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Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Document Details

Copyright over this document and any accompanying models or data is reserved by Deswik Mining Consultants
(Australia) Pty Ltd ("Deswik".) This document is only to be used by the Client under the terms outlined herein. It may
not be distributed to third parties, reproduced or circulated in the public domain, or edited or amended in any way,
unless expressly agreed to by Deswik. Products and registered logos referred to in this document are trademarks of
their respective owners and these trademarks are hereby acknowledged.

This document is subject to Deswik's Standard Terms and Conditions which detail the confidentiality obligations of
both Deswik and the Client. The Client should treat this document and any accompanying documents, models or data
as confidential at all times.

This document may not be used or relied upon for any other reason than the intended purpose outlined herein.
Deswik will not be held liable for any loss or damage caused by such use or reliance.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Major Deswik.Sched Updates 6
Open Cut Coal 8
Deswik.CAD 8
Deswik.Draft 24
Deswik.Enviro 25
Deswik.FM 27
Deswik.IS 29
Deswik.OPDB 31
Deswik.OPSTS 35
Deswik.Sched 40
Open Pit Metals 45
Deswik.CAD 45
Deswik.Draft 65
Deswik.Enviro 66
Deswik.FM 68
Deswik.IS 70
Deswik.OPDB 72
Deswik.OPSTS 77
Deswik.Sched 82
Underground Coal 87
Deswik.CAD 87
Deswik.Draft 103
Deswik.FM 104
Deswik.IS 106
Deswik.Sched 108
Underground Metals 113
Deswik.CAD 113
Deswik.Draft 131
Deswik.FM 132
Deswik.GeoTools 134
Deswik.IS 135
Deswik.Sched 137
Deswik.UGDB 142
Patches 152
2019.1.591 152
Deswik.Blend - 2019.1.591 152

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Deswik.CAD - 2019.1.591 152

Deswik.DD - 2019.1.591 157
Deswik.Enviro - 2019.1.591 157
Deswik.FM - 2019.1.591 157
Deswik.IS - 2019.1.591 157
Deswik.LHS - 2019.1.591 158
Deswik.OPDB - 2019.1.591 158
Deswik.OPSTS - 2019.1.591 158
Deswik.SO - 2019.1.591 159
Deswik.UGDB - 2019.1.591 159
Deswik.vCAD - 2019.1.591 160
2019.1.613 160
Deswik.CAD - 2019.1.613 160
Deswik.FM - 2019.1.613 160
Deswik.IS - 2019.1.613 161
Deswik.Sched - 2019.1.613 161
Deswik.SO - 2019.1.613 161
Deswik.UGDB - 2019.1.613 161
2019.1.675 161
Deswik.Blend - 2019.1.675 162
Deswik.CAD - 2019.1.675 162
Deswik.Caving - 2019.1.675 164
Deswik.DD - 2019.1.675 164
Deswik.GeoTools - 2019.1.675 165
Deswik.IS - 2019.1.675 165
Deswik.LHS - 2019.1.675 165
Deswik.OPDB - 2019.1.675 165
Deswik.OPSTS - 2019.1.675 166
Deswik.Sched - 2019.1.675 166
Deswik.SO - 2019.1.675 167
Deswik.SOT - 2019.1.675 167
Deswik.SViz - 2019.1.675 167
Deswik.UGDB - 2019.1.675 167
2019.1.708 167
Deswik.Blend - 2019.1.708 167
Deswik.CAD - 2019.1.708 168
Deswik.GeoTools - 2019.1.708 169
Deswik.LHS - 2019.1.708 169
Deswik.OPDB - 2019.1.708 169

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Deswik.Sched - 2019.1.708 170

Deswik.SO - 2019.1.708 170
Deswik.UGDB - 2019.1.708 170
2019.1.742 170
Deswik.Blend - 2019.1.742 170
Deswik.CAD - 2019.1.742 171
Deswik.GeoTools - 2019.1.742 172
Deswik.IS - 2019.1.742 173
Deswik.Sched - 2019.1.742 173
Deswik.UGDB - 2019.1.742 173

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Major Deswik.Sched Updates

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

While the core functionality and feature-set of Deswik.Sched have been retained, we have made significant
improvements to the ribbons and other navigation controls, with a focus on usability and efficiency. Please refer to
the attached video and the notes below for more information regarding the updates and enhancements to


We have redesigned the ribbon and icon set in response to user feedback and in line with best practice user interface
and user experience guidelines. Some of the benefits are:

l Groupings are by feature or function in close alignment to a typical workflow.

l Prebuilt templates for beginner and advanced users, with the view to extend the templates for different sectors.

l A new icon set with consistent iconography, including color scheme, level of detail, and the reuse of common
concepts across Deswik.Sched.

l A clearer view of the location, status, and availability of functions.

Custom template configurations

There are now three predefined templates to choose from:

l Beginner: for those that are less experienced users or work within a limited function set.

l Advanced: for those that work across a broader scope or are more experienced using Deswik.Sched.

l Deswik Classic: retains the original ribbon and icon locations though displays the new naming convention.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

You will be asked to select one of these options the first time you log on to Deswik.Sched 2019.1. However, it is
possible to switch between them at any point by right-clicking any blank space on the ribbon and selecting your
preferred option from the list.

If you would prefer a template more aligned with the specific requirements of your role, you can also create your own
custom ribbon, as covered below.

Customizing ribbons
If you would prefer to create your own ribbon for yourself or your team, with the tabs, groups and commands of your
choice there is a quick and easy way to do so.

To access the CUSTOMIZE RIBBON dialog box, right-click any blank space on the ribbon and select Customize the
Ribbon. Select the functions you require and then name and save the template to add it to your list of usable

l You can rename any ribbon, tab, group or command.

l You can also import and export ribbons to share amongst your team or department.

For more information about customizing ribbons, see Customizing Ribbons in the Deswik.Suite help.

Quick Launch
With the redesign of Deswik.Sched it is understandable that locating some functions will be a bit of a challenge
initially. The QUICK LAUNCH search bar will help you find what you need.

l To use QUICK LAUNCH navigate to the Quick Launch search field in the top-right corner of the main page OR
press Alt + Q.

l Start typing the name of the function and a list of possible options will display.

l Click the correct option to navigate directly to the function.

For more information about these topics or any other enhancements or functionality, see Deswik.Suite help.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Open Cut Coal

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

New commands and features

l Draw menu:

o Draw | Polylines | Concave Around Points: Draw an outline polyline on a specified plane around a point
cloud entity (or other entity types including POINT, POINTS, POLYLINE and POLYFACE entities).

o Draw | Regular Grid | Over Entities: Automatically draw a regular 2D polygon (or polyface) grid or a 3D
box grid over selected entities in plan view.

l Edit menu:

o Edit | Filters | Isolate Selected Entities On Layers: Hide all visible, unselected entities that sit on the
same layer as selected entities.

l File menu:

o File | Import | OBJ: Import a Wavefront OBJ file (files with *.obj extensions) to the selected layer in the
active file.

l Format menu:

o Format | Drawing Defaults From Entity: Update the drawing default settings (including pen color, pen
width, line type, line type scale, and line weight) in the active document from the properties of a selected

 Selecting a text entity or dimension will also update the default font (text style) or dimension style.
o Format | Snap Mode: Press F3 to display a new, interactive dialog box at your cursor location while
running any command that requires you to select points. Use your mouse wheel and Spacebar to quickly

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

move through snap modes to turn them on or off.

l Formula Builder: 1 new function, 1 new Field.

o INSIDELEVEL: Returns the level at which one polygon sits inside another polygon.

o *PenWidth: You can now select the pen width variable property as a Field.

l Modify menu:

o Modify | Format Painter: Update the common Variable Properties that govern the appearance of a
selected entity to match those of another entity.

o Modify | Polygons | Boolean Bulk: Perform multiple Boolean operations in a defined sequence on mul-
tiple polygons.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 This command extends the Modify | Polygons | Boolean Operations functionality, letting you
perform multiple Boolean operations across multiple polygons on different layers.

o Modify | Polylines | Offset To Midpoint: Offset a selected polyline to the midpoint of another polyline.

o Modify | Polylines | Points | Set Elevation: Change the elevation of selected vertices on a polyline.

o Modify | Solids | Cut | By Polylines To Volume: Cut multiple input solids into two or more solids using
selected polylines to make the cut, such that output solids have a specific volume. Optional; group polylines
and solids with common attribute values before cutting.

 This new command is similar to the existing By Polyline To Volume command. However, that command
can only cut a single solid with a single polyline. This new command lets you cut multiple input solids
using multiple polylines.

l Tools menu:

o Tools | Query | Interactive Accumulations: Query the values of selected attributes on polygons on a
selected layer. Perform multiple calculations (for example, weighted average, minimum and maximum
values) on those attributes. Assign results to polygons as a new attribute. Optional; union polygons together
as part of the process.

l View menu:

o View | Plane Definitions | Create By Grouping From View: Group visible entities by one or more
common attributes to create multiple plane definitions.

Enhancements and modifications

l Draw menu:

o Draw | Annotation | Point Manually: Previously, you could only annotate the Z coordinate of a selected
point. Now you can also annotate X and Y.

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.4 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Draw | Annotation | Polylines (and Drillholes): Use the new Group COG option on the Position tab
to display a single label at the center of gravity of each group of polylines (or drillholes) with the same value
for the attribute or formula specified on the Data tab.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

o Draw | Points | At Intersections: Previously, this command would only draw points at real intersections
in 3D. Now you can use the new In view check box to 'also' draw points at 'apparent' intersections in the
current view plane.

o Draw | Ramp Tools | Decline: The end point coordinates for the last section in the active decline are now
displayed under the grid. These coordinates update automatically as you add new sections.

o Draw | Ramp Tools | Ramp: Use the new Clockwise first and Counterclockwise first options to
specify which ramp to draw first when drawing ramps in both directions. This feature works together with
the new Flat pad option, which lets you adjust the source contour at the ramp entrance in two different
ways. If you are generating a single ramp, select Flat pad to insert a flat pad of a specified length before the
ramp's insertion point. If you are generating ramps in both directions, select Flat pad to insert a flat pad of
the specified width between the ramp toes.

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.3 version of Deswik.Suite.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

o Draw | Text | Block Text: Previously, you could only display single line text values in blocks or title blocks.
Now you can use the characters '\P' to display text on multiple lines. For example, enter 'This is line 1. \PThis
is line 2.' to see the following:

o Draw | Text | Interactive | Text: Previously, you could only modify an existing, single line text string
through the PROPERTIES window, or by double-clicking it in the Model Space. Now, you can right-click and use
the new Edit Text In Editor command that appears at the top of the Model Space shortcut menu to edit

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

the text string using a text editor (similar to the Modify | Text | Multiline | Edit In Editor command).

l Edit menu:

o Edit | Filter | Interactive Filter: Previously, only commonly used properties were available to filter on.
Now you can use the Tools | Show All Properties command to display and use any standard property for
all entity types.

 This change has been added back to the 2018.4 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Edit | Select: Previously, to cycle through coincident entities, you simply had to left-click the same location
on those entities. Each click would select the 'next' entity. Due to conflicts with this action and other
commands, you now need to left-click in the same location rapidly. See Cycle through coincident
entities for an animated demonstration.

 This change has been added back to the 2017.2 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Edit | Select By Polygon | Inside OR Outside: Previously, you could only use an existing polygon to
govern the selection of entities. Now you can also digitize a polygon around the entities you want to select.

l File menu:

o File | Export | CSV Or Text File: You can now select the pen width variable property in the Attributes
and Properties grid.

o File | Export | Surpac | DTM: Previously, this command did not support the export of attributes other

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

than a 'name' attribute. Now you can use the new 'Other Attributes' grid to export additional attributes.
These attributes will be added to the vertices in the exported *.str file so that they can be imported into

o File | Import | Data Source: When importing data from an SQLServer or Oracle database, use the new
Timeout field to specify the number of seconds that Deswik.CAD should try to attempt to communicate
with the server before returning a timeout error.

 This feature has also been added to the previous version of Deswik.Suite.

l Format menu:

o Format | Block  Model Display: Previously if you wanted to apply a 'hard' filter to limit the input block
model, you could only work with an existing filter. Now you can create new 'hard' filters using fields from the
block model right from the filter field.

l Modify menu:

o Modify | Attributes | Using Formula: Previously, if you left the Group value blank and the attribute
already existed in a group, the attribute was removed from the group, and group was deleted. To prevent
this from happening, now you can enter an asterisk (*) in the Group field. If the attribute belongs to a group
already, nothing will change.

o Modify | Explode:

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

n Block model shells: You can now explode BLOCKMODELSHELL entity types into polyface and
3DFACE entities.

n Text: Previously, this command would explode text strings created from *.shx font types such that
each letter resulted in multiple LINE entities. Now, the command explodes SHX text strings into
individual polylines, one for each letter in the string.

Prior to 2018.3


 These features have been added back to the 2018.3 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Modify | Solids | Polygons | Boolean Operations | Union By Attribute: Previously, polygons within
polygons (that is, 'holes') were always considered separately in the Boolean process, resulting in overlapping
polygons. Use the new Generate holes feature to join any inner polygon 'holes' to the outer polygon,
(which changes how the area inside a 'hole' is handled by the Boolean).

o Modify | Polylines | Project | Projection RuleS: Previously, if projection angles were extracted from
attributes or block model fields, they were always assumed to be in degrees, even if you specified a different
gradient convention for the Default value. Select the new Apply gradient convention to all values
check box to apply the gradient unit convention specified attribute or block model field values instead.

o Modify | Solids | Boolean Operations | Union By Volume: Use the new Vertical tolerance field to
limit the solids merged to those that physically touch within a specified distance.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.3 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Modify | Solids | Close and Modify | Solids | Validate: Previously, these commands would
automatically remove any duplicate triangles present in input solids as part of the validation (or healing)
process. However, removing these triangles solids imported into Deswik.CAD from other mining packages
could sometimes cause problems when performing Booleans. You can now use the new duplicate triangle
options in either command to turn this feature off if required.



 By default, the Keep duplicate triangles check box will be cleared, and the Remove both duplicate
triangles check box will be selected. We recommend that you do not change these settings unless you are
experiencing major problems with Booleans, or your data has come from an external mining package.
When working with Deswik.CAD data, there should never be a need to keep duplicate triangles.

o Modify | Solids | Repair: This command now handles duplicate triangles in solids imported from other

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

mining software packages.

l Process maps:

o Batch Interrogation: Previously, if the interrogation settings used filters or legends that did not exist in
the active file, it would run without them. Now you can use the new Import legends and filters button to
import any existing filters and legends from the active file onto the node in the process map. These will then
be used during the interrogation. If you select the new Update filters and legends check box , when the
node is clicked to run the interrogation, the legends and filters will also be copied from the node into the
active file.

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.4 version of Deswik.Suite.

o Drawing Defaults | Get From Entity Use this new feature to automatically populate the various fields for
this command with the properties or attributes of an existing entity. The fields that populate are dependent
on the option selected in the drop-down list to the right.

o Modify | Move | Move Or Copy To Layers: Select the new Fail if no data exists to move or copy
check box to end the command without performing any of the specified moves following a rule where there
are no entities in the entity selection. Clear the check box if you want the command to continue to the next

l Tools menu:

o Tools| Drillholes | Desurvey: When importing data from an SQLServer or Oracle database, use the new
Timeout field to specify the number of seconds that Deswik.CAD should try to attempt to communicate

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

with the server before returning a timeout error.

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.4 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Tools| Drillholes | Export Polylines To CSV:

n This command now supports the export of drillholes directly from a Deswik drillhole database (*.ddd
files) in addition to drillhole polylines. As a result, it has been renamed to Tools | Drillholes | Export
To CSVs to better reflect its dual purpose. Multiple new options have been added in this process.

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.3 version of Deswik.Suite.
n Previously if the export process failed, you were required to re-enter all of the settings used because
the dialog box did not remember the settings from the last time the command was run. Now you can
use the new import and export buttons to save your settings to an XML file before running the

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 The import/export buttons have been added back to the 2018.1 version of Deswik.Suite.

o Tools| Drillholes | Load Drillholes From Database: Previously if you wanted to apply a 'hard' filter
based on the attributes on the drillholes to limit the drillholes that were imported, you had to first import all
of the drillholes in order to import the drillhole attributes, create the filter, then use the Modify Database
command to re-import the drillholes, this time applying the 'existing' filter. Now you can create a 'hard' filter

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

based on the drillhole attributes (both segment and entire hole) at the time of the import.

o Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Commands:

n Drillholes Filter: Previously if you wanted to apply a 'hard' filter based on the attributes on the
drillholes to limit the drillholes that were exported to the new file, you had to first import all of the
drillholes in order to import the drillhole attributes, and then create the filter that you wanted to use.
Now you can create new 'hard' filters at the time of import based on the drillhole attributes (both
segment and entire hole) right from the filter field.

n Block Model Filter, Interpolate Nearest Neighbor and Interpolate Inverse Power: Previously if
you wanted to apply a 'hard' filter to limit the input block model, you could only work with an existing
filter. Now you can create new 'hard' filters using fields from the block model right from the filter field.

o Tools| Options | System tab: Use the new Working plane guide color field to change the color of the
working plane guide that displays when you run the View | Working Plane | Show Guide command.

o Tools | Query | Attributes And Properties: You can now select the pen width variable property in the

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Attributes and Properties grid.

o Tools | Query | Surface Cut And Fill Volumes:

n Entity selection: Previously, you were prompted to interactively select limiting polygons in the Model
Space. Now you can use the new Entity selection options to choose multiple polygons with ease.

n Write attributes to polygons: Use this new check box to assign volume results as attributes to the
limiting polygons.

o Tools | Shortcuts: Previously, you could not use keyboard shortcuts if you were already in the process of
executing a command. You had to end or cancel the active command first. Now you can use shortcuts for
any Snap mode command while running another command.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

o Tools | Remove All Presentation Coloring:

n Entity selection: Previously, you could not isolate specific entities to remove color from. The
command automatically removed color from every entity in the file. This new option lets you remove
color from specific entities.

n Remove polyface capping color: If you have selected the Cap Clipped Solid property check box and
applied different capping colors to multiple solids, select this new check box to easily switch all capping

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

colors back to the color of the solid (default color).

o Tools | Strip | Strip Block Layout: Previously, you could only generate a single block layout (from one
bounding polygon, and one strip line) at a time. Use the options on the new Multiple tab to create multiple
layouts from sets of bounding polygons and strip lines (one in each set).

Known issues
l CAD-33814: View | Visual Styles | Animation - Some animations require the Refresh button to be clicked
before they can be played.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

Enhancements and modifications

l Edit | Global Constants: Previously, this command was not available in Deswik.Draft. However, because global
constants are used frequently in block text when plotting, this command is now supported.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

Enhancements and modifications

l Reshape Landform module

o Honor design surfaces: Specify one or more surfaces to constrain the output reshaped surface.
Deswik.Enviro will ignore gradient constraints, and apply cut and fill to the output surface as needed to
match the supplied surfaces. You may select multiple layers, and each layer may contain one or more design

o Backfill surfaces and Maximum surfaces: Previously, you could only select a single layer that contained
a single surface. Now you can specify multiple layers, and each of these layers can have multiple,
disconnected surfaces.

o Minimum surfaces: Use one or more surfaces to define a lower boundary when finding optimal fill for the
output reshaped landform. If selected, Deswik.Enviro cannot cut below the specified control surfaces.

 Although using a minimum surface will prevent material from being taken from below the surface,
Deswik.Enviro can still choose to cover the surface with backfill if doing so will produce an optimal result.

o Drainage: Use the options on this new tab to incorporate drainage pattern in the output reshaped

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes


Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

Introducing Deswik.FM Web

Deswik.FM Web lets you access your Deswik.FM files using a web interface. Using Deswik.FM Web, you can:

l Search for files or folders

l Share files or folders

l Download files

l Tag files

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

New commands and features

l Deswik.FM Administration | Security | Tags: You can now define tags that can be attached to files and
viewed in Deswik.FM Web. There are two types of tags you can create:

o Persistent: Generally used for common tags which will always be relevant, such as tags pertaining to a
region of your mine or to a particular machine. Persistent tags are sorted and shown alphabetically.

o Periodic: Generally have fleeting relevance, such as tags relating to this week's operational plan. Periodic
tags are sorted and shown by their creation date, with the most recent first.

l Deswik.FM dock window | Shortcut menus: We have added new commands to the shortcut menus:

o Copy URL: Copy the URL for the file or folder to your clipboard. You can then share the URL with your
colleagues to provide easy access to it.

o Manage Tags: Select a tag to apply to the file, or remove an existing tag from it.

o Tag All Files: Select a tag to apply to all files in the folder.

Enhancements and modifications

l Deswik.FM Administration | Setup | Integration: Use the new check Enable FM Web Access check box to
allow your users to access files via Deswik.FM Web.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

Enhancements and modifications

l Reporting | Cut task solids along mining direction by date: We have renamed this command from Cut
bench block solid face positions to make it clear that you can cut any type of task solid based on a mining
direction, not just bench blocks.

l Reporting | Cut tunnels and outlines by date: We have changed the Production fields to add as
attributes tab. This tab has been renamed to Schedule fields to add as attributes, and can now be used to
add custom fields, along with production fields, that you want to set attributes for on the output graphics.

l Scheduling | Dependency Creation: We have added a new button, , to the Manual assignment tab of
the DEPENDENCY CREATION dialog box that you can use to create multiple two-point dependencies that are not
necessarily in a chain. You are prompted to select both the first and second points of each dependency to be
created. This is different to the interactive dependency creation method where the second dependency starts
from the predecessor of the previous dependency.

l Settings | Activity Types: We have added two new buttons to the ACTIVITY TYPE DEFINITIONS dialog box that
make it easier to copy field value setups between activity type definitions. After selecting the row that contains

the values you want to copy, click , and then choose which field values that you want to copy. Then you

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

select the row that you want to copy the field values to, and click .

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

New commands and features

l Create holes | Create trim holes along a polyline | Hole options | Dip holes toward polyline:
Previously, you could only specify a single dip value that would be applied to all blast holes. This feature gives you
the option to use a polyline to control the placement of toes.

 This is also useful if you want to create a row of blast holes between two design lines.
l Modify existing holes | Blast hole annotations: When you are working in plan view, vertical holes are not
visible unless hole markers and annotations are showing. If you prefer to turn off visibility of the ANNOTATIONS
and MARKERS layers, it can appear that a drillhole pattern does not exist in the Model Space. Now, you can
choose to turn on the Show Hole IDs and Show Hole Markers properties for all holes in the drillhole pattern.

In the DRILL PATTERN MANAGER, on the Modify existing holes tab, two new commands are available under the
Blast hole annotations section.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 Layer Annotations include Collar markers and Toe markers that you configure in the Hole Template that
the drill pattern is based on, as well as custom Annotations you have defined in the HOLE ANNOTATION dialog
box. These are all useful for the visualization of holes, showing where holes have exceeded defined minimum
and maximum distances (using Hole proximity warnings), and for use in color legends. Layer annotations are
often customized for plotting purposes.

 Property annotations are attributes that are generated on the holes layer only, and are useful for layer
management, and for accurate selection and movement of holes around construction limits and hazards.

o Layer annotations: Turn on visibility of the ANNOTATIONS and MARKERS layers in the Layer Control

o Property annotations: Turn on the visibility of the Show Hole IDs and the Show Hole Markers properties
for all holes in the selected drill pattern. This command also clears the visibility of the ANNOTATIONS and
MARKERS LAYERS in the Layer Control window.

l Modify existing holes | Select holes by row: When you want to modify all holes on a particular row, you can

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

now select the row and all holes on that row will be automatically selected. You can then apply any of the
modification tools on the selected row of holes.

l Modify existing holes | Move holes away from hazards: Previously, if you needed to move holes outside
the influence of a hazard, such as a bootleg, you would need to do so manually. Now you can automatically move
blast holes that fall within the specified distance of a hazard. You can choose to have blast holes moved in any
direction, or along a row.

 In the following example, blast holes that fell within the specified distance from the bootlegs have been
automatically moved. Note that some holes cannot be moved automatically, for example, holes with Hole ID '3'
and '4' were not moved, and a message appears in the Output window advising you to inspect these holes

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Enhancements and modifications

l Surface override honors hole location: Previously, when applying a surface override, the hole is either
shortened or lengthened along the hole vector to the surface. Now, you can register the hole to the surface, so
that the hole is moved vertically instead of being reduced or increased in length. To move a hole vertically
without changing its length, select the Collar Override or Toe Override surface, and then select one of the
following property check boxes:

o Collar surface project vertical: Select this check box when using a collar surface override, to register the
hole to the surface without changing the hole length.

o Toe surface project vertical: Select this check box when using a toe surface override, to register the hole
to the surface without changing the hole length.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

New commands and features

l Assign Resources | Assign By | Interactive Selection: This command provides an additional method of
assigning resources. As you select blocks in the Model Space, the INTERACTIVE SELECTION dialog box lists the tasks
you have selected and shows a cumulative total VOLUME and TONNES. Deselect the block by clicking on it again,
and the task is removed, and totals updated.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Enhancements and modifications

l Scheduling | Resource Assignment | Delay | Add or Delete: Previously, when you added a delay to the
resource path, it was not possible to see where that delay was in the Model Space. Now, when you add a delay, a
text marker appears along the resource path to show where delays have been added, and indicates the duration
of the delay in number of days.

 To remove a delay, you can now see where the delay exists and select the block polygon either before or after
the delay marker on the resource path. For example, in the preceding example, the 2 day delay is associated
with the block polygon before the last task in the resource path. If you want to delete the delay, select Delete
Before, and then follow the prompts to select the last block polygon on the resource path. The delay and
associated marker are deleted from the Model Space and schedule.

l Scheduling | Resource assignment | Resource level after each click: Previously, resource leveling
occurred every time you clicked a block when assigning resources. Now, you can choose to execute resource
leveling only after you right-click or press ESC to complete the resource assignment command. Select this check
box to run resource leveling after each block selection. Clear this check box to run resource leveling only after
completing the command.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 The resource assignment process is faster if you clear this check box and run resource leveling after completing
the command.

l Select and Reset | Highlight OPSTS Task: When viewing tasks in a Deswik.OPSTS schedule, you can now
select a task and have the corresponding block highlighted in the Model Space. First, the command searches for a
matching task on the current bench, if the task is located on another bench, Deswik.OPSTS switches to the
relevant bench in the bench grid, and highlights the corresponding block in the Model Space with a hatch pattern.

l Short Term Scheduling Setup Wizard | Bench elevations | Remove benches with no data: Perform a
check of bench settings, by intersecting the elevation (or surface) with the solid, and remove any benches that do
not contain data.

 This command is also included on the CREATE BENCHES dialog box, when you execute the Build from extents
command. Select the Do no add if no data on bench check box to only generate benches that contain data.

 This command is useful if you have multiple input solids, and there are gaps between them that generate
empty benches (for example, bottom of the pit in one phase, and top of the pit in another phase).

l Short Term Scheduling Setup | Mining Schedule Setup | Delay Date: Previously, you would specify a date
in the future as the schedule Delay Date. Now, you specify a period of time to add to today's date, in days,
weeks, or months. For example, 'today plus 3 months'. The delay date will remain in the future for all new tasks

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

that are generated.

l Tools | Build Period Surfaces | Exclude deletion polygon tasks from surface: Previously, by default,
when executing the Build Period Surfaces command, any deletion polygons you had in place were not
considered in the period surfaces. Now, you can choose whether to exclude deletion polygon tasks from the
period surface generated. Clear the check box to include deletion polygon tasks in the generated period surface.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

New commands and features

l Formula Builder Functions: Two new functions.

o AVERAGE: Returns the average of all of the supplied parameters.

o SUM: Returns the sum of all of the supplied parameters.

l Printing:

o File | Batch Print: You can now create, configure and save a batch print job with multiple layouts and
preferences, and print it as a single job. Previously, each print job had to be created and printed individually
which, for regularly scheduled print jobs, was onerous and time-consuming.

l Reporting:

o Scheduling | Report Options: The new Automatic resources report generates a set of predetermined
fields for each resource in the schedule, which is added to a permanent report. The report automatically

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

updates any time the resources or calendars are altered.

l Ribbon and icon re-design:

o Custom template configurations: Previously, the ribbon always displayed all options. It is now possible to
select either a Beginner or Advanced predefined template, utilizing the new ribbon and icon configuration,
to more closely match the functions you need to perform. If you would prefer to use Deswik.Sched as you
have in the past you can also select a Deswik Classic template which reverts to the original ribbon and icon
locations, though displays the new naming convention.

o Customizing ribbons: You can also create your own customized ribbons, with functions to suit your role or
the work of your department.

o Re-design: We have redesigned the ribbon and icon set in response to user feedback and in line with best

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

practice user interface and user experience guidelines.

Enhancements and modifications

l Formula Builder Functions: Enhancement to existing functions.

o AND, OR, MIN, and MAX: Previously, these functions only supported a maximum of two fields. Now you can
use additional parameters by adding values between the round brackets with a comma in between each, for
example, AND(A=B,C=1,D=0).

l Scheduling | Export Reports: When importing data from a SQLServer or Oracle database, click Database
Options to use the new Timeout feature. You can specify the number of seconds that Deswik.Sched should
attempt to communicate with the server before returning a timeout error.

l Scheduling | Report Options: Previously, all reports were displayed in tab format at the bottom of the
Reporting Grid. As more reports were added, it became more difficult to locate specific reports or those that were
printed regularly. It is now possible to deselect reports by clearing the corresponding boxes so that only certain
reports remain visible.

l Tasks | Activity Controls:

o Previously, when adding a new activity cycle the only options were to add the activity cycle as a child of the
parent task or to permanently replace a parent task with the activity cycle. Now, you can add an activity
cycle that inherits the properties of the parent task, while leaving the task itself unchanged.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

o Previously, when a new task template or task cycle was dropped on to a dependency, no settings were
inherited from the parent task which meant that the task was set up with no associated values. Now, you
can select the Predecessor or Successor task as the parent of the selected dependency so that the new
task inherits the properties of the relevant predecessor or successor task. This can be useful as location
attributes, such as level, pit and bench can be carried across. If you would like to set up the task with no
associated values select None.

l Tasks | Activity Templates:

o You now use the Link to the parent task graphic check box to set the DIS Linked Graphic ID attribute
value to the parent task ID when an activity template or activity cycle is dragged on to an Deswik.IS derived
task. This ensures that the interactive filtering in Deswik.IS works correctly if a new task from a template is
selected. Previously, this behavior was only demonstrated if a task template or a task cycle was dragged on
to a parent task.

l View | Process Maps: As the ribbon and icon configuration has been updated in Deswik.Sched, process maps
have been updated accordingly. Process maps created using previous versions of Deswik.Sched are no longer
valid in the current version, therefore, when opened you will be prompted to upgrade them. You can choose to

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

not upgrade them so they remain compatible with previous versions, though they will display as read only in the
current version. If Deswik.Sched cannot upgrade a process map you will be prompted to edit it manually.

Bug fixes, reporting, and output changes

Resource Leveling

l Scheduling | Leveling Options: Previously, you could select the Preference Priority Over Utilization
option to influence resource leveling. This option is no longer available. If a schedule is opened that had this
feature enabled the following message will display: "This model previously had Preference Priority Over
Utilization enabled. This feature is now obsolete, please contact Support if you have any questions."

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Open Pit Metals

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

New commands and features

l Draw menu:

o Draw | Polylines | Concave Around Points: Draw an outline polyline on a specified plane around a point
cloud entity (or other entity types including POINT, POINTS, POLYLINE and POLYFACE entities).

o Draw | Regular Grid | Over Entities: Automatically draw a regular 2D polygon (or polyface) grid or a 3D
box grid over selected entities in plan view.

l Edit menu:

o Edit | Filters | Isolate Selected Entities On Layers: Hide all visible, unselected entities that sit on the
same layer as selected entities.

l File menu:

o File | Import | OBJ: Import a Wavefront OBJ file (files with *.obj extensions) to the selected layer in the
active file.

l Format menu:

o Format | Drawing Defaults From Entity: Update the drawing default settings (including pen color, pen
width, line type, line type scale, and line weight) in the active document from the properties of a selected

 Selecting a text entity or dimension will also update the default font (text style) or dimension style.
o Format | Snap Mode: Press F3 to display a new, interactive dialog box at your cursor location while
running any command that requires you to select points. Use your mouse wheel and Spacebar to quickly

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

move through snap modes to turn them on or off.

l Formula Builder: 1 new function, 1 new Field.

o INSIDELEVEL: Returns the level at which one polygon sits inside another polygon.

o *PenWidth: You can now select the pen width variable property as a Field.

l Modify menu:

o Modify | Format Painter: Update the common Variable Properties that govern the appearance of a
selected entity to match those of another entity.

o Modify | Polygons | Boolean Bulk: Perform multiple Boolean operations in a defined sequence on mul-
tiple polygons.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 This command extends the Modify | Polygons | Boolean Operations functionality, letting you
perform multiple Boolean operations across multiple polygons on different layers.

o Modify | Polylines | Offset To Midpoint: Offset a selected polyline to the midpoint of another polyline.

o Modify | Polylines | Points | Set Elevation: Change the elevation of selected vertices on a polyline.

o Modify | Solids | Cut | By Polylines To Volume: Cut multiple input solids into two or more solids using
selected polylines to make the cut, such that output solids have a specific volume. Optional; group polylines
and solids with common attribute values before cutting.

 This new command is similar to the existing By Polyline To Volume command. However, that command
can only cut a single solid with a single polyline. This new command lets you cut multiple input solids
using multiple polylines.

l Tools menu:

o Tools | Geological Models | Deswik | Convert Datamine To Block Model: Import a Datamine block
model (a file with a *.dm or *.dmu extension), and convert it to Deswik block geomodel (*.gmdlb).

o Tools | Geological Models | Deswik | Legacy | Extract Surfaces And Solids: Generate a (roof or
floor) surface or solids from a Deswik geo model. Optionally apply a filter or use limiting polygons to isolate
specific blocks to use in this process. Assign block fields as attributes when generating solids.

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.3 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Tools | Query | Interactive Accumulations: Query the values of selected attributes on polygons on a
selected layer. Perform multiple calculations (for example, weighted average, minimum and maximum
values) on those attributes. Assign results to polygons as a new attribute. Optional; union polygons together
as part of the process.

l View menu:

o View | Plane Definitions | Create By Grouping From View: Group visible entities by one or more
common attributes to create multiple plane definitions.

Enhancements and modifications

l Draw menu:

o Draw | Annotation | Point Manually: Previously, you could only annotate the Z coordinate of a selected
point. Now you can also annotate X and Y.

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.4 version of Deswik.Suite.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

o Draw | Annotation | Polylines (and Drillholes): Use the new Group COG option on the Position tab
to display a single label at the center of gravity of each group of polylines (or drillholes) with the same value
for the attribute or formula specified on the Data tab.

o Draw | Points | At Intersections: Previously, this command would only draw points at real intersections
in 3D. Now you can use the new In view check box to 'also' draw points at 'apparent' intersections in the
current view plane.

o Draw | Ramp Tools | Decline: The end point coordinates for the last section in the active decline are now
displayed under the grid. These coordinates update automatically as you add new sections.

o Draw | Ramp Tools | Ramp: Use the new Clockwise first and Counterclockwise first options to
specify which ramp to draw first when drawing ramps in both directions. This feature works together with
the new Flat pad option, which lets you adjust the source contour at the ramp entrance in two different
ways. If you are generating a single ramp, select Flat pad to insert a flat pad of a specified length before the
ramp's insertion point. If you are generating ramps in both directions, select Flat pad to insert a flat pad of
the specified width between the ramp toes.

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.3 version of Deswik.Suite.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

o Draw | Text | Block Text: Previously, you could only display single line text values in blocks or title blocks.
Now you can use the characters '\P' to display text on multiple lines. For example, enter 'This is line 1. \PThis
is line 2.' to see the following:

o Draw | Text | Interactive | Text: Previously, you could only modify an existing, single line text string
through the PROPERTIES window, or by double-clicking it in the Model Space. Now, you can right-click and use
the new Edit Text In Editor command that appears at the top of the Model Space shortcut menu to edit

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

the text string using a text editor (similar to the Modify | Text | Multiline | Edit In Editor command).

l Edit menu:

o Edit | Filter | Interactive Filter: Previously, only commonly used properties were available to filter on.
Now you can use the Tools | Show All Properties command to display and use any standard property for
all entity types.

 This change has been added back to the 2018.4 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Edit | Select: Previously, to cycle through coincident entities, you simply had to left-click the same location
on those entities. Each click would select the 'next' entity. Due to conflicts with this action and other
commands, you now need to left-click in the same location rapidly. See Cycle through coincident
entities for an animated demonstration.

 This change has been added back to the 2017.2 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Edit | Select By Polygon | Inside OR Outside: Previously, you could only use an existing polygon to
govern the selection of entities. Now you can also digitize a polygon around the entities you want to select.

l File menu:

o File | Export | CSV Or Text File: You can now select the pen width variable property in the Attributes
and Properties grid.

o File | Export | Surpac | DTM: Previously, this command did not support the export of attributes other

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

than a 'name' attribute. Now you can use the new 'Other Attributes' grid to export additional attributes.
These attributes will be added to the vertices in the exported *.str file so that they can be imported into

o File | Import | Data Source: When importing data from an SQLServer or Oracle database, use the new
Timeout field to specify the number of seconds that Deswik.CAD should try to attempt to communicate
with the server before returning a timeout error.

 This feature has also been added to the previous version of Deswik.Suite.

l Format menu:

o Format | Block  Model Display: Previously if you wanted to apply a 'hard' filter to limit the input block
model, you could only work with an existing filter. Now you can create new 'hard' filters using fields from the
block model right from the filter field.

l Modify menu:

o Modify | Attributes | Using Formula: Previously, if you left the Group value blank and the attribute
already existed in a group, the attribute was removed from the group, and group was deleted. To prevent
this from happening, now you can enter an asterisk (*) in the Group field. If the attribute belongs to a group
already, nothing will change.

o Modify | Explode:

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

n Block model shells: You can now explode BLOCKMODELSHELL entity types into polyface and
3DFACE entities.

n Text: Previously, this command would explode text strings created from *.shx font types such that
each letter resulted in multiple LINE entities. Now, the command explodes SHX text strings into
individual polylines, one for each letter in the string.

Prior to 2018.3


 These features have been added back to the 2018.3 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Modify | Solids | Polygons | Boolean Operations | Union By Attribute: Previously, polygons within
polygons (that is, 'holes') were always considered separately in the Boolean process, resulting in overlapping
polygons. Use the new Generate holes feature to join any inner polygon 'holes' to the outer polygon,
(which changes how the area inside a 'hole' is handled by the Boolean).

o Modify | Polylines | Project | Projection RuleS: Previously, if projection angles were extracted from
attributes or block model fields, they were always assumed to be in degrees, even if you specified a different
gradient convention for the Default value. Select the new Apply gradient convention to all values
check box to apply the gradient unit convention specified attribute or block model field values instead.

o Modify | Solids | Boolean Operations | Union By Volume: Use the new Vertical tolerance field to
limit the solids merged to those that physically touch within a specified distance.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.3 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Modify | Solids | Close and Modify | Solids | Validate: Previously, these commands would
automatically remove any duplicate triangles present in input solids as part of the validation (or healing)
process. However, removing these triangles solids imported into Deswik.CAD from other mining packages
could sometimes cause problems when performing Booleans. You can now use the new duplicate triangle
options in either command to turn this feature off if required.



 By default, the Keep duplicate triangles check box will be cleared, and the Remove both duplicate
triangles check box will be selected. We recommend that you do not change these settings unless you are
experiencing major problems with Booleans, or your data has come from an external mining package.
When working with Deswik.CAD data, there should never be a need to keep duplicate triangles.

o Modify | Solids | Repair: This command now handles duplicate triangles in solids imported from other

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

mining software packages.

l Process maps:

o Batch Interrogation: Previously, if the interrogation settings used filters or legends that did not exist in
the active file, it would run without them. Now you can use the new Import legends and filters button to
import any existing filters and legends from the active file onto the node in the process map. These will then
be used during the interrogation. If you select the new Update filters and legends check box , when the
node is clicked to run the interrogation, the legends and filters will also be copied from the node into the
active file.

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.4 version of Deswik.Suite.

o Drawing Defaults | Get From Entity Use this new feature to automatically populate the various fields for
this command with the properties or attributes of an existing entity. The fields that populate are dependent
on the option selected in the drop-down list to the right.

o Modify | Move | Move Or Copy To Layers: Select the new Fail if no data exists to move or copy
check box to end the command without performing any of the specified moves following a rule where there
are no entities in the entity selection. Clear the check box if you want the command to continue to the next

l Tools menu:

o Tools| Drillholes | Desurvey: When importing data from an SQLServer or Oracle database, use the new
Timeout field to specify the number of seconds that Deswik.CAD should try to attempt to communicate

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

with the server before returning a timeout error.

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.4 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Tools| Drillholes | Export Polylines To CSV:

n This command now supports the export of drillholes directly from a Deswik drillhole database (*.ddd
files) in addition to drillhole polylines. As a result, it has been renamed to Tools | Drillholes | Export
To CSVs to better reflect its dual purpose. Multiple new options have been added in this process.

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.3 version of Deswik.Suite.
n Previously if the export process failed, you were required to re-enter all of the settings used because
the dialog box did not remember the settings from the last time the command was run. Now you can
use the new import and export buttons to save your settings to an XML file before running the

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 The import/export buttons have been added back to the 2018.1 version of Deswik.Suite.

o Tools| Drillholes | Load Drillholes From Database: Previously if you wanted to apply a 'hard' filter
based on the attributes on the drillholes to limit the drillholes that were imported, you had to first import all
of the drillholes in order to import the drillhole attributes, create the filter, then use the Modify Database

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

command to re-import the drillholes, this time applying the 'existing' filter. Now you can create a 'hard' filter
based on the drillhole attributes (both segment and entire hole) at the time of the import.

o Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Commands:

n Block Model Fill: Previously, when subcelling, infinite subcelling in the 3rd axis was the only option.
Use the new Resolution field to limit subcelling in the 3rd axis by specifying a resolution to use,
perpendicular to the defined plane, when filling a block. Any integer value greater than zero will subcell
to a fraction of the parent cell size (that is, 1/Resolution). Enter '0' to maintain a precise boundary
(previous behavior).

n Drillholes Filter: Previously if you wanted to apply a 'hard' filter based on the attributes on the
drillholes to limit the drillholes that were exported to the new file, you had to first import all of the
drillholes in order to import the drillhole attributes, and then create the filter that you wanted to use.
Now you can create new 'hard' filters at the time of import based on the drillhole attributes (both
segment and entire hole) right from the filter field.

n Block Model Filter, Interpolate Nearest Neighbor and Interpolate Inverse Power: Previously if
you wanted to apply a 'hard' filter to limit the input block model, you could only work with an existing
filter. Now you can create new 'hard' filters using fields from the block model right from the filter field.

o Tools | Geological Models | Deswik Geo Model | ...: All commands under this menu have now been
moved to Tools | Geological Models | Deswik | Legacy.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

o Tools | Geological Models | Deswik Geo Model | Convert From Other (previously called Tools |
Geological Models | Deswik Geo Model | Convert From Other): This command now supports the
import of polyfaces from MineScape Stratmodel CSV files (where each CSV represents a single seam
containing multiple polyfaces with quality attributes, which are in the correct spatial location and clipped
against any faults).

 This new import method handles faulting, including complex reverse faulted models.
 This feature has been added back to the 2018.4 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Tools| Options | System tab: Use the new Working plane guide color field to change the color of the
working plane guide that displays when you run the View | Working Plane | Show Guide command.

o Tools | Pit | Pit Design:

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 We recommend that you visit the Benches section in the Pit Design topic in the Help file to review the new
documentation in full.

n Benches: To help automate the process of pit design, the Current elevation and Target elevation
fields have been replaced with Current elevation and Next elevation fields that autopopulate based
on your current pit design, and a new Elevations grid that gives you the ability to add both single
benches and bench ranges. This new grid format also makes it easy for you to vary bench heights in
your design, if desired.

 The Pit direction and Offset direction fields have also been moved from the PIT DESIGN SETTINGS
dialog box to the new Benches section in an effort to keep relevant fields together.

n Select base Previously, if you changed the elevation on the base polyline for any reason, you could use
this tool to reselect the base polyline. This action would then delete all of the elements from your
design after that elevation. Existing pit elements on elevations before the new base elevation would
remain in the Model Space, but they would no longer be part of the design. In an effort to avoid
possible confusion regarding which polylines might or might not belong to a pit design, we have
changed the behavior of this button. Now, when you select a new base polyline, the tool will also
deleteall existing design polylines (faces, ramps, berms) down to that new base.

n Iterations: In an effort to clarify the purpose of the fields in this section, we have renamed the
Number field to Count, and the Faces field to Faces/iteration (faces per iteration). In addition, you
are now restricted to a maximum of 5 faces per iteration to prevent misuse of this tool.

l To end of bench list: Previously, you were required to specify the exact number of iterations to
run. Select this new check box to run iterations until the last elevation in the current bench list is

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes


o Tools | Query | Attributes And Properties: You can now select the pen width variable property in the
Attributes and Properties grid.

o Tools | Query | Block Model Cell: You can now apply a text or value filter to data in the grid to isolate
specific field names or values (or ranges of values) quickly.

o Tools | Query | Surface Cut And Fill Volumes:

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

n Entity selection: Previously, you were prompted to interactively select limiting polygons in the Model
Space. Now you can use the new Entity selection options to choose multiple polygons with ease.

n Write attributes to polygons: Use this new check box to assign volume results as attributes to the
limiting polygons.

o Tools | Shortcuts: Previously, you could not use keyboard shortcuts if you were already in the process of
executing a command. You had to end or cancel the active command first. Now you can use shortcuts for
any Snap mode command while running another command.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

o Tools | Remove All Presentation Coloring:

n Entity selection: Previously, you could not isolate specific entities to remove color from. The
command automatically removed color from every entity in the file. This new option lets you remove
color from specific entities.

n Remove polyface capping color: If you have selected the Cap Clipped Solid property check box and
applied different capping colors to multiple solids, select this new check box to easily switch all capping

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

colors back to the color of the solid (default color).

o Tools | Strip | Strip Block Layout: Previously, you could only generate a single block layout (from one
bounding polygon, and one strip line) at a time. Use the options on the new Multiple tab to create multiple
layouts from sets of bounding polygons and strip lines (one in each set).

l View menu:

o View | Visual Styles | Slicing Settings: Previously, any offset value that you specified was applied
automatically when slicing solids. Now you can choose whether to apply an offset when slicing solids or

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

block models (or both).

Known issues
l CAD-33814: View | Visual Styles | Animation - Some animations require the Refresh button to be clicked
before they can be played.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

Enhancements and modifications

l Edit | Global Constants: Previously, this command was not available in Deswik.Draft. However, because global
constants are used frequently in block text when plotting, this command is now supported.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

Enhancements and modifications

l Reshape Landform module

o Honor design surfaces: Specify one or more surfaces to constrain the output reshaped surface.
Deswik.Enviro will ignore gradient constraints, and apply cut and fill to the output surface as needed to
match the supplied surfaces. You may select multiple layers, and each layer may contain one or more design

o Backfill surfaces and Maximum surfaces: Previously, you could only select a single layer that contained
a single surface. Now you can specify multiple layers, and each of these layers can have multiple,
disconnected surfaces.

o Minimum surfaces: Use one or more surfaces to define a lower boundary when finding optimal fill for the
output reshaped landform. If selected, Deswik.Enviro cannot cut below the specified control surfaces.

 Although using a minimum surface will prevent material from being taken from below the surface,
Deswik.Enviro can still choose to cover the surface with backfill if doing so will produce an optimal result.

o Drainage: Use the options on this new tab to incorporate drainage pattern in the output reshaped

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes


Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

Introducing Deswik.FM Web

Deswik.FM Web lets you access your Deswik.FM files using a web interface. Using Deswik.FM Web, you can:

l Search for files or folders

l Share files or folders

l Download files

l Tag files

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

New commands and features

l Deswik.FM Administration | Security | Tags: You can now define tags that can be attached to files and
viewed in Deswik.FM Web. There are two types of tags you can create:

o Persistent: Generally used for common tags which will always be relevant, such as tags pertaining to a
region of your mine or to a particular machine. Persistent tags are sorted and shown alphabetically.

o Periodic: Generally have fleeting relevance, such as tags relating to this week's operational plan. Periodic
tags are sorted and shown by their creation date, with the most recent first.

l Deswik.FM dock window | Shortcut menus: We have added new commands to the shortcut menus:

o Copy URL: Copy the URL for the file or folder to your clipboard. You can then share the URL with your
colleagues to provide easy access to it.

o Manage Tags: Select a tag to apply to the file, or remove an existing tag from it.

o Tag All Files: Select a tag to apply to all files in the folder.

Enhancements and modifications

l Deswik.FM Administration | Setup | Integration: Use the new check Enable FM Web Access check box to
allow your users to access files via Deswik.FM Web.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

Enhancements and modifications

l Reporting | Cut task solids along mining direction by date: We have renamed this command from Cut
bench block solid face positions to make it clear that you can cut any type of task solid based on a mining
direction, not just bench blocks.

l Reporting | Cut tunnels and outlines by date: We have changed the Production fields to add as
attributes tab. This tab has been renamed to Schedule fields to add as attributes, and can now be used to
add custom fields, along with production fields, that you want to set attributes for on the output graphics.

l Scheduling | Dependency Creation: We have added a new button, , to the Manual assignment tab of
the DEPENDENCY CREATION dialog box that you can use to create multiple two-point dependencies that are not
necessarily in a chain. You are prompted to select both the first and second points of each dependency to be
created. This is different to the interactive dependency creation method where the second dependency starts
from the predecessor of the previous dependency.

l Settings | Activity Types: We have added two new buttons to the ACTIVITY TYPE DEFINITIONS dialog box that
make it easier to copy field value setups between activity type definitions. After selecting the row that contains

the values you want to copy, click , and then choose which field values that you want to copy. Then you

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

select the row that you want to copy the field values to, and click .

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

New commands and features

l Create holes | Create trim holes along a polyline | Hole options | Dip holes toward polyline:
Previously, you could only specify a single dip value that would be applied to all blast holes. This feature gives you
the option to use a polyline to control the placement of toes.

 This is also useful if you want to create a row of blast holes between two design lines.
l Modify existing holes | Blast hole annotations: When you are working in plan view, vertical holes are not
visible unless hole markers and annotations are showing. If you prefer to turn off visibility of the ANNOTATIONS
and MARKERS layers, it can appear that a drillhole pattern does not exist in the Model Space. Now, you can
choose to turn on the Show Hole IDs and Show Hole Markers properties for all holes in the drillhole pattern.

In the DRILL PATTERN MANAGER, on the Modify existing holes tab, two new commands are available under the
Blast hole annotations section.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 Layer Annotations include Collar markers and Toe markers that you configure in the Hole Template that
the drill pattern is based on, as well as custom Annotations you have defined in the HOLE ANNOTATION dialog
box. These are all useful for the visualization of holes, showing where holes have exceeded defined minimum
and maximum distances (using Hole proximity warnings), and for use in color legends. Layer annotations are
often customized for plotting purposes.

 Property annotations are attributes that are generated on the holes layer only, and are useful for layer
management, and for accurate selection and movement of holes around construction limits and hazards.

o Layer annotations: Turn on visibility of the ANNOTATIONS and MARKERS layers in the Layer Control

o Property annotations: Turn on the visibility of the Show Hole IDs and the Show Hole Markers properties
for all holes in the selected drill pattern. This command also clears the visibility of the ANNOTATIONS and
MARKERS LAYERS in the Layer Control window.

l Modify existing holes | Select holes by row: When you want to modify all holes on a particular row, you can

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

now select the row and all holes on that row will be automatically selected. You can then apply any of the
modification tools on the selected row of holes.

l Modify existing holes | Move holes away from hazards: Previously, if you needed to move holes outside
the influence of a hazard, such as a bootleg, you would need to do so manually. Now you can automatically move
blast holes that fall within the specified distance of a hazard. You can choose to have blast holes moved in any
direction, or along a row.

 In the following example, blast holes that fell within the specified distance from the bootlegs have been
automatically moved. Note that some holes cannot be moved automatically, for example, holes with Hole ID '3'
and '4' were not moved, and a message appears in the Output window advising you to inspect these holes

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Enhancements and modifications

l Surface override honors hole location: Previously, when applying a surface override, the hole is either
shortened or lengthened along the hole vector to the surface. Now, you can register the hole to the surface, so
that the hole is moved vertically instead of being reduced or increased in length. To move a hole vertically
without changing its length, select the Collar Override or Toe Override surface, and then select one of the
following property check boxes:

o Collar surface project vertical: Select this check box when using a collar surface override, to register the
hole to the surface without changing the hole length.

o Toe surface project vertical: Select this check box when using a toe surface override, to register the hole
to the surface without changing the hole length.

l Tools | Add socket intersection markers | Generate proximity report: You can now produce a report in
*.csv format, listing selected base figures and the closest comparison figure.

 This enhancement automates the generation of a report that surveyors often need to produce. The report
shows whether each staked blast hole passes or fails a proximity test to the nearest hazard.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 In addition, this enhancement supports polylines as an input figure type (either as a figure to test against or as
a base figure. Now, the supported figure types are BlastHole, Point, Insert, Circle, and Polyline. Note that Points
(not POINT) can be used as a figure to test against only, not as a base figure.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

New commands and features

l Assign Resources | Assign By | Interactive Selection: This command provides an additional method of
assigning resources. As you select blocks in the Model Space, the INTERACTIVE SELECTION dialog box lists the tasks
you have selected and shows a cumulative total VOLUME and TONNES. Deselect the block by clicking on it again,
and the task is removed, and totals updated.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Enhancements and modifications

l Scheduling | Resource Assignment | Delay | Add or Delete: Previously, when you added a delay to the
resource path, it was not possible to see where that delay was in the Model Space. Now, when you add a delay, a
text marker appears along the resource path to show where delays have been added, and indicates the duration
of the delay in number of days.

 To remove a delay, you can now see where the delay exists and select the block polygon either before or after
the delay marker on the resource path. For example, in the preceding example, the 2 day delay is associated
with the block polygon before the last task in the resource path. If you want to delete the delay, select Delete
Before, and then follow the prompts to select the last block polygon on the resource path. The delay and
associated marker are deleted from the Model Space and schedule.

l Scheduling | Resource assignment | Resource level after each click: Previously, resource leveling
occurred every time you clicked a block when assigning resources. Now, you can choose to execute resource
leveling only after you right-click or press ESC to complete the resource assignment command. Select this check
box to run resource leveling after each block selection. Clear this check box to run resource leveling only after
completing the command.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 The resource assignment process is faster if you clear this check box and run resource leveling after completing
the command.

l Select and Reset | Highlight OPSTS Task: When viewing tasks in a Deswik.OPSTS schedule, you can now
select a task and have the corresponding block highlighted in the Model Space. First, the command searches for a
matching task on the current bench, if the task is located on another bench, Deswik.OPSTS switches to the
relevant bench in the bench grid, and highlights the corresponding block in the Model Space with a hatch pattern.

l Short Term Scheduling Setup Wizard | Bench elevations | Remove benches with no data: Perform a
check of bench settings, by intersecting the elevation (or surface) with the solid, and remove any benches that do
not contain data.

 This command is also included on the CREATE BENCHES dialog box, when you execute the Build from extents
command. Select the Do no add if no data on bench check box to only generate benches that contain data.

 This command is useful if you have multiple input solids, and there are gaps between them that generate
empty benches (for example, bottom of the pit in one phase, and top of the pit in another phase).

l Short Term Scheduling Setup | Mining Schedule Setup | Delay Date: Previously, you would specify a date
in the future as the schedule Delay Date. Now, you specify a period of time to add to today's date, in days,
weeks, or months. For example, 'today plus 3 months'. The delay date will remain in the future for all new tasks

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

that are generated.

l Tools | Build Period Surfaces | Exclude deletion polygon tasks from surface: Previously, by default,
when executing the Build Period Surfaces command, any deletion polygons you had in place were not
considered in the period surfaces. Now, you can choose whether to exclude deletion polygon tasks from the
period surface generated. Clear the check box to include deletion polygon tasks in the generated period surface.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

New commands and features

l Formula Builder Functions: Two new functions.

o AVERAGE: Returns the average of all of the supplied parameters.

o SUM: Returns the sum of all of the supplied parameters.

l Printing:

o File | Batch Print: You can now create, configure and save a batch print job with multiple layouts and
preferences, and print it as a single job. Previously, each print job had to be created and printed individually
which, for regularly scheduled print jobs, was onerous and time-consuming.

l Reporting:

o Scheduling | Report Options: The new Automatic resources report generates a set of predetermined
fields for each resource in the schedule, which is added to a permanent report. The report automatically

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

updates any time the resources or calendars are altered.

l Ribbon and icon re-design:

o Custom template configurations: Previously, the ribbon always displayed all options. It is now possible to
select either a Beginner or Advanced predefined template, utilizing the new ribbon and icon configuration,
to more closely match the functions you need to perform. If you would prefer to use Deswik.Sched as you
have in the past you can also select a Deswik Classic template which reverts to the original ribbon and icon
locations, though displays the new naming convention.

o Customizing ribbons: You can also create your own customized ribbons, with functions to suit your role or
the work of your department.

o Re-design: We have redesigned the ribbon and icon set in response to user feedback and in line with best

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

practice user interface and user experience guidelines.

Enhancements and modifications

l Formula Builder Functions: Enhancement to existing functions.

o AND, OR, MIN, and MAX: Previously, these functions only supported a maximum of two fields. Now you can
use additional parameters by adding values between the round brackets with a comma in between each, for
example, AND(A=B,C=1,D=0).

l Scheduling | Export Reports: When importing data from a SQLServer or Oracle database, click Database
Options to use the new Timeout feature. You can specify the number of seconds that Deswik.Sched should
attempt to communicate with the server before returning a timeout error.

l Scheduling | Report Options: Previously, all reports were displayed in tab format at the bottom of the
Reporting Grid. As more reports were added, it became more difficult to locate specific reports or those that were
printed regularly. It is now possible to deselect reports by clearing the corresponding boxes so that only certain
reports remain visible.

l Tasks | Activity Controls:

o Previously, when adding a new activity cycle the only options were to add the activity cycle as a child of the
parent task or to permanently replace a parent task with the activity cycle. Now, you can add an activity
cycle that inherits the properties of the parent task, while leaving the task itself unchanged.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

o Previously, when a new task template or task cycle was dropped on to a dependency, no settings were
inherited from the parent task which meant that the task was set up with no associated values. Now, you
can select the Predecessor or Successor task as the parent of the selected dependency so that the new
task inherits the properties of the relevant predecessor or successor task. This can be useful as location
attributes, such as level, pit and bench can be carried across. If you would like to set up the task with no
associated values select None.

l Tasks | Activity Templates:

o You now use the Link to the parent task graphic check box to set the DIS Linked Graphic ID attribute
value to the parent task ID when an activity template or activity cycle is dragged on to an Deswik.IS derived
task. This ensures that the interactive filtering in Deswik.IS works correctly if a new task from a template is
selected. Previously, this behavior was only demonstrated if a task template or a task cycle was dragged on
to a parent task.

l View | Process Maps: As the ribbon and icon configuration has been updated in Deswik.Sched, process maps
have been updated accordingly. Process maps created using previous versions of Deswik.Sched are no longer
valid in the current version, therefore, when opened you will be prompted to upgrade them. You can choose to

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

not upgrade them so they remain compatible with previous versions, though they will display as read only in the
current version. If Deswik.Sched cannot upgrade a process map you will be prompted to edit it manually.

Bug fixes, reporting, and output changes

Resource Leveling

l Scheduling | Leveling Options: Previously, you could select the Preference Priority Over Utilization
option to influence resource leveling. This option is no longer available. If a schedule is opened that had this
feature enabled the following message will display: "This model previously had Preference Priority Over
Utilization enabled. This feature is now obsolete, please contact Support if you have any questions."

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Underground Coal

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

New commands and features

l Draw menu:

o Draw | Polylines | Concave Around Points: Draw an outline polyline on a specified plane around a point
cloud entity (or other entity types including POINT, POINTS, POLYLINE and POLYFACE entities).

o Draw | Regular Grid | Over Entities: Automatically draw a regular 2D polygon (or polyface) grid or a 3D
box grid over selected entities in plan view.

l Edit menu:

o Edit | Filters | Isolate Selected Entities On Layers: Hide all visible, unselected entities that sit on the
same layer as selected entities.

l File menu:

o File | Import | OBJ: Import a Wavefront OBJ file (files with *.obj extensions) to the selected layer in the
active file.

l Format menu:

o Format | Drawing Defaults From Entity: Update the drawing default settings (including pen color, pen
width, line type, line type scale, and line weight) in the active document from the properties of a selected

 Selecting a text entity or dimension will also update the default font (text style) or dimension style.
o Format | Snap Mode: Press F3 to display a new, interactive dialog box at your cursor location while
running any command that requires you to select points. Use your mouse wheel and Spacebar to quickly

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

move through snap modes to turn them on or off.

l Formula Builder: 1 new function, 1 new Field.

o INSIDELEVEL: Returns the level at which one polygon sits inside another polygon.

o *PenWidth: You can now select the pen width variable property as a Field.

l Modify menu:

o Modify | Format Painter: Update the common Variable Properties that govern the appearance of a
selected entity to match those of another entity.

o Modify | Polygons | Boolean Bulk: Perform multiple Boolean operations in a defined sequence on mul-
tiple polygons.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 This command extends the Modify | Polygons | Boolean Operations functionality, letting you
perform multiple Boolean operations across multiple polygons on different layers.

o Modify | Polylines | Offset To Midpoint: Offset a selected polyline to the midpoint of another polyline.

o Modify | Polylines | Points | Set Elevation: Change the elevation of selected vertices on a polyline.

o Modify | Solids | Cut | By Polylines To Volume: Cut multiple input solids into two or more solids using
selected polylines to make the cut, such that output solids have a specific volume. Optional; group polylines
and solids with common attribute values before cutting.

 This new command is similar to the existing By Polyline To Volume command. However, that command
can only cut a single solid with a single polyline. This new command lets you cut multiple input solids
using multiple polylines.

l Tools menu:

o Tools | Query | Interactive Accumulations: Query the values of selected attributes on polygons on a
selected layer. Perform multiple calculations (for example, weighted average, minimum and maximum
values) on those attributes. Assign results to polygons as a new attribute. Optional; union polygons together
as part of the process.

l View menu:

o View | Plane Definitions | Create By Grouping From View: Group visible entities by one or more
common attributes to create multiple plane definitions.

Enhancements and modifications

l Draw menu:

o Draw | Annotation | Point Manually: Previously, you could only annotate the Z coordinate of a selected
point. Now you can also annotate X and Y.

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.4 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Draw | Annotation | Polylines (and Drillholes): Use the new Group COG option on the Position tab
to display a single label at the center of gravity of each group of polylines (or drillholes) with the same value
for the attribute or formula specified on the Data tab.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

o Draw | Points | At Intersections: Previously, this command would only draw points at real intersections
in 3D. Now you can use the new In view check box to 'also' draw points at 'apparent' intersections in the
current view plane.

o Draw | Ramp Tools | Decline: The end point coordinates for the last section in the active decline are now
displayed under the grid. These coordinates update automatically as you add new sections.

o Draw | Text | Block Text: Previously, you could only display single line text values in blocks or title blocks.
Now you can use the characters '\P' to display text on multiple lines. For example, enter 'This is line 1. \PThis
is line 2.' to see the following:

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

o Draw | Text | Interactive | Text: Previously, you could only modify an existing, single line text string
through the PROPERTIES window, or by double-clicking it in the Model Space. Now, you can right-click and use
the new Edit Text In Editor command that appears at the top of the Model Space shortcut menu to edit
the text string using a text editor (similar to the Modify | Text | Multiline | Edit In Editor command).

l Edit menu:

o Edit | Filter | Interactive Filter: Previously, only commonly used properties were available to filter on.
Now you can use the Tools | Show All Properties command to display and use any standard property for
all entity types.

 This change has been added back to the 2018.4 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Edit | Select: Previously, to cycle through coincident entities, you simply had to left-click the same location
on those entities. Each click would select the 'next' entity. Due to conflicts with this action and other
commands, you now need to left-click in the same location rapidly. See Cycle through coincident
entities for an animated demonstration.

 This change has been added back to the 2017.2 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Edit | Select By Polygon | Inside OR Outside: Previously, you could only use an existing polygon to
govern the selection of entities. Now you can also digitize a polygon around the entities you want to select.

l File menu:

o File | Export | CSV Or Text File: You can now select the pen width variable property in the Attributes
and Properties grid.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

o File | Export | Surpac | DTM: Previously, this command did not support the export of attributes other
than a 'name' attribute. Now you can use the new 'Other Attributes' grid to export additional attributes.
These attributes will be added to the vertices in the exported *.str file so that they can be imported into

o File | Import | Data Source: When importing data from an SQLServer or Oracle database, use the new
Timeout field to specify the number of seconds that Deswik.CAD should try to attempt to communicate
with the server before returning a timeout error.

 This feature has also been added to the previous version of Deswik.Suite.

l Format menu:

o Format | Block  Model Display: Previously if you wanted to apply a 'hard' filter to limit the input block
model, you could only work with an existing filter. Now you can create new 'hard' filters using fields from the

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

block model right from the filter field.

l Modify menu:

o Modify | Attributes | Using Formula: Previously, if you left the Group value blank and the attribute
already existed in a group, the attribute was removed from the group, and group was deleted. To prevent
this from happening, now you can enter an asterisk (*) in the Group field. If the attribute belongs to a group
already, nothing will change.

o Modify | Explode:

n Block model shells: You can now explode BLOCKMODELSHELL entity types into polyface and
3DFACE entities.

n Text: Previously, this command would explode text strings created from *.shx font types such that
each letter resulted in multiple LINE entities. Now, the command explodes SHX text strings into
individual polylines, one for each letter in the string.

Prior to 2018.3


 These features have been added back to the 2018.3 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Modify | Solids | Polygons | Boolean Operations | Union By Attribute: Previously, polygons within
polygons (that is, 'holes') were always considered separately in the Boolean process, resulting in overlapping
polygons. Use the new Generate holes feature to join any inner polygon 'holes' to the outer polygon,

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

(which changes how the area inside a 'hole' is handled by the Boolean).

o Modify | Polylines | Project | Projection RuleS: Previously, if projection angles were extracted from
attributes or block model fields, they were always assumed to be in degrees, even if you specified a different
gradient convention for the Default value. Select the new Apply gradient convention to all values
check box to apply the gradient unit convention specified attribute or block model field values instead.

o Modify | Solids | Boolean Operations | Union By Volume: Use the new Vertical tolerance field to
limit the solids merged to those that physically touch within a specified distance.

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.3 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Modify | Solids | Close and Modify | Solids | Validate: Previously, these commands would
automatically remove any duplicate triangles present in input solids as part of the validation (or healing)
process. However, removing these triangles solids imported into Deswik.CAD from other mining packages
could sometimes cause problems when performing Booleans. You can now use the new duplicate triangle
options in either command to turn this feature off if required.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes



 By default, the Keep duplicate triangles check box will be cleared, and the Remove both duplicate
triangles check box will be selected. We recommend that you do not change these settings unless you are
experiencing major problems with Booleans, or your data has come from an external mining package.
When working with Deswik.CAD data, there should never be a need to keep duplicate triangles.

o Modify | Solids | Repair: This command now handles duplicate triangles in solids imported from other
mining software packages.

l Process maps:

o Batch Interrogation: Previously, if the interrogation settings used filters or legends that did not exist in
the active file, it would run without them. Now you can use the new Import legends and filters button to

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

import any existing filters and legends from the active file onto the node in the process map. These will then
be used during the interrogation. If you select the new Update filters and legends check box , when the
node is clicked to run the interrogation, the legends and filters will also be copied from the node into the
active file.

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.4 version of Deswik.Suite.

o Drawing Defaults | Get From Entity Use this new feature to automatically populate the various fields for
this command with the properties or attributes of an existing entity. The fields that populate are dependent
on the option selected in the drop-down list to the right.

o Modify | Move | Move Or Copy To Layers: Select the new Fail if no data exists to move or copy
check box to end the command without performing any of the specified moves following a rule where there
are no entities in the entity selection. Clear the check box if you want the command to continue to the next

l Tools menu:

o Tools| Drillholes | Desurvey: When importing data from an SQLServer or Oracle database, use the new
Timeout field to specify the number of seconds that Deswik.CAD should try to attempt to communicate
with the server before returning a timeout error.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.4 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Tools| Drillholes | Export Polylines To CSV:

n This command now supports the export of drillholes directly from a Deswik drillhole database (*.ddd
files) in addition to drillhole polylines. As a result, it has been renamed to Tools | Drillholes | Export
To CSVs to better reflect its dual purpose. Multiple new options have been added in this process.

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.3 version of Deswik.Suite.
n Previously if the export process failed, you were required to re-enter all of the settings used because
the dialog box did not remember the settings from the last time the command was run. Now you can
use the new import and export buttons to save your settings to an XML file before running the

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 The import/export buttons have been added back to the 2018.1 version of Deswik.Suite.

o Tools| Drillholes | Load Drillholes From Database: Previously if you wanted to apply a 'hard' filter
based on the attributes on the drillholes to limit the drillholes that were imported, you had to first import all
of the drillholes in order to import the drillhole attributes, create the filter, then use the Modify Database
command to re-import the drillholes, this time applying the 'existing' filter. Now you can create a 'hard' filter

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

based on the drillhole attributes (both segment and entire hole) at the time of the import.

o Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Commands:

n Drillholes Filter: Previously if you wanted to apply a 'hard' filter based on the attributes on the
drillholes to limit the drillholes that were exported to the new file, you had to first import all of the
drillholes in order to import the drillhole attributes, and then create the filter that you wanted to use.
Now you can create new 'hard' filters at the time of import based on the drillhole attributes (both
segment and entire hole) right from the filter field.

n Block Model Filter, Interpolate Nearest Neighbor and Interpolate Inverse Power: Previously if
you wanted to apply a 'hard' filter to limit the input block model, you could only work with an existing
filter. Now you can create new 'hard' filters using fields from the block model right from the filter field.

o Tools| Options | System tab: Use the new Working plane guide color field to change the color of the
working plane guide that displays when you run the View | Working Plane | Show Guide command.

o Tools | Query | Attributes And Properties: You can now select the pen width variable property in the

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Attributes and Properties grid.

o Tools | Query | Surface Cut And Fill Volumes:

n Entity selection: Previously, you were prompted to interactively select limiting polygons in the Model
Space. Now you can use the new Entity selection options to choose multiple polygons with ease.

n Write attributes to polygons: Use this new check box to assign volume results as attributes to the
limiting polygons.

o Tools | Shortcuts: Previously, you could not use keyboard shortcuts if you were already in the process of
executing a command. You had to end or cancel the active command first. Now you can use shortcuts for
any Snap mode command while running another command.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

o Tools | Remove All Presentation Coloring:

n Entity selection: Previously, you could not isolate specific entities to remove color from. The
command automatically removed color from every entity in the file. This new option lets you remove
color from specific entities.

n Remove polyface capping color: If you have selected the Cap Clipped Solid property check box and
applied different capping colors to multiple solids, select this new check box to easily switch all capping

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

colors back to the color of the solid (default color).

Known issues
l CAD-33814: View | Visual Styles | Animation - Some animations require the Refresh button to be clicked
before they can be played.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

Enhancements and modifications

l Edit | Global Constants: Previously, this command was not available in Deswik.Draft. However, because global
constants are used frequently in block text when plotting, this command is now supported.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

Introducing Deswik.FM Web

Deswik.FM Web lets you access your Deswik.FM files using a web interface. Using Deswik.FM Web, you can:

l Search for files or folders

l Share files or folders

l Download files

l Tag files

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

New commands and features

l Deswik.FM Administration | Security | Tags: You can now define tags that can be attached to files and
viewed in Deswik.FM Web. There are two types of tags you can create:

o Persistent: Generally used for common tags which will always be relevant, such as tags pertaining to a
region of your mine or to a particular machine. Persistent tags are sorted and shown alphabetically.

o Periodic: Generally have fleeting relevance, such as tags relating to this week's operational plan. Periodic
tags are sorted and shown by their creation date, with the most recent first.

l Deswik.FM dock window | Shortcut menus: We have added new commands to the shortcut menus:

o Copy URL: Copy the URL for the file or folder to your clipboard. You can then share the URL with your
colleagues to provide easy access to it.

o Manage Tags: Select a tag to apply to the file, or remove an existing tag from it.

o Tag All Files: Select a tag to apply to all files in the folder.

Enhancements and modifications

l Deswik.FM Administration | Setup | Integration: Use the new check Enable FM Web Access check box to
allow your users to access files via Deswik.FM Web.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

Enhancements and modifications

l Reporting | Cut task solids along mining direction by date: We have renamed this command from Cut
bench block solid face positions to make it clear that you can cut any type of task solid based on a mining
direction, not just bench blocks.

l Reporting | Cut tunnels and outlines by date: We have changed the Production fields to add as
attributes tab. This tab has been renamed to Schedule fields to add as attributes, and can now be used to
add custom fields, along with production fields, that you want to set attributes for on the output graphics.

l Scheduling | Dependency Creation: We have added a new button, , to the Manual assignment tab of
the DEPENDENCY CREATION dialog box that you can use to create multiple two-point dependencies that are not
necessarily in a chain. You are prompted to select both the first and second points of each dependency to be
created. This is different to the interactive dependency creation method where the second dependency starts
from the predecessor of the previous dependency.

l Settings | Activity Types: We have added two new buttons to the ACTIVITY TYPE DEFINITIONS dialog box that
make it easier to copy field value setups between activity type definitions. After selecting the row that contains

the values you want to copy, click , and then choose which field values that you want to copy. Then you

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

select the row that you want to copy the field values to, and click .

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

New commands and features

l Formula Builder Functions: Two new functions.

o AVERAGE: Returns the average of all of the supplied parameters.

o SUM: Returns the sum of all of the supplied parameters.

l Printing:

o File | Batch Print: You can now create, configure and save a batch print job with multiple layouts and
preferences, and print it as a single job. Previously, each print job had to be created and printed individually
which, for regularly scheduled print jobs, was onerous and time-consuming.

l Reporting:

o Scheduling | Report Options: The new Automatic resources report generates a set of predetermined
fields for each resource in the schedule, which is added to a permanent report. The report automatically

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

updates any time the resources or calendars are altered.

l Ribbon and icon re-design:

o Custom template configurations: Previously, the ribbon always displayed all options. It is now possible to
select either a Beginner or Advanced predefined template, utilizing the new ribbon and icon configuration,
to more closely match the functions you need to perform. If you would prefer to use Deswik.Sched as you
have in the past you can also select a Deswik Classic template which reverts to the original ribbon and icon
locations, though displays the new naming convention.

o Customizing ribbons: You can also create your own customized ribbons, with functions to suit your role or
the work of your department.

o Re-design: We have redesigned the ribbon and icon set in response to user feedback and in line with best

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

practice user interface and user experience guidelines.

Enhancements and modifications

l Formula Builder Functions: Enhancement to existing functions.

o AND, OR, MIN, and MAX: Previously, these functions only supported a maximum of two fields. Now you can
use additional parameters by adding values between the round brackets with a comma in between each, for
example, AND(A=B,C=1,D=0).

l Scheduling | Export Reports: When importing data from a SQLServer or Oracle database, click Database
Options to use the new Timeout feature. You can specify the number of seconds that Deswik.Sched should
attempt to communicate with the server before returning a timeout error.

l Scheduling | Report Options: Previously, all reports were displayed in tab format at the bottom of the
Reporting Grid. As more reports were added, it became more difficult to locate specific reports or those that were
printed regularly. It is now possible to deselect reports by clearing the corresponding boxes so that only certain
reports remain visible.

l Tasks | Activity Controls:

o Previously, when adding a new activity cycle the only options were to add the activity cycle as a child of the
parent task or to permanently replace a parent task with the activity cycle. Now, you can add an activity
cycle that inherits the properties of the parent task, while leaving the task itself unchanged.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

o Previously, when a new task template or task cycle was dropped on to a dependency, no settings were
inherited from the parent task which meant that the task was set up with no associated values. Now, you
can select the Predecessor or Successor task as the parent of the selected dependency so that the new
task inherits the properties of the relevant predecessor or successor task. This can be useful as location
attributes, such as level, pit and bench can be carried across. If you would like to set up the task with no
associated values select None.

l Tasks | Activity Templates:

o You now use the Link to the parent task graphic check box to set the DIS Linked Graphic ID attribute
value to the parent task ID when an activity template or activity cycle is dragged on to an Deswik.IS derived
task. This ensures that the interactive filtering in Deswik.IS works correctly if a new task from a template is
selected. Previously, this behavior was only demonstrated if a task template or a task cycle was dragged on
to a parent task.

l View | Process Maps: As the ribbon and icon configuration has been updated in Deswik.Sched, process maps
have been updated accordingly. Process maps created using previous versions of Deswik.Sched are no longer
valid in the current version, therefore, when opened you will be prompted to upgrade them. You can choose to

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

not upgrade them so they remain compatible with previous versions, though they will display as read only in the
current version. If Deswik.Sched cannot upgrade a process map you will be prompted to edit it manually.

Bug fixes, reporting, and output changes

Resource Leveling

l Scheduling | Leveling Options: Previously, you could select the Preference Priority Over Utilization
option to influence resource leveling. This option is no longer available. If a schedule is opened that had this
feature enabled the following message will display: "This model previously had Preference Priority Over
Utilization enabled. This feature is now obsolete, please contact Support if you have any questions."

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Underground Metals

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

New commands and features

l Draw menu:

o Draw | Polylines | Concave Around Points: Draw an outline polyline on a specified plane around a point
cloud entity (or other entity types including POINT, POINTS, POLYLINE and POLYFACE entities).

o Draw | Regular Grid | Over Entities: Automatically draw a regular 2D polygon (or polyface) grid or a 3D
box grid over selected entities in plan view.

l Edit menu:

o Edit | Filters | Isolate Selected Entities On Layers: Hide all visible, unselected entities that sit on the
same layer as selected entities.

l File menu:

o File | Import | OBJ: Import a Wavefront OBJ file (files with *.obj extensions) to the selected layer in the
active file.

l Format menu:

o Format | Drawing Defaults From Entity: Update the drawing default settings (including pen color, pen
width, line type, line type scale, and line weight) in the active document from the properties of a selected

 Selecting a text entity or dimension will also update the default font (text style) or dimension style.
o Format | Snap Mode: Press F3 to display a new, interactive dialog box at your cursor location while
running any command that requires you to select points. Use your mouse wheel and Spacebar to quickly

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

move through snap modes to turn them on or off.

l Formula Builder: 1 new function, 1 new Field.

o INSIDELEVEL: Returns the level at which one polygon sits inside another polygon.

o *PenWidth: You can now select the pen width variable property as a Field.

l LAYER CONTROL window shortcut menu:

o Update Plane Definition Layer Preset: Previously, if you wanted to the plane definition layer preset to
inherit the settings of the current layer tree, it would take seven clicks to open the various required dialog
boxes and then run the Inherit from current command. Now you can right-click the plane definition layer
and run this command.

l Modify menu:

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

o Modify | Format Painter: Update the common Variable Properties that govern the appearance of a
selected entity to match those of another entity.

o Modify | Polygons | Boolean Bulk: Perform multiple Boolean operations in a defined sequence on mul-
tiple polygons.

 This command extends the Modify | Polygons | Boolean Operations functionality, letting you
perform multiple Boolean operations across multiple polygons on different layers.

o Modify | Polylines | Offset To Midpoint: Offset a selected polyline to the midpoint of another polyline.

o Modify | Polylines | Points | Set Elevation: Change the elevation of selected vertices on a polyline.

o Modify | Solids | Cut | By Polylines To Volume: Cut multiple input solids into two or more solids using
selected polylines to make the cut, such that output solids have a specific volume. Optional; group polylines
and solids with common attribute values before cutting.

 This new command is similar to the existing By Polyline To Volume command. However, that command
can only cut a single solid with a single polyline. This new command lets you cut multiple input solids
using multiple polylines.

l Tools menu:

o Tools | Drillholes | Create Or Edit Drillhole Database: Create a blank Deswik drillhole database (*.ddd
file), or edit hole or segment attributes on drillholes in an existing database.

o Tools | Geological Models | Deswik | Convert Datamine To Block Model: Import a Datamine block
model (a file with a *.dm or *.dmu extension), and convert it to Deswik block geomodel (*.gmdlb).

o Tools | Geological Models | Deswik | Legacy | Extract Surfaces And Solids: Generate a (roof or
floor) surface or solids from a Deswik geo model. Optionally apply a filter or use limiting polygons to isolate
specific blocks to use in this process. Assign block fields as attributes when generating solids.

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.3 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Tools | Query | Interactive Accumulations: Query the values of selected attributes on polygons on a
selected layer. Perform multiple calculations (for example, weighted average, minimum and maximum
values) on those attributes. Assign results to polygons as a new attribute. Optional; union polygons together
as part of the process.

l View menu:

o View | Plane Definitions | Create By Grouping From View: Group visible entities by one or more
common attributes to create multiple plane definitions.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Enhancements and modifications

l Draw menu:

o Draw | Annotation | Point Manually: Previously, you could only annotate the Z coordinate of a selected
point. Now you can also annotate X and Y.

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.4 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Draw | Annotation | Polylines (and Drillholes): Use the new Group COG option on the Position tab
to display a single label at the center of gravity of each group of polylines (or drillholes) with the same value
for the attribute or formula specified on the Data tab.

o Draw | Points | At Intersections: Previously, this command would only draw points at real intersections
in 3D. Now you can use the new In view check box to 'also' draw points at 'apparent' intersections in the
current view plane.

o Draw | Ramp Tools | Decline: The end point coordinates for the last section in the active decline are now
displayed under the grid. These coordinates update automatically as you add new sections.

o Draw | Text | Block Text: Previously, you could only display single line text values in blocks or title blocks.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Now you can use the characters '\P' to display text on multiple lines. For example, enter 'This is line 1. \PThis
is line 2.' to see the following:

o Draw | Text | Interactive | Text: Previously, you could only modify an existing, single line text string
through the PROPERTIES window, or by double-clicking it in the Model Space. Now, you can right-click and use
the new Edit Text In Editor command that appears at the top of the Model Space shortcut menu to edit
the text string using a text editor (similar to the Modify | Text | Multiline | Edit In Editor command).

o Draw | Tunnels | By Rule: Previously, you could only generate tunnel solids and outlines around polyline
entities using this command. Now your input can also include drillholes (including BOREHOLE,
UGDRILLHOLE, and BLASTHOLE entity types) as well as LINE and ARC entities. In addition, you now have the
choice whether to generate both solids and walls. Previously, both outputs were automatically generated.

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.3 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Draw | Tunnels | By Selection: Previously, you could only generate tunnel solids and outlines around
polyline entities using these commands. Now your input can also include drillholes (including BOREHOLE,
UGDRILLHOLE, and BLASTHOLE entity types) as well as LINE and ARC entities.

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.3 version of Deswik.Suite.
l Edit menu:

o Edit | Filter | Interactive Filter: Previously, only commonly used properties were available to filter on.
Now you can use the Tools | Show All Properties command to display and use any standard property for

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

all entity types.

 This change has been added back to the 2018.4 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Edit | Select: Previously, to cycle through coincident entities, you simply had to left-click the same location
on those entities. Each click would select the 'next' entity. Due to conflicts with this action and other
commands, you now need to left-click in the same location rapidly. See Cycle through coincident
entities for an animated demonstration.

 This change has been added back to the 2017.2 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Edit | Select By Polygon | Inside OR Outside: Previously, you could only use an existing polygon to
govern the selection of entities. Now you can also digitize a polygon around the entities you want to select.

l File menu:

o File | Export | CSV Or Text File: You can now select the pen width variable property in the Attributes
and Properties grid.

o File | Export | Surpac | DTM: Previously, this command did not support the export of attributes other
than a 'name' attribute. Now you can use the new 'Other Attributes' grid to export additional attributes.
These attributes will be added to the vertices in the exported *.str file so that they can be imported into

o File | Import | Data Source: When importing data from an SQLServer or Oracle database, use the new
Timeout field to specify the number of seconds that Deswik.CAD should try to attempt to communicate
with the server before returning a timeout error.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 This feature has also been added to the previous version of Deswik.Suite.

l Format menu:

o Format | Block  Model Display: Previously if you wanted to apply a 'hard' filter to limit the input block
model, you could only work with an existing filter. Now you can create new 'hard' filters using fields from the
block model right from the filter field.

l Modify menu:

o Modify | Attributes | Using Formula: Previously, if you left the Group value blank and the attribute
already existed in a group, the attribute was removed from the group, and group was deleted. To prevent
this from happening, now you can enter an asterisk (*) in the Group field. If the attribute belongs to a group
already, nothing will change.

o Modify | Explode:

n Block model shells: You can now explode BLOCKMODELSHELL entity types into polyface and
3DFACE entities.

n Text: Previously, this command would explode text strings created from *.shx font types such that
each letter resulted in multiple LINE entities. Now, the command explodes SHX text strings into

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

individual polylines, one for each letter in the string.

Prior to 2018.3


 These features have been added back to the 2018.3 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Modify | Solids | Polygons | Boolean Operations | Union By Attribute: Previously, polygons within
polygons (that is, 'holes') were always considered separately in the Boolean process, resulting in overlapping
polygons. Use the new Generate holes feature to join any inner polygon 'holes' to the outer polygon,
(which changes how the area inside a 'hole' is handled by the Boolean).

o Modify | Polylines | Project | Projection RuleS: Previously, if projection angles were extracted from
attributes or block model fields, they were always assumed to be in degrees, even if you specified a different
gradient convention for the Default value. Select the new Apply gradient convention to all values
check box to apply the gradient unit convention specified attribute or block model field values instead.

o Modify | Solids | Boolean Operations | Union By Volume: Use the new Vertical tolerance field to
limit the solids merged to those that physically touch within a specified distance.

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.3 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Modify | Solids | Close and Modify | Solids | Validate: Previously, these commands would
automatically remove any duplicate triangles present in input solids as part of the validation (or healing)

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

process. However, removing these triangles solids imported into Deswik.CAD from other mining packages
could sometimes cause problems when performing Booleans. You can now use the new duplicate triangle
options in either command to turn this feature off if required.



 By default, the Keep duplicate triangles check box will be cleared, and the Remove both duplicate
triangles check box will be selected. We recommend that you do not change these settings unless you are
experiencing major problems with Booleans, or your data has come from an external mining package.
When working with Deswik.CAD data, there should never be a need to keep duplicate triangles.

o Modify | Solids | Repair: This command now handles duplicate triangles in solids imported from other
mining software packages.

l Process maps:

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

o Batch Interrogation: Previously, if the interrogation settings used filters or legends that did not exist in
the active file, it would run without them. Now you can use the new Import legends and filters button to
import any existing filters and legends from the active file onto the node in the process map. These will then
be used during the interrogation. If you select the new Update filters and legends check box , when the
node is clicked to run the interrogation, the legends and filters will also be copied from the node into the
active file.

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.4 version of Deswik.Suite.

o Drawing Defaults | Get From Entity Use this new feature to automatically populate the various fields for
this command with the properties or attributes of an existing entity. The fields that populate are dependent
on the option selected in the drop-down list to the right.

o Modify | Move | Move Or Copy To Layers: Select the new Fail if no data exists to move or copy
check box to end the command without performing any of the specified moves following a rule where there
are no entities in the entity selection. Clear the check box if you want the command to continue to the next

l Tools menu:

o Tools| Drillholes | Desurvey: When importing data from an SQLServer or Oracle database, use the new
Timeout field to specify the number of seconds that Deswik.CAD should try to attempt to communicate
with the server before returning a timeout error.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.4 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Tools| Drillholes | Export Polylines To CSV:

n This command now supports the export of drillholes directly from a Deswik drillhole database (*.ddd
files) in addition to drillhole polylines. As a result, it has been renamed to Tools | Drillholes | Export
To CSVs to better reflect its dual purpose. Multiple new options have been added in this process.

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.3 version of Deswik.Suite.
n Previously if the export process failed, you were required to re-enter all of the settings used because
the dialog box did not remember the settings from the last time the command was run. Now you can
use the new import and export buttons to save your settings to an XML file before running the

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 The import/export buttons have been added back to the 2018.1 version of Deswik.Suite.

o Tools| Drillholes | Load Drillholes From Database: Previously if you wanted to apply a 'hard' filter
based on the attributes on the drillholes to limit the drillholes that were imported, you had to first import all
of the drillholes in order to import the drillhole attributes, create the filter, then use the Modify Database

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

command to re-import the drillholes, this time applying the 'existing' filter. Now you can create a 'hard' filter
based on the drillhole attributes (both segment and entire hole) at the time of the import.

o Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Commands:

n Drillholes Filter: Previously if you wanted to apply a 'hard' filter based on the attributes on the
drillholes to limit the drillholes that were exported to the new file, you had to first import all of the
drillholes in order to import the drillhole attributes, and then create the filter that you wanted to use.
Now you can create new 'hard' filters at the time of import based on the drillhole attributes (both
segment and entire hole) right from the filter field.

n Block Model Filter, Interpolate Nearest Neighbor and Interpolate Inverse Power: Previously if
you wanted to apply a 'hard' filter to limit the input block model, you could only work with an existing
filter. Now you can create new 'hard' filters using fields from the block model right from the filter field.

o Tools | Geological Models | Deswik Geo Model | ...: All commands under this menu have now been
moved to Tools | Geological Models | Deswik | Legacy.

o Tools | Geological Models | Deswik Geo Model | Convert From Other (previously called Tools |
Geological Models | Deswik Geo Model | Convert From Other): This command now supports the

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

import of polyfaces from MineScape Stratmodel CSV files (where each CSV represents a single seam
containing multiple polyfaces with quality attributes, which are in the correct spatial location and clipped
against any faults).

 This new import method handles faulting, including complex reverse faulted models.
 This feature has been added back to the 2018.4 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Tools| Options | System tab: Use the new Working plane guide color field to change the color of the
working plane guide that displays when you run the View | Working Plane | Show Guide command.

o Tools | Query | Attributes And Properties: You can now select the pen width variable property in the
Attributes and Properties grid.

o Tools | Query | Surface Cut And Fill Volumes:

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

n Entity selection: Previously, you were prompted to interactively select limiting polygons in the Model
Space. Now you can use the new Entity selection options to choose multiple polygons with ease.

n Write attributes to polygons: Use this new check box to assign volume results as attributes to the
limiting polygons.

o Tools | Shortcuts: Previously, you could not use keyboard shortcuts if you were already in the process of
executing a command. You had to end or cancel the active command first. Now you can use shortcuts for
any Snap mode command while running another command.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

o Tools | Remove All Presentation Coloring:

n Entity selection: Previously, you could not isolate specific entities to remove color from. The
command automatically removed color from every entity in the file. This new option lets you remove
color from specific entities.

n Remove polyface capping color: If you have selected the Cap Clipped Solid property check box and
applied different capping colors to multiple solids, select this new check box to easily switch all capping

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

colors back to the color of the solid (default color).

o The Tools | Underground | Clean Up Tunnel Point Cloud and the Tools | Underground | Build
Tunnel Point Cloud Outlines commands have been moved from the Underground menu to the Survey

o Tools | Survey | Development Laser Offsets: Previously you could only select a single polyline as the
drive centerline. Now you can select multiple drive centerline polylines, as long as the end point of a polyline
and the start point of the next polyline are coincident.

 This enhancement lets you use more than one polyline to represent the centerline, which makes it easier
to assign individual attributes to sections of the drive without having to use polyline vertex attributes.

 This feature has been added back to the 2018.4 version of Deswik.Suite.
o Tools | Underground | Reconciliation: Previously, although you could use attributes to group input
design and as-built solids to reconcile multiple drives at the same time, if you wanted to use polylines to
report overbreak and underbreak along a stope or along a tunnel , you were required to do it drive by drive.
Now the command will use the same attributes to group polylines when using the polyline reporting feature.

l View menu:

o View | Plane Definitions | Create From Current View: Previously, if you wanted to the plane definition
layer preset to inherit the settings of the current layer tree, it would take seven clicks to open the various

required dialog boxes and then run the Inherit from current command. Now you can click the new
button to the right the layer preset field to run this command right from the PLANE DEFINITION dialog.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 This feature has also been added as a command named Update Plane Definition Layer Preset in the
LAYER CONTROL window shortcut menu when you right-click the plane definition.

o View | Visual Styles | Slicing Settings: Previously, any offset value that you specified was applied
automatically when slicing solids. Now you can choose whether to apply an offset when slicing solids or
block models (or both).

Known issues
l CAD-33814: View | Visual Styles | Animation - Some animations require the Refresh button to be clicked
before they can be played.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

Enhancements and modifications

l Edit | Global Constants: Previously, this command was not available in Deswik.Draft. However, because global
constants are used frequently in block text when plotting, this command is now supported.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

Introducing Deswik.FM Web

Deswik.FM Web lets you access your Deswik.FM files using a web interface. Using Deswik.FM Web, you can:

l Search for files or folders

l Share files or folders

l Download files

l Tag files

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

New commands and features

l Deswik.FM Administration | Security | Tags: You can now define tags that can be attached to files and
viewed in Deswik.FM Web. There are two types of tags you can create:

o Persistent: Generally used for common tags which will always be relevant, such as tags pertaining to a
region of your mine or to a particular machine. Persistent tags are sorted and shown alphabetically.

o Periodic: Generally have fleeting relevance, such as tags relating to this week's operational plan. Periodic
tags are sorted and shown by their creation date, with the most recent first.

l Deswik.FM dock window | Shortcut menus: We have added new commands to the shortcut menus:

o Copy URL: Copy the URL for the file or folder to your clipboard. You can then share the URL with your
colleagues to provide easy access to it.

o Manage Tags: Select a tag to apply to the file, or remove an existing tag from it.

o Tag All Files: Select a tag to apply to all files in the folder.

Enhancements and modifications

l Deswik.FM Administration | Setup | Integration: Use the new check Enable FM Web Access check box to
allow your users to access files via Deswik.FM Web.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

New commands and features

l Deswik.GeoTools Mapping | Controls | Drawing Tools | By Cropping: Use this tool to crop a polygon
against existing entities, such as drive outlines and existing mapping work.

l Deswik.GeoTools Mapping | Controls | Working Plan Tools | Set Face Marker: Use this tool to
mark up the distance along a development to the current face and annotate that position. Since the face is
continually advancing, this tool can help track and annotate these measurements and use them to bound
mapping work.

l Deswik.CAD | Tools | Geology | Face Mapping | Configure Features: We have added two new methods
that let you represent structural features:

o Structural 1 Point: Use this method to represent a structural feature, such as a fault, by digitizing a single
point. After you digitize the point, Deswik.GeoTools records the insertion point of the feature and prompt
you to provide the directions and length.

o Structural 2 Point: Use this method to represent a structural feature, such as a fault, by drawing a two
point polyline. After you digitize the polyline, Deswik.GeoTools records the azimuth of the feature,
determines the potential dip directions, and prompts you to provide the dip.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

Enhancements and modifications

l Create Activities | Create From Outlines: Use the settings on the new Task replacement options tab to
preserve existing task information, including dependencies to other tasks, task rates, resource assignments, and
splits when recreating derived tasks. These are the same options that are available on the Task replacement
options tab of the CREATE TUNNELS command.

l Reporting | Cut task solids along mining direction by date: We have renamed this command from Cut
bench block solid face positions to make it clear that you can cut any type of task solid based on a mining
direction, not just bench blocks.

l Reporting | Cut tunnels and outlines by date: We have changed the Production fields to add as
attributes tab. This tab has been renamed to Schedule fields to add as attributes, and can now be used to
add custom fields, along with production fields, that you want to set attributes for on the output graphics.

l Scheduling | Dependency Creation: We have added a new button, , to the Manual assignment tab of
the DEPENDENCY CREATION dialog box that you can use to create multiple two-point dependencies that are not
necessarily in a chain. You are prompted to select both the first and second points of each dependency to be
created. This is different to the interactive dependency creation method where the second dependency starts
from the predecessor of the previous dependency.

l Settings | Activity Types: We have added two new buttons to the ACTIVITY TYPE DEFINITIONS dialog box that
make it easier to copy field value setups between activity type definitions. After selecting the row that contains

the values you want to copy, click , and then choose which field values that you want to copy. Then you

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

select the row that you want to copy the field values to, and click .

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

New commands and features

l Formula Builder Functions: Two new functions.

o AVERAGE: Returns the average of all of the supplied parameters.

o SUM: Returns the sum of all of the supplied parameters.

l Printing:

o File | Batch Print: You can now create, configure and save a batch print job with multiple layouts and
preferences, and print it as a single job. Previously, each print job had to be created and printed individually
which, for regularly scheduled print jobs, was onerous and time-consuming.

l Reporting:

o Scheduling | Report Options: The new Automatic resources report generates a set of predetermined
fields for each resource in the schedule, which is added to a permanent report. The report automatically

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

updates any time the resources or calendars are altered.

l Ribbon and icon re-design:

o Custom template configurations: Previously, the ribbon always displayed all options. It is now possible to
select either a Beginner or Advanced predefined template, utilizing the new ribbon and icon configuration,
to more closely match the functions you need to perform. If you would prefer to use Deswik.Sched as you
have in the past you can also select a Deswik Classic template which reverts to the original ribbon and icon
locations, though displays the new naming convention.

o Customizing ribbons: You can also create your own customized ribbons, with functions to suit your role or
the work of your department.

o Re-design: We have redesigned the ribbon and icon set in response to user feedback and in line with best

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

practice user interface and user experience guidelines.

Enhancements and modifications

l Formula Builder Functions: Enhancement to existing functions.

o AND, OR, MIN, and MAX: Previously, these functions only supported a maximum of two fields. Now you can
use additional parameters by adding values between the round brackets with a comma in between each, for
example, AND(A=B,C=1,D=0).

l Scheduling | Export Reports: When importing data from a SQLServer or Oracle database, click Database
Options to use the new Timeout feature. You can specify the number of seconds that Deswik.Sched should
attempt to communicate with the server before returning a timeout error.

l Scheduling | Report Options: Previously, all reports were displayed in tab format at the bottom of the
Reporting Grid. As more reports were added, it became more difficult to locate specific reports or those that were
printed regularly. It is now possible to deselect reports by clearing the corresponding boxes so that only certain
reports remain visible.

l Tasks | Activity Controls:

o Previously, when adding a new activity cycle the only options were to add the activity cycle as a child of the
parent task or to permanently replace a parent task with the activity cycle. Now, you can add an activity
cycle that inherits the properties of the parent task, while leaving the task itself unchanged.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

o Previously, when a new task template or task cycle was dropped on to a dependency, no settings were
inherited from the parent task which meant that the task was set up with no associated values. Now, you
can select the Predecessor or Successor task as the parent of the selected dependency so that the new
task inherits the properties of the relevant predecessor or successor task. This can be useful as location
attributes, such as level, pit and bench can be carried across. If you would like to set up the task with no
associated values select None.

l Tasks | Activity Templates:

o You now use the Link to the parent task graphic check box to set the DIS Linked Graphic ID attribute
value to the parent task ID when an activity template or activity cycle is dragged on to an Deswik.IS derived
task. This ensures that the interactive filtering in Deswik.IS works correctly if a new task from a template is
selected. Previously, this behavior was only demonstrated if a task template or a task cycle was dragged on
to a parent task.

l View | Process Maps: As the ribbon and icon configuration has been updated in Deswik.Sched, process maps
have been updated accordingly. Process maps created using previous versions of Deswik.Sched are no longer
valid in the current version, therefore, when opened you will be prompted to upgrade them. You can choose to

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

not upgrade them so they remain compatible with previous versions, though they will display as read only in the
current version. If Deswik.Sched cannot upgrade a process map you will be prompted to edit it manually.

Bug fixes, reporting, and output changes

Resource Leveling

l Scheduling | Leveling Options: Previously, you could select the Preference Priority Over Utilization
option to influence resource leveling. This option is no longer available. If a schedule is opened that had this
feature enabled the following message will display: "This model previously had Preference Priority Over
Utilization enabled. This feature is now obsolete, please contact Support if you have any questions."

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If you
have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

New commands and features

l Create Delay Symbols: Previously, if you wanted to edit timing block values, it was necessary to manually
change each value in each timing block. Now, you can use your own symbols to show hole delay detail.

o Process Rings Configuration | Create Delay Symbols: Select the custom symbol and insertion point,
define the rings to use, and then specify the output layer. Click Generate to produce custom delay symbols
with associated block text and related attribute data.

 To use a custom symbol, the symbol must have the following BTEXT: ID (to identify the hole ID) and Delay
(to assign delay time) as a minimum. Other BTEXT options you can add include Charge length, Explosive,
Multiple explosives, Delay (base), Delay (1), Delay (2), Delay (3).

 The following example shows generated custom symbols and includes hole ID, charge collar, explosive,
and charge length.

l Customize pivot markers:

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

o Show Editor | Views and plots | Section view | Pivot marker options: Previously, default pivots were
represented by a set of crossed lines in ring plane. Now, you can customize pivot markers by selecting the
symbol of choice from a predefined list. You can also alter the color and size of the custom pivot marker.

 This feature is useful if you use pivots extensively for checking drill rig clearances.

 To show the pivot marker in plan view, select Show pivot marker, under Display options on the Views and
plots tab.

l Electronic Delay Timing Tool: Use this command with your custom delay symbols to interactively assign a
delay time to each symbol.

o Process Rings Configuration | Electronic Delay Timing Tool: Configure timing and text settings, and
select a hole in the Model Space to apply the delay time.

 In addition to assigning delay times, this command allows you to automatically increase delay time with
each click or maintain the specified delay time, change the size of text in each symbol, manually increase
or decrease text in selected blocks with an interval, and synchronize delay times back to original drillholes
(if the symbols were created using the Create Delay Symbols command).

 The following example shows delay time added to timing symbols, created using the Create Delay

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Symbols command.

l Enhanced Winze Section Editor: The Winze Editor has been re-designed with a number of enhancements.

o Show Editor | Winze definitions tab: the Winze definitions tab has been embedded into the RING
DESIGNS editor and includes the following additional fields: Reference Point, Azimuth, Rotation Offset,
Dump Offset, Dip Angle, and Slot Ring.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

o Further enhancements as part of this re-design include:

n A new button to modify placed winze sections from the new Winze definitions tab.

n A new button to reverse the winze section look direction from the Winze definitions tab.

n The option to draw winze section plane guide lines and direction indicator.

n The ability to highlight the selected winze section profiler.

Enhancements and modifications

l Align winze section to existing ring: Previously, if you wanted to use an existing ring as a winze (slot) ring,
you would lay out all the rings and create the winze by snapping to the specific ring intersection with the
reference line. You would then delete the original ring, and rename the winze (slot) ring. Now, you have the
option to use an existing ring to determine the alignment of the winze section.

o Show Editor | Winze definitions | Add Winze Section: In the Reference line position section, select
the Ring alignment option. Select the Winze hole to align to the reference line, and then select Aligned
ring to determine the placement of the winze section.

l Assign detonators from the drillhole charging table: Previously, to assign detonators to a primer, you
would need to go into the EDIT PRIMERS AND BOOSTERS dialog box. You can now assign the detonator to the EDIT
RINGCharge holes table or the WINZE SECTION: EDIT CHARGE table

 The list of detonators is based on values in the detonator database.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

o Edit Drillholes | Ring Properties | Charge holes tab: For each hole, select the detonator from the
Detonator column.

o Winze Sections | Current Winze Sections | Edit Placed Winze Section Properties | Edit: For each
hole, select the detonator from the Detonator column.

l Base delay, Delay offset, and Total Delay fields updated: To improve usability when assigning delay time
when using detonators, changes have been made to the fields used to manage delay time assignment.

o Edit Drillholes | Ring Properties | Charge holes | Edit Primers And Boosters: The following changes
have been made to the EDIT PRIMERS AND BOOSTERS dialog box:

n Base delay: Enter the base delay value for the drillhole in milliseconds.

n Delay offset: Enter the delay offset of the primer (from the base delay) in milliseconds.

n Total delay: Read-only; Shows the total delay for the primer. That is, the total of the Base Delay of
the drillhole and the Delay Offset of the primer.

 The Base delay field has been added above the grid. The Delay Offset field has been corrected, and the Total
Delay field has been added.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

l Charge winze holes:

o Winze Sections | Current Winze Sections | Edit placed winze section properties: You can now
charge winze sections, in a similar way to manually placing charges on selected drillholes. In the EDIT WINZE
SECTION dialog box, click Edit to open the WINZE SECTION: EDIT CHARGE dialog box. Click Manual to open the
EDIT RING | CHARGE HOLES | MANUAL dialog box. From this point, the process is the same as detailed in the
Edit Drillholes | Charge Holes | Manual help topic.

l Configure extra layers in plan view, section view, and long view in the Model Space and on plots:
Previously, you could only select a limited number of layers to display in views and plots. Now, similar to the
options available for adding extra layers for ring sections, you can add extra layers in Long and Plan view and also
in plots. Additionally, you can create and specify layer definitions and apply these to show extra layers in views
and plots, and assign filters and legends.

o Show Editor | Views and plots tab | Extra layers: The Extra layers button has been moved from the
Settings tab to the Views and plots tab. Click Extra layers to open the EXTRA LAYER SETTINGS dialog box.
Add rows for each additional layer, or set of layers you want to show. You can select one or more of these
configurations using the Plan view extra layers, Long view extra layers, and Section view extra
layers fields on the Views and plots tab.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

 To configure extra layers in Plan view and Section view, you must select the Show extra layers option
under the relevant Display options field.

l Copy ring plane attributes to blast solids: When a stope ring has been manually drawn, it inherits all the
attributes from the ring it is created on. Previously, after the blast solid was created, Deswik.UGDB would
remove all of these attributes, which are required to import the stope solid into the schedule. Now, when you run
the Blast Solids And Interrogation command, you can select the check box Copy ring attributes, to copy
attributes on each ring to the blast solid created against the ring.

o Process Rings Configuration | Blast Solids And Interrogation | Blast Solids Creation: Select the
Copy ring attributes check box to copy all static attributes from the ring plane definition to the blast solid,

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

created against the corresponding ring.

l Create hole annotations at defined elevation:

o Show Editor | Views and plots | Section view | Hole annotations | Drillhole annotations:
Previously, to create hole annotations at defined elevations for blasting layouts, you would need to export
drillholes as polylines, insert blocks to represent holes at specific elevation, and draw point annotation to
annotate Hole IDs. This enhancement supports the process by allowing you to specify a starting elevation
for annotation rows, so that you will only see hole annotations on holes that intersection with the specified

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

plane. This enhancement has also been added to the Plan plane definition.

l Export Survey Data: The Generate pivot markers option of the Export Survey Data command now
includes winze hole pivot data. In addition, you can now nominate individual rings (including winze sections), or
choose to export data for all rings, using the Export selected rings option.

o To generate winze data, select the Generate pivot markers check box.

o To nominate specific ring or winze section data to export, select the Export selected rings check box, and
select the required rings or winze sections.

l Merge existing rings: Under the Slot rings section, an option has been added to give you the opportunity to
merge existing rings.

o Winze Sections | Current Winze Sections | Edit Placed Winze Section Properties | Edit Winze
Section | Slot rings:

n Merge existing rings: Select this option to merge the slot ring with the nearest existing ring.

n Distance tolerance: The maximum distance from the proposed slot ring to the existing ring to include
in a merge.

n Azimuth tolerance: The maximum azimuth difference (in degrees) from the proposed slot ring to the
existing ring to include in a merge.

n Dump tolerance: The maximum dump difference (in degrees) from the proposed slot ring to the
existing ring to include in a merge.

When you click Update, the following prompt appears:

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

The created winze holes will be moved to the individual slot rings. Do you want to continue?
Click Yes to proceed with the merge.

The slot ring is merged with the nearest existing ring. That is, the slot ring is not created, instead winze holes
in that slot ring are copied into the existing ring.

n Audit: Select this check box to show a list of existing rings and slot rings to be merged. Select the
Merge check box for the existing rings and slot rings that you want to merge.

l Plot leads length and detonators: New attributes are available to allow you to plot the total leads length of all
primers in a single drillhole, in plan and section view, as well as total detonator numbers of all drillholes in each
ring in plan view.

o Plots | Show Plots Editor | Plot Configurations | Tables: Two new attributes, Leads Length and
Detonators attributes are available for selection.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes



Deswik.Blend - 2019.1.591
Issue Key Description
BLEND- Blend will now use capacity of the dumps from LHS so that overflow won't happen.
BLEND- SUPPORT- Constraints and their penalties data will now be exported/imported together in same file.
2622 36321 This will happen for both Flow constraints and Ratio constraints.
BLEND- SUPPORT- Resolved issues with Blend-LHS enforcement of scenario settings for dump release and
2633 36802 capacity.
BLEND- SUPPORT- Blend can split = False not supported
2650 37715
BLEND- Time variant field in product material field returns infeasible
BLEND- Updated report grid processing to properly handle blend model node names and prevent
2674 errors due to similar names

Deswik.CAD - 2019.1.591
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Interrogate | Batch Interrogation - added an enhancement to report out the
30060 30406 majority or dominant field in a block model (using multiple models)
CAD- Tools | Pit | Pit Design - Ramp rule default switchback shape changed to smooth.
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Survey | Press Floor Outline - fixed a bug where the center line was closed and
30586 33193 all of the wall z data was skewed
CAD- Tools | Underground | Backfill Planning And Reconciliation - added enhancements to
31525 support two additional target type features in the backfill sequence section of the
wizard: (1) relative elevation and (2) elevation above a selected point
CAD- Tools | Geo Models | Deswik | Commands - listed commands in the same order as
32035 found in Datamine | Commands
CAD- Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Commands - added the ability to put in global
32118 constant tags in "file in" and "file out" controls as long as the type is "defined"

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Issue Key Customer Ticket Description

CAD- Tools | Pit | Comet Interface | Generate Phase Files - added support for legends with
32821 cutoffs
CAD- Draw | Table - Italics text style rendering now draws correctly.
CAD- SUPPORT- Deswik Table Viewer - fixed scrolling with Page Up/Down and Up/Down arrows
33035 37617
CAD- SUPPORT- View | Visual Styles | 2D - Fixed visibility of selection highlights when switching from
33175 37710 3D to 2D view
CAD- Edit | Erase - Fixed issue with some entities being drawn after deletion
CAD- View | Dock Windows | Process Map - added an enhancement where message boxes
33507 automatically resize to accommodate text or images within the message, with the
Ok/Cancel or Yes/No box located in the bottom right of the display
CAD- Modify | Polylines | Multiple Projection Rules | Face Editing - Fixed a bug where
33543 'Remove faces' was not working
CAD- SUPPORT- Draw | Point - Fixed visibility issues with point entities and layer control
33555 38371
CAD- Tools | Pit | Pit Design tool - pit design projection rules now support gradient types
33639 other than degrees (e.g 1:n, % ) in model, polygon or solid attributes that define
projection angles
CAD- SUPPORT- View | Views - fixed an issue where the drillhole layer was not turning off for multiple-
33652 37229 views.
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Query | Attributes and Properties - the insertion point, rather than the
33691 38641 bounding box (which may include crosshairs), is now used to calculate properties such
as *XMin as per the View | Dock Windows | Properties window
CAD- Layers | Delete Empty now prompts users to delete imported layers
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Pit | Pit Design - Fixed an issue where deleting a line created by projecting a pit
33711 38535 design line with Modify | Polylines | Project caused the pit design to be incorrectly
CAD- Draw | Annotation | Manual Point - made changes to guard against a reported error
CAD- View | Dock Windows | Properties - fixed a display issue which resulted in zeroes being
33723 displayed for attribute values
CAD- View | Plane Definitions - fixed a bug where formulas in plane definitions didn't
33732 change when changing regional settings
CAD- SUPPORT- Format | Hatch Patterns - fixed a bug where a selected hatch pattern was not applied
33746 38673
CAD- View | Dock Windows | Process Map - fixed a bug related to importing settings for the
33750 command Modify | Crop | Entities

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Issue Key Customer Ticket Description

CAD- File | Open - fixed a bug where CAD would hang when a remote file was opened
CAD- Layer | Attributes - fixed an issue with the 'Prompt Attributes' form where columns
33752 were not wide enough to show values
CAD- Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Commands - fixed a bug where a block model
33764 boundary change created overlaps when processing a regularized model
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Drillholes | Warning - fixed an issue where the process hung for a supplied
33768 38671 data set
CAD- Draw | Solids | Extrude from Polyline - Extrude an open polyline
CAD- SUPPORT- Modify | Solids | Cut | By Surfaces - fixed a bug that resulted in an exception dialog
33780 38797
CAD- Tools | Create | Laser Line - make Horizontal Angle show the sign for a Laser Line
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Survey | Import Job - resolved a bug where a job would not import by
33795 38817 upgrading Leica's HeXMLPC.exe utility to version 14.0
CAD- Tools | Pit | Pit Design - Improved ramp gradient control to minimise instances of
33797 gradient exceeding target when gradient is applied to shortest ramp side.
CAD- Fixed an issue when selecting large number of polylines.
CAD- Fixed a bug where layers were being removed from layer presets when rewritten
CAD- Layer | Move | Move Multiple To Selected - small performance improvements
CAD- Tools | Survey - fixed a crash when importing a Leica XML file which had multiple
33836 CodeGroups
CAD- SUPPORT- Modify | Polylines | Break - fixed a bug where the original line style was not retained
33837 38675 for broken polylines
CAD- SUPPORT- View | Dock Windows | Layer Control - added a new option 'Suppress Model Space
33850 38852 automatic layer preset' in Tools | Options to avoid expanding the layer tree
unnecessarily when returning from a layout
CAD- Modify | Table | Edit - corrected the tooltip for 'bold'
CAD- SUPPORT- Edit | Legends | Edit - made changes to guard against a crash when editing a legend
33867 38895
CAD- SUPPORT- File | Save - fixed a bug where the prompt to save the document remains visible when
33898 38861 a file is closed
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Geological Models | Block Model Properties | Fixed Grade Tonnage Curve with
33917 38941 the same primary field produces different results depending on which grade fields are

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Issue Key Customer Ticket Description

CAD- SUPPORT- File | Import | Seismic Event Data - Added the ability to import seismic data from
33930 39023 systems such as ESG or IMS
CAD- File | Open - fixed a bug where, if no documents were open, the properties and layer
33939 controls etc. remained disabled
CAD- SUPPORT- View | Dock Windows - the application now checks to see if floating panels are visible
33940 39060 on screen and, if not, they are docked.
CAD- View | Dock Windows | Process Map - fixed a bug where the application hung when
33942 editing a process map node if user clicked a process map command control as the
form updated via command name text input
CAD- Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Commands - fixed a bug where the
33943 INSIDEPOLYGONATTRIBUTE command did not read the decimal separator with non-
English regional settings
CAD- Tools | Drillholes | Export To CSVs - fixed a bug where duplicate lines could be output
33950 when an 'Export data type' of 'Interval' was selected
CAD- SUPPORT- File | Open - fixed an issue where a Minecad file could not be opened
33956 39086
CAD- File | Import | Surpac DTM - added support for attributes
CAD- Draw | Regular Grid | Over Surface - fixed a bug where the grid did not always cover
33960 the extents of the surface
CAD- File | Open - resolved an issue where a file would open in 2018.2 but not in 2018.4
CAD- Modify | Erase | Duplicates - improve classification of duplicate figures
CAD- SUPPORT- View | Dock Windows | Properties - fixed a bug where polylines lost their "Line Type"
33987 39183 in the properties panel
CAD- SUPPORT- Format | Hatch Patterns - resolved an issue where the application lagged when
33992 39178 manually moving through the rows of hatch options
CAD- SUPPORT- File | Import | XYZ Data - resolved an issue with being unable to import LAS files
34001 39197
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Drillholes - improved support for block files which previously resulted in model
34015 39294 space being unresponsive
CAD- View | Dock Windows | Process Maps - added support for global constants to 'Rule-
34035 based selection'
CAD- SUPPORT- View | Dock Windows | Process Maps - Automatically select attributes from the Match
34043 39338 Properties and Attributes Dialog
CAD- Tools | Pit | Pit Design - Inclined benches. When registering benches to surfaces, the
34046 inclined bench system now looks for elevation surfaces under the ELEVATION_
SURFACES layer if no automatically generated surfaces were found under the

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Issue Key Customer Ticket Description

CAD- Modify | Surface | Image Mapping - resolved a crash when importing an .ecw file
CAD- SUPPORT- File | Import | XYZ Data - fixed a bug which resulted in an error message related to
34055 39296 delimiters, when importing points from a DXF file
CAD- SUPPORT- Draw | Tunnels | By Variable Sections | Tunnel Solids From Outlines - improved logic
34070 39377
CAD- SUPPORT- Edit | Filters | Edit - Fix issue with Auto-generate and groups.
34081 39403
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Geological Models | Batch Interrogation | Models to Interrogate | Show
34085 39371 Advanced Options - resolved an issue where the split-cell method did not run
CAD- SUPPORT- File | Export | CSV Or Text File - GETVALUEASDOUBLE("*CollarPoint.X",0) and
34095 39444 GETVALUEASDOUBLE("*CollarPoint.Y",0) can now be used
CAD- SUPPORT- View | Dock Windows | Layer Control - made changes to guard against the case where
34106 39482 the "0" layer was over-written as the drillhole layer
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Elevation Coloring - fixed a bug where the legend did not display decimal places
34119 39502
CAD- Draw | Dimension | Aligned - fixed a bug where the text for the Dimension Text
34120 property was not set
CAD- SUPPORT- Format | Hatch Patterns - fixed a bug where hatching was lost after copying entities
34121 39477 between projects
CAD- Edit Title Block Text - fixed a bug where <<DocumentPath>> field reported incorrectly
CAD- SUPPORT- Deswik.Draft - fixed a bug where users couldn't right click and open with Deswik.Draft
34133 39576 if a file name had spaces
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Convert from others - resolved 'lack of space'
34152 39465 issue
CAD- View | Dock Windows | Process Map - fixed a bug where running a process map node
34168 'Block Model Polygon Generation' didn't refresh the layer control after running
CAD- SUPPORT- Resolved an issue where text entities disappeared when zooming out and with '3D
34187 39684 Shaded' visual style selected
CAD- Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Commands - fixed a bug where the command
34205 Block Model Boundary Change transposes field values
CAD- SUPPORT- Vertex List - resolved an issue where the 'Fill Down' option to change all dip values to
34214 39620 zero produced different result compared to manually changing values to zero
CAD- SUPPORT- Draw | Tunnels | By Selection - fixed a bug where solids were not showing in model
34220 39700 space
CAD- Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Commands - resolved a bug where the
34266 command Block Model Boundary Change sometimes dropped the last record in the

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Issue Key Customer Ticket Description

CAD- Tools | Blocks | Remove Unused Blocks - running the command now prompts the
34268 user to load layers in a .dcf file
CAD- SUPPORT- Fixed a bug where layer presets disappeared when reloading dgd data sources
34287 39767
CAD- Tools | Geological Models | Datamine Commands - Block Model Regularize - fixed a
34340 bug where no warning message was displayed for references to a missing field.
CAD- Edit | Legends - improved performance and memory usage of legends.
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Commands - corrected the tab order of
34351 39842 controls
CAD- File | Import | XYZ Data - fixed a bug where importing a .laz file produced incorrect
34437 results

Deswik.DD - 2019.1.591
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
DD-644 SUPPORT- COG points in Deswik.DD for digs and dumps from multiple polylines were calculated
38313 incorrectly.

Deswik.Enviro - 2019.1.591
Issue Key Description
ENV-123 SUPPORT- Tools | Deswik.Enviro (Environment and Mine Closure)| Landform | Reshape landform -
33207 Ensures that the original topography input layer is validated as a surface before processing.
ENV-173 SUPPORT- Deswik.Enviro - Tools | Enviro | Landform | Reshape landform - exception error

Deswik.FM - 2019.1.591
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
FM-443 SUPPORT-39724 FM Bug with permission sets

Deswik.IS - 2019.1.591
Issue Key Description
IS-3049 Project Merge *.duf format
IS-3141 SUPPORT- Deswik.IS|Tools|Batch Updates|Project Cascader - No support for .duf file formats

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Issue Key Description
IS-3143 INTERROGATION - Consider zero density cells as empty failing in Deswik.IS
IS-3145 SUPPORT- Modify|Attributes|From Polygon Grid - Cannot apply attributes to entities in Northing XZ
38678 Plane
IS-3150 Cut Solids To Face Positions - Attribute values not being assigned to Solids
IS-3154 AutoDeps: "Use Deswik.Sched filters" option does not recognize internal From and To
activity type filters
IS-3158 SUPPORT- Issue with not all task solids being created but task polygons due to very small section are
39154 has been resolved
IS-3178 String functions such as PADLEFT and PADRIGHT have been added to the formula builder
in the Derived Activity setup
IS-3182 Deswik.IS - Dump angle used when creating individual Tunnel Solids
IS-3187 After Writeback, opened master schedule does not recalculate

Deswik.LHS - 2019.1.591
Issue Key Description
LHS- Sched-LHS and CAD-LHS getting different results for the same haul
LHS- SUPPORT- Deswik.LHS - Reporting | Period Maps | Filters cannot be typed in
2166 38255
LHS- Deswik.LHS | Generate Haul Routes prompt for new NODES layer appears every time one
2185 character is added to the Output layer name
LHS- Deswik.LHS - Scenarios - Can't see full Settings | Simulate to date in the form
LHS- Resolve Blender schedule LHS import issues to allow use of blend flows models that use
2213 stockpile bins and plant cut points

Deswik.OPDB - 2019.1.591
Issue Key Description
OPDB- Export Holes and Surfaces to DataBlast format | Surface Options - fixed a bug where
646 controls were not visible unless the form was resized
OPDB- SUPPORT- Create holes | Create trim holes along a polyline - Fix issue where additional hole rows were
671 39784 all being added to same hole row.

Deswik.OPSTS - 2019.1.591

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Issue Key Customer Ticket Description

OPSTS- Cut by Volume Causing Bench to Disappear in OPSTS
OPSTS- Automated Exception - Deswik.CAD - Change to Manage Manual attributes form
OPSTS- Resolved a bug that resulted in an error when clicking the 'Open' button due to a
412 missing layer.
OPSTS- SUPPORT- Unassign Task from OPSTS
418 39350

Deswik.SO - 2019.1.591
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
SO-895 SO - Creating new scenario or using the scenario generator will not retain the old
SO-905 SO - Fixed an issue with custom framework trapezoid grid
SO-910 SO -Resolved an issue with Anneal filter and Report filter expressions
SO-915 SUPPORT- SO - Resolved an issue with saving scenarios with a network based working location

Deswik.UGDB - 2019.1.591
Issue Key Description
UGDB- SUPPORT- Fixed a bug where the stope solid outlines appeared at the wrong elevation in the cut
3228 37732 rings
UGDB- SUPPORT- Resolved UGDB - Plot Table Calculations - Formula calculation for charged collar is wrong.
3241 38003
UGDB- SUPPORT- Fixed issue UGDB | Plots Editor | Tables - when formula column clicked totals change
3260 38919 from checkbox to true/false
UGDB- SUPPORT- Improved the performance of ring slicing for a supplied data set.
3263 38711
UGDB- SUPPORT- Fixed issue in UGDB - The hole and pivot numbers are showing up unclearly
3267 39012
UGDB- SUPPORT- Fixed UGDB Automated Exception - resolved an issue with ring slicing
3273 39169
UGDB- SUPPORT- Fixed a bug where hole display changes didn't carry forward to new drillholes
3274 39184
UGDB- SUPPORT- Show Editor - improved the performance of renaming rings
3278 39580
UGDB- Process Rings Interrogation | Blast Solids and Interrogation - resolved an issue with being
3279 unable to generate a solid

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Deswik.vCAD - 2019.1.591
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
VCAD-211 SUPPORT-37042 Task solids are transparent during animation when they should not be


Deswik.CAD - 2019.1.613
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
CAD- Export points from the top, bottom and middle of borehole intersections
CAD- Fixed a bug with pasting tables where bold / italic / underline / strikethrough styles
32958 were not carried through when copying / pasting
CAD- SUPPORT- File | Import | MineSight | By Folder - resolved an issue with importing *.msr% files
34157 39556
CAD- SUPPORT- Draw | Solids | From Surface Stacking Rule - fixed a bug that occurred when opening
34367 39890 the form
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Pit | Pit Design | Tools | Interrogate All - fixed a bug, related to the
34458 39812 interrogation legend, that resulted in a crash
CAD- View | Dock Windows | Process Map - added support for referencing global constants
34520 in 'layer source'
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Geological Models | Datamine Commands - fixed a bug with the progress bar
34524 39971 for LG optimiser which occurred when the number of dependencies exceeded the
limits of a 32-bit integer
CAD- Tools | Macros | Script Editor - fixed a crash that occurred when editing an embedded
34538 macro
CAD- Modify | Erase | Duplicates - added support for saving and restoring the entity
34568 selection
CAD- SUPPORT- Modify | Attributes | Using Formula - fixed a bug where the formula builder did not
34574 40188 work on certain drawings
CAD- SUPPORT- File | Import | Project Settings - resolved a bug where parameters tables were
34620 40019 imported when only legends were selected
CAD- SUPPORT- Modify | Polylines | Multiple Projection Rules | Rule Editing - fixed an error that
34627 40278 occurred when attempting to edit a ramp rule when none exists

Deswik.FM - 2019.1.613
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
FM-443 SUPPORT-39724 FM Bug with permission sets

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Deswik.IS - 2019.1.613
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
IS-3194 Fix for replace task solid doesn't regenerate centroids

Deswik.Sched - 2019.1.613
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
SCHED-16434 Formula builder will now correctly handle bracketing characters inside of quotes.
SCHED-16760 Moving resources up and down within pool
SCHED-16769 Intermittent Test Failure - TaskTests RemainingDrivingQuantityOnDistributions
SCHED-16809 Increment actuals UI prompt should only show once per session.

Deswik.SO - 2019.1.613
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
SO-916 SUPPORT-39979 SO - Improved Deswik CAD responsiveness when the SO report window is visible

Deswik.UGDB - 2019.1.613
Issue Key Description
UGDB- SUPPORT- "Remote" Field in plot editor table doesnt count holes that extend to remote distance
3137 35334 guide with subdrilling
UGDB- Process Rings Interrogation | Blast Solids and Interrogation - resolved an issue with being
3279 unable to generate a solid
UGDB- Resolved an automated exception when adding Extra layers.
UGDB- Resolved that function "AND" and "OR" doesn't work correctly when using formula in
3295 "Plot Configurations"
UGDB- Automatically change the hole placement indicate color for white background
UGDB- SUPPORT- Resolved Deswik.CAD crash caused by static toe dumping in automatic ring layout
3307 40190
UGDB- SUPPORT- Resolved issue that unable to rename a ring to a previously used ring name in ring design
3311 40196 editor.
UGDB- Fixed a bug that occurred when updating plot configurations when a formula with "AND"
3324 had no arguments.


Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Deswik.Blend - 2019.1.675
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
BLEND- SUPPORT- Blend Excel Report - Ensure that excel report output correctly applies constraint filter
2594 34543 to the constraint reports
BLEND- SUPPORT- Fixed error in handling of blend material quality acceptance. Previously, the rules did
2702 40186 not respect the enabled flag and were always active. Additionally, fixed a crash when
material quality acceptance rules were used in conjunction with grouped blend periods
BLEND- Blend LHS speed limit contraints were using imperial values instead of metric
BLEND- Blend LHS report rows somtimes showing incorrect values after saving/closing/re-
2710 opening
BLEND- SUPPORT- Deswik.Blend - Add support for resource production rate tables when using resource
2712 40694 limitations in Blend-Sched mode
BLEND- Resolved issues that could block the creation of an excel report after blending

Deswik.CAD - 2019.1.675
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
CAD- Drillhole display settings are stored in the Deswik Drillhole Database(ddd file) to
16828 simplify reload
CAD- Pasting tables from external sources (such as Excel) should now retain
33167 formatting/styling information.
CAD- SUPPORT- Modify | Surfaces | Map Image - Fixed saving of mapped surface when layer is not
33676 38639 active
CAD- Modify | Surfaces | Map Image - fixed an issue where a surface with a mapped image
33679 did not keep coordinate positions when using a .jgw reference file
CAD- SUPPORT- Insert | Image | ECW - Fixed inconsistent display of foreground overlay entities on
34115 39064 zooming, in layouts with ECW images
CAD- SUPPORT- View | Visual Styles | Animation - Fixed issues with update of entity visibility in
34128 39540 animation mode after multiple plane definitions are applied
CAD- SUPPORT- Insert | Image From File - Fixed an issue where ECW files would sometimes be
34256 39601 imported incorrectly if the Document was set to an Imperial units measurement
CAD- SUPPORT- View | Visual Styles | Animation - Fixed animation of stope solids with OverlayType of
34294 39809 BACKGROUND
CAD- SUPPORT- Modify | Solids | Decimate - Fixed graphics issue following solid decimation in 2018.3-
34366 39785 2019.1
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Commands | Pseudoflow - fixed a bug that
34432 39973 resulted in an error message 'object reference not set'

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Issue Key Customer Ticket Description

CAD- SUPPORT- File | Print - Fixed issue with missing plot elements when printing layouts with ECW
34459 39518 images or surface maps.
CAD- SUPPORT- Layer | Show - Fixed visibility of transparent solids when layer is first made visible
34569 40180
CAD- SUPPORT- File | Open - attempted to resolve an error that occurred on a customer's table where
34573 39961 attempting to open a drawing in Deswik.GeoTools resulted in 'unexpected error'.
(Upgrade to 3rd party graphics component.)
CAD- SUPPORT- View | Visual Styles | Animation - Fixed animation issues with plane definitions and
34624 40241 legends
CAD- Tools | Geological Models | Deswik Geo Model | Commands - fixed a bug where a
34632 block model field was incorrectly displayed as a date and time
CAD- SUPPORT- Fixed a bug where an error occurred if the splash screen was closed on load.
34649 40308
CAD- SUPPORT- Modify | Solids | Boolean Bulk - fixed a bug where, if a new row was added and the
34662 40351 Boolean command was left with the default value of 'cut first', the command executed
a union
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Pit Design Tool | Ramps | Improved sizing of ramp end width when 'maintain
34667 40345 full road' option is selected
CAD- Importing a Minex Faulted Model - Boolean error with specific dataset has been
34674 resolved
CAD- SUPPORT- File | Import | Datasource (drillholes) - fixed an error that occurred when attempting
34679 40329 to import drillholes from a CSV file
CAD- SUPPORT- View | Dock Windows | Properties - resolved an issue where the text string lost focus
34710 40380 when typing was paused
CAD- Modify | Solids | Boolean Bulk - resolved an issue where an unwanted warning
34735 message popped up, stopping the subsequent process map commands
CAD- Edit | Parameters Tables - fixed an issue where the form would not discard changes on
34749 cancel.
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Commands | Intepolate Inverse Power of
34752 40465 Distance​ - fixed an issue where running the command wiped string fields in a DMU
CAD- Draw | Table - Format Cell will now work correctly when formatting numeric data
34753 returned from the ATTRIBUTEVALUE function.
CAD- SUPPORT- File | Import | Survey Data - Fixed setting other attribute data from text file import
34754 40430 issue
CAD- Edit | Copy - Fixed a bug where copy and move polylines moved the working plane
34761 up/down
CAD- SUPPORT- View | Dock Windows | Interactive Filter - resolved refresh issue
34762 40535

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Issue Key Customer Ticket Description

CAD- Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Commands - 'interpolate nearest neighbor'
34767 and 'interpolate inverse power of distance' can now be accessed using a
Deswik.AdvUGM license.
CAD- Resolved a bug where running the Interactive Filter from the menu stops a chain of
34768 commands
CAD- Modify | Surfaces | Merge Overlapping Surfaces - resolved an issue where the
34785 command brings up a warning message 'Relimited original surface no longer only has a
single boundary'
CAD- Modify | Solids | Boolean Operations | Union On Attribute - resolved an issue where
34802 the command returned different results for different output methods
CAD- SUPPORT- Increased the allowable time to enter text in the properties window.
34862 40661
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Query | Surface Cut and Fill Volumes - resolved an issue with volume
34919 40762 calculations for a data set with a polygon with a crossover
CAD- View | Dock Windows | Process Map - fixed an issue for Polygon Bulk Boolean where
34937 the form failed to open after executing the command
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Interogate | Interactive Interrogation dialog can now be closed when the
34943 40366 Geological Model refers to an non-existent file.
CAD- View | Dock Windows | Process Map - fixed a process map hang when erasing
34981 duplicates (delete by COG)
CAD- SUPPORT- Modify | Polylines | Multiple Projection Rules | Rule Editing - fixed an issue where a
35039 40914 reference to a surface could not be removed when berm was selected as the first rule
CAD- Modify | Erase | Duplicates - resolved an issue affecting points
CAD- SUPPORT- View | Dock Windows | Process Map - resolved an issue with copying a blank cell from
35130 41018 Excel into a filter for the command 'Move or Copy To Layers'

Deswik.Caving - 2019.1.675
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
CAVING-17 Tab for alternate cave simulation supplier needs to be hidden in Deswik.Caving
CAVING-20 Add shutoff grade to ring type dialog for use in cave simulator
CAVING-35 Multiple issues with Select Inputs and Outputs screen of the Edit Project wizard
CAVING-39 Fix Block Model Export
CAVING-51 Export project in 2018.4.845 causes issue with block model as seen in PGCA

Deswik.DD - 2019.1.675
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
DD-646 SUPPORT-39969 Deswik.DD - Import from External Material bug fixed
DD-650 Export Report Fields generated as text not numbers

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Deswik.GeoTools - 2019.1.675
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
GEO- SUPPORT- A new menu is added ad the side bar, which allowed use to measure the distance of
1592 38868 multiple points, and the information is added to a output prompt window once
function finish.
GEO- In Deswik.GeoTools Mapping, the navigation cube can now be hidden if required. The
1640 ability to show/hide the navigation cube is controlled in the Settings dialog.

Deswik.IS - 2019.1.675
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
IS-3137 Automated Exception - Deswik.CAD - Crash when Opening Dependancy Creation after
opening IS
IS-3204 Unable to sort numeric values in Resource Paths group tool
IS-3206 Attributes not synchronising between D.CAD and D.Sched when running a script using
IS-3208 SUPPORT- IS | Dependency Creation | 'Create from visible only' removes existing dependencies
IS-3210 SUPPORT- Deswik.IS - Reactivate create single dependency using NS or pressing space bar
IS-3211 Deswik. IS - Activity types | outlines - opens all layers in output window

Deswik.LHS - 2019.1.675
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
LHS- Resolved issue with LHS excel reports when running LHS from Deswik.Blend that
2235 could lead to corrupt report files
LHS- ​Added the ability to supply multiple filter definitions for the LHS schedule production
2269 field clearing expression
LHS- Resolved some Blend LHS validation issues that can lead to exceptions when running
2296 a blend solution.

Deswik.OPDB - 2019.1.675
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
OPDB- SUPPORT- Hole variable Properties - Fix Collar/Toe Override surfaces not applying any changes to
687 40094 blast holes.
OPDB- SUPPORT- Copy and paste - Disabled copying/cutting of blast holes to fix issue where blast hole
690 40096 origin point is not placed correctly when pasted.
OPDB- Holes variable properties - Fixed a crash caused by clicking in whitespace of Collar/Toe
725 Override combo boxes in the properties window.

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Deswik.OPSTS - 2019.1.675
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
OPSTS-403 Delays not deleted from Resource paths during resource unassignment
OPSTS-423 Dependency Creation in the panel won't show when docked
OPSTS-425 SUPPORT-40490 Deswik.OPSTS - Solids not updated correctly with animation mode enabled.
OPSTS-427 Deswik.OPSTS - Block Solids not created for F123 | F122 | 2350 (simplified

Deswik.Sched - 2019.1.675
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
SCHED- Column filter row remains visible after the Remove All Filters option is used.
SCHED- SUPPORT- Sched | Project Merge - DIS Merge ID not getting written in custom field when task is
15987 33513 created
SCHED- Moving resources up and down within pool
SCHED- SUPPORT- File | Batch Print - Erroneous results compared to File | Print results
16771 38963
SCHED- SUPPORT- Copy Gantt Chart adds Field Name
16804 39205
SCHED- Reporting resource pools calculated as bellow Unweighted production fields should
16806 sum the values of the physical resources in the pool Weighted production fields
should weight average the values of the physical resources in the pool General fields
should sum the values for fields: Work - period total, Work - number of, Available
Work, Calendar Defined Time, Calendar Defined Time - Lost, Calendar Effective Time,
Calendar Effective Time - Lost, Calendar Shift Time, Calendar Shift Time - Lost,
Duration, Group Count(Completely In), Group Count(Finish In), Group Count(Partially
In), Group Count(Start In), Non Work, Task Count(Completely In), Task Count(Finish
In), Task Count(Partially In), Task Count(Start In) for each physical resource General
fields should straight average (no weighting) the values for fields: Average Calendar
Hours, Time
SCHED- SUPPORT- Multipass Working as it should
16907 40197

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Issue Key Customer Ticket Description

SCHED- SUPPORT- Automated Exception - Deswik.CAD - Schedule File cannot Save
16933 40404

Deswik.SO - 2019.1.675
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
SO-932 SUPPORT-40821 SO - Improved UI response time

Deswik.SOT - 2019.1.675
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
SOT-203 Merge SOT 3.1 back to 2018.3

Deswik.SViz - 2019.1.675
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
SVIZ-108 SUPPORT-40068 Schedule Animation - SViz slow to open

Deswik.UGDB - 2019.1.675
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
UGDB- SUPPORT- Made changes to improve the robustness of renaming rings.
3230 37098
UGDB- SUPPORT- Improved the performance of renaming rings.
3301 40087
UGDB- Color in Pivot ID changes into yellow when changing pivot ID text height
UGDB- SUPPORT- Resolved an issue where the shadow ring function was not working correctly
3340 40618
UGDB- Made changes to more gracefully handle the condition where a proposed hole is
3353 shorter than the proposed toe spacing (due to the existence of winze profile solid)
rather than throw an exception.


Deswik.Blend - 2019.1.708

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Issue Key Customer Ticket Description

BLEND- Update blend solver calculations to support truck hour variables for multiple materials
2721 being reclaimed from a stockpile in a period
BLEND- SUPPORT- Improved the handling of grouped periods, when used with MaxConcurrentGroups to
2722 41277 ensure they are updated to reflect the changes in the number of required period

Deswik.CAD - 2019.1.708
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
CAD- SUPPORT- Draw | Tunnels | By Variable Sections - Import Vertex List from selected polyline
29575 31754
CAD- SUPPORT- Importing a drillholes Layer through FM will now display the drillholes
29833 32118
CAD- View | Dock Windows | Process Map - Edit Process Map Node - resolved an issue
33942 where CAD hangs if the user clicks a process map command control as the form
updates via command name text input
CAD- View | Dock Windows | Process Map - resolved an issue where the Interactive
34940 Accumulations form wasn't populated as per Document Settings
CAD- File | Export | Deswik.CAD - Attributes are now preserved when exporting to
35052 Deswik.CAD using the "Parse layers on attribute' option.
CAD- SUPPORT- Edit | Paste - Fixed issue of extra copies being visible on zoom during paste command,
35108 40996 and graphics not refreshing on completion.
CAD- SUPPORT- Improved performance of Move or Copy to Layers when source layer has large
35109 40999 numbers of attributes.
CAD- Draw | Solids | Hull - Fixed bug where grouping on fields only worked when "Visible
35115 entities" was selected, it now works for the other entity selection options as well.
CAD- Draw | Solids | Between Selected Surfaces - reduced the default error tolerance
CAD- SUPPORT- Modify | Solids | Split | By Polylines - Function will no longer discard input solids if
35132 41056 they're invalid.
CAD- SUPPORT- Draw | Ramp Tools | Decline - fixed a bug where the endpoint azimuth of a previous
35198 41176 ramp was not respected with the "full" option
CAD- Tools | Pit | Pit Design - Added option to turn off warning when deleting or changing
35200 bench elevations
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Drillholes | Warning - improved processing performance.
35201 41098
CAD- SUPPORT- Improved robustness of Modify | Solids | Cut by Plane to Volume when the volume is
35203 41161 very small.
CAD- SUPPORT- Modify | Copy - resolved a bug where text couldn't be copied between different layers
35219 41229 in paper space

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Issue Key Customer Ticket Description

CAD- SUPPORT- Fix issue with graphics when switching quickly between document tabs.
35225 40379
CAD- SUPPORT- Holding the shift key down while opening the interactive filter dialog now resets the
35239 41245 saved selected attributes.
CAD- Edit | Undo - Fixed undo/redo of Draw | Polyline command
CAD- SUPPORT- File | Open - "Unsupported Format" error message when opening corrupt DCF file has
35281 41335 been fixed to display the correct message.
CAD- SUPPORT- Modify | Polyline | Annotation - resolved an issue where applying a formula of [*Z]
35329 41403 resulted in the text "[*Z]" rather than the value
CAD- Resolved a bug where changing the scale on a viewport shortcut only works if scale is
35341 already locked
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Survey | Export to Instrument - added ability to export as point to dxf
35345 41449
CAD- View | Dock Windows | Process Map - the dialog for the command Modify | Polylines
35350 | Label | Selection is now hidden when running a menu command
CAD- Modify | Surfaces | Surface Stacking | Tools | Fix Surface Intersections - resolved a
35369 bug that resulted in 'automated exception' dialog when running the command
CAD- Modify | Polylines | Project and Modify | Polylines | Offset - added support for
35405 reading the *.dmu format
CAD- Global Constants. More in process maps.

Deswik.GeoTools - 2019.1.708
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
GEO- SUPPORT- Add new function is added, so user can choose the rotation center, the menu locate at
1685 40445 the bottom part of the side bar, upon click, user can snap a point and use it as rotation

Deswik.LHS - 2019.1.708
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
LHS- Hitting refresh in the destination mapping will reset waste dumps as haul in case it was
2265 set at flow log at some point.

Deswik.OPDB - 2019.1.708

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Issue Key Customer Ticket Description

OPDB- SUPPORT- Copy and paste - Disabled copying/cutting of blast holes to fix issue where blast hole
690 40096 origin point is not placed correctly when pasted.
OPDB- Fixed a bug where selecting figures in the model space stops working after opening
739 the Hole Templates dialog and adding a new hole template.

Deswik.Sched - 2019.1.708
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
SCHED-17003 SUPPORT-40771 Implemented pasting to incremental actuals tab in task information form.

Deswik.SO - 2019.1.708
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
SO-911 SUPPORT- SO Post processing - Troughs/shoulders, disabled the interrogation message box
SO-931 CAD integration test failure for Tools | Underground | Deswik.SO (Stope Optimizer) in
2019.3.99 (DUFv4 Full Test Plan)

Deswik.UGDB - 2019.1.708
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
UGDB- SUPPORT- Show Editor | Ring Definitions | Manual - resolved an issue when placing rings
3213 37558 manually, where selecting on screen was glitchy
UGDB- SUPPORT- Resolved an issue where the fixed length of a hole was not preserved after copying
3361 41360 holes across rings.
UGDB- Fixed a bug where all ring plane definition outlines were loaded when charging holes.
UGDB- Resolved a bug where tool couldn't show detonator and delay annotations in ring
3366 section views.
UGDB- Resolved multiple layout issues with the Russian user interface
UGDB- SUPPORT- Fixed a bug where the tool failed to copy a hole from a ring.
3371 41470


Deswik.Blend - 2019.1.742

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Issue Key Customer Ticket Description

BLEND- SUPPORT- BLEND-LHS: Update Blend LHS outputs to give additional detail on CycleTimes and
2641 36540 Truck Hours for each flow task.
BLEND- SUPPORT- Activation of Deswik.LHS option will no longer causes invalid penalty weightings.
2709 40342
BLEND- Deswik.Blend - Model Setup | Blending Periods changes are not updated in the Time
2713 Scale
BLEND- SUPPORT- Resolved exception when running Blend.LHS on scenarios that contained dump
2731 41780 nodes with no incoming links

Deswik.CAD - 2019.1.742
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
CAD- New commands running in process map tabs between open documents
CAD- Align Viewport View Horizontally/Vertically operations can now be undone.
CAD- SUPPORT- Draw | Annotation | Polyline - Fixed issue where annotations added from a block file
32708 36853 were not visible.
CAD- SUPPORT- View | Copy to Clipboard - Fixed an issue where block model slices would sometimes
34858 40632 be offset when copied to a clipboard image.
CAD- View | Visual Styles | Shaded - fixed visibility issues associated with 'Show 3D' and
35026 UGDrillholes
CAD- Tools | Geological Models | Block Model Properties - fixed an issue that occurred
35037 when attempting to report by legend using elevations
CAD- SUPPORT- Resolved an issue where drillhole dip was incorrect after desurvey
35153 41111
CAD- SUPPORT- File | Export | Cad and Other Formats will now export with the correct colors when
35208 41164 using a custom palette.
CAD- SUPPORT- Draw | Text | Quick Block Text - Fixed an issue with incorrect layer visibility when text
35252 41275 is copied to a different layer.
CAD- Tools | Block Model Properties - resolved an issue where generating statistics when
35433 using a filter gave odd results for a supplied data set
CAD- Tools | Survey | Clean up Tunnel Point Cloud - resolved an issue affecting large-scale
35448 coordinates
CAD- SUPPORT- Resolved an issue where "Move or Copy to Layers" always copied figures to a layer and
35451 41738 did not move them.
CAD- SUPPORT- Draw | Annotation | Polyline - made changes to guard against an intermittent error
35452 41548 that occurred when generating polyline annotations
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Blocks | Write Block File - this command now repairs figures where block text
35453 41674 has been copied and values have been changed

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Issue Key Customer Ticket Description

CAD- SUPPORT- Modify | Attributes | Copy from figure - Fixed an issue where attribute values would
35461 41255 be copied incorrectly with some regional settings.
CAD- SUPPORT- Draw | Dimensions - exposed the property 'Decimal Precision Angles' which allows
35465 41773 users to override the number of decimal places displayed for angular dimensions
CAD- SUPPORT- Resolved an issue where importing and exporting viewport grid settings did not work.
35466 41776
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Survey | Export Stations To Instruments - resolved a crash when adding a new
35467 41492 filter, deleting it and then adding another
CAD- Tools | Survey | Export To Instrument - resolved an issue where the 'Export As'
35468 column/field still appeared disabled even though accessible
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Query | Surface Cut and Fill Volumes - resolved an issue where 'Volume Below'
35480 41809 was reported as 'lower surface error'
CAD- SUPPORT- Modify | Solids | Boolean Operations | Union - resolved an error that occurred for a
35482 41770 specific data set
CAD- SUPPORT- Layer | Combine To Parent - resolved an issue where the resulting solid could be
35492 41834 selected but was not visible
CAD- Deswik Geomodel surfaces import could result in Deswik.CAD hanging
CAD- SUPPORT- File | Import | Micromine - Ensure solids without attributes are imported from a
35524 41624 Micromine triangulation file
CAD- SUPPORT- Draw | Annotation | Point - resolved a bug where annotation formats did not work
35538 41961 correctly for dates
CAD- View | Dock Windows | Process Map - resolved an issue where an error occurred when
35546 attempting to label polylines when running the command Modify | Polylines | Label
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Query | Surface Cut And Fill Volumes and Tools | Query | Solid Volume
35577 42155 Between Surfaces - resolved an issue where different volumes resulted for 'cut-fill' vs
'between surfaces'
CAD- Tools | Interrogate | Batch Interrogation - resolved a bug that occurred when
35597 attempting to display a pivot table
CAD- SUPPORT- Draw | Unfolded Section - resolved a bug where the application froze when
35598 41829 attempting to make an unfolded section layer visible after applying a plane definition
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Underground | Reconciliation | Polyline Reporting - fixed a bug where design
35602 42186 solid increments showed total design volume instead of incremental volume
CAD- SUPPORT- Draw | Annotation | Polyline - fixed a bug where the 'From entity' option did not
35608 42136 correctly apply color if the entity was colored by layer
CAD- Modify | Register | Surface Vertices To Solids now works for points

Deswik.GeoTools - 2019.1.742

Deswik.Suite 2019.1 - Release Notes

Issue Key Customer Ticket Description

GEO- Mapping - A new option 'Prompt' has been added in mapping feature configuration,
1738 when ticked off, user won't be prompt for input.

Deswik.IS - 2019.1.742
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
IS-3236 Deswik.CAD - Animation Period - Date Range Colouring overwritten by Period Progress
Plot Date Range
IS-3238 SUPPORT- Batch Updates | Import and Export Tools | Import tasks from another schedule -
40613 Exception Message
IS-3246 Deswik.IS - Dependency Rule - Inside Task not working
IS-3253 SUPPORT- Deswik.IS - Remove All Filters in Deswik.Sched does not remove the "Display tasks for
42212 selected graphics" filter

Deswik.Sched - 2019.1.742
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
SCHED- Border settings can now be set in Batch Print
SCHED- SUPPORT- Deswik.Sched - Quick Access Toolbar fields for Predecessor and Successor filter cells
17143 41880 take up too much space in 2019.1 compared to 2018.4
SCHED- SUPPORT- Recalculate on drag now available for ribbons
17144 41879

Deswik.UGDB - 2019.1.742
Issue Key Customer Ticket Description
UGDB-3384 SUPPORT-41762 Changing drill hole lengths when ring put into drawbell mode
UGDB-3387 Resolved an issue where the drillhole dump angle couldn't be reset to 0.
UGDB-3388 SUPPORT-41086 Unable to Load UDGB Pluggin in MDM Template
UGDB-3396 SUPPORT-41891 Resolved an issue with winze being incorrectly added to the document


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