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SHOW AND TELL May 2, 2014


SIS, KG and Primary Wing organized Show and Tell Activity on 1st May 2014 to strengthen the verbal
skills and to foster public speaking competency of the young minds.

The students from Playschool to class II participated in this activity which helped them to build their self-
confidence and self-esteem. It enabled them to improve their descriptive skills by communicating
feelings, thoughts and emotions with words.

The students were informed to bring their favorite toy or any object of their choice. They were excited
to share their descriptive narration and waited eagerly for their turn to show and tell. Thus, this event
helped our tiny tots to build their social, emotional and language skills.

Charts and posters were prepared by the students and teachers which added to the beauty of scenario.
It goes without saying that students involvement in individual activity infuse in them originality, self-
confidence & self-reliance. The inspiring presentation left no stone unturned to achieve a realistic
appraisal of their skills and to discover the power of spoken words.

It was an interesting and a thrilling experience for the kids sharing their feelings with peer which
provided fun and comfortable learning arena for everyone involved.

Edu-quip 2017
The importance of communication through body language is also emphasised through this process.
Teachers ensure that the speaker faces the audience to make themselves come across more
prominent and clear when presenting. The volume levels of the presenter’s voice is also monitored to
make sure that they are not too quiet or too loud. This in turn ensures that the rest of the class doesn’t
miss anything!

Making Friends
Most importantly, through show and tell you have the ability to make more friends. Having the
opportunity to talk to others about the presentation, they might have something similar and that can
lead to friendships being formed. Show and tell gives the speaker and the rest of the class something
to talk about as a conversation starter, leading to our young pupils realising they have something in
common. This can aid in forming a friendship too. These discussions are strengthened by the
confidence and social skills that have also been gained. Ideal!
It is incredible to think of how much we have all gained by show and tell in primary school! It’s great to
know that the presentation skills and confidence that I used in university were gained by bringing in
my toy shark! Communication skills are key for future development in life as well as education. It is
great to know that these benefits are all gained from show and tell at an early age. Building confidence,
learning great communication skills and making friends… Show and tell for the win!
SPEAK UP STUDIO Sept.19, 2018
Oral Language Skills and Communication

Speaking in front of a group is an effective activity to encourage the use of descriptive

language and develops a child’s ability to retell stories – in turn leading to improved
communication skills which are important throughout their lives. They also develop the
ability to answer questions well.

Show and tell (or show and share) is usually the first opportunity young children have to stand up
in front of a small group and speak. The opportunity to do a show and tell might come up in
kindergarten, or once they start primary school. It is a wonderful introduction to public speaking
as children are often given the option of speaking about a topic they know well and are interested
in. Speaking about something you love always makes you love it even more!

Alexandra Wladich // Jan 6, 2014

The Common Core State Standards place an emphasis on students'

speaking and listening skills and effectively communicating what
they've learned. So what better way for students to practice those
skills than with show and tell? After all, show and tell helps students
with planning their presentation, public speaking, using different types
of vocabulary and descriptive language, and fielding questions from
their classmates.

In addition, show and tell can be a great tool to help English Language
Learners, giving them a chance to practice academic vocabulary,
pronunciation and other basic skills they need to succeed.

By Laurie Patsalides


In today's competitive school system, sadly many teachers are
omitting show and tell from their Kindergarten or primary
curriculum, because they view the process as a waste of valuable
learning time that could otherwise be spent on reading and
writing. As an experienced Kindergarten teacher, I agree that time
is spent on the process of show and tell, but rationalize its
benefits to student learning. In this article I will reason the need
for teachers to continue to do show and tell.

The English Language Art

Standards for Kindergarten
The New York Department of Education's English Language Arts
Standards are clear and non-negotiable:
In summary then, students should be able to demonstrate an
understanding of listening and speaking skills for effective
communication. In Kindergarten, the student must learn to speak
clearly, guide a listener to understand important ideas, describe
people, places, things and locations, increase vocabulary, speak in
complete sentences, follow and create a sequence, and
paraphrase what they have heard. I would argue that show and
tell helps to meet these standards, and then some.



‘Would you rather’ questions create a context for talking about hypothetical

This speaking activity involves a number of mini-discussions.

Questions like these create a context for talking about hypothetical situations.
You can clearly see this in the video as Jess and James use language such as:
o I would … / I’d …
o I wouldn’t …
o Would you … ?


Would You Rather

This conversation activity is about student preference. Students are
given a question that starts with “Would you rather…” followed by two
equally good or equally bad options. For example, “Would you
rather be beautiful but poor or less attractive (ugly) but rich?”
Answering “neither” or “both” is against the rules so students must
choose 1 and justify their answer. Sometimes, students’ answers will
crack you up! One student said that she’d rather be rich but ugly
because if she’s rich, she could afford plastic surgery!

Just like other speaking activities, Would You Rather will be a success
if the questions are age and proficiency level appropriate. Due to file
storage issues, I can only upload a sample copy. However, you can
find more Would You Rather questions here and use the template I
created to see how it looks like.
Activity Type: Individual, Pair

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