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Mexico is a very large country divided into several states which each keeps dark and terrible secrets. Only
the people who live in each place know them, but now you will too.
The story I will tell you today is real, this happened in Veracruz: The most cursed amusement park in
In Veracruz we can find a park called Magic Kingdom, a place where children should find happiness,
however, in this place witnesses say that supernatural events happen, some only strange, but others really
And it is said that this park has been marked by a curse, because previously it was a cemetery and although
many of the bodies were transferred to another pantheon, not all could be rescued. So, it was built on a
place where death still lives.
Now, since the park opened its doors, countless deaths have stained their facilities. One of the most
famous, deaths was that of a girl who had gone to the fair that was installed in the parking lot of the park,
she climbed happily to one of the mechanical games which presented a failure and the girl projected
crashing into a wall...
Previously there were spooky statues of snow white and the seven dwarfs, located in the area with the
most paranormal activity
It's told that a person died from the impression of having seen the statues move
There is also a video where the princess' statue flickers in front of the camera.
Another one of the most haunted areas of the place, are the pools, as many of the children have reported,
that something they can't see is pulling, their feet or hands.
It is said that at dusk the games move autonomously, shadows can be seen between the games and you
can hear children laughing.
And that is why this park is called the most cursed in Mexico.
Now I will show you the video of the statue of the princessee

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