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Context of Text


Sharicah Kindra Lumakin

Mariel Escuadra
Rosell Pelicano
Nicar Boldios
Jude Lagunzad
1. Hypertext or
2. Intertext or
a. Obligatory Intertextuality
b. Optional Intertextuality
c. Accidental Intertextuality
A. Hypertext
- is text displayed on a computer display or other
electronic devices with references (Hyperlinks) to
other text which the reader can immediately access,
or where text can be revealed progressively at
multiple level of details.
B. Intertextuality
- is the shaping of the text’s meaning by
another text. Intertextual figure include.
Allusion, quotation, calque, plagiarism,
- is a literary device that
Creates an interrationship
Between text’s and generates
related understanding in
Separated works.
Types of
1. Obligatory
- is when the writer
deliberately involves a
comparison or association
between two or more text.
2. Optional Intertextuality
- has a less vital important on the
significance of the hyperlinks. It is
impossible, but not essential
relationship that if, the connection will
slightly shift the understanding of the
- the intent of the writer when sing
optional intertextuality is to play
homage to the original writer.
- is when readers often connect a
text with another text cultural
practice or a personal experience
without there being any tangible
anchor point within the original text

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