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The customs and rituals involved in greeting someone are often different from country to
country,and unfamiliar customs can sometimes be confusing. Situations get even more
confusing when different greeting gestures are required between male and female,female and
female,male and male Travelers,especially when in unfamiliar cultures, almost need a manual
just to make sure not to offend someone when meeting and greeting.

In first conversation my dad and my mom said if you want to shaking hand in sundanese,
you should sungkem to your parents. Beside that, you should kiss your parents hands often
hug or kiss on the cheek.Sometimes if they meet each other they said “Wilujeng enjing”(good
morning) “Kumaha damang?(how are you?) “Damang”(good) etc.

In second conversation my friends (Ayya,Zalfa,Sheila) said if you want to shaking hand in

sundanese, you should tip on hand if you shake hand with men and woman. When two
woman meet,they sometimes give one kiss on the cheek, hug and sometimes ask
“sampurasun” “rampes”. When two men meet, they sometimes give high five, shake hand ,
hug , and sometimes if they meet each other they said ”sampurasun” “rampes” etc.

Sundanese people are very friendly and it is polite to smile often while talking to
them.Sundanese also consider politeness very important so they never raise their voices,
even when in serious conversations. It is polite to always speak calmly.

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