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A Research Proposal

The influence of T.V. advertising on children : A REVIEW BASED

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Table of Contents

Sr. No. Topic Page No.

1. Chapter-1 5

2. Chapter-2 9
Review of literature

3. Chapter-3 15
Scope of study

4. Chapter-4 17
Objectives of the study

Chapter-5 hypothesis and Research hypothesis 19

5 Research methodology 19
Data requirement 20
Data collection technique
Sample selection method

6 Chapter-6 Analysis and interpretation 22

7 Chapter-7 Finding and Recommendation 43

8 Chapter-8 Limitation of study 46

9 Chapter-9 References 47


History of advertisement

Egyptians used papyrus to make sales messages and wall posters. Wall or rock painting for
commercial advertising is another manifestation of an ancient advertising form, which is
present to this day in many parts of Asia, Africa, and South America. The tradition of wall
painting can be traced back to Indian rock art paintings that date back to 4000 BCE. History
tells us that Out-of-home advertising and billboards are the oldest forms of advertising.

In 19th century, Thomas J. Barratt from London has been called "the father of modern
advertising who worked for pears soap changed the face of advertisement. In June 1836,
French newspaper La Presse was the first to include paid advertising in its pages, allowing it
to lower its price, extend its readership and increase its profitability and the formula was soon
copied by all titles.

In 20th century company got major sources to communicate with people, television, radio,
print ads.

Introduction to advertisement

Marketing race to put the brand on the top of the mind, creating brand equity, maintaining the
brand loyalty has extended its net to influence the children to a extent that it has lost its path
and walking on the unethical grounds, leaving our children in a vulnerable conditions.
Advertising is a means of communication with the users of a product or service.
Advertisements are messages paid for by those who send them and are intended to inform or
influence people who receive them. According to Richard Busk irk, "Advertising is a paid
form of non-personal presentation of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor.
"According to Wheeler, "Advertising is any form of paid non-personal presentation of ideas,
goods or services for the purpose of inducting people to buy." From a child’s point of view,
what is the purpose of TV advertisements? An advertisement designed to attract attention to
guide, to guide attitudes and to facilitate behavioural change, is considered possessing
profound influence of the attitudes and values in modern society. There is a general concern

of parents and other societal actors, that TV advertisements may have a negative, intended or
unintended, influence on children.

The children of today are the future of tomorrow. This powerful statement assumes special
significance in our context as children (0-14 years) comprise one third of the total
population .in country every of the provision of conducive and an enabling environment, may
blossom into an ever fragrant flower to shine in all spheres of life. This reminds us of the
onerous responsibilities that we have would and shape their present condition in the best
possible way. The journey of the life cycle of the child involves the critical components of
child survival, child development and child protection. The population of children in India
according to year 2012 was approx. 16 Cr.

Advertising on television usually means running a TV commercial, typically between 15 and

60 seconds in length, but TV advertising can also include sponsorships and product
placement within television shows. Today everyone has TV and advertising on TV is one the
best options to promote your products. The ad coming on TV also put high impact on the
customers. There will be more positive effects in building brands. Advertisers are innovating
new ways for their campaigns on high definition televisions. India Advertising agencies are
coming up with glitzy, smart and tailored type ads targeting the middle classes. Besides, a
number Hindi India media news channels have been launched and they are reaching to the
masses both in urban and rural parts of the country. Indian television news channels are now
have become more effective as advertising agency. Five common characteristics of TV ads
that connect with viewers that is Relatable characters and situations, A simple, upbeat
storyline, Dialogue, Emotional resonance, Humour Children Of all marketing weapons
advertising has the leading impact as its exposure is more, and is the most attractive media
for children. The desire to restrict advertising aimed at children is based on three concerns.
First, it is believed that advertising promote superficiality and values founded in material
goods and consumption. Second, children are considered inexperienced consumers and easy
prey for the sophisticated persuasion of advertisers. Third, advertising influences children
demand for everything from toy to snack food. These demands create an environment of
child-parent conflict. Parents’ finds themselves having to say no over and over again to
children whose desire are piqued by effective advertising. Whenever severe competition
between marketers, introducing new products etc. Even with evolution of direct marketing,
and interactive media. Now a day’s most of the industry likes Automobile, FMCG and other

industry they trying to show emotion in advertising with own brand. That is very effective for
the company to attract the children as well as their parents. Every company has needed to do
advertising after launching their product by using different advertising media. TV, Radio,
Billboard, internet, Print etc. There is currently 515 TV channel available in India. Hindi-
language television channels have the highest market share. In addition numerous regional
channels are available in throughout

Different sources of advertisement

But if we talk about TV advertising it is a costly advertising media. It is very effective than
other advertising media. That’s why every company using and expending more money on TV

advertising. EX- If we talk about FMCG industry they are also expending more money on TV
advertising to attract the customer. They are showing emotion in the advertisement thus child
and people. Most of the children they prefer to watch TV program & advertising.

Literature review

Snodgrass et al. (1997) found that Today’s children are unique in many ways from previous
generations, but perhaps the most influencing on our young children today is
Television advertisements. In 1997, the nation’s estimated 34 million children age 12
and under will have spent or influenced spending of a record $500 billion. TV
advertisement targeted to child because children are very controversial. Marketers
choose children because they can easily lure them. Children are the ones that must
carry on family traditions, continue to build and develop new public projects, and
continue to learn and expand the knowledge of the human race. Many children are
often the target for most advertisers, because they know if they hound at their parents
enough they will give in and buy their product, and everyone will be happy. Some
advertisers try to portray more positive items to children, but many children are
overcome with the negative ways of advertising. Food, clothing, toys are just a few of
the many types of advertisements being influenced upon children daily.

Hammond et al. (1999) had studied that there has been international concern over the
balance of television advertising for healthy and less healthy foods to which children
and adolescents are exposed. This study examined the extent to which 9-17 year old
New Zealanders were exposed to advertising for different food groups over a year and
compared New Zealand rates of advertising with a 13-country study. There were
highest for sweet snacks, drinks, fast food/takeaways and breakfast cereals. There
were very low levels for fruit, vegetables and meat/fish/eggs. Comparison with the
13-country study showed New Zealand has the 3 rd highest rate of food advertising, the
highest rate of confectionery and drinks advertising, and the 2 nd highest rate of
restaurant advertising which included fast food restaurants for the children’s.

khatibi et al. (2004) found that majority of children aged between five and eight have some
understanding of TV advertising. They are capable in differentiate programmes and
commercial especially the finding also indicate that child ages has a substantial
positive effect on the Childs. Understand of TV advertisement result shows a small
but significant negative effect of parental of TV viewing. It also shows that ads effect
to the children’s differently according to their different than adults. It has been

suggested that children between 5 to 11 years of age are the most valuable to
advertising, because their cognitive `structure are beginning and they are most
significant to external influence.

Mittal (2010) found that children prefer spending time before television than engaging
themselves in talking to friends or playing outdoor games or studying. The parents
also believe that children are increasingly playing important role in family buying
decision and television advertisements are the most important factor affecting
children's demand for a product. The study also reveals that children demand more of
the product whose advertisement they like. Parents consider television advertisements
responsible for changing their children's behaviour.

Kashif et al. (2012) presented the children's views of snack advertisements in the Pakistani
context. The data was collected through focus groups with young students between 8
and 12 years of age, enrolled in three different schools. Results are presented narrative
in quotes, highlighting different themes concerning advertising literacy and its effects
on children's purchase behaviour.

Muhammad et al. (2012) suggested that the positive attitude of children towards Cartoon
TV Advertising, in contrast to Non-cartoon TV Advertising. Children regard Cartoon
TV Advertisements to be more entertaining than Non-Cartoon TV Advertisements and
they like watching them. Contrarily, the credibility aspect of attitude is lower for
Cartoon TV Advertisements as compared to Non-Cartoon TV Advertisements. Thus,
children trust Non-Cartoon TV Advertisements more than Cartoon TV
Advertisements. Moreover, the general trend of attitude of girls towards advertising is
more favourable than it is for boys.

Nasser and Mohamed (2012) found that negative impacts of advertising lead to major social
and behavioural problems in children such as physical and verbal violence,
materialism and other "values issues" identified by parents, and health problems such
as low nutrition and obesity. Also indicate that although many forms of advertisement
affect children negatively, the effects of television commercials are particularly
noticeable. Practical implications – The study provides a list of practical

recommendations for marketers and policymakers to help mitigate the negative effects
of television advertising on children in the Middle East

Dr. M. Rathod (2012) found that Impact of Television Advertisements on Children are very
effective. An Empirical Study with Reference to Chocolate Brands Found that
majority of children likes to buy confectionary products just because his/ her favourite
celebrity is associated with the advertisement of that product. After watching
advertisement of confectionary products children sometimes insist their parents to
purchase that product for them. When children insist their parents to purchase
confectionary product after watching its advertisement, parents generally do agree
with them. Especially confectionary products (Chocolates) are concerned they do not
care price of which they want to buy. Also they do not care whether these products are
healthy for them or not. While they are shopping, the first thing comes in their mind is
to purchase the advertised products. In this situation, the advertising has a stronger
effect on younger children.

Sharma et al. (Jan 2012) suggested that Children are very much aware of TV advertisements
in India and advertising has an impact on their purchase behaviours. TV
advertisements influence children's behaviour about brand advertised. As children's
behaviour change it also changes their buying pattern and this is the purpose behind
the advertisements. As children are very much aware of TV advertisements and they
know good and bad aspects of them, Marketer should understand the children's
psychic before launching any advertisement. Children also know the degree of
truthfulness in advertisement.

Malik (2012) found that the reveals that unhealthy food like Fast food advertising has
become a major concern especially in food product advertising which is targeted for
the children. It has been observed that there is a lack of advertisers' responsibility as
they are not much concern about the ill effect of advertisement on the children. This
study tries to understand the parental viewpoint towards the unethical practices
carried out by the food product advertisers. The study also attempts to find out
parents' preferences of food items for their children. This quantitative survey, which
was conducted in Jaipur, highlighted the increasing risk associated with too many

food advertisements that heavily rely on Marketing tricks and advertising gimmicks to
attract children.

Singh et al. (2012) suggested that the Parents are seen to mediate media behaviour of their
children to protect them from negative and undesirable effects of advertising. The
nature of mediation is also governed by age of children. Mothers of older children
primarily use active advertising mediation and mothers of younger children use
restrictive mediation strategies. It is also seen that mothers mediate the exposure of
food ads more strongly in younger children as compared to older children. When
parents try to mediate TV viewing they in dudgeon active mediation or restrictive
mediation. Active mediation refers to discussion of media content with children
which may include the positive or negative aspects of media. As children watch lots
of TV ads every day in India. They are exposed to numerous commercials for food.
This in turn increases the propensity of consuming advertised foods. Further, excess
consumption of these unhealthy foods is found to increase the incidence of health
disorders in children.

Mishra (2012) proposed that teenagers request for the product which they have seen on the
TV and they insist their parents to buy that product. From the coefficient analysis it is
predicted that the product which are in high demand by teenagers are snacks and ice-
cream, fast food , biscuit and cakes, and sometimes they insist badly their parents to
get that product. Whereas, the demand for milk and fruits products are very low and it
also have their low significance values. those teenagers who watch TV more than two
hours are less to show interest in playing sports like basket ball, cricket, foot ball,
cycling, running, chess and hockey.

Kumar Suita (2013) they suggested that the children influence the family purchase decision
and parent often value their opinion. It also impacts the food habit either because of
unconsciously watching TV or junk food advertisements. Depending upon working
status, the exposure of TV differs and hence the impact of TV advertisements.
Irrespective of the number of hours TV watched, the knowledge about products does
not increase, brings unhealthy eating habits.

Bahram et al. (2013) they suggested that the social class influence on child’s perception of
TV advertisement. The whole result show that the why some TV advertising are
attractive and that TV advertising effect to the children’s towards their interest and
desire. Now a day’s all marketers find out the factor and then they show own
advertisement for children’s. But child’s perception about truthfulness of TV
advertisements wasn’t influenced by family social class. The age at which children
learn to perceive the aim of advertising is depended on their parents’ attitudes and
level of education and their teachers’ ability to explain advertising with children.
Children's perception about TV ads is influenced by family social class. Also, there
was a significant positive relationship between children's social class and their
perception about why some TV ads are attractive.

Scope of the study:

Most of the research has focused on the extent to which children are exposed to
advertisements for food and beverages shown on television, especially during
programming designed to appeal to young children. More recent studies are beginning to
investigate advertisements in other venues, such as averaging on the internet and magazines
written for children. Little research has examined food and beverage advertising to children
in school environments, day care centres, theatres, and other settings, and this is an important
limitation. However, studies show that television is still the main advertising media used to
reach children. A second important limitation to interpreting the research is the lack of
consensus on a definition of “healthy” foods and beverages. The nutrient profiles for
“healthy” and “less healthy” products developed by the food industry for voluntary standards
have been criticized by the health sector. However, there is no consensus among health
professionals, industry, consumers and government on a definition of “healthy foods and
beverages” or standardized criteria for categorizing foods as “healthy” and “less healthy”


Objective of the study

1. To know about the effects of TV advertisement on children.

2. To analyze the extent television advertisements impacts children overall buying.

Research Methodology

Research methodology

The main objective of this study is to find out, how children are influenced by the
advertisements especially of confectionary products. There are both good and bad impact of

The focus of the study is on effect of television advertisements on children with special
reference to confectionary products and overall buying behaviour of children’s when they go
for shopping with their parents and its impact on family spending. An attempt has been made
to know the children's awareness about confectionery products & their advertisements, to
measure the impact of advertisement of confectionery products on children.
Descriptive research design was used as the study followed structured design with
predetermined objectives & hypotheses. Well-structured Questionnaire has been randomly
administered to BPS faculty (who have children 8 to 16 Years of Age) to study the impact on
family spending. And a play school going to be select for the study of children are influenced
by the advertisements especially of confectionary products.
Here we are going to conduct certain type of activities. Through which we can study the
influences of the advertisements on children.

Data requirement
Number of children is watching television and can identify the brand.
Number of parents goes for shopping with their children.

Data collection technique

Primary data
One technique used is simply the questionnaire dully filled by respondents. The two
questionnaires for parent spending and children is covering all the factors necessary to catch
the objectives of research.
Second technique is organising certain kind of activity through which we analyze the
children’s behaviour towards the particular product.
Secondary data

Secondary data are those data which is already collected by other researcher and already
passed through the statistical process. These data will take from different websites, book


Parent Questionnaire analysis

1. Children insist to buy particular product

Particular product

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Never 7 7.0 7.0 7.0
Rarely 11 11.0 11.0 18.0
34 34.0 34.0 52.0
Valid y
Usually 31 31.0 31.0 83.0
Always 17 17.0 17.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

From the above table and diagram, less than 10% respondents said their children never insist
to buy particular product, while 12% respondents said rarely, 34% and 32% respondents said
their children occasionally and usually insist. And 18% respondents agreed their children
always insists there parents to buy particular product
2. Children force to buy product advertised on TV and they accept to buy

Force to buy a product

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Never 13 13.0 13.0 13.0
Rarely 13 13.0 13.0 26.0
46 46.0 46.0 72.0
Valid y
Usually 24 24.0 24.0 96.0
Always 4 4.0 4.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

From the above table and diagram, more than 45% respondents occasionally buy the product
while 23%usually buy it and less than 5% always buy the product but less than 15%never buy
the product

3. Children create drama and getting angry

Create drama
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Never 9 9.0 9.0 9.0
Rarely 13 13.0 13.0 22.0
26 26.0 26.0 48.0
Valid y
Usually 23 23.0 23.0 71.0
Always 29 29.0 29.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

From the above table and figure it is coined that 29% respondents said that their children
always create drama when they won’t buy the product, while 23% respondents said their
children usually create drama and the 25% said their children occasionally create drama, and
the 9% said their children never crate drama

4. Children always do unnecessary purchasing

Unnecessary purchasing
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Never 20 20.0 20.0 20.0
Rarely 19 19.0 19.0 39.0
18 18.0 18.0 57.0
Valid y
Usually 30 30.0 30.0 87.0
Always 13 13.0 13.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

On the question of whether their Children always do unnecessary purchasing, 20%
respondents said Children never do unnecessary purchasing while 13% respondents said
their Children always do unnecessary purchasing, 30% said their Children usually do
unnecessary purchasing and 19% respondents said Children rarely do unnecessary

5. Children demand affects their monthly expenses.

Monthly expenses
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Never 19 19.0 19.0 19.0
Rarely 31 31.0 31.0 50.0
23 23.0 23.0 73.0
Valid y
Usually 18 18.0 18.0 91.0
Always 9 9.0 9.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

On the question of whether their Children demand effects their monthly expenses, 19%
respondents said Children demand never affects their monthly expenses, 30% respondents
said Children demand rarely affects their monthly expenses. While 23% said Children
demand occasionally affects their monthly expenses, 18% said usually affects and 9%
respondents said their Children demand always affects their monthly expenses.

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Approx. Chi-Square 311.230
Bartlett's Test of
Df 55
Sig. .000

From the perspective of KMO, factor analysis is only feasible if its value is above 0.5. For
this data set, it is .715, which is good enough, so the KMO also supports factor analysis.

Rotated Component Matrix

1 2 3 4

Influence .635
low nutritional .721
obesity .810
junk food .666
Influence by
Mc D or KFC
Gifts .808
Hug or IPod .779
New Adds .776
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 6 iterations.

Sr. No Factor
1 Undue Influence Children’s purchasing behaviour and demand for
goods is influenced by TV commercials.
However, besides TV commercial and other
forms of commercial the significant factors in
making the purchase decisions are peer group,
friends, parent and direct experience. Other
factors that may also contribute in the purchasing
decisions of the children are their age, socio-
economic and cultural background (including the
parents’ level of education) (Gals & White,
A single commercial may marginally affect the
Brand preferences. However, repeated exposure
of the commercial may create a strong desire for
the advertised products, as compared to
competitive products (Gorn & Goldberg, 1982;
Robertson & Rossiter, 1977).
2 Knowledge Exposure to advertising increases desire for,
requests for, and consumption of advertised

products (Barry 1977; Atkin 1980)
those children who have knowledge about
advertising remember more product-related
information from commercials
3 Unhealthy Life Children who watch television excessively tend
style to be overweight, as they are less involved in
healthy activities such as running, jumping and
exercise. Additionally, these children take
unhealthy foods, such as candy, snacks, sugary
cereals and drinks (Macklin,1987)
Children food preference is highly dependent on
television advertising. However, it conveys a
grossly imbalanced nutritional message. Most of
the ads targeting children are of fatty and sugary
foods. The research has demonstrated a direct
relationship between food advertisements
children remember and the number of foods like
soft drink, crisps and savoury snacks that
children eat (Borzekowshi and Robinson, 2001).
4 Materialism TV advertising is one of the major source of
consumption ideology more commonly known as
increasing materialism. Demanding more
consumers’ goods as a result of exposure to TV
commercial comes in the category of television
advertising (Kline and Clinton, 1998).

Children Questionnaire analysis

1. Age:

Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid 8-10 7 14.0 14.0 14.0
32 64.0 64.0 78.0
11 22.0 22.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0 22
My questionnaire was “influence of TV advertisement on children” I was taken three are age
group 8-10, 11-13, 14-16 and total respondent was 50. In that between the ages of 8-10 I got
the response of seven children out of fifty, which is 14% of total respondent. And age group
between 11-13 I got the response of 32 respondents which is 64% of total respondent. And
age group between 14-16 I got the response of 11 respondents which is 22% of total

2. Sex:


Frequenc Valid Cumulativ

y Percent Percent e Percent
Valid Male 32 64.0 64.0 64.0
Female 18 36.0 36.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0

Total no of respondent was 50 out of that 32 respondents were male and rest was female that
is 18 respondent. The percentage of male respondent was 64% and female was 36%.

3. How many hours in a day you use to watch TV?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 0-1 1 2.0 2.0 2.0
1-2 11 22.0 22.0 24.0
2-3 5 10.0 10.0 34.0
More than 3 33 66.0 66.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0

There was four span of time 0-1, 1-2, 2-3 and more than three hours that is spent by children
to watch the TV in this regard I got one respondent that between 0-1 hour which is 2% of
total respondent. And 11 respondents came under 1-2 that is 22% of total, and 5 respondent
came under 2-3, and33 respondent came under more than 3 hours, which is 66% of total

4. Which time children prefer to watch television every day?


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Morning 1 2.0 2.0 2.0
Afternoon 1 2.0 2.0 4.0
Evening 14 28.0 28.0 32.0
Any Time 34 68.0 68.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0

There were four options to choose the time for the children when they prefer to watch TV that
was Morning, Afternoon, Evening and any time. I got 2 % respondent who prefer to watch
movie in morning, and 2% respondent accepted that they prefer watch TV in afternoon, 28 %
respondent accepted that they prefer to watch TV in evening and 68% respondent accepted
that they prefer to watch TV in any time.

5. TV advertising makes children aware regarding the purchase of new products.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid yes 45 90.0 90.0 90.0
No 5 10.0 10.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0

Regarding to purchase the new products that advertisement make aware in that we got the
responses of 50 respondent, out of which 45 responses showed that advertisement plays a
vital role to make aware about products, and 5 responses showed that advertisement don’t
have any role to make aware about new products.

6. Children influence their parents to buy products that advertised on TV channels.

The product that is display on TV advertisements that influenced the children to make agree
their parent to buy that is 86 % in favour and 14 % don’t accept that. which proves that
maximum parent’s agrees to buy the product for their children

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Yes 43 86.0 86.0 86.0
No 7 14.0 14.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0

7. TV advertising change’s children buying choice of items/products.


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Yes 40 80.0 80.0 80.0
No 10 20.0 20.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0

TV advertisement change the original choice of children regarding the purchase the product
in that 80% respondents were assumed and rest 20% were not agree . By this the maximum
number of children change their choice regarding purchase of product

8. Children prefer to buy product that advertised on TV?

The product that is advertise on TV that is preferred by children in this regard 76%
respondents were agree and rest 24% respondents showed that they prefer the product that is
advertise on TV. And many times the advertisement does influence them.


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Yes 38 76.0 76.0 76.0
No 12 24.0 24.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0

9. Suppose parents don’t agree to buy product advertised on TV then children reaction
would be-

There was question that when children try to make their parent agree to buy particular
product and parent don’t agree to buy that product then what could be reaction of children
frustrated, get angry, fight with parent, create drama/ blackmail their parents and will not
react. In this regard we got responses were as follows:



Frequen Cumulative
cy Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Never 3 6.0 6.0 6.0
Occasionally 24 48.0 48.0 54.0
Rarely 11 22.0 22.0 76.0
Usually 7 14.0 14.0 90.0
Always 5 10.0 10.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0

There was 50 respondents out of that 6% respondents accepted that they never got frustrated,
48% respondents accepted that they got frustrated occasionally, 22% respondent accepted
that they get frustrate rarely, 14 % respondent accepted that they get frustrated usually and
only 5% respondent accepted that they always get frustrated.


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Never 1 2.0 2.0 2.0
Ocassionaly 10 20.0 20.0 22.0
Rarely 23 46.0 46.0 68.0
Usually 4 8.0 8.0 76.0
Always 12 24.0 24.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0

There was 50 respondents out of that 2% respondents accepted that they never got angry,
20% respondents accepted that they got Angry occasionally, 46% respondent accepted that
they get angry rarely, 8 % respondent accepted that they get angry usually and 24%
respondent accepted that they always get angry.



Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Never
5 10.0 10.0 10.0

Occasionally 8 16.0 16.0 26.0

Rarely 31 62.0 62.0 88.0
Usually 6 12.0 12.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0

There was 50 respondents out of that 10% respondents accepted that they never fight with
their parents, 16% respondents accepted that they fight with their parents occasionally, 62%
respondent accepted that fight with their parents rarely, 12 % respondent accepted that fight
with their parents usually if there are not purchase the product whatever they want.


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Never 4 8.0 8.0 8.0
Occasionally 13 26.0 26.0 34.0
Rarely 21 42.0 42.0 76.0
Usually 9 18.0 18.0 94.0
Always 3 6.0 6.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0

There are 8 % respondent who accepted that they never do drama on the front of their
parents, 26% respondent says that they are occasionally, 42% respondent give in the favour of
rarely, 18% accepted that they usually do this type of activity and 6 % respondent says that
they always do drama if their parents not buy the product whatever they prefer.

Not react:

Not React
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Never 5 10.0 10.0 10.0
Ocassionaly 22 44.0 44.0 54.0
Rarely 14 28.0 28.0 82.0
Usually 5 10.0 10.0 92.0
Always 4 8.0 8.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0

There are 10% respondent accepted that they are natural, 44% respondent occasionally
neutral or they not react, 28 % respondent says that rarely, 10 respondent in favour of usually
and only 8 % respondent are in the favour of always they are neutral.


Findings and Recommendation
Major finding of study

The purpose of the research was to find out “impact of television advertising on children”.
The study was on the basis of eating habits and buying behaviour of children. The major
variables those are likely to have a significant impact of TV advertisement on children’s.

When TV advertisement shown to children almost 95 % children were able to recall all the
advertisement it is mention in report. It means almost all children have been watching
television regularly and they are more interested in watching TV.

There is similar impact on children’s eating habits irrespective to age, gender, no off hour
watching TV, income of parents and schools. It is mention in report.

The children agree that TV advertising make me aware those about the new product and it
also change their buying behaviour but they also agree that TV advertise brands are high in
quality and price as compare to non advertising and branded products. But they are neither
agreed or disagree that they influence their parents to buy advertised product.

The most of the children are interested to spend more than 60 % on TV advertise product than
on the non-advertise. The children buying behaviour is also affected due to TV advertisement.
They demand for any particular product mostly because of two reason, first “Seen on TV”
and second “Friend have it”.

The parents agreed that their children eat food/ snakes whild watching TV but occasionally.
Parents less discuss advertisement with their children and they rarely buy advertise product
when their children force them to buy TV advertising product is mention in report.

The children rarely get angry, frustrated, fight with parents, or create drama when their
parents not agree to buy the TV advertise product.

Recommendation for children

After concluding the result of data the researcher has given the following recommendation:

Knowledge about product to children: children should seen advertisement in such a way that
they can understand all about the product’s features. TV advertisement should provide
complete information about all features of the product.

Easy to understand: Advertisers should use easy language and clear them about product so
that the children should easy to understand that what advertisers wants to convey from this
advertisement .so message should be clearly reach to children.

Segmentation on the basis of age: advertisers should make advertisements on the basis of age
factor .so that children come to know easily for whom this product is meant; e.g.

Attractive scheme: marketers should also give some attractive scheme on their brands so that
more and more children can get attract to buy their product than purchasing other brands. The
marketers can organise some competition among children

Recommendation for parents

The researchers show that children are interested to watch entertainment channels and they
fully ignored educational channel. So to outcome from this problem parents can help children
to decide what they should watch on TV. Parents should help children to look for
programmers which relevant for their health and has some positive impact on them.

As Researcher found that all children were all aware about all the advertisement. So to avoid
negative effects of watching TV on children’s health’s, eating, disorder & there buying
behaviour children should be encourage both in their schools and at home to discuss TV


 Sample size – The sample size of this research is very less i.e.: 150 (100 parent and
50 children) but to find significant relationships from the data, as statistical tests normally
require a larger sample size to ensure a representative distribution of the population and to

be considered representative of groups of people to whom results will be generalized or

 Considering the limited number of samples and the existence budgetary limits, we
did not have the chance to offer rewards to children participating to our research. The offer
of small prizes is a common practices with in this kind of surveys, increasing the
motivation to take part to them



This study conclude that advertising play a effective role in today’s era very one under its
influence more or less advertising play a vital role in economy system of a country. its helps
in selling idea’s, goods and services. Advertising both reflected and effected over life style
and thus play a substantial social role. This study examines that most of the children watch
TV above more than 3 hour on daily basis. And they are interested to watch cartons, sorts
channels. And they completely ignored the news. Advertising become so close to our life.
Therefore its serves multimetional communication needs of society but it directly effected on

Advertising also changing their buying behaviour too. The changing is becoming more
materialistic now days. TV advertisement is one f the measure sources of consumption
ideology more commonly known as increasing materialism demanding more consumer goods
as a result of exposure to TV commercial comes in the category in the television advertising.
But according to study children while purchasing any thing what have to purchase and when
have to purchase but they prefer to buy TV advertising products and there is no impact n the
buying behaviour and eating habits irrespective to number of hours children watch TV or due
to gender and study in private and governnrnent schools. So it is examine that children are
effected by TV advertisement directly or indirectly



Research articles and Journals
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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences (Jun 2013).

11) Haroon, Muhammad; Zaman, Hafiz Muhammad Fakhar (2012) “ Assessment of
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QUESTIONNAIRE (for Children)
Dear Respondent,

I am a student of MBA Marketing Doing Research on “Influence of TV advertising on
Children”. This is the part of my academic study & used for academic purpose only. So, I
want to take your few minutes to fill this questionnaire.

1. Name: .....................................................................

Age: 8-10 11-13 14-16

Sex: Male Female

Name of School …………………………………………………………

2. How many hours in a day you use to watch TV?

0-1 1-2 2-3 more than 3

3. Which time you prefer to watch television every day?

Morning Afternoon

Evening Any Time

4. TV advertising makes me aware regarding the purchase of new products.

Yes No

5. I influence my parents to buy products that advertised on TV channels.

Yes No

6. TV advertising change’s my buying choice of items/products.

Yes No

7. Are you prefer to buy product that advertised on TV?

Yes No

8. Recalls any two brand name of the advertising shown to you.

Advertisement NO. Brand Name

Ad 1

Ad 2

9. Suppose your parents don’t agree to buy product advertised on TV then your reaction
would be-

Never Occasionall Rarely Usually Always

Frustrated / Disappointed
Get Angry
Fight with your Parents
Create Drama or Blackmail your
Will not React


Dear respondent,

I am a student of MBA mgmt doing research on “Effect of television
advertising on children”. This is the part of my capstones project. So I
want to take your few minutes to fill this questionnaire.

1. No. of children.....................

2. What is the age your child/children?

(a) First child Age:
(b)Second child age
(c) Third child age

3. How many hours in a day your children use to watch TV?

0-1 1-2 2-3 more than 3

4. Are you going for shopping along with your children?

Yes No

5. If yes! Then fill the statement.

Statements Nev Rare Occasio Usua Alwa

er ly nally lly ys
1.your children insist to buy particular
product during shopping (as they saw in
2. When your children force you to buy products
advertised on TV. you accept to buy the particular
3.when you are not buying the demanded product,
did they create drama and getting angry.
4. your children’s always do unnecessary
5. your children demand effects your monthly

6.Rate the following statements in terms of your answers

Strongl Agree neither Disagre Strongly
y Agree Agree e Disagre
nor e

1.Commercials influence the

children to purchase the product
that they already have
2. The characters in the
commercials influence their
buying intention

3. Children ask for candies

and other low nutritional
products when they see on
4. Obesity in Children is
being increased via
5. Children like to prefer to have
junk food as compared to home
cooked food.

6. Children become more obsessive

with toys because of their
7. Children don’t want to eat food
but want to go to McDonald /KFC
8. Children don’t believe more in
relationship rather than getting gifts
from nearest & dearest.
9. Children don’t need hug but need
an I-pod or Play stations.
10. The demand of children
increased when they explored the
new ads.
11. The children are very keen
about to know the thing which is
broadcast in ads.


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