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My Bill Proposal

Bill Title (think of a catchy title): Lower Drug Costs Now Act

Bill Number (see next to your name on Mock Congress Form): H.R. 120

Sponsor (if you are in the House or Sen. YOU are the sponsor): Alissa Bauer

Co-Sponsor (not required but helps): Marin Winek

Text of your bill, make sure it has organization (outline format or bullet points or okay),
grammar, and completeness of ideas:

This bill establishes several programs and requirements relating to the prices of
prescription drugs.

Our current law prohibits the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to negotiate
prices for certain drugs. This bill will not only allow but require the CMS to negotiate
maximum prices for certain drugs. These drugs include (1) insulin products; and (2) at
least 25 single source, brand-name drugs that do not have generic competition and that
are among the 125 drugs that account for the greatest national spending. These
negotiated prices must be offered under Medicare and MA, and may also be offered under
private health insurance.

The negotiated maximum price may not exceed (1) 120% of the average price in Australia,
Canada, France, Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom; or (2) if such information is
not available, it may not exceed 85% of the U.S. average manufacturer price. Drug
manufacturers that fail to comply with the bill's negotiation requirements are subject to civil
and tax penalties.

This bill also makes a series of additional changes to Medicare prescription drug coverage
and pricing. It (1) requires drug manufacturers to issue refunds to the CMS for covered
drugs that cost $100 or more and for which the average manufacturer price increases
faster than inflation. It also will (2) reduce the annual out-of-pocket spending threshold.

Where in the Constitution is Congress given the authority to pass a bill like this?
List of Congress’ 30 Enumerated Powers
-To promote the Progress of Science
-To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States

What is the ​fiscal impact ​of your bill if it were to become law?
If this bill were to become a law, the funding would come out of American’s health care tax.
What are other possible solutions to what you are proposing?
Government funding could also be a solution to the bill proposed.

Is your bill Constitutional? Would your bill withstand a court challenge?

My bill is constitutional because it falls under Congress’ enumerated powers.

Two possible positive consequences of this bill:

1. makes healthcare more affordable for all Americans
2. regulates prices of prescription drugs

Two possible negative consequences of this bill:

1. drug manufacturers can fall into debt
2. increased government spending

What types of groups might benefit from your bill?

all prescription drug users, health care companies

What types of groups might be harmed by your bill?

drug manufactures

What hard evidence do you have that your "solution" has ever worked in a cost-effective
The Congressional Budget Office stated that it would financially work similarly to Medicare.

Is it ​possible​ that society would be better off if this situation was left alone?
Prescription drugs need to be accessible to everyone, as part of our basic American rights.

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