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Critique side group 5

Prepared by:

Astacaan Marquis

Gallardo Rovie

Madarcos Melody

Paredes Nestor

Tamayo Jowella Andrea

Tolorio, Clein Jacob

Zaquita Bernalyn

Prepared to:

Dr. Judith Joy Aquino


We are taking the point of view of vice president of Kinaxis.


How will kinaxis improved their selection process?

III. Objectives

1. To provide excellent services to the costumers

2. To have a better selection process

3. To have harmonies relationship within the organization

4. To have competitive candidates

5. To make the company more profitable

IV Areas of Consideration


. 1.

2. Excellent customer service

3. Quality product


1. Small numbers of sales representative

2. Lack of coaching and training of employees

3. Ineffective selection process


1. the competitors have the advantage in terms to their software.

2. The 80 applicant that has been rejected might be hired by the other company
3. Taste and preference of the customer


1. Hire new employees to increase their sales

2. Globally competitive

3. More customer will invest in their product

IV. Alternative course of Action

ACA #1. Hire skilled Human Resource.


1. Proper selection process.

2. Competitive HR personnel.
3. Insuring the candidate that will hire is competent


1. Costly
2. The hired HR did not follow the high standard of the company
3. Time consuming

ACA #2 Follow the proper selection process


1. Select the best candidate for the position

2. Avoid any biases for the candidates

3. It helps eliminate the candidate who are lacking in knowledge, ability, and skills


1. Long process

2. Costly

3.More time spent training for new hires

ACA #3 Give BOB DOLAN a memo regarding to his action


1. He will not repeat his mistake again.

2. Enhance his ability in selecting applicant.
3. Increase awareness.


1. regarding in his position he will not easily accept it.

2. decrease his self-esteem.

3. he will be demotivated to his work.

V. Analysis

They mistakenly selected 20 candidates without the proper requirement. As a result,

there was little doubt among of them who are really deserved to enter the company.

VI. Recommendation

we strongly recommend ACA 1and ACA 2, hence when kinaxis can hire the best HR. they
will have no problems and will be able to choose the right and proper employees for their

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