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Recommendation Reports

1. Introduction
A report is a systematic, well organised document which defines and analyses a subject or
problem, and which may include:
 the record of a sequence of events
 interpretation of the significance of these events or facts evaluation of the facts or
results of research presented
 discussion of the outcomes of a decision or course of action
 conclusions
 recommendations
 A report can be defined as a testimonial or account of some happening. It is purely
based on observation and analysis.
 A report gives an explanation of any circumstance. They are a strong base for planning
and control in an organization, i.e., reports give information which can be utilized by
the management team in an organization for making plans and for solving complex
issues in the organization.
 A report discusses a particular problem in detail. It brings significant and reliable
information to the limelight of top management in an organization. Hence, on the basis
of such information, the management can make strong decisions.
 Reports are required for judging the performances of various departments in an
2. Definition of Recommendation/ Analytical reports
 A recommendation report proposes a solution to a problem or evaluates possible
solutions and recommends one. Before proposing or recommending a solution, the
report needs to identify the problem.
 Making decisions requires the vigilant evaluation of options. A recommendation report
proposes multiple potential solutions to a problem and concludes by recommending the
best one.
 Recommendation reports are written to justify or recommend something, such as
buying equipment, changing a procedure, hiring an employee, consolidating
departments, and so forth.
 A recommendation reports starts from a stated need; it offers a selection of solution
options, presents a detailed comparative analysis of the options, and then recommends
one, some, or none.
o For example, a company might be looking at grammar-checking software and
want a recommendation on which product is the best fit for them. As the report
writer on this project, you could study the market for this type of application
and recommend one particular product, 2-3 possible products (differing perhaps
in their strengths and their weaknesses), or none (maybe none of them are
appropriate for the client’s specific needs).
o The recommendation report answers the question “Which option should we
choose?” (or in some cases “Which are the best options?) by recommending
Product B, or maybe both Products B and C, or none of the products.
o These recommendations might arise from questions such as
o What should we do about Problem X?
o What is the best way to provide Function or Service A?
o Should we use Technology X or Technology Y to perform Function Z?
 Recommendation reports analyze a problem, determine the best solution, and then
recommend the best solution(s), if any.
 Present data, draw conclusions from the data
 Make recommendations based on the data and conclusions
 Must, at Minimum, have
 An introduction
 Background to problem
 Explanation of Method
 Data and visuals
 An Evaluation of the data
 A summary of the data
 A conclusion(s) drawn from the data
 Recommendations based upon the data and the conclusions
The general problem-solving approach for a Recommendation Report entails the steps shown
in the example below.

3. Purpose
 To make a recommendation or a series of recommendations, supported by a reasoned
argument, together with appropriate background material, facts and data.
 The purpose of the report is to communicate directly to the client, both visually and
verbally, feasible steps that its organization could take in order to better utilize the
potentials of the web.
 Your recommendations should focus upon a few well-researched options that the client
could implement immediately.
 The structural principle fundamental to this type of report is this:
o you provide not only your recommendation, choice, or judgment, but also the
data, analysis, discussion, and the conclusions leading to it.
o That way, readers can check your findings, your logic, and your conclusions to
make sure your methodology was sound and that they can agree with your
o Your goal is to convince the reader to agree with you by using your careful
research, detailed analysis, rhetorical style, and documentation.

4. Structure/Format/Organizational Patterns
Reports may be organized directly or indirectly. The reader’s expectations and the content of a
report determine its pattern of development.
Direct Pattern
When the purpose for writing is presented close to the beginning, the organizational pattern is
direct. Informative reports are usually arranged directly. They open with an introduction,
followed by the facts and a summary. Analytical reports may also be organized directly,
especially when readers are supportive or are familiar with the topic. Many busy executives
prefer this pattern because it gives them the results of the report immediately. You should be
aware, though, that unless readers are familiar with the topic, they may find the direct pattern
confusing. Some readers prefer the indirect pattern because it seems logical and mirrors the
way we solve problems.
Indirect Pattern
When the conclusions and recommendations, if requested, appear at the end of the report, the
organizational pattern is indirect. Such reports usually begin with an introduction or description
of the problem, followed by facts and interpretation from the writer. They end with conclusions
and recommendations. This pattern is helpful when readers are unfamiliar with the problem.
It’s also useful when readers must be persuaded or when they may be disappointed in or hostile
toward the report’s findings. The writer is more likely to retain the reader’s interest by first
explaining, justifying, and analyzing the facts and then making recommendations. This pattern
also seems most rational to readers because it follows the normal thought process: problem,
alternatives (facts), solution.
The format of a report is governed by its length, topic, audience, and purpose. After considering
these elements, you’ll probably choose from among the following four formats.
a) Letter Format
Use letter format for short (usually eight or fewer pages) informal reports addressed outside an
organization. Prepared on a company’s letterhead stationery, a letter report contains a date,
inside address, salutation, and complimentary close. Although they may carry information
similar to that found in correspondence, letter reports usually are longer and show more careful
organization than most letters. They also include headings.
b) Memo Format
For short informal reports that stay within organizations, memo format is appropriate. Memo
reports begin with essential background information, using standard headings: Date, To, From,
and Subject. Like letter reports, memo reports differ from regular memos in length, use of
headings, and deliberate organization.
c) Manuscript Format
For longer, more formal reports, use manuscript format. These reports are usually printed on
plain paper instead of letterhead stationery or memo forms. They begin with a title followed by
systematically displayed headings and subheadings.
d) Printed Forms
Prepared forms are often used for repetitive data, such as monthly sales reports, performance
appraisals, merchandise inventories, expense claims, and personnel and financial reports.
Standardized headings on these forms save time for the writer. Preprinted forms also make
similar information easy to locate and ensure that all necessary information is provided.
5. Sections in a Recommendation Report
 Front Matter
 Body
 Back Matter
Front Matter
• Letter of transmittal
• Cover
• Title page
• Abstract
• Executive Summary
• Table of contents
• List of illustrations
• Introduction
• Methods section
• Results section
• Conclusion(s)
• Recommendation(s)
Back matter
• Glossary
• List of Symbols (if any)
• Appendices
• Reference list
• Index
Details of sections in Front Matter
Transmittal Letter
 A letter of transmittal - a kind of official ‘cover letter’ - is sometimes required in the
business world. Transmittal letter includes:
 Letter Format
o Warm Greeting
o Announce the topic and explain who authorized It. “Here is the report you
o Overview of report
o Polite close with offer to discuss the report, expressing appreciation for
assignment, suggesting follow-up actions, acknowledging the help of others,
and offering to answer questions.
 Explains the purpose and content of the report
 Precedes the title page
 Acknowledges those who helped with the Report (if any)
 Highlights parts of the report that may be of special interest
 Discuss any problems
 Offer any personal observations
 Purpose is to protect the contents of the report
 Presents the • Title • Writer’s name • Date of submission • Company’s name and/or
 Title page
 When considering the actual title of your report ensure that it is somewhat neutral and thus
does not imply any particular pre-determined outcome. Your title page should comprise:
o the full title (centred, in bold or upper case)
o the person/organisation it was prepared for, Receiver’s name, title, and organization
o the person or people who prepared it
o the date
 No page number on title page (page 1 is executive summary)
 Condensed version of the writing that highlights the major points covered
 Concisely describes the content and scope of the writing
 Reviews the contents in an abbreviated form
 Abstracts can be descriptive or informative
Descriptive Abstract Provides
 Purpose
 Methods
 Scope
 Introduces the subject to the readers • Brief (< 100 words)
 Does not provide
 Results
 Conclusions
 Recommendations
Informative Abstracts
 Communicate specific information from the report
▫ Purpose ▫ Methods ▫ Scope ▫ Results ▫ Conclusions ▫ Recommendations
 Allow readers to decide whether they need to read the entire report
 Brief (no longer than 250 words)
Executive Summary
 Reviews the essential points of a report ▫ Subject ▫ Purpose ▫ Scope ▫ Methods ▫
Conclusions ▫ Recommendations
 Provides the reader with enough information to make an informed decision
 Usually 10% of the length of the report
 An executive summary or ‘abstract’ is very important as some readers may only read
this part. Write it last, being sure to include a summary of all parts of the report
(omitting examples unless essential) including the:
o ‘why’ (purpose)
o ‘what’ (scope or breadth of the investigation)
o ‘how’ (methodology)
o ‘what you found out’ (major findings with key statistics)
o ‘so what’ (analysis, conclusions and recommendations)
 It should be a half to one page (around 5% - no more than 10%) of the overall length and on
a separate page.
 This is first page of report (page 1)

Table of contents
 List of headings along with the page numbers
 Helps readers to find what they want and see the overall organization and approach of
the report
 List of Illustrations
 Illustrations along with page numbers
 Two categories ▫ List of figures ▫ List of tables
 If your report is over several pages, a table of contents helps readers to locate information
quickly by giving them an overview.
 All section headings and subheadings should be included, worded and numbered exactly as
they appear in the text.
 Show the beginning page number where each report heading appears in the report (do not put
page number range, just the first page number).
 Connect headings to page numbers with dots.
 Headings should be grammatically parallel
 Include major section headings and sub-headings
 No page number on TOC page
 You might include a list of illustrations on a separate page (if you have more than 5 graphic
 A list of appendices needs the appendix letter (each separate appendix labelled as Appendix
A, Appendix B, etc.), its title and page number.
 A glossary may also be required if you have a large amount of unfamiliar vocabulary,
symbols, abbreviations and/or acronyms.
Table of Contents

1. Introduction 1
2. An overview of the product 1
2.1 Main features 1
3. Product benefits 2
3.1 Reducing heating costs 2
3.1.1 Heating cost reductions by season 2
3.1.2 Further savings through thermostat use 3
3.1.3 Other associated savings 4
Details of sections in BODY of report
 A discussion of the subject, purpose, organization and scope
 Concisely identify the subject
 Identify the aim/purpose
o Tell why the report was written: why they should read the report; what benefits
it will have for them
 Identify how the report is organized and the approach
 Give the major sections of the report and the order in which they will be covered
 Give the scope and limitations of the report
 This is also where your page numbering starts.
 Tells what you did
 Tells how your research was set up and why
 For all types of research provide:
 Goal for each piece of research (what is your question/hypothesis?)
 Data source
 For surveys give # surveys distributed, how distributed, how population chosen
 For observations give how, when, where observations occurred
 Refer to more detailed information in appendix
Results or Discussion
 Must be organized and objective
 present a factual outline followed by an interpretation of what you found.
 This section is usually the longest part of a report and forms the basis of your conclusions and
 record all significant information (both positive and negative) and ensure you have a logical
internal structure – this could be based on such organisation as chronology, order of
importance, general to specific.
 Goal = supply proof for conclusions
 Discuss, analyze, and interpret (don’t just give results, also say what they mean – particularly
with benchmarking)
 Remember to report on all your research, including interviews with client and personal
observations (discuss in methodology too)
 Support your findings with evidence
 Provide summary paragraph of key findings and their significance at end of section
 Explain all graphs in writing
 Arrange the findings in logical segments that follow your outline. Findings should be
presented in the same order as discussed in methodology.
 Use clear, descriptive headings.
 Present “just the facts”, no opinions, no feelings.
 At end of section, introduce next section (conclusions and recommendations).
 A concise interpretation of the facts that are covered in the body of the report
 Covers only what the data the body of the report will support
 There should be no conclusions drawn that are not derived from or built from the data
in the body
 Must stand on its own
 Does not include ▫ Equations ▫ Tables ▫ Figures ▫ References ▫ Appendixes ▫ Undefined
symbols ▫ Any new information
 Your conclusion summarises your study - its purpose, process and findings.
 You may also need to consider the limitations and advantages of findings and any
unresolved questions or issues.
 Adjectives are useful in a conclusion as a way of condensing your main points: ‘This
report therefore clearly highlights that the advertising campaign was very successful,
due to its inclusive and far-reaching impact with key target audiences such as X and
 Conclusion answers the question, “why will your recommendation work?”
 Conclusions are clearly drawn from the presented research (“based on....”)
 Recommendations are the suggested actions based on the report findings. They must be
both relevant and feasible covering:
 What needs to be done
 Who needs to do it
 How, when (in what order if appropriate) and where it needs to be done
 Recommendations could be for change, improvement or new ideas to improve such
areas as service, productivity or performance.
 They can be listed one at a time (often numbered).
 Be sure you use a consistent sentence structure for all recommendations (some
examples are below).
 Think carefully also about the order they are in and whether or not it would be useful
to group them into appropriate content areas.
 These include:
o Hire more technical staff to deal with the ongoing quality control issue”
o It is highly recommended that more technical staff be hired to deal with the
ongoing quality control issue”
o Technical staff should be hired to deal with the ongoing quality control issue”
o Management consider alternative funding arrangements for the new venture”
 Recommendations: Start with a verb and suggest actions to address challenge.
 Enumerate conclusions and bullet related recommendations.
Detail of sections in Back Matter
Glossary & List of Symbols
 Glossary- alphabetical listing of key terms in the report
 The definitions are given in complete sentences with appropriate citations
 List of Symbols & Abbreviations
 Use standard symbols
 Do not create your own
 Your appendices (if required) contain optional material at the end of your report,
containing specialized (sometimes technical) information that may have been too
detailed or lengthy to include in the body. Appendices can be in any format; however,
each appendix must be separate from the others, covering only one kind of content and
format on separate pages. They are generally distinguished by letters of the alphabet –
e.g. Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, and can be referred to in the text of the
report (i.e. “for the full list of suppliers refer to Appendix B”).
 Begin section with a cover sheet that includes a list of all items in appendix
 Items should be numbered and titled (e.g. Appendix 1: Volunteer Survey). If difficult
to put a number/title on the appendix item, use a cover sheet with the item’s
 Additional material that is useful but not essential to understanding the body of the
report ▫ Usability test plan ▫ Interview questions, etc.
 Presents the data from which some conclusions were drawn and recommendations
made ▫ Notes taken during usability test ▫ Questionnaires filled out (if any) etc.
 It is essential to include an accurate reference list of the material you used in your report. You
will need references when you have included any material (including statistics, facts and
opinions) which is not yours.
 Use the recommended style ▫ For this report APA but it may differ in the workplace
 Contains more detail than the table of contents
 Gives specifics along with page numbers
 May or may not be used; depends on the requirements by client
 Usually for reports which are hundreds of pages long

6. Layout of Reports
 Use plenty of headings and subheadings as signposts for your reader.
 Use bullet points or numbers where possible, rather than continuous text.
 Use relevant tables, figures and appendices to support your text, but remember to adequately
refer to these in your text.
 Use present or past tense except for conclusions/ recommendations, which may be future tense.
 Stay positive (no “problems”)! Any negative information should be “buried” in the findings
section and reported briefly, factually.
 No “we feel” or “we think” outside of the recommendations – just the facts.
Writing style

 Write for the reader not for yourself. A report may need to be particularly formal, or very informal
according to the circumstances.
 Keep your language simple, but avoid slang, jargon and clichés.
 Use gender-neutral language.
 Use examples and analogies. Your reader can't interrupt or ask you to explain a point.
 Use short sentences and paragraphs rather than long-winded constructions.
 Choose your words with care. A misused word can cast doubt on your credibility.


 an easily read and consistently applied font

 numbered headings and generous use of white space (in margins and at the top and bottom of each
page as well as to separate each section)
 consistent use of abbreviations and acronyms


 one main idea per paragraph

 each paragraph having a clear topic sentence
 short introduction and conclusion paragraphs
 longer body paragraphs that develop main points
 a strong and concise conclusion
 an overall ‘theme’ running throughout the paper – possibly a statement or a question


 specific, concise and clear language

 consistent and accurate verb tenses:
 simple tenses (usually the present simple) to express facts, current actions and conclusions
 past tense for completed actions and references
 present perfect for things happening in the past up to now
 avoidance of emotional language and jargon
 the active voice with short sentences and clear actors and actions using specific verbs and
adverbs favoured as in ‘Company X considered the plan carefully’
 avoidance of too many sentences starting with words like ‘considering’ and ‘having’ instead
briefly subordinating already known information as in:
 ‘Since X Corporation began operating in this region, some issues have arisen that have
impacted on profits’.


Example of a title page

The use of CCTV to reduce shoplifting in newsagents in Quigley

Angus Taylor
2 September 2010
Example of a summary (abstract)

This report aims to provide details of the impact of the introduction of CCTV in three newsagents in
Quigley, on the outskirts of Gloucester in 2009. It was observed that at each of these sites, the number
of instances of shoplifting was reduced over a period of 12 months. The reduction was greater in the
two shops which were open until 11pm, rather than in the third shop, which closed at 8pm. Further
studies are required to examine why this was the case and to consider the role played by the
introduction of CCTV on the increased turnover experienced by all three shops over this period.

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