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Human Divination Matrix - HD Birth Chart

Type Manifesting Generator

Amir Profile 2/4 Hermit Opportunist
Birth Date: 1.1.1966 19:0:0 local Inner Authority Sacral
Design Date: 6.10.1965 02:32:53 UTC
Definition Split definiton

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Human Divination Matrix - HD Birth Chart

A 48 4 11 g Libra Capricorn j 6 38 2 A Sun

O 21 4 5 a Aries Cancer d 12 39 2 O Earth

L 16 1 6 c Gemini Gemini c 11 20 5 L North

M 9 1 12 i Sagittarius Sagittarius i 5 34 5 M South

B 49 3 3 k Aquarius Aries a 9 3 1 B Moon

C 57 5 11 g Libra Sagittarius i 5 26 5 C Mercury

D 14 2 12 h Scorpio Aquarius k 7 13 1 D Venus

E 34 2 12 i Sagittarius Aquarius k 7 41 6 E Mars

F 15 3 7 d Cancer Gemini c 11 12 2 F Jupiter

G 63 1 4 l Pisces Pisces l 8 63 2 G Saturn

H 64 6 10 f Virgo Virgo f 2 47 3 H Uranus

I 1 6 12 h Scorpio Scorpio h 4 43 3 I Neptune

J 47 1 10 f Virgo Virgo f 2 47 2 J Pluto

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Human Divination Matrix - HD Birth Chart

Head center: Defined

The Head Center is the pressure to think. This is one of two pressure centers (the other is the
Root). It is the fuel to think though questions, doubts, and confusion.

The defined Head center has the ability to be inspirational. When it's not trying to figure out its own
life, its perspective can bring information into the world.

Gate 64 - Gate of Confusion H

Confusion energy is the abstract. ''We have all these little pieces of the puzzle, how do they go
together?'' You have the ability to identify all the pieces, but may struggle to put it all together. In
looking at all the pieces it can be a bit confusing or dizzying.

Gate 63 - Gate of Doubt GG

Doubt is the energy of logical questioning. It is the first step of analysis in the logic circuit. When
the first cell phone was invented, this gate asked the questions, ''Is it safe? Will it work? Will
people actually use them?'' This energy starts the drive to find the answer through logic.

Ajna center: Defined

The Ajna Center is how you think. A defined Ajna center has a fixed and reliable way in which it
processes information.

It can seem and feel certain of its opinions, concepts, and theories. It has a consistent way of
conceptualizing, and sees information through the same patterns.

Gate 47 - Gate of Realizing HJJ

Th energy of the Realizing Gate is to pull the abstract pieces from the complementary gate 64
into a whole cohesive idea in the ''AHA!'' moment. This is the epiphany and is the creation of a
whole concept or process from the abstract, without using logic. Before it was pieces and now it
is a whole.

Gate 43 - Gate of Insight I

The Gate of Insight is the energy of awareness and knowing. To communicate the observed
insight successfully, however, you need to wait to be recognized before speaking. The voice of
this channel is, ''I know''.

Throat center: Defined

The Throat Center is about communication. The Throat is the point towards which all the energy in
the body is moving to find expression. It is through this center that manifestation, metamorphosis,
and transformation take place.

The defined Throat speaks in a fixed way, with a consistent expression from whatever energy
center it is connected to.

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Gate 63 - Gate of Doubt GG

Doubt is the energy of logical questioning. It is the first step of analysis in the logic circuit. When
the first cell phone was invented, this gate asked the questions, ''Is it safe? Will it work? Will
people actually use them?'' This energy starts the drive to find the answer through logic.

Gate 12 - Gate of Caution F

The Gate of Caution is the energy of speaking from heart in an individual way. The energy that
says, ''I love you''. It can express itself through shyness as it is vulnerable.

Gate 20 - Gate of The Now L

The Gate of the Now is the energy of contemplation and recognition of what deeds should be
brought into form.

Gate 16 - Gate of Skills L

Skills energy is talent for life which has an enthusiasm for expression. Music, dance, art, and
speaking are common expressions of this energy. Without the complementary Gate of Depth
(gate 48), the expression of this energy may be varied and shallow. Coupled with gate 48, there
is depth. For example, in the group known as The Beatles, John Lennon had the 48 and Paul
McCartney has the 16.

G-Self center: Undefined

The G Center is the identity of the self. This center is about love, behavior, and direction.

The undefined G center has no fixed identity, and can be confused because it is always changing,
as each environment brings a new identity. Many open G's can feel like they need to hold on to a
certain identity or love in order to feel secure. The wisdom here is to know that there is no fixed
identity and that place (geographic location) is your friend. The open G question is: "Am I looking for
love and direction?"

Gate 1 - Gate of Self-Expression I

Self-Expression is the gate of the creative self. This energy wants to create in a big way and
with a unique style. This creation energy is determined to draw attention to oneself.

Gate 13 - Gate of Listener D

The Listener is the energy of listening and being open. This energy attracts others to come and
share their experiences with you. Sometimes these will be secrets they didn't intend to share,
because the energy of this gate evoked their expression.

Gate 15 - Gate of Extremes F

The Gate of Extremes is energy that expresses itself through extreme rhythms. Whether it be
your personal cycle with respect to times you eat, get up and go to sleep or other patterns, the
gate of extremes will demand a change from a repetitive cycle after a while. This is also the
energy of the love of humanity, the concern for fellow humans and the drive to bring other
humans into the flow of life.

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Heart/Ego center: Undefined

The Ego center is about willpower. This is where the will to do something or not is expressed as an

The undefined Ego is always under pressure to prove and improve itself. This can be experienced
as a deep lack of self worth. The vast majority of people have No willpower, and suffer greatly
because the world puts great emphasis on being able to do what you say. The wisdom of the open
ego is to know that you are worthy, and to never make promises based in will, or what you or others
think you should do. The open Ego center question is : " Do I have something to prove or

Gate 21 - Gate of The Hunter/Huntress O

It is the Hunter/Huntress who controls where you live, what you want and what you eat. This
energy has the drive to create or gather material things and wealth.

Gate 26 - Gate of The Egoist C

The Egoist is the gate of the deal maker or the salesman. From this energy can come
manipulation and lies, or truth.

Spleen/Splenic center: Defined

The Spleen is about survival. The Spleen is our oldest and most primal awareness. The Spleen is
also completely existential, meaning that it only works in the now. Based in instinct, it is what is
often referred to as intuition. This body-knowing runs through the lymphatic system. Like little
tongues, noses and ears covering the body, it is a cat-like sense.

Defined Spleens have a fixed sense of well being and can know in the moment how to act in order
to survive and be healthy.

Gate 48 - Gate of Depth A

With the Gate of Depth, you tend to do or analyze things in great depth. You look at the size
and scope of it all and work it in great detail. You may on occasion struggle with feelings that
your work is inadequate due to this drive to do things deeply.

Gate 57 - Gate of Intuitive Insight C

Sometimes called the psychic gate, the Intuitive Insight Gate is about knowing in the now. This
gate gives you consistent energy to experience intuition and a knowingness beyond this
physical reality.

Sacral center: Defined

The Sacral Center is the source of life force. It is reproductive, life sustaining energy.

The defined Sacral has the capacity to sustain work and create in the world. The Sacral is a
response motor and regenerates itself through the correct application of its energy. However, the
opposite is also true: it can degenerate into frustration when forced to do work that is not satisfying.

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Gate 14 - Gate of Power Skills D

Power Skills energy fuels your direction in life. It is in the channel of the beat and is called
''Keeper of the Keys''. It carries with it an assurance that wealth or the accumulation of material
things is guaranteed. This energy is fuel to empower the self.

Gate 9 - Gate of Focus M

The Gate of Focus is the power and the energy to remain focused. This energy is driven to
repeat and experiment. Without the its complementary gate 52, this energy can exhibit attributes
of ADD or ADHD.

Gate 3 - Gate of Ordering B

The Gate of Ordering is the energy to finish or complete things. When tasks or projects get
started they set off in a direction but they do not always have a clear path or a visible resolution.
This energy helps to order or organize the solution so it can come to pass.

Gate 34 - Gate of Power ME

The Gate of Power is the busiest, most capable energy in the chart. This is a design of the
multitasker. It carries an enormous amount of power, but only in response. When the 34 is not
busy, they are in agony.

Emotional/Solar-Plexus center: Undefined

The Solar Plexus is about emotion.

An undefined Solar Plexus means that you are taking in the emotions of others and amplifying
them. The open emotional being has learned to make nice and play nice in order to avoid the
volatility of the emotional world. The wisdom here is that you should never trust how you feel (the
emotions of others) or allow yourself to be pressured emotionally by others. The open Solar Plexus
question is : "Am I avoiding confrontation and truth?"

Gate 49 - Gate of Principles B

The Gate of Principles is the energy of principles and revolution. If the activity or behavior is not
within the boundaries of the perceived principles, then this energy will push for revolution and
change until it falls within the range of the principle.

Root center: Undefined

The Root Center is about adrenal pressure. It is one of the two pressure centers (the other is the
Head). The Root center's pressure moves energy up through the body to fuel action.

The undefined Root is dealing with an amplification of this adrenal stress that comes into the body
as a physical pressure to be in a hurry. The undefined Root can be constantly hijacked by the
pressure of modern life. The wisdom here is to know that this is not their energy and there is no
need to rush; it is okay to feel the pressure and just let it be. The open root question is "Am I in a
hurry to get everything done so I can be free of the pressure?"

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Gate 39 - Gate of The Provocateur O

The Provocateur is the energy to provoke into action. It is an energetic burst to create change
from the emotional stillness or sadness.

Gate 41 - Gate of Contraction E

The Gate of Contraction is the energy of contracting or pulling back. It is an emotional energy of
regrouping in preparation for the next expansion.

Gate 38 - Gate of The Fighter A

The Fighter is the energy to find out what is worth struggling for. It is about finding meaning in
life and, through this process, becoming wise about the struggle to find meaning.

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Channel 20-34 - Channel of Charisma

A design where thougths must become deeds. Manifesting generated channel.

The Channel of Charisma, 34 - 20, links the Sacral Center through the 34, the Gate of Power, to the
20, the Gate of Now in the throat. Here we have the "classic" Manifesting Generator.

We have to be clear in our understanding that a Manifesting Generator can manifest but only in
response. Even in response they have to wait for the clarity that only comes after they start their
response. They don't really know if they have the uh-huh response until they begin to respond.

Since this is one of the Integration Channels people with this channel defined are simply being busy
for themselves and about themselves. Without a sense of what it is doing, the channel often needs
guidance from others from time to time. Yet as part of the Individual Circuitry (it shares the 20), the
20-34 is attuned to an acoustic harmony, and tends to be deaf to input from outside sources.

People with this channel may think they have to stay busy and can appear to the outside observer
as amazing in the scope of accomplishment. But without a clear response mechanism, the 20 - 34
can easily wind up frustrated in their personal sense of achievement and utterly exhausted.

Good advice to give people with this channel: Unless you want to end up trapped into being a work
horse for somebody else's gain, don't do or say anything unless you are responding. The business
has to happen out of response. Only then will you make sure you are busy for yourself, otherwise
life will be depressing.

Channel 48-16 - Channel of Wavelength

A design of talent. The art of mastery. Awareness stream of taste.

The Channel of Talent 16-48, links the Splenic Center through the 48, the Gate of Depth, to the 16,
the Gate of Skills in the Throat. This channel gives the collective access to the depths and skills to
promote Mastery. Mastery comes from repetitive experiments while striving for perfection.

This is the master and apprentice relationship where the master shares her talents with the
apprentice. This sharing can go on for years if necessary until the apprentice develops the skills.
The sharing is a repetitive process, so they might share the same talent with you over and over, like
the apprentice practicing.

Since this is a projected channel there is always some desire for recognition. Talent is amazing
when it is energized, and frustrated and anxious when not. Since money can be a form of
recognition, the 16-48 will usually find a way to be socially competent in order to make money. So
people with this channel want to share their talents with you in order to improve their own talents to
master them.

They may even want you to share your own talents, but only because 48 is always on the lookout
for vital information and the 16 is always considering new ways to experiment. You see again that
the sharing, in whichever direction, is for the satisfaction of the one who is collective.

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Channel 57-20 - Channel of The Brainwave

A design of penetrating awareness. Stream of intuitive awareness.

The Channel of the Brainwave - 20-57, links the Spleen Center through the 57, the Gate of Intuitive
Clarity, to the 20, the Gate of the Now in the Throat Center. This is the voice of intuition. One of the
most extraordinary capacities humans have, via this channel, is pure intuition that can speak.

Although the spleen is in charge of health and well being, it's not an energy center so while this
channel can be very aware of what's necessary for health and well being, it's not necessarily able to
actually do anything about it. The most profound function of this channel is to empower others to be
intelligent. Here we have an individual deeply absorbed in intelligence. The spleen operates in the
moment, and the 57 is always listening to the subtle cues of their environment, going beyond the
surface details of what they are hearing.

Their focus is on strategies that will enable their well being, and then on how to actually express it.
Their very focus becomes a way to share intelligence. And it all happens in the now. They will know
in the now what is healthy for them. If they ignore that, the moment will pass and they will suffer for
it. The best advice you could give someone with this channel is to listen to their instincts in the

Channel 57-34 - Channel of Power

A design of the Archetype. Stream of awareness.

The Channel of the Archetype - 34-57, links the Spleen Center through the 57, the Gate of Intuitive
Clarity, to the 34, the Gate of Power in the Sacral Center.

Here we are seeing the actual empowerment of intuitive intelligence as the sacral is connected to
the spleen. It is a direct link from the power of life to the awareness of health and well being.

Keep in mind, however, that this is not a channel to empower others and keep in mind, as well, that
in the sense of the not-self it is the most arrogant of all channel configurations.In a pretty bold
fashion this channel proclaims, 'I'm the one that has the power to survive'. And it couldn't care less if
you can or not. You barely exist to them.

This is why they are Archetypes. These people are designed to be Archetypes. of being human.
They are pure in their focus to be alive. Like an arrow in the sky their life force shoots by you. It is
neither shared with you nor meant to empower you. It is simply alive.

How that life force moves through space will depend on their full chart. But overall they are an
archetype of how all our charts are unique.

The 34th gate is the Power of the Great and when it feeds into the 57, we have this archetype from
our ancient mammalian past that stands above the rest in terms of being able to kill the most
animals for survival. The 57 operates on an acoustic level to screen all sounds for an ongoing sense
of harmony.

The 34, as a Generator Gate, responds with great power to implement things according to acoustic
changes that may affect one's realm of harmonic well-being.

The 34 - 57 is the archetype of aliveness and anyone with this channel in their Design can be

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extremely fit and healthy, - provided they follow their Design strategy. Sharing the 57 with Individual
channels, it is prone to melancholy and a tendency to attach reason to being moody. Provided any
person with this channel is clear about the nature of their moods, and adjusts to them without trying
to fix them, they remain healthy.

Channel 64-47 - Channel of Abstraction

A design of mental activity mixed with clarity. Awareness stream of sensing.

The Channel of Abstraction - 64-47, links the Head Center through the 64, the Gate of Confusion, to
the 47, the Gate of Realization in the Ajna Center. Since it is part of the Collective Circuit, obviously
sharing is a keynote for the channel, but since it is not part of the Understanding Circuit, logic and
the future are not.

Basically this channel is trying to make sense out of the past. The abstract is based upon
experience, so the 64-47 is always sifting through past experiences. It's sifting through a
kaleidoscope of images looking for the one that makes sense, the one to which it says "Aha! That's
it. I see the story."

Great advice to give someone with this channel: Confusion marks the beginning of an experience
for them and if they are patient enough with their process they will come out with a valuable story to
share. (47 is the gate of Realization, 64 Confusion). It is important that they share what they think,
since the collective is nothing without sharing.

The abstract mental person (the 64-47) wants to make sense of and share everything about the
past - both yours and theirs. "We all share the past, this is what I think makes sense." The 64 - 47 is
one of the 4 most common channels in humanity, so a big part of being human is always reviewing
what makes sense and what does not.

Like all channels from the Head to the Ajna, this is a projector channel. It is most successful when it
is recognized and invited to share its "sense" of the world. It's always important for people with
mental definitions to remember that the mind is NOT an authority for making decisions for oneself. It
is not an internal authority.

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