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digital/visual data on the move
, , The concept of 'Trajectory' seeks , , I want to argue that a constant
to reflect on the relationship looking and wandering could
between four elements: mobility, become, with the use of certain
visual data, digital methods and visual/digital tools and their
reflexivity, focusing on the use of affordances, and through the
the mobile phone as a tool to researcher's constant reflexivity, a
engage with these elements while useful approach for ethnographic
reflecting on them (336). research (337).

, , mobile phones and tablet and , , This implies thinking of movement

laptop screens turn public places not only as a resource but also as
into intimate spheres of action the enabler of a specific way of
that, observed with the same kind looking (341 ).
of mobility they afford, create
alternative readings that could be , , The field is always a relational
help to show hidden tensions in connection between my body, my
the study of mobile digital gaze and my tools, with reflexivity
phenomena (340). as the key element (341 ).

, , Our encounters, always in motion, always random

and most of the time documented, created a
trajectoryto reflect on (339).
, , The randomness and serendipity , , When using smartphones that
of everyday mobility, forming this combine camera features,
'in-transit gaze', could become a metadata recording and GPS
powerful tool when directed systems with different apps to
towards a research goal which store and organise data,
guides the observations. It affords interesting possibilities for
a seamless continuum between ethnographic work could be
observation, mobility, registration discussed [ ...] not necessarily
and imagination (337). (only) technical but they could
also open epistemological
discussions (335).

, , the mobile phone is increasingly becoming an

important research tool precisely because of its
converging capabilities of image-creation and
locative metadata (337). lHINK
Nathaniel A Rivers, 2020

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