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Saibah: Values are integral part of every culture. A common core set of values creates expectations and
predictability. Without which, a culture disintegrate and members would loss its personal identity.
Values dictates behavior. It tells what is good, beneficial, important, useful, beautiful, desirable and so
on. Values answer the question why people do what they do. Values become the roots of traditions that
groups of people find important in their day-to-day lives.

Some Filipino Values originated from their ancestors that are influenced by the colonizers. And today,
we're gonna discuss some common cultures and if these Filipino values still exist today.

Hazel: Bayanihan System is a Filipino Value in which Filipinos have the spirit of cooperation that extends
helping others without expecting any exchange.

Orbilla: When does Bayanihan commonly happen?

Hazel: It is very evident here in the Philippines during calamities such as typhoons and incidents in which
Filipinos help one another.

Orbilla: So its somehow, related to Damayan system. What makes it different?

Saibah: Damayan system is the trait of showing sympathy to your co-Filipino which can be more seen
after the calamity where people give relief goods, temporary shelter and other basic goods. And it can
also be seeen when a Filipino have lost a loved ones where people come to visit and offer money as way
of condoling with the family.

Orbilla: *tando**** Filipinos are also fun loving that even during challenging times, they still have
something to be happy about.

Naomi: Another Filipino trait is Familism in which Filipinos support their family member regardless if he
or she did something wrong.

Guirnaldo: Isn’t it consider to be “kunsintidor”?

Naomi: Filipinos have different ways to discipline a family that gone astray. Thus, the person should not
be abandoned. In fact, Filipinos are also religious and pray during difficult times. It is obvious in the
house of the Filipinos where they portray a picture God and display of different saints.

Guirnaldo: Filipinos are also hospitable and compassion where they are generous and to their guests
even if it’s a stranger. People give money to beggars and help others who are in need.

Hazel: Is being hospitable only applicable to a co- Filipino member?

Guirnaldo: No, it is also widely known to foreigners that’s why many of them visit the Philippines.

Saibah: Filipinos are also flexible in social group where they adapt to the norm of the group to maintain
harmonious relationship. That's why Filipinos are also friendly because, they tend to be sociable and
know how to “makibagay” among the group.

Orbilla: Filipinos are also known to be persistent and have the remedyo attitude. They are creative and
resourceful and have the ability to fix things that are next to impossible. An example of this is when
they have a strong determination in fixing appliances that are beyond repair such as electric fans and

Naomi: Another value is the “utang na loob” where they have the feeling of obligation to repay
someone who offered them help.

Hazel: Are those who offered help in damayan system expect to reciprocate their help?

Naomi: Not necessary, but time would come where those people would ask for their help.

Hazel: Lastly, the Respect for Elders. Filipinos are courteous both in words and in actions to the elderly.
An example of this is the “mano po” and saying “opo” and “po” during conversation.

Guirnaldo: Are still those evident today?

Hazel: Some families practice them while others not because of busy schedules of their parents.
However, they still pay respect them and acknowledge them as an elder person to them.

Saibah: And those are some common Filipino Values. Some are evident and some are not. However,
these values should be preserved because Filipino values are integral of the Filipino culture. And the said
values make the Filipinos unique and amazing individuals.

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