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A. Basic Rules

1. Each academic department may have a cheering squad for the cheer dance competition.
2. Team members must be bonafide students of their respective departments.
3. Each team must consist of minimum of twenty (20) to a maximum of thirty (30) members that will be
composed of cheer dancers alone.
4. A maximum of five (5) spotters / marshals, five (5) alternate dance members, five (5) instrumentalists
and ten (10) props men will be allowed.
5. Submission of list of team members with waiver (Hard copy and Soft copy), is on or before January 17,
2020. Friday until 5:00 P.M. only. NO change of members will be allowed at that time. The list of
members is to be submitted at SSC office only.
6. Music for the performance should be in MP3 format and required to be passed on or before January
31, 2020. Friday until 5:00 P.M. only, at SSC office.
7. Collaboration with other department will be only allowed if the total population is less than five hundred
(500). The departments that are open for collaborations are the following:
• College of Education
• College of Arts
• Electrical Engineering
• Electronics Engineering
• Environmental and Sanitary Engineering
• Industrial Engineering
• Marine Engineering

B. Safety Rules

1. Use of mini-tramps, spring boards, or any apparatus used to propel a participant is NOT permitted.
2. Soft-soled rubber shoes must be worn while competing; NO jazz shoes and / or boots will be allowed.
3. Jewelry of any kind is PROHIBITED. This includes earrings, nose, tongue and belly button rings,
necklaces and pins on uniforms.

C. Uniforms

1. The costumes / uniforms of each participating team must be decent and appropriate for public viewing.
Any act of indecency will automatically receive a 5 POINTS DEDUCTION TO THE TOTAL SCORE.
2. The department’s uniform may be a different color from seven’s official color but must have at least a
touch of it. Any acts of indecency will automatically 5 POINTS DEDUCTION TO THE TOTAL SCORE.
3. Props men and spotters must wear all black t-shirts and pants for visibility and identity purposes.
D. Performance Area

All cheer teams will perform on a floor mat. The mat will be placed over the Congregating Area. Only
soft-soled rubber shoes will be allowed on the performance surface. Stunts and pyramids shall be
performed within the floor mats only. However, dance routines can be performed outside the floor mats.

E. Performance

1. The sequence of performance shall be decided via draw lots.

2. Each team will perform a choreographed routine of at most six (6) minutes inclusive of the ingress
and egress. Music is allowed for all or part of each routine. Percussion instruments are allowed.
3. The committee has prepared an official timer to take note of the time consumed by each group.

F. Routine Requirements

Organized formal entrances that involve organized cheers or run-on with jumps, tumbling, or stunts are
not permitted. Cheerleaders, dancers and mascots should enter the performance area in a timely fashion.

1. Cheer teams should utilize all areas of their squad’s technical strength in jumps, tumbling, stunts,
pyramids, motion technique, projection and expression, choreography, showmanship, and dance.
2. Any squad can use any form of props or paraphernalia. It is in the discretion of the respective teams
provided that it would not damage the venue. Deadly weapons, pyrotechnics, any pointed or rough
materials, and the like are generally banned. Any use of the latter will automatically disqualify
the squad.
3. Team Yell: each team will be required to perform a yell. It would be included in the performance
of the cheer squad. (minimum of 30 seconds and maximum of 60 seconds; failure to comply
will lead to a 5 points deduction from the over-all score). Use of foul words or cheers attacking
other department/s is strictly prohibited. For each participating team, the Team Yell will be the first
performance followed by the dance proper. The Team Yell is included in the 6-minute minimum
time requirement of performance.

G. Tumbling

1. Tumbling skills that exceed one flipping rotation and / or two twisting rotations are
prohibited (No double backs, triple-full, etc.)
2. Tumbling over under or through a stunt individual or prop is not permitted.
3. Tumbling with a prop is prohibited. (Example: back hand springs and back tucks with
pompoms are illegal.)
H. Pyramids

1. Pyramids over 2.5 persons high are prohibited. Pyramid height is determined by the following:
(3rd level stunt) (Please use level six (6) pyramids)

• 1 High = one standing person

• 1.5 High = thigh stand, arm stand, shoulder straddle, chair sit stunt, table top and shoulder
level splits.
• 2 High = any single or double base stand or stunt at or above shoulder level.
Example: shoulder stand, extension prep, extension, liberty, etc.
2. Dismounts or transitions involving hip overhead rotation into or from a pyramid or stunt are allowed
provided the top person being transitioned is braced throughout the sequence.
3. All 2.5 high pyramids must have a dedicated spotter (participants) in front and back of the top
person for each third level structure.
4. Any dismounts off a pyramid 2.5 high should be cradled by at least 3 catchers, one dedicated on
the shoulder and neck area of the top person.
5. Flipping or twisting dismounts from pyramids exceeding one rotation are prohibited.
6. Combined flip and twisting dismounts from pyramids are prohibited.
7. Free flying flips on to pyramids are prohibited.

I. Tosses

1. Tosses must be executed with at least three bases and should be cradled by the same bases.
2. Intentional traveling tosses are not allowed.
3. Basket / sponge tosses must land in a cradle position only.
4. Third catcher must always be in position to spot the head and neck areas of the person
5. All level 5 tosses are allowed except level 6 tosses that involve twisting motion.

J. Penalties

A deduction of 5 points in every penalty listed below from the over-all score if failed to comply:
• If a team failed to attend on time during the meeting of coaches / DSC, dry run and the registration
• If pyramid exceeds more than the allowed height.
• If a team failed to submit the list of participants on time.
• If a team failed to submit the music for their performance on time.
• Exceeding minute/s will be counted as penalty. Every 10 seconds and the fraction thereof will
have a 5 points deduction to the department.
• If a team fails to follow any of the safety rules of the whole guidelines.
K. Proclamation of Winners

1. Only the Top Three (3) are announced at the end of the competition.
2. Organizers’ and Judges’ decision are final and irrevocable.

L. Criteria for Judging (Cheerdance Competition)

Cheer Elements
Execution 10pts.
Quantity 10pts.
Transition In/Out 10pts. 40 points
Structure 10pts.
Execution 10pts.
Quantity 10pts.
Transition In/Out 10pts 40 points
Structure 10pts.
Difficulty 5pts.
Quantity 5pts.
Height/Form 5pts 20 points
Synchronization 5pts.
Jumps/Tumbling (Standing and Running):
Jumps 5pts.
Quantity 5pts.
Difficulty 5pts 20 points
Synchronization 5pts.
Synchronization 15pts.
Choreography 20pts.
Execution 15pts. 70 points
Techniques 10pts.
Costume, Props and Theme 10pts
Chant/Cheer for the department 10pts. 10 points
Total 200 points

Raffy A. Begaso
SSC Vice President
Project Head, Cheerdance 2020

Patricia Paula H. Corpuz

SSC Board Member
Project Head, Cheerdance 2020

Veejhay K. Velasco
SSC Board Member
Project Head, Cheerdance 2020


Mr. Antonio J. Salido Sgn.

Acting OSA Coordinator

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