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Critical thinking is an important phenomenon in nursing science because of its implications for

education, practice and the development of nursing knowledge (Hicks, 2001). Critical thinking is

of great importance in an applied profession such as nursing since rapid changes are experienced

and decision-making is of vital significance (Distler, 2007; Beckie et al., 2001). Therefore, nurses

will move toward the establishment of best practices in an evidence-based healthcare environment

by developing CT skills and attitudes (Berman & Synder 2010). It is regarded as the basis of

professional judgment and has the potential to improve the quality of judgments and decisions in

clinical practice (Hwang et al., 2010, Fesler-Birch, 2005). Little is known about the miens to a

basic considering of Turkish nursing which is working at emergency unit. Albeit critical thinking

in basic care of nursing is an essential issue, the quantity of studies directed in Turkey on this issue

has stayed exceptionally restricted. Thus, it is intended to research the miens toward the critical

thinking of basic care of nursing. The point of this review was to portray the basic speculation

manners among basic care nurses in Turkey, and to ponder whether foundation information had

any effect on basic intuition demeanor.


Data for this descriptive study were collected from July 2014 to October 2014 during face-to-face

meetings with the nurses. The universe of the research is composed of 105 intensive care nurses

working in a public hospital in Turkey. All of the nurses in research universe is planned to

participate in the study. However, during data collection 12 nurses are on leave and 8 did not

accepted to participate in the study. So, 20 of the nurses are omitted in the sample size and excluded

in the study. As a result, 85 nurses in total are included in research. The response rate is
approximately 81% in this study. Data was collected using the nurse identification form and the

California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CCTDI).

Information for this review were gathered from July 2014 to October 2014 during face-to-face and

personal gatherings with the nurses. The universe of the exploration is made out of 105 serious

care nurses working in an open doctor's facility in Turkey. The greater part of the nurses in research

universe is wanted to take an interest in the review. In any case, amid information accumulation

12 attendants are on leave and 8 did not acknowledged to take an interest in the review. Thus, 20

of the medical caretakers are overlooked in the example measure and rejected in the review.

Subsequently, 85 nurture altogether are incorporated into research. The reaction rate is roughly

81% in this review. Information was gathered utilizing the medical attendant ID shape and the

California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CCTDI).

Data Analysis

All data were analyzed using the statistical package program in computer. All variables were

initially analyzed descriptively. In analysis of the data; frequency, percentage, mean, standard

deviation was calculated. Normality test of the obtained data is not performed (Kolmogorov-

Smirnov test: 2.510, p=0,01<0.05), because of the data showed normal distribution to examine the

relationship between variables the Pearson Correlation Analysis is performed, in the comparison

of variables the Kruskal Wallis test and for independent groups the Mann-Whitney U test is used.

A test of hypothesis with p value < 0.05 was considered as significant.

All information was breaking down utilizing the statistical program in a computer. All factors were

at first broke down descriptively. In investigation of the information; recurrence, rate, mean,

standard deviation was ascertained. Typicality trial of the acquired information is not performed

(Kolmogorov-Smirnov test: 2.510, p=0,01<0.05), on account of the information demonstrated

ordinary dissemination to analyze the relationship between factors the Pearson Correlation

Analysis is performed, in the examination of factors the Kruskal Wallis test and for free gatherings

the Mann-Whitney U test is utilized. A trial of speculation with p esteem < 0.05 was considered

as critical.


The normal periods of the nurses’ examination are 25.15±4.72. The facility nurture in the review

were all ladies (100%). Almost half (n=41, 48.2%) had a BSN as their most astounding degree.

Half of the medical caretakers (65.8 %) incorporated into this review had an ICU encounter

between 0-5 years. Thirty six percent (36%) of the attendants work in surgical ICU, 33.3 % of the

medical attendants' work in therapeutic ICU, 30.7 % of the medical caretakers work in anesthesia

and restoration unit.

In this review, it is expressed that total basic speculation aura scores are fundamentally higher in

gathering of nurses having post graduate authentication identified with emergency unit attendants

without testament (p<0.05). At the point when the scores acquired in sub-scales as per having

endorsement of attendants about emergency unit inspected the scores in sub-scales identified with

receptive and CT self-assurance are higher essentially in gathering of medical attendants having

testament than attendants without declaration


In this review, the normal CTD scores of the total example of Turkish basic care nursing were

194.11±14.21, implying that the CTD scores are at the lower level. When it is inspected the

consequences of this review in Turkey, the distinction of CTD levels of the medical caretakers can

be seen and as a rule it can be specify about the low levels of the CTD of attendants in Turkey

(Eser et al., 2007; Dirimese and Dicle, 2006). An extensive variety of individual scores were seen
on each sub-scale, with the biggest range for the investigative sub-scale (45-60) and the littlest

range for the efficient sub-scale (10-30) in this review. The individual with solid CT certainty

shows the capacity to settle on dependable choices and trusts that others depend on them to tackle

issues and choose what to do (Facione and Facione, 2007). In this way, there ought to be a

relationship between fearlessness and self-rule.


In this review showed that basic considering basic care medical attendants is at a low level. The

most astounding mean score was on the diagnostic sub-scale and the least on reality chasing and

the precise sub-scale. Then again, age, instruction level and years of experience of attendants not

influences basic intuition demeanor. Likewise, improvement and upgrade of basic intuition ought

to be underscored at the school level and medical caretakers ought to be urged to settle on a clinical

choice with more prominent reasonability. Later on, subjective reviews that examine the variables

influencing basic intuition beginning from the earliest starting point of nursing training ought to

be led so that enhanced arrangements can be proposed.


Hicks., F.D. (2001). Critical thinking: toward a nursing science perspective, Nurs Sci Q. 4(1),14-


Beckie, T.M., Lowry, L.W., & Barnett, S. (2001). Assessing critical thinking in baccalaureate

nursing students: a longitudinal study. Holistic Nursing Practice, 15 (3), 18–26.

Distler, J.W. (2007). Critical thinking and clinical competence: results of the implementation of

student-centered teaching strategies in an advanced practice nurse curriculum. Nurse Education

in Practice, 7, 53–59

Berman, A.J., & Snyder, S. (2010). Kozier & Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, Process,

and Practice, 9th edition, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458.

Hwang, S.Y., Yen, M., Lee, B.O., Huang, M., &

Tseng, H. (2010). A critical thinking disposition scale for nurses: short form. Journal of Clinical

Nursing,19(21 22),3171-6.

Eser, I., Khorshid, L., & Demir, Y. (2007). The Tendency to Think Critically: Examining and

Influencing Factors in Intensive Care Nursing. CU School of Nursing Journal, 11:13-22. (in


Facione, N., & Facione, P. (2007). The California critical thinking disposition inventory: a test of

crtical thinking disposition test manual. Millbrae, CA: Insight Assessment, The California

Academic Press LLC.

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