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Motion Media and Information

1.What is Motion Media?

A form of media that has the appearance of moving text and graphics on a display.
Its purpose is to communicate information in multiple ways (Roblyer, 2006). An integrated
sight-and-sound kinetic media (Shelton, 2004). A visual media that gives the appearance of
a movement.

2. Enumerate and explain the classification of motion media and information

a. Customizable​- Customizable videos give users a set of choices in order to
adjust certain factors of the video in order to customize the viewing of the
video to at the user's preferences. The interaction is not as in-depth, however,
since the user is only selecting from a set of predefined choices.

b. Conversational​- Conversational videos allow the user to interact with a video

in a turn-based manner, as if having a conversation in real life. This is most
commonly seen in online video conferencing with programs like Skype.

c. Exploratory or Three-Dimensional​- ​Exploratory videos allow the users to

manipulate the space of the video. This is most commonly used in
collaboration with a touch screen interface. Users are able to see an object in
three-dimensions, and push and pull on space in the video to see the object
from different angles. Exploratory videos are made with video loops of the
object taken from different angles, or with computer-generated
three-dimensional representations of objects.

d. Internet and Mobile​- ​Internet and Mobile videos have grown in popularity in
the last decade. This form of motion video can involve any combination of
the above, but with the added option of broadcasting these to a large audience
via the Internet. Websites like YouTube and Vimeo are made particularly for
the purposes of sharing videos, and social media websites like Facebook and
Twitter also have the options for sharing videos as well.

3. Enumerate the motion media format.

● Film​- also called motion pictures or movies, is a sequence of moving images with
accompanying audio. There are many different kinds of films that are produced for
different purposes, such as entertainment and education. The most common kinds of
films used in education are short films and documentaries, though film made for
entertainment purposes are also used if the film depicts stories or concepts relevant
to the lesson.
● Television​- television is a telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving
moving images that can be monochrome (black and white)or colored,with or without
accompanying sounds.

a. Commercial advertisement

b. Philippine melodrama

c. Reality show

d. Game show.

e. Talk show

f. Television news
● Animation​- a scene from the animated film.
● Short Film​- a trailer of a short film, ninety seconds about a surveillance expert taking
on an assignment that might be his downfall.
● Documentary film​- telling where commercialized and fast food comes from.
● Interactive video​ -​ usually refers to a technique used to blend interaction and linear
film or video.

4. Enumerate the basic methods on the determining the credibility of motion media
a. Validity of information​ – Is it peer reviewed and verifiable ?

b. Source - Primary or secondary source? Does the video capture the actual event or
does it simply present information learned about an event ?

c. Relationship of the author to the event​ – Does he have firsthand knowledge ?

d. Technical methods​ ​of detecting tampering/fake video:

● Smoothness of video – This is often detected when movements are not

smooth; when action seems to jump from one position to another, as if some
action was missing
● Lighting coverage matches - One way to detect lighting matches is to look at
the shadows; the source of light determines the size and direction of the
● Scale and size consistent-​ scale refers to how the size of the objects in
reference to one another are near the real thing. If the picture is reduced or
enlarged by a certain percent then all of the objects should be resized by that
percent. Objects that are far away are usually smaller than objects that are

5. Enumerate the advantages of motion media and informat​ion

1. Motion-b​ etter mastery of pro​cedures,as opposed to stagnant images

2. Process-o​ perations where sequential movement is needed can be shown.

3. Safe observation-o​ bserving phenomena that might be dangerous to view directly.

4. Skill learning​- videos can be viewed over and over,so repeated observation of skills
is possible.

5. Dramatization- ​recreations of history and personalities;observing and analyzing

human relations problem.

6. Affective learning​- ​Films for shaping personal and social attitudes; documentaries
and propaganda films to affect attitudes.

7. Problem solving- ​Open ended dramatizations can leave viewers to solve problems

8. Cultural outstanding- ​Appreciation for other cultures by seeing video depiction of


9. Establishing commonality-​ ​People with different backgrounds can discuss topics after
watching a video.
6. Enumerate the limitation of motion media and information
1. Fixed pace​- cannot be interrupted still

2. Phenomena​- Motion media is sometimes unsuitable to other topics such as those

involving a map,a wiring diagram,etc.

3. Misinterpretation​- In documentaries and dramatizations especially,intended

messages are quite deep and complex.because of that,young viewers who lack
maturity tend to misinterpret the message.

4. Cost-​ Equipment and materials for motion media are expensive (e.g.DVD

7. Enumerate the design principles of motion media and information.

● Capture and keep the audience's attention by being interesting

● must be interesting enough to watch multiple times as commercials can be played
repeatedly throughout the program
● must be able to tell a compelling story
● keep the messages family conscious

8. Enumerate the design principles on creating movement of motion media and information.

• ​Speed, direction and timing should depict natural laws of physics. This included
trajectories, impact on objects and reactions of the environment.
• Timing affects recall. Fast movement sends much information Slow movement
provides emphasis and lasting recall.
• Transitions are used to switch between scenes. Having a clear start and finish in your
motion path or scenes Using neutral colors at the start or end of a scene is a good
method for creating the right mindset. It is important to know which type of transition
to use as this sets the tone for the next event and should provide a smooth connection
from one event to another.
• Sound and color adds depth and meaning to movement.
• Cartooning your graphic and text provides dynamic movement. This can be done by
using the following movements: stretching, rotating, squashing
• Blurring can be used in different ways. In animation, blurring can provide the illusion
of fast movement. In videos, it is often used to censor information for security or
• Always review the purpose of the movement. Movement is not added for the ​sake of

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