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Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya


Baccalaureate Mass 2009

Most Rev. Ramon Villena, DD

Bishop Presider
Rev. Fr. Remeo Nimez, CICM

Fr. Tonus Gymnasium

Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
7 April 2009
7:30 A.M.
Baccalaureate Mass 2009


I will sing forever of Your love, O the dawn

Lord I will sing forever of Your love, O
I will celebrate the wonder of Your Lord
name for You are my refuge and my
For the Word that you speak is a strength
song of forgiveness You fill the world with Your life-
And a song of gentle mercy and of giving spirit
peace Who speaks Your word Your word
of mercy and of peace
Let us wake at the morning and be
filled with Your love Coda: And I will sing forever of
And sing songs of praise all our Your love, O Lord
For Your love is as high as the Yes, I will sing forever of Your love,
heavens above us O Lord
And Your faithfulness, as certain as


We celebrate today a new beginning. In this special occasion
we offer to God the gift of ourselves as we cherish the joys ans
expectations of the present moments.
Let us then look back and reminisce the toils and travails of
times past. Let us not forget our parents, mentors and other
persons whose passion, dedication and guidance have molded
us to become gifted individuals as well as faithful citizens of
the Kingdom.
As we commence our journey to build a better world, let us
remember the cherished tradition our beloved Alma Mater:
competence, creativity, community supportiveness and
Christian discipleship.

How good it is to celebrate this moment of joy and this season

of grace. Blessed indeed is the God of life and love!


Presider: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
All: Amen
Presider: The grace and peace of God our Father and the Lord Jesus
Christ be with you.
All: And also with you.

Presider: Jesus Christ, our Lord, we come to You in sorrow for our sins,
and confess to You our weakness and unbelief. (silence)
At times in our journey, we have only lived by our own
strength and not by the power of Your resurrection. Lord
have mercy.

All: Lord, have mercy (sung, interspersed).

Presider: We have only lived by the light of our own eyes, lacking faith
and trust in You. Christ have mercy.
All: Christ, have mercy. (sung)

Presider: We have only lived for the toils and cares of this present
world, and have not prepared enough for our permanent
abode. Lord have mercy.
All: Lord, have mercy. (sung)

Presider: May the God of love and mercy forgive us and free us from
our sins, heal and strengthen us by His Spirit, and raise us to
new life in Christ our Lord.
All: Amen.

Presider: Let us pray.
God our Creator, we believe in Your Son, Jesus Christ.
Open our ears to listen to His word. Open our hearts that
we may experience His message as a call addressed
personally to each one of us to go out and do our part
making this world a better place to live in. We ask this in
the name of Jesus the Lord.
All: Amen

FIRST READING (Sirach 1: 1, 4-11)

Reader: A Reading from the Book of Sirach

The word of the Lord

All: Thanks be to God


SECOND READING (Eph 5:10-17)

Reader: A reading from the Letter of Paul to the Ephesians.

The Word of the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God


GOSPEL READING (Lk 4: 16-21)

The Good News of our Lord, Jesus Christ.



Presider: As Christ was sent to the world, we, Marians, are also sent
to build a better world. Let us pray for the graces we need
for this mission. Let us pray: SEND US AND BE WITH

Leader 1: (School of Business)For the Church, the People of God,

that with the Gospel it proclaims, it may be a voice and
force promoting love and justice among peoples and
among nations, we pray to the Lord:

Leader 2: (SOEA)For all those in position of authority and

leadership, that they may not become arrogant or
dishonest or merely seek their own interest, that they may
love the people entrusted to them, we pray to the Lord:

Leader 3: (CSIT)For our parents who have responded and are still
responding to God’s call to bring forth life, may the force of
God’s love enable them to carry on their responsibility of
caring their families and nurturing love that never ends,
we pray to the Lord:

Leader4: (Accountancy)For our administrators, our teachers and all

other employees of our school that they may continue to
share their talents and ability in order to build a
community according to God's plan, we pray to the Lord:

Leader 5: (AS) For the world in which we live, that all people of
goodwill may work together to put an end to war and
hatred, oppression and injustice; and to seek peace,
freedom and justice. Let us pray to the Lord:
Leader 6: (Law)For all of us, graduates, that we may never forget to
look back and be grateful to all who have touched our lives;
may the Lord’s spirit enlighten our hearts and minds and
guide our endeavors as we embark on a journey to build
the better world, we pray to the Lord:

Presider: Father, source of our life, you know our needs. As we

continue our mission to build a better world, may we be
held by Your hands and walk more readily in Your ways.
We ask You this through Jesus Christ, our Lord now and
forever. Amen.
OFFERTORY SONG: Take and Receive (with Offertory Dance)

Presider: Pray brothers and sisters, that our sacrifice may be

acceptable to God, the Almighty Father.
All: May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the
praise and glory of His name, for our good and for the
good of all His Church.


Presider: God of compassion, may the food and drink which Jesus
gives us change us into gifts to one another, that we may
become each other’s bread and wine, life and joy. Let
unselfish love and service be our offering to one another
and to You, today and everyday, on account of Your Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.



AMEN: 7-Fold Amen

LORD’S PRAYER: Ama Namin (Jazz)

Presider: Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our
day. In Your mercy keep us free from sin and protect us
from all anxiety as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of
our Lord, Jesus Christ.

All: For the Kingdom the power and the glory are Yours, now
and forever.

Presider: Lord Jesus Christ You said to Your apostles: I leave you
peace, my peace I give you. Look not on our sins, but on
the faith of Your Church, and grant us peace and unity of
Your Kingdom where You live for ever and ever.
All: Amen
Presider: The peace of the Lord be with you always
All: And also with you.
Presider: Let us offer each other the sign of peace

LAMB OF GOD: Kordero ng Diyos (MVF)

(Kordero ng Diyos na nag-aalis ng mga kasalanan ng mundo

Maawa Ka sa amin
Kordero ng Diyos, maawa Ka ) 2x
Kordero ng Diyos na nag-aalis ng mga kasalanan ng mundo
Ipagkaloob Mo sa amin ang kapayapaan
Presider: This is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the
world. Happy are we who are called to partake in this
All: Lord I am not worthy to receive You but only say the word
and I shall be healed.



Presider: Lord our God, we thank You for trusting us so much that
You have entrusted to us the very mission of Your Son to
the world that yearns for well-being and integrity. May
our loving service and unselfish giving show that Christ is
alive and His Spirit is continually present in the life of the
world. We ask You this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.


We will now witness the Send-Off Ceremony, the
commissioning of our graduates to proclaim the Good
News in words and deeds as Marians are sent to build a
better world.

The assigned representatives come before the altar. The

Presider lights the candle of each representative
from the altar candle. The song “Pass It On” is
sung. After all the candles are lighted the
Presider says:

Presider: May your lighted candles remind you of Christ’s words,

“You are the light of the world.” Let your light shine before
men and women that they may see your good works and
give glory to your Father in heaven.

All: Amen.

We request the parents and the teachers to extend their
right hand as a sign of blessing for the graduates as we sing
the hymn of Irish Blessing

All: (Sung) May the road rise to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.
May the sunshine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft
on your fields.
And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow
of His hand

Graduates: Lord Jesus Christ,/ You know us and You call us by our
name/even before we could know and love You./ May we
hear and heed Your word as You call/ and send us to build
a better world

Make our spirit of love and service contagious / that it may

inspire people/ and attract them to You,/ our living and
loving Savior./

Let Your life and message inspire us/ to voice out the
truth/ and to bring liberation/ to each and every one in our
communities,/ especially the least of our brothers and

Lord, as we let our light shine,/ help us to accept the

challenge of true renewal./Bring to all around us / the light
and warmth You bring to this world./

May we have the courage/ to proclaim Your love / in the

language of our time / as we strive to work as competent,/
creative,/ and community supportive Christian

All this we ask You/ for You are the Holy One/ who lives
and reigns with God the Creator/ in communion with the
Holy Spirit/ one God for ever and ever./



Presider: The Lord be with you

All: And also with you.
Presider: May the Almighty God bless you all, in the name of the
Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
All: Amen
Presider: The Mass is offered, go and be witnesses of God’s love as
you help build a better world.
All: Thanks be to God

Commentator: As we sing the final hymn, the graduates may offer their
corsage and the lighted candle to their parents as the sign
of their unending and deepest gratitude.


1. One of Heart and One of Soul

2. At the Beginning

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