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Emeraude v5.

20 Update Notes

1. Introduction
Emeraude v5.20 is a major release that addresses many objectives. These notes describe the new options, and
- together with the online help – will be your entry point to those new functionalities if you are moving from
Emeraude v5.12.

Highlighted sections correspond to the delta between v5.20.01 and latest upgrade v5.20.02.

Main objectives of Emeraude v5.20 are:

(1) Import array curves from DLIS and LAS files
(2) Improved Well Sketch (integration of the KAPPA Workstation component)
(3) Improvement of interpretation workflow
(4) Temperature modelling improved
(5) DTS data handling
(6) Interactive MPT calibration
(7) Improvements in loading process
(8) Additional options available in the top ribbons

Note that Emeraude v5.20 remains a 32-bit application. However, some options will only be available on
computers managed by a 64-bit operating system (DLIS file load, Array data display and explore).

Emeraude v5.20 main screen

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2. General additions

2.1. User Interface

The backstage view is activated when the application is launched (as for KW modules), and more generally, the
controls appearance has been improved whenever possible (check marks of check boxes, flat buttons in grids,

As in previous versions, options are gathered into 5 tabs: Main, Edit/QAQC, Special, Output, and Window. New
buttons were implemented in some tabs for easy access to Survey, Interpretation, Pass, hidden views,

(1) Pass: equivalent to pass toolbar from Edit/QAQC tab (with Pick Nearest Curve)
(2) View: includes button to invoke Templates. Show and Snapshots buttons now have an associated drop
list (quicker call to display hidden channels or existing snapshots)


(1) Document: select Survey and Interpretation

(2) Depth: “Sensor shift” renamed “Tool shift”
(3) Undo / Redo apply to the commands modifying depth logs (up to 15 per data channel)
(4) Tool specific: includes MPT Calibration button. “Other” button gathers Spinner reversal and water
holdup from capacitance options
(5) View: all options to create views (same as in Main)


(1) Browser: access to the data browser (same as in Main)

(2) Document: select Survey and Interpretation (same as in Edit/QAQC)
(3) Pass: equivalent to pass toolbar from Edit/QAQC tab (with Pick Nearest Curve)
(4) View: all options to create views (same as in Main)


(1) Browser: access to the data browser (same as in Main)

(2) Document: select Survey and Interpretation (same as in Edit/QAQC)
(3) Pass: equivalent to pass toolbar from Edit/QAQC tab (with Pick Nearest Curve)
(4) Export: Rates and File to Database added
(5) View: all options to create views (same as in Main)

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 Validate with enter key after renaming in browser
 Toolbars order changed (reverted to v2.60 order)
 It is possible to delete any node in the browser

2.2. Creation of a document restore point

In Emeraude v5.20.02, when an existing document is successfully opened, a backup file ([file name].[file
extension].bak) is created in the same directory as the document. It is a snapshot of the state of the document
that was successfully opened. Backup files are updated only when the document is successfully opened next,
not when the document is saved. This ensures that nothing that may affect successful opening of a document
is committed to the restore point. If a file cannot successfully be opened, and a restore point exists, the file
state from the restore point is loaded instead. This ensures the file is not lost (only progress made during the
last active session is lost). An application setting allows enabling/disabling this option (in Application settings
– Save tab). It is activated by default.

2.3. Application settings

 Automatic load of all template files (*.kvt) from Program Data\KAPPA\Emeraude5 when Emeraude starts
 The mnemonic catalog window offers easy mnemonics filtering for automatic skip in load. It also applies
to built-in mnemonics, and mnemonic category is shown in curly brackets. Custom mnemonics removal
from selected mnemonic categories is possible with the ‘Clean up’ option. It applies to mnemonics neither
used in opened Emeraude files, nor in view template files loaded in Application Display settings. Also, the
number of mnemonics sub-categories is given for each group of categories in brackets (e.g. Caliper [3]
group contains categories Caliper, Caliper C1 and Caliper C2). See below, left.
 In ‘Application Settings – Misc’, an option offers displaying passes and stations in chronological order. It
applies to the document browser tree view and the pass drop list in the ribbons. See below, middle and

 MPT tools with mnemonics starting at index 0 can be added to the catalog (e.g. CAL00).

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2.4. Load
 Multiple files can be selected to delete them with a single click.
 Unrecognized mnemonics are skipped by default and any mnemonic change to all files need to be
 When loading data, standard deviation, mean and
median are automatically calculated. Corresponding
values, updated if the data channel is edited, appear
in the browser Info panel when the data channel node
is selected.
 Files with non-monotonous depth values may not be
loaded properly in Emeraude. The ‘Check file depth
order’ option, in the main load window, helps
troubleshooting such cases, as it will scan the entire
file and display increasing, decreasing and constant
sections (see opposite).

2.5. Edition
 Ability to Undo / Redo some actions (up to 15 per data channel): Re-sample, Pencil edit, Filter, Delete parts,
Hide parts, Fill gaps, Extrapolate, Pass shift, Tool shift, Depth stretch and Zone stretch. Also applies to
modifications made via the pass or data Properties options.
 Extrapolation using a custom slope, and a fixed intercept.
 When ‘Hide Parts’ has been applied to a data channel, a message is displayed in the browser info panel.

Pass / station
The pass and station Properties option displays the main information for all passes at once in a grid. Date-time
is associated with each pass and used when display in chronological order is specified. It can be set when
loading data and it is edited in this grid together with other parameters: pass number, direction or depth shift
value (below, left). Zone stretch, spinner reversal and aspect are accessed via the Edit button, which shows a
green check mark if zone stretch or spinner reversal applies (below, right).

Conventional capacitance
Interactive edition (graphical) of conventional capacitance calibration end points is available. Same
functionality as the interactive calibration of MPT probes end points (see Multiple Probe Tools section).

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2.6. Display
 By pressing the keys CTRL+U a user track is created.
 By default, Up and Down passes have different aspects (specified in display settings).
 Deactivate ‘Export high resolution bitmap’ option in Application display settings to allow ‘Copy to
clipboard’ to keep black background.
 The ‘Play’ option, in the track popup menu, highlights passes and stations one after the other. The highlight
will follow the chronological order if activated in the Application Settings.

2.7. Report / Export

 An external bitmap can be added to the built-in report.
 A new version of the MS-Word report and plot control ActiveX is distributed.
 SIP results can be exported to LAS file
 Additional information is given when exporting to LAS file: source pass and lateral average source pass(es)
(see below).

3. Array curves
Array data coming from DLIS files (e.g. borehole images, cement bond logs…), can now be imported and
displayed in Emeraude. In addition, Emeraude also allows loading array data from single or multiple LAS files,
each indexed curve (e.g. DTS trace) identified by a mnemonic.

Due to the possible large size of array data in memory, the component used for loading from DLIS and creating
the image, is a 64-bit component, which will not run on 32-bit OS. The data are kept in memory by this
component, and not by Emeraude, only the time required to generate the bitmap that will be displayed in
Emeraude. Hence, Emeraude memory usage does not drastically increase when loading and displaying array
data. Moving array data between documents is also possible.

3.1. Load
 When loading from DLIS, a dedicated tab appears in load dialog (below, left, A). Select the array(s) to load.
 When loading from one or several LAS, activate the option ‘Create array’ (below, left, B). The expected
format is one depth column per file, followed by any number of columns with the same property. If multiple
files are selected, the set of depths retained for the array is the union of the depths found in each file.

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 When loading from CSV, trace dates can be set together with
the array data, provided the file has a depth column and one
column for each trace. The date-time associated with each
trace is given in the corresponding column, on a specific row
(e.g. row #2 below). The date-time format and row number
are specified, as shown opposite. If elapsed time is given
instead of date-time, the reference date is entered, and
traces date-time are calculated accordingly. This option is
accessed from the Import Data window (below, left, C).

 Load can be done in GWD or in a Survey.

 Loaded arrays appear accordingly in the browser, with ancillary information (below, right).
 Sample index can be (re)set after loading the array data, either by loading values, or by giving the increment
between two consecutive samples. Note that if no sample index values are loaded, default index
corresponding to the sample position in the array is used (starting from 1).

3.2. Display
 Displays an image generated with the 64-bit component
 Associated color scale and index scale appear in the track header. When hovering the track, the mouse
pointer coordinates are shown on the bottom left corner of the application
 User can change image resolution: Low, Medium, High. Default is Medium (cf. application display settings)
 Markers and grid lines can be displayed on top of track
 Dedicated track template

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Color scale
 Four predefined in settings, where more can be added. Two are used by default for the following arrays:
o Gray scale for ASLT, DSLT, SCMT, BSAT, M305, RBT, WMSG, VLD
o Red-black for SBT, ZP, AIBK, UFAC
Those associations appear in the settings, where they can be changed, removed, and new ones added.
Arrays with no associated color scale will use the color scale marked as default.
 Can retrieve scales from opened files
 Can change color scale, and set min/max in tracks
 Can import / export color scales

 Can be accessed upon right click in array data image track.
 Can scan measurements versus sample index (e.g. time) and versus depth, by selecting traces at different
sample index values or at different depths. The selected traces are displayed in dedicated plots.
 Specific settings allow displaying date information, selected traces location on the array image, and black
vs gray color for the selected traces in the Depth and Time plots, instead of blue to red gradient coloring.
Those settings are accessed via the parameters button right to OK (below left).
 Specific traces can be selected in a PL interpretation as reference channel or traces to match if the well
undergoes water injection fall-off sequences (see below, section about temperature model): select Copy
traces on exit, as shown below left. Upon OK, they appear in the document browser tree, as child nodes of
the array data from which they have been extracted, with date and time information (below right). They
are displayed in a dedicated track (labeled XXX traces, where XXX is the array name). It is also possible to
apply mathematical functions to these traces, using the User DLL or Math Pack option. The result of the
operation is then stored in the active survey Data Store.

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Saving a document can be done with or without the array data binaries. If saved without the data, then the
image colors cannot be modified when the file is closed and reopened. But persistence is faster, and files are
lighter. If the data is kept when saving the file then the .ke5 file will contain the original .ke2 file, plus the
binaries of the loaded array data. The default (save array data binaries) can be changed in application settings.

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4. Well Sketch
 Creation of multiple WS is available in the ribbon. The
WS can be created from a copy of a previous one, and
a time stamp can be associated to each WS
 A dedicated track template to select which WS to
 When creating a new survey, the relevant WS is
displayed by default if several were shown based on
the time stamp of the WS compared with the date of
the survey
 Editing WS is possible via Properties on the browser
node or in the track popup menu
 WS editor gathers all elements existing in former
Emeraude versions, plus new ones available in KW,
including a screen element.
 WS editor gives two complementary views of the well
schematic under construction: a track with a non-linear
depth scale focusing on each element, and a
hierarchical tree view where individual elements can
easily be selected (see below), in depth order.

Classic versus new well sketch

 Perforations can be imported from Emeraude document
 The perforations are displayed as rectangles or sharp triangles, and color can be changed

Note that the 5.20 version doesn’t allow WS to be created using Classic (2.60). Only the new version will be
available. In this context, Classic WS will automatically be converted to the new version when opening existing

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5. PL Interpretation
Some improvements have been implemented in the interpretation workflow to facilitate and smooth the
 Interpretation list in alphabetical or chronological order (depends on an application setting)
 Interpretation Info window with dedicated tabs:
o Main: model selection (Zoned vs Continuous, Use of thermal model…)
o Spinners: spinner tools to calibrate (conventional and/or MPT). Several MPT tools can be selected.
o Temperature: Energy model (based on enthalpy balance) is the unique model proposed (Segmented
model is kept only for old files). Wellbore parameters, Reservoir parameters and Injection conditions
are now clearly separated.
 The initial state of the improve process can be set from ‘Surface rates and inflow length’: it distributes the
surface rate on each inflow proportionally to their length.
 It is also now possible to generate downhole conditions rates, standard conditions rates and rate ratios
together, and export them in a single LAS file for reporting purposes.

5.1. User quality level

A user quality level can be associated to each inflow zone:
 5 predefined values offered (0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1), associated with 5 colors, but any value can be manually
entered in [0,1]. Color is then interpolated
 Edited in Zone rates - Contributions tab
 Quality track shows colors
 Quality channel stored with interpretation schematic (available for export)

5.2. Spinner calibration

The spinner calibration and application zones are now displayed side by side in the Zones track. This is shown
below left, where spinner calibration zones appear in yellow, and spinner calibration application zones appear
in orange.

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Interpretations using array spinner tools (FSI, SAT…) now allow comparing all spinner calibrations, by displaying
the calibration lines on the same plot (below right, A). A legend is available in the plot, to identify the spinners.
An option allows computing the average slope and applying it to all spinners (below right, B). This operation
can apply to all calibration zones, or only the active one. And it is possible to generate the apparent velocities
without leaving the spinner calibration option (below right, C).

5.3. Multiple Probe Tools

Calibration end points
To facilitate quality control and appropriate processing of MPT data, it is now possible to display each MPT
probe calibration end points vs depth, on top of each probe measurement. To activate it, on a probe
measurement automatic track, right click, select MPT Calibration, and then select the tool of interest. All visible
automatic tracks displaying probe measurements for the selected tool will show two or three lines, depending
on the number of probe calibration end points. Each line will be shown with the relevant phase color (e.g. blue
for water, green for oil or hydrocarbon, red for gas as shown next).

When displayed, the calibration end point values can be interactively edited. Select the option MPT Calibration
in the Edit/QAQC ribbon (red rectangle on next picture), then click and drag any calibration end point line in
any track displaying one. The interactive edit mode will stay active until the MPT Calibration option is selected

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Built-in tools
Load and quantitative processing of Baker Production Array Imager (PAITM) data. A new version of the view
template file is provided (Baker Hughes_v2.kvt). The different measurements obtained with this tool now appear
under PAI node in the document browser tree view, according to PAI mnemonic wildcards defined in Multiple
Probe Tool settings, in Browser tab.

Load of OpenField FAST tool has been improved to consider counter clockwise tool bearing, and automatically
discriminate tools if several are present in the tool string. The OpenField view templates file has been enriched
with quality control tracks (i.e. LQC), and additional mnemonic definitions to facilitate data loading. These
measurements will appear automatically under FAST node in the document browser tree view, according to
FAST mnemonic wildcards defined in Multiple Probe Tool settings, in Browser tab.

Now it is possible to display MPT with conventional tools considering the actual size of each of the probes,
tools and well. Only active probes are displayed, as shown below. When displaying the MPT process
reconstructed data, it is possible to display probes of other processed MPT.

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Note that, although image views can now be displayed without knowing the well diameter, the cross section
will still not be available in that case.

Tools processing
All combination of tools can be considered in the processing, including spinner tools of different types (SAT
and PAI, for instance). Whatever the tool considered, the average output of the processing now produces data
associated with generic mnemonics (YO_MPT, YG_MPT, QO_MPT…).

When accounting for the tool body, the areal average calculation now explicitly requires the tool body diameter
value. Default values are built-in for the MAPS and PAI tools. For the FSI, considering the specific tool geometry,
the calculation is built-in and does not require any user input.

The holdup weighed average spinner calibration, relying on the MPT processing for the calculation of the
apparent fluid velocity at the level of each spinner, has been extended to the FSI tool.

Additional output is now available:

 The liquid-gas slip velocity (VSLG_MPT) and water-oil slip velocity (VSWO_MPT) if the phase velocities are
 The reconstructed holdups at the location of the CAT tool probes, when a CAT tool is processed. Note that
the Multiple Probe Tool settings, in Sondex – CAT folder, have been enriched with predefined CAT-YG,
CAT-YO and CAT-YW tools, for the creation of the corresponding image views. The Sondex view templates
file has also been enriched with corresponding full layout templates.

5.4. Temperature model

The workflow has been revised. The Energy model is the only method available as the old Segmented model
has been removed (only available in old files for legacy purposes). The Temperature tab is available if “Classical
with thermal model” interpretation is selected (below, left).

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Among the new functionalities are:
 Option to start model @ Pres instead of Psf
 Option to simulate without pressure profile. In this case,
the pressure profile is reconstructed after calculating
the hydrostatic and friction pressure gradient
components, from the given point and going upwards.

Additional results have been added to help troubleshooting

the calculations:
 Thermal exponent in PVT flash results (left)
 dT Joule-Thomson, dP skin in Summary table (below)

Water injection fall-off

The water injection fall-off model, formerly called warm back model, has been included in the wellbore flowing
condition options (Interpretation setting - Temperature tab, see picture above right). When selected, the PVT
defined is single phase water for either a PL simulation or an interpretation. This option implements a model
described in paper SPE 97023.

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In Interpretation mode, knowing the total water injection rate at surface, and the injection duration, it allows
matching a temperature trace during the warm back of the formation at a given time during shut-in. The results
of this process are the water injection rate profile, and the injection temperature profile.

If multiple temperature traces are available at different times during the injection and / or shut-in periods
(coming from passes or from a DTS array loaded in Emeraude, possibly in different surveys), several traces can
be matched at the same time to improve the confidence in the injection rate profile. The schematic mnemonic
will then match the input mnemonic for each additional trace (e.g. TEMP_03_Z for TEMP_03). It is also possible
to consider only trace(s) during the injection or the shut-in period.

In Design mode, knowing the injection rate profile, temperature traces can be calculated at several times during
injection and shut-in periods, according to a given time sample interval and time period. The resulting traces
are stored as an array data and displayed as such, in an image and track.

For the sake of clarity, all traces are associated with a date-time information which either comes from the
parent pass or the parent array. The shut-in start date must be entered manually.

Steam injection
Steam injection was only available in Design mode, in which case the calculation was based on the mass and
energy balance equation. It is now also available in Interpretation mode; in which case the calculation is
performed as usual for a two-phase interpretation:
 Pressure, Temperature, Velocity and Density (or Holdup) should be available as input
 In addition to the water vapor and liquid rates, the main output are the following depth logs: Power
(enthalpy/time), Steam quality, Heat Loss per unit length (dPower/dZ), Saturation Pressure. An average
filter is applied to steam quality, power and heat loss per unit length.
Note that, when selected, a dedicated water and steam PVT is used (SPE 20319).

6. Export to database
It is now possible to export data from different containers (GWD, pass, interpretation) to a single LAS file. In
this case, if the same mnemonic is found several times, an index will be appended to it, in order to create a
valid LAS file.

It is offered to export the PL interpretation results to a proprietary database:

 Rates to DB: exports zone Contributions, Rates and Confidence level to
 File to DB: exports interpretation results (LAS) to Database

The connection to a database is made via a dedicated DLL. An API is available to develop this DLL (C++ VS2015
solution). Please contact KAPPA support to get the necessary information.

[End of document]

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