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Pronunciation Guide:

Common Phrases / Words

“ah” Japanese consists of
consonant + vowel. Use the
like in “car”
sound of the consonant and
すみません sumimasen
add it to the pronunciation of
the vowels listed below. excuse me / Iʼm sorry
like in “key”
i Examples:
sushi → sooshee
sashimi → sahsheemee
sake → sahkeh
ごめんなさい gomen-nasai
Iʼm sorry
ありがとうございます arigatou gozaimasu
Thank you

About this Cheatsheet おはようございます ohayou-gozaimasu
like in “moo”
This cheatsheet is Good Morning
designed for people
who have never taken こんにちは kon-nichi-wa

“eh” any Japanese before. Hello / Good afternoon
like in “edge” Itʼs perfect for someone こんばんは kon-ban-wa
traveling to Japan Good evening
without any prior
knowledge, because all さよなら sayonara

“oh” you need to use it is a Good bye (jaa mata = ʻsee you laterʼ)
like in “joe” dictionary to look up
vocab words to fill in the はらへった hara hetta
blanks! Iʼm hungry

Fill in the blank

Where is (the)... any noun can I am _________. Add an adjective
_____ はどこですか? go into the 私は______です or name in this
blank. blank.
_____ wa doko desu ka? watashi wa _______ desu
ex. toire (bathroom), tokyo, hoteru (hotel), ex. Jon (or another name), samui (cold),
chikatetsu (subway), densha (train), takushi atatakai (warm).
(taxi), conbini (convenience store), [name]-san
(someoneʼs name, also used instead of “you”)
I canʼt eat ________ any food you
Can you draw a map? canʼt eat goes
Donʼt _____ が食べられない
地図を書いてくれませんか? understand? here.
_____ ga taberarenai
chizu o kaite kuremasen ka? follow up Q!
ex. sushi, sakana (fish), niku (meat), piinatsu
(peanuts), tako (octopus), yasai (vegetables)
I want to go to... any location
_____ に行きたい can go into
the blank. Do you have _______?
_____ ni ikitai Alternate food
____ がありますか? instead of the
ex. hoteru+name (hotel+name), tokyo, _______ ga arimasuka? above food?
____eki ( ____ station), narita kuukou (narita I canʼt drink ________.
airport). “Can I draw a map” is above ↑ Put a drink in
____ が飲めません the blank for “I
_______ ga nomemasen canʼt drink...”
This cheatsheet was made by - if
you want to learn Japanese for realsies, check
out TextFugu, the only Japanese Textbook for ex. biiru (beer), sake (rice wine)
self-teachers of Japanese (and made by Koichi!)

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