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I put together all of the tin can   
by drilling holes in the cans, and 
attaching them by string & wire. 
Next I added the top of a plastic 
“How to Recycle Tin or Steel Cans.” 
water bottle for the hat.  
3. Tops of cans were super glued  ____​to-recycl​e-tin-or-steel-cans/. 
onto the hat to give it a ‘tin 
Lotha, Gloria. “Tin.” ​Encyclopedia Britannica, 
man’ look. 
____​Inc., 8 Aug. 2019, 

4. Final step was putting it all 
  Cavette, Chris. “Tin.” ​How Products Are 
MATERIALS​ ​USED  ____​Made, 
____​​.  ​Sydney Sartain- 11/9/19 
❏ Tin cans  Hughes, Taylor. “Chemistry of Tin (Z=50).”   
❏ String and wire  ____​www.Chemistry LibreTexts, ​Libertexts, 5   
❏ Plastic water bottle 
❏ Tops of soda cans 
❏ Tops of topo chico bottles  
❏ Hot glue  ____​organic_Chemistry/Supplemental_Module  
❏ Drill gun  ____​s_(Inorganic_Chemistry)/Descriptive_Che  
AMOUNT OF  ____​hemistry_of_tin_(Z%3D50). 
In chemistry class, for my 
MONEY​ ​SPENT    upcycle project, I was assigned 
All items that I used to build the tin 
to build a sellable project all 
man were donated by students. I spent  made out of trash! I chose to 
no money building it. I used old cans 
  build a sculpture of a tin man. I 
from the cafeteria, and other materials  wired the cans all together, and 
from students who had extra.I'm  came up with creative ways to 
amazed at how cool it turned out 
without buying materials.  make it look good. 



SOCIETY  The percent composition of tin is N/A​. In tin “there 
are 1.33 atoms of tin per 1 × 106 atoms of ​silicon​, an 
  abundance roughly equal to that of niobium, 
Tin has greatly impacted our society.  ruthenium, neodymium, or Platinum​.” (Hughes).​ At 
During the agricultural revolution, tin  a high temperature, tin reacts with water and oxygen 
was extremely important for their job of  to form oxide. As shown in the picture, tin has an 
transferring food in an easy way where  atomic number of 50. 
it won't get ruined. The invention of the   
tin can decreased the amount of food 
wastage there was (Lotha). It also makes   
food last longer than un-canned foods. It   
as well, prevented leftover crops from 
rotting. Tin created an easier way to   
transport food. When more food began 
to be transported, the population of   
people increased.  
THE OUTCOME  Tin cans in a landfill are a wasted resource, and it 
melts at 449.5 degrees fahrenheit. Tin takes 50 years 

  to decompose in landfills. According to the site, 

Earth911, “tin cans may be recycled infinitely with 
no loss of quality. Unlike glass, paper or plastic, 
metal is in limited supply, putting extra importance 
on recycling. Two-thirds of all new tin manufactured 
comes from recycled tin, meaning one-third must still 
come from virgin material”(“How to Recycle”). 


In 1810, tin became available to consumers. Tin is 
“obtained commercially by reducing the ore with   
coal in a furnace” (Lotha). It is found in the ore   
cassiterite, which is a mineral of tin. It was first used 
in 3500 BC in Southern Mesopotamia (Lotha). Tins  ⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆ 
raw materials include limestone, silica, and salt.   

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