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Tutorial on How To Use Config Files And Games Lists

of EmuCon Frontend With Emu Loader Frontend

If you have a EmuCon install, you can use its games lists, configuration files of emulators,
emulators parameters, image categories, games custom fonts, video preview, favorites profiles.
All you have to do is copy some files and folders.

Frontends versions supported are Emu Loader v8.3 and EmuCon 2.7.7. Lets's assign some
frontend root folders to make this tutorial easier to follow:

EmuCon : c:\emulators\frontends\EmuCon\
Emu Loader: d:\EmuLoader\console_computer\

Ok then, based on the folders defined above, copy these files from EmuCon to Emu Loader:


WARNING: Starting from Emu Loader v8.3.5, EmuCon files are no longer compatible with Emu
Loader, with the exception of the above .ini files. EmuCon will not receive new updates.

Next, copy the games folder from EmuCon to Emu Loader (if you have it):
source.......: c:\emulators\frontends\EmuCon\games\
destination: d:\EmuLoader\console_computer\games\

Next, copy the played_games folder from EmuCon to Emu Loader (if you have it):
source.......: c:\emulators\frontends\EmuCon\played_games\
destination: d:\EmuLoader\console_computer\played_games\

Next, copy the game_cfg folder from EmuCon to Emu Loader (if you have it):
source.......: c:\emulators\frontends\EmuCon\game_cfg\
destination: d:\EmuLoader\console_computer\game_cfg\

The file videopreview.ini requires manual editing from your part, that is, if you don't want
to lose video preview folder settings from EmuCon.
First, open d:\EmuLoader\ini_files\videopreview.ini file in Emu Loader folder and
copy the entire [Arcade Folders] section (Ctrl+C shortcut ?). Close the file.
NOTE: if you haven't run Emu Loader v.8.3 yet, the section name might still be [Folders].

Next, open d:\emulators\frontends\EmuCon\videopreview.ini file in EmuCon folder

and paste that section you copied earlier at the top of the file (Ctrl+V shortcut ?). Then, make
sure to rename the [Folders] section to [Arcade Folders] if not already done. Save and
close the file.
NOTE: the section name for EmuCon is [Console/Computer Folders]. If you haven't run
EmuCon v2.7.6 or 2.7.7 yet, the section name might still be [Folders]. You may also rename it

When you're done, copy videopreview.ini from EmuCon to Emu Loader:

source.......: c:\emulators\frontends\EmuCon\videopreview.ini
destination: d:\EmuLoader\ini_files\videopreview.ini

Last item of this bag of tricks, favorites profiles. Starting from Emu Loader v8.3, a single profile
is used to store games list of both Emu Loader and EmuCon. It's a four-step update and easy to
follow. You need access to the main menu on both frontends. If you are doing a fresh Emu
Loader install, leave this for later.

To make the transition easy, filename extension changed from .ini to .txt and the favorites
folder moved to emuloader_dir\favorites\

Step #1: Update EmuCon favorites profiles, If you did this already with EmuCon v2.7.6, skip this
step. Open EmuCon v2.7.7, go to main menu, and select Update Favorites Profiles menu item.
Files will be converted and renamed to .txt extension.

Step #2: Copy all the .txt files from EmuCon into Emu Loader (don't copy .ini files):
source.......: c:\emulators\frontends\EmuCon\favorites\
destination: d:\EmuLoader\console_computer\favorites\

Step #3: Open Emu Loader, go to main menu and select Update Favorites Profiles (convert EL
v8.2.9 profiles and merge EmuCon profiles).
Files from d:\EmuLoader\ini_files\favorites\ folder will be renamed to .txt and
moved to the new d:\EmuLoader\favorites\ folder. Emu Loader and EmuCon profiles using
same filename will be merged into one and saved in the new favorites folder.

When it's finished, you can delete the following folders as they are no longer used by the
frontend... or you can leave them there if you need to do this update again in case something
goes wrong.

Ok, you can start playing console/computer/handheld games and add games to favorites lists
with Emu Loader. Everything you did in EmuCon can be done in Emu Loader, and more. You can
even play MAME software list games using these new emulators.
Play Nintendo64 games (n64.xml MAME softlist) with Project64 emulator or MSX 1 Cartridge
(msx1_cart.xml MAME softlist) with BlueMSX emulator. The possibilities are endless! :)

Oh, and don't forget, all these files are interchangeable between Emu Loader and EmuCon. You
can copy those files back and forth without worries! Emu Loader v8.3.5 and newer versions are
no longer compatible with EmuCon!

-- Master Control: End of line. (quote from TRON) --

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