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Android November 5, 2007 Mobile Google

Linux Unix and Linux history. Various Linus
Windows Microsoft Windows history. IBM Microsoft

Mac OS Apple operating system Apple Apple

history. Macintosh

UBUNTU October 20, 2004

1. What is Operating System?

A. It acts as an interface between the hardware and application programs.

B. It is a collection of programs that manage hardware resources.
C. It is a system service provider to the application programs.

2. The first UNIX operating system was written in

Programming C

3. DOS stands for

Disk Operating System

4. Which of the following operating does not implement multitasking truly?


5. Which of the following is an example of operating system?


6. The operating system is the most common type of ______ software.


7. The process to start or restart the computer is known as


8. OS stands for
Operating System

A computer system consists of two major elements:hardware and

software. Computer hardware is the collection of all the parts you can
physically touch.Computer software, on the other hand, is not something you
can touch. Software is a set of instructions for a computer to perform specific

Computer hardware
parts or components of a computer, central processing unit, monitor, keyboard,
computer data storage, graphics card, sound card, speakers and motherboard.

System software to run application software. For Microsoft software users,

Windows (operating system, (right)) is system software, and the Office Suite
(games, Word, Powerpoint, Excel, etc. (left)) is application software.

1. Identify the network hardware of a home network

Access Point

2. Computers process data under the control of sets of instructions termed as

computer programs

3. Computer programs are known as


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