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A Tentative Classification

of Alluvial River Channels

A Tentative Classification
of Alluvial River Channels
By S. A. Schumm

An examination of similarities and differences among some Great Plains rivers


Washington J 963
United States Department of the Interior

Geological Survey

Free on application to the U.S. Geological Survey, Washington 25, D. C.


Page Page
~Abstract---------------------------- 1 The independent variables--Continued
Introduction_________________________ 1 The importance of sediment type____ 3
The independent variables _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 A relation of percent silt -clay to
Restrictions _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ 1 bedload percent----------------- 6
The classification _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7
Discharge ------------------------ 2 Conclusions_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7
Total sediment load________________ 2
Channel stability _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 References cited ______________ - _ _ _ _ _ 9
Mode of sediment transport_________ 2


Figure 1. Relation of width -depth ratio to silt -clay_____________________________________ 4
2. Relation of sinuosity to width-depth ratio------------------------------------ 5
3. Relation of sinuosity to silt-claY-------------------------------------------- 5
4. Hypothetical relation of bedload to silt -clay__________________________________ 6


Table 1. Classification of alluvial channels____________________________________________ 8

A Tentative Classification of Alluvial River Channels

By S. A. Schumm

ABSTRACT development in the cycle of erosion, such as

.youthful, mature, and old (Davis, 1889), and
A classification of river channels might be based on the
independent variables, discharge and sediment load. Dis- also according to their origin on a land sur-
charge, however, because it determines mainly the size of a face, such as antecedent, superposed, and
channel, is not a critical factor for purposes of this study. consequent (Davis, 1890). These classifica-
Sediment load, because of its influence in determining chan-
nel stability, shape, and sinuosity, is used as the basis of tions relate the rivers to the geology of an
this classification. Three classes of channels, stable, erod- area and are used in the geologic interpreta-
ing, and depositing, are established with regard to channel tion of aerial photographs (Miller, 1962, p. 90-
stability or the relation of sediment load to transportability.
97). The numerical classification of Horton
A negative exponential correlation between silt-clay in (1945), whereby order numbers are assigned
the stream channel and the percent of total sediment load
transported as bedload is proposed. From this relation the· to the components of a drainage network, is
limits of three additional classes of channels, bedload extremely useful in the morphometric analy-
mixed-load, and suspended-load, are established, on th~ sis of drainage systems. None of the above
basis of the predominant mode of sediment transport or the
proportions of suspended load and bedload transported ·classifications, however, gives an indication
through a channel. "In all, nine subclasses of river channels of the character of the river channel with re-
are defined on the basis of channel stability and the dominant spect to the two independent variables, dis-
mode of sediment transport.
charge and sediment load, upon which the
n1orphology of alluvial river channels de-
Classifications of natural phenomena are
of value because they focus attention on the Melton (1936) related streams to the man-
key factors which distinguish the individual ner in which they build their flood plains, but
phenomena. Conversely, they may tend to discharge and sediment load of the streams
restrict thoughtful consideration of a prob- did not determine Melton's classification-
lem by categorizing things which are really rather they were reflected in it. Owing to the
members of a continuous series. When this complexity of the relationships and the lack
disadvantage is recognized, they may become of data, it is not surprising that a classifica-
useful guides to further research. tion of river channels has not been attempted
This report classifies some relationships
between river morphology and sediment type. THE INDEPENDENT VARIABLES
The classification was prepared as a means
of organizing these relationships as a guide RESTRICTIONS
and stimulus to further research on the influ-
ence of sediment load on fluvial morphology. The proposals must be restricted in appli-
cation, first, because they are based on data
Drainage patterns have been defined by obtained ·and observations made in the west-
geologists with regard to the respons~ of ern United States, mainly on the Great Plains,
streams to geologic structure and lithology though the writer is hopeful that the relation-
of an area-for example, dendritic, rectangu- ships may prove to be of a general nature; sec-
lar, and radial (Zernitz, 1932). Rivers have ond, the rivers studies are alluvial, generally
been classified according to their stage of


having a well formed flood plain and lacking TOTAL SEDIMENT LOAD
regulation of course or gradient by rock out-
crops except over short distances; third, the CHANNEL STABILITY
channels contain less than 20 percent coarse
gravel and the sediment load is, therefore, A major division of alluvial channels can
relatively fine -grained. be made on the basis of stream stability or
lack of it. These differences can be thought
The classification can only be applied lo- of with respect to the total sediment load de-
cally or to segments of a river system, for livered to the channel. An excess of total
the characteristics of a stream channel can load causes deposition, a deficiency causes
change significantly within a short distance erosion, and between the extremes lies the
if it becomes unstable (Schumm, 1961) or re- stable channel. Although often in the field
ceives sediment of a different type from a a given river channel cannot be clearly iden-
tributary (Schumm, 1960a). Therefore, it is a tified as stable, eroding, or depositing, it is
classification of channels rather than rivers. possible to think of all rivers as falling into
one or another of these three classes.
The classification, as indicated in the title,
is tentative, for the basic data necessary to The stable channel is one that shows no
prove its validity are lacking. Nevertheless, progressive change in gradient, dimensions,
it is presented as a stimulus to the collection or shape. Temporary changes occur during
of the necessary data and perhaps as ::~ new floods, but the stable channel, if the classifi-
approach to the consideration of alluvial cation were not restricted to short segments
rivers. of the river, would be identical to the graded
stream as defined by Mackin (1948) in which,
DISCHARGE "over a period of years, slope is delicately
adjusted to provide, with available discharge
Discharge is an independent variable that and with prevailing channel characteristics,
largely determin~s the size of stream chan- just the velocity required for the transporta-
nels (Leopold and Maddock, 1953) and the am- tion of the load supplied from the drainage
plitude and wave length of meanders (Leopold basin."
and Wolman, 195 ... ). Width and depth of the
channels to be Jiscussed herein are largely a The eroding channel is one that is being
function of dis..;harge, although the sediment progressively degraded or widened by bank
forming the channel may introduce important erosion or both. Conversely, the depositing
modifications (Schumm, 1962). channel is one that is being aggraded or is
having sediment deposited on its banks or
Discharge, however, is not a valid basis for both. Classification of river channels on the
a classification of ~tream channels unless basis of stability as eroding, stable, or de-
size is considered most important, though a positing, emphasizes the diversity among
qualitative distinction among stream channels rivers and stream channels; each of the three
can be made on the basis of discharge char- classes can be considered to be distinct from
acteristics, that is, ephemeral and perennial the others.
streams. This distinction is obvious but not
fundamental. differences be- MODE OF SEDIMENT TRANSPORT
tween ephemeral ctnd perennial streams have
been d(:~monstrated by Leopold and Miller The channels are further subdivided with
( 19 56), but the ,. uthor has shown that some reference to the predominant mode of sedi-
elements of the pattern and shape of both ment transport through the channel. Mode of
ephem,eral and perennial stream channels are transport is simplified here to mean the
related to the type of sediment forming the transportation of sediment as either sus-
perimeter of the channel (Schumm, 1960a, pended load or bedload.
1963) rather than to the amount or character
of discharge.

It is necessary to clarify the definition of c:omprises the bedload when the river is in
the terms bedload and suspended load as used flood. The 0.351-mm size, because it re-
herein. According to Einstein, Anderson and flects flood conditions, seems too high, for
Johnson (1940, p. 632) "the bed-load consists at low flows sediment particles 0.3 mm in
of material moving as surface -creep and diameter will certainly move on the stream
material moving in suspension, both of which bed. Sundborg (1956, p. 219) suggested that
can be expressed as a rate related to the the finest material transported as bedload
stream discharge. ****Primarily the con- ranges from 0.15 to 0.20 mm, and Hjulstrom's
ception is that bed-load and suspended load curves (1935, p. 274) suggest strongly that
do not supplement each other, as a certain sediment larger than the 200-mesh sieve
grain may easily be in suspension and still (0.074 mm) will be transported near the
be considered bed -load." The term bedload streambed.
as used above is synonomous with the term
bed -material load, which is defined as that In brief, the proposed distinction among
part of the sediment load of a stream which river channels is based on the predominant
consists of particle sizes represented signif- mode of sediment transport or the propor-
icantly in the bed of the stream. The empha- tions of bedload and_ suspended load trans-
sis on significant representation excludes ported through a stream channel. Although
the small percentage of silt and clay usually a single grain size, which would form the
found in most bed material (Einstein, 1950, boundary between suspended load and bed-
p. 6, 7). load, cannot be selected from available sedi-
ment -transport data, it is suggested that, in
The term suspended lead as used in this general, silt and clay are transported in· sus-
publication is synonomous with wash load, pension and that sand and sediment
that part of the sediment load not significantly are transported on or near the streambed.
represented in the bed of the stream (Einstein,
1950, p. 7). Wash load moves almost entirely THE IMPORTANCE OF SEDIMENT TYPE

in suspension and bears no relation to dis-

charge (Einstein et al., 1940, p. 632). As dis- Basic data on the proportions of bed and
charge increases in a stream channel the suspended load are available for only a few
amount of bed -material transported by sus- rivers. Therefore, it is necessary to retrace
pension increases. Nevertheless, bed-mate- the steps whereby the writer has tentatively
rial load differs from wash load because at concluded that the proportions of suspended
low flows bed -material load is stationary or load and bedload in a stream may be the
moves on the bed; wash load, however, is al- critical factor upon which many stream char-
ways in suspension as it is washed through acteristics depend.
the channel. In the channels of the Great
Plains rivers bed -material load is usually During a study of channel characteristics
composed of sand, whereas wash load is of some western streams, it was discovered
composed of silt and clay. that the shape of the channel of stable rivers
expressed as a width-depth ratio (F) is re-
In this report the terms bedload and sus- lated to the percentage of sediment finer than
pended load will be used, for although for any 0.074mm in the perimeter of the channel (M)
short period of sediment discharge the terms (fig. 1).
bed-material load and wash load are mean- (1)
F=255 M- 1• 08
ingful, there is probably an average grain
size which, over a period of years, forms the Further work revealed that the mechanics of
boundary between the sediment moved pre- deposition and erosion in ephemeral stream
dominantly on the bed (bedload) and the sedi- channels is related to M or silt -clay in the
ment moved predominantly in suspension channel perimeter (Schumm, 1962). The sin-
(suspended load). uosity of Great Plains streams, expressed as
a ratio of channel length to valley length (P),
The average grain size separating sus- is related to M and width -depth ratio (IF) as
pended load from bedload probably varies follows (Schumm, 196 3) :
between rivers. Einstein, Anderson, and f'=3.5F-· 27 (fig.2) (2)
Johnson (1940) concluded from studies along
the Enoree River in South Carolina that mate- P =0.94 M • 25 (fig. 3) (3)
rial larger than the 42-mesh sieve (0.351 mm)

a: .


LCO.I 1.0 10 100

Figure 1. -Relation of width-depth ratio (F) to weighted mean percent silt-clay (M) (from Schumm, 1960).

Initially these relationships were explained of the cohesiveness of the sediment, M may
by the higher cohesion of the bed and bank be related to the average percent of total load
sediments, which contain large amounts of transported in suspension. Conversely, the
silt and clay. This assumption was reason- percent of sediment coarser than 0.074 mm
able for bank material, but in most channels exposed in the channel may be related to the
the bed material doesn't contain enough silt average percent of total sediment load trans-
and clay to be cohesive. Yet, it was not the ported as bedload. The data presented by
percent silt -clay in the banks alone that Hjulstrom (1935) and Sundborg (1956) on the
showed the- best correlation with channel size of sediment transported on or near the
shape and sinuosity but rather the percent streambed lend support to this hypothesis.
silt -clay in the entire perimeter of the chan-
nel. After many attempts to explain the sig- Supporting evidence for the suggestion that,
nific__~ce of M in terms of the physical prop- as the percentage of sand and coarser sedi-
erties of the sediments, it occurred to the ment in the perimeter of a channel increases.
writer that, in addition to being an indication the proportion of total load transported as


ct -~r---....:. ~
• ~
• r--. ~ ...... 1-
• .5~~'1
~ 2.0 •• r-- to;- •

• ~~ -• ~

r--- ........ r;...... r--.•

z ~ •
• '•

- 4

10 100
Figure 2. -Relation of sinuosity (P) to width-depth ratio (F) (from Schumm, 1963).

- 3.0~----------~----~----~--~-+--~+-+-+-----------+------+----+---+-~--r-~~

Cl_ ...
p : 0 .9~ •
e I~~~-
-~~ .
.. . . -----!·.
__....,..... __,::-

0 ~~
Cl) ._,:.-....- .....--- . . .

~...,_...- •
• •


10 100
Figure 3. -Relation of sinuosity (p) to silt-clay (M) in perimeter of channel {from Schumm, 1963).

bedload increases is given by the relation of (1927, p. 246), and Mackin (1948, p. 484) to
percent silt -clay in the channel perimeter td support the view that to be stable an alluvial
width-depth ratio (equation 1), for others channel transporting a large proportion of
have noted that wide shallow rivers are char- bedload must have a relatively wide and shal-
acterized by high-bedload transport. Leopold low cross section. In addition, high sinuosity
and Maddock (1953, p. 29) state, "At constant is not conducive to efficient bedload trans-
velocity and discharge, an increase in width port, for Shulits (1959) observed that flume
is associated with a decrease of suspended experiments indicate that bedload is one-
load and an increase in bedload transport." third less in a 180° bend than in a straight
They quote from Lane (1937, p. 138L Griffith channel and that in a meandering channel the

bedload per unit width is 20 percent less than and Hembree, 1955, p. 111). The percentage
in a straight channel. This observation is in of material coarser than silt-clay in the per-
agreement with that of Dryden and others imeter of the Niobrara River, upstream from
(1956, p. 483) that the frictional resistance to the points of sediment measurement, is about
flow increases as sinuosity increases. When 98 percent. It can be expected that the pro-
the relation of sinuosity to width-depth ratio portion of bedload on the average would he
and to M (equations 2 and -3-)---are considered less than the percent of sand in the perimeter
with regard to the above statements. the case of the channel, for during floods large amounts
for the significance of the proportions of sus- of fine sediment would be carried through the
pended load and bedload in determining chan- channel in suspension. In any event, it seems_
nel characteristics is strengthened. Sundborg reasonable to suppose that as the proportion
(1956, p. 203-204) suggested that as bedload of bedload increases the percent silt -clay
decreases the channel becomes narrow and forming the perimeter of the channel de-
deeper and tends to meander; the writer con- creases.
curs in this opinion.
It may be possible to suggest the type of
An opportunity to examine the effect of relationship that exists between the percent
changes in the proportions of suspended load silt -clay in the channel perimeter and the
and . bedload in a channel is afforded by the average percent of total load transported as
Smoky Hill-Kansas River system. In western bedload. For two localities it is known that
Kansas the sinuosity of the Smoky Hill River about 50 percent of total load is transported
is about 1.2. the percent silt-clay ( M) is about on the bed when percent silt -clay ( M) is about
5 percent, and width-depth ratio is about 85. 2. Bedload probably is never greater than
Near the junctions of the Saline and Solomon about 60 to 70 percent of total load because
Rivers with the Smoky Hill, the sinuosity in- fine sediments are present in every stream
crease to about 2. 5. percent silt -clay ( M) is and generally are transported at a maximum
20, and width-depth ratio decreases to about rate when bedload transport is high. There-
10. The Saline and Solomon Rivers appear to fore, a curve relating percent silt-clay l M)
introduce a large amount of suspended load to percent bedload might intersect the bed-
into the Smoky Hill channel. Below the june- load axis at about 60 to 70 percent (fig. 4).
tion of the Republican River with the Smoky
Hill River. sinuosity decreases progressively On the other hand, percent silt~ clay ( M) will
to 1.1 at Topeka, percent silt -clay ( M) de- approach 100 percent when bedload transport
creases to about 3, and width-depth ratio in- is zero. Probably bedload transport is low
creases to about 45. The Republican River when percent silt -clay ( M) is about 30 per-
has only about 4 percent silt -clay ( M) in its cent because above this value sinuosity is
channel above the junction, and it undoubtedly
introduces a large amount of bedload into the
Kansas River. If, as suggested, the major 0 100
part of the change in the sinuosity and chan- 0
nel shape of the Smoky Hill and Kansas Rivers ....J 80
is the result of the type of sediment load in- <t
troduced by its major tributaries, the impor- 0
tance of the proportions of bedload and sus-
pended load to river morphology has been
LL 60
demonstrated. 1-
z Bedload channels
As indicated previously, there are practi-
cally no data to _support the hypothesis that ~ 20
the per..cent silt -clay in the perimeter of a 0
channel is related to the components of total Cl
load. Some recent measurements along two m 0~------~------~------~~------~==~~
rivers show that the average percent of total 0 20 40 60 80 100
load transported on or near the bed of the
Niobrara and Middle Loup Rivers is about 50 Figure 4. -Hypothetical relation of bedload, as percent of total
percent (Hubbell and Matejka, 1959, p. 1; Colby load, to silt-clay in perimeter of channel (M ).

high ( > 2.• 1) and width-depth ratio is low ( < 7 .0). initially along the banks, but as deposition
This type of channel theoretically is not continues the bedload fills the channel
capable of transportin~ large bed loads. (Schumm# 1960b). In bedloadchannels 6 deposi-
Therefore, the curve shpuld intersect the M tion occurs directly on the floor of the chan-
axis at an acute angle at 1100 percent (fig. 4). nel, which is raised until the channel is filled
If the curve shown on figlltre 4 is correct, then (Schumm, 1960b); in some be~load channels
a negative exponential re~ationship exists be- islands form and a new flood -plain is con-
tween M and the percen~ of total load trans- structed (Schumm and Lichty, 1963).
ported as bedload. If ~t does, width-depth
ratio is a positive expon¢ntial function of the Erosion occurs differently for each class,
percentage of total sedirqent load transported for the suspended -load channels have depos-
on or near the stream b¢d, and stream sinu- ited fine material and their banks are cohe-
osity is a negative expon~ntial function of the sive and resistant to erosion. Streambed
percentage of total sedirrtent load transported erosion is dominant, and later widening of
on or near the stream b~d. the channel may be minor. Arroyo cutting of
western valleys is of this type. The mixed-
THE CLASSIF~CATION load channel is lowered by degradation but,
because the banks are less cohesive. channel
The classification o~ alluvial channels widening may be important. The bedload
based on data from rivE!rS transporting ma- channel may change shape with only minor
terials finer than coarse gravel is given on degradation; for example, Cimarron River in
table 1. Nine subclass1es of channels are southwestern Kansas widened greatly after
shown, based on channel stability and on the 1914, but it may not have d?graded signifi-
predominant mode of sed~ment transport. Al- cantly (Sc-humm and Lichty, 1963).
though variations in thE:i proportions of bed
and suspended load ar~ transitional# it is Some alluvial channels that do not seem to
possible to think in terms of a suspended load fit the above-classification are those of rela-
channel transporting pe~haps 0 to 15 percent tively narrow and deep meandering streams
bedload or 100 to 85 per!Cent suspended load, of mountain meadows. Their form suggests

a bedload channel transporting 3 5 to 70 per- that they are suspended-load channels, but
cent bedload and 6 5 to 3io percent suspended the channel floor is composed of cobbles and
load, and a third categqry, the mixed load boulders. The presence of such coarse ma-
channel, transporting frbm 15 to 3 5 percent terial seems anomalous, but a logical ex-
bedload and $35 to 65 per!cent suspended load. planation is that the coarse bed material does
The boundaries between these groups are not move under the present stream regimen.
based on the assumed retation between M and Observations in South Park, Colo., seem to
percentage of bedload (fig. 4) and on the known substantiate this hypothesis, for the cobbles
characteristics of stre~ms having varying are stained and some are moss covered on
amounts of silt and cl~y in their channels their upper surfaces, whereas the under sur-
(figs. 1 and 2). The raqge of channel shape face of the rock is not stained, a fact that
and dinuosity are established for each sub- suggests lack of movement for long periods.
class, but gradient cani be suggested only These are suspended- or mixed-load chan-
qualitatively, for the ab~olute value of gradi- nels, for the large part of the sediment found
ent for these alluvial channels depends to a on their floors may be relicts of a period of
large extent on dischk.rge, which varies
higher discharge. It is doubtful that during
greatly. erosion or deposition they will behave simi-
larly to the eroding or depositing channels
The ways in which channels of each of the transporting finer sediments. Stream chan-
nine classes modify ~heir gradients and nels, which contain coarse bed material that
shapes by erosion and peposition have been moves are, of course, bedload channels. As
fairly well established fo~ ephemeral streams noted above, absolute size of sediment load
in the West and perenniat streams elsewhere, may be less important than the manner in
and this information is given on table 1. In
i which it moves through the stream ehannel.
high suspended -load ch~els deposition be-
gins along the banks of tpe channel (Schumm, CONCLUSIONS
1960b). This type of. dtposition is common
along regime canals in [ndia (Blench, 1957). On the basis of data limited to fine-grained
In mixed-load channelfs deposition occurs alluvial rivers, alluvial stream channels have
Table 1.-Classification of Alluvial Channels

Proportion of total Channel stability

Mode of Channel sediment load
sediment sediment
transport (M) percent Suspended Bedload Stable Depositing Eroding
load percent percent (graded stream) (excess load) (deficiency of load)

Stable suspended-load Depositing suspended load

channel. Width-depth channel. Major deposi- Eroding suspended-load
Suspended ratio less than 7; tion on banks cause nar- channel. Streambed
30-100 85-100 0-15 erosion predominant; >
load sinuosity greater than rowing of channel; ~
channel widening
2.1; gradient rela- streambed deposition
tively gentle. minor.

Stable mixed-load chan-

nel. Width- depth Depositing mixed-load Eroding mixed-load ~

Mixed ratio greater than 7 channel. Initial major channel. Initial (I)

load 8-30 65-85 15-35 less than 25; sinuos-

ity~ less than 2.l
deposition on banks fol-
lowed by streambed
streambed erosion
followed by channel
greater than 1. 5;
gradient moderate.
deposition. widening. !
Stable bedload channel. §
Eroding bedload channel.
Width-depth ratio Depositing bedload channel.
0-8 30-65 greater than 25; sinu- Little streambed ero-
Bedload 35-70 Streambed deposition and !XI
osity~ less than 1. 5; sion; channel widening
gradient relatively
island formation.
predominant. ~
steep. ()


been classified on the basis of one of the two Einstein~ H. A., 1950, The bed-load function
independent variables influencing stream for sediment transportation in open chan-
morphology. Discharge is not used as a basis nel flows: U.S. Dept. Agriculture Technical
for the classification because it controls Bull. 1026, 71 p.
mainly the size of the channels. The dim en- Einstein, H. A., Anderson, A. G., and Johnson,
sionless properties of the channels depend J. W., 1940, A distinction between bedload
mainly on the sediment load moved into the and suspended load in natural streams:
channel. Channel stability depends on the Am. Geophys. Union Trans., v. 21, p. 628-
balance~ or lack of it~ between sediment load 633.
and transportability~ and three classes of Griffith, W. M., 192 7, A theory of silt and
channels result: stable~ eroding~ and depos- scour: Inst. Civil Eng. Proc., v. 22 3, p. 243-
iting. The type of material transported or 314.
the mode of its transport as bedload or sus- Hjulstrom, Filip, 1935, Studies of the mor-
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termining the character of a stream channel~ by the River Fyris: Univ. Upsala Geol. Inst.
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on this relation. Horton, R.E.,1945~ Erosional development of
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This classification of stream channels can physical approach to quantitative morphol-
only afford a basis for discussion until more ogy: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 56, p.
data become available on the components of 275-370.
total sediment load in a stream channel. Hubbell, D. W., and Matejka, D. Q., 1959, In-
Perhaps the quickest way in which the sug- vestigations of sediment transportation,
gestions advanced here can be evaluated is Middle Loup River at Dunning, Nebraska:
through model studies of stream channels. U.s. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1476,
The experiments would have to be performed 123 p.
in flumes wide enough to permit formation of Lane, E. W., 1937, Stable channels in erodible
miniature channels. The sinuosity and shape materials: Am. Soc. Civil Eng. Trans., v.
of these channels could then be related to 102, p. 12 3-194.
varying mixtures of silt -clay and sand intro- Leopold, L. B., and Maddock, T., Jr., 1953,
duced into the channel. If slope and discharge The hydraulic geometry of stream channels
were constant, the variations in the propor- and some physiographic implications: U.S.
tions of bed and suspended sediment intro- Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 252, 57 p.
duced into the miniature channels should de- Leopold,L.B.,and Miller~J.P., 1956,Ephem-
termine the type of channel produced. eral streams -hydraulic factors and their
relation to the drainage net: U.S. Geol. Sur-
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Blench~ T ., 1957~ Regime behavior of canals channel patterns: braided, meandering and
and rivers: London, Butterworths Publica- straight: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 2 82-
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Colby, B. R., and Hembree, C. H., 1955, Com- Mackin, J. H., 1948, Concept of the graded
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