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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Sultan Kudarat
Mabolo St. Poblacion, Esperanza, Sultan Kudarat








Research Adviser


Bullying is now very popular in our society especially to the school,

bullying can either effect or destroy a life of a young. Bullying culture can develop

in any context in which human interact with each other. This may include school,

family, the workplace, the home and neighborhoods. Many types of bullying

occurs in the school, it was whether by physical contact, through words, and

even in social media platforms, that can intentionally inflicts injury and discomfort

upon the bully or the person being bullied.

Depression is fairly common in teens and younger children. About five

percent of children and adolescents in the general population suffer from

depression at any given point at a time. Teenage girls are at special risk, as are

minority youth. Over the past fifty years, depression has become more common

and is now recognized at increasing younger ages. As the rate of depression

rises, so does the suicide rate.


We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the special people who

have extended their assistance for the success of this study;

To the almighty God, who is the source of life and strength of knowledge

and wisdom.

Mrs. Evelyn Gestupa, for the kindness and patience and let us see the

sample population of each grade level sections.

To Mr. Samsudin Abdullah, for genuine apprehension, encouragement,

patience, and guidance whose expertise and knowledge were generously


To our fellow classmates, for sharing their knowledge and idea in helping

us in the construction of the project;

To our parents and guardians, for the untiring love and support.Also for

the financial assistance for this research paper.

The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, this piece of work are heartily offered.


Background of the Study

Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children

that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or

has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who

bully others may have serious, lasting problem. Bullying includes actions such as

making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and

excluding someone from a group on purpose (Donahue, 2019). Bullying is a

distinctive pattern of harming and humiliating others, specifically those who are in

some way smaller, weaker, and younger or in any way more vulnerable than the

bully. Bullying is not garden-variety aggression; it is a deliberate and repeated

attempt to cause harm to others of lesser power (Golden, 2019). According also

to Olweus (2013) bullying occurs when a person is exposed, repeatedly and over

time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons. He says

negative actions occur when a person intentionally inflicts injury or discomfort

upon another person, through physical contact, through words or in other words.

As stressed by Mayo (2018), teen depression is a serious mental health

problem that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest in

activities. It affects how your teenager thinks, feels and behaves, and it can

cause emotional, functional and physical problems.Teen depression is a serious

medical illness. It's more than just a feeling of being sad or "blue" for a few days.

It is an intense feeling of sadness, hopelessness, and anger or frustration that

lasts much longer. These feelings make it hard for you to function normally and

do your usual activities. You may also have trouble focusing and have no

motivation or energy. Depression can make you feel like it is hard to enjoy life or

even get through the day (Brennan, 2018). Depression is serious and, if left

untreated, can worsen to the point of becoming life-threatening. If depressed

teens refuse treatment, it may be necessary for family members or other

concerned adults to seek professional advice. And when adolescents are

depressed, they have a tough time believing that their outlook can improve

(Gionfriddo, 2019)

Furthermore, the higher the extent of bullying on teens, the higher the

extent that he/she will experience teen depression. Any form of bullying is

unacceptable in the schools and will not be tolerated. Specially, when bullying

will cause stress and depression on children, adults and teens.And students who

are part of bullying incident are more likely to miss, skip, or drop out of school.

This research also wants to know the effects of bullying on why adolescents

experiences teen depression. Thus, this research generally aims to determine

the relationship of bullying on teen depression at Esperanza National High

Conceptual Framework


Bullying Teen Depression

 Physical Bullying  Loss of

 Verbal Bullying Interest/Pleasure
 Relational Bullying  Weight Loss/Gain
 Cyber Bullying  Feeling of
 Tiredness
 Feeling of
 Trouble
 Thoughts of

The figure 1 shows the paradigm of the study on the relationship of the

variables given. For the independent variable consist of bullying, which is

composed of physical bullying, verbal bullying, relational bullying, and cyber

bullying. While on the left side of the paradigm, consist of dependent variable

composed of loss of interest, weight loss or gain, feeling of sleepless, tiredness

and without energy, feeling of worthless, trouble concentration, and thoughts of


All the independent variables and dependent variables are clearly shown

and explained on how this would influence the result of the study at Esperanza

National High School in the school year 2019-2020.

Statement of the Problem

This study generally aims to determine the effect of bullying on teen

depression at Esperanza National High School for the School Year 2019-2020.

Specifically this study seeks answers to the following question:

1. To what extent is the bullying incidence experienced by the students in terms


1.1 Physical Bullying;

1.2 Verbal Bullying;

1.3 Relational Bullying;

1.4 Cyber bullying

1.4.1 Facebook/Messenger;

1.4.2 Instagram;

1.4.3 Twitter; and

1.4.4 YouTube

2. To what extent is the depression experienced by the students relative to:

2.1 Loss of Interest/Pleasure in the School Activities;

2.2 Weight Loss/Gain;

2.3 Feeling of Sleepless during the day;

2.4 Tiredness and Without Energy;

2.5 Feeling of Worthless or Guilt;

2.6 Trouble Concentration or Making Decisions;

2.7 Thoughts of Suicide?

3. What is the relationship between bullying and teen depression experienced by

the students of Esperanza National High School.

Significance of the Study

The finding which this study will reveal may benefit some certain groups

and the benefits they may be able to gain are as follows:

Students. This group may use this study as an example to bear in their mind

they are luckier than those who are bullied even life is very struggling because of

economic problems, they are still send in the school to learn by their parents,

thus will challenge to them and enabling them to perform well in class, study

harder to upgrade their knowledge and intelligence so that the difficulties

experienced by their parents in sending them to school to attain their goals will

not be in vain.

Future Researchers/ Researcher Themselves. The findings of this

study will be serving as a good source of accurate and useful information for


Usually majority of the students especially teens who experienced bullying

will also suffer for teen depression. This was also the sickness of our society in

which the students who experienced bullying leave the school and became

rebellious as the times pass by. In this regard, the researcher wants to know

through this study what are the relation of bullying to depression.

To all Parent. So that the parents will be able to know that they should

have a sense of dedication and devotion as parents in implementation of some

strategies for the development of their kids although they experienced being
bullied or those who committed bullying to bring them in a state that they can be

proud to be the parents even of those who overcome the effects of being bullied.

To the School Organization. It'll help them to minimize the bullying

happening here at school.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study confined itself to the identification of the effects of bullying and

its relationship with teen depression at Esperanza National High School. This

study centers on the students of Esperanza National High from Grade 7 to Grade


Operational Definition of Terms

For better understanding, these key terms are defined operationally.

Bullying- is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that

involves a real or perceived imbalance.

Cyber bullying- or cyber harassment is a form of bullying or harassment using

electronic means. It was also known as online bullying.

Facebook/Messenger- is a popular free social networking website that allows

registered users to create profiles, upload photos and videos, send messages

and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues.

Feeling of Sleepless- the feeling of someone who cannot sleep at night.

Feeling of Worthless- feeling that everything is wrong, and that there is nothing

good in your life.Your are also feeling useless.

Instagram- this app allows users to upload photos and videos to the service,

which can be edited with various filters, and organized with tags and location
information. Users can browse other users content by tags and locations, and

view trending content.

Loss of Interest- this can leave you feeling isolated, which can also make you

prone to anxiety.

Physical Bullying- punching, kicking, and other physical attacks are being used

to bully someone.

Relational Bullying- is a form of bullying common among youth, but particularly

so among girls, and involves a bully trying to h3urt a peer and/or that peer's

standing within a particular peer group.

Teen Depression- a serious mental health problem that causes a persistent

feeling of sadness and loss of interest in activities.

Thoughts of Suicide- it is thinking and planning about suicide. Thoughts can

range from a detailed plan to a fleeting consideration. It does not include the final

act of suicide.

Tiredness and Without Energy- lack of energy and sleep and over exercise to

medical and surgical treatments.

Trouble Concentration- when a person is always dealing with troubles.

Twitter- is a micro blogging and social networking service on which users post

and interact with messages known as "tweets".

Weight Loss/ Gain- it is losing and gaining weight.

YouTube- a popular video sharing website where registered users can upload

and share videos with anyone able to access the site.


Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the review of the related literature on bullying and

teen depression at Esperanza National High School. The information or data

gathered are very useful in conceptualizing the research. This was all taken from

previous study with the help of social media sources which are carefully

organized according to the order of the research objectives to provide reliable

bases for discussion and interpretation of findings of the study.

Bullying is the use of force, coercion, or threat, to abuse, aggressively dominate

or intimidate. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential

prerequisite is the perception (by the bully or by the others) of an imbalance of

physical or social power. Bullying ranges from one-on-one, individual bullying

through the group bullying, called mobbing, in which the bully may have one or

more 'lieutenants' who may be willing to assist the primary bully. It is the activity

of repeated, aggressive behavior intended to hurt another individual, physically,

mentally, and emotionally (Graham, 2014).

Physical bullying is when using one's body and physically bodily acts to exert

power over peers. Punching, kicking and other physical attacks are all types of

physical bullying. Unlike relational and verbal bullying, the effects of physical

bullying can be easier to spot (Pearson, 2018).

Verbal bullying is when someone, who is bully, uses insulting or demeaning

language to mock, embarrass or insult another person. And people that do verbal
bullying have low self-esteem and they want to bully other people to make

themselves feel good (Robichaud, 2017).

According to Ahmed, 2017, relational bullying is alarming because not only

does relational bullying cause damage to the target, but it also erodes the rest of

the groups humanity. Relational bullying can also be confusing because when it

coupled between the folds of funny banter among friends, it can even be difficult

for the victim to understand what is happening.

On the other hand, as stated by Rouse, 2018, cyber bullying is the use of cell

phones, instant massaging, e-mail, chat rooms or social networking cites such as

Facebook and instagram to harass, threaten, or intimidate someone. Cyber

bullying is often done by children, who have increasingly early access to these


Teen depression is a serious issue, but can be helped when you know the

symptoms. Depressive illness in teenagers is defined when the feelings of

depression persist and interfere with the teen's ability to function. Teenagers

experience depression in a manner very similar to adults, but they may

experience their emotions more intensely and with greater volatility (Joseph,


Loss of interest or anhedonia is one of the main symptoms of major depressive

disorder (MDD). People suffering from clinical depression lose interest in

hobbies, friends, work, and even food and sex. It's as if the brain's pleasure

circuits shut down or short out. In other words, maybe pleasure is experienced
fully, but only briefly, not long enough to sustain interest or involvement in life's

good things (Brynie, 2015)

Weight loss, in the context of medicine, health, or physical fitness, refers to a

reduction of the total body mass, due to the mean loss of fluid, body fat or

adipose tissue or lean mass, namely bone mineral deposits, muscle, tendon, and

other connective tissue. Intentional weight loss is commonly reoffered to as

slimming. While weight gain, is the increase in body weight. This can involve an

increase muscle mass, fat deposits, excess fluids such as water or other factor (

Schoeller, 2010).

Feeling of sleepless is a sleeping difficulty when you have trouble sleeping at

night. It may be hard for you to fall asleep, or you may wake up several times

throughout the night. It may affect your physical and mental health. Luck of sleep

may also cause you to have frequent headaches or trouble concentrating

(Sampson, 2019).

As stated by Shiel, 2018, feeling of tiredness is a feeling of a lessened capacity

for work and reduced efficiency of accomplishment, usually accompanied by a

sense of weariness and fatigue. The lack of energy associated with tiredness can

sometimes cause difficulty with normal daily activities, leading to problems with

attentiveness and concentration.

According to Harcourt, 2010, feeling of worthless is the state of being

unimportant and useless. For example, a depressed person might struggle with

feelings of worthlessness- of not being useful or important in any way.

Trouble concentration is anything that causes difficulty, worry, and

inconvenience, or that prevents you from doing something. Like for example, you

have trouble getting along with your classmate, it is hard to be friendly with him

or her ( Rigby, 2015).

As stated by Legg, suicidal thoughts, or suicidal ideation, means thinking about

or planning suicide. Thoughts can range from a detailed plan to a fleeting

consideration. It does not include the final act of suicide. Suicidal thoughts are

common, and many people experience them when they are undergoing stress or


Significance of the Study

The finding which this study will reveal may benefit some certain groups

and the benefits they may be able to gain are as follows:

Students.This group may use this study as an example to bear in their mind they

are luckier than those who are bullied even life is very struggling because of

economic problems, they are still send in the school to learn by their parents,

thus will challenge to them and enabling them to perform well in class, study

harder to upgrade their knowledge and intelligence so that the difficulties

experienced by their parents in sending them to school to attain their goals will

not be in vain.

Future Researchers/ Researcher Themselves.The findings of this study will be

serving as a good source of accurate and useful information for them.

Usually majority of the students especially teens who experienced bullying will

also suffer for teen depression. This was also the sickness of our society in which

the students who experienced bullying leave the school and became rebellious

as the times pass by. In this regard, the researcher wants to know through this

study what are the relation of bullying to depression.

To all Parent. So that the parents will be able to know that they should have a

sense of dedication and devotion as parents in implementation of some

strategies for the development of their kids although they experienced being

bullied or those who committed bullying to bring them in a state that they can be

proud to be the parents even of those who overcome the effects of being bullied.

To the School Organization.It'll help them to minimize the bullying happening

here at school.



This chapter presents the research method, sources of data, locale of the

study, data gathering instrument and procedures, and statistical treatment. This

chapter also describes how the respondents will be choose.

Research Design

The researcher uses correlational research design for it is the most

appropriate means of getting the relationship of bullying and teen depression.

This correlational study will determine the personal opinions and statements of

the study or respondent and the effects of bullying to the students of Esperanza
National High School. Correlational research involves the description of the

bullying and teen depression. Often involves determining the relationship of the

two variables.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study will be coming from the different sections of

Esperanza National High School for the school year 2019-2020. The students of

Esperanza National High School is the chosen respondents it was because the

study focusses on teens or youth, and the students of this school suited to the


Locale of the Study

This study was conducted here at Esperanza National High School.

Sampling Technique

Table 1: represents the sample students per grade level.


GRADE 7 222 63

GRADE 8 270 74

GRADE 9 287 80

GRADE 10 262 72

TOTAL 1, 041 289

The computation is as follows:

N 222 (209)
n= I+ ne2 Grade 7= = 63
1, 041 270 (289)
1+1,041 (0.05)2 Grade 8= =74
1, 041
1, 041 287 (289)
1+1,041 (0.0025) Grade 9= =80
= 1,041
262 (289)
As shown in table 1, there are 1,041 students chosen as a respondents of

this study. In Grade 7 we chooses 222 students, Grade 8 we chooses 270

students, while in Grade 9 there are 287 chosen students, and in Grade 10 there

are 262 student-respondents chosen. Using slovin's equation, a sample of 289

served as a student-respondents in which 63 students came from the Grade 7,

74 student-respondents comes from the Grade 8, and 80 respondents from the

Grade 9, while the remaining 72 student-respondent came from the Grade 10.

Data Gathering Instrument

The materials and instruments to be used in gathering data of this study is


Questionnaire-ranking. Questionnaire-raking is the main tool or instrument

used in gathering data. It was employed primarily to come up with the perception

of respondents concerning the subject matter (Good, 2009). A questionnaire is a

list of planned, written questions related to a particular topic, with space provided

for indicating the response to each questions, intended for submission to a

numbers for replies. To identify the individual student-respondent, purposive

sampling technique was applied.

Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering the data coming from the respondents, the first step that we will

going to do is to check the validity of the research instrument to the adviser

whether it is consistent or not. Asking letter or permission from the head of the

school or to the principal of Esperanza National High School will be the next step
to be done. Afterwards, if the school principal will approve this research,

orientation with the respondents are now the next step where the respondents

will be informed about the study. Next, the respondents will be instructed on how

to answer the questionnaire given onto them. They will be given more than one

hour to answer the questions, so that they can answer properly the question.

After they answered the questionnaire, retrieval of the questionnaire will be

followed and the researcher will check or triangulate the answer of their

respondents. After founding out that their answer is consistent to the questions,

tabulation of the raw data in Microsoft excel will be applied so that the errors will

be minimize. Lastly, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data, where the

researcher will going to present their output on class or on their adviser.

Statistical Treatment

To determine the extent of bullying experience by the students weighted

mean will be applied. And in determining the extent of depression experience by

the students weighted mean will also be applied. To investigate the relationship

between the bullying and teen depression experienced by the students of

Esperanza National High School, Pearson-r or Person-product moment

correlation will be the one to applied.

The following research parameters will be applied in determining the level of

Rating Scale Verbal Descriptive

4.20 Very high

3.40 high

2.60 moderately high

1.80 low

1.00 very low

The following research parameters will be applied in determining the level of teen


Rating Scale Verbal Descriptive

4.20 Very high

3.40 high

2.60 moderately high

1.80 low

1.00 very low

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