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First of all, actions carry much more weight than words when building trust.

Furthermore, trust is very

important in every type of relationship. Without trust, no relationship can survive.

Moreover, it’s easy to try to build trust by speaking some words. However, building trust through actions
is not so easy. Merely speaking words will never create a long-lasting healthy relationship. What really
matters in building solid relationships are the actions.

Actions are a huge requirement when committing to goals. Many people make great claims when it
comes to goals. However, those claims or words will be without any value if not backed by action.
Similarly, people make grand New Year resolutions for their careers. But these resolutions will certainly
be nonsense talk if the person makes no effort to pursue his goals.

Actions are essential when it comes to parenting. Kids quickly learn that words are a bunch of false
promises if no action takes place. Furthermore, many parents warn their kids of the punishments in case
of certain wrongdoings.

But some of those parents refuse to punish kids after they do wrongdoing. Due to this, kids don’t value
the warnings and threats of their parents. Similarly, some parents make promises of a gift but later on,
let go of the idea. In this case, too, kids will not take words of parents seriously.

Actions are certainly of paramount importance when it comes to leadership. The orders and instructions
from a leader will not matter much if the leader is actionless. Furthermore, in an organization employees
often see a lazy boss doing nothing. This creates tremendous demotivation among them. Hence, the
leader must take suitable action to show everyone that he means what he says.

In conclusion, the proverb “action speaks louder than words” is a valuable life lesson. Furthermore,
when an individual uses words, it is much easier to lie. However, an action strongly correlates with what
one wants and believes. Actions certainly speak the truth.

People say things and make promises they have no intention of keeping on a daily basis. You can tell
someone you love him or her as many times as you want, but until your behavior coincides with that, the
other person will probably not believe you. Some feelings cannot be expressed in mere words; they
require actions to speak for them. Words are cheap, anyone can tell someone they love them, but they
will not feel the immensity of these emotions until they are acted upon.
This concept applies to almost every situation in a person’s life. In relationships, if one partner is
consistently coming home late from work and not answering his or her phone, the other will probably
think this person is cheating. This is a valid concern, since the partner’s actions are running contrary to
how a relationship should be. This concern will only grow as the actions contradict the faithful promises
that were once made. No protests of love will be able to convince otherwise because the actions are
looked at over the words

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