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Individual Assessment 2

Deadline: 23rd september 10 pm

I got 19 out of 50 in the first one.

This assessment should be built on assessment 1.

The business proposal must build upon your value proposition developed in assessment 1 for the existing
business or organization selected in assessment 1.

**** The assessment is also designed for students to reflect on their own
innovation capabilities and practices.

**** All the sections of the assignment should be based on my personal

innovation with mostly first-person sentences. Do not describe the current
status of Telsa.

Appropriate report format with good use of bullet points, illustrations and figures.

You are required to write a 2000-word report for a novel business proposal you have developed.

Within ±10% of the word limit for report, excluding references and appendices.

You should write my assignment based on this idea:

Currently, Telsa is using lithium-ion battery for its cars which has its drawbacks.

Copied from the internet:

Li-ion technology is currently the best performing technology for energy storage based on batteries. Li-
ion batteries are used in small electronics (smartphones, laptops) and are the best options for electric
cars. Their drawback? Li-ion batteries can catch fire, for instance because of a manufacturing problem.
This is due in part to the presence of liquid organic electrolytes in current batteries. These organic
electrolytes are necessary to the battery but highly flammable.

My idea is adding a new type of batteries (LTPS) to the Tesla vehicles. It can increase the mileage and reduces
the charging time.
MY idea can help Tesla to save money in the battery production since this type of battery needs less material
for its production. Tesla can embed this battery to its new cars in the factory for the less price as the current
Lithium ion batteries. Another option is that Tesla rider would be able to swap their cars’ batteries in the
charging stations which is technically feasible for Tesla at this time. In 2013, Elon Musk showed people? how
Tesla’s battery pack can be replaced in less than 2 minutes in a charging station. Tesla has the battery swap
technology. LTPS batteries are compatible with all Tesla models such as Model 3, Model S, and Model X.

LTPS batteries can reduce charging times, higher energy density, and a lower cost which is unique
among EV car manufactures.

In 2013, Elon Musk showed people how Tesla’s battery pack can be replaced in less than 2 minutes in a
charging station. Tesla has the battery swap technology and has 2 options for selling that the

1) Implement it to its new cars in the factory for the same price as the current battery.
2) Replace the customer vehicles’ batteries to new ones for $5000 (it’s my number you can change

Tesla makes its vehicles in a way that their battery packs can changed with a robatic system in less than 2
minutues. LTPS battery is compatible with all Tesla models such as Model 3, Model S, and Model X.
At this point I should mention the price of LTPS batteries for the Tesla. You can calculate it by your own. But
my suggestion is $5000 for exsistining customers.


Table of content should be like this:

For each band you should consider this sentence otherwise a wrong assignment will be the output:

(about my idea and adding my innovation to Telsa not the current status of the
 A cover sheet showing: unit number and name, assessment number, business name, your
name and student number.

 Executive summary (6%)

A convincing executive summary; clear and succinct purpose described in the introduction.

– The executive summary is intended for the busy executive needing an overview of the short report.
The executive summary is expected to contain summary statements key/important elements of the
report such as of the focus of the report, findings, discussion, conclusion and in this case an
investment recommendation.

– It is called an executive summary because executives traditional do not have sufficient time to read
complete reports, yet need to extract sufficient information to make informed decisions.

– The executive summary should encourage the reader to go on to read the full report.

– The executive summary is extremely important and should be prepared carefully.

– The executive summary is extremely important.

– It is NOT an introduction.

– It is your REPORT PITCH to markers.

– It must be suitable as a stand-alone document.

– It is an essential part of business proposals and other business documents.

– It is a clear and concise outline of the whole proposal.

– Start with a ‘pitch’ sentence (or two), e.g.: “This business case seeks formal approval to…”

Items 1 to 8 (40%)
1. Introduction
– The introduction provides the purpose and scope of the report. In this case the subheadings of
Background, Aim and Scope may be used. Keep it short and succinct.

– A typical report has an introduction

– The introduction provides the purpose and scope of the report.

– In this case the subheadings of Background, Aim and Scope may be used.

– Keep it short and succinct.

2. Business model description (succinct description of what the business model elements are and how they
fit together (it is great if you can list what business model pattern it is)

3. Value proposition development (What resources and capabilities do you need to innovate/develop the
product or service?)

4. Business operations development (What resources and capabilities do you need to deliver the product
and service when you scale the business?)

5. Supply chain development (What business partners do you need?)

6. Financial value capture (How are you going to make money?)

7. Competitive advantage (what core capabilities are you better at when compared to competitors? What
are the unique benefits your proposal will deliver to your customers?)

8. Strategic fit (is the proposal compatible with the parent organisation?)

“I found these from the slides”:

What is strategy?

“Those decisions which have high medium-term to long-term impact on the activities of the organisation,
including the analysis leading to the resourcing and implementation of those decisions, to create value for
customers and key stakeholders and to outperform competitors.”

Why have a strategy?

– Provides a framework that everyone in the organization can use to:

– Make consistent and rational decisions (this is not easy)
– Identify how best to exploit opportunities
– Identify potential negative and positive long-term impacts
– Identify contingencies and time-based options to factor into analyses, including the risks the
organization faces and what is still unknown or uncertain
– Effectively implement strategic decisions
– Achieve alignment and focus across the organization, including the best potential use of resources
where possible
– Create value for customers and other key stakeholders
– Ensure value is not unduly appropriated
– Outperform competitors

You should discuss all the highlighted and selected sections of

these two canvases, and also complete the canvases in the
(Strategic fit includes elements 5 to 10 in the disciplined entrepreneurship canvas by Aulet
(2017, p. xviii)
Elements 3 to 9 in the business model canvas by Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010, pp.


2) Elements 3 to 9 in the business model canvas by Osterwalder and Pigneur.

You should have covered and explained Business Model Canvas, Value
Proposition Canvas, and DE Canvas blocks till here.
You also need to complete their templates and put them in the appendix.
9. Identification and assessment of assumptions and uncertainties. (16%)

This is a continuation of assessment 1 where you were asked about uncertainties related to customer
desirability, technical feasibility and financial viability.

What are the assumptions and the uncertainty to be dealt with?

Uncertainty related to:

 Customer desirability
 Technical feasibility
 Financial viability)

Uncertainties that have been addressed to date and how they will be addressed in the future as
described in a phased development plan.

For Financial Viability

NPV, Cash Flow projections for 5 years, Internal Rate of Return, and break even
analysis should be done in the excel template and in the result should be imported
into the word file:

Net Present Value (NPV)

NPV Analysis:

Regarding Innovation and uncertainties:

Innovation and uncertainties:
10.Phased development plan to address uncertainties

11.Selection of innovation tools and techniques (6%)

These must be beyond the tools and techniques used in assessment 1. Minimum eight (8) additional
tools and techniques must be selected from the unit textbooks and online materials.

Super important:
24 Steps of Disciplined Entrepreneurship (DE) are tools.
You can find them in the attachments (DE worksheets).

You need to fill in the forms and come up with a conclusion for each tool that you
If you are worry about the word count, you can put the tools and techniques explanations and justifications in
the appendix.

Step 0 to 9 used for assessment 1. So, these steps should not be used again.

– Tool and technique 1

– Tool and technique 2

– Tool and technique 3

– Tool and technique 4

– Tool and technique 5

– Tool and technique 6

– Tool and technique 7

– Tool and technique 8

12. Application of the selected innovation tools and techniques used to support the report findings and
recommendations. (8%)
These must be different to the tools and techniques used in assessment 1. Minimum eight (8)
additional tools and techniques must be applied from the unit textbooks and materials.

Appendices about application of innovation tool and techniques

1. Appendix 1: Application of tool and technique 1

2. Appendix 2: Application of tool and technique 2

3. Appendix 3: Application of tool and technique 3

4. Appendix 4: Application of tool and technique 4

5. Appendix 4: Application of tool and technique 5

6. Appendix 6: Application of tool and technique 6

7. Appendix 7: Application of tool and technique 7

8. Appendix 8: Application of tool and technique 8

13. Candid and critical self-analysis: (10%)

This means that you are expected to reflect on a) your learning practices when studying this unit, b)
the quality of your assessment work and c) judge the degree to which it explicitly reflects the stated
assessment marking criteria. This means that markers expect to find headings in the body of the
report that responds to this assessment criteria:

– Reflection of development of personal innovation capabilities and practices

– Identification of own personal strengths and weaknesses; supported with examples of own behavior.

For the first (1) item, you need to reflect on how you approached the assessment to develop the
required personal innovation capabilities and practices. Some examples:

 How did you go when applying secondary research for the assessment? For example, are you
good at online primary research to understand new technologies and sustainability issues?
 How did you go when applying the practical tools for the assessment? For example, are you
good at practical market research as described in the unit workbook by Aulet (2017)?
 How was the research and report writing process? For example, should you have used different
headings in your report? Did you assess all the assessment criteria for the assessment?
 Where did you learn a lot? Did you learn by reading online, from lectures and workshops or
talking to other students?

For the second item (2), you need to consider the items above and most importantly let the reader know
where you can improve and how you may be able to do better in the future.
 What did you enjoy? What was fun and you found it easy? What are good at?
 What did you find difficult? Is this an area for you to improve and if so how?

14.Conclusion and recommendation

A clear and succinct conclusion

• Many business cases do not include a conclusion but it makes sense to have something that summarises
the key points again at the end.

• With a business case, you are trying to convince a decision maker to support your idea, so consider what
key points they might want to have reiterated.

15.References (8%)
A minimum of ten (10) academic and professional references must be used.

Appropriate in-text referencing and reference list. Adherence to CQUniversity APA reference style.

16. Appendices
Examples of suitable material for appendices:

– Material demonstrating your usage of minimum 8 innovation tools and techniques.

– Relevant research documents.

– Background information, e.g. trend data, company information, etc.

– Planning or design documents.

– Prototype drawings/pictures; maps; journey maps; etc.

– Screen prints of spreadsheets or Excel files.

– Assumptions information.

– Business Model Canvas(es)

– Evidence for your claims (e.g. data).

– Large graphs, spreadsheets or tables that you can summarise more briefly in the main body.

• Make sure you only include appendices that you actually refer to in the text – it is not the reader’s
responsibility to sift thru hundreds of pages to find the relevant supporting material.

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