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Maranatha Christian Academy of Pulanglupa

Quiz in Mathematics 3

Name: ________________________________________________ Score: _________

I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

_________1. The __________ is the standard unit for measuring length.

a. gram c. capacity
b. meter d. liter

_________2. The abbreviation of kilogram is ___________.

a. g c. kl
b. km d. kg

_________3. The distance around a closed figure is called ______________.

a. area c. perimeter
b. mass d. meter

_________4. To get the perimeter of a square, the formula is ______________.

a. P= s + s + s + s c. P= s –s
b. P= s ÷ s d. P= s x s x s

_________5. If the short hand of the clock measures the hour, the long hand
measures the _____________.
a. seconds c. minutes
b. milliseconds d. none of the above

II. Match the column A to column B. Write the correct letter before each number

_____6. half past five in the morning a. 1000

_____7. Convert 1 kg to gram b. S x S

_____8. Formula of perimeter of rectangle c. 5:30 am

_____9. Convert 100 g = _______ mg d. 100, 000 mg

_____10. formula of area of square e. l+l+w+w

_____11. Quarter to nine in the morning f. 8:45 am

III. Find the area and the perimeter of the following figures.

S= 6cm w= 12cm

L= 4cm

12. P= _____________ 14. P= ____________

13. A= _____________ 15. A= ____________

IV. True or False. Write TRUE if the multiplication sentence is correct and FALSE if not on the
space provided.

16. 2kg= 2000g _____________

17. 3000 ml= 1L _____________

18. 5km = 500 m _____________

19. 700g= 700,000mg _____________

20. 500 cm= 500m _____________

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