln and
Stephen Douglas.
Kristin: For today's debate we have two teams. On my right side we
have “Jumbo Hotdog” team with their one representative which is Karen
Oliveros. On my left we have “Kaya mo bato?” team with their
representative which is Alexander Daniel Baria. Listen both teams. You
will be given different duration depending on the speech.
Mc: The jumbo hotdog team will be the affirmative team and the kaya
mo bato team will be the negative team
Destiny: So before we start let me give you some ideas of what are the
types of questions you can ask. For our debate were gonna have a
cross-examination format of questions. Which means you will asks
questions from the opposing side and their answer must be particular.
Karen: so it means that if I ask him a question he must give me answers
like “Yes or No”
Kristin: Exactly.
Mc: Lets start our debate. With the first affirmative constructive.
Krisitin: We will give you Karen 7 minutes for this part
Mc: This part is your time to shine Karen Oliveros, so you must have a
nice opening to defend your side.
Destiny: That ends our first part of the Lincoln-douglas format. Its time
for the Cross-examination which means alexander which is the
representative of negative team will be given 3 minutes to asks
pointed questions to contradict the representative of affirmative team
which is Karen Oliveros.
Mc: Lets move on with first Negative constructive. At this moment
Alexander your 8 minutes to defend your side and to present all your
evidences to invalidate the affirmatives statements will start now.
Kristin: Your 8 minutes is done so we will now move on on the Cross
examination. At this point the affirmative team will be given 3 minutes
to Answer the question of negative team and karen oliveros you can use
this time to extend your speech.
Mc: We heard a very impressive statements from both team. Now were
gonna have a so called-Rebuttal Speeches.
Alexander: Are we allowed to present new evidences?
Mc: Yes you are allowed to present new evidences but you are not
allowed to present new arguments. Understood?
Destiny: Lets start our Rebuttal Speech with the first affirmative
Rebuttal. Were gonna give you 4 minutes karen to respond to the things
that were said by the negative team. You must only bring new evidence
that will support your side but not new statements ok?
Kristin: The 4 minutes is over lets now move on first negative rebuttal.
This will be your last speech alexander do respond to the affirmatives
rebuttal and summarize all the facts of your side in 7 minutes.
Mc: That will serve as the last speech of the negative team now its
second affirmative rebuttal. At this moment this will be the last speech
for the affirmative team. Karen you will be given 4 minutes to
summarize the affirmative position.
ALL: Thats end our debate for today.

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