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No 13, Merriness Street,

Maryland Park,
53100 Gombak,
Kuala Lumpur.

The Director,
Avid Library,
53100 Gombak,
Kuala Lumpur. 13 December 2018

Dear Sir,

Dissatisfaction over the inconveniences of Avid Library

I am writing this letter to draw your attention to the above title. As the representative of the community, I am calling to tell you
that the 300 residents living in Maryland Park are extremely discontented about the lackadaisical attitude of the management of
the library that was once frequently visited.

First of all, I wish to express my dissatisfaction pertaining to the reading materials provided at your well-established
library. Being the only library within our reach, we expect it to have adequate and updated materials. On the contrary, the
storybooks are not only inadequate yet they are left scattered on the floor creating such an unpleasant sight. The revision books
on the other hand are very limited in number making it hard for the students to do revision for their upcoming examinations.
Additionally, the outdated and moth-eaten newspapers and magazines are preventing the visitors from getting the latest
information they wish to read about.

The library seems out of proportion since it can no longer cater to our needs. Most of the facilities are worn out. The
rusty and squeaky chairs and tables force the visitors to sit on the floor giving them discomfort to enjoy reading. Most of the
time they decide to walk out of the crowded place which is jam-packed especially on the weekends. Another problem
encountered by the visitors is regarding the librarians. There has been a deluge of complaints about the rude librarians who use
brash language when dealing with the visitors.

For your information, some of the residents are less fortunate. They rely solely on the facilities provided by the library to
get their assignment done. To their dismay, the internet access in your library is not of much help since it has limited network
coverage. They often waste their time waiting for a page to load. At our residential, it is a norm for the residents to visit the
library on the weekends and public holidays. Sadly, the operating hours are not fixed. They open and close it without informing
the visitors beforehand causing them troubles having to come just to see it locked. Furthermore, the bad lighting is another
catastrophe causing users to feel sluggish and sleepy while reading and jeopardizing their health.

A library is expected to serve its purpose of providing comfortable environment for reading yet it does not happen to
your library. The air-conditioners have been faulty since the last time I came to the library which was three months ago. It is
unbearable for the visitors to stand the heat with people swarming in. Last but not least, the cleanliness is far from its standard
with the uncollected rubbish from food residue creating obnoxious stench.

I would like to air some suggestions you might find helpful to help improve the condition of your library. We have made
numerous appeals to the librarians to look into our complaints but to no avail. Firstly, do hire more janitors to ensure the
cleanliness of the library is well maintained besides fining those who bring food and beverages into the library. Secondly, repair
or replace all those defective and malfunctioning equipment for the comfort of the users.

We have been putting up with this predicament for more than a month. Having mentioned all the complaints I gathered
from the users, I hope you will look into this matter as soon as possible. Your cooperation is highly appreciated. Thank you.

Yours Faithfully,


Mary Anne Abdullah

#Nothingistoolateuntilyoustoptrying #Youcandoit #Allthebest #Breakaleg #RoadtoAs #TripleOneNine

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