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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan



A Documentary Report
Presented to the SHS Faculty of
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School – Dalaya Extension
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics

Kathleen V. Briones
December 2019

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan


I ______________________________________________________,
18 Grade 12 – Information & Communication Technology residing at
Fula, Buguey, Cagayan
___________________________________________________, renounce and waive
any claim against the Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Municipal Health Office
and _________________________________________________________________
for any injury that I may obtain, or loss that I may suffer, personal or pecuniary, while
undergoing the Work Immersion for all the Grade 12 students to be held on own
respective assigned immersion site on ____________________________________.
December 02 2019-January 10 2020
Signed at Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan, this 27th day of November,2017.

Student’s Signature Over Printed Name

Signature of Parents/ Guardian Above Printed Name

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

This simple portfolio was developing with much effort with the help of whole
hearted people to whom the immersion deeply offers her gratitude of sincerest
appreciation. Appreciation is also rightfully extended to the following individuals
whose contributions are indisputable in the realization of this memorable speech.

To my family, who has guided and supported with me from the

beginning. You have molded me to who I am today; without you, I would not be who I
am now. Thank you for your love, patience, constant advice and support.

To Senior High teachers, most especially to my adviser, Ms. Criss Merflor

Umoso, Grade 12 Adviser who helped me finished my papers that are needed in our
Work immersion and to Ms. Felipa Michelle Ramos, for her unconditional support in
checking my grammar of this portfolio.

To Dra. Innocencia Saniatan, for allowing us to experience the work immersion

that gave us another set of skills and knowledge that distinguishes us from everyone.

To Ms. Rica Grace Donato, RN who shared her time, patience, and the guidance
for the knowledge of new ideas in taking up our own course in life.

To all the staffs of Buguey-Municipal Health Office, most especially to Ma’am

Mildred Aggasid, thank you for allowing us to experience the work immersion that gave
us another set of skills and knowledge that distinguishes us from everyone.

Above all, I am deeply love incepted to our LORD JESUS CHRIST for his
profound love, wisdom and courage seemed for my family, teacher, and even myself.


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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan


You are never rewarded for your intentions You are rewarded for your completions

Who gave immeasurable grace. During the work immersion days
The time we needed, the we never expected and the source of strength, wisdom and


Who support me in moral and financial, thank you for giving inspiration to look
To everyday and who taught me to trust in God, believe in hard work and that so much
Could be done with patience

To my Friends and Co-immersant

Thank you for making me smile when I am stressed and depressed
Helping me in times I need you and always on the go whenever I need your assistance

To our Adviser, Mrs. Criss Merflor Umoso

Who saw something in us worthy of her trust and time
For helping us in times of difficulty and for guidance she rendered


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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

Title Page…………………………………………………………………………........0
Approval Sheet…………………………………………………………………..……2


A. Introduction…………………………………………………………………….8
B. Objectives of the Work Immersion…………………………………………...11
C. Values and Attributes of a Student in a Work Immersion…………...……….12

CHAPTER 2: THE WORKPLACE………………………………………………..13

A. Company Profile ………………….…………………………………….....14
B. Company History……………………………………………………….….15
C. MHO Mission/ Vision……..………...………………………………….....16
D. MHO Core Values.………………………….……………………………..17
E. MHO Organizational Chart…………..…….……………….……….….....18
F. Business Flowchart ………………………………………………………..19
G. Logo and Its Meaning…………………………….………………..………20
H. Location of Company………………………….………………….…..….. 21
I. MHO Target Client ….………………………………… ….……………...22
J. MHO Rules and Regulation ...……………………………………………..23


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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

CHAPTER 4: ACTIVITY REPORT…………………………………………..….32

A. Training Plan…………………………………….……………………….…..33
B. Daily Accomplishment Report…………………………………….………...36
C. Weekly Activity Report……………………………………….……………..42
D. Work Immersion Highlights ………………………………………………...44

CHAPTER 5: REFLECTION……………………………………………………..45


CHAPTER 6: APPENDICES………………………………..…………..………....48
A. Summary of Work Immersion Duty……………………………………........49
B. Daily Time Record…………………………………………………...………57
C. Gallery of Pictures with Captions…………………………………...….…....58
D. Application Letter…………………………………………………………....64
E. Updated Resume/Curriculum Vitae…………………………………..……...65
F. Certificate of completion…………………………………………………….68

Barangay Clearance.................................................................................................70
Police Clearance.......................................................................................................71
Medical Certificate………………………………………………………………...72
Mayor’s Clearance……………………..………………………………………….73
Community Tax Certificate…………………………………………………….....74

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan



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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

Work Immersion is more than what it means. It’s the set of training, learning,
and the most important ingredient of all, the experience. Just like what the famous quote
say “Experience is the best Teacher”. And nothing compares to the knowledge that it
can give to us. A Senior High School students/learners needs to experience Work
immersion in an industry that straightforwardly identifies with the student’s
postsecondary objectives. Through this Work immersion, the students are presented to
and gotten comfortable with work-related environment related to their field of
specialization. In particular, the students can increase significant and commonsense
mechanical abilities under the direction of industry specialist and workers; value the
significance and utilization of the standards and hypothesis educated in school; improve
their specialized information and aptitudes; advance their aptitudes in interchanges and
human relations; and grow great work propensities, state of minds, gratefulness, and
regard for work. These set them up to address the requirements and difficulties of
advancement education after graduation. “Work Immersion is a key feature in the senior
high school curriculum. It can be conducted in different ways depending on the purposes
and needs of the learners, “Education Secretary Leonor Briones said. The guidelines
said work immersion- which can range from 80-320 hours- will enable students to
become familiar with the workplace experience.
To further sharpen the procured aptitudes of the senior secondary school students
increased subsequent to adding two years to essential instruction through K-12
Curriculum, the Department of Education(DepEd) has discharged the rules for the lead
of inundation exercises for SHS understudies in the nation. As indicated by DepEd
Secretary Leonor Briones, the work immersion is a key element in the senior secondary
school education programs. It can be led in the various courses relying upon the reasons
and needs of the students. It was expressed in the rules that work drenching will help
create among student’s life and vocation aptitudes, and will set them up to settle on
choices on postsecondary instruction equipping towards the four ways out imagined

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

for SHS graduates to look over the business, enterprise assist abilities preparing through
TESDA and school training. Contained DepEd Order No.30, the arrangement of 2017
discharged on June 5, the rules indicate that the said work drenching will empower
understudies to get comfortable with the work environment, encounter work
environment reproduction and apply their abilities in zones of specialization. The said
work submersion movement can go from 80 to 320 hours. Workplace simulation and
apply their competencies in areas of specialization.

DepEd trust that accomplice establishments will furnish students with work
inundation openings, working environment or hands-on involvement, and extra learning
assets through organization building. The school may band together with perceived
foundations or associations to think of concurrences on work inundations for
understudies and in light of the fact that the understudies are still minors, work
drenching requires parental assent. Since the well-being of students is essential to
DepEd, the office should guarantee that all schools are found. The rules additionally
give that the most extreme number of hours for every day as given by law. So as not to
abuse the understudies who are still minors, DepEd focused on that work drenching
ought not to be lessened as an unimportant enrollment device for an accomplice
establishment, saying that the understudies ought to likewise pick up aptitudes that will
empower them to meet all requirements for other occupation choices. Subsequently, the
schools and understudies ought not to be requested to pay the senior secondary school
accomplice organization for any work drenching action led. The rules included that
charges for work submersion should just be set after conference with guardian. This
corner trusts that these rules will fill its need of giving the understudies, guardians and
the partners an archive to allude that will r
epresent the work submersion and a bit of paper that will understood the
maximum capacity of our SHS graduates towards making an atmosphere of owning and
completing an obligation. Senior High School (SHS) understudies are presently allowed
to upgrade their abilities in separate scholastic track

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

through the K-12 Work Immersion Program as a way to create skills and
hardworking attitudes in readiness for this present reality and its difficulties.
This Work immersion furnishes students with chances to find out the work
experiences and in addition the bona fide workplace. Work immersion is a key
component in the Senior High School program.

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

Work Immersion will help develop among the learners’ life and career skills, and
will prepare them to make decisions on being a Police Officer. Through partnership
building, MHO hopes that the partnership Institutions will provide learners with work
immersion opportunities, workplace or hands-on experience, and additional learning
resources. It aims to make the learners:

1. Appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories learned
in Municipal Health Office;
2. Enhance their technical knowledge and skills.
3. Enrich their skills in communications and human relations; and
4. Develop good work habits, attitudes, appreciation and respect for work.

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

As a student who is in a work immersion, here are some values and attributes
that will help you propel and have a meaningful experience.

 Even though you are just a student in a work immersion, it would be great to
exhibit professionalism. Come to meetings and work on time. Dress up properly.
Watch your language. Comply with company policies.
Remarkable Work Ethics
 Work ethics is the set of work principles you live by. Show to your colleagues
and supervisors that you are dedicated to your job in the immersion. Avoid
complaining about tasks given.
 In a work environment, there are dynamic activities and processes. Be ready to
accept change. For an instance, due to lack of budget, you were assigned to find
sponsorship for a marketing event. You might want to learn how to network and
how to negotiate in the process of asking for sponsorship.
 in dealing with other people outside those that they have worked with and
learned with in the last several years, the learners are instilled with patience in
order to discern the best possible ways to grow as persons in society.
 More importantly, the process of observation which will give the learners a
better understanding of how the world works and how it affects them as
 In a work environment, there are targets to be achieved on a daily basis. As such,
it is to do your part in the whole process. Ensure that you deliver your work with
quality, commitment and on time.

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan



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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

Buguey Rural Health and Birthing Unit

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

Buguey derived its name from the Ibanag word “Nabugay” which means capsized. Story
goes that in the early 1600’s the sea pirates attacked, plundered the town, and looted the houses
in revenge of the Spaniards who attacked them in Mindanao and Sulu. They came to see the
biggest bell, the Sta. Barbara bell installed at St. Anne Church, one of the oldest churches built
in 1610. They forcibly took the bell as a present to their Sultan. En route to the high seas, a
strong gust of wind from the northwest blew fiercely the vintas carrying the huge bell sank in
the Babuyan Channel. The people who witness the mishap shout with joy in their Ibanag dialect
“Nabugay Ira” the incident that happened to the Moros reverberated even to the distant areas
and the word “Nabugay” became and accepted name of the town, but evolved to its present term
“Buguey” as time passed by.

Buguey was founded on May 20, 1623 by virtue of a Royal Decree issued by the King
of Spain. However, in 1901, it was expropriated and was reduced to the status of barrio, tired of
their political misery and in their desire to uplift the politico-social status of the municipality, a
group of political leaders led by Alejandro Varilla, Gregorio Valle, and Placido Calaycay
petitioned the American Governor-General to restore Buguey to its former status. With the
intercession of Vicente Marasigan and Ex-representative Venencio Concepcion, Buguey was
restored its municipal status on July 26, 1915. It was then that hundreds of cows and pigs were
slaughtered as people celebrate the occasion for the feast of St. Anne, the Petron Saint of the

As Buguey expand and become a progress one, the buildup of the Municipal Health
Office was rendered. The fund that was used to construct the MHO came from the national and
evolves to the Local Government Unit. It was created for a purpose to provide the basic health
services, and implements the different health programs of the department of health for the
prevention and control of diseases. This serves as also as the first aid to the Bugueyanos to
address the immediate needs of the residents. In connection, the Municipal Health Office of
Buguey is a PhilHealth Accredited Rural Health Unit, located at Centro, Buguey, Cagayan and
the said health center is one of the biggest building health centers in Buguey.

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

The Municipal Health Office is the

leader, staunch advocate and
model in promoting Health for all

Guarantee equitable, sustainable

and quality health for all
Bugueyanos, especially the poor
and shall lead the quest for
excellence in health.

Page | 15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan








Page | 16
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan


Hon. Lloyd M.
Municipal Mayor
Saniatan, MD

Mildred U.
Aggasid, RN

Nemei Nelson
Viejo, RN
Lycelle Jane Urbina, Emervie A.
RMT Margarita Doniego
Tabarejo, RM RSI

Gloria T. Emerlita A. Dela Fenelyn A. Mata, Agustina M.

Magayano, RM Cruz, RM RM Arellano, RM

Bernadette U. Rosalyn L. Lobo, Sharon L. Unida, Lydialyn Rabino,

Javier, RM RM RM RM

Cesar V. Serrano
Driver Jodelyn A. Alonzo
Omar Tito Dante P.
Unciano Macutay Retes Jr.

Felicisimo Jomar U. Reymart T.

Alagon Jr. Aslarona Remolacio Driver
Driver Driver
Greanne May R. Katrin Joyce F.
Soliven Aytona

Page | 17
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

 The images inside the Logo of Buguey

represents the products of Municipality of
 The colors; red, yellow, and blue represents
the Philippine flag.
 The letterings within the circle is the name
of the town and Province of Cagayan written
in the Filipino language.

Page | 19
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

H  Any person who are immediate

O relative of the deceased

A  Any person/individual who wants to

R avail the services.

E  Any person/individual who needs
T medical assistance.
L  Any person/individual who wants to

I get Sanitary Permit.


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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan













Page | 22
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan



Page | 23
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan



Page | 24
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

Page | 25
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

Page | 26
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

Page | 27
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

Page | 28
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

Page | 30
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan



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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan


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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

Day Date Daily Activities of
-Orientation with regards to immersion guidelines
conducted by Ma’am Jessica Villacillo, the, the, the
Human Resource Administrative Officer. 9 hrs.
-We are assignedto our designated department/offices and
Monday December - We observed inside the laboratory room and I learned 44
(DAY 1) 02,2019 how to use a microscope mins.
-Me and Christine observed and assist Ma’am Lobo and
Ma’am Tabarrejo in Giving a birth to a parturient woman.
-We also observed how to get the blood type and blood
sugar of the patient

-We get the blood type and blood sugar of our co-
Tuesday December immersant
(Day 2) 03, 2019 -Ma’am Rica Taught us how to admit a patient and she 9 hrs.
reminded us to be humble at all times and
-We cut and creased gauze 48
December -I get the broom and take initiative in sweeping the floor 5 hrs.
Wednesday 04, 2019 -We make cotton balls and wrapped them with a clean and 9
(Day 3) white paper mins.

Page | 36
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

No. of
Day Date Daily Activities hours

-we attended the flag ceremony at exactly 7:00

Monday December o’clock in the morning and we listened to the 9 hrs.
(Day 4) 09,2019 speech of Mayor Lloyd Antiporda and 38
-Me and Mhia helped Ma’am Lycelle Urbina in mins.
cleaning the laboratory Room.

December - we entertained and asked the patient if they owned 9 hrs.

Tuesday 10,2019 a phil-health or not then we categorized them into and 39
(Day 5) two the with Phil-Health and Non Phil-Health and mins.
I write them on the logbook

-With the guidance of ma’am Rica I cleaned the

Tuesday December wound of a patient
(Day 6) 11,2019 - Sir Julie Pagela, taught us how to mixed or how 9 hrs.
to combine an ATS for skin testing and I also tried and 40
to mixed an ATS and he also sir Julie ordered me mins.
to encircled the injected area of the patient on his
Tuesday(half- December - we admitted patients while in the afternoon we
day) 12,2019 decorated the booth of MHO for their Christmas
(Day 7) party 5 hrs.
- We entertained a patient who engage in vehicular and 34
accident,my co-immersant admitted the patient I mins.
am the one who called and talked to her parents
through telephone

Page | 37
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

Day Date Daily Activities of

Monday December
-This is the day of their Christmas party and we, the
(Day 8) 16,2019 immersant stayed in the center since we are not part of 9 hrs.
the program. Dra. Innocencia Saniatan is out that’s why and
we don’t admit patients we just only get the blood 27
pressure of those patients who want to know their blood mins.

Tuesday December
-Me and my groupmates are assigned to get the kilo and
height of all the patients who are going to have their 9 hrs.
(Day 9) 17,2019 checkup. and
- Ma’am Rica discussed about the different types and ways
in injecting a patient, and asking the basic information to a
patient if they get involved in an accident like vehicular mins.
accident, drowning, gunshot and many more. She taught
us the different and She added some information about the
Vital signs (Blood Pressure, Respiratory Rate, Pulse Rate,
and Body Temperature)
9 hrs.
Wednesday December
- Me and my groupmates are assigned to admit a patient
(Day 10) 18,2019 and we stayed at the admission area 57

Thursday December
- we are assigned to entertain and get the vital signs of all
(Day 11) 19,2019 the patient within this day such as their, Respiratory 9 hrs.
Rate(RR), Pulse Rate(PR), Blood Pressure(Bp) and their and
Body temperature. 36
- ma’am Rica gave us a short quiz about the things she mins.
discussed last December 17 After the quiz she taught us
how to get the last menstrual period, age of gestation and
expected date of confinement of a pregnant then she gave
us LMP and we tried to solve and get their AOG and EDC.
8 hrs.
Friday December
-we referred a patient at Aparri Hospital and
(Day 12) 20,2019

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

-Another quiz(continuation of computation) we’ve done 59

yesterday mins.

Day Date Daily Activities of

Wednesday December - we are assigned to the with phil-health or non-phil- 9 hrs.

(Day 13) 23,2019 health, in this task we need to ask and categorized them if and
they owned a phil-health or not and record it on the 13
logbook mins.

Thursday December 9 hrs.

(Day 14) 26,2019
-We make cotton balls and cut some gauze then we
wrapped them with a clean paper.
- We also joined the rally against terrorism. 34

Friday December 9 hrs.

(Day 15) 27,2019
- Christmas party of all doctors that’s the reason why Dra.
and 1
Saniatan is out. We have nothing to do so I decided to do
my narrative report. min.

Page | 39
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

No. of
Day Date Daily Activities hours

Thursday January - we don’t admit patient only those who wants to 9 hrs.
(Day 16) 02, know their blood pressure and

- Me and my groupmates are assigned to stay at the

Friday January front desk and asked the patients if they owned a phil- 8 hrs.
03, health or not. and
(Day 17)
2020 55
- Ma’am Rica discussed about sterile and non-sterile mins.
as well as the proper way of putting or wearing a
gloves maybe she noticed that we are not that fast in
wearing a gloves in times of emergency. A mountain
of gratitude to ma’am Rica for sharing her knowledge

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

No. of
Day Date Daily Activities hours

Monday January - We refer a 67 years old patient from centro, buguey to

06, 2020 Grupo Medico DE dios then, we pick up a patient at Aparri 9 hrs.
(Day 18) Hospital and then we accompanied the patient at Sta. and 22
Maria, Buguey.

9 hrs.
Tuesday January - Me and Amy are assigned to get the kilo and height of
and 22
(Day 19) 07, 2020 those patient and we make cotton balls and wrapped them mins.
with a clean paper

Wednesday January 8 hrs.

(Day 20) 08, 2020
- the task given to me and to my groupmates is to get the and 51
vital signs of patients mins.
Thursday January 9 hrs.
(Day 21) 09, 2020
- We are assigned to stay at the front desk again and asked
and 15
the patient if they owned a phil-health or not.

- Last day of our work immersion. We like to extend our

Friday January work immersion but we can do nothing. We prepared
10, 2020 food for all the staffs or personnel of MHO. Grateful I am
(Day 22) 9 hrs.
to be part of an institution where motivation and wisdom
never last. I offer my sincerest gratitude to all of them for and 8
all the knowledge, experiences and memories we’ve mins.
shared within the short period of time. The journey on
being a successful person might be hard but all thanks to
them I’ve realized that everything will be pursued with
hard work and patience

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

First week of immersion. A week that is full of learning and

discovering. First we had our orientation in the Mayor’s Office. Ma’am
Jessica Villacillo, the Human Resource, Administrative Officer IV, discussed
to us about the importance of proper hygiene and pleasing personality in
appreciation in workplace. In addition, she also discussed about the
characteristics and attitudes that we need to possess in the office where we
will be deployed. Within these weeks I’ve experience a lot like using a
microscope, cleaning a wound, observing and assisting in giving a birth of a
parturient woman. I’ve learned how important a nurse in the society and how
responsible he/she was about his responsibility.

In the second week of our immersion another learnings and experiences

I’ve encountered just like the proper way of performing a CPR and I really
enjoyed demonstrating it. On this week we entertained and asked the patient if
they owned a Phil health or not then we categorized them into two the with Phil
Health and Non Phil Health and I write them on the logbook with the guidance
of ma’am Rica I cleaned the wound of a patient and I’d experience how to mixed
an ATS for skin testing. Then we entertained a patient who engage in vehicular
accident, my co-immersants admitted the patient and I am the one who called
and talked to her parents through telephone. This is such a blessed week since
within this week I can say that “EXPERIENCE OVERLOAD”

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

In the third week of our work immersion. Another week of learning and
unlocking a chances of discovering. “In order to success your desire to success
should be greater than your fear of fear” This is what I’ve realized within this
week. I conquer my fears and I’ve surpass all the challenges of the week
therefore I can say that this is a marvelous achievement

Courage is what you earn when you’ve been through the tough times and
discover aren’t so tough after all. On this week due to its Christmas season some
of the MHO staffs are out for the vacation. We are assigned to stay at front desk,
all I thought that is a very difficult task but I found out, I was wrong because the
task is just interesting and easy as long as you have a patience and determination
to learn. Moreover, nothing’s hard when done with love, courage and
determination. Everything is Possible

This is the simplest week ever since, doctor is always out within this
week but on the other day mw and my groupmates are assigned to asked if they
owned a Phil Health or not. On this week I’ve learned how to wear a gloves in
an easy way. A mountain of gratitude to our CI since she is the one who
developed and improved us during our stay in their department.

Last week of our Work immersion at MHO. I am happy but at the

same time a little bit sad. Happy because finally our work immersion would
finally end; Sad because I will surely miss the people who guides and motivates
us in our work immersion. I will forever treasure all the precious learning,
lessons and memories we’ve shared.

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan



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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

As I make my way at last year of being a Senior High School, I am required to

take on the work immersion for the preparation in working in a real word after school.
For the one (1) month that I’ve been working, I can say that I learned a lot of things
not just in the field of Nursing but also what the real rile really is. This work immersion
gave me an inspiration to be more serious and focused in studying. It was all new
experience for me. In my 160 hours of working at Municipal Health Office, I saw
different creatures with different faces and with different personality. I got the chance
to know some people and to do work with them. They are warm and willing to share
their knowledge. At first, I felt awkward but late I learned how to mingle with these
people. I was able to cope up to the new environment that I have. Work immersion is
more than what it means. It’s the set of training, learning, discovering and the most
important ingredient of all, the experience. Just like the famous quote say “Experience
is the best Teacher”. And nothing compares to the knowledge that it can give to us. It
may be hard at first, but once you learn to appreciate and love what you’re doing, it
became easier and easier every day. I was exposed in the actual work at Municipal
Health Office. In the one month of staying in my working sites, I learned many things
not only related to my strand but also the things that molded me into the person I am
right now. Lucky indeed for me which are absolutely related to my chosen field and
the best thing about my working sites is that they love to share all their knowledge
about Nursing without any hesitation. Though I encountered some problems in my
working place but through their guidance I conquered all and with this I grow, to
explore and discover new facts about Nursing and to gain experience which will serve
as my guidance in stepping into the real world.

This work immersion enriched my confidence created a foundation of being a

good employee someday. As I experience the actual or the real world of an Engineer,
I’ve learned a lot, I became an observant and a listener to all the people I’ve worked

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

with even it is our first time we’ve met. I’ve how to communicate and understands well
what Nursing do. I reminded myself not to be lazy, but I am there to learn and to feel
the true feeling or essence of being a professionals and working in hospitals.

It also improves my confidence in socializing people. I have developed as a

trainee to follow strictly the instruction to ensure that the process s properly sequence.
Ask questions if required to clarify understanding about things and to prevent from
incurring errors. Aside from the experience that I had relating to my strand, this work
immersion allowed me to get acquitted with employees of MHO. Being with is a
pleasure because I was working with a very great people. I can say that the course that
I will take later on is very exactly where I want and I will probably stay in this
profession for as long job opportunities are present as I entered college I am prepared
that one day I will be working in the real world of Nursing. So after this grade 12, I am
assuring that this will help me in my future job. I know that 180 hours is not enough
to fully understand the real situation in working in real world but I am sure that I cope
up easily and flexibly to whatever my job will be. It is a wonderful lesson to learn and
re learning, I’ve learned that it is not just a requirement to be completed but it is an
opportunity to show what skills, knowledge, and talent that I have and also an
opportunity to experience the feeling of being a professional in the field of nursing. I
really had a very meaningful and fantastic work immersion at MHO, though I already
finished working there as a trainee, I am looking forward to working with them not as
a trainee but a Nurse that will help them in admitting and assisting some patients. I just
can’t say enough about my experience at MHO, it is a great place to learn with a very
great group of instructor and most of all a great group of new friends.

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan


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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan


Work immersion is more than what it means. It’s the set of training, learning,
discovering and the most important ingredient of all, the experience. Just like the famous
quote say “Experience is the best Teacher”. And nothing compares to the knowledge
that it can give to us. It may be hard at first, but once you learn to appreciate and love
what you’re doing, it became easier and easier every day.

I thought working in your chosen field would be a lot easier because you already
have a background on what you are going to do but everything that my mind expects is
all wrong. Working in the real field is like being an ignorant child, you have to adjust
on the surrounding, the people around you and everything.

After the training, I learned that Work Immersion is not just a requirement to be
completed because this experience was transforming for me for many reasons. I did not
set any expectations for my experience in the beginning because I was not completely
sure what to expect. But, I ended up loving every moment of my project from start to
finish. I began this project knowing that I love to help people, but not having an outlet
for this passion. I ended this training with experience helping people as well as a way to
continue doing so in the future. I learned a lot about myself because the difference
between knowing what you want to do and actually doing is huge. Caring for another
individual is much harder than it seems, but is also incredibly rewarding in the end. Each
step of my work immersion gave me inside about the medical world and about myself.

Seeing patient care from different perspectives gave me an inside look at what I
would be doing daily later in life. I assumed that this would be easy for me, but
sometimes it can be hard and sometimes it can be very sad. Even though I thought I was
strong and could handle seeing most everything, there are things that can still affect me
for example, during the clinical hours of my work immersion, I actually had

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

to work in a center wherein I can have witnessed all the once young who can’t handle
their self anymore. This was hard because these people used to be young like me and
now they cannot do anything on their own. Upon reflection after this clinical, I was sure
that choosing healthcare was the right decision for me. I was passionate about each
resident I cared for and felt so successful after making them smile or knowing that I had
done a good job. I know that it is easy for people to go through the motions in this sort
of job, so I knew that if I didn’t enjoy what I was doing it would be just as easy for me
to fall into this routine. But, it makes me happy to help other people and I learned that
this work is hard but very rewarding. I am also happy that I completed this training
because it has given me confidence in the path I have chosen which was something I
didn’t have before.

It is a wonderful lesson to learn and re learning, I’ve learned that it is not just
a requirement to be completed but it is an opportunity to show what skills, knowledge,
and talent that I have and also an opportunity to experience the feeling of being a
professional in the field of nursing. I really had a very meaningful and fantastic work
immersion at MHO, though I already finished working there as a trainee, I am looking
forward to working with them not as a trainee but a Nurse that will help them in
admitting and assisting some patients. I just can say enough about my experience at
MHO, it is a great place to learn with a very great group of instructor and most of all
a great group of new friends.

This Work immersion furnishes students with chances to find out the
work experiences and in addition the bona fide workplace. Work immersion is a key
component in the Senior High School program.

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan


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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan


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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan


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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan






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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

GO” Referring a patient

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

“All our dreams come true-if we

have the courage to pursue them”

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan





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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan


Innocencia Saniatan, MD
Municipal Heath Office
Buguey, Cagayan

Christian Greetings!

I humbly request your good office for an opportunity of actual practice. I am Kathleen
V. Briones, 18 years of age and a grade 12 student from Licerio Antiporda Sr. National
High-School Dalaya Annex, currently taking up the Academic track under the Science
Technology and Mathematics strand.
I believe that the knowledge and skills that I have learned from my beloved school may
contribute something worthwhile to your office and at the same time my stay in your
office will be a great help for me to my chosen career. Actually, it is one of the best
avenue to hasten my skills and capability in the field of nursing. I am good at
interpersonal, motivated and always willing to learn new things, independent and self-
sufficient in handling task, collaborative and able to work teams or group at the same
time. Moreover, I am proficient in using Microsoft Office applications such as Microsoft
Office Word, Excel, and Publisher. I can able to work under pressure and know how to
manage my time.

I am certain that I will be able to polish more of my skills I have in this areas when I
exposed myself in the workplace. I can be a potential asset in any department you wish
to assign me. I am willing to render my service in your good office and abide by the
work immersion ethics.

Thank you and I hope for your positive response. God bless!

Sincerely yours,

Kathleen V. Briones

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan


Fula, Buguey, Cagayan


Career Objectives
Seeking a career-entry role which will enable me to do work on environmental policy,
to have the opportunity for improvement, to gain knowledge and to boost my skills not
only in layman's term but also in technical terms. And to develop my learning and
improve my performance in a position that commensurate to my qualification in which
I will be able to enhance professionalism and interpersonal skills.

Personal Information
Last Name : Briones Age : 18
First Name : Kathleen Sex : Female
Middle Name : Valdez Height : 150 cm
Address : Fula, Buguey, Cagayan Weight : 45 kg
Citizenship : Filipino
Civil Status : Single
Date of Birth : March 31, 2001
Place of Birth : Fula, Buguey, Cagayan
Religion : Roman Catholic
Father’s Name : Ramil S. Briones Occupation: OFW
Mother’s Name : Josefina V. Briones Occupation : BHW
Educational Background
Senior High School Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School Dalaya Extension
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

Junior High School Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School Dalaya Extension
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan
Elementary Fula, Elementary School
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

Seminars/Trainings Attended
“COC 2 Training”
Licerio Antiporda Senior National High School - Dalaya Extension
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

Personal Skills/Talent Skills

 Motivated and always willing to learn new things  Computer literate
 Independent and self-sufficient in handling task  Positive and goal-oriented
 Collaborative and able to work in teams or group  Patience and Dedication
 Good verbal and written communication skills  Willing to work under pressure

 YES– O OFFICER—Assistant Secretary

 With Honors (grade 7- grade12)
 Certificate of Set – Up Computer Networks Competencies

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

Character References
Christopher T. Pascua
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School Dalaya Annex
0915-564-6813 / 0956-669-9346

Ms. Criss Merflor V. Umoso

Senior High School Teacher/Computer Engineering/ICT Adviser
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School Dalaya Annex
0936-036-6709 / 0928-851-0081

I hereby certify that the information are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.

Noted by

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan


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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cagayan
Licerio Antiporda Sr. National High School-Dalaya Extension
Senior High School
School ID: 306011
Dalaya, Buguey, Cagayan

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