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Quantification in History

Konrad H Jarausch and Peter A Coclanis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


The concept of quantification is defined and the evolution of quantification as a methodological tool in history is traced.
Originating in the early modern period and gaining greater prominence in the nineteenth century, quantification in history
came of age in the 1960s. For a time, in the 1970s and early 1980s, quantitative approaches seemed poised to revolutionize
history as a field. Beginning in the mid-1980s, however, other approaches and methods, often drawn from anthropology and
literature and inspired by postmodernism, began to surpass quantification in popularity, and since the late 1980s, quanti-
tative work in history has been increasingly marginalized. But over the past decade, postmodernist approaches have lost
momentum in history, and there have been some small victories by quantifiers, particularly in the field of economic history.
Yet despite the fact that the approach remains indispensable for answering certain kinds of historical questions and despite
the effective employment of quantitative approaches by many historically inclined scholars in other social sciences, the future
of quantification in the discipline of history itself remains uncertain.

‘Quantification’ refers to a specific method of historical demography and somewhat less so from economics. The result
research that departs from the prevalent practice of textual of this interaction was the rapid development of a new hybrid,
analysis by actually seeking to measure changes in the past. combining elements of historical research with social scientific
Due to the mass of data to be handled and the complexity of analysis.
the calculations involved, the application of quantitative During the 1970s, this ‘social science history’ or ‘historical
methods usually has to be computer assisted. In contrast to social science’ was successfully institutionalized. In the United
a mere illustration of certain tendencies by tables or graphs, States, the multitude of initiatives in history and the neigh-
quantification tends to use analytical statistics to probe rela- boring disciplines combined in founding the Social Science
tionships between and among certain variables. Such statis- History Association in 1975, and made its annual meeting
tical analysis also requires a high degree of formalization in a showcase of the most innovative work. In France, many of the
the research design that formulates hypotheses to be tested long-term community studies, produced by the Annales School,
and tries to combine them into models. The final aim of the turned quantitative, compiling detailed time series of pop-
quantitative approach is not just to explain a particular set of ulation, prices, or wages and probing their interrelationship. In
developments but to understand broader processes of change Germany, the quantifiers linked with the theory-oriented
and make a theoretical contribution to some facet of historical project of a Historische Sozialwissenschaft to create a vigorous
understanding. organization, called QUANTUM (Kocka, 1984). Within the
decade, a spate of new journals emerged to provide publication
outlets for the new work, such as the Journal of Social History,
Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Historical Methods, Social
The Rise of Quantification Science History, Histoire et Mésure, and Historical Social Research.
New textbooks (Dollar and Jensen, 1971; Floud, 1979; Jarausch
Within historical research, the development of quantitative and Hardy, 1991) as well as influential anthologies (Aydelotte
methods was a product of a particular constellation during the et al., 1972; Lorwin and Price, 1972) provided a powerful
1960s. Already during the Enlightenment, some scholars had platform for the propagation of quantitative research.
sought to describe socioeconomic developments by compiling
time series, and by the middle of the nineteenth century
national governments took on the task of determining pop-
ulation trends through a series of censuses. Nonetheless, it took Research Contributions
the shift to the ‘new social history’ a century later to get
historians to employ quantitative data in systematic ways and The first field transformed by quantitatively oriented work was
to direct historical interests away from affairs of state to mass the new political history, which differed from its predecessor by
politics, societal changes, demographic transformations, or its attention to collective phenomena (Bogue, 1983). For
economic growth. At the same time, the arrival of mainframe instance, Michael Kater investigated the rise of the Nazi
computers, followed eventually by powerful PCs, made it movement in Germany by analyzing its membership files,
possible to handle large amounts of data and to use compli- indicating precisely which social stratum, religious group,
cated statistical procedures in customized form via statistical gender, region, etc. joined the bandwagon at what time. For
packages such as SPSS or SAS. In order to explore these exciting democratic societies like the United States, Lee Benson’s or Alan
new subjects with novel techniques, historians became inter- Bogue’s analysis of electoral behavior proved quite productive,
ested in the theoretical constructs of the social sciences, since comparing returns over time made it possible to establish
borrowing eclectically from political science, sociology, or which polls were the critical elections when party realignments

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696 Quantification in History

were transformed by ethno-cultural or other factors. For factors of economic development, such as railroads, with some
parliaments without party discipline, Thomas B. Alexander’s scholars actually arguing that their impact had been exagger-
roll-call analysis also offered a powerful instrument for estab- ated. In Europe, discussions revolved around the pattern of
lishing who actually voted with whom, indicating what industrialization instead, with some specialists like Sidney
networks dominated legislative behavior. This retro-projection Pollard proposing a more complex regional diffusion model.
of political science methods gradually provided a firmer On the whole, the quantitative impulse made economic history
empirical basis for an analysis of the transformation of mass more rigorous and theoretical, but removed it at the same time
politics in the last two centuries. further from the mainstream of historical debate.
The second area that was deeply affected by quantitative By the 1980s, these signal contributions had managed to
methods and conceptual borrowing from sociology was the overcome traditionalist skepticism and to establish quantifi-
new social history (Stearns, 1985). As ‘history from the bottom cation as a new and growing subfield within the historical
up,’ this perspective examined previously untouched serial discipline. Though they were sometimes difficult to read for the
records such as police files, employment registers, or draft layperson, high-quality monographs convinced reluctant
books in order to infer from the behavior of ordinary people granting agencies to fund major collective initiatives such as the
what they might have felt and thought. The appeal of this effort Philadelphia Social History Project, directed by Theodore
was the diffusion of its topics, since the labor history of the Hershberg. The number of articles with graphs and tables in
Tillys included subjects as different as proletarian living respected historical journals began to reach almost one-quarter
conditions and workers’ collective efforts at protesting through (Kousser, 1989). Opinion surveys of the profession suggested
strikes. Another question, treated, for example, by Hartmut that most scholars expected quantification to be here to stay.
Kaelble, concerned the pattern of social mobility, comparing Even if some critics still bemoaned the spottiness of graduate
the relative openness of societies to upward or downward training in this area, the rapid rise of quantitative methods in
movement over time or across borders. A related issue was the historical research had been impressive and their future pros-
societal impact of education that required an analysis of the pects seemed secure.
enrollment and composition of schools or universities in order
to get at changes in educational opportunities (Ringer, 1979).
These quantitative probes produced much new and sometimes The Culturalist Challenge
conflicting information about the lower orders, the make-up of
institutions, and basic trends in societal transformations. During the decade of the 1980s, however, the seemingly
A third area propelled by computer-assisted source collec- unstoppable progress of the quantitative history ‘project’ began
tion and statistical analysis was the field of historical demog- to stall (Johnson, 1989). By the middle of the decade, the
raphy (Hareven and Vinovskis, 1978). For time periods before number of quantitative journal articles and the frequency of
national censuses, the demographers faced the challenge of graduate courses in quantitative techniques suddenly began to
reaggregating vital statistics from the ground up by converting drop precipitously (Reynolds, 1998; Ruggles, 2012). This trend
parish registers into reliable measures of natality, nuptiality, or has continued ever since, and over the past 20 years (plus or
mortality. Under the direction of Anthony Wrigley, the Cam- minus five!) quantitative history has become increasingly
bridge population project established the outlines of a pop- marginalized, as a variety of other methods rose to promi-
ulation history for England, while the demography center in nence, making so-called quants seem rather quaint. Ironically,
Umea undertook a national project of quantifying church the demise of quantitative history has occurred simultaneously
records so as to explain demographic changes in Sweden. with the development of enhanced technology, more complete
American demographers like John Demos and Tamara Hareven datasets, and increasingly sophisticated models and methods,
instead combined individual life-event data to scrutinize the which, taken together, have rendered quantitative history
development of family structures from extended via stem to potentially more useful than ever before.
nuclear families and the like. Other scholars such as Roderick The factors responsible for this loss of attention are still
Floud and Richard Steckel studied changes in the height and being debated vigorously. Some scholars attribute the prob-
stature of military recruits or slaves in order to develop more lems afflicting quantitative history to the initial overselling of
accurate measures of biological well-being and social depriva- the method by insufferable practitioners who promised more
tion. This historical demography amassed a source base for the insights than their research was able to deliver. These critics,
prestatistical era and produced interesting interpretative comprising largely traditionalists, have always been suspicious
concepts for explaining the population transition. of the proposition that history had anything to learn from the
The final area in which quantification transformed research social sciences and have long bristled at heady sentiments such
priorities and methods was the new economic history (Davis as that expressed by Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, who predicted
and Engerman, 1987). Redirecting attention away from entre- in 1967 that in the future “the historian will be a programmer
preneurship, ‘cliometrics’ as it was also called inspired efforts to or he will be nothing” (Rabb, 1983). The most famous (or
establish indicators of national production and income for the infamous) of such critiques is almost certainly that of Carl
prestatistical age as well as to transform information from Bridenbaugh, who in his American Historical Association
manuscript censuses into published form. In the United States, presidential address in 1962 stated that “[t]he finest historians
a heated debate revolved around the profitability of slavery, will not be those who succumb to the dehumanizing methods
with Robert Fogel’s and Stanley Engerman’s claims producing of the social sciences,” nor those who “worship at the shrine of
much controversy, due to their combination of economic and that Bitch-goddess, QUANTIFICATION” (Bridenbaugh, 1963).
moral argumentation. Much attention also focused on the key In later years, other skeptics such as Bernard Bailyn and
Quantification in History 697

Lawrence Stone were more subtle, calling not for the explicit programs. Some associations and journals have withered and
abandonment of quantification, but instead for a revival of died – the British-based Association for History and Com-
narrative history. puting and its journal History and Computing, most notably –
Another reason was the cultural turn of many younger and there are virtually no job listings for quantitative histo-
historians who rejected both the materialist premises and the rians (Anderson, 2008).
positivist vision of most practitioners of quantitative history. On the other hand, excellent historical work employing
To these critics, quantitative representations of the past were at quantitative methods continues to appear, albeit generally by
once too cold, too remote, too impersonal, and too abstract. social scientists working with historical data. Economic histo-
Large datasets were said to dehumanize, and ‘soulless’ quanti- rians, the vast majority trained as economists and working out
fiers were assumed to be ready, like Marx’s bourgeoisie, to of departments of economics, have produced an impressive
drown all human sentiments “in the icy water of egotistical body of work over the past decade, and an exceptional new
calculation” (Coclanis, 1992). Moreover, in making fetishes of journal – Economics and Human Biology – has become the
rigor and precision, quantitative historians purportedly principal venue for quantitative work in historical anthropo-
attempted to exact more from the vast, vague, largely metrics (Coclanis, 2010). Some of the interest among
unknowable past than historians had any right to claim. economic historians was spurred by the so-called Great
Instead, the past was reconfigured as a foreign country, to Recession (2007–09), which led many economists to look
invoke the title of historian David Lowenthal’s influential 1985 anew at earlier periods of severe economic distress (particularly
book (Lowenthal, 1985). the Great Depression of the 1930s, but also the depressions of
The changing demographics of the historical profession, the 1870s and 1890s).
particularly in the United States, also served to reinforce the Quantitative history has flourished as well over the last
trend toward qualitative approaches. As history opened up to decade in disciplines other than economics. Indeed, what
women and minorities – groups, generally speaking, less (quantitative) historian Steven Ruggles has labeled QUASSH
inclined to pursue quantitative approaches to the past – (quantitative social science history) is booming in allied social
quantitative history could be expected to decline in a relative sciences, with top journals in demography, sociology, political
sense. Just as women and minorities have been underrepre- science, and geography frequently featuring historical work
sented in the hard sciences over the years, they have proven less with a quantitative bent (Ruggles, 2012). Nor does this trend
interested in the more social scientific sides of history. Though begin and end with the traditional social sciences. For example,
both groups have embraced social history as a vehicle for their the emergence of new fields such as digital humanities and
identity politics, relatively few of their members can be found historical information science that place heavy emphasis on
in fields such as economic history, historical demography, or computing and on electronic-data storage and retrieval has
quantitative political history. proven a boon to quantitative history. Moreover, many
During the 1980s, many historians turned instead to historically minded linguists and specialists in literature have
cultural anthropology for methodological inspiration. Reject- embraced quantitative methods in their work, with Stanford’s
ing the rigorous, formal, and remote data-driven ‘truths’ sought Franco Moretti probably the most notable – and certainly
by quantifiers, scholars interested in experience and meaning controversial – of the literary scholars going the quantitative
preferred in-depth microstudies, whether of single villages, route (Moretti, 2005). Thus, if all is not well in history
small groups, or even well-documented individuals. Gradually, department corridors for quantitative approaches to the past,
‘thick description’ came to trump ecological regression, crude such approaches are more than holding their own in other
death rates, and multiple R-squares, no matter how robust! The preserves of the academic realm.
philosophical basis of this shift to anthropology was the rise of
postmodernism, which deprecated the rationalism, univer-
salism, and empiricism of historical social science. By the late The Continued Importance of Quantification
1990s, the ascendancy of cultural studies thus left quantifiers
off in a corner silently counting all by themselves. The current disregard of quantitative methods in the discipline
is unfortunate, since quantification continues to be an essential
technique for historical research. Some questions can best be
Recent Developments answered through recourse to what Sir William Petty referred to
in the seventeenth century as ‘Number, Weight, or Measure,’
In a general sense, the spiral has continued downward for and it is more than ‘physics envy’ that has drawn scholars to
quantitative history over the past 10 years, but, when examined quantitative analyses of the past. Even after conceding that
more closely, the overall pattern – and prognosis – for the many early practitioners were a bit overly zealous in their
approach becomes far more complicated. On the one hand, claims, it seems fair to suggest that quantitative history can
there is abundant evidence that quantitative approaches provide the methodological discipline, intellectual rigor, and
continue to languish among historians. With such trends as the moral purpose that subjectivist forms of history often lack.
‘history of emotions,’ today few articles and books emanating With all due respect to such influential postmodernist thinkers
from scholars in history departments employ quantitative such as Baudrillard and Lyotard, not every aspect of the past is
methods; history courses in quantitative methods – and, positional, free-floating, and contextual. Moreover, historians
indeed, those that once taught them – have largely been are better trained to handle and preserve data from the past
mothballed, and few departments display interest in, much less than social scientists who often take figures at their face value.
privilege, the quantitative skills of applicants to their graduate The challenge therefore is not to abandon quantification to the
698 Quantification in History

social scientists, but to create a constructive dialogue between produce so-called semantic grammars, for example – non- and
quantitative and qualitative methods (Grossbart, 1992; Has- anti-quantifiers ignore the results at their peril (Anderson, 2008).
kins and Jeffrey, 1990; Hudson, 2000). In addition, quantitative historians’ recent incorporation of
The utility, indeed, the necessity of quantitative history spatial relationships into historical analysis through spatial-
seems more compelling in light of important new develop- effects regression models and the like has produced similarly
ments in the field. Technological constraints have eased impressive results (Griffin and van der Linden, 1998).
considerably, for example, as miniaturization and digitaliza- In the second decade of the twenty-first century, the future
tion in the electronics industry have advanced. Today’s prospects of quantification in history are therefore indistinct.
personal computers, programmable calculators, and other Clearly, individual quantitative historians, among the profes-
platforms offer tremendous power and, thus, computational sion’s most avid proponents of scientific rationalism, univer-
possibilities to quantitative historians. Similarly, new devel- salism, and empiricism, are continuing to expand the frontiers
opments in statistical packages, spreadsheets, GIS (geographic of their research and are still making important contributions.
information systems) programs, text analysis and retrieval But whether or not the interest of mainstream historians will
software, file-sharing packages, and the like have vastly return to quantification and the subfield as such will ever
expanded the array of data-gathering and analytical tools that again recapture the excitement and energy it possessed in the
can be used in quantitative research on historical questions. 1970s remains an open question. The relative popularity of
The increasing availability of new and/or enhanced sources various approaches does not just depend on the quality of
and datasets also presents unprecedented research opportuni- their scholarly work but on the larger tides of intellectual
ties. Materials readily retrievable from established institutions fashion. However, one unexpected development offers some
such as the ICPSR (Interuniversity Consortium for Political and cause for optimism: Though quantitative historians are
Social Research) in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and data available hanging on for their professional lives, historically inclined
online from the World Bank, the International Money Fund political scientists, economists, demographers, and sociolo-
(IMF), the Eurostat (EU), and other governmental, quasigo- gists are winning kudos in their respective disciplines by
vernmental, and nongovernmental organizations and agencies bringing quantitative methods to bear on the past.
are transforming the nature (and sites) of scholarly production.
The online version of the millennial edition of the Historical
Statistics of the United States, datasets assembled by Yale’s See also: Anthropology and History; Data Bases and Statistical
Cambodia Genocide Program, the University of Minnesota Systems: Archives and Historical Databases; Economic History;
Population Center’s IPUMS (Integrated Public Use Micro Event History Analysis: Applications; Historical Thought and
Sample) Project, drawn from US census records, and the East Historiography: Current Trends; History and the Social
German central cadre files – to cite but four examples – are of Sciences; Hypothesis Testing: Methodology and Limitations;
similar scholarly importance, and have tremendous potential Linguistic Turn and Discourse Analysis in History;
as teaching tools. Various research projects undertaken under Measurement Theory: History and Philosophy; Network
the auspices of, or promoted by the now defunct Association Analysis; Postmodernism: Methodology; Slaves and Slavery,
for History and Computing, founded in England in 1987, have History of; Social Mobility, History of.
proven extremely useful as well (Anderson, 2008).
At the same time, quantifiers have in recent years developed
more sophisticated methods, allowing them to analyze and Bibliography
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questions – quantitative analyses of major ‘texts’ in order to bridge, MA.
Quantification in History 699

Hudson, P., 2000. History by Numbers: An Introduction to Quantitative Approaches. Moretti, F., 2005. Graphs, Maps, Trees: Abstract Models for a Literary History. Verso,
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