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● You’ll use this file for the first three activities in the course. You will submit it for the peer
review activity at the end of Week 2. Save it in a place where you can easily access it.
○ You can edit and save this document in Google Drive.
○ If you download this document, keep it in a place you can find it later.
● The content you put into this document will be used for later lessons.
○ It is recommended that you do not skip any activity in any of the lessons.
○ It is recommended that you update this document as you complete the
● Requirements:
○ Answer all the questions in this document
○ When complete, download this as a PDF document for submission in the peer
review assignment.
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○ Remove this section before submitting

Company Information: Connective

Week 1 Activities 1: Writing a Mission Statement

Mission Statement


Week 1 Activity 2: Company Communications Plan

Inclusive Culture Scenarios

Scenario A

Scenario B

Scenario C

Week 2 Activity: Creating an Inclusive Culture

Company Information: Connective

Company Information
Connective is a modern communication organization that helps businesses stay connected.
They specialize in helping distributed workforces collaborate with a suite of software tools like
video conferencing and cloud-based phone systems.

Connective's solutions enable teams to stay connected and collaborate effectively, no matter
where they are located. Whether it's through advanced video conferencing software,
cloud-based phone systems, or other cutting-edge communication tools, Connective
empowers businesses to stay connected and productive.

In an age where remote work is becoming increasingly common, Connective is committed to

providing businesses with the tools they need to stay connected and thrive. With Connective's
innovative solutions, your team can work from anywhere without missing a beat.
Week 1 Activities 1:
Writing a Mission Statement
There are two required parts of this activity: the Mission Statement and the Description.Using
the Company Information above, write a mission statement for Connective. A mission
statement should be a statement that is simple, captivating, measurable, and relevant.

Preparation: First, answer the following questions to help write you statement:

1. What does Connective do?

2. Why does Connective do this?

3. How does Connective do this?

Mission Statement
Write your mission statement below. Make sure that it is concrete, action-oriented, and
addressed the questions you answered above.

Now describe your mission statement. Why is this a good mission statement for Connective?
Why is relevant and how does it address the questions about what Connective does?
Week 1 Activity 2:
Company Communications Plan
There are three required parts of this activity: Internal Email Introduction, Employee Handbook
Introduction, and Training Introduction.

Internal Email Introduction

Write an introduction to Connective’s new mission statement. This email will be sent out to all
employees. The email should be brief, but introduces the new mission statement and the
reasoning why this mission statement is appropriate for Connective. This email should describe
why the mission statement was written and how it is applicable.
Employee Handbook Introduction
Now write an introduction to Connective’s mission statement that can be included in the
mission statement section of the employee handbook. This introduction, like the email, should
include why the mission statement was written and how it is appropriate for Connective.
Training Introduction
The final introduction that you will write is to introduce the mission statement to new
employees during the onboarding process. Remember that unlike the previous introductions,
this one is aimed at employees who are not as familiar with Connective and so may need more
details to understand why it is relevant.
Inclusive Culture Scenarios
As a reminder, Connective is a modern communication organization that helps businesses stay
connected. They specialize in helping distributed workforces collaborate with a suite of
software tools like video conferencing and cloud-based phone systems.

Scenario A
An employee has come to you and mentioned that they will be taking some time in the next
month to celebrate their religious holidays. They are somewhat frustrated that they will need to
use PTO time for these holidays even though they and their family do not celebrate Christmas,
which is a holiday that Connective closes for.

Scenario B
An employee has come to you and mentioned that they don’t feel totally comfortable working
with their new team members. Everyone has been cordial, but not particularly friendly. This
employee is a person of color and the new team they have joined is all white. When you ask
the team leader about this, they say: “We’re just a really tight-knit group and anyone would
have a hard time for the first few weeks.”

Scenario C
You and the rest of the HR team have recently completed an audit of all the employees at the
company. After some recent transfers and retirements, it has come to your attention that there
are no women working in the marketing department at all. There is an opportunity to fill a few
roles in the department and one person who was considering a transfer to the department
mentioned that they’re not particularly interested in working in “the boys club.”
Week 2 Activity:
Creating an Inclusive Culture
In this activity you will make suggestions to make Connective a more inclusive workplace based
on TWO of the three Inclusive Culture Scenarios. These suggestions should include policy
changes and/or inititiaves aimed at improving Connective’s culture. You’ll also need to make
sure to describe why you made the suggestion you did.

The policy or initiative suggestion(s) and description are required for TWO scenarios. Please
make sure to complete the activity under the scenarios you chose and leave the other one

Scenario A
An employee has come to you and mentioned that they will be taking some time in the next
month to celebrate their religious holidays. They are somewhat frustrated that they will need to
use PTO time for these holidays even though they and their family do not celebrate Christmas,
which is a holiday that Connective closes for.

Policy or Initiative Suggestion(s)

Description: Why did you make these suggestions?

Scenario B
An employee has come to you and mentioned that they don’t feel totally comfortable working
with their new team members. Everyone has been cordial, but not particularly friendly. This
employee is a person of color and the new team they have joined is all white. When you ask
the team leader about this, they say: “We’re just a really tight-knit group and anyone would
have a hard time for the first few weeks.”

Policy or Initiative Suggestion(s)

Description: Why did you make these suggestions?

Scenario C
You and the rest of the HR team have recently completed an audit of all the employees at the
company. After some recent transfers and retirements, it has come to your attention that there
are no women working in the marketing department at all. There is an opportunity to fill a few
roles in the department and one person who was considering a transfer to the department
mentioned that they’re not particularly interested in working in “the boys club.”

Policy or Initiative Suggestion(s)

Description: Why did you make these suggestions?

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