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1. Explain the definition and importance of the study of history.

History is a record of the past made available for the present, so that we can study how and
what happened in the past to derive meaning and reflect on it. Studying history is important allows
us to understand what happened in the past and it also allows us to understand our present. We have
to look to history for answers, if we want to know how and why the world is the way it is today.
2. How did the Filipinos learn from their history?

For how many years the Philippines has been colonialized by foreign countries shaping
what the Philippines is now, its culture and traditions are heavily influence by Spanish, American
and Japanese and other foreign countries. From the history of the Philippines, filipinos has learned
to appreciate what our ancestors and national heroes have done to free us from the chains of
colonizers which made their love for the country stronger.

3. How will you recognize the study of history as an important tool to achieve national unity?

Studying history is an important tool in achieving national unity, because studying history
we are able to know where we come from or what happened in the past, by this for example on
how we became an independent country, many sacrifices have been made by our national heroes
in order for us to be free, which made our love for the country greater. By having and sharing our
history as one we will be unified.

4. Describe the various sources used by the historians critically examine and have deeper
understanding of one’s culture

There are two types of sources that historians use to critically examine a historical source
to have deeper understanding of one’s culture. The first one is primary source where it is a
document that directly discusses the subject matter and the second one is the secondary source
it is a document that are made by individuals who were not direct participants to the event or
people who got the information. Historians have a way to critically examine documents or
sources, they criticize externally and internally, proving whether the document is authentic and
checking the reliability of it.

5. Give a logical explanation to the famous quotation used by Greek philosopher Heraclitus “No man
ever steps in the same river twice for its not the same river and he’s not the same man”.

If we are going to analyze the quotation, it refers to our life, while we are here on earth
living our life every moment we have to make a decision, for example what to choose to eat for
breakfast, whether for it to be bread or cereal, every time we made that decision there is no going
back from that decision ,t he water from the river is like the our moment that we made a decision,
just like the water it flows our time flows we can never go back from time , its what it says on the
quotation “no man ever steps in the same river twice for its not the same river and he’s not the
same man”. Why do we need to study Readings in the Philippine History?

6. We need to study Readings in the Philippine History?

Because it allows students to read the actual sources of the story of the nation, by reading
the sources themselves this will allow them to develop their own perspective and insights about
the Philippine’s past and how they will learn from it.
7. Prove the “not all histories are pleasant”

Not all histories are pleasant is somehow true, take it in the history of Philippines during
the colonization of foreign countries, the country suffered and it is considered as the dark
times in our history. Unpleasant experiences are more likely to be remembered so it will
not happen again in the future, “when experience is not retained, as among savages
infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”
(George Santayana, 1905)

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