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After asking the question “What does ‘globalization’ is little doubt that there has been a growth in impor-
mean?” The Economist provides an answer which moti- tance of multinational enterprises in the world economy.
vates a substantial part of the topic selection for this This is evident from the number of large mergers and
book, namely:“The term can happily accommodate all acquisitions (M&As) that have occurred, many of which
manner of things: expanding international trade, the have spanned national boundaries.
growth of multinational business, the rise in interna- The Economist also mentions the number of joint
tional joint ventures and increasing interdependence ventures as an aspect of globalization. In China, for
through capital flows – to name but a few.”* example, much of the early industrial expansion
We have spoken in the text about the expansion of took the form of joint ventures with well-established
international trade, which has generally grown faster Western companies such as Volkswagen and General
than the global economy and which now represents Motors. These joint ventures have been financed by
almost a third of global GDP. Interestingly, trade massive foreign direct investments. It is hard to miss the
declined relatively to global GDP during the first half globalization that has occurred as we witness the same
of the twentieth century after reaching an extremely products and the same stores wherever we travel.
high level in 1914. World Wars I and II, and the Great As for the increasing interdependence through inter-
Depression that is bracketed by them, all worked to national capital flows mentioned by The Economist,
reduce international economic interdependence, and so we can measure globalization by the extent to which we
it might be claimed that we have been enjoying a are increasingly subject to the same economic forces
renewed globalization rather than some unprecedented wherever we live. Stock markets across the globe,
enhanced integration of the world’s economies. for example, move up and down at more or less the
As for the growth of multinational business, glob- same time. Indeed, we no longer live in a world where
alization might be measured by the extent to which a the flow is always from financial markets in the rich
bigger proportion of what we buy is produced by fewer industrialized countries to those of the emerging
corporate entities. For example, we might measure the economies. For example, on Tuesday, February 27, 2007
extent of globalization by how much of the global GDP there was a sudden and major drop in the Chinese stock
is attributable to the production of the world’s largest markets in Shanghai and Shenzhen which reverberated
100 (or perhaps 500) companies. However, since GDP around the world.This was a stark recognition that not
measures only the value added by different companies, only are we increasingly connected in this globalizing
we cannot simply take the total sales of the companies world, but at the same time the balance of economic
as a measure of their combined contribution to global influence is shifting to emerging economies such as China
GDP: some companies’ outputs are other companies’ and India. Their thirst for materials and capital has
inputs. For example, energy companies and steel com- resulted in them becoming critical components in the
panies sell to manufacturing companies, so we cannot new global economy.
count the energy and steel that is produced as well as the
manufactured goods that are produced: we would be * “Fear of Finance,”in World Economy, a supplement in The
double counting the energy and steel. Nevertheless, there Economist, September 19, 1992, p. 1.

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