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1) A 50 year old female experienced a feeling of fullness in her neck. Physical examination revealed an enlarged
,assymmetric thyroid with one distinct palpable nodule in the left lobe . Laboratory test findings,including
thyroid function test ,are normal. A Fine –needle aspirate of the thyroid gland showed no malignancy cells.
It is most likely to show findings concistent with :
A. Follicular carcinoma
B. Follicular adenoma
C. Papillary Carcinoma
D. Medullary Carcinoma
E. Anaplastic carcinoma

2) A 45 year old women felt a lump on her right side neck for 3 months. Physical examination reveals a 4-to 6-
cm, firm, mobile,painless mass palpable around her right subauricular.The oral mucosa appears normal and
she does not complain of difficulty chewing food or talking. A Fine-needle aspiration biopsy showed fragments
glandular epithelial without lymphoid tissue and no malignant cells.
Which of the following conditions is most likely to account for these findings?
A. Sialolithiasis
B. Pleomorphic adenoma
C. Papillary carcinoma
D. Carcinoma epidermoid
E. Adenocarcinoma

3) A 55 year old women has been feeling tired and sluggihs for more than 1 year.her thyroid gland slightly
enlarged on physical examination.She has a decreased serum level of T4, but serum TSH concentration is
greatly increased. FNAB of her thyroid showed prominent formation of germinal centers.
Which of the following conditions is most likely to account for these findings?
A. Hasihimoto’s thyroiditis
B. Pleomorphic adenoma
C. Papillary carcinoma
D. Carcinoma epidermoid
E. Adenocarcinoma

4) A 25 year male presents with left cervical lymphadenopathy.physical examination reveals firm nontender
cervical lymph nodes ranging from 1 to 2 cm indiameter.The overlying skin is intact and non erythematous.a
Fine needle Aspiration biopsy was performed and showed dominant Reed Sternberg cells. Which of the
following conditions is most likely to account for these findings?
A. Metastatic carcinoma
B. Acute myelogemous leukemia
C. Hodgkin disease
D. Follicular lympoma
E. Mycosis Fungiodes

5) A30 year-old girl came to a physician for consulting her a nipple (R) discharge which smeared with blood. The
physical examination revealed a 2-cm firm mass in the medial-upper quadrant of her right breast. This breast
is most likely to be in condition of :
A. Intradutal Papilloma in Fibroadenoma
B. Intraductal Papilloma in Fibrocystic disease
C. Chronic mastitis tuberculosa
D. Sclerosing Fibroadenosis

6) The microscopic appearance of biopsy over a mass in the right breast of a 55-year-old lady revealed a ductal
cell carcinoma. Analysis on the malignant tumor is then performed to determine the presence and amount of
Estrogen and Progesteron Receptor. Determining the ER-PR status is useful to predict:
A. Immunogenicity of the tumor
B. Risk for familial breast cancer
C. Response to chemotherapy
D. Tumor stage
E. Probability of 5-year survival rate

7) A 25-year-old girl came to a physician for consulting a 2 cm mass in her left breast. The microscopic appearance
of the biopsy from her mass showed an infiltrating ductal carcinoma. The Family history revealed that her
mother, grandmother and her aunt have had similar lesion. Which of the following genes is most likely
required for an analysis?
B. c-erb-B2
C. c-myc
D. Rb1
E. Estrogen receptor gene

8) A 20-year age man consulted his multiple enlargement lymph nodes of cervical sinistra on his left neck. The
thorax photo imaged no abnormality but the needle biopsy one node from lymph nodes indicated
metastasized squamous carcinoma.
Where is the most likely the location of primary tumor ?
A. Skin tumor around his neck
B. Bronchoalveolar of lung
C. Parotis gland
D. Nasopharynx
E. Mammary gland

9) A 54-year old woman came to consult her enlarged retro auricular nodule dextra. The physical examination
found no other abnormality. An open biopsy was then performed. Microscopic shows papillary structure
covered by a double layer oncocytic cells. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Warthin tumour
B. Lymphoma maligna
C. Carcinoma nasopharynx
D. Pleomorphic adenoma
E. Adenoid cystic Ca.

10) A 60-year old female has had enlarging mass on the left side of her face over 3 weeks.On physical examination,
there is a 3-cm mass ,firm, mobile in the region of left parotid gland. Needle biopsy shows component of
epithelial, myoepithelial and stromal tissues but no malignant cells.
Her mass is most likely a (an):
A. Sialadenosis
B. Sialadenitis
C. Sialolithiasis
D. Pleiomorphic adenoma
E. Pleiomorphic carcinoma

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