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 A doctrine urging the abolition of government or  It is a very harsh control or authority from
government restraint as the indispensable government (dictator) in which people are not
condition for full social and political liberty. allowed to disagree with the government.
 It means a society where there is no chief or CHARACTERISTICS:
supreme leader and also in which everyone’s voice  It banned opposition parties, trade
has importance. unions and elections
 The system of an anarchist government is based on  Opposed to democracy & liberalism
self-management, meaning that the community is  Use of intimidation and terror
totally independent. It has to work by his own way.  State believes in war, natural selection,
 It is a full and direct democracy. survival of the fittest
CHARACTERISTICS OF ANARCHISM:  Imperialistic and militaristic
 Rejection of authority in all of its forms  Authoritarian rule
 Belief in self-management as a foundation  Violence is used to deal with resistance
of social life and starting point of
democracy FEDERALISM
 Rejection of hierarchy  A system of government in which power is
 Belief in volunteerism divided between a central authority and various
 Freedom and individual rights constituent units of the country
 Elimination of any distinction between  Government at the level of provinces/states.
rulers and ruled FEATURES OF FEDERALISM:
 Transparency and legitimacy of decisions  Has two/more levels of government
 Affirmation of the ability of humans to  Each level has its own power or jurisdiction
organize themselves without a leader  Jurisdiction is specified by the constitution
and there is constitutional guarantee of
2. LIBERALISM authority
 An ideology which central theme is about commitment  Constitutional provisions can be changed
to the individual, desire to construct a society where only with the consent of both levels of
people can satisfy their interests and achieve Govt.
fulfillment.  Court interprets the constitutions and
 Forwards the idea that individuals are naturally powers of different levels of Govt. ,
endowed with reason and as such, be allowed to enjoy Supreme court is the umpire if disputes
the maximum possible freedom. arise with different levels of Govt.
 It gives emphasis on merit.  Sources of revenue are clearly specified.
 It revolves around the twin principles of OBJECTIVES:
constitutionalism and consent. 1. To safeguard/ promote the unity of the country.
CENTRAL VALUES OF LIBERALISM: 2. To accommodate regional diversity.
 Individualism
 Freedom
 Reason
 Justice
 Toleration
 Constitutionalism

 The preservation of the status quo or the current state-
 Gives more importance to the tried and tested
traditions of the past generations than to the new
system of the present period.
 Basic principles include political order, nationalism,
morality, and loyalty
 Elite are the rightful and deserving leaders of the
government and other institution of society
 Places importance on morality
 Tradition
 Human Imperfection
 Organic Society
 Hierarchy and Authority
 Property

 An economic system that is characterized by the
centralized planning of major industries and by public
 Everyone gets somewhat equal amounts of money, but
the harder you work the more money you get.

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