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Arabic I

Islamic Online University

I. Class Description
A. Name of Class: Arabic I
B. Credit Hours:
C. Catalog Description: Arabic Grammar Level 1 introduces
students to Arabic grammar in a unique
way based on the frequency of
vocabulary usage. Level 1 focuses
completely on the major nominal
grammatical constructions. Its lessons
are taught using English as the medium
of instruction in order to give the student
a basic understanding of Arabic
grammar from an English grammatical
D. Prerequisites: None
E. Aims This course seeks to enhance for the
students the following:
1- Listing to Arabic language from
native speaker.
2- Reading and writing Arabic language
by a correct way as Native speakers read
and write
3- Learning Basics of Arabic language.
4-growing the speaking skills.
5- Using Many words from Quran
6- Learning bases of Arabic Grammar
(Alnahw) ‫النحو‬
8 - listing to Quran from native
(Egyptian) readers

II. Instructor Information

A. Name: Dr. Ebraheem Abd Alhafeez Mohammed
Abo Dawy
B. Location: Elmenofya Egypt
C. Instructional methods: Recorded Lectures.

III. The book and the author

A. Required Text: ُ ُ‫َّاطقني ِبا(اجلزء‬
‫األول‬ ِ‫اللغة العربيَّ ِة لِ ر‬
َ ‫غْي الن‬
ِ ‫ُدروس‬
Arabic language lessons for non – native
speakers (first Part)
This book consists of 3 Parts
In This course we will study the lessons
from 1 to 10 in the first part only
Arabic I
B The Author Dr . F. Abd Alraheem

IV. Class Content

Class Procedure/Instruction Methodology
Recorded Lectures dedicated to the course material will be available
for online viewing or download and periodic Live Discussions will be
held with the instructor on topics covered.

Homework Assignments
1 Homework assignment will be assigned.

V. Attendance Policies
A. Attendance: The students are required to login and access the
weekly sessions each week for all subjects available.
There is no fixed time for accessing the content.
Students may do it at their own convenience but
within the week in which the content is required to be

Students are encouraged to make every effort to join

the Live Sessions as this will be best for them. If
sometimes circumstances do not allow, then they may
listen to the recording of that Session.

B. Special requirements
1. Students should behave respectfully during Live
Discussions, in their correspondences and forum posts. If a
student is disrespectful to the instructor or to another
student he or she will be removed from class.
2. The Video and Audio study material provided to you is
confidential and copyrighted. You are allowed to keep a
copy on your PC but you are not allowed to distribute copies
to others.
3. All students should participate fully in Live Discussions.
Arabic I
4. As a student of the Islamic Online University, you should
pledge that all tests taken by you and that all work turned in
by you will be original and solely the result of your own
efforts. Any form of academic dishonesty, including cheating
and plagiarism, will be recorded in the student’s permanent
file. Breaches of academic integrity will be dealt with
severely, as per the University policy. After the first instance
of a breach of academic integrity, the student will receive a
CURRENTLY ENROLLED. After the second instance, the
student will be expelled permanently from the program.
Note: Besides the definition of cheating in the Student
Handbook, cheating in this class includes using others’
planning or drafting to generate one’s own essay, copying
any part of another person’s homework, or collaborating on
assignments that are meant to be individual efforts. Unless
otherwise indicated, all assignments completed outside of
class should be completed individually.
Arabic I

Class Schedule

Session 1 Topics: Five important introductions

1- The Arabic alphabet
2- The vowel signs
3- Definite and indefinite nouns
4- The ending of Arabic nouns
5- Parts of speech

Session 2 Topics: Lesson 1

‫ َهذا‬This
Demonstrative pronoun
How we write it and How we prnounce?
what is this ‫ما هذا‬
Is this …… ‫أهذا؟‬
Who is this ‫َم رن هذا‬
The plural of some nouns

Pages: 5:11

Session 3 Topics: Continuation of lesson 1 –

Exercise : The deference between ‫من‬and ‫ما‬
Lesson 2‫ ذلك‬This
The Shadah ُ‫الشدة‬
Lesson 3
The sentence in The Arabic language
The kinds of Arabic sentence
Nominal sentence

Pages : 10-14

Session 4 Topics: Continuation of lesson 3 –

Nominal sentence
Examples of The nominal sentence
New words and their opposites
Exercises (‫)التمرينات‬.

Pages : 14-15

Session 5 Topics: Continuation of lesson 3

New words and their plurals
The kinds of Hamzah ‫مهزة‬
‫الوصل‬ ُ‫مهزةُ القط ِع ومهزة‬
‫ مترين‬exercises
Sun letters and moon letters
Arabic I
Pages : 15-16

Session 6 Topics: Continuation of lesson 3

Exercises about son letters and moon letters
Exercises about ‫مهزة القطع ومهزة الوصل‬
Lesson 4
The prepositions .

Pages : 17-21

Session 7 Topics: Continuation of lesson 4

The prepositions .
The preposition ‫ يف‬and The preposition ‫على‬
Parts of the nominal sentence ‫املبتدأ – اخلرب‬
Kinds of ‫اخلرب‬
The pronoun ‫الضمْي‬
Kinds of the pronouns
The detached pronoun ‫الضمْي املنفصل‬
First person and second person

Pages : 21

Session 8 Topics: Continuation of lesson 4 –

Kinds of the Detached pronoun
First person ‫ضمْي املتكلِ ِم‬
Second Person ‫خاطب‬ ِ ُ‫ضمْيُ امل‬
Third Person ‫ب‬ ِ ِ‫ضمْيُ الغَائ‬
(Tthe gender) Some masculine and feminine
Some detached pronouns in Holly Qur'an in
Sorat Alkafron‫سورة الكافرون‬

Pages : 21-23

Session 9 Topics: Continuation of lesson 4 –

The kinds of Taa :
‫ التاءُ املفتوحةُ و التاء املربوطة‬The Open Taa and The Close
Examples of masculine and feminine nouns
The preposition ‫من‬
The preposition ‫إىل‬
The verb
The meaning of the verb
Parts of the verbal sentence ‫ الفاعل‬- ‫الفعل‬
Visible subject and hidden subject ‫والفاعل‬ ِ ‫الفاعل‬
ُ ُ
Arabic I

ِ ‫أصل‬
The origin of The verb ‫الفعل‬
ِ ‫وز ُن‬
(the scale) of the verb ‫الفعل‬

Pages : 23-24

Session 10 Topics: Continuation of lesson 4-

Layouts about The kinds of sentence and The
verbal sentence
Examples about The verbal sentence
Examples about visible and hidden subject
How we use The verb ‫ ذهب‬with ‫ ِمن‬and ‫إىل‬
List of some verbs in The past simple
Examples about The verb with The third person

Pages : 24

Session 11 Topics: Continuation of lesson 4 –

The verb with The third person ‫الغائب‬ ‫ضمائر‬
A table of some verbs and them scale ‫امليزان الص رَّريف‬
The verbs – ‫رب – ِمس َع‬ َ ‫ذهب – جلس – َش‬َ – ‫درس – خرج‬
َ – ‫دخل‬
َ –‫ب‬
َ َ‫كت‬
‫ظ – فَ ِهم‬
َ ‫ َح َف‬with the third person
The new word in lesson 4 and the plural form and
the opposite of some words
Lesson 5
The second person ‫املخاطب‬ ِ ‫ضمائُِر‬
List of some verbs with the second person – ‫ب‬ َ َ‫كت‬
َ ‫رب – ِمس َع – َح َف‬
‫ظ – فَ ِهم‬ َ ‫ذهب – جلس – َش‬ َ – ‫درس – خرج‬
َ – ‫د َخل‬
The first person ‫تكلم‬ ِ ُ‫ضمْيا امل‬
The ‫ ساكن‬pronoun

Pages : 24-27

Session 12 Topics: Continuation of lesson 5 –

The Possessive (Genitive) case ُ‫اإلضافة‬
Parts of the possessive case : ِ ‫ إلي‬+‫ضا‬
ُ ُ‫ ا امل‬+‫املُضا‬
Ending of Arabic nouns
Examples about The possessive case
ِ +‫حر‬
Particle yaa )‫النداء (اي‬

Pages: 27

Session 13 Topics: Continuation of lesson 5 –

The verb ‫ خرج‬with the 14 Detached pronouns
More examples about The possessive case
Arabic I
Examples in Holly Qur'an
The Adverb
Kinds of the adverb: Adverb of place- adverb of
time ‫الزمان‬ +‫وظر‬
ُ ِ
‫املكان‬ +‫ظر‬
The phrase ‫شب ُ اجلملة‬ ِ
Parts of ‫اجلملة‬ ‫شب‬
Kinds of Hamzah‫اهلمزة‬

Pages : 27-28

Session 14 Topics: Continuation of lesson 5 –

The verb Opened ‫ فَ تَح‬with the 14 Detached
‫ مهزة الوصل‬in Holly Qur'an (sorat ‫)قُريش‬
Hamzah and Hal ‫ اهلمزة وهل‬in questions

Pages : 28-32

Session 15 Topics: Continuation of lesson 5-

The verb ‫ ََن َح‬with the 14 Detached pronouns
Examples of ‫ اهلمزة – هل‬in Questions
New words in lesson 5 : Singular – plural –
Lesson 6
: The demonstrative pronoun ِ‫هذه‬
How we write and pronounce it
Feminine gender ‫ث‬ ُ َّ‫املؤن‬
The preposition lam ‫حرق اجلر الالم‬

Pages : 33

Session 16 Topics: Continuation of lesson 6 –

The verb ‫ب‬ ِ
َ ‫ لَع‬with the 14 Detached pronouns
Examples of preposition lam ‫اجلر‬ِ ‫الم‬
The deference between ‫هذا – هذه‬
The book Exercises
New words in lesson 6 : Singular – plural –
Arabic I
Pages : 33-38

Session 17 Topics: َ ِ‫ت‬

Lesson 7 ‫لك‬
The verb َ‫ قرأ‬with the 14 Detached pronouns
The deference between ‫ تلك‬and ‫هذه‬
The book Exercises
New words in lesson 6 : Singular – plural –
Lesson 8
The substitute ‫البدل‬
Demonstrative pronoun + a definite noun =

Pages : 39-42

Session 18 Topics: Continuation of lesson 8 –

The verb ‫ظ‬َ ‫ َح ِف‬with the 14 Detached pronouns

The deference between :
A demonstrative pronoun +a definite noun (and)
A demonstrative pronoun + an indefinite noun
The substitute In Holly Qur'an (sorat alkafron ‫سورة‬
The book exercises in this lesson

Pages : 42-44

Session 19 Topics: Continuation of lesson 8 –

The verb ‫ تكلَّ َم‬with the 14 Detached pronouns
Book Exercises 4,5,6 (‫)التمرينات‬
Some Examples of feminine nouns and plural
nouns is ketab "Almozaker wa almo'anath " ‫املذكر‬
َّ ، ‫واملُؤنَّث‬
The Hidden vowels ‫كات املقدرة‬
ُ ‫احلر‬
New words in lesson 8 : Singular – plural –
Lesson 9
The adjective clause ‫في‬ ِ ‫املرَّكب‬
ُّ ‫الوص‬ ُ
The Adjective and the Noun qualified ‫واملنعوت‬
ُ ‫النعت‬
The deference between adjective clause in
English and Arabic
The relationship between Noun qualified and the

Pages : 44-47
Arabic I
Session 20 Topics: Continuation of lesson 9 –
The verb ‫ كا َن‬verb to be with the 14 Detached
Examples on Hidden vowel signs
Parts of adjective clause
The adjective looks like the noun Qualified in 4
things : Gender , number, definite or indefinite ,
case ending
Examples on Adjective clause
Pages: 47

Session 21
Topics Continuation of lesson 9 –
The verb ‫ج‬ َ ‫ ََت َّر‬with the 14 Detached pronouns
Some kinds of The Diptote Nouns + ِ ‫ع من الصَّر‬
ُ ‫االسم املمنو‬
Book Exercises ‫الكتاب‬ ِ ‫يبات‬
ُ ‫تدر‬
The relative pronouns ُ‫األمساءُ املوصولة‬
Who= ‫الذي‬and ‫اليت‬
Examples of relative pronouns


Continuation of lesson 9 –
Topics The verb ‫قال‬
َ with the 14 Detached pronouns
The relative pronoun
The phrase which comes after the relative
pronoun‫املوصول‬ ِ
Examples on The relative pronouns (‫ )الذي – اليت‬and
the phrase of ‫املوصول‬ ُ‫صلة‬
Examples of Holly Qur'an
The relative pronoun with the detached pronouns
Book exercise 1

Arabic I

Session 23 Topics: Continuation of lesson 9 –

The relative pronoun ‫ الذي‬in Sorat alma'on ‫سورة املاعون‬
The verb ‫رح‬
َ ‫ َش‬with the 14 Detached pronouns
New words in lesson 9 : Singular – plural –
Lesson 10
The attached pronouns

Pages : 52-54

Session 24 Topics: Continuation of lesson 10 –

The verb ‫ تعلَّ َم‬with the 14 Detached pronouns
Kinds of pronouns
The attached pronoun in The genitive and
accusative case
Attached pronoun+ noun= ‫ إلي‬+‫ ومضا‬+‫ُمضا‬
Attached pronoun + preposition= ‫جار وجمرور‬
Attached pronoun + adverb = ‫ إلي‬+‫ ومضا‬+‫ظر‬
Some Examples of attached pronouns plus

Pages: 54

Session 25 Topics: Continuation of lesson 10-

The verb ‫سأل‬َ with the 14 Detached pronouns
Attached pronouns + nouns (in the Nominative
Examples of attached pronouns plus nouns in
the nominative case
Attached pronouns + a preposition ‫ِم رن الالم – يف – إىل‬
Rule : If there is ٌ‫ ايءُ ساكنة‬or ٌ‫ كسرة‬before the detached
Examples on this rule

Pages 54

Session 26 Topics Continuation of lesson 10-

The verb ‫ض َر‬
َ ‫ َح‬with the 14 Detached pronouns
Examples of the rule in the last session with
nouns and prepositions
The attached pronoun + Adverb
Examples of the attached pronouns plus adverbs
Examples of attached pronouns plus nouns or
Arabic I

prepositions or adverbs from Holly Qur'an ‫سورةُ الزلز ِلة‬

Pages : 54

Session 27 Topics: Continuation of lesson 10-

The verb ‫ص َل‬

َ ‫ َو‬with the 14 Detached pronouns
Example In Holly Qur'an (Attached pronoun+
Preposition ‫ ِعلى‬- ُ‫الالم اجلارة‬
ُ – ُ‫الباءُ اجلارة‬- (
Exercise about attached pronouns
The five nouns ُ‫ األمساءُ اخلمسة‬Two only ‫خ‬ ٌ ‫أب _ أ‬
ٌ ‫أب – أ‬
ٌ with the attached pronouns
The preposition ‫ عن‬and ُ‫اجلارة‬ َّ ُ‫الباء‬
Introduction about ‫َّم‬ ُ ‫اخلرب املُقد‬

Pages : 54
Session 28 Topics: Continuation of lesson 10-
The verb ‫َخ َذ‬
َ ‫ أ‬with the 14 Detached pronouns
ٌ ‫أب _ أ‬
ٌ in the nominative case and in the
accusative case
Examples in the nominative case
Examples in the nominative case
Examples about ‫خ‬ ٌ ‫ أب و أ‬from Holly Qur'an in sorat
Listening to The dialogue in lesson 10

Pages : 55
Session 29 Topics: Continuation of lesson 10-
The verb ‫س‬َ َ‫ َجل‬with the 14 Detached pronouns
The news comes in the beginning of the Nominal
sentence and the predicate comes after news ُ‫اخلرب‬
ُ ‫واملبتدأ املؤخ‬
‫املقدَّم ر‬
Kinds of the news‫أنواع اخل ِرب‬
Examples about Kinds of The news
The news may be:
1- A Nominal sentence
2- A verbal sentence
3- A phrase ‫وجمرور‬
ٌ ‫ أو جار‬+‫ظر‬

Pages : 54-57

Session 30 Topics: Continuation of lesson 10-
Arabic I

The verb ‫س‬ َ ‫ َد َر‬with the 14 Detached pronouns

Examples from Holly Qur'an about Kinds of news
ِ ‫ سورة‬and ‫سورة الب َقرة‬
From ‫الفاِت ِة‬ َ
The deference between ‫ ِعندي‬and ‫ِل‬
How we use the adverb ‫َم َع‬
Examples about ‫أبو‬and ‫أخو‬
Some diptote Nouns : Masculine nouns ending
with close taa ٌ‫اتءٌ مربوطة‬
Lesson ten Exercises In the book
The new words in the lesson

Pages : 58-60

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