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A Reevaluation of Cooperative Pack Hunting

and Gregariousness in Deinonychus antirrhopus

and Other Nonavian Theropod Dinosaurs
Brian T. Roach and Daniel L. Brinkman
Division of Vertebrate Paleontology, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University,
P.O. Box 208118, New Haven, CT, 06520-8118 USA
— email:,

Since the 1969 description of Deinonychus antirrhopus Ostrom, cooperative pack hunting be-
havior for this species and, subsequently, for many other nonavian theropods, has attained wide
acceptance. In this paper we assess the hypothesis of mammal-like cooperative pack hunting in
D. antirrhopus and other nonavian theropods by examining the behaviors of extant diapsids.
Through phylogenetic inference and character optimization, we conclude that this hypothesis is
both unparsimonious and unlikely for these taxa and that the null hypothesis should therefore be
that nonavian theropod dinosaurs were solitary hunters or, at most, foraged in loose associations.
Moreover, we present new evidence from the D. antirrhopus type locality of probable intraspe-
cific aggression in this species. Additionally, our study suggests that some evidence that has pre-
viously been proposed in support of highly gregarious, mammal-like behavior in nonavian
theropods (e.g., certain theropod-dominated fossil assemblages, preserved bite-mark injuries on
some specimens, and the preponderance of theropod trackways at some sites) may alternatively
be interpreted as evidence that nonavian theropod behavior was more agonistic, cannibalistic,
and diapsid-like than has been widely believed.

Dinosaur behavior, dinosaur trackways, phylogenetic inference, gregarious behavior, intraspecific
predation, cannibalism.

Introduction Ostrom’s (1990) suggestion that D. antirrho-

pus may have hunted cooperatively in packs like
John H. Ostrom’s (1969) landmark monograph modern wolves (Canis lupus L.) and African
on Deinonychus antirrhopus Ostrom, with its hunting dogs (Lycaon pictus (Temminck)), how-
convincing conclusion that D. antirrhopus was ever, while now largely accepted by both the sci-
an alert and agile predator far different from the entific community and the general public alike,
then popular perception of dinosaurs as sluggish, was based solely on his interpretation of the D.
evolutionary failures, sparked a renaissance in antirrhopus type locality, Yale Peabody Museum
scholarly research and popular interest in di- site 64-75, where the remains of four (Maxwell
nosaurs that continues to this day. Ostrom’s 1999) individuals of the predatory D. antirrho-
(1969) conclusions regarding the cursorial and pus were found in close association with the re-
predatory abilities of D. antirrhopus, and its mains of a single, much larger presumed prey
probably elevated metabolism, have not only animal, a subadult individual of the ornithopod
withstood the rigors of over three decades of sci- dinosaur Tenontosaurus tilletti Ostrom (Figure
entific scrutiny and debate, but have actually 1; Ostrom 1969, 1990; Maxwell and Ostrom
been corroborated by many subsequent discov- 1995; Maxwell 1999).
eries (see Gauthier and Gall 2001; Currie et al. In this paper we reconsider the evidence used
2004; and references therein for examples). by Ostrom (1969, 1990) to argue that D. antir-

Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 48(1):103–138, April 2007.

© 2007 Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University. All rights reserved. —
104 Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 48(1) – April 2007

Figure 1. The skeletal association of Deinonychus and Tenontosaurus at YPM site 64-75. Contrary to Ostrom’s
(1969) interpretation of this site as evidence of cooperative pack hunting in Deinonychus antirrhopus, the be-
havior of extant diapsids suggests that the site is more likely the remains of an agonistic, ora-like feeding ag-
gregation of decidedly uncooperative conspecifics. Reprinted from Maxwell and Ostrom 1995, fig. 3, courtesy
of the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.
A Reevaluation of Gregariousness in Deinonychus antirrhopus • Roach and Brinkman 105

rhopus was a pack hunter, and we present new ural History, Norman, Oklahoma, USA; TMP,
evidence that challenges Ostrom’s (1990) inter- Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology, Drum-
pretation of cooperative predatory behavior in heller, Alberta, Canada; YPM, Peabody Museum
D. antirrhopus. Our re-examination of Ostrom’s of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven,
(1969) evidence is based on a critical examina- Connecticut, USA. The specimen designated
tion of the behaviors of extant diapsids (i.e., Lep- YPM BB-1 in the text is the property of the Buf-
idosauria, Crocodilia, and Aves), the groups of falo Bill Museum, Cody, Wyoming, USA, but is
modern animals closest phylogenetically to the presently stored at the Yale Peabody Museum on
dinosaurs, and on comparison of these behaviors long-term loan.
to the pack hunting of mammalian carnivores.
Our approach is similar to those used by Norell et Phylogenetic Inference and the
al. (1995), Varricchio et al. (1997, 1999), and Xu Behaviors of Extinct Animals
and Norell (2004), to interpret the brooding, egg
laying, and sleeping behaviors, respectively, of Studies of modern animals have empirically sub-
other nonavian theropods. However, the fossil ev- stantiated the phylogenetic component of the
idence of the behaviors we seek to elucidate evolution of animal behavior (Alcock 1975; Free-
through phylogenetic inference is less straightfor- man 2002). Behavior is, in fact, useful in clarify-
ward to interpret than those in these previous ing the phylogenetic relationships of living
studies, and the behaviors we will examine are animals (Lauder 1986) because closely related
less stereotypically avian or crocodilian as com- species show behavioral similarities due to com-
pared to these other studied behaviors. There- mon ancestry (Alcock 1975). Alcock (1975)
fore, it was necessary for us to expand our review noted that, like physical adaptations, behavior
of outgroups beyond Archosauria to include has a genetic component that is also shaped by
Lepidosauria as well. natural selection. Alcock (1975:394) stated that,
Our new evidence includes a description of a “ultimately, why an animal behaves the way it
previously overlooked fossil from the D. antir- does is linked with the ancestry of the population
rhopus type locality that may be evidence of in- to which it belongs.” The relative “age” of behav-
traspecific aggression and combat within D. ior patterns and the evolutionary sequences from
antirrhopus (Figure 2A, B). Additionally, for the ancestral forms of behavior to more recently de-
first time, we compare and contrast the taphon- rived forms can be developed by comparing the
omy of the skeletal associations at two D. antir- behaviors of living species (Alcock 1975). Fur-
rhopus sites: Yale Peabody Museum site 64-75 in thermore, Alcock (1975) stated that a widespread
the Early Cretaceous Cloverly Formation of behavior pattern in a group of related species in-
south-central Montana, USA (see Figure 1; Os- dicates that the behavior pattern has ancient ori-
trom 1969), and a more recent discovery in the gins, as it is more likely and parsimonious to
probably penecontemporaneous Antlers Forma- postulate that the commonly shared behavioral
tion at the Howard McLeod Correctional Center trait has been retained by each of the related
in southeastern Oklahoma, USA, the Oklahoma species rather than each of the species indepen-
Museum of Natural History site V706 (Figure 3; dently evolving the same behavior. Conversely,
Brinkman et al. 1998). Finally, we conclude by less widespread, unusual or unique behavioral
citing some examples of research on other thero- traits that occur in only certain species within a
pod taxa that we believe were influenced by their group of related species seem to be more recently
authors’ uncritical acceptance of pack hunting evolved (Alcock 1975).
behavior in D. antirrhopus, which in our view Several authors have proposed phylogeny-
has led to certain misinterpretations of the fossil based methods as guides for the inference of un-
evidence. preserved attributes of fossil taxa such as soft
Here we use the following institutional ab- tissue anatomy, function, and behavior (see, e.g.,
breviations: AMNH, American Museum of Nat- Bryant and Russell 1992; Weishampel 1995; Wit-
ural History, New York, New York, USA; FMNH, mer 1995). Such phylogeny-based approaches
Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illi- permit the development of scientifically defensi-
nois, USA; OMNH, Oklahoma Museum of Nat- ble hypotheses while avoiding unjustified as-
106 Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 48(1) – April 2007

Figure 2. Deinonychus antirrhopus distal tail section (YPM 5203) and associated ungual phalanx. A. Under-
side of proximal portion of a distal tail section in left lateral view, showing a left manual ungual phalanx (III-
4, marked by arrow) lying against the centrum of caudal vertebra 11(?) and overlain by sections of two of the
tail’s elongated chevron processes. Since a diagenetic cause for this unusual association is very unlikely, it may
be evidence of combat between two D. antirrhopus individuals at this heavily used feeding site. B. Close up of
the left manual ungual phalanx (III-4) overlain by the chevron processes (marked by arrows).

sumptions. In this light, we will first briefly define habitually work together to capture and subdue
what we mean by “pack hunting” behavior so that prey too large for an individual predator to kill
we can describe in general terms the sociality and alone. According to Earle (1987), social predators
hunting methods of the extant mammalian car- such as wolves are able to exploit a wider prey
nivores that practice this complex behavior. We spectrum than similar-sized species that hunt
do so to establish a basis for a comparison with alone, and can kill large animals that would nor-
the hunting, feeding, and social behaviors of the mally be available only to larger solitary hunters.
closest living relatives of the extinct Dinosauria: Studies of these extant cooperative hunting mam-
Crocodilia and Aves (i.e., extant dinosaurs), and mals, however, indicate that the ability to capture
of the more basal diapsids, the Lepidosauria. large prey is essentially incidental to their social
hunting, and that the basis for their cooperatively
Pack Hunting in Modern Carnivorous hunting social groups probably lies more in such
Mammals and the Cooperative functions as the cooperative defense of both terri-
and Social Feeding Behaviors tories and kills and the allopatric care of offspring
of Extant Archosaurs (Lamprecht 1981; Macdonald 1983; Packer et al.
1990). Packer and Ruttan (1988) suggested that
True cooperative pack hunting, as exemplified in cooperative hunting is more often a consequence
modern wolves and African hunting dogs, can be of gregarious behavior than its cause. The intricate
described as a group (i.e., social) hunting activity social behaviors of mammalian carnivores, partic-
in which multiple individuals of the same species ularly those that hunt cooperatively in packs, are
A Reevaluation of Gregariousness in Deinonychus antirrhopus • Roach and Brinkman 107

among the most evolutionarily advanced of all the sp.) and zebras (Dolicohippus sp.) that must cross
mammals (Wilson 2000). According to Wilson the rivers during their seasonal migrations (Poo-
(2000), the prolonged interaction between mam- ley 1989). The herd animals are attacked by and
malian mothers and their milk-dependent off- often subdued by single individual crocodiles
spring provided the basis for the development of while attempting to cross the river, but a success-
the elaborate societies seen in many extant mam- ful attack draws other nearby crocodiles to the kill,
mals. Among the vertebrates, only the primates whereby commensalistic and cooperative feeding
were thought by Wilson (2000) to have attained behaviors then occur (Pooley 1989). Large car-
or surpassed the degree of social coordination casses that are too difficult for a single crocodile to
and cooperation found in such pack-hunting hold and defend from other crocodiles can be
carnivores as wolves (Moehlman 1989) and the more easily dismembered and eaten if pulled
African hunting dog (Sheldon 1992; Creel and apart cooperatively (Pooley 1982, 1989). This
Creel 2002). The development of these complex specialized feeding behavior occurs with a no-
mammalian social systems is correlated also with ticeable lack of aggression between members of
the increased intelligence of these larger mam- the feeding assemblage (Pooley 1982, 1989).
mals, because their relatively larger, more complex Cooperative hunting behaviors within Aves,
brains facilitate the greater feats of learning neces- while more complex than those of the Croco-
sary for the strategies and execution required of dilia, are also significantly different than those of
highly coordinated pack hunting and the highly pack hunting mammals in that, while some
cooperative, altruistic social groups it supports hunting birds do cooperate to kill prey as large or
(Wilson 2000). Morphological adaptations for larger than themselves, the prey is not so large
cursorial pursuit in canids, coupled with the wide- that the individual hunters would be incapable of
spread appearance of grass-dominated ecosytems, killing it alone. In many bird species, cooperative
suggest that pack hunting behavior in these quin- hunting is largely limited to individual hunting
tessential pack hunters probably evolved no earlier birds increasing their success rates by hunting
than the Pliocene Epoch (Andersson 2005). near other hunting conspecifics. Both herons
The cooperative feeding behaviors of croco- and egrets (Ardeidae), for example, will some-
dilians are decidedly different than those seen in times hunt together with their conspecifics in
pack-hunting mammals. Crocodilians will gather loosely cooperative groups (Martinez-Vilalta and
in cooperative feeding assemblages to use concen- Motis 1992), with single individuals benefiting
trated food resources such as migrating schools of from the presence of the hunting group when
fish (Pooley 1989; Ross 1989), migrating herds of small prey, attempting to escape one bird, blun-
large mammals (Pooley 1989), and carcasses of der into the striking range of another. Similarly,
large animals that drowned or otherwise came to when the escape of a school of fish is thwarted or
rest in the waters that the crocodilians inhabit constrained by the presence of the other hunting
(Pooley 1989). Individuals of two species of extant group members, the individual hunters within
crocodilians, the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloti- the group have more opportunities to capture
cus Laurenti) and the Yacare caiman (Caiman prey (Martinez-Vilalta and Motis 1992).
yacare (Daudin)) have been observed coopera- Raptors are for the most part solitary in na-
tively feeding with conspecifics on migrating ture, fierce and aggressive even to members of
schools of fish that are concentrated by and fun- their own species, and generally have few elabo-
neled through narrow river passages or in chan- rate social behaviors (Thiollay 1994). Gregarious
nels that empty into lakes (Pooley 1989; Ross species of eagles, kites, and buzzards, which flock
1989). Both species are known to congregate side- temporarily at abundant food resources, do not
by-side with their conspecifics in upstream-facing show any cooperation between individuals when
lines perpendicular to the stream flow to block the in feeding aggregations (Thiollay 1994). In fact,
passage of schools of fish, thereby increasing the some gregarious-feeding species, such as the
opportunities of individuals within the group to Stellar’s sea eagle (Haliaeetus pelagicus (Pallas)),
successfully capture fish (Pooley 1989; Ross 1989). vigorously harass and fight one another in at-
Nile crocodiles are known to congregate at river tempts to steal food (Ladigin 1994). Truly coop-
crossings to feed on wildebeests (Connochaetes erative, coordinated hunting behavior is seen in
108 Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 48(1) – April 2007

Figure 3. The skeletal association of Deinonychus and Tenontosaurus at OMNH site V706. The agonistic and
often cannibalistic behaviors of modern diapsids suggest that the single Deinonychus antirrhopus at this site
may have been a victim of intraspecific predation as it attempted to scavenge the accumulated tenontosaur car-
casses. The cannibalized D. antirrhopus skeleton is far less complete and much more disarticulated than adja-
cent tenontosaur skeletons, perhaps indicating that as a fresh kill it was more palatable than the possibly
desiccated tenontosaur carcasses nearby. Reprinted from Brinkman et al. 1998:4, fig. 2, courtesy of the Okla-
homa Geological Survey.

only a few species of diurnal raptors. Mated pairs Harris’ hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus (Tem-
of Aplomado falcons (Falco femoralis Tem- minck); Bednarz 1995). Groups of closely related
minck), for example, will hunt together (Keddy- family members numbering up to six birds will
Hector 2000), with the successful hunter sharing use cooperative hunting behaviors that include
the captured prey with its mate following a kill. “flushing” attacks similar to the Aplomado fal-
According to Sibley et al. (2001), one of the pair con, simultaneous surprise attacks from multiple
will enter brush cover to drive the prey out into directions on a single prey, and “relay” tactics in
the open where its mate is waiting. The most so- which individual hunters alternately press the at-
phisticated cooperative hunting tactics docu- tack on a single prey over a long pursuit (Bed-
mented in extant Aves, however, are those of the narz 1995). In each of these cases, the prey is
A Reevaluation of Gregariousness in Deinonychus antirrhopus • Roach and Brinkman 109

small enough to be killed by a single member of to a stop (McIlhenny 1939). One vulture would
the group. After a successful hunt, the members suddenly attack, then the others would join in,
of the hunting group will share the prey in a hi- until the skunk, buried under a pile of “flapping
erarchal feeding order, with dominant hawks and croaking vultures,” was pulled apart and de-
often first taking possession of the carcass from a voured (McIlhenny 1939:473). Our review of the
subordinate that made the kill (Bednarz 1995). pertinent literature suggests that the observa-
While the cooperative hunting behavior of the tions made by McIlhenny in the field during
Harris’ hawk provides the group members with 1936 and 1938 was the only time, and Avery Is-
more food, it does so through higher success land the only location, where this behavior has
rates in captures and not by subduing larger size ever been observed.
prey. Golden eagles are one of the few extant preda-
African vultures (such as Gyps fulvus (Hablizl) ceous birds that will occasionally kill prey consid-
and Gyps africanus Salvadori), which feed on large erably larger than themselves. Single golden eagles
carcasses, do not cooperatively work to capture will sometimes attack and kill ungulates such as
and subdue large prey, but rather congregate in mountain goats (Ovis canadensis Shaw), Dall’s
feeding assemblages to scavenge found carcasses. sheep (O. dalli Nelson), caribou (Rangifer taran-
Unlike the Nile crocodile, which benefits from the dus (L.)), pronghorn (Antilocapra americana
cooperative, commensal sharing of large carcasses (Ord)), and mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus
and does so with a remarkable lack of intraspecific Rafinesque) (Kochert et al. 2002). Two or more
aggression (Pooley 1982), vultures gathered at a golden eagles have been reported to cooperatively
carcass do not work cooperatively to dismember it attack mule deer when the prey are at a disadvan-
and are, in fact, in vigorous competition with each tage while moving in deep snow and are perhaps
other for the food resource (Mundy et al. 1992). in poor physical condition (Palmer 1988). Coop-
Nearly all species of African vultures that gather in erative hunting in golden eagles usually occurs in
feeding aggregations at carcasses regularly engage winter and typically involves larger prey such as
in intraspecific combat over food and to establish ungulates, red foxes (Vulpes sp.), and wild turkeys
and maintain social hierarchies (Mundy et al. (Meleagris gallopavo L.) (Kochert et al. 2002).
1992). While at a carcass, these various species of During a severe winter in Montana, USA, in the
African vultures engage in complex social behav- early 1900s, for example, three “famished” golden
iors, including threat and submission displays, eagles were once observed cooperating to kill a
feeding hierarchies, and both ritualized and actual pronghorn (Palmer 1988:214). During a five-year
intraspecific combat, but exhibit no cooperative study of pronghorns in the Great Divide Basin of
behaviors (Mundy et al. 1992). Wyoming, USA, however, Deblinger and All-
Two remarkable exceptions to typical avian dredge (1996) observed a total of seven incidents
hunting behavior that involve multiple birds si- of golden eagles attacking pronghorns, all by sin-
multaneously attacking a single prey heavier gle eagles. Three of these attacks were successful,
than themselves have been observed in the black with the single attacking eagles killing two larger
vulture, Coragyps atratus (Bechstein) (McIl- fawns and one young adult pronghorn by inflict-
henny 1939), and the golden eagle, Aquila ing wounds with their talons to the animals’
chrysaetos (L.) (Kochert et al. 2002). According backs as the animals ran.
to McIlhenny (1939), unusual ecological condi- The highly aggressive, agonistic intraspecific
tions on Avery Island, Louisiana, USA, in the late behaviors of black vultures, including threat dis-
1930s—which included seasonally low livestock plays and actual combat at carcasses and com-
mortality that resulted in a scarcity of carcasses, munal roosts, are primarily against those
the black vultures’ usual food, and a local surfeit members of the group to which they are not ge-
of striped skunks, Mephitis sp.—seem to have netically closely related (Buckley 1999). Black
triggered attacks on individual skunks by mobs vultures are strictly monogamous and maintain
of 25 or more birds. Spotting a skunk in an open life-long pair bonds, close contact with fledged
field, the vultures would descend singly from the offspring, and strong social bonds with kin
sky or from nearby roosts to walk alongside the throughout their lives (Buckley 1999). It is possi-
skunk until, surrounded, the skunk would come ble that the unusually close kinship bonds of the
110 Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 48(1) – April 2007

black vulture could have contributed, during the claim to the contrary should therefore be consid-
period of possibly unique ecological circum- ered an ad hoc explanation; the null hypothesis
stances observed by McIlhenny (1939), to the should be that nonavian theropod dinosaurs
initiation of a cooperative attack and feeding be- were solitary hunters or, at most, foraged in loose
havior resembling a nascent form of pack hunt- associations.
ing. Similarly, while golden eagles are highly
territorial and defend large home ranges against Nonavian Theropods
intrusions by conspecifics (Kochert et al. 2002), as Predators of Large Prey
immature golden eagles that have been observed
hunting larger prey cooperatively with one or While no modern crocodilians or birds habitually
two adults (Hatch 1968; Palmer 1988) may be hunt cooperatively to subdue large prey, it is gen-
the offspring of these adults, suggesting that close erally accepted that many predatory dinosaurs
kinship bonds may contribute to cooperative habitually hunted prey as large or larger than
hunting behaviors in that species as well. themselves (see, e.g., Thomas and Farlow 1997;
In summary, among the living archosaurs, Farlow and Holtz 2002; Holtz 2003). The defen-
cooperative feeding behavior in crocodilians is re- sive armor and armaments of many large herbiv-
stricted to commensalistic behaviors that increase orous dinosaurs (Bakker 1986), the very frequent
the efficiency of the capture of fish and the use of occurrence of shed theropod teeth found in asso-
large carcasses (Pooley 1989; Ross 1998). Cooper- ciation with the skeletons of large herbivorous di-
ative hunting in extant birds is almost exclusively nosaurs (Buffetaut and Suteethorn 1989), and the
limited to capture of smaller prey by one of the higher incidence of tooth-marked bones on had-
attackers within the cooperative hunting pair or rosaurs than on ceratopsians, their better-armed
small group. The rare exceptions to this behav- and probably more dangerous contemporaries
ioral norm, as noted above for the black vulture (Jacobsen 1998), all suggest active predation by
and the golden eagle, seem to be recently derived, nonavian theropods on large prey. Rare evidence
incidental behaviors in response to extreme sea- —such as the discovery of an Allosaurus fragilis
sonal or environmental conditions and may be Marsh caudal vertebra apparently punctured by
associated with strong pair or kinship bonds. Ha- the tip of a stegosaur tail spike, presumably repre-
bitual cooperative hunting of prey too large to be senting a stegosaur’s defense against a predatory
killed by a single attacker is not part of the usual attack by the allosaur (Carpenter et al. 2005), and
behavioral repertoire of either of these species. an Edmontosaurus annectens (Marsh) skeleton
True cooperative pack hunting, in which with a traumatized section of its tail most proba-
multiple individuals of the same species habitu- bly injured by the bite of a tyrannosaur (Carpen-
ally work together to capture and subdue prey so ter 1998)—can be interpreted as more substantial
large that the individual predator would be inca- indications that at least some theropods hunted
pable of killing it on its own (as observed in large prey.
mammalian pack hunters), is not seen in any liv- There is no question that Deinonychus antir-
ing archosaurs, nor in any other extant diapsids. rhopus fed on individuals of Tenontosaurus tilletti
Indeed, no other organism is known to behave much larger than themselves, as shown by the fre-
this way. If one maps the known distribution of quent association of shed D. antirrhopus teeth
cooperative pack hunting onto the tree of life, the with tenontosaur skeletal remains at numerous lo-
most parsimonious hypothesis is that all nona- calities in the western United States (Ostrom 1969;
vian theropods lacked this trait. Conversely, using Maxwell and Ostrom 1995; Brinkman et al. 1998).
modern likelihood arguments (e.g., Lewis 2001), Moreover, it can be reasonably argued that D. an-
one would reach the conclusion that it is unlikely tirrhopus actively hunted its prey, based on aspects
that a nonavian theropod dinosaur would have of its functional morphology (Ostrom 1969), as is
achieved this behavior, although we refrain here evidenced by “the aggressive design of most of the
from actually quantifying this statement. Of anatomic specializations…in favor of active pre-
course, evolution often behaves in nonparsimo- dation” (Maxwell and Ostrom 1995:707). Yet,
nious ways, but until substantial evidence can be without modern analogues for habitual, mam-
gathered to show just that, we conclude that any mal-like pack hunting behavior in extant ar-
A Reevaluation of Gregariousness in Deinonychus antirrhopus • Roach and Brinkman 111

chosaurs, it is unparsimonious to postulate that D. tively in packs was the assumption that singly
antirrhopus habitually used cooperative pack these modest-sized predators (2.5 to 3.0 m, 70 to
hunting to catch and kill tenontosaurs consider- 100 kg; Ostrom 1969; Seebacher 2001) would not
ably larger than themselves (see above). A possible be capable of killing prey as large as a subadult
alternative model for the predatory and social be- tenontosaur (Ostrom 1969; Forster 1984;
haviors of D. antirrhopus that is based on the be- Maxwell and Ostrom 1995). The wide range of
haviors of a living diapsid can be inferred from estimates for the mass of Tenontosaurus tilletti,
observations of the hunting and social behaviors from 240 kg (Seebacher 2001) to 1 to 4 metric
of the Komodo monitor, or ora, Varanus komod- tons (Peczkis 1994), may reflect the animals re-
oensis Ouwens. Oras have previously been sug- ported size range of 1.5 m for the smallest known
gested as possible theropod analogues in how they juveniles to more than 7.5 m in length for the
attack prey, in the mechanics of their bites, and in largest adults (Sues and Norman 1990). Most es-
the gregarious behavior of their young (Molnar timates suggest that adult tenontosaurs were ap-
and Farlow 1990; Therrien et al. 2005; and refer- proximately one metric ton or less in weight
ences therein), but not in terms of their highly ag- (Ostrom 1969; Forster 1984; Maxwell 1999).
gressive, strongly hierarchal social systems and Forster (1984:162) noted that an examination of
their uncooperative, agonistic feeding aggrega- the sizes of the tenontosaurs found associated
tions, as reported by Auffenberg (1981). with D. antirrhopus (their presence typically indi-
cated by the occurrence of diagnostic shed teeth)
Implications of Ora Hunting revealed that “the majority [of the tenontosaurs]
and Feeding Behaviors were in the half-grown range,” possibly indicating
for Deinonychus antirrhopus a prey size-class preference by D. antirrhopus. In
concurrence with this observation, the unpub-
Auffenberg’s (1981) definitive study of the behav- lished results of morphometric analyses con-
ioral ecology of the ora, a result of his yearlong ducted by the junior author on 10 different pedal
study of them in the wild, provides a comprehen- phalanges commonly preserved for T. tilletti indi-
sive record of the hunting and social behaviors of cate that specimen YPM 5466, the tenontosaur
this largest extant lizard. The ora is strictly carniv- remains found at the YPM 64-75 site was, in fact,
orous, and is both the top predator and principal an approximately half-grown, subadult individ-
scavenger within its range (Auffenberg 1981). ual at the time of its death. Considering that lone
Oras often attack and kill prey animals as large or adult oras are capable of killing prey more than
larger than themselves. It is believed that they 10 times their own body weight (Auffenberg
evolved to their large size on their island habitats, 1981), it is not unreasonable to assume that a sin-
in the absence of large mammalian predators, as gle D. antirrhopus—quite possibly faster and
an evolutionary response for the hunting of large more agile than the ora and with not only ser-
prey (Auffenberg 1981). Prior to the introduction rated teeth as the ora has but also clawed, raptor-
by man of its current prey species (such as pigs, ial forelimbs and its notorious sickle-like foot
goats, and horses), adult oras were dependent on talons (Ostrom 1969)—would be capable of
the only large prey available, two now extinct killing tenontosaurs 10 or more times their own
species of miniature stegodont elephants that body weight. With an estimated mass for D. an-
stood 1.5 m at the shoulder and weighed an esti- tirrhopus of 70 to 100 kg (Ostrom 1969; See-
mated 400 to 700 kg (Auffenberg 1981; Diamond bacher 2001), this probably conservative estimate
1992). According to Auffenberg (1981), large of the predation capability of D. antirrhopus
adult oras (2 to 3 m, 40 to 60 kg) today single- against T. tilletti would allow tenontosaurs of 700
handedly prey on wild boar (Sus scrofa L., 40 to to 1000 kg to easily fall within the predation body
50 kg), adult Sambar deer (Cervus timorensis size range of single D. antirrhopus individuals.
Blainville, 50 to 200 kg), feral horses (Equus ca- Oras attack large prey with savage bites to the
ballus L., 250 kg), and water buffalo (Bubalus legs, neck, and abdomen (Auffenberg 1981).
bubalis L., 400 to 700 kg). Bites from the ora’s curved, blade-like serrated
One of the principal reasons for suggesting teeth leave large slash wounds that can sever leg
that Deinonychus antirrhopus hunted coopera- tendons, immobilizing prey, or cause heavy
112 Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 48(1) – April 2007

Figure 4. Normal left pedal phalanx (II-2) and pathologic right pedal phalanx (II-2) of Deinonychus antir-
rhopus, YPM 5205, placed side-by-side for comparison in (A) ventral view and (B) dorsal view. Scale bar = 2
cm. The fracture of the pathologic phalanx is consistent with the torsional stresses that would be associated with
an impinged slashing motion of the talon.

bleeding that induces hypoperfusion, or shock, cassowary (Casuarius casuarius (L.), 50 kg) are
which also immobilizes the prey (Auffenberg capable of disemboweling large adversaries such
1981). According to Auffenberg (1981), inducing as lions and humans, respectively, with powerful
shock seems to be an important factor in suc- forward-directed kicks. That they can do so
cessful ora attacks on large prey, since oras kill without the benefit of sickle-like foot talons,
large prey with bites to the abdomen that cause grapnel-bearing, raptorial forelimbs, and a coun-
death within a matter of a few minutes through terbalancing tail makes it appear possible that D.
the massive visceral bleeding associated with antirrhopus could have used its foot talons in
evisceration. Auffenberg (1981) noted that the leaping attacks to kill large prey by evisceration
ora’s technique of tearing open the viscera seems (see also Carpenter 1998; Gishlick 2001; Holtz
to be an adaptation to exploit certain physiolog- 2003; and Manning et al. 2006 for different inter-
ical factors of shock, as lacerations made to the pretations of the modes of attack and the use of
abdomen and viscera during hypoperfusion tend the pedal sickle claws by D. antirrhopus).
to cause more extensive hemorrhaging than Although solitary hunters, oras rarely feed
would be the case if the attack were directed else- alone on large carcasses; other oras, drawn by the
where. The unique skeletal adaptations for active scent of the fresh kill from as far away as 11 km
predation in D. antirrhopus, particularly its downwind, converge on the kill site to attempt to
highly specialized pes and tail, led Ostrom (1969, feed (Auffenberg 1981). Auffenberg (1981) ob-
1994) and Paul (1988), among others, to envi- served an average of 4, and as many as 17, oras
sion D. antirrhopus killing large prey by eviscer- aggregating at individual kill sites. Because oras
ation with a leaping and forward-slashing attack have a strongly hierarchal social system that is
with its sickle claws. Moreover, one of the four maintained by frequent aggression (Auffenberg
(Maxwell 1999) D. antirrhopus individuals, YPM 1981; Burghardt et al. 2002), ora feeding aggre-
5205, recovered at site YPM 64-75 had a partially gations are anything but cooperative (Auffenberg
healed fracture in the penultimate phalanx (II-2) 1981). Oras feed rapidly and voraciously to fore-
of its sickle-claw-bearing second pedal digit, stall competition from other oras, and they en-
which is consistent with the torsional stresses gage in aggressive, agonistic behaviors, including
that would be associated with an impinged slash- both threat displays and actual attacks (Auffen-
ing motion of the talon (Figure 4; Marshall et al. berg 1981; Burghardt et al. 2002). Auffenberg
1998). Ostrom (1969) noted that both the os- (1981) notes that larger oras will attack, kill, and
trich (Struthio camelus L., 100 to 150 kg) and the eat smaller oras that arrive earlier at a carcass or
A Reevaluation of Gregariousness in Deinonychus antirrhopus • Roach and Brinkman 113

that fail to yield their feeding position on the ar- balism accounted for more than 50% of total
rival of the larger individuals. Smaller oras re- hatchling mortality and more than 60% of total
main at the periphery of a kill site to scavenge mortality in alligators 11 months and older. As in
once the larger individuals leave the carcass (Auf- the ora, larger alligators preyed on smaller indi-
fenberg 1981), and the youngest, smallest oras viduals, with alligators of all but the smallest size
are ecologically segregated from the adults even class typically killing and eating other alligators
further (Auffenberg 1981; Diamond 1992; up to approximately 70% of their own length
Wikramanayake 1997). This partitioning of prey (Rootes and Chabreck 1993). Cannibalism is be-
types and habitats based on ora body size and age lieved to be an important population regulating
classes (Auffenberg 1981; Diamond 1992; Wikra- mechanism in alligators and may be density de-
manayake 1997) may not only reduce competi- pendent (Rootes and Chabreck 1993). Cannibal-
tion for food resources between age classes, but ism in other crocodilians is considered common
could also be a behavioral response to reduce the by some researchers and has been recorded in
occurrence of intraspecific predation. Such re- populations of the Indo-Pacific crocodile (Croc-
source partitioning in D. antirrhopus could ac- odylus porosus Schneider) in Australia and the
count for the absence of the remains of small Nile crocodile (Pooley and Ross 1989).
juvenile D. antirrhopus individuals at both the Cannibalism is also widespread in many
YPM 64-75 and OMNH V706 sites, for if D. an- species of extant predatory birds and it takes
tirrhopus did use ora-like resource partitioning, many forms (Stanback and Koenig 1992). Red-
the youngest and smallest individuals would not tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis (Gmelin)), barn
have attempted to join a feeding aggregation owls (Tyto alba (Scopoli)), screech owls (Otus
with adults of their own species, because the risk sp.), great horned owls (Bubo virginianus
of predation by their larger conspecifics would (Gmelin)), and burrowing owls (Athene cunicu-
have been too great. laria (Molina)) will kill and eat post-fledgling
and adult conspecifics during territorial intru-
Intraspecific Predation within sions (Polis 1981). Opportunistic cannibalism of
Varanus komodoensis and Extant injured or immobilized conspecifics has been
and Extinct Archosaurs observed in the white-backed vulture (Gyps afri-
canus; Mundy et al. 1992). In natural popula-
Cannibalism is an important mechanism in the tions, sibling cannibalism is common in several
regulation of ora population size and density bird species as a way to adjust brood size to en-
(Auffenberg 1981). Optimal ora density may be sure successful offspring in years with inadequate
determined more by the aggressiveness and can- food availability (Polis 1981). Predation by adults
nibalistic behavior of large individuals than by on juveniles of their own species in nesting areas
prey density alone (Auffenberg 1981). In a study has been recorded for both great black-backed
of thousands of ora fecal pellets, Auffenberg gulls (Larus marinus L.; Good 1998) and herring
(1981) noted that in certain habitats other oras gulls (Larus argentatus Pontopiddan; Pierotti
constituted up to 8.8% of the total individual and Good 1998).
prey items taken by medium-to-large-sized oras. Recently, the most prominent example of ev-
All oras kill and eat other smaller oras on occa- idence of cannibalism in nonavian theropods—
sion (Auffenberg 1981). Moreover, Auffenberg the skeletons of two adult Coelophysis bauri Cope
(1981) observed that certain large oras were es- containing the purported skeletal remains of ju-
pecially aggressive, and would attack, kill, and veniles of the same species within their rib cages
feed on other oras at any opportunity. It is likely (AMNH FR 7223 and AMNH FR 7224: Colbert
that intraspecific predation is the greatest preda- 1989)—has been convincingly refuted by Nesbitt
tion pressure generated on oras through all et al. (2006). In their summary, Nesbitt et al.
phases of their life (Auffenberg 1981). (2006:4) briefly examined cannibalism in extant
Cannibalism is also well documented in ex- birds and some of the other evidence of cannibal-
tant archosaurs. In their study of the American ism in nonavian theropod dinosaurs and con-
alligator, Alligator mississippiensis (Daudin), cluded that cannibalism was “not as prevalent as
Rootes and Chabreck (1993) found that canni- was once supposed in nonavian dinosaurs.” This
114 Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 48(1) – April 2007

conclusion is surprising to us considering that should, therefore, consider a more strongly can-
cannibalism is prevalent in all groups of extant nibalistic, diapsid-like model for larger, preda-
predatory animals, from protozoans to primates ceous, nonavian theropods in which juvenile and
(Polis 1981; Elgar and Crespi 1992), and is com- subadult theropods would be included in poten-
monly observed in many predaceous species that tial prey biomass estimations and subsequently
phylogenetically bracket the extinct Dinosauria: excluded, at least in part, as competitors for prey
Crocodilia and Aves (Polis 1981; Pooley and Ross resources (see e.g., Farlow 1980). Such a model
1989; Mundy et al. 1992; Rootes and Chabreck might shed light on such issues in nonavian the-
1993; Good 1998; Pierotti and Good 1998). ropods as biomass ratios (Bakker 1972; Farlow
While the evidence that remains for cannibal- 1980), living space requirements (Farlow and Pi-
ism in the nonavian theropods after the repudia- anka 2003), the preponderance of theropod
tion of the iconic C. bauri example is sparse and tracks in some footprint-bearing exposures (see,
largely circumstantial, there is scant direct evi- e.g., Ostrom 1972; Farlow and Galton 2003), and
dence of any type of predation by nonavian the- the population density of Tyrannosaurus rex Os-
ropods in the fossil record; the few exceptions born (J. R. Horner, pers. comm. 2004).
being the gut contents preserved in certain comp-
sognathids (Ostrom 1978; Chen et al. 1998; Cur- Intraspecific Aggression within
rie and Chen 2001). As noted previously, the shed Nonavian Theropod Dinosaurs
teeth of nonavian theropods, often found in asso-
ciation with dinosaur skeletons of all types, are Tanke and Currie (1998) reported severe head and
considered to be evidence that the carcasses were face injuries caused by bites from likely intraspe-
fed on by the theropods that shed the teeth (Buf- cific aggression in no fewer than nine species of
fetaut and Suteethorn 1989; Bakker and Bir 2004). carnivorous dinosaurs occurring from the Late
Distinctively diagnostic shed teeth attributed to Triassic, in the basalmost theropod, Herrerasaurus
Deinonychus antirrhopus were found in close as- ischigualastensis Reig (Sereno and Novas 1993;
sociation with not only the D. antirrhopus skeletal Currie 1997), to the Late Cretaceous, in the much
remains excavated at YPM site 64-75 (see Figure 1; more highly derived Tyrannosaurus rex (Holtz
Ostrom 1969; Maxwell and Ostrom 1995), but 2001). Aggressive head or face biting between con-
also with the D. antirrhopus remains found at the specific nonavian theropod dinosaurs was, it
OMNH V706 locality in Oklahoma (see Figure 3; seems, a widespread behavior shared by a broad
Brinkman et al. 1998). Shed teeth attributed to the spectrum of nonavian theropods, occurring over
Madagascan theropod Majungatholus atopus essentially the entire 150-million-year time span
Sues and Taquet were found with tooth-marked of their Mesozoic evolution and existence. Tanke
M. atopus bones, the size of the denticle scratch and Currie (1998:176) offer several possible rea-
patterns on the bones matching the denticles on sons for head and face biting behavior in thero-
the M. atopus shed teeth recovered nearby (Rogers pods, including fighting for “establishment of
et al. 2003). Shed tooth evidence of cannibalism territories or dominance within social groups,
has also been observed in bone beds bearing the during predation or cannibalism, or as part of
remains of Allosaurus fragilis (Bakker and Bir mating rituals or play.” Tanke and Currie (1998:
2004) and Daspletosaurus sp. (Currie et al. 2005). 177) discount the probability of biting during
This fossil evidence, together with the wide- both mating and play because of the wide size
spread and common intraspecific predation seen range of the individuals that have these injuries, as
in modern vertebrates (Polis 1981; Elgar and they include “half-grown” individuals that “were
Crespi 1992), including extant archosaurs (e.g., probably sexually immature” and adults “which
Rootes and Chabreck 1993) and lepidosaurs probably no longer indulged in play.”
(e.g., Auffenberg 1981), suggests that intraspe- If nonavian theropods commonly fed in ag-
cific predation was also a significant factor in the gregations, as we propose, and if these aggre-
biology of nonavian theropods. Studies that at- gations were contentious and frequently
tempt to estimate or use population dynamics cannibalistic like those of the ora, it is possible
and ecological requirements of dinosaurs (see, that the common and widespread facial injuries
e.g., Bakker 1972; Farlow and Pianka 2003) reported by Tanke and Currie (1998) were sus-
A Reevaluation of Gregariousness in Deinonychus antirrhopus • Roach and Brinkman 115

tained in intraspecific clashes over carcasses. The the three articulated distal tail sections of D. an-
high incidence of bite injuries by conspecifics to tirrhopus recovered at the site, was a left manual
the sides of the face, lower jaws, and snouts of ungual phalanx (III-4) of D. antirrhopus (see
many nonavian theropods (Tanke and Currie Figure 2A). The ungual is not truly beneath the
1998) could have occurred when, feeding in such caudal series, but is actually imbedded within it,
aggregations, these predators would often have as it is lying inverted directly against the left side
had their faces near one another. Feeding too of a caudal vertebra centrum (11?) and is over-
close to or failing to yield to an aggressive, ago- lain by sections of two elongated, rod-like
nistic conspecific may have provoked a brief but chevrons (see Figure 2B). The caudal vertebrae of
explosive displacement attack. One specimen ex- D. antirrhopus are essentially ensheathed by
amined by Tanke and Currie (1998:175), a elongated, interwoven prezygopophyseal rods
subadult Daspletosaurus torosus Russell (TMP dorsally and chevron rods ventrally, producing
94.143.1), may offer evidence that the behavior the unusual, counterbalancing tail for which this
of intraspecific face-biting was not only wide- species is named (Ostrom 1969).
spread among different nonavian theropod It was this long tail, stiffened by a series of hy-
species, but that it may also have been common- pertrophied prezygapophyseal and chevron
place in their lives, as this individual has “at least processes, that played such an important role in
fifty dental and osseous lesions or abnormalities” Ostrom’s (1969, 1994) interpretation of the ex-
interpreted as both “well healed and healing” bite ceptional agility of the animal in life. The ungual
wounds,“indicating that several attack events oc- directly associated with YPM 5203 had pierced
curred [to this individual] over an extended pe- and become lodged within these interwoven
riod of time.” Larson (2001) reported similar chevron rods (see Figure 2A). Ostrom (1969)
facial lesions possibly attributable to intraspecific and Maxwell and Ostrom (1995) noted that the
attacks on specimen FMNH PR2081, the T. rex bones found at the type locality were not washed
popularly known as “Sue” (but see Rega 2001, for together by stream action, and that the geologi-
an alternative interpretation of the facial lesions cal setting indicated to Ostrom (1969:144) that
on this specimen). “these animals died together at or close to that
spot.” Ostrom (1969:5), in fact, made special
Intraspecific Aggression within mention of the exceptional preservation and
Deinonychus antirrhopus condition of the bones recovered at the site, stat-
ing that the “preservation is superior to that of
The type locality for Deinonychus antirrhopus in the Oligocene White River series or of the
southern Montana, YPM 64-75, yielded partial Miocene John Day beds,” both exceptionally well
skeletons of four specimens of D. antirrhopus preserved, geologically younger fossil faunas.
(Maxwell 1999), as well as a partial skeleton Our examination of the specimens recovered
(YPM 5466) of their presumed prey, a subadult from YPM site 64-75 revealed only a few in-
individual of the ornithopod Tenontosaurus stances of slight diagenetic impressment of one
tilletti (ssee Figure 1; Maxwell and Ostrom bone on another, as is sometimes seen in fossil
1995). The association of multiple individuals of bone beds, allowing us to eliminate a diagenetic
D. antirrhopus at this site, along with the size dis- cause for the presence of the ungual lodged
parity between the presumed predators and prey within the chevron rods. In fact, the manual un-
recovered here, were the principal reasons for gual associated with specimen YPM 5203 is one
Ostrom’s (1969, 1990) and Maxwell and Os- of the few bones from YPM site 64-75 that shows
trom’s (1995) suggestion that D. antirrhopus any distortion at all of the bone surface due to
most likely hunted in cooperative packs. The im- the impressment of an overlying bone during di-
petus for our re-examination of this suggestion is agenesis. In this case, one of the chevron rods
a fossil collected at the type locality in 1965, that had previously restrained the ungual was
which, apparently unnoticed in previous studies pressed into the lateral surface of the ungual dur-
of fossils from the site, seems to offer evidence of ing diagenesis, thereby indenting the bone be-
intraspecific aggression within D. antirrhopus. neath it and forming a shallow, natural mold of
Lying beneath specimen YPM 5203, one of the medial surface of the chevron rod before it
116 Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 48(1) – April 2007

was subsequently lost to erosion or removed dur- presence of the multiple dead D. antirrhopus in-
ing preparation (see Figure 2B). While the possi- dividuals at YPM site 64-75 suggested that they
bility exists that the ungual and tail belong to the might have been trampled by the much larger
same individual, and that this unique association tenontosaur during their attack (Ostrom 1969;
of disparate skeletal elements is evidence of some Maxwell and Ostrom 1995), or that they were
improbable self-inflicted condition, we believe a crushed beneath the tenontosaur as it fell, mor-
more reasonable conclusion, given the aggressive tally wounded, on top of them (Maxwell and Os-
intraspecific behaviors of extant diapsids such as trom 1995). Alternatively, and in line with our
oras and African vultures when in feeding aggre- thinking, Maxwell and Ostrom (1995) suggested
gations, is that the occurrence of a D. antirrho- that the D. antirrhopus might have killed each
pus manual ungual imbedded within the other while fighting over the tenontosaur carcass,
interwoven chevron rods of a D. antirrhopus tail but they mentioned this scenario only in passing.
is evidence of violent combat between two indi- Others argue, without going into specifics, that
viduals of the same species that clashed at a the D. antirrhopus were somehow abruptly killed
tenontosaur kill site. Unfortunately, the various while feeding on the carcass (Paul 1988; Horner
individuals of D. antirrhopus from YPM site 64- and Dobb 1997), with Horner and Dobb
75 are too similar in size, their skeletons too in- (1997:121) stating that Ostrom’s (1969) and
complete, and their skeletal elements too widely Maxwell and Ostrom’s (1995) scenario “would be
scattered to permit most bones found there to be the equivalent of a wildebeest slaying a similar
assigned to any specific individual (see Figure 1; number of attacking lions.” Maxwell (1999:62)
Maxwell and Ostrom 1995). countered this argument by emphasizing the
much greater differences in weight between the
A Taphonomic Reassessment prey and their predators in the two scenarios,
of YPM Site 64-75 stating that the much greater difference of “about
a ton” between the T. tilletti and its attackers
Considering the absence of cooperative pack would be enough to crush the predators had their
hunting in the behavioral repertoires of extant prey fallen on them.
diapsids, the prevalence of intraspecific preda- In their interpretation of YPM site 64-75,
tion within the group, evidence of cannibalism Brinkman et al. (1998) suggested that such high
in Deinonychus antirrhopus and the presence of D. antirrhopus mortality in the capture and
what is likely fossil evidence of intraspecific com- killing of a single tenontosaur might indicate a
bat between two individual D. antirrhopus at level of ferociousness toward both the prey and
YPM site 64-75, an alternative assessment of the each other that is not typically seen in modern
site is warranted to determine whether another, terrestrial vertebrates. Furthermore, Brinkman et
more plausible, interpretation can be made al. (1998:5) were among the first researchers to
based on the fossil evidence at the site. seriously question Ostrom’s (1969, 1990) coop-
According to Ostrom (1969) and Maxwell erative pack hunting scenario, writing that D. an-
and Ostrom (1995), no fewer than three, and pos- tirrhopus attack and feeding behavior “may have
sibly as many as five, D. antirrhopus individuals resembled an opportunistic feeding frenzy of
were killed in an attack on the subadult Tenon- sharks or piranhas more than the cooperative
tosaurus tilletti (YPM 5466) also recovered at the hunting strategies and subsequent food-sharing
site. More recently, however, Maxwell (1999) behaviors of Lycaon, the African hunting dog” as
placed the number of D. antirrhopus individuals was envisioned by Ostrom (1990).
killed at the site at four. Maxwell and Ostrom Based on the hunting, feeding, and social be-
(1995:710) believed, based on the number of shed havior of extant diapsids, we believe that a more
D. antirrhopus teeth recovered at the site and the likely scenario for the fossil assemblage at YPM
scattered, incomplete condition of the skeletons, site 64-75 is that it is the remnant of a site where,
that there were five or six more D. antirrhopus, after a single D. antirrhopus had attacked and
“the successful attackers,” that survived the attack killed a subadult tenontosaur, several other D.
on the tenontosaur to feed on the carcasses of antirrhopus individuals were likely drawn by the
both species. Previous attempts to explain the scent of the kill to feed on the large carcass in an
A Reevaluation of Gregariousness in Deinonychus antirrhopus • Roach and Brinkman 117

Figure 5. Hypothetical feeding aggregation of Deinonychus antirrhopus based on fossil evidence and the be-
havior of extant diapsids. In the foreground, a subadult (left) in submissive posture is driven from the periph-
ery of the feeding aggregation by the approach of a larger, aggressive adult (right). The adult’s open-mouthed
threat display also includes a raised tail, erect hackles along the nape and back, and a lowered, “battle-ready”
fighting posture with conspicuously elevated pedal sickle claws. Had the subadult not yielded, it would have
been in danger of being killed and then cannibalized. In the background, three adults are already feeding at the
carcass of a subadult Tenontosaurus tilletti. The animal on the left is voraciously bolting down a large chunk of
flesh to forestall competition from conspecifics. At center, one feeding D. antirrhopus reacts to an intrusion into
its feeding space by another individual with a threat display that may be followed by a face-biting displacement
attack. Small juveniles, not shown, would have waited warily at the periphery of the kill site for an opportunity
to feed once their larger conspecifics had abandoned the carcass.

ora-like feeding aggregate. The D. antirrhopus weakened by subsequent hunger or infection, it

individuals likely had a strongly hierarchal social was killed and eaten by a conspecific while at-
system where aggressive, agonistic behavior, in- tempting to feed at the tenontosaur carcass. Sim-
cluding threat displays and actual combat, deter- ilar to our thinking, Coombs (1990) suggested
mined both feeding opportunities and favored that the highly modified second pedal digits and
feeding positions that permitted access to pre- complexly reinforced tails of dromaeosaurids
ferred portions of the carcass (Figure 5). Individ- might have been used in intraspecific combat
uals that did not yield to larger, more aggressive and display.
animals, or, occupied by feeding and taken by It is noteworthy that Horner and Dobb
surprise, were attacked, killed, and eaten. Indeed, (1997:122) determined, through microscopic his-
while it was originally suggested that the partially tological study of the D. antirrhopus bones found
healed fractured phalanx of specimen YPM 5205 at YPM site 64-75, that the multiple individuals
(see Figure 4) may be an indication that the af- represented there “had not yet reached adult-
flicted D. antirrhopus was able to survive in its hood,” because, according to Polis (1981:225), “in
injured condition through the support of its gre- general, larger (older) animals are more voracious
garious conspecifics (Marshall et al. 1998), it cannibals than smaller (younger) animals, and
seems more likely that, hobbled by its injury or smaller conspecifics are more often eaten than
118 Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 48(1) – April 2007

larger.” Intraspecific predation by larger adults on concluded that the ora-like theropod behavior of
smaller subadults and juveniles is widespread in swallowing bones whole was because theropod
cannibalistic extant diapsids including the ora teeth were not as firmly socketed as mammalian
(Auffenberg 1981), crocodilians (Pooley and Ross carnivore teeth, this apparently widespread char-
1989; Rootes and Charbreck 1993), diurnal rap- acteristic of nonavian theropods swallowing
tors and owls (Polis 1981), and gulls (Good 1998; bones whole may actually have been in response
Pierotti and Good 1998). All of the carcasses at to more agonistic, ora-like behavior at feeding
YPM site 64-75 seem to have been used to a max- assemblages.
imum extent, in that the only articulated remains
are bony distal tail sections and concentrations of A Taphonomic Reassessment
bones from the similarly bony manus and pes (see of OMNH Site V706
Figure 1), which we hypothesize were left intact
because these portions have little food value. This OMNH site V706, believed to represent a mass
may be an indication that prey was scarce at the death assemblage on a floodplain environment
time, and may also hint at why so large a group of (Brinkman et al. 1998), had, as of 1998, yielded
D. antirrhopus gathered to contest for the carcass. 18 tenontosaur specimens and a single, subadult
The absence altogether of many skeletal elements Deinonychus antirrhopus specimen (OMNH
at the site may indicate agonistic, ora-like feeding 50268; Brinkman et al. 1998). Six of the tenon-
behavior in D. antirrhopus, which may have fed tosaur specimens at the site are partial to nearly
voraciously, bolting down large pieces of the car- complete skeletons, and three of those were
casses that included bones, to avoid losing them to found grouped close to each other and to the sin-
competitors. The skull of D. antirrhopus, de- gle D. antirrhopus skeleton (see Figure 3;
scribed by Ostrom (1969:14) as “very loosely Brinkman et al. 1998). Many shed D. antirrhopus
bound together and probably highly kinetic,” may teeth, found at each of the skeletons at the site in-
have been an adaptation for this type of voracious cluding the skeleton of OMNH 50268, indicate
feeding behavior. Adult oras can consume more that all were fed on by several other D. antirrho-
than half of their body weight in a single feeding; pus individuals (Brinkman et al. 1998). More-
their specialized, highly kinetic skulls allow them over, several shed teeth found in association with
to swallow large pieces of the carcass, bones and all tenontosaur OMNH 16563 are larger than
(Auffenberg 1981). Voracious, agonistic feeding would be expected for a subadult D. antirrhopus
among nonavian theropods to forestall competi- such as OMNH 50268, and are probable evi-
tion at a carcass may also explain the remarkable dence of other, larger D. antirrhopus having fed
circumstance of the Antarctic Jurassic theropod at the site. While some slight preburial fluvial
Cryolophosaurus ellioti Hammer and Hickerson, transport of certain skeletal elements was noted,
believed to have choked to death on the prosauro- the skeletons were believed to be essentially
pod ribs found lodged within its mouth and undisturbed from their positions at death
throat (Hammer et al. 1995). (Brinkman et al. 1998).
With the possible exception of large tyran- At the site, the tenontosaur skeletons nearest
nosaurids such as Tyrannosaurus rex (Farlow et to OMNH 50268, although exhibiting various
al. 1991; Erickson and Olson 1996; Erickson et al. degrees of completeness and articulation, were
1996; Chin et al. 1998), most theropods do not much less thoroughly fed on than the skeletons
seem to have habitually engaged in bone crush- at YPM site 64-75. Because of the abundance of
ing during feeding. Fiorillo (1991:165), for ex- carcasses, the D. antirrhopus individuals that fed
ample, noted that the very low frequency of here may have been more selective in the por-
tooth-marked bones in dinosaur bone assem- tions of the carcasses they consumed. Addition-
blages (0% to 4%) compared with Cenozoic ally, because only one D. antirrhopus skeleton
mammalian bone assemblages (13% to 37%) (OMNH 50268) was found at this site, where
could be the result of theropods consuming prey there was both abundant food and, based on the
bones “more like Komodo monitors,” which many shed teeth, numerous D. antirrhopus indi-
swallow bones whole instead of gnawing them as viduals present, the D. antirrhopus feeding there
mammalian carnivores do. While Fiorillo (1991) may have been able to do so with less intraspe-
A Reevaluation of Gregariousness in Deinonychus antirrhopus • Roach and Brinkman 119

cific conflict. A higher incidence of shed D. an- has not been reported in extant diapsids. It is
tirrhopus teeth found near abdominal and more likely that an event that caused mass mor-
hindquarter sections of some of the larger tenon- tality, such as a drought or flood, killed the tenon-
tosaur skeletons (see Figure 3; Brinkman et al. tosaurs assembled on this Early Cretaceous
1998), along with missing limb bones, may indi- floodplain (Brinkman et al. 1998). As these ani-
cate both a preference by D. antirrhopus for these mals were most likely killed by a cause other than
portions of the carcass and ora-like, voracious predation, the D. antirrhopus that fed on their
feeding where entire bones are swallowed whole. carcasses were scavengers. This would practically
Alternatively, feeding may have been concen- eliminate the possibility that the lone D. antir-
trated on the midsections and hindquarters of rhopus individual found at the site (OMNH
the tenontosaur carcasses at OMNH site V706 if 50268) was killed when it was attacking a larger
weather conditions in the semi-arid environ- tenontosaur, but rather suggests yet again the
ment (Winkler et al. 1990; Brinkman et al. 1998) possibility of intraspecific predation by D. antir-
caused the exposed carcasses to begin to desic- rhopus at a feeding aggregation. While the pres-
cate, since these portions would likely have re- ence of a partial shed tooth of the allosauroid
mained edible longer. Ostrom (1963) and Acrocanthosaurus atokensis Stovall and Langston
Maxwell and Ostrom (1995) discussed a similar (OMNH 51788) found approximately 20 m away
occurrence in Ostrom’s (1970) Unit V of the from the skeleton of OMNH 50268 (Cifelli et al.
Cloverly Formation, where the entire thoracic re- 1997; Brinkman et al. 1998) suggests the possibil-
gion was missing from an otherwise complete ity of interspecific predation, the fact that no
small tenontosaur (YPM BB-1) that had, as evi- fewer than 26 shed D. antirrhopus teeth were re-
denced by a single, shed tooth (YPM 5275), been covered at this site, some near OMNH 50268 (see
fed on by at least one D. antirrhopus. Forster Figure 3; Brinkman et al. 1998), favors the possi-
(1984) characterized the paleoclimate of Unit V bility of intraspecific over interspecific predation
(Little Sheep Mudstone) as arid to semi-arid, of D. antirrhopus OMNH 50268. The D. antir-
with seasonal rainfall and occasional droughts. rhopus skeletal elements, which seem to belong to
The most complete tenontosaur skeleton a single, subadult individual smaller than those
(OMNH 53781) at OMNH site V706 is also, at individuals from YPM site 64-75 (Brinkman et al.
less than two meters in length, the smallest found 1998), are mostly disarticulated, in contrast to the
at the site (see Figure 3; Brinkman et al. 1998). If mostly articulated tenontosaur remains that lie
aridity was a factor, the small body mass and rel- nearby (Brinkman et al. 1998). As with the D. an-
atively large surface-to-volume ratio of OMNH tirrhopus specimens recovered at YPM site 64-75
53781 would have caused the carcass to desiccate in Montana, the only articulated portions of the
more quickly than the much larger tenontosaur D. antirrhopus skeleton recovered here were of
carcasses around it, thereby possibly mummify- the unpalatable bony distal tail section and the
ing it to a degree that made it inedible for the D. similarly bony pes (W. D. Maxwell, pers. comm.
antirrhopus scavenging the carcass assemblage. 2004). The highly disarticulated and incomplete
The skeleton of OMNH 53781 was also found in condition of OMNH 50268, which, as evidenced
the classic, arched neck “death pose,” in which an by the presence of a shed D. antirrhopus tooth,
extreme backward flexure of the neck is likely the was probably cannibalized (see Figure 3;
result of the postmortem contraction of cervical Brinkman et al. 1998), could indicate that the car-
muscles and ligaments, a condition often associ- cass of OMNH 50268 was fed on more exten-
ated with desiccation before burial (but see sively than those of the nearby tenontosaurs. If
Schweitzer and Marshall 2001 for an alternate in- the relatively small D. antirrhopus found at
terpretation of this condition). OMNH site V706 was killed by another D. antir-
The aggregation of multiple tenontosaur in- rhopus as it scavenged the accumulated tenon-
dividuals in this death assemblage is most likely tosaur carcasses at this potentially arid site, its
not due to predation, as such wanton slaughter or fresh carcass would have been more easily con-
“surplus killing” of large numbers of ultimately sumed and perhaps more palatable to the other
unused prey is a behavior only rarely observed in D. antirrhopus than the desiccated or putrefying
extant carnivorous mammals (Kruuk 1972) and tenontosaur remains nearby; hence, its far greater
120 Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 48(1) – April 2007

state of disarticulation compared to the skeletons The Ghost Ranch Site

of the nearby tenontosaurs. Monospecific or paucispecific assemblages of the
remains of multiple nonavian theropod individ-
The Influence of uals in both thanatocoenose sites (sensu
the Doctrine of Pack Hunting Lawrence 1979) that preserve in situ the remains
in Deinonychus antirrhopus of organisms at the location where they died
(e.g., Ostrom 1969; Currie et al. 2005) and
For more than 35 years depictions of Deinonychus taphocoenose sites (sensu Lawrence 1979) that
antirrhopus in cooperative hunting packs have contain the remains of organisms that died else-
appeared in countless book illustrations, museum where and were later transported by fluvial en-
displays, popular magazines, on breakfast cereal ergy or other means to a different site for burial
boxes, as plastic toys, on trading cards, and in quite (e.g., Schwartz and Gillette 1994; Eberth et al.
realistic computer animated film imagery. Just as 2000) have been interpreted as evidence of gre-
the now quaint but once dogmatically accepted garious behavior in nonavian theropods. As we
depictions of semi-aquatic sauropods too bulky to have argued above, however, the physical evi-
venture far from their watery sanctuaries had once dence from certain thanatocoenose sites, such as
influenced both public and scientific perceptions YPM site 64-75, when viewed in light of the behav-
of those animals, the widespread depiction of D. iors of extant diapsids, do not support a hypothesis
antirrhopus as a pack hunter in both our popular of cooperative, mammal-like gregariousness and
and scientific cultures has certainly contributed to pack hunting in nonavian theropods.
the general acceptance of D. antirrhopus (and, by Likewise, taphocoenose sites that preserve
association, other nonavian theropod dinosaurs) multiple nonavian theropod individuals have
as a cooperative pack hunting animal with an ad- often been interpreted as evidence of gregarious
vanced mammal-like behavioral repertoire. The behavior in these taxa simply by virtue of their
uncritical acceptance of pack hunting behavior monospecific or paucispecific nature, the as-
in nonavian theropods by most paleontologists sumption being that if the animals were buried
has undoubtedly influenced dinosaur paleontol- together, they most likely lived together as well
ogy in unforeseen ways, creating a bias that in- (see e.g., Eberth et al. 2000). The most extreme
fluences further studies. Such a bias may be example of this is the famous occurrence of at
evident, for example, in recent taphonomic in- least a thousand skeletons (Schwartz and Gillette
terpretations of several sites with unusually high 1994) of Coelophysis bauri from the Upper Tri-
concentrations of nonavian theropod dinosaur assic Chinle Formation deposits at Ghost Ranch,
remains. These monospecific or paucispecific New Mexico, USA. A recent taphonomic analysis
assemblages include those preserved at Ghost of this site by Schwartz and Gillette (1994) may
Ranch in New Mexico, USA (Colbert 1989), the shed light on the true nature of many such
Cleveland–Lloyd Quarry in Utah, USA (Rich- monospecific or paucispecific theropod skeleton
mond and Morris 1996), and aggregations of the assemblages.
remains of multiple tyrannosaurids at localities The C. bauri skeletal aggregation at Ghost
in both Alberta, Canada (Currie 1998; Erickson Ranch has been both emblematic and problem-
et al. 2006), and Montana, USA (Currie et al. atic to the theory of gregariousness in nonavian
2005). Such bias may also be evident in interpre- theropods, because while the many hundreds of
tations of a group of Morrison Formation sites in C. bauri found buried together were undoubt-
Wyoming, USA, that may preserve evidence of edly near to each other just before their deaths,
feeding by multiple age classes of allosaurids the sheer number of these unquestionably
(Bakker and Bir 2004). The potentially biased in- predaceous animals in one area has defied eco-
terpretations of each of these localities will be logical explanation (see e.g., Colbert 1989;
discussed in turn below. Furthermore, as we dis- Coombs 1990). Schwartz and Gillette (1994),
cuss later in this paper, this bias may also have however, in conjunction with supporting geo-
overly influenced past interpretations of nona- logic evidence, concluded that the great numbers
vian theropod trackway evidence as well. and virtual monospecificity of the Ghost Ranch
C. bauri deposit are actually evidence that a pe-
A Reevaluation of Gregariousness in Deinonychus antirrhopus • Roach and Brinkman 121

riod of extreme environmental stress created by pods to indicate that the carnivores died near
severe drought conditions caused a regional pop- each other, they concluded that this may be evi-
ulation of these nonavian theropods to congre- dence of packs of allosaurs entering the morass
gate within aggregations that were not typical of together to attack herbivorous dinosaurs that,
their normal behavior. they postulated, were temporarily trapped but
As we will discuss in more detail below, such better suited morphologically to eventually es-
periods of extreme environmental stress due to cape (thus explaining their near-absence in the
drought may have been responsible for similarly quarry’s fauna). Similarly, Richmond and Morris
concentrating, killing, and, ultimately, preserving (1996) stated that the high percentage of juvenile
other populations of typically nongregarious, and subadult allosaurs represented in the assem-
nonavian theropods as monospecific or paucis- blage (82%, according to Gates 2005) could be an
pecific skeletal assemblages (e.g., Eberth et al. indication that these younger animals hunted in
2000). But first we discuss a potentially biased in- packs to capture much larger adult sauropods.
terpretation of a second famous nonavian thero- Assuming for the sake of argument that the
pod bone assemblage, that of the Cleveland Cleveland–Lloyd assemblage is a thanatocoenose
–Lloyd Quarry in the Late Jurassic Morrison For- (as defined above), a reinterpretation of the site
mation of Utah. taphonomy based on our more diapsid-like be-
havioral model for nonavian theropods would be
The Cleveland–Lloyd Quarry Site significantly different than the conclusions
The Cleveland–Lloyd Quarry has been the sub- reached by Richmond and Morris (1996). For
ject of many studies that have come to several example, because it is likely that intraspecific pre-
different conclusions on both the biological and dation was a characteristic of nonavian theropod
geological factors that resulted in the quarry’s dinosaur behavior, as it is of modern archosaurs,
unique fossil assemblage (see, e.g., Richmond and because it is also likely that pack hunting was
and Morris 1996; Bilbey 1999; Gates 2005; Hunt not a characteristic of theropod dinosaur behav-
et al. 2006; and references therein). Some of these ior, since it is not seen in modern archosaurs, we
studies reflect the bias toward gregariousness and would argue that it is perhaps more likely that
pack hunting evident in many interpretations of the mired and bellowing dinosaur envisioned by
monospecific or paucispecific assemblages of Richmond and Morris (1996) that lured nearby
nonavian theropods; two interpret the assem- theropods to their own miry deaths was not a
blage to be a thanatocoenose (Richmond and herbivorous dinosaur at all, but a member of
Morris 1996; Gates 2005). Richmond and Morris their own, or a closely related, species. It is also
(1996), for example, determined that about 70% more likely, then, that the clusters of nonavian
of the dinosaur fauna represented in the quarry theropod bones in the Cleveland–Lloyd Quarry
is carnivorous. More than 50 individuals of six represent not pack mates mired in doomed
genera of nonavian theropods have been identi- group forays into the muddy basin, but rather
fied among the approximately 70 individual di- accumulations of the bones of individuals, either
nosaurs represented in the quarry’s bone drawn singly into the mire to prey on trapped
assemblage, and no fewer than 44 of those indi- conspecifics or killed by intraspecific aggression
viduals are allosaurs (Richmond and Morris over a period of time when drier conditions
1996). In their comprehensive study of the geol- (Richmond and Morris 1996) allowed the preda-
ogy of the quarry, Richmond and Morris (1996) tors to cross the firm, dried surface of the basin
argued that the site was a muddy death trap for to scavenge and contest for the carcasses of pre-
dinosaurs, but did not consider that the unusu- viously trapped dinosaurs.
ally high predator-to-prey ratio (3:1) of the Gates (2005) likewise interpreted the Cleve-
quarry might have been because, at least in part, land–Lloyd Quarry bonebed to be a thanato-
some theropods entered the muddy basin to at- coenose, but he argued that it represents a
tack or feed on other theropods that were drought-induced aggregation where allosaurs,
trapped or were themselves feeding there. While attracted to a water hole by weakened prey, dom-
Richmond and Morris (1996) interpreted the inated the scene until falling victim themselves to
clustering of bones of different, individual thero- severe drought-induced stresses that may have
122 Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 48(1) – April 2007

included intraspecific aggression. Regardless of pack-hunting mammals. Currie (1998:276) also

which of the several paleoenvironmental scenar- noted that, based on hind limb proportions, “ju-
ios one believes is the most likely cause of the venile tyrannosaurids were probably faster run-
Cleveland–Lloyd assemblage, however, the high ners than their own parents and most other
percentage of juvenile and subadult theropods theropods of the same general size,” and that this
present could be an indication of intraspecific attribute “probably increased their chances of
predation because, as is seen in extant diapsid survival.” Being faster than the adults of their own
species, it is the juveniles and subadults that are species would likely increase the chances of sur-
most often preyed on (Auffenberg 1981; Polis vival of juveniles in species in which adults preyed
1981; Pooley and Ross 1989; Rootes and Char- on smaller conspecifics, and this characteristic of
breck 1993; Good 1998; Pierotti and Good 1998). faster juveniles in tyrannosaurids may have been
Hunt et al. (2006), in their study of the Cleve- an evolutionary response to intraspecific preda-
land–Lloyd Quarry, avoided speculating on both tion. Complicating Currie’s (1998) interpretation
the behavior and possible cause of death of the of this tyrannosaurid assemblage as the remains
animals preserved at the site, but concluded, sim- of a gregarious group is that he believed that one
ilarly to Schwartz and Gillette’s (1994) interpre- of the tyrannosaurids might have been of a dif-
tation of the Ghost Ranch skeleton assemblage, ferent species than the others (Currie 1998). This
that a population of nonavian theropods died would suggest a mixed species hunting pack,
catastrophically and their skeletons were later which would have been an improbable occur-
transported and deposited by floodwaters. When rence, since it is unknown among extant terres-
viewed in conjunction with the semi-arid cli- trial top predators. The appearance of more than
matic regimes with periodic drought conditions one species of predator or scavenger at a feeding
of the Morrison Formation cited by Gates site, however, would not be surprising, as this sce-
(2005), this suggests that the Cleveland–Lloyd nario can be observed today wherever large mod-
Quarry assemblage was also an atypical concen- ern carnivores vie for carcasses.
tration of otherwise largely solitary predators Currie (1998:274) dismissed the possibility
caused by extreme environmental stress. that the Dry Island tyrannosaurid assemblage
could represent a feeding assemblage or predator
The Dry Island Site trap “due to the almost complete lack of bones of
The Dry Island, Alberta, Canada, skeletal assem- herbivorous dinosaurs,” apparently not consider-
blage of multiple tyrannosaurids discovered in ing the possibility of intraspecific predation
the Late Cretaceous Horseshoe Canyon Forma- being the cause of death for these tyrannosaurids
tion by Barnum Brown in 1910 has been the sub- and the reason for their proximate burial. It does
ject of recent studies by Currie (1998) and seem that typical evidence of predation or canni-
Erickson et al. (2006); renewed excavation has balism, such as shed teeth and tooth-marked
increased the number of individual animals rep- bone, are present only equivocally at the Dry Is-
resented at the site from approximately 9 (Currie land site. For example, only a small percentage of
1998) to 22 (Erickson et al. 2006). It is not clear the “hundreds” of tyrannosaurid teeth found at
from these reports, however, whether this assem- the site are rootless crowns, and these, like the
blage is a thanatocoenose or taphocoenose de- rooted teeth recovered there, may have been lost
posit. from the jaws not through feeding activity in life,
Currie (1998:276) stated that the Dry Island but from postmortem causes (P. J. Currie, pers.
assemblage, which included the remains of sev- comm. 2006). Similarly, of the bones prepared to
eral subadult tyrannosaurids, was not only evi- date, only one maxilla has obvious bite marks (P.
dence that tyrannosaurids may have been J. Currie, pers. comm. 2006); these may not have
gregarious, but that they may have “practiced a been caused by postmortem feeding on this indi-
division of labor,” with “faster, more agile juve- vidual, but by clashes with aggressive con-
niles…driving potential prey toward the larger, specifics during life (e.g., Tanke and Currie
more powerful adult tyrannosaurids,” a behavior 1998). Evidence of predation and cannibalism,
perhaps even more complex than that seen in however, may actually be present; because the
today’s presumably more intelligent cooperative only articulated bones recovered at the site, in
A Reevaluation of Gregariousness in Deinonychus antirrhopus • Roach and Brinkman 123

striking similarity to the Deinonychus antirrho- types, the odds were strongly against the burial
pus remains found at sites YPM 64-75 and and preservation of smaller individuals.
OMNH V706, are numerous unpalatably bony Diagnostically distinctive shed teeth of D.
feet and a section of tail (Currie 1998; Erickson antirrhopus, for example, are commonly found
et al. 2006). In fact, more than 77% of all the throughout dinosaur-bearing Lower Cretaceous
bones recovered thus far are from feet (Erickson formations in the American West (see Ostrom
et al. 2006). 1969; Forster 1984; Maxwell and Ostrom 1995;
According to Erickson et al. (2006), the asso- Cifelli et al. 1997; Brinkman et al. 1998), yet the
ciated skeletal remains of Albertosaurus sarcoph- skeletons of this apparently ubiquitous small- to
agus Osborn from the Dry Island site represents medium-sized predator are extremely rare and,
not only the remains of a singular aggregation of when found, are typically fragmentary and in-
tyrannosaurids that died in close proximity over complete. Moreover, several species of smaller
a short period of time, but also, based on the nonavian theropods are known only from their
closely parallel survivorship curve of other shed teeth (Norman 1990; Osmólska and Bars-
tyrannosaurids developed by these authors, bold 1990), single, often only partial skeletal
serves as a paradigm of the mortality of tyran- specimens (Currie 1990; Norman 1990; Osmól-
nosaur populations in general—namely, that the ska and Barsbold 1990; Ostrom 1990), or a mere
paucity of skeletons of juvenile tyrannosaurs in handful of specimens (Currie 1990; Norman
the fossil record is an indication of exceptionally 1990; Osmólska and Barsbold 1990; Ostrom
high juvenile survivorship (also see Richmond 1990); yet based on the common presence of the
1965 for similar observations on the survivorship shed teeth of these smaller theropods, they were
of juvenile dinosaurs in general). most likely far more numerous in life than the
Erickson et al. (2006) concluded that because better represented megapredators found in the
juvenile and subadult tyrannosaurs are less nu- fossil record. In most modern ecosystems, the
merous than adults in the Dry Island aggregation number of species and the number of individu-
in particular, and in the fossil record in general, als of small- and medium-sized predators are far
they must not only have enjoyed much higher greater than those of the large alphapredators
survival rates than their adult conspecifics, but (Odum 1971).
higher survival rates than almost all groups of The Erickson et al. (2006) study, like many
extant vertebrates (Erickson et al. 2006). Popula- other studies of essentially monospecific thero-
tion studies of modern animals show that in nor- pod bone beds, views the accumulation of skele-
mal populations, juveniles and subadults tal remains as the result of some unknown
typically comprise a numerically greater part of calamity, such as a drought or a famine, that be-
the total population than adults (Odum 1971). fell a gathering of large megacarnivores. In such
This numeric dominance of juveniles in animal studies, most authors either state or imply that
populations is a direct evolutionary response to the remains are evidence of cohesive social
their much higher mortality rates; to sustain a groups and complex social behavior among non-
breeding population of adults, many surplus off- avian theropods (Richmond and Morris 1996;
spring must be produced to counter the higher Currie 1998; Maxwell 1999; Bakker and Bir 2004;
mortality rates of juveniles (Odum 1971). The Currie et al. 2005). As have previous authors in
rarity of juvenile dinosaurs of all types in the fos- similar studies, Currie (1998) and Erickson et al.
sil record (Richmond 1965), and the extreme (2006) have failed to consider intraspecific pre-
rarity of the juveniles of large predaceous thero- dation as a possible cause for the Dry Island ag-
pods and adult small-bodied nonavian thero- gregation of tyrannosaurids. If the Dry Island
pods in most dinosaur-bearing formations, assemblage and other similar sites that contain
however, suggests a taphonomic bias against the fragmentary skeletal remains of multiple
preservation of smaller skeletons in most envi- predatory dinosaurs are the remnants of agonis-
ronments. Therefore, a more likely reason for the tic, ora-like feeding aggregations, as we propose,
paucity of juvenile tyrannosaurids in the fossil then juveniles and smaller subadults would ei-
record is that, as is most likely the case with small ther have been excluded from the feeding aggre-
nonavian theropods and juvenile dinosaurs of all gations or would have been killed and eaten in
124 Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 48(1) – April 2007

toto, and would consequently be absent or it is also therefore unlikely that five cursorial had-
poorly represented in these fossil assemblages. rosaurs, even a cohesive family group, could be at-
tacked and killed by a single tyrannosaurid within
The Two Medicine Formation Site so small an area that their scavenged and scat-
A site that likely is a true nonavian theropod tered remains could be recovered in the 100 m2
thanatocoenose may be a recently discovered area site excavation (Currie et al. 2005). This sug-
bone bed in the Late Cretaceous Two Medicine gests that, along with the geological evidence of
Formation of Teton County, Montana, USA. This rapid sediment deposition by recurrent flooding
site contained scattered bones and articulated events noted by Currie et al. (2005), the hadro-
sections of skeletons of at least three individual saur carcasses may have been aggregated by
Daspletosaurus sp. intermingled with those of floodwaters. While conspicuous toothmarks on
least five hadrosaurs (Currie et al. 2005). Site con- some of the hadrosaur bones indicate that tyran-
ditions indicated to Currie et al. (2005) that the nosaurids were feeding at the site (Currie et al.
bones were not hydraulically transported and 2005:314), the presence of “dozens” of shed
were probably buried at approximately the same tyrannosaurid teeth suggest that many more the-
time. In their study, Currie et al. (2005) concluded ropods, perhaps also numbering in the dozens,
that this skeletal assemblage may be evidence of were present than is represented in the bone bed
gregariousness in Daspletosaurus sp., and sug- (see Erickson 1996 for a discussion on tooth loss
gested that tyrannosaurids may have adopted co- and replacement rates in tyrannosaurs). The scat-
operative attack behaviors “to break through the tered distribution of the bones, the numerous
defenses” of herds of hadrosaurs and ceratopsians shed tyrannosaurid teeth found there, plus indi-
(Currie et al. 2005:323). Currie et al. (2005:323) cations that some of the skeletons were probably
stated that the comingled hadrosaur–tyran- exposed subaerially for a significant time before
nosaurid remains “suggest that these animals burial (i.e., some bones were weathered and oth-
were together in the same area, perhaps even in- ers broken as if by trampling; Currie et al. 2005)
teracting at the time of their deaths” and, addi- suggests that the carcasses at the site were exten-
tionally, by their references to tooth-marked sively fed on over a prolonged period by many
hadrosaur bone and possible tyrannosaurid at- tyrannosaurid individuals. Given the low fre-
tack behaviors, further implied the distinct possi- quency of tooth-marked bones in dinosaur bone
bility that the hadrosaurs were killed by the assemblages (Fiorillo 1991), and considering that
tyrannosaurids. The authors, however, avoided the scattered and disarticulated tyrannosaurid re-
the inevitable question as to how the three Das- mains were found associated with “dozens” of
pletosaurus sp. specimens came to be preserved at shed tyrannosaurid teeth (Currie et al. 2005:314),
the site along with their presumed prey, by stating it is very likely that the Daspletosaurus sp. re-
that “at present, there is no taphonomic informa- mains at the site are from individuals that were
tion to indicate the cause of death of any of these themselves preyed on by conspecifics. While
animals” (Currie et al. 2005:323). flood mortality may also account for the presence
Once again, by considering a less mammal- of the three tyrannosaurids found at the site, the
like and a more diapsid-like behavioral model for aggressive, combative, and sometimes cannibalis-
these nonavian theropods, we can propose a less tic intraspecific behaviors of some extant diapsids
puzzling scenario that is remarkably similar to when in feeding aggregations once again suggests
several of the predator–prey taphonomic associa- the possibility that the tyrannosaurid remains at
tions we have examined. The hadrosaur remains the site may represent victims of intraspecific pre-
found at the site represent at least two juveniles, dation that were killed and eaten while scaveng-
one subadult, and two adults (Currie et al. 2005). ing the hadrosaur carcasses along with many of
As hadrosaurs lacked the armor and defensive their conspecifics. Though the published list of
weaponry of other herbivorous dinosaurs, their tyrannosaurid material recovered at the site is not
defense against an attack by a predator would complete (Currie et al. 2005), the prominence of
likely be limited to herding behavior and cursor- bones from unpalatable bony feet, along with
ial escape. As it is unlikely that pack hunting was similarly bony cranial elements, is strikingly sim-
a characteristic behavior of nonavian theropods, ilar to several of the other predator–prey tapho-
A Reevaluation of Gregariousness in Deinonychus antirrhopus • Roach and Brinkman 125

nomic associations discussed previously that may (Bakker and Bir 2004:336) would seem to indi-
represent theropod thanatcoenoses (i.e, sites cate combative and cannibalistic ora-like behav-
YPM 64-75, OMNH V706, and the Dry Island, ior among allosaurids at feeding aggregations.
Alberta, tyrannosaurid site). This more diapsid-like behavioral interpretation
Such skeletal assemblages consisting of un- of Bakker’s “lair sites” also casts doubt on his
usually high numbers of predatory dinosaurs, claim that allosaurids stayed together in family
represented by incomplete, largely disarticulated groups until offspring were fully grown (Bakker
skeletons and shed teeth (associated with the fed 1997), as the basis for that claim is the coinciden-
on and occasionally scant remains of herbivo- tal presence of tooth marks of both adults and ju-
rous dinosaurs, as seen at YPM 64-75 and the veniles at the same feeding location. In their
Dry Island and Two Medicine tyrannosaurid hierarchal feeding aggregations, oras of different
sites), may represent sites where environmental size classes will also feed at the same carcass site
stresses such as seasonal drought or the paucity (Auffenberg 1981), only they do so at different
of prey or scavengable carcasses caused intense times.
competition for limited resources among local In what may be yet another example of the in-
predatory dinosaurs. Incidences of intraspecific fluence of the doctrine of pack hunting in thero-
predation among nonavian theropods may have pod dinosaurs, Tanke and Currie (1998: 167)
increased during such periods of environmental concluded that one “of the most likely causes” of
stress (Gates 2005) and intraspecific predation intraspecific head-biting behavior in theropods
may have been, especially during such stressful was “establishment of dominance within a pack,”
periods, an important factor in theropod popu- a statement that not only indicates an acceptance
lation dynamics, as it is today in oras (Auffenberg of pack hunting in nonavian theropods, but as-
1981) and in certain populations of crocodilians cribes a social hierarchy to dinosaur packs that is
(Rootes and Chabreck 1993). only seen today in groups of animals representing
“the summit of carnivore social evolution” (Wil-
Varoius Morrison son 2000:499), the wolves and African hunting
Formation Allosaurid Sites dogs. Similarly, Tanke and Currie (1998) consider
Bakker, long a proponent of highly social, coop- the possibility that head biting in nonavian thero-
erative theropods, interpreted the presence of pods may have occurred during conspecific inter-
tooth marks supposedly made by both mature active play among juveniles. While they ultimately
and very young allosaurids on large sauropod conclude that this was unlikely, they come to this
bones found in certain Late Jurassic Morrison conclusion not because complex play directed to-
Formation sites to be evidence of parental care ward social companions is a behavior essentially
and family groups in allosaurs (Bakker 1997), and characteristic only of mammals (see Gill 1990 and
even envisioned allosaur parents dragging giant, Wilson 2000 for discussions of play in birds and
multiton sauropod carcasses across the landscape mammals, respectively), but because several of the
to “lairs” where their young were waiting to be fed theropods that had such bite injuries “were close
(Bakker 1997). A perhaps more plausible inter- to adult size and probably no longer indulged in
pretation of such sites is that they may be the play” (Tanke and Currie 1998:177). Considering
remnants of kill sites or scavenged carcass sites the absence of both pack hierarchies and complex,
where individual allosaurs of all sizes congregated conspecific play in the behavioral repertoires of
to feed in strongly hierarchal, ora-like aggrega- extant diapsids, it is more likely that the wide-
tions, with smaller individuals waiting warily at spread occurrence of head- and face-biting behav-
the periphery to feed after the larger individuals iors in nonavian theropods is further evidence of
had left. Such ora-like feeding aggregations of al- contentious, agonistic, ora-like feeding aggrega-
losaurids would also account for the presence of tions in these animals.
the cannibalized allosaur skeletons that Bakker Constrained by the doctrine of highly gregar-
and Bir (2004) note have been found at these ious, pack hunting nonavian theropods when in-
“lair” sites, since “five allosaurid skeletons [that] terpreting the predatory dinosaur assemblages
were chewed by allosaurs, every tooth-marked found in such localities as YPM 64-75, the Cleve-
bone surrounded by shed allosaurid teeth” land–Lloyd Quarry, and the Dry Island and Two
126 Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 48(1) – April 2007

Medicine tyrannosaurid sites, various authors trackways preserved in the Early Jurassic Port-
have either avoided the issue of the possible causes land Formation (Olsen et al. 1998) at Mount
of death for the predators completely (Currie Tom remains one of the most widely cited exam-
1998; Currie et al. 2005), or have proposed nu- ples of evidence of gregariousness in nonavian
merous possible causes, including being crushed theropods (see, e.g., Lockley 1991; Horner 1997;
by toppling prey (Maxwell 1999), being mired in Lockley and Matsukawa 1999; Lingham-Soliar et
mud (Richmond and Morris 1996), succumbing al. 2003). As with the potentially biased interpre-
to drought or starvation (Erickson et al. 2006); or, tations of the bone assemblages discussed above,
simply dying for reasons that cannot yet be deter- the interpretations of each of the theropod track-
mined (Horner and Dobb 1997). The characteris- way sites noted here will be discussed in turn
tics shared by many of these sites—such as shed below.
theropod teeth representing many more predators
than are indicated by skeletal material alone, dis- The Mount Tom Site
articulated theropod skeletons with frequently Ostrom’s (1972) conclusion that the Mount Tom
missing elements, a predominance of skeletal ele- trackways are evidence of gregarious behavior in
ments from portions of the carcass with little food nonavian theropods may have been overly influ-
value (i.e., pes, manus, skull, mandibles, distal enced by his own pack hunting interpretation of
tail), and the preponderance of juveniles and the Deinonychus antirrhopus type locality site
subadults—suggests, when viewed in the light of a (YPM 64-75), published only three years earlier.
more diapsid-like behavioral model for nonavian We believe that Ostrom’s (1972) behavior-based
theropods, a simpler explanation: namely, that in- interpretation of these trackways relied on two
traspecific predation at ora-like feeding aggrega- indefensible assumptions: (1) that the direction
tions was a common behavior shared by many of travel was not influenced by topography, and
species of predaceous theropod dinosaurs. (2) that the 20, nearly parallel trackways trending
in the same direction were made simultaneously
Trackway Evidence of Gregariousness by a group of theropods moving through the
in Nonavian Theropods area en masse. Ostrom (1972) argued that the
frequent occurrence of nearly parallel trackways
While there are many dinosaur footprint track- made by different types of dinosaurs at different
way sites with essentially unambiguous evidence locations around the world indicated an absence
of herding behavior in herbivorous dinosaurs of environmental barriers that could have influ-
(Lockley 1991), multiple, near-parallel trackways enced the direction of travel, since he believed
suggesting group movement of nonavian thero- the coincidental existence of such barriers at all
pods are much rarer, although these have been of these sites was far less probable than a behav-
reported in Massachusetts, USA (Ostrom 1972), ioral cause. Most of the topographic environ-
Bolivia (Leonardi 1989), Zimbabwe (Lingham- ments where animal trackways are apt to be
Soliar et al. 2003), Scotland (Clark et al. 2005), found, however, are in direct association with
Australia (Thulborn and Wade 1984), and Japan bodies of water. Shorelines present open corri-
(Matsukawa et al. 1997). Sites that do have near- dors for animals to pass between the barriers of
parallel multiple theropod trackways or a pre- standing water on one side and what are often
ponderance of theropod tracks have typically less easily traversed (i.e., steep, rocky, or thickly
been interpreted as evidence of gregariousness forested) uplands on the other. Cohen et al.
and pack behavior in nonavian theropod di- (1993) noted that the trackways of modern ver-
nosaurs. These interpretations may have been tebrates are often strongly parallel to shorelines.
unduly influenced by Ostrom’s (1972) interpre- Lockley (1991) points out that many trackways
tation of the multiple near-parallel theropod of herbivorous dinosaur herds seem to follow
trackways at the Mount Tom site near Holyoke, shorelines. Furthermore, Horner (1997) ob-
Massachusetts (Figure 6), as Ostrom’s study was served that animals walking along the shores of
one of the first to interpret the behaviors of the- lakes, rivers, or marine bodies of water are most
ropod trackmakers. More than 30 years later, Os- likely to travel in one of two directions, parallel to
trom’s (1972) interpretation of the theropod the adjacent body of water, whether or not they
A Reevaluation of Gregariousness in Deinonychus antirrhopus • Roach and Brinkman 127

Figure 6. The Mount Tom dinosaur trackway exposure near Holyoke, Massachusetts, USA. Ostrom’s (1972)
map of the trackway exposure is often interpreted as evidence of both large group gregarious behavior and pack
behavior in nonavian theropods, though the subparallel trackways trending in the same direction may have in-
stead been left by single animals or small, loosely bound aggregates that, drawn by scent, were individually tra-
versing the paleo-lakeshore toward a carcass. Reprinted from Ostrom1972:290, fig. 2, © 1972, with permission
from Elsevier.

are traveling in a group. It is not surprising then verge with others nearby (see Figure 6). Lockley
that the depositional environment of the basal (1991) states that there is much less intertrack-
Portland Formation outcropping at the Mount way spacing evident in nonavian theropod track-
Tom site has been characterized as being a very ways in general, and believes this could indicate
shallow lake and shoreline playa (Coombs 1990; that nonavian theropods were less inclined to
Olsen et al. 1998) and these authors have sug- travel in structured groups than were herbivo-
gested, contra Ostrom (1972), that most of the rous dinosaurs. Lockley interprets the more ran-
trackmakers there may have been walking paral- dom, crisscrossing character of nonavian
lel to the paleoshoreline (Coombs 1990; Olsen, in theropod trackways as evidence that nonavian
press). Further evidence of such topographic in- theropod behavior was more primitive than that
fluence on the trackway orientation at Mount of herbivorous dinosaurs, and that nonavian the-
Tom, in agreement with Horner’s (1997) obser- ropod behavior was “more inclined to be behav-
vation, may be that four of the trackways pre- ior patterns of individuals and [have] less
served at the site head in the opposite direction complex social organization” (Lockley, as quoted
to the majority (see Figure 6). in Hanrahan 2004:242).
Intertrackway patterns that show regular Yet, as Ostrom (1972:294) suggested, for so
spacing between herbivorous dinosaurs believed many trackways to be trending in one direction
to have been traveling in herds are common “some common factor…must have influenced
(Lockley 1991) and are among the most unam- the direction in which most of these animals
biguous evidence of herding behavior. Some of moved.” A plausible scenario for this unusual
the Mount Tom trackways do have what seem to trackway occurrence, which also provides for the
be regular intertrackway spacing, suggesting that unidentified “common factor” that must have in-
some of the animals may have crossed the playa fluenced it, can be envisioned by once again con-
in pairs or in small, loosely bound groups, as en- sidering the behavior of the ora as an analogue.
visioned by Farlow (1976), but even these track- Just as solitary hunting oras will be drawn by
ways differ noticeably in the widths separating scent to a fresh kill from distances of up to 11 km
individual trackways, and often diverge or con- (Auffenberg 1981), the theropods of the Mount
128 Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 48(1) – April 2007

Tom site may also have been drawn from great of these four trackways of smaller individuals are
distances downwind of a fresh kill. Following the essentially perpendicular to the preferred orien-
ancient lake’s open shoreline as the path of least tation of most of the Eubrontes trackways (see
resistance toward the kill site, the Mount Tom Figure 6; Ostrom 1972). While these four An-
theropods could have moved upwind as individ- chisauripus and Grallator trackways could be
uals or in small, loosely bound, temporary aggre- random outliers left by individuals not influ-
gates (as suggested by Farlow 1976) toward a kill enced by the same stimuli that influenced the Eu-
site over a period of hours, or perhaps days. brontes trackmakers, if the three ichnogenera do
These individuals and small foraging aggregates represent a single species of theropod dinosaur
would have left trackways that were parallel to as suggested by Olsen (1980), their presence at
the adjacent body of water and, because they the site, coupled with a near absence of trackways
were headed toward the same destination, trend- of similar size trending in the direction of the
ing in the same direction. Ironically, Weems “adult class” majority, does suggest the possibility
(2003), in seeking to refute Ostrom’s (1972) in- of an ora-like separation of age classes and re-
terpretation of gregarious theropods at Mount source partitioning within the species.
Tom, unknowingly resorted to using modern so- The theropod trackway exposures in the
cial carnivores as an analogue in his arguments. Early Jurassic East Berlin Formation at Dinosaur
Concentrations of carcasses of large di- State Park in Rocky Hill, Connecticut, USA (Os-
nosaurs deposited by floods in the fluvial sedi- trom 1967; Farlow and Galton 2003) preserve a
ments of the famous Morrison Formation of the similar preponderance of footprints of the “adult
American West (Dodson et al. 1980) apparently class” Eubrontes (sensu Olsen 1980) as the
drew large numbers of scavenging theropods, as Mount Tom site, with a similar near absence of
their shed teeth are commonly found during the tracks of the smaller Anchisauripus and Gralla-
quarrying of these deposits (Buffetaut and Su- tor trackmakers. According to Ostrom (1972)
teethorn 1989; Bakker and Bir 2004). Similarly, if and to Farlow and Galton (2003), unlike the
large carcasses or concentrations of carcasses nearly parallel orientation of the trackways at the
were swept by seasonal rains or floodwaters into Mount Tom site, the trackways of the Dinosaur
a rift valley lake basin, large numbers of scaveng- State Park exposure show little evidence of any
ing theropods might have been drawn by scent to preferred orientation. These scores of random
travel up the lake’s shoreline from considerable trackways, created under subaerial and shallow-
distances downwind to feed on the accumulated water lacustrine conditions by what is believed to
carcasses. Such seasonal flooding would be ex- have been the same theropod species that made
pected in the monsoon-like climate, character- the Mount Tom trackways, are thought to be
ized by alternating periods of heavy precipitation from solitary individuals, along with perhaps
and pronounced aridity, envisioned by McDon- some small groups (as suggested by Farlow 1976)
ald (1992) for the Connecticut Valley in the Early of adult animals that passed across the site over
Jurassic. an extended period (Farlow and Galton 2003).
Olsen (1980:370) suggested that the three
ichnogenera preserved at Mount Tom—Eu- The Toro-Toro Site
brontes, Anchisauripus, and Grallator—“form a Trackways of large nonavian theropod dinosaurs
continuum similar to what would be expected of preserved in sediments thought to represent
tracks of individuals of different ages perhaps marginal marine and shoreline depositional en-
representing a single dinosaur species.” In light of vironments (Leonardi 1989, 1994) of the Late
this, note that four of the five trackways of Cretaceous El Molino Formation at the Toro-
smaller, perhaps subadult or juvenile individuals Toro site in Potosi, Bolivia, have similarly been
preserved at the site (represented by the ichno- cited as evidence of gregariousness in those ani-
genera Anchisauripus and Grallator, respec- mals (Leonardi 1989)—even though at the
tively; Ostrom 1972) are not trending in the largest trackway exposure the trackways on the
direction of the majority (86%) of the Eubrontes exposed bedding plane include both well-de-
trackways, which are larger and were presumably fined tracks preserving morphological details
left by adult animals (see Figure 6). In fact, three and vague, elliptical “undertrack” impressions
A Reevaluation of Gregariousness in Deinonychus antirrhopus • Roach and Brinkman 129

that were clearly made at different times by ani- extinct animals from trackways on a room-sized
mals walking on different, temporally separated exposure is hopeful at best and, invoking phylo-
depositional horizons (Leonardi 1989). Track- genetic inference, that any interpretation that re-
ways preserved on single bedding planes at the lies on comparisons between a fossil taxon and
Toro-Toro site that are subparallel and essentially an only distantly related extant taxon is poorly
unidirectional may have been left in circum- analogous. The interpretation of this trackway
stances similar to those we have suggested above site by Lingham-Soliar et al. (2003) may there-
for the Connecticut Valley tracks, where nona- fore be based more on an unquestioning accep-
vian theropods moved upwind along a shoreline tance of Ostrom’s (1969, 1972) views of
toward a food source as independent individuals mammal-like pack behavior in nonavian thero-
or in small, temporary aggregates sensu Farlow pods than on either the trackway evidence itself
(1976). Moreover, similar directional trending or the behavior of modern archosaurs.
trackways in temporally separated depositional
horizons at the same location could be evidence The Isle of Skye Site
that such unidirectional movement by large non- In their interpretation of the significance of the-
avian theropods was seasonal, as the animals re- ropod tracks of different sizes discovered in close
sponded to the stimuli of carcasses deposited by association in Middle Jurassic rocks of the Kil-
flooding at the mouths of rivers entering rift val- maluag Formation on the Isle of Skye, Scotland,
ley lakes or, as in the case of the Toro-Toro site, Clark et al. (2005:101) concluded that the tracks
on a marine shoreline (Leonardi 1989, 1994). are not only evidence of gregariousness in thero-
Similarly, Smith and Smith (1996) reported that pods, but “represent the first recorded associa-
trackways preserved on a stratigraphic horizon tion, or family group, of juvenile and adult
69 m above the original “Ostrom bed” at the theropods from the same bedding plane.” While
Mount Tom, Massachusetts, site seem to show both gregariousness and adult care of juvenile
the same preferential orientations of in the Eu- offspring are certainly characteristic behaviors of
brontes trackways at the original Mount Tom ex- extant archosaurs (see, e.g., Ross 1989; Able
posure and may be evidence of seasonal 2001), and evidence of both behaviors has been
movements of the same taxa in the rift valley reasonably inferred from trackways of herbivo-
over many years. rous dinosaurs (Lockley 1991), this particular in-
terpretation may be overly ambitious, since the
The Chewore Site footprint-bearing exposure on which Clark et al.
Lingham-Soliar et al. (2003:575), citing Ostrom (2005) base their interpretation has a surface area
(1972), state that “multiple trackways of large of only 1.5 m2—a size which would seem to be
theropod dinosaurs in a relatively small area sug- hardly adequate for inferring complex social be-
gest gregarious behavior,” and conclude that five havior in larger, extinct vertebrates. In our mind,
adjacent theropod trackways in a small (approx- all that can reasonably be inferred from this
imately 21 m2) portion of a Middle Jurassic di- small track-bearing exposure is that several ani-
nosaur trackway exposure in the Dande mals of different size classes of the same thero-
Sandstone Formation at Chewore, Zimbabwe, pod ichnospecies, moving in approximately the
were “probably made by animals traveling in a same direction, crossed this small area over a rel-
group” (Lingham-Soliar et al. 2003:572). They atively short period of time.
make this claim in spite of the fact that the direc-
tions of the trackways are highly divergent, indi- The Lark Quarry Site
cating that the directions of travel among the five The Lark Quarry dinosaur trackway site in the
individual trackmakers differed by up to more middle Cretaceous Winton Formation of West
than 90° (Lingham-Soliar et al. 2003). Lingham- Queensland, Australia, has been interpreted as a
Soliar et al. (2003) account for this apparently paleo-lakeshore mudflat where more than 130
contradictory evidence by referencing the highly small theropod and ornithopod dinosaurs were
evolved hierarchal pack movements of modern stampeded by the approach of a single, large
wolves. However, we would argue that any at- nonavian theropod (Thulborn and Wade 1984).
tempt to infer complex social behavior for large The trackways of so many individuals apparently
130 Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 48(1) – April 2007

running at top speed in a direction opposite that is only one trackway of a single large nonavian
of the trackway of a single, large nonavian thero- theropod on the more than 150 m2 exposure. The
pod lend credence to Thulborn and Wade’s evolutionary transition in theropods from larger,
(1984) interpretation of the circumstances lead- mostly solitary nonavian hypercarnivores of the
ing to the creation of the trackways and suggests Mesozoic to the smaller, often gregarious avian
that at least some of the smallest Mesozoic thero- species of today may be linked to the paedomor-
pods were gregarious in large groups. Whether phic retention of gregarious juvenile behavior
these chicken-sized (13 to 22 cm high at the hips into adulthood among smaller, less predaceous
[Thulborn and Wade 1984]) theropods were ju- theropod species, since such behavior would sim-
veniles of a larger, nonavian theropod species or ilarly benefit both the juveniles of large species
whether they were adults of a smaller, more de- and adults of smaller-bodied species. Such bene-
rived nonavian, or perhaps even avian, theropod fits might include more efficient group vigilance
cannot be determined from the trackways. How- against predation (Burghardt 1977; Wahunga et
ever, the occurrence of gregarious behavior in ex- al. 2003, and references therein), predator confu-
tant hatchling and young juvenile oras and sion in the event of an attack against the group
crocodilians is well documented (Molnar and (Wahunga et al. 2003, and references therein) and
Farlow 1990, and references therein), and it is increased opportunities to capture small prey
possible that conspecific hatchlings and young flushed by other members of the group (Farlow
juveniles of large, nonavian theropod dinosaurs 1976). Additionally, by retaining their small body
also associated with each other in similar, loosely size, the smallest theropods would also continue
bound “sibling groups” (sensu Coombs 1982) to use prey types of such small size that defense of
early in their lives, only to go their own way as their individual prey captures against theft by
they grew larger. conspecifics would be largely unnecessary. Parallel
Cooperative pack hunting by sibling groups trackways attributed to very small theropods in the
in extant juvenile diapsids, however, has not been Lower Cretaceous Tetori Group of Toyama, Japan
reported, and their hunting behaviors as adults, as (Matsukawa et al. 1997) and the discovery in China
discussed above, are either solitary or only rudi- of what may be a family group of a Late Creta-
mentarily cooperative. It may be of significance, ceous ornithomimosaur, Sinornithomimus
therefore, that the small, apparently highly gre- dongi Kobayashi and Lu (Kobayashi and Lu
garious theropods at Lark Quarry seem to have 2003), also appear to support gregariousness for
been close to, and perhaps in a “mixed flock” protection against predators in smaller, more de-
with, the small herbivorous ornithopod di- rived theropods.
nosaurs that were also present on the mudflat
(Thulborn and Wade 1984). Such a “mixed flock” Discussion and Conclusions
of small theropods and ornithopods together
could indicate that the small theropods were not In summary, we believe that it is most parsimo-
a predatory threat to the ornithopods, since it is nious to hypothesize that all nonavian theropods
unlikely that the herbivores would tolerate even lacked the complex cooperative behaviors of ex-
the smallest juveniles of a predaceous theropod tant mammalian pack hunters, and that the pos-
species that at some later point in their lives sibility of nonavian theropod dinosaurs having
would prey on them. The small theropod foot- achieved this behavior is significantly unlikely as
prints at Lark Quarry may therefore be those of well (Lewis 2001). While cooperative hunting is
adults of a more evolutionarily derived, small rare and highly coordinated, mammal-like pack
avian or near-avian theropod species that, like so hunting is unknown in extant diapsids, many do
many species of extant birds, were gregarious for- have gregarious behaviors. Without exception,
agers of insects and other very small prey and however, the gregarious behaviors of extant di-
consequently presented no threat to nearby or- apsids differ distinctly from the highly struc-
nithopods. The larger, presumably less derived tured, often altruistic social behaviors of pack
theropod dinosaur that left its tracks at the Lark hunting mammals. Extant diapids are gregarious
Quarry site conforms to the more typical diapsid in temporary aggregations such as those ob-
behavioral model of a solitary hunter, since there served at feeding locales (e.g., Auffenberg 1981;
A Reevaluation of Gregariousness in Deinonychus antirrhopus • Roach and Brinkman 131

Mundy et al. 1992) and nesting sites (e.g., Good hunting behavior” of mammalian pack hunters,
1998; Pierotti and Good 1998), and are also ob- and noted that if some carnivorous dinosaurs
served in loosely-bound aggregates while bask- did hunt cooperatively, they may not have
ing (e.g., Pooley 1982, 1989), foraging for prey hunted in “the tightly social units seen in group-
(e.g., Burghardt 1977; Martinez-Vilalta and hunting mammalian carnivores,” but rather in
Motis 1992), nesting and migrating (Able 2001), “loose association[s]…that tended to forage to-
or when traveling in response to a commonly gether, each [carnosaur] independently attacking
shared stimulus (Campos et al. 2003). In each prey flushed by its fellows,” as is seen in extant
case, however, the social aggregations of extant group-foraging lizards and birds.
diapsids lack the structure, organization, and Phylogenetic inference can be applied to stud-
durability of those observed in pack hunting ies of behavior to add both empirical structure
mammals. In light of the behaviors of extant di- and a measure of constraint to our speculations
apsids, and in view of the extreme rarity of pack on the behavior of extinct, prehistoric animals
hunting as a behavior in all extant animals, we (see, e.g., Norell et al. 1995; Varricchio et al. 1997,
conclude that the hypothesis of pack hunting be- 1999; Xu and Norell 2004; Avila et al. 2004). The
havior in nonavian theropods should be consid- observable behaviors of extant diapsids are the
ered to be an ad hoc explanation and that the sensible and scientifically defensible keys to in-
null hypothesis should be that nonavian thero- terpreting the fossil evidences of the lives and be-
pod dinosaurs were solitary hunters or, at most, haviors of extinct dinosaurs. Paleontologists can,
foraged in loose associations. by looking at the varied and complex behavioral
It is likely that nonavian theropod dinosaurs repertoires of the extant diapsids that phylogenet-
would, as juveniles and, at certain times, as ically bracket the nonavian theropods (see, e.g.,
adults, tolerate the presence of conspecifics be- Burghardt 1977), make taphonomic interpreta-
cause they would benefit, as do extant diapsids tions and behavioral speculations for these extinct
today, from this proximity through more suc- forms that are in accordance with the homologi-
cessful discovery of food resources (Buckley cal principles of the evolution of animal behavior
1999), capture of prey (Martinez-Vilalta and (see, e.g., Alcock 1975). When this approach is ap-
Motis 1992), or vigilance in avoiding predation plied to Deinonychus antirrhopus and other non-
(Burghardt 1977; Wahunga et al. 2003, and refer- avian theropod dinosaurs, the most reasonable
ences therein). The aggressive, agonistic behav- interpretation of their predatory, feeding, and so-
iors of many extant diapsids (see, e.g., Auffenberg cial behaviors is that instead of engaging in ad-
1981; Mundy et al. 1992), however, when cou- vanced mammal-like, cooperative pack hunting
pled with widespread fossil evidence for in- and socially complex gregariousness, as Ostrom
traspecific predation in nonavian theropods (as (1969, 1990) and other authors have suggested,
discussed above), suggests that predatory thero- the nonavian theropods were likely more solitary
pods foraging within loosely bound aggregates in nature, engaging in agonistic, ora-like feeding
would at times fight aggressively over a carcass aggregations and interacting with their con-
once a kill had been made. specifics in ways that were much more con-
Several researchers have interpreted the evi- tentious, combative, and cannibalistic than has
dence of extinct dinosaur behavior by looking been widely believed.
within the suites of behaviors of extant diapsids.
For example, Horner and Gorman’s (1988) and Acknowledgments
Novacek’s (1996) interpretations of the evidence
of dinosaur nesting behaviors found in Mon- We thank our friends and colleagues Takanobu
tana, USA, and Mongolia, respectively, were Tsuihiji and Walter Joyce for their valuable sug-
based on the comparisons of their finds to the gestions at several important stages of this pro-
nesting behaviors of today’s most successful and ject. We thank Jorge de Leon, Marilyn Fox, Larry
widespread archosaurs, the birds. Additionally, Gall, Twan Leenders, Bill and Kris Parsons, Emma
Farlow (1976:188–189) recognized clear differ- Rainforth, Neil Roach, Gregory Watkins-Colwell,
ences between the simple group foraging behav- and Kristof Zyskowski for their input and assis-
iors of diapsids and “the highly integrated social tance. We are especially grateful to Des Maxwell,
132 Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 48(1) – April 2007

Jim Farlow, Jacques Gauthier, and Tom Holtz, Jr., their young. In: D. L. Wolberg, E. Stump, and
for the insightful comments and suggestions they G. D. Rosenberg, eds. Dinofest International:
provided on an earlier version of this paper. We proceedings of a symposium held at Arizona
also wish to thank Phil Currie and Des Maxwell State University; 1996 Apr; Phoenix, AZ,
for allowing us to refer to aspects of their cur- USA. Philadelphia, PA: The Academy of Nat-
rently unpublished theropod research. In addi- ural Sciences. pp. 51–63.
tion, we wish to acknowledge the importance of Bakker, R. T. and G. Bir. 2004. Dinosaur crime
the research of the late Walter Auffenberg to this scene investigations: theropod behaviour at
paper, as his comprehensive study of the Komodo Como Bluff, Wyoming, and the evolution of
monitor proved invaluable to us. Last, but not birdness. In: P. J. Currie, E. B. Koppelhus,
least, we wish to acknowledge Brinkman’s friend M. A. Shugar, and J. L. Wright, eds. Feathered
and mentor, the late John Ostrom, whose land- Dragons: Studies on the Transition from Di-
mark description of Deinonychus antirrhopus re- nosaurs to Birds. Bloomington, IN: Indiana
shaped the world’s perception of dinosaurs and University Press. pp. 301–342.
sparked a renaissance of dinosaur research and Bednarz, J. C. 1995. Harris’ hawk (Parabuteo
excitement that continues to this day. We humbly unicinctus). In: A. Poole and F. Gill, eds. The
dedicate this paper to his memory. Birds of North America 146. Philadelphia,
PA: The American Ornithologists Union;
Received 13 January 2006; revised and accepted The Academy of Natural Sciences. pp. 1–24.
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land–Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry in the Morrison
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