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🇵🇵Currently Affairs of Pakistan

🇵🇵President🇵Arif Naqvi
🇵🇵Speaker (NA)- Asad Qaiser
🇵🇵Deputy Speaker(NA)- M.Qasim khan Durani
🇵🇵Opposition leader- Mian Shahbaz Sharif
🇵🇵Chairman Senate- Sadiq Sanjrani
🇵🇵Deputy Chairman Senate-Saleem Mandiwala
🇵🇵House Leader(Senate)- Sayd Shibli Faraz
🇵🇵Opposition leader(Senate)- Raja Zafar Ul Haq

🇵🇵President Of AJK- Sardar Masood Khan

🇵🇵PM Of AJK-Raja Muhammad Farooq Haider Khan

🇵🇵CM Gilgit - Hafiz Hafeez Ur Rehman

🇵🇵Governor Gilgit- Raja Jalal
Hussain Maqpoon

🇵🇵CM Panjab- Sardar Usman Buzdar

🇵🇵Governor Panjab- Ch.Muhammad Sarwar

🇵🇵CM Sindh- Murad Ali Shah

🇵🇵Governor Sindh- Imran Ismail

🇵🇵CM Of KPK- Mahmood Khan

🇵🇵Governor KPK- Shah Farman

🇵🇵CM Of Balochistan- Jam Kamal Khan

🇵🇵Governor Balochistan- Justice(R) Aman Ullah Yasinzai
🇵🇵Speaker Balochistan Assembly- Abdul Quddus Biznenjo

🇵🇵Speaker Sindh Assembly- Agha Siraj Durrani

🇵🇵Speaker KPK- Mushtaq Ghani

🇵🇵Speaker Panjab Assembly- Pervaiz Elahi

🇵🇵Chief of Army Staff- General Qamar Javed Bajwa

🇵🇵Chief of Naval Staff- Zafar Mahmood Abbasi
🇵🇵Chief of Air Staff- Mujahid Anwar Khan

🇵🇵Chairman Joint Chief Of Staff Committee- General Zubair Mahmood Hayat

🇵🇵Director General ISPR- Major General Asif Ghafoor
🇵🇵Defense Minister- Pervaiz Khatak
🇵🇵Foreign Minister- Shah Mahmood Quraishi
🇵🇵Finance Minister- Abdull Hafeez Sheikh

🇵🇵Chairman NAB- Justice(R) Javed Iqbal

🇵🇵Chief Justice Supreme Court- Asif Saeed khan Khosa
🇵🇵Governor State Bank- Dr.Reza Baqir

🇵🇵Defence Production- Zubaida Jalal
🇵🇵Federal Education & Professional training- Shafqat Mahmood
🇵🇵Aviation Division- Ghulam Sarwar khan
🇵🇵Kashmir Affairs & Gilgit Baltistan- Ali Amin Khan Gandapur

🇵🇵Parliament Affairs- Ali Muhammad Khan

🇵🇵Human Rights- Shireem Mazari
🇵🇵Science & Technology- Fahad Chaudhry
🇵🇵Telecommunication- Khalid Maqbool Saddiqui
🇵🇵Inter Provincial Coordination- Fahmida Mirza
🇵🇵Law and Justice- Farogh Naseem
🇵🇵Religious Affairs- Noor ul Haq Qadri
🇵🇵State & Frontier Religions- Shehryar khan Afridi
🇵🇵Railway- Sheikh


*‫*اھم اسالمی معلومات‬

*1‫ھ تک کے واقعات اور فرضیت‬10 ‫*ھ سے‬:

*1 ‫ ھجری‬:*

‫غزوہ ابواء‬/‫غزوہ ودان‬

‫پہلی بار اذان‬
‫خطبہ جمعہ‬

*2 ‫ ھجری‬:*
‫غزوہ بدر‬
‫جہاد کا حکم‬
‫ذکوۃ فرض‬
‫روزہ فرض‬
‫نماز عید کا حکم‬
‫قبلہ تبدیلی کا حکم‬

‫*‪ :‬ھجری ‪*3‬‬

‫غزوہ احد‬
‫یتیم اور ورثاء کے حق کا حکم‬
‫وضو‪ ،‬تیمم‬

‫*‪ :‬ھجری ‪*4‬‬

‫غزوہ رجیح‬
‫شراب کی ممانعت‬

‫*‪ :‬ھجری ‪*5‬‬

‫غزوہ خندق‪ /‬غزوہ احزاب‬

‫زنا کی سزا کا حکم‬
‫پردے کا حکم‬

‫*ھجری ‪*6‬‬

‫صلح حدیبیہ ‪:‬‬

‫بیت رضوان‬

‫*ھجری ‪*7‬‬

‫غزوۂ موتہ (پہلی غیر عرب جنگ) ‪:‬‬

‫خطوط کا سلسلہ‬
‫*ھجری ‪*8‬‬

‫غزوہ حنین ‪:‬‬

‫فتح مکہ‬
‫سود کی ممانعت‬

‫*ھجری ‪*9‬‬

‫غزوہ تبوک( آخری غزوہ) ‪:‬‬

‫حج کا حکم‬

‫*‪ :‬ھجری ‪*10‬‬

‫حجۃ الوداع‬
‫رسول ہللا صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم کا پہال حج‬


‫ہولی_پروفٹس_اور_تیر_پیس_گرافس ‪#‬‬

‫حضرت آدم (ع) کی قبر سری لنکا میں واقع ہے۔ ‪Hazrat Hazrat‬‬

‫حضرت نوح (ع) کی قبر اردن میں ہے۔ ‪Hazrat Hazrat‬‬

‫حضرت سلیح ((اے ایس) کی قبر لبنان میں ہے ‪Hazrat Hazrat‬‬

‫حضرت لوٹ کی قبرستان (اے ایس) عراق میں ہے ‪Hazrat Hazrat‬‬

‫حضرت ابراہیم علیہ السالم کی قبر اسرائیل میں ہے ‪Hazrat Hazrat‬‬

‫حضرت اسحاق علیہ السالم کی قبرستان فلسطین میں ہے ‪Hazrat Hazrat‬‬

‫حضرت یعقوب (ع) کی قبرستان فلسطین میں ہے ‪Hazrat Hazrat‬‬

‫حضرت یوسف (ع) کی قبرستان فلسطین میں ہے ‪Hazrat Hazrat‬‬

‫حضرت ایوب (ع) کی قبر عمان میں ہے ‪Hazrat Hazrat‬‬

‫حضرت شعیب (ع) کی قبر اردن میں ہے ‪Hazrat Hazrat‬‬

‫(ع) کی قبر اسرائیل میں ہے ‪uss‬حضرت موس ‪Hazrat Hazrat‬‬

‫حضرت ہارون علیہ السالم کی قبر اردن میں ہے ‪Hazrat Hazrat‬‬

‫حضرت داؤد (ع) کی قبر اسرائیل میں ہے ‪Hazrat Hazrat‬‬

‫حضرت یونس کی قبرستان (ا س) لبنان میں ہے ‪Hazrat Hazrat‬‬

‫شام میں حضرت ذکریا (ع) کی قبرستان ہے ‪Z Hazrat‬‬

‫حضرت یحیی (ع) کی قبر شام میں ہے ‪Hazrat Hazrat‬‬

‫حضرت اسماعیل علیہ السالم کی قبر سعودی عرب میں ہے ‪Hazrat Hazrat‬‬

‫)‪ (S.A.W.W‬حضرت محمد (کی قبرستان ‪Hazrat Hazrat‬‬

‫سعودی عرب میں ہے‬

‫*‪*Solar System and Planets‬‬

‫‪1. There are eight (8) planets in the solar system.‬‬
‫‪2. Jupiter is the biggest planet of the solar system.‬‬
‫‪3. Mercury is the smallest planet of the solar system.‬‬
4. Jupiter is the heaviest planet of the solar system.
5. Mercury is the lightest planet of the solar system.
6. Neptune is the coldest planet of the solar system.
7. Venus is the hottest planet of the solar system.
8. Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun.
9. Mercury is the closest planet from the sun.
10. Venus is the brightest planet.
11. Jupiter is the darkest planet.
12. Saturn is the planet with rings.
13. Earth is the blue planet (In some books Neptune is also written).
14. Mars is the Red planet.
15. Earth is the most colorful planet.
16. Venus is the planet with the longest day time (225 earth days).
17. Jupiter is the planet with shortest day time (10 hours).
18. Mercury is the fastest revolving planet.
19. Neptune is the slowest revolving planet.
20. Jupiter is the fastest rotating planet (on its axis).
21. Venus is the slowest rotating planet (on axis).
22. Mercury and Venus are planets with no Moons or Satellites.
23. Venus is called the Morning Star.
24. Earth is the only planet with Life.
25. Jupiter is the planet with maximum number of Moons or Satellites (79).

. #‫دلچسپ_و_انمول_قرآنی_معلومات‬
■ ‫) مساجد کا ذکر ہے‬4( ‫ قرآن پاک میں چار‬:
● ،‫مسجد الحرام‬
● ،‫مسجد اقصی‬
● ،‫مسجد قباء‬
● ‫مسجد ضرار۔‬

■ ‫) شہروں کے نام ہیں‬6( ‫ قرآن پاک میں چھ‬:

● ،‫مکہ‬
● ،‫مدینہ‬
● ،‫مصر‬
● ،‫حنین‬
● ،‫بابل‬
● ‫ایکہ۔‬
‫‪ :‬قرآن پاک میں چار (‪ )4‬پہاڑوں کے نام ہیں ■‬
‫طور‪● ،‬‬
‫مصری‪● ،‬‬
‫صفا‪● ،‬‬
‫مروہ۔ ●‬

‫‪ :‬قرآن پاک میں چار (‪ )4‬دھاتوں کے نام ہیں‬

‫سونا‪● ،‬‬
‫چاندی‪● ،‬‬
‫لوہا‪● ،‬‬
‫تانبا۔ ●‬

‫‪ :‬قرآن پاک میں تین (‪ )3‬سبزیوں کے نام ہیں ■‬

‫پیاز‪● ،‬‬
‫لہسن‪● ،‬‬
‫ککڑی۔ ●‬

‫‪ :‬قرآن پاک میں تین (‪ )3‬درختوں کے نام ہیں ■‬

‫کھجور‪● ،‬‬
‫زیتون‪● ،‬‬
‫بیری۔ ●‬

‫‪ :‬قرآن پاک میں چھ (‪ )6‬پھلوں کے نام ہیں ■‬

‫انجیر‪● ،‬‬
‫زیتون‪● ،‬‬
‫انار‪● ،‬‬
‫کیال‪● ،‬‬
‫ترکھجور‪● ،‬‬
‫انگور۔ ●‬

‫‪ :‬قرآن پاک میں پانچ (‪ )5‬پرندوں کے نام ہیں ■‬

‫ابابیل‪● ،‬‬
‫ہدہد‪● ،‬‬
‫کوا‪● ،‬‬
‫تیتر‪● ،‬‬
‫ٹڈی۔ ●‬

‫‪ :‬قرآن پاک میں دس (‪ )10‬حشرات االرض کے نام ہیں ■‬

‫چیونٹی‪● ،‬‬
‫مکھی‪● ،‬‬
‫مچھر‪● ،‬‬
‫ککڑا‪● ،‬‬
‫شہد کی مکھی‪● ،‬‬
‫پروانہ‪● ،‬‬
‫جوں‪● ،‬‬
‫مینڈک‪● ،‬‬
‫اژدھا۔ ●‬

‫‪ :‬قرآن پاک میں تیراں (‪ )13‬جانوروں کے نام ہیں ■‬

‫ہاتھی‪● ،‬‬
‫اونٹ‪● ،‬‬
‫گائے‪● ،‬‬
‫دنبہ‪● ،‬‬
‫بکری‪● ،‬‬
‫بھیڑیا‪● ،‬‬
‫گھوڑا‪● ،‬‬
‫گدھا‪● ،‬‬
‫خبر‪● ،‬‬
‫بندر‪● ،‬‬
‫خنزیر‪● ،‬‬
‫کتا‪● ،‬‬
‫مچھلی۔ ●‬

‫‪ :‬قرآن پاک میں پچیس (‪ )25‬انبیاء علیہم السالم کے نام ہیں ■‬

‫آدم (أبو البشریة)‪● ،‬‬
‫إدریس (اخنوخ)‪● ،‬‬
‫نوح (شیخ المرسلین)‪● ،‬‬
‫ھود (عابر)‪● ،‬‬
‫صالح علیة السالم‪● ،‬‬
‫لوط علیه السالم‪● ،‬‬
‫إبراھیم (أبو االنبیاء)‪● ،‬‬
‫إسماعیل (الذبیح)‪● ،‬‬
‫إسحاق علیه السالم‪● ،‬‬
‫یعقوب (إسرائیل)‪● ،‬‬
‫یوسف (الصدیق)‪● ،‬‬
‫شعیب علیه السالم‪● ،‬‬
‫أیوب (الصابر)‪● ،‬‬
‫ذو الكفل (بشر)‪● ،‬‬
● ،‫یونس علیه السالم‬
● ،)‫موسى بن عمران (كلیم هللا‬
● ،‫ھارون علیه السالم‬
● ،‫إلیاس علیه السالم‬
● ،‫الیسع علیه السالم‬
● ،‫داود علیه السالم‬
● ،‫سلیمان علیه السالم‬
● ،‫زكریا علیه السالم‬
● ،‫یحیى علیه السالم‬
● ،‫عیسى بن مریم علیه السالم‬
● ‫محمد بن عبدهللا خاتم النبیین سید المرسلین أفضل الصالة والسالم۔‬

Deserts in the World 🇵

Name Area in Sq. Km Territories
The Sahara 84,00,000 Algeria Chad, Libya,
Australian Desert 15,50,000 Australia, Great Victoria
Arabian Desert 13,00,000 Southern Arabia, Iraq, Yamen
The Gobi 10,40,000 Mongolia and China
Kalahari Desert 5,20,000 Botswana
Takla Makan 3,20,000 Sinkiang, China
Sonoran Desert 3,10,000 Arizona & California, U.S.A.
Namib Desert 3,10,000 Namibia
Kara Kum 2,70,000 Turkmanistan
Thar Desert 2,60,000 Pakistan
Somall Desert 2,60,000 Somalia
Atacama Desert 1,80,000 Northern Chile
Kizil Kum 1,80,000 Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan
Dasht-e-Lut 52,000 Eastern Iran
Mojave Desert 35,000 Southern Californis
Desierto De Sechura 26,000 North-West 'Peru'

#General #Knowledge
Land of Rising Sun Japan (Asia)
Land of Rivers Bangladesh (Asia)
Land of Midnight Sun Norway (Europe)
Land of White ElephantsThailand (Asia)
Land of thousand Lakes Finland (Europe)
Land of Golden Fibre Bangladesh (Asia)
Land of Five Rivers Punjab (Pakistan, Asia)
Land of Many Races Colombia (South
City of Dead Moenjodaro (Pakistan)
City of Palaces Calcutta (India, Asia)
City of Bazars Cairo (Egypt, Africa)
City of Roses and Nightingales Shiraz (Iran,
City of Popes Rome (Italy, Europe)
City of lights Paris (France, Europe)
City of Eagles Sargodha (Pakistan, Asia)
City of Mosques Dhaka (Bangladesh, Asia)
City of Graveyards Multan (Pakistan, Asia)
City of Parks Kiev (Ukraine, Europe)
City of Canals Osaka (Japan, Asia)
City of Angels Bangkok (Thailand, Asia)
Dark ContinentAfrica
Father of Waters Mississipi River (USA)
Holy LandPalestine
Isle of Pearls Bahrain (Asia)
Isle of Death Kahoulawe (Hawai, USA)
Island Continent Australia
Key to Mediterranean Gibraltar (Europe)
Manchester of the Orient Osaka (Japan, Asia)
Manchester of Pakistan Faisalabad (Pakistan,
Paradise on Earth Kashmir Valley (Asia)
Pearl of East Penang (China, Asia)
Queen of the South Sydney (Australia)
Gift of Nyle Egypt
Land of morning calm Korea
Land of Kangroos Australia
Land of perpetual greenness Denmark
Land of maple Canada
Land of contrasts Columbia
Land of Queen Sheba Ethiopia
Land of Silver fibre Pakistan
Land mighty rivers Nigeria
Land of golden place Australia
Land of million elephants Laos
Land of deserts Africa
Land of free people Thailand
Land of milk and honey Lebanon
Land of thunder holt Bhutan
Land of south slaves Yugoslavia
City of seven hills Rome (Italy)
City of space flights Cape kennedy (USA)
City of skyscrapers New York (USA)
City of colleges Lahore (Pakistan)
City of ghosts and temples Benaras (India)
City of water Stockhulm (Sweden)
City of Romance Uenice (Italy)
City of Magnificent distances Washington
City of stars The cosmonant space centre
A city of solution Brasilia (Brazil)
Bengal’s sorrow Damodar River
Blue River The Yangstsekiang (China)
Blue Mountain The Nilgiri Hills (India)
Capital of cooperation Brussels (Belgium)
China’s sorrow Hwang-Ho-River
Cockpit of Europe Belgium
Emerald IslandIreland
Empire CityNew York (USA)
Farbidden city lhasa (Tibet)
Flower garden of Europe Netherland
Free and Hanseatic city Hamberg (Germany)
Gate way of tears Strait of belel mandab
Gate way of India Bombay
Gate way of East Beirut (Lebanon)
Gate way of Pakistan Sindh (Karachi)
Gate way of Gulf Abu Dhabi
Garden of South IndiaTanjore (India)
Gibraltar of the West Quebec
Gibraltar of the Indian ocean Aden
Garanite City Abereen Scotland
George Cross IslandMalta
Homeland of Gaucbas Argentina
Hospital CityChicago (USA)
Human Equator of the Earth The Himalayas
Hermit KingdomKorea
Isle of death Kahoulawe (Hawai USA)
Isle of June Bahaman
Land of Cakes Scotland
Meeting place of world Vienna (Austria)
Most serene republic San Marino
Never Never land Vast prairies of Northern
Pearls of East Penany (China)
Pearl of Antilles Cuba
Pearl of Srinea’s Southern Coast Yalta
Queen of Adriatic Venice (Italy)
River in the sea The gulf stream
Rome of India Delhi
Rose pink city Jaipur (India)
Star and key of Indian Ocean Mauritius
Sickman of Europe Turkey
Silver CityAlgiers
100. Venice of the North Stockholm (Sweden)
101. Venice of the East Bangkok (Thailand)
102. White CityMerida (Mexico)
103. Windy City Chicago (USA)
104. Whitman’s Grave Guinea coast of
105. Wilderness of Bamboo and Paper Tokyo
106. World’s loveliest Island Tristan de
Cunna (Mid Atlantic)
107. Yellow River The Hwang-Ho

*General Knowledge*

Q11. FATA has _______ seats for women in National Assembly.

A: 0
B: 3
C: 5
D: 7

*Ans A*

Q12. How many points are there in badminton?

A: 11
B: 21
C: 31
D: 41

*Ans B*

*Shining Stars G.K Team SKP*

Q13. Which Police Force Officially inducted World's 1st Operational Robot Police Officer?
A: Dubai
B: Venice
C: Newyork
D: None

*Ans A*

Q14. The header and footer command are located on the _____ tab in Ms Word.
A: Home
B: Insert
C: View
D: Header

*Ans B*

Q15. Most Populated Country of South-America is:

A: Brazil
B: Colombia
C: Argentia
D: Venezuela

*Ans A*

Q16. The real name of Imam Bukhari (R.A) is?

A: M Bin Ismail
B: M Ismail
C: M Ibrahim
D: Ismail

*Ans A*

Q17. The color of the first flag, in the history of Islam:

A: White
B: Black
C: White and Black
D: Green
*Ans A*

Q18. One Tawaf of Kaba is known as:

A: Istilam
B: Miqat
C: Shoot
D: None

*Ans C*

Q19. Cave Hira is in the mountain:

A: As-Safa
B: Sil
C: Uhud
D: An-Noor

*Ans D*

Q20. Makkah was conquered in:

A: Ramadan 8 A.H
B: Shawwal 8 A.H
C: Ramadan 10 A.H
D: Shawwal 10 A.H

*Ans A*

Q21. Ball point pen was invited by:

A: Chester Carlson
B: Petrache Poenaru
C: Johannes Gutenberg
D: Laszlo Biro

*Ans D*

Q22. Mice Pence is the _____ Vice President of America?

A: 40th
B: 44th
C: 48th
D: 49th

*Ans C*

Q23. Guernica the world famous painting was painted by:

A: Leonardo de Vinci
B: Van Gogh
C: Picasso
D: Michael

*Ans C*

Q24. Duma is the name of the Assembly of:

A: Germany
B: Japan
C: Russia
D: Gambia

*Ans C*
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We use the 1st form of a verb with "to" is called the infinitive.
I want to tell you. ……(to tell.. is infinitive )

‫ والا پہلا میں جملوں ایسے !! درکھیں یا‬verb ‫ دوسرا جبکہ گا ہو‬verb ‫ بلکہ گا ہو نہیں‬noun ‫کے‬
‫۔ گا ہو استعمال پر طور‬

‫"میں جملوں گئے دیے اُوپر‬want" verb ‫"جبکہ ہے‬to tell" ‫ ایک‬activity ‫ ہے‬، ‫"عمل کا بتانے" یعنی‬
‫" ہم لیے اس‬to tell"‫ کو‬verb ‫ لیتے نہیں‬، ‫ والا پہلے ہے وجہ یہی‬verb ‫ہے بدلتا مطابق کے جملے‬
‫"لیکن‬to" ‫" ہمیشہ بعد کے‬1st form" ‫۔ گی ئے آ ہی‬

1..I wanted to tell

2..I want to tell
3..I will want to tell
4..I did not want to tell.

Uses and several types of infinitives.

1.. to express purpose (to answer "Why...?")

.‫ گا ہو نا بتا مقصد جب‬، ‫ہو دینا جواب کا کیوں‬
1..He bought some flowers to give to his wife
‫لیے کے دینے کو بیوی اپنی خریدے پھول کچھ نے اس‬
‫ ہے‬infinitive (to give to his wife)‫لیےیہاں کے دینے کو بیوی اپنی‬
2..He locked the door to keep everyone out.
‫) لیے کے رکھنے باہر کو سب( کیا بند دروازہ نے اس‬

2.. when we have to say in order to or in order not to:

‫" سے غرض اس" ہو کہنا یہ ہمیں جب‬

1..We set off early in order to avoid the traffic.

‫سے غرض کی بچنے سے ٹریفک ہوئے روانہ جلدی ہم‬

2..They spoke quietly in order not to wake the children

3..Sometimes to-infinitive gives a reason for the adjective:

we were happy to reach home.

to reach” is infinitive
، ‫“ہےکہ رہا بتا جو‬happy” ‫ تھے کیوں‬، ‫“میں جملے‬happy” adjective ‫ہے‬

1..I am ready to go.

‫لیے کے نے جا ں ہو تیار میں‬

4…some time we use the infinitive as “subject” of a sentence.

to work hard is a must for success.

to kill someone is not allowed in Islam.

5..We use the infinitive to remove gerund.

We dislike drinking soda from a can. (drinking is gerund )

we dislike to drink soda form a can (‫ دیا مٹا کو‬gerund ‫ نے جس‬، to drink …is infinitive(

(To study/Studying) at Beijing University was a dream come true.

I stopped smoking.
I stopped to smoke

6.. After certain verbs with interrogatives (infinitive constructions)

1..They don’t know how to drive

to drive … infinitive
2..I knew how to answer him.
to answer……is infinitive.

7..Gerund and infinitive ,both can be subject of a sentence.

1..Driving is my hobby……gerund.
2..To drive is my hobby……infinitive.
3..Watching movie is wastage of time….gerund
4..To watch movie is wastage of time….infinitive

8..The infinitive form is used after certain verbs:

1..forget, help, learn, teach, train, choose, expect, hope, need, offer, want, would like
agree, encourage, pretend, promise, allow, can/can't afford, decide, manage, mean,

9..We use an infinitive after adjective “too”

1..Tea is too hot to drink.

2..She is too lazy to work.
3..I am too tall to sit in the car.

10..We use infinitive with “after” and “first”

1..Ali was the first to come to the party.

2..Ali was the last to watch the film.
3..He is the next to get his passport.

11..We use infinitive “to” with auxiliary verbs to form a modal verb ,
With “has , have ,will have ,is ,am ,are”…..has to ,have to ,is to , am to ,will have to

1..I have to go.

2..I am to go

12..After certain modal verbs

Used to, About to, Going to, Supposed to, Need to, Ought to


He used to drive

I am about to drive
3.. ‫ہوں لگا خریدنے موبائل نیا میں‬
I am going to buy a new mobile

The game is supposed to start at 7.

‫" ۔۔ ہمیشہ ہم میں اس‬to" ‫ بعد کے‬verb ‫ کی‬1st form ‫۔ ہیں تے لگا‬
I love to eat.
I loved to eat.
I did not love to eat.

‫ ہمیشہ بعد کے‬1st form ‫ ہے تی آ ہی‬، ‫ اسے‬infinitive ‫ ہے تا جا کہا‬، ‫ جملہ چاہے‬present ‫یا ہو کا‬
future ‫" لیکن کا‬to" ‫" ہمیشہ بعد کے‬1st form" ‫ہے۔ تی آ ہی‬

13..Bare Infinitive

‫ کے نہیں ضروری‬infinitive ‫ میں‬verb ‫ کی‬first form ‫“ ساتھ کے‬to” ‫“ بغیر یہ وقات بازا رہے لگا‬to”
‫بھی کے‬
‫۔۔ دیکھیں یہاں ہے سکتا ہو‬
Let, Make, Have ..are the common example of bare infinitive


1...Us nay menat ki kamyabi hasil karny kay liyay
2...main jaldi ghar aya tmare birthday celeberate kary k liyay.
3....Us nay neya laptop khareda kam jaldi khatam karny k liyay.
4...many aik tohfa khareda tmain surprise deny k lyay. nay sare ketab parhi pehli position hasil karny k liyay

Q221:War of Independence was fought in?

Q222:Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was born on?
✏Oct- 17-1817
Q223:Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was born in?
Q224:In Which city he established a school in 1859?
Q225:Indian National Congress was established by A.w Hame in?
Q226:Who was viceroy at the time of Bengal Partition?
✏Lord Curzon
Q227:Shimla deputation (Oct 1906) was consisted of?
✏35 Muslim Leaders
Q228:The Age of Quaid E Azam When Joined All India Muslim League?
Q229:Quaid E Azam started his law practice in?
Q230:Quaid's Mother Name was?
✏Mithibai Jinnah
Q231:Shimla deputation was led by?
✏Sir Agha Khan
Q232:The British ruled over India for?
✏90 Years
Q233:Mother language of Quaid E Azam ?
Q234:Quaid E Azam resigned from Congress in?
Q235:When Sindh was separated from Bombay?
Q236:Lines in National Anthem are?
Q237: National Colors of Pakistan?
✏White & Green
Q238: National Museum of Pak located in?
Q239:Old name of Sukkur was?
Q240: Old name of Gujranwala is?
Q241: Switzerland of Pak?
Q242:Oldest city of Pakistan?
✏243:City famous for handicrafts?
✏Hala Sindh
Q244:City of Greeneries?
Q245:Old name of bin Qasim port ?
Q246:Old name of Lahore?
✏Mahmoood Pur
Q247:Salt Mine Khewra located in?
Q248:Largest glacier of Pakistan ?
Q249: Pakistan purchased Gawadar from ?
✏Oman Sep-09-1958
Q250:The HQ of Pak Navy is in?

Largest - Longest

Largest Planet: Jupiter

Largest Continent: Asia
Largest Ocean: Pacific
Largest Desert: Sahara
Largest Country by area: Russia
Largest Democracy: India
Largest Muslim Country by land area: Kazakhstan
Largest Island: Greenland
Largest Peninsula: Arab Peninsula
Largest Lake: Caspian Sea
Largest Freshwater Lake: Superior
Largest Artificial Lake: Volta Lake
Largest Sea: Philippine Sea
Largest Bay (by area): Bay of Bengal
Largest Delta: Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta
Largest Gulf: Gulf of Mexico
Largest River: Amazon
Largest Railway Station: Grand Central Terminal of New York
Largest Active Volcano: Mauna Loa
Largest Library: Congress Library
Largest Glacier: Lambert
Largest Land Mammal: African Elephant
Largest Sea Mammal: Blue Whale
Largest International Organization: United Nations Organization
Largest Bird: Ostrich
Largest Army of the World: People's Republic of China
Largest Joint: Knee
Largest Bone: Femur
Largest Forest: Taiga
Longest Mountain Range: Andes
Longest Bridge: Danyang–Kunshan Grand Bridge
Longest Canal: The Grand Canal (China)
Longest River (Asia): Yangtze
Country with Longest Coastline: Canada
Longest Wall: Great Wall of China
Longest Cell: Nerve Cells
Smallest Planet: Mercury
Smallest Continent: Australia
Smallest Ocean: Arctic Ocean
Smallest Country by Area: Vatican City
Country with Smallest Population: Vatican City
Smallest Republic: Nauru
Smallest Bird: Humming Bird
Smallest Joint: Stapes
Smallest Bone: Stapes or Stirrup
Lowest Point: Dead Sea
Brightest Planet: Venus
Planet closest to earth: Venus
Hottest Planet: Venus
Coldest Planet: Neptune
Most Populous country: China
Most Populous Muslim country: Indonesia
Language with most Alphabets: Khmer (Cambodian)
Oldest Civilization: Sumerian (Mesopotamian)
Country with most Islands: Indonesia
Highest Lake: Titicaca
Highest Mountain Range: Himalaya
Highest Mountain Peak: Mount Everest
Highest Waterfall: Angel Falls
Highest Point: Mount Everest
Plateau with highest Elevation: Tibetan Plateau
Tallest Animal: Giraffe
Tallest Tree: Redwood
Tallest Building: Burj Al-Khalifa
First Person to reach North Pole: Robert Edwin Peary
First Person to reach South Pole: Roald Amundsen
First man to walk on the Moon: Neil Armstrong
First Satellite in Space: Sputnik I
First human to journey into Outer Space: Yuri Gagarin
First woman in Space: Valentina Tereshkova
First Person to reach both Poles: Robert Swan.

🇵🇵Currently Affairs of Pakistan

🇵🇵President🇵Arif Naqvi
🇵🇵Speaker (NA)- Asad Qaiser
🇵🇵Deputy Speaker(NA)- M.Qasim khan Durani
🇵🇵Opposition leader- Mian Shahbaz Sharif
🇵🇵Chairman Senate- Sadiq Sanjrani
🇵🇵Deputy Chairman Senate-Saleem Mandiwala
🇵🇵House Leader(Senate)- Sayd Shibli Faraz
🇵🇵Opposition leader(Senate)- Raja Zafar Ul Haq

🇵🇵President Of AJK- Sardar Masood Khan

🇵🇵PM Of AJK-Raja Muhammad Farooq Haider Khan

🇵🇵CM Gilgit - Hafiz Hafeez Ur Rehman

🇵🇵Governor Gilgit- Raja Jalal
Hussain Maqpoon

🇵🇵CM Panjab- Sardar Usman Buzdar

🇵🇵Governor Panjab- Ch.Muhammad Sarwar

🇵🇵CM Sindh- Murad Ali Shah

🇵🇵Governor Sindh- Imran Ismail

🇵🇵CM Of KPK- Mahmood Khan

🇵🇵Governor KPK- Shah Farman

🇵🇵CM Of Balochistan- Jam Kamal Khan

🇵🇵Governor Balochistan- Justice(R) Aman Ullah Yasinzai
🇵🇵Speaker Balochistan Assembly- Abdul Quddus Biznenjo

🇵🇵Speaker Sindh Assembly- Agha Siraj Durrani

🇵🇵Speaker KPK- Mushtaq Ghani

🇵🇵Speaker Panjab Assembly- Pervaiz Elahi

🇵🇵Chief of Army Staff- General Qamar Javed Bajwa

🇵🇵Chief of Naval Staff- Zafar Mahmood Abbasi
🇵🇵Chief of Air Staff- Mujahid Anwar Khan

🇵🇵Chairman Joint Chief Of Staff Committee- General Zubair Mahmood Hayat

🇵🇵Director General ISPR- Major General Asif Ghafoor

🇵🇵Defense Minister- Pervaiz Khatak

🇵🇵Foreign Minister- Shah Mahmood Quraishi
🇵🇵Finance Minister- Abdull Hafeez Sheikh

🇵🇵Chairman NAB- Justice(R) Javed Iqbal

🇵🇵Chief Justice Supreme Court- Asif Saeed khan Khosa
🇵🇵Governor State Bank- Dr.Reza Baqir

🇵🇵Defence Production- Zubaida Jalal
🇵🇵Federal Education & Professional training- Shafqat Mahmood
🇵🇵Aviation Division- Ghulam Sarwar khan
🇵🇵Kashmir Affairs & Gilgit Baltistan- Ali Amin Khan Gandapur

🇵🇵Parliament Affairs- Ali Muhammad Khan

🇵🇵Human Rights- Shireem Mazari
🇵🇵Science & Technology- Fahad Chaudhry
🇵🇵Telecommunication- Khalid Maqbool Saddiqui
🇵🇵Inter Provincial Coordination- Fahmida Mirza
🇵🇵Law and Justice- Farogh Naseem
🇵🇵Religious Affairs- Noor ul Haq Qadri
🇵🇵State & Frontier Religions- Shehryar khan Afridi
🇵🇵Railway- Sheikh

Land of Rising Sun : Japan
Land of Midnight Sun : Norway
Land of White Elephants : Thailand
Land of Thousand Lakes : Finland
Land of Golden fiber : Bangladesh
Land of Five rivers : Punjab (Pakistan)
City of Dead : Moenjodaro (Pakistan)
City of palaces : Calcutta (India)
City of Bazars : Cairo (Egypt)
City of Roses and Nightingales : Shiraz (Iran)
City of Popes : Rome (Italy)
City of Lights : Paris (France)
City of Eagles : Sargodha (Pakistan)
City of Mosques : Dhaka (Bangladesh)
City of Saints : Multan (Pakistan)
City of Lilies: Florence (Italy)
City of Water : Venice (Italy)
City of Angels : Bangkok (Thailand)
Dark Continent : Africa
Father of waters : The Mississippi River (USA)
Holy Land : Palestine
Isle of Pearls : Bahrain
Isle of Death : Kahoolawe ( Hawai,USA)
Island Continent : Australia
Key to Mediterranean sea : Gibraltar (Europe)
Manchester of the Orient : Osaka (Japan)
Manchester of Pakistan : Faisalabad (Pakistan)
Paradise on earth : Kashmir Valley
Gift of the Nile : Egypt
Land of morning calm : Korea
Land of kangroos : Australia
Land of maple leaf : Canada
Land of silver fiber : Pakistan
Land of milk and honey : Lebanon
Land of deserts : Africa
Queen of Arabian Sea : Distinctive name of Kochi (India)
Queen of the Adriatic : Venice
Quaker city : Distinctive name of Philadelphia
Pyramid city : Cairo (Egypt)
Little Pakistan : Bradford (England)
Brasilia of Pakistan : Islamabad
Lion city : Singapore
Land of cakes : scotland
Switzerland of Africa : Swaziland
Land of Fertile fields : Algeria
City of Conferences : Geneva
City of Arabian Night : Baghdad
The Modern Babylon : London
The saw Mill o Europe : sweden
Sorrow of China : River Hwang Ho ( chinese river)
Roof of the world : Pamir mountain range (Tibet)
Crossroads of western Europe : Belgium
Mother- in- Law of Europe : Denmark
Buffer state of Asia : Afghanistan
Land of mountains : Nepal
Land of Golden Fiber : Bangladesh
Empire city : Famous name of New York
Great Britain of pacific : Japan
City of Golden Gate : san Francisco
Eternal city : Rome
The battle field of Europe : Belgium
Cockpit of Europe : Belgium
Fortunate island : Canary island
Pillars of Hercules : straits of Gibraltar
Herring Pond : Atlantic Ocean
City of dreaming spires : Oxford city (UK)
City of seven hills : Rome
Windy city : Chicago
Horn of Africa : Somalia


■》1. Inventor of “Mouse”is: Douglas Engelbert

■》2. Napoleon Bonapart exiled to: Saint Halena
■》3. CT scanist known as: computed tomography
■》4. Normandy is one of the 18 regions of: France
■》 5. Sir Laurence Olivier was: an English actor
■》6. Kofi Annan belongs to: Ghana
■》7. Capital of Ghana is: Accra
■》8. Ghana is known as: Gold Coast
■》9. Old name of Congo is: Zaire
■》10. Blackpool is a seaport and resort in: England
■》11. Rakh Ghulaman Livestock Farm is in: Bhakhar
■》12. The world’slargest freshwater lake is: Lake Superior
■》13. World’s Deepest Lake is: Lake Baikal in southern Russia
■》14. The Ural Mountains are situated in: Russia
■》15. Second largest oil producer is: Saudi Arabia
■》16. The Bering Strait is: between Russia and the USA
■》17. International dateline passes through: Bering Strait
■》18. Opium War was fought between: British and China
■》19. Shortest day in Australia is on: 21 June
■》20. Little Boy was dropped on: Hiroshima
■》21. The Treaty of Sevres was signed in:1920
■》22. Mustafa Kemal abolished Khilafat in: 1924
■》23. We people of united nations is: Preamble of UN Charter
■》24. Mount Judi is located in: Turkey
■》25. Mount Sinai is situated in: Sinai Peninsula of Egypt
■》26. Adam’s Peak is located in: Sri Lanka
■》27. Ceylon (Sri Lanka)became a republic in: 1972
■》28. 1 yard is equivalent to: 0.9144 m
■》29. 1 BTU =: 1055 Joules
■》30. There are 1,000 milligrams in: 1 gram of Gold
■》31. 1 inch is equal to: 2.54 centimeters
■》32. 5x – 15 = 50: 13
■》33. Oldest continuously inhabited city is: Damascus
■》34. Oldest city in the world is: Damascus Syria
■》35. Gandhara civilization is in: Pakistan
■》36. Oldest Monarchy is of: Japan
■》37. Homeopathy is introduced by: Samuel Hahnemann
■》38. “The Wealth of Nations” was written by:Adam Smith
■》39. Communist Manifesto was originally published in: German
■》 40. Incident of Boston Tea Party occurred in: 1773

⚘ #Most_Importan__MCQs_ with Answerd for all test⚘

Q1⚘ .Where is Allama Iqbal burried?
Ans. Allama Iqbad is burried in Lahore Outside of Badshahi Mosque.
Q2⚘ . How many countries in SAARC?
Ans. 8
Q3⚘ . Which is the Capital of Jordan?
Ans. Amman
Q4⚘ . Fathers name of Jahan Ara
Ans. Shah Jahan
Q5⚘ . Which is the Second largest continent in world?
Ans. The second continent is African , first is Asia.
Q6⚘ . Who was the first President of Pak?
Ans. Sikandar Mirza.
Q7⚘ . Who was the first PM of Pak?
Ans. Liaquat Ali khan.
Q8⚘ .Where is Mangla Dam built
Ans. On Jehlum river.
Q9⚘ . World Trade Center destroyed on 11 sept 2001.
Q10⚘ .Who invented Radio?
Ans. Marcony.
Q11⚘ .Which is largest mineral founde in Pak?
Ans. Salt.
Q12⚘ .Where is largest Oil field in Pak?
Ans. Durnal Oil field it is in Punjab.
Q13⚘ . Where is largest Gas field?
Ans. Sui Gas field it is in Balochistan.
Q14⚘ . Largest Oil field of Sindh
Ans.Khaskheli Oil field , Badin Sindh.
Q15⚘ .Largest man-manned lake
Ans. Keenjhar lake ,Thatta.
Q16⚘ .Largest natural lake
Ans. Manchhar Sehwan Jamshoro
Q17⚘ .Where is K-2
Ans.K-2 lies in karakaram range.
Q18⚘ .Who wrote national Anthem?
Ans. Hafeez Jalahandri.
Q.19⚘ .Who built Taj Mahal?
Ans. Shah Jehan.
Q20⚘ .which city is called city of lights ( in Pakistan)?
Ans. Karachi.
Q21⚘ .Why sialkot is famous ?
Ans. for Sports goods.
Q22⚘ . How many members have security Council?
Q23⚘ .National bird of Pak?
Ans. Chakor
Q24⚘ .Which is largest province of Pak by area?
Ans. Balochistan
Q25⚘ .Which is largest province of Pak by Population?
Q26⚘ .Where is Indus platue?
Ans. Pakistan
Q27⚘ .How Much is distance between Moon and Earth?
Q28⚘ .Which Animal is famous for desert riding?
Ans. Camel
Q29⚘ .Which is second most populous country?
Ans. India and ,first is China.
Q30⚘ .National Animal of Pak?
Q31⚘ .Largest Dam of Pak?
Ans.Tarbela Dam
Q32⚘ .Punjab means?
Ans.5 rivers
Q33⚘ .Phalon ka badshah kise kaha jata hai?
Ans.Mango(Aam)⚘ #Most_Importan__MCQs_ with Answerd for all

🇵Q.Who is the President of Pakistan?

*Ans#Doctor Arif Alvi*

🇵Q.Who is the current Prime Minister of Pakistan?

*Ans#Imran khan*

🇵Q.Who is the current Minister of Defence?(Wazir_e_Defa)

*Ans#Pervez Khattak*

🇵Q.Who is the current Minister of Finance?(Wazir_e_Khazana)

*Ans# Dr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh*

🇵Q.Who is the current Minister of Inforamation?(Wazir_e_Itlat)

*Ans#Firdous Ashiq Awan*

🇵Q.Who is the current Minister of foreign affairs Pakistan?(Wazir_e_Kharja)

*Ans#Shah Mehmood Qureshi*

🇵Q.Who is the current interior Minister of Pakistan?(Wazir_e_Dakhla)

*Ans# Ijaz Shah*

🇵Q.Who is the current chairman Senate?

*Ans#Sadiq Sanjarani*

🇵Q.Who is the current Deputy chairman senate?

*Ans#Saleem Mandviwalla*
🇵Q.Who is the current opposition leader in senate?

*Ans#Raja Zafar-ul-Haq*

🇵Q.Who is the leader of the house in Senate?

*Ans#Syed Shibli Faraz*

🇵Q.Who is the current DG FIA ?

*Ans#Bashir Memon*

🇵Q.Who is the current Army Cheif of Pakistan?

*Ans#General Qamar javaed Bajwa*

🇵Q.Who is the current chairman of NAB?

*Ans#Justice (R) Javed Iqbal*

🇵Q.Who is the current Minister of Education?(Wazir_e_Taleem)

*Ans#Shafqat Mahmood*

🇵Q.Who is the current Religious affair Minister?(Wazir_e_Mazhabi umoor)

*Ans#Noor ul Haq Qadri*

🇵Q.Who is the current Minister of S & T?

(Wazir_e_Science & Tech)

*Ans# Fawad Choudhry*

🇵Q.Who is the current chief of General Staff committe?

*Ans#Zubair Mahmood Hayat*

🇵Q.Who is the current ISI chief?

*Ans#Lieutenant-General Asim Munir*

🇵Q.Who is the current Air chief of Pakistan?

*Ans#Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan*

🇵Q.Who is the current Naval chief of Pakistan?


🇵Q.Who is the current governer of state bank of pakistan?

*Ans#Raza Baqir*

🇵Q.Who is the current minister of Energy?


*Ans#Omar Ayub Khan*

🇵Q.Who is the current minister of Railways?(Wazir_e_Railway)

*Ans#Sheikh Rasheed Ahmad*

🇵Q.Who is the current minister of Law and juistice?(Wazir_e_Qanoon o Insaf)

*Ans#Barrister Farogh Naseem*

🇵Q.Who is the minister of Health? (Wazir e Sehat)

*Ans# Dr Zafar Mirza*

🇵Q.Who is the current minister of human rights?

*Ans#Shireen Mazari*

🇵Q.Who is the speaker of National Assembly?

*Ans#Asad Qaisar*

🇵Q.Who is the Deputy speaker of National Assembly?

*Ans#Muhammad Qasim Khan Suri*

🇵Q.Who is the Opposition leader in National Assembly?

*Ans#Mian Shahbaz sharief*

🇵Q.Who is the current chief juistice of Pakistan?

*Ans#Juistice Asif Saeed Khosa

General knowledge
🇵🇵🇵🇵🇵🇵 **Pakistan*🇵🇵🇵🇵🇵🇵
1* "City of colleges"
Ans. Lahore
2* "Replica of the sahara"
Ans. Skardu
3* "Gateway of Pakistan"
Ans. Karachi
4* "Bab-ul-Islam"
Ans. Sindh
5* "Swaziland of Pakistan"
Ans. Swat
6* "City of Textile"
Ans. Faisalabad
7* "Valley of Flowers"
Ans. Peshawar
8* "City of Saints"
Ans. Mutan
9* which city of the world is known as " Little Pakistan"
Ans. Bradford
10* "Land of Five rivers"
Ans. Punjab
11* "Land of Brave People"
Ans. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Gilgat Balistan
12* "Pearl of Himaliya"
Ans. Kaghan
13* "City of lightning"
Ans. Karachi
14* Texila university was established by the king ?
Ans. Ashoka
15* Badshahi Mosque located in lahore was built by?
Ans. Aurangzeb Alamgir
16* Lahore was properly walled city surrounded by .......gates ?
Ans. 12
17* Badshahi Mosque is located in?
Ans. Lahore
18* Badshahi Mosque was built in?
Ans. 1673
19* Baba farid Ganj shakar's is located in?
Ans. pakpatan
20* Manora famous for tourism is name of ?
Ans. Island
‫دنیا کی پہلی اسٹاک ایکسچینج مارکیٹ ہے؟ * ‪* Q.31‬‬
‫* جواب * ہیمبرگ‬

‫دنیا کی سب سے بڑی سمندری ریلوے سرنگ کے درمیان ہے؟ * ‪* Q.32‬‬

‫* جواب * فرانس اور انگلینڈ‬

‫میں کس ملک نے سب سے پہلے خواتین کو ووٹ ڈالنے کا حق دیا؟ ‪* Q.33 * 1893‬‬

‫* جواب * نیوزی لینڈ‬

‫ٹیسٹ کرکٹ اور ون ڈے میں سب سے زیادہ وکٹ لینے واال؟ * ‪* Q.34‬‬

‫* جواب * مرلی دھرن ‪ -‬سری لنکا‬

‫دنیا کا سب سے بڑا جانور کونسا ہے؟ * ‪* Q.35‬‬

‫* جواب * بلیو وہیل‬

‫زنک کی پیداوار میں کون سا ملک سرفہرست ہے؟ * ‪* Q.36‬‬

‫* جواب * کینیڈا‬

‫اون کا سب سے بڑا پروڈیوسر؟ * ‪* Q.37‬‬

‫* جواب * آسٹریلیا‬

‫دنیا کی سب سے بڑی آبپاشی نہر ہے؟ * ‪* Q.38‬‬

‫* جواب * اندرا گاندھی نہر‬

‫دنیا میں ہیرے کا سب سے بڑا پروڈیوسر کون ہے؟ * ‪* Q.39‬‬

‫* جواب * بوسٹوانا‬

‫دنیا کا سب سے بڑا ریلوے اسٹیشن ہے؟ * ‪* Q.40‬‬

‫* جواب * گرینڈ سنٹرل ٹرمینل ‪ ،‬نیو یارک‬

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