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Md. Mafizur Rahman

Executive Director
Ground Instrumentation & Engineering Pte. Ltd.
Md. Aminul Islam
Project Engineer
Ground Instrumentation & Engineering Pte. Ltd.

The Static Axial Compression Load Test involves the direct measurement of vertical
displacement of pile head in response to a physically applied test load. It is the most
fundamental form of pile load test and is considered as the bench‐mark of pile performance.
The method is applicable for testing single piles or pile groups and suitable for both test piles
& service piles. This vertical compression load test is usually carried out to ensure the structural
and geotechnical soundness of the pile and also to predict settlement of other piles. The general
procedure of the test is to increase the load in stages until the proposed working load and a
certain factor of safety is reached and then to unload and to leave the load off until the rise or
rebound substantially ceases.
A pile should be tested after allowing sufficient time for thixotropic rearrangement of soil
around the pile.
This article is prepared in accordance with ASTM D1143-1981 (Reapproved on 1994 & 2007).

Two following principle types of test may be used for compression loading on piles based on
the loading, timing & settlement sequence.

2.1 The Constant Rate of Penetration (CRP): In the CRP test, the pile is made to
penetrate the soil at a constant rate. This is achieved by increasing the applied force.
The force applied to the head of the pile to maintain this constant rate of penetration
and is measured continuously. As a result of the pile movement, the soil is stressed
progressively until it fails in shear. When this occurs, the ultimate bearing capacity
of the pile is reached.
2.2 Maintained Load (ML): In the ML test, the load is increased in stages to some
multiple (150%-300%) with time/settlement curve recorded at each stage of loading
and unloading. Loading tests are usually carried out in a cycle. Readings of load,
time and settlement are taken when loading commences, and at intervals as the load
increases. The ML test may also be taken to failure by progressively increasing the
load in stages.
At present, Maintained Load (ML) test is the most popular pile test used in Bangladesh. This
article refers to the Maintained Load (ML) test only.

The objectives of the pile load test differ for the test pile and the service pile. Pile load test is
carried out to achieve the following-
3.1. Test Pile:
3.1.1. To determine settlement under working load.
3.1.2. To determine ultimate bearing capacity.
3.2. Service Pile:
3.2.1. To ascertain as a proof of acceptability.
3.2.2. To confirm the adequacy of design bearing capacity.

To perform the pile load test effectively, the following apparatuses are required.
4.1. Reaction Beam: The steel girder is laid across the test pile with system set up. It is
also known as Rocker Beam.
4.2. Hydraulic Jack: The complete jacking system including the hydraulic jack(s),
hydraulic pump and pressure gauge shall be calibrated as a unit before each test or
series of tests in a test program to an accuracy of not less than 5 % of the applied
load. The hydraulic jack(s) shall be calibrated over its complete range of ram travel
for increasing and decreasing applied loads. If two or more jacks are to be used to
apply the test load, they shall be of the same ram diameter, connected to a common
manifold and pressure gauge, and operated by a single hydraulic pump.
4.3. Ball Bearing: To provide non-eccentric load to the pile head, a ball bearing shall
be inserted in between the reaction beam and the hydraulic jack. It might not be
necessary if the eccentricity of load to pile vertical axis is sufficiently minimized.
4.4. Dial gauges: Four dial gauges (At least two) will be provided to monitor the pile
movements by mounting between the pile head and reference beams. The
micrometer has a range of 0-100 mm and an accuracy of 0.01 mm. Dial gauges may
need to be calibrated occasionally.
4.5. Reference Beam: Two reference beams (usually steel channel or angel) are placed
firmly on the ground independently. Its direction should be perpendicular to the
reaction beam. The length of the beams should be approximately 4.5m long (length
depends on the sensitivity of soil around the pile). Axial movement of pile is
measured with respect to these fixed reference beams.
Compression tests utilize an overhead reaction beam and frame with resistance to the applied
loads provided by reaction piles or dead weight. Varieties of test procedures have been
developed for carrying pile load; among the most common procedures for pile load test are-
5.1. Kentledge System: Generally sand bags are used as Kentledge to load on the pile.
Sometimes concrete or steel blocks are used for heavy load arrangement. Kentledge
should be arranged in such a geometric shape that the center of mass stays right on
top of the pile. 10% to 20% margin on the capacity of the reaction against maximum
test load should be allowed.
5.2. Reaction Frame System: In this system, two or more reaction piles, or anchors are
installed for the reaction frame after the installation of the test pile. The clear
distance of the anchor or reaction piles from the test pile or pile group should be at
least five times the maximum diameter of the test pile(s) but not less than 2.0m.

Scope of work consists of some certain tasks that must be done correctly. These are as follows:
6.1. Pile Head Preparation:
6.1.1. In order to perform compression test, the immediate area of the test pile or pile
group shall be excavated to the proposed pile cut-off elevation.
6.1.2. If the head of the pile is damaged, the damaged portion shall be removed and
repaired prior to the test. For tests on piles groups, the piles shall be capped with a
reinforced concrete cap designed and constructed in accordance with accepted
engineering practice for the anticipated loads.
6.1.3. For a test on an individual pile, a steel bearing plate of sufficient thickness to
prevent it from bending under the loads involved (but not less than 50 mm) shall be
centered on the pile or pile cap and set perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the
6.1.4. For tests on pile groups involving the use of two or more separate loading points,
a test plate shall be used at each loading point and such plates shall be arranged
symmetrically about the centroid of the group.

6.2. Platform Preparation:

6.2.1. Crib wall is placed rectangular in shape around the pile(s). This wall gives
support to the loads of Kentledge. Sand bags, block or brick can be used to build
the crib wall. The wall is placed as far from the test pile or pile group as practicable
but in no case less than a clear distance of 5 ft. (1.5 m). The bearing area of the
cribbing at ground surface shall be sufficient to prevent adverse settlement of the
weighted box or platform. The height of the crib wall will be sufficient that
engineers and workers can easily move through the area.
6.2.2. The hydraulic jack should be placed over the pile at center point. A bearing plate
should be placed between pile head and jack. Then the rocker beam or reaction
beam is placed over the jack.
6.2.3. After that primary beams are placed perpendicular to the rocker beam and
secondary beams are placed on top of that parallel to the rocker beam to support the
Kentledge. After placing all the supporting beams properly, load should be arranged
on top of them.
6.2.4. Completing all the necessary steps for the platform, testing equipment should
be attached. Two parallel reference beams, one on each side of the test pile or pile
cap, shall be oriented in a direction that permits placing their supports as far as
practicable from cribbing. A minimum of two dial gauges shall be mounted on the
reference beams. Tool mounting holder of dial gauge should be attached on the pile
head (fixed end) and sensor button should be in touch with reference beam (roller
end). A glass plate should be placed between reference beam and sensor button of
the dial gauge to ensure smooth surface for accurate reading.
6.2.5. At last the hydraulic jack equipment are placed to finish the whole set up. This
jack enables loading on pile head in regulated manner.
A few photographs showing test arrangement are attached in Appendix-B.
(Photo Courtesy: Ground Instrumentation & Engineering Pte. Ltd.)
Test procedure comprise with the loading/unloading and the holding time. The pile may be
tested in two standards cycles:
1. The 1st cycle tests the pile to its 100% of the Design Load.
2. The 2nd cycle tests the pile to its 150%-300% of the Design Load.
The sequence has variety depending on the target load. The procedure is described below.
Generally the load is increased from 0 to 25%, 50%, 75% & 100% of the design load. Then it
gets down to 0 reversely for 1st cycle. Then the next cycle starts. Sometimes three cycle can be
performed depending on test plan.

7.1. Holding Time: Each load increment is to be maintained until the rate of axial
movement does not exceed 0.25 mm per hour, with a minimum time adequate to
verify this movement rate based on the accuracy of the movement indicator
readings, and with a maximum of 2 hours. After applying the maximum load and
reaching an overall test duration of at least 12 hours, unloading should be began
when the axial movement measured over a period of 1 hour does not exceed 0.25
mm; otherwise the maximum load is allowed to remain on the pile or pile group for
24 hours. This can be written briefly as follows-
A. Any time if the rate of settlement <0.25 mm/hr.
B. Max 2 hour if the rate of settlement > 0.25mm/hr.
C. Any time after 12 hour if the butt settlement <0.25mm in 1 hour but otherwise 24

7.2. Reading Interval: Reading interval should be as follows-

D. At interval 10min. for first 2 hours then 1hr. for next 10 hours and 2hrs. for next
12 hours.

7.3. Failure Condition: If the total axial movement equals 10%-15% the pile diameter
(Equivalent diameter for rectangular shape), then it will be considered as failure.
The following are considered as failure conditions-
7.3.1. The failure load is that which causes settlement equal to 10%-15% of the pile
diameter (Equivalent diameter for rectangular shape), making allowance for the
elastic shortening of the pile itself that may be significant for long piles.
7.3.2. The failure load is that at which the rate of settlement continues undiminished
without further increment of load, unless of course that the rate is so slow as to
indicate that it is due to consolidation of soil.
7.3.3. The failure load is the load where the load settlement curve has its minimum
radius of curvature.
7.3.4. A tangent is drawn to the initial and final points of the load settlement curve and
taking the points of intersection as the failure load.
The following table shows the whole procedure of testing.
Table- 7.1
300% of Design Load (ASTM D1144-07)
Cycle % Design Load Time of Holding Reading Interval Notes
0 - - Holding Time:
25 1hr 10min
A. Any time if the rate
50 1hr 10min
1st 75 1hr 10min of settlement <0.25
100 2hr 10min mm/hr.
75 20min 10min
50 20min 10min B. Max 2 hour if the
25 20min 10min rate of settlement >
0 Until Stable 10min
50 1hr 10min 0.25mm/hr.
100 1hr 10min C. Any time after 12
125 1hr 10min
hour if the butt
150 1hr 10min
175 1hr 10min settlement <0.25mm in
2nd 200 12hr 1hr
1 hour but otherwise
175 20min 10min
Cycle 150 20min 10min 24 hour.
125 20min 10min Reading Interval:
100 20min 10min
50 20min 10min D. At interval 10min.
0 Until Stable 10min for first 2 hour then
50 1hr 10min
100 1hr 10min 1hr. for next 10 hour
150 1hr 10min and 2hr. for next 12
200 1hr 10min
225 1hr 10min
250 1hr 10min Failure Load:
275 1hr 10min E. The failure load is
300 24hr 2hr
Cycle 275 20min 10min that which causes
250 20min 10min settlement equal to
225 20min 10min
200 20min 10min 10%-15% of the pile
150 20min 10min diameter (Equivalent
100 20min 10min
diameter for
50 20min 10min
0 Until Stable 10min rectangular shape)

 Test supervisor may change loading-holding time sequence according to situation.
 Test procedure should follow the notes mentioned on the right side of the table.
Before planning to set up loading- holding time plan, load must be calculated according to
calibration certificate (Regression Equation) in order to apply the actual load on pile. All the
necessary data should be supervised and recorded carefully by Engineer-in-Charge. The
sample of data record sheet is attached in Appendix-A.


Three graph should be drawn from the field data. They are-
a) Load-Settlement Curve (Shows the settlement against load)

b) Time-Load Curve (Shows the holding time with loads)

c) Time-Settlement Curve (Shows the settlement over time)

There are several methods of calculating ultimate and allowable load on piles. The methods
are mentioned below. Designers are allowed to obtain the appropriate results within this

9.1. According to BNBC (1993, Part 6, Chapter-3, Article-, pages 6-83):

The resulting allowable load shall not be more than one –half of that test load which produces
a permanent net settlement of not more than 0.00028mm/kg of test load nor 20 mm.

9.2. According to IS: 2911:

9.2.1. The safe load is taken as one half of the load at which the total settlement is
equal to 10% of the pile diameter (7.5% in case of under-reamed piles) or 2/3rd of
the final load at which the total settlement is 12mm, whichever is less.
9.2.2. According to other criteria, the safe load is taken as one-half to two-third of the
load, which gives a net settlement of 6mm.

9.3. Tangent Method:

Two tangents are drawn on load settlement curve -

One in the zone of mild curvature and the other one on a point where radius of curvature is
minimum. The corresponding load at the intersection of two tangents is noted. Half of this load
is taken as allowable capacity of pile.

All operations in connection with pile load testing shall be carried out in such a manner so as
to minimize, avoid, or eliminate the exposure of people to hazard. The following safety rules
are in addition to general safety requirements applicable to construction operations:

All test and adjacent work areas, walkways, platforms, etc. should be kept clear of scrap, debris,
small tools, and accumulations of mud, grease, oil, or other slippery substances.

10.1. Timbers, blocking and cribbing materials made of quality material and in good
serviceable condition with flat surfaces and without rounded edges should be
10.2. Hydraulic jacks shall be equipped with spherical bearing plates or shall be in
complete and firm contact with the bearing surfaces and shall be aligned so as to
avoid eccentric loading.
10.3. Loads shall not be hoisted, swung, or suspended over anyone and shall be controlled
by tag lines.
10.4. The test beam(s), reaction frame, anchor piles and other anchoring devices, test
boxes, and their connections and supports shall be designed and approved by a
qualified engineer and installed to transmit the required loads with an adequate
factor of safety.
10.5. For tests on inclined piles, all inclined jacks, bearing plates, test beam(s), or frame
members shall be firmly fixed into place or adequately blocked to prevent slippage
upon release of load.
10.6. All reaction loads shall be stable and balanced. Safety wedges shall be in place at
all times to prevent the platform from tipping. During testing, movements of the
reaction load or system should be monitored to detect impending unstable
10.7. All test beams, reaction frames, platforms, and boxes shall be adequately supported
at all times.
Page : of
Name of Client Dia. of Ram (cm)
Contractor Area of Ram (cm2)
Test/Service Pile No Design Load
Size of Pile Maximum Test Load
Length of Pile Regression Eqn. Y=
Pile Type Date of Calibration
Date of
Date of Starting
Test Method Test of Completion
Max. Settlement Net Settlement

Load on Percent Observed Elapsed Dial Gauge Reading Average

Date & Cumulative
Test Pile of Design Pressure Time M1 M2 Settlement
Time Time (min) Remarks
(kg) Load (%) (kg/cm2) (min) (mm)
(Mm) (mm)
Col-1 Col-2 Col-3 Col-4 Col-5 Col-6 Col-7 Col-8 Col-9 Col-10

Signature of Signature of Signature of Signature of Signature of

Load Test Firm Contractor SAE, PWD SDE, PWD Executive Engineer, PWD
Photo 1.1 Preparing the pile head for grouting

Photo 1.2 Centering the jack over base plate

Photo 1.3 Placing primary beams over rocker beam

Photo 1.4 Placing secondary beams and sand bags

Photo 1.5 Arrangement of micrometer on reference beam

Photo 1.6 A complete view of load arrangement

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