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Ore Deposit Geology


To ourfamilies

Veronica, Rachael, Faith, Anna

and Rebecca
Lesley, Caroline and Rosalind

VVho had to put up with preoccupied husbands

andfathersfor three years
Ore Deposit Geology

Richard Edwards and Keith Atkinson

Camhorne School ~rMines, Redruth, Cornwall



First pllhlished ill 1986 h)'
Chapmall alld Hall Ltd
II ,\Iell l Fetter Lalle, London EC4P .:lEE
Pllhlisiled ill the USA h)' Chapman (Iml Hall
29 West 35th Street, ,\Iou York ,\IY1O()() I

© 1986 R. P. Edwards mid K. Atkinson

Softcover reprint of'tile hardcover 1st edition 1986

IS13N-13: 978-94-011-8058-0

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l3ritish Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

Edwards, Richard
Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration.
1. Ore-deposits
I. Title II. Atkinson, Keith
553 TN263
TSBN-13: 978-94-011-8058-0 e-TSBN-13: 978-94-011-8056-6
DOT: 10.1007/978-94-011-8056-6

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Edwards, Richard, 1<J..j.()-

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration.
Includes bibliographies and index.
1. Ore-deposits. 2. Geology. 3. Prospectint~.
I. Atkinson Keith, 1942- II. Title.
TN265.E33 19S5 553'.1 S5-11713
ISBN-13: 978-94-011-8058-0




1.1 Objectives and reasons for the approach taken
1.2 Mineral deposit or mine? 4
1.3 A genetic model as the basis for exploration 12
1.4 The scientific study of mineral deposits 15
References 17

2.1 Introduction 18
2.2 Chromite deposits 18
2.3 Nickel sulphide deposits 37
2.4 Kimberlites 54
Concluding statement 63
References 65


3.1 Introduction 69
3.2 Porphyry copper deposits 69
3.3 Exploration for porphyry copper deposits 87

3.4 Porphyry molybdenum deposits 92

3.S Exploration for porphyry molybdenum deposits 104
3.6 Porphyry gold deposits 106
3.7 Porphyry tin deposits 106
3. H Volcanic-associated massive sulphide deposits 107
3.9 Exploration for volcanogenic sulphide deposits 128
3.10 Concluding statement 137
References 138


4.1 Introduction 143
4.2 Classification of hydrothermal vein deposits 144
4.3 Classification of hydrothermal gold deposits 146
4.4 Hydrothermal gold deposits in Archaean terrain 146
4.5 Exploration for gold in Archaean terrain 164
4.6 Concluding statement 169
References 170


S.l Introduction 175
- ')
J._ Placer deposits 175
S.3 Eluvial (residual), colluvial and fluvial (alluvial) deposits 181
5.4 Beach sand deposits 188
5.5 Marine placers 197
5.6 Palaeo-placer deposits 201
5.7 Concluding statement 211
References 212


6.1 Introduction 215
6.2 Sediment-hosted copper deposits 216
6.3 Syngenetic and diagenetic lead-zinc deposits in shales and
carbonates (sedimentary-exhalative deposits) 230
6.4 Epigenetic carbonate-hosted lead-zinc deposits (Mississippi
Valley-type) 259
6.5 Exploration for Mississippi Valley-type deposits 266
6.6 Concluding statement 267
References 269


7.1 Introduction 274
7.2 Bauxite deposits 276

7.3 Lateritic nickel deposits 291
7.4 Kaolin deposits 298
7.3 Supergene manganese deposits 306
7.6 Supergene sulphide enrichment 308
7.7 Concluding statement 311
References 311


8.1 Introduction 314
8.2 Classification of iron ores 313
8.3 General characteristics of iron-formation 317
8.4 Genesis of iron-formation 324
8.5 Enriched haematite ore deposits 325
8.6 The Hamersley Basin - an example of banded iron-formation and
associated enrichment ores 326
8.7 Exploration 331
8.8 Evaluation 332
8.9 Concluding statement 333
References 334


9.1 Introduction 337
9.2 Geochemistry of uranium in the secondary environment 339
9.3 Unconformity-type uranium deposits of the Northern Territory,
Australia and Northern Saskatchewan, Canada 341
9.4 Sandstone-hosted uranium deposits of the western USA 353
9.5 Concluding statement 365
References 366


10.1 Introduction 370
10.2 Skarns 371
10.3 Skarn deposits 372
10.4 Classification of skarn deposits 373
10.3 Genesis of skarn deposits 392
10.6 Exploration for skarns 394
10.7 Concluding statement 396
References 398


11.1 Introduction 400


11.2 Who undertakes exploration? 402

11.3 Factors affecting exploration programmes 403
11.4 The exploration programme 407
11.5 Concluding statement 422
References 424

Mineral list 429


Acknow ledgements

The wntmg of this textbook would not have been possible without the help of
individuals and organizations in both industry and education.
In particular we wish to thank the Governors of the Camborne School of Mines and
the following organizations for financial assistance towards the cost of travel: the
Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, the British Council, BP Minerals
International, Consolidated Gold Fields PLC, Gencor (UK) Ltd and RTZ Services
Ltd. We also wish to acknowledge a contribution by the Minerals Industry Research
Organisation towards the cost of typing.
We are indebted to the following individuals for their valuable criticisms of
individual chapters:
Dr]. D. Ridge
DrC A. Lee
Mr A. M. Killick
Dr P. H. Nixon
Dr P. W. Gregory
Dr D. I. Groves
Dr R. P. Foster
Professor D. A. Pretorius
Professor K. F. G. Hosking
Professor M. J. Russell
Mr C A. J. Towsey
Dr S. Patterson
Mr R. H. Parker
Dr R. C Morris
Mrs A. M. Giblin
Dr Graham Closs

We also wish to thank the many geologists who have given their time during mine
visits and responded to our queries. We have benefited from the stimulus and advice of
our colleagues.
Weare grateful to the students who read the manuscript and suggested those words
which appear in the glossary. We would like to acknowledge the extensive help we
have received from the Library Staff at the Cambornc School of Mines.
Finally we express our appreciation to Mrs Joan Edwards and Mrs Anne Taylor for
their excellent typing.

Figures and tables from the journal Economic Geology have been reproduced with
permission of the Economic Geology Publishing Company, USA.


Why another book about Ore Deposits? There are a number of factors which
motivated us to write this text and which may provide an answer to this question.
Firstly our colleagues are predominantly mining engineers and minerals processing
technologists, which provides us with a different perspective of ore deposits from
many academic geologists. Secondly we have found that most existing texts are either
highly theoretical or merely descriptive: we have attempted to examine the practical
implications of the geological setting and genetic models of particular ore deposit
types. We have written the text primarily for undergraduates who are taking options in
Economic Geology towards the end of a Degree Course in Geology. However, we
hope that the text will also prove valuable to geologists working in the mining
The text is to a large extent based on a review of the existing literature up to the end of
1984. However, we have visited most of the mining districts cited in the text and have
also corresponded extensively with geologists to extend our knowledge beyond the
published literature. Nonetheless writing a text-book on Ore Deposits is a demanding
task and it is inevitable that sins of both omission and commission have been
committed. We would therefore welcome comments from readers which can be
incorporated in future editions.
Cmnhome School (~n\1illcs
April 1985

Adit A horizontal, or near horizontal, passage from the surface into a

Area of influence The zone around a borehole to which values of grade,
thickness, etc., recorded for that borehole, may be applied.
Astrobletne An eroded remnant of a meteoritic or cometary impact crater.
Autolith An inclusion in an igneous rock to which it is genetically
Bayer process Chemical conversion process involving the digestion of
bauxite for the production of purified anhydrous alumina en
route to aluminium.
Blasthole Holes drilled during mining for blasting. Holes are usually
(sampling) shallow, closely spaced and uncased. Samples of the dust from
these holes may be taken for evaluation and comparison with
diamond drill hole exploration samples.
Block caving Large sections (blocks) of the orebody are successively
undercut and allowed to cave above the undercut portion.
Drawing off the caved ore causes further caving, the ore ca'
and crushes by its own weight, and weight of overburden, into
pieces of suitable size for handling. Drawing continues until
hanging wall material appears in the drawpoints.
Boxwork A network of intersecting blades or plates oflimonite or other
(structure) iron oxides, deposited in cavities and along fracture planes
from which sulphides have been dissolved by processes
associated with the oxidation and leaching of sulphide ores such
as in porphyry copper deposits.
By-product metal A subsidiary metal worked from ore deposits that are
dominantly characterized by other metals. In some cases, such
as porphyry copper deposits, the income from by-products
(for example, gold) can equal or exceed that from the major
metal type (copper).
Caliche Strongly indurated crust of soluble calcium salts plus gravels
etc. commonly found in layers on or near the surface of stony
soils of arid and semiarid regions. Term broadly applied in the
SW USA and South America.
Carbonatization A type of hydrothermal alteration which results in the
formation of secondary carbonates in the host rock, commonly
developed in intermediate to basic rocks. The main process is
the addition of CO 2 •
Chalcophile Elements having a strong affinity for sulphur, characterized by
the sul;>hide ore minerals.
China clay A commercial product predominantly sold to the paper
industry. China clay is a mixture of minerals dominated by
kaolinite with minor quantities of mica and feldspar. The
particle size is mainly less than 10 microns.
Colloform Rounded, finely banded kidney-like mineral texture formed by
(banding) ultra-fine-grained rhythmic precipitation.
Decline A downward inclined tunnel into a mine or potential ore body.
Doline A funnel-shaped depression found in association with karst
surfaces in limestone terrain.
Duplex structure A structural complex consisting of a roof thrust at the top and a
floor thrust at the base, within which a suite of more steeply
dipping imbricate thrust faults thicken and shorten the
intervening panel of rock.
Environmental Statement prepared by mining companies which assesses the
Impact Statement likely effects on the environment of a proposed mining
(EIS) venture. Such statements are legal requirements in certain
countries such as the USA.
Epeiric sea A shallow sea located within a continental landmass.
Flotation A selective process used to separate minerals from complex
(froth flotation) ores. It uses the differences in physico-chemical surface
properties of minerals. After treatment with reagents fine
particles of the desired mineral species attach to air bubbles and
are separated as the froth, or float, fraction. (Froth flotation.)
Footwall The surface of rock beneath an orebody (compare hanging
Framboidal A textural term applied to sub-rounded pyrite, literally
raspberry shaped. The texture is normally developed in
carbonaceous pelitic sediments.

Fugacity A thermodynamic function used when dealing with gas
pressure and defined by the equation
FJ - F; = RT InfJ/~
where FJ and F{ are partial molar energies andfJ andf{ are the
fugacities of the one substance at two different concentrations.
Fugacity may be considered in qualitative terms as an idealized
vapour pressure and is equal to the vapour pressure when the
vapour behaves as a perfect gas.
Garnetite A metamorphic rock consisting chiefly of an aggregate of
interlocking garnet grains.
Gondite A metamorphic rock consisting of spessartine and quartz,
probably derived from manganese-bearing sediment.
Gossan A Cornish term which describes the iron-oxide-rich zone
which lies above a sulphide-bearing ore deposit.
Green strength The mechanical strength of ceramic ware after it has been
shaped but before it has been dried and fired.
Greisen A light-coloured, coarse-grained rock dominated by quartz
and white mica with accessory fluorite and topaz. It is normally
formed by the hydrothermal alteration of granite but pelitic
sediments may also be altered to greisen.
Hanging wall The surface of rock above an ore body (compare footwall).
H ydrofracturing Fracturing of rock by water or other fluid under pressure. The
effect is to increase permeability. Although this occurs
naturally, as in the genesis of porphyry deposits, it is also
undertaken artificially to increase permeability in oil, gas and
geothermal reservoirs.
Iapetus An ocean which occupied the site of the present North Atlantic
and which was at its widest extent in Lower Cambrian times.
Inductive-coupling The coupling of two bodies by a common magnetic field.
Klippen A nappe or pile of nappes detached by erosion or gravity
gliding from the parental mass.
Kniest facies A facies developed in the footwall of the Rammelsberg ore
deposit, FOR. The facies results from the localized silicification
of shale horizons and is believed to be late syngenetic or early
diagenetic in age.
Labile A term applied to minerals (such as feldspars) that are easily
Ligand Anions or molecules which contain at least one unshared pair of
electrons. Ligands may combine with a transition metal to
form a complex.


Lithophile Elements having a strong affmity for oxygen, concentrated in

the silicate minerals.
Photosynthesis A process in which the energy of sunlight is used by green
plants to build up complex substances from carbon dioxide and
Polygons method A method used in reserve estimation where the area ofinfluence
around a borehole extends halfway to the next borehole. The
value for the borehole is applied to the resulting polygon.
Proppants Materials used in hydraulic fracturing of deep rocks to increase
porosity and therefore improve recovery of petroleum and gas.
Propp ants made of fused abrasive-grade bauxite have been
found to be more effective in this use than such materials as
quartz sand, plastic balls, steel shot or ground walnut shells.
Protolith The unmetamorphosed, or parent, rock from which a given
metamorphic rock was formed.
Pseudo section A display of resistivity or induced polarization data where the
values are assigned to the intersection points of 45° lines drawn
from the mid-points of the current and potential electrode
pairs. The result is a vertical geophysical 'section' below a
traverse. Depths in this section bear no simple relationship to
the true geological section.
Pyritization A process of hydrothermal alteration, normally developed in
iron-rich host rocks such as basalts, which involves the
crystallization of pyrite.
Raise A shaft excavated upwards for connecting levels in a mine or
ore body.
Ripping The removal of overburden, soft or fractured rock, using
(rippability) mechanical excavators without recourse to drilling and
blasting. Rippability is an index which measures if this is
Saprolite That part of the weathering profile which remains ill situ and
retains original structures of the parent rock such as jointing.
Sericitization A hydrothermal alteration process which results in the
development of potash mica, generally sericite, as a result of the
hydrolysis of feldspar. Chemically it involves the addition of
KeO and HeO and usually some removal of SiO" FeO and
SIROTEM A large loop, time-domain, fixed-transmitter, electromagnetic
(EM) geophysical system. Designed in Australia by CSIRO
(hence name).
Stockwork Mineral deposit composed of a three-dimensional network of
veinlets usually oflarge enough scale, and so closely spaced, so
that the whole mass can be mined.


Strategic mineral A mineral considered essential to the military and industrial

strength of a nation but which is oflimited availability.
Stylolite An irregular suture-like boundary developed in some
limestones which is generally independent of the bedding
planes. Stylolites are considered to be the result of pressure
solution followed by immediate local deposition.
Talus An accumulation of rock fragments, usually coarse and
angular, derived from the mechanical weathering of rocks and
lying at the base of a cliff or steep rocky slope. (Synonym of
UTEM A large loop, time-domain, fixed-transmitter electromagnetic
(EM) geophysical system. The name UTEM is the registered
trademark of Lamontagne Geophysics Ltd.
Wehrlite An ultramafic and ultrabasic igneous rock containing essential
augite and olivine with accessory plagioclase and ortho-
Wire-line A diamond drilling technique in which the inner tube of the
(drilling) core barrel is attached to a wire rope which passes within the
drill rods. This enables the sections of core to be retrieved
without withdrawing the entire string of drill rods each time.


1.1 OBJECTIVES AND REASONS FOR THE study of ore deposits during his or her university
APPROACH TAKEN or college career.
Even students who have attended courses
In their introduction to the 75th Anniversary on ore deposit geology appear to have had
Volume of Economic Geology, Skinner and Simms their attention focused mainly on the genetic
(1981) recalled the philosophy of the founders of aspects of ore deposits with little concept of how
that prestigious journal. From the outset the this theoretical knowledge might be applied.
objectives were defined as the scientific study of Often there is a complete lack of awareness of the
ore deposits, with particular emphasis on 'the economic and technical factors which determine
chemical, physical arid structural problems whether a concentration of minerals will remain an
bearing on their genesis.' At the same time a object of scientific curiosity or be developed as a
deliberate decision was made to avoid the mme.
'engineering and commercial aspects of mining.' One of the objectives of this textbook is to
The emphasis on the genesis of ore deposits and redress the balance between theory and practice.
the avoidance of the practical aspects of mining We do not wish to denigrate theoretical studies of
geology have characterized not only the premier ore deposits but rather to increase the emphasis on
Western publication concerned with ore deposits, the practical implications which arise from
but also a tradition of teaching in the Western changes in genetic theory. In particular we seek to
World. As a result newly graduating students who examine the importance of models in determining
have taken courses in economic geology may be the strategy for mineral exploration.
forgiven for believing that the study of ore genesis A subsidiary aim is to introduce the reader to
is the principal task of the industrial geologist. some of the problems which face the mine
This attitude is very evident to us because we geologist. The function of the mine geologist
interview a large number of students who are on varies considerably with the style and complexity
the point of graduating in geology . We continue to of an ore deposit. Most commonly the mine
be surprised by the wide variations in the amount geologist is concerned with grade control, mine
of time a new graduate may have devoted to the exploration and the calculation of ore reserves.
Orc dcposit,l!,c%/.;y alld its il!f/lICilee 011 mineral exploration
Table 1.1 ModifIed Lindgren classitlcation of ore deposits (from Ridge, lY6N)

COllditiolls OUllYlllt1tioli

TYJic TClllpcrat/lre Pressure Deptiz

(oC) (,UIII ) (Ii)

I. Deposits mechanically concentrated Surface conditions

II. Deposits chemicalIy concentrated
.-1. III quiet 11',Hers
1. By interaction of solutions (sedimentation)
a. Inorganic reactions 0-71l Low ()",,()()O

b. Organic reactions
By evaporation of solvents (evaporation) 0-71l Low ( )....()()()

:1. By introduction of gaseous igneous emanations (i-N() Low O-nO()

and water-rich fluids
B. III roc/.:s
1. Bv rock decay and weathering (residual deposits) (i-1 ()() Low Shallow
with or
') Bv ground water circulation without
(supergene processes) introduction (i- j()(J Low-moderate Shallow
C. III rocks hy dYlltllllic Ii-' rerzioll,71 of material Medium
Illetillllorpizislll f()reign
to rock up to 500 High-very high Great
D. III rocks hy il),drorizerillal solutiolls
1. With slow decrease in heat and pressure
a. Telcthermal 5( i-15() Low-moderate Shallow
(4(i-24()) (500-3000)
b. LeptothL'r111al 125--250 Moderate Medium
(24(i-NO()) (.l00( i-]() (00)
c. Mesothermal 2(J(i-:15() Moderate-high Medium
(4()(i-1600) (5000-20 OO())
d. Hypothermal
(a) In non-calcareous rocks (Lindgren's 3()()-()()() High-very high Great
hypothermal) (NO(HOOO) ( 1() OO( i- 50 0(0)
(2) In calcareous rocks :l()(i-6()() High-very high Great
(N()( HOOO) (lO OO(i-50 0(0)
') With rapid loss of heat and pressure
a. E pi thermal 5( i- 2(JO Low-moderate Shallow-mediu111
(4(i-240) (5(Hi-:1000)

However he may also be concerned with the with some feci for the nature of the work involved
geotechnical or hydrological aspects of a mine. In and the type of problem that the geologist may be
some cases, for example at Mount Isa mine in asked to solve.
Queensland, Australia, the geologist is moved Whilst our objectives have been clear from the
between difTerent roles, from working in one of outset we have found that the approach to be
the underground sections of the mine to surface adopted was less evident. The format of a
exploration. We attempt to provide the reader textbook concerned with ore deposits may be
Table 1.1 continlled

COllditiolls o(t;lI'Ill<1ti(lli

T)'pc TClllpemtlll'c PresslIl'e Deptiz

(OC) (<1 till ) (ff)

b. Kryptothermal ISO-3S() Low-moderate Shallow-mediunl

(40-2HO) (S()()-3S00)
c. Xenothermal 30( J-SO() Low-moderate Shallow-medium
(H(J-7()()) ( I OO( J-40()())
E. III I'ocks b)' g<1SCOIIS igllcolls clIlaliatiollS 100-60() Low Shallow
F. III lII<1g/ll11S h)' ditTerclitiatioli 01" ill adjaccllt COlllltl'),
rocks h)' illjcctioll
1. Early separation-early solidification S()( J-I S()() Very high Great
(12()()+ ) (I S ()()O+)
a. Disseminations
b. Crystal segregations
c. Crystal segregations, plus injection as
crystal mush
') Early separation-late solidification S()(J-I SO() Very high Great
(12()()+ ) (IS 000+)
a. Early immiscible sulphide melt accumulation
b. Early immiscible sulphide melt accumulation,
plus later fluid injection
3. Late separation-late solidification, with or
without fluid injection
a. Silicate pegmatites
1. Simple S7S± High-very high Great
(SO(J-40()O+ ) ( I () ()()( J-S() ()()() + )
Usually 2. Complex 2()(J-SS() High-very high Great
gradational (SO(J-400() + ) (10 O()(J-S() 000+)
3. Barren Quartz 1O(J-3()() High-very high Great
(HO( J-4()()O + ) (10 ()()( J-SO ()()() + )
b. Immiscible (metal-oxygen-rich) melts S()(J-l SOO Very high Great
(12()O+) (IS O()()+)
c. Immiscible (carbonate-rich) S()(J-I SO() Low-very high Shallow-great
(J-4000+ ) (J-S() O()O+)
4. Late formation-deuteric alteration Less than Moderate-very high Medium-great
S7S (4()( J-4()()O + ) (SOO(J-SO 000+)

designed in a number of ways: genetically based, is sufficiently flexible to allow for changing ideas
commodity based or related to the tectonic and the recognition of new styles of deposit. One
environment in which the ore deposit has formed. of the most useful systems has been Ridge's (1968)
A textbook planned on a genetic basis requires modified version of the Lindgren classification of
more confidence in the shifting sands of genetic ore deposits (Table 1.1). Mechanical and chemical
theory than we possess. In addition it requires an concentration and magmatic differentiation arc
acceptable classification of mineral deposits which still accepted as important ore-forming processes.

Ore deposit geolo,\ZY and its i1~fllience on mineral exploration
However, whilst hydrothermal solutions arc seen 1.2 MINERAL DEPOSIT OR MINE'
increasingly to be of importance in the formation
A mineral deposit is an abnormal concentration of
of ore deposits, few geologists would wish to usc
minerals within the earth's crust. The geological
the subdivisions which arc retained from a time
processes which control the enrichment of metals
when veins were of much more economic signifIc-
are a main theme of this textbook. However, it is
ance. In Chapter 4 we explain the reasons why few
important that the geologist appreciates that the
commodities arc mined from veins at the present
factors which determine whether a mineral deposit
will be mined arc mainly political and economic.
The design of a textbook with an emphasis on
commodities has some attractions. For example,
most mining companies are orientated towards
particular metals or minerals and as this textbook
1.2.1 Political factors
has an emphasis on mineral exploration there are One of the major changes which has shaped the
good reasons for considering this approach. present-day mining industry is the increasingly
However, commodities such as copper may be important part governments play in determining
concentrated in a wide range of geological the direction of mining. For example, in 19H3
environments and the description of all of these about 51% of the Western World's copper
would have entailed considerable repetitiveness. production and 33% of the Western World's tin-
An approach based upon plate tectonics has the mining production were government owned
advantage of using fundamental divisions of the (Hargreaves and Williamson, 19H4). In part this
earth's lithosphere as a context in which to discuss reflects a wish by developing countries to gain
mineral deposits. Table 1.2 shows an early attempt control over their mineral deposits, from what are
to classify ore deposits on the basis of plate sometimes seen as the symbols of an exploiting
tectonics. However it is evident that some ore colonial regime. However, governmental control
deposits, such as podiform chromite, may be of mining is not confined to developing countries.
found in more than one plate environment. A For example, the entire mining industry in France
further criticism is that many dissimilar styles of has been nationalized.
deposit such as evaporites, kimberlites and the There are a number of reasons why ore bodies
Witwatersrand auriferous conglomerates arc are mined for political rather than economic gains.
grouped together. Firstly, many developing countries depend upon
It therefore seems that no single grouping is the export of mineral commodities as one of their
wholly satisfactory. In the event we have selected a principal sources of foreign exchange, and this
format which has a typological approach. Dixon aspect may take precedence over profitability.
(1979) suggested that a 'type' of mineral deposit Secondly, some governments are prepared to
may be taken as either a group of known deposits subsidize unprofitable mining operations in order
with significant numbers of common features or a to alleviate the problems of unemployment. For
group with sufficient features in common with a example some underground coal mines in the UK
famous or well-understood 'type example'. We and France continue to operate due to a substantial
have utilized the former alternative and whilst it government subsidy. Similarly the Avoca copper
may seem inelegant it enables us to link mine was sustained for some years by the Irish
exploration for a metal or group of metals to their government, although as a predominantly under-
geological setting and to genetic models. Table 1.3 ground operation, with an average grade of 0.4%
tabulates the ore types described in each chapter Cu, it was not economically viable.
and shows their principal commodities, main Whilst the general trend has been for
processes of formation and dominant tectonic governments to press for increased mining they
settings. may also play an inhibiting role. For example,

Table 1.2 Proposed relationship of some ore-deposit types to lithospheric plates (from Guild, 1974)

DcpositsJJrlllCd Types, possihle exall/ples

1. At or IIcar platc lIla~l!illS Orientation of deposits, districts and provinces tends to parallel margin
(a) Accreting Red Sea muds. Ancient analogues?
(di verging) Certain cupriferous-pyrite (massive sulphide) orcs, Cyprus? Newtoundland?
Poditorm Cr (may be carried across ocean and incorporated in island arc or continental
(b) Transform Podiform Cr, Guatemala?
Cu and Mn, Boleo, Baja California
(c) Consuming Chiefly of continent/ocean or island arc/ocean type; deposits formed at varying distances
(converging) on side opposite oceanic, descending plate
Podiform Cr, Alaska
FeS:?-'Cu-Zn-Pb stratabound massive sulphide, New Brunswick, japan (Kuroko orcs),
California, British Columbia
Mn of volcanogenic type associated with marine sediments, Cuba, California, japan
Magnetite-chalcopyrite skarn orcs, Puerto Rico, Hispaniola, Cuba, Mexico, California,
British Columbia, Alaska
Cu(Mo) porphyries, Puerto Rico, Panama, SW USA, British Columbia, Philippine Is,
Ag-Pb-Zn, Mexico, western USA, Canada
Au, Mother Lode, California; juneau Belt, Alaska
Bonanza Au-Ag, W USA, W, Sn, Hg, Sb western and S America
') With ill platcs Deposits tend to be equidimensional, distribution of districts and provinces less oriented
(may be along transverse lineaments)
(a) In oceanic parts Mn-Fe (Cu, Ni, Co) nodules
Mn-Fe sediments in small ocean basins with abundant volcanic contributions?
Evaporites in newly opened or small ocean basins
(b) At continental l3lack sands, Ti, Zr, magnetite, etc.
margins of Atlantic Phosphorite on shelf
(trailing) type
(c) In continental Au (U) conglomerates, Witwatersrand
parts Mesabi and Clinton types of iron formation
Evaporites, Michigan Basin, Permian Basin; salt, potash, gypsum, sulphur
Red-bed Cu; Kupferschiefer and Katangan Cu-Co
U, U-V deposits, Colorado Plateau
Fe-THV) in massif anorthosite, Canada, USA
Stratiform Cr, Fe-Ti-V, Cu-Ni-Pt, Bushveld Complex
Carbonatite-associated deposits ofNb, V, P, RE, Cu, F
Kimberlite, diamonds
Kiruna-type FeW), SE Missouri
Mississippi Valley type deposits, Pb-Zn-Ba-F-(Cu, Ni, Co)
Table 1.3 Relationship between ore type, commodity, genetic process and tectonic setting

Maill process (~r Prillcipal tectollic

Chapter Ore type CO/lll/lodity fOrlllatioll settillgs

.2 Magmatic Cr-Pt Magmatic segregation Constructive margin

transform fault,
destructive margin,
Ni-Cu (Au, Pt) Mainly intracratonic
3 Porphyry copper Cu, Mo, Au, Ag High-level calc-alkaline magmatic Destructive plate
intrusion with subsequent alteration margin
due to meteoric fluids
Volcanogenic Cu, Pb, Zn Submarine volcanic activity Spreading centre,
(dominantly mafic) back-arc basin
Hydrothermal vein Au Deposition from hot (>.200°C) Destructive plate margin,
circulating hydrothermal fluids Intracratonic
J Allu vial! elu vial Sn, Au, diamond Back-arc basin
Beach sand Diamonds, Ti, Zr Mechanical concentration Passive continental
Palaeo-placer Au, U Intracontinental
() Sediment-hosted Cu Deposition from hydrothermal Intracontinental rift
base metal Pb, Zn, Ag fluids of highly variable
temperature (50-260°C)
Pb,Zn Passive continental margin
7 Ores formed by AI(Co,Ni) Intense chemical weathering
weathering under tropical!subtropical Continental
Kaolinite climate
Banded iron- Fe Protore formed as a chemical Passive continental
formation sediment. Supergene ore formed margm
by prolonged leaching
l) U nconformity-
type U U Intracontinental
Sandstone-hosted U U,V Deposition from circulating Post-collision
hydrothermal fluid of intramontane
variable temperature trough
Back-arc basin
III Ores formed bv W, Cu, Zn-Pb, Metamorphic recrystallization Continental
meta m orphis n~ Mo, Sn or metasomatic reaction between margin, orogenic
dissimilar lithologies belts
Cu or Island arc
Sn infiltration metasomatism by Incipient rifted
hydrothermal fluids cratons
mining is normally prohibited in National Parks viability of each deposit under present-day con-
or Wilderness areas, and for this reason Riofinex ditions using an 8% return on capital cost (Fig.
were obliged to terminate their investigation of the 1.1). Mackenzie concluded that 124 would be
Coed-y-Brenin copper deposit in North Wales, economic at the present time before taxation but
UK. The mining of uranium is a sensitive political only 98 would be viable under the existing rates of
issue and some governments and states have taxation (Fig. 1.1). In effect taxation can influence
passed legislation which either prohibits or the type of deposit which may be exploited.
controls uranium production. For example the
present (1984) policy of the Australian govern-
1.2.2 Econolllic factors
ment is to allow the development of new uranium
mines only when the uranium is a by-product The first stage of a mining project is to defme the
metal. For this reason the Olympic Dam Cu-U size and grade of the deposit. This work is nor-
deposit has been given permission to proceed. mally carried out by a mine geologist and differing
Existing uranium mines in the Northern Territory approaches to evaluation are described in Chapters
will be allowed to continue but no new projects 5, 7 and 8. It is normal practice to quote reserves as
will be allowed (Chapter 9.3). either proved, probable and possible or alter-
Taxation is a further example of government natively as measured, indicated and inferred.
control on mining which influences the style of Figure 1.2 shows how these terms are defmed. If
deposit which may be mined. In Western Australia the measured reserves are sufficient to sustain a
gold mining is exempt from taxation which mining operation over a reasonable period of time
explains the current frenzy of exploration in that (normally about 20 years), the next stage is to carry
state. More commonly taxation has a discouraging out a feasibility study to determine the economic
effect on exploration and mine development. viability of the deposit. Table 1.4 shows the main
Mackenzie (1984) has estimated the effect of components of a feasibility study and indicates
taxation on 276 base metal deposits discovered in those areas where a geologist might contribute
Canada before 1977, the majority of which were information. There is insufficient space to discuss
ultimately developed. He analysed the economic all the factors which are considered during a

Cos~ of capi~al- - -"I
Number of
economic deposi~s


... 20
0 10

Fig. 1.1 Relationship of rate of return

to cumulative number of discoveries 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175
(from Mackenzie 1'JH-1-). Cumularive number of discoveries

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
(a) Metal price
MEASURED Commodity prices are one of the key factors in
(ore blocked ou~ determining the viability of a mineral deposit. The
and ~horoughly
sampled) ~~
main problem is that the lead time between the
feasibility study on an ore deposit and initial
production is normally 4-7 years, and can be much
+ longer. It is extremely difficult to predict how
metal prices will vary during this time. In some
(drill hole informa~ion)
cases the decision to develop a mine is based on a
prediction of future metal prices which are not
borne out in the ensuing years. The Beisa uranium
+ mine in South Africa provides a good example to
illustrate this point. The lead time between the
(widely spaced drill holes bu~ good feasibility study and full production at Beisa was
geological evidence for exis~ence) about 6 years and the cost of bringing the mine into
production was about £170 million. However, by
the time the mine came into production in 1982 the
uranium price had declined very dramatically and
Fig. 1.2. Categories of ore reserves. Arrows indicate the the mine was closed in 1984. In some cases
upgrading of reserves with continued exploration. companies who are bringing a new uranium mine
into production may attempt to avoid this type of
problem by negotiating long-term fixed-price
feasibility study but some of the factors of contracts with particular consuming countries.
particular interest to the geologist are now There are a number of approaches which mining
considered. analysts can take to forecast metal prices. A simple
Table 1.4 The main components of a mining feasibility study

Level oj"
COlllpOllellt geological input Comments

Geology High Geophysical, geochemical,

geological, geotechnical data
Ore reserves High Drilling and sampling data
Mining Moderate Orebody characteristics and
Production schedule Low
Mineral processing Moderate Mineralogical characteristics of
Metal extraction Low
Labour Nil
Infrastructure Low Geological advice on siting
En vironmental considerations Moderate Pollution, dust, geological
Marketing Low
Capital costs Nil
Operating costs Low Mine-based exploration
Fiscal factors Nil
Financial evaluation Low


LM E price

~ 600

Co 400
60 ~
UJ 300
/ ·c
J" , 40 ~
, / ' US producer " "'_. -6
Fig. 1.3. High, low and average 100 ,,,,----- ...... _ - ....... _ _ '" 20 ~
London Metal Exchange (LME) cash CJ)
prices and US producer prices for lead :>
1973-1983 (from Hargreaves and 1973 74757677 78798081 82JFMAMJJASOND
Williamson 1984). 1983

method is to extrapolate historical data. However and published reserves increased to 263 X 10 6
Fig. 1.3 shows that, if this technique had been tonnes at 0.59% Cu (McAllister, 1976).
applied to lead in the mid-1970s, the forecast The determination of cut-off grade is a complex
would have been wildly inaccurate. It is more subject and only two of the factors involved will be
common for analysts to use computer-based long- mentioned here.
term economic models which include such factors
as future trends of economic growth and the 2.00,--,---....,...--..---,---,----.,
development of new mine capacity. -4>- Cut-off underground mines
...+ ... Cut-off open pit mines <10 mil. tons
~ 1. 50 t-~~-.--+--__.C-u-t--o-f-fo""pe,--n-=.p_it_m_i-rne_s_>_1_o_m_irl. ""to....n-'-!s
(b) Cut-off grade
Cut-off grade is the mInImUm metal content c
necessary to maintain production costs and sales c
.~ 1.00 I - - t - - - + - - " " " , - t - - - - - j j . - - c t - j - - ;
income in balance and it therefore represents the tT
break-even point for a mine. Once the cut-off 0.75
grade has been determined the size and average
'2 0.501--+---t----t---=+.ri;;:c:-;---t----l
grade of the ore deposit can be calculated. Changes
in the cut-off grade can have a dramatic effect on 0.25
the size of the ore reserve. For example Gaspe
1955 1960 1965 1970 1975
Copper Mines Ltd, a skarn porphyry copper
deposit in eastern Canada, were reported to have a Fig. 1.4. Trend of cut-off grade in underground and
reserve of 51. 7 X 10 6 tonnes at 1. 08% Cu in 1970. open-pit nickel sulphide mines 1955-1975 (from Prokop
The following year the cut-off grade was reduced 1975).

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Table 1.5 Average grade of selected open pit copper deposits

Deposit By-products

(1) Palabora, S. Africa 0.5 (0.2% cut-off) U, ZrO, Fe, Au, Pt, Pd, P
(2) Panguna, Papua New Guinea 0.47 Mo, Au, Ag
(3) Bingham, USA 0.71 Mo
(4) El Abra, Chile 0.7

(i) Open pit or underground methods oj extraction lies mainly within the realm of the mmmg
engineer, much of the information is provided by
In the first instance the selection of open pit or
the geologist. It is therefore important that during
underground methods will determine the cut-off
the initial drilling programme thought is given to
grade because open pit mining has lower pro-
the geotechnical properties of the rock in addition
duction costs. Figure 1.4 shows the contrast in
to considerations of size and grade.
grades between open pit and underground nickel
The following are the key factors which
sulphide mines. If the decision is taken to mine
influence the choice of mining method:
underground the cut-off will often determine the
size and geometry of the ore body. (1) size and shape of orebody; (2) type and
thickness of overburden or rock cover;
(3) presence of aquifers overlying the ore body
(ii) By-product metals
(see Chapter 6); (4) strength of the ore body
The presence of by-product metals plays an and surrounding rocks; (5) tendency of the
important role in the economics of mining and mineral to oxidize immediately after mining;
may determine the cut-off grade. This point is (6) temperature gradient and the resulting
demonstrated by Table 1.5 which shows the demand on ventilation.
average grade of a number of open pit copper
These aspects can normally be investigated within
operations. It is evident that those operations
a period of about one year. The factors which may
without significant by-products must have a
prolong the development period of a mine include
higher grade of copper in order to be economically
delays for planning permission, the construction
stages and unforeseen geological problems. In the
case of Ok Tedi porphyry copper deposit, Papua
(c) Mining method New Guinea, production did not commence until
During the feasibility study a decision must be 15 years after the discovery. This long lead time
made about the mining method. Whilst this stage resulted from aborted negotiations, newly estab-

Table 1.6 Typical recoveries of some common minerals (source B. Wills personal communication)

/\I1illerai Ore type Recovery (%)

Native gold Quartz-pebble conglomerate 99

Chalcopyrite Porphyry copper 90
Cassiterite Quartz vein 50-80
Galena Volcanogenic S()....60
Sphalerite Volcanogenic 70-80


lished political independence, domestic political Ore
struggles and, finally, difficulties of planning
restrictions for tailings disposal (Pintz, 1984).
The preferred method of mining is normally by h
open pit because the development of large-scale
equipment, such as 200-tonne trucks, has drama- Lsclens

tically decreased mining costs during the 1970s.
Gentry (1976) estimated that 70% of World (+)
production of metallic and non-metallic ores and
coal are mined by surface techniques. However, the
economics of large open pit mines is very
vulnerable to fluctuations in demand, because they ~(-)
require a constant high tonnage of production. For ~,..--- Separa~ion ----'l
this reason many porphyry copper deposits in the Concenrra~e Tailing
USA were placed on a care-and-maintenance basis
during the early 1980s. Open pit mines also have Fig. 1.5. Line flow sheet. (+) indicates oversized
the disadvantage of being more conspicuous than material returned for further treatment and (-)
underground operations so in countries with undersized material which is allowed to proceed to the
next stage (from Wills 1981).
strong environmentalist pressure groups the
choice of mining technique may be influenced by
factors other than cost. energy. Separation involves utilizing a physical
property, such as density, or a chemical property,
such as solubility, to divide the ore minerals from
(d) Metallurgical factors their associated gangue. The sequence of opera-
During the feasibility study It IS necessary to tions is illustrated in Fig. 1.5, which shows a
investigate the proportion of valuable minerals simple line flow sheet. It is evident that two
which can be obtained from the ore. Initial studies products result from the processing operation:
are concerned with ore mineralogy which includes concentrate and tailings. Ideally all the valuable
an assessment of the ore minerals which are material is contained within the concentrate.
present and how they are related to one another. However in practice this is rarely achieved and the
Up to this point most of the information obtained term 'recovery' is used to describe the efficiency of
from boreholes and trenches will be in the form of the process. The recovery is the percentage of the
a chemical analysis. A chemical analysis indicates total metal contained in the ore that is recovered in
whether an ore is potentially valuable, but now it the concentrate; a recovery of 90% means that
becomes necessary to determine how much of the 90% of the metal in the ore is recovered in the
mineral can be recovered before a decision can be concentrate and 10% is lost in the tailings (Wills,
made about economic viability. It is also 1981). Table 1.6 shows some typical recoveries for
important to identify any elements which may some common ore minerals.
incur penalties from the smelter (see Section 8.8). A preliminary assessment of recovery can
The processing of an ore involves two main normally be obtained prior to processing from ore
stages: comminution and separation. Comminu- microscopy, combined with laboratory bench-
tion involves breaking the ore down to a scale tests. However it is common practice to mine
sufficiently small grain size for the ore minerals to a small portion of the ore body and feed it through
be liberated. The problem is to define the a pilot plant. This permits a realistic estimate of
optimum point when the maximum amount of recovery to be made and enables the mineral pro-
ore minerals has been released with minimal cessing engineer to modify the original flow sheet.

Ore deposit /,zeology and its influence on mineral exploration
1.3 A GENETIC MODEL AS THE BASIS FOR electromagnetic methods· were normally the
EXPLORATION preferred techniques. This approach is sometimes
disparagingly referred to as 'anomaly hunting',
It is possible to recognize three main stages of
partly because there was often only a minimal
mineral exploration which have evolved during
geological input into some exploration
this century. Each period has been characterized
programmes, and partly because the airborne
by a particular approach to exploration, which
survey produced many spurious anomalies which
initially has been successful, but has gradually
had to be laboriously checked out by ground
decreased in effectiveness. The dates which we
geophysics and drilling. During the 1950s and
have selected are not intended to serve as precise
1960s regional geophysical surveys of this type
milestones, but as a general guide to changing
were responsible for the discovery of many new
attitudes and techniques.
deposits m Canada. Examples include the
Highland Valley area, Valley-Copper, and
1900-1940 Lornex. A similar approach was adopted in Africa
During this period, exploration was based mainly and Australia but without the same degree of
on direct observation and prospectors played a success (see Section 2.4).
dominant role in ore discovery. Examples of During the 1950s a number of American-based
major discoveries include Mount Isa in companies pioneered a new approach to
Queensland (1933), Roan Antelope, Zambia exploration which foreshadowed the concept of
(1925) and the Merensky Reef, S. Africa (1924). the genetic model. This involved the detailed
Most deposits discovered during this era either study of many examples of a particular style of
cropped out at surface or had a clear surface ore deposit, in order to determine a set of
expression and for this reason geological theory characteristics which could be used to focus
did not play an important part in ore discovery. attention on a limited number of target areas. The
Commonly the role of the geologist during this new approach led to the discovery of the
period was to carry out the more detailed stages of spectacular Henderson and Kidd Creek deposits
evaluation after the initial discovery and then to (Mannard, 1983), and prepared the path for the use
search for extensions of the deposit. Geophysical of genetic models in the ensuing decades.
methods of exploration were introduced in the
later part of this period. For example gravity 1965 to the present day
surveys were utilized to defme extensions of the During this period new ore discoveries have
Witwatersrand Basin in the late 1930s (Weiss, continued to be made by prospectors (Kambalda,
1983) . 1966), and indirect methods of exploration have
remained an important part of the geologist's
1940-1965 armoury. Developments of particular significance
This period was characterized by regional surveys include the application of geochemical techniques
using indirect methods with the main emphasis to semi-arid and glaciated terrain, and the
on geophysics. This was partly as a result of the increased sophistication in geophysical equip-
development of geophysical techniques for ment. However, there has been a growing
military purposes during World War II. The awareness of the need to apply geological
approach proved to be of particular success in principles to the problems of exploration. In part
glaciated terrain, such as the Canadian Shield. It this has reflected the increasing difficulty of
involved the selection of an area of general discovery for the prospector and partly arises from
favourability for base metals, such as a greenstone the increasing cost of the regional geophysical
belt, which was then investigated using airborne approach. Therefore, during this period, the
and ground-based geophysics. Magnetic and exploration geologist has attempted to restrict the


Syngeneric Epigenetic

III (2)

~ -;: <l
C 01
CI> c:

. -----
., 1/
(3) (4) I,
c::::J Support -rock (host rock) _ MinerOI depos it
~ Movem .. nt of moteriol which will cons t.tu r" tI1e m in",ol
IJ.s Distance travelled by ore-forming constituents

IJ. t Time interval berween deposition Of supporr-rock and deposirion of ore minerals

Fig. 1.6. Four fundamental genetic models (from Routhier 19(7).

area for geophysical and geochemical work by elements. For example in the formation of a
highlighting areas with good ore potential. The lateritic nickel deposit the differing solubilities of
main theoretical basis for this approach has been iron, magnesium and nickel determine that iron
the genetic model. As we have seen the strategy will be enriched as a residual material whilst nickel
was first developed by a number of American and magnesium will migrate. Routhier distin-
companies. However, to our knowledge Routhier guished the general environment of ore deposition
(1967) was amongst the first geologists to express (milieu de depot) from the more restricted trap
ideas of ore formation in terms of genetic models (picge) within which the mineral is concentrated.
in the sense that they are understood at the present For example lead and zinc deposits of Mississippi
time. Valley type occupy restricted depositional sites
For Routhier the genesis of an ore deposit is best within a relatively large expanse of carbonate
analysed in terms of source, transport and (Section 6.4).
environment of deposition. Single or multiple Routhier (1967) recognized four main genetic
sources may provide the valuable components. models (Fig. 1.6). These are based in part on the
Transport may involve the mechanical movement concepts of syngenesis and epigenesis which will
of fragments, or migration of elements in solution. be familiar to the reader. However he also utilized
In either case 'filters' may cause a separation of the concept of 'familier-etranger' which is little

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
used in the English-speaking world. The term deposition for an ascending ore fluid. Exploration
'familier' may be translated as indigenous but the was therefore concentrated along the strike of the
sense of 'belonging to the family' is better Tynagh fault.
expressed in the original French term. Etranger (2) Company B utilized the 'indigenous-
may be translated as foreign or exogenous. syngenetic' model. Palaeoenvironment was con-
Routhier concluded the discussion of his four sidered to be the critical factor controlling the
genetic models as follows: 'the adoption of a concentration of ore at Tynagh and therefore
particular genetic model, or combination of prospecting was concentrated around the inliers of
models, has a great influence on the strategy and Lower Palaeozoic within the Irish Plain (Fig.
tactics of mineral exploration. This is why it is 6.14).
very important from a practical viewpoint not to (3) Company C also utilized a variation of the
adopt a rigid attitude.' 'indigenous-syngenetic' model but considered
How are genetic models applied in practice? that the presence of tuffaceous material within the
One of the aims of this book is to provide an Carboniferous sequence indicated a possible
answer to this question. We approached the volcanogenic source for the metal.
problem with an open mind expecting that the (4) Company D used an 'indigenous-syn-
development of a genetic model would be crucial genetic' model integrated with geophysical and
in some cases and less important in others. We will geochemical surveys in areas where there had been
develop this argument in later chapters but at this some indications of previous mining activity.
stage we propose to describe the differing
strategies of exploration teams exploring for base In the event Company D discovered the Mogul
metals in Ireland, using differing genetic models. deposit at Silver mines and Company B discovered
Much of the information is based on a personal subeconomic mineralization at Keel. A fuller
communication from C. Bowler. discussion of genetic models in Irish exploration is
Favourable taxation legislation contained in the contained in Chapter 6.
Finance Act of 1956 led to an exploration boom in Genetic models of the type defined by Routhier
Ireland during the 1960s. In the first. instance have two important parameters - the timing of
exploration was confined to areas with a previous mineralization relative to the enclosing rock,
history of mining, or where there was a record of a and the relative distance of transport of the
mineral occurrence. These investigations led to the valuable constituents. Whilst the syngenetic or
discovery of the Tynagh deposit in 1961. Tynagh epigenetic characteristics of an ore body can
marked an important landmark because it usually be determined from field relationships
indicated that Ireland had not only favourable and studies of mineral paragenesis the distance of
taxation, but also contained worthwhile explor- migration is normally a matter for speculation.
ation targets. However, the paucity of outcrops For this reason the model is pardy theoretical,
and scarcity of information about Tynagh meant and in part based on observations of geological
that in order to take out prospecting licences in an characteristics. Ridge (1983), in a highly chal-
appropriate area a genetic model was required - lenging paper; has questioned the value of the
the alternative would have been the awesome task theoretical component in a genetic model. He
of investigating the entire Central Plain ofIreland. argues that in all styles of mineralization it is the
In the event four differing approaches were geological setting, i.e. stratigraphy and
adopted: structure of the ore deposit, which provides
most information of value for the geologist.
(1) Company A utilized an exogenous- This provides a different type of framework for
epigenetic' model. That is they identified the fault exploration, and we propose to use the term
structure at Tynagh as the principal control of 'empirical model' to describe this approach.

Ultimately, the genetic or empirical model must becomes exploited, a three-dimensional model can
be integrated with the physiographic and be constructed from underground geological
climatic factors of the specific search area to mappmg.
produce an exploration model. In many cases the geologist's perception of the
The distinction between genetic models and ore deposit changes during exploitation. For
empirical models is important and we will return example, the initial description of the Wheal Jane
to this subject in ensuing chapters. Each style of mine in Cornwall was based mainly on drilling
deposit is discussed in terms of geological setting and a limited amount of underground develop-
and the recent ideas concerning ore genesis. The ment (Rayment et ai., 1971). At this early stage
relevance of this information for the exploration geologists observed that the stanniferous ore
geologist is then debated at the end of each chapter. bodies were restricted to the footwall of gently
The implications of our conclusion are important dipping feldspar porphyry dykes and the dykes
for both the mining industry and for universities. were therefore regarded as having an important
Is the current bias towards an understanding of structural control on the deposition of cassiterite
genetic theory within many university depart- and associated sulphides. The mine has been in
ments justified? Will genetic models provide an intermittent production for 13 years (1984) and
adequate basis for mineral discovery during the development has been extended to a depth of
closing years of this century? We hope the answers 400 m. It is now apparent that the ore bodies and
to these questions are contained within this dykes have a more casual relationship and were
textbook. probably emplaced along planes of weakness of
similar orientation.
Information about the geological history of a
mineral deposit may also be obtained from
petrographical and analytical studies utilizing
standard techniques. In addition, a range of
Mineral deposits, like all other geological laboratory techniques has become available in
phenomena, are best studied by careful recent years which may be less familiar to some
observations made in the fIeld. In some cases readers. The type of information provided by
observations will be restricted to surface mapping, these techniques is summarized in Table 1.7 which
and in other cases this information will be supple- also cites key references explaining the general
mented by the results of drilling. If the deposit principles on which the method is based.

Table 1. 7 Some experimental techniques applicable to ore deposits

References on
general Application
Tech II iqlll! Type of information provided principles (examples cited in text)

(I) Stable isotopes (a) Limited range ofo.14S about OIX)() (a) Dominantly magmatic source for
(1) Sulphur indicates a magmatic source of the Dianne and O.K. ore bodies.
sulphur Northern Queensland, Australia
(b) Wide range ofo.14S values and Hoefs (1980) (b) Pyrite in Mount Isa lead/zinc ore
enrichment in 03"S indicates a body, Queensland, Australia
biogenic source of sulphur (6.3.3)
(c) The pattern of variation in 0 34 S (c) Derivation of sulphur from fault
may indicate localized migration at Tynagh mine, Ireland (6.3.6)
of sulphur

Table 1. 7 continued

References on
general Applicatioll
Techllique Type of information provided principles (examples cited in text)

(d) Enrichment in 8.14S indicates that (d) Source of sulphur at Pine Point,
sulphur was derived from sea- Canada (6.4.3)
water / evaporites
(e) Differing 8.14S'Yo1l values in (e) Genesis ofPb-Zn and Cu ore
adjacent ore bodies suggests bodies at Mount Isa, Queensland,
differing modes of formation Australia (6.3.3)
(f) Isotopic fractionation between Ohmotoand (f) Temperature of ore fluid at
sphalerite and galena provides Rye (1979) McArthur River, Northern
information about the temper- Territory, Australia (6.3.3)
ature of deposition of ore
(g) Isotope systematics provide Doc and Zartman (g) Source of metals in the Central
data on the possible sources of (1979) Plain ofIreland (6.3.6)
(:2) D/H and (a) Relative proportion of 8D'YIlIl Sheppard (1977) Use of oxygen isotopes in mine-
1HO/J(,O and 8 1HO'Yoil in inclusion-fluids Taylor (1979) based exploration at the Amulet 'A'
ratios or minerals may identify the orebody, Amulet Mine, Noranda,
principal source of water in Canada (3.9)
hydrothermal fluids
Characterization of ore fluid which
has deposited quartz in auriferous
deposits (4.4.3)
(b) Differing 8D'YIlIl values obtained Taylor (1974) Evidence concerning the position of
on water removed from minerals chlorite in the mineral paragenesis of
may suggest that adjacent the Saskatchewan unconformity-type
minerals have disparate ages deposits (9.3.3)
(c) Partitioning of 1KO_160'Yo1l and Taylor (1979) Temperature of formation of
D-H'Yo1l between minerals auriferous quartz veins in Canada
deposited in equilibrium with (4.4.3)
each other provides unambiguous
temperature of deposition (i.e. no
pressure corrections)
(II) Investigations (a) Composition of ore fluid Roedder (1979) (a) Composition of the fluid from
of fluid which ore minerals deposited in
inclusions Irish Pb-Zn deposits (6.3.6)
(b) Temperature and pressure (b) Temperature of deposition of
conditions of ore deposition gold in hydrothermal vein
deposits (4.4.3)
Temperature of fluids in kaolin-
ization in south west England
(Ill) pH/Eh Stability of mineral and ionic Krauskopf Studies of the mobility of uranium
diagrams species under differing acidity (1979) in the secondary environment (9.:2)
and oxidation potential conditions
Controls in weathering of sulphides
in the surface or ncar-surface
and supergene enrichment (7.6)
(IV) f0 2/pH Characterization of ore-forming Barnes (1':)79)
diagrams environments and of metal-transport
REFERENCES Pintz, W. S. (1984) Ok Tedi - Evolution of a Third-World
Mining Project, Mining Journal Books Ltd, London,
206 pp.
Barnes, H. L. (1979) Solubilities of ore minerals. In Prokop, F. W. (1975) The Future Economic Significance of
Geochemistry of Hydrothermal are Deposits, 2nd edn Lm:ge Low-Grade Copper and Nickel Deposits,
(ed. H. L. Barnes),John Wiley, New York, pp. 404- Monograph Series on Mineral Deposits No. 13,
460. Gebruder Borntraeger, Berlin and Stuttgart, 67 pp.
Dixon, C. J. (1979) Atlas of Economic Mineral Rayment, B. D., Davis, G. R. and Wilson,J. D. (1971)
Deposits, Chapman and Hall, 143 pp. Controls to mineralisation at Wheal Jane, Cornwall.
Doe, B. R. and Zartman, R. E. (1979) Plumbotectonics, Trans. Instn Min. Metall. (Sect. B. App/. Earth. Sci.),
The Phanerozoic. In Geochemistry of Hydrothermal are 80,224-237.
Deposits, 2nd edn (ed. H. L. Barnes), John Wiley, Ridge, J. D. (1968) Changes and developments in
London,pp.22-70. concepts of ore genesis 1933-1967. In are Deposits of
Gentry, D. W. (1976) Development of deep mining the United States 1933-1967, The Graton-Sales Volume
techniques. In World Mineral Supplies Assessment and (ed. J. D. Ridge), American Institute of Mining,
Perspective (eds G. J. S. Govett and M. H. Govett), Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, New York,
Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 397-416. pp. 1713-1834.
Guild, P. W. (1974) Distribution of metallogenic Ridge, J. D. (1983) Genetic concepts versus observation
provinces in relation to major earth structures. In data in governing ore exploration. CIM Bull., 76
Metallogenetische und geochemische Provinzen (ed. W. E. (852), 47-54.
Petrascheck), Springer-Verlag, Vienna, pp. 10-24. Roedder, E. (1979) Fluid inclusions as samples of ore
Hargreaves, D. and Williamson, D. (1984) The Annual fluids. In Geochemistry of Hydrothermal are Deposits,
Review of Metal Markets 1983-4, Shearson/American 2nd edn (ed. H. L. Barnes),John Wiley, London, pp.
Express Ltd, 262 pp. 684-737.
Hoefs, J. (1980) Stable Isotope Geochemistry, Springer- Routhier, P. (1967) Le modele de la genese. Chroll. Mines
Verlag, New York, Heidelberg and Berlin, 208 pp. Rech. Min. Paris, 363,177-190.
Krauskopf, K. B. (1979) Introduction to Geochemistry, 2nd Sheppard, S. M. F. (1977) Identification of the origin of
edn, McGraw-Hill, New York, 617 pp. ore-forming solutions by the use of stable isotopes. In
Mackenzie, B. W. (1984) Economic Mineral Exploration Volcanic Processes in are Genesis, Geol. Soc. London
Targets. Centre for Resource Studies. Queens Spec. Publ. No.7, pp. 25-41.
University, Kingston, Ontario. Working Paper No. Taylor, H. P. Jr (1974) The application of oxygen and
28,63 pp. hydrogen isotope studies to problems of hydro-
Mannard, G. W. (1983) Predictive metallogeny: a two- thermal alteration and ore deposition. Econ. Geo/., 69,
edged sword. Geosci. Can. 10(2),97-99. 843-883.
McAllister, A. L. (1976) Price, technology and ore Taylor, H. P. Jr (1979) Oxygen and hydrogen isotope
reserves. In World Mineral Supplies Assessmerzt and relationships in hydrothermal mineral deposits. In
Perspective (eds G. J. S. Govett and M. H. Govett), Geochemistry of Hydrothermal are Deposits, 2nd edn
Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 37-62. (ed. H. L. Barnes) ,John Wiley, London, pp. 236-277.
Ohmoto, H. and Rye, R. O. (1979) Isotopes of sulphur Weiss, O. (1983) The discovery of two goldfields: a
and carbon. In Geochemistry of Hydrothermal are tribute to an inspired mining geologist - Alfred Frost.
Deposits, 2nd edn, (ed. H. L. Barnes), John Wiley, IMM Bull., 924, 4-5.
London, pp. 509-561. Wills, B. A. (1981) Mineral Processin,l! Technology: All
Open University Press (1984) S238, Block 1, The Earth's llltrodllctioll to the Practical Aspects 40re Treatmellt alld
Physical Resources, The Open University, Milton Milleral Recol'ery, 2nd rev. edn, Pergamon Press,
Keynes. Oxford, 525 pp.

Magmatic deposits

2.1 INTRODUCTION mined from anorthosites and gabbros (Lynd and

Lefond, 1975). The mineral assemblages are of
Some ore deposits have such an intimate
three types: ilmenite-magnetite, ilmenite-
association with igneous rocks that a common
hematite and ilmenite-rutile. The gangue minerals
heritage can be inferred. In many cases it can be
confirmed by a study of field relationships, from are predominantly plagioclase and pyroxenes.
In this chapter we have selected nickel sulphides,
ore textures and from the results of experimental
petrology that the ores have segregated during the chromite and diamondiferous kimberlites for par-
crystallization of a magma. ticular consideration. These deposits are of
importance on a world-wide scale, and they serve
The principal styles of mineral deposit which
to illustrate contrasting approaches to mineral
have formed by magmatic segregation are listed in
Table 2.1. It is evident that nickel, copper,
chromium, vanadium, titanium and the platinum
group elements (PGEs) are the major elements 2.2 CHROMITE DEPOSITS
produced from this class of deposit. In addition
cobalt and gold may be significant by-product
2.2.1 Introduction
elements. Chromite is the only ore mineral of chromium.
Cu-, Ni-, PGE-, Cr- and V-rich ores are as- The bulk of chromite is converted to ferrochrome,
sociated with mafic and ultramafic lithologies. of which about 70% is used in the manufacture of
The principal ore minerals in this association are stainless steel. Other uses of chromite include
pentlandite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, refractories and chemicals. There is no substitute
chromite and vanadiferous magnetite. The gangue for chromite in ferro chrome manufacture and this
minerals are those which constitute the enclosing factor, combined with the very limited geo-
host rock and include olivine, serpentine, plagio- graphical distribution of chromite resources,
clase, ortho- and clino-pyroxenes. makes it an important strategic mineral.
The bulk of World ilmenite production is from In 1982 World production of chromite was
beach sand deposits (Chapter 5). However, in 7.6 x 10 6 tonnes (Mining Annual Review, 1983). In
North America more than half the ilmenite is that year South Africa was pre-eminent with about
Magmatic deposits
31 % of production with the USSR, Albania, 2.2.3 General characteristics of stratiform
Turkey and the Philippines also having a sub- chromite deposits
stantial production (Mining Annual Review, 1983).
According to von Gruenewaldt (1980) 97% of the (a) Distribution in space and time
World's chromite reserves are present within the Stratiform chromite deposits are known in the
stratiform deposits of South Africa and Americas, Europe, India and southern Africa.
Zimbabwe. Whilst the discovery of new reserves They are associated with ultramafic!mafic
in other producing countries will almost certainly intrusions which are characteristically emplaced
modify von Gruenewaldt's estimate, it is probable into stable cratonic environments. In many cases
that an increasing proportion of chromite will be the intrusives are emplaced into gneissic basement
mined from stratiform deposits. rocks but the Stillwater Complex and Bushveld
Until the 1970s a high chromium content (Cr/Fe Complex intrude supracrustal rocks. The evidence
2.8: 1) was essential in chromite designated for of the tectonic setting of the layered intrusions is
conversion to ferrochrome. This precluded the use not always clear. However, the Bushveld
of South African ore for metallurgical purposes. Complex and Great 'Dyke' are believed to occur
However, changes in smelting technology have within the Proterozoic Megafracture system of
resulted in this ratio becoming less critical southern Africa which is possibly the root zone of
(Streicher, 1980). an aborted intracontinental rift (Mitchell and
Garson, 1981).
Layered intrusions which host economic con-
centrations of chromite are of Archaean and
2.2.2 Classification of deposits Proterozoic age, but the main inrusives of
The bulk of the World's chromite is mined from economic significance range from about 2000 to
rocks of mafic and ultramafic composition. 2700 million years. Significantly the Muskox
Traditionally the ores are subdivided into _two intrusion (North West Territory, Canada) has an
types. Stratiform ores are associated with mafic! age of 1150-1250 million years but contains no
ultramafic layered intrusions, are Precambrian in chromite of economic significance (Irvine and
age and have an intracratonic setting. Podiform Smith, 1969). The reasons for this are not clear but
ores are mainly Phanerozoic in age, have a highly are likely to be changing tectonic processes and/or
irregular geometry and are associated with changing chemistry within the mantle during the
ophiolites. evolution of the earth.
Most of the chromite associated with layered
intrusions is mined from the Bushveld Complex in (b) Form and petrology of intrusions
South Africa and the Great 'Dyke' in Zimbabwe The igneous intrusions which host stratiform
(Fig. 2.1). Chromite from podiform deposits chromite deposits may be divided into two
accounted for about 55% of World production in morphological types. The Bushveld Complex
1982 but this proportion is likely to decline during (South Africa) and Great 'Dyke' (Zimbabwe)
the next decade (Duke, 1983). The reasons for this which are of principal economic importance
are partly the greater technical problems of consist of adjacent funnel-shaped intrusions.
evaluating and mmmg podiform chromite However, in most other cases the intrusive is a sill,
compared with stratiform deposits. In addition the which may have retained its original attitude, or
high Cr/Fe ratio of podiform chromite is have been tilted or deformed by subsequent
becoming less critical in the manufacture of tectonism.
ferrochrome. The principal countries producing Most of the layered intrusives relevant to this
chromite from this style of deposit are the USSR, discussion can be subdivided into lower ultramafic
Albania, Philippines, Turkey and India. and upper mafic zones. Chromite normally occurs

Table 2.1. Occurrence and importance of magmatic ores. Modified from Naldrett and Watkinson (1981). Information on diamonds from Garlick (1982) and
Allen (1982a)

Relative importance with;'1

Typical grade to be expected Merall type

ll't% ppm ppb Pt. RII.

Rock and/ or tectonic Pd. Ir.
Type association Examples .'\Ii ell Co Pt Pd Rh Ru Ir Os All Ni CII Co All Rh Os

Sulphide orcs
Ni- and Cu-rich Noritic rocks associated Sudbury 1.5 1.2 0.08 0.6 0.7 50 30 20 10 2(X) Maj Maj Min Min Min Tr
with astrobleme (But probably unique)
Mafic intrusions Duluth complex 0.3- 0.4- 1-2 5-10 500 3(X) Maj Maj Min Min Maj
associated with Noril'sk 1.0 2.0 5-10 500
continental rifting (Duluth unknown. Figures are for Noril'sk only.)
Gabbro and gabbro
periodotite intrusions
in orogenic belts
Precambrian Lynn Lake. 1.5 1.2 O.OS 0.3 0.2 J(X) Min Min Min Min Tr
greenstone belts Manitoba to to
Carr Boyd. Maj Maj
Western Australia
Montcalm. Ontario
Pechenga. USSR
Phanerozoic R'!mft, Norway D.5 0.2 Min Min Tr Tr Tr Tr
orogenic belts Crillon-La Perouse, D.5 0.3 0.1 0.1 Min Min Tr Tr Tr Tr
Komatiite association in Western Australia 2-3 0.1 0.04 Maj Min Min Tr Trto Min
Precambrian greenstone Manitoba -0.2 0.15 0.3 30 100 50 50 60 Min
belts Rhodesia (Can be very variable.)
PGE-rich Large intracontinental Bushveld D.2 0.1 4 1.5- 2110 400 50 50 300 Min Min Min Min Maj Maj
stratiform intrusions Stillwater 10
wt. % Total Fe
Oxide ores CreO.> FcO Cr/Fe Cre03
Cr-rich Stratiformly layered
Intracontinental Bushvdd 35-45 25 1-2 Maj
Precambrian Selukwe, Rhodesia 45-55 10-15 3-4 Maj but apparently unique
greenstone belts
Alpine-type Greece 35--65 IG-20 2-5 Maj
S. Urals, USSR

wt. %
VeOo TiO e P V Ti0 2
V- and Ti-rich Stratiformly layered Bushveld Complex 1.4-1.7 12-14 <0.05 Maj Min
intrusions Duluth Complex 0.1 4-5
Anorthosite complexes Allard Lake,
Quebec ()2 24 <0.01 Maj
Magpie Mt.,
Quebec 0.17 II 0.078 Tr Maj
St. Charles, Quebec
P-rich 15 3--5
P-poor 19 <0.13
Sanford Hill, New
York 18 Tr Tr Maj
Iron Mt., Wyoming 22 Tr Tr Maj

Diamonds Kimberlites in AKI,
Archaean cratons Australia 5.0 carats/tonne
Letlhakane } B 0.42-0.66} / >
Orapa otswana 1.48-4.36 carats m'
Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

o Locality

o Chrom ite
]0' " Nickel sulphide
• Kim berlite

Fig.2.1. Location of magmatic ore deposits.

in chromitite layers of variable thickness within which contain chromitite layers in assoClatlOn
the lower ultramafic zone. However, in the case of with dunite or harzburgite (Wilson, 1982).
the Bushveld Complex the chromitite layers are However, cyclic units are not evident in the
largely confined to the Critical Zone of the Campo Formoso (Brazil) and Kemi (Finland)
ultramafic component. Further details of the intrusives where the chromitite layers are
petrology of the Bushveld Complex are provided associated with peridotites (Duke, 1983).
in Section 2.2.4. The ultramafic zones of the Great
'Dyke' and Stillwater Complex (Montana, USA) (c) Mineralogy
comprise a series of cyclic units (Wilson, 1982; Within layered igneous complexes chromite
Page, 1977). For example, the ultramafic occurs mainly as layers of chromitite which range
component of the Hartley Complex in the Great from 1 cm to more than 1 m in thickness. Typically
'Dyke' is divisible into fourteen units most of chromitite is composed of 50-90% fine-grained

Magmatic deposits

10 '

c Perm

,,,- ....
......... ;.: ....




(0.2 mm) cumulus chromite with interstitial chromite from the Great 'Dyke' has a consistently
olivine, orthopyroxene, plagioclase and clino- high chromium content whilst chromite from the
pyroxene (Duke, 1983). The average grade of ore Stillwater Complex and the Bushveld Complex
mined from layered intrusions is summarized in has more variable compositions. Wilson (1982)
Table 2.2. reports that chemical variation in the Great 'Dyke'
Chromite belongs to the spinel group of is related to textural and mineralogical environ-
minerals and has the general formula (MgFe 2+) ments. In the Bushveld Complex there is a cryptic
(CrAIFe.l+h04. There is considerable com- variation of chromite composition, with Cr/Fe
positional variation both between deposits and ratios decreasing upwards through the Critical
within particular intrusions . Figure 2.2 shows the Zone (Cameron, 1977).
compositional variation in chromite from a The Bushveld Complex and the Stillwater
number of layered intrusions . It is evident that Complex are also important sources of the

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Table 2.2 Some characteristics of stratiform chromite deposits

Location Size of intrusive Grade Reserves (tonnes x 10 6 )

Bushveld Complex Area 480 x 380 km* 46--47.6% Cr203* 7260 to t depth of 1200 m
S. Africa Thickness 9000m CriFe 1.6:1
Great 'Dyke' Length 480kmt 43.4-51.4% Cr 20}II 560 to§ inclined depth of200 m
Zimbabwe Width 8km Seams 4-11
Cr/Fe 2.8:1
Stillwater Complex Strike length 48km* Mouat Mine* Mouat Mine*
Montana, USA Width up to 5.5km 22.5% Cr2O} 4
Cr/Fe 1.6:1
Kemi Length 15km* 26% Cr 2O} 50*
Finland Width up to 2km CriFe 1.55:1
Campo Formoso Length 40km 33-42% Cr20/ 3*
Brazil Width 1.1 km CriFe 1.3:1
to 2.4

*Dukc (1983).
t von GruenewaJdt (1980).
tWilson (1982).
~Hopkins (1980).
lI.vIeta! Bul/etill ;\!lolltlzl)' (May 1981).

platinum group elements. Platinum in the 2.2.4 The Bushveld Complex

Bushveld Complex is mainly exploited from the
Merensky Reef pyroxenite but the Plat reef and (a) Geological setting
UG2 chromitite also contain large reserves The Bushveld Complex extends over some
(Section 2.2.4). Within the Stillwater Complex 182000 within the Kapvaal craton, S.
economic concentrations of platinum are confined Africa. The mafic rocks which host chromite and
to the J-M reef (Todd et al., 1982). The J-M reef platinum occur as four arcuate zones, the most
varies from 1 to 3 m in thickness and contains southerly of which is obscured by younger rocks
minor concentrations of chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite (Fig. 2.3). The mafic rocks have been dated at 2095
and pentlandite which enclose small grains of the ±24 million years using the Rb/Sr method
platinum group minerals. (Hamilton, 1977).

Cr Cr

Fig. 2.2. Proportions of trivalent cations in

chromite from certain stratiform (left) and
podiform deposits. (From Duke 1983, who
quotes the data sources).

Magmatic deposits
The original suggestion that the mafic rocks appear to have played a role in the emplacement of
formed part of a single lopolith was subsequently the mafic rocks and have influenced the
modified by mapping, combined with gravity and configuration of the Bushveld Complex (von
airborne magnetic surveys . The initial inter- Gruenewaldt, 1979). The structural controls are
pretation of these data indicated that the mafIc evident in the ENE and WNW trending axes of the
rocks formed a series of overlapping funnel- Complex, in the alignment of gravity highs which
shaped intrusions. More recent gravity surveys probably reflect feeder zones for the mafIc rocks
show that the mafic rocks do not extend beneath and in the orientation of a basement high which
the centre of the Complex but form separate and controls the western boundary of the eastern
only partly overlapping structures (von Bushveld (Fig. 2.4).
Gruenewaldt, 1979). The Bushve!d Complex is the product of a
The evolution of the Kapvaal craton has been prolonged sequence of magmatic events. Igneous
characterized by the persistence of NNE , ENE activity was heralded by sills of amphibolitic
and NNW structural trends . These trends also composition (Sharpe, 1981). The first stage of

26·00' 27·00' 18"00 ' 30·00'

Bushveld granite suite

o Bushveld granophyre suite

:~;:::::l!::::' Layered rocks of Bushvetd

~ Roo iberg felsite group

- - - Merensky reef
• Platinum mine

2~"OO '

• Ze-erust

Fig. 2.3. Geological map of the Bushvcld Complex, (from Campbell ft al. 19H3, after Willemse 1%lJ).

Ore deposit iteolo,-I?Y and its influence on mineral exploration
Geophysical studies and detailed mapping have
O~km revealed that the five zones of the Layered Series
are not uniformly represented throughout the
Bushveld Complex. It is evident that the ultra-
mafic rocks commonly have a more restricted
distribution than the mafic lithologies of the Main
and Upper Zones (von Gruenewaldt, 1979). For
example, the full stratigraphic succession in the
northern lobe is restricted to an area near
Potgietersrus, and the gabbros and norites of the
Upper and Main Zones transgress the Lower
zones and occupy a larger area (von Gruenewaldt,
1979) .
The parent magma of the Layered Series has
Major srrucrural rrend been the subject of much speculation. Many
1 Axis of Bushveld Complex workers (Willemse, 1969; Gibjels et ai., 1974;
2 Grear Dyke rrend o Graviry high Hamilton, 1977) have supported the two-magma
3 Preroria -Zebediela anticline
4 Murchison rrend r71 Layered theory: one magma is considered to have been
5 Amsrerdam lineament
b..:i....J mafic rocks responsible for the rocks of the Lower and Critical
6 Axis of graviry highs Zones and the second magma was the parent of
7 Kraaipan rrend
rocks in the Main and Upper Zones. Sharpe (1981)
Fig.2.4. Structural setting of the Bushveld Complex cites evidence from field work and geochemistry
(modified from von Gruenwaldt 1979). to support the concept of multiple pulses of
magma of contrasting chemical composition.

(b) Chromium
All the chromite layers and the principal platini-
ferous layers are confined to the Critical Zone,
Bushveld activity was marked by the emplace- which is therefore the unit of overwhelming
ment of the Laminated Marginal Zone, which economic importance in the Bushveld Complex.
comprises mainly alternating sheets of norite and The Critical Zone is distinguished by a prominent
pyroxenite (Sharpe, 1981). The second, and regular layering and may be divided into lower
major, stage of magmatism resulted in the pyroxenitic and upper anorthositic subzones
intrusion of a series of mafic and ultramafic (Cousins and Feringa, 1964; Cameron and
lithologies which are referred to as the Layered Desborough, 1969). Chromite is disseminated
Series. The fmal episode of magmatism is within silicates throughout most of the Critical
represented by the Bushveld Granite. The Layered Zone but is only of commercial value when con-
Series locally exceeds 9000 metres in thickness and centrated into layers of chromitite (Fig. 2.6).
is divisible into five zones (Fig. 2.5). The Lower and Within the chromitite layers chromite is the
lower Critical Zones are characterized by ultramafic cumulus phase with bronzite and plagioclase being
to mafic lithologies which are commonly mono- the main interstitial silicates. Chromitite layers are
mineralic. Anorthosites, no rites and gabbros are the distributed in both subzones of the Critical Zone,
dominant rock types within the upper Critical, Main but are mainly exploited from the pyroxenite
and Upper Zones. The Critical Zone is of major subzone because of their higher Cr/Fe ratios.
economic importance and hosts both the chromite In the western sector of the Bushveld Complex
and platinum group elements. the Critical Zone ranges from about 915 to 1750 m

Magmatic deposits
Subzone C Olivine diorite, diorite,
anorthosite, magnetite layers
Zone Magnetite gabbro, troctolite,
Subzone B
olivine gabbro, magnetite layers

Magnetite gabbro, feldspathic

Subzone A
pyroxenite, magneMe layers

Subzone C Gabbronorite, norite, gabbro


Main Subzone B Gabbronorite, norite

§ Zone

.s::: Subzone A Norite, anorthosite, pyroxenite

3000 -- - MR- ---

Norite, anorthosite, chromitite,
Cri~ical Upper subzone Merensky Reef
sc- - - - - ---
-- -----_. Pyroxenite, harzburgite,
Lower subzone chromitite, Steelpoort seam
Up. bronzitite sz. Bronzitite
Fig.2.S. Subdivision of the Layered Harzburgite Harzburgite, dunite
Lower subzone
Series of the Bushveld Complex. MR,
Zone Lower bronzitite Bronzitite
Merensky Reef; SC, Steelpoort chromite subzone
(from Duke 1983, after Vermaak, C. F. and Basal subzone Feldspathic bronzitite,
von Gruenewaldt, G. (1981) The Bushveld o harzburgite

Complex Excursion Guide, Geocongress Marginal Zone Norite

1981, 3rd International Platinum
Symposium, 62 pp.

in thickness and contains 13 chromitite layers of chromitite layers in the pyroxenite subzone are
potential economic value (Cousins and Feringa, regular and persistent, but this is not the case in the
1964). The layers have a remarkable lateral con- anorthosite subzone. In the Eastern Bushveld, the
tinuity, for example the LG3 and LG4layers can be layers which are currently exploited are the
traced along strike for 63 km (von Gruenewaldt, Steelpoort and F layers, and their characteristics are
1977). The layer of prime importance in the summarized in Table 2.3.
Western Bushveld is the LG6 which is associated The genesis of chromite in the Layered Series of
with pyroxenites (Table 2.3). the Bushveld Complex is a controversial subject.
In the Eastern Bushveld, the Critical Zone Genetic models must explain the virtually mono-
ranges from about 1220 to 1370 m in thickness. mineralic nature of the chromitite layers, their
The number of chromitite layers ranges from five to repetition throughout the Critical Zone, and
28. Cameron and Desborough (1969) stated that virtual absence from the Lower and Main Zones.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Fig. 2.6. Chromitite seams within anorthosite, Bushvcld Complex, South Africa.

Table 2.3 Chemical characteristics of pure chromite from Bushvcld chromitite layers associated with mining
activity (from Buchanan, 1979)

Cr':o3 FeO wl/tellt Layer

wlltellt as total CrlFc thicklless
Area alld chrolll£' //Iille Layer ('Yo ) iron (%) ratio (Ill )

North ofPilansberg LGo 40.30 20.23 1.56 0.86

Zwartkop (magazine)
West ofPilansberg LG6 47.50 20.00 1.05 (J.76
Ruigho ek (main)
R usten burg-Brits LGo 46.0() 20.0() 1.58 0.94-1.27
Kroondal (main)
Eastern Belt (north ofSteelpoort)
UCAR Steelpoort 47.12 25.15 1.66 0.60
Wintervcld Steelpoort 47.05 25.12 1.07 0.90- 1.20
Eastern Belt (south ofSteelpoort) F Bed 40.98 26.12 1.58 1.30

Magmatic deposits
The evolution of ideas on these problems has or by the addition or removal of batches of magma
drawn both from detailed petrographical and from the magma chamber. However, Lee
geochemical studies of the Critical Zone (personal communication) considers that the range
(Cameron and Desborough, 1969; Cameron, of pressure change required exceeds the total
1980) and from comparisons with other layered pressure at the base of the magma chamber (+6.5
intrusions Oackson, 1961; Irvine and Smith, 1969). kbars).
The genesis of the chromitite layers has been
debated in the context of two separate processes: (c) Platinum group elements (PGE)
fractional crystallization from one or two parent Platinum group elements in the Bushveld
magmas, and the repeated introduction of suc- Complex are contained within three layers, the
cessive heaves of magmas. Until recently most Platreef, Merensky Reef and UG2 chromitite.
writers considered that gravitational settling of Table 2.4 summarizes the main characteristics of
chromite, to form cumulus layers, was an essential the three layers. It is evident that the UG2
part of the ore-forming process (Cameron and chromitite has the highest grade and largest
Emerson, 1959). However, a simple gravitational reserves, but production has only recently
model is inconsistent with the distribution of commenced due to a combination of metallurgical
chromitite layers within the Critical Zone. It also and mining problems. There is no production at
conflicts with the result of experimental petrology the present time from the Platreef, although this
(Duke, 1983) and the reinterpretation (Campbell, may be developed in the future under favourable
1978) of cumulus textures. economic circumstances.
A number of alternative mechanisms have been In this section the main emphasis is placed on the
proposed. Cameron and Desborough (1969) Merensky Reef, which is the main producing
suggested that chromitite seams might be horizon for the PGEs, and the subject of most
precipitated by changes in oxygen fugacity. This published data on platinum in the Bushveld
mechanism has been investigated by Snethlage and Complex (Fig. 2.7).
von Gruenewaldt (1977), who measured pO:> in The Merensky Reef occurs in both western and
natural chromitites from the western part of the eastern sectors of the Bushveld Complex. Strati-
Bushveld Complex, and compared their results graphically it is located near the top of the Critical
with those obtained from synthetic systems. Zone. The Mercnsky Reef, together with over-
Snethlage and von Gruenewaldt (1977) concluded lying spotted and mottled anorthosites, con-
that there is a strong case for oxygen fugacity as a stitutes the Merensky Unit which is overlain by a
major factor for chromitite layer formation. They petrographically similar sequence called the
reviewed the mechanisms which might be res- Bastard Unit (Cousins, 1969). Von Gruenewaldt
ponsible for changes in oxygen fugacity, but did (1979) defined the Merensky Reef as the basal
not support a particular model. pyroxenitic portion of the Merensky cyclic unit
Cameron (1980) has carried out extremely which includes porphyritic pyroxenite, pegmatitic
detailed petrographic and geochemical studies of pyroxenite and chromitite stringers. The
the Critical Zone. In discussing the genesis of the dominant PGEs in both the Merensky Reef and the
chromitite bands, he rejects the role of changing other platiniferous horizons are platinum and pal-
oxygen fugacity, on the grounds that it is unlikely ladium (von Gruenewaldt, 1977).
to have produced the uniformity of composition In general the Merensky ReeCdips at a shallow
which is such a characteristic feature of the Critical angle. However, locally it is disturbed by depres-
Zone. Cameron (1980) favoured variation in pres- sions called 'potholes'. Potholes are irregular in
sure as the main control on the formation of shape, have diameters estimated to range from 1 to
chromitite layers. He suggested that pressure 300 m and vary in depth up to 60 m (Cousins,
changes could result either from tectonic activity 1969). The mechanisms responsible for the

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Table 2.4 Summary of characteristics ofPt-bearing layers in the Bushveld Complex

Thickness and Recovery

Layer alld location strike length grade Reserves Mineralogy Lithology

Platreef Estimated payable 3.0 g!t 3 * 12.2 X Cooperite and Pyroxenite t

Potgietersrus area over 30km Grades are 10 6 kg t sperrylite
Thickness 25 m t higher in A reef
UG2 chromitite Total strike t 6.0 g/tt 32.5 x Laurite,* Chromitite*
length 250 m Considerable 10" kg <: cooperite,
Thickness 0.9 m lateral variation braggite.
In part ofE.
Bushveld Complex
alloys formed with
a range of metals
Merensky Reef Total strike* 5.5 gltt IS. 1 X Mineral species Pyroxenite-t<
length 230 km Highest 10 6 kg* vary with locality.
Thickness O.S m values with Cr Pt sulphides
stringers dominant at
Arsenides and
tellurides at
Western Platinum

*von Gruenewaldt (1979).

tBuchanan and Rouse (1984).
*von Gruenewaldt (1977).

potholes are not fully understood but have been Merensky Reef. He concluded that the Merensky
attributed to rotating eddies in the magma represented a separate pulse of magma.
(Ferguson and Botha, 1963), slump structures Campbell et al. (1983) consider that both the
(Cousins, 1964) and resorption of cumulate layers high PGE content and petrological characteristics
by an unsaturated hybrid magma (Irvine et al., of the Merensky Reef can be explained by the
1983). The implications of potholing in the mining dynamic behaviour of the new magma pulse.
of the Merensky Reef will be discussed in a later They estimate that the temperature difference
section. between the new pulse of magma and the
Two hypotheses have been proposed for the fractionated magma in the chamber was about
genesis of the Merensky Reef: differentiation by 100 ± SO°c. Under these conditions the new
gravity settling in the mafic portion of the magma would have risen as a turbulent plume for a
Bushveld Complex and the introduction of a re- short distance above the floor of the magma
stricted pulse of magma. chamber. It would then have spread out at its own
Cousins (1969) drew attention to the petro- density level to form a hybrid layer. Cooling of the
logical discontinuity above and below the hybrid layer would have resulted in liquation of a
Merensky Unit and noted the mineralogical sulphide liquid, nucleation of silicates and,
evidence for gravitational segregation within the eventually, convective overturn which would

Magmatic deposits

Fig. 2.7. Merensky Reefwith

anorthositic footwall rocks ,
Rustenburg, South Africa. The scale
and blackboard indicating date and
location are used routinely on this
mine. The geologist can assess the
nature of each stope and decide which
parts of the mine require his immediate

have brought the hybrid melt to the floor of the equilibrium with a large column of silicate melt.
magma chamber. They suggest that this is achieved during the
How does this help to explain the high PGE turbulent entry of the plume into the magma
content and pegmatitic texture which are chamber. Campbell et al. (1983) explain the
important characteristics of the Merensky Reef? pegmatitic texture of the Merensky Reef in terms
Campbell et al. (1983) state that if sulphides have a of gravitational settling. They consider that the
high PGE content they must have achieved pyroxenes in the Merensky Reef are true

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
cumulates and would therefore have had a high classified as shallow and Brakspruit types. In the
initial porosity. As a consequence the cumulate shallow potholes the reef is rarely displaced by
layers would have acted as traps for volatiles more than 2 m and stoping may be either main-
expelled during the solidification of cumulates tained at the same elevation with some loss of reef
with lower initial porosities. or modified slightly to include Merensky Reef.
The Brakspruit-type potholes pose a more serious
(d) Mining geology mining problem and in some districts up to 50% of
The chromitite layers within the Critical Zone the ground may be unmineable (Fig. 2.9). In the
have a gentle dip, are normally persistent along Brakspruit-type potholes, the Merensky Reef may
strike for tens of kilometres, and are relatively be displaced as much as 30 m and is commonly
undisturbed. As a result there are few problems of associated with bad hangingwall conditions . It is
exploration or mine development. In evaluation, therefore important for the mine geologist to be
drilling is normally carried out at 0.5 to 1.0 km able to assess the potential loss of ground due to
intervals with one to three deflections per inter- potholes before mine development.
section (C. A. Lee, personal communication).
The Merensky Reef normally has a gentle,
2.2.5 General characteristics of podiform
uniform dip. Persistent marker horizons in both
chromite deposits
the hangingwall and footwall zones are extremely
valuable in mine development because they (a) Distribution in space and time
indicate very accurately the position of the ore Podiform chromite deposits have a consistent
body (Fig. 2.8). The marker horizons are parti- association with ophiolites . However, the dis-
cularly valuable when the Merensky Reef is dis- tribution of economic concentrations of chromite
placed by faulting or disturbed by potholes. within ophiolite complexes is highly variable. For
The main geological problems associated with example, the Alpine belt which extends in an arc
the Merensky Reef are caused by localized through Yugoslavia and Albania to Greece is
structural disturbances, called potholes, which are notably rich in chromite, whereas the New
described in an earlier section. In the western Z ealand ophiolites have no important concen-
sector of the Bushveld Complex the potholes are trations of chromite.

10 Leve l

Fig. 2.8. Section showing the relationship of mine development to geology at Rustenburg platinum mine (from
W ethcrcl t 1(82).

Magmatic deposits

Normal reef

- MR

D Pyroxenite

o Norite

Fig. 2.9. Cross-section through a tAtE1Mottled anorthosite MR ; Merensky Reel

Brakspruit-type pothole B : Bastard Reel
(#:.0.-1Boulder anorthosite
Rustenburg, S. Africa (modified
from Cousins 1964). E3 Footwall marker o 30 merres.
,' ---------',

The USSR is the major producer of chromite (b) Size and grade
from this style of deposit. The bulk of production The size of podiform chromite deposits is variable
is concentrated in the Perm and Kempirsai mining but most production comes from bodies con-
districts in the Urals (De Young et ai., 1984). taining 2:100000 tonnes of ore (Evans, 1980) / The
Other countries with a substantial production chromite may occur as either high-grade massive
from podiform chromite deposits include Albania, or low-grade disseminated ore, but the proportion
Turkey, the Philippines, New Caledonia and India of massive ore which is mined has tended to
(Thomson, 1983). Less important deposits of decrease during this century :· At the present time
podiform chromite occur in Cuba, Yugoslavia, published grades vary from 28-30% Cr 20 3 in
Iran, Greece, Pakistan and Brazil. Hodge and Turkey (Erganulp, 1980) to 43% Cr 20] in Albania
Oldham (1 983) report that the Ramu River deposit (Thomson, 1983). The Cr/ Fe ratio is higher in
in Papua N ew Guinea has recently been evaluated chromite from podiforlTl deposits compared with
and contains a significant proportion of the most layered intrusions (Fig. 2.2). For example
World's chromite resources. Albanian ore has a Cr/Fe ratio of 3:1 (Thomson,
Podiform chromite deposits are formed initially 1983) compared with 1.6:1 for South African ore.
within the oceanic lithosphere, and are sometimes As a consequence chromite from podiform
transported tectonically to shallower structural deposits has been traditionally preferred for
levels during orogenesis. The age of the chromite metallurgical uses and remains the sole ore type for
deposits is usually assigned to the period of refractories.
deformation when the ophiolite was emplaced ' The geometry of podiform chromite deposits
into its present tectonic setting\ Apart from the can most commonly be described as tabular lenses
Indian deposits most podiform chromite is or irregular 'pencils'\(Thayer, 1969). In Turkey
Phanerozoic in age'. Deposits are associated with many of the smaller ore bodies are lenticular but in
Caledonian (Urals), Hercynian (Iran, Turkey) and the Kavak mine the larger ore bodies are pIpe
Alpine (Yugoslavia, Albania) earth movements shaped (Erganulp, 1980) (Fig. 2.10).
(Pavlov and Grigor'eva, 1977).

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Circ ular 0'00
Supply shott ~

" ,

...~ -~~
Fig. 2.10. Isometric diagram of main ore
body at Kavak chrome mine (from Erganulp
1980) .

(c) Mineralogy podiform ores, a point which must be borne in

Chromite is the only chromium-bearing ore mind in discussing genetic models. Greenbaum
mineral, and in podiform deposits is normally (1977) and Dickey (1975) considered that some of
associated with olivine .iBy-product minerals are the textures described from podiform chromite are
not characteristic of this style of mineralization, of cumulate origin. However, in many cases the
Platinum group elements are detectable in o riginal textures are destroyed during tectonism.
podiform chromite but not in sufficient con-
centration to merit their extraction (Page et aI., (d) Host lithology and tectonic setting
1984). The ophiolite complexes which host Ophiolites are considered to be portions of oceanic
podiform chromite may, however, also be a lithosphere which have been emplaced into a con-
source of copper (Section 3.8.3) and are sometimes tinental setting during orogenesis. The zoning of
mined for magnesite, chrysotile asbestos and talc\ oceanic lithosphere is well established from the
The textures and structures of podiform study of mid-ocean ridges, and an identical strati-
chromite are varied .' According to Thayer (1969) graphy can be recognized in some ophiolite com-
nodular textures are particularly characteristic of plexes. In essence oceanic crust comprises a veneer

Magmatic deposits
of sediments, underlain by distinctive layers which deposits from the Moa district in Cuba, and sug-
are dominated successively by pillow lavas, gested that the podiform nature of the ore could be
sheeted dykes and gabbros. The base of the oceanic attributed to the fracturing of originally homo-
crust is defined by the Moho - a distinctive seismic geneous chromite masses during the emplacement
discontinuity. Below the Moho occurs a zone of of partly crystalline ultrabasic magma into the
ultramafic cumulates underlain by tectonized continental crust.
mantle material. The ultramafic cumulates consist The development of plate tectonic theory has
of dunites, wehrlites and clinopyroxenites that changed both the interpretation of Alpine-type
accumulated on the floor of a shallow magma intrusions and our understanding of podiform
chamber. The lithology of the tectonites chromite deposits. Most geologists who have
compnses variably serpentinized harzburgite discussed the origin of podiform chromite within
(essentially olivine + orthopyroxene + chrome the last decade accept that the chromite was
spinel) which shows considerable flow folding. originally concentrated within the oceanic litho-
The harzburgites are considered to represent sphere at constructive plate margins, and sub-
mantle material depleted by partial melting sequently emplaced on to or within continental
processes (Hughes, 1982). crust during orogenesis: The main divergence of
./ Chromite deposits occur mainly within the opinion lies in whether the chromite originated
tectonized harzburgite but may also occur in the within the tectonized peridotite or was introduced
lower part of the ultramafic cumulates· (Duke, by gravitational settling from an overlying magma
1983). According to Dickey (1975) the podiform chamber.
chromite tends to be most abundant near the top of Dickey (1975) considered that podiform
the harzburgite zone; 'There is always an chromite originated within the magma chamber,
association between chromite and olivine which at the base of the oceanic crust below mid-ocean
may be reflected in the dunitic composition of the ridges. The main basis of Dickey's hypothesis is
host rock or in an envelope of olivine surrounding the distinctive chemistry of podiform chromite
the chromite ore within harzburgite. The ophio- and the results of experimental petrology. He con-
lites which host podiform chromite deposits com- sidered that the chromite forms by incongruent
monly form discontinuous curvilinear features melting and early precipitation from silicate
which commonly extend for hundreds of kilo- liquids, and suggested that rapid changes of
metres. Most ophiolites are considered to be temperature and pressure may have been
allochthonous and occur in klippen with low- important controls. Dickey (1975) suggested that
angle thrust contacts at their base (Hughes, 1982). the nodular texture of the ore may be attributed to
the snowballing of chromite crystals within zones
of turbulence in the magma chamber. He
2.2.6 Genesis ofpodifonn chromite explained the concentration of chromite within the
deposits tectonized harzburgite as being due to the sinking
Prior to the development of plate tectonic theory, of chromite autoliths through the enclosing
Alpine-type peridotites were interpreted as olivine crystals. Panayiotou (1978) considered that
intrusions of either liquid or crystalline ultrabasic this mechanism explained the distribution of
magma into the continental crust. Both the ultra- chromite ore within tectonized harzburgite from
basic composition of the magma and the the Limassol Forest Complex in Cyprus.
occasional presence of podiform chromite, were On the other hand Lago and co-workers (1982)
interpreted as resulting from the gravitational have proposed another hypothesis for chromite
settling of crystals, which produced relatively formation within the zone of tectonized
homogeneous layers within the mantle. For harzburgite. Lago's genetic model is based on the
example, Guild (1947) described the chromite field relationships of podiform chromite with the

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

s N
Ridge axis



Fig. 2.11. Sketch of genesis and / 50 _5l> eo r plon e ---51

evolution of the chromite pods in - - Limlr between oct,ve (rI ght ) and passIve (l eft ) fol iotlon
uppermost oceanic mantle beneath an
active spreading ridge (from Lago et al. - -
Concordont - - "" - I \
1982) . depos i t depOSIt

enclosing harzburgites and dunites in southern 2.2.7 Exploration for podiform chromite
New Caledonia. Detailed structural mapping, by deposits
Cassard and his colleagues (1981), has demon-
strated that there are three structural styles of Chromium plays a significant role in modern
podiform chromite in New Caledonia, which are industrial society, with both civilian and military
defmed by the relationship of the chromite with applications. However, the main reserves of
the penetrative fabric of the enclosing peridotite. chromite are confined to Zimbabwe and South
Lago and his colleagues (1982) consider that those Africa. As a consequence of its industrial
chromite-rich zones which have a discordant importance and limited geographical distribution
relationship with the foliation of the harzburgite chromite is classed as a strategic mineral. It is
represent the sites of dykes which have acted as therefore necessary to improve the geological
channelways to the overlying magma chamber. concepts and exploration techniques which will
Two mechanisms are important: the upward pres- lead to the discovery of future reserves.
sure of magma within the dyke, and convective The most favourable environment for new
circulation within bulges in the dykes which chromite reserves outside southern Africa is
encourage the mixing of chromite grains and the within ophiolite complexes. These are widely
growth of nodules. Eventually the chromite- distributed and many are known to be repositories
enriched dykes are caught up by plastic of chromite. However, the search for new
deformation, and become orientated parallel to the podiform chromite deposits in this environment is
metamorphic fabric of the enclosing harzburgite hindered by a paucity of consistent exploration
(Fig. 2.11). guides, and a lack of appropriate indirect methods.

Magmatic deposits

The most valuable guide to exploration, which (1983) reports the results of geophysical
seems to have global applicability , is the orientation studies over known chromite ore
association of podiform chromite with the bodies in California, USA . The techniques used
ultramafic zone of ophiolite complexes. In include magnetics, VLF-EM, complex resistivity
particular, dunite zones underlying gabbros are and seismic refraction . The most promising
recognized as favourable lithologies for chromite approach indicated by this study is a combination
(Cassard et aI., 1981; Flint et aI., 1948; Peters and of complex resistivity and seismic refraction,
Kramers, 1974; Greenbaum, 1977) . Other field although neither technique produced anomalies of
guides have been described from New Caledonia dramatic dimensions.
(Cassard et aI., 1981) which may have wider At the present time it appears that there is little
relevance. These include the restriction of some alternative to detailed geological mapping within
chromite deposits to particular stratigraphic ophiolite complexes, with closely spaced per-
levels, and the frequent alignment of chromite cussive drilling in areas with favourable geological
zones with the lineation of the enclosing characteristics .
peridotite. Cassard and his colleagues (1981) also
describe field guides which are applicable to mine
exploration. For example, in New Caledonia 2.3 NICKEL SULPHIDE DEPOSITS
sharp changes in the dip and strike of foliation are
2.3.1 Introduction
observed in host rocks near to chromite ore
bodies. There is a great need for similar des- Nickel is mined from two fundamentally different
criptions of field associations and structural ore types: nickel sulphides and nickel silicates or
characteristics from other districts where chromite lateritic nickel. Lateritic nickel is formed by
is mined. weathering processes, and therefore this ore type is
If favourable lithologies are located during field discussed in Chapter 7. Figure 2.12 shows the
mapping it is necessary to ascertain whether blind growth of W orld nickel production from 1900 to
deposits of chromite occur. Are there any appro- 1980. It is evident that sulphide ores have been
priate indirect methods of exploration? Wynn dominant throughout this period, although

~ M i ne production of laterihc nickel
CII M in e production of sulphide n ickel
E 600000

'c 400000
-6 200000
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980

Fig. 2.12. World mine production of sulphide and laterite nicke11900- 19HO (simplified from Ross and Travis 1(81).

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
lateritic ores have grown increasingly important 2.3.2 Classification ofnickel sulphide ores
since the late 1950s.
A comprehensive classification of mafic and
In 1980 the total non-Communist production of
ultramafic bodies, with examples of their
nickel was 516 000 tonnes. The mining of nickel is
associated ores, is presented in Table 2.5, and
also important in some Communist countries,
shows that nickel sulphides are associated with a
particularly in the USSR where annual production
range of mafic and ultramafic lithologies in a
is in the order of 160000 tonnes of nickel
diversity of tectonic settings. The relative
(Buchanan, 1982). Sulphide ores accounted for
economic importance of nickel sulphides within
58.7% of non-Communist production in 1980
mafic/ultramafic complexes is documented by
(Buchanan, 1982). Canada is the dominant nickel
Ross and Travis (1981) who present the following
producer with about 37% of Western World
classification of nickel sulphide ores:
production in 1980. Other countries with a
significant production from sulphide ores include (1) The dunite-peridotite class
Australia, South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe (a) Intrusive dunite association
and Finland. (b) Volcanic-peridotite association
The bulk of nickel is used in stainless-steel (2) The gabbroid class
production, due to the increased strength and (a) Intrusive mafic/ultramafic complexes
resistance to corrosion imparted by the nickel. (b) Large layered intrusions
Other minor uses include batteries, dyes, (c) Sudbury
pigments, catalysts and insecticides. (d) Other categories

Table 2.5 Classification of mafic and ultramafic bodies (modified from Naldrett, 1981)

Class of body Examples of associated ore deposits

A. Synvolcanic bodies
1. Komatiitic suites
(a) Lava flows Kambalda, W. Australia
(b) Layered sills Madziwa, Zimbabwe
(c) Dunite-peridotite lenses Agnew, W. Australia
(d) Uncertain types Thompson belt, Manitoba
2. Tholeiitic suites
(a) Synvolcanic layered intrusions Pechenga, USSR
(b) Anorthositic bodies No known deposits
3. Undocumented parentage
(a) Stratiform intrusions Montcalm, Ontario
(b) Tectonically reworked terrain Selebi-Phikwe, Botswana
B. Intrusions in cratonic areas
1. Intrusions related to flood basalts Duluth Complex, Canada
Noril'sk, USSR
2. Large layered complexes with no documented relation to flood basalts
(a) Sheet-like
(i) With repetitive layering Bushveld Complex, S. Africa
(ii) Without repetitive layering Sudbury, Ontario
(b) Dyke-like Great 'Dyke', Zimbabwe
3. Alkalic ultramafic intrusions Rma, Norway

Magmatic deposits
~0·8 % Ni < 0·8% Ni
0·07% O·H'. (VP AI


Idenhfied resources (1980); 21 253 000 t-onnes Ni Ident-ified resources (1980); 51 895 000 t-onnes Ni
Dunit-e -peridot-ire class Gobbroid class

IIIIII1 In trusive dun ite association ( IDA) W~l"] Mafic/ultramafic n

i trusive comp lexes (GO
~ Volcan ic peridotite association (V PA I I::!~ Lorge layered intrusions (G2) F-=.::j SUdbury (G3)
_ Other classes

Fig. 2.13. World total of identified resources of sulphide Ni by deposit type in ores with ~ O.8% Ni and <0.8% Ni
(from Ross and Travis 1981).

Figure 2.13 shows the distribution of nickel further discussion of Sudbury - partly because its
sulphide resources within these classes . It is clear uniqueness as an astrobleme (Peredery and
that in the case of resources with> 0.8% Ni, the Morrison, 1984) precludes the search for similar
mafic and ultramafic intrusive complexes are of styles of deposit.
dominant importance. This category includes 54 The dunite-peridotite class comprises about
deposits in Archaean greenstone belts in Western one-quarter of nickel resources in both the grade
Australia, Canada and Zimbabwe, post-Archaean categories selected for illustration. This is
mobile belts in Scandinavia, the USSR, Botswana particularly interesting when one considers that
and Canada and Phanerozoic fold belts in the the full economic potential of this style of
USSR and North America (Ross and Travis, mineralization was not appreciated until the
1981). The second most important deposit type in discovery of the Kambalda deposit in Western
this resource category is the Sudbury Complex in Australia in 1966.
Ontario, Canada. The Sudbury deposits formed Figure 2.13 shows that if nickel re ~o urce~
nearly 40% of the original resource of nickel, and containing <0.8% Ni are expressed in terms of
have dominated Western nickel sulphide deposit type, the large layered intrusions, such as
production for most of this century . However, the Bushveld Complex, become highly signifi-
during the early 1980s the recession in the cant. However, nickel and copper are produced
industrialized World has resulted in a much only as by-products of platinum production from
sharper decline in production from Sudbury the Merensky Reef (Section 2.2.4) and it is unlikely
compared with other nickel-mining districts that they would be viable as base metal deposits
(Mining Annual Review, 1983). We have omitted under foreseeable economic conditions.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
It is clear that nickel sulphide deposits have a Australia. This ore body had an in situ reserve of
wide range of geological settings and there is 45 X 10 6 tonnes at 2.05% Ni and 0.10% Cu
insufficient space in this chapter adequately to (Billington, 1984). The Mount Keith deposit in
describe each class of ore. We have therefore Western Australia is an example of a very large,
selected the dunite-peridotite class for particular low-grade type. Published reserves are 290 X 10 6
consideration. The main reasons are that it is well tonnes at a grade of 0.60% Ni (Butt and Nickel,
documented and has been the object of consider- 1981) .
able exploration in recent years.
(c) Form and petrology of host rocks
2.3.3 General characteristics of nickel Nickel sulphide deposits of the dunite-peridotite
sulphides of the dunite-peridotite class occur within Archaean greenstone belts.
association Greenstone belts are linear, irregularly shaped
synformal supracrustal successions, which range
(a) Distribution in space and time in width from 5 to 250 km and are normally several
Nickel sulphide deposits which are grouped hundred kilometres in length. Greenstone belt
within the dunite-peridotite class are irregularly lithologies are dominated by pillowed mafic
distributed in Archaean greenstone belts. They are volcanics, and in some cases they contain abundant
best developed in the eastern sector of the Yilgarn ultramafic (komatiitic) lavas in the lower part of
block, Western Australia. They have a more their stratigraphy. Greenstone belts always occur
limited distribution in the Superior and Churchill as enclaves within a wider expanse of granitic
provinces of the Canadian Shield and in terrain.
Zimbabwe. Their virtual absence from Archaean
greenstone belts in India, South America, South
(i) The volcanic-peridotite association
Africa and the Pilbara block of Western Australia
suggests that particular conditions are required for Ores which belong to the volcanic-peridotite
the concentration of nickel sulphide ores (see also association normally occur within flows, which
Section 2.3.5). may range up to 100 m in thickness. The
ultramafic lavas are classified as komatiites. The
(b) Size and grade of deposits term komatiite was originally defined by Viljoen
Ore deposits of the dunite-peridotite class are and Viljoen (1969) to describe a suite of Mg-rich
subdivided into volcanic-peridotite and intrusive lavas from the vicinity of the Komati River in the
dunite associations. Deposits belonging to the Barberton district of South Africa. However,
volcanic-peridotite association are usually small petrologists have had difficulty in applying the
(1 X 10 6-5 X 10 6 tonnes) and high grade (1.5-3.5% original definition to similar rocks within other
Ni). The sulphides normally contain 10-15% Ni greenstone belts. The criteria which have been
and 0.5-1.5% Cu (Naldrett, 1981). In Western suggested by different petrologists are sum-
Australia the sulphide ores contain significant con- marized by Condie (1981). It is sufficient for our
centrations of gold and platinoids (Groves and purposes to consider komatiites as a distinctive
Hudson, 1981). series of volcanic rocks which range in com-
Mineral deposits· belonging to the intrusive position from dunite through peridotite and
dunite association are subdivided into those of pyroxenite to basalt. They usually contain a high
medium size, which contain both high- and low- MgO content and may have a characteristic
grade ores, and those of very large size which quench texture called a spinifex texture in the
contain only low-grade disseminated ores. An upper part of the flow (Fig. 2.14).
example of the former type is the Agnew The nickel sulphide ores tends to be con-
(formerly Perseverance) deposit in Western centrated near to the basal part of the first flow

Magmatic deposits

Fig.2.14. Spinifex texture in komatiite, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.

within an ultramafic sequence, although the Norseman-Wiluna belt in Western Australia the
second and third ultramafic units may also be dunite lenses are confmed to a linear tectonic zone
mineralized (Groves and Hudson, 1981). In (Naldrett, 1981; Marston et aI., 1981). The
addition to occurring within flows, ores belonging composition of the lenses is dominated by olivine
to this class of deposit may also be associated with or its alteration products. The dunite lenses are
intrusives. For example, the Shangani deposit, in commonly intrusive into felsic volcanics or
Zimbabwe, is associated with a mushroom- metasediments, and are thought to have acted as
shaped peridotite which is intrusive into felsic feeder zones for overlying komatiitic volcanism
lavas (Viljoen et aI., 1976). Williams (1979) has (N aldrett, 1981).
suggested that the ore-bearing body may be a
fissure-like extrusive centre. (d) Mineralogy

(ii) The intrusive dUllite association (i) The volcanic-peridotite association

Sulphide ore bodies which are grouped within the Nickel sulphide ores associated with volcanic-
intrusive dunite association occur within lens- peridotites are characterized by a limited number
shaped bodies of variable size. In both the of common opaque minerals, and in some cases by
Manitoba nickel belt in Canada and in the a larger suite of minerals which are normally rare

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
but may become locally abundant. Pentlandite is samples, but nickel contained in silicates is not
always the most significant economic ore mineral. . recovered in the treatment of sulphide ores.
In Western Australia the most common opaque
minerals include pyrrhotite, pentlandite, pyrite, (e) Tectonic setting
chalcopyrite, magnetite and ferrochromite. The restriction of nickel sulphide ores of the
Pentlandite is subordinate in quantity to pyrrhotite dunite-peridotite class to Archaean greenstone
and may contain up to 0.8% Co. The more belts has already been mentioned. The factors
obscure ore minerals are large in number and are which controlled tectonism in Archaean times are
documented by Groves and Hudson (1981). In uncertain, and geologists disagree about the role
Canada the nickel sulphide ore associated with this which plate tectonics might have played at this
style of deposit exhibits some regional variation. early stage in earth history. Some of the arguments
For example, whilst pentlandite and pyrrhotite are which have been presented are summarized by
normally major sulphides, pyrrhotite may be Condie (1981).
absent, and at several mines millerite occurs as a The tectonic setting of the Western Australian
major ore mineral. Chalcopyrite is a minor but nickel sulphides within the Yilgarn block is
consistent ore mineral (Naldrett and Gasparini, described by Groves et al. (1984). These authors
1971). In Zimbabwe, the Damba nickel deposit is draw attention to the fact that the nickel sulphide
characterized by pentlandite, millerite and pyrite ores are concentrated in the Norseman-Wiluna
(Williams, 1979). belt, which is younger than the other greenstone
In Western Australia and Canada, the nickel belts in the Yilgarn block. Groves et al. (1984) also
sulphide ores are subdivided using the relative state that ores belonging to the volcanic-peridotite
proportion of sulphide and silicate minerals. and intrusive dunite associations are spatially
Normally the lowermost part of an ore lens separated and occupy distinctive structural
comprises >90% sulphides and is designated as settings. They conclude that ores of both
massive ore (see Fig. 2.16). The massive ore is associations occupy different sites within a major
overlain by a zone in which sulphide is interstitial fault-controlled rift system.
to silicates and this is termed either matrix or net-
textured ore. The uppermost zone consists of
2.3.4 The Kambalda mining district-
weakly disseminated sulphides in an ultramafic
an example of the volcanic-peridotite
The intersection of nickel mineralization at
(ii) The intrusive dunite association
Kambalda in 1966 marked the first major
The intrusive dunite association is characterized by discovery of nickel sulphides in Archaean
disseminated sulphide mineralization. According greenstones in Australia, and triggered an
to Marston et al. (1981), the higher grade sulphide important exploration boom. The Kambalda field
ores in Australia are dominated by pyrrhotite and represents the largest concentration of nickel
pentlandite with subsidiary magnetite, chromite, within the volcanic-peridotite association in
pyrite and chalcopyrite. Pyrite and pyrrhotite also Western Australia. Current annual production
characterize the low-grade disseminated ores, but varies from 1.3 to 1.4 million tonnes of ore with an
a wide range of nickel and cobalt sulphides may average grade of3.15% Ni. The Kambalda district
also be present (Marston et al., 1981). has been the subject of numerous reports and
The gangue minerals in both associations are publications, but this summary is mainly drawn
dominated by olivine and its alteration products. from Gresham and Loftus-Hills (1981).
These minerals often contain up to 0.3% Ni. The The Kambalda mining district occurs within the
nickel content is reflected in the assay of ore southern part of the Eastern Goldfields province of

Magmatic deposits


. ":::::::::::.:-

~.::. :l
Felsic - intermediote inr-rusives

o Felsic vOlcanics and sedimen~s

till HongingwOIl basalts

D Ultramafic rocks

~ Footwall basalt

Sedimen~ory beds

Fig.2.15. Geological map of the

Kambalda dome showing the
00 Nicke l ore shoots

nickel shoots in plan projection - - Fault

_ __ Inferred fault
(modified from Gresham and
Loftus-Hills 1981).
X Axial trace ot peri cline

the Yilgarn block, Western Australia. The strati- for the domed structure at Kambalda (Fig. 2.15).
graphy comprises two separate sequences (the NNW trending faults have been active throughout
Kambalda and Bluebush sequences) both of which the Archaean; they control basin margins and lines
are dominated by ultramafic and mafic volcanics of vulcanicity and sometimes defme the limits of
with minor sediments. Four phases of folding are sulphide mineralization.
recognized, and interference folding is responsible Virtually all the Kambalda nickel ores are

Fig.2.16. Massive ore with minor component of matrix ore, Hunt Mine, Kambalda, Western Australia.

Fig. 2.17. Veinlets of sulphide ore penetrating footwall basalt, Hunt Mine, Kambalda, Western Australia.
Magmatic deposits
West East
2_3_5 Agnew deposit - an example of the
intrusive dunite association
The Agnew nickel deposit is located 330 km north
of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia. The in situ ore
reserve is 45 x 10 6 tonnes with a gradeof2.05% Ni
and 0.10% Cu. This summary of the geology of
the Agnew deposit is from Billington (1984).
The Agnew mine is situated within the
Norseman-Wiluna greenstone belt in the Eastern
Goldfields province of the Yilgarn block (Fig.
2.19). In the vicinity of Agnew the greenstones are
dominated by mafic igneous rocks, and deformed
by large-scale NNW trending faults and folds.
Regional metamorphism is believed to have
attained mid-amphibolite facies. The Perseverance
ultramafic intrusion, which is the main host for
177??1 Multiple th in hanging
b::>u Footwall metabasalts
nickel mineralization, occurs near the base of the
~ wall units
greenstone sequence and is overlain by felsic
Metaperidatite ~ ::~ Felsic intrusives
volcanics, psammitic and pelitic metasediments
B Sediments r.:'7'I Low-grade disseminated
~ sulphides and metagabbros and metabasalts. The ultramafic
t: IIbllll Mel'tJolivine - peridotite
unit varies from a few metres to 800 m in width
1'{,::~~1 Metopicrite
IS) Nickel sulph ide ore and extends for 10 km in length. Figure 2.20 shows
that the Perseverance ultramafic intrusion consists
Fig_ 2_18_ Section through the Lunnon and in plan of a dunite core, surrounded by a series of
neighbouring ore shoots, Kambalda, Western Australia concentric zones in which the mineralogy is
(from Evans 1980, after Ross and Hopkins 1975).
dominated by the alteration products of olivine.
The nickel sulphide ore is interpreted as occurring
with the footwall of the ultramafic unit. Three
associated with the Kambalda sequence which
types of mineralization are recognized:
comprises footwall basalts, ultramafic rocks,
hangingwall basalts and associated sedimentary (a) Massive sulphides with >4% Ni (Fig. 2.22);
and intrusive rocks. The ultramafic rocks are the (b) Strongly disseminated sulphides 1-3% Ni;
principal hosts for nickel sulphide mineralization (c) Weakly disseminated sulphides <1 % Ni;
(Figs 2.16 and 2.17). They include picrites (15-
Contacts between the deposit types are normally
28% MgO), peridotites (28--36% MgO) and
distinct. Strongly disseminated sulphide is the
olivine peridotites (>36% MgO) and range in
main ore type which is located within three large
thickness from 0 to 1000 m. Individual units may
elliptical zones (Fig. 2.21).
exceed 100 m and have thin but well-developed
spinifex textured tops.
Most of the sulphide ore occupies depressions or
2.3_6 Genesis of nickel sulphides of the
trough structures in the top of the footwall basalt.
dunite-peridotite class
Major troughs vary from 1000 to 2300 m in length
and 150 to 250 m in width and control the size and (a) The volcanic-peridotite association
geometry of the ore shoots. The contacts of the Most geologists who have studied this class of ore
troughs are commonly defined by either normal or deposit accept that the nickel sulphide ores have
reverse faults (Fig. 2.18). formed by the segregation of an immiscible


P h anerozoic

sequ e nce

Ore deposits
• Gold deposit > 50 t Au
o VPA nickel deposit 10- 50000 t Ni
• VPA nickel deposit > 50 000 t Ni
lI. IDA nickel deposit 10 -SO()()() t Ni
... ID A nickel deposil > 50000 t Ni

Granitoid - g reenstone belts

Felsic volcanic/volcaniclastic rocks

Volcanic sequences dom,nated by

basalts, komatiites rare, bonded
iron - format ion present

r::::::l Volcanic sequences w ith basalts and

- -- Maj or lineaments L:::J komatii tes, bonded iron -Iormation
rare or absent
- .- - Province boundaries
, _ _ _-I,100 km D Granitoi ds

Fig. 2.19. Solid geology of eastern part ofYilgarn Block illustrating setting of major nickel deposits in terms of
lithofacies, structure and major tectonic subdivisions of granitoid-greenstone terrains (from Groves et al. 1984).
Magmatic deposits

sulphide liquid from an ultrabasic magma.

However, although there is agreement about the
general nature of the ore-forming process, there
remains some controversy about the precise nature
of the mechanisms involved. The main thrust of
the debate has centred on whether a liquid massive
sulphide layer can exist beneath a thick ultramafic
Naldrett (1973) sought to explain the close
spatial association of massive, net-textured and
disseminated ores within ultramafic flows using a
'billiard-ball' model. In essence this is a static
model, involving the gravitational settling of
sulphides within a cooling ultramafic flow.
Critics of this model argue, from theoretical con-
siderations, that under these circumstances the
sulphides would be displaced upwards into the
overlying cumulate zone by the weight of the
overlying column of olivine crystals (Barrett et al.,
1977). The assumptions on which these criticisms
are based have in turn been challenged by Naldrett
Australian geologists have preferred to invoke a
dynamic model of sulphide separation. Ross and
Hopkins (1975) have suggested a model involving
the segregation of sulphide and silicate com-
ponents during vertical flow due to viscosity
contrasts. Later modifications of this model have
emphasized the separation of sulphide liquid,
silicate liquid and olivine crystals during
horizontal flow. The lower-viscosity sulphide
phase would tend to precede the silicate magma,
with partial crystallization having already
occurred before being overwhelmed by the
slower, more viscous silicate magma. Whilst these
W Perseverance lault zone § Metasediment series
models avoid Barrett's criticism of the 'billiard-
D Gran itic gneiss ~
Weakly m.ineralized
ball' model, they imply the presence of separate
lava flows for the massive and net-textured ores.
~ Dunite The source of sulphur for the sulphide ores is
~dr~ Disseminated nickel
~ Serpentinized dunite a.~..... sulph ide uncertain. Both mantle-derived sulphur and
I::::: j Volcanic series [Z] Massive nickel sulpnide sulphur enrichment from the assimilation of
sediments have arguments in their favour, and it is
probable that both have contributed to the
Fig. 2.20. Geological map of Agnew embayment area
(from Billington 1984). sulphide component of the magma.
'N ot all geologists have interpreted nickel
sui phide associated with volcanic-peridotites as

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

::::::::::: .

- I-
Fig. 2.21. Cross-section II
through Agnew mine
(simplified from
Billington 1984).

resulting from magmatic segregation. A volcanic- (b) The intrusive dunite association
exhalative model has been proposed by Lusk The consensus amongst geologists who have
(1976), but there are many arguments against this discussed the genesis of the intrusive dunite
proposal which are summarized by Groves and association is that the sulphides have segregated
Hudson (1981) . Barrett et al. (1977) have proposed from an ultrabasic magma. The main evidence
that the massive nickel sulphide ores can be formed comes from the intimate association of sulphides
by the upgrading of net-textured ore during with the enclosing dunite and serpentinite. In
regional metamorphism. All geologists who have addition the close spatial and compositional
studied the Western Australian ores accept that relationship between intrusive dunite and
their textures and mineralogy have been modified overlying komatiites in the Forrestania district
by metamorphism. However, Groves and (Porter and McKay, 1981) suggests that both are
Hudson (1981) consider that the transformation of part of the same magmatic system. Therefore
matrix to massive ores occurs on only a small acceptance of magmatic segregation for ores of the
scale. In Zimbabwe low-grade ores may be volcanic-peridotite association implies a similar
enriched as a result of serpentinization due to mode of origin for the ores of the intrusive dunite
metamorphism. At the Epoch and Damba association.
deposits nickel released during serpentinization The contrast in ore types and grades within the
can change pyrrhotite to millerite, thus making a intrusive dunite class reflects a difference in timing
high-grade concentrate from disseminated ore (A. in the segregation of the sulphide ores. The
M. Killick, personal communication). dominance of disseminated sulphides indicates

Magmatic deposits

Fig. 2.22. Massive nickel ore (1 A ore body) remobilized into country rock. Agnew mine, Western Australia.

that they have segregated at a relatively late stage, the tectonic setting of the greenstone belt is of
to be trapped within an olivine framework. How- fundamental importance. From a study of the
ever the occurrence of massive ore near the greenstone belts within the Yilgarn block,
footwall contact of some dunites indicates that Western Australia, they conclude that nickel
gravitational settling has played some part in the sulphide ores are concentrated within younger
ore-forming process. The remobilization of some greenstone belts, in more active fracture-con-
ores into the adjacent country rock (Agnew), com- trolled basins, in which interflow sulphidic
bined with textural evidence, suggests that in sediments formed an integral part of volcanic
many cases regional metamorphism has modified activity .
the original magmatic features of many deposits
(Fig . 2.22).
2.3.7 Exploration for nickel sulphide
Why are some Archaean greenstone belts
devoid of nickel sulphide mineralization? This
question is of crucial importance for exploration as The first task of the geologist is the selection of
well as being highly relevant to ore genesis. The terrain which is underlain by rock types known to
subject has been discussed by Groves and Hudson be potential hosts for mineralization. The develop-
(1981) and Groves et al. (1984). They consider that ment of soundly based classifications of mafic!

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
ultramafic bodies and of nickel sulphide deposits which contain abnormally high contents of copper
(Naldrett, 1981; Ross and Travis, 1981) has aided and nickel have a distinctive flora or exhibit
the identification of tectonic environments and particular geobotanical characteristics such as
host rocks which have good potential for dwarfism. Where this is the case Landsat data may
economic nickel deposits. For example, Archaean be used as a mapping tool. Raines and Wynn
greenstone belts are recognized as the geological (1982) investigated the value of Landsat data for
environment in which ores of the dunite- constructing a geological map in heavily forested
peridotite class are found. In contrast ophiolite terrain, underlain by an ultrabasic complex in
complexes are usually devoid of nickel sulphide northern California, USA. Ground checking of
mineralization. the geological map constructed from Landsat data
The extent to which direct geological tech- showed few major discrepancies.
niques can be used in exploration for nickel In Western Australia the interpretation of aerial
sulphides varies with the class of deposit and the photographs plays an important role at the recon-
amount of outcrop. Ores of the dunite-peridotite naissance stage of exploration. Normally the first
class are always associated with a komatiitic stage of photointerpretation is carried out at a scale
sequence in the lower part of a greenstone belt of 1 :25 000 using true colour photography and this
succession. Potter (1984) has carried out an information is combined with the results of
analysis of success rates of nickel exploration in airborne magnetometry to produce a preliminary
Zimbabwe. One hundred and fifty three geological map. A second stage of photointer-
exploration projects led eventually to the pretation then focuses on areas of particular
discovery of six new mines. This represents a interest. The second stage utilizes both false colour
success rate of 4% which is significantly higher and true colour photography. The advantage of
than average in other countries. The success false colour photography is that it helps the
probably stems in part from the ability to con- geologist to identify areas which are underlain by
centrate the exploration effort within particular ultrabasic rocks. Areas oflateritic cover and felsic
sectors of the Archaean greenstone belts and in lithologies can also be distinguished (D. Harley,
part stems from the success of exploration personal communication). In Zimbabwe black-
geochemistry in this environment. and-white photography is found to be satisfactory
Intrusive mafic/ultramafic complexes are for detecting changes in vegetation (A. M. Killick,
known to be favourable repositories for nickel personal communication).
sulphides, but their geological setting and age are
quite variable, and their potential for economic (b) Geochemistry
nickel deposits is more difficult to assess. Geochemistry has been particularly valuable in the
Normally gravitational processes have played an search for nickel sulphide ores both in helping to
important role during the segregation of nickel identify the host rocks with good potential for
sulphide ores which therefore tend to be con- mineralization and in the definition of secondary
centrated near the base of intrusions. dispersion patterns.
Nickel sulphides of the dunite-peridotite class
(a) Remote sensing are associated with komatiites. However, both
Mafic and ultramafic rocks are known to be the komatiitic and tholeittic rocks may be represented
most appropriate lithology for nickel sulphide within a greenstone sequence and if the char-
mineralization. In areas where remoteness, dense acteristic spinifex texture of komatiites is not
vegetation or poor outcrop reduce the effective- evident it may be difficult to distinguish the
ness of conventional geological mapping remote appropriate lithology. Naldrett and Arndt (1976)
sensing may be valuable at the reconnaissance pointed out that the two series may be readily
stage of mineral exploration. Normally rocks identified from their major element chemistry.

Magmatic deposits
and S. Whilst some distinction could be drawn
• South Africa
+ Viti Levu , Fiji between barren and mineralized rocks using dis-
Skaergaard criminant analysis the cOntrast was insufficient for
... Li quids the technique to be used in routine exploration .
11 GranoPhyre
Naldrett et al. (1984) have attempted to
characterize ore-bearing mafic and ultramafic
rocks by their depletion in nickel. Their approach
is plainly stated, 'because chalcophile elements
partition strongly into sulphides in preference to
silicate melts and minerals, magmas from which
sulphides have segregated will be depleted in these
elements.' The approach adopted by Naldrett et al.
(1984) has been to model the compositional trend
of silicate magmas derived from the fractionation
of a komatiitic liquid. Both sulphide-unsaturated
and a series of sulphide-saturated conditions were
selected. Comparisons of the results of theoretical
Fig. 2.23. Jensen Cation Plot comparing the patterns of
variation ofkomatiitic, tholeiitic and calc-alkalic rock modelling, with analyses from mineralized and
suites. Arrowed lines serve to indicate recognized barren ultramafics, suggest that the depletion of
patterns; solid lines serve to separate komatiitic, tholeiitic nickel in the silicates of mineralized ultramafics
and calc-alkalic rock suites. Oxides are calculated in may be a valuable exploration guide (Fig. 2.24).
cation percent. (Modified from Jensen 1976). Additional studies by Naldrett et al. (1984) on
mineralized gabbroic intrusions in the USA and
However the most effective discriminator Southern Africa suggest that the Ni/forsterite ratio
between kornatiitic, tholeiitic and calc-alkaline of olivine can indicate the potential of a mafic or
volcanics is the Jensen cation plot (Fig. 2.23). ultramafic intrusion for nickel sulphides.
The concentration of Ti0 2 is also a good Geochemical exploration for nickel sulphides
discriminator: komatiites contain less than 1% using secondary dispersion patterns in soils, and to
Ti0 2 whereas tholeiites contain more than 1% a lesser extent in stream sediments, has been highly
Ti0 2 (Naldrett and Arndt, 1976). When a successful in a wide range of climatic regimes.
komatiite sequence has been recognized within a Instructive case histories are described by
greenstone belt the task remains of selecting areas Thomson (ref. in Bradshaw and Thomson, 1979),
for more detailed investigation. Studies of the Shilts (ref. in Bolviken and Gleeson, 1979),
geochemistry of komatiites which host nickel Rugman (1982) and Leggo and McKay (1980).
sulphide deposits indicate that rocks with >40% In most of the surveys described copper and
MgO have the highest probability of containing nickel have been the elements of principal
nickel sulphides (Naldrett and Arndt, 1976). importance in defining areas for detailed
Nickel sulphide deposits form as the result of a exploration. Thomson (ref. in Bradshaw and
sequence of events which includes the formation Thomson, 1979) described the results of explor-
of an immiscible sulphide liquid. A number of ation for nickel sulphides in gabbroic rocks in
geologists have attempted to characterize those Brazil. The main problem was distinguishing base
ultramafic and mafic bodies from which an metals derived from sulphides in gabbroic rocks,
immiscible sulphide phase has separated. from nickel and copper associated with silicates in
Cameron et al. (1971) analysed 1079 samples of the associated barren ultrabasics. Thomson found
ultramafic rock from mineralized and barren that the use of copper/nickel ratios acted as a
intrusives in the Canadian Shield for Cu, Ni, Co valuable discriminator of sulphide mineralization.

Frachonared (0/0)
10 20 30 (0 50 60

liquid compositions
extruded S 1- Flows extruded
~~~mc L - --!TI- - - ' ~r;;;;'W;j1!;;;;;;iLJ 'rom magma chamber 1500
chamw Ni


t - PossIble ore body
(i) (ii)
(0 )

32 28 2( 20 16 12
Cb) MgO ("/0)

Frac~onat.d (0'0 ) Fractionated ("/0)

10 20 30 .0 50 60 10 20 JO .0 50 60

1500 , ~.-'..
" '
\ :\':
, '. ,"' .

., ", " , ',

( ppm) \ , Ni \
\\ ,., (ppm) ~

1000 \
,, , , 1000
' , "' ,',
,, 'c'q,
, ,.:0.. .'"" ,\.,,
500 "So, -....:. " ......
' .....'... . 500
, $0, '<>00 .....
':.... .... ... .....' , ...:--......:-.

_- ' '"'','..... ...... " ....
-- ........ -

28 2' 20 16 12 32 28 2. 20 16 12
CC) MgO ("!o)
Cd) MgO (°10)

Fig.2.24. Comparison of the results of computer modelling of the composition ofkomatiitic magmas compared
with analyses from barren and mineralized ultramafics. (From Naldrett et al. 1984, who quote data sources).
(a) Fractional crystallization of olivine and fractional segregation of sulphide from a cooling komatiitic magma. (i)
Sulphide-unsaturated case; (ii) sulphide-saturated case. Note that the magma is assumed to erupt periodically to give
rise to a series ofkomatiitic flows of successively lower MgO content.
(b) Computer simulation of the fractionation of a komatiitic magma containing 32% by wt MgO as a consequence of
the separation of olivine (unsaturated) or a mixture of different proportions of olivine plus sulphide. The numbers
indicate the weight ratio of olivine/sulphide.
(c) Composition of'barren' spinifex-textured peridotites (STP) and komatiitic basalts (B) from Yakabindie, Western
Australia, Belingwe, Zimbabwe, the Abitibi belt, Canada and Barberton, S. Africa. The data are in reasonable
agreement with the sulphide-unsaturated trend from (b).
(d) Compositions of spinifex-textured peridotites (STP) from Kambalda, Western Australia are plotted together with
the model trends from (b). The rocks are significantly depleted in Ni in comparison with the sulphide-unsaturated
trend, and fractionation under sulphide-saturated conditions with an average olivine/sulphide ratio of200: 1 is
Magmatic deposits

In Western Australia soil geochemistry has been confused with gossans developed on barren
successfully used in the discovery of nickel sulphides, or even the ferruginous products of
sulphide deposits. Initial geochemical soil surveys weathering. Travis et al. (1976) have demonstrated
entailed the analysis of samples for Ni, Cu, Co, Cr that in Western Australia the palladium and
and Zn. However, high Zn contents usually iridium content of gossans is an excellent guide to
indicate a metasedimentary influence, high Co can their ore-bearing potential. Figure 2.25 shows that
reflect Mn scavenging, and high Ni and Cr can be the palladium and iridium contents can even
secondarily enriched by lateritization of barren provide a semiquantitative guide to the original
ultramafics. As a consequence copper is the key nickel sulphide content of the weathered rock
element used in the search for nickel sulphides in material. An additional approach to the
soil surveys in Western Australia (Leg go and identification of gossans developed above nickel
McKay, 1980). sulphides is the use of multi-element geo-
The discovery of many of the nickel sulphide chemistry. Moeskops (1977) reported that Cu, Ni,
deposits in Western Australia can be attributed to Cr, Mn, Zn, Pb, Pt, Pd and Se are useful elements
the investigation of gossans. Initially many of the in the characterization of gossans developed on
gossans could be interpreted as being of economic nickel sulphide orcs.
significance from their high nickel content. For
example, the gossan overlying the Kambalda (c) Geophysics
deposit contained up to 1% Ni. However, in many Nickel sulphide ores are dense, conductive and
cases extensive weathering has depleted the base commonly magnetic and therefore in principle a
metal content of the gossans, so that they are easily wide range of geophysical techniques IS

Estimated original nickel

10000 sulphide content (wt %)

.. I
>16 3-16 <3 Nil

• •
0 Volcanic

• •

0 Dunire

.. .
& [>

1000 X
X x Sedimenrary
• •

• • • ./- •
- - Approximate
sulphide trend

t •• •••
•• •• \e
• II

§: 100

,". i ' •
E _ X. X
x ...
.c: 0

10 • ClIO x.
0 0 •0
0 0

Fig. 2.25. Variation ofPd-Ir in
the oxidized products of rocks o
containing nil to massive o
0·1L--L__~~__~__~~__~__L - - L_ _L-~~~~__~~
accumulations of nickel sulphide 0·1 1·0 10 100 1000 10000
(fromTravisetal.1976). Palladium (ppb)

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
appropriate for their exploration. However, in are produced from kimberlite are the USSR,
practice, there is considerable regional variation in South Africa, Botswana and Tanzania. The
the techniques which are preferred. exciting discovery of the AK 1 kimberlite in the
In Canada the extensive cover of glacial drift northern part of Western Australia has increased
precludes direct geological observation, and geo- the World's reserves of natural diamonds by 40%
physical techniques have served as the main and it is anticipated that production will
approach to reconnaissance exploration. Canadian commence in 1985 from this deposit (Garlick,
geophysicists prefer magnetic and electromagnetic 1982).
methods because they are cheap, provide good Natural diamonds are classified as being of
physical contrast and satisfactory depth pene- gemstone quality, near-gem, industrial and boart.
tration and may be used in both airborne and rapid The classification is based upon the assessment of
ground-based surveys (Dowsett, 1967). Becker an expert but includes such factors as crystal
(1979) has reviewed developments in the use of perfection, colour, size and shape. Both the value
airborne electromagnetic methods in Canada, and production of diamonds are reported in carats
whilst ground-based electromagnetic methods are (5 carats = 1 g). The value varies dramatically
described by Ward (1979). from $US2 - 3 per carat for boart to $US65 000
In Western Australia, geophysics is used both as per carat for a high-quality gemstone Uones,
an aid in reconnaissance mapping and, to a lesser 1983). The average value of diamonds as mined
extent, in the evaluation of gossan zones and geo- varies from about $US6.50 per carat for the Argyle
chemical anomalies. Detailed airborne magnetic AK 1 stones to $US150 per carat for South African
surveys are used for reconnaissance mapping and alluvial diamonds Uones, 1983).
may be used in conjunction with aerial photo- Normally placer deposits contain a high pro-
graphy to define the ultramafic zones which may portion of gemstone-quality diamonds because
host nickel sulphide deposits. The effectiveness of the imperfect crystals are destroyed during
electromagnetic methods is severely limited by the transport. In contrast kimberlite, which normally
deep zone of oxidation, the presence of a con- occurs as pipe-shaped intrusions, contains a high
ductive overburden and the association of sulphide proportion ofboart and industrial stones.
ores with graphitic metasediments. However, the Some 10-15% of the diamonds obtained from
use of a single-loop transient electromagnetic the Orapa pipe, Botswana, are of gemstone
system has reduced the problem posed by con- quality which is a favourably high proportion
ductive overburden (Pridmore et aI., 1984). (Allen, 1982b), whereas the current assessment of
the AK 1 pipe in Australia indicates that only 5%
of the diamonds are of gemstone quality (Garlick,
2.4 KIMBERLITES 1982).

2.4.1 Introduction
2.4.2 General characteristics
Kimberlites are the ultimate source of natural
diamonds, although not all kimberlites are (a) Distribution in space and time
diamondiferous. About 50% of the World's Kimberlites have a very specific regional dis-
natural diamonds are mined from kimberlites tribution and are confined to highly stable
(Garlick, 1982). The remainder are obtained from Precambrian cratons which are older than 2000
placer deposits which have been derived from the million years. The association between
erosion of kimberlites and these are described in kimberlites and ancient cratons is an important
Chapter 5. guide to area selection in the early stages of
The principal countries from which diamonds exploration planning (Section 2.4.4). At the

Magmatic deposits

present time diamondiferous kimberlites are

recognized in Africa (S. Africa, Botswana,
Angola, Lesotho, Zaire, Swaziland, Tanzania,
Sierra Leone), the USSR (Yakutia) and Australia
(Western Australia). Kimberlite is also recorded
from the USA and Canada, and the presence of
alluvial diamonds in Guiana and Venezuela
indicates kimberlitic sources in South America.
The age of kimberlites varies from Proterozoic
to Tertiary. In southern Africa the most prolific
period of kimberlite activity was during the
Cretaceous period. The kimberlites are believed to
have been intruded during a period of strong uplift
of the continent, with attendant downwarping
around the periphery (Dawson, 1970).

(b) Geological setting

The restriction of kimberlites to Precambrian
Shield areas has already been noted. More
specifically they are located on the margins of Fig. 2.26. Map of Africa showing the major cratons and
cratons or on the transition zone between large distribution ofkimberlites within the cratons (from
tectonic domes and basins within a large craton. Dawson 1980). 1, Liberia; 2, Sierra Leone; 3, Ivory Coast;
Commonly the kimberlites occur in linear zones 4, Mali; 5, Gabon; 6, Namibia; 7, South Africa; 8,
and may be associated with a dyke swarm of Swaziland; 9, Botswana; 10, Zambia; 11, Angola; 12,
similar trend. Bakwanga area, Zaire; 13, Kundelungu Plateau, Zaire;
In this section we restrict our attention to the 14, Southern Tanzania; 15, Tanzania Main Province.
Abbreviations: AKC, Angola-Kasai Craton; KB, Kibaride
distribution of kimberlites within the African
Belt; TC, Tanzania Craton; IB, Irumide Belt; RTC,
continent. Fig. 2.26 shows the distribution of
Rhodesia-Transvaal Craton; ORB, Orange River Belt.
major occurrences of kimberlite in Africa; they are
confined to cratons which are older than 2500
million years. Figure 2.27 shows the distribution
of diamondiferous and barren kimberlites in
southern Africa. It can be seen that the diamond- but the kimberlite intrusions lie within a broad
iferous kimberlites are clustered in the Kimberley NNW-SSE trending zone which may reflect a
district, and that this is the centre of three fund- fundamental fracture at depth. Individual
amental fracture trends: NW-SE; NE-SW and kimberlites are related to lines of weakness, such as
E-W (Dawson, 1970). Some of the pipes have the contact between granite and roof pendants of
been excavated sufficiently to show that they metasediment (Dawson, 1970).
contract downwards into dykes or groups of In the eastern part of Sierra Leone three
dykes, the intersection of which is the cause of the kimberlite pipes are known, which are situated on
location of the pipe (Hawthorne, 1975). and post-date dyke swarms which trend ENE
In Lesotho and adjoining districts of South (Dunbar, 1975).
Africa the kimberlites strike WNW and are parallel
to the dominant direction of dole rites of Karoo (c) Petrography of kimberlite
(Mesozoic) age. Kimberlite is a complex and variable rock and
In Tanzania there is no alignment of kimber lites , there are at least five published definitions which

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Vi( rorlO We!.(
• Diamondlferous k imberlite
Transke i o Non ' dlamondiferous kimberlite
o Carbonatlte
.... , .. Nephehnite, mellhtlte and
monch iqu l te
............. Strike Of kimberl ite dykes
o 100 200 km
I - ·- ·- Internatlonal boundaries
_._AApproximote boundary between
maj or tectonic doma ins

Fig. 2.27. Distribution ofkimberlites and associated alkalic rocks in Namibia, South Africa and Lesotho (from
Dawson 1970 and 1980).

attempt to describe its variable mineralogy. texture which in turn reflects the conditions of
Dawson (1967) defined kimberlite as 'a ser- intrusion (Rathkin et al., 1962).
pentinised and carbonated mica peridotite of
porphyritic texture, contammg nodules of
(i) Massive kimberlite
ultra basic rock types characterised by such high
pressure minerals as pyrope and jadeitic diopside; A massive porphyritic rock contammg few
it mayor may not contain diamond.' The inclusions of country rock - the result of
mineralogy of kimberlite is explained more fully comparatively gentle intrusion of kimberlite
in Mitchell's (1970) definition: a porphiritic, magma into dykes or cavities previously cleared of
alkalic peridotite contammg rounded and country rock by explosive surges of earlier
corroded phenocrysts of olivine, phlogopite, magma. The kimberlite being exploited at present
magnesian ilmenite, pyrope and Cr-rich pyrope from the Kimberley district, South Africa, is
set in a fmc-grained groundmass composed of dominantly of this type.
second-generation olivine and phlogopite
together with calcite, serpentine, magnetite,
(ii) Intrusive kimberlite breccia.
perovskite and apatite. Diamond and garnet-
peridotite xenoliths mayor may not occur. This type consists of20-60% fragments of various
Kimberlites may be classified on the basis of rock types set in a kimberlite matrix. The

Magmatic deposits
kimberlite exposed in the upper part of the Koidu
pipe, Sierra Leone, is of this type.
-::~~~~~~~~ii~~~~;_orapa -MwadUi
erosion lellel
(iii) Kimberlitic tuff
This type consists of 60-90% fragments of
kimberlite and country rock cemented by hydro-
thermal minerals. Many of the pipes in the
Daldyn-Alakit district of Yakutia are of this type
(Davidson, 1967).
(d) Form, size and grade erosion level

Kimberlites occur as volcanic pipes, dykes, sills

and 'blows'· or enlargements along dykes.
Kimberlite pipes are of prime economic
importance although dyke-like bodies may be
mined in the vicinity of pipes.
Hawthorne (1975) has described the anatomy of
a kimberlite pipe based on detailed observations in
the Kimberley area and other parts of Africa (Fig.
2.28). At the surface a kimberlite pipe which has
been little eroded is often expressed as a large
volcanic crater or mar. In some cases the crater is
1'l';;.1Tull ring deposit Massille breccia

filled with lacustrine sediment which attains a !?iJ Coarse and t ine sediments ~ Dyke

thickness of 300 m at Mwadui, Tanzania (Nixon, ~ Agglomerate and tull 500 m

1980). Immediately below the crater the walls of
the kimberlite pipe are flared outwards, but they Fig.2.28. Generalized model of a kimberlite diatreme
quickly steepen to an angle of about 80°. In depth and its subdiatreme dykes. (From Dawson 1980, based
the pipe often divides into separate 'root-like' mainly on Hawthorne, 1975).
forms. The surface expression of kimberlites is
therefore variable and is partly dependent upon
erosional level. Figure 2.29 shows the variable size
and shape of kimberlite pipes in plan. Pipes vary in communication), whereas the AK 1 pipe in
their surface area from 0.4 hectare (Roberts Victor, Western Australia has a high grade of 5 carats/
S. Africa) to 146 hectares (Mwadui, Tanzania) tonne but a low proportion of gemstones (Garlick,
(Bruton, 1978). 1982). The grade and quality of diamonds may
The grade ofkimberlites is highly variable, and also vary in depth within a kimberlite pipe, and
on a world-wide basis only about one in 100 pipes both improvement (Koidu) and deterioration
is economic. It is important to appreciate that a Uagersfontein) with depth are recorded.
kimberlite is evaluated on the basis of both grade
and the quality of its diamonds, and it is therefore
possible for a low-grade kimberlite to be more
2.4.3 Genesis ofkimberlites
valuable than a high-grade one. For example the
Koidu pipe in Sierra Leone has a relatively low An understanding of kimberlite geneSIS IS
grade of 0.6 carat/tonne but has a high proportion important for geologists because it is the host
of gemstone-quality diamonds (R. Jones, personal rock for diamonds and also because it contains

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

146 ha



Fig. 2.29. Size and shape of some
kimberlitic pipes (from Bruton 1978).
Sourh Africa

e 21·5ha

ultra-basic xenoliths, which provide valuable argues that the kimberlite mineralogy and geo-
evidence about the nature of the upper mantle. As chemistry can be better explained by the partial
a result there is a voluminous literature on melting of a phlogopite-bearing garnet lherzolite
kimberlite petrogenesis but most of the key magma, with primary titaniferous phlogopite
problems, including that of diamond distribution, providing the source for many of the incompatible
remain unresolved. elements.
Kimberlites combine an ultrabasic mineralogy, What is the source of diamonds within
similar in many respects to that of peridotite, with kimberlite? Opinion is divided between those who
a high concentration of incompatible elements consider that the diamond is derived by the
which are usually found in association with highly fragmentation of diamondiferous ecologite and
differentiated magmas. Harris (1957) has proposed peridotite (xenocrystal) and those who think that it
that the geochemical characteristics of kimberlite has precipitated from a kimberlite magma (pheno-
can be explained by a process of zone refining, in crystal). There are good arguments for both
which a liquid generated at a depth of 600 km alternatives. Evidence in support ofaxenocrystal
within the mantle moves upwards by a process of theory is provided by Cretaceous kimberlites
solution stoping. During ascent the major which contain diamonds of Precambrian age
components remain in equilibriu'11 but the incom- (Kramers, 1979). A phenocrystal origin is
patible elements undergo continuous enrichment suggested by delicate growth structures in
in the liquid phase. The process is analogous to diamond and the presence of liquid inclusions of
that used in metallurgical refining. Dawson (1980) carbonated pi critic composition (Dawson, 1980).

Magmatic deposits



Graphite Graphite

::J 600
0 (a) ( b)
E 1600
Fig. 2.30. Estimates of the
temperatures and depths of origin of 1200
peridotite nodules included in Graphite Graphite
kimberlites from four areas. Each point 1000
represents one nodule. (a) Northern
Lesotho (diamondiferous); (b) East 800 ••
Griqualand, S. Africa (barren); (c)
Udachnaya, Yakutia, USSR 600
0 50 50 100 150 200 250
(diamondiferous); (d) Gibeon, S.W . (c)
Africa (barren). (From Boyd 1982).

The obvious conclusion to be drawn from this ultra basic nodules can provide valuable evidence
evidence is that diamonds may be of more than one about the depth of origin of kimberlites . The
ongm. degree of solution between enstatite and diopside
The confinement ofkimberlites to cratons is an is temperature-dependent whereas the extent of
aspect of both genetic and exploration signific- solution of garnet in pyroxene depends upon pres-
ance. The key factor here is the low geothermal sure. Microprobe studies on the degree of mutual
gradient which is associated with cratons. The solution between these mineral pairs in ultrabasic
result is that melting takes place at depth in these nodules can provide pressure/temperature con-
areas. straints within which the nodule (and by impli-
The factors which determine whether kimber- cation, the kimberlite magma) has originated.
lite is barren or diamondiferous are of genetic Figure 2.30 shows that kimberlites from diamond-
interest and are also very important in the producing areas contain nodules which have
evaluation of kimberlites. Kimberlites may originated within the diamond-stability field. In
originate at differing depths, and the distinction contrast barren kimberlites have originated at a
between diamond-bearing and barren kimberlite shallower depth , outside the diamond-stability
depends upon whether kimberlite has originated field. This research has considerable potential in
within the stability field of diamond (>150 km). the evaluation of kimberlite pipes as the nodules
Research by Boyd (1982) has shown that the can be obtained at surface or from shallow
degree of solution between particular silicates in trenches.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
(ii) Regional structure
The most favourable structures are the
intersections oflarge regional faults or lineaments;
interruptions in the regularity of the regional
structure or evidence of vertical tectonism are also

(i ii) Local structure

Kimberlite intrusions often occur on the
downwarped crests of pitching anticlines, along
large strike-slip faults, and on the intersections of
fault zones.

(iv) Favourable petrological indications

Fig. 2.31. Vertical magnetic field over Kolo kimberlite
The known occurrence of kimberlitic rocks is an
pipe intruded into sandstone using a Jalander fluxgate
obvious key to target selection, and was the basis
magnetometer (values in gammas). Stippled areas within
the pipe are resistant hardebank kimberlite. (From Nixon
of a United Nations Development Programme
1980, after Burley and Greenwood 1972). exploration programme in Lesotho in the early
1970s (Nixon, 1980). Other favourable petro-
logical considerations include the presence of
2.4.4 Exploration for diamondiferous numerous dykes and sills of dolerite which
kimberlites provide evidence of tensional stress in the earth's
The search for diamondiferous kimberlites crust. The occurrence of plateaulflood basalt with
involves the initial selection of areas appropriate the later development of alkali-rich undersaturated
for exploration (area selection) in which the main extrusives and intrusives may also prove a useful
emphasis is placed on the appropriate geological guide (Garlick, 1982).
setting for kimberlite intrusion. This is then fol-
lowed by a programme of detailed exploration
based upon the characteristics of the kimberlite
itself. (b) Detailed exploration
Kimberlites are relatively small exploration
(a) Area selection targets, and their lack of strike continuity requires
Most mining companies utilize a combination of that exploration should be carried out on a more
the following criteria in their choice of suitable detailed scale than would be required for many
areas for exploration. types of base metal deposit. Most of the
exploration techniques for kimberlites were
pioneered in southern Africa and applied with
(i) Age oj craton
spectacular success to the Yakutia district of
Cratons (in which the basement rocks exceed 1500 Siberia and the Kimberley district of Western
million years or preferably 2000 million years) are Australia. Table 2.6 lists the principal exploration
considered to be the most suitable areas for techniques and summarizes their importance in the
exploration. discovery ofkimberlites.

Table 2.6 Summary of comments on methods used in kimberlite exploration (from Nixon, 1980)

General applicability
(xxxx, indispensable
Method x, of limited use) Remarks

Heavy mineral xxxx Wide variety of 'indicator' minerals, some of which are found in
other rocks. Both stream sediment and interfluvial soils applic-
able. Wide dispersion by water and wind. Low values near some
in-filled craters. Fairly labour-intensive method.
Geochemistry x Samples easily collected during heavy mineral survey. Nb
characterizes kimberlite and a few other alkaline volcanics. Other
elements, e.g. Cr, Ni, Sr, Ba, may be used if background is
appropriate. Occasional observed change in proportion of some
plant species on pipes may reflect the rock composition,
e.g. high P.
Scintillometer x Some kimberlites slightly radioactive, some dykes especially rich
in phlogopite (K). Overburden masks radiation.
Satellite imagery xxx Good for structural analysis; many kimberlites too small to be
observed directly. Easy and cheap to obtain but sophisticated
electronic processing can increase costs. Spectral bands unlikely
to be precisely diagnostic but one particular climatic condition
may 'fit' better than others.
Air photography, etc. xxxx Scale of 1:30 000 recommended. Basic tool for studying structural
environment of kimberlite and identification of intrusions,
particularly dykes. Fracture analysis may aid location of kimber-
lites. Colour photography may be oflittle additional assistance in
poorly exposed areas.
Airborne multispectral xxx? Requires rigorous preliminary field reflectance studies over known
scanmng intrusions under specified climatic conditions to obtain a significant
spectral signature.
Magnetic, ground and xxxx Applicable in areas oflow 'magnetic' background, e.g. limestones
airborne methods and other sedimentary rocks, granites, etc., preferably in areas
with uniform overburden. Reduced anomalies over sediment-
infilled kimberlite craters and weathered kimberlites. Useful for
both dykes and pipes on the ground. Used successfully in the air,
but topographic irregularities may give false anomalies.
Resistivity xx Kimberlites generally conductive compared with host country
rocks and large bodies can be delimited on the ground. Airborne
radiophase methods will theoretically detect such bodies.
Electromagnetic xx Ground measurements useful in defining extent of kimberlite and
shape of dykes. Airborne input EM feasible.
Seismic x Of little use except in oceanographic surveys where reflection
studies are capable oflocating pipes.
Gravity xx Bouguer profile may be a characteristic negative superimposed on
a large positive anomaly over weathered kimberlite pipes. Useful
for detecting 'blind' kimberlites or extensions to existing pipes.
Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
(c) Mineralogical exploration method where the drainage network is inadequate
Kimberlites are characterized by a distinctive suite for stream sediment sampling.
of minerals of which the most significant are Airborne and ground magnetics are the
magnesian ilmenite (geikielite) and chrome principal methods used. Normally kimberlite
diopside. Chromite, enstatite, olivine, Cr spinel contains from 5 to 10% iron oxides which are
and zircon may also be significant. During the present as ilmenite and lesser concentrations of
weathering of kimberlite these minerals become magnetite. Where the kimberlite is emplaced into
concentrated in residual soil and may become rocks such as limestones or granites with a low
dispersed in the drainage system. The identifica- magnetite content a distinctive magnetic anomaly
tion of kimberlite indicator minerals was utilized may be detected (Fig. 2.31). Patterson and
by prospectors in the early development of the MacFayden (1977) found magnetic anomalies over
Kimberley district and has been successfully all known kimberlites in Lesotho. They attributed
applied to many other areas. the large variation in magnetic response to
The size of the dispersion pattern formed by variations in host rock magnetization, depth of
kimberlite indicator minerals depends mainly weathering and kimberlite mineralogy. In other
upon climate and relief. According to Mannard parts of Africa there are kimberlites which have no
(1968) in areas with a tropical or semi-arid climate magnetic response.
the less-resistant minerals such as diopside are Kimberlites characteristically weather to a
rarely found more than 1 mile (>1.6 km) from yellow montmorillonitic clay near the surface.
source. However, garnet and ilmenite may persist This zone may be highly conductive in which case
for a few miles. In those climatic regions where electromagnetic or resistivity surveys may be
mechanical weathering is dominant the diopside appropriate. Macnae (1979) described the results
may travel 30 miles (48 km), garnet 95-125 miles of an airborne electromagnetic (EM) survey in
(144-200 km) and ilmenite much further. southern Africa in which all of the eight kimberlite
In much of southern Africa exploration is based pipes discovered had distinctive EM signatures.
on systematic soil sampling on a grid system. In The application of other geophysical techniques
more mountainous terrain stream sediment to kimberlite exploration is described by Macnae
sampling may be preferred. Nixon (1980) (1979) and Nixon (1980).
described a programme of stream sediment
sampling in Lesotho which was based on a sample (e) Aerial photography
density of 1.1 km -2. According to Jones (1983), The size and surface expression of kimberlite pipes
exploration in the Kimberley district of Western are partly related to erosional level. In most cases
Australia in the late 1970s involved collecting kimberlites are characterized by a shallow depres-
30 kg samples every 40-50 km 2 • Later follow-up sion, although sometimes they may form a low
work involved sample collection at a density of mound. In either situation the drainage system is
1-5 samples km -2. The discovery of the AK 1 pipe likely to have a curvilinear form compared with
in the Kimberley district was based upon the the rectilinear drainage pattern that is commonly
identification of diamonds in the sediment rather associated with Precambrian basement terrain.
than the conventional kimberlite indicator The yellow ground, which results from the
minerals. chemical weathering of kimberlite, consists
mainly of a montmorillonitic clay which will tend
(d) Geophysical exploration to support a poorly drained soil with a distinctive
Geophysics is commonly used as a follow-up trace element content. A characteristic vegetation
technique where favourable mineralogical sites is sometimes developed on kimberlite due to these
have been identified. In Australia airborne specific soil conditions.
geophysics is used as the main reconnaissance Contrasts in drainage pattern and vegetation are

Magmatic deposits
commonly utilized by geologists as the basis for of deposit In Europe. However, our under-
photointerpretation, and photogeology often standing of the ultrabasic lithologies which host
plays a significant role in the search for podiform chromite deposits has undergone
kimberlites. According to Barygin (1961) the most fundamental changes in recent years with the
effective approach is to use black-and-white recognition of oceanic crust as the environment in
photography at scales of 1:10000 to 1:50000 which podiform chromite has originally concen-
supplemented by colour photography at a larger trated. We therefore have an excellent opportunity
scale. Nixon (1980) utilized photointerpretation in to assess the impact of new geological ideas on ore
the search for kimberlites in Lesotho where both discovery.
black-and-white (scale 1:40 000) and colour Let us briefly recall the most important advances
(1 :30 000) photography was used. Nixon reported in our understanding of Alpine-type peridotites.
that the larger scale was more useful than colour. The most significant step forward has stemmed
from the realization that the ultrabasic sequence
with which podiform chromite is associated is
comparable with present-day oceanic crust. The
2.5 CONCLUDING STATEMENT recognition of ophiolites as preserved fragments of
There are few other classes of ore deposit which oceanic crust has resulted in a greatly increased
manifest such a wide range of form and grade as intensity of field work and petrological study,
those of magmatic affiliation. In many cases the which has aided our understanding of those
only common factor is their intimate association ultramafics which contain concentrations of
with mafic and ultramafic lithologies. For chromite. Of particular importance is the recog-
example, the massive habit, high tenor of metal nition that most of the chromite is contained
and lateral continuity of stratiform chromite within harzburgites Uackson and Thayer, 1972).
deposits contrast very markedly with the irregular This has allowed exploration geologists to focus
distribution and very low concentration of their attention on particular parts of an ophiolite
diamonds which are dispersed in kimberlites. complex. Further important guides to exploration
However, both were originally derived by the have stemmed from detailed structural mapping
partial melting of mantle material and both share a programmes such as those reported by Cassard
similar tectonic setting. et al. (1981).
Now we come to the key issue. How does our Modern genetic models of podiform chromite
understanding of ores formed by magmatic must be closely related to our knowledge of
processes aid in the search for new deposits? ·In processes which take place at constructive plate
particular, we wish to review the relative margins. The mafic dykes and pillow lavas which
importance of geological setting, genetic models characterize layer 2 of the oceanic crust are con-
and indirect techniques, such as geophysics, in the sidered to be derived from a magma chamber at
exploration for this class of deposit. Our dis- the base oflayer 3. Two main genetic models have
cussions will focus on podiform chromite, nickel been proposed. One envisages the chromite
sulphide deposits of the dunite-peridotite type and forming as a cumulate phase from the magma
kim berli tes . chamber which continues to sink down into the
harzburgite unit (Dickey, 1975). The alternative
model identifies dykes which transgress the
2.5.1 Podiform chromite harzburgite, and within which magma movement
Chromite was originally mined from high-grade is dominantly upwards, as the environment in
podiform deposits in Norway in the early part of which chromite is concentrated by elutriation
the 19th century and there is therefore a long (Lago et aI., 1982). It appears that neither genetic
tradition of mining and prospecting for this style model fundamentally affects the approach a

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
geologist would make in selecting areas for future aspect of genetic modelling has played little part in
exploration. the choice of new exploration targets. However,
There is little published information on the use the ability to characterize a mafic or ultramafic
of indirect geophysical and geochemical methods rock which has crystallized from a sulphur-
in the search for podiform chromite. This is an area saturated magma is an important exploration tool
where more research and the publication of case because nickel may have partitioned into the
histories would be of benefit. sulphide phase. Naldrett et al. (1984) have
modelled the partitioning of nickel between
silicate and sulphide phases and comparison of
2.5.2 Nickel sulphide ores of the dunite- their results with the composition of barren and
peridotite class mineralized ultramafics confirms that this
The economic potential of this class of deposit was approach can be used in a predictive sense.
not fully appreciated until the discovery of the
Kambalda deposit in Western Australia in 1966.
2.5.3 Kimberlites
Both Kambalda and several subsequent dis- The assoCIatIOn between kimberlites and
coveries were found by prospectors who utilized diamonds was first established by prospectors in
nickel-bearing gossan as their guide to ore. South Africa. By examining the panned concen-
Detailed drilling followed by careful geological trate from stream sediments they were able to trace
studies have permitted geologists to characterize alluvial diamonds to their source. Surprisingly
the geological setting of the deposits and several little has changed. In southern Africa the emphasis
genetic models have been proposed. is now placed on the search for an assemblage of
Nickel sulphide deposits of the dunite- indicator minerals and the success of this technique
peridotite class occur in Archaean greenstone belts has been repeated in other African countries and in
associated with ultramafic volcanics of komatiitic the USSR. Ironically the discovery of the AK 1
type and intrusive dunites which are probably pipe in Australia came from the discovery of small
their intrusive equivalents. Ores belonging to the alluvial diamonds rather than from the more usual
volcanic-peridotite class tend to be concentrated indicator minerals. The point which we wish to
near to the base of the ultramafic sequence. emphasize is that the mineralogical expression of
Exploration for this class of nickel sulphide is kimberlites has always been the most effective
concerned in the first instance with obtaining a exploration technique. Additional indirect
geological base map within which the ultramafic exploration techniques have been successfully
lithologies are well defined. The geological developed for kimberlites and are described in
mapping may be aided by photogeology, airborne Section 2.4.4.
magnetics and geochemistry and so here we see Ultrabasic and basic xenoliths in kimberlites
conventional geology closely related to indirect provide a unique source of information about the
methods of exploration. The knowledge that the composition of the mantle and lower crust, and
massive sulphide zones occur near to the base of scientific interest in this subject has resulted in a
ultramafic units enables geologists to concentrate massive bibliography. As a result genetic models
the more detailed aspects of follow-up work, such for kimberlites are based on a very considerable
as soil sampling, in more restricted parts of the accumulation of geochemical and petrological
greenstone sequence. data. Until recently this research appeared to be of
Most genetic models for ores of this class only academic interest. However, it is now
involve the segregation of an immiscible sulphide becoming evident that genetic models based upon
phase from the crystallizing silicate magma. detailed studies of kimberlite petrology are able to
Dissension has mainly centred on the timing and assist the geologist in his evaluation of kimberlite
mechanism of the separation of the sulphides. This pipes (Boyd, 1982).

Magmatic deposits
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Magmatic hydrothermal deposits

Because of their enormous economIC SIg-
In the previous chapter we have described some of
nificance these deposits have received considerable
the mineral deposits that have formed by
geological attention both experimentally and in
magmatic activity, often by segregation within the
the field. The wealth of geological literature is such
magma chamber itself. In this chapter we turn our
that we have had to restrict our attention to those
attention to other magmatic activity which results
features which we consider important m
in important mineral deposits. These are not ores
characterizing these deposits and useful m
that have segregated during crystallization of the
constructing models to assist in exploration for
magma but are those that arise by hydrothermal
activity associated with igneous bodies emplaced
at high levels in the earth's crust. Fluid inclusion
and isotope studies indicate that magmatically
derived fluids and circulating meteoric water have 3.2 PORPHYRY COPPER DEPOSITS
played varying roles in the genesis of these hydro-
3.2.1 Introduction
thermal ore bodies. The tectonic setting, primary
mineralogy and alteration characteristics are very It is estimated that up to 2000 Be the grade of
important in guiding exploration for these copper ore being worked ~as as high as 15% but
deposits. by 1500 AD this grade had reduced to 9%. The
The principal types of deposit that are formed grade by 1800 was about 6 or 7% and this was
by ~agmatic hydrothermal. processes are maintained until the beginning of the current
porphyry deposits and· ~orcari;c-~ssociated century. There was a marked decrease in the
sulphide deposits. These are the major suppliers of average grade mined from about 1904 onwards
the World's copper and molybdenum. E_orpJlY!y (Fig. 3.1). This very sudden change coincided with
\opper deposits are becoming incr~~~ingly the development of Bingham Mine, Utah, from a
important sources of gold. The volcanic- small mine producing vein copper, with a grade
associated ore bodies supply large quantities of around 6%, to a large-scale operation with
zinc and lead. reserves in excess of 290 million tonnes with
Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration


U 5

... L-

> evo.
~ 0·5 EO.
0·2 Ii:

?~ I I I I I
Fig. 3.1 Decline in grade of 1850 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1950 2000
copper mined. E, estimated. -SC- - - - - - - - - - - A D - - - - - - - -••

grades from 0.75 to 2.5% Cu. This large-tonnage, 3.2.2 General characteristics of porphyry
low-grade operation was the first of the many copper deposits
deposits subsequently known as the 'porphyry
coppers'. Bingham Canyon is still a very large (a) Distribution of deposits in time and space
productive mine (Fig. 3.2) and has reserves quoted The ages of formation of porphyry copper
around 1700 million tonnes at 0.71 % copper. deposits have been considered by Meyer (1972),
The success of Bingham was quickly followed Hunt (1977) and Gustafson (1979). The majority
by the development of other similar deposits at of porphyry copper deposits were emplaced in the
Globe-Miami, Arizona, Eli, Nevada, Santa Rita, last 75 million years (Fig. 3.3). Figure 3.3 may be
New Mexico and Chuquicamata in Chile. The incomplete as some deposits lack absolute dating,
success of these operations was made possible by others must have disappeared through erosion and
the almost contemporaneous development of the figure will also be biased by exploration
froth flotation in mineral processing for the philosophy. However, we believe the overall
selective separation of copper sulphides. Porphyry trend is reliable. Very few porphyry copper type
copper deposits currently supply over half the occurrences have been identified older than 450
World's copper. million years.

Fig. 3.2 Bingham Mine, Utah
was the first porphyry copper
mine to be developed. With
reserves quoted at 170() million
tonnes, this open pit removes
about -too 000 tonnes of ore and
waste per day. The trains on the
lower benches provide a scale for
this massive operation.


'"0 1·5
c '·0

Fig. 3.3 Age distribution

of porphyry copper o ----~~~~~~~_,~--._--_,~--._--_,----._--_.
deposits (after Hunt 1977, o 100 200 300 400 SOD 600 700 800 900 1000
quoted in Gustafson 1979). Millions of years before present
Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
/ 9rf


Arizona :
I : Bagdad
2 = Globe Miami
3 = Morenci
4 = R~d Mountain

o· 5 = Sierrita Esperanza
6 = San Manuel -Kalamazoo
7 = Salford I(~necott


Location of deposits named in me tellt

• Porphyry copper depos its
6 Porphyry molybd .. num d.. posits
~ Con".. rg8nt plat~ boundary
(teeth show down dip 01
sub d uc tion zone)

Fig. 3.4 World map of porphyry deposits

(eu and Mo) referred to in text.

Probably the copper-molybdenum porphyry at none of commercial grade and tonnage (Horton,
Haib, Namibia, is the best known Proterozoic 1978). Also from Australia, Ambler and Facer
example. Deposits with porphyry copper affinities (1975) reported a Silurian porphyry copper
have been described from the Archaean of Canada prospect in New South Wales . Porphyry deposits
and Western Australia (Gustafson, 1979) but are of are fairly numerous in late Palaeozoic mountain
very low copper grade even by porphyry stan- belts, such as in the northern Appalachians from
dards . W e are unable to cite any deposit older than Maine to Quebec (Kirkham and Soregaroli, 1975).
Devonian being mined, although some of the Large deposits of Palaeozoic age are known from
Chinese deposits may be Proterozoic. In the USSR, from the Kazakhstan and the Uzbek
Queensland, Australia, more than 40 porphyry regIon.
copper prospects have been found associated with The circum-Pacific belt is the predominant site
intrusives of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic age but o£ porphyry copper deposits (Fig. 3.4). A few of

Magmatic hydrothermal deposits

~almbJ erg



these deposits are Triassic; Yerington in western Alaska span a similar period of time to those in
Nevada is Jurassic in age. There are other Jurassic South America . The Philippines and the south-
and Cretaceous porphyries in Canada and a few in western Pacific Islands have deposits that are
the United States and northern Argentina (Sillitoe, generally Miocene and Pliocene. Among the
1977). The vast majority of the deposits on the rim youngest of porphyry copper deposits are those in
of the Pacific Basin are Tertiary in age. Those of Papua New Guinea where. for example, Ok Tedi
the south west USA are mostly Palaeocene with IS some 1.2 million years old. It is possible that
some from the late Eocene . Some of the deposits in porphyry copper deposits are forming today
South America, mainly Chile, Peru and Ecuador, beneath active volcanic areas.
are also Paleocene but ma~y are later with a large
number being late Miocene and Pliocene. The
deposits of the Cascades , western Canada and

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
(b) Size and grade of deposits Table 3.1 provides information of the grades of
Porphyry copper deposits are often defmed as other metals present in deposits. The more
very large-tonnage, low-grade copper deposits common by-products are molybdenum, gold and
amenable to bulk mmmg methods. This silver although rhenium, tin and tungsten may be
description ignores the geological connotations of present in workable quantities. These by-product
the word 'porphyry' but draws attention to the metals are very important to the commercial
characteristic tonnages, measured in hundreds of exploitation of porphyry copper deposits. Ok
millions of tonnes, and grades of often less than Tedi, Papua New Guinea, which commenced
1% Cu. Data from 103 deposits worldwide give production early in 1984 (reserves about 350
the arithmetic average as about 550 million tonnes million tonnes at 0.7% copper and 0.59% g/t gold)
of ore gradingO.6% copper (Singer et al., 1975). has a leached capping ore of around 34 million
Table 3.1 lists some of the largest porphyry tonnes grading 2.86 g/t gold. This leached ore is to
copper deposits in the World. We have only provide the sole production for the first 2 years of
included those with quoted reserves in excess of operation, amounting to 12 000 tonnes per day
500 million tonnes. Some of the largest deposits lie gold ore at 4.21 g/t with an anticipated recovery of
in southwest USA and South America with the 92% (Pintz, 1984). Without this 'front end
largest of all, Chuquicamata, in Chile, containing capitalization' from gold, Ok Tedi would not have
in excess of 10 000 million tonnes at 0.56% come into production as a porphyry copper
copper. The largest group of 'giant' porphyry deposit because of the prevailing financial climate.
copper deposits lies in the southwestern USA Similarly Panguna, Bougainville Copper Ltd,
which contains six in addition to Bingham. Papua New Guinea, treats about 130 000 tonnes
Because of their enormous size and very low grade per day and yielded 170004 tonnes of copper,
most of the porphyry copper deposits of the World 17 528 kg of gold and 43 153 kg of silver in 1982.
are worked by open pit methods (Fig. 3.2). In the This produced a sales value for the year ofUS$276
Bingham open pit more than 400 000 tonnes of million of which gold contributed 47% (Sassos,
material (ore plus overburden) are removed daily; 1983).
furthermore approximately 10% of that mine's
copper production is produced by leaching the (c) Mineralization and zoning
overburden dumps. San Manuel, Arizona, is one Hypogene mineralization consists of dis-
of a small number of porphyry copper deposits seminations, fracture fillings and quartz veinlets
worked by underground mining, block caving carrying varying amounts of pyrite, chalcopyrite,
techniques (Fig. 3.5). In this the porphyry copper bornite and molybdenite (Figs 3.6 and 3.7).
deposits differ from the l20rphyry molybdenum Porphyry copper mineralization is often referred
deposits where the major producers - Climax and to as 'disseminated' and we have maintained this
Henderson in Colorado - are both underground usage in Fig. 3.6. Although on a large scale,
mines and the most recent major prospect, Mt immense volumes of ore may contain dis-
Emmons, will also be worked underground. seminated values, on a small scale the occurrence
The average Canadian porphyry copper deposit of ore and gangue sulphides is controlled by
carries about 150 million tonnes of ore grading fractures. Beane and Titley (1981) estimate that in
about 0.45% copper. Here the calc-alkaline- excess of 90% of the sulphides are in, or adjacent
associated deposits have higher tonnages to, fractures. Even apparently disseminated sul-
(arithmetic mean of twenty deposits = 206 phide minerals are often aligned with micro-
million tonnes) and lower grades (arithmetic veinlets or lie in a chain-like fashion. The chains
mean = 0.39% Cu) than the alkaline-associated mark early fractures which have been sealed, or
ones (49 million tonnes at 0.76%) (Drummond annealed, and camouflaged by quartz and potas-
and Godwin, 1976). SlUm feldspar (Fig. 3.8). Such tiny fractures

Table 3.1. Reserves of porphyry copper deposits with tonnages greater than SOO million tonnes (source of data
Gilmour, 1Y82).


TOIzllaJ?e CII ;\10 All A,I!

COlllltry Deposit (million tDllIzes) (%) (%) (1!1t) (,<It)

USA Bagdad 800 0.50 0.03 0.6

Morenci 500 O.Y 0.007
Safford-Kennecott 2000 0.5
San Manuel- 1000 0.74 0.015
Butte 500 0.8 Yes Yes
Santa Rita 500 0.95
(N ew Mexico)
Bingham 1700 0.71 0.053

Mexico El Arco 600 0.6

(Baja California)
La Caridad 750 0.67 0.02

Canada Lornex 500 0.41 0.015

Valley Copper YOO 0.48

New Guinea Frieda River 800 0.46 0.005 0.2
Panguna 1000 0.47 0.005 0.48 1.6

Cebu Island Atlas 1100 0.55 Yes Yes

Panama Cerro Colorado 2000 0.6 0.015 0.06 4.6

Chile Chuquicamata 10000 0.56 0.06 Yes

El Abra 1200 0.7
EI Teniente 8000 0.68 0.04

Peru Santa Rosa 1000 0.55

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Fig.3.5 San Manuel Mine, Arizona, is one of the few underground mines producing from porphyry copper deposits.
The surface su bsidence in the foreground results from the caving method used to mine the San Manuel ore body.
Beyond the headframes lies the Kalamazoo ore body.

probably occurred in immense numbers and were
very important in increasing the permeability of /;'-
--------- .............
the host rocks during mineralization . A typical veins // ", Veins
pattern of the zonal arrangement of sulphide ore ( ' /
,. ------......., , \ \
minerals and gangue is shown in Fig. 3.7. Centred
It r4

' r.
I _-' , \

on the intrusion is a barren or weakly mineralized

I Vein lets
\ \ /
\ ).
I Vein lets >
I ~~".Veinlets \\
zone with minor chalcopyrite, molybdenite and I disseminated'/ \ . . "~) dissem inated
rare bornite; pyrite is generally less than 2%. I. II ~>veinletst ,I\f \
'] / . !DlSSem,nar= \ I \ I

I, I
Outwards there is firstly an enrichment in mo- I" I I \ I
I f Disseminated J \ I
lybdenite and then chalcopyrite . Pyrite also \ + , " \ I
\ : , / : microveinlels \ , I
increases outwards in the ore shells. The ore shells \ 1\ I I f I
\ (I I' I I I I
\ \ ", \ I I I
are enclosed by a pyrite-rich halo with 10-15% \~
pyrite with only minor amounts of chalcopyrite \ M\f
I \
I IJI'A'\..
\ fII' '

VltS.> , , I iD
ss' '\ f 'V")'
and molybdenite . Surrounding this halo is a I diss . J I .\ II'
I I I , I I , /
peripheral zone oflower pyrite content which may /
contain radial fractures with base metal
mineralization and gold and silver in the veins Fig. 3.6 Schematic drawing of sulphide occurrence
(McMillan and Panteleyev, 1980). Generally zoning in a typical porphyry ore deposit (after Guilbert
pyrite is the most abundant and widespread and Lowell 19].1.).

Magmatic hydrothermal deposits

,,- ------- ........... sulphide mineral In porphyry copper deposits.

..... .....
..... Magnetite is a minor constituent of the deep and
Peri~heral Peripheral low-grade core zone but is abundant in, and
8aseme~als _____ 8osemelols
/ AU - Ag / ,-- -~" AU - Ag \ diagnostic of, the deeper parts of the deposit
Low - I
, /-, , \ surrounding the ore shells (Fig. 3.7). Chalcocite
I pyrite / // Ore ' " \ \ can occur from the ore shell to the outer peripheral
I shell I shell I ,
: py 2°'. I py 1Ofo I \ zones in the higher levels of the deposit. Pyrrhotite
I I cpy 1-)"10 \ 1 and native copper are sometimes present in the
I , ma 0·03% \ 1
1 I Low - \ I peripheral shell and the immediate vicinity but
I , grade \ I
I Pyr
ite core \, only in minor or trace amounts.
\ shell I I I

low sulphio
\ \py 10'" cpy-py-ma I I Secondary or supergene enrichment is

important in most porphyry copper deposits. The

I,PY ~ ,mt> \
;4.. , /
I V\,'
supergene blanket contains minerals such as
chalcocite, djurleite and digenite. Covdlite,
/' ,py+cPY\ cuprite and native copper may be present in small
m~~ PY I I ,
I amounts. The development of an extensive super-
I gene blanket is favoured by a hot arid climate.
copious pyrite and a relatively inert host rock. The
Fig. 3.7 Schematic drawing of mineralization zoning in
a typical porphyry ore deposit (after Guilbert and Lowell
shape of the supergene zone depends on surface
1(74). Ag, silver; Au, gold; cpy, chalcopyrite; mo, topography, intrusion geometry and structure and
molybdenite; mt, magnetite; py, pyrite; tr, trace. hydrology. The zone is usually quite variable in
thickness (Fig. 3.9). The supergene zone is over-
lain by a limonite, jarosite or haematite capping,
the characteristics of which may be utilized in
exploration (Anderson, 1982).

' ~j
" '\
~~\ "
• ... _.... , ...... -
-, . -, ~ -: --~:t:-;-- ~~W:-;l.::;G'1=::'
- .~-
., .
.. --:. ~ •
(d) Host lithology
The intrusion upon which mineralization is
-,-- ___ - r \ -. ,
centred is usually quite small. 1 or 2 km in
, r1,
I q·cpy 't\..
~---:---- -
\I!\ - - T- _. diameter, and is porphyritic in texture. Because of
\¥ II ~., , q -cpy
\..-i:-·~' ~i+mt ~r~
the extent of the alteration phenomena it may be
'(F difficult to determine the primary rock
. i- ~!
1.: t)" / " tl ~ I' /

, /. ~l Ksp-q-py
compositions of the intrusives associated with
porphyry mineralization. Generally they are of a
\. ~ ~ ,1"\ (
calc-alkaline trend. The most common hosts are
I ~'! q-cpy ~li acid intrusives of the granite suite and these range
,\ :11~ o 10
from adamellite through granodiorite to tonalite.

"I: <S':.
Diorites, quartz monzonites, syenites may also be
important host rock types. The compositions of
the intrusives are a function of the environment in
Fig.3.8 Sketch of veins in a sample of quartz monzonite
which the deposit formed, granodiorite to quartz
from the Sierrita deposit in southern Arizona. Note the
cross-cutting relations which imply a number of
diorite in an island arc environment and quartz
generations of fracturing and fluid flow. Ksp, potassium monozite through granodiorite in a continental
feldspar; q. quartz; py, pyrite; bi, biotite; mt, magnetite; arc.
cpy. chalcopyrite. (Modified from Titlcy 19?12. and In all porphyry copper provinces some
Anthony 19?13.) intrusions occur which are barren but arc of

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

o Gosson

• Chalcocite blanket
Fig. 3.9 Isometric diagram ofEI
Salvador ore body showing
D Low-sulphide zone

mineral zones chalcocite blanket • Chalcopyrite-bornite zone

and gossan (after Gustafson and
Hunt 1975).
~ Chalcopyrite-pyrite zone [1J Pyr ite zone

apparently the same age as, and comparatively These have rounded clasts but others associated
similar composition to, others which have with porphyry deposits are angular collapse
associated economic mineralization. Dis- breccias.
crimination of those which will host economic
concentrations of minerals from those which are (e) Alteration
likely to be barren is of primary importance in Although the porphyry copper deposits are
exploration geology . Unfortunately, most genetically related to ~izonaljntrusions the
attempts to separate the plutons into productive hydrotherIllal .effectsusually extend far beyond
and barren ones have been unsuccessful but certain theor~~~ne "itselC'the aIteraiion effects are seen
characteristics have been recognized which may be in the co~~t~y rocks of all types and in early
useful in this matter (Baldwin and Pearce, 1982). differentiates from the magma which sub-
Firstly, pyroxene is rare or virtually absent from sequently gave rise to the porphyry-related
copper-related porphyries; hornblende and biotite intrusive. The alteration phenomena are selective,
are abundant. Secondly, the degree of fracturing pervasive and vein-veinlet in occurrence. The
may be important since mineralized intrusives are extent of this alteration suggests that the porphyry
always extensively fractured . copper mineralizing environment is one that
Brecciated zones are common and may occur involves considerable permeability in the host
within the intrusion or in the wall rocks. Breccias rocks. Facilitated by the high permeability, both
which appear to have resulted from hydrothermal selective and pervasive alteration begin at various
activity are frequently referred to as pebble dykes. times and places within the deposits, presumably

Magmatic hydrothermal deposits
guided by, and progressing from, fractures. ?---?--
./"'-' . --...,
Selective alteration is the conversion of one or two /' Propyli~ic·',
/ Chl-Epi-Carb '"
mineral species to other mineral species. The most 1/ Ad~I-Alb \
common example of this in the porphyry systems / ~/vphylii';-~? . . . , \
/ I q-~-py \ \
is the selective conversion of amphibole or horn- / / /" " \
blende into secondary biotite in large volumes of I II II " \1 \ \
I II I \ II \
rock. This biotite may, in turn, be converted to
chlorite. Pervasive alteration on the other hand is
I q-Kaol--...,
/! ,
/ Po~assic
\ \
the widespread and wholesale conversion of one \ Chi {' I ±Ser±anh I \1 I
\ {' I \ \ I
rock type to another. \ I \ \ I
Lowell and Guilbert (1970) developed the \
I ,\
l I
concept of a 'typical' porphyry deposit as a result \ \ I /\ I I
of studying 27 of the best-known deposits in \
\ l
I q- \
I Ser \
1-1,.\1, I
Canada, South America and the southwest USA vJChl-Ser- ?1 I Chl-KSp\ IN 1\./
and comparing them to the model they had erected
for the San Manuel-Kalamazoo deposit in
\~Pi -Mt / ? I \ \ /
Arizona. This model is referred to as the 'Lowell- Fig. 3.10 Schematic drawing of alteration zoning in a
Guilbert model' for porphyry coppers and shows typical porphyry ore deposit (after Guilbert and Lowell
that porphyry coppers have clearly recognizable 1974). Adul, adularia; Alb, albite; Anh, anhydrite; bi,
lateral and vertical zoning. In 1974 the same biotite; Chi, chlorite; Epi, epidote; Kaol, kaolinite; Ksp,
workers published details of the variations in the potassium feldspar; Mo, molybdenite; py, pyrite; q,
zoning pattern which may arise from the size of the quartz; ser, sericite.
deposit, the composition of the pre-ore wall rock
and pre-ore structures as well as those variations
due to the chemistry of the igneous host rock senClte, anhydrite and apatite. Magnetite,
(Guilbert and Lowell, 1974). The zoned chalcopyrite, bornite and pyrite are commonly
arrangement of the Lowell and Guilbert model, present. The pyrite is always minor and is
suitably modified in the light of these other antithetic to bornite and magnetite (Titley and
factors, is widely used by geologists to interpret Beane, 1981). Although the potassic alteration
geochemical anomalies and to guide drilling for commonly occurs in or near the intrusive centre a
porphyry copper deposits. The model typically broad zone of biotization may pervade igneous
recognizes four zones of hydrothermal wall rock wall rocks.
alteration centred on the core of the causative
intrusive (Fig. 3.10). These are as follows:
(ii) The phyllic zone
This is sometimes referred to as the zone of
(i) The potassic zone
sericitic alteration and results from the leaching of
The potassic alteration results from potassium magnesium, sodium and calcium from alumino-
metasomatism which may be accomp"a.nied by silicate rocks. Potassium may be introduced or
leaching of calcium and sodium from rocks derived from original rock-forming feldspar. The
contammg original aluminosilicate minerals. phyllic assemblage is characterized by quartz,
When this zone is present the characteristic sericite and pyrite, the first two often totally
minerals are biotite, orthoclase and quartz. These replacing the original rock-forming silicates and
may have been introduced or are the stable resulting in the complete destruction of the
remnants of original rock-forming phases. original rock structure.
Accompanying these may be accessory albite, Pyrite may grow from the iron of pre-existing

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
mafIC minerals and introduced iron and sulphur. called 'lithocap' rocks will be dominated by
The pyrite content may rise as high as 10% by comagmatic, but pre-ore, intrusives. This is
volume. Chalcopyrite is generally present but certainly the case in some of the major porphyry
rarely exceeds 0.5 vol. percent. molybdenum systems such as Henderson,
Colorado. It also seems probable that the pre-ore
lithocap will have experienced hypogene
(iii) The argillic zone
mineralization. There is some evidence for this in
Argillic alteration IS characterized by the that the tonnages due to supergene enrichment in
formation of new clay minerals. Intermediate some deposits cannot be accounted for by the
argillic alteration is evidenced by montmoril- leaching of reasonable thicknesses of cap rocks
lonite, illite, chlorite and perhaps kaolinite. having the same low grade of mineralization as the
Advanced argillic alteration is marked by kaolinite underlying intrusion.
with diaspore, quartz or amorphous silica, anda- Because of the present state of exploration and
lusite and, occasionally, corundum. Pyrite is the development of porphyry copper deposits most of
main sulphide present although chalcopyrite and the data available apply to the upper parts of the
bornite may occur. Pyrite is less abundant than in porphyry intrusion rather than the lithocap. We
the phyllic zone and tends to occur in veinlets. feel current economics dictate that porphyry
systems buried beneath a reasonable covering of
litho cap will not be exploited in the foreseeable
(iv) The propylitic zone
future and therefore details of vertical variations
This, often quite extensive, zone is always present from a range of deposits will be lacking for some
and is characterized by chlorite, epidote and time yet.
calcite. Potassium released by the chloritization of Beane and Titley (1981) quote the Red
biotite occurs as accessory sericite. Other Mountain prospect in Arizona as one of the better
accessory minerals include apatite, haematite, documented cases of the alteration in the lithocap,
anhydrite and ankerite. Plagioclase may be although the causative intrusive was not revealed
unaltered. Sulphide occurrence within the by the extent of drilling undertaken. At Red
propylitic zone varies from nil to minor amounts Mountain increasing depth indicates intermediate
of pyrite and occasional economic concentrations argillic alteration (kaolinite, montmorillonite,
of chalcopyrite. alunite, amorphous silica, tennantite, enargite and
pyrite) underlain by phyllic and potassic
alteration. As the intrusive porphyry body, which
(v) Vertical extent of alteration
is assumed to lie at depth, is not intersected in the
In their original model Lowell and Guilbert drillholes it is clear that the potassic alteration
tentatively close the alteration zones over the top extends beyond it into pre-ore volcanic rocks. The
of the causative intrusion suggesting a vertical downward succession in alteration zones is
zoning of the silicate minerals comparable to that accompanied by decreasing sulphide contents and
demonstrated laterally (Fig. 3.10). The spatial pyrite/ chalcopyrite ratios. This evidence from
distribution of these alteration zones is much used Red Mountain would appear to justify the closure
by exploration geologists. If buried porphyry of the Lowell and Guilbert zones above the core-
systems are sought the vertical variation must also intrusive porphyry body.
be investigated.
Firstly the overlying, pre-ore, rocks may be as
(vi) Variations from the Lowell and Guilbert model
varied in lithology as the surrounding wall rocks
into which the intrusion has been emplaced. There (a) Due to different intrusion types
may be an argument that in some cases these so- Extensive studies of the alteration of porphyry

Magmatic hydrothermal deposits
copper deposits worldwide at various levels (b) Due to different wall-rock characteristics
within the deposits have led to descriptions which The alteration zones are not restricted to the
do not fit exactly the alteration zone model intrusions associated with the mineralization but
outlined above. A major departure occurs when extend into the surrounding wall rocks. In the
the causative bodies are quartz dioritic rather than 'type' example, at San Manuel-Kalamazoo,
quartz monzonitic. Atypical alteration assem- Arizona, where the wall rocks and the intrusion
blages and zoning also appear in porphyries that have similar compositions, alteration assemblages
are quartz-deficient, commonly dioritic but develop in response solely to changes in
ranging to syenite. temperature and fluid chemistry. In this case the
In quartz diorite intrusions the phyllic alteration alteration will be uncomplicated by differences in
may be absent or is later than the potassic and rock compositions. Alteration minerals in silicate
propylitic alteration and sometimes only poorly wall rocks may closely resemble those in the
developed. The more mafic character of the rock intrusions. Arkosic sediments undergo potassic,
type is reflected by the dominance of biotite rather phyllic and propylitic alteration similar to granite
than orthoclase in the potassic zone. This zone also wall rocks, as at Morenci, Arizona. Dioritic
contains chlorite rather than sericite as an intrusions cross-cutting andesites or basalts
accessory mineral. The absence of the phyllic zone develop high Ca-Mg alteration assemblages as at
means that the propylitic zone lies peripheral to the Panguna, Papua New Guinea.
potassic zone. Propylitization occurs principally The most marked difference between the
by the alteration of biotite to chlorite ± epidote. alteration assemblages in the intrusion and the wall
Sulphide mineralization may occur in both the rocks occurs where the wall rocks are carbonates
potassic and the propylitic zones and hypogene -limestones or dolomites. In this case the typical
copper values may be sufficiently high (> 0.4%) to potassic or phyllic alteration of the intrusion abuts
constitute ore grade without supergene against skarn. We discuss the development of
enrichment. Pyrrhotite may accompany weak skarns in this and other environments in Chapter
development of the phyllic zone as in some of the 10.
intrusions in the Cascade district of Washington
(Patton et al., 1973). (c) Due to the location of the sulphide mineralization
Hollister (1978) developed a dioritic model for The Lowell and Guilbert model showing
alteration in porphyry copper environments alteration and mineralization (Figs 3.6, 3.7 and
related to low Si0 2 intrusions, this model having 3.10) sites the hypogene copper mineralization in
been developed primarily from observations in the the outer parts of the potassic zone. Outwards
Canadian Cordillera. One of the main reasons for from this, sulphides become more abundant but
the difference between the dioritic model and the are represented almost exclusively by pyrite.
Lowell and Guilbert model appears to be the Detailed studies worldwide have shown that
relatively low sulphur concentrations in the copper mineralization may be associated with any
mineralizing fluids. As a result much iron remains of the alteration zones. Care must be exercised to
in the chlorites and biotites, not all the iron oxides ensure that hypogene mineralization is recognized
in the host rocks being altered to pyrite. The and distinguished from secondary supergene
alteration zones in the dioritic model appear enrichment.
restricted to the potassic and propylitic varieties. In most porphyry copper deposits the core is
In the potassic zone biotite may be the most barren or very low grade but some, such as
common potassium mineral and when orthoclase Bingham, contain bornite-molybdenum miner-
is not well developed, plagioclase may be the alization (Beane and Titley, 1981). Others have
principal feldspar. high-grade sulphides in quartz pods and veins, as
at Yandera, Papua New Guinea. Where the phyllic

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
alteration is missing, as is the case with dioritic 3.2.3 Genesis of porphyry copper
intrusions, significant mineralization may occur deposits
associated with the propylitic alteration, for
It is generally accepted that these deposits are the
example at Sierrita-Esperanza, Arizona.
result of the emplacement of hydrous magmas into
highly permeable cover rocks at relatively shallow
(f) Tectonic setting depths in the crust. These intrusions and their fluid
Figure 3.4 shows that most porphyry copper phases produce the heat and energy necessary to
deposits are associated with convergent plate create the fractures and convective fluid flow for
boundaries and areas of andesitic volcanism. Most the ground preparation for ore deposition. There
formed along destructive plate margins above sub- is less certainty whether magmatic fluid provides
duction zones of oceanic crust. Some arose from the chemical components for alteration and miner-
continent-to-continent collision, those of the alization (Anthony, 1983). There is much evidence
western Pacific formed in island-arc regimes. showing that the fluids in these porphyry copper
To explain the occurrence of the largest con- systems are derived from two different sources.
centration of porphyry copper deposits so far dis- Initially there is outward flow of ex solved
covered, those in the southwestern states of the solutions from the crystallizing magma and sub-
USA, we shall consider the processes of sub- sequently meteoric and connate waters are
duction in that region in more detail. These involved in the system. McMillan and Panteleyev
deposits are dominantly Laramide in age. This was (1980) describe the two ends of such a hydro-
the time when the oblique convergence of the thermal system - one dominated by fluids of
continental and Farallon plates changed to near- magmatic origin and the other dominated by fluids
normal convergence. The net convergence rate of meteoric origin (Fig. 3.11).
increased dramatically accompanied by a flat- Although the actual source of the magma has yet
tening of the subduction zone. Heidrick and Titley to be decided (Anthony, 1983), at a convergent
(1976) suggested that this convergent style margin a magmatic plume would rise from the
caused epicrustal extension which in tum more ductile lower crust to the more brittle higher
facilitated access for the porphyry magmas into the levels in the crust (0.5 to 2 km from the con-
upper crust. temporary surface). Conductive heat flow
Nearly all the porphyry copper deposits of the through the cover rocks would result in thermal
American southwest had formed by 50 million metamorphism centred on the intrusion. These
years ago. The slow convergence rate of the Pacific early metamorphic effects may be difficult to
and North American plates since that time cor- recognize if the country rocks were granitic,
responds to a period of reduced igneous activity in otherwise biotite hornfelses would be formed.
the area. The deposits of the Canadian Cordillera, The brittle nature of these hornfelses would
the Philippines and many of the Andean deposits facilitate the development of the fracturing which
had also formed by this time. The porphyry is very important in the formation of productive
copper deposit at Bingham Canyon, Utah, is intrusions.
younger and related to a pulse of igneous activity Early crystallization gave rise to an equigranular
between 37 and 41 million years which is about the carapace to the intrusion. Continued crystal-
age of the El Salvador deposit in Chile (Fig. 3.9). lization would lead to increasing quantities of
The Andean province, mainly Chile and Peru, exsolved fluids and possibly scavenged elements
contains deposits with an age range from 59 to being concentrated in the apical region of the
4.3 million years. The deposits tend to occur in a intrusion (Burnham, 1979). The internal vapour
linear belt approximately 100 km from the pressure would increase until it exceeded the
present-day coast and parallel to the plate confining pressure and the tensile stress of the
boundary. carapace. Retrograde boiling occurred (Phillips,
Magmatic hydrothermal deposits

Surface - -- - -

- 2km

x x x
- 4 km (b)

Dominant alteration types

~ Potossic t~~~~~~ Phyllic D Propy lit ic ,:0; ~I Boili ng zone

1J Magmo~c source of flu id --'" Meteoric source of flu i d

Fig. 3.11 Models of hydrothermal systems for porphyry copper deposit genesis (after McMillan and Panteleyev
1980). Two end members shown: (a) orthomagmatic; (b) convective.


+ . . . . . . . ' . '" ••
• IncreaSing ... ..
. l"OPOx pre-ssure- . .
.. , I ..... .

': :::'T'
Crystals" , .
. \
I , •• equigranular
. \ Tn , .......
I magma I
, 'I , ......
" I

( a) (b)

Fig. 3.12 D evelopment of crackle brecciation. (a) Vapour pressure build-up; (b) retrograde boiling; (c) brecciation.
(After Phillips 1973.)

1973). Hydrofracturing of the intrusion and host which we have referred already, possibly
rocks followed as the hydrothermal fluids broke indicate the positions of these earlier fractures.
through the crystalline carapace. Probably these When the fracture system coupled to the surface
early formed fractures were sealed by mineral the internal pressure was suddenly decreased
precipitation from the fluids and this 'throttling' from lithostatic to hydrostatic and massive boiling
allowed the internal fluid pressures of the intrusion took place . This event was accompanied by the
to increase again until the retrograde boiling phase generation of the breccias and pebble dykes (Fig.
repeated . This may have repeated many times, the 3.12).
small chain-like occurrences of sulphides, to Fluid inclusion studies provide evidence that
Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
boiling occurred since highly saline fluid 3.2.4 Panguna porphyry copper deposit,
inclusions, with co-existing gas and fluid-rich Bougainville, Papua New Guinea
inclusions, are preserved. Release of the hydro-
(a) Geology
thermal fluids caused an increase in the rate of
Panguna, on the island of Bougainville at the
cooling which would result in more rapid crystal-
western end of the Solomon Islands, is the largest
lization, creating the fine-grained groundmass and
producing porphyry copper deposit in the western
therefore the porphyritic texture of the intrusive.
Pacific island arc setting. The geology has been
The upward and outward flow of hydrothermal
described by Baumer and Fraser (1975) and
fluids led to the initial mineralization and caused
Baldwin et al. (1978). The genesis of the ore body
the potassic core and the surrounding propylitic
has been discussed by Eastoe (1982). The oldest
alteration. The upward moving, magmatically
rocks in the region of the deposit are basaltic and
derived, hydrothermal fluids entrained some
andesitic lavas and pyroclastics of Lower
meteoric water which would also be involved in
Oligocene or Upper Miocene age. The copper
the alteration. The presence of the pluton would
deposit was formed 5 to 3.4 million years ago
have created thermal convection currents in
du~ing, or following, the emplacement of quartz
meteoric fluids in the neighbourhood of
diorite to granodiorite intrusives. The deposit is
the intrusive (Fig. 3.11). As the cooling period
located at the southern margin of the Kaverong
of the intrusive extended, the role of the
Quartz Diorite stock (Fig. 3.14). The ore body
convecting groundwater became more important.
consists of veins and disseminations in this rock
The groundwater flowed towards and through
and in the Panguna Andesite. Marginal intrusive
the crackled zones resulting in widespread
phases of the Kaverong stock, the biotite
phyllic overprinting of the previous alteration
granodiorite, the Biuro granodiorite; and the
zones. Often extensive remobilization and
leucocratic quartz diorite, are all to some extent
enrichment of early formed copper sulphides by
hypogene leaching took place at this stage
(Gustafson and Hunt, 1975).
Further cooling of the intrusion led to (b) Mineralization
the collapse of the thermally driven convection cell The Panguna deposit is similar to other western
(Fig. 3.11). This resulted in a dilute acid hot-spring Pacific island arc deposits, such as Ok Tedi, in
environment with accompanying argillic over- having relatively low molybdenum (average 33
printing. At this stage any further, post-ore, ppm) and high gold (average 0.55 g/t). The
intrusives would react with the cooler ground- dominant copper sulphide is chalcopyrite with
water and give rise to explosive activity such as bornite relatively significant in a few places. Minor
pebble breccia pipes and diatremes. Subsequently free gold is found associated with bornite. Gold is
porphyry copper deposits would be subjected to sporadically developed in the chalcopyrite, it is
weathering and the downward percolation of anomalously high in the bornite and negligible in
meteoric water. The high pyrite content of the the pyrite. The average magnetite content of the
alteration zones resulted in an efficient leaching ore body is 2.7 wt% but rises to 10% in some
agent, and secondary or supergene enrichment of high-grade areas close to the leucocratic quartz
the ores took place. The enrichment is caused by diorite and biotite granodiorite. Rare sphalerite
leaching of the copper at high levels, in an and galena associated with late stage faults occur in
oxidizing environment above the water table, and all rock types over most of the area cutting earlier
the redeposition of this copper at lower levels copper mineralization. The copper sulphides are
principally as chalcocite or djurleite. This zone of mainly located on fractures, irrespective of
secondary enrichment is sometimes referred to as lithology, and only 5% occurs as diseminations in
the 'chalcocite blanket' (Fig. 3.13). the intrusives. Quartz veining and sulphide veins

Magmatic hydrothermal deposits

Fig.3.13 Morenci Mine, Arizona. At the end of the 19th century a small underground operation here was producing
copper at grades approaching 20%. Part of the supergene-enriched blanket is still visible overlain by the extensive

are necessary for high-grade ore, except in some this copper into the surrounding breccias and
breccias which have massive sulphides in the biotite diorite remnants.
matrix. (2) a mineralization phase associated with the
emplacement of the leucocratic quartz diorite.
(c) Genesis of the deposit (3) a phase centred on an area close to the
The country rocks of the Panguna Andesite western margin of the biotite granodiorite and
formed part of a stratovolcano~ Into these was postdating the intrusion of the Biuro granodiorite.
intruded the Kave;o;g -Q-~~~t~ Diorite. Three
Pebble dyke formation is post mineral and these
mineralizing events account for the sulphide
mineralization: are structurally controlled. According to Eastoe
(1982) the copper was deposited mainly by salt-
(1) the Kaverong Quartz Diorite/biotite diorite rich liquid expelled directly from the magma.
intruded into the Panguna Andesite. Assimilation
and remobilization of existing copper .miner-
alization may have resulted from the intrusion of (d) Exploration, evaluation and mining
the biotite granodiorite along the biotite diorite- The Panguna open pit began stripping overburden
Panguna Andesite contact then the dumping of in 1970 and came into production in 1972. This


l1li Collopsed breccio

I'., ·.1
Intrusive brecc ia

: :: :: Biuro granod iorite

D Leucocrotic quortz diorite

~ Bionte gronod iorite

~ Biotite diorite

M iocene-Oligocene

D Ponguno ondesite

_ 0.) ./.- Copper eva luation bulked

diamond drill pr imary
20ne intersection


L '_ _ _---"
200 m


900 m
800 m

700 m
Pit profile 1977
600 m

I:?;: ;::~ Volcanic ash boulder terrace § o'-'_ __ 200m

Biotite granodiorite -'1

Pebble dyke ~ Biotite diorite

i D
, 1
1: 1: 1 Biuro granodiorite Pong una andes ite

Leucocratic quartz diarito


Fig. 3.14 (a) Geological map, Panguna Mine, Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, showing copper-grade evaluation.
(b) Geological section along line A-B-C in (a). (After Baldwin et al. 1978.)
Magmatic hydrothermal deposits
was the culmination of an extremely successful washing out of friable chalcopyrite from veins and
exploration programme; the discovery of the fractures during diamond drilling. The overall
extensive mineralization followed a recon- core recovery was 93.4% in primary ore.
naissance stream sediment survey (MacNamara, Subsequent sampling of blast holes has con-
1968). A soil geochemistry follow-up was sistently shown a difference from the diamond
combined with detailed geological mapping. A drill hole data for the lower-grade mineralization
distinctive vegetation assemblage occurred over (0.2 to 0.3% Cu for diamond drill hole as against
the copper deposit here (Cole, 1971). 0.31--0.35% Cu for blasthole sampling). There is
The deposit was evaluated on a 122 m grid and no significant change for the higher grade (> 1%
the evaluation programme involved 238 vertical Cu) mineralization. Since the commencement of
diamond drill holes. Diamond drill hole material blasthole sampling this is used for pit planning, but
was assayed and this was used for the ore-zoning only for two bench heights at a time. A drainage
programme (Baldwin et al., 1978). The grades tunnel driven below the planned pit bottom also
were calculated at node points on a regular three- supplied bulk samples to indicate the continuity of
dimensional grid. There was 50% overlap on all the deposit in depth.
axes of the grid and this eventually produced a Reserves at Panguna are estimated at 1000
75 X 75 X 15 m matrix for open pit bench million tonnes (Table 3.1). This is over twice the
planning. Baldwin et al. state that this was a estimated reserves when Conzinc Riotinto
computer-generated study without the input of negotiated the concession with the Australian
geological constraints. The node values were con- administration in Papua New Guinea in 1967
toured, irrespective of geological boundaries, to (Davies, 1978). The operation produces a copper-
delineate ore-grade zones. Each node assay value gold-silver concentrate with a mine output of
was assigned to its area of influence (75 X 75 XIS about 130 000 tonnes per day. In 1982 the yield
m), and the grade and tonnage within viable pit was 598 634 tonnes of 28.4% copper concentrate
limits was calculated. Reserve estimates were also containing 170 004 tonnes of copper, 17 528 kg of
calculated by the polygons method using the gold and 43 153 kg of silver (Sassos, 1983). The
evaluation diamond drill holes as the centres of income from this porphyry copper mine in 1982
polygons. came almost equally from its copper and gold
Once mining commenced these reserve cal- sales. Gross sales value for the year was about US$
culations needed modification. Firstly the lack of 276 million with 51 % from copper and 47% from
consideration of geological controls on the miner- gold. This emphasizes the value of by-products to
alization became evident within the biotite grano- the commercial viability of porphyry copper
diorite. Here the higher-grade copper values deposits during the late 1970s and early 1980s.
outside the intrusion had been averaged with the
lower-grade values within the intrusive. This
resulted in more ore being indicated than was
actually present. Consequently the contact of the
intrusion was inserted upon the bench plans to Today exploration for porphyry copper deposits is
outline an area of waste. Secondly it was shown guided by the knowledge of the geotectonic
that the diamond drill holes had undervalued the setting in which tb.SY ()ccur and the detalfedkOOw-
deposit. This was first shown by bulk samples ledge of their structure ~nd alteration zon~~.
from the preproduction adit and raise exploration. However, it is worth noting that many of the
Some of these were taken in adits and raises which major porphyry copper deposits were discovered
followed the line of evaluation diamond drill before the theory of plate tectonics had received
holes. The samples assayed up to 29% higher than universal acclaim and before the Lowell and
the diamond drill holes. This was explained by Guilbert model was expounded in 1970. Therefore

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Fig. 3.15 Fracture analysis is

important in porphyry deposits, not
only during exploration but also in
stability analysis of operating open pits
such as here at Morenci Mine,

major deposits w ere discovered by careful The present understanding of porphyry copper
interpretation of detailed geological map- deposits means that although broad regions may
ping and sampling. Geochemistry and geo- be identified as favourable prospective areas it is
physics have been widely used and of course no not possible to predict exactly where within the
economic deposits have been outlined without region productive intrusions willlie unless there is
extensive drilling programmes. some surface showing.

Magmatic hydrothermal deposits
(a) Remote sensing (1) The target is large, the alteration zone
With the advent of satellite imagery the detection extending well beyond the ore shells.
of suitable areas for porphyry copper deposits (2) The host rocks are fractured and therefore
should be easier. Features which may be visible on there is easy access for water and oxygen. There
such images and aerial photographs inclUde is relatively easy exit for weathered products.
gossans, vegetation changes and fracture intensity (3) The abundance of pyrite in the deposits gives
or density. We have already described the rise to acid weathering conditions favouring the
extensive fracturing that is common in these mobilization of copper and other metals in
deposits (Fig. 3.15), and Haynes and Titley (1980) solution.
describe the change in fracture density with
A geochemical exploration programme would
distance from the progenitor intrusion for the
follow traditional lines - a stream sediment or
Sierrita deposit in Arizona. Careful structural
water survey followed by soil geochemistry.
interpretation of aerial photographs should reduce
Additionally rock sampling, vegetation sampling
considerably the area of subsequent ground
or soil gas analysis may be applied.
search. O'Driscoll (1981) has described the
recognition of structural corridors in Landsat
lineament interpretation and shown their relation-
(i) Stream sediments
ship to mineral deposits such as Bingham Canyon,
Utah. Geochemical surveys using stream sediments have
Experimental work by Abrams et al. (1983) proved most useful in detecting copper miner-
using the deposits of the southwest USA has alization, and dispersion trains up to 20 km have
shown how remote sensing may be used for that been recorded downstream from a porphyry
area. With advances such as thematic mappers copper showing. This is true in areas of humid
(TM) the recognition of the extensive alteration climate and particularly in areas of high relief.
phenomena associated with porphyry copper Coope (1973) and other authors have warned
deposits may be possible during a desk study. about the use of cold-extractable copper (cxCu).
The pyrite content in the alteration halo of large
deposits results in acid ground~ and stream-water
(b) Geophysics which in tum can give misleading cxCu data
As part of reconnaissance, an aero-magnetic without significantly affecting patterns in the total
survey should be undertaken. Gravity surveys metal data.
may be used to locate the most likely site of the
In the exploration for the Yandera deposit in
progenitor intrusion and accurate modelling-may
Papua New Guinea one sample of stream sediment
T_cficatedeJ?th. During -detailed ground recon:'" per 1-2 km 2 effectively delimited the porphyry
naissance, induced polarization (IP) is the most
system. Samples from the -185JLm were
applicable method because of the disseminated
analysed for copper, molybdenum and gold but
nature of these deposits. Pseudo sections con- the molybdenum was not so effective in this case.
structed from IP surveys over chosen target areas Stream-sediment surveys are not as widely
may be used to guide subsequent drilling. used, or applicable, in arid areas. Possible causes of
contamination during the dry period in these areas
(c) Geochemistry are windblown dust and material from bank col-
Undoubtedly geochemistry has been one of the lapse. However, the La Caridad deposit. in
more successful prospecting techniques in the northern Mexico, was located by a stream-
search for, and extension of, porphyry copper sediment survey, probably because the deposit
deposits. The reasons for this may be summarized was high grade and there was a good drainage
(Coope, 1973): system. At La Caridad the molybdenum anomaly

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
extended more than 32 km downstream from the semi-arid areas (Chaffee, 1982) but this also suffers
deposit (Chaffee, 1982). In panned concentrates from the limited distribution of potential sampling
tungsten was detectable 11 km downstream from sites within the chosen area.
the La Caridad deposit. Copper, while obviously
anomalous, may not be sufficiently diagnostic and
should be correlated with anomalous values of (iii) Rock sampling
other elements such as molybdenum, tungsten,
Where possible, rock sampling is particularly
gold, or even tellurium, selenium or rubidium.
beneficial and may permit the recognition of
element zoning around a system. This zoning will
not be coincident with the alteration zones (Fig.
(ii) Soil sampling 3.16). Detailed examination of the physical
characteristics and trace element content of
Once the area for more intensive exploration has
accessory minerals such as apatite and rutile can
been delineated then soil sampling is very
help in target identification.
important in the search for porphyry systems.
Here copper may be less useful as a geochemical
guide than either gold or molybdenum. There
(iv) Vegetation sampling
may be a zoned appearance to the anomaly with
copper and molybdenum in the centre and This can be divided into geobotanical sampling,
anomalous zinc, manganese, silver, lead, by which we mean the recognition of the dis-
cadmium and bismuth in the surrounding tribution of distinct plant species, and bio-
alteration aureole (Chaffee, 1982). Molybdenum geochemical sampling where the trace element
does not appear to be such a useful tool in areas of content of plants is analysed. Geobotanical
deeper weathering and oxidation. sampling is very effective if diagnostic, or
Gold has been shown to be a very good path- indicator, species can be recognized. It may be
finder element for porphyry systems, for example expensive if specialized botanical assistance is
in Puerto Rico (Learned and Boissen, 1973). Gold required but it can be very rapid. In arid areas it
was also useful in Papua New Guinea and seems may have limited application since there may be no
most effective in areas of steep mountainous germination, flowering, or a stunting of growth.
terrain. Here it may be the most definitive guide Biogeochemical sampling may be ·useful
despite low concentrations in the primary because of the depth sampled by plant roots. At
mineralization (average 0.1 g/t in Yandera Mineral Butte the copper content in selected plants
deposit). (mesquite and acacia) gave anomalous values 2 km
Soil sampling may be undertaken on a regular from the nearest mineralized outcrop (Chaffee,
grid system or, if the terrain is mountainous and 1982). Biogeochemical sampling suffers from the
thickly forested, ridge and spur sampling can be drawback we mentioned above when discussing
undertaken and combined with contour 'trail' caliche and desert varnish sampling, namely the
sampling. At the Yandera deposit, Fleming and problem of uniformity in sample density. Since
Neale (1979) recommended a trail spacing of 60 m there is unlikely to be equal plant distribution,
vertically with channel samples cut across the trail some plants having very limited distribution, at
at 10 to 15 m intervals. least two species must be sampled. Other
In semi-arid areas the caliche layer may be problems with sampling plants are the variation in
sampled but since this may not be sufficiently element content of the ashed material with the
widespread for an even distribution of samples it time of sampling and the effects of minor climatic
can result in sampling bias. Similarly the sampling variations upon the uptake of elements by the
of the desert varnish on pebbles may be useful in plants.

' j(

Potassic \ Phyllic
alreratlon \ alteratIon
zone zane I
I Propylihc
I ~~~~ation Fe?

?Fe ?Fe
Fig. 3.16 Geochemical model of the
Kalamazoo-San Manuel porphyry copper o
300 m

deposits (after Chaffee 1982).

Only trace element aureoles


" '. '.'

" ' .
. : .' .
' ....

. ,',.

,, ' ' ... - .

Root zone exposed

Fig. 3.17 Schematic diagram of porphyry copper system, showing hypothetical levels of erosion (after Lowell and
Guilbert 1970, and Chaffee 1982).
Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
(v) Groundwater and soil gas sampling 1982). Field estimates are made of the limonite and
copper mineralogy of the capping. From these,
Both these techniques are more useful in arid areas
estimates are made of the maximum and
than in humid areas. In arid areas wells may be
minimum copper grades of the former sulphide
sampled and the pumping effect of the well may
zone. Detailed mapping of the limonite and copper
mean that the groundwater is representative of
mineralogy and geochemical analyses for copper
wide areas. Soil gas sampling is probably to
in the rock lead to semi-quantitative predictions of
become very important in the search for 'blind'
the primary grade and grade of the chalcocite
porphyry systems, that is those with no surface
enrichment zone. These predictions can be proven
expressions. S02, H 2S and Hg emanations can all
only by extensive diamond drilling. Anderson
be sought because of the size of oxidizing sulphide
(1982) quotes figures for comparisons at 18
porphyry copper properties in southwestern
USA. Here drilling results showed that over 75%
(d) Detailed geological mapping of the primary-grade predictions agreed within
Although the indirect methods, geochemistry and 30% of the actual (drilling-determined) values and
geophysics, provide many data to indicate suitable over 80% of the chalcocite-enrichment predictions
targets for further investigation, the role of careful agreed within 20% of the values obtained by
geological mapping must not be underestimated. drilling.
Detailed geological, structural and alteration Although capping interpretation is very useful it
mapping has to be undertaken at all available is not a universally applicable definitive method of
outcrops. The exploration geologist must con- porphyry copper evaluation. The petrology of the
sider the various features of the porphyry cap may be affected by carbonate host rocks below
system which may be exposed by erosion (Fig. the surface which inhibit copper migration or
3.17). The structural and alteration characteristics faults may be present which offset the sulphide
of porphyry copper systems are such that this mineralization. Consequently the cap evaluation
geological approach is amongst the most sig- must form only part of an integrated survey
nificant ones adopted. All float material must be involving geology, geophysics, geochemistry
examined for alteration characteristics. Detailed and, subsequently, drilling.
laboratory petrological and mineralogical trace
element studies on collected specimens will be
undertaken to identify the mineralized zone. As 3.4 PORPHYRY MOLYBDENUM DEPOSITS
we have seen, this mineralized area may be
overlain by a leached capping. Certain elements
may be enriched in these leached cappings. In a 3.4.1 Introduction
highly leached deposit, the Berg porphyry copper Although commercial quantities of molybdenum
in British Columbia, Heberlein et al. (1983) occur as by-products or co-products in porphyry
showed a surface enrichment of Mo--Pb--Ag-F copper deposits this is not the major source of
over the mineralized zone. molybdenum. A variety of other deposits contain
economic concentrations of molybdenite
(e) Characteristics of the leached capping or including skarns, quartz veins and greisens. The
gossan most important source of molybdenum is the
Lithogeochemistry is used during the detailed porphyry molybdenum deposits. White et al.
reconnaissance stage to delimit the alteration zones (1981) provide an outline of molybdenum deposits
as we have outlined above. It is also used in more and divide the porphyry molybdenum deposits
detail, once the target has been selected, to into the Climax type and the quartz monzonite
characterize the leached capping (Anderson, type based upon the petrology of the causative

Magmatic hydrothermal deposits
Table 3.2 Comparison of types of porphyry molybdenum deposits (from White et aI., 1981).

Characteristics Climax type Quartz monzonite type

Co-genetic rock type Granite porphyry Quartz monzonite porphyry

Intrusive phases Multiple intrusions of granite Composite intrusions of diorite
to quartz monzonite
Intrusive type Stock Stock or batholith
Ore body type Stockwork Stockwork
Ore body shape Inverted cup Inverted cup, tabular
Ore grade, average % MoS: 0.30 to 0.45 0.10 to 0.20
Ore body tonnage 50 to 1000 million tonnes 50 to 1000 million tonnes
Disseminated MoS: Rare Rare
Age Middle to late Tertiary Mesozoic and Tertiary
Fluorine minerals Fluorite, topaz Fluorite
Bismuth minerals Sulphosalts Sulphosalts
Tungsten minerals Wolframite (huebnerite) Scheelite
Tin minerals Cassiterite, stannite Rare
Copper minerals Rare chalcopyrite Minor chalcopyrite
Silicification High silica core No high silica
Greisenization Greisen common No greisen
Ore zone Cu: Mo ratio 1:100 to 1:50 1:30 to 1:1

igneous body. Table 3.2 shows some of the dif- calcic and alkalic stockworks related to granitic
ferences between the two types as recognized by differentiates of alkali-calcic and alkalic series.
White and co-authors. Sillitoe (1980) dis-
tinguished two broad categories of porphyry mol-
ybdenum deposits based on their tectonic setting. 3.4.2 General characteristics of porphyry
These were subduction related and rift related, a molybdenum deposits
distinction which he stated accounted for some of
the geological differences in known porphyry (a) Distribution of deposits in time and space
molybdenum deposits. Westra and Keith (1981) Porphyry molybdenum deposits have been
proposed a broad twofold division into (a) calc- recognized in western Canada, western USA,
alkaline stockworks related to granodioritic to Mexico, Peru, Greenland, Yugoslavia, China and
granitic differentiates of calc-alkalic to high- the USSR. Comparison with the global dis-
potassium calc-alkalic magma series and (b) alkali- tribution of porphyry copper deposits (Fig. 3.4)

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
shows a marked similarity but not exact POS" 11060 pos"
coincidence. Far fewer deposits of porphyry
molybdenum have been worked commercially
than porphyry coppers. Their more limited
occurrence suggests somewhat narrower
geological constraints on their formation than
those applicable to porphyry copper. To illustrate
the difference in localized geographical
distribution we may quote examples from two
states in the USA. Arizona, where so far no
economic porphyry molybdenum deposits have
been developed , contains in excess of30 porphyry
copper deposits; Colorado, on the other hand,
which has a paucity of porphyry copper deposits,
contains three of the largest porphyry mol-
ybdenum deposits in the World - Climax,
Henderson and Mt Emmons (Fig. 3.18).
Most porphyry molybdenum occurrences are
Mesozoic and Tertiary in age. Ages of the deposits
in the western USA, the Colorado-New Mexico
molybdenum province, range from about 17 to
140 million years. The oldest in British Columbia
is the Endako deposit, dated at about 140 million
years. The Malmbjerg deposit in Greenland is
Middle Oligocene, and Jurassic porphyry
molybdenum deposits have been recorded from Fig. 3.18 Areas of known molybdenum occurrences
the USSR. (stippled) and selected major molybdenum ore deposits
in Colorado and Northern New M exico . Bouger gravity
contours in milligals. (After White et al. 1981.)
(b) Size and grade of deposits
The molybdenite content of the Climax type of
porphyry molybdenum deposits ranges from less
than 0.1 % to more than 1%, the average grade the molybdenum IS in quartz-molybdenite
being between 0.3 and 0.45% MoS 2 . The quartz- veinlets forming a stockwork. The molybdenite
monzonite type has average grades nearer 0.15% commonly occurs along the veinlet walls but may
MoS 2 • The ore body tonnages for both types are appear as discontinuous layers and disseminations
similar, ranging from approximately 50 million within the quartz veins. Minor molybdenite may
tonnes to over 1000 million tonnes (Fig. 3.19). The form coatings on fractures and can occur as dis-
largest concentration of Climax-type deposits, seminated crystals in porphyries, breccias and
and of porphyry molybdenum deposits other associated igneous rocks.
worldwide, occurs in Colorado; the sizes of these In the majority of these systems the molyb-
deposits are given in Table 3.3. Two of the largest denite is associated with pyrite and with fluorine-
quartz monzonite-type deposits are Mt Tolman, and tungsten-bearing species . Scheelite is a
Washington, and Quartz Hill in Alaska. common accessory mineral in the quartz mon-
zonite type and may be a . by-product.
(c) Mineralogy These quartz monzonite systems may contain
In Climax-type deposits most, perhaps 90%, of copper but chalcopyrite is rare in the Climax type.

Magmatic hydrothermal deposits

~ 0·25 03

...c 01

0.2 Rift-related

';-~:4 -------
Fig. 3.19 Tonnages and grades of E 0·15
selected subduction-related ( .) and rift- c
related ( D) porphyry molybdenum u
.g. 0·1 • • Subduction -related
deposits (after Sillitoe 1980). Deposits o • •
mentioned in the text: Rift related: (1)
Climax, Colorado; (2) Henderson,


Colorado; (3) Mt Emmons, Colorado;
(4) Malmbjerg, Greenland. Subduction-
related: (5) Quartz Hill, Alaska; (6) Mt °0L----10LO----2~0-0---3~0~0--~40LO--~5LOO----6~0~0--~70~0~~800
Tolman, Washington; (7) Endako, B.C. Size of deposit' (million tonnes)

Table 3.3. Climax-type molybdenum deposits of Colorado. (Sources: White et al. 1981; Thomas and Galey 1982.)

Size Grade
(0.2% MoS2 Thickness Reserves (%)
Deposit cut off) (m) (million tannes) MaS! Staws

Climax 1300 X 900 m 250 400 0.45 Underground mine

Henderson 1000 X 750 m <300 300 0.49 Underground mine
MtEmmons 700 m diam. 100 150 0.44 Mine design

It appears that some of the quartz monzonite monzonite to high-silica alkali-rich granites. It is
systems are intermediate between porphyry on the basis of the composition of the co-genetic
molybdenum deposits and porphyry copper intrusion that White et al. (1981) have subdivided
deposits. In such deposits the copper-to-molyb- porphyry molybdenum deposits into a quartz
denum ratio ranges from 1:1 to 1:10. monzonite subclass and a Climax- (granite-) type
An example of such an intermediate deposit type is subclass. The latter subclass is named after the
Nevada Molybdenum, USA. Tin may occur as Climax mine, Colorado, which has been the
cassiterite or stannite in Climax-type deposits but World's largest single producer of molybdenum
is rare in the quartz monzonite type. for many years.
In Climax-type deposits the dominant
intrusives are granite porphyries with rhyolite
(d) Host lithology porphyry caps if the system vented. The
Porphyry molybdenum deposits are associated intrusives are highly differentiated. Ore deposits
with porphyritic intrusions ranging from quartz belonging to the quartz monzonite type are

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
associated with small, usually composite, stocks occurred the later intrusions do not rise as high in
and late stages of batholiths. Differentiation trends the vertical sequence as the earlier intrusions and
are frequently observed in the systems, beginning their associated ore bodies. This may be seen at
with diorite or quartz diorite and passing through Red Mountain, where the early Urad ore body
granodiorite to quartz monzonites. The quartz occurs some 800 m higher than the later
monzonites are often well differentiated and in Henderson ore body (Fig. 3.20), and is also shown
places approach granite in composition (White et at Climax and Mt Emmons (Figs 3.21 and 3.23).
aI., 1981). The geological characteristics of some
of the more important quartz monzonite types, (e) Alteration
those occurring in British Columbia, are described As with porphyry copper deposits the hydro-
by Soregaroli and Sutherland Brown (1976). thermal alteration of the rocks surrounding the ore
Important in the genesis of Climax-type ore bodies is characteristic of porphyry molybdenum
bodies is the cyclical nature of the intrusion of the deposits. The alteration halos greatly enlarge the
host plutons and the associated mineralization. target for exploration and may be the only surface
The recognition of this cyclicity and the possibility expression of underlying molybdenum miner-
of the occurrence of multiple phases of miner- alization (Fig. 3.23). The major zones are
alization within a relatively short span of comparable to those of the porphyry coppers -
geological time led to the discovery of the potassic zone, phyllic zone, an argillic zone which
Henderson ore body and may be crucial to the may be divisible into upper and lower zones, and
discovery of further Climax-type bodies. Where the prophylitic zone. In addition to these there are
multiple intrusion and mineralization have minor zones defined by specific alteration mineral

s N s N

Min e

2~m 2500 m


2000 m 2000 m

o 300 m 300 m
LI--'---'-..J1 '--'--''---''

(a) (b)
Fig.3.20 (a) Diagrammatic section showing intrusion of Primos porphyry and formation of upper lobe of Henderson
ore body. (b) Diagrammatic section showing intrusion of Henderson granite and renewed molybdenite
mineralization. Stippled areas, > 0.2% MOS2. (After Wallace et al. 1978.)

MaJ!matic hydrothermal deposits

alP quartz - topaz - pyrite alteration zone

Fig. 3.21 Climax ore

~ Southwest mass Biotite porphyry !~:::: .: J Biotite gran ite porphyry

bodies, Colorado ~2~~~ Central mass I@llillil Seriate granite _ ....... 0 · 4 % MOSz boundary
(from White et al. .&.. .......... 0.2 % MoS 2 boundary 01
Ceresco ore body
1981) .

species, which are distinct from the major replaced by potassium feldspars. The potassic zone
alteration assemblages in which they occur. These almost exactly coincides with the ore body in the
minor zones are a vein silica zone, pervasive silica Henderson deposit (Fig. 3.20). Potassic alteration
zone, magnetite and topaz zones, a greisen zone takes place before, during and after molybdenite
and a garnet zone. mineralization in most deposits and the close
spatial relationship noted for Henderson occurs in
(i) Potassic zone
many other deposits (for example, Climax).
Here the diagnostic feature is the total replacement At Mt Emmons the potassium feldspar zone is
of plagioclase by potassium feldspar and the zone veined, and pervasively flooded, by quartz,
is often bordered by a rock which shows pink magnetite and biotite; the grade of molybdenite
potassium feldspar, relatively fresh primary averages less than 0.1 % MoS 2 and this represents a
biotite and plagioclase feldspars only partially low-grade footwall zone to the molybdenite ore

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
body. Potassic alteration is prominent in all which is characterized by argillization of primary
deposits in the Canadian Cordillera and most and secondary feldspars. Kaolinite is the most
deposits show a close spatial relationship between common clay mineral. In porphyry molybdenum
this alteration and molybdenum mineralization. deposits of the Canadian Cordillera argillic
Field evidence supports experimental data in the alteration is reported from only three deposits and
hypothesis that late magmatic hydrous potassium- is genetically important at one, Endako, where it
rich silicate melts play a significant role in accompanies molybdenite introduction
concentrating molybdenum (Westra and Keith, (Soregaroli and Sutherland Brown, 1976).
1981) .
(iv) Propylitic zone
(ii) Phyllic zone
The typical propylitic assemblage is chlorite-
This alteration zone is characterized by the epidote-pyrite but will also contain calcite, clay
sericitization of potassium feldspar and plagio- and sericite which probably derive from the
clase, and by abundant pyrite. It may show a plagioclase. The chlorite of this zone is an
change in dominant mineral component and per- alteration product of biotite and the appearance of
vasIve alteration downwards, towards the unaltered biotite may mark the outward boundary
intrusion, from sericite to pyrite to quartz. In the of this zone. Propylitic alteration is common in the
Henderson deposit this zone partially overlaps the outer portions of many deposits in the Canadian
ore body and extends almost 450 m upwards from Cordillera, for example Boss Mountain where
it. At Mt Emmons it extends about 400 m above early propylitized fragments are found in breccias
the upper limit of potassic alteration. The pyrite which have subsequently been biotitized.
content of the phyllic zone at Mt Emmons
averages 6%. At Climax the pyrite content of the (v) Vein silica zone
pyritic zones averages between 3 and 6% whereas
the pyrite zone at Henderson contains between This occurs in the potassium-feldspathized rock
6 and 10% pyrite generally carrying little and is marked by much quartz veining. The
or no molybdenite. A phyllic zone occurs in most average quartz content may be increased from 40
porphyry molybdenum deposits in the Canadian to 70%.
Cordillera, and at Endako and Boss Mountain
sericite is directly related in variable degrees to
(vi) Pervas;ve silica zone
molybdenum mineralization.
In the hydrothermally altered rocks, areas may
occur which contain more than 90% quartz. These
(iii) Argillic zones
are within the K-feldspathized zone and may have
The upper portion of the argillic zone is marked by destroyed most of the characteristic features of that
the argillization of plagioclase feldspar, the zone. The borders of this zone may contain
feldspar being replaced by montmorillonite, concentrations of green biotite, topaz and chlorite
kaolinite and sericite. According to White et al. which White et al. (1981) suggest may have been
(1981) montmorillonite is more common on the purged from the areas of intense silicification.
margins and kaolinite is more abundant in the
interior. Potassium feldspar is relatively unaltered
(vii) Magnetite and topaz zones
and quartz remains fresh. Biotite is altered, being
replaced by muscovite, sericite, small quantities of Although these two minerals occur together they
rutile, leucoxene, pyrite, carbonate and fluorite. do not appear to be genetically related. The
With depth the lower argillic zone is reached magnetite content cf the potassic alteration zone

Magmatic hydrothermal deposits
may reach 30% (Thomas and Galey, 1982), the illustration of the relationship between the
magnetite occurring in discontinuous mono- stockwork molybdenum deposits, the porphyry
mineralic veinlets less than 6 mm wide. The topaz copper deposits and a convergent plate margin is
occurs in veins up to this width, or adjacent to such shown in Fig. 3.22.
veins which also carry quartz and pyrite. Where The porphyry molybdenum deposits of the
the topaz-bearing veinlets cut quartz-sericite- Canadian Cordillera also contain examples of ore
pyrite rock or feldspar rock the topaz replaces bodies formed after a major phase of com-
feldspar or its pseudomorphs. pressional stress had waned. This may be
illustrated by the Endako deposit, at 140 million
years the oldest economic porphyry molybdenum
(viii) Greisen zone
occurrence in the Cordillera. Here internal graben
A typical greisen vein is largely quartz and and antithetic vein structures within the deposit
molybdenite with some topaz, pyrite, magnetite suggest distension but the age dating places this
and muscovite. Greisen veins may cut through the deposit within the Columbian compressional
ore body as at Henderson and they cut the K- event. This suggests that the deposit formed late in
feldspathized rock. the event when the compressional stresses had
(ix) Garnet zone
3.4.3 Genesis of porphyry molybdenum
The garnet zone is typified by the occurrence of deposits
spessartine garnet and at Henderson the zone over-
laps the argillic and phyllic zones. The garnet here (a) Genesis of Climax type
is intimately associated with a suite of galena- The lower crustal partial melting which formed
sphalerite-rhodochrosite and is part of a late-stage the calc-alkaline batholiths of the Colorado
hydrothermal event. mineral belt was followed by the Climax-related
episode of partial melting. This latter event
(f) Tectonic setting probably occurred in the preheated upper portion
Sillitoe (1980) proposed the division of porphyry of the lower crust; however, Westra and Keith
molybdenum deposits into two main types, sub- (1981) propose that the enrichment process started
duction related and rift related. He assigns Climax, in the mantle. They then invoke deep crustal
Henderson, Mt Emmons and Questa to a sub- material to result in the formation of a fluorine-
division of the rift-related class, characterized by rich, high silica and K-rich granitic melt. This part
back-arc rifting induced by slowing, steepening of the crust had not been depleted in granitic
and eventual cessation of subduction. He noted constituents and incompatible trace elements.
that during rifting, the back-arc region of the The molybdenum present is likely to be con-
western USA changed from calc-alkaline to centrated in the K-rich residual melt. As the final
basalt-rhyolite magmatism and the metallogeny of fluid crystallizes to quartz and K-feldspar, excess
the back-arc region changed from chalcophile, potassium is introduced into the wall rock. A
dominantly copper, to lithophile. The reduction of confining pressure allows the release
Climax-type magmas and ore bodies apparently of a large volume of less saline magmatic hydro-
formed during a relatively quiescent, atectonic thermal fluid which is responsible for the main
interval that followed subduction-related com- mineralization. Westra and Keith suggest magma
pressional tectonism and calc-alkaline magmatism convection as the most likely process to supply the
but preceded strong rift-related extensional volume of hydrothermal fluids, the molybdenum
faulting and occurred without, or before, known and the thermal energy.
local rift-related basaltic volcanism. An Extensive mixing of magmatic and meteoric

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

'Calc-alkalic' 'Alkalic'
Porphyry copper { Cu-Au Cu-Mo Cu-Mo-Pb- Cu-Au
types Zn-Ag
1 1 1 I

Calc-alkalic Climax
deposit types
I... -I'" -I

O~ ____ ~~
I High-fluorine in biotite

~ 200
Fig.3.22 Schematic relationship o 300
between stockwork
molybdenum deposits and 4.00
porphyry copper deposits in a
convergent plate margin setting o 200 4.00 600 800
(from Westra and Keith 1981). Disrance (km)

hydrothermal fluids occurred in the quartz- least five times.

sericite-pyrite and argillic zones but within the ore The depth of formation for the Urad ore body
zone magmatic fluid pressures prevented the influx was about 600 to 800 m below surface; for the
of meteoric fluids beyond the edge of the zone of Henderson ore body it was about 1600 to 2000 m
stockwork fracturing. The importance of below surface. The Ceresco ore body at Climax
meteoric waters for the formation of the molyb- appears to have formed between 3300 and 4000 m
denite ore shell appears minor (Westra and Keith, below surface. Therefore in the Urad ore body the
1981) . pressure was almost entirely hydrostatic and the
The intrusions associated with Climax-type ore flow of heat and volatiles would have been
bodies may have risen diapirically and the multiple primarily upward from the magma through
intrusions typical of these deposits suggests fractured permeable rocks, towards the surface.
repeated actIvIty, possibly with successive Such a stress regime would result in an almost
intrusions rising along zones of weakness created cylindrical deposit with the Urad ore body little
by previous diapirs. The successive intrusions more than an aberrant bulge on the cylinder.
indicate increasing differentiation of a parent Climax and Henderson, on the other hand, were
magma. As the diapirs rose higher they encoun- well insulated and the hydrothermal solutions
tered zones of stronger thermal gradients and moved outwards as well as upwards because of the
changes in stress patterns. The end result was the more homogeneous conditions. The more general
extreme upward concentration of volatiles and 'umbrella'-shaped deposits were formed here. The
molybdenum. At Climax the intrusive cycle greater depth of formation of the Climax ore
repeated at least four times, at Mt Emmons- bodies and the more gradual thermal gradient may
Redwell at least three times and at Henderson at be one of the reasons that the ore bodies formed

Magmatic hydrothermal deposits
further from the causative plutons than either (b) Genesis of calc-alkaline molybdenum
those at Urad or Henderson. Another reflection of deposits
the more gradual thermal gradient may be the These are associated with calc-alkaline and high-K
extent of low-grade molybdenite mineralization calc-alkalic arc magmas. The parent magmas are
on the hangingwalls of the deposits. At Climax the low in fluorine and molybdenum. They may occur
0.1 % MoS" zones may be up to 170 m thick as stock-type or as plutonic-type stockworks. The
whereas at Henderson the equivalent zone is only lack of co-magmatic extrusive rocks suggests the
65 m thick. magma had a low water content or was emplaced
At Climax and Red Mountain it is possible to at rather deep levels in the crust. Formation of the
correlate a specific ore body with a discrete zone of stockwork fracturing started a complex
intrusive phase of a composite intrusion. At Mt magmatic hydrothermal convective system. A
Emmons only one episode of economic molyb- central zone dominated by magmatic hydro-
denum mineralization has been recognized to thermal fluids at lithostatic pressure was
date, that associated with the Red Lady stock. At surrounded by a large meteoric convection system
Climax, following the intrusion of the first phase under hydrostatic pressure (Westra and Keith,
of the Climax stock, all subsequent phases 1981). In the plutonic stockworks high confining
produced ore and were emplaced close to, but pressures prevent boiling of the magmatic hydro-
generally below, their predecessors, and each ore thermal fluid. Lack of boiling stops effective H"S
body partially overlaps the next older. At Red fractionation into the vapour phase and the pyrite
Mountain the cycle of intrusion-productive halo is weakly developed or lacking in these
mineralization was interrupted by the intrusion of plutonic stockworks.
the Red Mountain porphyry with which there is Owing to the low initial molybdenum content
no associated economic mineralization. This of the parent magma and the relatively inefficient
porphyry separates the Urad and Henderson ore concentration mechanisms in the magma, the final
bodies in time; these ore bodies are also separate in grade in the hydrothermal system will rarely
space by about 800 m (Fig. 3.20). Wallace et al. exceed 0.25% MoS 2.
(1978) proposed that the Red Mountain porphyry
vented and the accompanying mineralizing fluids 3.4.4 The Mount Emmons porphyry
were dissipated at surface. molybdenum deposit
The genesis of the Henderson ore body is
viewed by White et at. (1981) as related to the
intrusive suite of the Primos intrusive. This The Mt Emmons deposit is one of three molyb-
intrusive injected and fractured the host Urad denite deposits which underlie this mountain, 30
porphyry stock. Inward cooling and fractional km north of Gunnison in west central Colorado.
crystallization of the Primos magma produced an The other two are the Upper and Lower Redwell
aqueous phase which collected in areas now deposits which are smaller and leaner than the Mt
marked by micrographic textures and pegmatites. Emmons deposit (Fig. 3.23). The detailed
Continued accumulation of fluids and build-up of structural control for the occurrence of these
hydraulic overpressures caused hydrofracturing of deposits is unknown but they do not appear related
the chilled margin of the intrusive and its to the same structural lineaments as the Climax
surrounding host. The ore fluids were released to and Henderson deposits which lie over 80 km to
form part of the Henderson ore body. Quenching, the north east (Fig. 3.18).
along with the self-sealing nature of the quartz-
molybdenite mineralization, formed a new (a) Geology
relatively impermeable carapace that allowed the The rocks of Mt Emmons are Cretaceous, dark
process to repeat again and again until exhausted. carbonaceous shales and sandstones, overlain by

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Tertiary sandstones. The stocks which intrude magnetite content varies from 10 to 30%. The
these sediments are fine grained to coarsely grade of molybdenite in the intense potassic zone
porphyritic granites dated as Miocene-Pliocene. A averages less than 0.10% MoS 2 , representing a
rhyolite pipe and intrusive breccia followed the low-grade footwall fringe to the molybdenum ore
emplacement of the stocks. This breccia contains body.
rounded fragments of rhyolite, shale, hornfels and In the Red Lady Basin the phyllic zone extends
less commonly rhyolite porphyry fragments. about 400 m above the upper limit of potassic
Upper and lower molybdenum deposits occur alteration and at the surface lies somewhat east of
in the Redwell Basin area, northwest of the the projection of the stock. From the surface
summit of Mt Emmons. The upper molybdenum downward the dominant mineral component of
deposit is a stockwork of veinlets in brown veinlets and pervasive alteration changes from
hornfels and rhyolite porphyry. Using a 0.1 % sericite to pyrite and quartz. The pyrite content of
MoS 2 assay cut-off this upper deposit contains the propylitic zone averages about 1% and locally
about 20 million tonnes averaging 0.18% MoS 2 • reaches 6-8%.
Neither the upper nor the lower deposit appears to Pyrrhotite occurs in a SOO-m-thick zone which
have an inverted cup shape which is so charac- thins as it nears the zone of phyllically altered rocks
teristic of the other Climax-type porphyry molyb- above the stock (Fig. 3.23). The pyrrhotite content
denum ore bodies (Thomas and Galey, 1982). varies from about 3% in unaltered hornfels to less
The molybdenite is fine grained and occurs than 1% near the phyllic zone.
chiefly on the borders of the fine-grained light- The Mt Emmons deposit is a contact-related
grey quartz veinlets. The lower deposit lies stockwork of quartz veinlets containing molyb-
entirely within the Redwell stock and is a widely denite and variable amounts of fluorite, pyrite and
spaced network of sharp-walled quartz veinlets. very minor huebnerite. The thickest part of the ore
These are relatively rich in molybdenite and shell and best grades of molybdenum are found on
contain trace amounts ofK-feldspar, fluorite and the steepest flanks of the stock. Estimates made by
pyrite. Amax indicate reserves of about 1S0 million
The phase of the stock which contains the lower tonnes of mineralized porphyry and hornfels with
deposit, unlike the porphyry that hosts part of the average grades of 0.44% MoS 2 •
upper deposit, is depleted in fluorine, weakly Molybdenite in the ore zone is generally fme
enriched in K 20 and strongly enriched in Na 20. grained and is concentrated principally in thin
discontinuous ribbons in quartz veins containing
(b) Mt Emmons molybdenite deposit variable but minor amounts of fluorite, pyrite,
The following description is based on Thomas and biotite and K-feldspar. Where the host rock is
Galey (1982). This deposit lies south-east of the porphyritic, molybdenite also occurs as fme grains
Redwell Basin deposits and is related to the upper coating phenocrysts, as fine disseminations in the
contact of the Red Lady stock. This is a hydro- matrix and in short discontinuous gashes lacking
thermally altered cylindrical-shaped composite quartz.
intrusion. The crest of the stock is potassically
altered but contains relict phenocrysts such as (c) Emplacement of the intrusions and genesis
those in the porphyritic core of the intrusion. The of the ore bodies
potassic alteration zone overlaps the top of the Although the structural controls which localized
stock and adjacent hornfels, shaped like a shallow the stocks in the vicinity of Mt Emmons are un-
inverted bowl. Little of this K-feldspathized zone known, the effects of the stocks themselves are
remains as it has been extensively veined, flooded, well documented (Thomas and Galey, 1982).
and largely replaced by fine-grained magnetite, Contact metamorphism physically changed the
quartz, minor biotite and trace molybdenite. The rocks overlying the stocks and resulted in

Magmatic hydrothermal deposits
Propy li t ic alterat ion
Quartz lIeons >1 per 0 ·3 m
I Ground magnetIC anomo ly I 4000

F > 0 .15°/. I F >0·15 % t

Mt Emmons

Redwe ll Basin Red Lady Basin 3500

Base melal deposit

> 2 °'0 Zn t Pb t Cu


. . . . . . + ...................... ..,

...................................... o SOOm
I_-'-~--~ ...,
Fig.3.23 Diagrammatic section showing the three molybdenite deposits at Mt Emmons, Colorado. Extent of
propylitic alteration, quartz vein intensity> 1 per 0.3 m, ground magnetics and fluorine anomalies also shown (after
Thomas and Galey 1982).

increased brittleness and the ability to sustain a small rhyolite porphyry cupola which apparently
fractures. The rhyolite of the pipe crystallized vented as a moderate-sized breccia pipe. On the
from a fluid enriched in tungsten, fluorine, other hand the Mt Emmons ore body is associated
rubidium and niobium that was 'partioned' from with a much larger stock which rose to a higher
the underlying stock. The fluid moved into the level and does not appear to have vented as a pipe.
crackled hornfels overlying the rhyolite porphyry If a pipe formed well above the Red Lady stock as
cupola and exploded upward from a point where one formed above the Redwell Basin cupola all
impervious shales blocked further upward traces have been removed by erosion. Pervasive
migration. Intrusive breccias in the Redwell and silicification, hydrothermal magnetite, and potassic
Red Lady Basins carried fragments of porphyry alteration were significant features of the
containing molybdenite at least 300 m upward hydrothermal system associated with the Red
from underlying deposits. Lady stock but were not major in the Redwell
In comparing the geology of the Redwell and system.
Red Lady Basins the upper Redwell deposit is over The presence of orthoclase in quartz-molyb-

vre aeposlC geoLOgy ana m InJIUence on mineral explOranon
denite veins of the deposit and the fact that surface projection of the Red Lady stock. A series
molybdenite-bearing veins cut the pervasively of ground magnetic traverses confirmed the
K-feldspathized zone suggests that the period of presence of this anomaly and sharpened the detail.
molybdenum mineralization was essentially con- Gravity surveys were also run but these proved
temporaneous with, or slightly later than, the inconclusive whereas complex resistivity res-
period of K-feldspathization. Weak to moderate ponded well to the Keystone vein system and the
localized sericitic alteration of K-feldspar in the high pyrite concentration in the phyllically altered
veins suggests that a period of weak phyllic rocks.
alteration followed molybdenite mineralization. After the initial discovery the exploration
programme involved about 15 000 m of drilling in
(d) Exploration at Mt Emmons a total of 20 holes to define the ore body. The
Intrusive breccias, with fragments of porphyry drilling was guided, in part, by the magnetic
containing molybdenite derived from the under- surveys, rock chip sampling and additional
lying deposits, are the only direct evidence at the detailed mapping. Figure 3.24 shows the
surface of underlying porphyry molybdenum definition of the target zone based upon these
systems. The surface expression of the Mt available data and the relationship of the ore body
Emmons deposit is a broad zone of phyllically as outlined by drilling to these surface expressions.
altered rocks cut by a stockwork of quartz veins Although a full feasibility study and Environ-
and veinlets. The area had been worked for base- mental Impact Statement have been submitted for
metal vein mineralization. Extensive drilling in the this project, the depressed ,World metal market has
Redwell Basin revealed extensions of this shallow prevented the exploitation of this deposit at the
base-metal mineralization and identified the two time of writing.
deep, low-grade molybdenum deposits.
The geochemical expression of the Mt Emmons
molybdenum deposit is very subtle at the surface.
Molybdenum is not anomalous in either stream
sediments or waters; it is above background in The exploration philosophy for porphyry copper
only a few special samples of vein material and in deposits, outlined earlier in this chapter, may be
the intrusive breccias referred to above. Lead, zinc, regarded as generally applicable to the search for
copper, tungsten and fluorine were anomalous in porphyry molybdenum with some modifications.
stream sediments. The last two elements The first difference will be in the regional selection
generally corresponded to the zone of phyllically based upon the geotectonic setting of porphyry
altered rocks when rock chip samples, collected on molybdenum compared to porphyry copper
a 125 m grid, were examined. deposits.
Exploration for the Mt Emmons deposit The division of porphyry molybdenum
involved surface drilling and reinvestigation of the deposits into back-arc rift-related and subduction-
Keystone Mine drift (Fig. 3.23). A regional aero- related deposits as described by Sillitoe (1980) may
magnetic survey and a study of the down-the-hole be used as the starting point for any exploration
physical properties were the only geophysical programme. Examples of suitable locations may
work carried out prior to the discovery. A hole be chosen from plate tectonic considerations. At
was drilled north-east from underground in the present the highest grade and largest tonnage
Keystone Mine. This hole discovered a high-grade deposits are those belonging to the rift-related
porphyry molybdenum system. After the dis- category of Sillitoe and further described as the
covery of magnetite in the footwall the regional Climax type (Fig. 3.19). Appreciable tonnage is
aeromagnetic data were reinterpreted to show a available, albeit at a lower grade, in the sub-
small amplitude, closed magnetic high south of the duction related category.

Magmatic hydrothermal deposits

Mt Emmons
, \

o 850
(a) 200 ' 00 600 m
1-1- - ' - '_.......J''--_~I
, N N
\ , Redwelf \
, ,
.... ,
\ o )00 m

' -ISao, ,
.... , I
_/ I

Fig. 3.24 (a) Results of ground magnetic survey over Red Lady Stock, Mt Emmons, Colorado, Contour values above
55 000 y (total field measurements) . Distribution of (b) fluorine and (c) tungsten in surface rock chip samples (values in
ppm). Stars denote centre of molybdenite deposits projected to surface. Stippled areas in (b) and (c) show phyllically
altered rocks at surface. (From Thomas and Galey 1982 .)

Another method of defining areas with a high fresh source rocks and altered rocks of potassic and
exploration potential, specifically for granite quartz sericite assemblages. (b) SiO z >74.0 wt%;
molybdenite systems, is by major element Na 2 0 <2.5wt%; KzO > 4.5wt% which will
chemical 'fingerprints' (Mutschler et aI., 1981). reject fresh source rocks but will accept potassic
The following 'fingerprints' were defined: (a) Si0 2 and quartz-sericite assemblage rocks as well as
>74.0 wt%; Na20 <3.6 wt%; K 20 >4.5 wt% for some argillic altered samples. Having identified

Ure deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
prospective areas it is still necessary to define the intrusion, nature of the wall rocks, age of the
target more closely and sample and map it on the mineralization, erosion level, size of the ore body
ground. or sericitic alteration.
Within a chosen tectonic area remote sensing Gold is closely associated with chalcopyrite (±
may be applied to define the target area more bornite) mineralization. In the deposits studied
closely, and structural synthesis should be used. by Sillitoe there was an abundance of magnetite,
Despite the structural control evident in many often accompanied by replacement quartz, in the
deposits this control is not always evident, as in the gold-bearing feldspar-stable assemblage. Con-
case of Mt Emmons, and other methods of target ditions conducive to this association would
definition are required. The percentages of include abnormally high f0 2 /5 2 ratio in the
magnetite within the deposits, as in the case of magmatic environment the causes of which are
Henderson and Mt Emmons, means that regional unknown. The geochemical conditions for gold
aeromagnetic surveys are particularly relevant. transport and deposition are the major factors for
The wide alteration halo surrounding the deposits gold concentration and only porphyry systems
enlarges the target considerably and the which evolve these conditions will be gold-
association of high fluorine and occasionally enriched. Why these conditions appear to be
tungsten make soil geochemistry particularly satisfied more commonly in island arc environ-
attractive. The occurrence of high-level breccia ments rather than m continental margms
pipes, often containing ore-bearing fragments is, as yet, unknown.
from much deeper in the deposit, stresses the Whatever the reason for the occurrence of gold-
importance of careful geological mapping and rich deposits the presence of a high magnetite con-
lithogeochemistry. Ground magnetic surveys tent in many of them is of significance in
may be used to define more accurately the deposit exploration. When discussing exploration for
and to guide drilling, as in the case ofMt Emmons. porphyry copper deposits we suggested the use of
airborne magnetic surveys as an integral part of the
reconnaissance survey. If gold-rich porphyries are
sought then the emphasis on magnetic surveys is
In describing porphyry deposits in this Chapter we even stronger, both airborne and as ground
have made a major subdivision into those follow-up surveys. Drilling can be directed to the
producing copper and those producing areas with the highest magnetic response if the
molybdenum. But as we have seen, porphyry gold-rich character of the deposit has been
copper deposits can be made economically viable established. Sillitoe (1979) suggests that ifleached
by their gold production. Others have appreciable capping appraisals (Section 3.3.e) indicate low-
by-product molybdenum, and Kesler (1973) grade copper mineralization but a higher than
divided porphyry copper deposits into molyb- normal magnetite content is shown in the feldspar-
denum-rich and gold-rich categories. Since stable alteration zone more exploration may be
porphyry molybdenum deposits occur that carry warranted. If such high-gold low-copper deposits
minor copper the question arises do porphyry gold are discovered they may well be distinguished as
deposits occur that carry minor copper? We are not porphyry gold deposits and these may become
the first to ask this question. Sillitoe (1979) very important targets for exploration towards the
reviewed the evidence available from porphyry end of this century.
copper deposits with more than 0.4 glt gold in an
attempt to establish criteria for the occurrence of
high gold content in porphyry deposits. He con-
cluded that high gold content is not dIrectly related Tin has been worked from stockworks m
to geotectonic setting, composition of the host Germany, Cornwall, England and Australia.

Magmatic hydrothermaL deposits
Those in Cornwall, which occur as sheeted vein pelites to semipelites (the 'shale-hosted' deposits
structures, have many characteristics in common described in Chapter 6) or associated with
with porphyry deposits. They appear to have been volcanic-dominated marine successions. The
formed at a high level in the crust, and fluid latter, often called volcanogenic or exhalative
inclusion studies show evidence of boiling. volcanogenic deposits, are major suppliers of
Hydrofracturing has been a major process in copper, lead and zinc. They also have important
ground preparation for mineralization, and by-product gold and silver.
explosive brecciation has occurred. The
mineralogy of these deposits is relatively simple
3.8.2 Classification of volcanogenic
with very few sulphides present. Perhaps the
thermal system was insufficiently long-lived to
allow meteoric waters to playa dominant role in Attempts have been made to classify these deposits
the mineralization. Within the same metallogenic on various bases (Table 3.4). Solomon (1976)
province there are greisen-bordered veins which described a copper group, a zinc-copper group
have suffered argillic alteration and which have a and a zinc-lead-copper group without any
more complex mineralogy including sulphides; environmental criteria. A similar division is
here the hydrothermal system was longer-lasting recognized by Franklin et al. (1981) who state that
with meteoric water becoming important; perhaps the subdivision into copper and copper-zinc may
in these brecciation did not occur. (Thorne and be artificial due to copper-producing deposits
Edwards, 1985.) having zinc below cut-off value which is not
The tin in Cornwall belongs to a plutonic reported (Fig. 3.25). Sawkins (1976) proposed a
environment but Sillitoe et al. (1975) described classification based upon the tectonic setting and
porphyry tin associated with stocks in the sub- associated volcanics:
volcanic portion of the Bolivian tin province south (a) Cyprus type - associated with spreading
of Oruro. The stocks are considered to have been ocean or back-arc spreading ridges and with basic
emplaced beneath stratovolcanoes and although volcanics usually ophiolites,
these deposits have some fundamental differences (b) Besshi type - associated with the early part of
from porphyry coppers, such as the lack of a
the main calc-alkaline stage of island arc for-
potassic alteration zone, they have many features
mation, and
in common with them. There is pervasive sericitic (c) Kuroko type - associated with the later stages
alteration and propylitic alteration; also pyritic of island arc formation and more felsic volcanics.
haloes are present. The grade of these deposits is
between 0.2 and 0.3% Sn, which is higher than the Stanton (1978) disagreed with these divisions,
majority of tin stockworks in the World but considering the volcanic ores to belong to one
at present porphyry tin deposits are not continuous spectrum showing geochemical
economically viable. evolution reflecting the evolution of the
calc-alkaline rocks in island arcs. He suggested that
3.8 VOLCANIC-ASSOCIATED MASSIVE the mainly pyritic copper deposits are spatially and
SULPHIDE DEPOSITS temporally associated with tholeiitic and ultrabasic
rocks. With the change to calc-alkaline volcanism
3.8.1 Introduction the larger, zinc-rich deposits occur while the
Massive sulphide deposits were recognized as a further development of the calc-alkaline trend to
genetically distinct group during the 1950s dacite and rhyolite is accompanied by the occur-
(Franklin et aI., 1981) and they occur associated rence oflead-bearing deposits.
with most upper crustal rock types. The most Hutchinson (1980) drew together the ore
important massive sulphides are found with either composition, the tectonic setting and the host

Table 5.4. H.ecent attempts to classlty massIve sUlphIde deposits

Hutchinson (1 (73) Zn-Cu (principally Archaean)

Pb--Zn-Cu-Ag (predominantly Proterozoic and Phanerozoic)
Cupreous pyrite (principally Phanerozoic)
Sangster and Scott (1 (76) Predominantly volcanic-associated
Predominantly sedimentary-associated
Mixed association of above
Sawkins (1 (76) Kuroko type
Cyprus type
Besshi type
Sullivan type
Solomon (1 (76) Volcanic-hosted divided into:
Klall and Large (1 (80) Mafic volcanic-associated
Felsic volcanic-associated
Sedimentary types
Hutchinson (1 (80) Primitive Zn-Cu
Polymetallic Zn- Pb-Cu
Kieslager Cu-Zn
Cupreolls Pyrite Cu
Franklin et al. (1981) Cll
Zn- Pb--Cu

*])ivision into eu and Zn may be artificial (see the text).

Fig. 3.25 Subdivision of volcanogenic sulphides PbL----~~iliEi2

(after Franklin et at. 1(81).
Magmatic hydrothermal deposits
Table 3.5. Summary of volcanic-associated sulphide deposits (after Hutchinson, 1980).

Tectonic ffwirollmcllt
Volcalli{ sedilllCl1tl1ry Depositiollal C;cl1cral Plate teftOIl i{ Appl"oxil1l<1te
Type rocks rocks ffll'irOllHlolt conditions settillg age rallge

Primitive Fully Volcanoclastics Shallow to deep Major Subduction at Archaean-Early

Zn-Cu:Ag-Au differentiated Greywackes \vater subsidence COnSUI111ng Phanerozoic
suites Tholeiitic to COIn pression Inargll1,
l3asaltic to calc-alkaline island arc
rhyodacitic tnannc
Polymetallic Tholeiitic basalts Volcanoclastics Explosive Subsidence l3ack-arc or Early Protcrozoic-
Pb-Zn-Cu:Ag-Au calc-alkaline increasing shallow calc- Regional post-arc Phanerozoic
lavas clastics alkaline- compression spreading;
Pyroclastics 111111111llnn alkaline but local crustal rifting
carbonates tnannc tension at consuIlling
continental IllarglI1
Cupreous pyrite Ophiolitic suites Minor to lacking Deep tholeiitic Minor Oceanic rifting Phanerozoic
Cu:Au Tholeiitic basalts lllarinc subsidence at accreting
volcanism tension margin
Kieslager Mafic: Greywacke, Deep marine Major Fore-arc Late Proterozoic
Cu-Zn:Au tholeiitic (?) shale (?) sedimentation subsidence trough or Palaeozoic
and tholeiitic (?) Compression trench

rocks aspects and erected a fourfold division of the 3.8.3 General characteristics of volcano-
volcanogenic group (Table 3.5). Compared to the genic sulphide deposits
Sawkins classification mentioned above,
(a) Distribution in time and space
Hutchins<;m has introduced an additional type - the
Major economic deposits of volcanogenic
Primitive (zinc-copper) type. This was mainly
sulphide types occur in Canada, Japan, USA,
erected because of the size, frequency and
Australia and Europe (Fig. 3.26). They range In
significance of the deposits in the Canadian
age from Archaean to Tertiary.
Archaean, deposits which have many differences
from the lead-bearing, later, Kuroko type.
The Hutchinson classification has considerable
(i) Archaean
advantages for the exploration geologist since it
combines the plate tectonic setting, which will The volcanic rocks of the Canadian Shield have a
assist in selecting areas on a global scale, the great abundance of massive sulphide deposits;
localized tectonic and depositional environment, well-documented examples are those at Noranda
which will help on a regional scale, and the host and Kidd Creek. On the other hand Archaean
rocks which will facilitate target selection. rocks of generally similar age in the Yilgam block
Although there is little doubt that this classifi- of Australia, which are compositionally very
cation will be modified as more detailed evidence similar although with somewhat different
on the genesis of these deposits is forthcoming it is abundances offelsics, contain only two deposits of
the most useful currently available and is the one economic significance recognized to date.
we shall use. Similarly the large shield areas of South Africa and

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
/ 90

Mines in the Snow Lake area

included in Table 3 .6 :
Ch isel Lake
Sta ll Lake
OSborne Lake

M ines in the Noranda area

inCluded in Table 3 .6 ;
M illenboch


\ 90

Fig. 3.26 Global distribution of volcanogenic sulphides

referred to in text.

Zimbabwe have very few massive sulphide the Middle Proterozoic (1200 million years to 1800
deposits. The same is true of the Brazilian Shield million years) but examples of Late Proterozoic
although this may be a reflection of the level of deposits occur at Ducktown, Tennessee and at
current exploration. Matchless-Otjihase, Namibia.

(ii) Proterozoic (iii) Phaneroz oic

Early Proterozoic deposits occur in the Sudbury V olcanogenic deposits occur at a number of
Basin and at Flin Flon, Canada. There are no stratigraphic levels in the Cambro-Ordovician
examples of volcanogenic deposits reported from succession of the Norwegian Caledonian Belt, one

Magmatic hydrothermal deposits

Pyrite _~o;o-r___- ,

r r
r ,
.L_. __ l.,
•• Teu~n'CBO: _ ' ,- ~
, • Woodlawn
:"--,. Captarn's Flat{ / '

MtLyell ~

example being the Killingdal Mine (Fox, 1984). Cyprus, Oman, Turkey and East Shasta. The
Cambro-Ordovician volcanogenic deposits are Kuroko deposits of Japan are Tertiary with over
also found In Newfoundland and New 50% of the Kuroko ore in the Middle Miocene of
Brunswick. Other early Phanerozoic ore bodies the Hokuroko district.
occur at West Shasta.
The volcanogenic deposits of the Pyrite Belt of (b) Size and grade of the deposits
Spain and Portugal are predominantly Lower Because of the postformation structural and
Carboniferous although the first acid volcanic metamorphic events which may affect deposits, it
activity began in the Upper Devonian (Strauss et is difficult to assign accurate average dimensions to
aI., 1977). Mesozoic deposits are recorded from volcanogenic sulphide deposits. However,

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Sangster (1980), in a study of seven volcanic Larger deposits tend to be zinc-rich relative to
districts in Canada and one in Japan, showed that copper; the lead grade varies inversely as copper
certain semi-quantitative features were recog- and directly as zinc. Table 3.6 lists the reserve
nizable. Firstly within the districts concerned, tonnages and grades for some volcanogenic
clusters of volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits deposits.
occurred with an 'average' cluster of about twelve
per district. Each deposit cluster, and its associated (c) Mineralogy
ore rhyolite, had an average circle-equivalent The mineralogy of these deposits is fairly straight-
radius of16 km. Sangster also showed that in these forward: the main minerals are pyrite, pyrrhotite,
eight districts the largest deposit of each district sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite. Occasionally
contained on average 67% of the total metal for the chalcocite and bornite are important. Minor
district. That this figure may be reasonable is arsenopyrite, tetrahedrite and tennantite may be
supported by the sulphide occurrence in the present. Traditionally it is stated that magnetite
Mount Lyell district of Australia where the largest may occur as a minor component (Evans, 1980),
of fifteen deposits in the field is the Prince Lyell but it can be significant in the stringer zones
which has 78% of the known reserves (Reid and associated with these deposits, and in the Golden
Rowe, 1979). Grove Prospect in Western Australia abundant
Approximately 80% of all known volcanogenic magnetite is present (Frater, 1983). The principal
deposits fall in the size range of 0.1 to 10 million gangue mineral in base-metal sulphide deposits is
tonnes (Fig. 3.27). About half of these contain less quartz; carbonates may be developed although
than 1 million tonnes (Sangster, 1977). Further- chlorite and sericite are more important.
more, Sangster states that 88% of Canadian By-products of importance are gold and silver
deposits contain combined Cu + Pb + Zn grades (Table 3.6). Cobalt reaches 0.35% in some of the
of less than 10% irrespective of age. In these the Cyprus deposits (Constantinou, 1980), and nickel
most likely combined grade is about 6% as 4:1:1 up to 220 ppm is recorded. In view of the crustal
for Zn:Cu:Pb. For example, the Noranda district abundance of nickel and the geological setting of
has ore reserves of approximately 204 million these Cupreous-Pyrite-type deposits it is
tonnes (combined grade 2.4%) and the Bathurst surprising that they are not more enriched in
district contains reserves around 278 million nickel.
tonnes (combined grade 7%). Most of these sulphide deposits are zoned, the

Archean Proterozoic

Fig. 3.27 Size range of volcanogenic sulphide deposits (data from Sangster, 1977).

Magmatic hydrothermal deposits


Ove r burden

Massive sulphides
,'-.... '" ~
,-- -c:::-,- - - -___~-~~_
Elev. I /"- ' __ - - -
n86 m I ,-
I ,-
'- I
~ I
\ / r . - Stringer sulphide s
\ ,-
\_/ _ >10% Cu
Fig. 3.28 Metal zoning of the
Sturgeon Lake massive sulphide rnm >20% Zn
deposit, north-west Ontario o'------'20 me rres 1:::::::::1 > 4 % Pb
(after Severin 1982).

zoning being best developed in the Polymetallic- more there is pervasive Na 20 and CaO depletion
type deposits. Lead and zinc (with possibly silver) with some K 2 0 addition. There is usually minor
occur principally in the upper zones, copper (and addition or redistribution of Si0 2 • The alteration
gold where present) increasing towards the foot- pipes associated with the Polymetallic types, such
wall (Fig. 3.28). Stockworks of chalcopyrite are as Kuroko, are not as vertically extensive and
common below the footwall. A lateral zoning may show a zonation with a sericite-quartz core sur-
also be recognized, with copper (plus gold) being rounded by an Mg-enrichcd chlorite halo. An
developed in the proximal deposits and zinc, lead idealized cross-section of the four principal
and silver in the distal deposits. alteration zones around the Kuroko deposits is
shown in Fig. 3.29.
(d) Alteration The alteration zones immediately below the
The alteration zones associated with these deposits Cupreous-Pyrite-type deposits show pervasive
are often much larger than the deposits themselves feldspar destruction and some introduction and
and if they can be correctly identified in the field redistribution of MgO and FeO to form chlorite.
they are very important in exploration. Four In these, sericite is a common accessory. Hydro-
forms of alteration occur, a footwall pipe, a large thermal alteration including Ca depletion and Na,
semi-conformable alteration zone below the ore Mg and Fe enrichment in the footwall has been
horizon, alteration associated with the ore recognized in deposits of the Kieslager type. Large
horizon, and hangingwall alteration. semi-conformable regional scale alteration zones
The footwall shows most evidence of alteration; underlie many deposits in the Precambrian Shield
chloritization and sericitization are the two most of Canada and in ophiolite terrains. These may
common forms. The alteration tends to be pipe- enclose or lie below the alteration pipes beneath
shaped and under Primitive-type deposits, such as the individual deposits.
Noranda, it may be well defined and may extend Hangingwall alteration zones are evident only in
vertically to over 100 m. These pipes tend to have the least metamorphosed deposits. This hanging-
Mg-rich chlorite (or talc)-rich cores surrounded wall alteration may result from persistent
by a sericite halo with or without quartz. Further- reactivation of hydrothermal discharge activity or

Table 3.6. Reserve tonnages and grades for some volcanogenic deposits. Sources: Fox (1984), Franklin and Thorpe
(1982), Frater (1983), Malone et al. (1981), Severin (1982), Schermerhorn (1980), Strauss et al. (1977).

Deposit (million tonnes) Cu% Zn% Pb% ApJJ!lt) Au(glt)

Fox Lake 14.5 1.81 1.63
Ruttan Lake 44.8 1.46 1.36 6.1 0.31
Osborne Lake 3.3 3.69 1.53
Anderson Lake 3.1 3.79 6.4 0.4
Stall Lake 5.6 4.76 0.65 9.5 1.2
Chisel Lake 5.8 0.56 11.61 0.82 38.6 1.5
Flin Flon 63.4 2.31 4.25 38.6 2.5(?)
Centennial 1.4 2.06 2.60 21.5 1.23
South Bay 1.7 1.6 11.00 67
Mattabi 11.5 0.83 7.98 0.76 97 0.031
Sturgeon Lake
(Boundary) 2.2 2.74 10.01 1.41 175 0.61
Lyon Lake
(Mattagami) 3.9 1.24 6.53 0.63 96 0.03
Geco 54.6 1.86 3.45 40.8
Kidd Creek 155.4 2.46 6.00 0.2 63
Corbet 3.1 2.99 2.13 19 0.75
Millenbach 3.5 3.43 4.23 42.5 0.7
Horne 61.3 2.18 4.6
Orchan 5.1 1.05 9.93 18 0.19
Mattagami Lake 21.2 0.65 8.40 29 0.48
Norita 4.5 2.16 3.57 22.3 0.56
Mavovouni 15 4 0.5
Skouriotissa 6
Matsumine 60
Tharsis 110
La Zarza 100
Aznalcollar 45 0.44 3.33 1.77 67
Killingdale Mine
Main Zone 2.2 1.7 3.5
North Zone 1.1 1.1 7.0
Teutonic Bore 2.66 3.08 9.42 127
Golden Grove
Main Zone 15 3.4 0.1 14 0.1
Additive 1.7 0.4 14 1.6 87 2.2
Woodlawn 6.3 1.7 5.5 14.4 72
Cu Zone 3.7 1.9 0.5 0.1
Magmatic hydrothermal deposits

Zone' deposits. In the Cupreous Pyrite type, which are

intimately associated with the tholeiitic basalts of
ophiolite terrains, the clastic sediment
Zone 2
Tuffs ond mudstones '
" "- component is very minor or lacking. Almost equal
amounts of volcanic and sedimentary rocks occur
in the Besshi deposits of Japan and the Kieslager
type to which they belong is associated with
......... tholeiitic mafic volcanism .
1/ Acid ic rocks A factor which has been a very important key in
volcanogenic exploration for deposits is the local
prevalence of felsic rocks which may occur in the
~ Sulphide ores footwall of deposits, for example the Precambrian
and Caledonide deposits of Scandinavia.
Fig. 3.29 Alteration zones around the Kuroko deposits
(after Shirozo 1974) Zone 1, montmorillonite, (f) Tectonic setting
zeolite and cristobalite; zone 2, sericite, The tectonic environments in which volcanogenic
interstratificd sericite-montmorillonite Fe Mg-chlorite, sulphide deposits are considered to have been
albite, K-feldspar and quartz; zone 3, sericite, formed are summarized in Table 3.5. The plate
interstratificd sericite-montmorillonite and Mg-chlorite; tectonic settings are shown in Fig. 3.30. According
zone 4, quartz and sericite. to this interpretation, the late Archaean deposits of
the Primitive type arose in an environment of sub-
siding troughs suffering tholeiitic to calc-alkaline
from postformation metamorphic effects or from marine volcanism. The stress regime was
decomposition of pyrite. The alteration around dominantly compressive. This tectonic environ-
the essentially unr:netamorphosed Kuroko ment is compared by Hutchinson (1980) to island
deposits (Fig. 3.29) is as impressively developed arc volcanism along Phanerozoic consuming plate
above as below, suggesting that there were rocks boundaries, the environment in which the
above those containing the ores when the ores Phanerozoic examples of the Primitive-type
were introduced. deposits are thought to have formed.
Major subsidence and an overall compressive
(e) Host rock lithology regime is thought to have been responsible for the
V olcanogenic sulphides are hosted in volcanic- Polymetallic and Kieslager types. In the case of the
dominated marine successions. The relative Polymetallic deposits, however, the local tectonic
amounts of the volcanic and sedimentary/meta- environment is considered to have been tensional,
morphic components vary considerably as do the certainly during the early Proterozoic. At this time
types of volcanics and sediments (Table 3.5). continental rifting with vertical displacement may
The Primitive-type deposits most commonly have played the dominant tectonic role in the
occur in sequences dominated by volcanic rocks production of the lead-zinc-copper deposits that
and immature, volcanic-derived sedimentary began to appear in major quantity for the first
rocks. Most of the Precambrian deposits of North time. Phanerozoic Polymetallic-type deposits,
America, for example, occur in volcanic- such as those at Kuroko, are presumed to have
dominated portions of greenstone belts, over 90% been associated with back-arc volcanism.
of these volcanics being mafic. On the other hand Kieslager-type deposits are associated with
the volcanic rocks associated with the Polymetallic tholeiitic mafic volcanism in a trench or fore-arc
type are largely felsic; there are virtually no mafic trough; the sort of environment we envisage for
rocks in the footwall sequence in the Kuroko these Besshi type would be in a flysch formation

Ure deposIt geoLogy and ItS tnjtuence on mineraL exploration

POlymetall ic
Cupreous Kieslager Primitive Zn - Pb - Cu : Ag -Au
pyrite type type
type Zn- Cu : Ag - Au
Cu-Zn : A u
Cu : Au
Oceanic ron rodge Trench Volcanic are type Back -arc basin

.. Compression Tension

+ ••
+ + •
___-=,:-7.-:.~,--=,-:t" .. t
.. "t ... ..

...... . .
t .... "' ... 1'" to ..

. .......... .....
• .. .. t .. .. .. .. ..
.. .. ,.
.. .. .. .. .. ..

. . . . . ,..,. ........ ...

Continental crust ... l' t ........... .,.
... t ...... .... • •
. . . . . . + t ........ +- . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
+ + t + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + . . . . . ..
...... .
t t ,. .. ... • ..

Back -arc
pos~ - arc

Fig_ 3_30 Plate tectonic setting for principal types of massive sulphide deposits (modified from Hutchinson, 1980).

adjacent to a Cordilleran-style continental margin. (a) Primitive type

The Cupreous Pyrite type of deposit is the only To illustrate some of the geological characteristics
one of the volcanic-associated sulphide deposits of these dominantly zinc-copper deposits which
which is associated with a strong tensional regime. also may contain significant gold and silver we
These deposits are predominantly linked to the have chosen to describe three deposits from the
spreading centre environment of an accreting plate economically very important, and well-
margin but they may also form in a back-arc basin documented, Abitibi Belt in Canada. In contrast to
where the continental crust is relatively thin. these we will describe the more recently dis-
Deposits that are presumed to have formed at rift covered, relatively small, Teutonic Bore deposit in
ridge environments include those in Cyprus and Western Australia.
Saudi Arabia. The Red Sea and the East Pacific
Rise may be current areas where such deposits are
(i) Abitibi Belt, Superior Province, Canada
forming today (Edmond et aI., 1979).
This is an Archaean greenstone belt some 750 km
long and 150 km wide which contains at least 350
3.8.4 Examples of volcanogenic
million tonnes of ore. Among the major economic
sulphide deposits in this Belt associated with
Because of the wealth of published literature volcanics are those in the Noranda, Timmins and
available and the enormous number of these Matagami mining districts.
deposits worldwide it is not possible to describe
more than a few in a textbook of this size and (a) Noranda
nature. Readers who require details of other Five major episodes of felsic volcanism have been
deposits are referred to the excellent paper by recognized in this district, separated from each
Franklin et al. (1981), from which the following other by periods of mafic volcanism. Figure 3.31
description of the Abitibi belt largely originates. shows the upper three felsic volcanic cycles; cycles

Magmatic hydrothermal deposits

:'!;;..~~; o·lorlte
~ Felsic dyke
Amulet andesite

Quartz feldspar pOrphyritic rhyolite

M ill enbach andesite
Fig. 3.31 Northwest-
Amulet rhyolite
southeast section
through the Millenbach • Mossive sulphide
and Amulet deposits, 1m Stringer su lph ide
looking northeast (after
Knuckey et ai, 1982).
b0° oOJ Do lmotion ite
~ Foult o 300 m

one and two contain over 16000 m of felsic and rhyolite flow activity, and the timespan involved
mafic rock with no evidence of massive sulphide here was insufficient to permit sedimentary
deposition. The third zone of felsic volcanism is material to accumulate. The Noranda deposits are
about 3000 m thick containing at least three major quite undeformed large bulbous lenses of massive
felsic units . Most of the deposits occur in this third pyrite-sphalerite-chalcopyrite underlain by
cycle with deposits at several levels within the chalcopyrite-pyrite stringer zones with or without
cycle. A vertically extensive alteration and stringer pyrrhotite.
copper zone occurs under most deposits , that
beneath the Vauze deposit being over 1000 m (b) Matagami
deep (Spence, 1975). Here the massive sulphide deposits occur on the
The deposits occur in felsic and mafic rocks but two limbs of a large WNW trending anticline (Fig.
felsic footwall rocks are more common. The 3.32). On the south limb the deposits all occur at
Amulet 'A' ore bodies are in mafic flows and the the same stratigraphic level, underlain by a
origin of these particular bodies has been discussed rhyolite - the Watson Lake rhyolite - and overlain
by Beaty and Taylor (1982). Most of the ore bodies by an extensive laminated pyritic tuffaceous and
in the Noranda district are near small, sometimes chert unit - the Key Tuffite. The deposits on the
steep-sided, felsic domes of rhyolite. These north limb are also associated with rhyolites;
rhyolitic domes are usually underlain by feeders most, including the Norita deposit, lie on the Bell
which have been controlled by synvolcanic Channel rhyolite, while one, the Garon Lake
fracture zones (Franklin et aI., 1981). Often the deposit, is in the stratigraphically higher Garon
local occurrence of massive sulphides is the only Lake rhyolite .
evidence of a break in rhyolitic flow activity while
in some cases the ore zones are capped by a thin (c) Timmins
pyroclastic and epiclastic tuff and chert horizon . This mining district includes the very large Kidd
Where the deposits are completely enclosed by Creek deposit, with more than 150 million tonnes
flow rhyolite, the massive sulphides must have of massive sulphide ore, plus a few small deposits.
accumulated quite quickly, during a break In The Kidd Creek deposit is typically about 46 m

Ore deposit geology and its infiuence on mineral exploration

~Matagam i
Lake #

Wabassee group
I":· i>1Felsic. feldsporhic al vas
~ Andes ire . bosa lr

Worson Lake group

[:;:;~l Rhyolire
.... Su lphide body

Fig. 3.32 Generalized geology of the Matagami, Quebec, area (from Franklin et al. 1981). The numbered ore bodies
are: (1) Mattagami Lake; (2) Orchan; (3) Bell Allard; (4) Consolidated Mining and Smelting; (5) New Hosco; (6)
Radiore A; (7) Bell Channel; (8) Garon Lake; (9) Radiore E.

thick and may be traced down dip for at least 1300 it also contains cassiterite and stannite. Tin locally
m (Fig. 3.33). The footwall of the deposit reaches 3% and is recovered from the Kidd Creek
compnses both rhyolitic flow and epiclastic ores. The stringer zone at Kidd Creek is also
felsic rock, whereas the hangingwall has somewhat unusual since it contains a local bornite
a distinctive carbonaceous argillite horizon. This zone with a range of selenium minerals. Bornite is
argillite unit may be analogous to the tuff horizons very rare in other Archaean deposits.
at Noranda and the Key Tuffite at Matagami,
representing a hiatus in volcanism (Franklin et aI.,
(ii) Teutonic Bore, Western Australia
1981). The mineralogy of the Kidd Creek ore body
is interesting since in addition to the characteristic This copper-zinc-silver deposit occurs in a
components of pyrite, sphalerite and chalcopyrite volcanic and sedimentary sequence approximately

Magmatic hydrothermal deposits

o 100 200 m
1-1- - -....- ----tl

~gend (not necessarily in chronological order)

D Predominantly altered ulfrabasic

Pf'iil Andesite- diorite

_ Quartz porphyry

_ Carbonaceous, argillaceous horizon

~ Massive banded and breccia ore

m Chalcopyrite stringer ore

[~~~,:~'~ Massive rhyolite

Fig. 3.33 Cross-section of the Kidd Creek Minc
near Timmins , Ontario, (from Walkeretal. 1975). ~~I Rhyolite volcaniclastics ""- Pit limit

seventy kilometres northwest of Leonora, Wi luna belt in the Eastern Goldfields Province of
Western Australia (Fig . 3.34). Frater (1983) quotes the Yilgarn Shield. The volcanics strike NNW to
reserves of 2.66 million tonnes for this deposit at N and are highly folded and weakly metamor-
3.08% copper, 9.42% zinc and 127 g/t silver. phosed. The deposit is near the base of a pre-
It lies in the Archaean greenstone Norseman- dominantly m afic volcanic sequence underlain by

Ure deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Margin of
Yilgarn craton

Fig. 3.34 Regional

map of the Western
Australian Shield
• Felsic vOlcanic bel~: abundanr felsic volcanic centres
showing the major
tectonic units with F::':~~ Rin basin sequence: basalr, komariires, sulphidic shales, epiclashc sedimenrs, BIF absenr
Teutonic Bore and , ' ... ',
Golden Grove vvv Platform lextensive basin sequence: mainly basalrs, BIF or shallow warer cherry sedimenrs

and Batt, 1983) . 6

(modified from Groves r::'7.J
Wes~ern gneiss ~errain

felsic volcanics - subvolcanic rhyolite porphyries footwall cherts. The lens reaches a thickness of25 m
and associated pyroclastics (Fig. 3.35). The mafics while barren pyritic sulphides persist away from
are basaltic showing pillow structures and the proven reserve area, thickening in depth at the
amygdales. northern end. Agnew and Harrison (1983)
The massive sulphide lens is stratiform and is describe a zonation from footwall to hangingwall
associated with mineralized, brecciated, bedded with chalcopyrite-pyrite more common near the

Magmatic hydrothermal deposits
footwall passing upward into a sphalerite-pyrite
zone and then up into pyrite with minor sphalerite.
Often occurring in cross-cutting veinlets, galena is
a minor constituent. The silver present is mainly as
tetrahedrite inclusions in chalcopyrite and pyrite.
The sulphides are often well banded parallel to the
lithologic layering, and contortions in the bedding
of the sulphides represent soft sediment-type v v
deformation. Although generally the copper
grades increase towards the footwall , high copper
grades occasionally appear near the top of the
succession and these may be due to folding and
The hangingwall basalt is tholeiitic and similar
in primary composition to the footwall basalt but
has undergone less alteration and has no base- v v

metal sulphides. Sericitic alteration, associated v v v v

v v v v
with the waning stages of hydrothermal activity,
is pervasive up to 15 m from the massive v v v v
sulphides. v v v
Economic stringer mineralization occurs in the
footwall basalt. The mineralization here is in
irregular veinlets and patches of chalcopyrite, Massive sulphides

pyrite and minor sphalerite. Distinct wall-rock ~ Basic volcanics

alteration often accompanies these zones (Agnew
and Harrison, 1983). This alteration zone beneath
tim Felsic volcanics

the massive sulphide lens extends for over 150 m

through the footwall basalts. The zone Fig. 3.35 Cross-section of the Teutonic Bore deposit,
Western Australia (from Agnew and Harrison 1983) .
is characterized by CaO, Na 20, Sr depletions and
Si0 2, FeO, MgO, Ba, F and base-metal enrichment.
Agnew and Harrison recognize the Teutonic Bore thermal fluids . Convection cells generated under the
deposit as a proximal volcanogenic massive prevailing high regional geothermal gradients would
sulphide deposit formed by the accumulation of also have played an important role. The deep water
sulphides precipitating from hydrothermal brines covering would have inhibited subsurface boiling
emanating from fumaroles on the sea floor. They and permitted the preservation of sulphides without
were not able to deduce a paragenetic sequence for erosion or oxidation.
the multiple feeder zones from these fumaroles .
The Norseman-Wiluna Belt in which the
(b) Polymetallic type
Teutonic Bore is situated is described by Groves
and Batt (1983) as a major rift zone superimposed The Kuroko deposits
on more extensive, relatively stable platforms. The Japanese deposits are the standard volcanic-
The belt developed rapidly under high total hosted massive sulphide deposits with which
extension and appreciable crustal thinning. The virtually all other deposits are compared - they are
development of volcanogenic sulphides was well preserved, show primary features and lack of
favoured here by the presence of synvolcanic faults deformation. These deposits occur in the Green
which may have acted as conduits for hydro- Tuff Belt and are exposed over a length of 1500 km;

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration


A ino i ~


Fig. 3.36 Miocene

sedimentary basins, major
structures, and principal [L] Major fault r7I
Boundary of Middle M iocene
sedImentary basin
massive sulphide areas of the [XJ Anticline r-7l Boundary of
~ sed imentary basin
Late M iocene I ..., . . I Kuroko deposit
Hokuroku district, Japan
(from Sato 1974). 00 Syncline ki@tW1 Zone of intrusion I .·Y'· I Network deposit

the Belt has an average width of 100 km and suggested these are basement fractures that con-
contains up to 3000 m of volcanic and sedi- trolled the emplacement of sulphide deposits and
mentary rocks accumulated during fault- associated rhyolite domes and breccia piles (Fig.
controlled subsidence during the Miocene. A 3.36). Ohmoto (1978) postulated a spatial dis-
major monograph devoted to the Kuroko and tribution controlled by caldera development or
related deposits has been edited by Ohmoto and collapse.
Skinner (1983); readers requIrIng detailed The formation which contains the ore bodies
descriptions in this area are advised to read that has dacitic flows, including white rhyolitic domes
publication. Over 50% of Kuroko ore is in the and tongues of felsic lavas; well-sorted explosion
mines of the Hokuroko district. Situated primarily . breccias overlie the lavas and are close to many of
in the Middle Miocene basin, the deposits occur the deposits. Tuffbreccia forms the principal foot-
mainly in a broad ring towards the outer edge of wall sequence to the deposits where the white
the basin. The principal producers occur in distinct rhyolite domes are absent. During the deposition
clusters on a conjugate set of NNW and NE of this footwall tuff the basin wall subsided to
striking linear features (Scott, 1980). Scott (1978) 4000 m and was uplifted again to 3800 m during the

Magmatic hydrothermal deposits

- --------

" 1\

IS-=-d clay
( hon9m9 wa ll )

~ F~ru9inous chert < ~ .

" " ~ Explosion brecclo

. s a rite ore 1:. . .:oJ Gypsum ore

" D AC id tuff breccia (footwa ll)

ITTTTTl Slack ore (Kuroko)

lliUlJ massive In -Sp-bo
Vein l ets (pY. cpy. qtz)
stockwork ( pY. cpY. qtlt)
D Wh ite rhyolite dome

P'77l Yellow ore

(Oko) F:::::: 1Sili ceous ore (Keiko)
~massi ve ( py·cpy )

Fig. 3.37 Idealized cross-section of a typical Kuroko deposit (from Sato 1974 and Franklin et at. 1981).

later stages of the mudstone deposition which (3) Pyrite ore. As with the gypsum ore this may
immediately followed ore deposition (Ohmoto, occur as veins or disseminations but more
1978). Sato (1974) on the other hand suggested commonly it appears stratiform. Milleralogically it
water depths of300-500 m for these deposits. The contains dominantly pyrite with subsidiary
'classic' Kuroko ore body (Fig 3.37) has seven chalcopyrite and quartz.
zones (Lambert and Sato, 1974) in ascending order (4) Yellow ore. This stratiform ore contains
as follows, although it must be stressed that by no pyrite-chalcopyrite with sphalerite-barite and
means all the deposits in the Japanese-type area quartz. Yellow ore is considered largely as a
have all of these zones preserved. replacement at the base of the previously deposited
black ore. It may be deposited from a
(1) Siliceous ore. This is the pyrite-chalco- higher-temperature ore fluid than the black ore.
pyrite-quartz stockwork ore which commonly (5) Black ore. This 'Kuroko' ore is a sphalerite-
underlies only some of the stratiform part of the main galena-chalcopyrite-pyrite-barite stratiform ore.
massive black ore. The original volcanic rock The ore may be compact and bedded or fragmental.
structures may be still recognizable but these may be Colloform banding is common in some parts of the
obscured by extensive overgrowth of quartz. bedded ore. Framboidal textures in pyrite are very
(2) Gypsum ore. The stratabound ore contains common in this black ore. Towards the top of the
gypsum-anhydrite-pyrite-chalcopyrite-sphalerite- zone there are significant amounts of tetrahedrite-
gelena-quartz and may occur beside the siliceous ore tennantite. Bornite may also be present.
as well as on top of it. Less commonly this ore type is (6) Barite ore. This type is thin, well-bedded ore
found in veins. composed almost entirely of barite although

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
sometimes containing minor amounts of calcite- Lower Pillow lavas are oversaturated basalt while
dolomite and siderite. the Basal Group consists of altered basalts with
(7) Ferruginous chert IS the stratigraphically large numbers of dykes. The majority of the
highest zone. deposits are at the contact between the Lower and
Upper Pillow lavas and may lie adjacent to steep
In spite of the very low regional metamorphic
normal faults (Fig. 3.38). These faults probably
grade evidenced by these deposits, the anhedral
controlled localized seabed subsidence and some of
nature of some of the pyrite may indicate that
the footwall rocks show pre-ore brecciation.
some parts of the Kuroko deposits have been
Typically the deposits are of massive ore
recrystallized. The sulphide mass might have
overlain by an ochre horizon and underlain by a
undergone repeated recrystallization on the sea
basal siliceous ore; these are underlain by a stringer
floor (Barton, 1978). Ridge (personal com-
zone extending for hundreds of metres below the
munication) believes that these deposits were
deposits. The ochre, where present, is interpreted
not formed on the sea floor but at some little depth
as 'the accumulated product of submarine
below. As evidence of rocks overlying the ore
oxidative leaching of the sulphide ore that was
deposit at the time of formation of the ores, Ridge
exposed on the sea bed' (Constantinou and
cites the extent of hangingwall alteration. In this
Govett, 1972). The massive ore is porous, col-
latter case much of the deposit could form by
loform-banded blocks of pyrite and marcasite set
replacement of already brecciated rock, and the
in a sandy, friable sulphide matrix. The con-
anhedral nature of the pyrite would indicate that
glomeratic or brecciated structure of this ore
this replacement has occurred more than once.
increases downwards (Constantinou, 1977); this
Individual mines encompass a cluster of ore
author has also suggested that the sandy texture of
bodies, six in the case of the Kosaka Mine and
the sulphide results from intense leaching.
seven in the case of the Shakanai Mine. The
Alteration of the sulphides may have formed
median size of the ore bodies in the Green T uffBelt
secondary copper minerals such as covellite,
is 1.3 million tonnes with at least 13 of the ore
chalcocite and bornite as well as producing the
bodies having more than 1 million tonnes. The
'conglomeratic' texture.
Matsumine Mine, the largest ore body in the Green
The basal siliceous ore probably represents
Tuff Belt, has approximately 60 million tonnes, and
partial replacement of sulphides by silica
this has all the zones mentioned above.
(Constantinou, 1980). The ore here consists of
pyrite and chalcopyrite in a quartz matrix; in some
cases sphalerite is more common than chalcopyrite
(c) Cupreous Pyrite type
and some ores contain substantial amounts of zinc.
Cyprus deposits The stockwork is characterized by two types of
Massive sulphide deposits may occur in the ore: one is composed of sulphide (pyrite, chalco-
volcanic part of ophiolite complexes and these pyrite, sphalerite) and quartz veins cementing the
deposits are characterized by pyrite and chalco- basaltic breccia and fracture filling the pillow lavas
pyrite as the predominant sulphide minerals, with while the other is disseminated sulphides
minor sphalerite in both the massive ores and the (uniquely pyritic) impregnating altered lavas.
vertically extensive stringer ores. Deposits of this In general the deposits are small, mostly less
kind occur in the Troodos massif of Cyprus; this than 1 million tonnes. The two major exceptions
massif is interpreted by Gass (1980) as an off-axis to this generalization are the Mavovouni and the
portion of a mid-oceanic ridge system. The Skouriotissa deposits. The former contains about
massive sulphide deposits lie in a pillow lava 15 million tonnes of ore at 3.5 to 4.5% Cu and
sequence which is divided into three: the Upper 0.5% Zn. At Skouriotissa the reserves are 6
Pillow lavas are dominantly olivine basalts, the million tonnes and here the cobalt reaches 0.35%

Magmatic hydrothermal deposits

" ~.".
" I". .".
_ 1\

; ....- 1'1 - 1\

_ f\ - - 1\ _

,, : "- 1\ _ ,. "
~ 1\ 80so1 :.. -"
__ group -" _
Fig. 3.38 Cross-section of
Agrokipia ore deposits,
Cyprus, illustrating the
relationship of the massive
Flow of hydrothermal fluid
and stringer sulphides to
synvolcanic fault zones (after I I

Adamides 1980). ,


(Constantinou, 1980) while nickel is variable, deposit is 1800 m in strike length; individual ore
showing a general increase in the disseminated beds attain a maximum thickness of only 10--20 m.
ores (from average 15 ppm in the massive ore to The Motoyasu ore body in the Besshi district is
220 ppm in the disseminated ores) . In the other 1400 m long, 100--180 m wide and 0.6--2.5 m thick.
deposits the reserves are smaller but each district The Iimori deposit extends for more than 7000 m
has several ore bodies. For example, the down its plunge and is 250--300 m wide and 0.2 to
Kalavassos district has seven ore bodies which 2.8 m thick. Folding often locally increases the
have been mined with an average size of 0.22 thickness of the ore.
million tonnes (Adamides, 1980). The average copper content of the Besshi ores is
1.4%; the massive ores contain 3% Cu on average.
(d) Kieslager type The ores typically contain 0.3--0.9% Zn, 20--200
ppm Pb, and Zn/Cu ratios of 1:3. In general, the
The Sanbagawa Beit,japan Besshi-type ores contain higher Co contents
This belt of metasediments and metavolcanics in (1000 ± 200 ppm) than those of the Kuroko
the southwest of Japan contains more than a district and the cobalt is contained almost entirely
hundred major copper-zinc deposits which are in pyrite.
geologically and mineralogically similar to the
biggest deposit, the Besshi Mine. This latter
3.8.5 Genesis of volcanogenic massive
occurrence gave its name to the alternative name
for the Kieslager type - the Besshi type. A review
sulphide deposits
of Besshi-type volcanogenic sulphide deposits has Prior to about 1960 most of these massive sulphide
been given by Fox (1984). bodies were considered to have formed by
The deposits have a mafic volcanic rock epigenetic replacement of chemically favourable
(greenschist) beneath the ore and are overlain rocks by some ascending hot metalliferous
immediately by siliceous schist contammg aqueous solution. The majority of the geological
magnetite-rich layers (iron formation). The information collected since that time has pointed
deposits consist of exceptionally elongated, to towards a broadly syn-depositional origin for
tabular, massive ore zones . The type Besshi these volcanic-associated deposits . We shall

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
consider the various aspects that any genetic model

must contain to explain the origin of these ~ 1---1
Amulet Kidd Creek
deposits. +50 'A'

(a) Source of the ore-fonning fluids

In the Kuroko deposits, which have undergone ~
minimal post-depositional deformation, the 0
temperature and salinity of the fluid inclusions in 0
the ore minerals and the oxygen isotopes indicate = Ducktown
that the ore fluid was dominantly coeval seawater
with a small meteoric and/or magmatic con- - 50
tribution (Ohmoto and Rye, 1974) . Similar values
for the Matagami deposit were also interpreted as
recirculated seawater by Costa et al. (1980). As
with Kuroko, the Cyprus deposits have ore fluids
-5 o 5 10
with isotopic compositions very close to modem .5 180 (°'00)
seawater (Fig. 3.39). Heaton and Sheppard (1977)
Fig. 3.39 Calculated ore fluids at six massive sulphide
suggested a model involving deep circulation of localities. Although the 0 D values of the Amulet and
seawater for this deposit. Hydrothermal activity Kidd Creek ore fluids have not yet been obtained, their
within the modern oceanic crust particularly along OI H 0 values are shown at the top of the diagram for
mid-oceanic ridges indicates that seawater comparison. (From Beaty and Taylor 1982.)
may circulate for depths up to 5 km. The Cyprus
deposits indicate that similar extensive circulation
of seawater operated in the ancient crust. due to igneous heating. The convection may have
Therefore studies of stable isotopes of the fluids been helped by deep subsidence, compaction,
from modem hydrothermal systems and from the lithification and low-grade metamorphism.
ancient ores indicate that much of the water is Franklin and Thorpe (1982) cite the occurrence of
recirculated meteoric or marine with little, if any , sub volcanic comagmatic sills which may have
ofjuvenile or magmatic origin. been important in this convection in felsic volcanic
environments. In ridge-rift environments
(b) Nature of the ore-fonning fluids magmatism would supply the necessary thermal
Active hydrothermal brine systems and fluid- drive.
inclusion studies indicate extreme chlorinity and
low sulphide-ion activity suggesting that the base- (d) Source of the metals and sulphur
metal transport was dominantly as chloride com- The ore-forming solutions may have been
plexes (Hutchinson, 1982). Furthermore very low dominantly seawater but the bulk of the metals
oxygen contents in these systems and the common must be derived elsewhere. The metals may have
association with carbonaceous strata suggest the been partially derived from the magma but many
fluids were strongly reducing. Fluid inclusions and authorities suggest the major contribution is from
stable isotopes in ores indicate temperatures up to metals leached from the rocks through which the
350°C (Heaton and Sheppard, 1977). deeply circulated, weakly acidic, heated solutions
passed. As these solutions were also highly
(c) Source of heat chlorinated and strongly reduced the conditions
The meteoric water and seawater circulated deep would allow the breakdown of the silicate mineral
into the underlying sediments and volcanics, the structures. This breakdown would release,
circulation probably being driven by convection probably only in trace amounts, the metals which

Magmatic hydrothermaL deposits
would be then transported by the solutions silicate minerals within the hydrothermal
upwards towards the submarine vent. The reservoir. Within cycles of volcanic activity in a
deposition of the metals would result from E h- particular district the most important massive
pH and temperature changes as the ascending sulphides are often associated with the lowermost
solutions mixed with the cooler oxygenated near- cycle of activity.
surface meteoric and sea waters. The deposits that sit on the discharge vents are
Sulphur could, in part, be derived from characteristically underlain by a footwall alteration
seawater, sulphate being reduced to sulphide pipe, often with economic quantities of sulphides
either during interaction with hydrothermal with high Cu/Zn ratios. These ratios decrease
solutions and the ferrous components of the rocks upwards and outwards in the massive stratiform
through which the hydrothermal solutions passed, sulphide mound. This may be explained by re-
or by inorganic or organic reduction of coeval mobilization of previously deposited sulphides by
seawater sulphate at the site of deposition. Sulphur continued hydrothermal flow through the mound.
isotope studies indicate that much of the sulphur in An alternative explanation would be the gradual
these massive sulphide deposits is indeed derived evolution of lower Cu/Zn ratios. However,
from seawater by sulphate reduction (Ohmoto evidence from deposits such as Millenbach,
and Rye, 1979). On the other hand this is not Noranda, Canada, shows that where stacked
universally true. Gregory and Robinson (1984) lenses are found above the same vent the older
suggest a dominantly magmatic sulphur source for lenses were enriched in copper due to fracture
the Dianne and O.K. deposits in Northern filling and replacement by chalcopyrite (Knuckey
Queensland, Australia, whereas the nearby Mt et aI., 1982). Some massive sulphide bodies show
Molloy deposit shows mixing with seawater. explosive brecciation of the initially deposited
sulphides and this might aid the deposition of
(e) Stratigraphic and structural control chalcopyrite in these deposits.
In many of the deposits the massive sulphides are Sedimentary structures in some massive
confined to a relatively narrow stratigraphic sulphide deposits indicate mechanical reworking
interval compared to the timespan occupied by and downslope transportation of the ores after
volcanic activity. Also many submarine volcanic deposition. If ore-forming solutions flow
piles are barren, and the hydrothermal alteration of downslope, then ore deposition may take place in
the hangingwall of some economic deposits brine pools - ore bodies formed here are expected
indicates that barren hydrothermal activity to be more tabular and should show regular
occurred after the ore-forming event. Finlow- banding or laminae.
Bates (1980) and others suggest that the hydro-
thermal ore-forming solutions are trapped connate
water that is suddenly released by the first
3.8.6 A genetic model
movement of deep-seated faults. This would mean The evidence we have presented above indicates
that the hydrothermal discharge would be more or that these massive sulphide bodies associated with
less synchronous over large areas and might volcanics were formed by hydrothermal fluids
explain the location of the massive sulphides generated mainly by deep convective circulation
within defined stratigraphic intervals and why ore of marine and meteoric waters rather than by
forming has taken place in some volcanic piles and magmatic differentiation. The introduction of the
not in others. It might also explain why post-ore metalliferous hydrothermal fluids is considered to
barren hydrothermal activity may occur, the be syn- or slightly post-depositional. This would
circulating meteoric waters having insufficient result in sulphide occurrence by chemical
residence time, heat, or other requisite precipitation in mounds near vents on the seafloor,
characteristic to remove the metals from the by diagenetic reaction with already lithified

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
sediments and by subseafloor (footwall) pore space barren and therefore other criteria must be sought,
infill rather than by large-scale replacement of the and other techniques used, to narrow down the
rock. Early formed sulphides might be deformed search within these favourable rock types.
or brecciated by subsequent hydrothermal With the availability of satellite imagery, remote
actIvIty. Downslope movement of the ore- sensing and the recognition of regional structural
forming solutions would result in the formation of patterns will become increasingly used during the
distal deposits. The movement of the ore-forming regional search. Very little published work
solutions through the sulphide mound would appears to have been produced demonstrating the
result in metal zoning with dominantly copper specific applications of remote-sensing techniques
towards the base and zinc higher up. This genetic to massive sulphide deposits. Labovitz et al. (1983)
model is summarized in Fig. 3.40. describe experimental data for the application of
certain remote-sensing techniques to geobotanical
exploration for volcanogenic sulphides at Mineral,
Virginia. They sampled oak trees, measuring the
reflectance from leaves using a portable
The currently accepted genetic model for these radiometer. They found the variation in leaf
deposits such as the one we outlined in the reflectance was associated with the change in
previous section will form part of the basis upon concentration of trace metals in the soil,
which an exploration programme will be based. In particularly Pb and Cu.
addition to the model the exploration geologist Sangster and Scott (1976) claimed that the
will also be aware of the other features of these massive sulphide deposits at Noranda were dis-
deposits which may be exploited for their covered in the 1960s and 1970s because exploration
discovery. The features to which we refer include geologists were convinced they were volcano-
the common host lithologies, the structures, the genic in origin and associated with brecciated
alteration phenomena and the physical and interflow surfaces. Ridge (1983) states, however,
chemical properties of the deposits. The that the discoveries were actually made because the
exploration geologist must also appreciate at what geologists observed that most deposits of the
scale these features are evident and at what stage of massive sulphide type in the area were located at
the exploration programme they are best the intersections of major north-south and east-
exploited. Further considerations must be the west fractures. If this is the case then remote
geographic/climatic setting, and the topography sensing may playa much more extensive role in
of the region; a method that has been very suc- the selection of areas for detailed exploration for
cessful in Canada may result in less success in more volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits in the
arid terrains or in tropical climates. future since mapping oflarge lineaments is one of
the main advantages of satellite imaging (Press,
3.9.1 Reconnaissance
As well as the possibility of being controlled by
In evaluating the potential of a completely new faults, the occurrence of volcanogenic massive
area to contain volcanogenic massive sulphides the sulphides in clusters, often associated with rhyolite
two most important criteria are firstly that domes, is well documented. Recognition of these
volcanic rocks should be present which are factors is very important to the exploration
dominantly submarine in origin and secondly geologist in deciding those areas for more detailed
these volcanic rocks must be calc-alkaline or examination.
island-arc tholeiitic in composition (Sangster, The presence of pyrrhotite in the massive
1980). There are, of course, many thousands of sulphide lenses and magnetite in the underlying
cubic kilometres of these rock types which are stringer zones should mean that airborne electro-

Sea level

(a) ?
Sea level

S04SUPPly 504 supply

Soft sediment deformation
\\\\ of sulphides

Reduc ing brine flow

H,2'CrH4@LeveI OfPressurerelease ,
induces bOiling, steam generation.
( b)
phreatic explosion , brecciation , etc.

Fig. 3.40 Diagrammatic illustration of (a) synsedimentary subseafloor hydrothermal convective system
(with formation of strint;er sulphides below seafloor (6) and massive sulphide precipitation on seafloor (7))
and (b) detail of seafloor hydrothermal exhalative vent (from Hutchinson 1982).
Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
magnetic (AEM) and airborne magnetic methods associated with mineral deposits. These are Fe 20],
will be useful at the reconnaissance stage. This has Zn, MgO and Na 20. On a mine scale FelO] and
proved to be the case in Canada, but these MgO are enriched whereas Na 20 and CaO are
techniques have been less successful in more arid depleted. Furthermore they found that the
areas. Airborne magnetic surveys were used in the leaching and enrichment of certain major and trace
location of the Teutonic Bore deposit in Western elements may extend over areas of tens of square
Australia, the magnetic method being used to kilometres.
delimit the areas of ultramafics. In New South Although the work by Sopuk and co-workers
Wales, the Captains Flat and Woodlawn deposits (1980) was specific to one deposit type, this form
were also discernible from aeromagnetic surveys of investigation may find increasing applicability
(Malone and Whiteley, 1981). In the case of the and therefore we will provide brief details of their
latter deposits the regional gravity map revealed an approach.
apparent association of gravity highs with the
(a) Having located a suitable area, that is one
major volcanogenic sulphide deposits. The
having the correct volcanic sequence - submarine
regional gravity survey used an average station
and felsic (Sangster, 1980) - attempts should be
spacing of11 km and was contoured at 5 mgal. As
made to recognize the high-Sial cyclic section of
an alternative to regional geophysics, if the
the felsic members. As an indication of the
methods mentioned above indicate lack of res-
approximate level to be anticipated Sopuk and
ponse, or In addition to these methods,
co-workers state that the Si0 2 level may be as high
reconnaissance geochemical surveys should be as 70%.
undertaken. At this stage streamwater and
(b) To discriminate the potentially productive
sediment sampling are normally carried out. zones from the likely non-productive portions in
However, reconnaissance geochemical sampling the high-SiOl cyclic section samples should be
of the B or C soil horizons adjacent to the drainage taken on the basis of three or four per square
systems in the Woodlawn area disclosed
kilometre. Two 1 kg samples should be collected
anomalous values of copper, lead and zinc with at each site, one for slabbing and thin sectioning
higher than background silver and tin downstream
and the other for analysis. The samples should be
from where the ore body was eventually dis-
analysed for Si0 2 , FelO] (total), MgO,
covered (Whiteley, 1981). Chip sampling from
CaO, Na 20, Zn and Mn. Discriminant analysis is
shallow pits gave anomalous values for all these
then applied, and felsic samples classified as
elements and subsequent grid sampling outlined 'mineralized' are separated from those classified as
an extensive geochemical anomaly. 'unmineralized'. Felsic areas with more than 75%
In addition to the use of water, stream sediment
of samples classified as 'mineralized' should be
and soil geochemistry in the recognition of explored further.
anomalous values of the metals associated with
these deposits, lithogeochemistry has been used to
recognize areas of depletion or addition of certain
3.9.2 Detailed survey and target
clements. The use of lithogeochemistry in
exploration for volcanogenic massive sulphides
has been described by Sopuk et al. (1980). The aim Once the regional survey is completed areas are
of these authors was to distinguish productive selected for further detailed examination. These
cycles (in their case Cu-Zn production) from their areas will have been selected as containing the
non-productive counterparts. They found that the correct host rocks, the calc-alkaline volcanic cycle
elements most useful in this discrimination on a most likely to contain massive sulphides, and will
regional scale are also those whose concentrations be those areas that show the most promising
vary intensely as a result of local metasomatism structures and those that appear anomalous on the

Magmatic hydrothermal deposits
regional geochemical and geophysical surveys. which encloses the deposit. His data show a
These chosen areas will be surveyed in more detail general and relatively consistent increase in the
utilizing the likely physical and chemical features KzO/NazO ratio towards the massive sulphide
of the massive sulphide deposits and will be guided lenses. Marcotte and David (1981) have discussed
by the geological model derived for the deposit. geochemical data collected for target definition of
The object of this stage is to define a target, or Kuroko-type or Polymetallic-type deposits in the
targets, for evaluation drilling. The location of this Abitibi Belt. They report an increase in the K 20/
target relies on sound geological mapping, geo- Na20 ratio, depletion in CaO and enrichment in
chemistry, geophysics and a good appreciation of MgO for a proximal group of samples relative to
the regional structure and the possible localization distal ones.
structures. Boyle reports that the SiO z/C0 2 ratio also
Probably one of the most useful approaches to shows a fairly consistent increase towards the
be adopted will be geochemistry, not only to massive sulphide bodies, reflecting increasing
outline the area likely to contain the deposit but silicification towards the mineralization. Where
also by recognition of the chemical signatures of silicification is a feature, a plot ofSiO z content may
the alteration phenomena surrounding these indicate the proximity of ore - the Si0 2 content
deposits to target in on the most likely site of the increasing as the ore is approached. Most primary
massive sulphide lens. In the Woodlawn area of halos associated with conformable massive
New South Wales the soil geochemistry showed sulphides are enriched in mainly chalcophile
that the zinc anomalies extended over a much elements and principally Cu, Ag, Au and Zn.
wider area than the lead peaks, and subsequent Boyle (1982) comments that when dealing with
drilling showed that none of the zinc peaks massive sulphides they are marked by a variety of
coincided with the ore body (Malone, 1981). This leakage halos which may not be evident without
may have resulted from zinc being a more mobile considerable detailed field and laboratory
element. At this location the main area of the work. Some may be characterized by albitized
copper anomaly was located off the massive. and/ or tourmalinized zones as in the Bathurst
sulphide ore body, with only part of the Camp, New Brunswick. Goodfellow and
anomalous copper area being underlain by the ore Wahl (1976) utilized water-extractable analyses
body, the rest coinciding with insignificant for Na, K, Ca, Mg, F and CI in the halos
mineralization. of two massive sulphide deposits in New
Brunswick. They identified halos up to 800 m
radius in the volcanic rocks overlying the
3.9.3 Alteration
Brunswick deposits and concluded that the size
One of the well-documented features of the and intensity of the anomalous zones associated
volcanic-associated massive sulphides is the with these deposits as well as the rapidity of the
characteristic alteration phenomena that surround water-extractable analysis has much significance
the ore bodies. Although this is dominantly in the in the exploration for deeply buried massive
footwall, hangingwall alteration does occur. sulphides in the Bathurst area.
Careful examination of the chemical and
mineralogical characters of these alteration zones
will indicate the proximity of the main ore zone.
3.9.4 Isotopes
Using information from partial analyses of the When we discussed the genesis of these deposits
Key Anacon deposit, Bathurst, New Brunswick, we commented upon the isotopic evidence that has
Boyle (1982) reported the chemical variation been used to indicate the likely source of the
through the envelope of alteration zones marked hydrothermal ore-forming fluids. These isotopes
by chloritization, sericitization and silicification may have a further use, in exploration. At present

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
their use in exploration is limited and may remain that zones of IHO depletion can survive relatively
that way for some time because of the availability high metamorphism.
and cost of analysis. We can, however, illustrate In the case of high 180 the exploration potential
how such data may be used if available. is greater. The ore-forming fluid here is likely to
The intensely altered stockwork chimneys imprint its distinctive isotopic value on the rocks
below these deposits are lower in 0 180 values than through which it flows. For example the ~ocks
the surrounding rocks. The almost concentric altered by the high-IHO Kidd Creek ore solution
nature of the distribution of these values in the have OIHO values much higher than normal
Amulet 'A' ore body, Amulet Mine, Noranda, volcanic rocks elsewhere in the Abitibi Belt.
gave rise to a 'bullseye' pattern as described by Therefore in these circumstances if a high-o lHO
Beaty and Taylor (1982). The target is relatively value is discovered, and weathering can be dis-
small, however (Fig. 3.41) which means that counted, it is likely that a deep-seated high- lHO
random sampling of oxygen isotopes is likely to be hydrothermal solution flowed through the rock.
of little or no use. However, if detailed geological In their work on the Amulet 'A' ore body Beaty
mapping of the alteration zones is coupled with the and Taylor (1982) calculated 0 180 values
IHO sampling this might indicate the zone which indistinguishable from the ore fluids at
has undergone the greatest water flux and there- Cyprus, Kuroko and at Ducktown (Fig. 3.39). As
fore where the temperatures may have been most oDo IIXlvalues are not available for the Amulet
conducive to ore deposition. It is important to note deposit the exact position relative to the other

Fig. 3.41 Use of IHO

isotopes in exploration,
Amulet 'A' Mine,
Noranda district,
Canada (after I3eaty
and Taylor 1(82). (a)
Generalized geological
cross-section through (:~:;..J DQf matlQn l ~e
the Amulet A mine. ~ Amulet andes lre
The dalmatianite
chimney extends : :::: : DacIte

through to the surface,

where it was sampled.
D Rh yolite 100

(b) Sketch map of the
Su rroundIng SurroundIng
Amulet 'A' alteration vo lcanics. volcan ics
zone showing the
sample localities. The
unaltered andesite has N
been subjected to a Lone of
tra .... erse
regional hydrothermal
flux and strictly I
(' .
speaking is not fresh.
The Amulet pit lies to 'unaltered' Dalmatianite •Un altered '
the northwest of the andesite Grid Grid andesite
fracturi ng fracturong
sampled traverse. (c)
Variations in 0 IHO
( b)
along the Amulet
(el o 100 200
traverse. Dis tance ( m)

Magmatic hydrothermal deposits
deposits could not be plotted on Fig. 3.39. In view Induced polarization is also very applicable to
of the age range of the deposits considered, Beaty massive sulphide deposits and their associated
and Taylor propose that the a1RO of seawater has stockworks and brecciated zones. At Woodlawn
not changed significantly since the Archaean. in New South Wales, this method defined an
Also plotted on Fig. 3.39 are the isotopic values anomalous polarizable zone which partly
for the Raul and Kidd Creek deposits. It may be coincided with the geochemical anomaly and from
seen that these do not fall within the same domains this the drilling targets were chosen. The
as the other deposits. This variation is either due to resistivity response is often most marked over
evaporation in a closed basin or through exchange these large sulphide bodies and this may be very
with high_ 180 sediments during the fluid useful in delineating the ore body where the
circulation. Therefore considering the deposit induced polarization response is complex.
types included in Fig. 3.39 most are apparently In recent years the UTEM system has found
derived from seawater circulating through oceanic greater use in Australia because of its ability to
crust while in at least two cases either the evolution penetrate to deeper levels but in areas of
of the ore fluid has been more complex or the ore conductive overburden the method has limited use
fluid had a different origin altogether. depending on the thickness of such overburden.
Those deposits with 180 comparable to modem The magnetic induced polarization (MIP)
seawater - Amulet, Matagami, Ducktown, technique may be useful in the search for this type
Cyprus and Kuroko - show age ranges from of deposit but further work is required to prove the
Archaean to Cenozoic; so do the deposits with extent of its usefulness in this context.
abnormally high IMO such as Kidd Creek and Raul.
Beaty and Taylor raise the intriguing possibility
3.9.6 Drilling
that the size of the Kidd Creek deposit and its high
180 may be genetically related. The Kidd Creek The optimum spacing of diamond drill holes to
ore body is a giant massive sulphide deposit; it prove and evaluate any targets chosen will depend
contains approximately 1% of the total known on the exploration budget and the irregularity of
Canadian massive sulphide ore. Could this have the deposit as interpreted from the data
arisen because the ore fluid was chemically available. It is not possible for us to suggest an
different - an ore fluid that allowed more sulphides 'average' spacing. In the case of the Woodlawn ore
to be deposited? If more evidence becomes body mentioned above the infill drilling was on a
available that high 180 can be equated with very 30 m grid; this intensity would allow for the
large deposits, then measurement of a180 values irregularity of the ore body and also supply
could become an important factor in exploration representative samples for metallurgical study.
programmes for these larger volcanogenic The importance of good core recovery was high-
massive sulphide deposits. lighted by the case of the Teutonic Bore deposit in
Western Australia where the original mineral
reserve estimate undervalued the supergene
3.9.5 Geophysics
copper because of poor recovery in the friable
The conductivity of these massive sulphide chalcocite zone. In addition to normal core
deposits means that they present very suitable logging and sampling techniques the characteristic
targets for a variety of electrical and electro- features of the volcanogenic sulphides must also be
magnetic methods. We have already drawn looked for. Boyle (1982) suggests that during
attention to the use of airborne electromagnetic drilling for massive sulphides the K 20/Na 20 ratio
and magnetic methods. In exploration for shallow is the most useful indicator of the proximity of ore.
massive sulphide deposits, spontaneous potential Diamond drilling is very expensive and con-
must rank as one of the most cost iffective methods. sequently the maximum amount of information

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
must be derived from the hole. To this end there also away from this vent, usually down-
will be an increasing use of down-the-hole palaeoslope from it (,distal' accumulations)
geophysical techniques, particularly to detect 'off- will have major significance in mine-based
hole' mineralization. Down-the-hole electro- exploration. The development of an exploration
magnetic techniques, such as a SIROTEM probe, strategy to identify correctly these two types of
are particularly applicable to the search for massive accumulation relies on interpretation of thickness
sulphides. Depending on the conductive capacity variations within each volcanic flow and in
of any massive sulphide body, such a probe should the recogmtIOn of palaeoslope conditions.
be able to locate sulphides within 100 m of the MacGeehan and fellow workers used such features
hole. This type of technique will also indicate the to advantage in mine-based exploration on the
quadrant in which the conductive body lies Norita deposit, an Archaean occurrence of distal
relative to the hole and also the approximate type in the Mattagami mining district of Quebec
distance from the hole. In connection with (MacGeehan et aI., 1981). Although this deposit
diamond drill holes the applied potential (,mise-a- contains sulphide lenses that are now vertical
la-masse') may be used to effect. Again off-hole because of folding (Fig. 3.42), it is possible to
mineralization may be detected; Templeton et al. distinguish that the Main Zone ore body lies on the
(1981) quote distances of60 m from the deposit to flanks of the rhyolite dome and the A-Zone ore
the hole in which the measurements were taken. body occurs in a basinal depression at the base of
the dome. It is thought that the metal-bearing
hydrothermal fluids discharged on to the seafloor
3.9.7 Mine-based exploration
(probably through the stringer zone shown in Fig.
Localized exploration, to extend the known limits 3.42) reacted with the seawater, precipitated base-
of the deposit and to increase the ore reserves and metal sulphide and generated a sulphide-rich
to upgrade reserves from one category to another, density current. The flow of this current was
will be achieved largely by diamond drilling. This controlled by the palaeo topography of the
drilling will be guided by the mine geologist's rhyolite surface. Correct identification of the
understanding of the structural and lithological characteristics of these deposits makes it possible
controls on the ore body. The physical and to explore up palaeoslope from known deposits
chemical characteristics which we have previously towards the mineralized hydrothermal feeder zone
described as useful during the larger, district-scale, and possible proximal mineralization, and down
exploration programme will also be utilized in the palaeo slope for other distal deposits.
more local search. In addition, exploration will be MacGeehan et al. also stress that too often the
aided by geological models based upon the sulphide deposits at Mattagami, and possibly
perceived genesis of the ore body and the genetic elsewhere, have been identified as proximal
model for the deposit type as a whole. (Noranda)-type occurrences based on the fact that
The occurrence of volcanogenic massive they are underlain by hydrothermally altered
sulphides in clusters, often associated with rhyolite rocks. They contend that such pervasive alteration
domes, close to hydrothermal vents, and possibly is a necessary feature of volcanogenic sulphide
controlled by faults, has already been mentioned. deposits, reflecting as it does the subseabottom
At Millenbach, Noranda, Knuckey et al. (1982) geothermal activity of the area at the time the
showed that broad-scale metal zoning existed in a deposits were formed. We support this view and
cluster at the same stratigraphic horizon, the feel that district-wide footwall alteration
average Cu/Zn ratio decreasing steadily with associated with volcanogenic sulphides is
distance from the main hydrothermal vent. This becoming increasingly recognized. MacGeehan
occurrence of the deposits not only over the and co-workers recommend the best definitive
exhalative vent (,proximal' accumulations) but method of recognizing the vent area, and the likely

Magmatic hydrothermal deposits
site for proximal deposits, is a vertical zone of
intense stockwork mineralization terminating at
s N
the palaeosediment-seawater interface.
One further feature has a bearing on mine-based
exploration. This is the observation on metal
Norita distribution in stacked lenses made by Knuckey et
Rhyo lire al. (1982). Although this observation was made
specifically at Millenbach, Noranda, it may have
much wider application. They showed that where
stacked lenses formed over the same vent the older
lenses were enriched in copper due to fracture
filling and replacement by chalcopyrite. Therefore
if stacked lenses are suspected the lower lenses are
likely to be the highest grade.

3.9.8 Size characterization - a predictive

gradeltonnage model
Cher~ Some attempt has been made to characterize the
grades and tonnages of volcanogenic massive
sulphides to define predictive models for use in
exploration (Sangster, 1980). If exploration has
indicated the possible presence of a massive
sulphide deposit within a district, Sangster's
Feer 'average' figure would suggest the likely grade to
o be about 6% combined base metal. Furthermore
there is a more than 80% chance of any deposit
discovered being less than 10 million tonnes.
Sangster's work gives a 40% chance that the
deposit will be of the order of 0.4 million tonnes.
If a volcanic centre can be recognized, then the
possibility of a cluster of deposits occurring can be
considered and in Sangster's opinion about five
million tonnes will be in each cluster, distributed
as shown in his size distribution curve (Fig. 3.43).
An interesting proposition made by Sangster is
that when more deposits are sought in areas where
a few massive sulphide deposits are already
known, a measure of the undiscovered potential
can be made by comparison with the average total
base-metal tonnage for such deposit clusters. This
Fig. 3.42 Longitudinal vertical section along 9+ OOE
showing the stratigraphy and the relation between the
figure is calculated by Sangster as nearly 5 million
main zone and underlying stringer sulphide tonnes, for the deposits studied in the Canadian
mineralization, and the overlying A-zone and marker base-metal sulphide province. The difference
zone sulphide lenses Norita Deposit, Mattagami, Canada between this average and the known metal content
(from MacGeehanetal. 1981). would indicate the metal yet to be discovered.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Sangster (1980) used this model to analyse the particular stratigraphic horizon often representing
known mineralization in the Snow Lake area and a particularly short geological timespan. For
concluded that since the difference between the example, the Kuroko deposits extend about 1500
average and the known metal content was 3.2 km in a linear belt but are confined to one stage in
million tonnes then this 'shortfall' indicated at least the Middle Miocene and were formed in a 200 000
one other deposit remains to be discovered. If the year timespan (Franklin et a/., 1981). Other
total shortfall is in one large deposit then it will be examples of the mineralizing process operating
bigger than any yet discovered in the area and the over a discrete, relatively short, period in a
ratio between this 'new deposit' in Snow Lake, and particular mineral belt include Noranda,
the previous largest one in the area would be in line Mattagami and Bathurst. If the hydrothermal
with the data from other deposit areas studied by event was more or less synchronous over a large
Sangster (Fig. 3.43). area, then the deposits of this area may perhaps
The type of statistical approach proposed by belong to one population and Sangster's approach
Sangster may not be readily acceptable by some may be acceptable. It is too early to tell if the
authorities on mineral deposits but perhaps the Sangster method of predicting grade and tonnages
unusual characteristics of volcanic-associated will become widely used in exploration for
massive sulphide deposits may allow these volcanogenic massive sulphides. The Sangster
deposits to be treated in this way. One of these model cannot readily accommodate the 'super-
features, to which we have already drawn giant' deposits such as the Bathurst no. 1 or the
attention, is that within a particular area or belt the Kidd Creek. These large deposits are exceptional,
maSSIve sulphide deposits are confined to a containing as they do about 2% of the total known
Medial values
Ranking Per cenr Ranking Present (%) Predicted (%) Medial (%)
50 1 67
2 13 1 51 68 67
3 7·8
4 4·9 2 21 18 13
5 3·1 3 12 7.8 7.8
6 2·5
7 2·0 4 8 3.4 4.9
8 1· 7 5 3 2.7 3.1
9 1·5
E 10 10 1· 5 6 2.7 1.1 2.5
E 7 0.5 0.85 2.0
'0 5 8 0.5 0.15 1.7
\ 9 0.4 0.15 1.5
E \ 0.13 1.5
c \
10 0.3
u \ 11 0.11
Q \ •
\ 'Medial'

I "-
0·5 I "-
,,..... , •
• ,
, •I
• I
I •
Fig.3.43 (a) Percentage distribution of each deposit
in a cluster. (b) Use of (a) in a prediction of size of
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 undiscovered deposit in Snow Lake district. (From
(a) Deposir ranking Sangster 1980.)

Magmatic hydrothermal deposits
Canadian massive sulphide population. These Precambrian, to produce the other volcanogenic
supergiant deposits must represent a very efficient types, spreading centres also existed. Either
mineralizing process, the geological constraints different tectonic processes were involved or other
for which are not yet fully understood. crustal conditions existed which prevented the
formation of the Cupreous Pyrite type and
economic porphyry copper deposits. Continued
research and exploration is necessary to provide
The deposits we have considered in this chapter are answers to this problem.
currently the World's largest suppliers of copper, Considering the characteristics of these deposits
molybdenum and zinc. The porphyry deposits that are of exploration importance, firstly it is
and volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits are significant that they appear to be spatially related
also the two most economically important deposit to plate boundaries. Global and regional search can
types that are apparently directly related to plate be guided empirically by this observation without
tectonic processes. With the exception of the all the factors of genesis being explicable.
Cupreous Pyrite type all are correlated with Once a search region has been chosen for these
destructive plate boundaries. The porphyries of deposits, geological models have proved useful in
South America are associated with an exploration. The porphyry copper model was
Andean-type boundary. Those of the Pacific, such among the first geological models to be recognized
as Bougainville and Ok Tedi, and the and has been widely used in the search for new
Polymetallic, Primitive and Kieslager-type deposits. Possibly the decline in the metal markets
volcanogenic sulphides are associated with island- in the early 1980s has prevented the development
arc-type boundaries. This similarity in tectonic of the many deposits discovered by model-
environment between the two deposit types raises orientated exploration work carried out during the
some interesting questions about their genesis and early 1970s. The model for porphyry, or stock-
temporal distribution. work, molybdenum deposits has developed from
In the Tertiary there is strong evidence of this the porphyry copper model. The two models are
close spatial association between these deposits thought to represent end members of a con-
and destructive plate boundaries. In the Archaean tinuum, the intermediate members of which are
and Proterozoic the volcanogenic sulphides are those porphyry copper deposits with significant
plentiful but there are no economic porphyry by-product molybdenum. The application of the
coppers. Our knowledge of the Precambrian Climax-type geological model resulted in the
crustal conditions is not yet sufficiently advanced discovery of the Henderson ore body below the
to explain this absence. If subduction caused these previously known Urad ore body. The success of
two deposit types in the Tertiary it appears to have this model, combined with data collected by
caused only one of them, the volcanogenic indirect methods, helped in the discovery of the
massive sulphides, in the Precambrian. The Mt Emmons ore bodies.
paucity of porphyry copper deposits cannot be Although the recognition of the volcanogenic
explained by erosion and removal. If the current type as a distinct group was relatively recent,
theories of genesis of these volcanogenic sulphides many models have been proposed for their
are correct they are produced higher in the crust formation. Any useful geological model must be
than the porphyry deposits. Therefore they should flexible and constantly reviewed. The
have been removed first. volcanogenic model is a good example of this.
The apparent absence of the Cupreous Pyrite Currently the alteration phenomena and such
type in the Precambrian is also somewhat of an features as the distribution of chalcopyrite are
enigma. This type is thought to form at spreading receiving considerable attention. The application of
centres. If subduction was operational in the models, based upon the relatively undeformed and

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
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Baldwin, J. A. and Pearce, J. A. (1982) Discrimination
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Hydrothermal vein deposits

4.1 INTRODUCTION costs which are associated with this style of

deposit. The main metallic commodities which are
The term 'hydrothermal', when used in the mined from veins nowadays are tungsten, tin,
context of mineral deposits, means that the gold, uranium, cobalt and silver. The vein
minerals have formed from a hot aqueous fluid of association is of most significance for tungsten,
unspecified origin. Many styles of ore deposits are because wolframite-bearing quartz veins
considered to have been deposited from hydro- associated with granitoids account for slightly
thermal fluids, and in this chapter we restrict our more than half of the World's tungsten production
attention to those deposits where the ore minerals (Bender, 1979). The mining of other metals from
are contained dominantly within veins. High- veins forms only a minor proportion of World
grade hydrothermal vein deposits, and their production. Nevertheless production rates of gold
oxidation products, must have been one of the from this style of deposit have increased
principal styles of mineralization worked by pre- dramatically in recent times. For example
historic man. Knowledge of this early activity is Australian gold production, which is mainly
lost in antiquity, but the publication of De Re derived from vems, increased by 50% to 27 tonnes
Metallica by Agricola in 1556 demonstrates that in 1982 (Mining Annual Review, 1983).
many of the characteristics of hydrothermal Uranium from classical vein-type deposits
deposits were appreciated by the medieval miner. accounts for 5% of Reasonably Assured Western
The most comprehensive review of current World Resources (Nash et aI., 1981). This is
thinking on hydrothermal ore deposits is The relatively unimportant on a global scale, but can be
Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits edited by of very significant regional importance; for
Barnes (1979). example it is predicted that France will generate
Hydrothermal veins remained a major source of 75% of its electricity from nuclear power in 1990
metals until the end of the nineteenth century; but (MiningJoumal, 22nd January, 1982). This reliance
at present they are mined only for a restricted on nuclear power is based upon substantial local
number of metals and industrial minerals, which reserves of uranium, of which 50% are contained
are of sufficient value to offset the high mining within veins.
Ure deposit geology and Its influence on mineral exploration
4.2 CLASSIFICATION OF HYDROTHERMAL and other types of water overlap in their isotopic
VEIN DEPOSITS composition (Taylor, 1979). The nature of the ore
fluid is therefore usually inferred from a range of
The classification of ore deposits has two main
evidence which includes the geological setting of
purposes: the systematization of knowledge, so
the mineral deposit, and data from fluid inclusions,
that natural groupings become apparent, and the
mineral parageneses, and wall-rock alteration.
use of these natural groupings for the purpose of
Table 4.1 shows some ore-deposit types and the
comparison and prediction. In considering the
ore fluids from which they are considered to have
classification of hydrothermal vein deposits it is
been derived. In view of the speculative nature of
not immediately apparent which characteristic
the ore fluid it is less suitable as a basis for
should be selected as being of prime importance.
classification than might appear to be the case.
Should it be an aspect of fundamental genetic sig-
nificance such as the nature of the hydrothermal
fluid, or should it be more closely related to
observations which can be made in the field such as 4.2.2 Classification based upon the
morphology and mineralogy? The diversity of temperature and pressure conditions of
classification systems which have been proposed ore deposition
for hydrothermal deposits results from the
The most famous classification of hydrothermal
selection of different criteria, which in tum stems
deposits is that proposed by Lindgren (1913).
from the differing cultural backgrounds and
Lindgren recognized that hydrothermal deposits
experience of geologists. We briefly consider some
might be formed by meteoric water, but he con-
of the alternative systems which have been
sidered that the bulk ofdeposits was formed by hot
proposed, or might be utilized, for classifying
ascending waters of uncertain origin 'charged with
hydrothermal deposits.
igneous emanations'. Deposits were subdivided
into hypothermal, mesothermal and epithermal
types on the basis of the estimated temperature and
4.2.1 Classification based on the nature of
pressure conditions prevailing at the time of
the ore fluid
mineral deposition (Table 1.1). Subsequently the
Geologists consider that most ore fluids are saline term xenothermal was added by Buddington
aqueous solutions. Hydrothermal fluids which (1935). Ironically it is only within recent years that
have the potential to transport metals may be reliable data have become available on the pressure
subdivided into four types (White, 1974): (i) and temperature conditions under which hydro-
surface water; (ii) connate and deeply penetrating thermal minerals were deposited. In our
groundwater; (iii) metamorphic water; (iv) experience these data often show that the Lindgren
magmatic water. From a genetic point of view the classification is too rigid. For example, the Sn/Cu
classification ofhydrothermal deposits based upon mineralization in Cornwall is classed as hypo-
the nature of the ore fluid is attractive. thermal (> 300°C) by Lindgren (1913) but fluid-
Unfortunately it is seldom possible to be certain inclusion studies indicate a temperature range
which type of fluid has deposited ore, which embraces both hypothermal and meso-
and there is evidence that in some cases hydro- thermal subdivisions Oackson et ai., 1982). We
thermal deposits are the result of mixing of two have the impression that the Lindgren classifi-
separate fluids. In theory, the nature of a cation is little used by geologists nowadays. The
hydrothermal fluid can be determined from its reasons are partly due to the rigidity which has just
isotopic signature using the isotopes D/H and been referred to, and are in part a tendency for
180/ 160 (Table 1. 7). However, only meteoric and geologists to prefer a classification which
ocean waters have distinctive isotopic signatures considers the broader geological context, in

Hydrothermal vein deposits
Table 4.1. Differing hydrothermal fluids and some associated ore deposits.

Type ~f orejil/id Deposit type Location Eviderzce SOl/ree

(1) Surface water Sandstone-hosted Wyoming, USA Inferred from Rackley (1976)
uramum geochemistry of
(Wyoming-type groundwater (see
roll deposit) Section 9.4.3)
(2) Cormateand deeply Hydrothermal tin West Cornwall, UK Isotopic evidence Jackson et al. (1982)
(3) Metamorphic Hydrothermal Eastern Goldfields Inferred from Groves et al. (1984)
water auriferous veins Province, Western tectonic setting and
Australia fluid inclusion data
(4) Magmatic fluid Hydrothermal tin Bushveld Complex, Close spatial Wilson (1979)
deposits of variable South Africa association between
style cassi teri te and

addition to the details of structure, mineralogy and As, Ga, Ge, In). Example: Butte, Montana
geochemistry of the vein itself. (Meyer et aI., 1968).
(2) W-Sn subtype in sheeted veins and
4.2.3 Classification based upon the stockworks associated with granitoids (As, B,
geological setting of the deposits F). Example: Xingluokeng deposit, Fujian
Province, China (Wengzhang, 1982).
(3) In subtype in complex veins associated
R. L. Stanton (1972) has emphasized the close with granitoids (±B, Fe, F, As, Cu, W).
genetic connection between ores and the rocks Example: Cornwall, UK (Thome and
with which they are associated. Stanton suggested Edwards, 1985).
that even hydrothermal vein deposits, which had (4) Au subtype associated with mafic,
previously been regarded as though they were ultramafic volcanics and banded iron formation
divorced from their host rocks, might be (±As, Sb, Hg, Te, Cu, Pb, Zn, W). Example:
associated with specific geological environments. Kalgoorlie, Eastern Goldfields Province,
Stanton proposed that veins might be assigned to Western Australia (Groves et aI., 1984).
different categories based in part on their (5) U subtype associated with granitoids,
mineralogy and in part on their associated gneisses and schists (±Co, Ni, Bi, Ag, As).
lithology; for example 'precious metal telluride Example: Bois Noirs Limouzat, Massif Central,
ores of volcanic association'. Burnham and France (Cuney, 1978).
Ohmoto (1981) have presented a more com- (6) Co--Ag-Ni subtype (±Fe, As, Cu, Pb,
prehensive subdivision of veins which is given Bi). Example: East Arm, Great Slave Lake,
with some modification below: Canada (Badham, 1978).
(1) Cu-Pb--Zn-Au-Ag subtype in veins We do not have sufficient space to describe all of
associated with igneous intrusions (±Sb, Bi. these ore types. The Au subtype has therefore been

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
selected for further discussion. The reason for this rock lithology and mineral paragenesis (Table
choice is that gold has been the main focus of 4.2). Our main criticism of Bache's classification is
mineral exploration in the early 1980s and is likely his distinction between pre-orogenic and post-
to remain a major exploration target for the orogenic classes. In some Canadian mining
remainder of the decade. districts the gold mineralization is interpreted as
being partly pre-orogenic and partly syn-orogenic
(Karvinen, 1981). Bache (1981) classified the
auriferous veins of the Kalgoorlie district as pre-
orogenic (Type 3) although field investigations
The classification of hydrothermal gold deposits is indicate that they are mainly syn-orogenic or post-
a difficult task and geologists are not in agreement orogenic (Groves et aI., 1984).
about the best approach. A traditional subdivision We prefer Stanton's approach and we intend to
is based upon the type of structure within which concentrate on those gold deposits which are
the valuable minerals are contained (Bateman, associated with Archaean greenstone belts.
1950). Boyle (1979) proposed a sixfold categoriz- Further subdivision of the deposits is discussed in
ation of hydrothermal gold deposits based in part the context of the Porcupine Mining District,
on structure and in part on their enclosing Canada (Section 4.4.2).
lithology. Stanton (1972) restricted his attention to
those hydrothermal gold deposits which are
associated with volcanics and identified two main
categories: deposits of Tertiary age associated with
the circum-Pacific volcanic belt, and deposits
associated with Archaean greenstones. Stanton's 4.4.1 General characteristics
contribution is important because it recognizes
tectonic setting as the basis for classification. (a) Distribution in space and time
Bache (1981) has produced the most com- Gold has been mined from the Archaean shield
prehensive classification of gold deposits which is areas of Canada, Australia, Zimbabwe, Brazil,
based on a combination of tectonic setting, host India and South Africa (Fig. 4.1). Canada has been

Table 4.2. Classification of hydrothermal gold deposits (modified from Bache, 1981).

Grollp 1 - Pre-orogenic volcano-sedimentary deposits

Type 1 Polymetallic massive sulphides

Type2 'Itabirite' type in which the gold is closely associated with a ferruginous, siliceous or
carbonate horizon
Type3 Discordant deposits in a volcano-sedimentary environment

Grollp 2 - Post-orogenic plutollic-volcanic type

Type4 Porphyry copper deposits

TypeS Massive ores formed by replacement of carbonates
Type 6 Vein deposits centred on an intrusion
Type 7 Vein deposits associated with Tertiary volcanics

Hydrothermal vein deposits

the principal source of hydrothermal gold with an (0.1-0.3 ozlton) with only a few mines having
estimated total production of 5280 tonnes grades above 15 g/t. There is no linear relationship
(Kavanagh, 1979). Australia and Zimbabwe are of between grade and tonnage in the Canadian gold
secondary importance with similar production deposits (Bertoni, 1983).
statistics of2187 tonnes of gold (Kavanagh, 1979). The bulk of gold production mined from
The output of gold from hydrothermal deposits in Archaean terrain in Australia is from the Yilgarn
Archaean terrain is of minor significance from block. Only one mining district, the Golden Mile
other countries. at Kalgoorlie, can be classed as a giant deposit by
Gold reserves are unevenly distributed within Canadian standards with a past production of
the main producing countries. For example most 92 X 10" tonnes of ore (Woodall, 1975). A further
of the gold production from the Canadian Shield is twelve deposits have produced more than 1 X 10"
from the Superior Province. (Hodgson and tonnes of ore (Woodall, 1975). The average grade
MacGeehan, 1982). Gold is also of restricted of ore mined from Western Australia has remained
occurrence in Western Australia. Little gold has at about 8 g/t since 1940 (Woodall, 1975).
been mined from the Pilbara block and the bulk of However, in the case of small open-pit operations
production in the Yilgarn block has been obtained near existing mill facilities grades as low as 4 glt
from the Eastern Goldfields Province. Some 50% may be worth exploiting.
of gold production from Western Australia is from Gold from Archaean greenstone belts in the
the Kalgoorlie district, known as the Golden Mile Barberton district of South Africa and Zimbabwe
(Groves et aI., 1984). has been extracted from many small mines and a
few large ones. In the Barberton district the grade
averages about 8.5 glt (Anhaeusser, 1976).
(b) Size and grade of deposits
Most published information on the size and grade (c) Mineralogy
of hydrothermal gold deposits in Archaean terrain The mineralogy of hydrothermal gold deposits in
refers to Canada and Australia. Archaean terrain is summarized in Table 4.3.
The bulk of Canadian production has been Native gold is the dominant economic mineral but
mined from the Superior Province of the Canadian is commonly alloyed with variable but significant
Shield. A detailed survey by Bertoni (1983) shows amounts of silver. Gold tellurides may be present
that nearly all the gold production in the Superior but have a restricted distribution: they are mainly
Province has come from 155 mines. Bertoni's of significance in the Kalgoorlie district of Western
analysis reveals that the mines are highly variable Australia and in some of the Zimbabwean deposits
in size but have a relatively narrow range of (Fig. 4.2). Pyrite and pyrrhotite are the most
grades. If we separate those mines which have a common metallic minerals although other
combination of reserves and past production in sulphide minerals may be locally important.
excess of lOx 10" tonnes of ore it is evident from Quartz and carbonates are the main gangue
Bertoni's work that twelve Canadian mines fall minerals.
into the 'giant' size category (Hollinger, Dome, The composition of the gold alloys and the
Kerr-Addison, McIntyre, Pamour No.1, mineralogical siting of the gold have an important
Lamaque, East Malartic, Sigma, Lake Shore, Can effect on recovery. According to Gasparrini
Malartic, Beattie-Donchester and McCleod- (1983), the main factors affecting gold recovery are
Cockshutt). The newly discovered Hemlo deposit the grain size of the gold-bearing minerals, the
is also of giant size with a published reserve of nature of the associated sulphides, and the manner
13.5 x 10" tonnes at 7.2 g/t (0.236 oz/ton) of occurrence of gold in the host mineral. The
(Patterson, 1983). The grade of ore mined from problem of gold recovery from hydrothermal ores
the Superior Province varies from 3.0 to 9.2 g/t is also discussed by Anhaeusser (1976).

Ore deposit geology and its injiuence on mineral exploration


Vein sub - types

• Cu Pb Zn

... W - Sn

o Sn

A Au

6 U
-I- Co Ag Ni

Fig. 4.1 Location map.

(d) Host lithology of 80% of the main gold-mining camps of the

One of the most consistent features of auriferous Superior Province of Canada. However, ultra-
veins in Archaean terrain is the lithology of the mafics form only a minor component of the
country rock. In Canada, Western Australia, country rock in the gold-mining districts of
Zimbabwe, and India metavolcanics, normally of Zimbabwe and Western Australia and only rarely
tholeiitic composition, are the predominant host form the host rocks for epigenetic gold deposits
rock. In the Kalgoorlie district of Western (Foster and Wilson, 1984; Groves et aI., 1984).
Australia the ore bodies are hosted by a tholeiitic Felsic volcanics are not prominent lithologies in
dolerite (Woodall, 1965). Ultramafic lithologies the context of auriferous veins in Australia and
have a less consistent association with gold Zimbabwe but they form a significant part of the
deposits. Hodgson and MacGeehan (1982) noted volcanic sequences in the Red Lake, Val d'Or and
that ultramafics are present within the host rocks Porcupine districts of Canada (Hodgson and

Hydrothermal vein deposits



FuJion Province

.. ~
o-~ ~
, ...

1 ! f\\. ~
Easrern Gold1irkiS Prov inc.e
Murcnison "':::'/X :- ___ J_;
Province 31'i./~b ~ot900rlie r·--·'·" 30'
Yilgarn bkKk i \J.'.... :
Western ~s.s
- \
Southern Cross
r·· .... •


MacGeehan, 1982). In addition, Hodgson and Zimbabwe there is a strong correlation between
MacGeehan found in their survey of major gold- the presence of auriferous iron-formation and
mining districts in the Superior Province that 90% gold-bearing quartz veins and shear zones within
of deposits were associated with felsic intrusions. the same major lithostratigraphic units . Iron-
Sedimentary lithologies are common in all gold- formation is also present within the sedimentary
mining districts in Archaean terrain. Hodgson and sequences which host gold-bearing veins in the
MacGeehan (1982) record that turbiditic grey- Pickle-Crow, Little Long Lac and Porcupine
wackes and shales are dominant in the main gold- districts of Ontario (Hutchinson and Burlington,
mining districts of the Superior Province. Iron- 1984). In the Southern Cross and Murchison
formation is commonly represented in Provinces of the Yilgarn block, Western Australia,
sedimentary sequences which host auriferous gold-bearing veins are found not only in the same
veins. Foster and Wilson (1984) state that In sedimentary sequence as, but are commonly hosted

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Table 4.3. Summary of mineralogy of auriferous veins in Archaean terrain.

Principal metallic Principal gangue Wall·rock

CO/mtry Natllre ofgold minerals millerals alteratitm

Canada Free or combined Pyrite, arsenopyrite Quartz, carbonates 1 Chloritization,

(Superior as 1 telluride, or and pyrrhotite. Minor (mainly ankerite, silicification 1
Southern & antimonide. Some galena, sphalerite dolomite and sericitization,
Slave intimately associated chalcopyrite, calcite) carbonatization,
provinces) with pyrite, stibnite, molybdenite, tourmalinization,
arsenopyrite and scheelite and various albitization,
sulpho-salts sulpho-salts pyritization and

Australia In Kalgoorlie area Kalgoorlie area: 3 Kalgoorlie: 3 quartz, Dominantly

(Yilgarn both native gold and pyrite, galena, carbonates. Other carbonatization, (,
block) gold tellurides 2 . chalcopyrite, mining districts: sericitization,
Most of native gold in sphalerite, stibnite, dominantly quartz muscovitization and
pyrite. 3 Other areas: arsenopyrite, with minor carbonates biotitization.
mainly native gold tetrahedrite- m some cases Pyritization also
tennantite, realgar. In common
other mining districts:
pyrite and pyrrhotite
ubiquitous. Variable

Zimbabwe Mainly native gold Pyrite normally4.7 Mainly quartz 7 Non-stratabound: 7

but tellurides dominant. Pyrrhotite, and lesser amounts of propylitic alteration
significant in some chalcopyrite and carbonates and sericitization.
cases. 4 Native gold galena usually present. Strata-bound: variable
commonly as Other sulphides may styles of alteration;
inclusions in be present in small sodium-depletion in
sulphides 4 quantities. Scheelite is some cases
a common constituent 7

South Africa Native gold 5 Pyrite dominant. 5 Dominantly quartz 5 Not conspicuous. In
(Barberton) associated with pyrite Arsenopyrite and with some ankerite somemines H
and to a lesser extent pyrrhotite important. pyritization and
arsenopyrite 56 other minerals chloritization may be
ha ve been described evident

Sources: I, Boyle (1979); 2, Travis et al. (1971); 3, Woodall (1975); 4, Twemlow (1984); 5, Anhaeusser (1976); 6, Groves et al.
(1984); 7, Foster and Wilson (1984); 8, Gribnitz (1964).

by banded iron-formation (Groves et aI., 1984). responsible for, or derived during, the formation of
Hutchinson and Burlington (1984) emphasize the the deposits. The ambiguity present in this
importance of carbonate-rich and carbonaceous definition nicely conveys the uncertainty of
sediments in the country rock adjacent to gold- whether wall-rock alteration is caused by the same
bearing quartz veins in some Canadian mining hydrothermal fluid which deposited the
districts. ore-forming minerals. The diversity of wall-rock·
alteration associated with auriferous vein deposits
(e) Wall-rock alteration is pardy a reflection of the wide range oflithologies
Bates and Jackson (1980) define wall-rock which can host epigenetic gold deposits, an aspect
alteration as the alteration of country rocks which is discussed by Boyle (1979). However,
adjacent to hydrothermal ore deposits by the fluids differing styles of wall-rock alteration are also

Hydrothermal vein deposits

Carbonaceous shale

Tellurides in Quar ~z

'\ ~/
Tellurides in ca lcite


Fig. 4.2 Tellurides in the Commoner ore body, Commoner Mine, Zimbabwe (from Fernandes et al. 1979). Scale in

caused by ore fluids of differing chemistry and it is volcanics and metasediments which are referred to
this aspect which is of most interest to geologists. as greenstone belts. However, not all greenstone
Boyle (1979) reviewed the mineralogy and belts contain gold mineralization and those that are
chemistry of wall-rock alteration associated with mineralized have a highly irregular distribution of
gold deposits and reported that sericitization, gold. Recent studies of the tectonic setting of
carbonatization and pyritization are the most Archaean gold deposits have been confined to
consistent alteration processes. Boyle (1979) Australia and Canada.
concluded that 'the constituents of most auriferous Groves and Batt (1985) have discussed the
veins and lodes were deposited from an aqueous structural evolution and metallogenesis of the
medium that was highly fluxed with CO 2 and S in Pilbara and Yilgarn blocks in Western Australia.
most cases and with As, Sb, Se, Te, Bi, B, F and CI The older Pilbara block (3.5 x 109 -3.3 X 109
in some cases. The gold was probably transported years) contains few gold deposits of significance.
mainly as sulphide, arsenide, antimonide or Groves and Batt (1985) classify the Pilbara block as
telluride complexes.' a platform-phase greenstone belt. The main char-
acteristics are a laterally continuous volcanic
(f) Tectonic setting stratigraphy dominated by basalts, the presence of
Archaean gold mineralization is associated with shallow-water sediment, and the general absence
thick, highly deformed sequences of mafic of faulting. There isa distinctive metallogenic

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Fig. 4.3 Main rift zone, Eastern

Goldfields Province , Western
I:::::::j Dominantly coarie siliciclastics E.=-=J Ma inly basalts with minor sediments

Australia (modified from Groves IIIIIIJl Dominantly turbidites ~

... .
,-.1'- Ba sement rocks
and Batt, 1985). Note the small
rift and graben structures and the ~ Felsic volcanics Gold beoring zone

restriction of sediments to the

upper part of the stratigraphy.
t4'1'1t Komati ites and basalts o
50 km

aSSOCIatIOn characterized by volcanogenic sul- appears that the geological setting of many of the
phides, porphyry-style copper, and sedi- gold-mining districts in the Superior Province can
mentary barite. The younger greenstone belts be explained in terms of linear volcanic domes
of the eastern part of the Yilgarn block (2.8 X 10 9 with flanking sedimentary troughs. The sedi-
- 2.7 + 10 9 years) are classified by Groves and Batt mentary succession is dominated by volcani-
(1985) as rift-phase greenstone belts. They have clastics but also contains significant proportions of
been the principal source of gold production in chemical sediment, particularly carbonate units,
Western Australia. The rift-phase greenstones have and iron-formation. Fig. 4.4 is a section through
a linear pattern and are characterized by a complex the Campbell and Dickenson Mines, Red Lake,
volcanic stratigraphy in which komatiites are Ontario, which shows the lateral transition from
abundant. Their main tectonic feature is extensive volcanic to sedimentary facies.
faulting which gave rise to small fault-bounded There are thus clear differences in the tectonic
basins (Fig. 4.3). setting of Archaean gold in Canada and Australia.
Hodgson and MacGeehan (1982) have reviewed In Canada sedimentation is coeval with volcanism
the results of recent studies concerned with the and there is good evidence that part of the gold
tectonic setting of gold mineralization in the mineralization is synvolcanic. Faulting is in some
Superior Province of Canada. Many of the gold- cases synvolcanic but in other cases the structural
mining districts in Canada are associated with disturbance is focused at the interface of major
major zones of faulting. In some cases recent map- facies. In the Eastern Goldfields Province,
ping has led to the reinterpretation of the fault Australia, volcanism was dominant in the lower
zones as the sites of a major change in facies from part of the stratigraphy and was confined to
volcanic to clastic sedimentary successions. It narrow linear graben. Sedimentation post-dated

Hydrothermal vein deposits

Fig. 4.4 Cross-

section through
volcanic complex
and adjacent
sedimentary basin,
Campbell and
Dickenson Mines,
Red Lake Camp,
Ontario. (From
V:~::::I o
MacGeehan and Exhalites ~'
2 km
_ __ _ _ _- L_ __ __ _~'
Hodgson 1981.)
~ Felsic lIolcanics Dominantly turbidites
Note the lateral
facies change from ~~::I Mainly basalts w im minor sed iments ~ Maf ic intrusio n
volcanics to
sediments. D Mafic-ul tramafic intrusion D Gold bearing zone

the volcanism and there is therefore only a minor Group is the lateral equivalent of the upper part of
content of carbonates and iron-formation and little the Deloro Group and the Tisdale Group (Fig.
evidence of synsedimentary gold. 4.5). However, Hodgson (1983a) considers that
some ofPyke's correlations are contentious.
4.4.2 The Porcupine mining district The Deloro Group comprises 4500-5000 m of
(Timmins area), Ontario, Canada calc-alkaline volcanics which are mainly restricted
to the Shaw Dome, to the south of the mining
(a) Introduction district (Pyke , 1981). The Tisdale Group is about
The Porcupine mining district (or camp in 5000 m in thickness. The lower part of the Tisdale
Canadian terminology) is located at the western
end of the Archaean Abitibi greenstone belt. The
Porcupine district has been the most prolific centre VI
of gold production in North America with an Tisdale
estimated production of 1.4 X 10 3 tonnes V Group
(Karvinen, 1980). Gold has been produced from
over 24 deposits but today there are only four
Porcupin e IV
underground mines (Dome, Pamour No.1, Group
Pamour No.3, and Schumacher) and one open pit
Deloro III
(Hollinger) in operation (see Fig. 4.6).
(b) Stratigraphy and principal lithologies
The geology of the Porcupine district is dominated
by mafic and ultramafic volcanics and clastic
metasedimentary rocks. The volcanics are sub- Fig.4.5 Diagramatic illustration of the time equivalence
divided into the Deloro and Tisdale Groups and of sedimentation (Porcupine Group) and volcanism
metasediments are assigned to the Porcupine (Deloro al,d Tisdale Groups) in the Timmins area (from
Group. According to Pyke (1981), the Porcupine Pyke 1981).

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Group is largely komatiitic and is overlain by a (d) Mineralogy
thick sequence of tholeiitic basalt. The upper part Gold in the Porcupine district occurs principally as
of the Tisdale Group consists of volcaniclastics of the native metal alloyed with a variable amount of
calc-alkaline composition (Pyke, 1981). The silver. The gold may be free or have differing
Tisdale Group includes many minor carbonate associations with pyrite. Gold-silver tellurides are
zones, and Karvinen (1981) has traced two of the of only minor significance. The principal metallic
larger carbonate zones over a strike length of 20 minerals associated with gold are pyrite, scheelite,
km. The carbonate zones are mainly hydro- arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, galena and
thermally altered volcanics although the larger sphalerite. The gangue minerals are quartz, tour-
zones may have a sedimentary component. maline, albite and fuchsite.
Quartz feldspar porphyry bodies of varying size
occur in close association with faults and carbonate
units in the Tisdale Group. Karvinen (1981) (e) Classification of veins
believes that textural evidence and the presence of The gold-bearing veins of the Porcupine district
compositional layering indicate that many of the have traditionally been regarded as epigenetic in
quartz-feldspar porphyries are of extrusive origin. origin and their subdivision has been based mainly
The Porcupine Group is about 3000 m in on their geometry. For example, at the Hollinger
thickness. It consists mainly of interlayered mine the ore bodies were classified as follows:
greywackes and siltstones with subsidiary well-defined continuous veins, sinuous veins,
conglomerates (Pyke, 1981). tabular zones conslstmg of parallel quartz
stringers, and en echelon vein zones (Lang et aI.,
(c) Tectonic setting and structural style 1976).
Roberts (1981) interpreted the geological setting of Karvinen (1981) has suggested that the ores
the Porcupine district as a volcanic trough which should be classified on a genetic basis as follows:
received volcanic detritus from two linear domes
which flanked the trough on its northern and Synvolcanic ores
southern margins. The dominant structure in the
(1) Continuous stratabound bodies of quartz,
area is the Porcupine syncline. It is flanked on the
ankerite and tourmaline characterized by cross-
north-west by the Central Tisdale anticline and on
cutting 'ladder veins'.
the south-west by the South Tisdale anticline (Fig.
(2) Massive siliceous carbonate rock with only
minor quartz-carbonate stringers.
ENE-trending faults play an important role in
(3) Breccia bodies within fossil vents where
the geology of the Porcupine district. The Destor-
mineralization occurs as disseminated pyrite in
Porcupine fault (Fig. 4.6) separates gold-bearing
matrix material or as pyritic quartz-carbonate
volcanic rocks of the Tisdale Group in the north
stringer-vein systems.
from predominantly barren rocks of the Deloro
Group to the south. Pyke (1981) noted that the Metamorphogenic ores
Destor-Porcupine fault forms part of a major
fracture which extends for a distance of about 440 Hodgson (1983a) does not accept that the ores are
km. Faults of similar trend within the Porcupine synvolcanic. He states that one of the key items of
syncline (Dome fault, Hollinger fault) are closely evidence are those carbonate rocks at the Dome
associated with feldspar porphyries and gold Mine which Karvinen interprets as a chemical
mineralization. Major faults ofNW trend such as sediment of volcanogenic type. According to
the Burrows-Benedict fault do not appear to have Hodgson (1983a) the carbonate zone is represented
either a spatial or genetic relationship to gold by anastomosing veinlets which cut across well-
mineralization. defined flow units.

Hydrothermal vein deposits

~ ~ " >" "'"
..... .
. ... .':' :-::::::)

~~~ .. . . .... .. .. .. ..

. ./ ~ . . . . /0
. HOll'nger • • • ••••.•• ' • • . • . ...,:.\'.
• • • • /
• . •

j h { '~6400;t<~~J!
-t -

Felsic volcanics Anticlinal axis

N T A North Tisdale
~ Felsic schists
J:::::::t Metabasalt -t - 5 T A South Tisdale
Synclinal axis
P S Porcupine
[j;!:Jfl Ultramafics -- - Fault
Fig.4.6 Generalized geological map of DPF Destor - Porcu pine
• Mines DF Dome
the Porcupine mining district (from
Fryer et at. 1979). o 1 km BBF Burrows - Benedict
'------' HF HOllinger

(f) Alteration increasing proximity to the vein, and pyrite and

Wall-rock alteration in the Porcupine mmmg chalcopyrite occur adjacent to the vein contact
district is of several ages and types. An early stage (Griffis, 1962) .
of carbonatization was contemporaneous with the
volcanic evolution of the Tisdale Group (Fyon and (g) Timing of mineralization
Crocket, 1981) and m ay sometimes be associated The timing of gold mineralization in the
with gold mineralization. The nature of wall-rock Porcupine district is controversial and will remain
alteration associated with discordant veins varies so until a systematic programme of radiometric
according to the lithology of the host rock and dating is undertaken. Karvinen (1981) has
commonly exhibits zoning parallel to the vein. At proposed that there are two main stages of gold
the Mcintyre mine, discordant auriferous quartz deposition: firstly a synvolcanic stage which is
veins are hosted mainly by the Pearl Lake associated with submarine hydrothermal activity
porphyry. Carbonatization is widespread. Zones during the formation of the Tisdale volcanics;
of pyritization and silicification occur with secondly a period of remobilization of gold from

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
carbonate source rocks into veins of metamorphic data base on gold distribution in un mineralized
origin during deformation of the Porcupine lithologies.
syncline. K wong and Crocket (1978) investigated the
Karvinen's sequence of gold deposition is based gold content of rocks in the western part of the
upon Pyke's (1981) interpretation of the strati- Wabigoon volcanic-plutonic complex in N. W.
graphy of the Timmins area and utilizes the Ontario. The area was selected because of
observations of both Karvinen (1981) and other suitability for sampling appropriate rocks but does
workers (Fryer et aI., 1979; Fyon and Crocket, not contain any commercial gold deposits. Table
1981) on the volcanogenic nature of the carbonate 4.4 shows that the average gold content of the five
rocks. Hodgson (1983a) disagrees with Karvinen's major rock types in the study area is very similar.
interpretation of the gold mineralization. He However, carbonated rocks at the base of an
concludes, mainly from structural evidence, that ultramafic sill were enriched at least twofold with
the bulk of gold mineralization post-dates the respect to background. Kwong and Crocket
Tisdale volcanics, quartz-feldspar porphyries, and (1978) concluded that process-related factors such
major ENE trending faults. as alteration are more significant than the
background content of host rocks in the
generation of anomalous gold concentrations.
4.4.3 Genesis ofhydrothennal gold Keays (1984) has investigated the gold content
deposits in Archaean terrain of ultramafic volcanics as these are often
prominent in Archaean greenstone belts which
(a) Source of gold contain gold deposits of large size. In an earlier
There are two lines of approach which are usually study of the geochemistry of ocean-ridge basalts
taken in attempting to establish the source of metal Keays and Scott (1976) concluded that a significant
for hydrothermal ore deposits. Firstly the amount of gold was lost at an early stage due to
recognition of a persistent association of ore basalt/seawater interaction. This means that the
deposits with a particular lithology. Secondly the original gold content of regiQnally meta-
anomalous enrichment or depletion of metal in morphosed extrusives such as komatiites must be
such a lithology is usually interpreted as being determined indirectly. Table 4.5 compares the
indicative of its potential as a source rock. gold content of komatiites from Archaean terrain
Gold deposits in Archaean terrain are nearly with more recent extrusions of similar com-
always associated with mafic volcanics and position. It is evident that in most cases appreciable
may also occur in close proximity to clastic or depletion of gold from komatiites has taken place.
chemical sediments and felsic igneous rocks. Keays concludes that komatiites may be the
Several workers (Pyke, 1975; Viljoen and Viljoen, ultimate source of gold in hydrothermal deposits
1969) have emphasized the close spatial relation- but suggests that the gold is either retained in
ship between gold deposits and komatiites in sub volcanic peridotite lenses or released to
Archaean terrain. Others have preferred to draw interflow sediments soon after extrusion. Keays
attention to the association of gold with chemical also emphasizes that the availability of gold may be
sediment and the sites of hydrothermal alteration more important than its total concentration. For
(Karvinen, 1981). Cherry (1983) has emphasized example gold associated with sulphides is more
the proximity of gold deposits to felsic intrusives likely to be available for leaching by hydrothermal
in some of the mining camps within the Abitibi fluids than gold locked in the lattice of silicate
greenstone belt. minerals.
In recent years the development of analytical
techniques with very low detection limits, such as (b) The ore fluid
neutron activation analysis, has resulted in a good What was the nature of the ore fluid which

Hydrothermal vein deposits
Table 4.4. Gold contents of various rock types in the Wabigoon volcanic-plutonic complex (from Kwong and
Crocket, 1978).

Gold wntents (ppb)

No. of Stmldard Geollletric

Rock type analyses Range }\Ilean del'iatioll :\Ilediml lIleml

Major lithologies
Mafic volcanics
All 27 0.33--8.14 1.75 1.67 1.17 1.28
Tholeiitic rocks 17 0.33--8.14 1.97 1.91 1.31 1.-14
Felsic volcanics 35 0.09--6.78 1.47 1.55 0.80 0.92
Sedimentary rocks 24 O.I4-B.84 1.12 1.95 0.51 0.56
Felsic intrusions
Stephen Lake stock 9 0.40--2.74 1.05 0.74 0.77 D.88
Regina Bay stock 9 0.10-4.88 1.18 1.60 0.55 0.57
Mafic/ultramafic intrusions
All 18 0.11-3.25 0.78 0.78 O.M 0.55
Emm Bay sill 12 0.18--3.25 1.01 0.88 0.74 0.76
Minor lithologies
Carbonates 9 0.90--17.75 4.26 5.29 2.41 2.29
Diabase dikes 3 0.45--0.81 0.63 0.18 0.62
Qtz-feld. porphyries 3 0.43--0.72 0.61 0.16 0.68

Table 4.5. Average gold content of Tertiary picrite and Archaean komatiites (from Keays, 1984).

Location Lithology A!'erage gold wlltellt (ppb)

Disko Island, West Greenland Fresh picrite )

(Tertiary) 4.17
Gorgona Island, Colombia Picrite
Munro Township, Canada Komatiite 2.9
Mt Clifford, Western Australia Serpentinized and chloritized 0.49
Barberton district, S. Africa Highly altered komatiite 0.43
Kambalda, W. Australia Komatiite log average 4.43

transported gold to its site of deposition? At what investigations of gold solubility and from the
temperature was the gold deposited? In what form geochemistry of wall-rock alteration, it is possible
was the gold transported? The answers to these to build up a comprehensive data base from which
questions cannot be provided by any single the main parameters of the ore fluid can be
technique but by combining information from determined with some confidence.
fluid inclusion studies, from experimental In the case of hydrothermal gold deposits in

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Archaean terrain the problem is further 50

complicated by the evidence in Canada (Karvinen, Vl

1981), Zimbabwe (Foster and Wilson, 1984) and .~ 4.0

South Africa (Anhaeusser, 1976) that part of the
gold may be syngenetic in origin. In these cases *o
there have been two ore fluids: an initial fluid '0
related to submarine volcanic activity and a later L
fluid responsible for the remobilization of gold E
during deformation and metamorphism. In this
i. 10

section we will restrict discussion to those deposits

in which the gold is associated with discordant 200 300 400 500
Temperarure (0 C)
Fig. 4.7 Histogram offluid inclusion data from
auriferous quartz veins in Archaean and younger terrains
(i) Evidencefromfiuid inclusions
(from Foster 1980).
Small quantities of liquid, sometimes associated
with solid and vapour phases, which are trapped wt% NaCl solution the pressure correction would
during crystal growth have proved to be a valuable be 170°C giving a formation temperature of
source of information about the nature of the ore 420°C.
fluid. Roedder (1967, 1984) has explained the Foster (1980) has compiled data from the
general principles involved in fluid inclusion work literature on the temperature of formation of gold
and has reviewed the application of fluid inclusion deposits in Archaean and other terrains obtained
studies to hydrothermal gold deposits. from fluid inclusion studies (Fig. 4.7). Most of the
There are three types of information which may temperatures fall within the range 1Q(}..400°C with
be obtained from fluid inclusions: the temperature a mode of240°C. More recent fluid inclusion data,
of formation of minerals and the salinity and exclusively from Archaean gold deposits in
chemical composition of the fluid. These aspects Western Australia, indicate temperatures of
are now described in the context of Archaean gold formation which range from 285 to 400°C (Groves
deposits. et a!., 1984). The latter data are in accord with
temperatures of 38(}..480°C determined from
Temperature offormation oxygen isotopes on Archaean gold deposits in
The temperature of formation of minerals can be Canada (Kerrich, 1981).
determined from the temperature at which the
differing phases present in inclusions homogenize. Salinity
The experimental technique is described by Minerals such as halite, sylvite or gypsum can
Roedder (1967). In order to provide meaningful sometimes be observed within fluid inclusions and
geological information, the homogenization provide one of the most commonly used guides to
temperature must be corrected for pressure. The the composition of the ore fluid. However,
pressure is normally inferred from the geological daughter minerals are seldom seen in fluid
setting of the mineralization. Roedder (1984) inclusions in quartz obtained from Archaean gold
provides an example of a pressure correction deposits, which suggests that the fluids have a low
applied to a homogenization temperature of250°C salinity. This inference is supported by in-
determined from a gold-bearing quartz vein vestigations on fluid inclusions from auriferous
formed during greenschist facies metamorphism. quartz veins from Western Australia which show
The pressure in this geological environment is salinities of less than 4 wt% equivalent NaCl
thought to be at least 2 kilobars. Assuming a pure 5 (Groves eta!., 1984).

Hydrothermal vein deposits

Chemical composition +4
It is extremely difficult to obtain reliable
information about the chemical composition of
fluid inclusions. This is partly because the mineral "'f 0

has to be crushed to liberate the fluid and there is a x

strong possibility of contamination from -2

inclusions of secondary origin. The very low con- ~ -4

centration at which most elements are present in ii

fluid inclusions also poses a major problem. The "£ -6

components which are determined routinely are ...J
CO 2 and H 20 because their approximate relative
concentrations can be determined optically -10

(Roedder, 1984). CO 2 appears to be a ubiquitous

constituent of fluid inclusions within quartz 100 200 300 400 500
Temperarure (Oe)
obtained from Archaean gold deposits (Roedder,
1984). Fig. 4.8 Experimental and theoretical studies on the
solubility of gold due to the formation of different
complexes (modified from Seward, 1984)
(ii) Evidencefrom experimental studies 1. Experiments at pressures ofl and 2 kb in 1 and 2 MKCl
solution in equilibrium with potassium feldspar-
The form in which gold is transported in hydro-
muscovite-quartz-magnetite-hematite, (Henley 1973)
thermal solutions is a matter for speculation. 2,3. Experiments at 1 kb in equilibrium with pyrite and
However, experimental studies carried out within pyrrhotite at pH = 5 and total reduced sulphur
the assumed pressure conditions of greenschist (H2S + HS) = 0.05 M(curve 2) and 0.001 M(curve 3).
facies metamorphism (up to 2 kilobars), and (Seward 1973) 4. Calculation of stochiometric ion
within the temperature range indicated by fluid activity coefficient in 1 MNaCI solution. (Helgeson
inclusion studies, can provide evidence about the 1969.) 5. Experiments at 1 kb in equilibrium with pyrite
varying concentration of gold in hydrothermal and pyrrhotite in 1 MNaCI solution. (Ryfuba and
solutions. From a combination of experimental Dickson 1977.)
work and calculation, Seward (1984) has deduced
that gold is mainly transported as Au + complexes.
Seward also observes that the electronic structure Henley's research (1973) suggests that gold has the
of Au + is such that it will tend to form covalent highest solubility when forming a complex anion
bonds, with ligands such as CN - and HS- with chlorine under relatively oxidizing con-
forming the most stable complexes. Ligand ditions (Fig. 4.8, curve 1). However, the data of
availability in the ore fluid is clearly a limiting R ytuba and Dickson (1977) and Helgeson (1969)
factor. Seward (1984) suggests, from the analysis of suggest that gold solubility in chloride solutions is
deep geothermal water, that chlorides, iodides, significantly reduced in the presence of pyrite and
ammonia, sulphides and bisulphides are amongst pyrrhotite (curve 4 and point 5). The experimental
the most probable candidates. Alternatively, work of Seward (1973) suggests that gold in the
elements, such as arsenic, which are consistently form of Au(HS);- has appreciable solubility at
associated with gold in veins, may have formed an elevated temperatures in the presence of excess
appropriate ligand. sulphur.
The bulk of experimental work at elevated At the present time, experimental data on gold-
temperatures and pressures has been carried out complexing with chloride and sulphide ligands is
using chloride and sulphide solutions. Figure 4.8 incomplete and there are few data on complex
shows the results of selected experimental work. formation with ammonia or arsenic. Therefore

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

(talc -magnesite - chlorite )
,':-:-:<':-:- vvvvvvvvvo.;vvv ·
.:-:-:«-:< ~vFoolwall "'vV
• -: . :- .•.. ;.: v v: metabasalt
~~ :( chlorite -
~~ : hOfnblende -
~ ~ :Calcite-biotite I
v v \I V v V v vv v v '
",VV .... VV",V..,VY,

• •

• •
Quartz VVV"'VV",YYV .... .., ·
vein • V "''''", V'll'" V "'''' '

• •
YVyvvvvvvV'VVV \
Fig. 4.9 Schematic VVVVVYVV>Jvvvv '

diagram showing • vV'VVVVVVY Y VVV

vv~~ ~ Fe - Ni-Cu ore

auriferous quartz vein
.... ...... . . . .. .
• ~~~~ ~
and associated wall-rock
alteration, Hunt Mine,
::: :: ::::: :::: :::::: : ::: ::::::::: :~. B:;~ Pyrite alteration

Kambalda, Western
::: M'a'fic' schist''; ::::'.:::::
(ankerite -calcite:' '::::::: ::: Gill!] Bleach ing

Australia (from Phillips
and Groves 1984).
chlorite-biotite)"':':;: ,;" .'
8 Gold concentration

only very tentative conclusions can be drawn from alteration have been described from Kalgoorlie
this discipline. (Bartram and McCall, 1971), from Mount
Charlotte Mine (Phillips et aI., 1983) and from the
Hunt Mine, Kambalda (Phillips and Groves,
(iii) EvidenceJrom wall-rock alteration
The types of wall-rock alteration which are In the famous Golden Mile, adjacent to
associated with auriferous veins in Archaean Kalgoorlie, carbonate and sericite alteration zones
terrain are summarized in Table 4.3. It is clear that are dominant. Bartram and McCall (1971)
there is considerable regional variation in the considered that the bulk of the carbonate alteration
products of alteration, and thus generalization is precedes lode formation. Phillips et al. (1983) have
not warranted. We have therefore selected the focused their attention on one mine, Mount
Eastern Goldfields Province of the Yilgarn block, Charlotte, within the Golden Mile. The deposit is
Western Australia, to demonstrate the type of in- stratabound and is confined to an iron-rich
formation which can be determined about the ore granophyric zone in the Golden Mile dolerite.
fluid from wall-rack-alteration studies. Alteration consists of an inner bleached zone
The regional setting of gold deposits in the comprising sericite + pyrite + pyrrhotite + sid-
Eastern Goldfields Province has been described by erite and an outer unbleached zone containing
Groves et al. (1984). Detailed studies of wall-rock sulphides. Phillips and Groves (1984) have

Hydrothermal vein deposits
described wall-rock alteration associated with the expansion, and reaction between the ore fluid and
Hunt Mine, Kambalda. The gold mineralization in the wall rocks. These differing influences on ore
the Hunt Mine has a strong lithological control deposition are now reviewed in the context of
and is confined to a metabasalt unit. The pattern of Archaean gold deposits.
alteration consists of a broad zone of carbonate, a
less extensive zone of biotite and a very restricted
(i) Cooling oj the fluid along a thermal gradient
zone of pyrite (Fig. 4.9).
In both mining districts, the dominant alteration Evidence for a thermal control of gold deposition
process is the hydrolysis of silicates. In the case of can best be demonstrated on a regional scale.
the Hunt Mine, extensive carbonatization suggests Archaean terrain normally comprises greenstone
a COz-rich ore fluid. The presence of micas and belts, high-grade gneiss zones and sedimentary
iron sulphides in the wall rock adjacent to the lodes basins of Proterozoic style (thick sequences of
at both mines suggests that potassium and sulphur clastic sediments which are relatively little
were significant components of the ore fluid. deformed). Within greenstone belts greenschist
and amphibolite facies of metamorphism
(c) Factors controlling deposition Anhaeusser (1976) has observed that in
The controls of ore deposition are of great practical Zimbabwe the high-grade metamorphic belts
consequence because an understanding of this which flank the gold-producing greenstone belts
aspect of ore genesis has immediate relevance to are virtually barren of gold mineralization.
mineral exploration. For example the identifi- Anhaeusser has also examined the distribution of
cation of lithology as a significant depositional gold deposits within the Zimbabwe greenstone
control allows the geologist to focus the detailed belts and concluded that there was an 'optimal
stages of exploration within a more limited area. thermal zone' in which gold tends to be con-
One of the most characteristic features of gold- centrated. Groves et at. (1984) compared the
mining districts in Archaean terrain is their close distribution of gold deposits and metamorphic
proximity to major zones of faulting. This grade in the Eastern Goldfields Province of the
association has already been referred to in Section Yilgarn block, Western Australia. They found that
4.4.1 and has been described more specifically in the bulk of the gold deposits is concentrated near
the context of the Porcupine mining district where to the transition from greenschist to amphibolite
the Destor-Porcupine fault has an important facies of metamorphism. The common association
control on the distribution of gold deposits between gold deposits and rocks of greenschist
(Section 4.4.2). facies has also been recognized in the Canadian
The structural control of gold mineralization Shield (Poulsen, 1983; Blackburn and Janes, 1983).
has been recognized for many years by geologists However, Muir (1983) has described the
working in Archaean terrain (Horwood, 1948; geological setting of the newly discovered Hemlo
McKinstry, 1942; Goldberg, 1964), and major deposit in Ontario where pelitic sediments
fault zones have been interpreted as the adjacent to the deposit have a mineral assemblage
channelways along which the ore fluid has characteristic of middle to upper amphibolite
migrated. The more difficult problem is to facies. It would therefore be prudent not to
ascertain those influences which have caused the emphasize the significance of metamorphic facies
gold to be deposited at particular sites along the in designing an exploration model for Archaean
conduit. The most probable causes of deposition gold deposits.
are cooling of the ore fluid during movement There is little evidence for a thermal gradient on
along a thermal gradient, cooling or dilution of the the scale of a mining district or mine. Boyle (1979)
ore fluid by mixing with meteoric water, adiabatic commented on the absence of vertical zoning in

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
gold deposits in Archaean terrain and quoted the high temperature separated from regions of low
exam pIe of the Kolar goldfield, India, where there temperature by narrow zones of erratically
is iittle change in either grade or mineralogy variable temperature; secondly, the evidence of
although some of the mines extend in depth to well-developed mineral zoning.
more than 3000 m. The main exception appears to The study of fluid inclusions from Archaean
be Zimbabwe where a number of deposits show hydrothermal gold deposits suggests a remarkable
telescoped zoning and where gold and sulphides uniformity of both salinity and temperature
sometimes decrease dramatically with increasing within individual mining districts. Neither is there
depth (R. Foster, personal communication). much evidence for mineral zoning. We may there-
fore conclude that throttling is not an important
control of gold deposition in Archaean terrain.
(ii) Cooling or dilution of the orefluid by mixinj? with
Phillips (1972) has proposed that hydraulic
meteoric water
fracturing is a significant mechanism of vein
This mechanism of ore deposition can be evaluated formation and suggested that the rapid drop of
by considering the isotopic signature of quartz pressure may be attended by ore deposition.
which, from paragenetic studies, can be inferred to Groves et al. (1984) suggested that hydraulic
have formed at the same time as gold. In Section fracturing may have been significant in the genesis
4.2.1 we explained that minerals deposited from of gold deposits in the Eastern Goldfields
either meteoric or magmatic water were char- Province, W. Australia. However, they inter-
acterized by their oxygen isotope ratios. Values for preted the role of hydraulic fracturing as a
meteoric water generally range from 0 180 of -::- 10 mechanism for facilitating fluid access to reactive
to -4%0 (Taylor, 1979). Kerrich (1981) has wall rocks rather than directly causing ore
investigated the oxygen isotope ratios from deposition. In this context it is pertinent to
auriferous quartz veins in the Canadian Shield. He mention Seward's (1973) experimental work
calculated that 0 18 0 of fluids from which the which indicated that, in the case of Au(HS)2", a
minerals were precipitated were in the range of decrease of pressure above 250°C will lead to an
7.5-11.6%0' Kerrich concluded that the results increase in gold solubility.
were compatible with a fluid derived from a
metamorphic hydrothermal reservoir. There is no
evidence of mixing with meteoric water. (iv) Reaction between ore fluid and wall rock
Mafic volcanics are the predominant host
lithology of auriferous quartz veins in Archaean
(iii) Adiabatic expansion
terrain (Section 4.4.1). The reason for this
As the ore fluid rises from depth towards the common association may be the tendency for
surface, pressure conditions will change and might competent volcanic units to fracture and provide
exert some influence on mineral deposition. This structural sites for ingress of the ore fluid. The
aspect of ore deposition has been reviewed by common development of alteration assemblages
Toulmin and Clark (1967) who have suggested adjacent to the veins suggests that extensive
that when an ore fluid passes through the restricted interaction between the ore fluid and the wall rock
part of a vein system an irreversible adiabatic may be an additional control of deposition.
expansion (throttling) may occur. Furthermore, Possible effects of wall-rock alteration include
they concluded that this process could have changes of Eh and pH in the ore fluid.
important consequences in cooling the ore fluid Iron is an important component of tholeiitic
and mineral deposition. Toulmin and Clark (1967) basalts where it occurs mainly within silicates. The
described two features which might be regarded as breakdown of silicate minerals during wall-rock
indicative of throttling. Firstly zones of relatively alteration results in the release of iron which

Hydrothermal vein deposits
becomes available to participate in iron-related (a) Type 1 - exogenous/epigenetic (Figs 1.6
redox reactions. Phillips and Groves (1984) carried and 4.10)
out a detailed mineralogical and chemical study of This genetic model does not require the presence
wall-rock alteration at the Hunt Mine, Western of specific source rocks which are enriched in gold
Australia, and suggested that sulphidization of (K wong and Crocket, 1978), although the avail-
ferromagesian minerals could be considered as a ability of gold in a form which can be readily
redox reaction: leached is desirable. The more important aspect is
Fe6Si.j01ll(OHJg + 12H 2S + 30 2 the sweeping of very large volumes of rock by
(chlorite) (S 2-) metamorphic water, expelled from predominantly
mafic volcanics by dehydration reactions during
= 6FeS2 + 4Si0 2 + 16H 20 prograde regional metamorphism. Fyfe and
(S 1-) Kerrich (1984) have carried out a number of
Groves et al. (1984) and Foster and Wilson geochemical calculations to determine the volume
(1984) suggest that wall-rock reactions of this type of source rocks required. One of their calculations
have been the principal cause of gold deposition in is based on the Porcupine district which is
discordant veins in Western Australia and estimated to have produced 1.7 x lO~g of gold.
Zimbabwe respectively. They estimated that this mass of gold could be
produced from a source-rock volume of 1200 km 3
assuming an average gold concentration of2 ppb,
4.4.4 Genetic models and 50% efficiencies of leaching and deposition.
Many genetic models have been proposed for The large volumes of water required in a model of
Archaean gold-bearing quartz veins (Fripp, 1976; this type must be channelled along zones of high
Karvinen, 1981; Groves et aI., 1984; Keays, 1984). permeability, and the major fault structures
Most genetic models are variants of two types associated with some greenstone belts are
which may be termed exogenous/epigenetic and considered to represent major conduits for the ore
indigenous (including both syngenetic and fluid. Deposition is in part related to the
epigenetic styles). geothermal gradient but more particularly to


2 II: Hosr

C1l lithology
-0 2



~ ~A~ Ore
I I \ Leaching of gold
So~rcel ro~k by metamorphic
;' I \ fluid Meramorphic GOld {"

I/ I
- - - ~- - -\. - --'\--- Meramorphic segregarion hYdroth Iberoted b ~....--------.
ermOI Y ...
I facies change alteration 1", Source
~\ rock
Type 1 Type 2 <:':::--~/

Fig. 4.10 Two genetic models of gold concentration for hydrothermal deposits in Archaean terrain.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
fluid/wall-rock interaction with favourable which has increased significantly in price in real
li thologies. terms since 1970 (Hargreaves and Williamson,
Many examples of this genetic model are 1984). Secondly, the rate of return on investment
evident in the Eastern Goldfields Province of is very much higher for gold than for most other
Western Australia (Groves et aI., 1984). mineral commodities (Mackenzie, 1984).
Our discussion of exploration is confined to the
(b) Type 2 - indigenous/syngenetic and epi- Canadian Shield and Western Australia. These are
genetic (Figs. 1.6 and 4.10) the foremost producers of gold from hydro-
In this genetic model, the gold may be derived in thermal vein deposits in Archaean terrain and both
the first instance from rocks containing average regions have experienced a surge in exploration
crustal concentrations of the metal, although effort since 1980. However, there are several
Keays (1984) points out that metal availability is an interesting points of contrast between the two
important factor. A critical aspect of this model is regions which result in differing approaches to
that gold is leached soon after lithification, either exploration. In Section 4.4.1 we outlined the
by rock/seawater interaction or by hydrothermal evidence of contrasting tectonic settings and styles
alteration, and is redeposited in the form of a of mineralization which have led to the dissimilar
chemical sediment. The concentration of gold genetic models described in Section 4.4.4. In
present in the chemical sediment may be very addition, the extensive lateritization of Western
variable. Foster and Wilson (1984) quote average Australia and the widespread cover of glacial
grades of 0.3 and 1.6 g/t for iron-formation from sediments in the Canadian Shield present par-
different parts of Zimbabwe. Bavinton and Keays ticular problems for the exploration geologist
(1978) reported an average value of 0.146 g/t from (Table 4.6).
interflow metasediments at Kambalda, Western In both Canada and Western Australia most of
Australia. Kerrich (1981) interpreted stratiform the major ore discoveries were made in the late
siliceous carbonates from the Timmins area 19th or early 20th centuries by conventional
as being synvolcanic and reported high gold prospecting. However, modem exploration
concentrations. In some cases the stratabound methods have also been successful in the search for
auriferous chemical sediment is mined as ore, gold. We therefore propose to review the
albeit of a low tenor. More commonly some application of remote sensing, geochemistry,
degree of remobilization has taken place. geophysics and new geological concepts in the
However, the protore and discordant vein search for auriferous veins.
mineralization usually occur sufficiently close
together for the former to be identified. The type (a) Rem.ote sensing
example of this genetic model is the stratabound In Western Australia, reconnaissance exploration
gold ores of Zimbabwe (Fripp, 1976). is directed towards mapping basalts, gabbros, and
iron-formations within the greenstone belts, as
these lithologies commonly host gold miner-
alization. The effectiveness of geological mapping
is constrained by paucity of outcrop but is aided by
photointerpretation. False colour photography
Gold has been the glittering prize sought by pros- permits the distinction of lateritic terrain and
pectors from the earliest days of mining and it moreover is able to distinguish ultrabasic and felsic
continues to be a prime exploration target in the lithologies using their distinctive tonal char-
1980s. At the present time there are two reasons acteristics (0. Hanley, personal communication).
why many mining companies are restricting their At the reconnaissance stage, photointerpretation is
attention to gold. Firstly, it is one of the few metals used in conjunction with airborne magnetometry

Hydrothermal vein deposits
Table 4.6. Contrasting features of the Canadian Shield and Western Australia of relevance to mineral exploration.

Western Australia (Yilgarn block) 1 Canadian Shield 2

Geomorphology Peneplain with elevations of300-600 m Peneplain with elevations rarely exceeding
Past climatic conditions Temperate or warm climate in Mesozoic The mainland of the Canadian Shield was
of relevance to becoming humid-tropical or subtropical covered by glacier ice for most of the past
exploration in Oligocene-Miocene 100 000 years
Nature and extent of Deep weathering profties with indurated Glacial drift of varying type: lodgement
overburden upper horizons - formerly continuous and ablation till, gravels, and sands of
but now dissected. Kaolinitic profties variable association with ice sheets, marine
vary from 10 to 20 m in thickness and lake sediments
Present climate Semiarid Arctic zone: long cold winter and short
Rainfall 200-250 mm cool summer
Temperature range 0--45°C Boreal zone: long cold winter and short
warm summer
South zone: temperate climate
Soil type Ferruginous and siliceous duricrusts North: regosolic and brunisolic soils
predominate South: podzolic and organic soil
Vegetation Sparsely vegetated with trees of the genus Tundra: cold climate flora
Eucalyptus and Acacia dominant Boreal zone: partly coniferous forest
South zone: mainly mixed conifer and

Sources: 1, Butt and Smith (1980); 2, Boyle et al. (1975).

to establish the geological base for more detailed penetration below both glacial sediments and
exploration. At this stage data are normally zones of deep weathering. In Western Australia,
compiled at a scale ofl:25 000. airborne magnetic surveys have been flown over
The extensive cover of glacial sediments has the greenstone belts by the Australian Bureau of
precluded the application of remote sensing to Mineral Resources using a sensor height of 150 m
mineral exploration in the Canadian Shield. and a flight line spacing of 1.5 km. More detailed
surveys are sometimes commissioned by mining
(b) Geophysical exploration companies when the sensor height may be reduced
Geophysical techniques are valuable at both the to 30 m and flight line spacings narrowed to 100 m.
reconnaissance and detailed stages of exploration In Canada, airborne magnetometry is also used
for gold deposits. The objectives may vary and as a mapping tool but gamma-ray spectrometry
include the following aspects: and conductivity are increasingly used to provide
supporting data. In the latter case, several airborne
electromagnetic devices are available and multiple
(i) Provision oj data to assist geological mapping
frequency measurements are made in order to
Airborne magnetic methods are of importance for cover a range of earth conductivities (Siegel,
this purpose and have the advantage of depth 1979).

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
(ii) Determination of overburden thickness regions has been to use pathfinder elements and in
principle the following clements may be appro-
This approach is mainly relevant to the Canadian
priate: As, Sb, Hg, Te, Cu, Pb, Zn, W, Bi, B, F, V
Shield and is used in conjunction with geochemical
and Ag. The introduction of analytical techniques
surveys. Killeen and Hobson (1974) carried out a
with low detection limits, such as flameless atomic
shallow seismic refraction survey in the Timmins
absorption and neutron activation, has increased
area, Ontario, and found distinct changes in
the trend towards the direct analysis for gold to
seismic velocity when passing from overburden to
define targets for trenching and drilling.
bedrock. The bedrock topography was found to
be highly irregular, varying in depth from 7.6 m to
45.7 m over a horizontal distance of300 m. (i) Reconnaissance exploration
In Western Australia, geochemistry is used both as
(iii) Detection ofgeophysical signatures associated with a mapping tool and as a direct guide to gold.
gold mineralization In areas where deep weathering inhibits the
The application of detailed ground geophysical identification of lithology the Zr/Ti0 2 ratio of
surveys to the search for gold deposits has been residual soil has proved to be a reliable dis-
criminator between acid, intermediate and basic
more successful in the Canadian Shield than in the
units (Hallberg, 1982). Mazzuchelli and James
deeply weathered terrain of Western Australia.
(1980) have established that arsenic is the most
Hodgson (1983b) reported that drilling and
trenching on geophysical targets accounted for appropriate pathfinder element for gold in the
8.6% of discoveries (63 deposits) in the Canadian Yilgarn block and this element is now determined
Shield. At the detailed stage of exploration a routinely to establish large-scale patterns
indicative of hydrothermal mineralization. In
variety of geophysical techniques may be used.
reconnaissance stream sediment sampling, a
Fortescue (1983) reported the results of a successful
density of 1-2 samples/km 2 is commonly used.
integrated survey for gold in Hoyle Township,
The effectiveness of the geochemical approach is
near Timmins, Ontario. The geophysical part of
enhanced by the separation of heavy mineral
the investigation entailed defining a zone of
carbonatization using induced polarization and concentrates for analysis (Watters, 1983).
resistivity. Until the early 1970s the conductive In the Canadian Shield, stream sediments
laterite cover was found to preclude electro- lacustrine sediment and water have bee~
magnetic methods in Western Australia but during investigated as sampling media, mainly for base
the last decade the transient electromagnetic metals. The effectiveness of stream sediments
method (SIROTEM) has been extensively used. depends upon topography and the thickness of
glacial overburden. In areas of moderate relief
The method was used successfully at the Water
covered by a thin veneer of glacial material,
Tank Hill prospect (Mount Magnet) to define gold
mineralization associated with pyrite and regional stream sediment sampling can provide a
pyrrhotite (Western Mining, 1979). rapid evaluation of the mineral potential of an area
(W olfe, 1976). Research indicates that stream
(c) Geochemical exploration waters and lake sediments are of limited value in
Glaciated and deeply weathered terrain both reconnaissance work for gold but may play a
present challenging environments for the significant role at more detailed stages of
exploration geochemist. Nonetheless, geo- exploration (Fortescue, 1983).
chemical methods have become an important part
(ii) Detailed exploration
of modern exploration programmes for gold in
both Western Australia and the Canadian Shield. In Western Australia, detailed geochemical
The traditional geochemical approach in both surveys for gold mainly use soil samples. The

Hydrothermal vein deposits
appropriate sample depth and size fraction for by Levinson (1980). Descriptions of the
analysis must be based on an orientation survey as application of the technique to gold mineralization
both factors are of critical importance. In areas in Canada are provided by Fortescue and Lourim
which are masked by laterite or transported soil, (1982) and Brown (1982). Dispersion trains
samples for geochemical analysis may be collected detected in lodgement till have been recorded up to
using a light portable drill. 8 km from the source of mineralization (Smee and
Detailed primary geochemical studies have been Sinha, 1979). An essential aspect of this approach
carried out at several mines with particular to exploration is a good understanding of
reference to arsenic (Mazzuchelli andJames, 1980). Quaternary geology and some careful drilling may
In the Kalgoorlie area peak arsenic values were be required to establish the local stratigraphy of
found to coincide with or lie adjacent to gold Quaternary sediments to enhance the value of
mineralization and there appears to be a available geological maps (Fortescue, 1983).
quantitative relationship between the abundance Lithogeochemical surveys are proving to be of
of gold and arsenic in the ore. Primary dispersion value in the detailed stages of exploration for gold
halos associated with deposits from the Golden in the Canadian Shield. Research has shown that
Mile were found to vary from 5 ft (1.52 m) to 50 ft some gold deposits are associated with very
(15.24 m) in width. At the Norseman Mine, extensive alteration zones which can best be
anomalous arsenic values are confined to the zone defined using geochemical criteria. Durocher
of alteration and shearing in which the ore bodies (1983) described an alteration halo which has a
were emplaced. In the Crown Shear, the arsenic strike length of 9 km associated with the Madsen
anomaly extends for 2000 ft (609.6 m) up dip from and Starratt-Olsen gold deposits in the Red Lake
the ore body and could be detected in the soil over area, Ontario. Major element patterns involved
the suboutcrop although the ore body itself is depletion in Na 20 and enrichment in K 20.
blind. The greater persistence of arsenic within the Arsenic and antimony were found to have a high
shear zone compared with gold suggests that it correlation with gold and could be used as
could prove a useful aid in exploration. indicators of proximity to an ore body. Carbonate
In the Canadian Shield, glacial till has been the alteration zones are common in volcanic rocks
most widely used sampling medium for detailed within Archaean greenstone belts and are
geochemical surveys. The method is based on the sometimes associated with gold mineralization.
observation that clastic dispersion patterns are Fyon and Crocket (1983) studied barren and gold-
often produced by the ice sheet as it plucks out associated carbonate zones in the Timmins area,
portions of bedrock and smears them in the Ontario, and reported enhanced values ofSb, B, Li
direction of ice movement. When the till occurs at and Au in those alteration zones which were
the surface the mapping of mineralized boulders is related to gold mineralization.
an effective technique which can be enhanced by
the use of geochemistry and the study of the heavy (d) Geological exploration
mineral fraction in the till. The discovery of gold at The bulk of the gold deposits in both Western
the Lamaque mine, Val d'Or, and the Malartic Australia and the Canadian Shield were found at a
gold field can be attributed to the tracing of relatively early stage. In most cases the deposits
mineralized boulders to their source (Dreimanis, were found by prospectors either at outcrop or
1958) . under a shallow cover of soil. However, a sig-
More commonly the till is obscured by a cover nificant number of suboutcropping deposits have
of glaciolacustrine or glaciofluvial deposits, and been found by geological methods. Hodgson
sampling of the till requires the use of a light (1983b) noted that 13.7% of gold deposits in the
portable drill. The general principles of using Abitibi Belt of the Canadian Shield were found by
lodgement till as a sampling medium are described trenching or drilling a geological target. It is

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
. ...
8 iii Hangingwall felsic ruffs

D Exhalires

Banded iron formation

16 600 N

"I , .. Foorwall felsic ruffs and

~: A'. ~ lavas wirh breccia zones

Oxide fdcies / Inferred fau Ir
I a
Oxide facies
and " , Zone of gold mineralization

I defined by drilling and an
elecrro- magneric survey

76 100 N

Fig. 4.11 Geological map of the Water Tank Hill deposit, Western Australia, showing features indicative of gold
mineralization (from Western Mining 1979).

probable that in many cases the target was the or extrusives, major carbonate alteration zones
extension of favourable geological features from and local structures are significant indicators of ore
known mineralization. (Hodgson et aI., 1982). In the Yilgarn block, the
Differing geological criteria are valuable at key factors to be observed during the detailed stage
differing stages of an exploration programme. of exploration are evidence of metasomatic
Hodgson et al. (1982) stated that, at the scale of a alteration, sulphide mineralization, veins, shears,
mining district (mining camp) in the Superior faults and breccias (Western Mining, 1979) (Fig.
Province of the Canadian Shield the most 4.11).
important geological factors are the contact It must be emphasized that detailed geological,
between mafic ± ultramafic volcanics and geophysical and geochemical studies are normally
metasediments, the presence of major faults and integrated at this stage of exploration. The data
the evidence of indicator minerals. In the Eastern obtained are commonly plotted at a scale of
Goldfields province of the Yilgarn block the 1:5000.
regional controls of gold mineralization are
metamorphic grade (greenschist facies), regional ( e) Drilling
structure (evidence of uplift) and the presence of In both Western Australia and the Canadian Shield
mafic lithologies (Groves et al., 1984). drilling is used at an early stage in the exploration
At the more detailed stages of exploration other programme. We have mentioned that light
criteria assume greater prominence. In the portable drills are used In geochemical
Superior Province, the presence offelsic intrusives programmes In both regIOns . In Western

Hydrothermal vein deposits
Australia, reverse-circulation drilling techniques a difficult choice as we are more closely familiar
are preferred because the sample does not come with the tin-bearing veins of south-west England.
into contact with the walls of the hole. This However, the fact that hydrothermal auriferous
reduces sample loss and also minimizes con- veins are one of the principal exploration targets in
tamination. Techniques for drilling overburden in the 1980s dictated our decision to 'go for gold'.
glaciated terrain have been described by The classification of gold deposits is discussed in
Wennervirta (1973). Skinner (1972) discussed a Section 4.3. It is evident that most hydrothermal
drilling programme in lodgement till in the Abitibi gold deposits are concentrated in either Archaean
greenstone belt. greenstone belts or Tertiary volcanics. We have
Diamond drilling is used for hard-rock focused our attention entirely on the former
exploration and constitutes the most expensive environment and our approach may have been too
stage of the exploration programme. The irregular narrowly defined. However, there has been an
nature of gold mineralization requires that a enormous amount of research published on gold in
greater emphasis is placed on drilling than would Archaean greenstones in recent years which is
be necessary in a larger, more uniform style of difficult to condense into a single chapter. More
mineralization. This requires continuing confi- importantly Archaean greenstones represent a
dence by management in their exploration specific exploration environment for gold. We
geologists. The point is well made by the have therefore reviewed the geological setting of
discovery of the Hemlo deposit in Ontario Archaean greenstone belts and examined the
(Patterson, 1983). The Hemlo area was originally evidence for the genesis of gold deposits associated
investigated by mapping and drilling between with them. How does such an understanding help
1947 and 1951. Several changes of ownership of the exploration effort in the 1980s? To what extent
the option area occurred during the ensuing thirty have recent ideas on ore genesis and modern
years with episodic periods of drilling which exploration techniques improved on the
defined a small reserve of gold mineralization. In time-honoured approach of the prospector with a
1980 a new programme of exploration was under- nose for gold and a prospecting pan?
taken under the geological direction ofD. Bell. A Firstly, let us recall the history of exploration for
preliminary electromagnetic and magnetic survey gold in Archaean terrain. In all countries the bulk
was followed by a systematic programme of of the gold was found during the late 19th and
diamond drilling. However, it was the 75th early 20th centuries by prospectors. In many cases
diamond drill hole which intersected the major the evidence for gold was found at outcrop or by
eastern zone of the ore body! panning for heavy minerals in streams and areas of
Drilling provides information about the per- thin residual soil. This phase of activity continued
sistence of the vein structure and gives some idea to the late 1930s. During World War II and the
of the grade of gold. However, underground ensuing two decades there was little interest in
development is the only conclusive way of exploration for gold. However, in 1968 the price
confirming the economic viability of a vein-gold of gold which had previously been held at US$35
deposit. per oz was decontrolled. This action led to rapid
fluctuations in price but a gradual appreciation from
US$34-39 per oz in 1970-to US$600--850 per oz in
1980 (Mining Annual Review, 1971, 1981). As the
At the beginning of this chapter we commented on price of gold steadily rose the precious metal
the wide variety of metals which is produced from became an exploration target of increasing
veins. In most cases veins represent a minor source importance. This resurgence in interest has been
of production and we have therefore made the reflected in recent reinvestigations of the genesis of
decision to concentrate on gold deposits. This was gold in Archaean terrain. At the same time,

ure aepOSlf geoLOgy ana lCS mJluence on mmeral expLOrartOn
methods of exploration developed for base metals alteration associated with auriferous lodes in the
in the post-war years have been applied to the Golden Mile, Kalgoorlie. Geo!. Soc. Austr. Spec. Pub!.
search for gold. No.3, 191-199.
One of the most fundamental changes in our Bateman, A. M. (1950) Economic Mineral Deposits, John
understanding of Archaean geology has come Wiley & Sons, New York, 916 pp.
Bates, R. L. and Jackson, J. A. (1980) Glossary of
from the appreciation that greenstone belts do not
Geology, 2nd edn, American Geological Institute,
represent a single geological entity but can develop
Falls Church, Virginia, 749 pp.
in several contrasting tectonic environments Bavinton, O. A. and Keays, R. R. (1978) Precious metal
(Section 4.4.1). Some tectonic environments values from inter-flow sedimentary rocks from the
appear to be particularly favourable for gold komatiite sequence at Kambalda, Western Australia.
mineralization. A further development in our Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 42, 1151-1163.
understanding has come from the recognition that Bender, F. (1979) The tungsten situation: supply and
some gold deposits are stratabound and are best demand, present and future. In Tungsten. ProceedinJ<s of
considered as chemical sediments rather than the First International TunJ<sten Symposium, Stockholm
veins. This interpretation appears to be valid for 1979, pp. 2-17.
Zimbabwe and Canada but does not seem to be the Bertoni, C. H. (1983) Gold production in the Superior
Province of the Canadian Shield. CIM Bul!., 76(857),
case in Australia. Clearly this is an advance in our
theoretical understanding of gold mineralization
Blackburn, C. E. and Janes, D. A. (1983) Gold deposits
which has assisted in the planning of exploration in N.W. Ontario. In The Geology of Gold in Ontario,
programmes. In this case, the genetic model for Ontario Geological Survey Miscellaneous Paper 110 (ed.
gold has changed and as a result exploration A. C. Colvine), pp. 194-210.
models have also been modified. Boyle, R. W. (1979) The geochemistry of gold and its
In most cases modern exploration programmes deposits. Geo/. Surv. Can. Bull., 280, 584 pp.
have been carried out in areas with poor exposure. Boyle, R. W., Bradshaw, P. M. D., Clews, D. R.,
Geochemical and geophysical techniques have Fortescue, J. A. c., Gleeson, C. F., Hornbrook, E.
therefore been vital in new ore discoveries. It is H. W., Shilts, W., Tauchid, M. and Wolfe, W. (1975)
interesting to note that indirect methods have been The Canadian Shield. In Conceptual Models in
Exploration Geochemistry (ed. P. M. D. Bradshaw),
valuable both in helping to define the detailed
Geochem. Exp/., 4(1),109-199.
geology of prospective areas and in providing
Brown, M. R. (1982) Asarco's Nighthawk Lake Gold
direct guides to gold. project reaches a most interesting stage. The Northern
Miner, 68(23), pp. 1,20.
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Miner. Sci. Eng., 8, 46-84. formation. In Mineral Resources: Genetic Understanding
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Bartram, G. D. and McCall, G. J. H. (1971) Wall-rock 55.

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Archaean, Volcanic Hosted Gold Deposits. Symposium re-evaluation. In The Geology oj Gold in Ontario,

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A. C. Colvine), pp. 211-225. sedimentary rocks and veins: a synthesis of stable
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computer file of gold deposits of the Abitibi belt, Archaean, Volcanic-Hosted Gold Deposits. Symposium
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Hodgs~~, c.J., Chapman, R. S. G. and MacGeehan, P. seismic survey - Timmins Ontario to Val d'Or,
]. (1982) Application of exploration criteria for gold Quebec. Geol. Surv. Can. Paper, 74-44, 33 pp.
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Metals in the Northern Cordillera. Proceedings of a greenstone assemblage, Kakagi Lake area, N.W.
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Vol. 1, Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Geochemistry 2nd edn., Applied Publishing, Wilmette,
pp. 377-384. Illinois, 924 pp.
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Deposits, Geological Society oj Zimbabwe (ed. R. P. relationship of gold mineralization to volcanic and
Foster), A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 339-369. alteration features in the area of the Campbell Red
Jackson, N.]., Halliday, A. N., Sheppard, S. M. F. and Lake and Dickenson Mines, Red Lake area, North-
Mitchell, J. G. (1982) Hydrothermal activity in the St. western Ontario. In Genesis oj Archaean, Volcanic-
Just mining district, Cornwall, England. In Hosted Gold Deposits. Symposium held at the
Metallization Associated with Acid Magmatism (ed. A. University of Waterloo, March 7, 1980, Ontario
M. Evans), John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, pp. 137- Geological Survey, MP 97, pp. 94-110.
179. Mackenzie, B. W. (1984) Economic mineral exploration
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deposits, Timmins area, Ontario. In Genesis oj University, Ontario, Working paper no. 28, 54 pp.
Archaean, Volcanic-Hosted Gold Deposits, Symposium Conceptual Models in Exploration Geochemistry (eds C.
held at the University of Waterloo March 7th 1980 Mazzuchelli, R. H. and James, C. H. (1980) Yilgarn
Ontario Geological Survey, MP 97 pp. 29-46. gold deposits, Eastern Goldfields province. In
Kavanagh, P. M. (1979) Precambrian gold deposits. In Conceptual Models in Exploration Geochemistry (eds. C.
Proceedings oj the Gold Workshop, Yellowknife N. W. T. R. M. Butt and R. E. Smith), Elsevier, Amsterdam,
(ed. R. D. Morton, University of Alberta), pp. 47-62. pp. 100--104.
Keays, R. R. (1984) Archaean gold deposits and their McKinstry, H. E. (1942) Norseman Mine, Western
source rocks: the upper mantle connection. In Gold Australia. In Ore Deposits as Related to Structural
'82: The Geology, Geochemistry and Genesis oj Gold Features (ed. W. H. Newhouse), reprinted by Hafner
Deposits, Geological Society oj Zimbabwe (ed. R. P. (1969), New York, 224 pp.
Foster), A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 17-52. Meyer, G., Shea, E. P. and Goddard, C. C. (1968) Ore
Keays, R. R. and Scott, R. (1976) Precious metals in deposits at Butte, Montana. In Ore Deposits oj the
ocean ridge basalts as source rocks for gold United States 1933-1967, The Graton-Sales Volume (ed.
mineralisation. Econ. Geol., 71, pp. 705-720. ]. D. Ridge), American Institute of Mining,

Hydrothermal vein deposits
Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, New York, gold deposits in the Timmins area, Ontario. In Genesis
pp. 1373-1416. of Archaean, Volcanic-Hosted Gold Deposits,
Muir, T. L. (1983) Geology of the Hemlo-Heron Bay Symposium held at the University of Waterloo,
area. In The Geology of Gold in Ontario, Ontario March 7 1980, Ontario Geological Survey MP 97 pp.
Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Paper 110 (ed. A. C. 16--28.
Colvine), pp. 230-239. Roedder, E. (1967) Fluid inclusions as samples of ore
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uranium deposits. Eean. Geol. 75th Anniv. Vol., 63- York, pp. 515-567.
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Colvine), pp. 226--229. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 129-164.
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fluid-wall rock interaction in the genesis of the pyrite + pyrrhotite + quartz + gold with NaCI-H 20
Archaean gold-quartz vein deposit at Hunt mine, solutions, 300-500°C, 500 to 1500 bars and genetic
Kambalda, Western Australia, In Gold '82: The implications. In Problems of Ore Deposition, 4th
Geology, Geochemistry and Genesis of Gold Deposits, IAGOD Symposium, Varna 1974, vol. II, Bulgarian
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Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 389-416. Seward, T. M. (1973) Thio complexes of gold in
Phillips, G. N., Groves, D. I. and Clark, M. E. (1983) hydrothermal ore solutions. Geochim. Cosmochim.
The importance of host rock mineralogy in the Acta, 37, 379-399.
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mineralization.]. Geol. Soc. Lond., 128,337-359. Siegel, H. O. (1979) An overview of mining geophysics.
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area: implications for the Wabigoon Subprovince. In Economic Geology Report 31, pp. 7-24, Proceedings
The Geology of Gold in Ontario, Ontario Geological of Exploration 77.
Survey Miscellaneous Paper 110 (ed. A. C. Colvine), Skinner, R. G. (1972) Drift prospecting in the Abitibi
pp.174-180. clay belt; overburden drilling programme - methods
Pyke, D. R. (1975) On the relationship of gold and costs. Geol. Surv. Can. Open File 116.
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Waterloo, March 7th 1980 Ontario Geological Survey relationships in hydrothermal mineral deposits. In
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mineralisation of the Commoner mine, Zimbabwe. evaluation. Report prepared by the staff of Western
In Gold '82: The Geology, Geochemistry and Genesis of Mining Corporation Ltd., 360 Collins Street,
Gold Deposits, Geological Society of Zimbabwe (ed. R. P. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 158 pp.
Foster), A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 469-492. White, D. E. (1974) Diverse origins ofhydrothermal ore
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Zhang), ESCAP/RMRDC, Bandung, Indonesia and Institute of Mining & Metallurgy, pp. 175--184.

Placers and palaeo-placers

5.1 INTRODUCTION of preserved placer. Palaeo-placers are a major

source of uranium in Canada, and gold and
Placer deposits are formed by the mechanical con-
uranium in South Africa. Tin-bearing palaeo-
centration of resistate minerals, which are released
placers of minor economic importance are
by weathering from source rocks in which their
recorded from Nigeria, Brazil and Malaysia.
distribution is normally subeconomic. The main
commodities derived from placer deposits are tin;
gold, platinum, niobium, tantalum, titanium, 5.2 PLACER DEPOSITS
zircon and diamonds. Some metals, such as gold,
5.2.1 Classification of placer deposits
occur within the entire spectrum of placer
deposits, but it is more common for a mineral to be Various classification systems have been proposed
concentrated in a specific placer environment,. for placer deposits (Wells, 1969; Smirnov, 1976).
which is ultimately controlled by tectonic setting. We prefer to use a simplified version of a
In this chapter, the main environments of placer classification proposed by Macdonald (1983)
formation are reviewed with particular emphasis which is based primarily on geological environ-
on the genesis of the deposits and the appropriate ment (Table 5.1). Figure 5.2 is a schematic cross-
exploration techniques. section which shows the distribution of the sub-
Palaeo-placers may be defined as the lithified environments of placers.
equivalents of placer deposits. However, heavy A more detailed discussion of these differing
mineral concentrations preserved within sedi- placer environments will take place in later
mentary sequences are usually only of academic sections. At present it is sufficient to draw
interest (Zimmerle, 1973). Palaeo-placer deposits attention to the importance of correctly
of economic importance are of limited geo- identifying the genetic type, because each has its
graphical distribution (Fig. 5.1) and are mainly characteristic distribution of valuable heavy
confined to rocks of Archaean and Proterozoic minerals, which must be borne in mind during
age. They therefore represent a rather specific type exploration and evaluation.
Ore deposit geology and its irifluence on mineral exploration

. /90'

- - ________ ..~B l rnClRi 'ller Q

11'l~ ~ /:
V y=" '"
)A ~c.ehUm
A Trai l Ridge


o Continental
A Transitional
)()' o Morine

Palaeo .. placers +

\ 90'
Fig . 5.1 Location map.

5.2.2 General characteristics of placer New Zealand, and the titanium-bearing beach
deposits sands of Eastern Australia as examples (Fig. 5.1).
Henley and Adams (1979) used the term 'giant
(a) Distribution in space and time placer' to describe those auriferous placers from
Placer deposits are formed by normal surface which more than 148 tonnes of gold have been
processes, and therefore they have a wide geo- extracted. If we restrict our attention to placer
graphical distribution. Sometimes the size of deposits of very large size, it is possible to
placer deposits is anomalously large. Anomalous recognize two patterns of distribution which are
size is difficult to quantify, but it is possible discussed in the section concerned with tectonic
to suggest the Bakwanga eluvial diamond setting.
field in Zaire, the Otago fluvial gold deposits in The bulk of the World's placer deposits is of

Placers arid palaeo-placers


EOSfet'n 30·
Capel rurire province

North J...,


Tertiary and Quaternary age. There are several episodic supply of gold to Tertiary sediments in
reasons for this restriction. In part, it is probably a New Zealand from lode gold in the Mesozoic
question of preservation with older placer deposits basement.
having been destroyed. However, it is also a An additional factor which has favoured placer
reflection of geological events in late Tertiary and accumulation is the change in sea levels during
Quaternary times which have favoured the Quaternary times.
accumulation of placers in some environments.
Many large fluvial and eluvial gold placers can be (b) Size and grade of deposits
attributed to rapid uplift of mountainous terrain The diversity of geological environments in which
during the Alpine orogeny, with the subsequent placer deposits may form, and their variation in
shedding of detrital gold. Figure 5.3 shows the mineralogy, makes it very difficult to generalize

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Table 5.1 Classification of placer deposits (modified from Macdonald, 1983)

Environment Subenvironment Main products Environmental processes

Continental Eluvial Au, Pt, Sn, W03, Percolating waters, chemical

(sometimes referred Ta, Nb, gemstones and biological reactions,
to as residual) (all varieties) heat, wind and rain
Colluvial Au, Pt, Sn, W03, Surface creep, wind, rainwash,
Ta, Nb, gemstones frost, elutriation
(all varieties)
Fluvial Au, Pt, Sn: rarely Flowing streams of water
(or alluvial) Ta, Nb, W03
Transitional Strand-line Ti, Zr, Fe, ReO, Waves, currents, wind, tides
Au, Pt, Sn
Marine Drowned placers Au, Pt, Sn, diamonds Eustatic, isostatic and tectonic
minor Ti, Zr, Fe, ReO movements - net rise in sea level
industrial sand and gravel

about either size or grade. However, the following amenable to open pit mining, but are not yet in
points can be made: production, have grades of about 0.20% Sn and
(a) In nearly all cases, the average grade of ore W0 3 . There are no land-based placer deposits
which is mined from placers is considerably lower being mined in Cornwall at present, apart from
than from hard-rock mining. We will consider tin mine dumps, but grades of 0.25-0.40% Sn would
mining in Cornwall as an example, using in- be economic, assuming that recovery was
formation obtained from personnel within the reasonable and environmental constraints not too
industry. Narrow, steeply dipping quartz- excessive. At the present time plans are at an
tourmaline lodes, which are mined by a variety of advanced stage to mine tin from deposits off the
underground mining techniques, have average north coast of Cornwall. The average grade of ore
grades within mineralized structures of about 1.~ to be mined is 0.15% Sn. The grades of placer tin
1.5% Sn. There is usually some dilution during which are mined in Cornwall are rather higher
mining, so that the feed to the mill is in the order of than from other parts of the World, because a
0.8% Sn. Large stockwork deposits which are significant proportion of the cassiterite is locked
with quartz, chlorite and tourmaline. This is due
to the fact that much of the tin is derived from

;:'; .
colluvial I Eluv ial active and abandoned mining operations.
I I ..,,~i"i"'::::!Z
I--/Fluvia~_ _-, I.,.. I ·~ (b) From general principles one would
I Volley
" jTerroce I .
/ ,/;' ,
anticipate that, in most cases, placer deposits
formed in eluvial or colluvial subenvironments
I I Dis~eml~oted
I I ore mineralS would tend to be smaller, and have lower grades,

I I than in the fluvial subenvironment. Similarly,

deposits formed in a beach environment tend to be
much larger than deposits formed in a continental
Fig. 5.2 Cross-section showing the subdivision of environment. Few data are available in the
environments of placer formation (modified from literature to substantiate these points. Boyle (1979)
Smirnov 1976). stated that most eluvial gold placers have lower

O~ago Wes~land

River gravels River grovels
1I"!±~:';'-:::t':I Terraces, ra ised beaches,
Pleisrocene mora ine and f luvioglaclOI
depos its
Blue gravel
Va lley glac iations

Moori Bottom Old Man grovels
Waipiara volcanics
Wedderburn cemenred
- - - - - - - - conglomerores b~"""'r-i

Tronsgressive -
Hogburn cemenred regressive
conglomerores marine sequence

Blue Spur

Mesozoic sch i srs and

gold quorrz lodes
Mesozoic basement
w ith gold lodes

'\ Pa~hs of de~ri~al gold ~hrough sequence

Fig. 5.3 Stratigraphy of auriferous gravels of Otago and Westland, New Zealand, showing the movement of placer
gold (modified from Henley and Adams 1979).

Table 5.2 Selected physical properties and environments of deposition of the economic minerals found in placer

Mineral Formula gravity Hardness Principal plaCer environment

Heavy heavy Gold Au 15.5-19.4 2.5-3 Fluvial, eluvial (beach)

minerals Platinum Pt 14-19 4-4.5 Fluvial
Cassiterite Sn02 6.8-7.1 6-7 Eluvial, fluvial, marine
Wolframite (FeMn) (W0 4) 7.0-7.5 5-5.5 Eluvial, colluvial

Light heavy Magnetite Fe304 5.2 5.5-6.5 Beach sand

minerals Ilmenite FeTi0 3 4.5-5.0 5-6 Beach sand
Rutile Ti0 2 4.2 6-6.5 Beach sand
tantalite (FeMn)(NbTah06 5.3-7.3 6 Fluvial
Pyrochlore (N aCa) 2(NbTi) 2(0 ,F) 7 4.2-4.4 5-5.5 Eluvial
Xenotime YP0 4 4.5 4-5 Beach sand
Monazite (CeLaDi)P04 4.9-5.3 5-5.5 Beach sand
Bastnacsite CeFC0 3 4.9 4.5 Eluvial
Baddeleyitc Zr02 5.5-6.0 6.5 Eluvial
Zircon ZrSi0 4 4.6-4.7 7.5 Beach sand
Diamond C 3.5 10 Beach, fluvial, eluvial

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
grades than fluvial deposits, although some are Commonly the placer minerals which occur in
noted for their large nuggets and some are very fluvial and beach environments have undergone
large in size. The size and grade of some selected several cycles of erosion, transport and deposition.
beach sand deposits are provided in Table 5.4. As a consequence, the mineral grains are usually
(c) The cut-off grade and the size of placer liberated from their associated gangue, and a
deposits are dependent upon the mining method minimal amount of comminution is required
used. This point may be illustrated by the example before the ore is processed.
of tin mining in Indonesia. In 1983 the average
grade of tin ore obtained from placer deposits was (d) Tectonic setting
0.41 kg/m .1 for open cast mining, 0.18 kg/mJ for In discussing the classification of placer deposits
gravel pumping and 0 .14 kg/ m ] for dredging (Table 5.1) we have seen that they may be sub-
(Williamson and Fromson, 1984). divided into two types: those of continental setting
which are characterized particularly by gold and
(c) Mineralogy tin, and placers occurring within a transitional en-
Table 5.2 lists the placer minerals of principal vironment, which contain mainly titanium and
economic importance. Placer minerals are often zircon minerals. This subdivision reflects two
typified by very high specific gravities, and are contrasting tectonic settings:
usually hard. These are important characteristics
but it is the fact that the mineral is physically
(i) Transitional environment (beach deposits)
durable and chemically inert which ensures its
concentration in the placer environment. Table 5 .2 The location of the major deposits belonging to
shows that placer minerals may be classified on the this class is shown in Fig . 5.1 and their main
basis of their specific gravity (S.G.) . Heavy heavy characteristics are summarized in Table 5.4. They
minerals have an S.G. in excess of 7.0, and are occur on passive continental margins (Mjtchell
mainly restricted to a continental environment. and Garson, 1981), where the predominant
Most of the light heavy minerals are confined to influences are appropriate source materials , the
either the eluvial or beach environments . fluctuation of sea level in Quaternary times and the

Fig. 5.4 Tectonic structure of circum-

Pacific area, showing giant placer regions.
A, Alaska; Y. Yukon; BC, British
Columbia; Ca, California; Co, South
America (Colombia, etc.); N, New
Zealand (Otago, Westland); S, USSR
(Siberia). (From Henley and Adams 1979.)

Placers and palaeo-placers
mechanical concentration of heavy minerals by Gold and cassiterite are the main ore minerals
wave and current activity. Although the presence produced from fluvial placers. In the Western
of suitable source rocks ultimately depends upon World, many of the mining districts which were
tectonic environment, the role of tectonic activity famous for their production of alluvial gold are
appears to be of minor importance for this class of now exhausted or in decline. In contrast it is
deposit. estimated that about 60% of Soviet gold
production is of placer origin (Potts, 1980), mainly
(ii) Continental environment (eluvial, colluvial and
from the Lena and Amur Rivers, Siberia.
fluvial deposits)
Approximately 65% of the World's tin is
The tectonic setting oflarge fluvial gold placers has produced from placer deposits in Malaysia,
been discussed by Henley and Adams (1979). Thailand and Indonesia where fluvial deposits
Their study was mainly confined to Otago and predominate.
Westland, New Zealand, California, USA, and
5.3.2 Genesis of eluvial, colluvial and
Columbia. They demonstrated that giant gold
fluvial placers
placers are restricted to regions of tectonic
instability, associated with plate margins of the Eluvial deposits overlie, or are located very near,
circum-Pacific (Fig. 5.4). Two aspects of the their source rocks. The constant reworking of
tectonic setting are of fundamental importance for resistate minerals, which is a characteristic feature
placer formation. Firstly, rejuvenation of an older offluvial and beach deposits, does not affect eluvial
orogenic belt provides the source of gold. Secondly, deposits so their grade is normally lower than
the high rates of uplift associated with this tectonic equivalent ores in other placer environments. The
setting provide multiple episodes of reworking of degree to which the resistate minerals are
sediment, which leads to the concentration of up-graded depends largely on topography and
gold. climate. According to Macdonald (1983), the most
favourable conditions are elevated ground sur-
5.3 ELUVIAL (RESIDUAL), COLLUVIAL faces, where local depressions cover the
AND FLUVIAL (ALLUVIAL) DEPOSITS mineralized zone. Level surfaces covered by dense
vegetation, in regions of heavy subtropical
5.3.1 Introduction rainfall, are also suitable. The enrichment in placer
The eluvial deposits of most significance minerals is partly caused by the removal of soluble
economically are probably the Bakwanga minerals by groundwater, and partly by the
diamond deposits in Zaire, which are mainly transport of the lighter minerals by running water
eluvial in origin (Bates, 1969). The Ghanaian and wind action.
diamond deposits are also considered to be partly Fluvial placers can form at any stage within a
eluvial in nature (Applin, 1974). Eluvial gold river system although the stages of youth and old
deposits have been mined from many countries age, in which deposition is dominant compared
in the past, but most are now exhausted. with erosion, are likely to contain the most
Important exceptions are the deposits in the favourable sites for the accumulation of large
Quadrilatero Ferrifero, Minas Gerais, Brazil deposits of significant grade. Within the fluvial
where eluvial gold is associated with auriferous environment river terraces and valley-fill are the
banded iron-formation (Boyle, 1979). Brazil also most important locations for the concentration of
contains important tin and niobium deposits of valuable heavy minerals.
eluvial origin. The most important tin deposits are One of the requirements for the formation of a
those in the Rondonia district, from which more placer is an appropriate source rock, which con-
than 90% of Brazilian tin is produced (Beurlen and tains anomalously high concentrations of the
Cassadene, 1981). relevant heavy mineral. In most cases the valuable

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Table 5.3 The provenance of economic minerals in placer deposits from (Macdonald, 1983)

Provenance Economic mineral Associated minerals

Ultramafic and mafic The platinoids Olivine, enstatite, basic plagioclase, chromite,
terrains including pyroxenites titano-magnetite, ilmenite, chrome spinel,
and norites diopsidic augite
Granitoid terrains and Cassiterite, monazite, zircon, Wolframite, potash feldspar, quartz, topaz,
related pegmatites and greisens rutile, gold beryl, spodumene, petalite, tourmaline,
tantalite, columbite, monazite, fluorite, sphene
Plateau basalts Magnetite, ilmenite Pyriboles, basic plagioclase, apatite
Syenitic rocks and related Zircon, rare earth minerals Ilmenite, magnetite, fluorite, pyriboles,
pegmatites including uranium- and potash feldspar, apatite, feldspathoids,
thorium-bearing minerals zIrcon
Contact metamorphic Scheelite, rutile, occasionally Diopside, grossularite, wollastonite, calcite,
aureoles - skarns corundum basic plagioclase, epidote
Kimberlites Diamonds Ilmenite, magnetite, pyrope gamet, pyroxene
including diopside, kyanite, sphene, apatite
High-grade metamorphic Gold, rutile, zircon, gemstones Kyanite, pyriboles, quartz, sillimanite,
terrain almandine gamet, feldspars, apatite
Serpentine belts Platinoids, chromite, magnetite Chrome gamet, pyroxenes, olivine
Carbonatites including Rutile, ilmenite, magnetite, Potash feldspars, calcite, pyriboles, garnets,
associated rare basic igneous rare-earth minerals, uranium, apatite
rocks niobium, thorium and zirconium

mineral is dispersed within the host rock at grades been discovered by tracing the source of placer
which are not of economic significance. Table 5.3 minerals.
shows the principal lithologies from which most In order for a heavy mineral to become suffi-
placer minerals are derived. Evans (1981) has sug- ciently concentrated to form a deposit ofeconomic
gested that the normal processes of lateritization significance it is normally found that extensive
may be important in upgrading the gold content of reworking of the sediment has taken place. This
ultrabasic rocks and therefore increase their aspect is discussed by Schumm (1977) in an
suitability as a source for placer deposits. The excellent account of placer formation. Schumm
distance between the bedrock source and the attributed the reworking of alluvial sediment to
site of deposition is also an important factor. three mechanisms: (i) changes in the erosional
For example, Emery and Noakes (1968) history of the valley, for example by a change in .
suggested that the median distance from the the base level of erosion; (ii) climatic changes; (iii) a
primary source at which economic placer change of relief in the source area.
cassiterite deposits can develop is about 8 km. Climate plays an important role in the
Placers are not always derived from sub economic development of placer deposits. Under dry
sources; in many cases primary ore deposits have conditions the valley system can be fed from the

Placers and palaeo-placers

Fig. 5.5 Plan view of a coarse-
grained point bar including
profiles of sediment thickness
(from McGowan and Garner

products of rock wastage, whereas in a wet climate Tributaries play an important part in controlling
the feed to the valley is virtually restricted to what the stability of channel position and their
the river system itself can erode, although intersection with the main channel is often a site
landslides may contribute . In a hot/wet climate the for heavy mineral deposition. The importance of
land is protected by a cover of vegetation which bedrock gradient in controlling the formation of
will restrict the movement of soil and rock stanniferous placer deposits in Nigeria has been
towards the drainage system (K. F. G. Hosking, described by Mackay et al . (1949). Figure 5.6
personal communication) . shows the roles of tributary intersection and
Even without major changes in climate or base bedrock gradient in controlling the concentration
level there may be preferred sites for heavy mineral of gold in the Klondike area, Yukon. The gold is
deposition. Thus in a meandering river valley, concentrated along the valley trough and the
heavy minerals tend to be concentrated at point change in the valley slope is an additional factor
bars and chute bars (Fig. 5.5). As the meander causing an increase in gold values.
pattern evolves, the isolated concentrations of In addition to their association with river
heavy minerals become elongated paystreaks gravels, valuable heavy minerals are often
within the flood plain sediments. Experimental concentrated at the sediment/ bedrock interface,
work cited by Schumm (1977) suggests that even and in many cases are found within the weathered
where the river channel maintains a preferred bedrock (Applin, 1974). Schistose rocks, clays and
position within a valley, the concentration of carbonates are found to be particularly favourable
valuable heavy minerals may take place. as repositories for the infiltration of heavy

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Fig. 5.6 Plan of part of Lower

.' :: \
Dominion Creek, near confluence ::::: .\
01 goldlft l ':"':::::: :0-
with Sulphur Creek, Klondike .:::: \
. > 0.015 :::: : :\
area, showing distribution of gold
values revealed by dredging in [IJII] 0-011-0·015 ~~ ·~J.I I '::>r:::\
.... ....
relation to contours on bedrock.
Contours at 5 ft (1 .52 m) intervals. r :::: 10'007 - 0.011 u_~ ~ :::::::.:. \

(From Hester 1970.) 0.... 5,00 1t9L. _ _ _

, _ _ _ _ __ 2"' --'spOm

minerals, and as a result exploration drill holes are dominantly limestones, which range in age from
usually continued for a short distance into the Silurian to Permian. Granitoid rocks of Lower
bedrock. Caution must be exercised in dis- Triassic age encircle the sedimentary strata and
tinguishing 'false bottoms' caused by barren occupy about half the Kinta area (Fig. 5.7). The
sediment or volcanic ash which may conceal granitoids are predominantly medium to coarse
valuable concentrations of heavy minerals. grained, and no marked differences in the
According to A. D. Francis (personal com- chemistry or mineralogy of the plutons can be
munication) the tin-bearing alluvial gravels in discerned . Most of the Kinta Valley is covered by
Nigeria are often multi-filled, with concentrations alluvium which varies in thickness from 6 to 30 m
of cassiterite sometimes occurring in the same and is considered to be Lower to Middle
channel at three separate levels, separated by Pleistocene in age. Walker (1956) recognized the
barren sediment. following four types of alluvium:
(1) Boulder Beds, which consist of subangular
5.3.3 The Kinta Valley tin field, Malaysia to rounded boulders of vein quartz, granitoid and
schist within a sandy clay and clay matrix.
One of the most significant fluvial deposits in the (2) Old Alluvium, which represent the thickest
World is the Kinta tin field of Malaysia, which has
alluvial deposits and consist of gravel, sand, silt
been the largest tin producer since 1890. and clay in all possible mixtures with peaty
At the present time it accounts for about 10% of
sediments and lignitized wood.
World output with an annual average production
(3) Young Alluvium, which consists of
of about 20 000 tonnes of metallic tin. At the end
unconsolidated sand and gravel with some clay
of 1977 there were 396 tin mines operating in the
and peat.
Kinta Valley . The main memoir on the area is by
(4) Organic mud and peat.
Ingham and Bradford (1960), and recent develop-
ment in the interpretation of the geology and tin The tin deposits of the Kinta Valley are pre-
deposits has been reviewed by Rajah (1979). dominantly alluvial, but eluvial deposits are found
The rocks which lie beneath the Kinta Valley are m association with them. The alluvial tin is

Placers and palaeo-placers
N .. + ..

+ .. ..

e]- Kinto
Kuolo Lumpur /

10·5 ~"000

D Tin-bearing olluvium

corbon iferous}
Devon ian


L -_ _ _ _....J

Fig. 5.7 Simplified geological map and section of the Kinta Valley tin field (from Dixon 1979, based on Ingham and
Bradford 19(0).

believed to be derived from the erosIOn of tin- In general, the richest alluvial deposits are found
bearing veins, pipes, stockworks, greisen and when the underlying limestone bedrock forms a
stringers cutting granitoids or sedimentary rocks trough-and-pinnacle topography. The deep
in contact with them. However, tin production solution channels form a series of natural rimes
from primary ore deposits is negligible. which concentrate the heavy grains of cassiterite
Cassiterite is the ore mineral· of predominant lsee Fig. 5.8). Rich deposits are also found in the
importance but ilmenite, monazite, zircon, granite contact' zone where slumped eluvial and
scheelite, wolframite, xenotime, columbite, gold alluvial material is concentrated in deep alluvial
and fluorite are recovered as by-product minerals. channels.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Fig. 5.8 Gravel-pump mining alluvial tin in the Kinta Valley, Malaysia. Note the karstic topography of the limestone
below the alluvium. High tin values commonly occur near the limestone/alluvium interface, tin here can be
recovered most effectively by reducing the alluvium to a slurry. The slurry is then pumped to a gravity separation

The tin deposits of the Kinta Valley are mined (a) a substantial provenance in an appropriate
by gravel pump and dredging. In many dredged- geological setting;
out areas gravel pumping has been introduced to (b) a prolonged weathering regime;
recover the cassiterite lodged in the crevices (c) a dynamic transport system with favourable
between limestone pinnacles (Figs. 5.8 and 5.9). conditions for deposition;
(d) a favourable sequence of land and sea

In reconnaissance exploration, data obtained

5.3.4 Exploration for eluvial, colluvial from remote sensing and aerial photography may
and fluvial placer deposits
be valuable. For example, in the Rondonia district
Exploration for placer deposits may take place in of Brazil, side-scanning radar delineates the
virgin terrain, or may be carried out in an area ring structures with which cassiterite-bearing
adjacent to known mineralization. Macdonald granitoids are associated (K . F. G. Hosking,
(1983) suggests that in the former case one should personal communication). In the Orange River
be looking for evidence for the following: Valley, Namibia, the interpretation of aerial

Placers and palaeo-placers

Fig. 5.9 Bucket-dredge operating in the Kinta Valley, Malaysia. The line of buckets conveying alluvium to the
dredge can be seen Qn the left-hand side. Dredges of this type can work placer deposits to a depth of about 50 metres.

photographs aids in the delineation of aban- programme for placers is the study of
doned river meanders U. Fowler, personal heavy-mineral assemblages obtained from
communication) . panning soils and sediments. The main objective at
The main basis for exploration for placers is the this stage is to identify valuable heavy minerals but
preparation of maps which provide details of the the total assemblage of resistate minerals may be a
solid geology, Quaternary cover and geo- guide to favourable areas (Table 5.3).
morphology. Goosens (1980) suggested that the The evaluation of an alluvial or eluvial deposit
best approach for large areas is to prepare a normally'takes place in several successive stages.
preliminary topographic map with contour levels In preliminary evaluation, use is sometimes made
and drainage patterns, and then superimpose the of geophysical techniques. In principle seismic,
information from remote sensing. Kuzvart and electrical logging, resIstIVity and magnetic
Bohmer (1978) emphasized the importance of very techniques are of potential value, but in practice
detailed geomorphological mapping, and sug- geologists report varying degrees of success.
gested that for maps at scales of1 :5000 to 1:10 000, Seismic techniques appear to be the most valuable.
contours of 2-5 m intervals are required, whereas Petersen et al. (1968) determined the configuration
for maps at scales of 1:1000, contours at 1-2 m of a large, gravel-filled channel of Tertiary age in
intervals are more appropriate. northern Nevada, using a combination of shallow
An important component of any exploration seIsmIC refraction and gravity methods. Singh

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
(1983) describes the use of shallow reflection 5.4 BEACH SAND DEPOSITS
seismics in the Kinta Valley, Malaysia, and reports
5.4.1 Introduction
that the method helped in the delineation of
bedrock, and in determining the thickness of Placer deposits may be formed in a beach
alluvium. However, in the evaluation of diamond- environment by the natural sorting action of the
iferous gravels in the Orange River Valley, surf, which concentrates heavy minerals at the
Namibia, it was found that neither seismic, high-water mark, and removes the lighter fraction
resistivity nor magnetic methods provided useful of minerals. In some cases the transport of
results U. Fowler, personal communication). sediment by wind also plays a part in the formation
Similarly S. Camm (personal communication) of beach sand deposits. The most important
attempted to use electrical resistivity and shallow deposits are the titanium-bearing 'black sands',
refractive seismic profiling in the evaluation of tin and their main characteristics are summarized in
placer deposits on Goss Moor, Cornwall, UK. Table 5.4. The unique diamondiferous gravels of
However, subsequent drilling found that the the Namibian coast are also of very considerable
channels suggested by the geophysical work were economic importance.
The detailed evaluation of placer deposits
invariably requires the analysis of samples
5.4.2 Genesis of beach sand deposits
collected by pitting, trenching or drilling.
Normally pitting is restricted to countries with an Precambrian metamorphic and igneous com-
abundant supply of cheap labour, but mechanical plexes are regarded as the ultimate sources of
pitting and trenching are also used. The advantages the valuable heavy minerals found in beach sand
of pits and trenches are that they permit the deposits. In some cases mineralogical studies have
accurate sampling of mineralized horizons and indicated the nature of the source rocks more
they facilitate the collection of very large precisely. Puffer and Cousminer (1982) carried out
samples which is particularly important in the a detailed textural study of ilmenites from beach
evaluation of diamondiferous deposits. sands in the Lakehurst area, New Jersey, and
If the terrain is unfavourable for trenching, or if compared them with ilmenite associated with
greater depth of penetration is required, drilling possible source rocks. Ilmenite in the granite and
techniques are employed. The different drilling gneisses was found to be characterized by
methods which are appropriate to placer deposits haematite exsolution blebs, and the weathered
are discussed by Macdonald (1983). equivalents of the exsolution textures could also be
One of the most common problems en- identified in ilmenite from the beach sand.
countered in the valuation of alluvial deposits is an In a study of the Capel beach sand deposits,
undervaluation of the heavy minerals present. In Western Australia, Welch et al. (1975) suggested
many cases this has been attributed to errors in the that an essential part was played by Mesozoic
determination of volume. Hester (1970) has sediments in collecting, but not necessarily
demonstrated that in the case of the Klondike area concentrating, the heavy minerals liberated during
in the Yukon, where estimates from drill holes millions of years of erosion of Archaean rocks.
consistently undervalued low-grade deposits and Welch et al. also suggested that rapid uplift of
overvalued high-grade deposits, errors could be lateritized terrain, under relatively wet climatic
attributed principally to the particle size of the conditions, is an important prerequisite to the
gold. The larger-sized gold particles were rarely accumulation of heavy mineral sands. Puffer and
intersected by drill holes, whereas these particles Cousminer (1982) utilized palynological evidence
made a significant contribution to the overall value from a lignite band, interbedded with the titanium
of the deposit. ore in the Lakehurst area, to show that at the time

Placers and palaeo-placers
Table 5.4 Summary of characteristics of beach sands from main producing countries

Country and average

annual production· Location and Principal valuable
(tonnes per year) size of deposits heavy minerals (VHM) Grade Associated minerals

Australia (a) Eastern Australia (a) Rutile, zircon (a) About 3% VHM (a) Chromite, monazite
(1.5 X 10°) rutile 1 province and ilmenite
1000km X 3km
(b) Eneabba, W. (b) Ilmenite, (b) 5-10% VHM (b) Monazite, staurolite
Australia" leucoxene, zircon,
20km xl km rutile, kyanite
(c) Capel area, W. (c) Ilmenite and (c) About 10% (c) Zircon, monazite,
Australia 3 40 km leucoxene VHM rutile, xenotime
S. Africa Richards Bay 7 Ilmenite, zircon, 7%VHM Magnetite, augite,
(470000) 17 X 2 km rutile hornblende, garnet,
leucoxene, monazite
USA Trail Ridge, Florida R Ilmenite,leucoxene, About 2% VHM Staurolite, zircon,
(390000) 27 X 1.6-3.2 km rutile kyanite, sillimanite,
tourmaline, spinel,
topaz, corundum
India Tamil Nadu and Ilmenite" 40-80% VHM 5 Garnet, monaziteS
(235 000) Kerala States 4
Sri Lanka Pulmoddai area, Ilmenite, rutile, 80% VHM Sillimanite
(100 000) 73 km north of zircon, monazite
7.2 km X 228 m 6

Source: 1, McKellar (1975); 2, Lissiman and Oxenford, (1975); 3, Welch et al. (1975); 4, Coope (1982); 5, Lynd (1960); 6, Clark
(1983); 7, R. P. Edwards technical visit 1980; 8, Pirkle and Yoho (1970).

of formation of the mineral sands the area had a minerals. However, in Eastern Australia wind
subtropical climate. action tends to produce a zoning of the valuable
In all cases the main concentration process of heavy minerals downwind from the ocean.
valuable heavy minerals is the natural winnowing
away oflighter minerals by the sea, particularly in
storm conditions. However, it is important to
5.4.3 The Eneabba rutile-zircon-
emphasize the importance of climatic changes in
ibnenite sand deposit, Western Australia
Plio-Pleistocene times, during which changes of The Eneabba deposit was discovered and pegged
sea level have resulted in several periods of marine out by a local farmer and prospector in 1970, and
transgression and regression, which have subsequent exploration has revealed that it is one
reworked an extensive zone of clastic sediment. of the largest beach sand deposits in the World.
Sometimes onshore winds may cause the Details of the size, grade and mineralogy of the
transport of heavy mineral sands inland. In some deposit are provided in Table 5.4.
cases, as at Richards Bay, Natal, S. Africa, this The main part of the Eneabba deposit forms a
produces a dissemination of the valuable heavy linear feature, about 20 km in length, parallel to the

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
w E

Fig. 5.10 Diagrammatic

geological section of the
Eneabba deposit (from
Lissiman and Oxen ford o Clean sand

1975). 1-.::-.:JClayey sand

Pleistocene shoreline. The sediments consist of an times . Comparison of the palaeo shoreline, and
association of beach and dune sand with fluviatile, particularly the 'Eneabba Bay', with the present-
lacustrine and dunal sediments deposited in a day coastline, where beach sands are being formed
paralic sequence (Baxter, 1977). Concentrations of at the present time, suggests that a combination
valuable heavy minerals occur in lensoid beach of coastal configuration and a prevailing
sediments within the lower marine-estuarine north-westerly wind/wave action are important
succession, and in the unconformably overlying controls in the concentration of heavy minerals
beach sand deposits. The bulk of the sands is (Fig. 5.11).
poorly consolidated but about 15% of the deposit
is lithified by an argillaceous cement. The valuable
heavy minerals are contained in seven parallel 5.4.4 Diamondiferous beach sands of the
zones which represent the positions of old strand south-western coast of Mrica
lines, the bases of which occur on wave cut plat-
forms at successively lower elevations to the west (a) Distribution
(Fig. 5.10). Diamondiferous beach placers have been exploited
Mineral assemblages tend to vary both between along approximately 1600 km of the S.W. coast-
and within individual strands. Lissiman and line of Africa and extend southwards from the
Oxen ford (1975) considered that the variation in Kunene River in Namibia to the Olifants River in
mineralogy reflects differences in mode of Namaqualand, South Africa (Fig. 5.1). At the
deposition. The two older strands, which have present time the most important diamond-mining
sands characterized by a high zircon content, operations are those owned by CDM, along an 80
derived the bulk of their heavy mineral content by km coastal strip, north of Oranjemund in
direct erosion of the existing cliffface. Subsequent Namibia.
strands, which have less zircon and higher rutile
and ilmenite contents, were formed by the con- (b) The CDM operations north of
centration of heavy minerals brought into Oranjemund, Namibia
'Eneabba Bay' by various streams . The diamondiferous deposits north of the Orange
According to Lissiman and Oxenford (1975) the River consist of a series of raised beaches (Fig.
heavy mineral sands were deposited and 5.12) resting on a wave-cut platform, which varies
concentrated in a favourable coastline en- from over 3000 m in width immediately north of
vironment during a period of high sea levels, the Orange River, to 200 m wide in the north of
probably in late Tertiary or early Pleistocene the CDM mining lease. The abrasion platform is

Placers and palaeo-placers


\ Eneabba

7J ~I
\ ~
Mesozo i c
\ p l ateau
Indian \

Ocean P r esen t coasta l

P" "o'- doy

concentr.a tlon
heavy m inerals
0)ll (/

Capel shoreline

C .,
~/ '-Yoganup
shore line

-- Pa laeo - coastli ne
water -laid heavy mineral
C2D Duna l heavy mine ral deposirs
- Ex isting dr ainage

n 10 0 km
'-[- ---', ~ o.'--_ 5
10 km

Fig_ 5.11 Comparison of the configuration of the palaeo-coastline of Ene abba Bay with the present-day shoreline at
Bunbury, south of Perth, where heavy minerals are concentrated (from Baxter 1976 and Lissiman and Oxenford 1975)

cut into Precambrian schists, and has been An upper, older group represented by beaches 0,
intensely gullied by wave action (Fig. 5.13). The E and F, and a lower younger group represented
irregular surface precludes the use of by beaches A, Band C. The upper group of
mechanization to remove all the diamondiferous beaches terminates against a cliff, cut into the
gravel, and teams of sweepers are employed to bedrock by the marine transgression responsible
clear thoroughly the exposed bedrock surface. for the formation of beach F. All the beaches
Six distinct beaches are recognized in the COM comprising this group have suffered tilting to the
area, and these are designated A to F (Fig. 5.14). north, and are characterized by the formation of
The beaches are thought to be mainly Upper a well-developed calcrete layer. The younger
Pleistocene in age. raised beaches were emplaced subsequent to the
The beaches may be divided into two groups. down-warping which affected the older terraces.

Fig. 5.12 Diamondiferous gravel. At this locality 'A' beach is resting disconformably on '-5 metre' beach. CDM
operations, Oranjemund, Namibia.

Fig. 5.13 Diamond mining and processing at CD M, Oranjemund, N ami bia. Foreground: intense! y gullied wa ve-cu t
platform. Background: diamond recovery plant.
Placers and palaeo-placers
40 40
~ Calcrete
> 35 35
~ g:;t;t~ Mainly terrestrial red sand

30 K~~)~J Morine sand and grit w tI h pebble bon d 5 30 ~
'c0" >
<1l I:: ·.~:·: I Morine grovel and cong lomerate 25 "0
E 2S
B Schist bedrock
20 20 ~
0 .0
E IS t5 E

'c0" 10
> ,
<1l 5
ijj Beach 0 :
0 o
-5 9 59 1!Xl 1~Om -5

Fig. 5.14 Cross-section through raised beaches at CDM operations. Namibia (modified from CDM Internal
Report , 1980).

The beaches are overlain by an overburden of un- The diamonds are believed to have been
consolidated wind-blown sand, which has to be transported from kimberlitic parent rock by the
removed before the diamondiferous gravels can be Orange River. Their concentration within the
exploited. Overburden removal by large, bucket- gravels has been mainly the result of wave action.
wheel excavators is therefore one of the more Hallam (1964) pointed out that the pattern of
important aspects of mining the deposits, and in gullies within the wave-cut platform probably
1979 more than 30 million m 3 of sand was stripped facilitated the concentration of the diamonds (Fig.
during mining operations. 5.15). The waves break at right-angles to the
beach, and the swash flows up the normal gully,
the water returning partly by way of the strike
~ Schistosity gully. The loss of carrying power means that some
of the diamonds are left behind in the strike gullies.
Wave action is considered to be the main
mechanism of diamond concentration but there is
also a generalized northward movement of
material, partly caused by northward-flowing
currents . As a result the best concentrations of
diamonds tend to be on the north side of a bay.

5.4.5 Exploration for beach sand deposits

The most comprehensive accounts of the
exploration for and evaluation of beach sand
.'''.!;!~ Zone of diamond deposits are by Macdonald (1973, 1983) and
Baxter (1977) and much of the following account
Fig. 5.15 Plan of wave-cut platform showing is based on their publications.
mechanism of diamond concentration, Namibia. Exploration and evaluation IS usually

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Fig. 5.16 Stereoscopic pair of photographs of the

Yoganup Central Mine area prior to mining showing the Laterite- covered
appearance of the shoreline deposits and associated Leedervill e
sediments (from Baxter 1977 with permission of the
Director, Geological Survey of Western Australia).

undertaken in three stages: (1) reconnaissance; (2) photography assisted in the discovery of a new
scout testing; (3) close boring and computation of beach sand deposit in the Capel area of Western
reserves. At the reconnaissance stage of Australia. Deposits in this area are commonly
exploration maximum use should be made of covered with a thin veneer of yellow sand, which
aerial photography. Aerial photograpHs are of contrasts clearly with adjoining white-grey sand.
assistance in identifying possible deposits _(Fig. Shepherd (1979) is of the opinion that
5.16), and may also be used in planning the geophysical methods are unsuitable in exploration
subsequent drilling campaign, and eventually in for beach sand deposits. However, Baxter (1977)
designing the infrastructure of the mine. stated that airborne geophysical surveys can be
Baxter (1977) stated that colour aerial effective . In Western Australia, airborne magnetic

Placers and palaeo-placers

~ 1·9
Fig. 5.17 ~
Recommended 1.7
conversion factors
from volume to
tonnage for beach
sands (from Baxter 1.40L--.l.IO------I20L----:3~O---4~O--~SO;;-----;6;;-O---:7~O----;t;80'-~90D-II~OO
1977). Grade (OJ. heavy mineral)

surveys at heights below 60 m have delineated (3) the most suitable aspect and spacing of holes
lines of mineral sands, and airborne radiometric for the final grid;
surveys have detected beach sands containing (4) the most suitable boring and sampling
monazite and zircon. equipment for complete evaluation.
Scout boring of beach sands is the next phase of
Close boring is required to increase the accuracy
exploration. Macdonald suggests that initially
of the reserve estimate and for purposes of mine
scout holes may be placed 400 to 800 m apart for
control. Macdonald (1973) suggested that drilling
square grids . Beach sands often have a linear form.
at this stage may be reduced to lines 40 m apart
If this is apparent from the interpretation of aerial
with holes drilled at 10 ill intervals so that narrow
photographs , or from the study of adjacent
pay streaks will not be missed. This approach may
deposits, it is more appropriate to drill at.intervals
not always be appropriate, for example, the beach
of 2{}-1 00 m along lines which are 200 m apart or
sand deposits at Richards Bay, S. Africa. In this
more. At Eneabba the drilling was carried out
locality the sands are of aeolian origin, and the
using a 152.4 X 15.2 m grid (500 X 50 ft).
heavy minerals have an irregular distribution .. In
The use of open-hole rotary drilling at Eneabba
this context drilling is largely directed to defimng
occasionally caused contamination due to the col-
the base of the deposit in advance of mining
lapse of the poorly consolidated sand. The content
operations (see Fig. 5.19).
of heavy minerals was determined using a y-ray
Shepherd (1979) noted that the conversion of
scintillometer probe. Orientation studies
sand volume to tonnage is the weakest link in the
confirmed that y-emission from the monazite and
calculation of ore reserves . This is because the
zircon is proportional to the heavy mineral content
degree of compaction, slime content, grade of
of the sand U. / C. Lissiman, personal com-
heavy minerals and mixture of grain sizes all have
an effect on the bulk density. Figure 5.17 shows
When this phase of exploration has been
the relationship between the grade of heavy
completed it should be possible to state the
minerals and density which is used in Western
Australia. The shaded area shows the range that
(1) the approximate size and grade of the can be expected due to variation in clay content
deposit; and compaction.
(2) the difficulties likely to affect mining and The methods of mining beach sands are sur-
milling; prisingly diverse and are usually related to the

Fig. 5.18 A scraper mining unconsolidated sand at Eneabba, Western Australia.

Fig. 5.19 A concentrator separating valuable heavy minerals from an unconsolidated aeolian sand. Richard's Bay,
Natal, South Africa.
Placers and palaeo-placers
nature of the distribution of valuable heavy tonnes/year of tin metal (M. Wolle, personal
minerals within the sand. In the case of the communication) .
Eneabba deposit there is a vertical variation in the Diamonds were obtained by dredging off the
content of heavy minerals, but the ore can be coast of Namibia during the 1960s, but at the
blended by mining with scrapers using a 15° cut present time mining operations below low-water
(Fig. 5.18). In contrast, the heavy minerals in the mark are confined to those areas which can be
aeolian beach sands at Richards Bay, Natal, South protected by man-made sea walls.
Africa, have a random distribution. The beach Gold has been exploited from marine placers at
sands are therefore mined by processing the South Primor'ye in the Laptev Sea, USSR, and
unconsolidated sand through a concentrator (Fig. around the Seward peninsula, Alaska, particularly
5.19) which floats on a man-made pond. The in the Nome area (Boyle, 1979). Ilmenite, rutile,
concentrator is moved systematically along the zircon and monazite are reported to occur off the
strike of the dunes, and the tailings are landscaped east coast of Australia, but are oflower grade than
and revegetated. the land-based deposits (Bums, 1979). Magnetite
deposits have been mined off the coast of Japan
(K yushu Island) and the Philippines (Luzon
5.5 MARINE PLACERS Island). At the present time 1.8 million tonnes/
year of titanomagnetite sand is mined off the west
5.5.1 Introduction
coast of North Island, New Zealand (Mining
The ore minerals which have recently been, or are Magazine, May 1982).
actively being, mined from this type of deposit
include cassiterite, gold, diamonds and
5.5.2 Genesis of marine placers
titaniferous magnetite. Chromite, fergusonite,
ilmenite, monazite, platinum, rutile, wolframite Marine placers occur on the continental shelf, and
and zircon are known to occur in marine placers are generally within 5 km of the coast. They have
and may be exploited in the future. . mainly formed by the submergence of heavy
The principal valuable mineral extracted from mineral accumulations, which were originally
marine placers is cassiterite. The main producing concentrated m a continental or littoral
zones are off the coast of Thailand and Indonesia. environment. In some cases offshore current
An increasing proportion of tin production from activity has played a significant role in
these countries comes from coastal waters, and concentrating or redistributing the heavy
50% ofIndonesia's tin resources is believed to lie in minerals. For example, Schofield (1976) considered
offshore areas (Batchelor, 1979). Offshore tin that the 'drowned beaches' off the coast of Otago,
deposits have the advantage of lower dredging Ne~ Zealand, are in the process of formation
costs, and higher grades, than land-based deposits. under present-day hydraulic conditions.
Batchelor (1979) pointed out that, whilst the grade Vim (1978) described an investigation of
of tin mined from Indonesian land-based deposits cassiterite distribution in an area selected for
remained stable at 0.27 kg/m 3 from 1971 to 1975, mining off the north coast of Cornwall, UK. His
during the same period the grade of tin from results indicated a complex interplay of alluvial
offshore dredging rose from 0.36 kg/m3 to 0.73 and marine influences. The cassiterite is partly
kg/m 3. derived from the erosion of hydrothermal vein
Cassiterite was extracted from marine placers in deposits. However, the main concentration of tin
St. Ives Bay, Cornwall, during 1966 but the can be related to streams discharging from areas of
operation proved to be unprofitable. Renewed previous mining activity. Part of the zone of
mining activity is planned to commence in 1986, investigation is covered by a well-sorted sand
with an anticipated annual production of 750 containing coarse cassiterite, which Vim (1978)

• Very well sorted - 85 + 120 Mesh tin
(Contours in hund reds
~ Well sorted ot ppm )
~ Moderately sorted

C;;J Poorly - Extremely poorly sorted

o 1 km


1 km


Loncfs Mount 's Bay


Tin production in tons

o < 1000 + Princ ipal smelting houses

(c) • >10000

Fig. 5.20 Sediment sorting distribution (a) and tin content of sediment (b) off the coast ofSt Agnes (c), Cornwall,
UK (from Yim 1978).
Placers and palaeo-placers
attributed to reworking by strong bottom currents when sea levels were as much as 230 m below their
(Fig. 5.20). present level. Deep lateritic weathering of greisen-
bordered vein swarms led to the development of
eluvial deposits with colluvial placers forming by
5.5.3 The m.arine placers of Indonesia
the downslope creep of eluvium. In Late Pliocene
The Indonesian marine placers surround the times intermittent intense rainfall caused debris
islands which occur between Sumatra and Borneo, flows of sodden stanniferous regolith to form
and rest on a submerged platform which is referred piedmont fan placers.
to as Sundaland (Fig. 5.21). Originally the geology Towards the end of Early Pleistocene times, and
of the Sunda Shelf was inferred from the islands subsequently in Middle Pleistocene times, periods
which emerge above the southern part of the of increased precipitation resulted in cassiterite
South China Sea. However, from a combination being released by the head ward erosion of
of seismic data, offshore drilling and the stanniferous bedrock and the reworking of the
investigation of adjacent coastal mines, Batchelor piedmont placers.
(1979) has reinterpreted the stratigraphy of the Two major marine transgressions at 120 000
Late Cainozoic sediments. He considers that from and less than 10 000 years BP have modified the
the Late Miocene to recent times there have been placers; in some cases elutriation by waves and
three major phases of sedimentation, characterized tides has increased the tenor of the ore. Placer
by distinctive climatic regimes, and accompanied deposits have in some places been destroyed by the
by a progressively rising sea level (Fig. 5.22). incision of meandering rivers during an emergent
In Late Miocene-Early Pliocene times semi-arid phase between the two marine transgressions .
conditions prevailed on the Sundaland continent Sediment subsequently deposited in these valleys

....... , ........\
>-. ../ \.
I ........ ./ \
/ ... . . / I
/ j
/ In dones ia ;
\ \ 0 t'
d 9 .

1.0 0
\,} t' \
•. '
• '. i
\ • j
i South
China '-.



o Pu lau Tujuh

Fig. 5.21 Location map of south o, SO 100 km
, ,
Sundaland, Southeast Asia (modified from 5·S
Batchelor, 1979).

Ore deposit geology and its i1'!.fiuence on mineral exploration

Younger sed imeMary cover Holocene

h.,..-v_ _...,._ _ _ _ _ d............,.. - - - --- - . . . -
Alluvial complex Wurm


::::> Middle
I- Transitional Pleistocene
(\) Pleistocene
Alluvial plain
(\) L. (Old alluvium)
E Late
(\) Pliocene

Colluvium + fan material Early

"0 (highly weathered) Pliocene
Fig. 5.22 Regional Late Cainozoic c.r::.
o~ ~--~~----'~-u
stratigraphic relationships in Sundaland, c·=0 Latosols, laterites and bauxites from soil Late
Southeast Asia. d, disconformity; u, COl
::J (\) development in bedrock granites and sedimentaries Miocene
unconformity. (From Batchelor 1979.)

has generally proved to be barren with respect to Detailed investigations of selected areas are
cassiterite. normally based on a combination of geophysical
Batchelor's interpretation of the Cainozoic surveys and sediment sampling. Moore (1978)
history of the Sunda Shelf, and his recognition of mentioned that magnetic data may provide initial
the principal environments of placer formation, clues for locating prospects. However, seismic
make an important contribution to mineral profiling is the most widely used technique in
exploration for offshore deposits in this area. exploration for marine placers. Bon (1979)
Batchelor pointed out that exploration should be described the use of a 'Sonia MK l' acoustic
restricted to the flanks of positive granite features, reflection profiler in an exploration programme
contact zones, and adjacent shallow bedrock for offshore tin deposits in the Pulau Tujuh area,
troughs. He believes that the steeply incised Indonesia (Fig. 5.21). The echo traces produced by
valleys filled with Wiirm and Holocene alluvium the profiler must initially be correlated with
are oflittle mineral potential. information from boreholes, but once this has
been carried out the seismic reflections can be
utilized to map areas between drill sites. In the
5.5.4 Exploration for marine placers
Pulau Tujuh area it was possible to distinguish
It is vital that exploration for marine placers should granite with a weathering mantle, sedimentary
be based on a thorough understanding of the basement rocks, gravelly sediments and clayey
stratigraphy of the enclosing sediments and the sediments using the technique of seismic profiling.
processes which control the transport, deposition Moore (1978) noted that since 1972 it has
and enrichment of valuable minerals. Area become common practice to conduct grab
selection based upon careful geological studies is sampling at the same time as the geophysical
the most important phase of exploration for survey in order to aid interpretation of seismic
marine placers. data. However, heavy pipe-dredge sampling and

Placers and palaeo-placers

coring must be carried out after the completion of importance of the quartz-pebble conglomerate as a
the geophysical survey. source of Brazilian gold.
Description of the drilling techniques used in The Canadian and Brazilian deposits occur in
offshore exploration for placers is provided by van Lower Proterozoic sediments, and the Ghanaian
Overeem (1970) and Bon (1979). auriferous conglomerates are of Middle
Moore (1978) advised that in view of the high Proterozoic age (1900 million years). The gold-
cost of coring this technique should be used only and uranium-bearing conglomerates of South
when all other survey information has proved Africa are Archaean in age (2500-2600 million
positive and all prospects in the area have been years) but have a tectonic setting which is more
explored using alternative methods. typical of Proterozoic basins in other continents.
The sampling grid to be utilized during Pretorius (1981) points out that the boundary
exploration for marine placers has been discussed between Archaean and Proterozoic sediments is
by Moore (1978). He suggested that the higher the generally assumed to be about 2500 million years,
S. G. of the metal, the closer the sampling stations whereas in South Africa there is a clear change
must be. His recommendations for gold placers are from an Archaean to a Proterozoic style of crustal
a maximum spacing of 150 m extending to 600 m development at about 3100 million years.
centres for light heavy minerals, such as rutile and Pretorius suggests that the greater time during
ZIrcon. which the sedimentary basins have developed in
South Africa may be of significance in determining
their abnormally high gold and uranium contents.
5.6.1 General characteristics of palaeo- (b) Size and grade of deposits
placer deposits Gold- and uranium-bearing palaeo-placers are of
limited distribution, but are usually of very large
(a) Distribution in space and time size. The Witwatersrand Basin in South Africa is
Conglomerates have been a common component the largest repository of gold in the World. Since
of sedimentary assemblages throughout its discovery in 1886 more than 35 000 tonnes of
geological time but they are only rarely found to gold have been produced, with an average grade of
contain economically interesting gold and 10 g/t (Pretorius ref. in Viewing, 1984).
uranium concentrations. The principal deposits According to Glyn (ref. in Bache, 1981) the
are located in the Witwatersrand Basin, South combination of tonnage exploited and existing
Africa (sometimes referred to as the Rand) and in reserves in the Witwatersrand Basin is 50 000
the Blind River-Elliot Lake district, Ontario, tonnes of gold. The reserves of ore in the Blind
Canada (Fig. 5.1). Gold is mined from similar River-Elliot Lake district are approximately
deposits near the town of Tarkwa in south west 300 X 10 6 tonnes at a grade of 0·.1 % U 30g and
Ghana, although it should be noted that the 0.05% Th0 2 (Boyle, 1979). The grade of ore in the
principal gold producer in Ghana is the Ashanti Jacobina deposit, Brazil, varies from 7.1 to 12.7
Mine where gold-bearing quartz lodes occur in g/t (Boyle, 1979).
schists ofBirrimian age (1915-2210 million years).
The gold- and uranium-bearing deposits of the (c) Mineralogy
Jacobina district, Bahia, Brazil, have been of The valuable ore minerals in quartz-pebble
importance in the past, but the bulk of Brazilian conglomerates are few in number, highly variable
gold production is from placer deposits at present. in their concentration, and often have complex
However, a new hardrock gold mine is currently relationships with associated minerals. Native
being developed in the Jacobina district (Govett gold is the principal ore mineral in the South
and Harrowell, 1982) which will re-establish the African, Ghanaian and Brazilian deposits.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Uranium is the main economic product of the (d) Host rock lithology
Blind River-Elliot Lake district where uraninite One of the most striking features of this class of ore
and brannerite are the principal ore minerals. deposit is the close similarity in appearance
Uranium is also a significant by-product from between the conglomerates from the principal
some South African mines and this is discussed in mining districts. In all cases the dominant
more detail in Section 5.6.2. lithology which hosts the mineralization is an
The mineralogy of all the auriferous and urani- oligomict conglomerate (Figs. 5.23 and 5.24), in
ferous palaeo-placers is dominated by quartz, which vein quartz is the main pebble type, usually
although they contain a diverse assemblage of constituting more than 90% of the clasts. Schist,
accessory resistate and sulphide minerals. Pyrite is chert and quartzite are usually reported as pebbles
the dominant sulphide, and in the Witwatersrand of minor importance. In addition the matrices of
and Blind River region has a high correlation with the conglomerates are usually very similar with
economic ore minerals, although this relationship quartz being the major component.
was not found to exist in the Jacobina deposits The position of the ore-bearing conglomerates
(Pretorius, 1981). Pyrite in the Blind River district within the sedimentary sequence has similarities in
is considered to be detrital, but a much more the Brazilian, Canadian and Ghanaian deposits. In
complex classification is required for the all three cases there are three mineralized con-
Witwatersrand pyrite which has been studied in glomerate horizons which are found near the base
detail by several workers. Ramdohr (1958) has of the sequence. The Blind River deposits are
suggested that part of the pyrite is detrital and part developed in conglomerates of rather variable
formed by the sulphidization of magnetite, banded thickness, which fill palaeo-valleys cut into the
iron-formation clasts and limonite. Pyrite is absent Archaean basement (Theis, 1979). Individual
from the Ghanaian auriferous conglomerates lenses have widths of 120 m and thicknesses of 5
where haematite, ilmenite and magnetite con- m. In the Tarkwa area of Ghana there are three
stitute a more typical placer mineral assemblage. mineralized conglomerate zones in the lower part

Fig. 5.23 Auriferous

conglomerate, Ventersdorp
Contact Reef, Western Deep
Levels, South Africa.

Placers and palaeo-placers

Fig. 5.24 Auriferous

conglomerate, Kimberley
Reef, Winkelhaak Mine,
South Africa.

of the Tarkwaian Series. Most of the gold is in the sedimentary basins are that they contain thick
basal conglomerates, which are discontinuous successions of dominantly shallow-water,
lenses 600-1000 m long in the direction of current terriginous sediment and rest unconformably on
flow and 100-150 m wide (Sestini, 1973). In the a basement of metamorphosed continental
Witwatersrand Basin mineralized sediments occur rocks. From this it is possible to conclude that they
throughout the succession from base to top, have an intracontinental setting. It is probable that
although the main proportion of ore-bearing the sedimentary basins have formed as a result of
horizons occurs in the upper part of the rifting, but at present there is little evidence to
Witwatersrand Supergroup. Conglomerates are of suggest that they have formed in an aulacogen.
dominant importance, but banded pyritic
quartzites and orthoquartzites are also exploited
5.6.2 The gold and uranium deposits of
for gold and uranium (Pretorius, 1981).
the Witwatersrand Basin
In all the deposits mentioned there appears to be
a close correlation between the grade of ore, The gold and uranium deposits of the
sedimentary textures and structures. This has Witwatersrand Basin have been selected for more
obvious economic implications which will be detailed discussion, because in terms of value it
discussed more fully in the context of the represents the most important mining district in
Witwatersrand Basin. the World. The mineral deposits have been the
subject of debate for many years between 'hydro-
(e) Tectonic setting thermal' and 'placer' schools of thought, and
Geologists are uncertain about the tectonic setting whilst the conflict over genesis has now largely
of palaeo-placer deposits. Mitchell and Garson been resolved there is still a lively discussion
(1981) suggest that the sedimentary basins which concerning whether the uranium and gold are
contain palaeo-placers may have formed in a entirely detrital or partly the products of
tectonic regime which existed only in Proterozoic mobilization during diagenesis. The evolution of
times. The characteristic features of these ideas concerning the genesis of the Witwatersrand

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Fig. 5.25 Map of

50 km
the distribution of ' - - - -----',

the Witwatersrand
Transvaal Supergroup
Supergroup beneath
Ventersdorp Supergroup
the cover (modified
from Park and Central Rond Group} Witwatersrand
MacDiarmid , 1975, West Rand Group Supergroup
after Borchers, Dominion Group
1961) . Swaziland Supergroup

deposits has been described by Pretorius (1975), South Africa and contains six major gold fields.
and his account will be of interest to those who The basin has a north-easterly trend with its axes
wish to understand the historical development of b eing approximately 320 km and 160 km in length
concepts in ore genesis. (Fig. 5.25) .
The Witwatersrand Basin is located in the Table 5.5 shows a generalized lithostratigraphic
Transvaal and Orange Free State provinces of column of the Witwatersrand Basin. Only those

Table 5.5 Generalized lithostratigraphic column of the Witwatersrand Basin (from Tankard et al ., 1982)


Transvaal Pretoria
V cntcrsdorp Pricl Sequence
Witwatersrand Central Rand Turffontein
West Rand Jeppestown
Hospital Hill
Swaziland Moodies
Fig tree
(Barberton area)

Placers and palaeo-placers
points of relevance to the economic mineralization Supergroup. Age determinations indicate that 500
will be mentioned here, and those seeking a fuller million years elapsed during the deposition of
description of the stratigraphy are referred to 14 000 m of clastic sediments and lavas. The very
Tankard et al. (1 '182). slow rate of deposition and subsidence explains the
The Dominion Group and Witwatersrand and mineralogicalmat'urity of the sediments and must
Ventersdorp Supergroups rest with profound be borne in mind in discussing the genesis of the
unconformity on rocks of the Swaziland Super- mineralization.
group, which are considered to be the primary
source of gold. The Dominion Group comprises a (a) Mineralogy
basal layer of coarse, clastic sediments overlain by The mineralogy of the auriferous conglomerates
lavas of andesitic and felsic composition. Two of the Witwatersrand Basin has been reviewed by
conglomerate bands at the base of the succession Feather and Koen (1 '175). In this brief account the
carry economic gold concentrations, and have emphasis will be placed on those minerals which
been mined in the Klerksdorp area. Extensive are of economic value. Historically the average
drilling has shown that the main potential of these grade of gold mined in the Witwatersrand Basin
conglomerates is for uranium. The original mines has been about 10 glt, although in recent years
which worked the Dominion Group closed for there has been a dramatic decline in the average
some years but are now reopened and new exten- grade from 12.7 git in 1'172 to 6.'1 glt in 1981
sions are being developed (D. Pretorius, personal (Minin,R Annual Review, 1982). Commonly lower-
communication) . grade ores are mined during periods of high metal
The Witwatersrand Supergroup rests uncon- price. For example, some of the mines in the
formably upon the Dominion Group and is Evander area were mining ore with an average
subdivided into lower, West Rand and upper, grade of 4 glt in 1'180 when the average price of
Central Rand Groups. The West Rand Group gold was US$612/0z. However, the main reason
comprises mainly barren shales and quartzites, for the decline in grade is because the ores which
although a few auriferous conglomerates occur. are being mined are of poorer quality. In many
The Central Rand Group is of major economic mines the grade is highly variable, a point which is
significance, and comprises mainly quartzites and well demonstrated by the Vaal Reef in the
conglomerates with rrilnor shales. Although most of Klerksdorp area, where values of 1500 git may be
the conglomerates contain some gold and uran- attained near the base of the conglomerate
ium, only about twelve are rich enough to repay although the average grade is 15 git (Minter,
the cost of mining. 1976). Very little of the gold is considered to be
The Ventersdorp Supergroup consists mainly of primary in origin; the bulk of the gold has
a thick sequence of basaltic and andesitic lavas, but recrystallized under the influence of diagenesis or
near the base of the succession lenticular conglo- metamorphism, and has numerous associations
merates occur, which contain the erosion products with the fine siliceous minerals, with sulphides and
of the Central Rand Group. The principal mineral- with carbonaceous materiaL
ized horizon is the Ventersdorp Contact Reef (Fig. Uranium is being mined as a by-product metal
5.23) which contains concentrations of both gold from the following reefs: Carbon Leader, Main
and uranium. Similarly the mineralized Black Reef Reef, Vaal Reef, Basal Reef, Elsburg Reef, Birds
occurs at the base of the Transvaal Supergroup Reef and Steyn Reef, from which the average
which is dominated by a succession of clastic grade is reported to be 500-700 g/t. Uranium also
sediments. occurs in the Ventersdorp Contact Reef, but the
It is worth reflecting on the time interval during calcitic nature of the tuffaceous matrix would
which the sediments of Archaean and Lower make extraction of the ore by conventional acid
Proterozoic age formed within the Witwatersrand leaching prohibitively expensive, a point which

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

/ '


i .' ,..---
i .,<:l
\ " /.- ........
\ I <:l--
Fig. 5.26 Geometry of the Witwatersrand Basin i
as revealed by the depositional isopachs of the i \ f ',. . __sL.P_-..il90 km
Central Rand Group. The asymmetry of the i
basin is shown by the distances between the zero
isopachs and the depositional axis . Six fluvial - I s opachs a~ 750 m i n~ervals
fans, hosting the major gold fields, are all located ' - ' - Zero Isopach of w est Rand Group
on the short, shrinking side of the depository <G:J Fluvial fan I gOldfield
(from Pretorius 1981). _ Paleoflow directi on

demonstrates that grade is not the sole criterion in commonly associated with the carbon. Hallbauer
evaluating the economic value of a conglomerate. (1975) has provided convincing evidence, using
The uranium content of the Witwatersrand ore is the scanning electron microscope, that the carbon
accounted for by uraninite (30%), uraniferous is biogenic in origin.
carbon (20%) and finely disseminated material
(50%) which Thiel and co-workers (1979) have
demonstrated is mainly associated with leucoxene (b) Structure
and carbon. The Witwatersrand Basin is an arcuate structure,
Pyrite is the dominant sulphide in the auriferous bounded on the north-west side by faults, and
conglomerates, and constitutes from 2 to 20% of defined by a major structural flexure on its south-
the matrix. There is frequently a strong positive eastern side. Palaeocurrent directions suggest that
correlation between the gold content of the reef sediment was introduced into the basin by five
and the amount of pyrite present, and the latter major rivers . Isopachyte maps of the West
mineral has been described in considerable detail and Central Rand Groups indicate that the areal
(Saager, 1970). The results of studies by different extent of the basin decreased with the passage of
workers (Ramdohr, 1958; Clemmey, 1981) have time. The isopachyte maps also suggest that the
led to the conclusion that the pyrite is in part basin was asymmetrical with respect to the
detrital and in part formed by the sulphidization of depositional axis (Fig. 5.26).
magnetite, banded iron-formation clasts, limonite From the rim of the basin the economic reefs dip
and ferric clay. towards the centre. The' average dip on the West
Carbon is a major constituent of some ore- and Central Rand is 30-400 , and whilst dips
bearing conglomerates and is particularly elsewhere tend to be lower, there are cases when
abundant in the Carbon Leader, Vaal and Basal the dip is locally increased by faulting. Near the
Reefs. In most cases it is found at or near the centre of the basin the strata are updomed,
footwall of reefs, frequently forming a continuous punctured and locally overturned by the Vredefort
mat over a few metres. Gold and uranium are Dome.

Placers and palaeo-placers

Fig. 5.27 Conceptual model of a typical [[]]

prograding fluvial fan in the Witwatersrand
Basin, showing the location of the fanhead , o Earlier low-energy tacies l~o:rao':,1 Fanh ead tacies
midfan and fanbase facies and the zone of ES Zone ot wove rew orking ~:'~.:';:'!-:J Mid l an facies
reworking by wave action in transgressive
depository waters (from Pretorius 1981). G1lJ Paysrreak ChannelS W&iHFa nbase focies

The Witwatersrand Basin is a synclinorium and but as in South Africa the discussion has frequently
the geometry of the basin reflects a pattern of been polarized between a 'placer' and 'hydro-
superimposed interference folding. According to thermal' viewpoint. In this account the main
Pretorius (1981) structural domes and depressions emphasis is placed on the Witwatersrand Basin,
occur where major fold structures intersect. He but reference will be made to other localities where
also suggests that as the fold movements were they amplify a particular point, or provide
episodically active during sedimentation, their conflicting evidence.
distribution played a considerable role in localizing South African geologists have consistently
gold fields and in controlling facies variation. argued in favour of a placer, or modified placer,
Extensive major faulting has taken place mode of origin for the genesis of economic ore
tangential to the depositional axis of the basin. For minerals in the Witwatersrand Basin. The evid-
example, the Buffelsdoorn fault in the Klerksdorp ence to support the placer theory will be reviewed
area is a normal strike fault, which displaces strata and those areas which appear to be in conflict with
over 1300 m . The economic reefs have also been the theory will be highlighted.
displaced by numerous relatively minor strike and The evidence for a placer origin is based m ainly
transverse faults. upon the consistent association of gold and
uranium with particular sedimentary forms and
facies within the Witwatersrand Basin. On a
5.6.3 The genesis of the gold and uranium
regional scale , the major gold fields are associated
deposits in the Witwatersrand Basin
with fluvial fans which were extensively reworked
The genesis of gold- and uranium-bearing during successive transgressions and regressions
conglomerates has been the subject of a long and of a shallow inland sea (Fig. 5.27). On the scale of
continuing debate amongst geologists. The an individual mine, the distribution of gold and
Witwatersrand deposits have been the main focus uranium can often be related to a distinctive
of attention and many detailed studies have been sedimentary environment, within which the con-
carried out, particularly in the field of mineralogy. centration of valuable ore minerals can sometimes
Far fewer investigations have been carried out on b e related to sedimentary structures and textures.
the Canadian , Ghanaian and Brazilian deposits, For example, detailed studies by Minter (1976) in

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

o <2S'/, -- 00-- Isopach contours

in feet
~ 50'/,
. 100'/,

(0 )

o < 25 '/, [ ] <Il ems

~ 50'/, 0 25
. 100 '/, ~SO
0>100'/, I11III 100

( b) (d)

Fig. 5.28 Main characteristics of the Vaal Reef, Klerksdorp area (from Minter 1976) (a) Moving-average isocons of
the uranium content expressed relative to the highest contour. (b) Moving-average isocons of the gold content
expressed relative to the highest contour (c) Isopachs of truncated footwall MB5 formation with braided channels of
Vaal Reef superim posed on the south-east paleoslope. (d) Moving-average isopachs of the Vaal Reef thickness.

the Klerksdorp area have shown that the sediment Further support for a placer theory of origin is
which encloses the gold and uranium in the Vaal provided by the hydraulic equivalence of gold and
Reef was deposited in a series of dendroidal uraninite with detrital minerals such as garnet,
shallow channels, incised into the truncated chromite and zircon. Also, Hallbauer (1977) has
surface of underlying gravels. High uranium and compared the morphology of gold from
gold concentrations are confined to the complex Witwatersrand conglomerates with gold particles
branching channelways (Fig . 5.28) . from recent alluvial placers, and the evidence from
Smith and Minter (1979) have also carried out a scanning electron photo-micrographs suggests a
careful examination of the Leader Reef, Welkom, similar mode of transport.
and the number 5 reef, Klerksdorp, and concluded Most advocates of the placer theory accept that
that the placer minerals are concentrated on well- the form of the gold, and its distribution within the
worked scour surfaces and in pebble-supported conglomerates, is not always consistent with
conglomerates. Similar sedimentological studies deposition in a fluvial environment. They accept
have been carried out by Sestini (1973) in the that some remobilization of both gold and
Tarkwaian of Ghana where the highest gold values uranium may occur during diagenesis and regional
are found in well-sorted, well-packed, haematite- metamorphism and a 'modified placer' mode of
rich conglomerates. origin seems to be widely accepted.

Placers and palaeo-placers
However, there are a number of mineralogical State starts at 230 m) and because the ore-bearing
observations which suggest that only part of the conglomerates do not have a distinctive geo-
gold and uranium is detrital in origin. The mode of chemical or geophysical signature, which can be
origin of uranium has been a consistent problem in utilized at surface. However, a successful pro-
the elucidation of the Witwatersrand deposits. gramme of exploration has been carried out since
Early advocates of a hydrothermal origin for the the 1930s using airborne and ground magnetics
uraninite suggested that it would be unstable and gravity methods (Roux, 1967). The magnetic
during transport and deposition as detrital grains, method utilizes the presence of three shale bands in
but this suggestion was countered by the argu- the West Rand Group, which are sufficiently
ment that the Early Proterozoic atmosphere was magnetic to be detected at depths in excess of1000
oxygen-deficient, thus allowing the possibility of m. Geologists are able to interpret the magnetic
detrital uraninite. Recently, a number of workers data in terms of the presence and structure of the
(Dimroth and Kimberley, 1976; Simpson and West Rand Group, and therefore the position of
Bowles, 1977) have questioned the evidence for a the ore-bearing conglomerates in the Central Rand
non-oxygenic atmosphere, and have suggested Group can be inferred with sufficient accuracy to
that, whilst part of the uraninite may be detrital, justify a programme of diamond drilling.
the substantial component of uranium, which is The Evander gold field was identified by a
associated with titanium-bearing minerals and preliminary airborne survey in 1949, and a sub-
carbon, may have been leached from detrital sequent diamond drilling programme led to the
uraninite by intrastratal solution, and redeposited intersection of the Kimberley Reef at a depth of
in the distal facies of the fluvial fan. 1041 m (Tweedie, 1978).
The source of the gold and uranium in the The gravity method utilizes density differences
Witwatersrand Basin is generally attributed to between the Central Rand Group (mean 2.63-2.66
rocks belonging to the Swaziland Supergroup. g/ cm3) and the West Rand Group (mean 2.75-2.83
Most writers have considered gold-bearing quartz g/cm\ The usefulness of the gravity method is
veins or ultramafic volcanics as appropriate source twofold: firstly, to establish the existence of a basin
rocks, although iron-formation has also recently beneath a cover of younger rocks and secondly to
been suggested as an alternative. detail the structure within the basin. In particular,
changes of gradient and gravity lows can indicate
the presence of lighter Central Rand Group
quartzites between the heavier West Rand Group
5.6.4 Exploration for gold in the
and Ventersdorp rocks. Drilling a gravity low on
Witwatersrand Basin
the farm of St. Helena in the Orange Free State in
Whilst there is a voluminous bibliography 1938 led to the discovery of the Basal Reef, and the
concerning the genesis of uraniferous and subsequent development of the Welkom gold
auriferous conglomerates, the industrial geologist field.
is usually preoccupied with more immediate Magnetic and gravity methods are able to define
problems of exploration, reserve evaluation and the broad structure of the Witwatersrand Basin,
grade control. In this section emphasis is placed on but the evaluation of potential gold and uranium
the role of the geologist on the Rand, due to the mineralization is dependent upon diamond
scale of the mining operations and the complexity drilling, often to depths of several thousand
of the mineralization. metres. The problem of correlation between
The Witwatersrand deposits provide a difficult rather uniform sequences of clastic sediments is
challenge to the exploration geologist, because the partly resolved using down-the-hole geophysics,
main proportion of economic ore occurs at great and in particular ")'-ray logging. Drilling at these
depth (the shallowest mine in the Orange Free depths requires sophisticated directional control of

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

.---:-- Normo l fau lt

10:..s--- (loss at ground )

30~ Reverse fau lt
(gain of ground )
31~ Srructure contour
!llIIlDlII Drive in footwall

o 50 m
L' ---''---L---'-_~'''''!

Fig. 5.29 Part of a plan of a South African gold mine.

the drill bit to ensure that any deviation can be (1979), and from the Hartebeestfontein gold mine
either compensated for or at least recognized. by Magri (1978). The conclusions drawn by these
The Witwatersrand conglomerates are charac- workers are rather tentative, but they suggest that
terized by irregular concentrations of ore minerals although more work is required, there are
and structural complexity. The role of the mine discernible linear trends which can be of assistance
geologist is therefore partly to monitor in mine planning.
fluctuations within the concentrations of valuable Many of the mines in the Witwatersrand have a
minerals, and to predict the trend of gold and complex structure, with the ore-bearing conglo-
uranium values beyond the working face of the merate being displaced by both normal and reverse
mine . In recent years an attempt has been made on faulting. Normal faults result in 'loss of ground',
some mines to utilize sedimentological studies, in whilst reverse faults result in 'gain of ground',
an attempt to assist the interpretation of these both of which have important economic impli-
trends to aid mine planning. Studies of this nature cations and require the advice of a geologist to
have recently been described from the Evander ensure that mining can proceed with the minimum
area by Tweedie (1978), from the Welkom and of development in barren ground.
Klerksdorp gold fields by Smith and Minter Part of the plan of a South African gold mine is

Placers and palaeo-placers
shown in Fig. 5.29. Unlike conventional (surface) titanium. They also represent an important source
geological maps, on mine plans faults are shown as of gold and platinum. The economic importance
two lines to indicate the amount of 'loss' or 'gain' of their minerals, and the relative ease with which
of ground mentioned above. The loss or gain of they can be exploited, makes the placer deposit an
ground is measured with reference to the reef attractive exploration target. Which techniques
being worked. On the mine plan, Fig. 5.29, the have proved most effective in the discovery of new
stoped areas of the reef are shown stippled; the deposits?
elevation of the reef within the mine area shown is At the preliminary stage of area selection it is
marked by structure contours and these are important to be aware that heavy resistate
negative indicating the depth, in metres, of the reef minerals are concentrated in specific geological
below mine datum. environments. For example, wolframite and
The gain of ground in a reverse fault is due to the scheelite occur most commonly in the eluvial and
continuation of the reef in the footwall of the fault colluvial subenvironments, and only rarely in the
below the same reef in the hangingwall of the fluvial sub environment or beach environment. At
reverse fault. This gain is sometimes referred to as the reconnaissance stage of exploration geological
'fault overlap', while the loss of ground encoun- studies are very important. In part this involves
tered in a normal fault is referred to as the 'fault the identification of source areas, but more
gap'. Using the structure contours a short section particularly the recognition of zones where
has been constructed for part of the mine plan (Fig. minerals have been concentrated by mechanical
5.30). This shows the amount of displacement of processes. This aspect of an exploration geolo-
the reef by faulting and illustrates the concept of gist's work is aided by knowledge obtained
'gain' and 'loss' of ground. The relative positions from modern sedimentary environments and
of the 'loss' and 'gain' of ground have been shown laboratory studies. For this reason the geologist
by - ve and + ve signs respectively on this should be able to base his exploration procedure on
section. a well-researched genetic model. Geological
mapping is an important part of exploration for
placer deposits, and in many cases this is aided by
data from satellites, and from the interpretation of
Placers and palaeo-placers have in common the aerial photographs. Indirect methods of
role of mechanical concentration as the principal exploration have not been so widely used in the
mechanism of ore formation. In nearly every other search for placer deposits compared with other
respect they represent distinct styles of mineral- styles of mineralization. This is partly because the
ization, and therefore we will continue to discuss application of geophysics has commonly
them separately in this section. produced ambiguous results. Also the resistate
Placer deposits are a major source of World nature of the placer mineralogy makes the use of
production of tin, diamonds, niobium, zircon and geochemical pathfinder techniques of minor

.g -2100
~ /
J;; E -2150 ............... / --.............--
1J / /
& -2200 L - /' ~-.J
Fig. 5.30 Section taken along line A-B on gold A I_I 1+1 1+11_1 B
mine plan (Fig. 5.29). - = 'Loss of ground' + = 'Gain of ground'

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
significance. Drilling is vital in both the later stages Bon, E. H. (1979) Exploration techniques employed in
of exploration and in the evaluation of placer the Pulau Tujuh tin discovery. Trans. Instn. Min.
deposits. Metall. (Sect. A, Min.), 88, 13-22.
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System and its extensions. 7th Commonw. Min. Metall.
uranium and gold, which are associated with
Congr. Trans. Pap. Discuss., 2, 489-512.
sedimentary basins of Proterozoic style. At the
Boyle, R. W. (1979) The geochemistry of gold and its
present time they are of restricted geographical deposits. Can. Geol. Sun'. Bull., 280, 584pp.
distribution, but exploration geologists should not Burns, V. M. (1979) Marine placer minerals. In Marine
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pyrite concentrations related to sedimentology in the Schumm, S. A. (1977) The Fluvial System, Wiley, New
Precambrian Vaal Reefplacers. Econ. Geol., 71,157-176. York, 338 pp.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Sestini, G. (1973) Sedimentology ofa palaeo-placer; the Miner. Sci. Eng., 11,225-245.
gold bearing Tarkwaian of Ghana. In Ores in Sediments Tweedie, E. B. (1978) History, geology and value
(eds G. C. Amstutz and A. J. Bernard), Springer- distribution of the Evander gold field, Eastern
Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 275-305. Transvaal, South Africa. In Proceedings if the 11th
Shepherd, M. S. (1979) Ore reserves in mineral sands. In Commonwealth Mining & Metallurgical Congress, Hong
Estimation and Statement of Mineral Reserves, Kong, 1978 (ed. M. J.Jones), pp. 489-496.
Australasian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy van Overeem, A. J. A. (1970) Offshore tin exploration
Symposium no. 22, pp. 167-174. in Indonesia. Trans. Instn. Min. Metall. (Sect. A Min.),
Simpson, P. R. and Bowles, J. E. W. (1977) Uranium 79, A81-85.
mineralisation of the Witwatersrand and Dominion Viewing, K. A. (1984) A summary of the technical
Reef Systems. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London A, 286, sessions. In Gold 82: The Geology, Geochemistry· and
527-548. Genesis of Gold Deposits, Geological Society of Zimbabwe
Singh, S. (1983) A study of shallow reflection seismics (ed. R. P. Foster), A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp.
for placer tin reserve evaluation and mining. 1-9.
Geoexploration, 21(2), 105-135. Walker, D. (1956) Studies on the Quaternary of the
Smirnov, V. I. (1976) Geology of Mineral Deposits, MIR Peninsula pt. 1 Alluvial deposits of Perak and the
Publishers, Moscow, 520 pp. relative levels ofland and sea. Fed. Mus.]., 1-2, 19-34.
Smith, N. P. and Minter, W. E. L. (1979) Sedimento- Welch, B. K., Sofoulis,J. and Fitzgerald, A. C. (1975)
logical controls of gold and uranium in local Mineral sands of the Capel area W.A. In Economic
developments of the Leader Reef, Welkom goldfield Geology of Australia and Papua New Guinea Monograph
and Elsburg no. 5 Reef, Klerksdorp goldfield, Series 5 (ed. C. L. Knight), Australasian Institute of
Witwatersrand Basin. University of Witwatersrand, Mining & Metallurgy, Parkville, Victoria, pp. 1070-
Economic Geology Research Unit Information 1088.
Circular no. 137,21 pp. Wells, J. H. (1969) Placer Examination, Principles and
Tankard, A.J., Erikson, K. A., Hunter, D. R.,Jackson, Practice, Technical Bulletin no. 4, U.S. Dept. Int. Bur.
M. P. A., Hobday, D. K. and Minter, W. E. L. (1982) Land Management, Washington, D.C.
Crustal Evolution if Southern Africa, 3.8 Billion Years if Williamson, D. and Fromson, S. (1984) Annual Review
Earth History , Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg and of the World Tin Industry 1984185, Shearson Lehmani
Berlin, 523 pp. American Express, 107 pp.
Theis, N. J. (1979) Uranium-bearing and associated Yim, W. W. S. (1978) Geochemical exploration for
minerals in their geochemical and sedimentological off-shore tin deposits in Cornwall. In Proceedings of the
context, Elliot Lake, Ontario. Geol. Surv. Can. Bull., 11th Commonwealth Mining & Metallurgical Congress
304,50 pp. Hong Kong 1978 (ed. M.J.Jones), pp. 67-78.
Thiel, K., Saager, R. and Muff, R. (1979) Distribution Zimmerle, W. (1973) Fossil heavy mineral con-
of uranium in early Precambrian gold bearing centrations. Geo!. Rundschau, 62, 536-548.
conglomerates of the Kaapvaal craton, S. Africa.

Sediment-hosted Copper-Lead-Zinc

6.1 INTRODUCTION mineral deposition. The role of igneous activity in

the formation of base-metal deposits became
The recognition of sedimentary processes in the increasingly questioned during the 1940s and
genesis of base-metal deposits can be traced back 1950s, because in many newly discovered mining
to Werner's observations on the German districts igneous rocks were found to be either
Kupferschiefer in the late eighteenth century. absent, or to have age relationships with the
Werner's belief that all rocks and ores were of adjacent ores which were inconsistent with a
sedimentary origin led eventually to the dis- common mode of genesis. As it became evident
crediting of his views on ore genesis. In the mid- that igneous rocks might have no part to play in
nineteenth century, Hunt (1873) expressed a more the formation of sediment-hosted ore deposits
balanced and sophisticated sedimentological geologists began to consider a variety of altern-
explanation for the genesis of some base-metal ative mechanisms. In some cases volcanically
sulphides, and foreshadowed much contemporary derived gases were seen to be significant, in other
thinking on the subject. However, during the first areas the leaching of metals from adjacent sedi-
fifty years of this century concepts of ore genesis ments or the erosion ofland masses appeared to be
were strongly influenced by American geologists, more appropriate mechanisms. Whilst the source
who observed the proximity of many ore deposits of metals was debated geologists began to accept
in the USA to igneous intrusions, and considered that in many cases the timing of mineral deposition
that igneous hydrothermal solutions were of was essentially contemporaneous with sediment-
dominant importance in ore formation. Lindgren ation.
and Bateman were amongst the leading advocates Two papers by Stanton (1955a,b) were of
of the 'hydrothermal' school, and in their opinion seminal influence on ideas concerning the timing
ore deposits associated with sediments were of mineralization, and the publication of Stanton's
largely the products of replacement by solutions Ore Petrology (1972) had a most important impact
emanating from a cooling magma. As a result the on the thinking of geologists during the 1970s.
proximity of igneous intrusions was seen as a Stanton classified sediment-hosted base-metal
favourable indication of mineralization, and deposits into stratiform and stratabound types, on
structure was regarded as a major control of the basis of the geometry of the ore body.
Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Stratiform ores were in tum subdivided, partly on Williams (1981) provide a valuable discussion of
the relative importance of volcanism, and partly these terms, and suggest that although in the
on the environment of sedimentation. Strata- context of a specific mineral deposit the age
bound ores were classified according to the relationship of ore minerals and sediments may be
dominant lithology of the host sediment. Thus the epigenetic, when broadened to include the whole
following stratabound ore types were described: sedimentary basin or sequence then the deposits
limestone-Iead-zinc association; sandstone- may be described as diagenetic.
uranium-vanadium-copper assoCIatIOn; con- Sediment-hosted copper deposits appear to have
glomerate-gold-uranium-pyrite association. As a sufficiently distinctive characteristics to separate
consequence, at least in part, of Stanton's them from sediment-hosted lead-zinc deposits.
influence sedimentary ore deposits have in recent However, lead-zinc mineralization is hosted by a
years been classified on the nature of the enclosing considerable diversity of associated lithologies and
sedimentary rock. exhibits a range of timing of the ore fluid with
Two separate developments within the 1970s respect to the enclosing sediment. It therefore
have led to a reappraisal of both the classification of seems appropriate to separate those lead-zinc ores
sediment-hosted base-metal deposits, and to a which are either syngenetic or diagenetic from
reinterpretation of the timing of ore deposition those where the age relationship is epigenetic. The
within sediments. In the first case we now term sedimentary-exhalative (Section 6.3) is
recognize that in many mining districts the ores are sometimes used for those ores of syngenetic or
hosted by a diversity of sediments. This will diagenetic type whereas epigenetic ores are
become evident in reading the section on the commonly described as being of Mississippi
Zambian copperbelt (Section 6.2.2). In addition Valley-type (Section 6.4) . .
ores within dissimilar lithologies are seen to have Many geologists are inclined to emphasize the
many common characteristics. For example, there convergence of these apparently dissimilar styles
are more common features between carbonate- of deposit. However, there are significant points
hosted Pb-Zn deposits in Ireland, and shale- of contrast which are of importance for both the
hosted Pb-Zn deposits in Northern Australia, explorationist and mine geologist.
than there are with carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn
deposits of Mississippi Valley type. There has been 6.2 SEDIMENT-HOSTED COPPER
perhaps an over-preoccupation with the nature of DEPOSITS
the sediment hosting the ore body.
Sediment-hosted copper deposits account for 27%
Detailed mineralogical studies of many
of the World's copper reserves (Comrate, 1975).
mineralized districts during the last decade have
About one-third of the deposits are hosted by
changed our perception of the timing of the ore-
sandstones and the remaining two-thirds by
forming events within sedimentary sequences.
calcareous shales. The publication Gisements
Whilst in some cases the ore-bearing fluid has
Stratiformes et Provinces Cupriferes produced in 1974
issued on to the seafloor to form mineral
by the Societe Geologique de Belgique contains an
deposits contemporaneously with sedimentation
excellent series of papers on this style of mineral-
(syngenetic), there is increasing evidence that
ization, and the subject has more recently been
many deposits are diagenetic in origin. In
reviewed by Gustafson and Williams (1981).
other cases the ore fluid has invaded the rocks after
lithification (epigenetic). Does this mean that the
6.2.1 General characteristics
pendulum is swinging back towards an epigenetic
view of sediment-hosted metal deposits? Much (a) Distribution in space and time
depends on our understanding of the terms The spatial and temporal aspects of the principal
'syngenetic' and 'epigenetic'. Gustafson and ore deposits are summarized in Table 6.1 which

Sediment-hosted copper-lead-zinc deposits
Table 6.1 Age, size and grade of selected sediment-hosted copper deposits

Locatioll Age Size and grade SOHrce

Tenke-Fungurume, Upper/Middle
Shaba, Zaire Proterozoic 350 x 1(/' t at 4.5% Cu
(750-1300 million years)

Chingola 281 x 10° t at 3.14% Cu
Konkola Upper/Middle 186 x lOr, t at 3.68% Cu
Rokana Proterozoic 118 x 10° t at 2.37% Cu 2
Bwana Mkubwa (840-1320 million years) 0.72 X 10 6 t at 3.6% Cu
Luanshya 128 x 10 6 t at 2.44% Cu
Mufulira 117x 10 6 tat3.11%Cu
Chibuluma 6.8 x 10 6 t at 4.68% Cu
White pine, Middle 550 x 10 6 t at 1.2% Cu
Michigan, USA Proterozoic
(1050 million years)
Creta, USA Middle Permian 1.5 x 10° t at >2% Cu
Nacimiento, USA Lower Trias 11 x 10 6 t at 0.65% Cu
Corocoro, Tertiary 7 X 10 6 t at 5% Cu
Bolivia (Oligocene)
Mansfeld, DDR Lower Permian 75 x 10° t at 2.9% Cu
Lubin, Poland Permo-Triassic 1000 x 10° t at 2% Cu
Dzhezkazgan, USSR Devonian- 10 9 t (estimate) at 1.5% Cu
Udokan Upper 10 9 t (estimate)
E. Siberia, USSR Proterozoic
Mount Isa,* Middle 143 x 10° t at 3.1 % Cu
Queensland, Australia Proterozoic 4
(1650 million years)
Talaat N Oumane 0.58 x 10° t at 2.7% Cu
Tizert Lower Adoudonian 2.0 x 10° t at 1.93% Cu
Amadous (Infra-Cambrian) 0.53 X 10° t at 2.04% Cu 3
Tiferki 0.25 x 10° t at 1.88% Cu

*Sec Section 6.3.2.

Sources: 1, Gustafson and Williams (1981); 2, Zambia MininJi Yearbook 1979; 3, Holman (1982); 4, MIM Holdings Annual
Report 1983.

shows that the deposits are of Upper/Middle (b) Size and grade of deposit
Proterozoic or Phanerozoic age. There are two Table 6.1 summarizes the size and grade of
major cupriferous provinces: the Zambian- sediment-hosted copper deposits. It can be seen
Zairean copperbelt of Upper Proterozoic age and that whereas the size of the deposits varies from <
the German-Polish Kupferschiefer of Lower 1.0 X 10 6 tonnes to - 1000 X 10 6 tonnes the grade is
Permian age (Fig. 6.1). The other deposits have comparatively uniform. Guilloux and Pelissonier
more isolated occurrences, and ages ranging from (1974) stated that the average grade from this style
Mid-Proterozoic to Oligocene. of mineralization is 2.4% Cu. The most important

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
/ goO

Ire ._J •
Iliinols~ Wi5C~!7~o ~.
\1It)vrl'kJ"n Old lead
NOGimlentoD crerg ~ee:,r r/i:~:~see
_ ___ ... Trj · Stere O Ilinoisl<entlJCky
22.° "

D Sediment-hosted copper
6 Sedimentary-exha lati ve lead-zinc
o M si sissippi Va lley lead -zinc

Fig. 6.1 Location map .

by-product is cobalt, which is produced mainly enclosing sediments: quartz, feldspar, clay
from Zaire, but some of the Zambian mines are minerals and carbonates.
also co baltiferous. The Cu:Pb:Zn ratio of ores from sediment-
hosted copper deposits produces a distinctive
(c) Mineralogy grouping, which distinguishes them from lead and
Chalcopyrite, bornite and chalcocite are zinc deposits of sedimentary affiliation (Fig. 6.2).
ubiquitous ore minerals in sediment-hosted The relative deficiency of sediment-hosted copper
copper deposits . Tennantite, galena, sphalerite deposits in pyrite separates them mineralogically
and carrollite may locally be of economic from base-metal sulphides of volcanic association.
significance. Apart from pyrite the most common Both lateral and vertical mineral zoning is
gangue minerals are the constituents of the characteristic of all the districts which have been

Sediment-hosted copper-lead-zinc deposits




studied. Horizontally the classical pattern of (Bartholome, 1974) and partly from textural re-
zonation is: pyrite, chalcopyrite, b'Jrnite and lationships between the ore minerals and the
chalcocite but it is more difficult to generalize enclosing rock (Guilloux and Pelissonier, 1974)
about the vertical mineral zoning. (see Fig. 6.7) .
The age relationships between the ore minerals
(d) Host lithology
and the enclosing sediment are variable. In some
Routhier (1963) suggested the following classifi-
cases an early phase of detrital copper minerals can
cation of copper deposits based upon the lithology
be distinguished . However, an increasing number
of their enclosing sediments:
of mineralogical studies suggests that the main
copper ore minerals are diagenetic. The evidence (1) Ores associated with coarse-grained detrital
comes partly from studies of mineral paragenesis sandstones which are mainly grey or red in colour

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Pb sequence usually changes from coarse clastics

through shales to dolomitic rocks, which
represents a gradual deepening of the sedimentary
(b) Palaeo highs in the basement affect the facies
distribution in the lower part of the transgressive
sedimentary sequence (Mansfeld, Zambia, Lubin
and Moroccan Anti-Atlas). This in tum can be
related to the distribution of copper, for example
siliciclastic facies above palaeohighs are normally
barren whereas high-grade copper is commonly
UL--------------------------~ found in shales at the periphery.
Cu Zn
(c) Evaporites, particularly gypsum and
Fig. 6.2 Metal ratios of major sediment-hosted copper anhydrite, are frequently found in close proximity
and lead-zinc deposits (modified from Gustafson and to the ore-bearing horizon. They commonly, but
Williams 1981). Sediment-hosted copper deposits: A, not always, occur in the hangingwall of the
Zambian-Zairean copperbelt, White Pine Spar Lake,
mineralization. Sedimentary structures indicative
Creta and Nacimiento, USA, and Corocoro, Bolivia; B,
of emergence such as desiccation cracks are also
Kupferschiefer regional ratio (apparently includes much
lead and zinc which is not mined). C, Djezkazgan, found in the ore horizons (Mansfeld, Chibuluma).
USSR. Sediment-hosted lead-zinc deposits: D, McArthur Guilloux and Pelissonier (1974) suggested on this
River (HYC), Rammelsberg, Meggen, Lady Loretta evidence that the sedimentary basins had only
Broken Hill, Howards Pass, Laisvall, Largentiere, intermittent connection with the open sea.
Aggeneys, Faro.
The sediments which host the copper ore
sometimes have a significant carbon content.
Annels (1979) stated that the graphitic carbon
(red beds), e.g. Corocoro, Bolivia. content of the Mufulira greywackes varies from 1
(2) Ores associated with shales which have a to 2% but he concluded that there is no
varying amount of calcareous and carbonaceous relationship between carbon and copper on a local
material, e.g. Kupferschiefer, Mansfeld, E. scale. In the Kupferschiefer the carbon content
Germany. varies from 2.7 to 9.0% (Rentzsch, 1974).
(3) Ores associated with carbonates or Haranczyk (1961) found that there was a high cor-
dolomitic, psammitic schists, e.g. Katanga, Zaire. relation coefficient of 0.73 between copper and
Recent authors have concentrated on the organic carbon in the Lubin-Sieroszowice region
relationship between the first two categories. of Poland. He observed that most of the organic
Guilloux and Pelissonier (1974) noted that types carbon consisted of algae, foraminifera and
(1) and (2) normally have a close spatial association bacterial forms but left unanswered the possibility
which is particularly evident in Zambia and Lubin, of a genetic link between the organic component
Poland. and copper concentration.
In spite of their lithological diversity the ore
deposits have several similar factors which derive (e) Tectonic setting
from their common palaeogeographical setting. The most common regional tectonic setting is one
of rifting (Zambia, Anti-Atlas). However
(a) Mineralization tends to be associated with sediment-hosted copper deposits arc located in
a major marine transgression, is commonly other tectonic environments. For example, the
diachronous and frequently stratiform. The Corocoro deposit is associated with the Andean

Sediment-hosted copper-lead-zinc deposits

U Gabbro

KUOdeIUOno, group ~ Shole, sonastone ,II ~~t.""!',
:II"" ~ dolomitic $hole ond tillite
Katanga Mwashia and Carbonaceous shale ,
Supergrou p Upper Roan Groups :.;,:." do'omi;e . argillite
Lower Roon Group :''':': oU'?,r,:.z 'Ie, conglOme<ate,
ar91 he

Basement Complex
D Quorrzire . sCh i sr ~
conglomerate. granite,

20 km

Fig. 6.3 Geological map of the Zambian copperbelt (from Diederix 1977).

subduction zone, whereas the plate tectonic The major copper-cobalt ore bodies are hosted by
environment of the Polish and German copper sediments of the Katanga Supergroup, which were
deposits is ambiguous (Guilloux and Pclissonier, deposited in a north-westerly trending intra-
1974) . cratonic basin (Fig. 6.3). Isotopic age determin-
The structural style of sediment-hosted copper ations indicate that the Katanga sequence was
deposits is rather variable. Normal faulting is the deposited before 620 million years and that the
main type of deformation. The tenor of mineral- Lower Roan is between 840 and 1300 million
ization is not usually affected by faulting apart years.
from some of the red bed deposits in the Western The Lower Roan sediments are dominantly
USA . In the copperbelt, sediments are deformed siliciclastic, and were deposited unconformably on
by an open style of folding in Zambia but are a basement complex which had an irregular
subjected to intense folding and thrusting in Zaire topography, with differences of elevation of
(Section 6.2.2) . several hundred metres . Conglomerates, arenites
and feldspathic arenites of continental facies
pass upwards into sediments of more varied
6.2.2 Geology of the Zambian copperbelt lithology, indicative of an incursion of marine
(a) Geological setting conditions which transgressed in an easterly
The Zambian copperbelt occupies the southern direction. In the Nchanga area, this marine
part of the Lufilian arc which extends for transgression is manifested by a black carbon-
800 km into Zaire and Angola (see Fig. 6.1) . aceous shale which hosts many of the major ore

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
bodies. Subsequent oscillations of the shoreline are against the Bangweulu massif. In the Shaba
expressed by alternations of shale with thinly province of Zaire the copper-cobalt deposits occur
banded sandstone and quartzite. The major ore in diapiric anticlines, and thrust faulting is the
bodies at Mufulira are associated with dominant structural style (Fig. 6.4). In Zambia the
carbonaceous arenites, referred to as greywackes. main response to deformation is a series of open
The sedimentary environment in which the north-westerly trending folds (Fig. 6.5). The
Mufulira 'greywackes' were deposited has been Kafue anticline is the main structure and later
the subject of different interpretations (Brandt, cross-folding has resulted in folds, the axial traces
1961; Eden, 1974). Annels (1979) considered that of which trend in a north-easterly direction. In
the 'greywackes' are petrographically and tex- general the Roan sediments have deformed
turally similar to adjacent massive and well- plasticically and faulting is uncommon.
bedded siliciclastics. He considered that they differ Regional metamorphism has transformed the
only in their content of organic matter which he Katangan sediments to a sequence of argillites and
suggested is diagenetic in origin. quartzites, which range from greenschist facies on
The Lower Roan sediments were subjected to the Zairean border to garnet-amphibolite facies in
local uplift and emergence prior to the resumption the Luanshya area. More importantly meta-
of marine conditions. The Upper Roan has a basal morphism has resulted in recrystallization of the
succeSSlOn of clastic sediments which pass sulphide minerals, which must be taken into
upwards into a predominantly carbonate account in using textural criteria to interpret the
sequence. genesis of the ores.

(b) Structure and metamorphism (c) Mineralogy

The Katangan sediments were deformed as a The relative abundance of the major ore minerals is
consequence of the northern movement of the shown in Table 6.3. Chalcopyrite and bornite are
Kibaran massif, and their subsequent compression the main copper sulphides, both of which are

Table 6.2 Stratigraphy of the Katanga Supergroup, Zambia (from Mendelsohn, 1961)

Group Subgroup Rock types

Kundelungu Upper Kundelungu Shale, quartzite

Middle Kundelungu Shale, tillite
Lower Kundelungu Shale, dolomite and tillite
Mine Mwashia Carbonaceous shale, argillite (dolomite and quartzite)
Upper Roan Dolomite and argillite
Argillite and quartzite
Lower Roan Quartzite, argillite and feldspathic quartzite
Argillite, impure dolomite
micaceous quartzite
Argillaceous quartzite
Feldspathic quartzite
Aeolian quartzite

Basement complex.

Sediment-hosted copper-lead-zinc deposits

Kompose Sud Komoto Komoto PrincIpa l Kil omusembu Kok ifulwe

;;&;!I!P.P---- 1400

Kompose Komoto Est Mupine Long Kokifulwe

h·\:~l Di peto Group g CMN Dolostone

o'-'_ _ _....11 km
Komoto Quartzose Dolostone 1m SO Dolom itic Shale 1::::-:1 RAT Group

Fig.6.4 Style of deformation in the Zairean part of the Copperbelt illustrated by cross-sections through the Kolwezi
thrust plane (Kamoto Mine area) (from Bartholome et al. 1973).

1- - - -- - -- - - - - N c han 9 a syncline
Main lo wer ore body
sw U/G Upper ore body Upper ore body Nchongo open pit Luano

. " ...'- ..... '

SOOm • + •

NChongo red gran i te'


© Upper Roan ~ Ore bOd ies

<D Upper Banded Shale NChonga red gran i te
The Feldspath ic Quartzite km

Bonded Sandstone
lower Banded Shale

Arkose and baSal. cong lomerate

Fig. 6.5 Style of deformation in the Zambian part of the Copperbelt illustrated by a cross-section through the,
Nchanga area (modified from Diederix 1977).

normally disseminated in their host rocks. Near from Chingola (Fig. 6.3). In addition, Chingola
the surface the primary sulphides are oxidized, and produces a refractory cupriferous mica which is
whilst at many mines the oxide ores have now stockpiled at present (1983) due to the very high
been exhausted, malachite, azurite and chrysocolla cost of treatment. Most of the chalcocite in the
remain a substantial component of production copperbelt is of supergene origin and the most

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Table 6.3 Relative abundances of the major copper and cobalt minerals in mines on the Zambian copperbelt (after
Notebaart and Vink, 1972)

Bwana Nchanga/ Rokana

Mineral Baluba Mkubwa Chambishi Chibuluma Chililabombwe MuJulira Chingola Luanshya Mindola

Chalcopyrite xxxx x xx xxxx x xxx x xxxx xxx

Bornite xx xx xxxxx xx xxx xxxx x xx xx
Chalcocite x xxx xx x xxx xx xxx xx x
Cobaltiferous pyrite xx xx xxx
Carrollite xx x x x xx
Malachite xx xxxx xx xx x xxxx xx x
Cuprite x x x x x x x
Native copper trace trace x x x trace trace
Pseudo-malachite trace x x x xx x x
Chrysocolla trace x trace x xx x trace

x, 1-5%; xx, 5-20%; xxx, 20--40%; xxxx, 40-70%; xxxxx, >70%.

important concentrations are at Nchanga and copperbelt ores was based upon a study of the field
Chililabombwe. relationships between the Lower Roan sediments
Carrollite and cobaltiferous pyrite are the and the Basement Complex, the relationship
principal cobalt-bearing minerals and are mined between ore minerals and sedimentary textures,
mainly from Rokana/Mindola, Konkola, Baluba the relationship between ore grade and folding,
and Chibuluma. and mineral zoning within some of the ore bodies.
More detailed descriptions of the major and In the following section we review the evidence
minor ore minerals in the Zambian copperbelt can used by Garlick in the formulation of a syngenetic
be obtained from Notebaart and Vink (1972). theory for Zambian mineralization, and then re-
examine his conclusions in the light of more recent
mineralogical studies.
6.2.3 Genesis of the Zambian copperbelt
When Garlick began his investigations of the
The evolution of ideas concerning the origin of the copperbelt it was assumed that the basement
Zambian copperbelt has mirrored the changing granites were intrusive into the Lower Roan
pattern of geological thought concerning the sediments, and that the copper mineralization had
genesis of sediment-hosted base-metal deposits been introduced epigenetically into the sediments
during the last fifty years. by hydrothermal fluids emanating from the
From their discovery in the 1920s, through to granite. Garlick was able to demonstrate, by
the 1950s, the main consensus of opinion favoured careful geological mapping, that the Lower Roan
an igneous hydrothermal origin for the Zambian sediments rest with a profound unconformity on
copper ores. Dissenting viewpoints were an older Basement Complex.
expressed originally by Schneiderh6n (1932) and In order to determine the age of the sulphide
subsequently by Garlick who has written mineralization relative to the enclosing sediment
extensively about the genesis of the copper-cobalt Garlick examined the relationship of ore grade to
mineralization and has argued forcibly in favour of folding. At Nkana, he carried out comparative
a syngenetic origin (Garlick, 1961; Garlick and studies of the variation in copper grade between
Fleischer, 1972). the expanded axial region, and the squeezed limbs
Garlick's reinterpretation of the genesis of the of a major dragfold. If the mineralization had been

Sediment-hosted copper-Iead-zinc deposits

Fig. 6.6 Block

diagram showing
diffusion of copper,
cobalt, iron and other
metals in solution into a
sea. The syngenetic
viewpoint considers
that metal deposition is
controlled by depth of
water which in turn
determines the Eh
conditions. (From
Fleischer et al. 1976.)

post-tectonic, one would have expected it to be rich source. The copper and cobalt are transported
concentrated in the highly fractured and thickened in part as detrital sulphide grains but are mainly
fold crest. In practice Garlick found little variation present in solution. Metals introduced into the
in grade within the fold, which pointed to a pre- marine environment are believed to be pre-
deformation age for the mineralization; an age cipitated by reaction with hydrogen sulphide
relationship which has not been challenged. formed by anaerobic bacteria. The pattern of
Garlick concluded that the ore minerals were mineral distribution is believed to be controlled by
synsedimentary from a study of their relationship Eh/pH conditions which are in turn determined by
with sedimentary textures, and from the pattern of depth of water (Fig. 6.6).
mineral zoning at a number of mines. At Mufulira Garlick's model of ore genesis is not accepted by
the concentration of sulphides with zircon and all geologists who have studied the copperbelt
tourmaline on foresets and bottomsets of cross- mineralization. Clemmey (1978) has suggested
bedded arenites was noted, and sulphides were that the mineral zoning at Rokana can be explained
also found in the hollows of ripple marks at by several cycles of submergence and emergence
Mufulira. At Chibuluma pyrite and carrollite were in a very quiet epeiric marine or lacustrine
found with quartz pebbles in the potholed surface environment. Studies of comparable patterns of
of an arenite. mineral zoning In the Kupferschiefer
Garlick studied the distribution pattern of ore (Konstantynowiz, 1972; Rentzsch, 1974)
minerals at Mufulira, Chambishi and Nkana and concluded that they are not parallel to palaeo-
concluded that both vertical and lateral mineral shorelines but reflect post-depositional features. It
zoning were evident. Upward zoning is normally might be thought that the nature of the sulphur
from chalcocite through bornite and chalcopyrite could at least be resolved from a study of sulphur
to pyrite. Lateral zoning is more complex but may isotopes. Dechow and Jensen (1965) investigated
be simplified as chalcocite; bornite; chalcopyrite; the sulphur isotopes from both Zairean and
pyrite. Zambian sulphide ores and found a similar pattern
The model of ore genesis proposed by Garlick of results. However, they show a narrow range of
entailed the introduction of metals to a shallow values which probably reflects homogenization by
marine environment by rivers draining a copper- metamorphism, and Dechow and Jensen con-

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Fig. 6.7 Relationship between pyrite and other

sulphides in and around a carrollite
porphyroblast. The drawing shows a carrollite
porphyroblast (white) in a dolomite matrix
(shaded). This matrix consists of thin laminae
rich in bornite blebs (stippled) and of thick barren
laminae. Pyrite (black) is found only inside the
carrollite porphyroblast at the approximate level
of a bornite-rich lamina. (From Bartholome
1974.) -J! mm
O~._ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

cluded tentatively that the stratiform copper cobalt will occur, and therefore the pyrite remains
deposits may possibly contain sulphur of biogenic unaltered.
orIgm. Further research is required before a fully
In recent years several research workers have acceptable model for the genesis of the Zambian
published evidence which points towards a late copperbelt is defined. At the present time the
diagenetic origin for the Zambian ores. Textural source of copper and the nature of the ore fluid are
studies indicate that pyrite was the only sulphide poorly understood. Many writers favour a thick
present at an early stage during diagenesis. For sequence of tholeiitic basalts beneath the sedi-
example Bartholome (1974) described small mentary pile as a source for sediment-hosted
remnants of pyrite preserved within porphyro- copper deposits. However, the Basement
blasts of carrollite in obvious banded continuity Complex in Zambia is dominated by granites and
with bands of copper sulphide outside the por- schistose rocks. It would therefore appear that the
phyroblasts (Fig. 6.7). source of copper lies within the sediments them-
Annels (1979) has drawn attention to the anti- selves, either as detrital oxide minerals or weakly
pathetic relationship between anhydrite and high- adsorbed metal. Little research has been carried
grade copper ores. Annels pointed out that, whilst out on the nature of the ore fluid responsible for the
anhydrite is a common mineral in barren and Zambian ores. However, Rose (1976) concluded
subeconomic ores, it is absent from horizons that the Nacimiento and Creta deposits (Table 6.1)
containing high grades of copper. In high-grade were formed by sulphate-rich chloride brines that
zones, pseudomorphs of calcite and quartz after were slightly alkaline. Rose suggested that similar
anhydrite are commonly fringed by pyrite. Annels brines might have been responsible for the
suggested that the main source of sulphur is formation of the Zambian deposits.
nodular anhydrite, which formed diagenetically, The mechanism of ore deposition appears to be
and this points to a late diagenetic origin for the better understood. Essentially a trap is required to
copper. remove copper from brines which are migrating
The absence of copper and cobalt ores from up dip within the sedimentary basin due to
arenites over palaeohighs is difficult to explain in compaction. The alternatives which have been
terms of the syngenetic model. However, a suggested are syngenetic pyrite, the formation of
diagenetic mechanism involving the reduction of which will be favoured by a high organic content
copper-bearing connate water by carbonaceous in the sediment, and anhydrite associated with
material implies that copper will be deposited sabkha-type sediments within the sedimentary
mainly in carbonaceous argillites. In the carbon- basin.
deficient arenites no precipitation of copper or Two aspects of the debate on the genesis of

Sediment-hosted copper-lead-zinc deposits
copperbelt ores are remarkable: firstly, the virtual sampling through to trenching and drilling. An
exclusion of the Zairean ore bodies from most interesting case history is provided by Ellis and
discussions and, secondly, the changing emphasis McGregor (1967) in describing the discovery of
of ideas concerning the genesis of the ores has had the Kalengwa deposit, some 320 km to the west of
relatively little impact on mineral exploration the copperbelt in which the sub-outcropping
strategy. In contrast Brock (1961) has pointed out mineralization was covered by about 2 m of
that all the major Zambian deposits, when plotted windblown sand.
on a map, form two north-westerly-trending Geobotany has been successfully applied to the
lineaments which extend into the Zairean part of copperbelt, particularly using the copper flower,
the copperbelt. All successful exploration efforts Ocimum homblei de wild. Diederix (1977)
have been concentrated either within or adjacent to mentioned that abnormal 'clearings' in the typical
the lineaments. Brachystegia woodland of the copperbelt were
investigated using oblique aerial photography in
1927, and commented that it is one of the earliest
examples of aerial photography applied to mineral
6.2.4 Exploration in the Zatpbian
Copper minerals were recognized and exploited as
shallow workings by indigenous tribesmen in
6.2.5 The role of the mme geologist in
northern Zambia before the advent of European
prospectors in the early part of this century. The Although the task of evaluating tonnage and grade
first European miners were aware of outcrops is an important aspect of the mine geologist's
with extensive malachite staining, but were not at responsibility, in Zambia there are four
first attracted by the oxide nature of the ore. additional areas where the geologist's expertise
However, in 1925 the first hole was drilled at Roan may be required: geotechnics, mine planning,
Antelope, and intersected sulphide ore at a depth hydrogeology and the application of mineralogical
of500 feet (152.1 m) with a grade of 4% Cu - this techniques to problems of recovery.
may be regarded as the birth of the modern During the early development of the copperbelt
copperbelt. in the 1930s and 1940s the stability of the rock
A comprehensive account of the exploration within a mine was considered to be the respon-
techniques used on the copperbelt is provided by sibility of the mining engineer. However, since the
Mendelsohn (1961). The most successful indirect mid 1960s the problem of monitoring the stability
method of exploration has been geochemistry. of the hangingwall of the ore body has increased,
Exploration geophysics has been little used due mainly due to the increased size of the haulage-
mainly to the almost complete oxidation of ways. The introduction of tyred vehicles (load-
sulphides to a depth of 60 m. Much of the haul-dump units or LHDs) for the transport of ore
pioneering work by British geochemists was from the stope to the ore pass is a technological
carried out in Zambia (Webb and Tooms, 1959). change which has provided the mines with greater
For reconnaissance work the sampling of seepage flexibility of operation, compared with earlier
areas or dambos has proved successfuL However, tracked vehicles. LHDs require wider drives with
soil sampling has been the most widely used and attendant support problems, particularly where
successful technique, and located the Fitula and there are many discontinuities in the hangingwall
Luano ore bodies at Nchanga (Diederix, 1977). (A. Brooks, personal communication). Recent
Rose et al. (1979) described a typical exploration textbooks which discuss the geotechnical aspects
sequence in the copperbelt from initial soil of rock stability include Hoek and Bray (1981) and


Roan ?
dolom ites

Co ? Upper Roan dolomite aquifers

::J 1350 m1doy· ' 1·7", of total
L. ~z;:=- 3643

0 Shole
a: with
gr i t

Ch ingolo dOlomite aqu ifer
5200 m 1 day "
Chingo lo
6 ·7 ", of total
do lomite

sch ist

Upper bonded "hole aqu ifer

Upper bonded
quartzite Ic

01 Bonded sondSlcne
upper f~:!=~="""-- 9030
-p(' -" ' " Cu
Bonded sandstone
lower 13810
shale ,?=-:: Cu
- - -~ Footwa l l aqu Ife r
ronSltlon orl( 7000 m 1 day "

QI ,/,71
9·0". of total


Srrarigraphic column Srrarigraphic disrriburion of warer Classification of water yield in

1: 2000 yields and highest recorded flows main aquifers· area corresponds
(m 3 day·') ro flow

Fig. 6.8 Distribution of aquifers in the stratigraphic succession at N changa, Zambia (from Diedcrix 1977).
Sediment-hosted copper-lead-zinc deposits
Hoek and Brown (1980). It is normal practice on At Nchanga and Chingola there are five main
the copperbelt for each mine to employ a geologist aquifers (Diederix, 1977). The Banded Sandstones
with special responsibility for geotechnics. and Upper Banded Shale aquifers account for 45 %
One of the duties of the Senior Mine Geologist is and 37% respectively of the total water yield
to liaise with the Planning Engineer in the design within the mine. The Banded Sandstone com-
of future mine development. The extent to which prises a basal sequence of barely coherent siltstones
the geologist is involved in this type of work and sandstones, succeeded by a highly jointed
depends upon the complexity of the ore body. For shale and quartzite which pass upwards into
example, at Luanshya the early development of the dolomitic mica schists. The aquifers consist of
eastern part of the ore body in a simple synclinal lenses and strata of high permeability in a porous
structure was undertaken with little need for formation of low permeability. The Upper
geological advice. However, as the ore body has Banded Shale aquifer has isolated and inter-
been developed in a westerly direction the folding connected weathered porous zones, possibly
has become more complex, with the ore being after dolomite, in a formation of laminated,
frequently deformed by minor folding. As a result micaceous shale (Fig. 6.8).
stopes of irregular shape and size must be designed The general approach which is adopted to
by the planning engineer based upon detailed counteract the problem is to dewater the aquifer,
information and advice from the geological so that the water table is lowered in advance of
department. The techniques of underground mining operations. At Nchanga this is done by
mapping, which forms the basis of the geologist's drilling dewatering boreholes upwards from the
concept of the three-dimensional shape of the ore mine workings into the aquifer - the flow of water
body, are described by McKinstry (1948) and then being controlled by valves on boreholes, and
Peters (1978). ultimately by the construction of watertight
In all mines it IS the responsibility of doors. The progress of dewatering relative to
management to prevent the sudden in-rush of stoping is monitored by regular estimates of the
water into the mine workings, and often this water level in each main aquifer, by underground
becomes one of the duties of the mine geologist. observations, pressure measurements on under-
The Zambian mines are notoriously wet. ground boreholes and water-level measurements
Konkola, which is the wettest mine on the in surface boreholes. In some cases aquifers may be
copperbelt, and perhaps in the World, has a daily completely drained but in many instances they are
pumping rate of 400 000 m"' - a figure which may recharged, either by surface water or by lateral
be difficult to visualize, but which results in water flow from associated hydrological basins. In any
spouting from boreholes and pouring from joints event the water must be removed by pumping,
and fractures. Readers who have already which adds significantly to the cost of mining.
experienced an underground visit may recall a Mineralogical problems within the copperbelt
chilling trickle of water down the neck as they are referred to the Research and Development
descend in the mine cage; at Konkola one descends Laboratories at Kitwe, and are not normally the
through a waterfall! concern of the mine geologist. Only one example
In Zambia the problem of hydrogeology is of the type of applied mineralogical research
heightened by the presence of numerous aquifers carried out will be given here. Recognition in
within both the Lower and Upper Roan Series. In recent years of the economic significance of cobalt
this account discussion is restricted to Nchanga has led to a changing emphasis towards mining
and Chingola underground workings where about those ore bodies where cobaltiferous minerals are
91 000 m"' a day are pumped to surface, but it significant. At Baluba it was found that a
should be borne in mind that this is a general significant proportion of the cobalt which was
problem throughout the copperbelt. reported from chemical assays was not recovered

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
during the processing of the ore. Systematic component (e.g. Howards Pass, Lady Loretta).
studies of mill feed material from Baluba, using Most mineralized provinces are consistently
varying styles of sample attack, supported by a argentiferous although some contain no silver at
detailed mineralogical investigation, revealed that all. For example the Irish deposits all contain silver
up to 30% of the cobalt was held in silicates such as whereas the deposits in the Aggneys area of
biotite, talc and tremolite (N. M. Kostic, personal Namaqualand, South Africa, are devoid of silver
communication) . (Rozendaal, 1978). Pyrite and pyrrhotite are
common ore minerals and may locally be
abundant but can also be absent (e.g. Gamsberg, S.
Africa). Similarly barite may be an important
gangue mineral particularly in the upper part of an
ore body but is not always present.
Mineral zoning is a characteristic feature of
6.3.1 General characteristics sedimentary-exhalative deposits. In general there
is a tendency for the relative proportions of lead
(a) Distribution in space and time and zinc to change laterally within the deposit. In
Sedimentary-exhalative lead-zinc deposits are of some cases, for example McArthur River,
restricted geographical and temporal distribution. Queensland (Williams, 1978), and Silvermines,
Their scarcity presents the geologist with a low Ireland (Taylor and Andrew, 1978), the zoning can
probability offinding new deposits, but their large be related to faults from which the ore fluid is
size and associated silver content have encouraged believed to have issued. However, in most cases
companies to commit funds for their exploration. the controlling factors of mineral zoning are a
Most sedimentary-exhalative deposits are matter for speculation.
hosted by shales of Middle Proterozoic age.
Hutchison (1980) has drawn attention to the fact (c) Tectonic setting and lithology
that, whilst the Middle Proterozoic is character- Table 6.4 shows that the type of tectonic setting is
ized by large sediment-hosted massive sulphide a consistent feature of this class of deposit. When
deposits, there is an absence of mineralization of the deposits are un metamorphosed and unde-
volcanic affiliation. However, this does not mean formed they are readily interpreted as having
the products of volcanicity are absent from the formed within graben-type structures, normally
stratigraphic record of sedimentary-exhalative in intracratonic basins. In the case of Broken Hill,
deposits. deformation and metamorphism obscure the
Several major ore deposits of this type occur original tectonic framework. However, W. Laing
within rocks of Phanerozoic age, and are similar to (personal communication) considers that the
their Proterozoic equivalents. The Irish lead-zinc evidence of two main directions of thrusting
deposits share many of the characteristics of suggests incipient rifting with associated gravity
sedimentary-exhalative deposits but are associated sliding into the rift.
with carbonates. Table 6.4 summarizes the Badham (1981) suggested that ore deposits of
principal characteristics of some Proterozoic and this class can be divided into those associated with
Phanerozoic sedimentary-exhalative deposits. deep water sediments (Sullivan, Howards Pass)
and those in relatively shallow water sediments
(b) Mineralogy with associated carbonates, evaporites and cherts.
Galena and sphalerite are ubiquitous ore minerals Subdivision may also be based on the relative
in this class of deposit. Ores appear to have either importance of volcanic rocks. Tuffaceous material
similar concentrations of lead and zinc (e.g. is closely related to the ore-bearing horizons at
Sullivan, Mount Isa) or else a dominant ZInC Mount Isa and Rammelsberg and may have been

Table 6.4 Main features of selected sedimentary-exhalative deposits

Associated metals
Ore deposit Si::e and grade and minerals Age Metamorphicgrade Tectonic setting Host lithology Volcanics SOl/ref

Howards 100 X 10(' t Early Negligible Intracratonic Graptolitic black shale Contemporaneous basalt
Pass, Pb 1.5'10 Silurian basin and siltstone with chert 16km away
Canada Zn6.0% and carbonates
Rammelsberg, 30 X 10" t Barite Middle Greenschist Intracratonic Black shale with interbedded Minor thin slaty tuff
Germany Cu1.0% Pyrite Devonian basin sandstone and tuff. Discordant interbedded in ore
Pb9% Ag 103 glt 'Kniest' facies
Meggen, 60 X 10(' t Barite Middle Low to middle Intracratonic Carbonaceous slates 100 m keratophyre in
Germany CuO.:2% Pyrite Devonian greenschist basin Ore body in minor scdiment- Earl y Devonian below ore
Pb 1.3% starved depression body. Major mafic volcanics
Zn 10% contemporaneous with ore
III regIOn

Broken Hill, 1HOx 10"t Ag 175 glt Lower to Granulite Mobile trough, Sphalerite-galena-pyrrhotite The Potosi gneiss is
Australia Cu 0.:2% Middle obscured by ore with quartz-calcite, considered to be
Pb 11.3% Proterozoic metamorphism Ca-Mn, Fe silicate gangue volcanic
Zn 9.H% and extreme associated with alkaline
deformation rocks, carbonate, iron-formation,
acid volcanics
Sullivan, 155 x W(' t Ag6Hgit Middle Lower Early stage of Footwall:argillite, Only much younger
Canada Pb6.6% Sn, Cd, Proterozoic amphibolite intracratonic siltstone and conglomerate. volcanics
Zn 5.7% Cu, Au 1430 million basin ncar Siltstone interbedded with
years major faults laminated sulphide above
with syn- and to east of massive
depositional sulphide ore body
Gamsberg, 93.5 x 10('t Barite Middle Upper Restricted Basal granite gneiss, Cordierite-bearing :2
Namaqualand, PbO.55% Magnetite Proterozoic amphibolite basin pelitic schist, metaquartzite, units interpreted
S. Africa Zn7.-t1% Haematite N amaqualand facies indicated by iron-formation, psammitic as volcanic tuff
Metamorphic sedimentology schist, amphibolite.
Complex Host rock:quartzitic,
900-1:2(X) pelitic and calcareous
million years metasediments

Source: I, Gustafson and Williams (1981); 2, Rozcndaa] (1<)78).

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
significant at Gamsberg, Namaqualand, but is not River (HYC) and Lady Loretta. All the deposits
present within the stratigraphy of many sediments have a similar age and tectonic setting . Their ores
which host syngenetic and diagenetic base-metal are contained within sediments of Middle
sulphides. Proterozoic (Carpenterian) age, which rest
unconformably on a Lower Proterozoic basement
6.3.2 Geology of the northern Australian consisting mainly of strongly metamorphosed
shale-hosted stratifonn lead-zinc granites and volcanics (Table 6.5). The sedi-
deposits mentary sequences which host the major
base-metal deposits are confined to graben-type
(a) Introduction and regional geological structures within which a thick succession of
setting shallow water sediments has accumulated.
Mount Isa Mine in north Queensland has been a The McArthur River deposits are unmeta-
major producer of base metals since the 1930s . morpho sed and are separated from the more
Exploration during the 1950s and 1960s in southerly deposits by the Murphy Tectonic Ridge
northern Queensland and adjoining parts of the (Fig. 6.9) , to the south of which the Middle
Northern Territory has resulted in the discovery of Proterozoic sediments have been subjected to
a number of additional large lead-zinc deposits of metamorphism of varying grade.
similar geological style. As a result the Batten and
Leichhardt River Fault Troughs are now (b) Depositional environment
recognized as one of the World's major base-metal The correct interpretation of the depositional
provinces (Fig. 6.9). environment of the Middle Proterozoic sediments
In this account we restrict our discussion to the within the Batten and Leichhardt River Fault
major ore deposits: Mount Isa, Hilton, McArthur Troughs is of importance for the construction of a

o Phanerozoic cover

§'~~ I Mid Pro~erozoic Shelf sedimenls

Mid Pro~erozoic trough sedimen~s

(including granite south of MTR)

Basement rocks

• Major Pb -Zn deposi~

____ Major fault

BT Batten Trough
MTR Murphy Tectonic Ridge
LR FT Leichhard~ River Fault Trough
Fig. 6.9 Location of major ore
deposits in the Batten and o,'-- - - - - '300
Leichhardt River Fault Troughs
(modified from Lambert, 1976).

Sediment-hosted copper-lead-zinc deposits
Table 6.5 Stratigraphy of the McArthur River and Mount Isa areas

Mt [sa/Hilton Lady Loretta McArthur River

Middle Proterozoic Mt Isa Group* Paradise Creek Reward Dolomite

Formation* Barney Creek
Judenan Beds Gunpowder Creek Teena Dolomite
Myally Beds Myally Beds Emerugga Dolomite
Eastern Creek Tooganinie
volcanics Formation
Mount Guide Tatoola Sandstone
quartzite Amelia Dolomite
Lower Proterozoic Leichhardt
and Argylla

*Pb-Zn ore bodies.

model of ore genesis. For example, evidence of The lead-zinc ore bodies at Mount Isa and
evaporite sediments within the sedimentary Hilton Mines are hosted by the Urquhart Shale
sequence tends to favour a brine expulsion model. which occurs within the Mount Isa Group (Fig.
In contrast Russell's (1983) convective model 6.10). The horizons above and below the
requires a rapid deepening of the sedimentary Urquhart Shale contain algal stromatolites which
basin. Most research has pointed towards shallow indicate emergent conditions whereas the
water conditions of sedimentation. Urquhart Shale itself contains casts after gypsum
There are four major cycles of sedimentation in and anhydrite. These features are described by
the McArthur Basin. The cycle of economic sig- Neudert and Russell (1981) who envisaged a non-
nificance is the Barney Creek Formation, which marine depositional model for the Mount Isa
comprises water-lain detrital sediment. Muir Group with intermittent streams, playa-lake
(1983) described sedimentary structures within the stages, flash-flood deposits, stromatolitic
Barney Creek Formation which indicate that the structures and subsurface halite growth.
sediments were formed in shallow water or
emergent conditions. Muir considered that (c) Size and grade of deposits
carbonate pseudomorphs after anhydrite within The size and grade of the principal deposits are
the Barney Creek Formation indicate a sabkha- tabulated in Table 6.6. The McArthur River
type environment, in which groundwater brines (HYC) deposit is clearly the largest ore body but
circulated during diagenesis. However, Oehler due to mineral processing problems is not worked
and Logan (1977) have described bacteria at present.
preserved in black cherts within the mineralized Mount Isa is the only operating mine (1983) and
sequence which, they suggested, lived below the although we are considering it as an example of a
photic zone (approximately 80 m). shale-hosted lead-zinc deposit it is worth

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Fig. 6.10 An outcrop of barren

Urquhart Shale, Mount Isa.

reflecting that copper was the main revenue earner rarely happens. This is mainly due to the lead time
in the early 1980s. Copper is mined from the non- from ore reserve calculations to mining, which
stratiform silica-dolomite rock which will be makes it difficult to change the cut-off in time to
discussed in a later section. At this point it should reflect the change in metal prices.
also be mentioned that the grades and thicknesses
indicated in Table 6.6 are a function of assay cut-
off, which is in turn determined by metal prices. (d) Mineralogy
Thus in principle a resurgence in the price of lead The deposits under consideration contain lead and
or zinc could lead to a redefinition of the assay zinc ores of similar geological setting and
cut-off, with resulting ore bodies which would be presumed genesis, but there are subtle variations
wider but oflower average grade. In practice this In mineralogy which have quite profound

Table 6.6 The size, grade and metamorphic facies of major Northern Australian lead-zinc deposits (from MIM
Holdings Annual Report, 1983).

Size Thickness Metamorphic
Deposit (tx10 6 ) Ph (%) Zn (%) Cu (%) Ag (glt) (m) Jacies

HYC (mineralization) 227 4.1 9.2 0.2 41 55 Zeolite

Mount Isa 53 6.1 6.6 149 1-50 Lower greenschist
(proved and probable) 143* 3.1*
Hilton and 45 6.6 9.6 150 1-50 Lower greenschist
Hilton North
(proved and probable)
Lady Loretta 9 6.5 14.8 95 24 Lower greenschist

*Copper ore body.

Sediment-hosted copper-lead-zinc deposits
consequences for the economic viability of the 1976). Ridge (personal communication) considers
individual deposits. that the presence of silver in galena is related
The sulphide ores at Mount Isa occur as distinct to temperature of formation, with those
bands concordant with the enclosing Urquhart deposits which contain silver having formed
Shale. The sulphide bands vary from 1 mm to 1 m at temperatures above 225°C. Secondly due to the
in thickness, and when grouped together in suffi- absence of metamorphism the sulphides are
cient density constitute ore bodies. The ore bodies extremely fine-grained « 4JLm), and as a result
tend to be regular and continuous on a large scale, only low recoveries are possible by conventional
but irregularities are evident on a small scale (C. metallurgy during the processing of the ore.
Hartley, personal communication). The main ore
bodies are confined to the upper 650 m of the (e) Non-stratiform ores
Urquhart Shale (Mathias and Clark, 1975). The Non-stratiform base-metal deposits occur both at
economic sulphides at Mount Isa are sphalerite, Mount Isa and McArthur River. At Mount Isa the
galena and freibergite. Other common sulphides copper ore associated with the silica-dolomite
include pyrite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, marcasite rock is of considerable economic importance and
and minor chalcopyrite (Mathias and Clark, 1975). merits description for this reason alone. At both
Pyrite is the most abundant sulphide and the locations the discordant ores are closely associated
texture is dominantly framboidal but is locally spatially with the stratiform ores, and discussion
recrystallized. Pyrrhotite is locally common and of their genesis has been inevitably linked
where the ore passes along strike into the silica- together. The problem to be resolved is whether
dolomite rock, pyrrhotite may become dominant the stratiform and discordant deposits are part of a
(C. Hartley, personal communication). single ore-forming process, or whether their
Galena is highly variable in form and ranges association is merely spatial.
from coarse-grained monomineralic crystals to
well-bedded material associated with framboidal
(i) The silica-dolomite rock at Mount [sa
pyrite and carbon. Galena encloses the main silver-
bearing mineral, freibergite, and the processing of The silica-dolomite rock is a calcareous and
the ore is therefore uncomplicated U. Knights, siliceous zone of irregular morphology within the
personal communication). In contrast, the Urquhart Shales. It has a strike length of2600 m
mineralogy of silver-bearing minerals at Hilton and a maximum width of 530 m (Mathias and
Mine is highly complex. Here there are ten silver- Clark, 1975). The silica-dolomite includes four
bearing minerals of which the most important are separate facies, of which one, the crystalline
native silver, stephanite, pyragyrite, freibergite, dolomite, is of restricted distribution (Fig. 6.11).
argentopyrite and silver-bearing chalcopyrite. A carbonate-rich facies predominates in the upper
The silver-bearing minerals are associated with part of the silica-dolomite, where the contact with
both sulphides and gangue minerals and therefore the Urquhart Shale and stratiform ores is grada-
represent a formidable metallurgical problem U. tional and interdigitating. The lower part of the
Knights, personal communication). Sphalerite at silica-dolomite unit is highly siliceous, and
Mount Isa Mine occurs in association with galena, consists of a poorly bedded carbonaceous chert
is normally pale brown in colour, and has an with chalcopyrite called the brecciated siliceous
average iron content of 6-7 wt. %. It frequently shale. The lower siliceous facies of the
occurs as conformable monomineralic layers. silica-dolomite contains the highest grades of
The ore bodies at McArthur River differ in two copper, and has a faulted contact with the under-
important respects from the Mount Isa deposit. lying Eastern Creek Volcanics.
Firstly there is very little silver present with the Syngenetic models for the copper ore have been
highest reported value being 120 ppm (Lambert, proposed which suggest a common origin with

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Surfoce They concluded that different mechanisms must
/ be postulated for the copper mineralization.
~ Recrystol ll2ed Shole I Detailed structural, microstructural and petro-
lIB Crysro lh ne Dolom ite /
logical studies of the silica-clolomite suggest that it
1:-:- :-l,rregulorly BreCClO red
. . . DolomIt ic Shale I
/ has formed by replacement of the Urquhart Shales
(Perkins, 1981; Swager, 1983) . Three structural
p:<,:· 1~~;,ared SIliceous /
events are now recognized within the Urquhart
fbl Corbonoceous
~ MylonIte ~1lJ / Shale (0, to 0 3). These structures have also been
GreenSChist ....;;,0/ ; ;1lJ identified in the silica-dolomite and permit the
tJ/ "q sequence of metasomatic events to be determined.
~ /§ ~
Three separate metasomatic processes are
",Q / (>. recognized and are interpreted as being syn-D 3 in
/ $ age. Siliceous solutions are considered to have
I invaded and silicified the dolomitic Urquhart
I Shale resulting in an outer and expanding meta-
I somatic front of dolomite. Chalcopyrite replaces
/ the crystalline dolomite and is therefore believed
/ to have been introduced at a late stage. The
implications of the structural analysis are that the
stratiform ores are separated from the copper ores
by at least two stages of deformation. Perkins
(1984) estimates, from the interpretation of
radiometric age determination, that there is a 190-
million-year difference between the deposition of
Fig. 6.11 Facies distribution within the silica-dolomite the stratiform Pb-Zn ores and the emplacement of
rock ofMt Isa Mine (from Mathias and Clark 1975) . the copper ore body.

(ii) Discordant mineralization at McArthur River

the stratiform lead-zinc deposits. The main basis Small discordant lead-zinc deposits have been
for this model is the close spatial association described from the McArthur River area by
between the two ore types. Stanton (1963) utilized Williams (1978), and he refers to them as Cooley I,
geochemical evidence to support a syngenetic Cooley II, Cooley III and Ridge 1.
model for the silica-clolomite, and interpreted it as The deposits are discordant veins or dissemin-
a facies variation of the shales which host the lead ations in which pyrite, sphalerite and galena are the
and zinc deposits. Finlow-Bates and Stumpfl main ore minerals. Chalcopyrite, bornite,
(1979) proposed that copper was deposited in a marcasite and tetrahedrite also occur in order of
subsurface breccia from a boiling hydrothermal decreasing abundance. The principal gangue
solution, which subsequently reached the seafloor minerals are dolomite, barite and quartz. The
and deposited lead, zinc and iron. discordant mineralization occurs in breccias which
Sulphur isotope and structural studies indicate are in turn hosted by the Emerugga and Cooley
that the copper ores have a separate genesis from Dolomites (Fig. 6.13).
the stratiform ores. Smith et al. (1978) have These discordant deposits are at present mainly
demonstrated that 8 34 S has a more restricted range of genetic interest. Williams (1978) has shown
in sulphides from the silica-dolomite compared with from the ratio Cu:Pb-Zn that there is a well-
8 34 S values from stratiform ores (Fig. 6.12). defined pattern of metal zoning within the deposits

Sediment-hosted copper-lead-zinc deposits

_ Cpy
Mount Iso
( eu) - Pyr
- Po


Mount Iso - Gal

(Pb/Zn) _ Sph
2 - Po

Lady Loret to Gal
3 Sph

- 80
McArthur River

40 35 30 25 10 5 o -5 -10

Fig. 6.12 Range of 8 34 S from sediment-hosted lead-zinc and copper ore deposits, Northern Australia. Sources: 1,
Smith and Croxford (1975); 2, Smith, Burns and Croxford (1978); 3, Carr and Smith (1977). Abbreviations: Pyr,
pyrite; Gal, galena; Sph, sphalerite; Po, pyrrhotite; Ba, barite.

w E
Ridge II Coolev II
Upper Dreccio

~ Concordonr deposi ts

rf,ifW11DlScordan~ depOSIts
B Brecclo

o _ - - --',SOOm

Fig.6.13 Schematic cross-section through the area of most intense mineralization at McArthur River, looking north
(from Williams 1978, afterWalkcretal. 1977).

which he relates to mineralizing fluids emanating (f) Structure

from the Emu and Western Faults. The epigenetic The Northern Australian sediment-hosted base-
discordant deposits have many affinities with the metal deposits have similar tectonic settings, but
concordant Ridge and HYC deposits. differences In their structural evolution are

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
reflected in contrasting lithologies, in the differing River Fault Trough have been intensively
proportions of extrusive volcanics and m deformed by both folding and faulting (Fig. 6.14).
dissimilar styles of deformation. Folding at Mount Isa Mine has been described by
The McArthur River-HYC deposits are located McClay (1979, 1983) who considers that the
on the eastern side of a northerly trending rift deformation is predominantly due to tectonism
valley, the Batten trough, which is at least 500 km rather than being the product of penecontem-
in length and 100 km in width. Subsidence of the poraneous slumping. Four stages of folding are
rift floor allowed the accumulation of shallow recognized by McClay, who analyses the
water sediments which attain a thickness of more structural style of folding in terms of the differing
than 5000 m but which thin both towards the competencies of the ores and their enclosing
margin of the rift and towards a median ridge sediments. Rapid variation of sediment thickness
(Murray, 1975). During the later stages of within the Leichhardt River Fault Trough is
sediment accumulation (Barney Creek Formation) interpreted by Derrick (1982) as being controlled
localized subsidence on the eastern side of the rift by west and west-north-west trending growth
created a depression extending over a surface of faults which he suggests may have acted as
400 km". Uneven subsidence resulted in the channelways for the ore-bearing fluids. Bell (1983)
formation of subsidiary basins within which believes that the rapid change in sediment
pyritic bituminous shales accumulated. thickness can be better explained by thrusting.
Base-metal deposits are associated with these sub- Bell's structural investigation is based partly on an
basins, the most important of which hosts the area to the north of Mount Isa which he considers
HYC deposits (Murray, 1975). The mineralized can be interpreted as a thrust duplex structure.
beds exhibit many features of soft sediment Furthermore Bell (1983) concludes from his
deformation, particularly near the rift margins, structural studies that the Mount Isa group rocks
but tectonic folding of the lithified sediments is have been displaced by thrusting for more than
characterized by open basin and do mal folding 234 km from north to south.
disrupted by normal faulting (Murray, 1975).
The Mount Isa and Hilton deposits are located
within the Leichhardt River Fault Trough, which
6.3.3 Genesis of the Northern Australian
is a northerly trending rift valley approximately
lead-zinc deposits
600 km in length and 50-60 km wide. The trough The northern Australian sediment-hosted
appears to have been initiated on a basement about lead-zinc deposits have been the subject of
1800-1865 million years old, and continued sub- differing interpretations by successive generations
sidence resulted in the accumulation of 16 km of of geologists. Genetic theories range from
sediments and volcanics (Derrick, 1982). Derrick synsedimentary (Stanton, 1963) to hydrothermal
(1 Y82) provided detailed stratigraphic and sedi- replacement (Smith and Walker, 1972). In recent
mentological evidence for the development of a years sedimentological, structural and sulphur
positive structure during subsidence of the rift isotope studies have added a substantial data base
which he termed the Mount Gordon Arch. This to genetic models. In particular, the investigation
feature subdivides the Leichhardt River Fault of the un metamorphosed McArthur River
Trough into two second-order basins. The rift deposits has provided an insight into the mode of
valley is filled predominantly with shallow water formation of the more highly metamorphosed
sediments but there is also a significant component deposits south of the Murphy Tectonic Ridge.
of extrusive volcanics of which basalts assigned to
the Eastern Creek volcanics are the most (a) Source of sulphur
extensive. Fig. 6.12 shows a comparison of sulphur isotope
The base-metal deposits within the Leichhardt values for pyrite, galena, sphalerite and barite

Sediment-hosted copper-lead-zinc deposits

Fig. 6.14 Intensely contorted shale bands from one of the Pb-Zn ore bodies within the Urquhart Shale,
Mount Isa Mine.

from the deposits under consideration. It can be Croxford (1975) concluded that isotopic variation
seen that in each deposit galena and sphalerite in pyrite at McArthur River reflected water depth,
appear to be in isotopic equilibrium. Pyrite has a availability of sulphur and the degree of reduction
wide range of (5 34 S values which Solomon and of sulphate reservoirs. .
Jensen (1965) attributed to oxidation-reduction Stable isotope studies on the Lady Loretta
reactions of possibly biogenic origin. Smith and deposit were carried out by Carr and Smith (1977).
Croxford (1973) investigated the sulphur isotope They concluded that sphalerite and galena were
systematics at McArthur River. They concluded formed under equilibrium conditions from the
that there were dual sources of sulphur, with that same sulphur source. However, neither mineral
in pyrite being generated by bacterial reduction of formed in isotopic equilibrium with pyrite. They
seawater sulphate. The sulphur in sphalerite and also concluded that lead and zinc were transported
galena was considered to be brought in by the as sulphides and injected into a restricted reservoir
same fluids which transported the lead and zinc. of seawater sulphate.
Smith and Croxford (1973) also noted that the (5 34 S
for pyrite became progressively heavier towards (b) Source of metals
the top of the HYC deposit, which they attributed The source of metals for the Northern Australian
to bacterial reduction of a limited supply of stratiform lead-zinc deposits is not only an
sulphate. In a subsequent paper Smith and interesting genetic problem, but is of considerable

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
significance for future exploration. Several evidence in support of penecontemporaneous
alternative sources have been proposed. These faulting, and suggested that these faults may have
include subaqueous metal-rich fluids released been the loci of fumarolic activity.
during volcanic actIvity (Murray, 1975), Russell (1983) has suggested that the thick
metal-rich solutions expelled from the sedi- sedimentary pile at Mount Isa (and other
mentary pile (Williams, 1978) and metals leached sedimentary-exhalative deposits) is the source of
from sediments and volcanics by downward- metals. He considers that the metals were leached
penetrating fluids (Russell, 1983). by descending seawater acidified by early reaction
The main supporting evidence for a volcanic with clays and feldspars.
origin for the metal comes from the abundance of
( c) Models of ore genesis
tuffaceous material within the rocks which host
the ores. Tuffs characterize the stratigraphy In constructing a genetic model for the northern
Australian lead-zinc deposits it must be clearly
of both the McArthur Basin and the Leichhardt
recognized that some evidence is based upon
River Fault Trough and they become particularly
carefully researched and unambiguous data, but
conspicuous in those sediments which enclose the
that several critical elements of the model are
ore bodies. For example, at Mount Isa the 14/30
largely speculative. For example, little evidence is
composite tuff marker band is a major horizon
available about the nature of the ore fluid, and
about 1 m wide. Above this horizon the main ore
temperatures of deposition based upon isotope
bodies occur, but below it the mineralization is
studies have a wide range of values. Thus Rye and
weak (c. Hartley, personal communication). Is
Williams (1981) proposed temperatures ranging
this volcanic detritus of any genetic significance?
from 120 to 240°C for the McArthur River
Lambert (1976) considered that the tuffs in the
deposit. Similarly caution must be exercised in
McArthur Group were erupted on land or in
using the McArthur River deposit as a model,
shallow water, which is in accord with more
because the data are obtained from boreholes. It
recent sedimentological studies (Muir, 1983). In
would be surprising if development of the deposit
these circumstances it is difficult to envisage how
did not produce major changes in ideas concerning
the metals associated with volcanism would be
its genesis.
trapped and preserved. Furthermore, recent
The following aspects appear to be well
volcanic activity provides evidence that in some
cases tuffs are deposited several hundreds of
kilometres from the initial eruption. (1) The environment of deposition of the host
An alternative mechanism is the ascent of metal- sediments was dominantly shallow water, or
rich fluids, expelled along major faults as a result of emergent, with evidence of sabkha-type evaporite
compaction. Williams (1978) and Rye and minerals having formed.
Williams (1981) have investigated this possibility (2) The tectonic environment of sedimentation
at McArthur River with the aid of oxygen, sulphur and ore deposition was a graben structure.
and carbon isotopes. In addition they studied the (3) The stratiform Ph-Zn ores are syndia-
pattern of metal zoning associated with the Emu genetic, but post-date pyrite formation.
fault. They concluded that both the discordant (4) Separate sulphur sources contributed to the
vein-type deposits and the concordant stratiform formation of pyrite (biogenic reduction of
deposits were formed from the same fault-derived sea-water sulphate) and galena and sphalerite.
fluid. Within this framework of well-researched data
At Mount Isa major structures such as the we can assess some of the genetic models which
Mount Isa Fault show little evidence of hydro- have been pronosed for the formation of the Ph-
thermal alteration, or of a control on mineral Zn ore bodies in northern Australia. We intend to
deposition. However, Smith (1969) cited field reVIew two alternative models: the basinal

Sediment-hosted copper-lead-zinc deposits
compaction model (Gustafson and Williamson, supporters of the basinal compaction theory which
1981) and the formation of base-metal deposits by has not yet been resolved.
hydrothermal convection (Russell, 1983).
(ii) Hydrothermal convection
(i) Basinal compaction model
Studies of porphyry copper systems have led
The essential elements of this model are that lead geologists to recognize the importance of hydro-
and zinc are extracted by the interaction between thermal convection as an ore-forming process.
highly saline formation water and rock forming However, in this context one can identify the
silicates. The metal-bearing brines are then pluton as the principal energy source which drives
expelled towards the surface along fault zones as a the convective system. In the Mount Isa area it is
result of compaction. This model draws on the possible that the Sybella granite provided an
well-documented migration of hydrocarbons in appropriate heat source. There are two problems
sedimentary basins. In the context of Northern here. Firstly, the absence of comparable igneous
Australia the model is supported by the evidence activity in the other mining districts. Secondly
of evaporite sediments within the stratigraphy of Russell (1983) has drawn attention to the fact that
the ore deposits. This means that highly the Mount Isa ore bodies have grown larger with
saline fluids were almost certainly present within time. If the intrusion of a granitoid pluton is the
the sediment during the early stages of diagenesis. driving mechanism of convection, one would
Further support for the model comes from the anticipate that the efficacy of the ore-forming
evidence that the metals in the HYC deposit process would decline with time.
emanated from fault zones (Williams, 1978). We are therefore led to consider Russell's (1983)
If we pursue the analogy with petroleum model of a downward-penetrating convection
deposits, we find that most of them are formed cell. Russell considers that all sedimentary-
between depths of700 and 3000 m. This is in close exhalative deposits are characterized by an
accord with calculations which suggest that about 'extraordinary foundering' of the seafloor at the
75% of the pore fluid is expelled from clays at site of deposition. He suggests that this would
depths of 700-2000 m (Chapman, 1973). The result in extensional strain in the upper part of the
temperature at which the pore fluids are expelled crust. Furthermore, he proposes that the condition
can be inferred by considering the type of of extensional strain would result in extensive
geothermal gradient which might have prevailed micro fracturing of the crust, producing a suffi-
in a graben in Proterozoic times. This information ciently enhanced permeability to allow convective
cannot be known for certain, but if we assume circulation at relatively low temperatures. We are
that, under extensional tectonic conditions, heat not convinced of the evidence for foundering of
flow will be at the high end of the spectrum for a the seafloor in the Mount Isa area. On the
continental regime it is reasonable to suggest a contrary, the Urquhart Shale suggests mono-
gradient in the order of 40°C/km. Under these tonously uniform conditions of sedimentation
circumstances the bulk of the ore fluid would be (Fig. 6.10), similar to those in which the
expelled at temperatures in the order of70-1 00°e. underlying shales and siltstones of the Mount Isa
Russell (1983) comments that additional water Group were deposited.
would be driven off during the montmorillonite- Weare also sceptical about some other aspects of
illite transition at 90-120°e. The limited Russell's model. In particular, we find it difficult
information on the temperature of the ore fluid in to visualize the ingress of fluid into the upper part
the McArthur River district indicates tem- of the crust. Recent experimental work at the
peratures in the range of 120-240°C (Rye and Camborne School of Mines Geothermal Project
Williams, 1981). This poses a problem for the (Pine and Batchelor, 1984) reveals that the

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
downward growth of microfracturing associated Exploration beyond the limits of the mine
with hydraulic injection is dependent, not only on property was initiated in the late 1940s by a rival
an anisotropic stress field, but also requires the company. The geologists who designed the
presence of strongly jointed rock. We doubt programme believed the ore body was structurally
whether the partly lithified sediment of the controlled, and considered that the chances of
Leichhardt River and Batten Troughs would have finding ore decreased with increasing distance
had sufficient rigidity for joint formation. In spite of from the Mount Isa fold (Doust, 1979). The
these misgivings we must accept that Russell's exploration effort was therefore concentrated
model does explain the high temperature of the ore within an area extending for 15 km north from the
fluid and accounts for the upward increase in the mine property. Although unsuccessful, this
size and grade of the stratiform deposits. exploration activity stimulated the prospecting
Perhaps a solution to this problem may lie in a activities of Mount Isa geologists, who concen-
genetic model which utilizes elements from both trated their efforts some 20 km north of the mine
basinal compaction and downward convection property utilizing the gossanous expression of the
theory. There may be a combination of suitable Mount Isa ore body as their principal guide. The
conditions during the late stages of compaction, main exploration technique utilized was detailed
when the rock has become sufficiently lithified to geological mapping, with particular reference to
allow joint formation. Under these circumstances the distribution of ferruginous zones (Clark,
fluid expelled during the montmorillonite-illite 1975). Five gossanous areas were identified but the
transition might begin to migrate downwards subsequent evaluation programme was curtailed,
rather than towards the surface. partly due to problems of groundwater and partly
because the mineralization which was intersected
during drilling appeared inferior to that at Mount
6.3.4 Exploration for shale-hosted
Isa. However, this prospect was ultimately to
lead-zinc deposits in Northern Australia
become the Hilton Mine (Figs. 6.15 and 6.16).
During the 1950s the concept of syngenetic ore
(a) Historical perspective
deposition gained gradual acceptance in Australia.
The Mount Isa ore body was discovered in 1923 by
As a result geologists began to widen the scope of
J. C. Miles, a prospector, who recognized the
their exploration programmes beyond areas
significance of the gossanous outcrops. Mining
thought to be structurally favourable for ore
began in 1927 but regional exploration did not take
deposition. The Urquhart Shale and its cor-
place until 1947. By this stage both the lead-zinc
relatives became recognized as the principal
and copper ore bodies at Mount Isa were
exploration target, not only near Mount Isa but
developed and concepts of ore genesis had been
potentially over a much wider area. New areas
formulated (Doust, 1979). The principal guides to
were therefore selected for exploration, on the
mineral exploration at that time were believed to
basis of being underlain by sedimentary units of
be as follows (Clark, 1975):
comparable age to the Urquhart Shale. Emphasis
(1) The strike extension of the Urquhart Shale was placed on regional geological mapping and
was considered to be the main prospective area. geochemical prospecting became increasingly
(2) Structural control of the ore body was used. In 1955, whilst soil sampling within a 60 km"
considered to be important, particularly bedding target in the McArthur River area, a field assistant
plane slip associated with folding. collected a sample of gossan. The gossan was
(3) The presence of gossanous outcrops, found to contain hemimorphite, and subsequent
derived from the halo of pyritization around the drilling intersected Pb-Zn mineralization within
ore body, was recognized as the surface expression the HYC pyritic shale (Murray, 1975). The target
of mineralization. area had initially been selected because it occurred

Sediment-hosted copper-lead-zinc deposits

Fig. 6.15 The Hilton Mine (1983). In the foreground are the gossanous ridges which originally led geologists to
the discovery of the deposit.

on a favourable lineament and therefore may be mme was re-evaluated which entailed the
considered as a discovery based on geological examination of 5000 m of borehole core (Ooust,
prediction (M. J. Russell, personal com- 1979). At the same time reconnaissance soil
munication) . sampling was carried out in the area, with more
A climate of exploration success and improved detailed geochemistry and induced polarization
metal price led to a reappraisal of the Hilton surveys (IP) confined to the immediate vicinity of
deposit during the period 1966-1969. The the mine.
acceptance of the syngenetic theory, combined Results of the geochemical survey revealed three
with the recognition of tuff beds as important areas containing abnormally high lead values,
marker horizons, led to the reinterpretation of the which coincided in part with anomalies detected
Hilton geology (Clark, 1975). Using the revised by the IP survey. The initial hole drilled on the lead
interpretation, the first hole which was drilled anomaly intersected 7.6 m of oxidized mineral-
intersected seven ore zones which were mineable ization with an average of 21.2% Pb (Cox and
by Mount Isa standards. Curtis, 1977). Subsequent drilling has defined the
The grass-roots exploration of the 1950s and Lady Loretta ore body which has a reserve of
19605 was accompanied by a phase of prospect 9 X 10(' tonnes at 6.5% Pb and 14.8% Zn (MIM
evaluation, which led to the discovery of the Lady Holdings Annual Report, 1983).
Loretta deposit. In 1968 the Lady Annie copper

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Fig. 6.16 Gossan adjacent to Hilton


(b) Evaluation of exploration techniques expression of gossanous material, which should be

evident in colour photography.
(i) Remote sensinR
Aerial photographs have been widely used as a
(ii) Geophysics.
basis for geological mapping, but photo inter-
pretation cannot be directly linked with successful The main value of geophysics has been in
ore discovery. This is surprising in view of the fact providing data to support geological mapping. In
that many of the deposits discovered have had an the Mount Isa region magnetic surveys have been

Sediment-hosted copper-lead-zinc deposits
used to define the contact between the Mount Isa geochemical technique and its success has
group sediments and the underlying Eastern vindicated its use in semi-arid terrain. Soil
Creek volcanics (c. Towsey, personal com- geochemistry combined with geological studies
munication). The main exploration benefit in this led to the discovery of the Lady Loretta lead-zinc
context relates to potential copper sulphides deposit (Cox and Curtis, 1977). The reconnais-
associated with possible repetitions of the silica- sance survey involved sampling on a 400 X 100 ft
dolomite rock. In spite of the presence of (122 X 30.5 m) grid, and initially samples were
pyrrhotite in some of the stratiform lead-zinc ores, analysed for copper alone. Recognition of the
magnetic surveys have not been successful in similarity between the Lady Annie and Mount Isa
defining specific ore-bearing horizons within the sediments led to the inclusion of lead, zinc and
Urquhart Shale. silver in the geochemical survey at a later stage.
Extensive leaching of rocks near the surface has The contoured values of lead are shown in Fig.
severely limited the application of standard 6.17 and define three areas in which lead exceeds
electromagnetic methods in Northern Australia. 421 ppm. Preliminary diamond drilling was
IP anomalies at Lady Loretta provided supporting carried out in area B, and intersected oxidized lead
data for the geochemical work, and enhanced their ore. In spite of the fact that the geochemical survey
value as drilling targets (Doust, 1979). However, was carried out adjacent to the Lady Annie copper
IP has been used with little success in the Mount Isa mine, no high copper values were recorded in the
area due to a combination of deep weathering (50 soils over the Lady Loretta deposit. There is an
m), saline groundwater and carbonaceous shales important lesson to be learnt from this case
(c. Towsey, personal communication). At history: exploration programmes with narrowly
present down-the-hole geophysics appears to have defined objectives may miss important targets, or,
the best potential. alternatively, single element surveys may please
accountants but are in fact a foolish economy.
The McArthur River deposit was located by the
(iii) Geochemistry
recogmtIon of hemimorphite in gossanous
Geochemical prospecting has been the most material. Subsequent orientation studies have
successful exploration technique used in the search shown that distinctive Pb--Zn anomalies occur in
for base-metal deposits in Northern Australia. It residual soil overlying mineralization but no
has been applied both as a reconnaissance explor- geochemical signature was detected in areas
ation tool, and for the evaluation of gossanous covered by transported alluvium (Haldane, 1980).
Rock geochemistry
Stream sediment samplinJ? The Mount Isa, Hilton and McArthur River
There are few documented examples of stream deposits are all characterized by the development
sediments having been used successfully to of a gossanous outcrop which proved to be the
identify base-metal mineralization in Northern basis of their discovery. However, in other
Australia. However, orientation studies in the instances gossans have been drilled without
Dugald River area indicate that analysis of the identifying any associated base metals at depth.
silt-sized fraction (less than 80 mesh) for Cu, Pb, Geochemistry is probably the best discriminator
Zn and Ag may be used to define dispersion between gossans overlying base-metal mineral-
patterns which would lead to the discovery of new ization and barren ironstones. The most
ore deposits (Connor et al., 1982). important element for identifying gossans of base-
metal association is lead, which reflects the
Soil J?eochemistry common presence of secondary lead minerals
Soil geochemistry has been the most widely used within the oxidized zones of weathered ores. Zinc

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Area not sampled

Totol soil v olues

• + 421 ppm Pb
I3J] 131 - 421 ppm Pb
0<131 ppm Pb
9 )km


Area not sampl e d

Fig. 6.17 Results of reconnaissance

geochemical survey which led to the
discovery of the Lady Loretta deposit. (a)
lead; (b) copper. (From Cox and Curtis
1977 .)

is considered to be an unreliable indicator (Taylor deposits and those developed on barren fer-
and Scott, 1982) in spite of the fact that ruginous rocks.
hemimorphite in gossan led to the discovery of the
McArthur River deposit. Arsenic, barium and (c) Summary
antimony may be used as additional pathfinder Concepts in ore genesis have played an important
elements but a wider suite of trace elements is role in base-metal exploration in Northern
preferred. Taylor and Scott (1982) recommend Australia. Early exploration was constrained by an
analysis for Pb, P, Ba, As, Zn, Mn, Co, Sand Sb incorrect emphasis on the structural control of
followed by interpretation using stepwise dis- mineralization. The application of syngenetic
criminant analysis. Using this technique Taylor theory widened the area of prospective terrain and
and Scott were able to correctly categorize 90% of led ultimately to the discovery of new deposits .
the gossanous samples they collected from the Exploration techniques have mainly included a
Mount Isa area. combination of geological mapping, soil and rock-
Gulson and Mizon (1979) have shown that lead chip geochemistry resulting in the discovery of
isotope measurements on gossans can distinguish several outcropping or near-surface deposits. At the
between those overlying 'stratiform' Cu-Pb-Zn present time neither exploration techniques nor

Sediment-hosted copper-lead-zinc deposits
models of ore genesis appear capable of identifying decade, but depressed metal prices and uncertainty
deeply buried base-metal deposits. concerning taxation have discouraged new mine
The main reason for discussing this mining
6.3.5 Geology of the Irish carbonate- district is because it has ore deposits with both
hosted lead-zinc deposits syngenetic and epigenetic age relationships
between sulphide minerals and carbonates . It
(a) Introduction therefore represents a transitional type between
The Central Plain ofIreland is an area of significant sedimentary-exhalative and Mississippi Valley-
base-metal production. The discovery of the type deposits.
Tynagh deposit in 1961 resulted in a greatly
increased exploration programme which led (b) Host lithology
eventually to the development of four additional The carbonate rocks which host the Irish base-
mmes: Gortdrum, Silvermines, Navan and metal deposits are of Lower Carboniferous age,
Ballynoe (barite) (Fig. 6.18). Gortdrum, Tynagh and represent a change from predominantly
and Silvermines are now closed but Ballynoe is still continental conditions in Devonian times to a
operating and Navan remains the most important marine environment. The sea transgressed
lead-zinc deposit in Western Europe. New base- northwards in Lower Tournaisian times across
metal discoveries have been made during the last a continent which had been extensively

0...._ _ --'S? km

Fig. 6.18 Location of principal base-metal deposits t;-~:J posr· Din an ri on

in Ireland. Ty, Tynagh; Ab , Abbey town; Go ,
Gortdrum; Ke, Keel; Na, Navan; Sm, Silvermines; D Dinantian
B, Ballynoe (Magcobar). (From Boast etal. 1981a, !.,::: ::j Pre · Dinantian
after Morrisey et al. 1971.)

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
peneplained, although at Navan there is evidence stratigraphy is characterized by a gradual
of topographic variation in the palaeo-relief. transition into barren argillaceous limestones,
The lowermost part of the Carboniferous suc- which are locally referred to as calp.
cession reflects the transition from continental to
marine conditions. At Tynagh and Silvermines the (c) Mineralogy, size and grade
Lower Tournaisian sediments are initially The Irish lead-zinc deposits usually have a
calcareous shales, whilst in the Navan area littoral geometry which is either lensoid or wedge-shaped
and fluviatile siliciclastics fill erosional hollows and are associated with major normal faults. In size
around palaeohighs (Andrew and Ashton, 1982). and grade they are highly variable but usually
For the main part Tournaisian sedimentation in contain less than 15 X 10" tonnes (Morrisey et aI.,
Ireland is represented by variable proportions of 1971) with the notable exception ofNavan which
carbonate and shale which reflects a shallow water had an original size of 69.9 X 10" tonnes with
environment. At Navan, facies variation was grades oflO.1 % Zn and 2.6% Pb.
controlled laterally by the influence of The mineralogy of the Irish base-metal deposits
palaeohighs, and the sedimentary sequence is relatively simple in terms of mineral species but
changed in time from a tidal flat complex, through the textural relationships of the ore minerals are
quiescent lagoonal conditions to a high-energy complex. Sphalerite and galena are the metallic
environment (Andrew and Ashton, 1982). At minerals of economic significance. Sphalerite is
Tynagh and Silvermines a more consistent pattern low in iron and is commonly fine-grained
of sedimentation prevailed, although at although pale yellow recrystallized sphalerite may
Silvermines variation in sediment thickness can be also occur. Galena varies from fine to coarse-
attributed to the early influence of faulting (Boyce grained and is argentiferous. The silver is normally
et aI., 1983a). associated with sulpho-salts which occur as
In Upper Tournaisian times the sediment of the intergrowths within the galena. Friebergite
principal mmmg areas is characterized by (argentiferous tetrahedrite) and pyrargyrite are the
Waulsortian reefs, banks of micrite and bio- main silver minerals at Navan (Andrew and
micrite which attain 1 km in thickness in the Ashton, 1982) whereas argentian boulangerite and
west ofIreland. The reefs reflect subsidence of the jordanite were the main silver-bearing phase at
sedimentary environment to depths of seawater Silvermines (Taylor and Andrew, 1978). Pyrite is
which may have attained 200 m (Boyce et aI., a common ore mineral and varies in concentration
1983a). and texture within individual deposits. Numerous
The transition from Tournaisian to Visean times sulpho-salts occur in trace amounts but only those
marks a fundamental change in the environment of containing silver are of economic significance; in
sedimentation. At Navan this is represented by an some cases they are an undesirable constituent of
erosional surface of considerable magnitude, the ore, and at Tynagh high concentrations of
which Andrew and Ashton (1982) interpret as tetrahedrite in the concentrate resulted in payment
representing a major phase of tectonic uplift. of a penalty to the smelter O. Hutchings, personal
However, Boyce et al. (1983a) suggested that the communication) .
unconformity is a preserved submarine slump Gangue minerals usually include varying pro-
scar, formed by the downslope movement of portions of calcite, dolomite, quartz and clay
sediment on a relatively steep slope. At minerals. Barite may occur as a gangue mineral
Silvermines the increase in tectonic activity is but in some cases is mined, either as a separate ore
reflected in extensive brecciation of both the body (Ballynoe/Magcobar) or is extracted from
carbonate sediments and the associated syngenetic the mill tailings (Tynag1t).
sulphides. All the lead-zinc deposits exhibit complex
The upper part of the Lower Carboniferous textural relationships between the base-metal

Fig. 6.19 Isograde contour plot for percentage of zinc and lead within the No.5 Lens at Navan (from Andrcw and
Ashton 1982).
Banded steeply dipp ing N
massive sulphide veins
Feeders ?
.,C; - . .
: .'10 ' ", Combined Zn + Pb "I.

M inor an ticlinal foldoxis

M inor synClinal fold axis

o, 100 200

Fig. 6.20 Composite diagram showing the position of mapped postulated 'feeder' veins, major' structures and
percentage zinc and lead isograde contours at Navan (from Andrew and Ashton 1982).
Sediment-hosted copper-lead-zinc deposits
sulphides and their associated carbonate host rocks values. At Silvermines the zoning is developed
which reflect a number of variables. These include within the B and Upper G ore bodies. Contours of
the time relationships between sedimentation and metal values within these ore bodies reveal both an
the introduction of sulphides, the effects of ENE trend, parallel to the Silvermines fault, and a
tectonism in terms of both increased porosity and NW trend which reflects a structural control by
permeability of the carbonate host and soft NW trending faults which channelled the ore fluid
sediment deformation, the pressure under which at depth and constrained its site of emergence on
the ore fluid was introduced into the sediment, and the seafloor (Taylor and Andrew, 1978).
the structural level at which the ore fluid was At Navan the distribution oflead and zinc values
introduced into the environment. have been studied inthe~No. 5 lens '(Andrew and
At Silvermines recent exploitation of the Ashton, 1982). The dominant trend of the high
carbonate-hosted sulphides was from two distinct metal values is north-easterly, although a
styles of mineralization (Taylor and Andrew, subsidiary north-westerly trend is also apparent
1978). Stratabound ore bodies (subdivided into (Fig. 6.19). The main north-easterly trending zone
Lower G and K zones) occur within dolomitized of high metal concentration is coincident with an
carbonates of Tournai sian age and exhibit a wide area of north-easterly trending, steeply dipping
spectrum of textures. In the vicinity of faults the veinlets containing complex bands of fine-grained
mineralization is typically coarse-grained, and sphalerite and galena. It also coincides with the
occurs in intraclastic spaces in brecciated dolomite, projected trace of the intersection of the 'A' and 'B'
and in thick symmetrically banded tensional veins faults at depth (Fig. 6.20). Andrew and Ashton
and minor en echelon gash zones. Beyond the (1982) believe this indicates the control of the ore
influence of faulting, sulphides fill diagenetic fluid by a deep north-easterly trending structure,
fractures or occur as irregular replacements. and by smaller north-easterly trending
The stratiform ore bodies (subdivided into fractures near to the surface.
Upper G, Band Magcobar) occur between Contour plans of the metal values at Tynagh
Waulsortian carbonates of Late T ournaisian- have not been published. However, as the ore
Visean age, and have textures which are typical of body is traced northwards from the Tynagh fault
syngenetic or syndiagenetic deposition. In the the sulphides pass gradationally into banded iron-
Upper G zone the sulphides are microcrystalline formation (Fig. 6.21). Russell (1975) has shown
and display a wide range of colloform textures. that a halo of manganese extends for 7 km from the
Boyce et al. (1983b) interpret colloform pyrite primary ore body. These observations support the
from Ballynoe as hydrothermal chimneys or concept of an ore fluid introduced from the
mounds analagous to those forming at the present Tynagh fault on to the seafloor at the same time as
day on the East Pacific Rise. Both the carbonates carbonate sedimentation.
and sulphides exhibit a variable degree of
brecciation, which reflects the influence of (d) Structure
tectonism on the partly lithified sediment. The Lower Carboniferous rocks of the Irish
The ore textures within the No.5 ore lens at Central Plain are deformed by both folding and
Navan have been described by Andrew and faulting which have an ENE Caledonoid trend but
Ashton (1982). Most of the textures are interpreted which are attributed to Hercynian movement.
as the contemporaneous deposition of sulphides Both the Silvermines and Navan ore bodies are
and carbonates, although some of the sulphides located near to significant ENE trending folds, but
were deposited epigenetically in zones of high these structures have minimal significance in terms
permeability. of either the genesis or the deformation of base-
The Silvermines and Navan ore bodies are metal sulphides.
characterized by zoning of their lead and zmc Faulting plays a vital role in the location of the

Sediment-hosted copper-lead-zinc deposits

Fig. 6.21 Banded iron formation at Tynagh mine. Banded iron formation is the lateral equivalent of the lead-zinc
sulphide ore.

known ore deposits. Faults of differing age, scale (ii) ENE trendingJaults in Lower Carboniferous rocks
and trend playa part in the genesis of the base
All the known carbonate-hosted base-metal
metals and may be classified as follows .
deposits in Ireland are associated with major ENE
trending normal faults (Fig . 6.22). The evidence at
Silvermines and Tynagh suggests that these faults
(i) Deep-seated structures within the Lower Palaeozoic
were active both during and after the deposition of
carbonate sediments and the introduction of
Russell (1968) has drawn attention to the northerly associated sulphide ores.
alignment of some of the Irish base-metal deposits There is evidence that in all the major mines the
and suggested the presence of a deep-seated ENE trending faults acted as conduits for the ore
structure which acted as a channelway for ore fluid. The reason why the ore bodies are restricted
fluids. Subsequently Phillips (reference in Halls et to particular parts of these major faults is not fully
al., 1979) proposed that the most significant deep- understood. It has been argued that they are
seated structure was the ENE trending Navan- developed in those sections of the fault which have
Shannon fault which traced the position of the the greatest throw (Morrisey, 1979) but Taylor
Iapetus suture through central Ireland. Evidence and Andrew (1978) consider that at Silvermines
for a deep ENE trending fault at Navan is provided the ore bodies are controlled by later NW trending
by Andrew and Ashton (1982). faults .

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Fig. 6.22 The open pit at Tynagh from which oxidized ore was exploited. Note that the Tynagh fault plane defines
one side of the pit.

(iii) NWtrendingfaults must therefore be closely allied to the inter-

pretation of ore textures. Boast et al. (1981a) have
NW trending faults have been recognized at
carried out the most comprehensive approach to
Silvermines and appear to have acted as the main
the problem in their study of the Tynagh deposit
conduits for the ore fluid for the Upper G and B
and much of this section is based upon their
ore bodies (Taylor and Andrew, 1978). There is
research. At Tynagh four stages of primary
some evidence of a NW trend in the distribution of
mineralization can be distinguished on the basis of
metal values recorded at Navan by Andrew and
mineralogy and texture. The main ore-forming
Ashton (1982), although these authors state that
phases are associated with the second and third
there is no evidence for NW trending faults within
the mine.
Barite is present in stages 2 and 3 and is
characterized by a narrow range of values with a
6.3.6 Genesis of the Irish lead-zinc mean of 15 34S + 19 0/(Xj' Very similar values are
deposits obtained from the North Pennine ore field and
from Mississippi Valley-type deposits. Most
(a) Source of sulphur geochemists consider that this reflects the
The mineral paragenesis of the Irish sulphide ores composition of seawater sulphate in Lower
is highly complex and sulphur isotope studies Carboniferous times. Pyrite is dominant in stage 1

Sediment-hosted copper-lead-zinc deposits

Fig. 6.23 Bedded sphalerite-galena ore, Tynagh Mine, Ireland.

and is interpreted as being of early diagenetic sulphur isotope variation can be correlated with
origin . Sulphur isotope values for pyrite range distance from the Tynagh fault and it seems
from -3.1 to - 8.0o/'~J and are interpreted as being probable that an appreciable proportion of the
the product of bacterial reduction of seawater sulphur for stage 3 mineralization was fault
sulphate. Sphalerite is the main sulphide in stage 2 derived.
(Fig. 6.23), and sulphur isotopes for sphalerite Sulphur isotope studies at Silvermines are
range from - 4.1 to - 26 .0 0/"" with a mean of described by Taylor and Andrew (1978) and
- 17. i J/ IKJ • The sulphur isotopes from stage 2 show Coomer and Robinson (1976). In both cases the
no correlation with host lithology, elevation or authors conclude from the isotope data that there
distance from the Tynagh fault and are interpreted were two sources of sulphur. The 1) 34S values for
as resulting from bacterial reduction of seawater the Lower G ore body, which is closely related to
sulphate. faulting, have a narrow range suggesting the
Stage 3 mineralization is characterized by derivation of sulphur from a deep-seated source.
veining (Fig. 6.24) and replacement textures. 1) 34 S values for the stratiform ores have a wide
Galena is the dominant sulphide. Sulphur isotope spread of values and sulphur is considered to be
values for galena show a broad range of values derived from biogenic reduction of seawater
from + 11.1 to - 23.0 1J/1X)' More significantly the sulphate.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Fig. 6.24 Late stage galena veinlet at Tynagh Mine, Ireland.

(b) Source of metals between those parts of the British Isles where the
A number of possible sources oflead and zinc are Caledonian geosynclinal pile is thickest and those
available. The source favoured by most writers is a areas where the largest tonnages of lead and zinc
hydrothermal fluid, generated at depth, and have been extracted.
channelled into a shallow water environment by Boast et al. (1981b, 1983) have investigated the
faults. The main evidence supporting this problem using lead isotopes. Their data indicate
alternative is the close spatial association of the lead that the source oflead is similar at Silvermines and
and zinc ores with faults, particularly those of Navan but distinct from that at Tynagh (Fig.
ENE trend. Whilst there is some unanimity on the 6.25). However, at the present time the identity of
role of faulting in controlling the movement of the the parent materials remains the subject of
ore fluid in its final stages there is less agreement on speculation.
the earlier evolution of the ore fluid and the
ultimate source of metal. (c) The ore fluid
Russell (1968) has argued in favour of the Lower Wall-rock alteration In the Irish base-metal
Palaeozoic geosynclinal sediments as the source of deposits is limited to dolomitization of part of the
metal, and provided supporting analytical data succession, and information concerning the ore
from Lower Palaeozoic rocks from Ireland. Using fluid is therefore restricted to the study of fluid
the lithospheric profile of Great Britain Russell inclusions. Samson and Russell (1983) have carried
(1978) was able to show that there is a correlation out a detailed investigation of fluid inclusions in

Sediment-hosted copper-lead-zinc deposits
zinc deposits are predominantly of syndiagenetic
origin, and the evidence for this is presented in
earlier sections. The role offaulting is seen as being
a fundamental element in the control of both
palaeo-environment and as a conduit for the ore'
Growrh curve.
/l. =10·751
fluid. The confusing array of ore textures, which
led initially to a polarization between syngenetic
't and epigenetic schools of thought, has now led to
".....<:> the recognition of syndiagenesis as an important
<"II IS'S style of sediment-hosted mineralization.
Two aspects of the ore genetic model remain
unresolved: the source of metals and evolution of
the hydrothermal fluid and the factors which
1&1 1&2 18~ constrain the deposition of ore at particular sites on
major ENE trending faults.
Fig. 6.25 Plot of 207Pb I z04pb versus 206Pb/Z(l4pb ratios in The first aspect has been addressed by Russell
galenas from Tynagh (e), Silvermines (.), and Navan (1978) who considered that the ore fluid was
(A). (From Boastetal. 1983.) initially seawater which penetrated downwards
and eventually leached metal from Lower
the Silvermines deposit. They report that there is a Palaeozoic metasediments. Russell considered that
large range of both temperature (50-260°C, mode increased permeability of the Lower Palaeozoic
at 200°C) and salinity (0-25 wt % equiv. NaCl, sequence led to the development of a convective
mostly in the range 12-22 wt% equiv. NaCl). system, which migrated gradually downwards
There is a negative correlation between homo- until an impermeable crystalline basement
genization temperature and salinity which Samson prevented further fluid movement (Fig. 6.26). The
and Russell (1983) interpret as the mixing of an upward cycle of the convective system is believed
ascending high temperature, low-salinity hydro- to have utilized permeable zones and in particular
thermal fluid and a near-surface, cool, highly fracture intersections.
saline brine. A few fluid inclusions are vapour- The factors which have led to the concentration
rich, which suggests that on occasion the of ore deposits at particular sites on major ENE
hydrothermal solutions boiled during their ascent, trending faults has not been fully explained.
but precipitation of sulphides was due to cooling Unfortunately in exploration terms this is
by mixing with seawater and the addition ofH 2S and probably the most vital aspect of the genetic
SO~-. model. At Silvermines there is strong evidence
(Taylor and Andrew, 1978) that NW trending
(d) Model of ore genesis faults have localized ore deposition. At Navan the
Recent detailed studies have resolved many of the evidence is less compelling but a NW trending
problems of the genesis ofIrish deposits. Ironically element is apparent from the metal contour maps
the elucidation of the genesis of Tynagh and (Fig. 6.19). At Tynagh there is no evidence for the
Silvermines coincided with the closure of these existence of NW trending structures and the
mines. Nonetheless, Navan remains a base-metal localization of ore deposition is attributed to the
deposit of considerable importance, and the zone of maximum throw on the Tynagh fault. In
understanding obtained from Tynagh and view of these differing mechanisms it is interesting
Silvermines may help in the discovery of new to note that the lead isotope data (Boast et al., 1983)
deposits. indicate a differing source of lead for Tynagh
Most geologists now accept that the Irish lead- compared with the other mines.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Ore deposit
Lower Carboniferous sea

lower Palaeozoic

xx X X xxx xxxxx
Fig. 6.26 Concept of a • •Crystalline basement or ductile lower crust · •
L -_ _10
_ km
_ _---'

downward-excavating Stages 01 convection : ---. Early

convective system (from -- -Middle
Russell 1983) . - - Late

6.3.7 Exploration in the Central Plain of which can be attributed in part to the identification
Ireland of mineralized boulders or outcrop.
The Central Plain of Ireland is covered by an
extensive mantle of glacial drift. The glacial (a) Remote sensing
deposits are the results of three successive advances Remote sensing is little used as a reconnaissance
of major ice sheets and include ground moraine or technique in glaciated terrain. McM. Moore (1980)
till, sands and gravels, ablation moraine, lake clays noted that even where the cover of boulder clay in
and glaciomarine sediments. Whilst the general Ireland is relatively thin as at Tynagh there is little
movement of glaciation was north-west and evidence of faulting on aerial photographs; he
south-eastwards there are areas where the pattern explains that this is because the faults are generally
of movement is more complex (Synge, 1979). The gouge-filled and have little topographic
thickness of the glacial deposits is highly variable expression. Nonetheless C. J Andrew (personal
and locally may exceed 50 m. communication) states that the current trend of
Although most base-metal deposits discovered geologically directed exploration is based in part
in recent years have occurred near ·to the surface on computer analysis of combined remote sensing
there is little outcrop in the Central Plain to aid in and geophysical data.
either geological mapping or conventional pros-
pecting . Nonetheless mineralized outcrop, or (b) Geochemistry
mineralized glacial float material, have played an During the exploration boom of the 1960s stream
important part in the discovery of most of the sediment and soil surveys were widely used for
significant base-metal deposits in Ireland. Schultz reconnaissance work, but soil surveys have pro-<red
(1971) recorded that one of the first clues leading to to be of most value. The main limitation on the use
the discovery of the Tynagh deposit was the of stream sediments in the Central Plain arose
description by the Irish Geological Survey of from the high pH of the streams and groundwaters
copper-bearing sandstone boulders, whose which inhibited the mobility of the base metals.
distribution indicated that they had been Nonetheless it was a series of geochemical maps,
derived from the Tynagh fault. Gortdrum and based on stream sediment sampling, prepared by
Ballinalack are some of the important discoveries the Irish Agricultural Institute, which led to the

Sediment-hosted copper-lead-zinc deposits
more detailed exploration of the Navan area has been accompanied by a rise in costs which is
(O'Brien and Romer, 1971) . Initially soil sampling justified by the increased effectiveness of the newer
was carried out at shallow depth using a con- techniques.
ventional hand-held auger . Reconnaissance survey Case histories of geochemical surveys which
grids utilized a sample spacing of500 ft (152.4 m) have used overburden sampling are described by
and for more detailed follow-up surveys the Steiger and Proustie (1979) and Cazalet (1982).
sample spacing was reduced to 50 or 100 ft (15.2 or Cazalet (1982) describes an interesting example
30.4 m). This type of survey defined the surface from the Harberton Bridge area in County Kildare
expression of mineralization at Tynagh and (Figs 6.27 and 6.28). This prospect was first
Navan . detected by surface soil sampling, which defined a
During the last decade increasing use has been 0.2 km" anomaly containing values up to 630 ppm
made of deep overburden sampling as it became Zn . Resampling the area on a 61 m grid revealed a
apparent that the main prospective areas had been stronger, and slightly more extensive, cluster of
covered by conventional soil sampling. The anomalous zinc values. Overburden sampling
methods used for overburden sampling in Ireland using a 75 m square grid, and collection of samples
are described by Steiger and Proustie (1979) every 2 m to a maximum depth outlined a sub-
who prefer a percussion drill with a flush surface anomaly of 1.5 km" in which zinc values
'Holman-type' through-flow sampler. Woodham reached 10.8% . Subsequent diamond drilling
(1982) states that hand-held percussion drills are detected a limonitic sand, which contained
rarely successful when the overburden depth combined lead and zinc concentrations up to 18%.
exceeds 30 ft (9.1 m) and he describes the The sand was interpreted as a preglacial, or
application of reverse circulation drilling which interglacial, gossan incorporated in and redis-
has greater depth penetration. The trend from tributed to varying degrees by the overlying
hand-held augers to more sophisticated drilling glacial material. Ironically bedrock mineralization


Fig. 6.27 Zinc

follow-up surface
soil samples ,
Harberton Bridge
prospect. Contours
at 150, 300, 600,
1200 and 2400 ppm o'L...-....L..--L.- -300
(from Cazalet 1982).
Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration



Fig. 6.28 Zinc

values, maximum
depth, in
overburden at
Harberton Bridge
prospect. Contours
at 250, 1000, 5000
and 10 000 ppm
(from Cazalet 1982). 0...._ -,---,_-,390 m

was detected in a part of the area without (iii) Irregular distribution of prospecting
significant geochemical expression. licences involves the inefficient use of aircraft.
Up to the present nearly all the geochemical (iv) Poor weather conditions can cause con-
work in Ireland has been based upon secondary siderable down time.
dispersion. However, it is apparent from research
As a consequence the main application of
at N avan (Finlay et al., 1984) that litho geochemical
geophysical methods has been in investigating the
studies have good potential for locating sub-
extension of known ore bodies and in evaluating
outcropping mineralization.
geochemical anomalies. In this context the most
useful techniques have been induced polarization,
(c) Geophysics
resistivity and gravity methods.
Airborne geophysical surveys have proved oflittle
value in Ireland, which contrasts with the success
of airborne techniques in the search for base-metal ( i) Induced polarization-resistivity
deposits in glaciated terrain in other areas. Schulz
The induced polarization method was first applied
(1971) suggested four reasons why airborne
in Ireland in 1960 and continues to be the most
surveys have been less effective in Ireland:
useful geophysical technique available. Both the
(i) Commercially significant base-metal variable-frequency (frequency-domain) and
sulphide deposits may not respond to electro- pulse-transient (time-domain) methods have been
magnetic methods (e.g. Gortdrum). used. The standard electrode configurations used
(ii) Man-made conductors (e.g. power lines) are three electrode arrays for the pulse-type and
cause considerable interference and can mask dipolc-dipole arrays for the variable-frequency
important geological conductors. methods. Gradient-array layouts have been used

Sediment-hosted copper-lead-zinc deposits
in some pulse-type surveys. For primary coverage shape and size to that anticipated for base-metal
electrode spacings of200 or 300 ft (60.9 or 91.4 m) mineralization (Williams, 1982).
and line intervals of 500 ft (152.4 m) are most
commonly used. For detailed follow-up surveys
closer line intervals are used and some or all lines
are surveyed at two or more different electrode 6.4 EPIGENETIC CARBONATE-HOSTED
spacings ranging from 50 to 800 ft (15.2 to 243.8 LEAD-ZINC DEPOSITS (MISSISSIPPI
m). Direct-current resistivity readings are taken at VALLEY-TYPE)
all points in addition to the IP measurements
(Schulz, 1971). Mississippi Valley-type deposits contain a sub-
Williams (1982) describes the recent use of phase stantial proportion of the World's reserves oflead
spectral IP (complex resistivity) in Ireland. The and zinc, and this is particularly the case in North
principal benefit of the system is its ability to America and Europe. The term Mississippi Valley
indicate any inductive coupling effects and to type derives from the early development of
allow these to be removed by calculation. In mining in the states adjoining the upper and
addition the system may be able to distinguish middle reaches of the Mississippi River. At the
graphite from sulphides and thus eliminate many present time the most important mining district in
spurious anomalies. the USA is the Viburnum Trend in SE Missouri.
IP surveys proved effective in evaluating Deposits within the Viburnum Trend contain the
geochemical anomalies and improving target largest lead and zinc reserves of the USA and
definition at Gortdrum, Keel, Navan and Moate. contribute 85% of current US lead production
They also led to the discovery of extensions to (Vineyard, 1977).
sulphide ore bodies at Silvermines and Ballyvergin
(Schulz, 1971\. 6.4.1 General characteristics

(a) Distribution in space and time

(ii) Gravimetric methods
Mississippi Valley-type deposits are characteristi-
Reconnaissance gravity surveys using widely cally of Phanerozoic age, and Stanton (1972) has
spaced station intervals (2.5 km approx.) have drawn attention to the paucity of carbonate-hosted
been completed over the whole ofIreland. Deeny base-metal sulphides in rocks of Precambrian age.
(1982) has utilized the regional gravity data, in Badham (1981) suggested that the explanation
conjunction with airborne magnetics, as the basis may lie in the porosity of the lithified carbonate
for constructing a model of the regional structure sediment. Phanerozoic reef carbonates consist
and sedimentation in Devonian and Carboniferous mainly of coral debris and have a high initial
times. The main element of his model is a major porosity and permeability which is enhanced by
north-easterly trending graben. later dolomitization. In contrast, Precambrian
Detailed gravimetric studies at Navan, and over carbonates are commonly stromatolitic and often
a blind sulphide deposit in the Tynagh area, gave primarily dolomitic; as a consequence they tend to
encouraging results (Schulz, 1971). As a con- have much lower porosities and are less receptive
sequence closely spaced gravity surveys have been to the ingress of an ore fluid. If the uneven
used in several integrated mineral exploration temporal distribution of carbonate-hosted
programmes in Ireland, although the results have lead-zinc deposits is seen within the wider per-
been disappointing. One of the major inter- spective of sediment-hosted base-metal deposits
pretational problems is the frequent presence of a the problem is diminished. Examples of epigenetic
karstified limestone surface beneath the glacial carbonate-hosted lead-zinc deposits of
overburden, which produces anomalies of similar Proterozoic age include the Black Angel Mine,

Ore deposit geology and its irifluence on mineral exploration
Greenland (Fish, 1974) and the Coxco deposit, produced from Mississippi Valley-type deposits.
McArthur River, Australia (Walker et aI., 1983). It is evident that, with the exception of the
Examples of Phanerozoic deposits are as Viburnum Trend, one of the main characteristics
follows: Cambrian, SE Missouri, USA; is the dominance of zinc over lead. Table 6.7 also
Ordovician, Eastern Tennessee, USA; Devonian, shows that the grade of Canadian deposits is
Pine Point, NWT, Canada; Carboniferous, Tri- higher than those being exploited in the USA or
State field, USA; Permian, Trento Valley, Italy; Europe. This is because higher grades of ore are
Triassic, Eastern Alps; Jurassic, Silesian and required to justify the cost of developing mine
Cracovian provinces (Devonian to Jurassic); infra-structure in the remoter areas of Canada.
Cretaceous, Northern Algeria and Tunisia. The mining districts listed in Table 6.7 often
Mississippi Valley-type deposits are of extend over wide areas and contain many separate
restricted geographical distribution although ore bodies of varying size. For example the
carbonates are common sediments within the Illinois-Wisconsin district extends over an area of
Phanerozoic sequence. Dunsmore and Shearman 10 000 km" and includes ore bodies which range
(1977) have demonstrated that the host limestones from small gash-veins containing a few thousand
for Mississippi Valley-type deposits in the tonnes of ore to replacement deposits which
Phanerozoic were deposited within the spread of contain >5 X 10" tonnes of ore (Heyl, 1983).
latitudes 30° north and south of the High concentrations of cadmium, indium and
palaeo-equator, which would have included zones gallium are reported in galena and sphalerite from
with an arid climate. Under these climatic some mining districts but it is sometimes difficult
conditions sabkha-type evaporitic sediments to determine from the literature whether they are
would have been a common associate of carbonate commercial by-products. Galena from Mississippi
rocks. Dunsmore and Shearman (1977) suggested Valley-type deposits IS not normally
that the proximity of evaporitic sediments to reef argentiferous.
carbonates is a prerequisite for the formation of
lead-zinc mineralization, and they indicated that (c) Mineralogy
the main role of evaporites is to provide a source of Mississippi Valley-type deposits are mined
sulphur. principally for sphalerite and galena, but they have
a variable mineralogy and there are considerable
(b) Size and grade contrasts between mining districts. Essentially
Table 6.7 shows the size and grade of some three subtypes can be distinguished on the basis of
important mining districts where lead and zinc are mineralogy.

Table 6.7 Size and grade of selected Mississippi Valley-type deposits

Source Mining district (10 6 tonnes) Ph (%) Zn (%)

Pine Point, Canada 94.5 2.5 6.2

Cornwallis, Canada 24.1 4.2 13.8
2 Illinois-Wisconsin, USA 100 0.5 5.0
2 Tri-State, USA 500 0.6 2.3
2 Viburnum Trend, Missouri, USA 420* 6.0 1.0
3 Alpine district: Austria, Italy and Yugoslavia 86 1.0 5.0

1, Gibbins (1983); 2, Hey! (1983); 3, K!au and Mostler (1983).

Sediment-hosted copper-lead-zinc deposits
(i) Zn-dominant subtype as hosts for the sulphide ore bodies. However,
there are regional variations in the nature of the
Most Mississippi Valley-type ore bodies belong to
carbonate host rocks which require further
this category. Sphalerite is the principal ore
mineral with lesser quantities of galena which
generally has a low silver content. Copper is
subordinate to zinc and lead and is most (i) Relative importance oj dolomite
commonly present as chalcopyrite, but other In most Mississippi Valley-type deposits
copper-bearing species may occur. There is some dolomites are of regional importance within the
regional variation. For example nickel and cobalt mining district. However, in a few cases (Tri-State
species occur in the Upper Mississippi Valley district, E. Tennessee) the dolomites are restricted
district (Heyl, 1983) but are not reported from to the vicinity of the ore body (Sangster, 1983).
Pine Point. The mineralogy of the Pine Point
district is discussed more fully in Section 6.4.2. (ii) The presence oj erosional suifaces
Prominent erosional surfaces, which represent
(ii) Pb-dominant subtype
extensive karstification, characterize all the major
The SE Missouri district, including the Viburnum Mississippi Valley-type deposits. The probable
Trend, is the main example of this category. significance of this feature is that they have
Galena is the dominant ore mineral and has a low provided sites of high permeability for the passage
content of silver. Sphalerite is next in importance of metal-bearing brines. Sangster (1983) notes
and contains cadmium, indium and gallium. that, with the exception of the SE Missouri
Nickel-cobalt minerals are also present and, if district, the erosional surface usually occurs less
metallurgical research is successful, will be than a few hundred metres above the ore body.
produced as by-products (Heyl, 1983). The ore
mineralogy and paragenesis of the SE Missouri (iii) The significance oJlateralJacies change
district is highly complex and is described by
Horralletal. (1983). Sangster (1983) reviewed the geological character-
istics of nine major Mississippi Valley-type
mining districts and concluded that in most cases
(iii) F-dominant subtype
there is no marked lateral facies change in the
The Illinois-Kentucky district is the prime ore-hosting sedimentary units. In this respect the
example of this category and provides about 75% Pine Point district which we have selected for
of US fluorspar production (Heyl, 1983). The detailed discussion in Section 6.4.2 is atypical.
Pennine ore field (UK) may also be grouped in this
category (Dunham, 1983). (e) Alteration
Fluorite is the mineral of principal economic All Mississippi Valley-type deposits have low-
importance in the Illinois-Kentucky district. temperature alteration halos. The most common
Sphalerite is the dominant sulphide and contains alteration types are dolomitization and solution of
germanium and cadmium which are sold as by- the beds which host mineralization. The subject of
products (Heyl, 1983). Galena is subordinate to dolomitization is discussed more fully in the
sphalerite and is unusual for Mississippi Valley- context of the Pine Point mining district (Section
type deposits in being argentiferous. 6.4.2). Where leaching of the carbonate beds,
which host sulphide mineralization, has occurred
(d) Host rock lithology it appears to have taken place prior to or during ore
One of the most consistent features of Mississippi deposition (Heyl, 1983). In some cases this has
Valley-type deposits is the ubiquity oflimestones resulted in sagging and collapse of the overlying

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

beds, thereby Increasing permeability and comprises narrow branching mineralization

providing favourable sites for ore deposition. (E. Lantos, personal communication).
Silicification and pyritization are also common The metal content of the ore bodies ranges from
alteration types. In addition there may be localized 3 to 11.5% Zn and 0.8 to 9% Pb. The district
patterns of metasomatism which may include average is about 5.8% Zn and 2.2% Pb. Silver is
KD, MgO, AbO" Ti0 2, MnO (Heyl, 1983). absent from all the ore bodies.
The most distinctive feature of ore body dis-
(f) Tectonic setting tribution is their close relationship with the
Mississippi Valley-type deposits are normally Presqu'ile dolomite and regions of karstification.
located in an intracratonic setting. Laznicka (1976) On a more detailed scale it can be demonstrated
suggested that the deposits of Central USA are that the ore bodies are associated with collapse
associated with incipient rifting, and cited as structures, or with zones of brecciation and
evidence their association with major lineaments enhanced permeability within the limestone.
and the proximity of alkaline intrusions to some The Pine Point sulphide ore bodies consist of
deposits. Mississippi Valley-type deposits are also sphalerite, galena, pyrite and marcasite with
associated with continental separation by rifting. dolomite and calcite being the main gangue
One example is the Alpine mining district where minerals. Minor amounts of pyrrhotite, celestite,
ore deposits were formed on an unstable highly barite, gypsum, anhydrite, fluorite, sulphur and
mobile shelf area at the boundary of the spreading bitumen have been recorded from the host rocks.
Tethys Ocean (Bechstadt et aI., 1978). Sphalerite is the most common sulphide in most
Most Mississippi Valley-type deposits are only of the deposits. It has a wide range of textures but
disturbed by broad arching and faulting. occurs commonly as colloform crusts (Kyle,
However, in some mining districts, such as eastern 1981). The iron content of sphalerite varies from
Tennessee and Metaline, Washington, USA the 0.15% to 10.3%. Galena occurs in varying amounts
ore bodies have been intensely deformed in all the ore bodies and has a wide variety of
(Sangster, 1983). forms.
The Pine Point district has a relatively simple
paragenesis. Dolomite and calcite deposition
6.4.2 Geology of the Pine Point District, precedes the introduction of sulphides. Marcasite
NWT,Canada is the earliest sulphide to form in most deposits
followed by, and often intergrown with, pyrite.
(a) Introduction Sphalerite overlaps the iron sulphide stage and is
The Pine Point district is located on the southern covered with galena. Celestite, fluorite, sulphur
side of the Great Slave Lake in the North-West and bitumen occur late in the paragenetic sequence
Territories, Canada. The area comprises about (Kyle, 1981).
forty known Pb-Zn sulphide ore bodies within an
area of7000 km 2 . (c) Host rock lithology
The Pine Point ores are located in a carbonate
(b) Size, grade and mineralogy of deposits sequence of Devonian (Givetian) age which has
The ore bodies of the Pine Point district vary in been extensively dolomitized (Fig. 6.29). Skall
size, geometry, metal content, textures and host (1975) considered that the regional pattern of
rock relationships. In size they range from 100 000 sedimentation was structurally controlled by a
to 15 million tonnes. The ores have been classified series of easterly trending 'hinges'. However,
on the basis of geometry into tabular and prismatic detailed investigations by Rhodes et al. (1984) on
types The prismatic ores are small discrete pods the stratigraphy of the Pine Point mining district
of high grade ore whereas the tabula'r ore have not identified any faulting which might have

Sediment-hosted copper-lead-zinc deposits

Age Stratigraphy Formation Thickness Mineral-

(m) Description ization

o ~I ~~~-i=-=-:: Hay River Calcareous shale, minor limestone

1 ~.~S/I~~ii~i!f:~;;;:::~~;:;;~~A~ rg~il~la~c~eo~U~S~I~'m~e~s~t~one~, m~i n~or~:]

~ Siove Point 50 - 70 dolostane, calcareous mudstone

Watt 15 _45 Li mestone and dolostone , waxy
l'>~ ~ MouMain green mudstane interbedS

Upper - Limestone of reefal and
associated depositional facies:
extensive coorse-crystalline
dolostone (Presqu'He) trans ·
c: 0 - Pine Point itional into calcareous shale
> "'G>:
0 - _- Group 75-150 (Buffalo River Fm ) to N W
oQl .<: - _-

Lower - Fine.crystolline dolostone

- of reefal and associated depos·
ital facies; tronsirional into
bitum inous lime.~t~e to NWand
evaporites (MUSN:\j Fm.>to SolO

I'-rL.--,/r-'-....-------A Keg River 65 · 75 Argillaceous dolostone and


' C:o
- c
Anhydrite and gypsum, minor
Chinchaga 90 -110 dolostane, limestone and
o~ ~

i ~
o -
/ /

t r-·~~
Dolostone, mudstone, sil tstone,
~~ / M irage Point 60- 90 anhydrite and gypsum
E'5 - /- /

Fig. 6.29 Stratigraphic Old Fort Friable, f ni e to medlum ' grained

.0 + + '.: Island 0-30 sandstone
column of Palaeozoic E ~ +~.~--------+-------+---------------------~
formations, southern Great 8~ + ++ ++ + Micaceous quartzite and
Slave Lake area (from Kyle -
Q. +++ ~ granodiorite ?
1981, after Skall1975).

been expected in the 'hinge zones'. During middle of carbonate sands, with associated facies, which
Givetian times the carbonates formed a barrier have been described in detail by SkaU (1975) and
complex which controlled the regional facies Rhodes et al. (1984).
distribution. Marine shales are predominant to the During its infancy the barrier was incomplete,
north of the barrier, whilst an evaporite facies is and marine conditions prevailed on both northern
important to the south. and southern sides. However, the early develop-
Initiation of the barrier complex occurred at ment of extensive tidal flat areas established a more
the end of early Givetian times, due to the gentle effective barrier, which isolated the area to the
arching of the marine sediments of the Keg River south and led to the development of an evaporite
Formation. This led to the establishment of a bank facies. At the same time subsidence in the southern

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
part of the barrier resulted in an accumulation of (e) Structure
bedded anhydrite which interfingers with The carbonates which host lead-zinc ore deposits
dolomite near the barrier complex. at Pine Point are remarkably little deformed.
At a late stage a higher rate of sedimentation in Rhodes et al. (1984) report that the main structural
the southern part of the Pine Point area reduced the disturbances are very gentle undulations of low
effectiveness of the barrier. As a consequence the amplitude which are partly contemporaneous
evaporitic sediments of the Muskeg Formation with barrier sedimentation. Rhodes et al. (1984)
pass upwards into a varied range of carbonitic suggest that these structures may reflect
facies which are mainly dolomites. differential compaction of contrasting sediment
Sedimentation was terminated by a marine types and thicknesses. Some ore zones are affected
regression during which Skall (1975) estimated the by high angle faults which have displacements of
barrier was raised at least 100 ft (30.4 m) above sea 10-20 m. The relationship between ore deposits
level. This period of emergence was characterized and major faults in the underlying basement is not
by a phase of karstification before the resumption fully understood. The tracing of major south-west
of marine conditions and deposition of the Watts trending faults towards Pine Point was instru-
Mountain Formation. mental in the discovery of the mineralization (Fig.
6.30). However, there is no evidence that these
structures were active during carbonate sedi-
(d) Alteration mentation or ore deposition (Rhodes et al., 1984).
The carbonates of the Pine Point Group have
been extensively dolomitized and two varieties are
recognized on textural grounds. Fine-grained 6.4.3 Genesis of the Pine Point lead-zinc
dolomite is the result of pervasive alteration of the deposits
lower part of the barrier complex. Skall (1975)
attributed the fine-grained dolomite to the results (a) Source ofsulphur
of refluxing brines from evaporitic sediments of Kyle (1981) estimated that 15 million tonnes of
the Muskeg Formation. However, Kyle (1981) sulphur are present in sulphide form in the Pine
stated that there are hydrological objections to the Point ore bodies. The role of sulphur is critical in
reflux model and suggested that evaporative controlling the deposition oflead and zinc and its
pumping of seawater through carbonate sedi- origin is vital for the understanding of ore genesis.
ments or the influx of meteoric water are preferred Sulphur isotopes from the Pine Point ores have
alternatives. been studied by Sasaki and Krouse (1969) and their
The coarse-grained dolomite (Presqu'ile results indicate remarkable uniformity. The means
dolomite) occurs between the lower barrier units of 8 34S for galena, marcasite, pyrite and sphalerite
and the Watts Mountain Formation. Isolated are + 18.4, + 19.3, + 19.7 and 21.6%0
remnants of the original limestone lithologies are respectively. Sasaki and Krouse (1969) suggested
distributed within the coarse dolomite, and it can that the sulphur was transported in connate brines
therefore be demonstrated that this unit is the derived from the Middle Devonian evaporites
product of diagenesis superimposed on a variety of which have a similar isotope ratio (+ 19 to 20%0)
carbonate facies within the barrier complex. to that of the sulphide ores.
Rhodes et al. (1984) question whether the two
types of dolomitization are separate and distinct (b) Source of metal
phenomena. They prefer the inter-mixing ofsaline All the lithologies in the Pine Point area have been
Mg-rich waters with meteoric waters at a sub- proposed at some stage as potential source rocks
surface interface as the most likely mechanism for by different workers. Beales and Jackson (1966)
both types of dolomitization. envisaged a metal supply from compacting shales

.sediment-hosted copper-lead-zinc deposits

Slave Prov ince

I nte ri or plarform

Greaf Slave Lake


Fig. 6.30 Location and geological setting of Great Slave Lake area illustrating the relationships between basement
faults and the trend of the Pine Point barrier complex (from Rhodes et al. 1984).

in the Mackenzie Basin in their basinal evolution carbonate-hosted lead-zinc deposits have a
model for Pine Point. Support for this theory is common genetic heritage and they suggest that
provided by the known explusion of formation base metals are derived from immature, felds-
water during the compaction of argillaceous pathic, red-bed deposits. The separation of
sediments and by the relatively high contents of copper, lead and zinc are related to the severity of
lead and zinc in shales, particularly when they are weathering of the host rock and the physico-
carbonaceous . Thiede and Cameron (1978) have chemical environment of migrating groundwater.
demonstrated that lead and zinc were concentrated When this model is applied to the Pine Point area
in the Elk Point evaporites which are adjacent to some supporting evidence is gained from the
Pine Point. A source in the evaporite sequence has proximity of the host dolomites to the underlying
the attraction of deriving both metal and sulphur Precambrian basement and basal sandstones of the
from the same rocks. Kyle (1981) drew attention Palaeozoic sequence (Fig. 6.29).
to the fact that galena, sphalerite, fluorite anel
barite are common associates of Phanerozoic (c) The ore fluids
carbonates outside known mining districts. .[he main evidence concerning the nature of the
Bjorlykke and Sangster (1981) consider that ore fluid at Pine Point is based upon fluid
sandstone-hosted lead, red-bed copper and inclusions. Homogenization temperatures for

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
primary fluid inclusions from sphalerite indicate the sedimentary environment in which the host
that the temperature of the depositing fluid ranged rocks have been deposited, and most workers
from 51 to 99°C. Inclusions in white 'hydro- agree that the deposition of ores is controlled by
thermal' dolomite closely associated with the filling of voids which resulted from
sphalerite range from 90 to lOO°C (Roedder, karstification of the emergent carbonate barrier.
1968). Macqueen and Powell (1983) conclude However, Hopwood (1977) suggested the breccias
from the immature nature of the organic matter at may be due (in part) to hydraulic fracturing
Pine Point that the overall temperature of the associated with local faulting within fluid-
Barrier Complex did not exceed 60°C. They saturated aquifers. The sulphur isotope results
suggest that the lack of thermal equilibrium point unequivocally towards a source of sulphur in
between the ore fluid and the associated host rocks the Devonian evaporites. The fluid inclusion data
points to a limited distance of transport for the suggest that the ore fluid was a metalliferous brine
metal-bearing fluid. Macqueen and Powell also depositing its load in the temperature range 51-
suggested that the heat source for the mineralizing 99°C. Metal-bearing brines have been recorded
fluid is the underlying Precambrian rocks although 350 km from Pine Point which closely resemble
this seems improbable unless the deep circulation the composition and temperature of the fluid
of fluids along fault zones is envisaged. inclusions from the Pine Point sphalerite.
Freezing temperatures on fluid inclusions from In our opinion this evidence can best be
sphalerite indicate that the solutions were highly synthesized in terms of the basinal evolution
saline ranging from 15 to 23 wt % equiv. NaCl. model of Beales and Jackson (1966). Their model is
Lower salinities of 15-20 wt % equiv. NaCI were consistent both with the data summarized above
obtained from inclusions within white dolomite and with geological processes which are known to
(Roedder, 1968). These data are in general accord operate in sedimentary basins.
with other Mississippi Valley-type deposits.
Billings et al. (1969) have compared the
homogenization temperature and salinites of fluid
inclusion from Pine Point with brines collected 'f 6.5 EXPLORATION FOR MISSISSIPPI
from the Middle Devonian Presqu'ile Reef350 km
south-west of Pine Point. Bottom-hole temper- Exploration for Mississippi Valley-type deposits
atures from 36 of the sampling sites average 76°C has resulted in the discovery of new mining
and range up to 119°C. Zn, Mn, Fe and Cu were districts using both a geological approach and
determined in the brines; the Zn content is of most indirect techniques.
significance and has an average content of 18.9
JLg/1. Billings et al. (1969) calculated that if water
moving out of the basin flushed the Presqu'ile (a) Geology
conduit twice, the volume of ore at Pine Point The most successful geological approach has been
could result. the recognition of similarities in stratigraphy and
In our opinion the balance of evidence points to structure between adjacent areas. For example, the
the shales of the Mackenzie Basin as the source of Viburnum Trend in SE Missouri was discovered
metals at Pine Point and to metal-bearing brines as on the basis of its similar geology to that of the Old
the ore fluid. Leadbelt O. Ridge, personal communication). The
projection of major lineaments from areas of
(d) Genetic model known mineralization into virgin terrain has also
Our understanding of the Pine Point lead-·zinc been remarkably successful, and led to the
ores is based on more substantial data than many discovery of the Pine Point and Robb Lake areas in
other classes of deposit. There is unanimity about Canada.

Sediment-hosted copper-lead-zinc deposits

(b) Geochetnistry preliminary study indicated two anomalous areas

Stream sediment and soil geochemistry have which were investigated by more detailed induced
played an important part in integrated mineral polarization surveys. Two drill holes were sited on
exploration programmes for Mississippi Valley- the basis of the detailed IP survey and intersected
type deposits. For example, high lead and zinc base-metal sulphides. The extent of the ore body
values in stream sediments led to the discovery of was then defined using a systematic gravity
the Bonnet Plume district in the Eastern Yukon, survey. The gravity survey was used as a follow-
Canada (Gibbins, 1983). Soil geochemistry was up technique because the IP method is not
used in conjunction with geophysical surveys in normally affected by sphalerite. Comparative
the discovery of the Cornwallis lead-zinc district results for both induced polarization and gravity
in the North West Territories of Canada (Gibbins, over the Pyramid no. lore body are shown in Fig.
1983) . 6.31.
Lithogeochemistry has good potential for The geophysical ~urveys were followed by a
discovering blind Pb-Zn mineralization. Erickson systematic drilling programme which defined an
et al. (1983) have demonstrated that rock chippings ore body with a reserve of 3 175 000 tonnes
obtained as a result of drilling for water may be averaging 2.9% Pb and 9.1 % Zn.
utilized for exploration purposes. They carried out
multi-element analysis on the insoluble residue of
carbonates obtained from drill holes. Their study In this chapter. we have selected a number of
extended from the SE Missouri mining district mining districts as examples of the principal classes
westwards into areas without known Ph-Zn of sediment-hosted base-metal deposits. The
mineralization, and revealed the potential of geological setting of each mining district has been
certain stratigraphic units and trends of anomalous outlined, and the concepts of ore genesis and
metal which had not been previously recognized. principal methods of mineral exploration have
been described. We must now attempt to answer
(c) Geophysics the question implied in the title of our book: what
Geophysical methods may be used both to aid the influence has our greatly increased understanding
geological interpretation of a prospective area and of this major class of ore deposit had on the
to locate concealed sulphide ore deposits. Spector planning and success of exploration programmes?
and Pichette (1983) used airborne magnetic For obvious reasons few mining companies are
methods in SE Missouri to defme faulting and prepared to divulge their current exploration
variation in the topography of the Precambrian philosophies but it is possible to evaluate the
basement below the carbonate sequence. Both of differing approaches that have been made in the
these factors are considered to exert a control on recent past.
Pb-Zn mineralization in SE Missouri. Within the mining districts which we have
Induced polarization (IP) and gravity surveys selected as examples the major new discoveries
have proved effective in detecting concealed Ph- have come mainly from the successful application
Zn deposits. Siegel (1968) described a case history of indirect methods of exploration. Geochemical
from the Pyramid ore bodies at Pine Point. Initial exploration has played a major role in the
discovery of the Pyramid deposit was based on a discovery of new deposits which is perhaps
time-domain induced polarization survey. As the surprising when we consider that the mining
ore body was expected to be flat-lying and tabular districts described occur within widely different
a three-electrode array was employed. For climatic regimes and are in some cases character-
reconnaissance work a line spacing of750 ft (228.6 ized by transported glacial drift. In all cases the use
m) was employed using a 300 ft (91.4 m) electrode of soils, and to a lesser extent stream sediments
spacing and a 200 ft (60.9 m) station interval. This have been the most reliable sampling media for

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
2S 5000 ~
E20 . 000 j
.r O
\ Chargeabili ty

~ 15 3000~ / '_0

2~ 10 2000 ~
·f /0
i \0/°\
~ ~ • __ e
U & / •
5 1000 _..... • __ ReSls. t IVlty
' . \ •. / ' _ '
:=:-.-.-.- ........... . . . _._._./ _e_e
. . . . . . _...-'~e_.
o O ~~~·~,~'~~,~
' ~~~~'~'~~
'~'~ __L' ~~~~L-~I ~_
(a) 5S B.L. Line 375w 5N 10 N

~ 1·0 I
m .-.-.~
E ./'/ '\
- Gravit y
~ 0-5
3e _. ___ .~ /-/ ' ------.
~ OL-~~L-L-L-~~~~L-L-~~~~~~__L-~~-L~
5S B.l . Line 375 W 5N 10 N
(b) 'SOP'
Fig. 6.31 Induced polarization and
gravity profiles over the pyramid no.
D.D.H. D.D.H.
1 ore body, Pine Point (a) induced 14 18 5
polarization; (b) gravity profile; (c) ... 0

cross-section of ore body from

drilling . B.L., base line; D.D.H.,
Bl Line 375 W

diamond drill hole. (From Siegel
(e) 0 100 200 m
1968.) I I

the geochemist. It is also evident from our study of success lies in the separate roles of the researcher
that virtually all the newly discovered mineral and industrial geologist. The research geologist
deposits have either had some surface expression, nearly always has an academic base and little
or have been covered by relatively shallow industrial experience. His material for research is
overburden. often obtained after a relatively brief foray
In many cases the geochemical and geophysical undergound. His objectives are the publication of
surveys have been focused on particular areas, papers in the scientific literature. In contrast the
because the geological setting of the terrain is mine geologist and explorationist have the
known to be favourable from a comparison with discovery of new deposits as their objective but are
adjacent mines. However, nearly all successful constrained by limited budgets and a shortage of
discoveries seem to have involved an element of time from considering the wider implications of
good luck. much of their work. Research facilities are not
What has been the role of ore genesis theory in usually available for the industrial geologist. We
the discovery of new deposits? As far as we are able feel it may be the structure of research into the
to determine there are. few published examples genesis of ore deposit which may lie at the root of
where a particular theory of ore genesis has led to the its relative lack of success . One solution to this
successful discovery of a sediment-hosted base- problem would be a much greater flow of per-
metal deposit which is economically viable. This is sonnel between industry and research
a disturbing conclusion and warrants further organizations.
discussion . In our opinion one reason for the lack Failure to resolve the problem within the next

Sediment-hosted copper-lead-zinc deposits
decade may lead to a shortage of supply of some Relation of zinc-rich formation waters, northern
metals in the early part of the 21st century. We Alberta, to the Pine Point ore deposits. Econ. Geo/.,
cannot assume that near-surface deposits will 64, 385-391.
continue to be found. Both new indirect methods Bjorlykke, A. and Sangster, D. F. (1981) An overview
of exploration with greatly increased depth of sandstone-lead deposits and their relation to red-
bed copper and carbonate-hosted lead-zinc deposits.
penetration and a more sustained and industrially
Econ. Geo!. 75th Anniv. Vo/., 179-213.
based programme of research into the controls of
Boast, A. M., Coleman, M. L. and Halls, C. (1981a)
ore formation are required to provide the mineral Textural and stable isotopic evidence for the genesis of
wealth for succeeding generations. the Tynagh base metal deposit, Ireland. Econ. Geo/.,
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Ore deposits formed by weathering

7.1 INTRODUCTION altered to low-temperature water-bearing phases

or dissolved and removed. Physical weathering
disaggregates the rock creating large surface areas
Many types of mineral deposit form by and greater access by fluids. This increases the
weathering. For discussion in this chapter we have susceptibility to chemical weathering. Chemical
selected bauxite, nickel laterite and kaolin; we also weathering usually is in two stages, alkaline then
describe supergene manganese and the supergene acid. The behaviour of the different elements
enrichment of sulphides. These mineral deposits within the silicate minerals is differentially affected
are among the most important ores formed by by changes in pH. During the alkaline stage K, Na,
weathering and supergene enrichment is one of Ca may be removed and the remaining rQck
the best understood aspects of weathering. The material may be relatively enriched in Fe, Si and
selections were made to illustrate the several AI. When conditions become acid the hydroxides
different chemical processes taking place during of aluminium and iron can migrate to a limited
weathering. extent.
Weathering is the breakdown and alteration Rose et al. (1979) list the major processes of
of rocks by physical and chemical processes, chemical weathering as hydration, hydrolysis,
both of which may be aided by organic activity. oxidation and solution. The earliest evidence of
The fractionation of the rock occurs in response rock weathering is oxidation of Fe 2 + to Fe 3 + and
to changes in environmental conditions removal of Na, Ca and Mg in solution (Dennen
since the rock was formed. The products of and Anderson, 1962). Na is particularly mobile
weathering are materials more nearly in during weathering but release ofK into solution is
equilibrium with their environment than those restricted by its adsorption on to kaolinite.
from which they are derived. For example, the As might be expected, the relative stabilities of
minerals of igneous rocks, formed at high the common rock-forming minerals in igneous
tem peratures in the absence of abundant water, are rocks bear an antithetic relationship to the order in
unstable in the cooler, wet conditions at the earth's which they crystallize from a melt as a result of
surface; the minerals of these igneous rocks are falling temperature. Thus the arrangement of
Ore deposits formed by weathering
Si,Fe, Mg
Olivine Ni,Mn
Ca Plag ioclase - Na

SI,Ca,Mg,Fe Fe,Mg
Augite AI Sr, Ti
Ti, Na,Mn, K
" \~c~r~'V~'~N:i,~C=I,~s=r==~_-" Si,AI,Ca,No
Si, Fe,Mg, Ca ase - Sr
Hornblende A! Ba, Rb, Ti, Mn
n, F, K, Mn, CI, Rb

~ Zn,Cr, V, Sr, Ni
Si, Mg, Fe, K Na-Plagioclase -
Si, AI Na
:a Ti,Fe,Mn,Sr
E ~~,FNa'Ba'Mn'RVr
'\.. Li!, v,Zn, Cr, Li ,Sn _:-:--:-,-_ _ _ _- "
'iii ~ Si,Al,K
K- Fetldspar ~~, Ba, Sr
c Rb, Ti

Si, AI, K
Muscovite _ Fe



Fig. 7.1 Sequence of stability of common minerals during weathering processes (after Goldich 1938).

minerals in order of increasing stability during requires deep and long-continued weathering fol-
weathering (Goldich, 1938) corresponds to lowed by lack of erosion. Residual deposits are
Bowen's (1922)' reaction series in order of therefore usually absent from glaciated regions
decreasing temperature of crystallization (Fig. and mountain belts where erosion is active. Two
7.1). The relationships are not so clear when the distinct types of residual deposits may be
wide-ranging compositions of metamorphic rocks recognized. The first results from the
are considered. It might be anticipated that those accumulation of pre-existing mineral species in the
minerals which formed at the surface would be the source rock; concentration takes place by the
most resistant to weathering but chemical removal of many other components from the
precipitates in sedimentary rocks suffer severe source rock. The eluvial accumulation of cas-
weathering under changing climatic conditions. siterite (page 178) is an example of this type. The
Factors which influence the nature and rate of economic concentrations of gold which occur in
chemical weathering include permeability, the weathering mantle over some porphyry
climate, relief and drainage (OIlier, 1969). copper deposits, as at Ok Tedi in Papua New
Weathering is the initial stage in the cycle of events Guinea, occur in this way. The second type, and
leading to the formation of sediments. Without more widespread economically, are the residual
some form of weathering rock material cannot be deposits where the valuable mineral comes into
removed by transport to be deposited elsewhere to existence as a result of weathering and the
form alluvial deposits. Also the products of economic mineral continues to accumulate.
weathering may give rise to mineral deposits Bauxite, some of the World's china clay deposits
formed in situ; these are called residual deposits. and nickeliferous laterites are examples of this
The production of an in situ residual deposit second type.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
7.2 BAUXITE DEPOSITS more diaspore than boehmite and little gibbsite are
processed in China and in one plant in Greece.

Bauxite is the main ore of aluminium and is

produced by the weathering of a wide variety of
rock types. It is a composite substance, primarily 7.2.1 Classification of bauxite deposits
of minute crystals of one or more of three Various classes of bauxite have been proposed
aluminium hydroxides, gibbsite, boehmite and (Table 7.1). Harder and Greig (1960) originally
diaspore. An amorphous fonn of hydrated sought to classify bauxites almost entirely on the
aluminium oxide, cliachite, may be present. composition of their bedrocks. Also in 1960 Hose
Impurities in bauxites include kaolinite, quartz, suggested a scheme based purely on field occur-
leucoxene and goethite. Metamorphism of bauxite rence. In common with earlier suggestions the
leads to corundum (emery deposits). Hose scheme implied that karst bauxites comprise
Over 90% of bauxite output is used in the a distinct genetic group. Valeton (1972), in an
production of aluminium metal for which purified extensive survey of bauxites, returned to a clas-
anhydrous alumina is produced from bauxite by sification based on bedrock lithology (Table 7.1).
the Bayer chemical conversion process. The Grubb (1973) has suggested that the elevation at
process involves digestion of bauxite in a hot which bauxitization took place is a suitable
caustic soda solution. Before digestion the ore is criterion. He divided bauxites into high-level, or
blended, crushed and milled. The conditions in the upland bauxites and low-level or peneplain-type
pressure-leaching stage of the process are as bauxites. In devising this classification Grubb
follows: dismissed the karst bauxites as a separate,
(i) To recover Ab03 from gibbsitic (trihydrate) genetically distinct group. He reinterpreted those
bauxite: 33% NaOH at 140°C at 5 bars for 1-2 karst bauxites with an earthy gibbsitic nature, such
hours, (the American Bayer process). as the Jamaican bauxites, as having affinities with
(ii) To recover Ab03 from boehmitic (mono- his upland division. He considered the pisolitic
hydrate) bauxite: 50 % NaOH at 180-250°C at monohydrate-rich European karst bauxites as
13-25 bars for 2-8 hours, ( the more costly high- being similar to his peneplain deposits. This view
temperature or European Bayer process). is not supported by Bardossy (1982) who main-
tains that the Jamaican bauxites have more in
If the boehmite content is low, the low- common with the European karst bauxites than
temperature process is used and the Al 20 3 in with the high-level lateritic bauxites.
boehmite is lost. If the boehmite content is high Hutchison (1983), while recognizing there may
then the more costly high-temperature process is be significant differences between bauxites formed
used and Ab03 is recovered from gibbsite and in upland areas and those formed in lowland
boehmite. The low-temperature process does not peneplains, combines them under the title of
react with quartz but does with kaolinite which 'lateritic crusts' and produces a much simplified
uses up soda ash. In the high-temperature process classification scheme. We consider that none of
both quartz and kaolinite react. Silica content is these classifications has much practical application
also important; if it is greater than 5% some for the exploration geologist, and since
alumina remains insoluble and this can be lost in Hutchison's is easily applied and interpreted we
the 'red mud' which is produced during the shall adopt it. As we are concerned with finding
process. Therefore, alumina plants prefer bauxites mineable deposits we shall mention those features
with low silica, preferably less than 1% SiO z. of Grubb's high- and low-level subdivisions
Diaspore is not generally regarded as a commercial which would influence economic exploitation
source of alumina although bauxites containing (Table 7.2).

Table 7.1 Classifications of bauxite deposits

Harder and Greig (1960) Hose (1960) Valeton (1972) Grubb (1973) Hutchison (1983)

Surface blanket deposits Bauxites formed on Bauxites overlying igneous High-level

peneplains and metamorphic rocks: or
Interlayered beds or (i) slope type upland bauxites
lenses in stratigraphic Bauxites formed on (ii) plateau type on basic Lateritic crusts
sequences volcanic domes or igneous rocks
plateaux (iii) plateau type on variable
Pocket deposits Bauxites formed on rock types
in limestone, clays limestones or karstic Low-level Karst bauxites
or igneous rocks plateaux Bauxites on sedimentary peneplain-
rocks: type bauxites
Detrital bauxites Sedimentary reworked (i) on clastic sediments Sedimentary bauxites
bauxites (ii) on carbonate rocks
(iii) on phosphate rocks
Table 7.2 Comparison of main bauxite types

Lateritic crusts

High level Low level Karstic

Occurrence Capping plateaux in tropical/subtropical Low-relief planation surfaces, e.g. Main type in countries bordering
regions, e.g. India w. Australia, Guyana Mediterranean (40% of karst deposits)
and Jamaica
Composition Mainly gibbsitic, minor boehmite, Gibbsite, minor boehmite, low-iron European - iron oxides < 10%, gibbsite
high-iron, significant vertical often little compositional variation + boehmite (50%) to boehmite +
variation gibbsite or diaspore (may be secondary)
+ boehmite
Jamaica - gibbsitic, minor boehmite
Bedrock interface Bauxite rests on saprolite formed on Separated by kaolin or partly weathered Highly irregular, pillars of carbonates
with bauxite source rocks rock enriched in kaolinite protrude
Texture Relatively coarse, compact. Sparsely Relatively coarse-grained, compact, European - massive, sparsely pisolitic-
pisolitic with parent rock textures pisolitic, massive coarser-grained
common Jamaican - earthy, finer-grained
Shape Blankets Blankets Stratiform, blankets, lenses, etc.
Thickness Up to 25 m Less than 9 m (commonly) Highly variable but commonly 4 to 10m
Age Mainly Tertiary and Quaternary Mainly Tertiary and Quaternary Mediterranean - Permian to Miocene
Caribbean-Miocene to Holocene
Controls Jointing in bedrock Progressive lowering of water table? Distribution of carbonates - karstic
surface. May be transported
Mining parameters Very irregular footwall. Chimneys and Relatively even footwall, little Very irregular shapes, lenses, pockets,
walls extend deep into footwall. compositional variation etc.
Unaffected boulders higher in profile.
Significant compositional variations in
vertical profue
Ore deposits formed by weathering

(a) Lateritic crusts

(i) High-level or upland bauxites
These are generally developed on volcanic or
intrusive igneous source rocks and occur as
blankets up to 25 m thick capping plateaux in
tropical or subtropical areas. In primitive form
these bauxites are earthy and sparsely con-
cretionary with the mineralogy of the 'clay'
fraction predominantly gibbsitic. Maturity is
shown by the tendency to consolidate to form a
compact horizon which usually maintains . the
parent rock texture. Eventually this becomes more
massive with loss of residual textures until finally a
hard, sparsely pisolitic surface horizon is formed.
The upland bauxites rest upon their source rocks
with little or no intervening underclay, and
chimneys and walls of bauxite often extend deep
into the footwall. Higher up in the deposit profile,
large unaltered boulders of parent rock may be
completely enclosed by bauxite. According to
Grubb (1973) high-level lateritic bauxites show
significant compositional variations in the vertical
profile because of the control of the parent rock
structures upon bauxite formation. The com- Fig. 7.2 Specimen of pisolitic bauxite, Ghana.
positional variation, highly irregular footwall and
presence of large unaltered boulders all create downwasting from regions of active lateritization.
mining difficulties in these deposits. Although predominantly pisolitic (Fig. 7.2),
three distinct sub horizons can usually be
recognized in a complete profile. Nearest the
(ii) Low-level peneplain-type bauxites
surface in most mature profiles is the 'A ' horizon
Bauxites of this type are commonly associated which is uniformly pisolitic and is often lithified.
with low-relief planation surfaces such as those Below this the 'B' horizon is more coarsely
along the northern coast of South America and in pisolitic and is a semi-concretionary ore. The basal
northern Australia. Peneplain deposits are 'C' horizon is concretionary, often highly
generally less than 9 m thick. They have a fairly ferruginous with relatively high clay content. In
even footwall contact with the underlying parent more primitive deposits the entire profile may
rock, they are separated from this rock by a consist of the 'C' horizon ore type.
conspicuous, usually kaolinitic, clay horizon.
According to Grubb (1973) there is comparatively (b) Karst bauxites
little compositional variation in these low-level This group overlies highly irregular karstified
bauxites. Peneplain-type deposits are frequently limestone and dolomite surfaces. Despite their
associated with detrital bauxite horizons of occurrence on carbonate rocks, the majority of
fluviatile or marine origin. It is suggested by karst bauxites may not be genetically linked to the
Grubb that a significant proportion of some rocks forming their footwalls. The use of the trace-
peneplain bauxites were originally products of element content of these karst bauxites to establish

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Fig. 7.3 Irregular nature of karst

bauxite, S.E. France.

their likely parent rocks has been described by bauxite core passing into clayey bauxite or bauxitic
Ozlu (1983). clay toward the margins of the deposit. They may
Bardossy recognized six different types of karst occur as stratiform deposits with areas often
bauxites, based on depositional characterisics. We exceeding 0.5 km 2 , with an irregular bedrock
shall confine our attention to the Mediterranean interface forming the footwall and a rather smooth
type as it is the largest and the most economically top. Solution cavities in the footwall may reach
important of the karstic group. 10m in depth while steep prominences from the
The Mediterranean-type deposits are litho- footwall may result in the complete absence of
logically fairly homogeneous, the high-grade bauxite (Fig . 7.3).

Ore deposits formed by weathering

Mediterranean-type deposits also occur in the (a) The Guiana Shield Province of South
form of blankets which wrap over irregularities in America. This includes Venezuela, Guyana,
the bedrock profile giving the deposit top an Surinam, Guiana and parts of Brazil and
irregularity reflecting the bedrock contours. Strip- Colombia.
like deposits are also recognized within this type in (b) The Northern Brazilian Shield Province.
southern France near the town of Baux de (c) The Caribbean Province including Costa
Provence where Berthier identified aluminium in Rica, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, Haiti and
bauxite in 1821. Puerto Rico.
The most widespread group among Mediter- (d) The Guinea Shield Province extending from
ranean-type deposits is the lenticular deposit. Guinea-Bissau to Togo with extensions into
Although of relatively small area, less than 0.4 Upper Volta and the central Sahara.
km 2 , the bauxite may reach thicknesses of 30 m. (e) The Cameroon Province including the
As the name suggests, some of these bauxite Cameroons, Zaire and adjoining countries.
deposits are convex upwards as well as (f) The Australian Province.
downwards, a shape difficult to explain if there has (g) The European Province including France,
been no post-bauxite erosion as stated by Bardossy Greece, Hungary and Yugoslavia.
(1982). Bardossy suggests that this peculiar shape (h) Others, here we include the USA, China,
results from in situ weathering of windblown tuffs, USSR, India and Malaysia.
an origin for these deposits previously suggested
by Comer (1974). Other Mediterranean-type Accurate dating of bauxite deposits is not always
deposits are grouped under graben deposits, possible because of unconformities between them
canyon-like deposits and sink-hole deposits. A and overlying rocks. The period of formation for a
final grouping for karst bauxites, 'nests' and particular deposit may also span a considerable
'bags', is also given by Bardossy to include period of geological time. However, there have
irregular, small infillings in bedrock which rarely been well-recognized periods in the earth's history
contain bauxite 5 m thick, 2 m being the usual when conditions for bauxite formation were
maximum. Such irregular deposits are difficult to optimum. The most intense period of bauxite
evaluate and mine but the Nagyharsany deposit in formation was from Cretaceous to Recent (Table
Hungary is of this type and has been mined as an 7.3). This timespan can be further subdivided into
underground operation. earlier (Cretaceous to Eocene) and later (Miocene
to Recent) periods of bauxite formation. The
(c) Transported or sedimentary bauxites Devonian to Late Carboniferous was another time
This is a minor grouping in which the bauxites of bauxite formation as was the period from
have been deposited as a sedimentary rock. They Upper Proterozoic to Cambrian. The Cenozoic
overlie rocks to which they have no direct con- bauxites have formed only within the latitudes
nection. These bauxite strata may be fossiliferous. 300 S to 300 N (Fig. 7.4). For earlier deposits similar
The most extensive development of sedimentary palaeogeographic constraints would have applied
bauxites is in the USSR and China. as strict climatic controls are necessary for bauxite
formation. Tertiary bauxites tend to be
dominantly gibbsitic with minor boehmite.
7.2.2 General characteristics of bauxite Mesozoic deposits are invariably derived from
deposits limestones and are dominated by boehmite with
local diaspore and minor gibbsite. Palaeozoic
(a) Distribution in space and time deposits mainly contain diaspore and boehmite.
The bauxite deposits of the World may be grouped The main contributors to World bauxite
into provinces (Table 7.3), production are shown in Fig. 7.5. This illustrates

Table 7.3 Age of deposits in the World's bauxite provinces (data from Harben and Dickson, 1983; Shaffer, 1983).
Age Guiana Shield North Brazil Caribbean Guinea Shield Cameroon Australia Europe Others

Quaternary Colombia Costa Rica Hawaii, Fiji,

Panama Solomon .
Undifferentiated Venezuela Brazil Guinea Ghana, Ivory W. Australia

Miocene Jamaica, Haiti, Victoria USA

Dominican (Oregon,
Republic Washington)
Oligocene Northern

Eocene Surinam, Queensland, Italy, India, USA

Guyana, Tasmania, Yugoslavia (Arkansas,
Northern Alabama,
Territory Georgia,
Palaeocene Yugoslavia
Cretaceous Turkey, Saudi Arabia
France, Italy,
Jurassic Yugoslavia Asia
Upper Triassic Yugoslavia
Lower Triassic China
Permian Turkey
Carboniferous USA
(Pennsylvanian) (Missouri,
Carboniferous China, USSR
Devonian Spain USSR
Cambrian USSR
Precambrian USSR
Ore deposits jormed by weathering
the impressive increase in the contribution made 1.5:1 (Lillehagen, 1979). In Europe, which contains
by Australia over the period 1962-1983. At the about 8% of the total World reserves, the
present time Australia produces about 40% of the bauxite occurs predominantly in Greece and
World's bauxite (excluding the USSR and China). Yugoslavia (Table 7.5). France has approximately
D~minating the remaining 60% are Jamaica and 30 million tonnes of exploitable reserves. The
Guinea. Traditionally Guyana and Surinam have largest stratiform karstic deposit is the Halimba
been important suppliers of bauxite and the former Basin in Hungary which covers an area of about 7
is still the World's largest supplier of refractory- km 2 with an average thickness between 5 and 10
grade material. Another South American country, m. Guinea, which has 28.6% of known World
Brazil, is becoming increasingly important and the reserves (Table 7.5), contains the World's largest
large Trombetas deposit in the Amazon region is single bauxite mine - the Boke Mine - which
the first of many deposits likely to be developed in produces about 9 million tonnes per year from an
the north of the country. The USA which is the essentially gibbsitic ore body which contains up to
World's largest producer of aluminium was the 25 % boehmite.
fifth largest producer of bauxite in 1962, but by The World's major supplier of refractory-grade
1983 it had moved to twelfth in the list of bauxite is Guyana which has reserves of
producers. approximately 520 million tonnes of which about
70% is classified as low-iron (less than 1.5%
(b) Size and grade of deposits Fe 20,). China is rapidly expanding its share of this
The trade use of bauxite classifies the material market and is the country mainly responsible for
according to its end use into six grades (Table 7.4). reducing Guyana's dominance from 80% to about
Metallurgical grade or alumina grade (for use in 60%. The Trombetas area which lies to the south
the production of aluminium metal) accounts for of the Guiana Shield region in Brazil has estimated
about 90% of bauxite production. Ideally an reserves of 1000 million tonnes of 43-45% Ah03,
alumina grade bauxite should contain the 6-15% Si0 2, 6-20% Fe203 (Aleva, 1981). Brazil
currently ranks second in the list of major reserve
following (but see Table 7.4 for typical analyses):
areas of the World, containing 17.4% of the
>50% Ab03; <6% Si02; <10% Fe20 3; World's reserves (Table 7.5).
<4% Ti0 2
At the present time two of the World's leading (c) Mineralogy
In excess of one hundred minerals have been
bauxite producers, Jamaica and the Darling Range in
recognised in bauxites but only ten occur in rock-
Australia, produce lower-grade AhO, and higher
Fe20, than that quoted above. The Darling Range forming amounts. Of these the three hydrated
material contains 18% Fe203 and has only 37% alumina oxides, gibbsite, boehmite, diaspore, are
total AbO,. Evaluation of bauxite deposits, the sources of aluminium. The other seven minerals
however, is based upon the 'available alumina', are corundum, goethite, haematite, kaolinite,
recoverable by the Bayer process (Dreyer, 1978). halloysite, anatase and rutile (Bardossy, 1979).
The Darling Range material contains only 30% Cliachite may also be present. Gibbsite and
available AhO,. boehmite are the main ore minerals.
In Australia, as well as the Darling Range the Impurities commonly present in bauxite include
important producing areas are Weipa, Queensland kaolinite, quartz and goethite. True bauxite grades
(proven reserves about 500 million tonnes) and into an aluminous clay when the content of
Gove, Northern Territories (proven reserves 282 hydrated aluminium oxides decreases relative to
million tonnes). At Gove ore grade was defined as the aluminosilicates such as kaolinite. An
greater than 40% available alumina, less than 8% intermediate category, bauxitic clay, which may
total silica and the deposit must be at least 2 m be regarded as a refractory clay is not normally
thick, unless the overburden ratio was less than commercially acceptable and contains a slight

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration


<I Bauxite depos its

o lateritic Nickel deposits
• Koolin deposits
o Residual Manganese deposits

If" Karst Bauxite Zones

Ie.. ( otter Bordossy. 1982 )

Fig. 7.4 Location map \ 90'

excess of alumina over silica. With increasing World, including Jamaica, from clays in Guyana,
proportion of hydrated oxides of iron, bauxite from shales at Gove, Australia, and from kaolinitic
grades into laterite. Too high a proportion of iron sands and clays in Brazil and at Weipa in Australia.
may preclude the commercial exploitation of the
bauxite. (e) Alteration
Metamorphism changes the mineralogy from
(d) Host rock lithology gibbsite to boehmite to diaspore. Early formed
Most crustal rocks contain a high proportion of Palaeozoic bauxites are dominantly diaspore,
aluminium-bearing minerals, and bauxites may be Mesozoic bauxites are predominantly boehmite
formed from almost any rock type. Bauxites have and Cenozoic deposits are gibbsite. Continued
been derived from nepheline syenite in Arkansas, metamorphism at higher grades results in the
USA, from limestones in many parts of the formation of corundum (emery deposits) . Some

Ore deposits formed by weathermg

10' \ 90'

10' /so'

bauxite deposits contain microcrystalline bauxites yield about 14% of the World's supply
corundum that has formed diagenetically and are associated with younger orogenic belts.
(Bardossy, 1979). The sedimentary or transported bauxites are
largely confined to stable continental platforms in
(f) Tectonic setting China and the USSR.
The large economic lateritic crust bauxites which
account for about 83% of the World's supply of 7.2.3 Genesis of bauxite deposits
bauxite are found on stable continental platforms
in Australia, India, Guyana and West Africa. (a) Process of , bauxitization'
Other lateritic bauxites, amounting to about 2% Most crustal rocks contain a high proportion of
of the World's supply, are sited on younger aluminium-bearing minerals. The process by
cratons such as Malaysia and Indonesia. Karstic which materials of these rocks are converted into



Ul 70
E 60
t:::> 40
~ 30

10 --::::

1965 1970 1975 1980


Fig. 7.5 World (excluding USSR and China) bauxite production. Source: Mining Annual Review for relevant

Table 7.4 Bauxite grades by end use. (Analyses from Harben and Dickson, 1983)

Refractory Abrasive
Metallurgical Chemical Cement (calcined) (calcined) Proppants

Requirements High-alumina, Must be Moderately High-alumina High-alumina, High-alumina

low-iron, low- gibbsitic, high-alumina low-iron, moderately low-silica,
silica, low- very low low-silica, low-silica, low-iron, low-clays,
titania iron, iron may be very-low- low-silica, iron content
silica low high, alkalies low-titania not critical
but not diaspore
critical preferred
Typical AbO} 50-55% >55% 45--55% >84.5% 80-88% None
anaTyses Si02 0-15% 5--18% <6% <7.5% 4--8% available
Fe20} 5-30% <2% 20-30% <2.5% 2-5%
Ti02 0-6% 0-6% 3% <4% 2-5%
Ore deposits formed by weathering
Table 7.5. Major World reserves of bauxite. (Govett more or less uniformly distributed throughout the
and Larsen, 1981) year then a clay-type (kaolinitic) laterite is formed
instead of a lateritic bauxite. Consequently a
Bauxite* Percentage of climate with defmed wet and dry seasons is
(million tonnes) World total
necessary for thorough bauxitization. The
leaching of silica proceeds during the dry season
Guinea 8200 28.6
Brazil 5(0) 17.4
while during the wet season the Ab03 and Fe20 3
are formed. The alternation of wet and dry seasons
Australia 4400 15.5
Jamaica 2032 7.1
leads to the concentration of these compounds.
India 1600 5.6
(c) Parent rock
Guyana 1016 3.5
Cameroon 1016 3.5
The presence of a suitable parent rock for the
Greece 900 3.1 bauxite is not as critical as the correct prevailing
Ghana 780 2.7 climatic conditions. Bauxite may be derived from
Indonesia 710 2.5 almost any rock, although a well-jointed severely
Surinam 498 1.7 fractured or highly porous rock will undergo
Yugoslavia 400 1.4 chemical weathering more rapidly than a massive
Total 26592 92.6 or impermeable one. Pedro (1970) described
experiments in which a marl was bauxitized so
*Estimate as of1981. that the gibbsite content of the rock increased from
zero to 15% in 3 years.
bauxite is referred to as 'bauxitization'. It requires
the strong alumino silicate lattices to be broken (d) Chemical and organic activity
down by the removal of silicon and the alkaline Although the chemical processes involved in the
elements - potassium, sodium, calcium and formation of bauxite are not fully understood it
magnesium - leaving aluminium in chemical appears that water, carbon dioxide and humic
compounds which are ores of aluminium. acids are some of the reagents required. In the
Bauxitization is confined to surface or shallow experiments on marls mentioned above (Pedro,
near-surface, conditions. Bauxitization (or 1970), the samples were percolated with water at
lateritization) may take place in situ, or partially 65°C saturated with carbon dioxide. In the field
weathered minerals may be transported to sites there is little doubt that the process of
where they undergo subsequent bauxitization; bauxitization is speeded up if the water present is
alternatively the bauxite itself may be eroded, alkaline tepid rainwater, associated with tropical
transported and redeposited. On a world-wide and subtropical climates. The activity of plants in
scale truly transported bauxite is not important. bauxitization must also be considered, since
Lovering (1959) has stated that some tropical
(b) Climate forests can extract about 2000 tonnes of silica from
The climatic conditions are of primary importance an area of less than 0.5 hectares in 5000 years.
in the formation of bauxite deposits. A humid Although this is a rapid rate of desilication the role
tropical or subtropical climate is essential; of vegetation does not appear to be a dominant one
temperatures above 20°C favour the passage of since bauxite deposits occur in the Proterozoic and
Si0 2 into solution allowing its removal as the Cambrian. Micro-organisms probably play an
silicates break down. This removal of SiOl is the important role in decomposing minerals in the
key issue in the formation of economic residual parent rock.
accumulations of alumina. Furthermore the
intensity of bauxitization varies with the annual (e) Topography and hydrology
rainfall. If the rainfall exceeds 1.5 m per annum The topography of a region is important m

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
laterite formation. Surfaces that permit slow bauxite ore occurrences in the Mount Saddleback
downward infiltration of meteoric waters also and associated deposits in Western Australia is
allow chemical weathering, whereas fast given by Ward (1978). The recognition of the
run-off prevents this type of weathering. Conse- Rennell Island bauxite deposit from airborne
quently bauxite deposits lie on gently undulating gamma ray surveys and from aerial photography
erosion surfaces or peneplains. It is important that is outlined by Allum (1982).
the accumulating residuum is retained and not According to Dreyer (1978) the evaluation of
washed away. Despite these restrictions there lateritic deposits is one of the most difficult
must be an adequate subsurface drainage to allow problems likely to be encountered by the
the withdrawal of rainwater. This rainwater will economIC geologist. Lateral and vertical
be charged with Si0 2 and other substances VariatIOns in laterites are very common, with
removed during bauxitization. The formation of high-grade ore passing into valueless rock within a
bauxite deposits will not advance in areas of few tens of millimetres. Consequently sampling
stagnant groundwaters. A deposit must lie above must be very carefully organized; a few drill holes
the water table for the leaching and drainage or grab samples are of little value except to give
processes to proceed. gross characteristics of the deposit. An evaluation
programme should be based upon careful statis-
(f) Time and preservation tical studies which rely on thousands of intel-
All the conditions described as contributing to the ligently collected samples per deposit. The most
formation of bauxites - climate, reagents, surface reliable method of collecting samples is from
and subsurface conditions - must persist for large vertical channels. If drilling is undertaken
significant lengths of time to permit the the results will not reproduce the exact
accumulation of a thick weathering mantle. information from pits but may indicate a cor-
Bauxitization is usually regarded as a slow process rection factor to apply to further drill hole data.
but under suitable conditions it can be quite rapid. Consideration must be given to which drilling
Valeton (1972) quotes the existence of a bauxitic technique - auger, chum drill, rotary or core - will
profile on lavas aged about 10000 years on give results most similar to channel samples in
Hawaii. The rate at which bauxitization develops such a heterogeneous sequence.
is controlled by the nature of the parent rock and A regular sampling grid is preferred and a
its permeability combined with the interaction of common spacing for reconnaissance is a 300 m
the various conditions mentioned above. Even if square grid, but variations to this will depend on
all the conditions necessary for its formation are local conditions. To ascertain the correct spacing
satisfied, a bauxite will only persist for discovery for calculation of grade and tonnage it is
and evaluation if it is preserved from erosion. Lack customary to take samples on 25 m centres in a
of protection from erosion probably accounts for 300 m square. Panagopoloulos (1983) has shown
the paucity of economic bauxite deposits in pre- the application of geostatistical techniques to the
Tertiary rocks. Parnassos-Giona bauxite deposits in Greece. Here
a 50 x 50 m drill hole grid was used and
considering the silica grade as the limiting
requirement, room sizes for a room and pillar
7.2.4 Exploration and evaluation of
mine were designed.
bauxite deposits Bauxite analyses require special analytical
Exploration for lateritic ores relies on a thorough facilities. Automated X-ray spectrometric (XRS)
understanding of the factors which control the and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analytical systems
occurrence of economic deposits of this type. A are used. Large numbers of samples are processed
description of the use of such factors as guides to and the results stored by computer. XRS analysis

Ore deposits jormed by weathering
Table 7.6 Data provided in a bauxite analysis (Strahl, 1982)

XRS chemical

Sample no. Ti02 CaO Si0 2 MnO ZnO LOl

Sw 1 2.37 0.32 6.19 0.56 0.032 24.49

Alumina distribution

Sample no. TA TAA THA UA Boehmite

Ah03 ReSil Ah03 ReSil Ah03
Sw1 51.34 43.93 6.06 39.45 4.65 1.35 5.89

Iron distribution

Sample no. Haematite Goethite H/G ratio Settling rate

(%) (%) (Mole diasp.) (ft/h)
Swl 6.97 7.1723.05 0.7 8

LO! Loss on ignition (calculated by difference)
TA Total AhO}
T AA Total available Ab03 (boehmite digestion conditions)*
THA Trihydrate available AbO] (gibbsite digestion conditions)*
UA Unextractable AbO]
ReSil Reactive silica
ratio Intensity ofhaematite peak x (lO!7)/intensity of goethite peak

*See text for details of these conditions.

is carried out for eight elements, AI, Si, Ti, Fe, Ca, culated from a combination of the chemical and
P, Mn and Zn. Using XRD each sample is mineralogical analyses.
analysed for the boehmite, hematite, goethite and Other factors which are crucial in the evaluation
alumina in the lattice of goethite. Table 7.6 gives a stage are the anticipated metallurgical and mining
typical method of reporting bauxite analyses. This problems. While the economic geologist may not
method of analysis is required as the Bayer process be able to solve these problems it is vitally
for extracting alumina from bauxite involves the important that their presence is recognized. The
selective dissolution and reaction of specific grade and tonnage of reserves are affected by large
minerals from the bauxite. A direct chemical irregularities in the overburden which must be
analysis for elemental composition yields only a smoothed out during mining. Since bauxites and
portion of the data required to effectively describe other lateritic ores are mined by large-scale bulk-
the potential value of a bauxitic material. mining methods it is not often practical to include
Furthermore, although the important character is small or isolated pods of ore within calculated
the 'available alumina', to fully characterize the reserves. Cut-offs for bauxite are directly
economic value of a bauxite requires digestion, dependent on available alumina and inversely
mud separation and mud-settling tests under dependent on reactive silica. Pilot mining has to be
conditions approximating to a commercial Bayer carried out to assess the most suitable equipment
plant (Strahl, 1982). A close approximation of the and the minimum pocket size that can be
process behaviour of a bauxite can also be cal- economically and technically mined. When these

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
factors are considered alongside such features as depth (Fig. 7.6), and therefore sampling had to
transport and the costs of establishing an determine the thickness of mineable bauxite. To
infrastructure, the true ore reserve and grade are achieve this, sampling was carried out at
determined. An example of the interdependence of half-metre intervals. In the Wagina Island deposit
these factors is given for the low-iron bauxite drilling was used as the primary sampling method
deposits in the Escape River district of but pits were sunk to obtain bulk-density data,
Queensland, 'Australia by White (1976). moisture content and to check assay data. The pits
were sited to provide a density of four pits per
square mile and in total 23 pits were sunk. From
7.2.5 Examples of bauxite deposit the orientation sampling in the Rennell Island
evaluation deposit a very uniform deposit was determined
To illustrate these constraints upon evaluation we and usually only one sample per pocket was taken
shall consider three specific examples, Gove, in at a regular depth of O. 75 m, more samples being
Australia (Lillehagen, 1979), Wagina Island, Papua taken from the larger pockets.
New Guinea (Chapman and Evans, 1978) and In the calculation of ore reserves at the Gove
Rennell Island, Papua New Guinea (Matsunaga et deposit each drill hole with an ore grade inter-
aI., 1978). The Gove deposit is an extensive section was assigned an area of influence halfway
blanket with a fairly even footwall, the thickness to the next drill hole (40 000 m 2 /drillhole). The in
varying between zero and 10 m. On the other hand situ density was obtained as 1.6 g/cm 3 . The cut-off
the Rennell Island and Wagina deposits are karstic grade was set at total silica less than 5% and
pocket types. The Rennell deposit has an average available alumina more than 44%. Ore grade was
thickness of2.4 m (maximum 9 m) and the Wagina defined as not less than 40% available alumina, not
deposit varies between 0.3 and 12 m in thickness. more than 8% total silica and the thickness of ore
The Gove deposit was evaluated from 15 cm was to be at least 2 m (or 1.5 m where the over-
diameter auger and core drilling on a fairly wide burden ratio did not exceed 1.5:1). The evaluation
drilling pattern. The drilling was undertaken on a data were processed by computer to produce
200 m grid in favourable areas and on a 400 m grid isoquality and isopach maps (Fig. 7.7a,b). The
in perimeter areas. In the latter case where the 400 estimated reserves as mentioned above were 282
m drilling encountered bauxite the grid was closed million tonnes at 3.7% total silica and 51.1 % total
to 200 m. In this way 5 400 holes were drilled with alumina. A similar procedure was adopted in the
a total length of 26 000 m. From this, ore Wagina deposit while the Rennell deposit was
reserves of 282 million tonnes were delineated estimated from sections through each pocket
(Lillehagen, 1979). In contrast the Wagina deposit (proven reserves contained in some 3700 pockets).
was drilled on a 150 m grid and the holes were Because of processing problems the Wagina
closed up to 75 m in certain areas. In total, 3627 deposit did not come into production, while the
holes were drilled with a total meterage of 10 127 small pilot plant at the Rennell deposit encoun-
m, and the ore reserves quoted were of the order of tered the following problems:
30 million tonnes. In the Rennell Island deposit
each bauxite pocket was examined on lines at 10 m (1) low settling of red mud due to the fine
intervals to determine grade and depth. particle size,
Sampling the Gove deposit was based upon the (2) a high organic content which lowered the
drill material. As bauxites often vary in the state of precipitation rate of aluminium hydroxide,
cementation, more than one type of drilling (3) a high phosphate content which affected the
technique has to be used. Consequently in the hydrate quality,
Gove deposit, auger and core drilling were used. In (4) extremely low silica (0.2%) which caused
this deposit the composition varied greatly with insufficient desilicification.

Ore deposits formed by weathering

•.-- -- - Normal profile - - - --..

60 - -

.0 --
30 _

- 1::'::',:1 Loose pisolitic

Bauxite thins out on hill and
Cemented pisOlitic Baux ite towards edge of ploteau
• Ir on laterite

1=.::.:1Clay and sand
Special profiles
normal profile Incomplete Soft

Cemented pisOlit ic x
- -- -1- -- -
al L...-.'-"-'77'>

Lower nodules _

Fig. 7.6 (a) Schematic

profile oflaterite capping on
the plateau. (b) Sections
through laterite and bauxite,
Gove deposit, Australia
(from Lillehagen 1979) _ (b )

7.3 LATERITIC NICKEL DEPOSITS may occur as small crystals of nickel sulphides
such as pentlandite and millerite, but it also
substitutes for ferrous Fe and Mg in silicates
Two types of mineable nickel exist. The nickel (especially olivine) or oxides (magnetite). In the
deposits discussed in this chapter are the lateritic residual deposits such as those we are considering
type. Hypogene-type nickel ores have been the nickel has been leached from the olivine,
described in Chapter 2. A general description of serpentine or nickeliferous magnetite and occurs in
nickeliferous laterites is given by Golightly (1979) nickeliferous silicates, garnierite .
in the International Laterite Symposium, and Previous authors (for example, Evans, 1980)
Golightly (1981) presents a comprehensive review have forecast an increased contribution from
of nickeliferous laterite deposits. Papers in the nickel laterites to meet the anticipated increased
International Laterite Symposium cover many demand for nickel. This increase has not yet
aspects of exploration, evaluation and exploitation materialized and since the early 1980s there has
oflateritic nickel. been a cut-back in the contribution owing to the
The average concentration of nickel in igneous increased fuel costs for exploitation. Alternative
rocks is about 80 ppm, and it is only well fuel sources (to oil) are being sought, as are
represented in the ultramafic rocks. In these, Ni practical techniques for acid leaching.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

. >6m
Wid 4-6m


~2 . 4m
D < 2m and barren


'8 000



Fig. 7.7 (a) Isopachs of bauxite in

the main deposit, Gove, Australia
and (b) isoquality map for the main (b)
deposit (from Lillehagen 1979) .

7.3.1 General characteristics of nickel countries, although in 1980 this ore type only
laterite deposits accounted for 41.3% of World production, with
the hypogene sulphide ores dominating the
(a) Deposits in space and time production. The most important lateritic nickel
Lateritic nickel accounts for about 65% of the ore deposits are in New Caledonia, and these have
known land-based nickel reserves in Western been m ined since about 1876. Other important

Ore deposits jormed by weathering
occurrences are at Greenvale, Queensland, Ni. The reserves in these deposits are about 70
Australia, at Pomalaa and Soroake, Indonesia, and million tonnes (Haldemann et aI., 1979).
on Nonoc Island, Philippines. Smaller deposits are
mined in Oregon, USA, Moa Bay, Cuba, and at (c) Mineralogy
Falcondo in the Dominican Republic. Laterites Above the parent rock is the saprolite zone, this is
formed from ophiolites are worked by extremely porous and the olivine and pyroxene of
underground mines on the east coast of mainland the parent rock are destroyed. In the saprolite the
Greece near Larymna as well as by large open pits serpentine and chlorite have reduced Mg contents
on the island of Euboea. In Greece, nickel and and strongly increased Ni and Fe contents. Quartz
cobalt are produced as by-products of bauxite and smectite minerals appear as pseudomorphous
operations. Some of the more promising deposits replacements of olivine and serpentine. Above the
such as the Exmibal operation in Guatemala saprolite is a zone characterized by a silica
(which produced 6940 tonnes of Ni in matte in 9 boxwork in a matrix of limonite or smectite
months of 1980) have been forced to close owing minerals. The smectite minerals, generally a
to escalating fuel costs. nickel-chromium-rich nontronite, and goethite
Nickeliferous laterites in South America, which have replaced all parent rock minerals except talc
could make substantial contributions to the World and chromite.
supply if the economics are right, are those in The in situ limonite zone which lies above the
Minas Gerais, Brazil, and the Cerro Matoso nontronite zone has fine-grained nickeliferous
deposit of Colombia. Within the USA, laterites goethite and amorphous ferric hydroxides. Talc,
form the only domestic source of Ni and the chlorite and chrome spinel may remain from the
principal deposits are those on the Oregon/ parent rock. Upwards this zone may grade into a
Californian border. These are insignificant in ferricrete crust (the 'Canga' in Brazil) consisting of
terms of US nickel consumption. colloform goethite tubes and veinlets or pisolites
Geomorphological evidence and other indirect of goethite and haematite.
age indications suggest that the major lateritic The nickel distribution is such that the residual
nickel deposits have formed from about the mid- concentration in the limonite zone only rarely
Tertiary to the present. Some deposits that occur attains 2% Ni; the upper part of this zone has a
outside the modern laterite soil belt, including much lower concentration and is often disposed of
those of Greece and Yugoslavia, are older and lie as overburden. The lower limonite zone may be
beneath a Cretaceous and Tertiary cover. mined as ore in its own right (as at Moa Bay,
Cuba) or may be blended with silicate ores from
the saprolite zone which usually has the richest Ni
(b) Grade and size of deposits content.
Most deposits being mined range from 1.5 to
2.0% of Ni. The plant feed at Inco Metal's (d) Host rock lithology
Soroako deposit in Indonesia averages just over The nickel laterite deposits of greatest economic
2.4% Ni (Harju, 1979b). New Caledonian ores importance have developed on a peridotite bedrock.
average nearly 3% Ni, this higher grade reflecting The primary source of nickel here is forsteritic
the higher production costs. When mining began olivine and serpentine. In principle, nickel
in New Caledonia the ore grade was more than sulphide-bearing rocks may also produce nickel
10% Ni. Because of the variation within nickel laterites but these are not economically significant.
laterite deposits blending is often necessary.
The ore deposits of the Dominican Republic (e) Tectonic setting
occur over a total area of 7 km 2 with an average The majority of commercial deposits, New
thickness of 8 m and in these the cut-off is 1.2% Caledonia, Indonesia, Cuba and Guatemala,

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
belong to outer island arcs and zones of complex result in the Ni occurring in the oxidized ore form
plate tectonic boundaries where obduction or which tends to be oflower grade, usually less than
underthrusting of oceanic crust by continental 2% (Cuba, Guinea) . If the climate is temperate or
crust has occurred. Shield areas in Brazil, Africa, too dry the weathering is too slow to create
India and Australia have serpentinized ultramafics economic deposits. Consequently the richest ore
but with outcrops generally less than 100 km 2 • deposits are found in areas of subtropical climate.
Topography plays an important role in the
accumulation and the distribution of economic
7.3.2 Genesis oflateritic nickel deposits deposits (Fig. 7.8). Too steep a slope will result in
The conditions for the formation of economic the removal of the weathered mantle before the
lateritic nickel deposits are similar to those nickel is released. Where such steep slopes abut
described earlier for bauxites . The major plateaux as in New Caledonia, however, there
exception is that weathering is only likely to may be an enrichment of Ni near the tops of the
produce accumulations of Ni on ultramafic rocks slopes with Ni moved by groundwater from
with very high Ni contents . Climatic conditions elsewhere on the plateaux. As a generalization,
are again important. Under extreme tropical major enrichment of saprolite occurs immediately
conditions the removal of Si is too rapid for the above and below the inflection point on slopes
formation of new silicates in the weathering (Fig . 7.8). This is due to a low water table at the
profile. Other features of such climatic conditions plateau edge with meteoric circulation being

- '- '- '- '- '- '-' - '- .

Wo ter toble / ............



~~~~~~~~~~~~,.~!oo.. Loyer of limonite rubble

:~ ::.::.:.,.:..,.~ • ,JC in downslope movement
... . .... . . .... -":::.
..............~.:.:.\ .
...... ~ .

_ Ferr icre~e

Limoni~e zone

Fig. 7.8 Idealized sequence of ~ Silico boxwork

lateritization on plateau edge Vi;\~] Ni-enriched soproli~e
(after Golightly 1979).

Ore deposits formed by weathering
forced down through the saprolite. A higher water non-economic. In addition to its low magnesia and
table elsewhere on the plateau, or the lowland silica it has high iron and is relatively rich in cobalt
areas, prevents nickel enrichment. Erosion (up to 0.2 wt%). The horizon of coarse saprolite,
removes enriched saprolite from the convex brow the silicated Ni ore, is the main ore zone, but here
of the plateau edges. Any nickel in the plateau the nickel content varies according to the site of the
aquifers will tend to escape, via springs, at the edge profile. On the plateau edges it may be as high as
of the plateau. 5% NiO while in the high parts of the plateaux it
Tectonic activity appears to assist the formation may reduce to 2% NiO.Below the average level of
of large economic supergene Ni accumulations weathering the bedrock is broken by faults and
although this activity must be neither too slow nor crush zones which often carry significant amounts
too rapid (LeLong et aI., 1976). Moderate tectonic of garnierite. At this level, which may extend to
activity allows the formation of peneplains, as in 10 m thickness, pseudo-lodes and boxworks
New Caledonia. In this case the movement occur. These form the richest ores with up to 35%
appears to be due to the collision of the Australo- NiO (LeLong et aI., 1976). It was the presence of
Tasmanian and oceanic plates. From this it may be these garnieritic pseudo-lodes in the bedrock that
envisaged that peridotite massifs related to an arc once led to hydrothermal origins being proposed
environment are more likely to yield economic for these deposits, but it is now over thirty years
concentrations of nickeliferous deposits than the since the true weathering nature of the origin has
peridotites entombed in old basements (LeLong et been recognized.
ai., 1976). The significant feature about the New
Caledonian nickel deposits, apart from the great
lateral extent and variation due to peneplanation
7.3.3 Deposits of New Caledonia
and uplift, is that the Ni enrichment is not seen to
These are the most extensive economic deposits of increase downwards to a maximum in the coarse
lateritic nickel discovered to date. Approximately saprolite. The Ni content remains almost constant
5000 km 2 of the island is underlain by throughout the thickness of the fine saprolite
serpentinized peridotites. These rocks have been ferruginous formations (Trescases, 1973).
undergoing weathering in a humid warm climate Leaching ofNi ocurs only at the top of the profiles.
since at least the Pliocene; also since this time the Trescases proposed the following explanation:
island has been suffering tectonic uplift (Dubois et
aI., 1973). Consequently several erosion surfaces (i) The first type of trap for the Ni released from
have been formed and are covered by thick the peridotite is the horizon of newly formed or
weathered blankets at different elevations on the inherited little-weathered silicates at the bottom of
island. Steep slopes with thin soils separate these the profile. As the weathering front penetrates the
flatter areas. A typical weathered profile on one of zone of changing conditions - Mg leached, pH
these plateaux is shown in Fig 7.9. The profiles are more acid plus the presence of some organic acids-
capped by a ferruginous crust overlying a the Ni is mobilized again from the now weathered
reworked gravelly ferruginous horizon. Neither silicates and it migrates downward to the layer
the gravelly horizon nor the ferruginous crust, if where the silicates are unweathered. With
present, is considered economic to work. prolonged weathering considerable accumulation
Underlying these is a fine saprolite which forms of Ni at the bottom of the profile occurs. We
the thickest part of the profile. This horizon, from would accept this as analogous to the 'normal'
which most of the Si and Mg have been removed process of supergene enrichment.
during weathering, is classified as a lateritic (ii) About one-third of the New Caledonian Ni
oxidized Ni ore. Until recently this zone, with released by weathering of the silicates does not
average grades of 0.9 to 1.4% Ni, was considered migrate and is trapped by such phases as goethite.

Iron o)(ide
iron O)(ides
Residual {~f~~~~~~~ti
Low-grade nickeliferous laterites Porous
Ferricrete laterite laterites

M iocene penep lain level ~ ~ .

· · ree f . .
A4 -. Altered and
Transpor ted laterite. with
garn ierite

(0) Fresh
( b)

lie de Pins
on ~
flo <:J ~

... :=.---:. :.•••


D Metamorphic rocks- Tertiary sed iments - r::-m Peridotite - tecton ically • Transported lareotes
green · and blue -Sdlists mostly Eocene 8::.:J emplaced in the Oligocene
sed iments F"l Basaltic volcanic rocks- ~ Laterite- w ith associated
illIIl Meso2oic
( probably inCl uding some L:::...:::..J tecton ica lly emplaced ~ garnierite deposits where marked
1-::;>I Coral reefs and iSland.s
late Palaeozoic) in the Ol igocene

Fig. 7.9 N ew Caledonian nickel deposits (a) Diagrammatic proftle of a peridotite occurrence showing the development of a residual
nickel deposit (after Dixon 1979). (b) Section through nickeliferous laterite deposits (from Evans 1980). (c) Geology of New
Caledonia (from Dixon 1979) .
Ore deposits formed by weathering
This entrapment is very effective and immobilizes interpret similar occurrences as possibly due
the Ni in the major part of the oxidized zone. to nickel laterites. The non-stereoscopic inter-
(iii) Superimposed upon (i) and (ii) are localized pretation of SAR means that this method is
enriched zones resulting from concentration due quicker than aerial photography, but the latter
to circulating groundwater. Examples in New provides more information on vegetation texture
Caledonia are along the edges of the plateaux and and is therefore more reliable in target selection.
in the boxwork structures of the bedrock. Within the chosen target area the distribution of
the nickel values will depend upon the weathering
characteristics of the parent rock. This can result in
very rapid changes in grade vertically and laterally
7.3.4 Exploration and evaluation of (Figs. 7.10 and 7.11). Such variations must be
lateritic nickel deposits identified and the footwall cut-off, ore zone,
possible future ore zone (present stockpile) and
Many of the observations we have made regarding waste must be quantified as accurately as possible
the exploration and evaluation of bauxite deposits (Fig. 7.10). Drilling, pitting and sampling must be
apply equally to lateritic nickel. Consequently we undertaken in the light of the local conditions and
will only draw attention to exploration and changed if necessary during the exploration
evaluation procedures particularly applicable to programme (Table 7.7). In lateritic nickel the
lateritic nickel. Detailed descriptions of drilling characteristics of the laterite and saprolitic
exploration programmes for two specific deposits portions are very different and these need to be
are given by Harju (1979a,b) (Table 7.7). appreciated by any geologist supervising a drilling
In the analysis of nickel laterite samples the programme in these deposits. Furthermore,
critical elements generally are nickel, cobalt, iron, sampling difficulties arise since in the saprolite the
magnesia, silica and loss on ignition. The per- major nickel values are commonly in weathered
missible content of various elements and ratios of zones and occur in less altered boulders.
elements must be determined for the particular In Indonesia Harju (1979b) states that metre by
treatment processes to be used. metre comparisons of drill hole data with
In exploring for nickel laterites in tropical identically situated trenches and pits have shown
rainforests certain characteristics may be sought that the nickel content of a drill sample frequently
by remote sensing (Allum, 1982). These has little relation to that of the excavated material
characteristics include rounded topography, in the saprolite zone. Drill holes are deflected by
general absence of jointing and uniformity of the hard rock and silica fragments, tending to
species of vegetation in comparison to the overs ample the soft material. Harju established a
surrounding rocks. This uniformity of vegetation workable correlation between average nickel
may be due to the paucity of phosphorus and grade in closely spaced holes and the grade of the
potassium in ultramafic rocks, few species being - 5 cm screen fraction (which is equivalent to
able to thrive under such conditions. The use of plant feed).
aerial photography, satellite imagery and synthetic In Guatemala, on the other hand, Harju (1979a)
aperature radar (SAR) imagery to defme nickel suggested little difference between the average
laterite target areas in the Amazon Basin, Brazil, is nickel values from drilling and from test pitting.
described by Allum. Ground follow-up having Augering preferentially sampled the soft-
confirmed the presence of nickel laterites weathered material between boulders and thus
overlying ultramafics in the target area makes gave slightly higher iron values than test pit
it possible to extrapolate the recognition sampling. In these Guatemalan deposits the
of topographic, structural and vegetation conventional areas-of-influence methods of grade
features beyond the immediate area to estimation tended to give over-optimistic results.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Table 7.7 Exploration programmes for two lateritic nickel deposits (data from Harju, 1979 a,b)

Cristina, La Gloria, Trincheras

Sulawesi, Indonesia deposits, Guatemala

1969-70 Aerial photographic assessment 1960 Exmibal commences exploration.

50 km 2 sampled on 200 x 400 m Hand augering on widely spaced
and 200 x 200 m grid yielding lines - 800 holes (7000 m).
33 500 m of drilling, each metre
sampled for Ni, Co, Fe (using 1961-62 743 holes (11 735 m) drilled on
AAS). Geological mapping 100m grid in central portion of
recognizes two bedrock types deposits. 305 test pits and
giving different chemical and 105 power auger holes (total
physical types of ore. 6025 m.)
1970-71 Bulk samples (totalling 1962-67 Test pitting (900 pits totalling
5000 tonnes) mined for 12 OOOm). 1100 holes (12 630m)
metallurgical testing. on maximum 200 m grid with 50 m
spacing in key areas. 50 000
1970-72 Further 39 500 m of drilling, samples assayed for Ni, Co, Fe
275 test pits (total 2450 m) by conventional titration.
plus 44 backhoe trenches.
1966 Eight bulk samples (500 to 2500
1973 Stage 1 of project agreed. tonnes) excavated for metallurgical
1972-74 Further exploration outlines
additional ore. 1967-71 Mine development drilling on 25 m
grid in areas selected for initial
1975 Stage 2 of project agreed mining. 1800 holes (totalling
(annual production forecast 30 000 m). Test patterns also
45 000 tonnes nickel in matte). drilled at 5 and 10 m spacing to
study local variations. Large
1973-76 Additional 33 000 m, 800 test block in La Gloria drilled at
pits (5935 m) and 230 trenches. 12.5 m spacing for overburden
Also detailed mine development stripping control.
sampling at 25 to 12.5 m spacing
3900 holes (45 000 m), 173 large 1968 Trial mining exercise, 60 000
test pits (1385 m) 2000 tonnes of tonnes of ore mined and
material from trenches and test stockpiled.
pits processed.

7.4 KAOLIN DEPOSITS which distinguishes it from the smectite group. Its
crystal structure is generally resistant to attack by
Kaolinite is the chief economic mineral of the most corrosive fluids, making kaolinite inert, not
kandite group of clay minerals. Its basic structure readily reacting with media in which it is placed;
is a two-layer lattice, a gibbsite sheet and a silica this is an important commercial property of china
tetrahedral sheet; kaolinite does not expand with clay. Commercial-quality china clay is used in the
increasing water content, one of the characteristics paper industry, in china manufacture, for ceramics

South North
550 550


530 530

Fig. 7.10 Section showing nickel isograd

patterns, Greenvale nickel laterite ore body,
Australia (after Burger 1979) .
2-3 0'0
1-2 0'0
5500 N

5550 N

Horizontal and vertical scale

oI 5 10 15 20 25 m

Mining classification
Typical chemisrry Typical chemisrry
(%) 5 m (Iow·grade
limonite) Wasre
Ni ..... 1-1 ·7 Ni .. _.1·2
Fe ..... 40-50 Fe .... 45 4 m (medium-grade
MgO ... 3 limonite) Srockpile
MgO... 2
Si0 2 • .. 10 for future use
Si02 ···7

Plant feed
... 22
(after rejection
of rock
Ni ._ .. 1·5-2·2 ~ MgO .. 17 fragments)
Fe ..•. 15-20 5 Si02 -·40
·MgO .. 20 t!)

Si0 2 ··35

Ni .... 0·25
Fe. __ .6
Si02 .. 45
(a) ( b)

Fig. 7.11 Schematic profiles of nickel laterite deposits (a) Exmibal deposits, Guatemala; (b) Inco's Soroako deposit,
Indonesia. Based on data from Harju (1979a,b).
Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Fig. 7.12 Sedimentary kaolin deposit ('ball clay') with interbedded lignite (black), Bovey Tracey, Devon, UK.

and refactories . Diverse other markets exist wrecked by ionic solution, hydration and
including the paint and rubber industries . In the hydrolysis. K, Na and Ca are extracted and
paper industry china clay is used to fill the reaction of the Al and Si with OH results m
interstices of the pulp fibres and as a surface formation of kaolinite. The conversion of
coating to produce a smooth, bright, often glossy orthoclase to kaolinite may be illustrated as
finish. As this represents one of the major markets follows:
for the product the brightness of the clay is a very
important criterion when a kaolin deposit is being 4KAlSi 3 0 H+ 2C0 2+ 4H 20
evaluated. China clay lacks sufficient plasticity and ~ 2K2 CO] + AI. Si. 0 III (OH)x + 8Si0 2
green strength to make some ceramic products.
Ball clay, a variety of kaolin having plasticity and This can occur under late-stage hydrothermal
high-strength characteristics, is commonly added conditions or under chemical weathering
to china clay to improve workability. (Fig 7.12). conditions in tropical or subtropical climates. A
combination of these two environments has been
invoked for at least one major group of deposits,
7.4.1 Genesis of kaolin deposits
those in south-west England (Bristow , 1977).
The hydrous aluminosilicate, kaolinite, is formed The chemical weathering conditions that
from the destruction of aluminium silicates, produce kaolin deposits are considered broadly
principally feldspars. The feldspar lattices are similar to those of bauxitization (Section 7.2.3).

Ore deposits formed by weathering
Frequently lateritic bauxites have major, if the USA and the UK. Major deposits occur in
impure, kaolin deposits associated with them. Czechoslovakia, Guyana and Brazil. Australia and
Kaolinization often occurs as an intermediate stage South East Asia also have large quantities of
in the formation oflateritic bauxites. The presence kaolin. The kaolin deposits of south-west England
of oxidizing sulphides hastens kaolinization. are dated at 273 million years (Bray and Spooner,
Deposits that result from supergene weathering 1983) whereas the major kaolin-producing area of
contain kaolin stacks that are fragile and the USA, in South Carolina and Georiga, has
undeformed; the china clay is usually of low deposits of Upper Cretaceous to Middle Eocene
density and high porosity. age. Deposits of kaolin resulting from chemical
Kaolinization resulting from hydrothermal weathering have formed where climatic
activity is likely to be controlled by fluid paths conditions were suitable. Those in Western
such as jointing and brecciation and will probably Australia, which may have begun formation in the
be best developed near major conduits. Deposits Proterozoic, have experienced many periods of
arising in this way will tend to be more restricted kaolinization between then and the present day.
than the weathering blankets formed by supergene
chemical weathering but they may extend much
deeper. (b) Size and grade of deposits
Material that has suffered in situ kaolinization It is not possible to give an average size for a kaolin
may be eroded and transported to be deposited deposit because of the different modes of
elsewhere as any other detrital mineral. formation. The typical thickness of a chemical
Sedimentary kaolin deposits are major sources of weathering profile is between 35 and 50 m, the
production in the USA and the ball clay deposits of larger figure representing more prolonged
England are thought to have originated in this way weathering as in Western Australia. This does not
(Fig. 7.12). Sedimentary sorting processes will represent the original thickness as erosion may
have been responsible for creating sufficiently have removed large quantities. The kaolin
concentrated deposits to be economically viable. deposits of sedimentary origin form strata and
Some material in these deposits may have lenses up to 10 or 12 m thick and extend for a few
undergone kaolinization within the basin of kilometres. Kaolin deposits of hydrothermal
deposition. origin tend to be more restricted in area, but are
much more vertically extensive.
The annual World production of kaolin is about
7.4.2 Classification of kaolin deposits 18 million tonnes. In 1982 the USA had about 40%
of the market and the UK about 16% (Industrial
We propose to divide kaolin deposits into three
Minerals, 1983). These two countries dominate
groups, based upon their mode of formation: (1)
the high-value paper-coating clay market. The
residual kaolin deposits; (2) sedimentary kaolin
largest single producer world-wide is English
deposits; (3) hydrothermal kaolin deposits. Large
China Clays (ECC) whose British operations are
concentrations of pure white kaolinite may be
centred in south-west England. Their total
found within each of these groups.
production amounted to 2.9 million tonnes in
1981. Some 50% of the china clay produced is used
7.4.3 General characteristics of kaolin for paper filling while 30% goes for paper coating.
deposits Ceramics accounts for another 15% while the
remainder is used for a wide variety of products.
(a) Distribution in space and time The trend in usage seems to indicate an increase in
Approximately half the World's production of the paper-coating clay production compared to the
kaolin comes from extensive china clay deposits in filler usage.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
(c) Mineralogy (b) Gabbin, Western Australia
Kaolin deposits that have been formed by chemical This project, sited 285 km north east of Perth, is in
weathering may have halloysite, siderite, pyrite an ancient peneplain around 400 m in elevation
and limonite as accessory minerals. The kaolinite within the Yilgarn block of the Archaean Shield of
that occurs as the pallid zone in bauxite Western Australia. The block is composed of
profiles may be associated with one of the bauxite elongate greenstone belts surrounded by large
minerals. Resistate minerals may also be present. granite masses. Although in general the granite
Kaolinization associated with igneous rocks gives masses have ages of either 3.2 or 2.5 million years,
rise to deposits of kaolinite plus one or more of the the age of the Gabbin granite is not known. This
essential minerals of the igneous rock. In the south granite is an adamellite of quartz, micro cline and
west of England china clay deposits contain plagioclase. The plagioclase has weathered more
quartz, feldspar, mica and relict tourmaline. Such rapidly than the potassium feldspar as is often the
deposits do not have much limonite, siderite or case in kaolinization. Accessory minerals are rare.
pyrite. Much of the Archaean of the area has been emergent
since the start of the Proterozoic (Walker, 1978).
(d) Host rock lithology
Through this long period of time the area must
Residual deposits of kaolin result from the
have experienced a great variety of climates and
chemical weathering of feldspar-rich rocks,
since the Tertiary there has been a drying out of the
particularly granites and other aluminous rocks.
climate accompanied by deep lateritization. Some
At present production of good-quality china clay
of the lateritic profile has been removed due to
from the pallid zones beneath bauxite layers is not
post-Tertiary uplift.
very significant.
The weathering front is normally 30 m below
the present surface but it may be as much as 50 m.
7.4.4 Residual kaolin deposits A NE-SW foliation exists in the Gabbin granite
and the deepest weathering and zones of best
(a) Spruce Pine District, North Carolina, rheology appear to follow this trend. A typical
USA section shows the recognizably weathered granite
These kaolin deposits were formed from the overlain by a coloured sandy clay which underlies
chemical weathering of small, irregular, the ore-grade kaolin. The kaolin deposit may be 35
pegmatitic, alaskite stocks (Harben, 1978). The m thick with an average of 11 m. The thickness of
stocks are a few hundred metres to five kilometres kaolin seems to follow the topography but there
across and are coarse-grained alaskite with about rna y be some fault control (Walker, 1978).
50% oligoclase and 25% microcline. The Overlying the kaolin is a varying thickness of
kaolinization took place during the early Tertiary silcrete and sandstones. The distribution of the
and the deposits lie beneath a marked erosion various ore-grade clays along one section is shown
surface which suggests very extensive weathering. in Fig. 7.13.
The decomposition of the alaskite extends down as
far as 30 m but the deposits are not worked below
15 m. The deposits are composed of kaolinite and 7.4.5 Sedimentary kaolin
halloysite mixed with partly decomposed
feldspar, fresh quartz and muscovite. Inclusions of Deposits in South Carolina and Georgia,
schists and gneiss in the parent alaskite produce USA
waste within the deposits. The clay is mined by About 90% of the kaolin production of the USA is
power shovel or hydraulic jet and the district from sedimentary deposits in South Carolina and
produces about 160 000 tonnes per year of water- Georgia. The production is based on two centres,
worked clay. one extending from Macon to Wrens in Georgia,

Ore deposits formed by weathering

Ground surfoce

_320 320
"8310 310


300 300

Fig. 7.13 Gabbin kaolin - geology E22d Overburden D Low · brightness ore
and assay sections (Line 15800N) D Hl gh · brighrness ore ISSSl Bosement Horizontol scole
(from Walker 1978). 100 200m

and the other near Augusta, Georgia, and Aiken, 7.4.6 Hydrothermal kaolin deposits
South Carolina. Here the kaolin is in lenses within
the Upper Cretaceous to Middle Eocene The kaolin deposits of south-west England
formations. These lenses occur, apparently at Some of the finest-quality kaolin deposits in the
random, throughout a thickness of more than W orId occur in the UK, in south-west England.
50 m of the formation and may have lengths of These are in Devon and Cornwall with the main
several kilometres. The thickness of these lenses economic deposits in the latter county. These
ranges up to 12 m and all contain some detrital deposits have been described by Bristow (1969),
sand and mica. Disseminated pyrite is present in and the kaolinites have been examined in detail by
the kaolin under thick cover and as the outcrop is Exley (1976) and Sheppard (1977). Their genesis
approached the oxidation of pyrite gives a random has been discussed by many authors, most recently
yellow stain to the kaolin which affects the grade Durrance et al. (1982), Alderton and Rankin (1983)
of clay produced. It is generally agreed that the and Bray and Spooner (1983).
source of these kaolinitic sediments lay in The granites of south-west England are two
crystalline rocks to the north-west but the presence feldspar granites and the process of kaolinization
of the lenses in otherwise coarse, cross-bedded proceeded with the alteration of plagioclase to
sands has been the topic of much debate. Initially it pure kaolinite, while the potash feldspar changed
was assumed the crystalline rocks were deeply into a mixture of kaolinite and some fine-grained
weathered and the kaolinite was formed in situ and mica. Of the two other essential minerals in the
then washed into the areas where they now occur. granite, the quartz remained relatively unaltered
On this hypothesis the lenses of kaolinite are while the mica either recrystallized into a finer-
difficult to explain. Kesler (1952) explained the grained form or remained unaltered.
presence of the lenses by transport of detritus from Although we include these deposits within the
the crystalline rocks. Weathering of feldspars into chapter dealing with weathering deposits, their
kaolinite occurred within the delta sands, the place here is not fully justified as they have long
kaolinite being later washed selectively to cut off been considered to originate from hydrothermal
stream segments or ponds (analogous to the activity (Bristow, 1977). However, there have
settling ponds used in china-clay processing) been proponents of a supergene origin, the most
containing fresh water. These kaolin-filled ponds recent being Sheppard (1977) . Bristow (1977)
were eventually covered by sands as delta building regarded the hydrothermal stage as a major
progressed northwards due to subsidence. preparation process which produced some inter-

Ore deposit geology and its irifluence on mineral exploration
mediate mineral phases and which rendered the Bray and Spooner (1983) have examined the
granite very susceptible to alteration when the evidence for and against a weathering origin for
kaolinite formation took place under supergene these deposits. lhey observed that no vertical
conditions. Following this hydrothermal profile development is present in the south-west of
'softening up' process, and possibly when the England deposits and the depth ofkaolinization (as
granites were essentially consolidated and cooled, much as 250 m) is significantly greater than the
great quantities of groundwater entered the 35-50 m thicknesses which are typical of complete
system. This probably occurred during or after the chemical weathering profiles. Furthermore the K I
late stage of hydrothermal activity, and, according Ar age for the secondary muscovites in the
to Alderton and Rankin (1983), these low-salinity deposits indicates that kaolinization occurred at
fluids, with temperatures less than 170°C, were the time of the sheeted quartz-tourmaline ±
responsible for the kaolinization. The volume of cassiterite ± wolframite mineralization in the
available fluids accounts for the very large size of region (267 million years). Bray and Spooner
the deposits. Highest quality, in terms of conclude that the evidence suggests a single-stage
brightness and particle size, is related to the hydrothermal process.
lithionite granite which was deficient in iron-rich The deposits lie on eroded cupolas of an
biotite. extensive Hercynian granite batholith, and

Exposed granite
Possi ble under.
ground grnnite

I 1/-
I __ - . 7'
~." .;;::-.....
• , •••• I .

Granite types
Q Biotite-muscovite gran ite

Early lithion ite

Late lith ion ite

: /

~ Fluorite gran ite

- ' - ' Gran ite junct ion

after Exley (1955 )
•••••• Contact aureole '.
_-_ M ineral Lodes
• . • '\. '. • St Stephen
=-=- Fels ite dykes (elvans ) '<-- _ '-+- .... .. '-.. ...... '" ..•...
o ' K,.- ... .< St'Austell -~:;
Chino - Cloy pits . . .-....
. ~ =' -
o 5 km


, !

Fig. 7.14 Geological map of the composite St Austell granite showing the distributions of the different granite
types, metafelsite dykes (elvans), mineral lodes and important china-clay pits (from Bray and Spooner 1983).

Ore deposits formed by weathering

7.15 Hydrothermal (?) kaolin deposit. Soft, white kaoliniz~d granite in steeply dipping zone under massive jointed
granite, St Austell, Cornwall , UK.

although five of the six main cupolas have some 7.4.7 Exploration for and evaluation of
kaolinization which has been commercially kaolin deposits
exploited, the main mass of china clay is located in
the lithionite granite of the St. Austell area (Fig. If there is sufficient contrast between the china clay
7.14). The clay deposits often occur as funnel and surrounding rocks, geophysical techniques
shapes opening upwards and extending as deep as m ay be used to delineate the deposit and reduce the
250 m. The funnel-shaped deposits may occur in amount of expensive drilling. This is true of some
zones, or alternatively the kaolinized zones may of the de'posits of south-west England where there
form elongated troughs sometimes dipping at is sufficient resistivity contrast between the intact
high angles into the ground (Fig. 7.15). This dip granite and china clay to allow the identification of
may result in unkaolinized granite overlying hard-rock areas. Gravity has also been used in this
kaolinized granite. Such shapes make evaluation area and from detailed gravity work certain
difficult, as does the occurrence of 'core stones' estimates of mass of clay in the ground are
where unkaolinized granite apparently overlies possible.
kaolinized rock. Laterally kaolinized material may The mode of formation means that it is unlikely
pass into unkaolinized granite over very short that a very good interborehole correlation will
distances. exist in a china-clay deposit, and consequently it

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
has to be drilled on a grid system at whatever pits in operation simultaneously, the geologist
spacing is considered optimum. In the case of the must ensure that none containing potentially
Gabbin deposit, drilling was carried out on a 200 m marketable clay are allowed to be back-filled or
grid and more detailed drilling was undertaken on flooded. Waste-disposal planning must be
a 100 m grid in areas of particular interest. The effective to avoid sterilization of future reserves and
Topira deposit in the Ituni area of Guyana, to minimize visual impact. The geologist in the
however, has been extensively evaluated on the clay industry may be expected to advise on plant
basis of 42 holes with an average grid spacing of site location and assist in site investigations for
72 m. In this case proven reserves of 3.4 million waste tips and mica dam location. As with other
tonnes of paper-grade clay have been outlined. mining operations, mine reclamation to comply
English China Clays use a 100m grid and then with environmental restrictions is very important.
undertake infill drilling at 60 m spacings.
Elsewhere in south-west England the normal
'stope' in china-clay working is 9 or 12 m 7.5 SUPERGENE MANGANESE DEPOSITS
(Vincent, 1983) so evaluation borehole samples are
of the same order, and minor variations in As well as the mobilization of Fe and AI, which
lithology are ignored. may lead to the formation of iron laterites and
Large-diameter cores are desirable to obtain as bauxites, Mn may be mobilized during chemical
large a sample as possible. A major problem with weathering to form residual deposits. During the
drilling china clay is the flushing action of the main stage of magmatic crystallization no
drilling method. This tends to wash out and erode independent manganese mineral is formed; the
the core, limiting core recovery. Conventional available Mn is fixed in the ferromagnesian
and wire-line techniques suffer from this problem minerals. These manganese-bearing minerals are
and the use of bentonitic drilling muds is limited subsequently weathered to give rise to economic
by the possibility of contamination of the clays. deposits of manganese. The solubility of Mn is
Core recovery tends to be a function of core greater than Fe or AI, particularly in areas of high
diameter, again favouring larger diameters, but to organic activity. Consequently Mn tends to travel
achieve the better recovery with larger diameters, to deeper zones and it will accumulate towards the
the price has to be paid in greater weight and cost. base of the weathered zone in ultra basic to basic
In evaluating a china-clay deposit the com- rocks (where the pH is higher). This higher pH
mercial parameters are of most importance and the leads to the immobilization of the Mn. In acidic
economic geologist must be well aware of market rocks the Mn is more mobile in the weathering
requirements and possible future developments. profile and tends to escape from the weathered
The commercial parameters usually of most zone.
importance are brightness and fired colour, both In the case of residual deposits of manganese, as
having to be white, and particle size distribution. with bauxites, climate and drainage control,
The rheological properties, linear shrinkage and together with the nature of the parent rock, are the
other fired properties are of considerable main factors that determine the concentration of
importance. Bulk sampling from trial pits is the deposit. The parent rock from which the
advisable but even this may not provide material residual deposit is to form should have a
representative of the commercial-quality clay sufficiently high Mn content (say 10% Mn).
which will eventually be supplied to the customer. Manganiferous carbonate and silicate-carbonate
Reserve evaluation is necessarily complex as the rocks are most amenable to enrichment through
market specifications may require blending, and oxidation. The presence of pyrite in the source
sample data must be collected with future markets rock enhances the dissolution and migration of the
in mind. As blending may involve numerous open Mn.

Ore deposits formed by weathering
A comprehensive description of manganese and waste must be blasted. Typical analysis of the
deposits, not only those of residual origin, is given high-grade manganese ore (dry basis) is as follows:
by Roy (1981). Readers interested in the wider Mn, 49%; Si0 2 , 2.5%; Fe, 5.5%; A1 203, 5.5%;
occurrences of manganese deposits are advised to H 20, 5%; P, 0.05%.
read that text.
Important deposits of residual manganese occur (b) West African deposits
in West Africa, South Africa, Brazil and India. Commercial quantities of residual manganese are
Each of these occurrences is associated with found at Nsuta (Ghana), Mokta (Ivory Coast)
Precambrian formations which is notable when and Tambao (Upper Volta). The development of
compared with the distribution of residual bauxite these deposits has been described by Perseil and
deposits. Grandin (1978). In these three areas Precambrian
manganiferous carbonate (rhodochrosite),
along with garnetiferous quartzites and gondite,
7.5.1 Examples of supergene manganese were the protore for the supergene oxide deposits
ore bodies . formed under a Tertiary planation surface. Of
particular interest is the Ghanaian Nsuta deposit
(a) Brazilian deposits where most of the supergene manganese oxide
The principal supergene manganese deposits in deposits were formed at the expense of a bedded
Brazil occur in Minas Gerais State and in the rhodochrosite protore. In this deposit the
Territory of Amapa north of the Amazon. They appearance of pyrolusite and cryptomelane at an
result from weathering enrichment of meta- intermediate stage of oxidation rather than as an
morphosed manganese carbonate and silicate- end product is considered the result of the acidic
carbonate protores. In Minas Gerais the supergene environment and the high potassium content of
process has occurred in a weathering profile where the host rocks.
the depth of oxidation exceeds 100 m. The
manganese carbonate proto res are more likely to (c) South Mrican deposits
produce oxide ores than the manganese-silicate The best commercial-quality manganese ores in
carbonate proto res; the extent of supergene the Republic of South Africa occur in the
enrichment is directly related to the rhodochrosite Klipfontein Hills of the Postmasburg-
content of the protore. All large commercial Aucampsrust area, where they are associated with a
deposits of supergene ore occur on hill tops or on siliceous breccia. The deposits form large ore
the crests of ridges. The enriched ores of Minas bodies in hollows of a palaeokarst topography on
Gerais contain 40-48% Mn (Roy, 1981). the Transvaal dolomite. Originally it was
The mineable deposits in the Amapa area suggested that dissolution of manganese from the
occur as lenses which have been enriched to underlying manganiferous dolomite had occurred
depth~of 7~100 m. The protore was mangani- during weathering. Subsequently it has been
ferous schists, carbonates (rhodochrosite) and proposed that the Mn was dissolved from the
silicates (rhodonite and spessartite) of the dolomite in a reducing environment in an upper
Precambrian Amapa Series. There is usually a groundwater body rich in organic matter. The Mn
sharp change from high grade to underlying was oxidized and precipitated as Mn4+ -bearing
waste. With a production of about 1.2 million minerals by interaction with an oxygenated lower
tonnes per year the reserves are some 30 million groundwater body in a karst hydrography.
tonnes at 42% Mn on a washed basis (Engineering Militating against both these hypotheses is the
and Mining Journal, 1975). These deposits are high-temperature mineral assemblage (braunite,
mined by open pit; most of the material is bixbyite, jacobsite and hausmannite). It could be
amenable to ripping although up to 30% of the ore argued that the ores have been subsequently

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
modified but there is an absence of metamorphic Above the water table, where conditions are
effects in the enclosing rocks (Roy, 1981). The oxidizing, the sulphides will be converted to
origin of these deposits is still in doubt. sulphates and the metal cations are either
precipitated as insoluble oxidate minerals or taken
(d) Other deposits into solution in groundwaters to be precipitated
Extensive supergene concentrations of manganese elsewhere. These oxidizing ore bodies also give
occur in India. Generally the protores are bedded rise to acidic solutions. The degree of acidity
manganese oxide ore bodies of Precambrian age. depends on the metal ions present, particularly on
At Butte, Montana, USA, hydrothermal deposits the extent of hydrolysis or on the insolubility of
of rhodochrosite have undergone supergene hydroxides. Most acids are solutions resulting
oxidation. from oxidation of sulphides containing iron
because the ferric ion produced is hydrolysed to an
extremely insoluble oxide or hydroxide. Pyrite is a
very common constituent of sulphide ore bodies
Most primary sulphide ore bodies have mineral and its decomposition produces the insoluble iron
assemblages that are unstable in near-surface hydroxide (limonite) and sulphuric acid:
conditions. Andrew (1980) lists the susceptibility
of the more common sulphides to oxidation as 2FeS2 + 150 + 8H 20 + CO 2
~ 2Fe(OHh + 4H 2S0 4 + H 2C0 3
decreasing in the order: pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite,
fine pyrite, sphalerite, galena and coarse pyrite. In the weathering of sulphides therefore the

1·2 Environments
E221 Rain wa~er
!III] Shallow groundwa~er
I: -: -:1 Mine waters
~ Conna~e waters


H 20Z - 02
(q: 10'>.........
-0 ·2
Fig. 7.16 Geochemical
environments in terms ofEh and
pH (after Baas Becking et al.
- 0 ·'0~-'---:!--L-~
4 -...l.--7-=::......I-~--"-..::::.I10L....L_.J.12-...l.---.JU
1960); weathering and depth
environments after Sato (1960) . pH

Ore deposits formed by weathering
significant variables are Eh and pH. The range of low-grade iron-formations is discussed in the next
these two variables in the environment of Chapter.
oxidizing ore deposits is shown in Fig. 7.16. Andrew (1980) has produced an extensive work
The reactions outlined above result in large on the supergene alteration and gossan textures of
amounts of iron being fixed above the water table, base-metal ores. Sulphide weathering and the use
commonly as goethite or, more rarely, haematite; of gossans in mineral exploration has been
these coupled with silica typify the gossans or 'iron described by Blain and Andrew (1977) . Readers
hats' which characteristically overlie sulphide requiring detailed descriptions of the processes
bodies (Figs 6.16 and 7.17). involved and the particular textures associated
The bulk of the metals dissolved from the with specific gossan developments are referred to
oxidizing portion of the ore body remain in these two papers.
solution until they reach the water table which
marks the boundary between the zones of
7.6.1 Exploration and evaluation of
oxidation and reduction. In this zone reactions
weathered sulphide deposits
occur which cause the precipitation of the metals
and the replacement of primary sulphides by The leached nature of gossans, their texture and
secondary sulphides resulting in a substantial colour, all assist with exploration. Colour may
increase in grade of the ore body. This is the zone help to locate gossans from airborne surveys as
of supergene enrichment. To form a · thick maya lack of vegetation. They may form resistant
supergene layer requires a fairly deep water table cap pings which lead to positive topographic
and a gradual lowering of the ground surface by features (Fig. 6.16). Following the discovery of a
erosion. Rapid movements in the water table, gossan an attempt must be made to relate the
associated with dramatic climatic changes, may gossan to the size and 'value' of the underlying
result in the preservation of a 'perched' supergene sulphide ore body. As with the evaluation of most
zone as that seen at Chuquicamata, Chile. The ore bodies only expensive drilling will provide the
importance of the supergene zone, or blanket, in absolute answer to this question. To determine if
the economics of porphyry copper deposit drilling is warranted the evaluation begins with a
exploitation and exploration has been covered in specialized investigation of the mineralogical and
Chapter 3. The supergene enrichment of textural features and then concentrates on the

ppm Cu ( solid line )

- - .,. Fe (dashed line)

Leached zone I
Oxid ized ores .c ./
Water table /'
Fig.7.17 (a) General "
section through a sulphide- Enriched zone
bearing vein showing
supergene enrichment. (b)
Variation of eu and Fe with
Pri ma r y
depth through this vein m inera liZa t Ion
(modified from Evans
1980). (a) (b)

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
_ - - - - , Neutral
· Self· potential'
effe ct

Negativ e

Fig. 7.18 Schematic diagram of oxidizing ore

body, showing flow of electrons and ions (from
Rose, Hawkes and Webb 1979) .

geochemistry of the gossan (Sections 2.3.7 (b) and described in this chapter, the main types of reaction
6.3.4). Trace element geochemistry is probably involved in the chemical weathering of the
the most reliable criterion for gossan evaluation. sulphide ores are electrochemical and take place
The iron oxide mineralogy may not be diagnostic between the sulphide (electronic conductor) and
or characteristic but metal oxidates or the residual an aqueous medium. The supergene alteration of
sulphide gangue may give a guide to genesis. the sulphide ore body causes it to behave as a large
Andrew (1980) states that highly leached gossans electrochemical cell with electronic flow through
commonly overlie massive sulphides with low the ore body and ionic flow through the
metal/sulphur ratios. While recognizing the surrounding groundwater system (Fig. 7.18). It is
limitations, Andrew has found that where textural this phenomenon which forms the basis for
appraisal can be locally quantitative it is the most exploration using self-potential or spontaneous
definitive of all gossan evaluation techniques. potential (SP) . Over some oxidizing sulphide
Evaluation of gossans, as guides to mineralization, bodies voltages of many hundred millivolts have
may be particularly beneficial in areas where the been detected.
gossan-forming process (deep-weathering) has The maximum anomaly quoted by Andrew
advanced to such an extent as to make (1980) for selected deposits in Southern Africa is
conventional geochemistry or geophysics difficult 0.52 volt over the semi-massive, pyrite-chalco-
to apply. Generally, however, evaluation of the pyrite bodies at Otjihase where the oxide zone is
gossan will guide the choice of subsequent up to 25 m thick. The occurrence of similar SP
geophysical, geochemical and drilling techniques. anomalies over sulphide bodies which are sub-
merged below the water table may indicate a relict
Application of geophysics cell, formed when the water table was lower and in
In contrast to the weathering of silicate minerals WhICh the Eh of the supergene alteration has not
which gives rise to the economic residual deposits re-eqUIlIbrated with the Eh of the groundwaters.

Ore deposits jormed by weathering
Although such SP anomalies may occur over explained our overall approach, in Chapter 1, as
oxidizing sulphide bodies, anomalies of similar being typological. Within each mineral deposit
magnitude may occur as a result of completely type we have attempted a classification where this
different geological circumstances, for example appears beneficial to the understanding of the
the presence of anthracite. Therefore reliance on deposit type or to the benefit of the explorationist.
geophysical methods alone is not possible, but, In dealing with lateritic nickel no classification
combined with accurate geochemical and scheme was proposed, as at present we consider
mineralogical interpretation and data from other one unnecessary for the location of other similar
exploration methods, it should reduce the amount deposits. The mode of formation and occurrence
of drilling required. of lateritic nickel deposits does not necessitate
further subdivision of the deposit type. A
classification of kaolin is useful, the division into
residual, sedimentary and hydrothermal
The mineral deposits covered in this chapter are all providing a good indication of the environments
linked through their main agent of formation, in which further deposits may be sought. An
chemical weathering. In bauxites, the genesis additional classification would be applied within
relies on very specific climatic conditions whereas the deposit areas, based upon the various grades of
for lateritic nickel deposits to form these climatic clay available, defined by their end use. Such
conditions must act upon a narrow range of rock detailed subdivisions will change with market
types. requirements.
Although the genesis is well documented for The other lateritic deposit which has been
most of these deposits and can be useful in their described in detail is bauxite. Many attempts have
exploration, the problem faced by the geologist is been made to classify these deposits. From the
more one of evaluation than exploration. Many of classification schemes currently suggested we
these deposits occur either as irregular blankets or chose a simple division into lateritic crust and
pockets, which reflect irregularities in the bed- karst. As an initial, descriptive approach this is
rock. They also rapidly change in grade vertically reasonably successful but for exploration and
and laterally. Drilling is undertaken earlier and evaluation purposes it is not entirely satisfactory.
probably more extensively in these deposits than We feel that a classification is needed that more
in any other mineral deposit type. We have adequately describes the internal composition and
stressed the effect of the end use upon the material compositional variations of bauxites. A clas-
mined and which involves the geologist in the sification along these lines would guide geologists
search for material of very specific qualities. towards an end use for the material. In con-
In dealing with supergene enrichment we have structing Table 7.2, combining the features of
mentioned the attempts at interpreting the relict bauxites, we feel that we see such a classification
mineralogy and structure in the gossans overlying developing with divisions based upon iron
sulphide ore bodies. Earlier, when dealing with content. We wait for other workers with more
porphyry copper deposits (Section 3.3.e), we specialized knowledge of bauxites to produce a
stressed the economic significance of the chalcocite comprehensive classification of practical use to the
blanket to these deposits. In porphyry copper exploration geologist.
deposits there have also been attempts to deduce
the underlying sulphide mineralization, and
possible magnetite content from the gossan REFERENCES
mineralogy .
. Part of any geological text is always devoted to Alderton, D. H. M. and Rankin, A. (1983) The
the classification of mineral deposits and we character and evolution of hydrothermal fluids

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
associated with the kaolinized St Austell granite, S. W. Am., 73, 375-384.
England.]. Ceoi. Soc. Lond., 140,297-309. Dixon, C. J. (1979) Atlas of Economic Mineral Deposits,
Aleva, G. J. J. (1981) Essential differences between the Chapman and Hall, London. 143 pp.
Bauxite deposits along the Southern and Northern Dreyer, R M. (1978) Principles of evaluation of
edges of the Guiana Shield, South America. Econ. lateritic ores. Min. Eng. August, 1201-1202.
CeoI., 76, 1142-1152. Dubois, J., Launay, J. and Recy, J. (1973) Les
Allum, J. A. E. (1982) Remote sensing in Mineral mouvements verticaux en Nouvelle-Caledonie et aux
Exploration---case histories. Ceosci. Can., 8(3), 87-92. Illes Loyautes et leur interpretation dans l'optique d.:
Andrew, R. L. (1980) Supergene alteration and gossan la tectonique des plaques. Cah. ORSTOM, Ser. Ceoi.
textures of base-metal ores in Southern Africa. Miner. Paris, 5, 3-24.
Sci. Eng. 12(4), 193-215. Durrance, E. M., Bromley, A. V., Bristow, C. M.,
Baas Becking, L. G. M., Kaplan, I. R and Moore, D. Heath, M.J. and Penman,J. M. (1982) Hydrothermal
(1960) Limits of the natural environments in terms of circulation and postmagmatic changes in the granites
pH and oxidation-reduction potentials. Jour. Ceology of South West England. Proc. Ussher Soc. 5, 304-320.
68, 243-284. Engineering and Mining Journal (1975) ICOMI:
Bardossy, G. (1979) Growing significance of bauxites. manganese technology with social progress, New
Episodes, 2, 22-25. York, p. 105.
Bardossy, G. (1982) Karst Bauxite: Bauxite Deposits on Evans, A. M. (1980) An Introduction to Ore Ceology,
Carbonate Rocks. Elsevier, Oxford, 441 pp. Blackwell, Oxford, 231 pp.
Blain, C. F. and Andrew, R L. (1977) Sulphide Exley, C. S. (1976) Observations on the formation of
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Sci. Paris Ser. D, 2, 36--68.

Iron ores of sedimentary affiliation

8.1 INTRODUCTION These economIC forces led to world-wide

exploration for high-grade large-tonnage iron ore
The bulk of the World's production of iron ore is deposits and to the evaluation of known resources
processed into steel, and the needs of the steel during the 1950s and 1960s. At the same time
industry therefore have a profound effect on the metallurgical research resulted in the development
type of ore mined. An understanding of the of beneficiation processes which enabled some
technology of the steel industry is useful for the types of ore oflow grade to become economically
geologist working on iron ore deposits, and a attractive. In the USA this has resulted in a major
good introduction to the subject has been provided proportion of iron ore being produced by the
by Strassburger (1969). Recent changes in the processing of iron-formations which would have
mining and processing of iron ore are reviewed by been considered 'waste' in the 1940s.
Peterson (1980). As a consequence of the dramatic success of both
One trend within the industry has been a greatly exploration and processing there has been a
increased demand for ore. This is reflected in an fundamental change in the types of iron ore
increase in Wodd steel production from 270 utilized by the major steel-manufacturing
million tonnes in 1955 to an estimated 750 million countries. This is well illustrated by the changed
tonnes in 1983 (Mining Annual Review, 1984). At pattern of production in Western Europe
the same time there has been a demand for higher compared with Australia. Table 8.1 shows that the
grades of ore, which contrasts with commodities production from oolitic iron ores in France, UK
such as copper where the average grade has and Germany declined rapidly from 1962 whilst
declined in the last fifty years (see Fig. 3.1). The those countries such as Australia which exploit
average grade of iron ore entering international ores associated with iron-formation have
trade was 51 % Fe in 1950 but was estimated to be witnessed a spectacular surge in the production of
59% in 1975 (Canada, 1976). In addition the steel iron ore. The advantage of proximity to the
manufacturers have demanded increasingly European blast furnaces has, within two decades,
rigorous specifications for the physical properties been outweighed by lower-priced imported ores
of the ore such as particle size distribution. of higher and more consistent grade.
Iron ores oj sedimentary ajfiLiation
Table 8.1 Comparative statistics of iron ore production (10" tonnes)

Country Ore type 1962 1972 1982

France Oolitic 65.2 54.8 19.7

UK Oolitic 15.2 9.0 0.5
West Germany Oolitic 16.5 6.1 1.4
Australia Supergene ore 4.8 62.5 89.0
associated with
banded iron-

Source: Mining Annual Review (1963,1973,1983).

The more recent trend in the steel industry from However, the oxide-type iron-formation mined in
the blast furnace towards the use of direct the USA and Brazil requires treatment before it
reduction techniques has also changed the becomes commercially viable. The main processes
emphasis in demand for iron ore (Stephenson and involved are crushing, grinding, magnetic
Smailer, 1980). Ore to be utilized in direct separation and froth flotation.
reduction methods of iron manufacture must be of Two factors arise from the beneficiation of the
higher grade than would be acceptable for a ores which require further comment. Firstly the
conventional blast furnace and must also contain crushed and up-graded iron oxide concentrate has
very low concentrations of impurities, particularly a grain size which is too fme to be acceptable for
Si0 2 and Ab03' blast furnace feed and it is normally made into
World production of iron ore is dominated by pellets of three-eighths to one-half inch (9 - 13
the USSR which had an estimated mine pro- mm) diameter. Secondly the processing of the iron
duction of245 X 106 tonnes in 1983 (Mining Annual ore adds to the cost of the concentrate which is sold
Review, 1984). Brazil, Australia and China are also to the steel industry, a financial burden which
major producers of iron ore, and there are forty naturally enriched ores do not have to carry.
additional countries from which production was
recorded in 1983.
Iron-formation and enrichment ores derived
from them are the main iron ores mined at the The geologist's perspective of ore deposits and
present time but there is some geographical therefore his attitude towards their classification is
variation in ore type. In the USA since the 1950s to a certain extent dependent on the country or
there has been an increasing trend towards the group of countries in which he works. This is well
exploitation of unaltered iron-formation due to illustrated by the case of iron ores. In the USSR,
the exhaustion of their high-grade ores. which is by far the most important World
Conversely in Brazil it is probable that in the producer, iron ore is produced from a diversity of
future banded iron-formation will play a less ore types and a comprehensive classification is
significant role as a source of iron due to the required (Table 8.2). However, in the Western
discovery "of large reserves of high-grade World most of the ore types shown in Table 8.2 are
enrichment ore in the Serra dbs Carajas district. now largely of historical or local value. In some
In the Michipicoten district of Canada a cases unusual types of iron ore may serve a local
carbonate type of iron-formation is mined and can steel industry where low transport costs may be
be sold to the industry with minimal beneficiation. advantageous, and m other instances a

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Table 8.2 Classification of iron ore deposits (modified from Sokolov and Grigor'ev, 1977)

Genetic group Examples

1. Magmatic Kachkanar (Urals), Kusinsk, USSR

Kiruna, Sweden
2. Contact-metasomatic Marmora, Ontario, Canada
Magnitogorsk, USSR
3. Hydrothermal Iron Mountain and Pea Ridge, Missouri, USA
Korshunovsk, Eastern Siberia, USSR
4. Marine-sedimentary Northamptonshire, UK
(weakly metamorphosed North Island, New Zealand
and unmetamorphosed) Nizhne-Angara, Eastern Siberia
5. Continental sedimentary Orsk-Khalilovosk, S. Urals, USSR
6. Weathering crusts Hamersley area, W. Australia
(includes enrichment ore) Serra dos Carajas, Brazil
Michailovsk, USSR
7. Metamorphic (includes Lake Superior district, USA
iron-formation) Itabira district, Brazil
Krivoi Rog, Ukraine, USSR

.Government subsidy may support an indigenous necessarily contammg layers of chert. James
industry so that the price of steel is maintained at excluded Phanerozoic iron-rich sediments from
an artificial level. Having noted these exceptions it this definition and selected the term 'ironstone'
must now be emphasized that the main types bf to distinguish them from iron-formation.
ore which dominate the non-Communist steel Synonymous terms which are sometimes used for
industry at the present time and for the foreseeable iron-formation include banded haematite
future are Precambrian iron-formations and the quartzite, quartz banded ore and banded
enrichment ores which are closely associated with ironstone.
them (Fig. 8.1). Iron-formation is designated as a Trendall (1983a) has recently reviewed the
metamorphic ore type in Table 8.2, but Western nomenclature of iron-formation. He prefers to
geologists prefer to emphasize their sedimentary retain iron-formation as a general lithological and
affiliation. The classification of iron-formation has stratigraphic term for iron-rich sedimentary rocks
been hindered by a confusing terminology which and recommends that 'anomalously high content
varies with geographical location and has of iron' should replace the 15% limit defined by
sometimes changed with technological James. Trendall's definition would also apply to
development. Unfortunately this problem is still Phanerozoic iron-rich sediments. Whether James'
not fully resolved and the definitions presented or Trendall's definitions are accepted, the term
here may well be modified in the future. 'banded iron-formation' (BIF) is reserved for those
iron-rich sediments which are characterized by
regular banding.
8.2.1 Iron-formation (IF) Several attempts have been made to classify
James (1954) has defined iron-formation as a iron-formation. Gross (1965) considered that iron-
chemical sedimentary rock, typically thin-bedded formation can be divided into two main types:
and/or finely laminated, containing at least 15% Superior and Algoma. The Superior type is
iron of sedimentary origin and commonly but not deposited m a near-shore continental-shelf

Iron ores of sedimentary affiliation
environment in assoCIatIon with dolomites, 8.3 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF
quartzites and black shales, whereas the Algoma IRON-FORMATION
type is associated with volcanics. Gross's
classification appears to be valid for North
America, but is not so readily applicable to the
major iron-formations of the Hamersley Basin in 8.3.1 Distribution in space and time
Western Australia, or the Transvaal Basin in South
Africa. In spite of its limitations the distinction Iron-formations are largely confined to
between Superior and Algoma types is still widely Precambrian shield areas, and the cratons of both
used. Northern and Southern hemispheres contain
Kimberley (1978) has proposed a palaeo- deposits of economic importance.
environmental classification of iron-formation. Iron-formations occur throughout the
Six classes of ore are recognized and are described Precambrian but there are particular periods of
by their acronyms: for example shallow-volcanic- time when they are notably abundant. The subject
platform iron-formation (SVOP-IF). Trendall has been investigated by Goldich (1973) and has
(1983a) considers that the environment of been discussed more recently by James (1983). Fig.
deposition of many iron-formations IS 8.2 shows the periods of most abundant deposition
insufficiently understood for this scheme to be of iron-formation and it is apparent that the Early
widely used. At the present time no wholly Proterozoic (2500-1900 million years) represents
satisfactory system of classification has been the most important time interval. Many of the
proposed which is generally accepted by World's large iron-formations were formed at this
geologists who are studying this class of deposit. time including the Lake Superior region, USA, the
Labrador Trough, Canada, the Krivoi Rog
district, USSR, the Transvaal Griquatown region,
8.2.2 Itabirite S. Africa, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, and the
Hamersley Iron Province, Western Australia.
This may be defined as laminated, metamorphosed,
James (1983) suggests that the depositional
oxide-type banded iron-formation, in which the
maximum of iron-formation in Lower
original chert or jasper bands have been
Proterozoic times results from the combination of
recrystallized into megascopically distinguishable
structural, geochemical and biological factors.
grains of quartz, and in which iron is present as
The advent of the Lower Proterozoic was marked
thin layers of haematite and magnetite (modified
by a change in structural style from orogenesis and
from Dorr and Barbosa, 1963). The term was
cratonization in the late Archaean to a period of
originally applied to enrichment ores in the Itabira
structural stability characterized by the
district of Brazil.
development of shallow intracontinental troughs
and marginal basins. This provided numerous
sites favourable for the deposition of iron-
8.2.3 Taconite formation. The chief biological factor was the
This may be defined as iron-formation, suitable development of primitive organisms which were
for concentration of magnetite and haematite by capable of producing oxygen by photosynthesis.
fine grinding and magnetic or other treatment, The main consequence would have been the
from which pellets containing 62-65% iron can be increased tendency for iron to be oxidized and
manufactured (modified from Bates and Jackson, precipitated as iron hydroxides. The prime
1980). The term was originally applied to bedded geochemical factor was the transport of dissolved
ferruginous chert in the Lake Superior district of iron and silica by upwelling ocean currents to
Minnesota. favourable depositional sites.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Phonerozoic i ronstones 0

Precombrion iron ores

exploitot ion moinly from
iron - formotion 0
exploi totion moinly from
enriched hemoti te ore l>

Iron ores of mogmotic, mogmotic·

hydrothermol ond contoct -
metomorph i c offiliotion +

Fig. 8.1 Location map.

contained III the Swaziland Supergroup,

8.3.2 Size and grade of deposits Swaziland, to 10 14 tonnes for the larger
Iron-formation is essentially an iron-rich sedimentary basins such as Krivoi Rog, USSR,
sedimentary rock which normally has a large area and Hamersley, Western Australia. These figures
and therefore the resources of iron are enormous. are merely intended to give an idea of the scale of
The original tonnage of iron-formation estimated sediment deposited and are not meant to be of
to contain about 30% Fe and 45% Si0 2 within commercial significance.
selected Precambrian sedimentary basins has been The criteria used in determining the reserves of
computed by James (1983). He concludes that the iron associated with iron-formation vary
tonnage of iron-formation ranges from 10 9 tonnes according to whether the ore is of the enrichment
for some of the smaller deposits such as those type or has to be beneficiated to obtain an iron-rich

Iron ores of sedimentary ajfiliation

North lslond


concentrate. In the Hamersley Basin, Western of iron-formation mined is taconite, which has to
Australia, the ores of commercial value are be beneficiated before it is of commercial value.
enrichment ores derived from banded iron- The geological criteria which are applied in
formation. For the purpose of reserve calculation a determining the cut-off limit for iron and the
cut-off of 55% Fe is utilized and reserves are resulting size of the deposit are shown in Table
estimated to be 33 X 10 9 tonnes (Hamersley Iron, 8.3.0hle (1972) explained that whilst high grade is
1981). Within the Hamersley Basin several specific a definite advantage it is only one of many factors
ore types with differing grades of iron and varying which have to be considered. The average grade of
concentrations of contaminants are recognized and magnetic iron which could be profitably exploited
the information is summarized in Table 8.6. in the early 1970s was above 20% . However,
In the Lake Superior district of the USA the bulk taconite with a magnetic iron content as low as

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Age 8.3.3 Mineralogy

(million years)
The valuable minerals in iron-formation are
magnetite, haematite and siderite. Within the Lake
Superior district of the USA the iron silicates
stilpnomelane and minnesotaite may be locally
important, and in the Wawa district of Canada
1500 pyritiferous shales are closely associated spatially
with the siderite ores.
2000 The average grade of iron-formation is typically
in the range 20-35% Fe Games, 1983). Normally
for iron-formation to be considered as ore it must
be either enriched by supergene processes or
beneficiated to form a high-grade concentrate.
3000 The main economic minerals in supergene iron ore
are haematite, martite and goethite. Their
3500 distribution in the Hamersley Iron Province of
Western Australia is described in Section 8.6.
4000 James (1954) studied iron-formation in the Lake
Initial abundance _
Superior district and suggested that four main
facies could be distinguished: oxide, carbonate,
Fig. 8.2 Estimated abundance of iron-formation sulphide and silicate. James considered that the
deposited through geological time. Horizontal scale is first three facies were controlled by the water
non-linear, approximately logarithmic; range ~1015 depth and oxygen content of the marine
tonnes (from James 1983). environment. More specifically the oxide facies
12-15% may be mined if it can be profitably was interpreted as having been deposited in
treated, whereas those ores which are difficult to shallow well-oxygenated water, whereas the
grind may need to contain 25% magnetic iron sulphide facies was considered to have been
before they are worth exploiting (Oble, 1972). In deposited in a deeper, oxygen-deficient
1979 the reserves of iron ore in the Lake Superior environment. James illustrated this concept
district were estimated to be 16 X 10 9 tonnes diagramatically but his cross-section showing a
(Peterson, 1980) lateral transition between facies types has been

Table 8.3 Geological factors in the evaluation of iron ore deposits (from Ohle, 1972)

1. Type and grade: direct shipping, wash, heavy media, taconite, etc., iron: silica ratio, impurities, and associated
2. Tonnage: crude and product, effect on capital cost and recuperation schedules, weight recovery.
3. Grain-size: grind size, texture, liberation of ore minerals, elimination of impurities.
4. Grindability: kWh per tonne to reduce the ore to concentrating and agglomerating sizes.
5. Mineralogy: magnetite, haematite, goethite, silicate or carbonate. Impurity mineralogy - effect on the ability to
separate the impurities in processing.
6. Distribution of ore types: grades, textures, mineralogies - can selective mining be done?
7. Depth and nature of overburden: sand and gravel, or rock. Open pit versus underground mining.
8. Shape and attitude of the ore body: tonnes per vertical metre, effect on stripping ratio.
9. Location: topographic effects, climate.

Iron ores oj sedimentary ajfiliation
interpreted by many geologists as a true section sedimentary origin and commonly but not
rather than as a conceptual model. In practice, necessarily containing layers of chert'. However,
exposures which demonstrate the lateral transition we agree with Trendall that 15% is an arbitrary
between facies have yet to be described. Trendall figure which is probably best replaced by a
(1983a) therefore suggests that such terms as qualitative term such as iron-rich. We also find
carbonate-facies iron-formation should not be James's use of the term 'ironstone' for oolitic iron
applied in the context of a particular basinal model ores of Phanerozoic age a helpful distinction.
but should be retained as a descriptive term. The term banded 'iron-formation' is used when
the iron-rich and chert-rich components are
separated into distinct layers. In the case of the
8.3.4 Lithology
Krivoi Rog Basin, USSR, and the Hamersley
We explained in Section 8.2 that geologists are not Basin, Western Australia, banding is a widespread
in agreement about the definition of iron- feature of iron-formation (Trendall, 1983a;
formation . As a result specialists who are Belevtsev et al., 1983). In other sedimentary basins
describing iron-formation from a particular the banding may be more restricted. For example
sedimentary basin often find it necessary to define irregular to wavy, bedded chert material
the sense in which they are using the term. For the characterizes part of the Ironwood iron-formation
purpose of this chapter we prefer the definition in the Animikie Basin, Lake Superior Region
proposed by James (1954): a chemical (Morey, 1983) .
sedimentary rock, typically thin-bedded and/or The scale of banding in banded iron-formation
finely laminated, containing at least 15% iron of usually varies from a few millimetres to several

Fig. 8.3 Banded iron-formation,

Lucy open pit, Wawa, Ontario . The
darker coloured horizons represent a
veneer of oxidation on siderite. The
lighter coloured layers consist of

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

O. .IIIi::=2.....3
Fig. 8.4 Banded iron-formation, Mount Tom SCALE IN CMS .
Price, Western Australia. Alternating layers of
haematite/magnetite and chert .

centimetres (Figs 8.3 and 8.4). In the Hamersley Sokoman Formation, Labrador, which include
district, Western Australia, three scales of banding micritic, pelleted, intraclastic, peloidal, oolitic,
are recognized (Trendall, 1975). pisolitic and stromatolitic types. On this evidence
Dimroth compared the sedimentary environment
(1) Large-scale macro bands defined by alter-
of the Labrador trough with the present-day
nations between thin layers of iron-formation and
coastline of the Persian Gulf. Similar sedimentary
pyroclastics and thicker layers of banded cherty
textures have been described from the Griqualand
iron-formation. The change between lithologies
West and Transvaal Basins in South Africa
ranges from 0.6 to 15.0 m (Fig. 8.5).
(Beukes, 1983). Prelithification slump structures,
(2) Medium-scale mesobands. This is the scale
stylolites and shrinkage cracks are also described in
of banding which gives banded iron-formation its
the literature (Eichler, 1976).
characteristic appearance. The banding is caused
by alternations between iron-rich and silica-rich
layers. Mesobands vary from millimetres to centi-
metres in thickness (Fig. 8.4) .
(3) Microbands are laminations in the chert 8.3.5 Tectonic setting
bands caused by the distribution of iron minerals.
Precambrian iron-formations are of both
Other sedimentary structures and textures are Archaean and Proterozoic age and we therefore
also evident in iron-formation. Dimroth (1977) propose to discuss their tectonic settings
has described sedimentary textures from the separately .

Iron ores of sedimentary affiliation

Fig. 8.5 Large-scale macro bands in banded iron-formation Mount Tom Price, Western Australia. A scale is provided
by people standing in the open cut.

(a) Archaean iron-forlnation Goodwin (1973). They formed in small sedi-

James (1983) distinguishes deposits of Middle mentary basins in which the iron-formation is
(3500-3000 million years) and Late (2900-2600 characterized by distinctive patterns of facies
million years) Archaean age. The largest deposits variation.
of Middle Archaean age occur within the Guyanan
Shield of South America and the Liberian Shield in (b) Proterozoic iron-forll1ation
Africa. Prior to continental separation the iron- The Early Proterozoic represents the major period
formations occupied an area of 250000 km" of deposition of iron-formation. Interpretation of
Games, 1983). Gruss (1973) suggested that the environment of deposition of iron-formation
deposition took place on an epicontinental shelf from a range of Early Proterozoic deposits
with localized basins of thick iron-formation. indicates the importance of a broad, gently
Some deposits of Late Archaean age have a subsiding area of shallow water open or partly
cratonic setting, for example those of the Yilgarn open to the sea (Mitchell and Garson , 1981). Iron-
block, Western Australia. However, they are formations of Lower Proterozoic age are therefore
more commonly associated with vulcanicity in typical of passive continental margins and it is
greenstone belts. The Archaean iron-formations probably the establishment of this tectonic setting
of the Canadian Shield have been described by in Lower Proterozoic times which in part at least

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

accounts for the abundance of iron-formation The proposal that the weathering of a
during this epoch. continental land mass could provide the
components of iron-formation has been severely
criticized by Trendall (1965). His principal
criticism is the enormous areal extent and depth of
The widespread distribution of iron-formation bauxitization which would be required to produce
and the enormous size of the enrichment iron ore the requisite amount of iron. Trendall (1965)
deposits associated with them have largely pointed out that there is little evidence in the rocks
resolved the identification of the World's iron peripheral to iron-formations of such extensive
resources for the foreseeable future. The debate bauxitization. The transport of iron by rivers to a
concerning the genesis of iron-formation is sedimentary basin also raises the question of why
therefore more of scientific concern than of clastic sediment is rarely associated with banded
pressing economic importance. The problem iron-formation. In view of these problems the
which remains is the discovery of very high-grade majority of geologists regard the iron as being
ores which are in demand from the steel industry at of marine derivation, and most would consider
the present time. The factors which control the that it has been transported in solution as Fe 2 +.
enrichment of banded iron-formation will (3) Factors which control the banded structure in
therefore be considered in greater detail in a later banded iron-formation. Firstly it is necessary to
section (8.6.6). remind the reader that banding is recognized on
The genesis of Precambrian banded iron- differing scales and it is the nature of mesobanding
formation has been reviewed by Eichler (1976) and which has largely dominated discussion in the
more recently discussed by Ewers (1983) and literature. The following mechanisms have been
Morris and Horwitz (1983). The main problems suggested:
which need to be resolved are as follows:

(1) The source of iron. The main alternatives are (a) Mutual precIpItation if iron hydroxides
as follows: and colloidal silica from seawater (Moore and
(a) The intensive weathering of a continental Maynard, 1929).
land mass (Lepp and Goldich, 1964). This proposal implies that the banding is a
(b) Subaquatic exhalations from volcanic diagenetic feature. Some support for
activity (Goodwin, 1956). co-precipitation of silica with Fe(OHh is provided
(c) Subaquatic decomposition oflava (Huber, by experimental work described by Ewers (1983).
1959). (b) Rhythmic banding by precipitation from
(d) The up-welling of sea bottom water alternating silica- and iron-containing volcanic
(Holland, 1973; Morris and Horwitz, 1983). emanations (Goodwin, 1956; Morris and
(e) The re-solution of iron from detritus on Horwitz, 1983).
the seafloor (Borchert, ref. in Stanton (1972). (c) Seasonal deli very of silica in dry seasons
(2) The source of silica. The main alternatives and of iron in rainy periods with solutions derived
are as follows: from the adjacent land mass (Hough, 1958).
(a) Weathering of a continental land mass In discussing the sources of material we have
under climatic conditions different from those already noted the improbability of iron and silica
which leach iron. being of continental derivation. This must there-
(b) Exhalations from acid volcanism (Beukes, fore be regarded as an unlikely mechanism for
1973). banding.
(c) Intense biological activity possibly related (d) Diagnetic replacement of carbonate
to an influx of silica of volcanic origin. (Dimroth, 1977).

Iron ores of sedimentary affiliation
Ewers (1983) has pointed out that this iron ore. Current production is mainly from the
mechanism requires ferrous iron to be introduced 'Iron Quadrilateral' of Minas Gerais State where
uniformly into sediment over a vast area with the ore types include both banded iron-formation
subsequent intermittent introductions of an (itabirite) and ore resulting from the enrichment of
oxidizing agent. It seems more probable that iron itabirite.
has been precipitated as a primary sediment as a Enormous reserves of iron were discovered in
result of oxidation ofFe 2 +. Ewers (1983) mentions the Serra dos Carajas district, 550 km south of
oxidation by atmospheric oxygen, oxidation as a Belem, in 1967 (Tolbert et aI., 1971). The current
by-product of photosynthesis, and photochemical development of the Carajas district (Mining
oxidation as alternative mechanisms. Journal, Jan. 1st, 1982) will result in a greatly
The cause of banding in banded iron-formation increased proportion of high-grade ore being
remains a matter for speculation. It may be that we exploited in Brazil compared with itabirite. The
are seeing the result of a combination of reserves of the 'Iron Quadrilateral' were
mechanisms. The iron and silica seem most 11 000 X 10 6 tonnes in 1977 and contained 40-69%
probably to be of volcanic derivation but this does Fe. The reserves of the Serra dos Carajas amount
not imply a common source. The variation to 15.7 X 10 9 tonnes of which the measured reserve
between the meso bands probably reflects an is 2.4 X 10 9 tonnes (Hughes and Hughes, 1979).
original compositional layering within the The first ore body which has been designated for
sediment which has been exaggerated by the mining in the Serra dos Carajas district is referred
redistribution of elements during diagenesis. to as N4E. The average chemical composition of
the ore is shown in Table 8.5.
Australia is the World's third largest producer
of iron ore. Virtually all of the production is from
Enriched haematite ores are those which have been high-grade enriched deposits from the Hamersley
formed by natural processes from low-grade iron- Iron Province in the north-west of Western
formation. They represent the principal ore type Australia. These ores are discussed in further detail
which is being mined at the present time. The in Section 8.6 and will not therefore be considered
USSR is the leading World producer of iron ore, at this point.
and the high-grade ores of the Krivoi Rog iron-ore All enriched haematite ore deposits have
district represent the most important source of similarities in the nature of their protore and in
production (Sokolov and Grigor'ev, 1977). Table their morphology, mineralogy and chemistry.
8.4 summarizes the mineralogical and chemical There are, however, important differences in the
characteristics of the ore. quality of the ore which is available. For example
Brazil is the second largest World producer of the ores from the Carajas district are designated as

Table 8.4 Mineralogy and chemistry of rich ores from the Krivoi Rog Basin (from Sokolov and Grigor'ev, 1977)

Amount (wt%}

Ore type Iron Phosphorus Sulphur

Martite and haematite-martite 63.7 0.26 0.043

Martite-haematite-hydrohaematite 62.3 0.08 0.03
Haematite-hydrohaematite-hydrogoethite 57.5 0.088 0.01-
Magnetite and magnetite-specularite 54.0 0.04 0.15

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Table 8.5 Chemical composition of the iron ores of the Serra Dos Carajas district, Brazil (from Hughes and
Hughes, 1979)

Amount (wt%)

A1203+ Loss on
Fe P Mn Si02 ignition

Normal ore 66.31 0.04 0.23 2.51 2.01

High-Mn ore 59.16 0.03 5.93 2.77 2.98

'first class' ores by the steel industry with very low sediments. The thickness is variable but is known
concentrations of Si0 2, Ab03 and P compared to attain 4.25 km. The overlying Hamersley
with many other mining districts. Group varies in thickness from 1.86 to 2.16 km
and consists of five major, banded iron-formation
8.6 THE HAMERSLEY BASIN -AN EXAMPLE units, with intercalated carbonates and shales of
OF BANDED IRON-FORMATION AND volcanic derivation. The main units of economic
ASSOCIATED ENRICHMENT ORES significance are the Dales Gorge member of the
Brockman iron-formation and the Marra Mamba
8.6.1 Introduction iron-formation in which the banded iron-
The Hamersley Basin occurs in the north-west of formation is dominated by an oxide mineral
Western Australia. Though iron ores were known assemblage. A volcanic component is present
in 1920 to occur in the area their full potential was within the Hamersley Group which includes thick
not appreciated until the early 1960s. At the and extensive rhyolites. The third stratigraphic
present time production is mainly from the Tom subdivision is the Turee Creek Group, and the
Price, Paraburdoo and Newman deposits which overlying Wyloo Group, which consist of9 km of
are characterized by their high-iron and clastic sediments of greywacke facies with
low-phosphorus contents. dolomite and basalt being locally important.
These three stratigraphic units occur within the
Mount Bruce Supergroup.
8.6.2 Regional geology
The chemical and pyroclastic sediments, which
The rocks of the Hamersley Basin crop out over an constitute the Hamersley Group, indicate a
area of 100000 km 2 (Trendall, 1983b) and relatively shallow sedimentary environment of
comprise some 15000 m of sediment and wide lateral extent, which was isolated from
volcanics. Trendall (1983b) interprets the results of terriginous detritus. Morris and Horwitz (1983)
radiometric age determinations as suggesting believe that the sediments were deposited on a
initiation of sedimentation within the Hamersley shallow submarine platform, and they suggest that
Basin at about 2750 million years. Age the Bahamas provide the most appropriate
determinations and assumed rates of modern analogue. The sedimentary model
sedimentation indicate that deposition was proposed by Morris and Horwitz involves the
completed by about 2300 million years. introduction of iron and silica by upwelling,
There are three major stratigraphic subdivisions marine-bottom currents, which derive their major
within the Hamersley Basin. The lowest Fortescue constituents from a large, oceanic rift or hot spot.
group rests on an Archaean basement, and The sediments of the Mount Bruce Supergroup
comprises mainly volcanics with subsidiary clastic have been little deformed. The predominant

Iron ores of sedimentary affiliation
structural style is gentle, open folding with more Chemical analyses of both the oxide facies
intense deformation being confined to the elliptical macrobands and of the intervening lithologies
bounding zone of the Hamersley Basin (Trendall, have been published by Ewers and Morris (1981).
1983b). Two sets of vertical faults commonly The average composition of 17 oxide facies
displace the sedimentary succession. Smith et al. macrobands at Paraburdoo is Fe20346.37%; Si02
(1982) recognize four zones of regional meta- 43.15%; Ah03 0.09% and 0.21 % P20S. Other
morphism ranging up to (prehnite)-epidote- major elements include MgO, CaO, Na20, Ti0 2,
actinolite facies. They conclude, from the MnO and S. Ewers and Morris (1981) concluded
relationship of metamorphic zoning to strati- that the primary deposits were chemically similar
graphy, that metamorphism is entirely controlled throughout the Hamersley Basin.
by depth of burial.
8.6.4 Size and grade of ore bodies
8.6.3 The protore The currently mined ore bodies in the Hamersley
The Dales Gorge member of the Brockman iron- Iron Province are at Tom Price (Figs 8.6,8.7 and
formation is the main stratigraphic unit within 8.8), Paraburdoo and Newman. There is also a
which the highest-grade ores are concentrated. number of deposits which have been evaluated but
Trendall and Blockley (1968) subdivided the Dales are not yet exploited. Information about the size
Gorge member into 33 macrobands. These consist and grade of some selected deposits is summarized
of 16 oxide iron-formations, which range from 2 in Table 8.6.
to 15 m in thickness. The intervening macrobands The rich haematite ores are concordant with the
comprise shales, chert, siderite and ankerite. The banded iron-formation, and their configuration
oxide banded iron-formation exhibits the reflects the structural complexity of the host rock.
mesobanding which is characteristic of this Figures 8.9 and 8.10 demonstrate the relatively
lithology, and in addition micro banding has been undisturbed nature of the sediments at
described from the chert layers. The ore horizons Koodaideri, compared with the deformed
are thinned with respect to the banded iron- structure at Mount Whaleback. All of the known
formation. For example, at Tom Price the ore ore bodies have a surface expression and in some
thickness is 90 m, compared with 156 m of banded the ore extends to more than 400 m below surface,
iron-formation in the type-section (Gilhome, as for example at Mount Whaleback.
The main ore mineral present within the 'oxide
8.6.5 Mineralogy
facies' is magnetite, although haematite varies
from a major to an accessory component. Morris The mineralogy of the supergene iron ores of the
(1980) described considerable textural variation in Hamersley Iron Province has been described by
the magnetite in the Hamersley Iron Province. Morris (1980,1985).

Table 8.6 Size and grade of selected ore deposits in the Hamersley Iron Province (source: Hamersley Iron, 1981)

Size Fe P SiOz AlzOJ

Deposit (tonnes X 106) (%) (%) (%) (%)

Tom Price 700 64 0.05 4 2

Koodaideri 720 62 0.12 3 2
N ammuldi/Silvergrass 300 62 0.06 3 1-2

Mt Bruce
Hamersley Group
Supergroup lD
E=.:::l Fortescue Group

I+-t I Archaean
~ 5p l?Okm

Fig. 8.6 Geological sketch map of the Hamersley Iron Province, Western Australia (from Ewers and Morris 1981).
Fig. 8.7 Mount Tom Price
open pit (1977).

Fig. 8.8 Blasting at Mount

Tom Price.
Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Fig. 8.9 Section through the

Koodaideri deposit showing ~ Iron - formation
relation of mineralization to
stratigraphy and land form
r:;';::J Ferruginous derTi tus ~~1 Mainly shale

(modified from Baldwin 1975). Itt]! Bedded haematire - goerh ite a re D Dolom ite

_._ Maj or synclinal axis

.# Fault zone
_Shear zone

~ '1J
\II II :

'I "


o 500 m
L . . '_ _ _ _- - - ',

V "I \II II " "V

/. " 'II II v " V
II 'I V V II "

~ High - grade haematite ore (av. ~4·'. Fe )

Low - med ium-grade are (54-62·'. Fe )

Iron - formation

E=:.=::q\ Sha le
B Amphibolite and sha le

Fig. 8.10 Cross-sections through the Mount Whaleback ore body showing the association of high-grade ore with
synclinal structures (modified from Kneeshaw, 1975).

Morris (1985) divides the Hamersley ores into ore. Most commonly, alteration of the keno-
two classes: haematite--goethite ore, and haematite- magnetite, by inversion to haematite, and
rich ore characterized by the presence of hydration to goethite, leads to the formation of
microplaty haematite. The former class is haematite-goethite ore. However, in some
dominant, but the latter is the most commercially instances fine platy and irregular haematite grow
valuable ore. within the goethite, and result in the formation of
Both classes of ore are derived from banded the high-grade haematite ores. Morris (1985)
iron-formation which is initially altered speculates that this class of ore may result from
to martite-kenomagnetite--goethite ore by shallow burial, when temperatures of about 100°C
supergene enrichment (oxidation of magnetite, are attained . However, the restricted distribution
and iron-metasomatism of silicates and carbo- of this ore type indicates that factors additional to
nates). Differing conditions and processes act temperature must play an important role. Perhaps
upon this intermediate-stage ore, and lead to the the localized channelling of deep meteoric water
development of the two main classes of high-grade may have played a part in the development of the

Iron ores of sedimentary affiliation
haematite-rich ores. In addition to the two main The most recent review of the evidence con-
classes of iron ores, there are several subtypes cerning the genesis of the supergene iron ores of
which Morris (1985) believes have formed by the Hamersley Iron Province is provided by
dehydration and/or the solution, removal and Morris (1980). There are two principal areas where
reprecipitation of iron. concepts have changed since the mid-1960s.
Firstly, the distinction between two classes
of enrichment ore: haematite-goethite and
8.6.6 Genesis haematite-rich ore (Morris, 1985). Secondly, the
The genetic model for newly discovered recognition that much of the enrichment ore is
mineralization is always provisional, because Precambrian in age. The best evidence for the age
observations are limited to surface outcrops, of the ore is based on the presence of fragments of
trenches and borehole cores. It is usual for ideas to haematite-rich ore within conglomerates at the
evolve as more detailed information becomes base of the Wyloo Group which is dated at about
available from mining and as researchers publish 1800 million years.
their results on the geochemistry and mineralogy Morris (1980) considered that the haematite-
of the ores. In the Hamersley district the close goethite ore and its derivatives can be explained by
spatial and genetic association of the enriched ores processes of supergene enrichment. The
with banded iron-formation has been widely differences within these ore types largely reflect
recognized from the outset and has not been differing stages of maturity.
seriously challenged. The debate has focused on The genesis of the haematite-rich ore has proved
the timing and mechanism of the removal oflarge a more contentious subject. Trendall (1975) in a
quantities of silica and the concurrent addition of review of the Hamersley Iron Province considered
iron to the parent iron-formation. that the haematite-rich ores had formed at a
Campana (1966) recognized three main controls temperature of 150°C and suggested burial to a
of iron enrichment: stratigraphic, structural and depth of 4 km with a geothermal gradient of30°C/
palaeoclimatic. The stratigraphic control was km. Morris (1980) accepts that the depth of burial
demonstrated by the concentration of major ore may have been as much as 4 or 5 km but does not
bodies within the Dales Gorge member of the believe it is necessary to invoke such a high
Brockman iron-formation over a wide area. temperature. He suggests, partly on thermo-
Structural control was initially inferred from the dynamic criteria, that the temperature of
localization of ore bodies in axial flexures, and ore formation has not exceeded about 100°C. The
down-faulted segments of the Brockman iron- mineralogy of the haematite-rich ores may have
formation. Subsequently, Trendall (1975) noted been modified by the subsequent effects of the
that the range of associated structures was wider solution and redeposition of iron.
than at first thought, and he also stated that ore
bodies are not always present in favourable
structures. The influence of climate was assumed
from the coincidence of the upper plane of the ore The discovery of the larger iron ore deposits in the
body, with a horizon which is not only the 'New World' has followed a similar pattern, in
present-day topography, but one which is spite of the widely differing conditions between
recognized as representing an old erosional surface the Amazon jungle of Brazil, and the sparsely
of Tertiary age. This led initially to the conclusion vegetated terrain of the Hamersley area of Western
that the ores were of supergene origin, with the Australia. In all cases the objectives have been to
leaching of silica being attributable to the copious define the limits of the iron-formation and to
rainfall, high temperature and variable water table quantify the ore reserves.
in Tertiary times. Marsden (1968) commented that in the early

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
years of exploration in the Lake Superior region, normally used in the preliminary stages of
prior to the 1880s, 'the dip-needle for magnetic evaluation and recourse is sometimes made to
surveys and the pick and shovel were used percussion drilling at a later stage in the
effectively by the pioneer explorers.' Nearly a programme. The grid size selected for drilling
hundred years later in South America, Africa, varies according to the ore type. For example the
India and Australia the essential tools for Empire ore body, Marquette Range, was
exploration have been the geological pick and evaluated by drilling vertical holes on a 600 ft
geophysical equipment of more sophisticated (182.8 m) grid which was later reduced to 300 ft
design than the dip needle. In Brazil, Liberia and (91.4 m). Test work was carried out on 45 ft (13.7
Australia geological mapping has formed the basis m) composite samples (T. Wentworth Slitor,
for exploration, owing to adequate exposure, and personal communication).
the recognition that the high-grade ores have well- In the evaluation of enriched ores, where the
defined stratigraphic and structural controls. In the specifications of chemical composition are more
Hamersley district of Australia the scale of rigorous, a more detailed spacing of boreholes is
preliminary geological mapping varied from required. For example, the drilling of the Tom
1:10 000 to 1:40000 (W. G. Burns, personal Price and Paraburdoo deposits, in the Hamersley
communication). district, was initially carried out on a 400 X 160 m
Geological mapping is commonly sup- grid, which was subsequently narrowed to
plemented by airborne and ground-based 60 X 60 m spacing, with samples collected for
magnetic surveys. These have proved most analysis at 2 m intervals (W. G. Burns, personal
effective in areas where magnetite is a major ore communication) .
mineral. For example ground magnetic and Normally the core is split, with half being sent
seismic surveys were used successfully in for chemical analysis for the following
exploration for new deposits in the Marquette constituents: Fe, FeO, Fez03, Si0 2, Alz0 3, P, Mn
Range, Lake Superior district, using a 25 X 50 ft and loss on ignition. The Fe content represents the
(7.6 X 15.2 m) grid (T. Wentworth Slitor, grade of the deposit. The relative proportions of
personal communication). In the Hamersley ferrous and ferric iron must be ascertained because
district magnetic and gravity surveys have proved they react differently in the subsequent processing
to be oflimited value owing to the general absence of the ore. I~ general, the oxidized ore is
of definitive signatures over the ore bodies (W. G. preferable, because it is more readily reduced to
Burns, personal communication). In the iron in the blast furnace (R. H. Parker, personal
evaluation of the Nimba deposit in Liberia, only communication) .
limited use was made of magnetic and gravimetric Mn at high concentrations is a contaminant, but
techniques, because the rough terrain made inter- at low levels may be beneficial in that it provides a
pretation difficult, and because good exposure natural alloying element, thus reducing the
made geophysics superfluous (P. Ericsson, amount of ferromanganese which would have to
personal communication). be added in the manufacture of most types of steel
(R. H. Parker, personal communication). Si0 2,
Ab03 and P are contaminants, as are CO 2 and
H 20 which are measured by the loss on ignition.
Drilling has proved to be an essential stage in the Definition of the size and quality of the ore body
definition of iron ore reserves. The usual is usually followed by the collection oflarge bulk
procedure is to define the geometry of the ore samples for metallurgical test work. Some of this
body with widely spaced holes, and then evaluate material may have been obtained at an early stage
the quality of the ore with more detailed infill from the drill core, but usually adits or tunnels are
drilling and bulk sampling. Diamond drilling is driven into the ore body at differing depths to

iron ores oj sedimentary ajjiliation
obtain large representative samples. In the data in the form of frequency diagrams indicated
evaluation of the Carajas district, Brazil, 3400 m of trimodality, which was found to persist even
tunnelling was carried out in the final stages of when the data were restricted to one ore-bearing
evaluation. In addition, a 108 m raise was driven horizon. As a result a detailed re-examination of
from the tunnel to the surface along the axis of a borehole information was carried out, with the
diamond drill hole. This was partly to check the eventual recognition of eleven separate units
reliability of the information obtained from within the stratigraphy of the mine. More detailed
drilling, and partly to enable samples to be mapping also revealed two separate phases of
collected for physical testing (Ruff et a/., 1974). folding and two sets of faults, which post-date the
Some of the problems identified during folding.
metallurgical test work on the Marra Mamba iron In order to investigate the chemical variation
ore deposit Western Australia are described by within the eleven stratigraphic units the system
Slepecki (1981). was unfolded to form a series of maps, which were
When iron ore production commences the mine later used as a basis for.trend surface analysis. A
geologist is primarily concerned with grade series of polynomial trend surfaces were generated
control. In the Hamersley district careful grade on the eleven ore units, and the first-order trend
control is required because the shale macrobands surfaces were found to be statistically acceptable as
contain contaminants, such as Ah03 and P, and models for grade distribution.
must be mined separately from the ore. At Tom
Price and Paraburdoo Mines open pit mapping is
carried out at a scale of 1:1000 (W. G. Burns,
personal communication). The Nimba deposit, In this chapter we have attempted to demonstrate
Liberia, has a very inhomogeneous ore, and the rapid change in the type of iron ore which has
careful grade control is required which is based on been mined during the last twenty-five years.
geological mapping at a scale ofl :500 (P. Ericsson, During this period the W orId has witnessed a
personal communication). dramatic change towards the exploitation of iron-
In some iron ore deposits the combination of formation, and in particular the enrichment ores
geological mapping and drilling may prove to be derived from it. At the same time there has been a
an inadequate basis for grade control. O'Leary change in the pattern of production. Production
(1979) has described the improved reliability of ore has declined from the iron ore deposits of Europe
prediction which arose from an integrated and North America, and new mining districts
geological and geostatistical approach at the Scully have been developed in Africa and Australia. One
mine, near Wabush in SE Labrador. Initially the consequence for the geologist is that the ore
stratigraphy and structure were based on deposits which have been most intensively studied
conventional mapping and petrographic studies, and described are now of secondary importance.
which were interpreted in terms of three separate Furthermore the studies on ore deposits in
ore-bearing horizons, deformed by a simple style Australia have called into question much of the
of folding. The preliminary interpretation did not conventional wisdom of the last thirty years. As a
adequately explain the distribution of iron and result many fundamental aspects such as
manganese, and furthermore a large discrepancy nomenclature - and classification are still
was found to exist between the grade of ore unresolved.
estimated and that obtained from the mill. To what extent has our knowledge of the
For the statistical study four parameters were geology of iron ore deposits aided in their
selected: the iron and manganese in the original exploration? In our opinion there has been a
sample, the concentrate weight at 6% Si0 2, and tendency for geologists to concentrate too much
the corresponding Mn assay. The plotting of these attention on the genesis of Precambrian banded

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
iron-formation. This is a fascinating area of Beukes, N. J. (1983) Palaeoenvironmental setting of
research but the various speculations which have iron-formations in the depositional basin of the
been advanced have provided little aid to the Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa. In Iron
exploration geologist. The identification of new Formation: Facts and Problems (eds A. F. Trendall and
R. C. Morris), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 131-198.
reserves of Precambrian banded iron-formation
Campana, B. (1966) Stratigraphic, structural and
can largely be attributed to geological mapping
palaeoclimatic controls of the newly discovered iron
and geophysics. ore deposits of Western Australia. Miner. Deposita, 1,
In contrast the genesis of the enrichment ores 53--59.
which are now recognized as being of prime Canada. Energy Mines and Resources (1976) Iron are,
economic importance has received scant attention. Mineral Policy Series MR 148, 35 pp.
It is now recognized that these high-grade ores are Dimroth, E. (1977) Facies models - diagenetic facies of
not the uniform products of supergene iron formation. Geosci. Can., 4, 83--88.
enrichment. Morris (1980, 1985) has classified the Dimroth, E. and Kimberley, M. J. (1976) Precambrian
supergene ores of the Hamersley Iron Province atmospheric oxygen: evidence in the sedimentary
into two classes, and it is probable that similar distribution of carbon, sulphur, uranium and iron.
Can.]. Earth Sci. 13(9), 1161-1185.
distinctions will become evident from other major
Dorr,J. V. N., II and Barbosa, A. L. de Miranda (1963)
mmmg districts. The classification and
Geology and ore deposits of the Itabira District,
distribution of the main classes of supergene ore Minas Gerais, Brazil. U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof Pap.,
are of pressing economic importance, because 341-C, 110 pp.
haematite-rich ores are in increasing demand by Eichler, J. (1976) Origin of the Precambrian banded
the steel industry. What are the factors which iron-formations. In Handbook of Strata-bound and
control the distribution of valuable haematite-rich Stratiform are Deposits (ed. K. H. Wolf), Elsevier,
supergene ores? This is an area where genetic Amsterdam, Vol. 7, pp. 157-197.
models based on theoretical studies, laboratory Ewers, W. E. (1983) Chemical factors in the deposition
experiments, interpretation of mineral paragenesis and diagenesis of banded iron-formation. In Iron
and geological mapping would be of value. Formation: Facts and Problems (eds A. F. Trendall and
R. C. Morris), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 491-510.
However, such an approach is still at an early
Ewers, W. E. and Morris, R. C. (1981) Studies of the
Dales Gorge Member of the Brockman Iron-
Formation, Western Australia. Econ. Geol., 76, 1929-
Gilhome, W. R. (1975) Mount Tom Price ore body,
Baldwin, J. T. (1975) Paraburdoo and Koodaideri ore Hamersley Iron Province. In Economic Geology of
deposits and comparisons with Tom Price iron ore Australia and Papua New Guinea. 1. Metals. Monograph
deposits, Hamersley Iron Province. In Economic Series 5 (ed. C. L. Knight) Australasian Institute of
Geology of Australia and Papua New Guinea. 1. Metals. Mining and Metallurgy, Parkville, Victoria, pp. 892-
Monograph Series 5 (ed. C. L. Knight), Australasian 897.
Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Parkville, Goldich, S. S. (1973) Age of Precambrian banded iron-
Victoria, pp. 898-905. formations. Econ. Geol., 68, 1126-1134.
Bates, R. L. andJackson,J. A. (1980) Glossary oJGeology Goodwin, A. M. (1956) Facies relations in the Gunflint
2nd edn, American Geological Institute, Falls iron-formation. Econ. Geol., 51,565-595.
Church, Virginia, 749 pp. Goodwin, A. M. (1973) Archaean iron-formations and
Belevtsev, Ya. N., Belevtsev, R. Ya. and Siroshtan, R. tectonic basins of the Canadian Shield. Econ. Geol.,
1. (1983) The Krivoi Rog Basin. In Iron Formation: 68,915-930.
Facts and Problems (eds A. F. Trendall and R. C. Gross, G. A. (1965) Geology of iron deposits in Canada.
Morris), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 211-249. Geol. Surv. Can. Eean. Geol. Rep., 22.
Beukes, N. J. (1973) Precambrian iron-formations of Gruss, H. (1973) Itabirite iron ores of the Liberia and
Southern Africa. Econ. Geol., 68, 960-1004. Guyana shields. UNESCO Earth Sci. Ser., 9, 335-359.

Iron ores of sedimentary affiliation
Hamersley Iron: Resources, Technology, Operations Morris, R. C. (1985) Genesis of iron ore in banded iron-
(1981) Company booklet produced by Hamersley formation by supergene and supergene metamorphic
Iron (Pty) Ltd. processes - a conceptual model. In Handbook of Strata-
Holland, H. D. (1973) The oceans: a possible source of bound and Stratiform Ore Deposits (ed. K. H. Wolf) Vol.
iron in iron-formations. Econ. Ceol., 68, 1169--1172. 12, Chapter 12, Elsevier. Amsterdam.
Hough, ]. L. (1958) Fresh-water environment of Morris, R. C. and Horwitz, R. C. (1983) The origin of
deposition of Precambrian banded iron-formations.]. the iron-formation rich Hamersley Group of Westem
Sediment. Petrol., 28, 414-430. Australia - deposition on a platform. Precambr. Res.,
Huber, N. K. (1959) Some aspects of the origin of the 21,273--297.
Ironwood iron-formations of Michigan and Ohle, E. L. (1972) Evaluation of iron ore deposits. Econ.
Wisconsin. Econ. Ceol., 54, 82-118. Ceol., 67, 953--964.
Hughes, G. E. F. and Hughes, P. D. (1979) Brazil iron O'Leary,]. (1979) Ore reserve estimation methods and
ore. Austr. Min., 71(4), 42-67. grade control at the Scully Mine, Canada. Min. Mag.,
James, H. L. (1954) Sedimentary facies of iron- April,300-314.
formation. Econ. Ceol., 49,235-293. Peterson, E. C. (1980) Iron ore. In Minerals Facts and
James, H. L. (1983) Distribution of banded iron- Problems, 1980 edn, United States Department of the
formation in space and time. In Iron Formation: Facts Interior Bulletin, 671, pp. 433--454.
and Problems (eds A. F. Trendall and R. C. Morris), Ruff, A., Tremaine,]. H., Bemardelli, A. L., Beisiegel,
Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 471--486. V. and Drummond, N. F. (1974) Exploration of one
Kimberley, M. K. (1978) Palaeoenvironmental of the largest iron ore districts; Brazil's Serra dos
classification of iron-formations. Econ. Ceol., 73, 215- Carajas. Min. Eng. , January, pp. 30-33.
229. Slepecki, S. (1981) Marra Mamba iron ore-a case study
Kneeshaw, M. (1975) Mt. Whaleback iron ore body, in exploration and development of a new ore type. In
Hamersley Iron Province. In Economic Ceology of Sydney Conference 1981 Parkville, Victoria, Australasian
Australia and Papua New Cuinea. 1. Metals. Monograph Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Parkville,
Series 5 (ed. C. L. Knight), Australasian Institute of Victoria, pp. 195-207.
Mining and Metallurgy, Parkville, Victoria, pp. Smith, R. E., Perdrix,]. L. and Parks, T. C. (1982)
910-915. Burial metamorphism in the Hamersley Basin,
Lepp, H. and Goldich, S. (1964) Origin of Precambrian Western Australia.]. Petrol., 23(1), 75-102.
iron-formations. Econ. Ceo I. , 59,1025-1060. Sokolov, G. A. and Grigor'ev, V. M. (1977) Deposits of
Marsden, R. W. (1968) Geology of the Iron ores of the iron. In Ore Deposits of the USSR (ed. V. I. Smirnov),
Lake Superior Region in the United States. In Ore Pitman Publishing Ltd, London. pp. 7-109.
Deposits of the United States 193~1967. The Craton- Stanton, R. L. (1972) Ore Petrology, McGraw-Hill,
Sales Volume (ed.]. D. Ridge), American Institute of London, 713 pp.
Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Stephenson, R. L. and Smailer, R. M. (eds) (1980) Direct
New York, pp. 489--507. Reduced Iron - Technology and Economics of Production
Mitchell, A. H. G. and Garson, M. S. (1981) Mineral and Use, Iron and Steel Society of AIME, Warrendale,
Deposits and Clobal Tectonic Settings, Academic Press, Pennsylvania.
New York, 405 pp. Strassburger,]. H. (ed.) (1969) Blast Fumace- Theory and
Moore, E. S. and Maynard, ]. E. (1929) Solution, Practice, Vols I and II, Gordon and Breach Science
transportation and precipitation of iron and silica. Publishers, New York.
Econ. Ceol., 24, 272-303, 365-402, 506-527. Tolbert, G. E., Tremaine,]. W., Melcher, G. C. and
Morey, G. B. (1983) Animikie Basin, Lake Superior Gomes, C. B. (1971) The recently discovered Serra
Region U.S.A. In Iron Formation: Facts and Problems dos Carajas Iron deposits, Northern Brazil. Econ.
(eds A. F. Trendall and R. C. Morris), Elsevier, Ceol., 66, 985-994.
Amsterdam, pp. 13-60. Trendall, A. F. (1965) Origin of Precambrian iron-
Morris, R. C. (1980) A textural and mineralogical study formations. Discussion of paper by Lepp and Goldich
of the relationship of iron ore to BIF in the Hamersley Econ. Ceol., 60,1065-1070.
Iron Province ofW. Australia. Econ. Ceol., 75, 184-- Trendall, A. F. (1975) The Hamersley Basin - regional
209. geology. In Economic Ceology of Australia and Papua

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
New Guinea 1. Metals. Monograph Series 5 (ed. C. L. Formation: Facts and Problems (eds A. F. Trendall and
Knight) Australasian Institute of Mining and R. C. Morris), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 69-129.
Metallurgy, Parkville, Victoria, pp. 411-412. Trendall, A. F. and Blockley, J. G. (1968) Stratigraphy
Trendall, A. F. (1983a) Introduction. In Iron Fonnation: of the Dales Gorge Member of the Brockman Iron-
Facts and Problems (eds A. F. Trendall and R. C. Formation in the Precambrian Hamersley Group of
Morris), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 1-11. Western Australia. W. Austr. Geo!. Surv. Annu. Rep.
Trendall, A. F. (1983b) The Hamersley Basin. In Iron 1967,48--53.

Uranium ores of sedimentary affiliation

9.1 INTRODUCTION Uranium reserves and resources are estimated

Uranium is used as a fuel mineral for nuclear using several different cost levels at which the ore
power, and in the manufacture of nuclear might be mined. Normally the cost levels used are
weapons. In this chapter we begin by briefly <US$80/kg of U and US$8(}-130/kg of U. In
reviewing the adequacy of uranium resources to addition uranium resources are subdivided into
supply an expanding nuclear industry and then reasonably assured resources and estimated
consider the relative importance of the principal additional resources. The term 'reasonably assured
deposit types. The diversity of uranium resources' is roughly equivalent to the term
occurrences precludes a detailed consideration of 'measured and indicated reserves' conventionally
each deposit type but the reader is referred to Nash used by the mining industry (Fig. 1.2). Estimated
et al. (1981) for an excellent overview of the additional resources are based on geological
subject. We have selected unconformity and evidence, for example, deposits believed to exist
sandstone-type deposits for particular con- along well-defined geological trends (Patterson,
sideration. The reasons are partly because together 1980). An authoritative estimate using these
they constitute more than 60% ofWodd resources criteria is shown in Table 9.1.
but also because they serve to illustrate contrasting
approaches to exploration. Uranium contained in Table 9.1 Uranium resources (from Uranium, 1983)
quartz-pebble conglomerates is discussed in
Chapter 5. Reasonably Estimated
In 1983 non-Communist Wodd production of assured additional
uranium metal was 37 400 tonnes (Mining Annual resources resources
Review, 1984). The principal producing countries Cost ofproduction (tonnes x to3) (tonnes X to3)
were the USA, Canada, South Africa, Namibia
<US$801 1468 914
and Australia. Production is forecast to grow
slowly to 42 500 tonnes in 1990, when the major >US$80< 1301
producing countries will be Canada and Australia kgofU 575 308
(Mining Annual Review, 1983, 1984).
Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration




a Unconformity -type deposits

I:> Sandstone-hosted deposits
o Other t ypes ot uran ium deposit

Fig_ 9_1 Location map.

To what extent are these resources adequate to resource in the Western World (The Australian,
supply the demand for uranium during the next 25 7.7 .83). Most forecasts indicate that uranium
years? Basically the question is unanswerable, supplies are adequate to support the predicted
because the forecasts for energy consumption and growth in nuclear energy up to the year 2000
in particular nuclear energy requirements are (Bowie, 1981; Uranium , 1983) .
invariably incorrect. In addition it is impossible to Table 9.2 shows the relative importance of dif-
forecast the size of future discoveries. This is well fering categories of uranium deposit . However
illustrated by the discovery of Olympic Dam (Fig. this type of information is liable to change very
9.1) in 1976 in an area without any previously rapidly as existing deposits become depleted and
known uranium potential (Haynes, 1979). The new discoveries are made. Indeed the discovery of
present indicated reserves at Olympic Dam are 1 Olympic Dam will require the addition of a new
million tonnes which make it the largest uranium deposit type to the inventory (Roberts and

Uranium ores of sedimentary affiliation





10" /rM)"

Hudson, 1983). It is possible to predict that during uranium mobility in the secondary environment.
the late 1980s sandstone-type deposits will decline In essence uranium geochemistry can be described
in importance and an increasing proportion of m terms of the reduced torm U:(IV) and the
production will be derived from unconformity oxidized form U:(VI). Langmuir (1978) has
deposits in Canada and Australia. demonstrated that the uranous ion U 4 + can only
reach significant concentrations as the fluoride
complex, in reduced groundwaters, which have a
pH below 3. As these conditions are uncommon in
the natural environment, tetravalent uranium
Detailed theoretical studies combined with occurs principally as the minerals uraninite and
extensive field observations have enabled coffinite, although the uranous titanate, bran-
geochemists to explain the factors controlling nerite, is locally important (Nash et aI., 1981).

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Table 9.2 Relative importance of deposit types (modified from Nash et aI., 1981)

Typical grade Percentage

Type of deposit (% U30S) oJtotal Principal countries

Quartz-pebble 0.1--0.2 20 Canada

conglomerate 0.03 South Africa
Unconformity 0.2-4.0 16 Canada and
Ultrametamorphic 0.02--0.25 6 Namibia
Classical vein 0.1-1.0 5 France, Canada
associated 0.02--0.3 6 Brazil, Greenland
Sandstone 0.10--0.35 45 USA, Niger,
Calcrete 0.1--0.3 2 Australia,

The stability of urammte in the secondary lake sediments is often found to be associated with
environment has been investigated by Hostetler abnormally high uranium contents. In the context
and Garrels (1962) and Langmuir (1978). Figure of the formation of sedimentary uranium deposits
9.2 shows the stability field of uraninite, and it is important to understand the precise role of
clearly demonstrates that interaction between organic matter. The results of current investi-
uraninite and either groundwater or rain water gations indicate that the main role of organic
will result in oxidation to uranyl complexes. The matter is in adsorbing the uranyl ion (Nash et aI.,
precise nature of the uranyl complexes which are 1981). Reduction to the uranous ion takes place
dominant is a matter for debate (Langmuir, 1978; more slowly, and may be influenced by several
Tripathi, 1979). factors. Often organic matter is spatially
The solubilities of uranyl minerals under most associated with uranium deposits, but is not itself
conditions form a generalized series of decreasing enriched in uranium. This suggests that other
solubility: carbonates > sulphates > phosphates adsorbents may be effective. Giblin (1980) has
and arsenates > silicates> vanadates (Nash et aI., demonstrated experimentally that uranium is
1981). As a result the most common uranyl adsorbed on kaolinite, particularly within the pH
minerals are the vanadates, carnotite and range 6.5-8.5. It is probable that such clays as
tyuyamunite, the phosphates of the autunite group montmorillonite are even more effective adsor-
and the silicate uranophane. bents. We are not aware of experimental studies on
In addition to being precipitated as discrete the adsorption of uranyl ions by ferric hydroxides,
mineral phases, uranyl ions can also be removed but the evidence of uraniferous limonite suggests it
from solution by adsorption. Organic matter, is an effective barrier to the mobility of uranium.
clays, zeolites and iron hydroxides and oxy- It is clear that uranium mobility may be
hydroxides are the main adsorbents. Humic restricted either by the formation of uranyl
materials, formed by the breakdown of plant minerals or by adsorption. Most sedimentary
debris, are the most important type of organic uranium ores are characterized by uraninite and
adsorbent. As a result the 'A horizon' of podzolic coffinite, and therefore reduction to the uranous
soils, peats, lignites and organic-rich swamps and ion is an important aspect of ore genesis. Reduced

[Jranium ores oj sedimentary ajfiliation
0·8 ....
.... ....
.... ..... 9.3.1 Introduction
0 ·6
Unconformity-type uranium deposits represent a
new class of uranium ore, which was not
recognized until the early 1970s. Although the
~ Rum Jungle deposit was discovered near Darwin,
> 0 ·2 in the Northern Territory of Australia in 1949, the
potential of the East Alligators River area was not
appreciated until the late 1960s (Needham and
Roarty, 1980). At about the same time the dis-
covery of the Rabbit Lake deposit, in Canada,
- 0·2 initiated a surge of exploration in Saskatchewan
which has resulted in the discovery of21 new ore
bodies (Saracoglu et aI., 1983). It is evident that
-0 ' 4
two new mineralized districts have been iden-
tified, which together constitute about 16% of the
- 0 .6 0 World's uranium reserves (Nash et aI., 1981). The
2 4 6 12
pH proximity of all the mines and prospects in both
t-=-:I Zone of weathering areas to a conspicuous Mid-Proterozoic un-
~ Rainwater conformity has led to the designation of this style
I:: >::1 Shallow groundwater of ore deposit as being of unconformity type
(Derry, 1973). Whilst the geological setting of
both mining districts is very similar (Table 9.3)
Fig. 9.2 Stability fields of uranium species in the there are major differences in the genetic models
surface environment (modified from Langmuir which appear most appropriate. This has in turn
1978). Eh-pH diagram in the U-O:z-COz-HzO system resulted in differing exploration philosophies
at 25°C for pC0 2 = lO- z atm. Uraninite, UOz which must be put into practice in widely
complexes, solution boundaries are drawn at 10- 0 M (0.24 contrasting climatic regimes.
ppm) dissolved uranium species. Eh and pH conditions of
geochemical environments from Hansuld (1967).

9.3.2 Geological setting

sulphur species are considered to be the most (a) Stratigraphy and host rock lithology
important reducing agents, although there is
(i) Northern Saskatchewan
disagreement about the derivation of the sulphur.
Some authorities consider that the sulphur is The Canadian Shield in northern Saskatchewan
derived by bacteriogenic reduction of sulphate consists of Archaean granitoid basement rocks,
(Rackley, 1976), but the controlled oxidation of and early Proterozoic metasediments, uncon-
pyrite has also been suggested as a mechanism for formably overlain by sandstones of the Athabasca
the production of reduced sulphur species Formation. The Lower Proterozoic sequence is
(Granger and Warren, 1969). divided into lithostructural domains, of which the

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Table 9.3 Important characteristics of unconformity-type uranium deposits

Geological N. Saskatchewan, Northern Territory,

characteristics Canada Australia

Lower Proterozoic: Lower Proterozoic:

Host graphitic metapelites, pelites (sometimes
lithology calcareous metasediments graphitic) adjacent to
and quartzites massive carbonate rocks
Middle Proterozoic: Middle Proterozoic:
quartz sandstone and conglomerate quartz sandstone

Mineralogy Mineralogy is complex Simple mineralogy

and highly variable
Structure Mineralization is fault- Mineralization associated
and fracture-controlled with faulting and
Reverse faults important collapse breccias
Relationship to No spatial association Important spatial and
Archaean granite probably genetic
Wall-rock Ubiquitous chloritization Ubiquitous chloritization

Relationship Ore bodies occur either No ore bodies occur

between ore a few hundred metres above the unconformity
bodies and below or immediately
unconformity above the unconformity

Regional Ore bodies are Stratabound within the

setting of always spatially associated Cahill and Masson
the ore bodies with the Mid-Proterozoic Formations near to
unconformity but they occur within Archaean basement.
a range of Lower Proterozoic

Wollaston domain is most commonly associated deposits but calcareous metasediments and
with uranium ore deposits (Fig. 9.3). Hoeve and quartzites may also be significant (Hoeve and
Sibbald (1978a) emphasized the sedimentary Sibbald,1978b).
parentage of the Wollaston domain, which may be The highly deformed and metamorphosed
subdivided into meta-arkose and quartz- Lower Proterozoic sediments are overlain uncon-
amphibole units. These lithologies are interpreted formably by the Athabasca Formation, which is of
as having been deposited in a shallow-water Middle Proterozoic age. The Athabasca
marginal marine environment. The meta- Formation consists of up to 1750 m of fluviatile
sediments have been subjected to four phases of sandstones. Below the unconformity is an
deformation and amphibolite-facies conditions of extensive regolith, which is interpreted as
metamorphism and, as a consequence, many resulting from lateritic conditions of weathering
geologists would describe the rocks as migmatites prior to the deposition of the Athabasca Formation
(Nash et aI., 1981). Graphitic metasediments are (Hoeve and Sibbald, 1978a).
the most important host rocks for uramum The uranium mineralization may be confined to

Uranium ores oJ sedImentary aJjl/tatton

Fond du Lac

Q-CIUff Lake

Fig. 9.3 Major geological

subdivisions of the Canadian
Shield in northern .,.....,..... Edge of Athabasca Formahon
Saskatchewan, and location d?1?m Edge of Phonerozolc cover
_ Major fault or Shear zone
of selected pitchblende
deposits (modified from _ - Lithostructural domain boundaries
o 50 100 km
, _ _----I,
• Uranium deposi ts
, - I_

Hoeve and Sibbald, 1978b).


Lower Proterozoic metasediments below the (ii) North ern Territory

unconformity (e.g. Rabbit Lake) but may also
extend into the overlying Athabasca Formation In the Australian Northern T erritory uranium
(e.g. Key Lake, Fig. 9.4). The ore deposits are deposits are located within the Pine Creek
fault- and fracture-controlled, and reverse faults geosyncline (Fig . 9.5) . The geosyncline had an
which trend parallel to the foliation of the Lower intracratonic setting and formed by rifting of the
Proterozoic metasediments are particularly Archaean crust. Seven structural units are
significant (Hoeve and Sibbald, 1978b). identified of which the most important are the

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

- Unconformity
_ _ Footwoll limit of
Ni mineralizotion
~ Overburden (gloclol sond ondgrovel)
1:-:-:1 Athobosco Formotion o•
30 km

Anotexite (coorse'groined) }
~ Grophite sch ist
~ Bosement
~ Altered rocks (regolith/mylonite )
Fig. 9.4 Generalized cross-section of the ~ Bi ot ite gneiss
Deilmann ore body, Key Lake, Saskatchewan
(modified from Dahlkamp 1978a). • Ore body

South Alligator trough and adjoining shelf areas Group (Needham and Roarty, 1980). The Cahill
(Stuart-Smith et al., 1980) . The Lower Proterozoic Formation consists principally of quartz-schists ,
metasediments consist principally of an alternating carbonaceous schists, dolomite-magnesite and
sequence of psammites and pelites. The uranium calc-silicate gneisses. The Masson Formation
deposits are stratabound and are hosted by the comprises mainly ferruginous shale. The main
Cahill and Masson Formations of the Namoona lithology associated with uranium mineralization

Uranium ores of sedimentary affiliation

o~ ______ ~ ______
100 km

"'" Exhausted
ICY uran ium deposit
'X' Uranium m ine
" " Unexp loited
& uranium deposit
'\.. Major tau lt

~ Phanerozo ic sedi ments

D Middle and Upper Proterozoic

sediments (carpentarian and

'+.... , uate orogenic granite

,-_ d
- -
Mig~at i te and anatectic
gran Ite complex

e F-:.
~ Folded mostly greenschist
tacies metamorphic rocks
0.. 177/1 Folded amphibolite fac ies
>- rLLLI metamorphic rocks
Archaean t o Pr<?terozoic granite
and metamorphIC basement

Fig.9.S Geological setting of uranium deposits in the Pine Creek geosyncline (modified from Ferguson and Goleby
1980, reproduced with permission from the Director, Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics,
Canberra, Australia).

is carbonaceous pelites, adjacent to massive the Archaean basement is an important aspect of

carbonate rocks (Needham et al ., 1980) . However , the geological setting of uranium in the Pine Creek
there is an antipathetic relationship with carbonate geosyncline.
in the ore zone (Hegge et aI., 1980). Regional The Lower Proterozoic metasediments are
metamorphism within the Pine Creek geosyncline overlain unconformably by the Kombolgie
is divided into two provinces by the South Formation, which is of Mid-Proterozoic age (Fig.
Alligator Hinge zone (Ferguson, 1980). To the 9.6). The Kombolgie Formation consists of a
west of this divide the rocks are of low sequence of well-sorted quartz sandstones.
metamorphic grade, whilst to the east granulite Immediately below the unconformity the Lower
and amphibolite facies of metamorphism prevail Proterozoic sediments have been exposed to a
(Fig. 9.5). The Lower Proterozoic metasediments period of intensive chemical weathering .
rest unconformably on an Archaean basement T he uranium deposits in the Pine Creek
which includes two-mica granites. The granites geosynclines are all confined to Lower Proterozoic
contain accessory uraninite, and are considered to metasediments below the unconformity and no
be the probable source of uranium (Needham and uranium has been recorded from the Kombolgie
Roarty, 1980). The proXImIty of mineralization to Formation.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Fig. 9.6 The Ranger 1 Mine Northern Territory, Australia (1983). Background: sandstones of the Kombolgie
Formation. Foreground: open pit temporarily filled with water.

(b) Mineralogy and wall-rock alteratlOn Stage 3 mineralization consists mainly of

impregnations of sooty pitchblende and coffinite.
(i) Saskatchewan
The mineralization is both preceded by and coeval
The uranium deposits of northern Saskatchewan with extensive wall-rock alteration, which
are characterized by their diversity of mineral indicates changing redox conditions during
species and complex mineral paragenesis. The mineral deposition. The wall-rock alteration
grade of ore is high compared with other classes of associated with stage 1 mineralization IS
uranium deposit and typically ranges from 0.3 to characterized by chlorite, with pervasIve
4% U 30g, although localized concentrations of haematization, which indicates an oxidizing ore
ore may exceed 59% U 30 g (Dahlkamp, 1978a). fluid during part of the period of ore deposition.
The most detailed geological studies have been The colour of stage 2 gangue minerals indicates
carried out at Rabbit Lake, where three stages of that conditions were mainly reducing, and the
mineralization are recognized (Hoeve and Sibbald, abundance of pale green chlorite alteration
1978a). Stage 1 is characterized by veins of associated with stage 3 indicates the persistence of
pitchblende and coffinite, with a wide range of reducing conditions.
accessory minerals. Stage 2 comprises euhedral The mineralogy of the Key Lake deposit has
quartz in veins which normally contain little been described by Dahlkamp (1978a). The deposit
uramum, and usually have a simple mineralogy. differs from Rabbit Lake in that nickel-bearing

Uranium ores of sedimentary affiliation

species are abundant in addition to pitchblende and have been subjected to polyphase deformation. In
coffinite. Gersdorffite is the dominant nickel both mining districts the ore bodies are associated
mineral accompanied by lesser quantities of with zones of structural disturbance, and it is
millerite, niccolite, rammelsbergite and bravoite. pertinent to both ore genesis and exploration to
Kaolinite and Fe-rich chloritic alteration zones are establish the nature of the structures, and their
associated with the uranium ore bodies. controls on ore deposition.
Uranium deposits in the Athabasca region are
(ii) Northern Territory commonly associated with faults, but ore
The ore deposits of the Pine Creek geosyncline deposition is not consistently associated with a
have a simple mineralogy and a uniform style of particular style of structure. The Rabbit Lake
wall-rock alteration. The average grade of the deposit is spatially associated with north-easterly
deposits varies from 0.20% at Ranger 1 to 0.39% trending low-angle reverse faults which may have
caused brecciation of the stage 1 mineralization
U 308 at Jabiluka 2.
The primary uranium ore mineral is uraninite. (Hoeve and Sibbald, 1978a). At Key Lake, both
Other uranium minerals are oflimited occurrence the Gaertner and Deilmann ore bodies are aligned
but include coffinite, brannerite, thucholite and along a prominent north-east-trending shear zone.
amorphous mixtures of uranium with titania and Three types of cataclasite are recognized. A
phosphates (Ewers and Ferguson, 1980). kaolinitic mylonite is the principal ore host, and an
Chlorite is the only gangue mineral which is Fe-rich chloritic mylonite is also uraniferous. In
common to all the deposits. The degree of contrast, Mg-rich chloritic-sericitic mylonite is
chloritization ranges from minor in the Rum barren (Dahlkamp, 1978a). It therefore appears
Jungle deposits to massive and pervasive in the that a combination of physical and chemical
Alligator River deposits (Needham and Roarty, factors is controlling ore deposition in the
1980). Chloritization tends to be intense within the Athabasca region.
vicinity of the deposit but is rare in rocks which are The uranium deposits in the East Alligator
distant from the mineralization (Needham and district of the Pine Creek geosyncline are all
Roarty, 1980). associated with brecciation (Hegge et aI., 1980).
Haematization is associated with uraninite at The zone of brecciation associated with the Ranger
Nabarlek, but is not characteristic of the other 1 ore body has been described from drill core by
deposits. The mineralization in the Pine Creek Eupene et al. (1975), who attributed the
geosyncline therefore appears to have been largely brecciation to volume reduction following the
deposited under uniformly reducing conditions. replacement of carbonate by chert. Alternative
Secondary uranium minerals are of some suggestions are that the breccias are collapse
economic significance. At Ranger 1 the zone of structures, related to near-surface karstification
weathering generally extends down to about 18 m (Ferguson et aI., 1980), and that they are diapiric
(Eupene et al., 1975), and contains principally the breccias, resulting from the density instability of
phosphate saleeite, with lesser quantities of evaporites (Crick and Muir, 1980). Field
sklodowskite, gummite and metatorbernite (Fig. observations in the newly developed Ranger 1
9.7). open pit suggest that shear zones are more
important than had been previously recognized.
It is clear that whilst there is no consistency of
structural style associated with this class of ore
( c) Structure
deposit, there is evidence of a physical control of
In both Saskatchewan and the Northern many of the ore deposits. The most probable
Territory, Lower Proterozoic rocks, which form explanation is that brecciation has enhanced the
the principal hosts for uranium mineralization, permeability of the host rock for migrating fluids.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Fig. 9.7 Mottled zone oflaterite

overlying the Ranger 1 deposit.
Uranium is normally concentrated in
the pisolitic zone but depleted in the
mottled zone.

9.3.3 Ore genesis majority of geologists envisage the uranium as

having been derived from Archaean basement
(a) The source of uranium rocks . However, there is no consensus on the
There is little agreement amongst geologists who mechanism by which the uranium has been
have studied the deposits of the Athabasca basin mobilized. Alternatives which have been
concerning the source of the uranium. proposed include the concentration of uranium by
Uraniferous pegmatites have been described from chemical weathering, prior to the deposition of the
the Archaean gneisses (Beck, 1969), and the Athabasca Formation (Robertson and Lattanzi,

Uranium ores of sedimentary aJfiliation
1974; Dahlkamp and Tan, 1977) and re- evidence available is derived from the study of
mobilization of uranium by ascending fluid inclusions. However, it must be borne in
hydrothermal fluids (Morton, 1977). Hoeve and mind that several stages of uranium transport have
Sibbald (1978a) are of the opinion that the uranium probably taken place. Also it is important to recall
was originally present in the sandstones of the that fluid inclusion studies are based on gangue
Athabasca Formation, but has been leached during minerals obtained from assemblages of complex
intrastratal solution by descending meteoric paragenesIs.
water. The main evidence for this mechanism Pagel (1977) and Pagel et al. (1980) have
comes from post-diagenetic oxidation of the investigated fluid inclusions obtained both from
Athabasca sandstone. the Saskatchewan ores and from the overlying
The source of uranium for the deposits in the Athabasca Formation. Their studies at Rabbit
Pine Creek geosyncline is generally agreed to be Lake indicate values of 160+ lOoC for euhedral
the Archaean two-mica granite. The granite quartz, > 130°C for dolomite and 120°C for calcite.
contains a range of uraniferous accessory minerals, The salinities of the fluids decrease from 30 wt. %
including uraninite (McAndrew and Finlay, 1980). equivalent NaCI for euhedral quartz to 1 wt. %
Further evidence is provided by the close spatial equivalent NaCI for calcite. Fluid inclusions
relationship between uranium deposits and the obtained from quartz overgrowth within the
Archaean basement (Needham and Roarty, 1980). Athabasca Formation have high salinities which
Whilst Archaean granitoids seem to be the indicate that silicification of the sandstone was
ultimate source of uranium, many of the from brines. From salinity measurements, ClIBr
metasediments within the Pine Creek geosyncline ratios and isotope data, Pagel and his colleagues
also have abnormally high uranium contents. The (1980) conclude that the solutions which silicified
greatest concentrations of uranium away from the the Athabasca Formation and deposited the
ore zone are in pyritic, carbonaceous black shales gangue minerals associated with uranium were
of the Koolpin, Masson and Cahill Formations formation waters similar in composition to those
(Ferguson and Winer, 1980). Crick and Muir found in modem sedimentary basins.
(1980) have demonstrated that many of the Homogenization temperatures indicated that
carbonate rocks in the Rum Jungle and Alligator temperatures of 220°C were attained at the base of
River areas are replacive after evaporites. They the Athabasca Formation. If a geothermal gradient
argue that uranium leached by weathering of the of 3SoC/km is assumed then it is apparent that a
Archaean rocks would have been concentrated in depth of burial approaching 6 km has been
evaporitic sediments. Subsequently uranium-rich attained.
brines could have been released during diapirism, The main study of fluid inclusions from the Pine
during the conversion of gypsum to anhydrite, Creek geosyncline is based on material from
and during regional metamorphism. Jabiluka and Nabarlek (Ypma and Fuzikawa,
The uranium deposits of the Pine Creek geo- 1980). Two distinctive homogenization tem-
syncline are located near to Mid-Proterozoic peratures have been established for vein quartz :
sandstones of the Kombolgie Formation but there early vein quartz has a modal value of 1S0°C, and
is no evidence that these sediments have acted as later vein quartz has a modal value of 1lO°C. The
source rocks for the mineralization. fluid inclusions from both generations of quartz
have CaCb as their dominant solute and exhibit
widely varying salinities from low values up to 30
(b) The ore fluid wt. % equivalent NaCl. Ypma and Fuzikawa
What type of fluid was responsible for (1980) suggest that the mixing of highly saline
transporting uranium to its present site adjacent to brines and meteoric water is the most reasonable
the Mid-Proterozoic unconformity? The best mechanism to explain the variation in salinity.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
(c) Factors controlling uraniunt deposition described by Gustafson and Curtis (1983). From
We have already discussed the close spatial detailed petrological and chemical studies, they
association between unconformity-type deposits conclude that the chlorite was deposited after
and zones of structural disturbance and lithification of the sandstone by circulating
brecciation. We concluded that areas of high groundwater. Gustafson and Curtis (1983)
permeability are required for the concentration of attribute the virtual absence of uranium in the
uranium deposits. However, what are the factors Kombolgie Formation to the lack of an effective
which cause uranium to be immobilized within reducing agent.
zones of high permeability? There are a number of
common mineralogical and lithological associ-
ations which characterize the uranium deposits in
(ii) Graphitic metasediments
both the Athabasca Basin and the Pine Creek
geosyncline. These will now be evaluated as In the Athabasca basin graphitic metasediments
guides to ore deposition. are commonly associated with uranium deposits.
Graphitic metapelites occur adjacent to the
uranium ore bodies at Collins Bay and Key Lake
whilst graphitic gneisses are associated with
(i) Chloritic alteration
mineralization at Cluff Lake and Maurice Bay.
Chloritic alteration is a common feature of both The Rabbit Lake deposit is rooted in graphitic
the Saskatchewan and Northern Australian metasedimentary rocks (Hoeve and Sibbald,
deposits and is described in an earlier section. Most 1978b).
geologists consider that at least part of the chlorite A more variable association is found between
is coeval with the deposition of uranium. graphitic metasediments and uranium ore in the
However, Pagel and his colleagues (1980) disagree Pine Creek geosyncline. In the Rum Jungle area
that this is the case in Saskatchewan. On the basis graphitic shales are a common associate of
of the D/H values of water equilibrated with uranium mineralization (Fraser, 1980). However,
chlorite they consider that this mineral was in the East Alligator River district graphitic
deposited before the gangue minerals commonly material is absent from the Ranger 1, Koongarra
associated with uranium. and Nabarlek deposits.
The chloritic alteration associated with the East Hoeve and Sibbald (1978a) considered that in
Alligator River area has been studied by Ewers and the Athabasca Basin graphite has been the source
Ferguson (1980). The chlorites have a wide range of a mobile reductant. Their viewpoint is shared
of composition but tend to be magnesium-rich. by Pagel and his colleagues (1980), who believe
X-ray-diffraction studies indicate the presence in that the carbon associated with pelites at the base of
some samples of poorly crystalline true clay the Athabasca Formation has undergone a sharp
chlorite, illite-like mica and gibbsite in interlayer decrease of the HIC ratio. They argue that CO 2 ,
positions within the chlorite. Ewers and Ferguson H 20 and hydrocarbons would have been released
(1980) also report that there is a tendency for the during the burial of organic material. The
Fe 2 + IFe3+ ratio of chlorite to decrease with generation of a mobile reductant from graphitic
increasing uranium content in whole-rock metasediments appears to be a valid mechanism in
samples. It is possible that the chlorite has formed Saskatchewan but it can only be applied to a
by diagenetic alteration of clay minerals. If this is minority of deposits in the Pine Creek
the- case adsorption of uranyl ions by clays is an geosyncline. However, Binns et al. (1980) consider
obvious control of ore deposition. that graphitic schists have contributed to the
Chloritic alteration of the Kombolgie deposition of uranium at J abiluka by reducing the
Formation overlying the Jabiluka deposit has been ore fluid.

Uranium ores of sedimentary affiliation
(d) The age of mineralization (e) Genetic models
The age of uranium mineralization in Northern Many genetic models have been proposed for
Saskatchewan and the Northern Territory is unconformity-type deposits. In essence most of
summarized in Tables 9.4 and 9.5. It is evident that the models may be grouped into two types. Firstly
in Saskatchewan the uranium deposits associated there are those in which the ore-forming processes
with the Mid-Proterozoic unconformity have predate the deposition of the overlying Mid-
similar ages between 1100 and 1200 million years. Proterozoic sandstone, which merely provides a
Whereas vein-type uranium mineralization at protective cover for the mineralization. In the
Beaver Lodge has a Lower Proterozoic age, the second type of genetic model the overlying
unconformity-type deposits are significantly sandstone plays a dynamic role in ore formation.
younger than the Athabasca Formation. We review some examples of both types with two
The age of mineralization in the Pine Creek questions in mind. Do the Saskatchewan and
geosyncline is more complex, and suggests Australian deposits have a common origin or
remobilization of uranium over a prolonged merely similar geological settings? Does the
period of time. Chloritization is a ubiquitous genetic model affect the practicality of mineral
alteration process associated with uranium ores exploration?
and probably reflects an important stage of
uranium deposition. Significantly the
(i) Models oj ore genesis in which the Mid-Proterozoic
chloritization is dated as younger than the
sandstones have a passive role
Kombolgie Formation which is in accord with
field observations. Dahlkamp (1978a) has proposed a genetic model

Table 9.4 Ages of major geological events in the Athabasca Basin

Major geological events Uranium mineralization

(million years)

Beaverlodge Key Rabbit Cluff

Lake Lake Lake

Hudsonian metamorphism Initial

of Lower Proterozoic metasediments mineralization
1570-1880 million years 1780 ± 20

Deposition of
Athabasca Formation
1350 ± 50 million years

Diabase intrusion Reworking Initial Initial Initial

938-1230 million years of uranium mineralization mineralization mineralization
1110 ± 50 1160-1228 1075 1050

of uranium
270 ± 20

Sources: In Hoeve and Sibbald (1978a).

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Table 9.5 Ages of major geological events in the Pine Creek geosyncline

Major geological events Uranium mineralization

(million years)

All(~atorRiver South Alligator

Deposits Valley

Metamorphism of
Lower Proterozoic
1782-1825 million vears 1
Deposition ofKombolgie 900-1700 2
1648 million years 1
1610 million years

Sources: 1, Page et al. (1980); 2, Hills and Richards (1976); 3, Hills and Richards (1972); 4, Cooper (1973).

for the Key Lake deposit, in which the Athabasca matter. The uranium is considered to have been
Formation has an essentially protective role. transported at low temperature as uranyl
Dahlkamp envisaged an initial stage of carbonate complexes within migrating ground-
metamorphic mobilization, and concentration of waters. Adsorption on clays and organic matter is
uranium within the Lower Proterozoic meta- thought to be the main mechanism of uranium
sediments. The main stage of ore concentration is concentration. The subsequent deposition of
related to a period of prolonged chemical sandstones belonging to the Kombolgie
weathering during which the pre-Athabasca Formation is regarded as providing a seal for the
Formation regolith developed. The overlying uranium deposits. One can understand geologists
sandstones of the Athabasca Formation are disregarding the possible genetic significance of
considered to have acted as a protective cover, the Kombolgie Formation as it is virtually devoid
although some remobilization of uranium into the of uranium.
sandstone is related to epeirogenic movements.
Critics of Dahlkamp's model point to the post-
Athabasca Formation age of the uranium ore and
(ii) Models of ore genesis in which the Mid-Proterozoic
the relatively high temperatures of formation,
sandstones have a dynamic role
indicated by fluid inclusion studies.
A similar model is proposed for the Jabiluka, Genetic models have been proposed for both the
Ranger and Koongarra deposits by Ferguson et al. Athabasca Basin and the Pine Creek geosyncline in
(1980). Their model differs in that the structural which descending fluids are responsible for the
sites for uranium concentration are interpreted to main stage of uranium concentration.
be collapse structures resulting from the Hoeve and Sibbald (1978a) have presented a
development of a karst topography on emergent genetic model for the Rabbit Lake deposit, which
carbonate rocks. The dolines were subsequently involves the flushing out of uranium from the
filled with Mg-rich clays or chlorite and organic Athabasca Formation by descending ground-

Uranium ores of sedimentary affiliation
water. Petrological studies of the sandstones was derived from Archaean rocks and may have
within the Athabasca Formation show that they been upgraded by sedimentary, diagenetic and
have been subjected to extensive intrastratal metamorphic processes within Lower Proterozoic
solution by oxidizing groundwater. Owing to the metasediments. Fluid inclusion data suggest that
lower porosity of the metamorphosed Lower whilst the temperatures of ore deposition are
Proterozoic metasediments, the descending fluid similar between the two mining districts differing
would have been channelled into zones of types of fluid may have been involved. For
structural disturbance where mobile reductants example Pagel et al. (1980) interpret the fluid
such as methane have reduced the Eh of the ore trapped within gangue as formation water
fluid and precipitated out uraninite. Pagel and co- identical to that associated with the Athabasca
workers (1980) suggest a modification of Hoeve Formation. However, Ypma and Fuzikawa (1980)
and Sibbald's model. They characterize the ore envisage the mixing of descending groundwater
fluid as descending saline formation water derived and highly saline brines in their genetic model of
from the Athabasca sandstone. However, they the N abarlek and Jabiluka deposits. Structural and
identify carbonaceous pelites of Lower chemical controls of ore deposition are recognized
Proterozoic age as the probable source of uranium as being critical for ore concentration in all
which is remobilized by the hot, saline-oxidizing unconformity-type deposits. In Canada the
ore fluid. Mobile reductants derived from the structures are mainly fault-controlled whereas
alteration of carbonaceous material during burial many geologists interpret brecciation in the Pine
are suggested as appropriate chemical barriers to Creek geosyncline as collapse structures resulting
uranium mobility. from the solution of carbonates. There is con-
Several genetic models of uranium formation siderable difference in emphasis on the factors
par descensum have been proposed for the deposits which immobilize uranium to form high-grade
of the Alligator Rivers area. Ypma and Fuzikawa ore deposits. Canadian geologists agree that a
(1980) suggest that the sandstones of the mobile reductant derived from hydrocarbons is
Kombolgie Formation have provided a thermal the most appropriate mechanism for reducing and
insulating blanket, which enabled radiogenic heat precipitating uranium. This is not accepted by all
to build up in the underlying uraniferous geologists who have studied the Australian
granitoids. They also consider that fractures deposits, because carbon is a variable constituent
within the Kombolgie Formation have acted as of the host rocks. In contrast, chlorite is a
channelways for descending oxidizing ground- ubiquitous gangue mineral, and either chlorite or
water which has leached uranium from granitic precursor clay minerals may have acted as
basement rocks. Adsorption of uranyl ions on to adsorbents for uranyl ions. In conclusion, it
clay minerals is regarded as the main mechanism of appears that the main contrasts in ore genesis
uranium concentration. A similar model is between the two mining districts are the physical
proposed by Gustafson and Curtis (1983) who and chemical controls of ore deposition, although
draw attention to the magnesian metasomatism of the role of the Kombolgie Formation is not fully
the lower part of the Kombolgie Formation at resolved. We might expect these differences in the
Jabiluka. Gustafson and Curtis emphasize the role controls of mineralization to be reflected in the
of collapse structures in carbonates of the Lower approaches which have been made to exploration.
Cahill Formation as channel ways for ore fluids and
regard carbonaceous material as the most probable
9.3.4 Exploration
Are the Saskatchewan and Northern Territory
deposits formed by the same processes? In There are important parallels in the geological
both cases there is good evidence that the uranium setting and in the history of exploration between

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
the mining districts of North Saskatchewan and Lake deposit. Johns' concept of uramum
the Northern Territory. However, it must be formation was later presented in more
appreciated that in Canada there has been a sophisticated form by Hoeve and Sibbald (1978a)
sustained exploration effort since the discovery of in their model of the Rabbit Lake deposit.
the Rabbit Lake deposit in 1968. In contrast The first major discoveries of unconformity-
exploration in Australia has been paralysed by the type deposits were at Rabbit Lake (1968), Fond du
uncertainty of Government policy towards Lac (1969) and Cluff Lake (1969) at the margin of
uranium mining, and by the designation of part of the Athabasca Formation. All the early discoveries
the East Alligator River district as an Aboriginal were found from airborne y-ray spectrometer
Reserve. As a result there has been a more intense surveys. The radiometric anomalies were found to
investigation of the Athabasca Basin with greater be associated with mineralized boulder trains
emphasis in recent years on the search for deposits which led explorationists to the concealed ore
concealed at depth below the Athabasca deposits (McH. Clark et aI., 1982). The success of
Formation. y-ray spectrometry in this terrain is remarkable
The first major uranium discovery in Northern because in principle the technique has the ability to
Saskatchewan was in the Beaverlodge area in 1946 penetrate to a depth of only 0.5 m (Hambleton-
(Tremblay, 1978). In the 1950s and 1960s airborne Jones, 1978). In practice the ore deposits are
radiometries played a dominant role in the search covered by up to 100 m of glacial till. Armstrong
for uranium in Canada. During this period and Brewster (1980) suggest that a combination of
attention was focused on the search for vein- or glacial plucking and frost heaving has produced a
conglomerate-hosted deposits within Archaean or surface expreSSIOn of the sub-outcropping
Proterozoic rocks. The Athabasca Formation was mineralization.
generally considered to represent a low-priority The exploration concepts and methodology
exploration target, although Blake (1956) used in the discovery of unconformity-type
expressed a dissenting viewpoint. deposits in Saskatchewan are explained in case
During the 1960s geologists began to apply the histories by Scott (1981), Gatzweiler et al. (1981)
supergene model of ore genesis, developed for and Saracoglu et al. (1983).
uraniferous Proterozoic sandstones in West Africa Saracoglu and his colleagues (1983) describe the
to the Athabasca Formation (Strnad, 1980). The discovery of the McClean deposit beneath 168 m
concept of uranium deposits developed within the of Athabasca sandstone. Their initial geological
Athabasca Formation was reinforced by the model, based on the Rabbit Lake deposit,
occasional discovery of mineralized sandstone comprised 'a structurally controlled deposit with a
boulders. Although the supergene model directed well developed alteration halo occurring near the
geologists' attention to the Athabasca Formation, eroded surface of the underlying basement'. An
it limited their vision of ore concentration to appraisal of the basement geology below the
the sandstone above the Mid-Proterozoic Athabasca sandstone using airborne magnetics
unconformity. combined with a reconnaissance radon survey led
Johns (1970) was one of the first geologists to to a preliminary drilling programme. These
recognize the potential of the regolith below the authors describe how the description by
Athabasca Formation. He suggested that labile Dahlkamp and Tan (1977) of the Key Lake deposit
minerals including uraniferous species were led them to modify their geological model, placing
leached by descending meteoric water and much greater emphasis on the presence of
concentrated in the regolith due to changes in graphitic metapelites associated with the uranium
permeability. On this basis Johns recommended a ore body. As a consequence of the association with
number of areas for exploration which included graphitic material, airborne and ground-based
the Carswell structure - now the site of the Cluff electromagnetic methods became of major

Uranium ores of sedimentary affiliation
importance. In the event the McClean deposit was In conclusion, it is evident that the discovery of
discovered by deep drilling of a target which had the uranium deposits of Saskatchewan and the
both an electromagnetic signature and a radon Northern Territory must rank amongst the major
anomaly. exploration successes of the 1960s and 1970s. In
Uranium was first discovered in the Northern both mining districts geologists were guided to the
Territory at Rum Jungle in 1949 by prospectors areas of interest by simple genetic models. In
using hand-held Geiger-Muller counters. Saskatchewan, the Athabasca Formation and its
Subsequently the small South Alligator underlying regolith have been the main focus of
Valley uranium field was discovered using exploration whereas in the Northern Territory the
relatively unsophisticated airborne radiometries unconformity between Archaean basement rocks
(Armstrong and Brewster, 1980). The exciting and Lower Proterozoic metasediments has been
discovery of the potential of the East Alligator the principal exploration guide.
River district was based upon the reinterpretation
of the geology of the Pine Creek geosyncline
which revealed an analogous geological setting to 9.4 SANDSTONE-HOSTED URANIUM
the Rum Jungle area (Ryan, 1972). It was therefore DEPOSITS OF THE WESTERN USA
the unconformity between the Lower Proterozoic
and Archaean rocks which directed geologists to
9.4.1 Introduction
search for uranium in the eastern part of the Pine
Creek geosyncline. The Mid-Proterozoic un- Sandstone-type deposits account for more than
conformity was not seen at this stage as having any 95% of the uranium resources of the United States
exploration significance. (Nash et aI., 1981). In terms of World uranium
The discovery of the Ranger, Koongarra and production the United States was pre-eminent
Nabarlek deposits can be attributed to the use of until the early 1980s. In 1980 US production of
radiometric surveys from fixed-wing aircraft uranium metal was 16 156 tonnes, but it is
(Armstrong and Brewster, 1980). However, the predicted that this will decline to 8000 tonnes in
Jabiluka 1 deposit was found using a ground-based 1985 when Canada will assume the leading role in
radiometric survey. In describing the discovery of uranium production (Mining Annual Review,
Jabiluka, Rowntree and Mosher (1981) state that 1984). The main reason for the decline stems from
the radiometric anomaly was a third-order a combination of low uranium prices during the
priority at the end of the initial phase of early 1980s and the high cost of exploration and
exploration, and they emphasize the importance of mining in the western United States, compared
flexibility in assessing the relative importance of with near-surface deposits in other parts of the
radiometric anomalies. Rowntree and Mosher World.
(1981) explain that in the initial stages of Uranium is mined from sandstones in three
exploration in the East Alligator River area it was provinces within the United States: the Colorado
important to determine the lithologies associated Plateau, the sedimentary basins of Wyoming and
with radiometric anomalies. If this could not be South Dakota and the south Texas coastal plain
achieved by geological mapping, additional region. The Colorado Plateau has been the source
information was obtained from trenching or auger of most production and contains more than half of
drilling. The discovery of the Jabiluka 2 deposit the uranium resources of the United States (World
was based upon diamond drilling, which was Uranium, 1980). Within the Colorado Plateau
carried out to test the hypothesis that there was a there are four principal mining districts: the Grants
periodicity in the distribution of uranium deposits district, Monument Valley-White Canyon
in the East Alligator River area (Rowntree and district, the Uravan district and the Lisbon Valley
Mosher, 1981). district (Fig. 9.8). The deposits within the Grants

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration


Montana I

. ,

" --,: Sou th

'~, ,----------
\_ ... -~- .........\ )~

: . t Southern
Idaho I " -.......~,Rlver , ~ ~ Black Hills
: BaSIn outteern ~ _____ • ___ _
I powd~ver,
I Basin I
I Gronite ~ ~ . I
--____ I Mountains" I Nebraska
--r--- ------1 C"rookS ~'~:~ :
I I Gop I
I" I IL..- _____ ...,
I L------ r ---------------- I
Nevada I Utah I t-
: I \
I Colorado \

liSbon I

I \

----------- -1---
-1- - -- - ----
, -
I - - - - - - - - - - - --')l' -

" ('V

, .
, I Plat"au I
, I
, I I
o ", I I
\. I
o " I
,e' Ar i zona

8 1
,-·2' ...............
" , ____________ __ J

Fig. 9.8 Location of major "'" j - ' -' - ' -".

uranium mining districts in the ...... ,_._.- _._' ""'". Texas

Western USA (modified from MEXICO "

Rackley 1976).

district contain the most important reserves (Nash we have adopted for this chapter, Uranium
et aI., 1981) , The deposits of the Colorado Plateau deposits also occur in tuffaceous sandy sediments,
are similar in many respects to those of Wyoming of Late Eocene to Pliocene age, in south Texas, but
and S, Dakota. Rackley (1976) groups the they amount to only a small proportion of the
occurrences together using the term 'Westem- United States resources (World Uranium, 1980),
States-type mineralization' , a nomenclature which The Texas deposits are not described here, and the

Uranium ores of sedimentary affiliation
reader is referred to papers by Eargle and Weeks
(1973), Reynolds et al, (1982) and Goldhaber et al.
(1983) for information concerning this area.

9.4.2 Classification of deposits

Sandstone-hosted uranium deposits are
recognized as a distinct ore type although there are
similarities in some respects with conglomerate-
hosted and unconformity-type deposits. ~=------~
o 100 m ..
......_ _....J'

Dahlkamp (1978b) described a threefold (a)

subdivision of sandstone-type deposits based upon
the geometry of the ore deposits (Fig. 9.9).
Peneconcordant deposits occur parallel to the
bedding of the enclosing fluviatile sandstones and
are the dominant type within the Colorado
Plateau. Roll-type deposits are stratabound, but
discordant, and roughly resemble a crescent in
cross-section. They are the predominant type
within Wyoming and the Texas Gulf coast. Stack
deposits consist of tongue-shaped impregnations
of sandstones, adjacent to permeable fault zones. , _ _ _ _ _ _--,S,O m
( b)
Their main occurrence is in the Grants district,
New Mexico.
Adler (1974) suggested that peneconcordant
deposits can be further subdivided on the nature of
the reductant which has immobilized uranium.
Adler distinguished those uraniferous sandstones
which contain an indigenous reductant, normally
plant debris, from those in which a mobile
reductant, such as HzS, has been introduced
epigenetic ally . The uranium deposits of the
Colorado Plateau are mainly of the former type,
whilst the reductant in the Grants district is
considered to have been mobile. (e)
Many geologists prefer to use the term
'geochemical-cell' to describe the discordant type
D Sandstone (non-oxidized)

of mineralization (Rackley, 1976). This term has a E:;:;:l Sandstone (oxidized)

genetic connotation and emphasizes the control of ~~~:~:fi Sh a Ie ~ clay
changing redox conditions on uranium ore body ~ Shales
deposition. Nash et al. (1981) subdivide the roll or ~ ;,:

geochemical-cell deposits into primary and

secondary types. They also separate the uranium- Fig. 9.9 Classification of sandstone-hosted uranium
vanadium deposits of the Uravan mineral belt, on deposits (modified from Dahlkamp, 1978b). (a)
the grounds that redox changes result from the Sandstone-type/penecordant; (b) sandstone-type/roll-
mixing of two solutions. front; (c) sandstone-type/tectolithological.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
9.4.3 Geological setting uranium mines are located within this sedimentary
environment, for example the Gas Hills district,
Wyoming. Here the ore bodies are located on the
(a) Tectonic setting margins of the fan (Rackley, 1976).
The sediments which host the Western States
Streams emerging from the distal sector of the
uranium deposits formed in a continental
fan assume a meandering style. The coarse
environment, and the sedimentary forms and
sandstones, which are deposited in point bars,
facies suggest that epeirogenic movement was
chute bars and channel-lag deposits, host the most
dominant. The tectonic setting of the Colorado
important uranium deposits in the Western States.
Plateau has been described as a miogeosyncline
For example, in the Lisbon Valley district the long,
filled with molasse-type sediment (Mitchell and
linear uranium ore bodies are generally confmed to
Reading, 1969). The Wyoming uranium deposits
channel floor and interchannel facies. However, in
are deposited in sandstones formed in a back-arc
the Rio Algom Mine the host rock for the deposits
continental setting (Mitchell and Garson, 1981).
is believed to be of crevasse splay origin (Huber,
The intimate relationship between tectonic
evolution and the formation of uranium deposits
With increasing distance from the fan the
in the Western States has been described by
sediment deposited within the meander system
Rackley (1976). Some of the factors of importance
becomes fine-grained. In this environment fme-
include rates of uplift in the source area, sediment
grained point bars may host uranium as in the case
supply, rainfall, stream gradient, vegetation
of the Shirley Basin and Powder River districts,
growth, and rates of sediment accumulation.
Wyoming (Rackley, 1976).
During the final stages of tectonic evolution the
It is difficult to generalize about the petrology of
erosion of the basin margin provided the con-
the sediments which host the uranium deposits
ditions for the ingress of well-oxygenated water
other than to emphasize their variability.
which initiated the process of ore formation.
Normally sandstones are predominant, with
variable proportions of conglomerate, mudstones
(b) Stratigraphy and host rock lithology and siltstones. The sandstones are commonly
The sediments which host uranium deposits in the arkosic or feldspathic and usually contain a
Western States range from Lower Triassic to significant content of clay minerals. The clays can
Eocene in age. In the Colorado Plateau area, the often be attributed to the alteration of volcanic
main stratigraphic horizons of economic clasts by post-depositional processes (Adams et aI.,
significance are the Chinle Formation of Lower 1978). Some of the clay content of the sandstones
Triassic age and the Morrison Formation of Upper may have been incorporated as clasts resulting
Jurassic age. The Morrison Formation contains the from bank collapse. Fossilized plant material is
bulk of the uranium reserves in the United States commonly present within the sandstone and is
(Fischer, 1968). In Wyoming the principal considered to have been incorporated into the
uranium deposits occur in the Inyan Kara Group of sediment at the time of deposition. However, in
Lower Cretaceous age and in the Fort Union, the Grant district the organic matter is authigenic
Wind River and Wasatch Formations of in nature and is thought to be derived from humic
Palaeocene and Eocene age (Harshman, 1968a). materials (Adams et aI., 1978).
The sediments which host the uranium deposits Rackley (1976) argued that the main processes
are mainly fluviatile sandstones. The dominant which convert sediment into an appropriate host
sedimentary forms are alluvial fans within which rock for uranium occur either during or soon after
braided streams are the main channels for sediment deposition. Post-depositional changes are mainly
transport and deposition. A number of important the result of compaction and dewatering.

Uranium ores of sedimentary affiliation
(c) Mineralogy uranium production declined to 0.10% U 30 S

The mining districts of the Western States share a (Darmayan,1981).

consistent assemblage of primary uramum
minerals, but exhibit distinctive regional (d) Structure
vanatIOns. Uraninite and coffinite are the The Colorado Plateau became a structural entity
dominant ore minerals; the main variables are during the Late Cretaceous Laramide orogeny. It
the presence of vanadium-bearing species, the is characterized by major zones of uplift (Fig.
nature of carbonaceous material and the 9.10). Fischer (1968) described the larger structural
proportion of secondary uranium minerals. blocks as 'being tilted, like partly raised trap doors,
Vanadium minerals are significant by-products with thousands of feet of structural displacement' .
of uranium mining in the states of Utah, Colorado The principal deformational style of the Mesozoic
and Arizona. Montroseite and vanadium-bearing sediments associated with the uplift is the
mica, chlorite and clay are of most importance. development of prominent monoclinal flexures.
The presence of abundant vanadium in the Mineralization is often associated with the zones of
primary ore is reflected in the common occurrence major uplift. For example, the Uravan mineral
of stable secondary uranium minerals such as belt occurs within the Uncompahgre uplift.
carnotite and tyuyamunite in the oxidized zone However, uranium deposits may also be
above the water table. The primary uraniferous associated with faulting and folding. The Lisbon
minerals are found predominantly replacing Valley deposits occur on the western limit of a
carbonized fossil wood (Fischer, 1968). faulted asymmetric anticline formed by the
Coffinite, urammte and uraniferous flowage of evaporites (Wood, 1968). The uranium
carbonaceous material are the principal ore mineralization in the Grants district is associated
minerals in the Grants district, New Mexico. The with the Zuni uplift, but the deposits appear to be
carbonaceous material is considered to be controlled in part by north to north-east trending
authigenic in nature, having been introduced faults (Kelley et aI., 1968). Major faulting tends to
epigenetically into the host sandstones (Kelley et be confined to the margins of the plateau. The
al., 1968). Although vanadium species are not western margin is defined by normal faults oflarge
reported from the primary mineral assemblage the displacement, whilst the eastern margin is
most common secondary minerals are vanadates. characterized by high-angle reverse faults (Fischer,
The Wyoming deposits are also characterized by 1968).
the presence ofuraninite and coffinite. However, In Wyoming the principal structures are north-
they differ from the Colorado Plateau deposits in westerly trending asymmetric anticlines. The
having no consistent association with organic uranium deposits are located in the axial portions,
carbon (Harshman, 1968a). There is a variable or on the flanks of intermontane basins which are
distribution of secondary uranium species, and simple downwarps, in some cases modified by
where vanadium is deficient, uranium is normally folding or faulting (Harshman, 1968a).
leached from the supergene zone.
The average grade of uranium mined within the (e) Age of :mineralization
Western States varies geographically and has The age of mineralization in the Western States is
declined dramatically in recent years. In 1969 the debatable although most geologists accept that the
average grade of ore mined from the Colorado uranium is epigenetic in origin. The problem of
Plateau was 0.25% U 30g whilst in Wyoming the dating the mineralization accurately is due to
grade was more variable, ranging up to 1% U 30g uncertainty concerning the reliability of uranium-
(Fischer, 1968; Harshman, 1968b). However, lead ages in sandstones (Rackley, 1976). In the
during the ensuing decade the average grade of US secondary environment, uramum IS readily

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Uinta Basin

Fig. 9.10 Principal uranium deposits I

and major structural features in the I
Colorado Plateau region. Blocks show
approximate areas covered by the
. _-_....
. ...
100 km
€<1g e Of i
COloradO Plateau

following districts: 1, Monument Uranium deposi~s ............... Monoclinal flexure

Valley- White Canyon; 2, Uravan • Morrison Forma~ion (Jurassic) showing dip
- - -- Axis of sal~ an~icline
mineral belt; 3, Grants mineral belt. o Chinle Forma~ion (Triassic)
- - - Normal faul~
Modified by Nash et al (1981) from an
~ High-angle reverse fault
original map in Fischer (1970). shown up~hrown side

remobilized due to changes in oxidation metric age determinations (Dooley et a/., 1974;
conditions, which cause it to become separated Miller and Kulp, 1963) suggest that in both the
from its daughter minerals. As a result geologists peneconcordant and roll-type deposits there is a
tend to rely mainly on field relationships to time interval of between 25 and 30 million years
determine the approximate age of ore deposition. between sediment deposition and the introduction
Radiometric age determinations tend to be used as of uranium.
supporting evidence where appropriate.
The field evidence suggests that the uramum
mineralization in the Colorado Plateau is 9.4.4 Ore genesis
diagenetic (Fischer, 1968), whereas the roll-type
deposits are thought to have formed some time (a) Source of uranium
after deposition of the sandstones which now host The provenance of uranium is essentially a
the uranium mineralization. However, radio- geochemical problem, and the relative merits of

Uranium ores of sedimentary affiliation

the source rocks must be measured mainly by modelling groundwater movement during
geochemical criteria. The most comprehensive Cretaceous times in the Colorado Plateau.
geochemical data are based on rocks associated Sandford considered that the main controls of
with the Shirley Basin, Wyoming (Fig. 9.8). Arkosic groundwater movement are aquifer permeability
sandstones within the Shirley Basin were derived (including a decrease in permeability with lateral
from a granite within the Granite Mountains, facies change to finer-grained sediments),
Central Wyoming. Analysis of the granite has thickness variation within the aquifer and the
shown that the uranium concentration is about damming effects on groundwater movement,
four times the World average (Rackley, 1976). resulting from horsts of crystalline basement, such
Harshman (1968b) stated that groundwater issuing as the Uncompahgre uplift. Sandford (1982)
from tuffaceous beds of the White River concluded that the main concentrations of
Formation contains 10-20 ppb U. This compares uranium are related to zones of upwelling saline
with values of 0.4-4 ppb in groundwater from groundwater.
Colorado (Wedepohl, 1972). It therefore seems Groundwaters in the Colorado Plateau at the
probable that there are multiple sources for present day have uranium concentrations of 0.4-
uranium in the Shirley Basin. 4.0 ppb (Wedepohl, 1972), and it is reasonable to
Waters and Granger (1953) considered that the assume that groundwaters in Mesozoic times had
uranium and vanadium in the Colorado Plateau similar values. It is therefore necessary to conclude
may have been derived from the leaching of that prolonged periods of groundwater flow are
devitrified volcanic ash within the Morrison and necessary to produce a uranium deposit of
Chinle Formations. However, whereas uranium is economic value.
typically associated with felsic lithologies,
vanadium is normally enriched in mafic igneous
(c) Factors controlling the deposition of
rocks (Wedepohl, 1972). More than one source
rock is therefore required for minerals within the
Most geologists consider that uranium has been
Colorado Plateau.
introduced into the host fluviatile sandstones
Gabelman (1977) has suggested that uranium,
shortly after deposition by migrating, well-
vanadium and other elements may have been
oxygenated meteoric water. We now consider the
introduced into the sedimentary sequences of the
factors which have immobilized uranium to form
Western States by mantle-derived gases.
the variety of ore deposits that are evident in the
Gabelman points to the occurrence of diatremes
Western States. In an earlier discussion of the
within the Colorado Plateau which he believes
classification of sandstone-type deposits the
could have acted as the conduits for metals derived
distinction was drawn between peneconcordant
from the mantle.
and roll-type or geochemical-cell deposits. As this
separation partly reflects differing controls on ore
(b) The ore fluid
deposition, the two types will be discussed
The absence of gangue minerals which are coeval
with uraninite and coffinite precludes the use of
fluid inclusions as indicators of the nature of the
ore fluid in sandstone-hosted uranium deposits.
(i) Peneconcordant deposits
However, it is known that oxidizing groundwater
can leach uraniferous source rocks, such as granite, In peneconcordant deposits the principal
and can transport the uranium as soluble uranyl uraniferous minerals, uraninite and coffinite, are
species (Section 9.2). The main uncertainty is the closely associated with carbonaceous material in
direction of groundwater movement. Sandford fluviatile sandstone. Throughout much of the
(1982) has attempted to resolve this problem by Colorado Plateau the carbonaceous material is

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Sil ty clayston e

Fig. 9.11 Cross-section through a

roll-type deposit from the Shirley
Basin, Wyoming (from Harshman
1968b) .

coalified wood, which is considered to have been but is now more widely used to describe the
rafted into position at the same time as sedi- deposits of Wyoming and Texas. The concept of a
mentation . In the Grants district, the uranium is geochemical-cell was first developed by Shockley
associated with tabular layers of organic-rich et al. (1968). This summary of the conditions
material (Adams et al., 1978). The organic material prevailing within a geochemical-cell is taken from
is a humate and is regarded as being epigenetic. In Rackley (1976) .
all the peneconcordant deposits where organic The crux of the geochemical-cell is the com-
material is conspicuous it is probable that uranium plementary roles played by separate populations of
is immobilized by a combination of adsorption on bacteria on either side of the 'roll front' (Fig. 9.12).
carbonaceous material and reduction by both Within the reduced zone , anaerobic bacteria break
organic material and biogenically derived HzS. down carbonaceous material to form simple
organic molecules, COz and Hz, which produce
low Eh conditions. A separate species of bacteria
(ii) Roll-type or geochemical-cell deposits
(Desulfovibrio) utilizes COz and inorganic sulphate
The term 'roll-type deposit' refers to the cross- to create methane and hydrogen sulphide. In
cutting relationship between uranium miner- effect the organic material acts as the fuel for
alization and its host rock (Fig. 9.11). It was first bacterial reactions, the by-products of which act as
applied to deposits in the Colorado Plateau in 1956 reductants for uranium.

~~~_ - -Ox idized sands tone

Anaerobic bacteria u5+ in grou nd wa ter

break dawn coalif ied
plant materi al
Aer obic bac teria crea te ;
Results : (a ) Hig h En cond it ions
Fig. 9.12 Mechanism of (a ) Low En enllironment
( b ) Oxidation of su lphide
( b ) Hl S+ CH. released t o sul phate
formation of roll-type (c) Pyrite formed Reduced sands tone
uranium deposit (based on
Rackley, 1976). --=-__-_--=.= -=--::_:::_- Shale =
Uranium ores oj sedimentary affiliation
Within the oxidized part of the roll front aerobic has resulted in an unnecessarily restricted attitude
bacteria create high Eh conditions within which to exploration. He argues that uranium may also
uranyl species are the stable form of uranium, and have been introduced into the sandstone
sulphide minerals are oxidized to sulphates. environment by hypogene processes, and suggests
Soluble sulphate migrates into the reduced zone that diatremes and tectonic intersections would
thus contributing to continuing cycles of the provide favourable channelways for mantle-
geochemical-cell. Uranium also migrates for a derived metal-bearing volatiles.
short distance into the reduced zone, but is quickly
immobilized by reduction of soluble uranyl
9.4.5 Exploration
species to insoluble uranous oxide (uraninite).
The essence of the geochemical-cell is the Large-scale uranium mining and exploration in the
transport of uranium in oxidizing groundwater Western States has developed since 1948 when
through highly permeable channelways, which the US Atomic Energy Commission commenced
pass through zones containing reduced facies of a major ore-buying programme. Prior to this date
the sandstone (controlled by organic matter or there had been some intermittent extraction of
sulphide species). uranium from the Colorado Plateau but the
tonnages involved were diminutive compared
(d) Genetic model wi th the production of vanadium (Fischer, 1968).
The generally accepted model of ore genesis in the All of the uranium-mining districts were
Western States is that uranium is leached from originally characterized by a surface manifestation
either granite or tuffs and transported along of mineralization, which was identified by
permeable palaeochannelways by oxygenated prospectors or detected by radiometric surveys.
meteoric water. Uranium concentration is related However, many of the larger uranium deposits
either to adsorption by carbonaceous material or have no surface expression, and therefore the bulk
rapid changes in redox conditions. An important of exploration has been based on drilling. The scale
aspect of the genetic model which needs to be of activity may be gauged from the records:
explained is the restriction of uranium to particular between 1948 and 1978 some 117 000 km of
stratigraphic horizons. This may be explained by exploration and development drilling was carried
recalling Rackley's (1976) thesis that the out in the search for uranium in the United States
occurrence of uranium deposits is closely (W orld Uranium, 1980). During this period there
associated with the tectonic evolution of a has been a trend towards deeper holes and in 1979
sedimentary basin. Thus the development of a the average depth drilled was 136 m (World
uranium deposit depends upon a combination of Uranium, 1980). In some cases, for example the
circumstances which have an underlying tectonic Ambrosia Lake District in New Mexico,
control. The main factors include uplift of the important discoveries have been made by wild-cat
source area with eventual exposure of uraniferous drilling (Kelley et al., 1968). However, the bulk of
rocks, a climate which favours the luxuriant ore deposits have been found either by drilling near
growth of vegetation, and the preservation of known deposits or have been located by the
permeable sediments with an appropriate content systematic search for favourable guides in areas
of organic matter, pyrite and clay minerals. The without a previous history of mining. Porter
deformation and erosion of the sedimentary basin (1981) describes an interesting case history where a
is also critical in determining the availability of knowledge of the guides to uranium deposits in
sites for the ingress of oxygenated water into the the Grants district was applied successfully in the
palaeochannel system. previously unexplored regIon of Bemabe
Gabelman (1977) has criticized the evidence for Montano, New Mexico.
the 'consensus' genetic model, and believes that it Within the Colorado Plateau the following

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
guides are recognized as being useful for uranium have been introduced epigenetically into the host
exploration (Malan, 1968; Motica, 1968; Wood, sandstone (Adams et aI., 1978).
1968; Porter, 1981).
Favourable host lithology In many of the mining districts of the Colorado
In most of the mining districts of the Colorado Plateau conspicuous alteration patterns are
Plateau the favoured host lithology for uranium associated with the ore bodies. In the Uravan Belt
mineralization is a poorly sorted arkosic alteration is evident as colour changes in the host
sandstone. The key factor appears to be the sandstone (Motica, 1968). In the Lisbon Valley
presence of zones of high permeability within the district the zone of alteration is defined by
sandstone. However, Motica (1968) commented bleaching and is also reflected in a halo of
that in the Uravan Belt the permeability of the host anomalous molybdenum values around the ore
sandstone does not appear to be critical, but the deposit (Wood, 1968). Riese and his colleagues
presence of numerous clay seams appears to be a (1978) have demonstrated that in the Grants
more important lithological association. district there is a distinctive mineralogical zoning.
Montmorillonite is dominant in the reduced zone,
chlorite is enriched in the ore, and kaolinite is
Favourable sedimentary forms the main clay mineral in the oxidized facies.
In many areas the sandstones which host uranium In addition to the guides which are of regional
have been deposited within river channels. Malan application there also appear to be controls which
(1968) observed that the uranium deposits in the operate on a district basis. For example, in the
Monument Valley-White Canyon districts are Lisbon Valley area most of the uranium ore bodies
restricted to the more deeply scoured portions of are restricted to within 500 ft (152.4 m) of a
the channelways. In the Uravan belt, the thickness particular structure contour interval. The reason
of the host sandstone is an important control on for this is obscure but it may reflect a control by
uranium deposition (Motica, 1968). The channel- a previous water table or a water/oil/gas interface
ways which host uranium often have a persistent (Wood, 1968).
trend and this factor is of critical importance in Exploration guides have also been described
defining the drilling pattern for exploration. For from Wyoming and South Dakota. In some cases
example, in the Uravan belt initial exploration is the guides are similar to those of the Colorado
normally based on reconnaissance drilling in Plateau but their relative importance is not the
which the holes are sited at 1000 ft (304.8 m) same. The presence of a permeable host lithology
centres at right-angles to the channel trend containing coalified woody material is significant,
(Motica, 1968). but the role of stream channelways in controlling
ore formation is less easily demonstrated
The presence of carbonaceous material (Harshman, 1968a). In the Powder River district
Within the states of Colorado, Utah and Arizona uranium ore is spatially associated with the contact
uranium deposits have a close spatial association between red and drab-coloured sandstones and
with coalified wood. Typically the uranium this acts as an important exploration guide (Mrak,
occurs replacing carbonaceous material, but in 1968).
some cases the coalified wood is merely adjacent to Drilling for favourable guides to mineralization
the mineralization. Motica (1968) stated that in the is the principal exploration technique used in the
Uravan Belt 'the size and grade of an ore deposit is Western States even at the reconnaissance stage.
not always governed by the amount of carbon- The approach therefore differs from most other
aceous material present'. In the Grants district the mining districts where drilling is normally used at
organic material is a humate which is believed to a relatively late stage in the exploration sequence.

Uranium ores of sedimentary affiliation
Normally non-core drilling is used, especially in now be sufficient information for reliable criteria
the early stages of exploration, but cores of of area selection to be developed. However, this is
favourable stratigraphic horizons are obtained for not evident in the published literature.
detailed lithological study and trace element
analysis. It is normal procedure for the holes to be
logged with y-ray and resistivity probes. The 9.5.2 Genetic and exploration models
equipment and procedure used in down-the-hole
logging are described by Hawkins and Gearhart Two points need to be mentioned here:
(1969) and Dodd et al. (1970). (a) Genetic models for sandstone-hosted
uranium in the USA have been developed at a
relatively late stage in mining development. They
9.5 CONCLUDING STATEMENT have been ofless value as a predictive tool than an
Uranium can occur in a diversity of empirical approach. In Canada and Australia
geological settings, and occurrences of uranium simple genetic models have aided exploration. In
are documented in many parts of the World. spite of similarities between the deposits differing
However, the bulk of the uranium deposits genetic models have been used.
outside the Communist bloc occur in a limited (b) Three of the deposit types listed in Table 9.2
number of countries, principally Canada, were unknown prior to 1965. It is probable that
Australia, USA, South Africa, Niger and further styles of uranium remain undiscovered. It
Namibia. Therefore, although there is sufficient is therefore important that exploration models
uranium to satisfy World demand for the next 15 should remain very flexible.
years the supply is as susceptible to disruption as
supplies of oil. Western European countries which
have opted for a rapidly expanding nuclear power 9.5.3 Factors controlling uranium
programme should be concerned about this state concentration
of affairs. One solution to the problem is to find
More than 80% of the World's uranium reserves
additional sources of supply, which brings us to
are contained in sedimentary or metasedimentary
the subject of exploration. In our opinion there are
rocks (Table 9.2). It is therefore of paramount
four aspects of uranium exploration which need
importance for the success of future exploration
particular attention.
efforts that the source rocks, ore fluids and factors
controlling uranium deposition in the secondary
environment are better understood.
9.5.1 Concepts of area selection
Concepts of area selection appear to be poorly
developed for uranium deposits. In the examples
9.5.4 Discovery of blind uranium
we have chosen for discussion in this chapter the
mining districts were originally located by
radiometric surveys and subsequent exploration The bulk of the World's uranium mining districts
spread out from near-surface manifestations of have been discovered by the use of radiometric
uranium mineralization. The newly discovered surveys. However, it is unlikely that many more
Olympic Dam deposit in Australia appears to be major uranium deposits will be located using this
an exception as it is completely blind. However, technique due to its limited depth penetration.
its discovery was based on an exploration model There is an urgent need for new concepts and new
for copper, and the uranium content may be techniques which will provide increased depth of
regarded as an unexpected bonus. There should by penetration in uranium exploration.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
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Petroleum Engineers, pp. 790-804. uranium deposit, Saskatchewan. Can. Inst. Min.
Miller, D. S. and Kulp, J. L. (1963) Isotope evidence on Metall. Trans, 86, 157.
the origin of the Colorado Plateau uranium ores. Pagel, M., Poty, B. and Sheppard, S. M. F. (1980)
GeoI. Soc. Am. Bull., 74, 609-630. Contribution to some Saskatchewan uranium
Mitchell, A. H. and Reading, H. G. (1969) Continental deposits mainly from fluid inclusion and isotopic data.
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in Saskatchewan (ed. C. E. Dunn), Sask. GeoI. Soc. Complex of uranium deposits, New Mexico, U.S.A.
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805-814. Reynolds, R. L., Goldhaber, M. B. and Carpenter, D.J.
Mrak, V. A. (1968) Uranium deposits in the Eocene (1982) Biogenic and non-biogenic ore-forming
sandstones of the Powder River Basin, Wyoming. In mechanisms in the south Texas uranium district:
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Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, pp. Riese, W. c., Lee, M. J., Brookings, D. G. and Della
839-848. Valle, R. (1978) Application of trace element
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Sect. Am. Inst. Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum uranium deposits in the Lisbon Valley area, Utah. In
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Creek Geosyncline (eds]. Ferguson and A. B. Goleby), World Uranium (1980) World Uranium: Geology and
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Uranium Deposits: Their Mineralogy and Origin (ed. M.

Ores formed by metamorphism

10.1 INTRODUCTION phenomenon, and most of the economic ore

deposits covered in this chapter belong to such a
The processes of metamorphism give rise to some regime. However, the effects of alteration and
of the World's major deposits of tungsten and replacement in the formation of mineral deposits
some important copper occurrences. These may be observed at much lower temperatures and
processes may also result in important high-grade pressures than those normally considered by
sources of molybdenum, lead, tin, iron and zinc as metamorphic petrologists. In this context may he
well as by-product base and precious metals. considered diagenesis and cell-by-cell replace-
Industrial minerals are ;tlso worked from deposits ment. These may be relatively easily simulated and
formed by metamorphism. Among the subjected to experiment and they will provide
industrial minerals are asbestos, wollastonite, evidence of the genesis of certain ore types, not
magnesite, talc and graphite. only those of metamorphic origin. Consequently
The mineralogy of the deposits is often very we will mention two examples cited recently
complex and although some of these deposits have before considering the major ore deposit type
been extensively studied, metamorphism as an formed by metamorphic processes - skams.
ore-forming process does not receive the coverage Alteration of recent sediments begins relatively
in some textbooks that it deserves. As some of the soon after burial commences and these changes,
deposits are high grade, they can be worked otherwise referred to as diagenesis, may have
economically even at a time of high costs and direct effects on the formation of mineral deposits.
difficult marketing. Consequently there has been a During diagenesis trace elements may be released
renewed interest in exploration for these deposits from detrital minerals. These trace elements can be
in the late 1970s and early 1980s. This has been retained in saline interstitial fluids which then
accompanied by more work on their genesis, migrate to suitable sites where they precipitate
characteristics and field relations (Meinert, 1983). their metal contents by reaction with reduced
Metamorphism is usually regarded as a sulphur or hydrocarbons (Holmes et aI., 1983).
relatively high-temperature, high-pressure The accumulation of metals may continue at these
Ores formed by metamorphism
sites to form potentially economic deposits or the 10.2 SKARNS
deposit in turn may suffer further metamorphism,
10.2.1 Introduction
alteration and, eventually, destruction. The release
of trace elements may also occur during th( 'Skarn' was originally a term applied to coarse-
stoping of enormous volumes of metamorphosed grained calc-silicate gangue associated with the
sediments resulting from magmatic activity and iron ore deposits of Sweden. Subsequently it has
these could provide the source, in part at least, of been used to include a variety of calc-silicate rocks
the large tonnages of metals contained in some of rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, aluminium and
the other mineral deposits considered in this manganese that formed by replacement of
textbook, such as those in Chapters 3 and 4. originally carbonate-rich rocks. The term is used
Replacement deposits of various types occur but irrespective of the presence or absence of
possibly one of the most intriguing is the potentially economic mineralization.
formation of a Holocene zinc ore body at Skarns may form by (i) metamorphic re-
Howard's Pass, Yukon, which seems to have crystallization of impure carbonate rocks, (ii)
formed by cell-by-cell replacement of moss which metasomatic reaction between unlike lithologies,
formed interstitially in talus Oonasson et al., 1983). or (iii) infiltration metasomatism caused by
In what follows within this chapter we shall be hydrothermal fluids.
concentrating upon the alteration and replacement
of rocks around plutonic intrusions, or supposedly
10.2.2 Classification of skams
caused by unseen plutonic intrusions. Therefore
emphasis will be placed on the ore deposits which Skarns may be classified according to the rock type
form by metamorphic changes related to hydro- they replace and the terms 'exoskarn' and
thermal and magmatic activity. Attention will be 'endoskarn' have been applied to replacements of
concentrated upon metallic ores associated with carbonates and intrusive rocks respectively in
thermally altered country rocks. contact zones where the intrusive rock was
Although regional metamorphism will be assumed to be genetically related to the skarn-
largely ignored, some mention should be made forming fluids (Einaudi and Burt, 1982).
here of the regional metamorphic effects on Endoskarn is favoured in those areas where fluid
sedimentary ores. These effects may be flow is presumed to have been dominantly into the
summarized as: (i) effect on mineralogy; (ii) effect pluton or upward along its contacts with
on grain size; and (iii) effect on lithology. These carbonates rather than where metasomatic fluid
effects can greatly influence the viability of a flow is largely out of the pluton. Endoskarns show
mining prospect. For example the HYC deposit mineral zoning reflecting addition of calcium.
(see Chapter 6) has not been developed mainly Under reducing conditions the sequence towards
because the deposit is unmetamorphosed and the limestone is biotite-amphibole-pyroxene-
grain size is therefore very fine. This poses serious (garnet). Any potassium feldspar disappears
problems for the processing of the ore. whereas biotite and plagioclase remain important
Where the mineralogical and chemical changes except in the rare cases where garnet becomes
occur in rocks as a result of interaction with fluids dominant. Therefore the diagnostic assemblage is
from an external source, the process is called pyroxene-plagioclase. This sequence is typical of
metasomatism. Such metasomatic activity is one most tungsten skarns and some copper skarns.
of the mechanisms which leads to the formation of Under relatively oxidizing conditions, epidote-
the ore deposit type known as 'skarns', to which quartz is favoured over pyroxene-plagioclase, and
the remainder of this chapter is devoted. Skarns garnet tends to be more abundant. Such cases are
may also form by metamorphic recrystallization common in most copper and lead-zinc skarns.
of impure carbonate rocks and basic volcanics. Exoskarns may be classified on the dominant

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Table 10.1 Characteristics of major skarn types (from Einaudi et aI., 1981 and Einaudi and Burt, 1982)

Type Tungsten Tin Tin

(calcic) (calcic) (magnesian)

Metal association W,Mo,Cu Sn,F Sn,F

(minor metals) (Zn, Bi) (Be,W) (Be,B)
Tectonic setting Continental margin Continental margin
Syn-Ilate orogenic Late to post-orogenic

Associated intrusives Quartz diorite! Granite Granite

quartz monzonite

Intrusive morphology Large batholithic Stocks Stocks

plutons batholiths batholiths

Intrusive alteration Local mica, calcite, Greisen Greisen

pyrite; endoskarn

Ore Scheelite, Cassiterite, Cassiterite,

molybdenite, chalcopyrite arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, mmor
pyrrhotite, pyrite stannite arsenopyrite,
Typical size (million tonnes) 0.1-2 0.1-3 1
Typical grade 0.7% W03 0.l-O.7%Sn

calc-silicate mineral assemblage, which in tum phylite--biotite hornfels, and in this area a garnet-
reflects the composition of the carbonate rock copper ore has been worked in the past (K. F. G.
replaced, into (a) magnesian skarn - skarn that Hosking, personal communication).
replaces dolomite and consists largely of
magnesian silicates (for example forsterite and
serpentine) and (b) calcic skarn - skarn that
replaces limestone and consists largely of Fe-Ca
silicates (for example andradite and hedenbergite). Ore deposits associated with skarn were referred
The bulk of the World's economic skarn deposits to as 'hydrothermal metamorphic' by Lindgren
occurs in these calcic exoskarns (Table 10.1). In (1905), 'tactite' by Hess (1919) and 'pyro-
some cases calcic skarn may replace magnesian metasomatic' by Lindgren (1922). More recently
skarn, for example Mason Valley Mine (Einaudi, the terms 'igneous metamorphic' (Park and
1977) and at Costabonne (Guy, 1980). Skarns MacDiarmid, 1975) or 'contact metasomatic'
resulting from the replacement of basalts will also Uensen and Bateman, 1979) have been adopted,
have a distinctive mineralogy. For instance, the although Evans (1980) has revived the use of
tin-bearing skarns in the Land's End peninsula of 'pyrometasomatic'. As ore deposits of this 'type'
the UK are associated with a cordierite--antho- can occur in environments suggesting either

Ores formed by metamorphism

Copper Zinc-lead Molybdenum Iron Iron

(calcic) (calcic) (calcic) (magnesian) (calcic)

Cu (Mo,W,Zn) Zn,Pb,Ag Mo,W Fe Fe

(Cu,W) (Cu,Bi,Zn) (Cu, Zn) (Cu, Co, Au)
Continental margin Continental margin Oceanic island arc;
Syn-orogenic to late orogmic Late orogenic Syn-orogenic rifted continental
Granodiorite Granodiorite Quartz Granodiorite to Gabbro to syenite
to quartz to granite, monzonite to granite mostly diorite
monzonite diorite to granite
syenite; plutons
commonly absent
Stocks, dykes Large stocks Stocks Small stocks, dykes Large to small
breccia pipes to dykes-if sills stocks, dykes
Local endoskarn, Extensive Quartz veins Minor endoskarn, Extensive endoskarn
K - silicate, endoskarn? K - silicate propylitic N a - silicates
Chalcopyrite, Sphalerite, Molybdenite, Magnetite, Magnetite,
bornite, galena, scheelite, pyrite, chalcopyrite,
pyrite, chalcopyrite bismuthinite chalcopyrite, cobaltite,
haematite, arsenopyrite pyrite, sphalerite, pyrrhotite,
magnetite chalcopyrite pyrrhotite,

1-100 0.2-3 0.1-2 5-100 5-200

1-2% Cu 9% Zn,6%Pb, 40% Fe 40% Fe
5 ozlton Ag

wholly metamorphic or entirely metasomatic Hutchinson (1980) re-emphasizes that collectively

processes, or virtually anywhere between the two the factors he has considered present a strong case
end members, and as igneous contacts are not for an exhalative origin. Hutchinson's views find
always necessarily present, none of these terms is very little support from other workers on the
satisfactory. We prefer to follow Einaudi et al. Renison and Cleveland deposits (K. F. C.
(1981) in using the term 'skarn deposits', a term Hosking, personal communication). However
less restrictive in its genetic connotations and one Stumpfl's suggestion of a syngenetic exhalative
recognizable by most economic geologists. origin appears to be correct for the Austrian
The metamorphic origin of these deposits is tungsten deposits.
recognized by the vast majority of authorities bUI The paper by Einaudi et al. (1981) is an excellent
some authors have attempted to assign a syngenetic review of skarn deposits and provided much of the
origin to certain of the deposits, for example inspiration for this chapter.
Hutchinson (1979) for the Tasmanian tin deposits,
and Stumpfl (1977) suggested that many tungsten
deposits may be syngenetic exhalative.
Hutchinson's interpretation of much of the The subdivision of skarn deposits has been based
evidence has been questioned by Solomon (1980). on the protolith rock type or composition, the

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration



Skarn Deposit Types

.. Fe
• Cu
• Zn - Pb
• Sn
+ Mo

Fig. 10.1 Location map of the skarn deposits

mentioned in text. go'

mechanism of fluid movement or the temperature type, depth of formation, reducing capacity and
and extent of magmatic involvement. None of composition of host rocks, distance of carbonate
these provides a classification that assists horizon from the magmatic source and degree of
exploration and since some of these characteristics meteoric water involvement.
are difficult to determine without very extensive
research we feel skarn deposits are best classified 10.4.1 General characteristics
by the dominant economic metal Fe, W, Cu, Zn-
Pb, Mo and Sn (Einaudi et al., 1981; Meinert, (a) Distribution of deposits in space and time
1983). All of these can occur in each skarn type but Most skarn deposits are Mesozoic or younger, but
W, Cu and Zn-Pb deposits are notably rare in there are a few important Palaeozoic tungsten and
magnesian skarn. Variations and gradations tin skarns such as the King Island deposits. Copper
within the skarn deposits are a result of magma and lead-zinc skarn deposits are dominantly of

Ores formed by metamorphism

Tertiary age. Skarn deposits are distributed world- (Atkinson and Einaudi, 1978). The USSR, Japan
wide. They were major contributors of copper and and China have major skarn deposits as do the
iron at the beginning of the twentieth century. USA, Canada and Tasmania (Fig. 10.1).
Their importance for these metals decreased
during this century with geological attention for (b) Size and grade of deposits
sources of copper being focused on porphyry Although in general skarn deposits are low in
deposits, stratiform and volcanogenic sulphides tonnage by comparison with volcanogenic
and for iron on iron-formations. They still sulphide or sediment-hosted sulphide deposits,
maintain an important position for the supply of they are important suppliers of certain metals
tungsten and recently interest has been (Table 10.1). Approximately 58% of the Western
reawakened in their importance in porphyry World's tungsten production is from scheelite
copper districts such as the south-west USA from skarns, and this proportion may well

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration



Fig. 10.2 Malayaite from the type area o 2 3

ofChenderiang, Perak, Malaysia.
Specimen photographed in (a) ordinary
light and (b) ultraviolet light. SCALE IN CMS .

increase (Bender, 1979) . In tungsten-bearing Tin skarns contain grades of 0.1 to 0.7% with
skarns the W0 3 content usually varies from 0.4% tonnages up to 30 million tonnes but not all this tin
to over 1% . Two of the most important skarn is economically recoverable, largely because an
tungsten deposits are Canada Tungsten in the appreciable amount may occur as an essential
North American Cordilleran belt, with reserves element in malayaite or as a non-essential
over 30 milllon tonnes of 0.9% W0 3 , and the King component particularly in andradite garnet (Fig.
Island deposit, Tasmania, which has a yearly 10.2a,b).
output in excess of 400 000 tonnes at 0.69% W0 3 Iron skarns range in size from 2 million to 300
(K wak et aI., 1982). million tonnes; zinc in skarns may grade up to 12%

Ores formed by metamorphism
Spessar~ine-Almandine (c) Mineralogy
The main ore minerals for each skarn type are
summarized in Table 10.1; it can be seen that
magnetite is the main source of iron, scheelite of
tungsten, chalcopyrite of copper, cassiterite of tin,
and sphalerite and galena of zinc and lead
respectively. The main gangue minerals in the
exoskarns are garnets, pyroxene and amphibole
(Figs. 10.3 and 10.4). These minerals are the most
useful in classification and exploration sin~e they
are present in all skarn types and show marked
compositional variations. Figures 10.3 and 10.4
~sn tsS]w Illiil Zn - Pb ~cu _Fe Andradite show the different compositions of the gangue in
the various skarn deposit types (as defined by
the main metal present) . Garnets and pyrox-
Fig. 10.3 Gamet species from calcic skarn
ene have been widely used for skarn
deposits (after Einaudi and Burt 1982).
comparisons because their compositional
variations can be shown relatively simply in
Johannsenite such ternary plots as Figs. 10.3 and 10.4.
The relative abundance and compositions of the
main gangue minerals will be controlled by the
original rock type, the environment and fluid
involved in the skarn formation. Detailed
investigation is necessary to determine whether
rock type or fluid was the major source of
components for the skarn. A summary of the
exoskarn compositions for the main skarn types ,
as defined by the principal metal present, is given
in Table 10.2. Detailed descriptions of the
mineralogy of each of the main skarn types are
DIQPside Hedenbergite given below.
~cu b]jZn- Pb ~w _ Fe
(d) Host rock lithology and alteration
Fig. 10.4 Pyroxene species from calcic skarn The associated intrusives for each of the main
deposits (after Einaudi and Burt, 1982).
skarn types are given in Table 10.1. The host rock
lithology is fundamental to the formation of skarn
and these skarns may have lower grades of lead. deposits and it has long been recognized that
Although these zinc-lead skarns contain negligible skarns are usually associated with calcareous
copper, they may contain up to 255 g/t silver. rocks. Thermal (contact) metamorphism results in
Some of the major porphyry copper systems of calcium-aluminium silicates in calcareous shales,
the World have copper skarn deposits associated in calcium-magnesium silicates in silty dolomites
with them (for example Bingham and Twin and wollastonite in cherty limestones. These may
Buttes). The average grade of these is 1% copper be grouped under the terms iron-poor calc-silicate
and the tonnage ranges from 50 to 500 million marbles and hornfelses. If impure carbonates and
tonnes, for instance Ok Tedi has about 50 million calcareous shales and sandstones are abundant then
tonnes at 1.46% eu (pintz, 1984). metamorphic calc-silicates may comprise a large

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Table 10.2 Exoskarn composition and main gangue mineralogy of calcic skarn deposit types. (Source: data from
Einaudi et al., 1981 and Einaudi and Burt. 1982)

Type Iron Tungsten Copper Zinc-lead Tin-tungsten

Exoskarn High Fe High AI, Fe High Fe, S High Fe, Mn, S High AI, F
composition Low S, Mn LowS Low AI, Mn Low Al Low Fe, S
Early minerals Ferrosalite Ferrosali te- Andradite Manganoan Idocrase
(Hd2~0), hedenbergite (Ad~l00), hedenbergite spess.-
grandite (Hd6(}-90, diopside (Hd3(}-90, rich
(Ad2(}-95); Jo5-20), (Hd5-50), Jo 10-40) , grandite,
epidote, grandite wollastonite andraditic Sn
magnetite (Ad1(}-50), garnet andrad.,
idocrase, (Ad2(}-l00, malaya.,
wollastonite Spess.2-10) danbur.
bustamite datolite
Late Amphibole, Spessartine Actinolite Mn actin. Amphi.
minerals chlorite, (5-35) (chlorite, ilvaite mICa
ilvaite. almandine montmorill. ) chlorite chlor.
(5-40)- dannemor. tourm.
grandite, rhodochr. fluo.

Abbreviations: actin, actinolite; ad, andradite; amphi. amphiboles; andrad. andradite; chlor, chlorite; danbur. danburite; dannemor,
dannemorite; fluo, fluorite; Hd, hedenbergite; Jo, johannsite; malaya. malayite; montmorill, montmorillonite; rhodochr,
rhodochrosite; spess, spessartine; tourm, tourmaline.

portion of a skarn deposit. These metamorphic of metasomatic skarns have been recognized -
calc-silicates will reflect the composition of the reaction skarn and igneous metasomatic skarn.
original sedimentary rocks (,sedimentary The former is generally early in skarn formation
protolith'). Most commonly the dominant and is usually confined to moderate- to high-grade
impuntIes are magnesium and aluminium, metamorphic terrains. This type generally has a
therefore the resulting calc-silicate mineralogy is bulk composition reflecting the host rocks and has
grossularitic garnet and diopsidic pyroxene. If a restricted assoClatlon of major minerals
iron-rich sedimentary protoliths occur, as at King (grossularite-diopside; feldspar, clinozoisite). Ore
Island, Tasmania (Edwards et aI., 1956), iron-rich formation is not commonly associated with this
metamorphic calc-silicates are formed. type of metasomatic skarn. Igneous metasomatic
These early-formed metamorphic aureole skarns, on the other hand, show much more varied
phenomena are often overprinted by the major mineral assoClatlOns and have bulk
metasomatic processes of skarn growth. Such compositions bearing little obvious relation to the
metasomatic processes are necessary to the host rocks. They are caused by magmatic-hydro-
formation of economic deposits since the early thermal systems and are late in the skarn-forming
metamorphic event is not associated with ore episode. Ore deposition is generally associated
formation, but may be accompanied by the with this type of metasomatic skarn.
creation of increased permeability. Two varieties Following the end of the episode of skarn

Ores formed by metamorphism

Zn , Pb -( Ag ,F)
Reefs Fe- (Cu,Co, Au )

Gabbro, dioflre . granod iorite

......... Quartz monzonite I

-.... granite


W-(Cu, Mol
Zn -Pb -(Cu,Agl
Cu -(Fe,Mol

Stri ke-slip

j Ri f ti ng +-" ed
w ith
( D) (d)

Fig_ 10_5 Idealized tectonic models for skarn formation (a) An oceanic subduction environment; (b) a continental
subduction environment; (c) a transitional low-angle subduction environment; (d) a post-subduction or incipient
rifting environment. (From Meinert 1983.)

growth a period of sulphide deposition and contact with the causative pluton (the Bingham
retrograde alteration may, and often does, occur. stock). This distribution in grade is related to the
The superimposition of all these events - host rock lithologies, their stratigraphic and
metamorphic, metasomatic, sulphide deposition structural pOSItIOns and their relative
and retrograde alteration - leads to confusing impermeability compared with the enclosing
paragenesis in the skam and complicated metasediments.
mineralogy and zoning in it and the host lithology.
For example, the Carr Fork skarn at Bingham, (e) Tectonic setting
Utah, shows a copper skarn, and an early Some attempt at unifying skarn occurrence may be
wollastonite, pyroxene and garnet zone developed attempted by placing them within a plate tectonic
in a cherty limestone, which were overprinted by framework (Table 10.1), Although this may be an
actinolite-chalcopyrite and later by clay - calcite overgeneralization, and exceptions must occur, it
-sulphides (Atkinson and Einaudi, 1978). Further- could form a basis for regional exploration for
more the Carr Fork deposit illustrates the specific skarn deposit types (Fig. 10.5).
preferential formation of skarn in calcareous Almost the only skarn deposits associated with
horizons - the Yampa and Highland Boy the more mafic igneous rock types of oceanic
Limestones - and the fact that the highest-grade island-arc terrains are calcic magnetite skarns;
copper is reached at some distance from the often having significant Cu, Co and Au (Fig.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
1O.5a). These may also have anomalously high are reached. The amount of cassiterite, and
nickel and zinc with an absence of tin, tungsten and therefore the amount of recoverable tin, is directly
lead. Overall they are iron-rich and deficient in related to the degree of retrograde alteration. It has
magnesium, reflecting the primitive ocean crust, been suggested that high tin values in massive
the wall rocks and the plutons associated with sulphide replacement bodies in dolomite (for
these skarns. On the other hand, continental example Renison Bell, Tasmania) may represent
margin orogenic belts contain magnesIan the low-temperature distal analogues of tin skarns.
magnetite skarn deposits. During the transition to post-subduction
Tungsten and base-metal (Cu, Zn-Pb, Mo) tectonics the magmatic arc may widen or migrate
sulphide skarns are also typical of magmatic arcs further inland resulting in intrusives which show
related to moderate angle subduction beneath more interaction with continental crust than
continental crust (Fig. 1O.5b). Quartz monzonites did the earlier plutons. The magmas so formed
and granodiorites are the most common plutons, are quartz monzonite to granite and have
the intrusions representing relatively great depths, associated skarns mined for a variety of metals.
say between 5 and 15 km. Evidence suggests that Tungsten and molybdenum are generally
the tungsten-rich skarns formed at greater depths, dominant but with major amounts of copper and
and higher temperatures, than Cu and Zn-Pb zinc and with minor amounts of bismuth, lead,
skarns. . silver and gold.
Most copper skarn deposits are in continental
crust, few being associated with island-arc
settings. Important calcic Cu skarns are associated
with altered and mineralized porphyry stocks and
10.4.2 Tungsten skarn deposits
plugs of granodiorite to quartz monzonite In 1983 the mine production of tungsten totalled
intruded at relatively high levels in the continental 37350 tonnes (Mining Annual Review, 1984).
crust, 1-6 km (Fig. 1O.5c). These skarns are China was the largest producer, totalling some
sulphide-rich and are mined principally for 10 000 tonnes. The USSR produced 9000 tonnes,
copper, copper-iron and zinc-lead. Locally Australia 2000 tonnes and the USA 1100 tonnes.
important by-products of molybdenum, gold and These figures are lower than in many previous
silver are extracted. The best-known examples of years because the period covered was one of
these are the porphyry-copper-related skarns. world-wide recession; the figure for the USA is
Calcic zinc-Iead- skarn deposits are thought to particularly reduced (it was 2700 tonnes in 1977
form in mid- to late-orogenic stages of continental and over 3000 tonnes in 1980) as the major mines
margin belts, associated with granodioritic or were particularly affected by the recession. In
granitic magmatism. Skarns proximal to the Europe, Austria and Portugal are the biggest
pluton are generally less Mn-rich with lower Pb , producers. The two main ore minerals for
to Cu ratios than distal skarns. tungsten are wolframite and scheelite.
Tin skarns are associated with ilmenite-series Tungsten occurs in the following classes of
granites of both I and S types, particularly the deposit (Hosking, 1982): (1) tungsten-bearing
latter, emplaced late in, or after, the orogenic cycle banded granitoids; (2) tungsteniferous brines and
of continental magmatic arcs or in relatively stable evaporites; (3) placers; (4) stratabound and allied
or incipiently rifted cratonic environments (Fig. deposits; (5) pegmatite deposits; (6) hydrothermal
1O.5d). In both magnesian and calcic tin skarns, the deposits; (7) pyrometasomatic deposits. Of these
extremely rare tin borates, and the much more only the last three are of any major economic
common malayaite, are formed early, and cas- significance and the last, which includes skarns,
siterite is not formed until more acidic, relatively yields the largest tonnages. In skarns the main
low-temperature, retrograde alteration conditions tungsten ore mineral is scheelite and this accounts

Ores formed by metamorphism
for about 58% of the tungsten used in the Western and which have an abundance of ferric Iron
World. assemblages, such as andraditic garnet and
The bulk of the World's tungsten production, epidote.
and reserves, in skarns comes from a very few, Since the mineral compositions from tungsten
relatively large deposits - King Island, Tasmania; skarns vary continuously from dominantly
Sangdong, Korea; Pine Creek, California (Fig. ferrous to moderately ferric this must reflect, at
10.1) and two areas in Canada (Canada Tungsten, least in some cases, subtle differences in
Northwest Territories and MacMillan Pass, environment of formation. The early anhydrous
Yukon). These deposits each contain more than 10 assemblages (600-500°C) often suffer retrograde
million tonnes of ore. The grade ofW0 3 worked alteration and the hydrous assemblages are formed
ranges from as low as 0.4% in open pits in the at temperatures between 450°C and 300°C. Very
Western USA (Bateman, 1982) to 1% or more in high grades of tungsten are inevitably associated
Canada. In addition to the normal mining with retrograde assemblages, and Newberry
constraints on economic working of these deposits (1980) suggests that the abundant calcium released
location, mmmg method, by-products by the breakdown of pyroxene and garnet
availability, etc. - the scheelite grain size is very minerals during retrograde alteration contributes
important, as is the molybdenum content. In to the precipitation of tungsten from solution.
general early anhydrous skarn has moderate and
relatively consistent grades of fme-grained, high- King Island scheelite deDosit!l
molybdenum scheelite; retrograde skarn has The King Island scheelite deposits contribute
variable grades of medium- to coarse-grained low- approximately 65% of Australia's tungsten
molybdenum scheelite. In these latter skarns the production. These deposits have been described
occurrence of the erratic high-grade veins and by Edwards et al. (1956), Knight and Nye (1953,
alteration zones may favour small-scale selective 1965), Danielson (1975) and Kwak et al. (1982).
mining. In Japan molybdenum-rich scheelite is King Island is situated about 240 km south of
associated with I-type granites, whereas Melbourne and the scheelite ore bodies lie in the
molybdenum-poor scheelite is associated with S- south-east of the island. The ore bodies are
type granites. startiform and the ore horizons vary from 5 to
The presence of dolomite in the sedimentary 40 m in thickness. Three ore bodies have been
succession has an adverse effect on tungsten grade recognized, the No.1 ore body and the Dolphin
because of the importance of Ca activity in the ore body lie near the contact with a granodiorite,
precipitation of scheelite (Newberry, 1980). The and the Bold Head ore body is 3 km from these and
only important tungsten skarn in dolomite is is near the contact of an adamellite. Total
Costabonne, France (Guy, 1980). Tungsten skarns production from 1911 until 1972 was ap-
are generally stratiform and less than 15 m thick. proximately 5.7 million tonnes of ore averaging
They may be continuous for hundreds of metres 0.53% W0 3; reserves quoted in 1975 were 7
along lithological contacts; vein skarns are rare. million tonnes averaging 0.75% W0 3 (Danielson,
A division of tungsten skarns was suggested by 1975). In 1982 the Dolphin deposit was producing
Newberry (1979): (i) 'reduced' skarns, such as 60% of the yearly output (400 000 tonnes of ore at
Canada Tungsten, which were formed in carbo- 0.69% W0 3) according to Kwak etal. (1982).
naceous host rocks or at great depth and which The scheelite deposits are in a 150-200 m thick
have abundant ferrous iron assemblages including sequence of contact metamorphosed and meta-
hedenbergitic pyroxene, almandine-rich garnet, somatized sediments known as the 'Mine Series'
biotite and hornblende and, (ii) 'oxidized' skarns, which are probably early Cambrian or late
such as King Island, which were formed in non- Proterozoic in age. The Mine Series is overlain by
carbonaceous or hematitic rocks or at lesser depth a metavolcanic unit with agglomerates, basalts,

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

underlying banded footwall beds the scheelite is

concentrated along bedding and is confined to the
+ 100-
marble horizons. Often only the top and the
Meta\lolcan ics
bottom of a marble bed are mineralized,
suggesting that mineralization has progressed
laterally and along dip with little movement across
Meto\lolcanics bedding. In addition to scheelite, molybdenite is
present but neither wolframite nor cassiterite has
00- been recognized. Other sulphides present are
pyrite, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite
(Danielson, 1975), although sphalerite, galena,
bournonite and bismuthinite have also been
recorded (Edwards et aI., 1956).

. ..
The ore skarn in all three deposits has a
-100- primary assemblage of: andradite--grossularite
garnet + hedenbergite-diopside-pyroxene +
.. .
Adamellite •
powellite-scheelite + quartz. This stage 1
assemblage is overprinted by varying amounts of
ferrohastingsite amphibole + epidote + pyrrhotite
+ pyrite + calcite + quartz + low-Mo-scheelite +
-200- molybdenite.
K wak et al. (1982) have examined the variation
_ ore-grade skarn
o 60m
L . . '_ _ _- ' , in garnet composition and have shown that
generally the mole percent andradite in the core
Fig, 10.6 Section through the Bold Head contact aureole and outer core zones decreases consistently to the
looking north, King Island deposit (after Danielson,
outer edge of the skarn. The outer edge of the
skarn is taken at the Northern Boundary Fault
some 500 m from the granodiorite contact. In the
tuffs and spilites. Underlying the Mine Series is a midsection and edge zones of the same garnets the
quartzite of undetermined thickness. The grano- andradite values decrease to about 400 m and then
. .
diorite and adamellite intrusive stocks are dated as mcrease agam.
late Devonian or early Carboniferous. The skarn When the scheelite and powellite ratios of
rocks containing the ore bodies are thought to scheelite occurring as inclusions in garnets and as
have formed by selective metasomatic replace- Northern
ment oflimestone beds (Fig. 10.6). The scheelite is Boundary
100 Fault
present as disseminated grains (average 0.05-0.2 S
mm) in and along the margins of andradite ~
QJ 60
garnets, in quartz and, rarely, calcite. Coarse t'
grains of scheelite, up to 50 mm, occur in joints, a. 40
tension gashes and in quartz-calcite pods. (5 20
Three lenses of mineralization, A, Band C, 00 100 200 300
occur with the lowest, 'C lens' containing the main
mineable ore. This lens is divided into lower and
upper components. The mineralization in the Fig. 10.7 Composition of interstitial scheclitc, Dolphin
'upper C lens' is reasonably uniformly dis- deposit, King Island. S, scheelite mole fraction; P,
seminated while in the 'lower C lens' and the powellite mole fraction. (After Kwak et at. 1982.)

Ores formed by metamorphism

~"~,~---------- during skarn genesis with a fairly simple hydro-

:i '-
~ ~
Upper volcanics
logical system.
The tungsten values in the ore are generally in a
sinusoidal distribution (Brown, quoted in K wak et

!~ ~~
al., 1982). The highest values are furthest from the
contact and seem to suggest fluid flow out from the

\ ,j \\
Northern Boundary Fault but the sinusoidal
nature indicates contributions via the grano-
_----;-;- .,. . . . _ l ..
- --.. ... GranOdiorite ............. , / ..
diorite-skarn contact and some of the faults shown
. . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. '"""' ___ --r..--.r ..
... ... ..,. ... . . ... ... .. . in Fig. 10.8. Total mineable tungsten tends to
increase towards the faults, near which a bismuth-
rich zone occurs.
Fig. 10.8 Section 220--200 through the Dolphin deposit
at King Island (after K wak et al. 1982).
The skarns in the Dolphin deposit lie above a flat
portion of the granodiorite contact (Fig. 10.8) and
interstitial grains are also studied these show the ore lenses in the Bold Head deposit are also
distribution patterns comparable to the midsection associated with shelving of the contact, this time
and edge zones of the garnets - reaching a with the adamellite at Bold Head (Fig. 10.6).
maximum scheelite/powellite ratio at about 400 m
from the contact (Fig. 10.7). K wak et al. conclude
Genesis of the King Island deposits
that these systematic chemical variations within
minerals suggest relatively high permeability Examination of the fluid inclusion filling
60 60

60 ....
~ 40 40

~ l::
:: 40 20
"0 20

'c 20
0- ---------------- 0
Vl Early Relative t m
i e • late
(0 )

100 200 300 400 500

Disrance from conracr (m)
D 700 L.
~ 0-
~ 500 ~
0- 0>
E .~

~ 300 iL 20
iL Early Re lative t ime late
( b)
a 100 200 JOO 400 SOO
Disrance from conracr (m) Fig. 10.10 Compilation of (a) salinity of fluid inclusions
and (b) temperature, with time. From Dolphin deposit
Fig. 10.9 Salinites and filling temperatures for primary section 220--200 (Fig. 10.8). Minerals used in compilation
fluid inclusions, interstitial scheelite, Dolphin deposit, - garnets, pyroxene and interstitial scheelite. (Modified
King Island (after K wak et al. 1982). from Kwak et al. 1982.)

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
temperatures and salinities shows systematic are small. The grade of tin in these deposits ranges
variations in space and time (Figs. 10.9 and 10.10). from 0.1 to 0.7 wt% but much of the tin is in
Laterally many inflections occur in the 300-400 m silicates and is not economically recoverable.
interval from the contact. Paragenesis shows that Tonnages involved vary from a few million tonnes
there is a systematic decrease of total salinity of the of ore to about 30 million tonnes as at Moina,
solutions with time in the different minerals Tasmania, where the skarn is over 1 km long and
studied (Fig. 10.10). Filling temperatures on the up to 100 m thick (Kwak and Askins, 1981).
other hand, as shown by the inclusions from A considerable number of tin-bearing silicates
different portions of the garnets, were low initially and borates are known from skarns but, with the
(300-400°C), rising later to magmatic tem- possible exception of malayaite, they are
peratures, when boiling occurred, and then extremely rare and of no economic significance
decreased. except they contribute to the development of soil
These data show that quite small quantities of geochemical anomalies and the chemical grade of
hot saline magmatically derived solutions entered the deposits. Probably stanniferous garnets and
the marble in which contact skarns had already other species containing tin as a non-essential
formed and cooled to about 380°C. Solution of component are generally more important in these
CaC0 3 occurred in response to Fe-mineral respects. In skarns the only economic ore mineral
deposition creating enhanced permeability until for tin is the tin oxide cassiterite.
the skarn must have appeared like a calc-silicate According to Burt (1978) cassiterite appears to
'sponge' (Kwak et aI., 1982). Boiling occurred form relatively late during the genesis of tin skarns
(600-800°C) nearest the contact, and the Northern and seems to owe its appearance to falling tem-
Boundary Fault appears to have been active. peratures and the increase in acidity of the
Consequently primary fluid entered the evolving conditions (which show an enrichment in B 20 3 ,
skarn from the fault and the granodiorite contact, CO 2 and HF). These changes in the environment of
meeting in the 300-400 m intervaL Other faults in the skarn, which are related to the retrograde stage
the sequence shown in Fig. 10.8 were either absent of skarn formation, result in the liberation of tin
or too tightly closed at this time to contribute from the silicates and! or the borates and
significantly to the plumbing system. Mo-rich deposition of the tin as cassiterite (Burt, 1978):
scheelite began to precipitate during the boiling
CaSnSiO s + CO 2 > CaC0 3 + SiOz + SnOz
Malayaite > Calcite + Quartz + Cassit-
Subsequently any of this Mo-rich scheelite not
enclosed in garnet was dissolved and redeposited
as Mo-poor scheelite and molybdenite at fairly CaSnB 20 6 + 2Si0 2 > Sn02 + CaB 2Si 20 8
low temperatures (±300°C). At this late stage N ordens- + Quartz> Cassit- + Danburite
some of the other faults may have provided kioldine erite
channelways and the skarns adjacent to these faults Although this reaction may occur, much of the
in the upper (B lens) were formed. The fluid field evidence suggests that the cassiterite was
inclusion data indicate that the deposit formed at a formed directly from the invasion of a stanniferous
depth of 2-3 km. This is shallower than many agent. In many of the skarns in South East Asia
tungsten skarn deposits are thought to have malayaite shows no signs of degradation although
formed (Einaudi et aI., 1981). cassiterite may occur in the same ore body
(K. F. G. Hosking, personal communication).
According to Burt (1978) cassiterite is the only
10.4.3 Tin skarn deposits
stable tin mineral in the presence of quartz,
In general the tin skarn deposits are of minor fluorite, calcite and the other gangue minerals that
economic importance as they are oflow grade and are typical of skarn deposits but Hosking's

Ores formed by metamorphism
evidence of co-existing non-degraded malayaite manganese- and iron-rich mineralogy and because
with cassiterite and other skarn species throws they commonly occur distal to intrusive contacts.
some' doubt on this assertion. The late stage of tin Other distinctive features for this skarn type may
skarn formation is often accompanied by the be listed as follows:
introduction of low-sulphur sulphides such as (1) they usually occur along structural or
pyrrhotite and arsenopyrite and, rarely, lithological contacts;
loellingite, sphalerite and bornite. However high- (2) there is an absence of significant
sulphide values are not necessarily coincident with metamorphic aureoles centred on the skarn;
high-tin values as may be demonstrated at Mt
(3) they show pyroxene as the dominant calc-
Lindsay, Tasmania (Kwak, 1983). silicate mineral;
Compared with skarns generally, those at Mt (4) there is an association of significant amounts
Lindsay are particularly anomalous in having high of sulphide mineralization with pyroxene rather
Ti and relatively high Sn. In the primary skarns the than with garnet or other silicate minerals;
tin may be in cassiterite with limited amounts in (5) the retrograde mineralogy of these skarns is
scheelite; later the tin is almost exclusively in manganese-rich ilvaite, pyroxenoids, subcalcic
garnet (up to 0.51 wt%) and sulphides. According amphiboles and chlorite.
to K wak (1983) subsequent skarn development
may lead to the dissolving of the tin which may The intrusives with which zinc skarn deposits
then be reprecipitated as chlorite-cassiterite- appear to be associated range from granodiorite to
pyrrhotite-carbonate skarn as seen in the ore leucogranite and from deep-seated holocrystalline
mined at Cleveland Mine, Tasmania. We are not batholiths to porphyritic hypabyssal stocks and
totally' convinced that the tin here is skarn derived. dykes and even aphanitic rhyolite dykes and
K wak' s line of reasoning suggests that this skarn breccia pipes (Table 10.1). Zinc skarn deposits
type may have occurred at Mt Lindsay but has formed near contacts with equigranular batho-
subsequently been eroded. lithic intrusives tend to be smaller and less rich in
Kwak (1983) emphasizes the importance of the manganese than other types of zinc skarns. Zinc
morphology of the pluton in the development of skarn deposits formed near contacts with smaller
skarns. The skarns are preferentially developed intrusives include some of the largest of this type.
above troughs and shelves of the upper contact of If these skarns are formed near dykes it seems that
granitoids. Where the contact is steeply dipping, the dyke acted largely as a structural pathway and
or vertical, only narrow skarn zones occur. The the ultimate source of the metasomatic solutions
relationship of the undulations in the pluton was a deeper, possibly cogenetic, magmatic body.
contact to skarn location has already been In this type there is a continuous transition from
mentioned in the case of the King Island tungsten skarn ore to massive sulphide replacement of
deposits (Section 10.4.2). This morphological carbonate rock. This latter ore type is important in
relationship between the pluton and the skarn most skarns of this class and may constitute the
deposits can be very important at the target largest and highest grade part of the ore. The skarn
appraisal stage of exploration for skarns. is dominated by johannsenitic pyroxene, some-
times to the exclusion of garnet. Bustamite is
10.4.4 Zinc-lead skarn deposits common and garnet, where present, is andraditic.
The typical grades of zinc-lead skarn deposits are Metal zoning may be pronounced with increasing
6--12% Zn, lesser Pb, negligible Cu, also many depth from lead to lead-zinc and, deeper still, to
contain silver (28--255 glt Ag). Examples include copper-iron.
Washington Camp, Arizona (Simons, 1974) and The occurrence of zinc skarn distal to a
Santa Eulalia, Mexico (Hewitt, 1968). Zinc-lead probable, suspected, or even unknown, igneous
skarns are distinguished from other skarn types by a source with no obvious spatial or temporal link to

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
the igneous source emphasizes the importance of the igneous rocks. Island-arc calcic magnetite
solution pathways in the genesis of zinc-lead skarn skarns also show widespread calcium meta-
deposits. The role of such solution pathways may somatism and anomalous concentrations of
be illustrated by reference to the Ban Ban zinc cobalt and occasionally nickel.
deposit in south east Queensland, Australia In this setting the magnetite ore bodies
(Ashley, 1980). characteristically show a close spatial association
Here there is the peculiarity of a high-grade zinc with garnet zones or occur in limestones beyond
zone associated with nearby low-grade copper and the skarn zone. They may be small irregular
this may be a function of the initial fluid contact deposits, capable of yielding about 5-20
composition (high Zn:Cu ratio). The separation of million tonnes, up to stratiform bodies hundreds
the zinc zone from the low-grade copper (and iron of metres in thickness and several kilometres in
sulphide) zone may be due to zinc remaining in strike length (the Cornwall deposit, Pennsylvania,
solution longer than copper (and some iron) before contains in excess of 100 million tonnes at 41 % Fe
being precipitated by hydrolysis reactions as (Lapham, 1968) ). Magnetite is the dominant
sphalerite. primary iron oxide mineral; any haematite present
normally forms through surface oxidation. Pyrite
and chalcopyrite are present in minor amounts and
10.4.5 Iron skarn deposits
normally the copper content is less than 0.2 wt%
Although skarns were major sources of iron at the in the iron ores.
tum of the century their importance for this metal
has decreased with the development of the very (b) Cordilleran magnesian magnetite skarn
large tonnage iron-formations (Chapter 8). deposits
Economic concentrations of magnetite in skarn Magnetite may form readily in magnesian skarns
deposits are found in the complete range of skarn- since magnesian calc-silicates (for example
forming environments, but two specialized forsterite, talc and serpentine) do not take up much
environments appear to produce skarn with iron in solid solution at the oxidation states
magnetite as the only ore mineral. These normally considered to prevail in skarn-forming
environments are island arcs (calcic skarn) and environments. Any iron in solution therefore
Cordilleran-type magnesian skarn (Table 10.1). tends to form magnetite whereas the same solution
Other skarns from which major amounts of entering a limestone at high temperatures would
magnetite have been, or could be, mined but from tend to form iron-rich garnet or pyroxene.
which iron is not the principal metal worked
include the massive magnetite bodies replacing Craigmont, British Columbia
calc-shale and tin-bearing skarn at granite contacts Lithological control for skarns is also
in west Malaysia (Hosking, 1973), the inner garnet demonstrated by the Cu-Fe skarn ore at
zones of zinc-bearing calcic skarn near Hannover, Craigmont, British Columbia (Morrison, 1980).
New Mexico (Hernon and Jones, 1968) and the Here the occurrence of copper- and iron-rich units
magnesian skarn of several large porphyry copper in the host rocks controlled the distribution of
skarns such as Ok Tedi, Papua New Guinea much of the ore. The ore was therefore localized in
(Bamford, 1972). favourable host rock facies adjacent to un-
favourable facies that acted as physical and
(a) Island-arc calcic magnetite skarn deposits chemical barriers to ore fluid migration. In the case
These are distinguished from other skarn types by of Craigmont the favourable facies was
their association with gabbros and diorites in characterized by interbedded limy and quartzo-
volcanic-sedimentary sequences and also the feldspathic sedimentary rocks with concentrations
relatively large amount of skarn that is formed in of iron in pyrite and biotite; the copper occurred as

Ores formed by metamorphism

disseminated chalcopyrite. Bedding planes and copper skarn which contains pitchblende is
fractures apparently acted as channelways for the Azegour in Morocco (Ridge, 1976). The ore
fluids which leached copper and iron from the host minerals in these skarns are molybdenite,
rocks and concentrated them in the facies-bounded scheelite, chalcopyrite and bismuthinite. The
trap. presence of scheelite in this deposit was not
If such stratigraphic control exists in an area, recognized initially (Hosking, personal com-
such as that proposed by Morrison for the ore munication). This emphasizes the importance of
distribution at Craigmont, then this would be of using a short-wave ultraviolet light when
value in mine-based exploration. The recognition prospecting skarns.
of the favourable facies would be an important Minor amounts of sphalerite and galena may
exploration aid. Assuming the necessary metal occur, although some molybdenum occurrences
content existed prior to skarn formation then the may have significant sphalerite in distal skarns,
exploration geologist must look for structural, such as Lone Mountain, Nevada (Bonham and
stratigraphic and/or chemical traps in the contact Garside, 1979). These polymetallic skarns seem to
aureole which could lead to ore-bearing skarn. be characterized by a mineralogy ofhedenbergitic
pyroxene, grandite garnet and wollastonite. Even
deposits that contain molybdenite as the only
10.4.6 Molybdenum skarn deposits
important sulphide, such as Little Boulder Creek,
The intrusions associated with molybdenum- Idaho (Balla and Smith, 1980), have large amounts
bearing skarns are generally more evolved than of hedenbergitic pyroxene although only minor
those associated with iron, copper or most grandite garnet. The skarn at Little Boulder Creek
tungsten skarns. There is a strong similarity in the occurs in calcareous siltstone and such deposits as
composition of igneous rocks associated with this one are considerably larger than the poly-
porphyry molybdenum and skam molybdenum metallic skarns but have not yet been br~ught into
deposits (Table 10.3). This suggests similarities in production. The presence of dolomitic or silty
igneous petrogenesis (Meinert, 1983). Granites are rocks appears to be important in molybdenum
commonly associated with this skarn type skarn ore formation, as other very large deposits,
(Einaudi et a/., 1981). as well as Little Boulder Creek, are associated with
In addition to molybdenum, these skarns may these rock types, such as Cannivan Gulch, Montana
be mined for various metals including copper, (Schmidt and Worthington, 1977).
tungsten and bismuth. Some molybdenum skarns The tonnage and grade of these molybdenum-
may have important quantities oflead, zinc, tin or bearing deposits are a reflection of the mining
even uranium. An example of a molybdenu:n- method used or proposed. Azegour has been
selectively mined to produce grades in excess of
Table 10.3 Average composition of igneous rocks 1% MoS 2 , whereas the bulk mining method
ass()riated with molybdenum deposits (from Meinert. proposed for Little Boulder Creek would be based
1983) upon average grades between 0.1 and 0.2% MoS 2 •
This latter deposit would contain reserves close to
Porphyry Mo deposits Mo skarn deposits 100 million tonnes while the higher-grade deposits
would have reserves nearer 10 million tonnes.
SiO:> 75.2 74.8
AbO} 12.3 14.3
CaO 0.80 1.2 10.4.7 Copper skarn deposits
Na:>O 3.31 3.1
K 10 5.21 5.0 Most skarn deposits mined for copper are
K:>O/Na20 1.61 1.61 associated with calc-alkaline granodiorite to
quartz monzonite stocks emplaced in continental

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
margin orogenic belts. These are the stocks 10% iron oxides and 2-15 % sulphides. Magnesian
associated with the porphyry copper deposits skarn is of relatively minor importance in
(Section 3.2.2). A few copper skarns are found in porphyry-related deposits. Compared to calcic
island-arc settings associated with quartz diorite to skarn, magnesian skarn has a high-magnetite
granodiorite plutons. content, low-sulphide content, and low pyrite to
As a group, copper skarns are characterized by: chalcopyrite ratios.
(i) an association with felsic, porphyry-textured The variability of porphyry-related skarn
stocks of hypabyssal character, (ii) proximity to deposits largely involves the degree of retrograde
stock contacts, (iii) high gamet/pyroxene ratios, alteration, reflecting in tum the degree of sericitic
(iv) relatively oxidized assemblages (andraditic alteration of the porphyry copper deposit. The
gamet, diopsidic pyroxene, magnetite and dominant trend in retrograde alteration involves
haematite) and (v) moderately high sulphide con- the formation of hydrous silicates that are
tents. This group includes some of the World's progressively depleted in calcium as the intensity
largest skarn deposits - the porphyry copper- of alteration increases.
related skarns of south-west USA. These may In addition to the retrograde alteration, a
contain 50-500 million tonnes of open pit copper common alteration feature accompanying
ore in skarn and calc-silicate hornfels. sulphide deposition in carbonate rocks associated
with porphyry-related skarn may be various
(a) Porphyry-related copper skarns forms of silica, accompanied by pyrite or iron
The copper skarns associated with porphyry oxide. Therefore silica-pyrite, silica-haematite, or
copper range in age from Devonian to Pleistocene rarely, magnetite-chlorite may occur. Silica-
with the largest accumulation in the Laramide (70- pyrite may replace skarn, but more commonly it
50 million years) in the south-west USA. They replaces limestone as massive irregular bodies,
reflect the environment of formation of the mantos or steep, structurally controlled, breccia
porphyry coppers: high level of emplacement and pIpes.
relatively oxidized fluids leading to the formation A verage hypogene grades for mineralized sedi-
of ferric-rich garnet and ferrous-poor clino- mentary rocks as worked in open pits with a cut-
pyroxene. Early skarn formation occurred at 500- off of 0.3--0.4% copper ranges from 0.6 to 0.9%
350°C which was probably too low for large-scale Cu. With these grades the tonnage of ore con-
scheelite formation and too high for sphalerite to tained in the sedimentary rocks associated with
form. porphyry-related skarns ranges from 50 to 500
Prograde skarn is correlated with the potassium million tonnes. The copper/molybdenum ratio in
silicate alteration in the pluton, whereas skarn the skarn is generally higher than in the
destruction or silica-pyrite replacement of associated pluton.
limestone is correlated with intense hydrolytic
alteration in the plutons. With potassium silicate (b) Contrasts between porphyry-related and
alteration the mineral association in carbonate other copper skarn deposits
rocks may be distinguished as follows: limestone Porphyry-related skarns tend to consist of
develops andraditic garnet and diopsidic clino- fine-grained to massive aggregates of calc-silicates
pyroxene with pyrite, chalcopyrite and magnetite; due to the relatively high fluid flow in the
on the other hand, dolomite develops forsterite- porphyry systems which are normally emplaced at
serpentine-magnetite-chalcopyrite skarn. shallow depths in highly fractured rocks. In
Sulphides and iron oxides occur as dis- contrast non-porphyry-related skarns appear to
seminations and in veins in skarn and as massive form in less dynamic magmatic hydrothermal
replacements of marble at the skarn front. Over- environments and perhaps at greater depths or
all, porphyry-related calcic skarns contain up to greater distances from intrusive margins. In these

Ores formed by metamorphism
latter circumstances fluid movement is more formed in the early stages, and usually preserved in
restricted, and there is less likelihood of simpler non-porphyry skarns may be largely
supersaturation and large crystals can grow destroyed in porphyry systems. In the non-
slowly. porphyry skarns late-stage assemblages such as
Porphyry-related skarns form during active calcite-quartz-chlorite-pyrite or specularite are
structural deformation accompanying multiple largely confined to vug fillings in garnetite, minor
intrusive events. The repetitive fracturing of veins or immediate skarn intrusive contacts. The
brittle sedimentary rocks, hornfels, and already- low waterlrock ratios and low permeabilities in
formed skarn, is characteristic of this environment these skarns, compared to those that are porphyry-
and this leads to vein densities greater than in related, presumably block retrograde process. In
non-porphyry skarns. One of the most contrast large volumes of porphyry-related skarns
characteristic types of veinlets in porphyry-related are commonly altered to late carbonate-hydrous
skarns is quartz-sulphide with actinolite alteration silicate assemblages, and limestone may be
envelopes in diopside skarn or hornfels. These replaced on a large scale by silica-pyrite.
vein lets are mostly contemporaneous with Shelton (1983) describes skarn deposits from
biotite-orthoclase alteration of the associated Mines Gaspe, Quebec. Here the skarn-type ore
plutons . reserves are 11 million tonnes of average 1.25%
The quasi-monomineralic nature of skarn zones Cu and 0.03% Mo with minor Pb, Zn, Ag, Au and

A B C o
__- - -_ .+10
. _- Copper Brook Aureole
Porphyry Brook
-1000 m Needle Mountain and Copper Mountain Faultand Aureole -
___---N_ee_d1e East pit and porphyry· type ore

ti~~~-----.:--r.1:: *, ~...--

Fig. 10.11 Section across Copper
Mountain intrusion and skarn-type o, Ikm

ore bodies, Mines Gaspe, Quebec
(Shelton 1983). D Unbleached D BleaC/led
_ _ Lithologk
G M Sbor eholes

s Porphyry Brook
Copper Brook Aureole Fault and Aureole

Fig. 10.12 Skarn ore formation. Schematic cross-

section showing hydrothermal fluid flow patterns
based on fluid inclusion and stable isotope data,
Mines Gaspe, Quebec (Shelton 1983).

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
s Copper Brook Aureole
Porphyry Brook
Fault and Aureole

Fig. 10.13 Porphyry copper ore formation.

Schematic cross-section showing hydrothermal
fluid flow patterns based on fluid inclusion and stable
isotope data, Mines Gaspe, Quebec Shelton, 1983).

Bi. Hydrothermal fluids were driven, by heat, Geological interest in the Bingham area
upwards through fracture zones, the meta- followed the trends in exploration and mining -
somatism leading to skarn-type rocks by reaction the early work dealt with the mineralized sedi-
with the most calcareous sedimentary rocks. mentary rocks on the western contact, then the
Subsequently, high-salinity magmatic fluids used emphasis changed to the disseminated copper ore
the metamorphic equivalents of the most cal- in the intrusive rocks. Since the early 1970s more
careous units as ore fluid aquifers. High-salinity work has been published on the replacement
fluids reacted with calcite and deposited early stage deposits oflead-zinc ores and the skarns (Atkinson
ore less than 1 km up dip from the fracture zones. and Einaudi, 1978).
Then less saline meteoric water mixed with the Contact effects at the Bingham stock fall into
high-salinity fluid and formed the early skarn-type three stages:
replacement ore bodies up to 2 km up dip from the
(1) An early stage of contact metaSomatism
fracture zone. This was subsequently followed by
resulting m the formation of diopside-,
the late-stage porphyry-type ore formation
wollastonite- and quartz-bearing assemblages
associated with the quartz monzonitic Copper
close to the stock, and tremolite, talc, dolomite (a)
Mountain plug (Figs. 10.11, 10.12 and 10.13).
calcite and quartz further away. This stage was
accompanied by little or no sulphide deposition.
(c) Carr Fork, Bingham, Utah (2) The main stage of copper ore deposition
The Bingham mining district, which contains the accompanied by actinolite- and andradite-bearing
first recognized porphyry copper mine, has assemblages.
produced 13 million tonnes of copper, lead and (3) A late stage of pyritic mineralization
zinc since 1896. Non-porphyry ore accounts for accompanied by smectites, talc, chlorite and
23% of this total metal production (Atkinson and carbonates.
Einaudi, 1978). Large-scale underground mining Overall the disseminated and stockwork copper
began in the Highland Boy limestone copper- mineralization may be regarded as an inverted
bearing skarn (Fig. 10 .14) and this was followed cup-shaped structure draped over a low-grade
by lead-zinc-silver ore being exploited from this core zone. This characteristic shape has been
limestone and the Yampa limestone. In the Carr shown for porphyry molybdenum ore bodies in
Fork area the copper ore in skarn in the Yampa the western USA (Climax, Henderson - Section
limestone was followed down dip to 1000 m 3.4.2). This mineralization cuts across igneous and
below surface. sedimentary rocks alike. The north-west side of

Ores formed by metamorphism
Percent copper
. >1'0

~ 0 ,2-1 ·0

v "v "
., "
" II

-l v
A v
v " " ., v oJ

" V Lo-

" .,

1\ " Bingham
v S~oc k v
v v
v L-
Fig. 10.14 North-west cross-section ~ V

(looking north-east) of part of the .,


Bingham stock and associated skarn 'I

V " 1\

deposits (after Atkinson and Einaudi, \I v
"0 " " 400 m
the cup-shaped body is shown in Fig. 10.14 where

~_ ' •• c,
it may be seen that the 0.2% copper tapers
downwards and passes from being within the
"10 Cu
intrusion, quartzite and limestone, to being
o 100 200 300 400 500
completely in the quartzite at 700 m below present
pit bottom. On the basis of drill hole data this
grade appears to bottom out at about 1200 m
below surface and about 400 m away from the
stock (which itself contains <0.1 % copper)
,, At any given elevation the copper grades rise to
, ?
a maximum and then decrease outward from the
porphyry stock (Fig. 10.15). A similar distribution

" _ I O/oCU of grades in a tungsten skarn has been discussed

earlier in the case of the King Island deposit
o 100 200 300 400 soo (Section 10.4.2). The grades in the limestones, the
Yampa and Highland Boy (Fig. 10.14), are much
higher than in other lithologies because of their
more favourable original composition. The
Fig. 10.15 Copper grade distribution in the skarn position of the maximum grade in limestone is
deposits in (a) the Yampa and (b) Highland Boy about 100 m closer to the intrusion than in the
limestones (both 900-1300m elevation) relative to the quartzite. This again may be explained by
Bingham quartz monzonite porphyry (after Atkinson differing original lithologies and particularly the
and Einaudi, 1978). lack of fracture permeability in the limestones

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
compared with the adjacent rocks (Meinert, 1983). morphism will tend to make the country rocks
Although the copper distribution in the major more brittle and more susceptible to the
skarn beds is erratic in detail, generalizations may hydrofracturing process of stage 2. If intruded at a
be made (Fig. 10.15). This Figure shows curves for relatively great depth the carbonate rocks may
the elevations 900-1300 m, but lower elevations behave in a more ductile manner rather than
yield similar curves progressively shifted away fracturing as they would at shallower depths.
from the contact and with copper grade maxima
progressively lower with increasing depth. (b) Stage 2 (Fig. 10.16c)
Atkinson and Einaudi (1978) explained the higher The crystallization of the magma releases
grades in the Highland Boy limestone as possibly magmatic hydrothermal fluids and causes
being due to its lower stratigraphic position and hydrofracturing of the pluton and, often, the
therefore greater accessibility to mineralizing surrounding hornfels. Two vanetIes of
fluids which were thought to be moving upwards metasomatic skarns have been distinguished:
and outwards. The grade distribution is in-
(a) 'Reaction skarns' or those related to local
dependent of the thickness oflimestone units - the
metasomatism. These are generally confmed to
controlling factors appear to be distance from
moderate- or high-grade metamorphic terrains
stock and the high permeability in the enclosing
and are often formed in sequences of interlayered
quartzite which allowed uniform entry of hydro-
shales or cherts and limestones. The chemical
thermal fluids. Furthermore, uniformity of
compounds for reaction are usually considered to
original lithology reduced the possibility of fluid-
be derived from the country rocks with no
wallrock reactions which would have affected ore
introduction of exotic material and the skarns are
not often associated with ore formation.
(b) 'Igneous metasomatic' skarns which are
10.5 GENESIS OF SKARN DEPOSITS thought to result from infiltration metasomatism
related to magmatic hydrothermal systems. These
From the evidence so far available it seems that
are generally associated with ore deposition of
there are three stages in the production of skarn
some variety.
deposits (Fig. 10.16): (1) emplacement of the
causative pluton, giving rise to contact meta- In the prograde skarn stage it is usually
morphism; (2) prograde skarn growth, usually a recognized that the inner zones (relative to the
metasomatic event; (3) retrograde alteration. pluton) replace outer zones as these, in turn, move
These stages superimpose to form the complex out. Some skarns have been identified where the
mineralogy and zoning patterns of most large inner zones formed first and later solutions flowed
skarn deposits. The extent of the development of through them without equilibrating and reacted
each stage will depend upon the local geological with the rock type beyond (Bartholome and
conditions. For instance stage 1 metamorphism Evrard, 1970).
will be much more extensive around skarns
formed at greater depths, whereas stage 3 (c) Stage 3 (Fig. 10.16d)
alteration will be intense in those skarns formed at The retrograde stage is the time of sulphide
relatively shallow depths and greatly affected by deposition which is predated by the introduction
interaction with meteoric water. of some oxide minerals such as cassiterite. The
alteration of skarns is typically structurally
(a) Stage 1 (Fig. 10.16b) controlled. This alteration cuts across earlier
This may be considered the stage of ground SKarn patterns ana me sulphide deposition may
preparation for skarn genesis and is normally extend beyond skarn into marble and
barren of ore minerals. The contact meta- horntels. The alteration products reflect

Ores formed by metamorphism
[[[II Reh"ograde

D Skarn

-A' Limit of
iC metamorphism
r-:o:l Calc-silicate
l!:LJ hornfels
~ Woliastonitic
[(!J marble

"IV Intrusive
f. i " V ' i l

E<:m Shale
~ Limestonel
~ marble

f77.1 Calcareous
~ mudstone

~ Cherty
~ Iimestone

IT%I Siltstonel
rniillJ quartzite
~ Basement
~ complex

Fig. 10.16 Schematic illustration of sequential stages of skarn formation for relatively deep (left side of pluton) and
relatively shallow (right side of pluton) skarn deposits. (a) Typical sedimentary section consisting of interbedded
siltstone, shale, limestone and calcareous mudstone prior to intrusion. (b) Initial intrusive activity causing
metamorphism (inside dashed line) of calcareous mudstone to calc-silicate hornfels, cherty limestone to
wollastonitic marble, siltstone to quartzite and limestone to marble. (c) Release of metasomatic solutions from
intrusive causing skarn overprint (shaded area) of earlier metamorphic minerals (note pockets of wollastonitic
marble and hornfels in massive skarn) and skarn formation in purer carbonate beds. (d) Retrograde alteration
(vertical ruled pattern) of high-temperature calc-silicate minerals caused by cooling and possible entry of meteoric
water. In the deeper skarn the metamorphic aureole is more widespread than prograde skarn and retrograde
alteration is minor :In the shallower skarn system, prograde skarn partly overruns the metamorphic aureole and both
are overprinted by retrograde alteration. (From Meinert 1983.)

the original skarn silicate composition modified by The sulphides will preClpltate due to declining
the leaching of calcium and the introduction of temperature, local oxidation-reduction reactions
volatiles. This usually means the replacement of in specific zones of the earlier skarn or at the
calcium-rich calc-silicates by an assemblage of: (i) marble contact due to neutralization of the
calcium-depleted silicates, (ii) iron oxides or hydrothermal solutions. This latter may give rise
sulphides and (iii) carbonates or albitic plagioclase. to high-grade sulphide bodies in skarn deposits.
The calcium released into solution may result in Skarns apparently formed at greater depths, for
late precipitation of scheelite (Newberry, 1980). example, tungsten skarns show less late alteration

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
than those formed at shallower depths such as pretation and, possibly, use of satellite imagery.
those associated with porphyry copper deposits. U sing aerial photography, marked vegetation
Skarns close to igneous bodies show more and topographic contrasts are often visible at the
alteration than distal skarns, as for example zinc- carbonate-igneous body contact. Potentially
bearing systems. A period of extensive skarn economic skarn environments have been recog-
destruction can occur if significant hydrothermal nized from these features in peninsular Thailand
circulation continues at low temperature. In some (K. F. G. Hosking, personal communication)
deposits this late period is limited to sparse vugh Fracture analysis is another technique worth
fillings of quartz-carbonate-sulphides while in examining during the regional survey since skarn
others large portions of the skarn are converted to development is favoured by enhanced per-
mixtures of quartz, chalcedony, clays, carbonates, meability and fractured lithologies. An example of
sulphides and iron oxides. In some areas massive skarn development in severely fractured and
silica-sulphide replacement bodies form in brecciated rocks is the 47 million tonne, 2.4% Cu
limestone beyond the limits of the skarn as at Ely, deposit at Ertsberg East, Irian Jaya, Indonesia
Nevada Games, 1976). (Ward, 1984); the original Ertsberg deposit (which
Summarizing therefore, skarn formation spans was discovered accidentally) formed a very
the hydrothermal circulation of fluids from barely prominent topographic feature.
sub magmatic to virtually hot spring. The trend Gravity surveys, to determine the distribution
goes from dominantly metamorphic through of batholiths or larger plutons, would also be
magmatic to meteoric. useful in indicating the pluton morphology for
smaller stocks and cupolas if these are sufficiently
near-surface. As has been shown earlier, certain
skarn types tend to occur where the intrusion
Since most skarn deposits, with the possible contact flattens or shelves; these undulations may
exception of those containing lead and zinc, occur be recognizable from gravity surveys. Since
close to plutonic intrusions, exploration for them magnetite may form an appreciable component of
will be concerned initially with the recognition of skarns (Table 10.1), regional magnetic and
suitable contact metamorphic terrain combined aeromagnetic surveys may be used to outline the
with suitable original lithologies for the location of skarn area. Kwak and Askins (1981) show the
ore minerals. The most favourable tectonic distribution of wrigglite skarn at Moina,
settings for the development of the different types Tasmania, using fluxgate magnetometer data (Fig.
of skarns are summarized in Table 10.1 and this 10.17). Here the skarn was delineated beneath a
table also indicates the type of igneous masses covering of Tertiary basalt and, east of the
most likely to be associated with the skarn. Bismuth Creek fault, below a reverse fault,
Consequently any regional exploration Hugo's fault.
programme for skarns must be based on these Geochemistry may be used, as in the East
factors and should be guided by the current state of Greenland area (Hallenstein et ai., 1981), where
knowledge of the genesis of skarns. We consider heavy mineral concentrates from rivers and
that the empirical model will dominate moraines were examined for scheelite content. If
exploration for a specific class of skarn whereas scheelite is the target, then it is important that
local factors affecting genesis will become heavy mineral concentrates are examined under
increasingly important as the target area reduces to ~ltraviolet light. In fact in the case of the East
the level of an individual deposit within that class. Greenland work prospecting was undertaken at
Careful geological mapping and sampling night as local conditions dictated. When pros-
would be preceded by the use of regional pecting using ultraviolet light, specimens that
geophysical surveys, photogeological inter- fluoresce yellow (or yellowish) may be scheelite

200 E GOOE 800E IOOOE 1200E 1400E 1600E

{w 0
., {g;
Skarn Tertiary Basalt
('j(j(] Dolcoath
LA...J granIte
\l Fracture
OrdOVICian O' .
:: zones
( b) (e)








o 100 m

(d )

Fig.l0.17 (a) Magnetic anomaly map of the Moina Laminarskam area, Tasmania. Valuesareinnanoteslas. (b), (c),
(d), Geological sections taken along lines E-F, C-D, A-B respectively. C-D is schematic. (Modified from K wak and
Askins 1981.)
Ore deposit geology and itsinjluence on mineral exploration

... transported overburden. To define the primary
dispersion of mercury in the ore bodies and host
rocks, drill samples were analysed for mercury and
140 copper (Fig. 10.19). Copper formed a distinct halo
...- 120 around the body whereas the centre of the mercury
' E 100 halo is near the upper margin of the ore body. This
.5 80 upward zoning for mercury has a very important
:I: influence on the accuracy with which the method
could locate the suboutcrop of the skarn below the
40 alluvium (Fig. 10.18).
20 The occurrence of the highest grades at inter-
mediate distances from the contact, within the
Ground surface metamorphic aureole, and concentrated within
specific lithologies has been noted, for example in
Faulr ~ _ _-
the Highland Boy limestone at Carr Fork.
Therefore geological models need to be
established with this in mind and exploration
"',ouartz - Arkose targets may be defined at some distance from the
causative pluton. The targets will be based on the
' .......... correct stratigraphic and structural level within the
-..... :..
host rocks. Recognition of the approach to this
"'" zone, based solely on drilling, may be difficult but
a careful study of mineralogical changes and
~ distinct metamorphic alteration may prove useful
•.•~orble guides.
o 100 m "' .......
Fig. 10.18 Mercury content in soil gas over copper skarn
The variations that we have noted m skarns
deposit near Shanghai (modified from Zonghua and
include those in mineralogy, size and texture.
Yangfen 1981).
These variations arise from skarn formation taking
place at different depths, and are caused by
with a few percent molybdenum or powellite or differences in igneous intrusions, protoliths and
malayaite (Fig. 10.2) A review of the theory and tectonic environments. In view of the possible
practice in tungsten prospecting is given by Yan combinations of these factors, it is not surprising
(1982). that skarns, as a deposit type, are more diverse
When prospecting m areas of residual than any other we have described in this textbook.
overburden, normal soil geochemistry may be Fortunately there are some systematic variations
used where, for instance, malayaite or tin-bearing within these controlling factors which permit
garnets are good indicator species for tin skarns. division of the skarns and the erection of models
Another geochemical approach, using soil gas for their exploration.
mercury was described by Zonghua and Yangfen Differences in the host rock major element
(1981). They showed that a distinct recognizable composition give rise to the twofold division into
mercury anomaly was discovered over the deposit calcic skarn and magnesian skarn. Further
(Fig. 10.18). In this case the method was successful subdivision of these, based upon the main
despite the deposit being overlain by a thick economIC metal present, IS now generally

Ores formed by metamorphism

Alluv ium

ppm Cu
(0 ) ITIIIJ > 800
~ 400 - 800

LJ 100 - 400

__- -____________________ ~~ E

All uvium

ppb Hg
Fig. 10.19 Skarn copper deposit near ~ 80-160
Shanghai. Primary dispersion of (a) copper
and (b) mercury, from borehole samples. CJ 40- 80
(After Zonghua and Yangfen 1981.) o
100 m

accepted. Although differences exist in the may be said that skarns formed at greater depths
composition of the intrusions associated with the will be small and vertical with extensive
main metal skarn classes, these differences are metamorphism whereas those formed at
reasonably systematic (Meinert, 1983). Tin skarns shallower depths will be larger, extensively
are associated with plutons with high silica values altered, and with limited metamorphism. An
(about 76.6%) whereas, at the other end of the empirical model, based on intrusions, lithologies
scale, iron skarns are found with plutons with and fracture patterns, can now be used to define
lower silica values (about 61.5%). prospective targets.
There are sufficient similarities between the We believe that once the exploration pro-
deposits within each metal class to assign that class gramme has become site-specific then the genesis
to a plate tectonic setting (Table 10.1). As we have of that particular deposit must be examined in
discussed in the previous section, this tectonic great detail to establish which factors, structural,
setting would form the starting point for any stratigraphic or chemical, have controlled the
exploration programme. In the case of skarns, this occurrence of skarn and the distribution of payable
exploration must be metal-specific. Empirically it grades within it.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
REFERENCES (1981) Skarn deposits. Econ. Ceol. 75th Anniv. Vol.,
Ashley, P. M. (1980) Geology of the Ban Ban Zinc Evans, A. M. (1980) An Introduction to Ore Ceology,
Deposit, a sulphide-bearing skarn, Southeast Blackwell, Oxford, 231 pp.
Queensland, Australia. Econ. Ceol., 75, 15-29. Guy, B. (1980) Etude geologique et petrologique du
Atkinson, W. W. and Einaudi, M. T. (1978) Skarn gIsement de Costabonne. Bureau de Recherches
formation and mineralisation in the Contact Aureole Geologiques et Minieres, Paris, 99, 237-250.
at Carr Fork, Bingham, Utah. Econ. Ceol., 73, 1326- Hallenstein, C. P., Pedersen,]. L. and Stendal, H. (1981)
1365. Exploration for scheelite in East Greenland - a case
Balla,]. C. and Smith, R. G. (1980) Geology ofthe Little study.]. Ceochem. Explor., 15,381-392.
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Ceol. Soc. Am. (Abstracts with programmes), 12,95. the Central mining district, New Mexico. In Ore
Bamford, R. W. (1972) The Mount Fubilan (Ok Tedi) Deposits of the United States 1933-1967 Craton-Sales
porphyry copper deposit, Territory of Papua New Volume (ed. ]. D. Ridge), American Institute of
Guinea. Econ. Ceol., 67, 1019-1033. Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum Engineers, New
Bartholome, P. and Evrard, P. (1970) On the genesis of York, pp. 1211-1238.
the zoned skarn complex at Temperino, Tuscany. Int. Hess, F. L. (1919) Tactite, the product of contact
Union Ceol. Sci. (pub.) Ser. A, 2, 53-57. metamorphism. Am.]. Sci., 48, 377-378.
Bateman, P. C. (1982) Scheelite-bearing skarns of the Hewitt, W. P. (1968) Geology and mineralisation of the
East-Central Sierra Nevada, California, USA. main mineral zone of the Santa Eulalia district
Tungsten Ceol. Symp.,jiangxi China (United Nations) Chihuahua, Mexico. Soc. Min. Eng. AIME Trans.,
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the 241,228-260.
Pacific Regional Mineral Resources Development Holmes, 1., Chambers, A. D., Ixer, R. A., Turner, P.
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23-31. the mineralization in the Triassic of central England.
Bender, F. (1979) The tungsten situation: supply and Miner. Deposita, 18,365-377.
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Bonham, H. F. and Garside, L. J. (1979) Geology of the Hosking, K. F. G. (1982) A general review of the
Tonopah, Lone Mountain, Klondike and northern occurrence of tungsten in the World. Tungst. Ceol.
Mud Lake quadrangle, Nevada. Nev. Bur. Mines Ceol. Symp.,jiangxi, China, (ESCAP RMRDC) , Bandung,
Bull., 92,142 pp. Indonesia, pp. 59-86.
Burt, D. M. (1978) Tin silicate-borate--oxide Hutchinson, R. W. (1979) Evidence of exhalative origin
equilibria in skarns and greisens - The system CaO- for Tasmanian tin deposits. CIM Bull. Meta II. ,;Oz-hO -1. Econ. Ceol., 72(808),90-104.
73,269-282. Hutchinson, R. W. (1980) Author's reply 'Evidence of
Danielson, M.]. (1975) King Island scheelite deposits. In exhalative origin for Tasmanian tin deposits, CIM
Economic Ceology of Australia and Papua New Cuinea Bull., 73(815),167-168.
(ed. C. L. Knight), Australas. Inst. Min. Metall. James, L. P. (1976) Zoned alteration in limestone at
Monogr. No.5, 1,592-598. porphyry copper deposits, Ely, Nevada. Econ. Ceol.,
Edwards, A. B., Baker, G. and Callow, K.]. (1956) 71,488-512.
Metamorphism and metasomatism at King Island Jensen, M. L. and Bateman, A. M. (1979) Economic
scheelite mine.]' Ceol. Soc. Austr., 3, 55-98. Mineral Deposits, 3rd edn, Wiley, New York. 593 pp.
Einaudi, M. T. (1977) Petrogenesis of copper-bearing Jonasson, 1. R. ,Jackson, L. E. and Sangster, D. F. (1983)
skarn at the Mason Valley mine, Yerington district, A holocene zinc orebody formed by supergene
Nevada. Econ. Ceol., 72, 769-795. replacement of mosses.]' Ceochem. Explor., 18, 189-
Einaudi, M. T. and Burt, D. M. (1982) Terminology, 194.
classification and composition ofskarn deposits. Econ. Knight. C. L. and Nye, P. B. (1953) The King Island
Ceol., 77, 745-754. scheelite mine. In Ceology of Australian Ore Deposits
Einaudi, M. T., Meinert, L. D. and Newberry, R.]. (ed. A. Edwards), 5th Empire Mining & Metallurgy

Ores formed by metamorphism
Congress, Melbourne, pp. 1222-1232. approach. Ceol. Soc. Am. (Abstracts with pro-
Knight, C. L. and Nye, P. B. (1965) Revised by staff of grammes), 12,492.
King Island Scheelite (1947) Ltd. The scheelite deposit Park, C. F. and MacDiarmid, R. A. (1975) are Deposits,
of King Island. In Ceology of Australian are Deposits 3rd edn, Freeman, San Francisco.
(ed. ]. McAndrew) 8th Commonwealth Mining & Pintz, W. S. (1984) Ok Tedi: Evolution of a Third World
Metallurgy Congress, Melbourne, pp. 515-517. Mining Project. Mining Journal Books Ltd., London,
K wak, T. A. P. (1983) The geology and geochemistry of 206 pp.
the zoned Sn-W-F-Be skarns at Mt. Lindsay Ridge, ]. D. (1976) Annotated Bibliographies of Mineral
Tasmania, Australia. Econ. Ceol., 78,1440-1465. Deposits in Africa, Asia (exclusive of the USSR) and
Kwak, T. A. P. and Askins, P. W. (1981) Geology and Australasia, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 545 pp.
genesis of the F-Sn-W (-Be-Zn) skarn (wrigglite) at Schmidt, E. A. and Worthington,]. (1977) Geology and
Moina, Tasmania. Econ. Ceol., 76, 439-467. mineralisation of the Cannivan Gulch molybdenum
Kwak, T. A. P., Plimer, I. R. and Taylor, R. G. (1982) deposit, Beaverhead County, Montana (abs): Ceol.
Australian tungsten deposits. In Symposium on Assoc. Canada, Progr. with Abs., 2, 46.
Tungsten Ceology Jiangxi, China, Oct. 1981. (ESCAP Shelton, K. L. (1983) Composition and origin of ore-
RMRDC) , Bandung, Indonesia, pp. 127-153. forming fluids in a carbonate-hosted porphyry copper
Lapham, D. M. (1968) Triassic magnetite and diabase and skarn deposit: A fluid inclusion and stable isotope
of Cornwall, Pennsylvania. In are Deposits of the study of Mines Gaspe, Quebec. Econ. Ceol., 78, 387-
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and Petroleum Engineers, New York, pp. 72-94. Nogales and Lochiel quadrangles, Santa Cruz
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deposition in skarn deposits - a field and theoretical Shanghai. China.]. Ceochem. Explor., 15, 77-92.

The design and implementation of
exploration programmes

Expenditure (US $" 10 6 )

11.1 INTRODUCTION O~ ________~Orl__________~O

Every mllllllg operation begins with an

exploration phase. The exploration procedure

Desk study
adopted varies with the flllance availabie, the type
of mineral deposit sought and the geological and Reconnaissance
geographical environment. Well-organized
exploration programmes follow an established
pattern beginning with a desk study and ending Target
with the target selection. The target is then
evaluated and feasibility studies on the deposit are
undertaken. Some companies precede the full
feasibility study with a pre-feasibility study when Target testing
the geological and mining factors are drawn (delineation
of ore body)
together to outline the likely extent of the project
and the form the full feasibility study should take. Feasibility
If the feasibility studies are favourable and all
factors are positive the project proceeds to
development and eventually to production. The Mine

generalized sequence is illustrated in Fig. 11.1 and development

and construction
the component parts are elaborated upon in Table
11.1. i5
In this text we have presented the general
characteristics of the major ore deposit types and ::
current ideas on ore genesis. These are some of the Mine into production
factors that exploration managers and geologists Fig. 11.1 Stages and expenditure in a mineral
will consider when deciding upon exploration exploration programme (timing and expenditure are for
strategy. The market requirements, mineral a medium-sized mine). (After Eimon 1980.)
Table 11.1 Typical stages in an exploration programme, techniques employed and personnel involvement

Time Concession size Expenditure

(years) Stage Techniques Personnel (max. in 1000 km 2) (US$ million)

-2 Planning Data base search Senior management 1000

Economic modelling Economic analysts
Economic forecasting Mineral economists
Exploration model review Market specialists
Senior geologists
-1 Desk study "Data base search (computer) Experienced explorationists 1000 Up to 0.3
Selection of data Geological assistants
Literature search Information specialists
Remote sensing data Lawyers
Compilation of data & reports
Land acquisition
0 Reconnaissance Photogeology Field geologists 100 05-1.5
Remote sensing Geochemists
Regional geological mapping Geophysicists
Aeromagnetic surveys Photogeologists
Electromagnetic surveys Prospectors
Radioactivity surveys
Gravity surveys
Stream sediment geochemistry
.Pros pecting
Target selection Geological mapping Field geologists <10 2.5-50
(target appraisal) Photogeology Geochemists
Soil geochemistry Geophysicists
Lithogeochemistry Photogeologists
Ground magnetic surveys
Electrical and
electromagnetic surveys
Surface radiometric surveys
Geological model analysis
4 Target Drilling Geologists <1 2.5-50
testing Trenching Drilling team
Pitting Geophysical loggers
Test mining Laboratory chemists
Mine sampling Field and laboratory
Geophysical logging assistants
Geological model analysis
Ore deposit geology and its in:fiuence on mineral exploration
processing techniques and possible mInIng Geologiques et Minieres in France and the United
methods must also be recognized. However, it Nations Development Programme are in this
must be borne in mind that only 15% of category. About half the UN funds for
exploration expenditure is devoted to Third exploration are currently spent in Africa, another
World countries (Willcox, quoted in Mining third in Asia and the remainder in Latin America.
Journal, June 1980). The economic constraints on The Wodd Bank is also a major source for funding
the future development and mining of the deposit for exploration programmes.
must constantly be borne in mind. The only object
of exploration is to find a mineral deposit that can
11.2.2 Consultancy groups and
be worked economically.
Consultancy facilities exist as groups within larger
corporate structures or as separate external
Exploration is undertaken at all levels, from the consultancy companies. Consultancy companies
individual who stakes a claim and pans for gold in may provide exploration expertise, either as an
Canada, or searches for opals in Australia, to the entire exploration package or, more commonly, as
international mining companies with extensive specialist services in some aspect of exploration
exploration programmes in each continent. Most such as remote sensing, geochemical or geo-
geologists will be part of a team involved in an physical surveys. The economic geologist may
exploration programme and consequently we will work for one of these companies or may be
concentrate on organizations which undertake required to liaise with the consultants on an
exploration rather than individuals involved in employer's behalf. In the latter situation the
exploration. geologist must have sufficient appreciation of the
methods being used to evaluate the results, reports
and interpretations supplied by the consulting
11.2.1 Government agencies
group. During the exploration programme,
Typically governments or State agencies carry out specialized drilling contractors are likely to be
geological research and mapping. This work pro- used, even by the larger mining companies, and
vides basic surveys and method evaluation which the exploration geologist must be prepared not
are useful to companies in helping them conduct only to supervise the drilling and to log core but
more effective exploration. Some governments also to understand and draft, if required, drilling
are more actively involved in exploration activities contracts.
sensu strictu. In Finland state-funded exploration Under this heading we may include small
constitutes 20% of the total exploration for the mInmg or exploration companies which
country whereas in Australia government ex- undertake individual exploration programmes at
ploration expenditure averages only 5% of the grassroots level. These may be focused on specific
total (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1983). Japanese deposit types. The companies normally greatly
government agencies have played a much greater dilute their interests or sell out when they find
role, financing 75% of Japanese domestic viable deposits. At this stage larger more
exploration in 1979 (Report if Metal Mining Agency established mining companies move in to carry
ofJapan, 1981). out detailed exploration and feasibility study as a
Government agencies are also involved with prelude to mining.
exploration beyond their national boundaries, in
joint ventures with the governments of
11.2.3 Mining companies
developing nations. The Overseas Development
Agency in the UK, the Bureau de Recherches The major mining companies have divisions solely

The design and implementation of exploration programmes
responsible for exploration. Teams from the nationalization of some or all of their mmmg
exploration department may move around the industry or by allowing foreign companies to
World as corporate strategy dictates. International operate only under very stringent restrictive
companies may have resident exploration teams in regulations and tax constraints. The wave of
every continent and these will be used to nationalizations in the late 1960s and 1970s forced
supplement each other as required or may be many foreign-owned mmmg companies to
advised and augmented from company head withdraw from less-developed countries. Such
office. The degree of interchange for geological nationalization did not leave a complete
staff between exploration and exploitation varies exploration vacuum, however, as the new state-
from company to company but we believe that owned companies partly stepped in. The copper
such interchange is very important in the mining industry in Chile may be quoted as one
development of the geologist and will be oflong- example of nationalization. As an example of tax
term benefit to the company concerned. If disincentives to outside companies we may cite the
possible, all exploration geologists should spend renegotiation of the Bougainville operation, and
some of their professional career as mine its effects on the Ok Tedi project in Papua New
geologists and vice versa. Guinea (Davies, 1978).
Major mining companies are able to finance Land may be withdrawn from exploration for
large exploration programmes internally without internal political reasons, or internal tax laws may
recourse to external finance. Furthermore the change which in tum reduces exploration. Derry
exploration team from a major mining house has and Booth (1978) show that from 1950 until 1970
advantages over its competitors from smaller
companies in the corporate back-up available to it :J
-large data banks, computer software, and access
to in-house staff for specialist surveys. Despite
these advantages larger companies do not «'"
necessarily find more ore deposits than their ~
x , 1'"
smaller counterparts (Lindemann, 1982). What U)
c: N
:J co
U ')'
every successful exploration company needs are .~ I
:J :J
U -" U
inspired geologists backed by dynamic ex- E 4>
l" :0
ploration managers. g
o u o
~ 20 .:;:: J ::E
"- 'U


~ 15 >-...1
At the outset the objectives of the programme <J

must be defined. What is sought, why is it being oil

sought, where is it to be sought'and in what time .~ 10
period? In designing the exploration programme c
with these questions in mind, certain factors must x
be considered which will affect the planning stage § 5
and subsequent operation of the programme. ~
~ oL...o.~.L....I......L.J.-J.--'--,-L...o.........~.....L--,--"'-'--'-L....o.-'-.l..--'--'
11.3.1 The political aspects 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975

Governments may be very heavily involved Fig. 11.2 Effect of taxation on exploration expenditure
m their minerals industry either through (from Derry and Booth 1978).

Ore deposit J?eology and its influence on mineral exploration
there was a gradual increase in the exploration operations in response to different demands for
expenditure in Canada (Fig. 11.2) but three tax mineral commodities.
changes between 1970 and 1975 show a marked Although some companies still lead the field in
effect on this expenditure. exploration and production of particular metals,
In the developed nations, for example USA, the tendency for 'one-metal' companies (e.g.
Canada and UK, environmental legislation may Amax - molybdenum) has declined with
prevent mineral exploration in designated areas companies diversifying. Some of the major metal-
such as National Parks or areas of outstanding liferous mining companies have developed very
natural beauty. Walthier (quoted in Hutchinson, successful coal divisions (e.g. Anglo American).
1980) concluded that 85% of the public lands in the Furthermore there has been an increased interest
United States had been withdrawn from mineral on the part of oil companies in the minerals sector.
exploration. Despite the restrictions that may be Shell, for example, took over Billiton in 1970, and
imposed by environmental considerations on the the latter company's employed capital increased
working of any deposit found, there has been an from about £60 million in 1973 to around £885
increasing concentration of effort in exploration million in 1983 (Baxendell, 1983). Some of the
within the developed nations (USA, Canada, major oil companies with metal interests are
Australia and South Africa) in recent years. shown in Table 11.2. Exploration philosophy,
Hutchinson (1980) quotes this increase from 60% lead times and overall expenditure are markedly
of total exploration expenditure in 1966 to 85% in different between the two industries and these
1977. Much has been written in the 1970s about the take-overs will lead to changes within the
run down of exploration in less-developed organization and implementation of exploration
countries, apparently in response to adverse programmes.
changes in fiscal regimes and increased political Market analysts are employed to observe, and
risks. We believe that this run down is partly forecast, trends in metal markets and possible
explained by the world-wide weakening of changes in metal-usage patterns. Companies
exploration, outside the fuel minerals, as a result of might expect exploration strategists to have
market conditions. As the major ore deposits of similar understanding of developments. The
the less-developed countries are metallic minerals exploration geologist is usually presented with a
they have suffered most noticeably from this cut- fait accompli - search for a particular metal or
back. mineral deposit type. This is the main role of the
exploration geologist. Geologists must, however,
have an input into the construction and evaluation
11.3.2 Selection of minerals
of ,economic' mineral deposit models upon which
In the past, certain mining companies have almost target types may be based. The usual process
restricted their operations to particular sectors of would be to consider grade-tonnage profiles of
the market, for example molybdenum, gold or deposit types (such as those we have presented in
lead and zinc. Exploration in these circumstances this text) with respect to metal prices, mining,
is confined to programmes aimed at maintaining, processing and marketing costs. These factors will
or increasing, reserves of the metal or metals govern the attractive nature of the target.
produced by the mining group. This strategy has
the advantage of developing exploration teams
11.3.3 Choice of region for exploration
skilled in defining, recognizing and evaluating
new mineral discoveries of the chosen metal type. The choice will be either (a) which region offers
The policy has the disadvantage oflittle flexibility the maximum possibility of discovering an
in response to movements on the World metal economic mineral deposit of the type sought or (b)
markets and little opportunity to diversify rapidly given a geographical constraint, what deposits of

The design and implementation of exploration programmes
Table 11.2 Major oil companies and metal interests (from Baxendell, 1983)

Top nine oil companies Principal metals connection Major metals

Exxon Exxon Minerals Cu (Zn)

Royal Dutch/Shell Billiton AI, Pb, Zn, Ni, Sn, W
British Petroleum BP Minerals International Ni, Zn, Cu, Au, Sn
(Selection Trust)
Texaco Getty
Socal Amax (20% holding) Mo, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, W
Gulf Oil Gulf Mineral Resources Exploration only
Standard Oil ofIndiana Amoco Minerals Cu,Au,Mo
Atlantic Richfield Anaconda AI, Cu, Mo
Some other key companies
Sohio Kennecott Minerals Cu, Pb,Zn
Pennzoil Duval Cu/Mo

the commodity sought are likely to exist, and abandoned. Most companies will have pro-
which types would have the highest probability of grammes underway simultaneously in both
being economically exploitable. categories but the relative weighting will vary
ExploratIon must be directed towards areas with company strategy, finance, and time. A third
where the geology is likely to be favourable to the category of exploration strategy exists. This is the
occurrence of economic deposits of the mineral purchase or acquisition approach where the
type required. To ensure this is the case the company 'buys into' an existing project.
exploration geologist will have a good knowledge
of ore deposit geology and will base the decision (a) Grassroots exploration
on the premise that certain types of mineral deposit Geologists who are required to explore for
occur in certain, often quite clearly defined, previously unknown economic mineral deposits
geological environments. Why the deposit occurs must understand the features by which the
there may not be absolutely determined and may deposits are recognized and the methods by which
not necessarily concern the explorationist at this such deposits are detected. In general we agree
stage. The selection of the area will be based upon with Ridge (1983) that it is not essential that the
an assessment of the chances of success, where ore-finding geologist should know how and why
success- is measured as discovery of ore deposits the ore deposit formed provided he or she is well
likely to offer the maximum financial return for acquainted with exploration techniques and the
the money to be invested. physical/chemical characteristics of ore deposits.
We believe the genesis is important in that certain
geological environments or geological periods are
11.3.4 Exploration philosophy
preferentially mineralized with specific mineral
Exploration generally falls into two broad deposit types. Successful grassroots exploration
divisions - grassroots, to locate new mineral rests on detailed examination of geological
deposits, and mine-based exploration to prove environments, mainly the stratigraphy and
additional ore reserves and to ensure all the structure. The flow-chart for a grassroots
available ore is worked before the mine IS exploration programme will follow that described

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
in Section 11.4, from reconnaissance survey added into the calculation, but the budget must be
through to target evaluation with a diverse array of realistic.
techniques employed en route. Once established the budget must cover costs of
geological, geochemical and geophysical surveys
(b) Mine-based exploration as necessary, plus the cost of drilling, pitting,
Mine-based exploration utilizes not only detailed acquisition of mineral rights, mineral processing
stratigraphic and structural knowledge and an test work, administrative and other overheads.
understanding of the ore body type, but also a Only when feasibility studies are completed is the
working hypothesis of the genesis of the ore body. decision to mine usually made. Many feasibility
These factors will all be considered and interpreted studies have been made without the prospect being
to indicate where continuations of the ore body are mined. For this reason a mining company may
likely to lie. Detailed geochemical or geophysical include feasibility study costs in exploration but
surveys may be undertaken but most of the ore they will be covered by a defined budget head
discoveries will rely upon very careful geological within the overall exploration budget.
control of the exploration drilling programmes. Exploration and evaluation of mineral deposits is a
There is a very hazy dividing line here between time-consuming, expensive process (Fig. 11.1)
exploration and development. There is no hard and it is important for the geologist to realize that
and fast rule but when drilling is within the mine throughout this period, which may extend to a
itself it may be classified as development, but step- decade, the cash flow is negative for the company
out drilling to outline adjacent ore bodies should (Fig. 11.3). During development and into
be classed as exploration. Facts on this type of production the cash flow situation improves and
exploration are difficult to collect but we would provided continued mine-based exploration is
contend that there is little doubt that expansion to undertaken the eventual lifetime of the mine may
existing mines, allied with increased processing be many decades beyond the original quoted
facilities, is often a greater contributor to increase reserves.
in total output than completely new mines. An example of the derivation of a specific
exploration budget is given by Binon (1983). He
(c) Purchase/acquisition approach quotes the case where the budget is required for an
This third alternative, where the company buys exploration programme to discover an ore body of
into a project which has already reached one of the 100 million tonnes. The profit per tonne is taken as
later stages of exploration, may offer the best $0.60 and the minimum rate of return is to be 20%.
business objectives for the organization. This The exploration and development are forecast to
approach requires that the geologist is skilled at be 8 years and the life of the mining operation is
evaluation techniques - both geological and considered to be 35 years. The budget allowance is
financial/economic. The quality of the data calculated as follows,
available as well as its quantity must be very
carefully assessed. Discount factor for 8 years at 20% = 0.233
Discount factor for 35 years at 20% = 0.143
Budget = 100 x 10 6 x $0.60 x 0.233 x 0.143 x
11.3.5 Exploration budget risk factor (Assume risk factor = 0.05)
On a corporate basis the exploration budget is the Budget = $99 957
anticipated expenditure on exploration necessary
to ensure the company achieves its goals. The Studies by Mackenzie (1981) report data on the
budget is calculated by discounting the expected amount of funds per year and persistence required
income from the achievement of the goals. When for given levels of probability of success and this is
individual projects are considered, a risk factor is another way of establishing necessary budgets.

The design and implementation oj exploration programmes
Once the budget is determined subtraction of Cash flow
_Negative Pasit iv" _
the acquisition costs will give the exploration
allowance. The exploration manager then Plann ing and desk s~udy

apportions the allowance to maximize the

chances of finding an ore deposit. In most cases the Target appraisal
manager estimates the amount of geological, geo-
chemical, geophysical and drilling work on the Target testing
basis of general knowledge of the mineral occur-
rence, and costings are based on previous work. Min e
deve lopm ent
Table 11.3 provides some typical programme and
costings for Western Australia in 1984. Budgets
are reviewed regularly, at least annually, for each


11.4.1 Stage 1- planning

Careful planning is as important to an exploration
geologist as it is to a military strategist. The
ground must be carefully studied and the target - - - - - - - - - 1 3'
accurately selected. Each exploration programme Salvage and "
rec l ama~ion
will have individual variations but the general
scheme will be that shown in Fig. 11.4. The
techniques and personnel requirements at each Fig. 11.3 Cash flow through exploration to production
stage are shown in Table 11.1. The factors we have (after Lindemann 1982).

Table 11.3 Examples of exploration costs.

Typical programme costings (1984)

in A$ X 103

A B c
Personnel 276 301 55
Field costs 197 118 22
Leasing 20 10 15
Drilling 60 500 50
Analytical facilities 90 124 17
Remote sensing 13
Geological laboratory 8 6 5
Contracts (exc. drill.) 53 18
Corporate overheads would have to be added to these costings.

Programme types:
A = Remote exploration site with several grassroots programmes
B = One project mainly utilizing drilling (around an old gold mine)
C = One project using reconnaissance geophysics followed by percussion drilling
Source of data: Western Mining Corporation Ltd., personal communication.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Decision poin~ Decision S~age

Corporate strategy, mineral selection,

Planning geological model, economic model,
regional review

Reports, geological maps,

Desk srudy air photographs, satellite images,
airborne geophysics

Airborne geophysics, geological

Reconnaissance mapping, stream geochemistry
model analysis

2 seledion

Detailed geological mapping.

Targer soil geochemical survey,
appraisal atmogeochemical survey, ground
geophysics, model analysis

3 Targe~

Drilling, trenching,
Targer pitting, geophysical logging,
tes~ing model analysis

Ore body


5 Ore body
Fig. 11.4 Exploration flow-sheet definihon
with decision points. Mine developmenr

already described will be considered during this become too rigid, it will usually change and may
stage and economic and exploration models will be regarded as a 'working hypothesis'. It is
be reviewed. essential to realize that very important decisions
The exploration programme that follows the are taken upon the results of each stage; these
planning stage will be based on a concept or decisions have far-reaching consequences in
hypothesis and it is important that at the end of financial and human terms. The most crucial
each stage - reconnaissance, target appraisal, etc. - decision will be to abandon the project at that stage
the results from that stage are analysed with or continue; A decision to continue will carry with
respect to the concept. The concept itself must not it the commitment to further expenditure and this

The design and implementation of exploration programmes
must be viewed in the context that each successive environments in which the deposit types occur.
stage is more expensive than the one completed Among the more important and widely
(Fig. 11.1). If it is considered that insufficient data accepted models, developed and used in the last
have been collected the decision to return to an thirty-five years the basis of which we have
earlier part of the programme may be taken. described in this text, are porphyry copper - major
Summarizing, at each stage the decision is use commenced early 1950s modified by the
'abandon and risk the possibility of missing an ore Lowell and Guilbert 'model' 1970; roll front
deposit or continue and commit increased uranium - major use from mid-1950s; vol-
expenditure'. An exploration geologist must be an canogenic sulphides - major use from early 1960s.
optimist but optimism must be tempered by When exploration of an area is envisaged, the
realism. The objective of careful planning, as of target is subject to corporate goals and may be
every other stage in the programme, is to locate a ore-mineral deposit type. Some authorities
mineral deposit that can be worked economically. believe it is much more desirable, however, to
look for any deposit type which is present - the
concept of 'Total Exploration' (Ridge, 1983).
11.4.2 Stage 2 - literature search, data Most explorationists believe that to concentrate on
accumulation - the desk study one particular deposit type increases the odds of
All exploration programmes should start with a success. However, during the desk study,
careful examination of available information. This evidence of other mineral deposit types, or
stage is relatively cheap and is very cost effective. environments suitable for their occurrence, may
Correct decisions at this stage, based upon be discovered even if not actively sought.
systematically collected and analysed data, can In the synthesis of available data the geologist
save considerable time and money in later, more must be able to interpret geological maps but may
expensive, stages. Evidence available at the desk have to rely on other specialists to present
study stage will be diverse in nature and probably interpretations of the airborne geophysical data,
variable in quality. The veracity and background remote sensing data, etc. The more familiarity the
of each source must be examined. Amongst the geologist can establish with the methods of
information available may be old mine records, interpretation of these data the more proficient an
geological maps, sampling records, existing economic geologist he or she will become. We will
geophysical and geochemical data, air photo- briefly review some of the information sources
graphs and satellite images. At one extreme all that may be available and the types of information
this, and perhaps more, may be available while at the desk study should yield from these data
the other extreme there may be only one small- sources.
scale geological map available. With the increasing
availability of satellite imagery, however, this (a) Geological maps
latter state of affairs is becoming rarer. Maps may be available at many scales depending
Either during the desk study or arising from it upon the location (in the UK the British
an empirical geological model for the Geological Survey produce maps at 1 :50 000 or
mineralization will evolve. Today most even 1: 10 000 while in other parts of the World the
exploration programmes are based on such only geological maps available may be at a scale of
geological models of varying degrees of 1: 1 000 000). The detail contained in and
sophistication and complexity. The model may reliability of the maps are also very variable and
not be so heavily dependent upon the ore genesis therefore no general statement is possible on this
of the deposit type as some geologists would wish, data source. The regional structure, stratigraphy
or like to believe, but will rely on the exploration and lithological units must be ascertained at this
team having a firm grasp of geological stage.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
(b) Air photographs deposits in the south-west USA may be readily
For decades the air photograph has been a recognized from satellite imagery (Elkin, personal
fundamental source of information before, and communication) .
during, exploration programmes. Individual air With radar-imaging satellites becoming
photographs may be used to complement, available the definition in humid areas will be
supplement, or even replace base maps. Mosaics of improved since in these areas infra-red and visible
air photographs may be used to define regional spectra do not provide the high-quality images
structure, extent of outcrop, river systems and necessary. At present, however, satellite images
other watercourses as well as the most convenient are used to produce good-quality maps usually at
route of access. Air photographs are also vitally the scale of 1:50 000 and to plan further ground
important in planning the infrastructure for any work (in the way air photographs are used). For
future mining operation based on the mineral large areas satellite images have advantages over
deposit discovered. The interpretation of air the mosaics of air photographs in both these uses
photographs is included in most undergraduate but they have the disadvantage that they do not,
geology degrees but readers requiring more detail normally, provide stereo images which are useful
on the subject are referred to the work by Paine in, for example, accurate measurements of dip.
(1981). However, the metric camera on Spacelab 1 yielded
some stereo pairs with spatial resolution of 20 m
(c) Remote sensing (Williams and Southworth, 1984).
Satellite images providf: another very useful Structural trends and lineaments are often
component of the exploration programme. A obvious on satellite images where they may be
review of remote sensing for exploration is given obscured during surface mapping by their large
by Goetz et al. (1983). Landsat imagery has been scale, by surface materials or general lack of
readily available to exploration geologists for exposure. Much further work needs to be done on
more than a decade. The main sensor is the multi- the recognition of these structures and their
spectral scanner (MSS) with a resolution of association with the discovery of mineral deposits
approximately 8 m in four different bands of the before we are convinced that satellite images can
spectrum. Two of the bands, those sensing green be used in more than a 'basic tool' capacity.
and red, may be useful in distinguishing between Readers requiring more information on remote
ferrous and ferric oxides in well-exposed rocks and sensing are referred to the two volumes edited by
soils (Press, 1983). The spectral bands were chosen Reeves (1983).
for agriculture-related applications (vegetation
mapping) rather than strictly geological uses. At (d) Airborne geophysical data
the time this text is being written Landsat 5 is the Multisensor airborne surveys incorporating
latest satellite launched and this has on board a electromagnetic, magnetic and radiometric
thematic mapper (TM) with spectral bands systems have been undertaken for many years.
optimized for geological observations. It is These, in conjunction with geological maps, have
considered possible that this sensor may be able to been the basic framework for the exploration
distinguish hydrothermal alteration effects. This programme. As the flight line spacing will
would be extremely useful for mineral deposits probably be in excess of1 km the data are likely to
that have large alteration haloes such as porphyry be insufficiently detailed to allow the distinction of
copper deposits. An attempt to demonstrate the individual mineral deposit targets but will be
application of satellite imagery to the exploration adequate to dismiss apparently barren ground.
for porphyry copper deposits in Southern Arizona Furthermore the type of data and depth of search
is given by Abrams et al. (1983). The extreme will be different - radiometrics effectively map the
alteration around the large porphyry copper variations in the distribution of radioactive

The design and implementation of exploration programmes
elements in the top 1 m, or less, while the imagery. The exact procedure in the ground
magnetics may receive responses from depths in survey, the methods used and their order of
excess o£1 km. The last few years have seen the use application, will depend on the mineral deposits
of multi-frequency, multi-coil airborne electro- being sought and the geological environment.
magnetic systems to give information on general Therefore we will illustrate the general
resistivity distribution in the ground and, in arrangement and mention specific applications of
suitable circumstances, overburden thickness methods to certain ore deposit types as they occur.
variations as well as recognition of responses from The activities in this stage may be sequential or
good conductors (Cornwell, 1983). some of the parts of the survey may take place
simultaneously and a critical path type of analysis
may be applied to the activities to illustrate the
11.4.3 Stage 3 - reconnaissance
timing of each stage within the programme. It
The desk study may have defined areas that must be emphasized that the indirect methods
are potentially mineral-bearing. or the desk considered here, geochemical and geophysical, are
study will have rejected areas as barren within used to locate target areas and not to test them.
the limits of the data and the geophysical methods
used. If no previous airborne geophysical data are (a) Stream geochemical sampling
available at the desk study stage, and the mineral Assuming a drainage system exists in the area then
deposit type is amenable to discovery using geo- either stream water - or stream sediment -
physics, then a regional survey must be flown to sampling, or both, may be undertaken. In practice
allow definition of the areas most likely to contain sediment sampling is much more widely used
mineralization. It is likely at this stage that large because:
numbers of anomalies will appear but only some
(1) Water is not always present.
of these will be potentially mineralized targets.
(2) Element concentration in water tends to vary
These must be further investigated, evaluated and
with seasons.
ranked in order of likely economic significance.
(3) The transport and storage of water samples
This will be achieved by ground surveys following
are more difficult.
the pattern described below.
(4) Sediments can be treated by selecting sizes or
If, however, a target area has been reasonably
partial analysis to enhance metal values.
accurately defined at this stage in the programme
(5) The success of water sampling depends upon
then it is conceivable that the decision might be
the solubility of the indicator metals or
taken to test the target with a drill hole or holes
complexes being sought.
instead of devoting more time and expense to
further relatively expensive indirect methods such Drainage surveys are the most widely used
as those described below. Drilling may be the geochemical reconnaissance technique. The value
most effective next step in any case, for instance in of the survey is that the sampled material reflects a
the Canadian Shield, airborne electromagnetic large catchment area. The elements may be
(AEM) anomalies are often test drilled prior to grouped as mobile (S,Mo, U) and semi-mobile
geological mapping as there is often less than 5% (Zn,Cu,Ni,Co) and if these are considered as well
outcrop. as those metals that may occur in the heavy
As previously mentioned, each successive stage mineral fraction of stream sediments (Au,Sn,W)
in the exploration operation is more expensive then every type of ore deposit should have some
than the preceding one. Consequently the ground form of drainage anomaly signature. The
surveys must be concentrated in those areas parameters affecting the occurrence of mineral
defined as most favourable or 'anomalous' from species in stream sediments have been discussed in
the desk study, airborne survey and satellite Chapter 5. Of interest here is the decay pattern of

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
the anomalous mineral species or metal content sampling medium in terrains with poorly
from the source mineral deposit. Some attempts developed drainage systems.
have been made to express, in simple math- For reconnaissance sampling the sample interval
ematical terms, the relationship between the may be determined empirically through
exposed size and grade of the source, the anomaly orientation surveys or by reference to previous
strength and the measured area of drainage as work. In virgin terrain the frequency of sample
reported by Rose et al. (1979). We feel that such a stations may be controlled by ease of access.
mathematical treatment is liable to give field DeGeoffroy et al. (1967, 1968) show that one or
workers a false sense of security as nature is not two samples per 10 km" were adequate at the
that predictable. reconnaissance stage for the recognition of zinc
Although, as we have stated above, sediment anomalies in south-west Wisconsin (Fig. 11.5). In
sampling is usually preferred to the sampling of the case oflarge deposits such as porphyry coppers
stream water, one of the important characteristics (Section 3.3), copper, molybdenum and even
of stream water is its homogeneity, usually tungsten anomalies may be detectable tens of
achieved through mixing by turbulence. An kilometres downstream from the deposits.
increase in the metal concentration of the dissolved During this reconnaissance work, as in any
salts is therefore readily detectable given sufficient other procedure, the explorationist must
concentration or sensitivity in the analytical constantly question the assumptions upon which
technique. It should be noted that analyses quoting the survey is based and check the validity of the
ppb may not be routine requirements on the data. For instance is the field sample collected
volume basis usual m some exploration representative of the material and for the metal
programmes. sought? Is it likely that the metal or mineral sought
In stream sediment surveys, the recognition of will produce a pronounced 'nugget effect', for
such an anomalous increase in metal content may example gold or diamonds? Is the analytical
rely upon analysis of material from the optimum method appropriate and of sufficient quality for
sieve size. Most anomalous metal in stream the exploration problem at hand? It is important
sediments IS concentrated in the finer-size
fractions, indeed an inverse relationship between
metal content and grain size is observed in a variety 2·0 ..'.
of climates (Rose et al., 1979). Most of the resistant

.\.,, .
primary ore minerals are relatively heavy and tend
_Local '. DistrictI Regional I.
a. anornalvr-anomalieSi background
1·5 \
to be enriched in the heavy mineral fraction of the


sediment. A panned concentrate may therefore 20 \

provide the most rapidly collected useful sample. OJ

Contrast between the anomalous value and the

T: 1·0
, '.

background will be enhanced if the ore mineral -~

does not occur as an accessory in the host rock.

Care must be taken to distinguish between
0 0·5
.~ ......
-..::::-- ...... '.

{C: .........
material derived from stream banks adjacent to the
sampling station (colluvial sediment) and material
of truly alluvial origin (the active sediment). In 0-01 0-1 2 10 100
Area (km )
arid or semi-arid areas stream sediment analysis
may not be applicable because of severe con- Fig, 11.5 Relation of mean zinc content of spring waters
tamination from bank collapse and wind-blown to area, averaged for three areas centered on known
material. Organic matter tends to scavenge metals anomalies in south-west Wisconsin (from DeGeoffroy et
from solution, therefore this may provide the best al. (1968).

The design and implementation of exploration programmes
that the exploration geologist is aware of the While these may be based on the airborne
accuracy and limitations of the data upon which geophysical data, remote-sensing data and aerial
subsequent interpretations are based. photographs, the detail is derived from the ground
When the sampling programme has been survey. To undertake a stream geochemical
completed, and all analyses carried out, maps are survey a drainage system must exist; if it does not
drawn to show the concentration of metals in the then primary geological mapping, possibly along
stream water or sediments at each of the sample widely spaced traverse lines, may be undertaken.
stations. Cut-offs in the streams are recognized The aim will be the same, to define the limits of
where the metal enters the stream system either evidence of mineralization. In the ideal case this
from tributaries not yet sampled or from the geological mapping will be based upon exposures,
groundwater system as springs. A sharp cut-off but may of necessity have to rely on 'float
will be recognized where the metal values mapping'.
gradually increase to a peak and then fall rapidly to Float mapping is the recognition of lithologies
background values; more commonly the metal and lithological boundaries from isolated rock
enters the stream at numerous points and a more fragments in the overburden. If this is to be
diffuse cut-off 'area' is recognized. successful the nature of the overburden - residual
If exploration is taking place in previously or transported - must first be determined. Float
mined areas the possibility of contamination due mapping is most successful in country overlain by
to mining, smelting and tailings must be residual overburden but modifications to this
considered. The exploration geologist will be technique, including such methods as boulder
required to examine the geochemical maps and tracing, may be possible in areas with transported
decide which of the anomalous areas are likely to overburden. Techniques applicable for use in areas
be 'significant' (possibly related to of glaciated terrain are described in a series of
mineralization), and which are likely to be 'non- publications by the Institution of Mining and
significant' (originating from causes other than Metallurgy (1984).
mineralization). Non-significant anomalies may If geological mapping is undertaken on defined
arise from other sources beside mmmg survey lines the geological data are interpolated
contamination and these include high background between the traverse lines. As with all exploration
source rocks, sampling error, analytical error, pH undertaken on traverse lines, the accuracy of the
variations and varying Fe-Mn oxides in the map produced will depend on the spacing of the
sediment. traverses and the sample points. Normally the
Geochemistry, or any indirect approach, must entire geological structure and stratigraphy are
be explicable in terms of geology - surficial or mapped and extra information is collected using
bedrock. Therefore the anomalous geochemical indirect methods such as geophysics and
values will be reviewed in the light of local geochemistry.
topography, likely subsurface drainage and
regional geological knowledge to define the area of
11.4.4 Stage 4 - target appraisal
greatest interest in which detailed follow-up work
should be concentrated. Readers requiring further The preceding work should have indicated the
information on geochemical exploration are localized areas that may contain mineralization.
referred to the texts by Levinson (1980), Reedman These 'targets' must now be defined as accurately
(1979) and Rose et al. (1979). as possible using geological mapping as the prime
approach and going to geophysics or geo-
(b) Geological mapping chemistry as needed to establish the targets for
Fundamental to any exploration programme is the testing. If the targets have already been sufficiently
production of adequate, accurate geological maps. well outlined prior to this stage then the decision

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
v (ppm) Mn ( ppm)
50 100 0 SO

Fig. 11.6 Variation in m etal content

with soil horizon, latosol profile,
Zambia (from Rose et al. 1979) .

may be taken to proceed directly to drilling to sampling is necessary and these techniques of
prove the deposit. deeper sampling and partial extraction are better
developed for areas of glacially transported
(a) Geological mapping overburden than for other types of transported
The target appraisal stage is very site specific and overburden. We have shown the efficacy of this
the geological mapping is very detailed. All type of survey in base-metal exploration in Ireland
evidence of mineralization, alteration phenomena (Section 6.3 .7) .
and lithological or structural features is accurately The spacing of traverses, frequency of sampling
recorded. Rock specimens are collected for station and sample depth have to be determined on
analysis . The geological maps produced will form local conditions, time available and financial
the basis for all data presentation for subsequent budgets. An orientation survey must be
stages of the programme including drill site undertaken to determine the type of overburden,
location and trenching and pitting activities . optimum sample spacing and depth. Figures 11.6
The production of accurate geological maps and 11.7 illustrate the variation in detail of the
presupposes reasonably adequate outcrop information obtained from varying these
frequency . If this is not the case then greater parameters. On the basis of the orientation survey
emphasis is placed upon the indirect methods of a soil-sampling programme can be phased, closer
geochemistry and geophysics. The geologist will spacing and/or profile sampling being undertaken
then be required to produce geological maps based over areas of greater potential.
upon data from these methods and an under- Data from soil geochemical surveys are usually
standing of the regional structure. treated statistically to determine the background,
threshold and anomaly values for the area under
(b) Soil geochemical survey survey. Readers can find full descriptions of these
To outline the target more closely systematic
geochemical sampling may be undertaken. Most
commonly this will be soil sampling. Again the
distinction between residual and transported soils
is critical. Residual soil surveying is very widely Q.

Q. 100
used as the soil anomalies detected are usually a
reliable guide to mineralization occurrence. The
J' \
method is very dependable and cost effective when ::J
/0 \

compared with other techniques available at this U • 0"0 .. 0 - 0.0-0- o_o ... ~o-- - - - - -o~_ 0.0-0.0- 0_0-0.-0-0
stage. Most of the common ore metals may form Traverse line 50 m ,
recognizable anomalous patterns in residual soil
but the strongest contrast will be developed for Fig. 11.7 Effect of sample interval on recognition of
relatively immobile elements such as Pb. In areas narrow vein 0 , 10 m sample interval; 0 50 m sample
of transported overburden more specialized interval.

The design and implementation oj exploration programmes
terms in geochemistry texts, such as Rose et al.
(1979) but we would make the following
0·3 log ppm interval observations on the concepts:
(a) Background is a range of values characterizing
un mineralized material.
(b) Threshold is the upper limit of this range.
(c) Anomalies are abnormal values ( + / - ) from
the background range.
"0 (d) Threshold is a dynamic concept given the
mixture of geological entities encountered in a
I.. -1·0 - 0·4 0·2 O·S 1·4 typical survey.
a. Mo [log (ppml]
Natural populations of soil samples may show a
E normal distribution although most exploration
Z data suggest that the distribution is more
commonly log-normal (Fig. 11.8). Although
purely statistical methods of deriving threshold
values exist (background + 2 or 3 standard
deviations), we would always recommend the
construction of a histogram to recognize the
0·5 ppm interval possible occurrence of multiple populations. A
bimodal population such as that shown in Fig.
11. 9, which arises from soil samples taken
overlying two lithologies, necessitates the
recogmtIOn of two backgrounds and two
threshold values.
Fig. 11.8 Plot illustrating approximately log-normal Geochemical data are contoured, as this is
frequency distribution of molybdenum in granite (top) invaluable in defining areas for further sampling,
contrasted with marked skewness ofraw data (bottom). geophysics or drilling. Usually only samples
(After Ahrens 1954.)
containing concentrations of elements above
threshold values are contoured and the appearance
of the anomalous areas on the map will illustrate if
a suitable threshold value has been used. If the
anomalous values appear at isolated stations then it
is likely that too high a threshold has been chosen.

/ ' Population A

Fig. 11.9 Bimodal distribution

from sampling over two
lithologies A and B. ppm element

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Ideally the threshold chosen should have resulted

in restricted, but continuous, zones of anomalous •

(c) Atmochemical methods

Geochemical soil surveys are sometimes referred
to as 'pedochemical methods'; if surveys are based
upon the analysis of gases emanating from mineral
deposits then these are sometimes called
'atmochemical methods' (Fig. 10.18). Most of the
work dealing with the application of vapour geo-
chemistry to the location of sulphide deposits is
still at an experImental stage but the use ot these
techniques in the search for deeply buried
radioactive deposits is widely reported (Boyle,
1982b). The most widely used gas is radon (section
9.3.4) but helium has also been used. An example
of a survey using helium in soil gas in the vicinity
of a uranium deposit in Colorado is shown in Fig.
11.10; the deposit lies under 10 m of overburden.
Radon sampling is carried out by two different
procedures. The radon may be directly extracted
and measured from the sampling medium (either
soil or water); alternatively measuring apparatus
or films are implanted in the stream sediment or _ Roll front uranium deposit
soil and the alpha-active radon is detected and Soil gas sample location
determined by instrumental or alpha-track etching - 8- Helium concentration contour in ppm
Fig. 11.10 ContOlH map of helium in soil gas in the
The major advantage of soil gas radon and
vicinity of the Weld County, Colorado, roll-type
helium surveys over standard soil sampling and uranium deposit. Base value for the atmosphere is 5.239
over other types of radioactive surveys is the ppm (from Boyle 1982b).
recognition of very deeply buried deposits. One
potential disadvantage is the route by which the
soil gas reaches the surface; this route may be to follow the changes that occur In
largely controlled by structural features such as instrumentation are advised to read the annual
faults which may not be related to the mineral reviews of exploration methods in the Canadian
deposit sought and may give rise to the surface MiningJournal and the Mining Annual Review.
expression being sited away from the deposit. The definition of geophysical anomalies relies
upon there being a measurable difference in the
(d) Geophysical surveys physical properties of the mineral deposit, or its
A wide variety of geophysical techniques is wall-rock alteration, and the surrounding barren
available based on the physical properties of rocks host rock. Consequently the location of a mineral
and minerals. Details of the methods will not be deposit by geophysical methods is dependent
included here, they are available in specialist upon the selection of the most appropriate
textbooks by Parasnis (1983), Griffiths and King geophysical technique. In this, geophysics is no
(1981) and Telford et al. (1976). Readers who wish different from geochemistry or remote sensing;
The design and implementation oj exploration programmes

the explorationist must always use the most 11.4.5 Stage 5 - target testing
applicable tool for the circumstances. If many line-
The next step in exploration will be deeper
kilometres of geophysical work are not to be
sampling, usually through drilling, although some
wasted the planning and mapping must be
deposits such as bauxites and kaolin may be
thoroughly carried out and the ore-fIDding
examined by pits and trenches. The object of
problems must be adequately defined to the
deeper drilling is to establish if a mineral deposit
exists. If it does, further in-fill drilling will be
There is a marked· difference between the
carried out to evaluate the ore body. In some cases
exploration programmes for metal deposits and
bulk samples will be collected from declines, adits
for oil or gas. In the latter, seismic reflection
and raises driven into the ore body. As well as
dominates, with gravity and to a lesser extent
establishing preliminary ore reserves, the
electromagnetic methods also used. In mineral
extensive sampling programme will provide
exploration, with the possible exception of coal,
material for mineral processing test work.
and recently in South Africa, gold, seismic
Conventionally surface exploration diamond
methods are rarely used. They are used in
drilling is carried out in the search for metallic
exploration for marine placers as described in
mineral deposits but in the case of non-metallic
Section 5.5.4.
deposits other drilling techniques are often
In target appraisal ground magnetic surveys are
employed (Table 11.4) (Morris, 1983). One of the
commonly used to assist in structural and
first decisions taken by the geologist at this stage,
geological mapping. Although gravity surveys
having decided upon the type of drilling to be
may be undertaken, they are expensive and require
carried out, is the angle at which the hole or holes
very accurate survey control and extensive data
should be drilled. When testing a geophysical
reduction processing. In suitable circumstances
anomaly a vertical hole is preferred since an
gravity surveys can define targets very accurately
anomaly may not be an ore and it must be tested as
(e.g. the Pyramid deposit, Pine Point - Fig. 6.31).
cheaply as possible. The problem with an angled
Resistivity and induced polarization surveys are
hole in this situation is that it may pass over the
extensively used and from the latter pseudo-
cause of the anomaly if the overburden is thicker
sections are produced which may be used in
than expected or it may pass under the anomaly if
guiding subsequent drilling.
the pitch of the causative body is flat. Inclined
drilling should be against the dip of the structure.
(e) Model analysis Drilling under a dipping vein from the footwall is
The geological mapping, geochemistry and only justified where overburden or rough terrain
ground geophysics should have defined the make this imperative. Deviation of the hole is
restricted areas within which mineralization is frequently increased by entering the structure at
considered to exist. These areas will be relatively the flat angles imposed by this approach. Base lines
small by comparison to the original area selected from which inclined drilling is undertaken should
for reconnaissance or examined in the desk study. be parallel to the strike of the structure and the
When all the target appraisal data are collated the holes are best drilled perpendicular to this base
exploration team must again review the geological line.
model for the proposed mineralization. In the light The orientation and spacing of the drill holes
of this reassessment the decision will be taken as to will be determined by the supposed shape of the
which target or targets should proceed to the deposit as interpreted from the geological model,
target-testing stage. If the programme moves to regional information and the detailed surveys
this next stage it will become increasingly obvious already undertaken. As with most aspects of
whether the team has discovered mineralization, exploration, the exploratory drilling will be
significant mineralization or a potential ore body. phased:
Table 11.4 Exploration drilling techniques (Morris, 1983)

Mineral Chip dust sampling Coring Flush

~ ......
... •:?;<I ~ ~ ..s::
'0 ';s"" ~ .: ... ;::
..s:: ~ ·2 ;§ ~
'0 ...
~ .: ...:: ..s:: ~ '" ... E
.: V) ...,<:> "0 ~ '".:'"'" ~;:,. ~ ~ '"'"
... U ..s:: Q .:
~ ~ °E
CQ ~ '"
'" .: tf <:> ~ ~
...... ...... -.:; <:> <:> 0...1
C ~ ~
"<:: ~

1. Salt 0 X X OIL OIL X X 0

SaltU/G 0 0 0
2. Ball clay 0 X X OIL 0
Ball clay U/G 0 0 0 0 0
3. Fullers earth 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0
4. Potash 0 0 OIL 0
Potash U/G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. Gypsum 0 0 0 OIL 0 0 0
Gypsum U/G 0 0"' 0 0 0 0 0
6. Brick clay 0 X 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0
7. China clay 0 0 0 0 0 0
8. Fire clay 0 0 0 0 0 0
9. Barytes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Barytes U/G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10. Fluorspar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fluorspar U/G 0 0 0 0 0 0
11. Iron ore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Iron ore U/G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12. Coal 0 0 0 0 OIL 0 0 0 0
Coal U/G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X
13. Limestone 0 0 0 O/M O/M 0 0 0
Limestone U/G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14. Igneous rocks 0 0 O/S O/S 0 0 0
Igneous rocks U/G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15. Industrial sands 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0
16. Sand and gravel 0 0


0, Commonly used; X, not recommended; L, large diameter; M, medium diameter; S, small diameter; CSR, centre sample recovery; DTH, down the hole;
U/G, underground.
The design and implementation of exploration programmes
(1) Preliminary drilling is used to determine the l OP of core

attitude, ore-body width, density and nature of the

hanging- and foot-walls. This stage will attempt
L..f -~_ ~
to prove the persistence of the mineralized body to
a moderate depth and provide information as to
( 0)
Bonom of core
mineral content.
(2) Closer spacing or 'infill' drilling will be used I Top at core
to establish the length and depth extent of the ore
deposit. The presence of ore shoots within the
mineralized structure may also be recognized at
this stage. From this drilling the grade and tonnage
to the lowest proposed mining depth will be (bl Botrom o f core

The main responsibility of the geologist is to

supervise the drilling and to log the core. Adequate
core-logging is a vital part of any exploration
programme. The geologist must visually log the (e l
lithologies and mineralization in the core using Fig. 11.11 Core-logging system for reading stored
conventional abbreviations; the core lengths are cores. Cores should be photographed upon extraction
measured and core losses are recorded. The core is from barrel (if possible) and placed in boxes. Markers
split and lengths are assayed to determine the grade must be inserted to record depths. (a) Book fashion -core
of the deposit intersected. is read from left to right. (b) Snake fashion - core is read
We believe that thorough geotechnical logging forwards and backwards as shown. (c) Reverse book
fashion - very rarely used.
should also be carried out. From these measure-
ments estimates of rock quality designation
(RQD) are made. It is becoming increasingly The primary reason for diamond drilling is to
common to photograph core. This is useful for outline the ore deposit in the case of grassroots
subsequent re-examination of lithological exploration, and to define future mmmg
variations but is only two-dimensional and development in the case of mine-based
therefore must be used with caution for any exploration. In both cases ore reserve definition is
geotechnical measurements. the main aim. The accuracy of the estimates arising
When the core is extracted from the core barrel it from exploration drilling will be governed by the
is placed in specially constructed core boxes. There number of holes drilled relative to the size of the
are three ways in which core is placed in the box property, the core recovery, the ore body type and
(Fig. 11.11): (i) 'book fashion'; (ii) 'snake fashion'; the statistical or geostatistical technique used to
(iii) 'revene book fashion'. Fortunately, reverse produce the ore reserve from the drill hole data.
book fashion is very uncommon and book fashion Examples of overvaluing and undervaluing
is the most commonly used arrangement. The top deposits occur in the literature. In the latter
of the core must be marked on the box and regular category Rogers (1982) describes comparisons
markers showing the depth of the hole are inserted between grades calculated from about 1200 km of
between core fragments; some geologists also drill core and production grades in the Dome Mine
mark the sides of the core troughs. Readers ore bodies, Timmins, Ontario (Table 11.5).
wishing to learn more of the techniques of
diamond drilling are advised to read the handbook (a) Geophysical logging
by Cumming and Wicklund (1980). Drilling a cored diamond drill hole IS very

Table 11.5 Comparison of diamond-drill-indicated grades with (a) actual stope muck grades (multiple-vein structures) and (b) lateral
development (single-vein structures). Data from Dome gold mine, Ontario. (Rogers, 1982)

Stope No. of Length of DHH %DDH Grade (dwt)

(year Life Ore DD through zone indicated TotalDDH DDH Final Production
started) (years) type holes Total >1.00dwt ore in stope > 1.00 dwt Tons Grade (dwt)

1013 No.3 5 II (b) 12 419.0 155.5 37 4.88 (uncut) 13.10 (uncut) 72 745 3.70
(1960) 1.80 (cut) 4.58 (cut)
1272 No.2 6 II (b) 9 250.0 174.5 60 5.43 8.26 37088 4.12
(1957) 2.61 3.57
1372 Nos. 1,3 5+ II (b) 6 394.0 162.0 42 2.28 5.00 9833 3.82
(No.4 Panel) 1.54 3.21
1388 No. 15 3+ II (b) 3 162.0 129.0 80 7.33 9.10 7065 3.95
Panel 3.90 4.75
1548 No.3 10 II (a) 5 144.0 51.5 36 1.85 5.05 45621 4.66
(1967) 1.24 3.33
1903 No.2 9 II (a) 12 420.0 199.0 47 2.53 5.08 73773 5.35
(1952) 1.70 3.29
2415 No. A 4+ II (b & c) 8 423.0 129.5 31 2.47 7.78 24918 2.20
Panel (1977) 1.32 4.02
2415 No.8 6+ II (a&b) 7 325.0 134.0 41 2.05 4.14 22326 4.20
Panel (1975) 1.93 3.88
2527 No.3 2 II (c) 4 261.0 181.0 70 2.55 3.24 7105 3.39
No.9 Panel 2.38 2.96

Ore types: II (a) veins in massive lavas; II (b) stockworks in sediments; II (c) stockworks in porphyries and altered wall rocks. Note how drill
cores fail to indicate true size or grade of orebody eventually mined.

Development sample
Holes throuJ<h %DDH DDH Indicated
Length Ore zone indicated J<rade Chips Muck reserve
Location (zone width,jt) of zone (ft) type Total >1.00dwt ore (dwt) (dwt) (dwt) J<rade

1281 No. 16 Dr. (10) 150 I (c) 10 2 20 2.60 (uncut) 27.43 (uncut) 6.96 5.72
2.20 (cut) 4.47 (cut)
1308 No.6 Sill Dr. (6) 200 I (c) 5 20 2.66 31.96 5.44 5.45
1.80 5.46
1308 No.6 Stope (9) 200 I (c) 4 2 50 7.75 (Current stope
7604 tons at 5.38 dwt)
2006 No.8 Dr. (10) 250 I (a) 5 2 40 0.90 2.75 3.35 3.00
0.90 2.66
2010 No. 10 Dr. (10) 420 I (a) 9 3 33 0.80 3.73 1.95 2.84
2351 Sill Dr. (5) 1000 I (a) 11 3 27 1.75 4.93 3.20. 3.37
1.75 3.53
2615 No.6 Dr. (10) 550 I (a) 6 2 33 1.38 4.32 4.32 4.32

DHH, Diamond drill hole; dwt, penny weight. Ore types: I (a) ankerite veins; I (c) quartz-fuchsite veins.
The planar nature of veins means they are easier to locate than the multiple-vein structures in (a) but economic gold values are rarely recognized from diamond
drilling (particularly in ore type I (a)). Compare DDH grade with development sampling and indicated reserve.
Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
expensive; the total drilling stage is likely to be up (b) Geological model analysis
to 25-30% of the typical exploration programme The drilling should have provided the mineral
(Table 11.3). The average exploration drilling inventory for the ore deposit, the rock mechanics
costs in the US for uranium were about $16/m in information and the indicated reserves. These data
1982. In Australia it was US$81 1m for core drilling will allow the geologist to modify the model and
and for other forms of drilling the average was to decide if further exploration, such as more
US$21/m. Because of this the maximum amount drilling, bulk sampling or trial mining is required.
of information must be derived from both the core It is at this stage that exploration passes into
and the hole itself. As we have briefly mentioned feasibility studies and ore body development. The
above, core logging must be thorough and should geologist must ensure that sufficient data are
include geotechnical as well as geological! available for other professionals - mining
mineralogical!assay information. In the minerals engineers, geostatisticians and mine planners - to
industry the hole itself may be overlooked as a make their decisions regarding the future of the
source of information. The hole will be accurately project. Of course the geological involvement
surveyed, the water level will be 'dipped' and does not cease here; the geologist should be
recorded but very little else may be done before the involved throughout production to final
hole is plugged. With increasing drilling costs and reclamation of the mined area.
the advent of micro-electronics we believe that
increasing use will be made of down-the-hole
instrumentation in mineral exploration. We have reviewed the process through which an
Obviously radiometric techniques may be used exploration programme goes, indicating the likely
in uranium exploration (Chapter 9) and costs at each stage. Wherever possible we have
down-hole EM is used in sulphide exploration suggested appropriate techniques that may be used
(Chapter 3). Down-hole IP surveys are also but we have avoided detailed descriptions of these
underway (Ogilvy, 1984). The advantage of these techniques as these may be found in the relevant
techniques is that they may indicate a target missed specialized textbooks. In our discussions we have
by a diamond drill hole - so-called 'off hole omitted any reference to the success rate for
mineralization' . exploration programmes. If success is measured as
Down-the-hole geophysical information is used the number of commercially exploitable deposits
by the coal industry in the UK to determine discovered as a percentage of the total number of
fracture density anomalies and RQD using a grassroots exploration programmes conceived
technique known as 'RocTec' (Kusznir and then the success rate must be very low. Figures are
Whitworth, 1983). A major use for a variety of not readily available but we would estimate that of
geophysical logs is within the evaporites industry. all exploration programmes at the planning stage,
The geologist entering the evaporite mining considerably less than 0.1 % reach a mining
industry may have to become familiar with venture within the timespan shown in Fig. 11.1.
reading neutron porosity index, bulk density For this reason mining companies have many
(gamma-gamma log or density log), natural diverse exploration programmes operating
gamma, sonic and caliper logs to recognize not simultaneously.
only if evaporites occur but whether potentially This success rate is not the complete picture,
economic potash minerals are present. At the however, as deposits will be discovered that
present time no technique is available for down- cannot be brought into production in the time
the-hole assaying for a wide range of metals and frame of Fig. 11.1. Here the exploration team will
until such techniques are available there will be no have been successful in defining the deposit, which
substitute for the completely cored hole in was the original objective. Financial conditions
determining grades for a potential mineral deposit. will have changed between the planning stage and

The design and implementation of exploration programmes
discovery such that the feasibility studies indicate computers are being applied is for observed data
the deposit is no longer economically extractable. on particular deposit types to be fed into the
The files of most major mining companies contain computer. The computer then collates the data and
many such examples. Possibly a large number of produces what we would call an empirical model-
the deposits discovered in the early 1970s will the geological factors required for the occurrence
never be mined because of greatly escalating costs. of that deposit type. Desk-study data are then fed
Exploration around operating mines has a much into the computer and the computer performs the
higher success ratio if development drilling to match between the search area data and its
upgrade reserve categories is included. The 'em pirical model'. The computer then highlights
exploration work here is usually in a much shorter those areas that best match the combination of
time frame than for grassroots exploration. features characteristic to the occurrence of the
In the first chapter of this textbook we reviewed deposit type. This will rapidly increase the
the way in which exploration had evolved over coverage of search areas hut the geologist must
this century. In view of the low success rate quoted ensure that the computer model is also a sensible
above, in what ways has geological knowledge geological model.
advanced in the last decades to help the geologist There have been major advances in laboratory
find more ore bodies? Firstly there has been the techniques - fluid inclusions, isotope studies, etc.
development of the geological models, whether These promise improvements in defining target
they are genetic or empirical. These have been areas for mineralization but the techniques must be
useful in assisting the selection of regions for reduced in complexity and cost before they will
search and for defining sites within those regions become routine parts of an exploration pro-
most suitable for mineralization. Genetic models gramme. The type of chemical identification of
are conceived to explain the observed facts; often potentially productive intrusions such as we
those facts themselves are sufficient guides for ore described in Chapter 3, if further developed, will
search. Collating those facts may be a better guide provide a practical approach that can assist at the
for the explorationist than an elegantly conceived planning desk-study stage.
genetic model that is difficult to apply in the field. Lastly there is the development of improved
Secondly, the advent of plate tectonic theory drilling technology and the increase that has taken
must have an effect on the explorationist. It is only place in down-the-hole geophysical techniques.
a little over a decade since geologists began to The mining industry has used diamond drilling for
establish links between plate tectonic processes many decades but we wonder if the time is
and metallogenesis. This is still very much in its approaching when the dependence upon all cored
infancy and although it may be applicable on a holes will be reduced. Sampling from drill chips is
grand global scale, we feel the narrower regional much cheaper and could be equally informative.
applications require much more definition. Coring would then be restricted to the required
Thirdly there have been advances in remote- length of the hole in subsequent holes. The use of
sensing data and indirect methods. fewer cored holes will have to be accompanied by
With modem electronics these must develop at an much improved in-hole techniques for assaying,
ever-increasing pace. What may be lacking is detection of off-hole mineralization and fracture
sufficient time for geologists to interpret analysis.
accurately the vast quantities of data so rapidly With this immensely improved armoury, the
collected. Desk-top computers which will handle exploration geologist should increase the success
large volumes of data will assist here. Exploration rate. But even with all this instrumentation,
and mining geologists must become conversant electronics and theory there can be no substitute
with the varied applications of computers within for the inspired explorationist with geology 'under
their industry. One of the many ways that the skin', a thorough understanding of ore

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

deposits, a knowledge of exploration techniques Geophysics for Geologists and Engineers, Pergamon
and, last but by no means least, luck! Press, Oxford, 230 pp.
Hutchinson, R. D. (1980) A mineral exploration
strategy in the 1980s. elM Bull., 73(820), 26-29.
Institution of Mining & Metallurgy (1984) Prospecting
in areas of glaciated terrain. Also Volumes published
REFERENCES in 1977,1979,1982, London.
Kusznir, N. J. and Whitworth, K. R. (1983) RocTec: A
Abrams, M. J., Brown, D., Lepley, L. and Sadowski, new technique for determining bulk rock strength
R. (1983) Remote sensing for porphyry copper from borehole geophysical logs. In Prospecting and
deposits in Southern Arizona. Econ. Geo/., 78, 591-604. Evaluation of Non-Metallic Rocks and Minerals (eds
Ahrens, L. H. (1954) Log normal distribution of K. Atkinson and R. Brassington), Institution of
elements. Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, 5, 49-73; 6, Geologists, London, pp. 69-96.
121-131. Levinson, H. (1980) Introduction to Exploration
Baxendell, P. (1983) The diversification of oil companies Geochemistry, Applied Publishers, Wilmette, Illinois,
into mining. Trans. Instn. Min. Metall., 92, A80-A84. 924pp.
Binon, L. C. (1983) Determining the exploration Lindemann, J. (1982) The minerals exploration process-
budget. Min. Eng., March, 257-260. an overview. The Mines Mag., October, 2-5.
Boyle, R. W. (1982a) Geochemical methods for the Mackenzie, B. W. (1981) Looking for the improbable
discovery of blind mineral deposits: part 1. elM Bull., needle in a haystack: the economics of base metal
75(844), 123-142. exploration in Canada. elM Bull., 74(829),115-125.
Boyle, R. W. (1982b) Geochemical methods for the 125.
discovery of blind mineral deposits: part 2. elM Bull., Morris, R. O. (1983) Drilling techniques in mineral
75 (845), 113-132. prospecting and evaluation. In Prospecting and
Cornwell, J. D. (1983) Geophysical methods in mineral Evaluation of Non-Metallic Rocks and Minerals (eds
exploration. Trans. Instn. Min. Metall., 92, B80-B82. K. Atkinson and R. Brassington), Institution of
Cumming, J. D. and Wicklund, J. D. (1980) Diamond Geologists, London, pp. 97-106.
Drill Handbook, J. K. Smit & Sons Diamond Products Ogilvy, R. D. (1984) Down-hole IP surveys applied to
Limited, Toronto, 547 pp. off-hole mineral exploration - some design con-
Davies, H. L. (1978) History of Ok Tedi porphyry siderations. Geoexploration, 22, 59-73.
copper project, Papua New Guinea, Pt. 1. Econ. Paine, D. P. (1981) Aerial Photography and Image
Geo/., 73, 796--809. Interpretation for Resource Management, Wiley, New
DeGeoffroy, J., Wu, S. M. and Heins, R. W. (1967) York, 571 pp.
Geochemical coverage by spring sampling method in Parasnis, D. S. (1983) Mining Geophysics, Elsevier,
the southwest Wisconsin zinc area. Econ. Geo/., 62, London, 395 pp.
679-697. Press, N. (1983) The use of Landsat imagery in
DeGeoffroy, J., Wu, S. M. and Heins, R. W. (1968) prospecting for industrial minerals. In Prospecting and
Selection of drilling targets from geochemical data in Evaluation of Non-Metallic Rocks and Minerals (eds
the southwest Wisconsin zinc area. Econ. Geo/., 63, K. Atkinson and R. Brassington), Institution of
787-795. Geologists, London, pp. 15-20.
Derry, D. R. and Booth, J. K. B. (1978) Mineral Reedman, J. H. (1979) Techniques in Mineral Exploration,
discoveries and exploration expenditure - a revised Applied Science Publishers, London, 533 pp.
review 1966-1976. Min. Mag., 138, May, 430-433. Reeves, R. G. (ed.) (1983) Manual of Remote Sensing.
Eimon, P. I. (1980) Planning and establishing Two Volumes, American Society of Photo-
exploration programs. 1st Int. Min. Plan. Dev. Symp., grammetry, Virginia.
China. Ridge, J. D. (1983) Genetic concepts versus
Goetz, A. F. H., Rock, B. N. and Rowan, L. C. (1983) observational data in governing ore exploration. elM
Remote sensing for exploration: an overview. Econ. Bull., 76(852), 47-54.
Geo/., 78, 573-590. Rogers, D. S. (1982). Diamond drilling as an aid in ore
Griffiths, D. H. and King, R. F. (1981) Applied definition at the Dome Mine. elM Bull., 75(842),

The design and implementation of exploration programmes
98-104. D. A. (1976) Applied Geophysics, Cambridge
Rose, A. W., Hawkes, H. E. and Webb, J. S. (1979) University Press, Cambridge, 860 pp.
Geochemistry in Mineral Exploration, Academic Press, Williams, R. S. and Southworth, C. S. (1984) Remote
London, 657 pp. sensmg makes important gains. Geotimes, August,
Telford, W. M., Geldart, L. P., Sheriff, R. E. and Keys, 13-15.


Name Composition Uses Remarks

Actinolite Ca2(Mg, Fe)sSis022(OH)2 Amphibole

Albite NaAlSi 30 s Plagioclase
Almandine Fe3AIz(Si04)3 Gamet; commonly found in
gneisses and schists
Alunite KAb(S04)2(OH)6 Has been used in Forms by hydrothermal
alum manufacture alteration of volcanic
and as a source of rocks, for example in
potash. western USA.
Anatase Ti02
Andalusite AIzSiO s May be mined for use Mined from primary
in manufacture of deposits (France) or placer
refractories, deposits (S. Africa).
especially sparking
Andradite Ca3Fe2(Si0 4)3 Gamet
Anhydrite CaS04 Was mined in UK as An important rock-forming
a source of sulphuric mineral.
Ankerite Ca(Fe, Mg, Mn) (C03)z A common gangue mineral
in hydrothermal veins.
Anthophyllite (Mg, Fe)JSi s0 22 (OH)2 Amphibole
Apatite Cas(PO 4) 3(F, Cl) A source of May occur in igneous,
phosphate. sedimentary, or
metamorphic rocks.
Argentopyrite AgFe 2 S3 Minor source of
Arsenopyrite FeAsS Not mined for arsenic An abundant mineral, most
content as most commonly found in high-
commercial arsenic is temperature hydrothermal
recovered from veIns.
smelter fumes.
Augite (Ca, Na) (Mg, Fe, AI, Ti) (Si, Allz0 6 Pyroxene; important rock-
forming silicate.
Autunite Ca (U0 2)2 (P0 4)z. 10-12H2O Source of uranium. Typically found in the zone
of weathering over primary
uranium deposits.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Name Composition Uses Remarks

Azurite Minor copper ore Occurs in zone of oxidation

mineral above primary copper
Baddeleyite Main use is in Mined from alkaline igneous
ceramics. intrusives and placer
deposits derived from them.
Barite Principal use is Distributed in a range of
as drilling mud. geological environments.
Bastnaesite (Ce, La) (C0 3) F Important source of Mined from alkaline igneous
rare earths intrusions and placer
deposits derived from them.
Beryl Major source of Mined principally from
beryl. pegmatites and placer
deposits derived from them.
Biotite K (Mg, Fe)J (AI, Fe) Si 30 10 (OH, F)z Important rock-forming
Bismuthinite Not a commercial Occurs chiefly in low to high
source of bismuth temperature hydrothermal
vein deposits.
Bixbyite (Mn,Feh03
Boehmite AIO(OH) Important ore mineral Major constituent of
of aluminium. bauxite; results from
weathering of aluminium
silicate rocks.
Bornite Major ore mineral of Widely distributed copper
copper ore mineral.
Bournonite PbCuSbS 3 Sulphosalt: occurs in
hydrothermal veins
Brannerite (U, Ca, Ce) (Ti, Feh06 Important uranium Particularly important in
ore mineral Blind River/Elliot Lake
district, Ontario.
Braunite Ore mineral Primarily results from
for manganese. metamorphism ofmanganese
oxides and silicates.
Bravoite (Ni, Fe) S2 Pyrite in which nickel
substitutes for >50% of Fe
Bronzite Ferroan enstatite, pyroxene
group. Gangue mineral in
some magmatic ore deposits.


Name Composition Uses Remarks

Bustamite (Mn, CahSb09

Calcite CaC03 Calcite as the chief Commonly found as a
constituent of gangue mineral in
limestone has a wide carbonate-hosted Pb/Zn
range of industrial deposits.
Carnotite Uranium and Principally mined from
vanadium ore Colorado Plateau, USA
Carrollite Cu(Co,Ni)zS4 Main ore mineral of Principally mined in Zaire
cobalt. and to a lesser extent in
Cassiterite Main ore mineral The bulk ofworld production
ofrin. is from placer deposits in
S.E. Asia.
Celestite Principal source Occurs chiefly in
of strontium. sedimentary deposits.
Chalcocite Significant copper ore. Occurs principally in zone
of supergene enrichment.
Chalcopyrite CuFeSz Main ore mineral of Distributed in a wide range
copper. of geological environments.
Chlorite (Mg, Fe) sAl (AlSi3) 01O(OH)S Commonly found as a
gangue mineral in
hydrothermal deposits.
Chromes pinel Mg(AICr) 20 4 Members of the spinel Cr spinel occurs mainly as an
group may be of gem accessory mineral in basic
quality. igneous intrusions.

Chrornite Main ore mineral of Mined mainly from layered

chromium. basic intrusions and
ophiolitic complexes.
Chrysocolla Minor copper ore Forms in the oxidized zone
mineral of copper deposits.

Cliachite Amorphous form of

hydrated aluminium oxide.
Clinopyroxene Sub-division of pyroxene
family which crystallizes
in the monoclinic system.
Clinozoisite = Epidote. Major mineral in
reaction skarn deposits.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Name Composition Uses Remarks

Coffinite USi(O,OH)4 Important uranium Particularly important in

ore mineral. some sandstone-hosted
Columbite-tantalite (Fe, Mn) (Nb, Ta)z06 Important source of Mainly obtained from placer
niobium and tantalum. deposits, particularly in
Cordierite MglAl4Sis018 Clear blue varieties Formed by metamorphism of
maybe cut as aluminium-rich rocks.
Corundum AhO} Valuable as a gem and Gemstone quality occurs in
as an abrasive. re-crystallized limestone.
Near-gem quality from
placers in Sri Lanka. May
result from metamorphism
of bauxite (emery deposits).
Covellite CuS Copper ore mineral Mainly occurs in the zone of
supergene enrichment above
primary sulphide ore.
Cryptomelane KMn8016
Cuprite C U20 Copper ore mineral. Mainly occurs in the zone of
supergene enrichment above
primary sulphide ore.
Danburite CaB2(SiO 4)z
Diamond C Gemstone, near-gem Production from kimberlites
and abrasives and placer deposits.
Diaspore AIO(OH) Not generally Occurs as massive fme-
regarded as a granular material with
commercial source of boehmite and gibbsite in
alumina but some bauxites.
plants process ore
with more diaspore
than boehmite or
Digenite CU2S Abundant at Butte, Montana
and Kennecott, Alaska
otherwise in minor quantities
in copper ore deposits.
Diopside Ca(Mg, Fe) Si l O 6 Cr diopside is an Occurs chiefly in medium-
indicator mineral used and high-grade metamorphic
in exploration for rocks, especially those
kimberlites. rich in calcium.


Name Composition Uses Remarks

Djurleite Principal occurrence is in

supergene blankets of
sulphide deposits.
Dolomite Main uses are as a flux Of widespread occurrence
in blast furnaces and in sedimentary strata. An
a source of magnesia important alteration
for refractory bricks. product in Mississippi
Valley-type deposits.
Enargite Minor ore of copper Occurs in vein and
replacement deposits.

Enstatite (Mg, Fe) Si03 Orthopyroxene

Epidote (Cah (AI, Fe)J (Si04)J (OH) Commonly occurs in

limestones which
have been affected by
contact metamorphism.

Feldspathoids Restricted to alkaline-

rich igneous rocks
deficient in silica.

Ferrochromite A variety of chromite with

very low AI and Mg and low,
but significant, Ti, Mn, and
Zn contents. Occurs in
association with nickel
sulphides in volcanic-
peridotite ores in Western

Ferrohastingsite NaCa2(Fe, Mg, AI) 5 (AhSi 6)022(OHh Amphibole in the hornblende


Fluorite CaF 2 Main uses as a flux Occurs in a wide range

in steel manufacture of geological settings.
and a basis for the
manufacture of
hydrofluoric acid.

Freibergite (Ag, Cu, Fe) 12 (Sb, AS)4S13 Important source of A silver-rich variety of
silver. tetrahedrite-tennantite.

Fuchsite Chromian muscovite

Galena PbS Major lead ore. Occurs in a range of

geological environments but
particularly those of
sedimentary affiliation.

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Name Composition Uses Remarks

Gamierite (Ni, MghSi 20 s (OH) 4 Ore of rockel. General tenn applied to

a number of hydrous rockel
Geikielite MgTi0 3 Indicator mineral for Mg-rich variety ofihnerote
Gersdorffite NiAsS Minor rockel ore
Gibbsite Al (OHh Ore mineral for Important constituent of
aluminium. bauxite.
Goethite FeO.OH Important source of Nonnally found in supergene
!Ton. zone of iron ore deposits.

Gold Au See 'native gold'.

Grandite the series Grossular-Andradite,
Gamet group
Graphite C Used in foundry Occurs in rocks resulting
facings, crucibles, from regional or contact
lubricants, paints metamorphism. Can result
and electrodes. in strong geophysical
Grossularite Ca 3 Ab(Si04h Gamet, fonned by contact or
regional metamorphism of
impure limestones and
Gummite general term for Minor source of Generic name for gum-like
secondary uraroum oxides. uramum. uraruum minerals.
Gypsum CaS04. 2H20 Used mainly in Occurs as extensive
construction industry sedimentary deposits
especially in plaster interbedded with limestones
wallboard. and rock salt.

Halloysite Clays with a Made up of an irregular

substantial halloysite sequence of kaolin layers
content may be used in plus interlayer water.
Hausmanillte Source of manganese? Important constituent of
manganese deposits fonned
by circulating meteoric

Haematite Major source of iron. Main source is enrichment

ores derived from banded


Name Composition Uses Remarks

Hedenbergite Ca (Fe, Mg) SiDe Commonly associated with

skarn ore deposits formed at
high temperatures.

Hemimorphite Minor ore of zinc. Occurs in the oxidized zone

of zinc deposits.

Hornblende Amphibole with complex Common rock-forming

composition. silicate.

Huebnerite Source of tungsten. Occurs in contact

metamorphic deposits
adjacent to granitic

Hydrogoethite Iron ore mineral. Component of ore body at

Krivoi Rog deposit, USSR.

Hydrohaematite Iron ore mineral. Component of ore body at

Krivoi Rog deposit, USSR.

Illite (K,H30) (Al,Mg,Fe)2 An important constituent of

(Si,Al)401O(OH)2. H20 argillaceous sediments and

Ilmenite Important source of Mined principally from

titanium. beach sand deposits.

Ilvaite CaFe3 (Si04)2 (OH)

Jacobsite Mg (Fe, Mn)304 Weakly magnetic member

of the magnetite series.

Jadeite Decorative stone. Found in associations with

serpentine and low-grade
metamorphosed greywackes.
Jadeitic diopside occurs in
cognate xenoliths in some

Jarosite Secondary mineral occurring

as coating on iron-bearing
material especially where
pyrite is oxidizing.

Johannsenite Pyroxene

Kaolinite Diverse uses but The bulk of kaolin deposits

mainly sold to the are formed by chemical
paper industry. weathering of granitoids.

Kenomagnetite Minor iron ore Found in the zone of

supergene enrichment of
banded iron-formation in
W. Australia.
Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Name Composition Uses Remarks

Kyanite AbSiOs Used in the Occurs in aluminium-rich

manufacture of sediments which have been
mullite refractories. altered by medium-grade
regional metamorphism.
Mined mainly from beach
Leucoxene general term for Source of titanium. A mixture of titanium
alteration products of ilmenite. minerals such as rutile,
anatase and sphene.
Limonite general term for hydrous A term commonly, but
iron oxides. .incorrectly , used for yellow-
brown variety of goethite.
Loellingite FeAs2 Occurs chiefly in medium-
temperature hydrothermal
Magnesite MgC03 Calcined for Alteration product of
manufacture of peridodtite, dolomite or
refractory bricks. limestone.
Used for making
magnesium metal.
Magnetite Fe304 Important source of Mainly exploited from iron-
Iron. formation.
Malachite C U 2C03(OH)z Copper ore mineral. Occurs in the oxidized zone
above primary sulphide
Malayaite CaSnSiO s Not a commercial Found in skam tin deposits,
source of tin. may fluoresce yellow.
Marcasite FeS2 Low-temperature polymorph
of pyrite.

Martite Fe203 Ore mineral of iron Pseudomorph ofhaematite

after magnetite.
Metatorbernite Cu (U0 2)z (P0 4)z. 8H20 Ore mineral of Occurs in weathered zone
uraruum. over primary uranium
Millerite NiS Nickel ore mineral Normally of minor
significance but attains
importance in some
Canadian nickel deposits
of volcanic-peridotite


Name Composition Uses Remarks

Minnesotaite Minor source of iron

in the Lake Superior
district USA.
Molybdenite Principal source of Mined principally from
molybdenum porphyry deposits. Also
occurs in veins and
Monazite (La, Ce, Nd, Th) P0 4 Important source of Exploited mainly from
thorium and cerium placer deposits.
Montmorillonite (Na,Ca)o33(Al,Mg)2Si 40lll Diverse industrial Formed by the alteration
(OH)2. n H 2 0 end uses including of volcanic ash.
drilling mud, binder
for pelletizing iron
ore, plasticizer in
moulding sands for
Montroseite (V, Fe) 0 (OH) Important source of Occurs in the Uravan belt in
vanadium western Colorado, USA.
Muscovite KAl 2Si 30 lO (OH)2 Rock-forming silicate.
Native copper Cu Minor source of An important source of
copper. copper in prehistoric times.
Native gold Au Bulk of gold is Bulk of Western World
purchased by production from
investors and Central Witwatersrand Basin.
Banks. Also used in Placer deposits and veins
jewellery, also important.
electronics and

Native silver Ag Diverse uses which Occurs in small amounts

include photography, in the oxidized zones
electronics of some sulphide
components and deposits. Also found in
jewellery. veIns.
Niccolite NiAs Minor nickel ore Occurs mainly in
mineral association with
in ores of magmatic

Nontronite Iron-rich montmorillonite


Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Name Composition Uses Remarks

N ordenskioldine Tin-borate species found in

skarn deposits.
Olivine (group) Mg-rich olivine is Important rock-forming
used in the silicate.
manufacture of
refractory bricks.
Opal Precious opal is a Fine opals come from
gemstone. sandstones in Australia.
Orthoclase Sometimes exploited Common rock-forming
for use in ceramics silicate.
Orthopyroxene Generic name for pyroxenes Common group of rock-
with orthorhombic forming silicates.
Pentlandite Main ore of nickel Occurs mainly in
association with mafic and
ultramafic rocks.
Petalite Minor source of Occurs in granite
lithium. pegmatites and as a minor
constituent ofsome
Phlogopite Essential mineral in
Pitchblende Massive uraninite Major uranium ore A variety of uraninite
U02 mineral which commonly occurs as
colloform crusts.
Plagioclase (Na, Ca) Al (AI, Si) Si 20 s Important rock-forming
(subgroup offeldspars) silicate.
Platinum Pt commonly with Pd, Ir, Fe, Ni. Used mainly in the Exploited mainly from
chemical industry layered basic intrusions
but significant quantities
also mined from alluvial
placers in the Urals,
Potash feldspar Microcline or orthoclase Used as a flux in Important rock-forming
the ceramics industry silicate.
Powellite CaMo0 4 can contain W Mo-bearing variety of a
partial series from
Prehnite Occurs chiefly in cavities
in basic igneous rocks.


Name Composition Uses Remarks

Pseudomalachite Minor copper ore Occurs in zone of oxidation


Pyragyrite Important ore of Occurs in stratiform

silver. sediment-hosted Pb/Zn
deposits and in veins. May
also form as a result of
supergene enrichment.

Pyrite Occasionally mined A common associate of ore

as a source of minerals in a wide range of
sulphur. geological environments.

Pyriboles Group term for pyroxenes

and amphiboles.

Pyrochlore (Ca, Na, Ce) (Cb, Ti, Ta) (0, OH, F)7 Important source of Occurs in alkaline igneous
can contain Th. niobium complexes and placers
derived from them.

Pyrolusite Occurs as a secondary

mineral resulting from
the alteration of manganese

Pyrope Minor production for Important indicator mineral

gemstones in for kimberlites.

Pyrrhotite Mined as by-product Closely associated with

at Sudbury, Ontario pentlandite. The magnetic
and converted to susceptibility of .
high-grade iron pyrrhotite makes
ore. magnetometer surveys
relevant to nickel
Quartz Diverse industrial Important rock-forming
uses: mainly in silicate.
construction. Also
as a flux in
metallurgy and in
manufacturing of
Rammels bergite Minor nickel ore Occurs chiefly in veins with
other nickel and cobalt
Realgar AsS A minor constituent in
some hydrothermal

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Name Composition Uses Remarks

Rhodochrosite MnC03 Forms a gangue mineral in

hydrothermal veins and as
a secondary mineral in
residual manganese
Rhodonite (Mn, Fe, Mg, Ca) Si03 May form protore for
supergene manganese ores,
for example Amapa area,
Rutile Ti02 An important source Mined mainly from beach
of titanium sands.
Saleeite Mg(U02)2(P04h 10H20 Uranium ore Occurs in the zone of
weathering above primary
uranium deposits. Notably
in Northern Territory,
Scheelite Ca W04(can contain Mo) Important tungsten Mined mainly from contact
ore. metamorphic deposits.
Sericite Mica similar to muscovite Fine-grained variety of
Serpentine Mg3Si20s (OH)4 Chrysotile is main Group which includes
source of commercial chrysotile, antigorite,
asbestos. and lizardite.
Siderite FeC03, (can contain Mn, Mg, Ca) Ore mineral of iron Mined from iron-
formation. Also occurs as
a gangue mineral in veins.
Sillimanite AhSiOs Formed in aluminium-rich
rocks under conditions of
high-grade metamorphism.

Sklodowskite Mg (U0 2)2Si206 (OH)2. 5H20 Minor uranium ore Occurs in the Granite
mineral District, USA and
Shinkolobwe, Zaire.

Smectite (Na, Ca) (AI, Mg)4SisO lOnH2O Very diverse Group term which includes
industrial uses. montmorillonite, saponite
and hectorite.

Specularite Fe203 Variety ofhaematite.

Spessartine Mn3Ah (Si04)J Occurs in granite

pegmatites and in
manganese-bearing rocks.


Name Composition Uses Remarks

Spessartite Spessartine
Sphalerite (Zn, Fe,) S Major source of zinc Mined predominantly from
sediment-hosted deposits.
Volcanogenic setting also

Sphene CaTiSiOs Occurs as accessory mineral

in acid and intermediate
igneous rocks. Minor
component of some placers.

Spodumene LiAISi z0 6 Source oflithium and Mined principally from

. .
mceramlCS granite pegmatites.

Stannite CUzSnFeS4 Minor tin mineral.

Staurolite (AIzSiOs)z (Fe, Mg) (OH)z Occurs in aluminium-rich

gneisses and schists and as
a component of some placer
Stephanite AgsSbS 4 Minor source of silver Occurs in sediment-hosted
base metal deposits
(Queensland) and silver-
bearing vein deposits
Stibnite SbzS Main antimony ore Mainly occurs in low-
mineral temperature veins.
Stilpnomelane K (Fe,AI) lOSi 1z030 (OH) 1Z A minor source of Occurs dominantly in
iron in the Lake regional metamorphic
Superior district, rocks derived from
USA. greywackes.
Talc Mg 3Si 4O lO (OH)z Diverse industrial Occurs mainly in
uses: as a lubricant, association with
in ceramics, as a ultrabasic rocks which
filler in paint, have been altered by low-
paper and rubber. grade regional
Tantalite (Fe, Mn) (Ta, Nb)z06 Occurs in granite
Tennantite (Cu, Fe) 1zAs4S13 Minor copper ore May contain appreciable
mineral. content of silver - see

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration

Name Composition Uses Remarks

Tetrahedrite (Cu, Fe) 12Sb 4 S J3 Minor copper and Occurs in a range of

antimony ore geological environments.
Thucholite A mixture of uranium and Uranium ore Associated with quartz
thorium pebble conglomerates in
with carbonaceous Witwatersrand Basin and
matter Blind River district,
Titanomagnetite Source of titanium Mined as a by-product from
andiron the Palabora carbonatite,
S. Africa. Also obtained
from marine placers off the
coast of New Zealand.
Topaz AbSi04 (OH, F)4 Transparent forms Mainly occurs in pegmatites
may be used as a and high-temperature
gemstone. granite veins. May also
be found in some placers.
Tourmaline (Na,Ca) (Mg, Fe, LihB3Ab Some gemstones Widely distributed in
((AI, Sih09)3 (OH, F)4 exploited in Brazil. granitoids and in high-
Some varieties have temperature hydrothermal
valuable piezoelectric vems.
Tremolite C a2MgsSis022(OH)2 Amphibole.
Tyuyamunite Ca (U0 2)2 (V04)2 (H20) 10 Uranium ore mineral Secondary uranium
mineral- widely
distributed in Colorado
Plateau area, USA.
Uraninite U02 Major uranium ore Occurs in a wide range of
mineral. geological environments.
Uranophane Ca (U02)2Si207. 6H 2O Uranium ore mineral An important ore mineral at
the Rossing deposit,
Wolframite (Fe,Mn)W0 4 Important tungsten Mined dominantly from
ore. high-temperature vein
Wollastonite CaSi0 3 Formed by high-grade
metamorphism of siliceous


Name Composition Uses Remarks

Xenotime A minor source of Widespread occurrence in

yttrium acidic and alkalic igneous
rocks. Forms a component
of some beach sand deposits.
Zircon Principal source of Mined mainly from beach
zirconium and sands.


Abitibi Belt, Canada 52, 116-18, 13, Porphyry copper deposits 70, 72- Alaskite 302
133, 153, 156, 167 3 Albania 19, 32, 33
Accreting plate margin 116- Porphyry molybdenum deposits Albite 79,393,429
Acid leaching 94 Algeria 260
lateritic nickel 291 , 289 Sandstone-hosted uranium Algoma iron-formation 316-17
uranium 205 deposits 359--60 Alkali-calcic
Acoustic reflection profilers 200 Sediment-hosted copper deposits porphyry molybdenum deposits
Actinolite 282, 426 216-17 93
Adiabatic expansion 162 Sedimentary-exhalative deposits Alkaline associated
Adit xiv, 87, 415 230,231 porphyry copper deposits 74
Adsorption Skarn deposits 374-5 Alligator River deposit, Northern
uranyl ions 340, 353, 362, 363 Stratiform chromite deposits 19 Territory 347,349,353
Aerial photography 50,54,61,62-3, Volcanogenic sulphide deposits Alluvial fans 358
89,186,194,227,244,256,297, 109--11 alluvium 184, 186, 200
394,409,410 Aggneys area, South Africa 230 alluvial placer deposits 178, 181--8,
Aerobic bacteria 363 Agnew deposit, Western Australia 199--200,211
Africa 55,293,332,333,402 40,45,47-9 Almandine 381,429
Age Aiken, South Carolina 303 Alpine mining district 260,262
bauxite deposits 281-3 Airborne electromagnetic anomalies Alpine orogeny 32, 33, 177
cratons 60 411 Alteration
Hamersley Basin deposits 326 Airborne electromagnetic methods bauxite deposits 284-5
hydrothermal gold deposits 146-7 50,62,104,106,128,130,133, bleaching associated with 364
iron-formation 317 164, 165, 194-5,209,332,354- hydrothermal gold deposits 156,
kaolin deposits 301 5,394,411 167
kimberlites 54-5 Airborne gamma-ray spectrometry Mississippi Valley-type lead-zinc
lateritic nickel deposits 292-3 288,354 deposits 261-2
Mississippi Valley-type lead-zinc Airborne geophysical surveys 12, Pine Point deposits 264
deposits 259--60 410-11 porphyry copper deposits 78--82,
Nickel sulphide deposits 40 Airborne multispectral scanning 61 92
Palaeo-placers 201 AK 1 pipe, Western Australia 54, 57, porphyry molybdenum deposits
Placer deposits 176-7 62,64 96-9
Podiform chromite deposits 32-3 Alaska 73 retrograde 392-3
Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Alteration - cont. 26,27,28 uranium mining 7,338-9,354,
sandstone-hosted uranium Anthophyllite 429 365
deposits 364 Antimony 246 see also Northern Territory,
skarn deposits 377-9, 388, 389, Apatite 79,80,90,429 Queensland, Western Australia
393-4 Appalachians 72 Australian Bauxite Province 281
Teutonic Bore 121 Aquifers 10, 228, 229 Autolith
unconformity-type uranium Archaean greenstone belt 39,40, 42, defined xii, 35
deposits 346--7 49,64,119,146--56,167,169 Automated X-ray spectrometry 288
vertical extent in porphyry copper Archaean iron-formation 323 Autunite 340, 429
deposits 80 Archaean Shield, Western Australia A voca copper mine 4
volcanogenic sulphide deposits 146--52, 160-1, 164-9, 169-70, Azegour, Morocco 387
113,115,131,134,138 302,323,326,333 Azurite 223,430
wall-rock 150-1,155,160-1,254 Archaean volcanogenic sulphide
Alumina 276, 283, 287, 288, 325, 332 deposits 109-10, 115, 137--8 Back-arc region 107, 115,356
Alumina grade bauxite 283 Area of influence western USA 99
Aluminium 276, 281, 285, 306, 371, grade estimation xii, 87, 297 Background values
378 Argentina 73 soil geochemistry 414-5
Aluminium hydroxides 276 Argentopyrite 235, 429 Bacteria 253, 362-3
Aluminosilicates 283, 285 Argillic zone Baddeleyite 179, 430
Alunite 429 porphyry copper deposits 80, 84 Bahia, Brazil 201
Amapa Territory, Brazil 307 porphyry molybdenum deposits Bakwanga deposit, Zaire 176,181
Amax 102, 402 98, 100 Ball clay 300
Amazon Basin, Brazil 297 Arizona 94,259,364,408 Ballinalack deposit, Ireland 256
Ambrosia Lake district, New Arkansas 284 Baluba, Zambia 224
Mexico 363 Arsenic 159,166,167,246 Ban Ban deposit, Queensland 386
American Bayer process 276 Arsenopyrite 112, 154, 235, 382, Banded granitoids 380
Ammonia complexing with gold 385,429 Banded haematite quartzite 316
159 Asbestos 370 Banded iron-formation 150, 321-2,
Amorphous silica 80 Ashanti mine, Ghana 201 324,325,326--31,333-4
Amphiboles 161, 377 Asia 400 Bangweulu massif222
Amulet deposit, Noranda 117, 132 Assay cut-off 102, 234 Barberton district, South Africa 52,
Anaerobic bacteria 362 Astrobleme xii, 39 147
Analysis Athabasca Formation, Canadian Barite 152, 238, 247, 252, 262, 265,
bauxites 288-9 Shield 341, 342, 347, 348, 349, 430
iron ores 323-5 350,351,352,354,355 Barium 246
nickel laterites 297 Atmochemical methods 416 Barney Creek Formation,
Anatase 283, 429 see also Soil gas sampling McArthur River 238
Andalusite 429 Au subtype Barrier Complex, Pine Point district
Andean porphyry copper province hydrothermal vein deposits 145 263-4,366
82 Auger drilling 290-1, 355 Basal Reef, Witwatersrand Basin
Andean subduction zone 220-1 Augusta, Georgia 303 205,206,209
Andesite 81, 82, 84 Auriferous conglomerates 4, 176, Basalt-rhyolite magmatism 99
Andradite garnets 372, 376, 381, 179,202-3 Basement Complex, Zambian
382,388,390,429 Australia 170, 332 Copperbelt 224, 226
Angola 55, 221 bauxite deposits 279,281, 283, 284 Basinal compaction model 241
Anhydrite 79,80,220,226,233,262, beach sand deposits 176,189 Bastard Unit, Merensky Reef29
264 exploration 402, 404, 422 Bastnaesite 179, 430
Anhydrous skarn 381 gold mining 146,147,151 Batholiths 93, 96, 385, 394
Ankerite 80, 327, 429 iron ore production 314,315,325, Bathurst mining district, Canada
Anomaly hunting 12 333 112, 131, 136
Anomaly values marine placers 197 Batten Trough, McArthur River
soil geochemistry 4,5, 130, 167, nickel production 38 232,238,242
267,384,395,396,414-15 shale-hosted lead-zinc deposits Baux de Provence, France 281
Anorthosite layers 216,232-47 Bauxite 275,276--9,286,301,302,
Critical Zone, Bushveld Complex tungsten production 380, 381 311,417

analysis 288-9 Boart Broken Hill, Australia 231
Bauxite deposits 276--85 diamonds 54 Bronzite 26, 430
exploration 288-91 Boehmite 276, 283, 284, 288, 430 Bucket-wheel excavators 193
genesis 285-8 Boke Mine, Guinea 283 Budgets
Bauxite grades 286 Bold Head deposit, King Island 382, exploration 406--7
Bauxitic clay 283 383 Bulk mining methods
Bauxitization 285,287,324 Bolivia 107 bauxite 289
Bayer process xii, 276, 289 Bonnett Plume district, Yukon 267 skarns 387
Beach sand deposits 18, 176, 180-1, Borates 384 Bureau de Recherches Geologiques
188-97 Borneo 199 et Minieres 402
Beaverlodge area, Saskatchewan 354 Bornite 74,76,79,80,84, 106, 112, Bushveld Complex, South Africa
Beisa uranium mine 8 118,218,219,222,225,236, 19,22,23-4,24-32,39
Belingwe, Zimbabwe 52 385,430 Bushveld Granite 26
Bell Channel 117 Bornite-molybdenum Bustamite 385, 431
Beneficiation mineralization 81 Butte, Montana 308
iron ore 314,315,319,320 Boss Mountain, Canada 98 By-product metals xiii, 10,39,74,
Berg, British Columbia 92 Botswana 38,39,54,55 87,106,107,112,185,205,218,
Bernabe Montano, New Mexico Bougainville, Papua New Guinea 260,261,293,359,370
363 84, 137,401
Beryl 2, 182, 430 Boulder Beds, Kinta Valley 184 Cadmium 90,260,261
BesshiMine,Japan 107,108,115 Bournonite 382, 430 Calc-alkaline molybdenum deposits
'Billiard ball' model of nickel Boxwork 93, 101
sulphide genesis 47 defined xii, 295 Calc-alkaline porphyry copper
Billiton 420 Brakspruit-type potholes, deposits 74
Bingham Mine, Utah 69-70, 71,74, Merensky Reef32, 33 Calc-alkaline rocks 51,74,77,93,99,
75,81,82,89,377,390 Barney Creek Formation, Australia 101,107,130,154,387
Biogeochemical sampling 90 233 Calc-silicate rocks 371, 377-8, 393
Biological activity 324 Brannerite 202,339,347,430 Calcic skarns 372, 377, 379-80, 396
Biotite 78, 79, 81, 82, 84, 85, 97, 98, Braunite 307, 430 Calcite 80, 99, 349, 379, 384, 389,
102,161,230,371,372,381, Bravoite 347, 430 431
386,389,430 Brazil Calcium 371, 381, 393
Birds Reef, Witwatersrand Basin Amapa Territory 307 Calcium-aluminium silicates 377
205 Amazon Basin 297,331 Calcium-magnesium silicates 377
Bismuth 90,387,390 bauxite deposits 281 Calcium metasomatism 386
Bismuthinite 382,387,430 chromite deposits 33 Calcrete 191
Bitumen 238, 262 enriched haematite deposits 323, see also Caliche layer
Bixbyite 307, 430 329-31 Caledonian orogeny 33
Black Angel Mine, Greenland gold mining 146 Caliche layer xiii, 90
259-60 Minas Gerais 293, 307, 317, 325 see also Calcrete
Black sands nickel laterites 291-2 California 37, 50,181,293
titanium-bearing 188 podiform chromite deposits 33 Calp 248
Black shale 317 Quadrilatro Ferriferro 181,310, Camborne School of Mines
Blast furnaces 315 325 Geothermal Project 241
Blasthole tin palaeo-placers 175 Cameroon Bauxite Province 281
defined xii Brazilian Shield 110 Campbell Mine, Ontario 152, 153
sampling at Panguna, Breccias 65-7, 78, 83, 84, 85,94, 102, Campo Formoso, Brazil 22
Bougainville 87 103,104,122,236 Canada 7,55,337
Blind River-Elliot Lake district, Brecciation 249,262,347 Abitibi Belt 52, 116--18, 131, 153,
Canada 201, 202 . explosive 107, 127 156, 167
Block caving Brine expulsion model 233 Archaean greenstone belt 39, 72
defined xii, 74 Brines 226,261,262,349,380 Athabasca Formation 341, 342,
Blows British Columbia 96 347,348,349,350,351,352,
kimberlite 57 British Geological Survey 409 354,355
Bluebush sequence Brockman iron-formation, Dome Mine, Timmins, Ontario
Kambalda mining district 43 Hamersley Basin 326, 327, 331 153,154,155,419

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Canada - cont. 279,345,349,352,353,381, 380
exploration 54, 403-4 385,392,393,394 China clay xiii, 298, 300, 306
hydrothermal gold deposits 146, Carbonatization xiii, 151, 155, 161, Chingola, Zambia 223,229
147,148,157,170 166 Chinle Formation, Colorado
iron ore production 315 Caribbean Bauxite Province 281 Plateau 358,361
Key Lake Deposit, Saskatchewan Carnotite 340,359,431 Chlorides 159
343,344,346-7,350,352,354 Carr Fork, Bingham, Utah 379, Chlorite 80,81,99,112,293,346,
Kidd Creek deposit 12, 109, 117- 390--2 350,353,359,364,389,431
18, 199, 133, 136 Carrollite 218,224,226,431 Chloritic alteration 346,347,350,
nickel mining 38, 41, 42 Carswell structure, Saskatchewan 351
Noranda mining district 109,112, 354 Chloritization 113,131,347,351
113,116-17,118,128,136 Cascade, Washington 81 Chrome diopside 62
Pine Point mining district 260, Cascades, Canada 73 Chrome spinel 62, 293, 431
261,262--6 Cash flow Chromite 18, 36, 42, 208, 431
Porcupine mining district 146, exploration period 406, 407 Bushveld Complex 26-9
148, 149, 153--6, 163 Cassiterite 118,178,181,182,195, deposits 18 et seq.
porphyry copper deposits 72, 73, 197-9,377,380,384-5,431 strategic minera136
74, 75, 79 Catoca, Angola 58 Chromitite layers 22-3,26-9
porphyry molybdenum deposits CDM 190--3 Chromium 18, 26-29
93 Celestite 262, 431 Chrysocolla 223, 431
Rabbit Lake deposit 343,346,347, Cell-by-cell replacement 370, 371 Chuquicamata, Chile 70, 74, 75, 309
349,350,352,354 Cementation Churchill province, Canadian Shield
skarn deposits 375, 381 bauxites 290--1 40
Superior Province 147 Central Rand group, Witwatersrand Chute bars 183,358
Timmins mining district 117-18, Basin 205,206,209 Classification
156, 164, 166, 167 Central Tisdale anticline, Porcupine bauxite deposits 276
uranium 175, 202, 207, 337, 339, mining district 154, 155 chromite deposits 19
355,365 Ceresco ore body, Climax mine 101 hydrothermal vein deposits 144--6
volcanogenic sulphide deposits Cerro Matoso deposit, Colombia kaolin deposits 301
112 293 nickel sulphide deposits 38
Canada Tungsten, Northern Chalcedony 394 porphyry molybdenum deposits
Territories 376, 381 Chalcocite 77,84, 112,218,219, 92-3
Canadian Cordillera 81,82,98, 100 223-4,431 sediment associated copper
CanadianShield12,40,51, 109, 147, Chalcocite blanket 84 219--20
164,166,167,168,323,341,411 Chalcophile metallogeny xiii, 99 skarn deposits 373-4
Canga293 Chalcopyrite 18, 24, 42, 74, 76, 79, volcanogenic sulphides 107
Cannivan Gulch, Montana 387 80,84,94,106,112,113,117, Clays 62, 80, 98, 275, 279, 283, 340,
Capel beach sand deposits, Western 118, 120, 121, 127, 137, 155, 347,351,352,353,358,359,
Australia 188, 194 218,219,222,235,236,261, 379,394
Captains Flat deposit, New South 308,377,379,382,386,387, Cliachite 276,431
Wales 130 388,431 Climate
Carbon 206, 220, 235 Chambishi, Zambia 225 effects on ore deposition 182-3,
Carbon dioxide 363 Channel lag deposits 356 281,287,291,293,331
Carbon Leader, Witwatersrand Chemical analysis Climax, Colorado 74,75,94,95,98,
Basin 205,206 bauxites 289 99,100,101,390
Carbonaceous material 359, 361-2, iron ores 331 Climax-type molybdenum deposits
364 Chemical composition 92,94-5,95--6,97,104,137
Carbonate facies fluid inclusions 159 Clinopyroxene 23,388,431
iron-formation 320, 321 Chemical fingerprints 105, 138 Clinopyroxenite 35
silica-dolomite rock 235 Chemical weathering 275,287, Clinozoisite 378,431
Carbonate-hosted lead-zinc deposits 300--1,310,348 Close boring
Ireland 216,247-59 Chibuluma, Zambia 224 exploration 194, 195
Mississippi Valley-type 259-67 Chile 73, 82, 401 Cluff Lake deposit, Saskatchewan
Carbonates 99,112,154,161,220, Chililabombwe, Zambia 224 350,354
247-8,259,261,262-3,264, China 276,281,283,285,315,375, Coal 404, 417, 422

Coalified wood 362, 364 Copper group Cut-off grades 9--10,102,180,234,
Cobalt 18, 112,218,224,225,226, volcanogenic sulphides 107, 108 289,293,301,319,388,413
229,293,295,297,379,386,411 Copper-cobalt ores 221 Cyprus 35, 111, 112, 116
Cobalt-gold-nickel subtype Copper-iron skarn ores 386-7 Cyprus type
hydrothermal vein deposits 145 Copper/nickel ratios volcanogenic sulphides 107, 108
Cobaltiferous pyrite 224 sulphide mineralization 51 Czechoslovakia 301
Coed-y-Brenin copper deposit 7 Copper skarn deposits 371,374-5,
Coffinite 339,340,346,347,359, 380,387-92 Daldyn-Alakit district, Yakutia 57
361,432 Copperlzinc ratios Dales Gorge, Hamersley Basin 326,
Collins Bay, Saskatchewan 350 sulphides 127 327,331
Colloform texture xiii, 249, 262 Copper-zinc-silver deposits 118 Damba deposit, Zimbabwe 42,48
Colluvial placer deposits 178, 181-8 Coral debris 259 Dambos 227
Colombia 181 Cordierite 372, 432 Danburite 384,432
Colorado 94,95,359,364,416 Cordilleran magnesian magnetite Darling Range, Australia 283
Colorado Plateau 355--6,358,359, skarn deposits 386 Data accumulation 409
361,362 Core drilling 201, 290--1, 365 Data analysis
Colour aerial photography 194 Core-logging 402, 419 exploration programmes 409--11
Columbite-tantalite 185, 432 Cornwall, UK 106, 178, 197-8, 303 Decline xiii, 415
Combined grade 112 Cornwall deposit, Pennsylvania 386 Deep overburden sampling 257
Comminution Cornwallis district, Canada 267 Deformed volcanogenic sulphide
ore processing 11 Corocoro deposit, Bolivia 220 deposits 138
Commodities 4 Corundum 80, 276, 283, 284, 432 Deilmann ore body, Saskatchewan
ore types and 6 Costabonne, France 372 344,347
Commoner Mine, Zimbabwe 151 Costs Deloro Group, Porcupine mining
Complex resistivity 37 drilling 419, 422 district 153, 154, 155
Complexes Covellite 77,432 Desert varnish
gold transport 159 Coxco deposit, McArthur River 260 sampling 90
uranyl ions 339,340,352 Crackle breccias 83 Desk studies
Concentrates 11, 87 Crackled zones 84 exploration programmes 409--11
Conglomerates 201, 202, 203, 205, Craigmont, British Columbia 386-7 Destor-Porcupine Fault, Porcupine
208,209,210,329,335 Cratons 55, 59, 60, 285 mining district 154, 155
Conglomerate-hosted uranium Creta deposit, USA 226 Destructive plate margins 82, 137
deposits 357 Cristina deposit, Guatemala 298 Devon, UK 303
Congo craton 55 Critical Zone, Bushveld Complex Dewatering
Constructive plate margins 35 22,23,26-7,32 aquifers 229
Consultancies Crushing sediments 358
exploration 400 iron ore 315 Diagenesis 226,325,370
Contact metamorphism 102, 377, Cryptomelane 307,432 Diamond drilling 87, 92,133--4,169,
390,391,392 Crystallization 209-10,245,257,332,333,355,
Contact metasomatism 390 intrusions 82-3, 84 417,419,420--21
Continental margins Cu-Pb-Au-Ag subtype Diamonds 175, 181, 193,432
orogenic belts 387-8 hydrothermal vein deposits 145 boart 54
placer deposits 178, 181 Cu:Pb:Zn ratio gems 54
skarn formation 380 sediment-hosted copper deposits industrial 54
Continental platforms 285 281 near-gem 54
Convective system 233 Cuba 33,35,293,294 Diamondiferous deposits 190--3
Convergent plate margin 82 Cumulates . Diaspore 80, 176, 283, 284, 432
Conzinc Riotinto 87 ultramafic 35 Diatremes 57,84,361
Cooley dolomite, McArthur River Cumulus layers Dickenson Mine, Ontario 152, 153
236,237 chromitite 29 Digenite 77,432
Copper 4,7,9, 10, 18,34,53,94, Cupreous Pyrite type Diopside 62,387,382,390,432
107,113,121,130,131,137, volcanogenic sulphides 108, 109, Diopsidic pyroxene 388
152,225,226,235--6,243,245, 112, 113, 115, 116, 124, 137 Direct reduction method
261,365,370,374,377,379, Cupriferous mica 223 iron manufacture
380,386,387,389,390,392,411 Cuprite 77,432 Dispersion trains 89, 167

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Dissemination Eh-pH variations 127, 225, 308-9, Estimated additional resources
sulphides 42,45,48-9, 74, 76 413 uranium 337
Distal accumulations El Salvador, Chile 78,82 Estuarine deposits 190
volcanogenic sulphide deposits El Salvador ore body 78 Euboea, Greece 293
128, 134 Electrical generation Europe 333
Djurleite 77, 84, 433 nuclear power 141 European Bayer Process 276
Doline Electrical resistivity 188 European Province 281
defined xiii, 350 see also resistivity Evaluation
Dolomite 220,262,264,266,279, Electrochemical reactions bauxites 283, 288-290
307,317,372,380,381,387, sulphide ores 310-11 beach sand deposits 193-195
388,433 Electromagnetic methods 54, 61,62, iron ores 317-8
Dolomitization 259,261,262,264 134,169,245,354-5,410,422 kaolin deposits 305-6
Dome Mine, Timmins, Ontario Eli, Nevada 70,394 kimberlites 59
153,154,155,419 Elsburg Reef, Witwatersrand Basin lateritic nickel deposits 297-299
Dome Mine, diamond drilling at 205 Panguna porphyry copper deposit
418-19 Eluvial placer deposits 177, 178, 85
Dominican Republic 293 181-8,184,199 weathered sulphide deposits 309
Dominion Group, Witwatersrand EM see Electromagnetic methods see also Exploration
Basin 205 Emerugga Dolomite, McArthur Evander area, Witwatersrand Basin
Down-the-hole geophysics 419, 423 River 236, 237 205,210
Dredging Empire ore body, Marquette Range Evaporites 4,220,265,380
tin mining 186 332 Exmibal deposit, Guatemala 293,
Drilling 12, 37, 87, 88, 92, 104, Emu Fault, McArthur River 237 299
133-4, 166, 167-9, 188, 194, Enargite 80, 430 Exogenous-epigenetic model 163-4
195,201,22,243,257,267, Endako, British Columbia 94,98, Exogenous genetic model 13-14
290-1,297,305-6,309,311, 99 Exoskarns 371-2, 377
332,333,354,355,363,364-5, Endoskarn 369,371-2 Exploration 1, 12
396,417-19,423 Eneabba beach sand deposit, bauxite deposits 288-91
Drilling contractors 402 Western Australia 189-90,195, beach sand deposits 193-7
Drills 196,197 budgets 406-7
portable 167, 168-9 England factors affecting 403-7
Drowned beaches 197 kaolin deposits 301, 303-5 genetic models 13-15
Ducktown, Tennessee 110 English China Clays 301, 306 hydrothermal gold deposits 164-9
Dugald River area, Australia 245 Enriched haematite ore deposits Irish lead-zinc deposits 256-9
Dune deposits 190 325--6 iron ore deposits 331-2
Dunite 22, 35, 36, 48, 64 Enstatite 433 kaolin deposits 305-6
Dunite-peridotite class Environmental Impact Statements kimberlites 60-3
nickel sulphide deposits 38,40-9, xiii, 104 lateritic nickel deposits 297-8
64 Environmental legislation marine placers 200-1
Dykes 35, 36, 57, 60, 385 effects on mineral exploration 404 methods 12
Environmental stability Mississippi Valley-type lead-zinc
uranium 339-41 deposits 266-7
Early Proterozoic volcanogenic Epeiric sea xiii nickel sulphide deposits 49-54, 64
sulphide deposits 110 Epidote 80,371,381,433 placer deposits 186-8, 211-12
East Alligator district, Northern Epigenesis 13-14, 154,216,359 podiform chromite deposits 36-7
Territory 347,350,354,355 Epithermal deposits 144- porphyry copper deposits 85,
East Greenland 394,396 Epoch deposit, Zimbabwe 48 87-92
East Pacific Rise 116 Erosion 91, 93, 275 porphyry molybdenum deposits
East Shasta, USA 111 Erosional surfaces, association with 104--6
Eastern Goldfields province, Mississippi-Valley-type programmes 398-20
Western Australia 42, 152, 160, deposits 261 sandstone-hosted uranium
161,164,168 Erstberg East, IrianJaya, Indonesia deposits 363-5
Economic factors 394 skarn deposits 394--6
in mineral exploitation 7-11 Escape River deposit, Queensland unconformity-type uranium
Ecuador 73 290 deposits 353-5


volcanogenic sulphide deposits Fluxgate magnetometry 394, 395 mineral deposits 361 , 416
128-37 Folding 39,43,238,249 Gaspe Copper Mines Ltd 9,389-90
weathered sulphide deposits 309- Fond du Lac deposit, Saskatchewan see also Mines Gaspe
311 354 Gaspe Copper Mines effect of cut-
Witwatersrand Basin 209-11 Footwall xiii, 45, 113, 120, 127,238, off grade on reserves 9
Zambian copperbelt 227 249,279,280 Geiger-Muller counters 355
Footwall alteration 113, 134 Geikielite 62, 434
Falcondo, Dominican Republic 293 Footwall in bauxites, effect on Gemstone quality
False bottoms 184 mining 279, 280 diamonds 54
False colour photography 50, 164 Fore-arc trough 115 Genesis 1, 403
Farallon plates 82 Forecasting bauxite deposits 285-8
Faulting 152,154,161,210-11,238, metal prices 8-9 beach sand deposits 188-9
249,251-2,64,267,343,347, Foreign companies hydrothermal gold deposits
359 restrictions 403 156-64
gain of ground 210-11 Forrestania district Irish lead-zinc deposits 252-5
loss of ground 210-11 Western Australia 48 iron-formation 324-5,331,334
Feasibility studies 7-8, 398, 399, 406 Forsterite 372, 386, 388 kaolin deposits 300-1
Feldspar 74,81,97,98,302,378 Fractional crystallization 29, 52 kimberlites 57-60, 64
Feldspathoids 182,433 Fractional segregation 52 lateritic nickel deposits 294-5
Felsic volcanics 115,116-17,120, Fractures marine placers 197-9
130,148-9,156,361 analysis 88, 394 Merensky Reef30-2
Ferric hydroxides 293 porphyry copper mineralization nickel sulphide deposits 4~9, 64
Ferric iron assemblages 381 74,76,78,82,83,88,89 northern Australian lead-zinc
Ferric oxides 408 Framboidal texture xv, 235 deposits 238-42
Ferrochrome 18,19 France 4, 281, 283, 314, 315 Pine Point deposits 264-6
Ferrochromite 42, 430 Freibergite 235,248,433 placer deposits 181-4
Ferrohastingsite 382, 433 Froth flotation xv, 70, 315 podiform chromite deposits 35-6,
Ferromagnesian minerals 306 Fuchsite 433 63
Ferromanganese 332 Fugacity xiv, 29 Porcupine mining district 154
Ferrous iron assemblages 381 porphyry copper deposits 82-4,
Ferrous oxides 410 Gabbin, Western Australia 302, 303, 85,87
Filling temperatures offluid 306 porphyry molybdenum deposits
inclusions 383-4 Gabbroic intrusions 51 99-101
Finland 38,402 Gabbroid class sandstone-hosted uranium
Fitula ore body, Zambia 227 nickel sulphide deposits 38 deposits 360-3
Flameless atomic absorption analysis Gaertner ore body, Saskatchewan skarn deposits 383-4,386,391,
166 347 392-4
Flin Flon, Canada 110 Gain of ground, faults 210-11 unconformity-type uranium
Float mapping 413 Galena 84, 112, 154, 218, 230, 235, deposits 348-53
Flora 236,238-9,248,260,261,262, volcanogenic massive sulphide
copper exploration 227 264,265,308,377,382,387,433 deposits 12~7
nickel exploration 50 Gallium 260,261 Witwatersrand Basin 207-9
Flotation xiii, 315, 70 Gamma-ray spectrometry 165,195, Zambian copperbelt 224-7
Fluid inclusions 69,83, 158, 154-5, 209,354,365 Genetic models 12-15,127-8,163-4,
165-6,254,265,349,353,361, Gamsberg, South Africa 231 255,266,351-3,364,365,421
383-4,423 Garnet 62,208,371,376,377,379, Geobotanical sampling 90, 128, 227
Fluorine 103 381,382-3,385,386,388,396 Geochemical data
Fluorite 99, 102, 103, 185,261,262, Garnet zone exploration programmes 407
265,433 porphyry molybdenum deposits Geochemical-cell mineralization
Fluorite-dominant subtype 99 357,361,362-3
Mississippi Valley-type lead-zinc Garnetite xiv, 389 Geochemistry 12, 50-3, 61, 87, 88,
deposits 261 Garnierite 291, 295, 434 89-92, 130, 131, 138, 166-7,
Fluvial placer deposits 177, 178, 181- Garon Lake 117 211-12,227,242,243,245,267,
8, 190 Gas Hills district, Wyoming 358 268,309-10,339-41,360-1,
Fluviatile sandstones 358,361 Gases 384,394,396,413,414

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Geographical distribution Gersdorffite 347,431 Mississippi Valley-type lead-zinc
bauxite deposits 281-5 Gibbsite 276,283,284,287,298, deposits 260
hydrothermal gold deposits 350,434 nickel sulphide deposits 40
146--7, 148 Glacial drift palaeo-placers 201
iron-formation 317, 318--19 Canada 54, 167 Pine Point deposits 262
kaolin deposits 301 Glacial sediments placer deposits 177-70
kimberlites 54-5 Canadian Shield 164, 165, 167 podiform chromite deposits 33
lateritic nickel deposits 392-3 Glacial till porphyry copper deposits 74,75,
Mississippi Valley-type lead-zinc sampling 167 87
deposits 260 Glaciated terrain porphyry molybdenum deposits
nickel sulphide deposits 40 exploration in 12 94
palaeo-placers 201 mapping 413 porphyry tin deposits 107
placer deposits 176--7 Globe-Miami, Arizona 70 prediction 135-7
podiform chromite deposits 32-3 Goethite 276, 283, 288, 293, 295, sandstone-hosted uranium
porphyry copper deposits 70, 72- 330,431 deposits 359
3 Gold 18, 74, 76, 84, 87, 89, 90, 105, sediment-hosted copper deposits
porphyry molybdenum deposits 107,112,113,116,131,143, 217
72-3,93-4 156, 159-60, 175, 180, 188, 182, shale-hosted lead-zinc deposits
sedimentary-exhalative deposits 183,184,185,188,197,201, 233-4
231 211,212,379,389,404,411, skarn deposits 375-7,381,384,
sediment-hosted copper deposits 412,417,434 385,387,388,390,391
217 Gold deposition stratiform chromite 23; 24
skarn deposits 374-5 thermal control 161-2 supergene manganese deposits
stratiform chromite deposits 19, Gold deposits 307
22 Witwatersrand Basin 203-11 -tonnage model 135
unconformity-type uranium Gold mineralization 106, 146, 152, unconformity-type uranium
deposits 337,338--9 203 deposits 346, 347
volcanogeneic sulphide deposits timing 155-6 volcanogenic sulphide deposits
109-11 Gold-silver tellurides 154 111-12,114
Geological mapping 37,87,92, 131, Gold tellurides 147,151 Witwatersrand Basin 205
164,165,187,211,242,244, Golden Grove Prospect, Western Zambian copperbelt 224-5
246,256,332,333,355,402, Australia 112, 120 Grandite garnet 387,434
409,413,414 Golden Mile, Western Australia 147 Granite 81,82,95,188,241,302,
Geological research Gondite xvi, 307 304-5,349,361,364,380,381,
government 402 Gortdrum deposit, Ireland 247,256 386,387,415
Geologists Gossans xvi, 53, 85, 89, 92, 242, 243, Granite Mountains, Wyoming 361
mine 1-2, 227-30 244,245,257,309-10,311 Granitic melts
Geophysics 12-13, 37,53-4,88,89, Gove deposit, Australia 290 potassium-rich 99
130, 131, 133, 138, 165-6, 187- Governments Granitoids 145, 184,349,380
8,194-5,200,109,211,227, role in exploration 402 Granodiorite 77, 84, 96, 380, 382,
244-5,256,258--9,267,268, role in mining industry 4, 7 383,385
305,310-11,394,409,411,413, Grab sampling Grant district, Colorado Plateau
414,416--17,419,423 exploration 200 355-6,357,358,359
Georgia, USA 301, 302-3 Grade Graphite 370, 434
Geostatistics bauxite 283, 286, 289 Graphitic metasediments 342, 350
exploration 288, 333 control 195, 333 Grassroots exploration 405-6
Geosyncltnal sedimenrs-343, 345, copper deposits 69-70 Gravel pumping
347 cut-off9-10, 180,234,289,301, tin mining 186, 187
Geotechnical logging of cores 419, 319,413 Gravitational settling 29,31,35-6,
423 Hamersley Basin 327 47
Geotechnics 227, 229 hydrothermal gold deposits 147 Gravity surveys 12, 61, 130,209,
German-Polish Kupferschiefer 215, Irish lead-zinc deposits 248 259,267,268,305,332,394,417
217 iron-formation 314,318--20 Great 'Dyke', Zimbabwe 19, 22
Germanium 261 kimberlites 57 Great Slave Lake, Canada 262, 263,
Germany 106, 314, 315 lateritic nickel deposits 193, 197 265


Greece 32, 33, 276, 283 Harzburgite 22, 35--6, 63 Humic materials 340, 362
Green biotite 99 Haulageways Hunt Mine, Western Australia 160,
Green strength xiv, 298 mines 227 161,163
Green Tuff Belt 121 Hausmannite 307, 435 HYC deposit, McArthur River 232,
Greenland 93 Hawaii 288 233,234,237,238,239,241,
Greenschist 158, 161 Heavy minerals 187,189,190 242,371
Greenstone belts 12, 39, 40, 42, 45, Hedenbergite 372,381,382,387,435 Hydraulic jets
49, 50, 64, 115, 116, 119, 146- Hemimorphite 242, 245, 246, 435 kaolin mining 302
56,151,161,167,169,302 Hemlo deposit, Canada 169 Hydrofracturing xvi, 83, 107, 162
Greenvale deposit, Queensland 293, Henderson mine, Colorado 12, 74, Hydrogen sulphide 357,362
299 80,94,95,96,97,98,99,100, Hydrogeology 229
Greisen zone xvi, 99,185,199 101,106,137,390 Hydrogoethite 325,435
Greywackes 154, 222 Hercynian orogeny 33 Hydrohaematite 325,435
Grinding High-level bauxites 276-9 Hydrology 2, 287-8
iron ore 315 High-temperature Bayer Process Hydrostatic pressure 83
Griqualand West Basin, South Highland Boy deposit, Utah 391, Hydrothermal convective systems
Africa 322 396 127-8,129,241-2
Grossularite 378,382,434 Highland Boy Limestones 379 Hydrothermal fluids 100, 121,215,
Ground magnetic surveys, 62, 106, Highland Valley area 12 240,254,255,349,392
209 Hilton Mine, Australia 232, 233, Hydrothermal gold deposits 146-56,
Groundwater 144, 145,352 235,238,242,243,244,245 169
oxidizing 353,361 Hokuroko district, Japan 111, 122 exploration 164-9
sampling 92, 209 Hollinger Fault, Porcupine mining genesis 156--64
uranyl complexes 339, 340 district 153, 154, 155 Hydrothermal kaolin deposits 301,
Guatemala 293, 297 Holocene zinc orebody 371 303-5
Guiana Shield Province, South Homogenization temperatures 349 Hydrothermal metasomatism 390
America 283, 281 Hornblende 78, 381, 382, 433 Hydrothermal tungsten deposits 380
Guinea 281,283,294 Hornfels 82, 102, 103,372,389,392 Hydrothermal vein deposits 4, 143-
Guinea Shield Province, Africa 281 Host rocks 6, 197
Gummite 347,431 bauxite deposits 283, 287 Hypogene mineralization 74, 76-7,
Guyana 55,279,281,283,284,301 carbonate-hosted lead-zinc 80,81,84,363
Gypsum 158, 220,223,262,431 deposits 247-8 Hypogene-type nickel deposits 291,
hydrothermal gold deposits 292
Haematite 77,80,202,208,283,288, 148--50 Hypothermal deposits 144
317,320,325,327,386,388,434 kaolin deposits 302
Haematite-goethite ores 330, 331 lateritic nickel deposits 293
Haematite ore deposits 325--6 Mississippi Valley-type lead-zinc Iapetus Ocean xiv, 251
Haematite-rich ores 330,331,334 deposits 261 Iberian Pyrite Belt 111
Haib, Namibia 72 palaeo-placers 202-3 Igneous metasomatic skarns 378,
Halimba Basin, Hungary 283 Pine Point deposits 262-4 392
Halite 158 podiform chromite deposits 34-5 Illinois-Kentucky district, USA 260,
Halloysite 283, 302, 435 porphyry copper deposits 77-8 261
Hamersley Basin, Western Australia sandstone-hosted uranium Illite 80, 350, 435
317,318,319,320,325,326-31 deposits 358, 364 Ilmenite 18, 62,185,188,190,197,
Hanging wall xvi, 45, 120 sediment-hosted copper deposits 202,380,435
alteration zones 113, 115, 127 219-20 Ilvaite 385,378,435
bad conditions 32 skarn deposits 377-9,386-7 Inco Metal 293
stability 227 unconformity-type uranium India 332
Hannover, New Mexico 386 deposits 341-5 bauxite deposits 281, 285
Harberton Bridge area, Ireland 257, volcanogenic sulphide deposits hydrothermal gold deposits 146,
258 115 148
Hartebeestfontein gold mine, Howard's Pass, Yukon 230, 231, 371 podiform chromite deposits 19, 33
Witwatersrand Basin 210 Hoyle Township, Canada 166 supergene manganese deposits
Hartley Complex, Great 'Dyke', Huebnerite 93, 185,211,380,382, 308
Zimbabwe 22 433 Indicator minerals 61,62

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Indigenous 385,386 Kaolinite 80,99,276,283,298,302,
genetic model 13-14 Iron-formation 149,164,181,202, 340,347,435
Indigenous/epigenetic model 164 251,314,315,316--26 Kaolinitic mylonite 347
Indigenous/syngenetic model 14, Iron hydroxides 317,340 Kaolinization 300--1,303
164 Iron ores 314-17,371 Kapvaal craton, South Africa 24-5
Indium 260,261 Iron oxides 81, 388, 393, 394 Karst bauxites 276-8, 279-81, 283,
Indonesia 180,181,197,199-201, Iron Quadrilateral, Brazil 181 ,318, 284-5
285,293,297 325 Karst topography 352
Induced polarization (IP) 245, 258, Iron-rich metamorphic calc-silicates Karstification 261,262,266,347
267,268,417,423 378 Katanga Supergroup, Zambian
Inductive coupling xiv Iron-rich sediments 316 copperbelt 220,221,222
Industrial diamonds 54, 133, 166, Iron silicates 320 Kaverong Quartz Diorite 84,85
243,245,258-9,267,268,415, Iron skarn deposits 376,386--7,397 Kazakhstan 72
420 Iron sulphides 393 Keg River Formation, Pine Point
Industrial minerals 370 Ironstone 316,321 district 263
Infill drilling 306, 417 Island-arc calcic magnetite skarn Kemi, Finland 22
Intracratonic setting deposits 386 Kempirsai mining area 33
chromite deposits 19 Island-arc setting 77, 107, 137,294, Kenomagnetite 330, 435
kimberlites 57-9 295,379-80 Key Anacon deposit, New
Mississippi Valley-type lead-zinc Isopachs 290, 292 Brunswick 131
deposits 262 Isoquality maps 290, 292 Key Lake deposit, Saskatchewan
palaeo-placers 206-9 Isotope studies 15, 131-3, 144,240, 343,344,346-7,350,352,354
sedimentary-exhalative deposits 421 Key Tuffite 117, 118
230 Itabira district, Brazil 317 Keystone Mine 104
Intrusions Itabirite 316-17,325 Kibaran Massif, Zambia 222
Climax-type ore bodies 100 Kidd Creek deposit, Canada 12,109,
cyclical nature 96 117-18, 119, 133, 136
J-M Reef, Stillwater Complex 24
large layered 38,39 Kieslager type
Jabiluka deposit, Northern
pipe-shaped 54 volcanogenic sulphides 108, 109,
Territory 350,352,353,355
porphyry copper deposits 77-8, 113,115-16
Jacobina district, Brazil 201
82,83 Killingdal Mine, Norway 111
Jacobsite 307,435
porphyry molybdenum deposits Kimberley, Western Australia 60,62
Jadeite 56,435
95-6 Kimberley district, South Africa 55,
Jagersfontein, South Africa 57
quartz diorite 80--1 56,209
Jamaica 281,283
skarns379-80,385 Kimberlites 4, 18, 54-63, 64, 193
Japan 111, 112,375,400
ultra basic magma 35 intrusive-breccia 56
polymetallic type of volcanogenic
Intrusive dunite association massive 56
sulphides in, 121
nickel sulphide deposits 38,40,41, Kimberlitic tuff 57
Jarosite 77,433
42,45,48-9 King Island scheelite deposit,
Jasper 317
Intrusive kimberlite breccia 56--7 Tasmania, 374, 376, 381-4, 385,
Jensen Cation Plot 51
Intrusive mafic/ultramafic 392
Johannsenite 377,378,385,435
complexes 50 Kinta valley tin field, Malaysia 184-
see also Johannsenitic pyroxene
Investment 6, 188
Johannsenitic pyroxene 38
return on 164 Kitwe, Zambia 229
Joint formation 242
Inyan Kara Group, Wyoming 358 Klerksdorp gold field,
Iodides 159 Witwatersrand Basin 205,207,
IP (see Induced polarization) Kafue anticline, Zambia 222 210
Iran 33 Kalahari craton 55 Klipfontein Hills, South Africa 307
Ireland 4, 14,216,230,412 Kalgoorlie area, Western Australia Klippen
Iridium 53 147, 148, 160, 167 defined xiv, 35
Irish Central Plain 14, 247, 249, 256 Kambalda mining district, Western Klondike area, Yukon 183, 188
Irish Geological Survey 256 Australia 42-5,52,53, 164 Kniest facies xvi, 231
Iron 79,81, 162,248,266,284,291, Kandite group 298 Koffiefontein, South Africa 58
293,295,297,306,324-5,326, Kaolin 275,301,415 Koidu pipe, Sierra Leone 57
370,371,374,375,377,380, Kaolin deposits 298, 300--6 Kolar gold field, India 162


Komatiite40-1, 48, 50, 51, 64,152, Lateritic weathering 199, 342 Canadian Shield 341-2
156 Latin America 400 Little Boulder Creek, Idaho 387
Komatiitic magmas Layered intrusions Little Long Lac district, Ontario 149
computer modelling 52 mafic/ultramafic 19, 22 Load-haul-dump units 227
Kombolgie Formation, Northern nickel sulphide deposits 38, 39 Loellingite 385,436
Territory 345,349,350,351, Layered Series, Bushveld Complex London Metal Exchange prices 9
352,353 26,27 Lone Mountain, Nevada 387
Konkola, Zambia 224, 229 Leached cappings Loss of ground, faults 210--11
Koodaideri deposit, Hamersley porphyry copper deposits 92,106 Low-level bauxites 276-9
basin 327, 330 see also Gossans Lowell and Guilbert model
Koolpin Formation, Northern Leaching porphyry copper deposits 79-82,
Territory 349 carbonate beds 261 87,409
Koongarra deposit, Northern gold 163, 164 variations from 80
Territory 352,355 gossans 309-10 Lower Dominion Creek, Klondike
Krivoi Rog, USSR 317,318,325 lateritic nickel deposits 291, 295 184
Kunene River, Namibia 190 ore genesis 240,349,353,354 Lower Redwell deposit 101
Kupferschiefer, East Germany 220, skarn silicates 393 Lower Roan, Zambian copperbelt
225 volcanic ash 361 221-2,224,229
Kuroko deposit, Japan 111,113,115, Lead 90,107,113,130,245,248,254, Lower Zone, Bushveld Complex
121-4,136 257,259,260,262,265,267, 26,27
Kuroko type 370,374,377,380,387,389, Luano ore body, Zambia 227
volcanogenic sulphides 107, 108, 390,394,414 Lubin-Sieroszowice, Poland 220
109, 121-4 Lead isotope studies 246 Lufilian arc 221
Kyanite 182, 436 Lead times 404 Lunnon ore shoot, Kambalda 45
Kyushu Island, Japan 197 Lead-zinc skarn deposits 371, 374-5 Luzon Island, Philippines 197
Leichardt River Fault Trough,
La Caridad deposit, Mexico 89-90 Australia 232, 238, 240, 242
La Gloria deposit, Indonesia 298 Lena River, Siberia 181 McArthur River deposit,
Labile xiv, 340--1 Lens-shaped bodies Queensland 230, 232-47
Labrador trough, Canada 317 dunites 41 Mcintyre Mine, Canada 155
Lacustrine deposits 190 kaolin 303 Mackenzie Basin, Canada 265,266
Lady Annie deposit, Australia 243, Lesotho 55, 56, 60 McLean deposit, Saskatchewan 354,
245 Less-developed countries 401 355
Lady Loretta deposit, Australia 230, Leucocratic quartz diorite 84,85 McMillan Pass, Yukon 381
232,239,243,245,246 Leucoxene99, 206, 276, 433 Macon, Georgia 302
Lady Loretta deposit, Australia, Liberia 332 Macrobands322,327
reserves 243 Ligands xiv, 159 Madsden gold deposit, Canada 167
Lake Superior district USA 317, Lignite 188, 340 Mafic rocks 18, 19,24-5,45,64,115,
319-20,332 Limassol Forest Complex, Cyprus 116-17,119-20,145,151,153,
Lakehurst Area, New Jersey 188 35 156,162,168,361,379
Lamaque Mine, Canada 167 Limestone 184, 185,259,261,279, Magcobar, Ireland 248, 249
Laminated Marginal Zone, 283,379,382,388,392 Magma chamber
Bushveld Complex 26 Limonite 77,293,302,340,436 podiform chromite origin 35--6
Land's End, UK 372 Lindgren classification Magmas
Landsat imagery 50,89,410 ore deposits 2-4, 144-5 calc-alkaline 101
Laptev Sea, USSR 197 Lisbon Valley district, Colorado silicate 51
Laramide age 82, 359, 388 Plateau 355, 358, 359, 364 ultrabasic 35,47,48
Larymna, Greece 293 Literature search Magmatic arcs 380
Lateral facies change exploration programmes 409-11 Magmatic deposits 18-64
Mississippi Valley-type lead-zinc Lithocap rocks 80 Magmatic events
deposits 261 Lithogeochemistry 92, 130, 138, Bushveld Complex 25--6
Laterite 283 167,257,258,267 kimberlite genesis 58
Lateritic crust bauxites 276-9,284 Lithophile metallogeny xv, 99 Merensky Reef30--2
Lateritic nickel deposits 37,275, Lithostatic pressure 83 podiform chromite genesis 63
291-8,311 Lithostructural domains porphyry copper genesis 82-3

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Magmatic events - cant. Market requirements 300, 306, 400 317,325
porphyry molybdenum genesis Marquette Range, Lake Superior 332 Mine-based exploration 134-5, 406
99, 100, 101 Marra Mamba deposit, Hamersley Mine development
volcanogenic sulphide genesis Basin 326, 333 design 229
127-8, 129 Martite 325, 436 Mine geologists 1-2, 227-30
Magmatic fluids 82, 101-102, 144, Martite-kenomagnetite-goethite ore Mine plans 210-11
145,392 330 Mine records 407
Magmatic hydrothermal deposits 69 Mason Valley Mine, USA 372 Mineral, Virginia 128
see also Porphyry copper deposits; Massive kimberlite 56 Mineral Butte 90
Porphyry molybdenum Massive sulphide deposits 47,48, Mineral exploration
deposits; Volcanogenic 107 see Exploration
sulphide deposits see also Volcanogenic sulphide Mineralization
Magmatic plumes 82 deposits bauxite 276,285,286,288
Magnesia 295, 297 Masson Formation 344, 354, 355 beach sand deposits 190
Magnesian calc-silicates 386 Matagami mining district 117, 118, hydrothermal gold deposits 151-2
Magnesian ilmenite 62 136 Kambalda district 44, 45
Magnesian skarns 372, 374, 380, Matchless-Otjihase, Namibia 110 kaolin deposits 301, 302, 303
388,396 Matsumine Mine, Japan 124 kimberlites 58
Magnesite 34, 436 Mavovoumi deposit, Cyprus 124 King Island scheelite deposits 382
Magnesium 291, 293, 352, 371, 378 Mediterranean-type karst bauxites lateritic nickel deposits 294, 295
Magnetic induced polarization 133 281 lead-zinc deposits 230, 249
Magnetic separation Meggen, Germany 231 McArthur River 236-7
iron ore 315 Merensky Reef, Bushveld Complex modelling 409, 417, 422
Magnetic surveys 37,50,54,61,62, 12,24,29-32,39 off-hole 134, 422
104,105,106,169,187,244-5, Mesobands322, 324, 327 palaeo-placers 202
332,394,395,410,417 Mesothermal deposits 144 Pine Point district 264
Magnetite 42,77,79,84,97,102, Metabasalts 45 placer deposits 182-3, 197
104,106,112,125,197,202, Metagabbros 45 podiform chromite deposits 34,63
291,317,320,325,327,332, Metal contour maps 250,255 porphyry copper deposits 74,
377,386,388,436 Metal markets 137 76-7
Magnetite zone Metal zoning in skarns 385 porphyry molybdenum deposits
porphyry molybdenum deposits Metaline, Washington, USA 262 96
99 Metallurgical factors affecting sandstone-hosted uranium
Magnetometry see Magnetic surveys mining 11 deposits 359-60
Main Reef, Witwatersrand Basin 205 Metallurgical grade bauxite 283 skarn deposits 377,381,391-2
Main Zone, Bushveld Complex 26, Metamorphic water 144, 145 supergene manganese deposits
27 Metamorphism 222,223,370-1,377 308
Malachite 223, 436 Metasomatism 371, 373, 378, 382, temperature 158
Malartic gold field 167 386,390,391 timing 215-16
Malayaite 376,384-5,396,436 Metatorbernite 347,436 unconformity-type uranium
Malaysia 175, 181,281,285 Meteoric hydrothermal fluids 82, deposits 346-7, 351, 352
Malmbjerg, Greenland 94 99-100, 126 volcanogenic sulphide deposits
Manganese 90,249,266,306,332, Meteoric water 162, 264, 330, 348, 113,115,120-1,123-4
371,385 349,354,361 Western States-type 256
Manganese carbonate 307 Methane 353, 363 Witwatersrand Basin 206
Manganese deposits, supergene Mexico 93 Zambian copperbelt 220
306-8 Mica 223,302,350,359 Mineralogical analysis
Mansfeld, East Germany 220 Michipicoten district, Canada 315 bauxites 289
Manitoba nickel belt 41 Microbands 322, 327 Mineralogy
Mantle-derived gases 361 Microcline 302 bau:x;ite deposits 283-4
Mantle-derived sulphur 47 Migmatite 342 Eneabba deposit 190
Marcasite 124, 436 Millenbach deposit, Canada 117, Hamersley Basin 328,330-1
Marine placer deposits 178, 197-201, 127, 134 hydrothermal gold deposits 147
417 Millerite 42, 48, 291, 347, 436 Irish lead-zinc deposits 248-9
Marine transgressions 220 Minas Gerais State, Brazil 293, 307, kaolin deposits 302

lateritic nickel deposits 293 137,364,370,380,381,388, Namibia 56,188,197,337,365
Mississippi Valley-type lead-zinc 389,396,404 National Parks, mining in, 7
deposits 260-1 Monazite 185, 195, 197,437 Nationalization
nickel sulphide deposits 41-2 Montmorillonite 62, 80, 98, 340, mines 4,403
palaeo-placer deposits 201-2 364,437 Native copper 224,437
Panguna deposit 84-5 montmorillite transition 241,242 Native gold 147, 149, 150,437
placer deposits 180 Montroseite 359,437 Native silver 147, 235, 437
podiform chromite deposits 34 Monument Valley-White Canyon Navan deposit, Ireland 247,248,
Porcupine mining district 154 district, Colorado Plateau 355, 249,250,254,255,256,257,
porphyry molybdenum deposits 364 258,259
94-5 Morenci, Arizona 81, 85, 88 Nchanga area, Zambia 221-2,224,
sandstone-hosted uranium Morrison Formation, Colorado 227
deposits 359 Plateau 358,361 N ear gem diamonds 54
sediment-hosted copper deposits Moroccan Anti-Atlas 220 Net texture
218--19 Motovasu ore body, Japan 125 sulphide ores 47,48
sedimentary-exhalative deposits Mount Bischoff deposit, Tasmania Neutron activation analysis 156, 166
230 373 New Brunswick 111
shale-hosted lead-zinc deposits Mount Bruce Supergroup, New Caledonia 33,36,37,292,293,
234-5 Hamersley Basin 326-7 294,295--7
skarn deposits 377,385 Mount Charlotte Mine, Western New Mexico 357
stratiform chromite deposits 22-4 Australia 160 New South Wales 72
unconformity-type uranium Mount Cleveland, Tasmania 373 New Zealand 32, 176, 177
deposits 346-7 Mount Emmons, Colorado 94, 95, Newfoundland 111
volcanogenic sulphide deposits 96, 97-8, 99, 101-4, 105, 106, Newman deposit, Western Australia
112-13 137 326
Witwatersrand Basin 205--6 Mount Gordon Arch, Queensland Niccolite 347,437
Zambian copperbelt 222-4 238 Nickel 18, 37-8, 112, 125,261,293,
Mines Gaspe, Quebec 9,389-90 Mount Isa mine, Queensland 2, 12, 295,346-7,380,386,411
Mining 10-11 230,232,233,235--6,238,241, Nickel depletion in magmas 51
bauxite 289,290 242,245 Nickel/forsterite ratio in olivines 51
beach sands 195--7 Mount Keith, Western Australia 40 Nickel laterite deposits 275,291-8
chromite deposits 19,30,32 Mount Lindsay deposit, Tasmania Nickel silicates 37
diamonds 192, 193 385 Nickel sulphide deposits 9, 18, 37-
iron ore deposits 331 Mount Lyell, Australia 112 54,64,291
kaolin deposits 302, 306 Mount Saddleback, Western Niger 365
Kinta Valley, Malaysia 186 Australia 288 Nigeria 175, 183, 184
Panguna, Papua New Guinea 85, Mount Tolman, Washington 94 Niobium 103, 175, 181,211
87 Mount Tom Price, Western Nkana, Zambia 225
Zambian copperbelt 227-30 Australia 322 Nodular texture 34
Mining companies 402-3 Mount Whaleback, Hamersley Nome, Alaska 197
Mining method, choice of, 10-11 Basin 330 Nontronite 293,437
Mining, pilot 11, 289, 290, 298 Mufulira, Zambia 222, 225 Noranda mining district, Canada
Minnesotaite 320, 437 Multi-element analysis 267 109, 112, 113, 116-17, 118, 128,
Miogeosynclines 358 Multi-spectral scanner 410 136
Mir, USSR 58 Murphy tectonic ridge, Australia Nordenskioldine 384,437
Mississippi Valley-type lead-zinc 232,238 Norita deposit, Matagami, Canada
deposits 12, 216, 252, 259-67 Muscovite 99,302,437 134, 135, 138
Missouri 260,261 Muskeg Formation, Pine Point Norite 26,27
Moa Bay, Cuba 293 district 264 Norseman mine, Western Australia
Moho 35 Mwadui, Tanzania 57,58 167
Mokta deposit, Ivory Coast 307 N orseman-Wiluna Belt, Western
Molasse 356 Nabarlek deposit, Northern Australia 41, 42, 45, 119, 121
Molybdenite 74, 76, 94, 97, 102, Territory 347,353,355 North American plates 82
382,384,387,437 Nacimiento deposit, USA 226 North Island, New Zealand 197
Molybdenum 74,84,89,90, 106, Nagyharsany deposit, Hungary 281 North Pennine ore field, UK 252

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Northern Boundary Fault, King Ore reserves Pentlandite 18, 24, 42, 291, 438
Island 382, 384 see Reserves Percussion drills 257
Northern Brazilian Shield Province Oregon, USA 293 Peridotite 22,35,45,52,56, 59, 63,
281 Organic adsorbents 295
Northern Territory, Australia uranyl ions 340 Perm mining area 33
Jabiluka deposit 350,352,353,355 Organic mud 184 Permeability 78, 255, 261,262,264,
Kombolgie Formation 345,349, Orogenic belts 181, 317 347,350,361,378,384,392
350,351,352,353 Orthoclase 79, 81, 103,389,438 Perseverance ultramafic intrusion,
Koolpin Formation 345 Orthopyroxene 23, 438 Agnew deposit 45
Koongarra deposit 352, 355 Orthoquartzite 203 Persian Gulf322
Olympic Dam deposit 7,338,365 Otago, New Zealand 176,179,181 Peru 73, 82, 93
Pine Creek geosyncline 343-5, Overburden 10,166,193,257 Pervasive silica zone
347,349,350,352,355 Overseas Development Agency 400 porphyry molybdenum deposits
Rum Jungle deposi t 347, 349, 350, Oxide iron-formation 327 99
355 Oxidization 10, 308, 317, 320, 325, Petalite 182, 438
Norwegian Caledonian Belt 110 364 PGE see Platinum group elements
Nsuta deposit, Ghana 307 Oxidized skarns 381 pH see Eh-pH
Nuclear power 143, 337, 365 Oxygen fugacity Phase spectral induced polarization
Nugget effect 412 chromitite layer formation 29 259
Oxygen isotope ratios 162 Phenocrystal origin of diamonds 58
180132_3 Philippines 9, 33, 73, 82
Oceanic crust Pacific Basin 73 Phlogopite 438, 56
chromite genesis 63 Pacific plates 82 Phosphates 340, 347
origin of ophiolites 34-5 Pakistan 33 Phosphorus297,325,332
Ochre horizon Palaeo-highs 220, 226, 248 Photochemical oxidation 325
sulphide deposits 124 Palaeo-placer deposits 175, 176, Photogeology 63
'Off-hole' mineralization 422 201-11,212 Photography 50,63, 164
Oil companies with metal interests Palaeozoic age 72,284,374 Photosynthesis xvii, 317, 325
404,405 Palladium 29, 53 Phyllic zone
Ok Tedi copper deposit, Papua New Palynology 188 porphyry copper deposits 79-80,
Guinea 10, 73, 74, 137,275, Pamour Mine, Canada 153 81,84
377,386,403 Panguna Andesite 84, 85 porphyry molybdenum deposits
Old Alluvium, Kinta Valley 184 Panguna deposit, Papua New 98, 101, 102
Old Leadbelt, USA 266 Guinea 74,75,81,84-7 Physical weathering 275
Oligoclase 302 Papua New Guinea 33, 73, 90 Pickle-Crow district, Ontario 149
Oligomict conglomerates 202-3 Paraburdoo deposit, Hamersley Picrites 45
Oliphants River, South Africa 190 Basin 326,327,332 Piedmont placers 199
Olivine 23, 34, 35, 41, 42, 45, 49, 51, Parent rock, role in bauxitization 287 Pilbara Block, Western Australia
52,124,291,293,438 Parnassos-Giona deposits, Greece 147, 151
Olympic Dam uranium deposit, 288 Pillow lavas 35, 124
Australia 7, 338, 365 Passive continental margin 180 Pilot mining 11
Oman 111 Pathfinder elements 166, 246 bauxites 289,290
Oolitic iron ores 314,315,321 Paystreaks 183 Pilot plants
Opal 402, 438 Peat 184, 340 ore processing 11
Open-hole rotary drilling 195 Pebble dykes 78, 83, 84, 85 Pine Creek, California 381
Open pit mining 10, 11, 74 Pedochemical methods 416 Pine Creek geosyncline, Northern
Ophiolites 32-3,34-5,37,63,293 Pegmatite 348, 380 Territory 343-4,345,347,349,
Orange Free State 209 Pegmatitic texture, Merensky Reef 350,352,355
Orange River, Namibia 186, 188, 31 Pine Point district, Canada 260,261,
190, 193 Penalty clause (smelter) 11, 248 262---6
Oranjemund, Namibia 190-3 Peneconcordant uranium deposits Pipe-dredge sampling 200-1
Orapa pipe, Botswana 54,58 357,358,361-2 Pipes
Ore fluids 126,144-5,156--61, Peneplain bauxites 276-9 footwall alteration 113
161-2,251,252,254-5,265-6, Peneplains 288, 295 kimberlites 54, 55, 57, 58
349,353,361,388,390 Pennine ore field, UK 261 Pisolitic bauxite 279


Pitchblende 346,387,438 Porphyry gold deposits 106 Protore 307

Pitting 188, 297, 417 Porphyry molybdenum deposits Proximal accumulations
Placer deposits 54,175-88,211-12, 72-3,74,80,92-106,137,387, volcanogenic sulphide deposits
380 391 131,121,134,135
Plagioclase 23,26,80,97,98,302, Porphyry-related copper skarns Pseudolodes 295
303,371,393,438 388-90 Pseudomalachite 439
Planning Porphyry tin deposits 106-7 Puerto Rico 90
exploration programmes 407-9 Portugal 111 Pulau Tujuh area, Indonesia 200
Plant debris 357 Potash feldspar 74, 97, 98, 102,438 Pulse-type induced polarization
Plant material Potassic zone 258-9
fossilized 358 porphyry copper deposits 79,80, Pyragyrite 235, 248, 439
Plants 81,84 Pyramid deposit, Pine Point district
distribution 90 porphyry molybdenum deposits 267,417
Plate boundaries 97-8,102 Pyriboles 182, 439
porphyry copper deposits 82 Potassium 297 Pyrite 18, 42, 74, 76-7, 79-80, 81,
Plate tectonics 4,5,6,35,42,82, 87, Potassium feldspathization 104 89,94,98,99,101,102,112,
115,221,137,423 Potassium-rich granitic melts 101 117,118,120,121,124,147,
Platinum 29, 175,211,438 Potassium silicate 388 154,155,159,160,161,202,
Platinum group elements 18,23-4, Potholes 206,218,219,225,226,230,
29-32,34 Merensky Reef 29-30, 32, 33 235,236,238-9,248,252-3,
Platreef, Bushveld Complex 24,29, Powder River district, Wyoming 262,264,302,303,308,341,
30 358 382,386,388,389,439
Plutonic environment Powellite 382, 383, 396, 438 Pyritic quartzite 203
tin deposits 107 Precambrian Shield 54, 55, 317 Pyritization xvii, 151, 155,262
Plutonic intrusions 394 Predictive grade/tonnage model 135 Pyrochlore 179, 436
Plutonic stockworks 102 Prehnite 438 Pyrolusite 307,439
Plutonic-volcanic Preliminary drilling 417 Pyrometasomatism 373, 380
hydrothermal vein deposits 146 Premier, South Africa 58 Pyrope439
Plutons 78, 184,392,397 Presqu'ile dolomite 262,264 Pyroxene 31-2,78,293,371,377,
Podiform chromite deposits 4, 19, Presqu'ile Reef, Pine Point district 379,381,382,385,387,388
32-7,63-4 266 Pyroxenite 26, 27
Point bars 183, 358 Pressure changes Pyrrhotite 18, 24, 42, 48, 77, 81, 102,
Political factors chromitite layer formation 29 112,117,128,147,154,159,
in exploration 403-4 Prices 160,166,230,235,245,262,
in mining development 4, 7 metals 8-9, 164, 169,234,243, 308-9,382,385,439
Polygons method xv, 87 247,316,355
Polymetallic type Primitive type Quadrilatero Ferrifero, Brazil 181 ,
volcanogenic sulphides 108, 109, volcanogenic sulphides 108, 109, 318,325
113, 115, 121--4, 137 113, 115, 116-21, 137 Quartz 74,79,80,97,98,99, 102,
Pomalaa, Indonesia 293 Primos intrusive 106,202,276,283,293,302,
Porcupine Group, Porcupine Urad ore body 102 304,349,371,384,389,391,
mining district 153, 154 Prince Lyell, Australia 112 394,439
Porcupine mining district, Canada Processing Quartz-banded ore 316
146, 148, 149, 153-6, 163 ores 11, 235 Quartz diorite 80-1, 84, 85, 96
Porcupine syncline 154, 155 Propylitic zone Quartz Hill, Alaska 94
Porphyritic intrusions porphyry copper deposits 80, 81, Quartz-molybdenite stockwork 94
porphyry molybdenum deposits 82,84 Quartz-monzonite molybdenum
95-6 porphyry molybdenum deposits deposits 92, 94-6
Porphyry 94,101,102,103 98 Quartz monzonite 77,380
Porphyry copper deposits 9, 10-11, porphyry tin deposits 107 Quartz-pebble conglomerates 201
69-84, 95, 99, 100, 106, 137, Prospectors 12,64,164,167,229 Quartzite 205,222,307,317,342,
275,309,311,375,377,386,394 Proterozoic iron-formation 323-4 382, 392
exploration 87-92,409,410 Proterozoic volcanogenic sulphide Queensland 282
Panguna, Papua New Guinea deposits 110, 138 Ban Ban deposit 386
84-7 Protolith xvii, 373, 378 Barney Creek Formation 238

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Queensland - cont. Refractory grade bauxite 281, 283 Retrograde boiling 82
Batten Trough 232, 238, 242 Regional exploration 60, 130, 404-5 Return on investment
Cooley dolomite 236 Regoliths 354 gold mining 164
Emu Fault 237 Remote sensing Reverse-circulation drilling 169, 257
Escape River deposit 290 exploration 50,89, 106, 128, Rhenium 74
Greenvale deposit 293, 299 164-5,187,188,244,256,297, Rhodochrosite 307,440
Hilton Mine 232,233,235,238, 410,423 Rhodonite 307,440
242,243,244,245 Renison Bell, Tasmania 373, 380 Rhyolite 102, 117, 128,326
Leichhardt River Fault Trough Rennell Island deposit, Australia Rift-phase
232,238,240,242 288,290-1 greenstone belts 152
McArthur River deposit 230, 232- Replacement deposits 390 Rift related
47 Reserves 1, 7-8 porphyry molybdenum deposits
Mount Isa Mine 2, 12, 230, 232, bauxite 283,287 93, 95, 99-100, 104
233,235-6,238,241,242,245 calculation 135-7, 188, 195,289, Rift-ridge environment 116
Urquhart Shale 233,234,235, 290 Rifting
236,241,242,245 chromite 19 ore bodies 220-1, 262
Questa 99 copper 70, 216, 217 Ring structures 186
gold 147 Rio Algom mine, Colorado Plateau
Rabbit Lake deposit, Saskatchewan Hamersley Basin 327 358
343,346,347,349,350,352,354 Irish lead-zinc deposits 248 Riofinex 7
Radar 186 iron-formation 318-20 Ripping xv, 307
Radar imaging satellites 408 kaolin 301, 306 River gravels
Radiometric surveys 326, 355, 360, lateritic nickel 292-3 placer deposits 183
363,365,410-11,422 Mississippi Valley-type lead-zinc Roan Antelope, Zimbabwe 12, 227
Radon surveys 354, 355, 416 deposits 259, 260 Robb Lake district, Canada 266
Raise xv, 87 Mount Emmons 102, 103 Roberts Victor, South Africa 57
Rammelsberg, Germany 230,231 natural diamonds 54 Roc-Tec422
Rammelsbergite 347,437 palaeo-placer deposits 201 Rock geochemistry 245-6
Ramu River Panguna deposit 87 see also Lithogeochemistry
chromite deposits 33 Pine Point district 262 Rock quality designation (RQD)
Ranger deposit, Northern Territory porphyry copper 74,75 419,422
347,348,352,355 porphyry molybdenum deposits Rock sampling 60, 90
Reaction skarn 378, 392 94 Rokana/Mindola, Zambia 224
Realgar 150, 439 sediment-hosted copper deposits Roll-type uranium deposits 357,
Reconnaissance 217 360,361,362-3,409,416
exploration 16,128,130,186,1 ':)4, shale-hosted lead-zinc deposits Rondonia district, Brazil 181 , 186
264,408,411-13 233-4 Rubidium 90, 103
Recoveries skarn deposits 375-7,386,387, Rum Jungle deposit, Northern
minerals 10, 11 389 Territory 347,349,350,355
Red-bed copper deposits 265 supergene manganese deposits Rutile 90,99, 190, 197,283,440
Red Lady Basin 101, 103, 105 307
Red Lake district, Canada 148 uranium 143, 337, 338 St Austell, Cornwall, UK 304,305
Red Mountain, Arizona 80, 101 volcanogenic sulphide deposits St Helena, Orange Free State 209
Red Sea 116 111-12,114,124-5 St Ives bay, Cornwall, UK 197
Redox reactions Residual deposits 275, 301 Saleeite 347,440
ore genesis 346,357,362-3 Residual kaolin deposits 302, 303 Salinity
Reduced skarns 381 Residual manganese deposits 306-8 fluid inclusions 157, 241,264-5,
Reduction Residual soil surveys 414 349,353,383-4,390
uranyl ions 340-1 Resistate minerals 181, 187,202 Sampling 200,201,288,290,297,
Redwell Basin, Colorado 101,102, Resistivity 332-3,394
103 exploration 61, 166, 187, 188, deep overburden 257
Reef carbonates 259 258-9,305,365,417 San Manuel mine, Arizona 74,75,76
Reflection seismic Retrograde alteration San Manuel-Kalamazoo, Arizona
exploration 188 skarn deposits 379,380,381,388- 81,91
Refractory cupriferous mica 223 9,392-3 Sanbagawa Belt, Japan 125

Sandstone-hosted lead deposits 265 heavy metal collecting 188 Silicates 26,47,161,230,291,295,
Sandstone-hosted uranium deposits metal sources 254 384
337,338-9,355-65 Molasse type 358 Siliceous ore
Sangdong, Korea 381 reworking 182 Kuroko deposit 123
Santa Eulalia, Mexico 385 uranium contents 340 Silicification 103, 131, 155, 236, 262
Santa Rita, New Mexico 70 Seepage areas 227 Siliclastics 248
Saprolite xv, 295 Segregation Sillimanite 182, 440
Saprolite zone sulphides 45,47,48 Sills
lateritic nickel deposits 293 Seismic methods 37,61, 166, 187-8, dolerite 60
Satellite imagery 199,200,332,417 kimberlite 57
exploration 61,89, 128,297,394, Selective alteration 78-9 Silver 74,76,87,90, 107, 112, 113,
409,410 Selenium 90 116,121,130,131,143,147,
Saudi Arabia 116 Self-potential methods, 310-11 154,230,235,245,248,261,
Scandinavia 39, 115 see also Spontaneous potential 262,377,389
Scheelite94, 154, 187,211,376,377, Semiconformable alteration zones Silvermines deposit, Ireland 230,
380,381-4,385,387,393,394, volcanogenic sulphide deposits 247,248,249,251,253,254,255
440 113 Single element geochemical survey
Schumacher mine, Canada 153 Separation 245
Scintillometry 61, 195 ore processing 11 Single refractive seismic profiling
Scout boring Sericite 79,98,99, 112, 160,440 188
exploration 194, 195 Sericitization xvii, 79-80, 113, 131, SIROTEM xv, 134, 166
Scrapers 151 Size characterization a - predictive
mining 196,197 Serpentine 293,372,386,388,440 model 135
Scree Serpentinite 48 Skarn deposits 372-80
see Talus Serpentinization 48 exploration 394-6
Scully mine, Labrador 333 Serra dos Carajas district, Brazil315, genesis 392-4
Sea 325 Skarns 371-2
effects on beach sand deposits 189 Seward Peninsula, Alaska Sklodowskite 347,440
Seawater 12~7, 133,253,255 Shaba, Zaire 222 Skouriotissa deposit, Cyprus 124
Secondary enrichment see Shakanai Mine, Japan 124 Smectite 293,440
Supergene enrichment Shale-hosted lead-zinc deposits 216, Smelters 11
Sediment-hosted copper deposits 232-47 see also Penalty clause
21~21 Shale-hosted sulphide deposits 107 Soil gas sampling 92, 396, 397
Sediment-hosted lead-zinc deposits Shang ani deposit, Zimbabwe 41 Soil geochemistry 51,53,89,106,
216,230-267 Sheeted dykes 35 130, 16~7,245,246,267,384,
Sediment sampling Shell 404 396,414-16
exploration 51,62, 130, 166,200, Shirley Basin district, Wyoming Soil sampling 53,62, 87,90,92, 130,
411-13 358,361,362 16~7,227,242,25~7
Sedimentary bauxites 281,285 Side-scanning radar 186 Soils
Sedimentary-exhalative lead-zinc Siderite 160-1, 302, 320, 327, 440 dispersion patterns 51
deposits 230-1, 248 Sierra Leone 55, 57 trace metals 128
Sedimentary kaolin deposits 301, Sierrita-Esperanza, Arizona 82, 89 uranium adsorption 340
302-3 Silcrete 302 Sokoman Formation, Labrador 322
Sedimentation Silica 80,288,295,297,298,324-5, Solomon Islands 84
Hamersley Basin 326 326,332 Sonia Mark 1 acoustic reflection
Irish lead-zinc deposits 248 Silica-dolomite rock 235-6, 245 profiler 200
sedimentary-exhalative deposits Silica removal Soroako deposit, Indonesia 293, 299
232-3 from bauxites 287 Source rocks
Western States-type Silica zones placer deposits 181-2
mineralization 358 porphyry molybdenum deposits South Africa
Witwatersrand Basin 207-8 98 Basal Reef, Witwatersrand Basin
Sediments 275 Silicate facies 205,206,209
cassiterite distribution 197-9 iron-formation 320 Bushveld Complex 19, 22, 23-4,
chemical 156 Silicate magmas 24-32,39
geosynclinal 254 composition 51 Central Rand Group,

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
South Africa - cont, Stability volcanogenic sulphide deposits
Witwatersrand Basin 205, 206, uranium 339-41 127
209 Stable isotopes 15, 239 Stratovolcanoes 85, 107
chromite reserves 36 Stack uranium deposits 357 Stream sediment sampling 62,87,
Critical Zones, Bushveld Stacked lenses in volcanic sulphide 89-90,130,166,245,256-7,
Complex 22, 23, 26-7 deposits 135 267,411-13
exploration 404, 417 Stainless steel 18, 38 Stringer ores 124
gold deposits 146,147,157,.175 Stannite 118, 441 Stringer zones 117-18
Kimberley District 55, 56, 209 Starratt-Olsen deposit, Canada 167 Structural trends
Lower Zone, Bushveld Complex Statistical methods kapvaal craton 25, 26
'26,27 soil geochemistry data 414-15 Structural control
Main Reef, Witwatersrand Basin Staurolite 189, 441 Irish base metal deposits 249-52
205 Steel McArthur River-HYC deposits
Main Zone, Bushveld Complex prices 316 238
26,27 Steel industry 314-15 volcanogenic sulphide deposits
massive sulphide deposits 109 Steelpoort seam, Bushveld 127
MerenskyReef12,24,29-32,39 Complex 27, 28 Structure
nickel production 38 Stephanite 235,438 Agnew deposit 45, 46
palaeo-placer deposits 175 Stepwise discriminant analysis 246 Bushveld Complex 26, 27
Swaziland Supergroup 205,318 Steyn Reef, Witwatersrand Basin Climax ore body 97
Transvaal Basin 317, 322 205 Eneabba beach sand deposit 189-
Upper Zone, Bushveld Complex Stibnite 150, 441 90
317,322 Stillwater Complex, Montana 19, Irish lead-zinc deposits 249-52
uranium deposits 175, 337, 365 22,23-4 iron enrichment control 331
Witwatersrand Basin 12, 201,202, Stilpnomelane 320,441 Kambalda mining district 43-5
203-10,212 Stockwork xv Kinta Valley tin field 184,185
South Alligator Trough, hydrothermal vein deposits 145 McArthur River deposit 233,
Saskatchewan 344, 345 plutonic 101 237-8
South America 73, 74, 75, 79, 82, porphyry molybdenum deposits Mt Emmons deposit 98, 102
137,279,293,332 93, 100, 102 Namibia beach sand deposit 191,
South Carolina 301, 302-3 quartz-molybdenite 94 192
South China Sea 199 tin deposits 106,178,185 New Caledonia deposit
South Dakota 355,356,364 volcanogenic sulphide deposits Panguna deposit 84, 86
South Primor'ye, USSR 197 113, 124, 132 Pine Point district 264
South Tisdale anticline, Porcupine Stratabound ore deposits 249,344, Porcupine mining district 154, 155
mining district 154, 155 380 sandstone-hosted uranium
Southern Cross Province, Western Stratabound type deposits 359
Australia 149 sediment-hosted metal deposits sediment-hosted lead-zinc
Spacelab 1 410 215-16,249 deposits 237-8
Spain 111 Strategic minerals xvi, 18 unconformity-type uranium
Specularite 325,389,440 Stratiform chromite deposits 19-29, deposits 347
Spessartine 99, 378, 440 32 Witwatersrand Basin 204-5,206
Spessartite 307, see Spessartine Stratiform ore deposits 249 Zambian copperbelt 222, 223
Sphalerite 84, 112, 117, 118, 121, Stratiform type Stylolite xvi, 320
154,218,230,235,236,238-9, sediment-hosted metal deposits Subduction 82, 221
248,253,260,262,264,265, 215-16 Subduction related
266,267,308,377,382,385, Stratigraphy porphyry molybdenum deposits
386,387,441 exploration 266 93,95,99, 104
Sphene, 182,441 iron enrichment control 331 skarn deposits 379
Spinifex texture iron skarn deposits 386-7 Subtropical climate
komatiites 4{}-1, 50 Pine Point deposits 262-3 bauxite formation 287
peridotites 45, 52 Porcupine mining district 153-4 Sudbury Basin, Canada 110
Spodumene182,441 sandstone-hosted uranium Sudbury Complex, Ontario 38, 39
Spontaneous potential (SP) 31{}-11 deposits 358 Sulawesi, Indonesia 298
Spur sampling 90 unconformity-type uranium Sullivan, Canada 230, 231
deposits 341-5
Sulphate Synvolcanic fracture zones 117 podiform chromite 34
seawater 253 Thailand 181,197,394
Sulphate reduction 127 Taconite 317, 319--20 Thematic mappers
Sulphide facies Tailings 11, 248 exploration 89,408
iron-formation 320 Talc 230,293,370,386,439 Thermal gradient in gold mines 161
Sulphide mineralization 81-2 Talus xvi, 371 Thermal metamorphism
Sulphides 52, 159,222,225,235, Tambao deposit, Upper Volta 307 intrusions 82
248-9,363,384,385,388,394, Tantalite 179, 441 Tholeiite 50, 51,107,115,121,148,
416 Tantalum 175 162,226
disseminated 42,45,48-9,74, 76 Tanzania 54,55 Threshold values
immiscible 51 Target appraisal soil geochemistry 414-15
supergene enrichment 275 exploration 130--1, 400, 407, 408, Thucholite 347,442
Sulphur 47, 79,127,238-40,252-3, 413--22 Timing
262,264,340--1 Tarkwa area, Ghana 201,202-3 gold mineralization 155-6
Sulphur dioxide 253 Tasmania 373, 375 Timmins mining district 117-18,
Sulphur isotope studies 127, 225, Taxation 7, 12,247,403-4 156, 164, 166, 167
236,237,238-40,253,264,266 Techniques employed in Tin 74,118,130,143,175,180,181,
Sumatra 199 exploration 401 184,197,211,370,374,387,411
Sunda Shelf 199 Tectonic setting 423 Tin-bearing garnets 396
Supergene enrichment 80,81,84, bauxite deposits 284-5 Tin-bearing silicates 384
85,275,308-11,320,330,331, hydrothermal gold deposits 151-3 Tin deposits 184-6, 197,373
334,354 iron-formation 322-4 Tin mining 178, 180
Supergene iron ore 327 lateritic nickel deposits 293-4 Tin skarn deposits 372, 376, 380,
Supergene manganese deposits 275, Mississippi Valley-type lead-zinc 384-5,397
306--8 deposits 262 Tisdale Group, Porcupine mining
Supergene origin palaeo-placer deposits 203 district 153-4, 155
kaolin deposits 303-4 placer deposits 180--1 Titania 347
Supergene sulphide deposits 308-11 Porcupine mining district 154 Titanium 18, 175, 180, 188, 211,385
Supergene zone porphyry copper deposits 82 Titanium-bearing beach sands 176
porphyry copper deposits 77,309, porphyry molybdenum deposits Titanomagnetite 197, 441
311 99 Titanomagnetite sand 197
see also Chalcocite blanket sandstone-hosted uranium Tom Price deposit, Hamersley basin
Superior iron-formation 317 deposits 358 326,327,329,332
Superior Province, Canadian Shield sediment-hosted copper deposits Tonnage, see Reserves
40, 147, 149, 152, 168 220--1 Topaz 89,442
Surinam 281 sedimentary-exhalative deposits Topaz zone
Swaziland 55 230,232 porphyry molybdenum deposits
Swaziland Supergroup, skarn deposits 379--80,394,397 98-99
Witwatersrand Basin 209,318 volcanogenic sulphide deposits Topira deposit, Guyana 306
Sweden 371 115-16 Topography
Sybella granite, Mount Isa 241 Tellurium 90 bauxite formation 287-8
Sylvite 158 Temperature effects on deposition 294
Syndiagenesis homogenization 349 in exploration 394
Irish zinc-lead deposits 255 mineral formation 158, 384 placer deposit formation 181
Syngenetic, Temperature gradient Total Exploration concept 409
copper ores 235-6 mines 10, 161 Tourmaline 225, 302, 304, 442
hydrothermal gold deposits 157 Tennantite 80, 112,218,441 Tournaisian age 249
pyrite 227 Tennessee mining district, USA Trace elements
sediment-hosted metal deposits 260,262 plants 90
216 Tethys Ocean 262 release from minerals 370--1
skarn deposits 373 Tetrahedrite 112, 236, 248, 442 soils 128
Zambian copperbelt 224-5 Teutonic Bore, Western Australia Transient electromagnetic methods
Synsedimentary ore minerals 225 118-21,130, 133 exploration 166
Synthetic aperture radar 297 Texas 355, 356, 357, 362 Transitional environment
Synvolcanic faults 121 Textures placer deposits 178, 180--1

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Transport deposits 337,338-9,341-53, Georgia 301, 302-3
ore genesis 12, 159--60,266 357 Grant district, Colorado Plateau
Transported bauxites 281 Underground mapping 229 355--6,357,358,359
Transvaal Basin, South Africa 317, Underground mining 10, 74, 76, Henderson mine, Colorado 12, 74,
322 228,229,281 80,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,
Transvaal Griquatown region, United Kingdom4, 301, 314, 315, 101, 108, 137,391
South Africa 317 404,409,422 Illinois-Kentucky district 261
Tremolite 230, 442 United Nations Development Illinois-Wisconsin district 260
Trenching Programme 60, 402 kaolin deposits 301
exploration 166, 167-8, 188,227, Upland bauxites 276-9 kimberlite deposits 55
355,417 Upper Mississippi Valley district, lateritic nickel deposits 293
Trento Valley, Italy 260 USA 261 Mississippi Valley-type lead-zinc
Tri-State district, USA 260,261 Upper Proterozoic sediment-hosted deposits 12, 216, 252, 259--67
Trincheras deposit, Guatemala 298 copper deposits 217, 218 Missouri 260,261
Trombetas deposit, Brazil 281 , 283 Upper Redwell deposit 102, 103 Mt Emmons, Colorado 94, 95,
Troodos massif, Cyprus 124 Upper Roan Group, Zambian 96, 97-8, 99, 101-4, 105, 106,
Tropical climate copperbelt 222, 229 137
bauxite formation 287 Upper Zone, Bushveld Complex New Mexico 357
True colour photography 50 26,27 porphyry copper deposits 72, 73,
Tuffs 14, 57, 117, 118, 122,240,363 Urad ore body 96, 100, 101 74, 75, 79
Tungsten 74,90, 103, 143,370,373, Urals 33 porphyry molybdenum deposits
374,375,376,377,380,383, Uraniferous carbon 206,359 92-106
387,396,411 Uraniferous limonite 240 Redwell Basin, Colorado 101,
Tungsten-bearing banded granitoids Uraniferous pegmatite 348 102,103
380 Uraninite 206,339,340,345,347, San Manuel mine, Arizona 260,
Tungsten skarn deposits 371, 380-4, 353,359,361,442 262
393 Uranium 7,143,175,201,202,203- San Manuel-Kalamazoo, Arizona
Tungsten world production 380 11,212,337-8,361,363,387, 81,91
Tungsteniferous brines 380 411,422 skarn deposits 375
Tunisia 260 Uranium-lead ages Tennessee mining district 260,262
Turbidites 149 in sandstones 359 Texas 355, 356,357,362
Turee Creek Group, Hamersley Uranium mining Tri-State district 260,261
Basin 326 government policy 354 tungsten production 380
Turkey 33, 111 U ranophane 340, 443 uranium production 337,355
Twin Buttes 377 U ranous ions 339-40 Uravan Belt, Colorado Plateau
Tynagh deposit, Ireland 14, 247, Uranyl complexes 339, 340, 352 355,357,359,364
248,249,251,252-3,255,256, Uranyl ions 339,353,361,363 Utah 359,364
257,259 Uravan Belt, Colorado Plateau 355, Viburnum Trend, Missouri 259,
Tyuyamunite 340,359,442 357,359,364 260,261,262
Urquhart Shale, Mount Isa233, 234, Wyoming 355,356,357,358,359,
U subtype 235,236,241,242,245 362,364
hydrothermal vein deposits 145 US producer prices USSR
UG2 reef 24 metals 8-9 bauxite deposits 281, 285
Ultrabasic magmas 35, 47, 48 USA chromite production 19, 33
Ultrabasic rocks 35,58, 107 Arizona 94,259,364,408 Daldyn-Alakit district 57
Ultramafic rocks 18, 19, 4Cf.-l, 45, bauxite deposits 281 iron ore production 315,325
63,64,145,148,153,156,168, Climax, Colorado 74, 75, 94, 95, Kazakhstan 72
291,295 98,99,100,101,391 kimberlite deposits 54,55, 57, 64
Ultramafic zone Climax-type molybdenum Krivoi Rog 317,318,325
ophiolite complexes 37 deposits 92, 94-5, 95--6, 97,104, Laptev Sea 197
Ultraviolet light 137 Lena River 181
exploration 387,394,396 Colorado 94,95,359,364,416 Mir58
Uncompahgre Uplift, Colorado Colorado Plateau 355--6, 358, 359, nickel production 38, 39
Plateau 359,359 361,362 Perm 33
Unconformity-type uranium exploration 404, 422 porphyry copper deposits 72


porphyry molybdenum deposits Volcanogenic sulphides gold 158, 163

93 classification 107-9 Golden Grove Prospect 112, 120
skarn deposits 375 Vredefort Dome, Witwatersrand Hamersley Basin 317, 318, 319,
South Primor'y 197 Basin 206 320,325,326-31
tungsten production 380 Hunt Mine 160, 161, 163
U zbek region 72 W-Sn subtype Kalgoorlie Area 147,148,160,167
Yakutia 57,60 hydrothermal vein deposits 145 Kambalda mining district 39, 42-
Utah 359,364 Wagina Island, Papua New Guinea 5,52,53, 164
UTEM xvi, 133 29G-l Kimberley 60, 62
Uzbek region, USSR 72 Wall-rock kimberlite deposits 54,57
alteration 15G-l, 155, 16G-l, 346- Marra Mamba deposit 326,333
Vaal Reef, Witwatersrand Basin 205, 7,416 Mount Bruce Supergroup 326-7
206 composition 81 Norseman-Wiluna Belt 41 ,42,45,
Val d'Or district, Canada 148 reactions with ore fluid 162-3 119, 121
Valley-Copper, Canada 12 Wasatch formation, Wyoming 358 Paraburdoo deposit 326,327,332
Vanadates 340, 359 Washington Camp, Arizona 385 Pilbara Block 147, 151
Vanadiferous magnetite 18 Waste disposal Tom Price deposit 322,326,327,
Vanadium 18, 357, 359, 361, 363 kaolin deposits 306 329,332
Variable-frequency induced Water Yilgarn Block 40,42,43,46,49,
polarization 258-9 incursion into mines 229 109, 147, 149, 151, 166, 168,
Vegetation mapping 408 Water sampling 302,323
Vegetation sampling exploration 166 Western Fault, McArthur River 237
exploration 50, 62-3, 87, 89, 90, Water table 331 Western States-type mineralization
297 Water table lowering 229 356
Vein silica zone Water Tank Hill, Western Australia Westland, New Zealand 179, 181
porphyry molybdenum deposits 166, 168 Wheal Jane Mine, CornwallIS
99 Watson Lake 117 White River Formation, Wyoming
Veining Watts Mountain Formation, Pine 361
porphyry copper deposits 84-5 Point district 264 Wind
Veins Waulsortian reefs 248,249 effects on beach sand deposits 109
dassification of 154 Waves Wind River Formation, Wyoming
mining from 4 hea vy mineral concentration 193 3S8
Venezuela 55 Wawa district, Canada 320,321 Wire-line drilling xvi, 306
Ventersdorpgroup, Witwatersrand Weathering 37,274-5,307,324 Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa
Basin 205 kimberlites 62 12,201,202,203-11,212
Viburnum Trend, Missouri 259, lateritic nickel deposits 294 Witwatersrand Supergroup, South
260,261,266 sulphides 308-9 Africa 212
Visean age 248, 249 Wehrlite xvi, 35 Wolframite 93, 185,211,380,382,
VLF-EM Weipa, Queensland 283 442
geophysical exploration 37 Welkom gold field, Witwatersrand Wollaston Domain, Canadian
V olcanic-peridotite association Basin 210 Shield 341-2
nickel sulphide deposits 38, 40-1, West Africa 284,307 Wollastonite 370,377,379,387,391,
41-2,42-5,45--8 West African craton 55 442
Volcanic rocks 115,116-17,119-20, West Rand Group, Witwatersrand Woodlawn deposit, New South
126-8,130,145,156,238,279, Basin 206, 209 Wales 130,131,133
326 West Shasta, USA 111 World Bank 402
Volcanism Western Australia 72, 158 Wrens, Georgia, USA 302
ore genesis 82, 323, 324 Agnew deposit 40, 45, 47-9 Wrigglite 394
Volcano-sedimentary origin AKI pipe 54,57, 62, 64 Wyloo group, Hamerslcy Basin 326
hydrothennal gold deposits 146 Archaean Shield 146-52, 16G-l, Wyoming 355,356,357,358,359,
Volcanogenic sulphide deposits 14, 164-9,169-70,302,323,326, 362,364
107-16,137,152,409 333
exploration 128-36 Eastern Goldfields Province 42, X-ray diffraction analysis 288,350
genesis 125-8 147,152,160,161,164,168 X-ray spectrometry 288
types 116-25 Gabbin district 302, 303, 306 Xenocrystal origin of diamonds 58

Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration
Xenothermal deposits 144 Chromite production 19, 36 197,208,211,225,443
Xenotime 185, 443 Damba deposit 42 Zone refining 58
gold 146, 147, 148, 149, 163, 164, Zoning
170 beach sand deposits 189
Yakabindie, Western Australia 52
Great 'Dyke' 19,22 hydrothermal gold deposits 151,
Yakutia, USSR 57, 60
nickel sulphide deposits 38,39,40, 155, 160--1
Yampa deposit' Utah 379, 390
41,42,48,50 Irish lead-zinc deposits
Yandera, Papua, New Guinea 81,89, Shangani deposit 41 Kuroko deposit 123-4
90 Zinc90, 107, 1'13, 124, 125, 130, 131, McArthur River 237,240
Yellow ore 137,245,248,254,257,259, porphyry copper deposits 74, 76-
Kuroko deposit 123 260,262,265,266,267,370, 7, 79-80
Yerington, Nevada 73 371,374,377,380,387,389, porphyry molybdenum deposits
Yilgarn block, Western Australia 40, 390,394,404,411,412 96-9
42,43,46,49,109,147,149, Zinc-bearing calcic skarn 386 sandstone-hosted uranium
151,166,168,302,323 Zinc-copper deposits 116 deposits 364
Young Alluvium, Kinta Valley 184 Zinc-copper group sediment-hosted copper deposits
Yugoslavia 32,33,93,283,293 volcanogenic sulphides 107, 108 218-19
Zinc-dominant subtype sedimentary-exhalative deposits
Zaire 55, 178,218,221,227 Mississippi Valley-type lead-zinc 230
Zambia 220, 222, 224, 226, 227-30 deposits 261 skarn deposits 371, 379, 385, 386
Zambian copperbelt 216,217,221- Zinc-lead-copper group Teutonic Bore 120--1
30 volcanogenic sulphides 107, 108 vertical 80
Zarnitsa, USSR 58 Zinc-lead skarn deposits 376-7, 380, volcanogenic sulphide deposits
Zimbabwe 161 . 385-6 112-13,134
Archaean Shield 110, 146, 147 Zircon 62, 175, 180, 185, 190, 195, Zambian copperbelt 225


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