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John the Baptist Catholic School

Poblacion, Calumpit, Bulacan

Name: ___________________________________________ Score: __________

Section: O St. Nicholas / O St. Thomas / O St. Benedict Date: __________
O St. Katharine / O St. Francis / O St. Elizabeth
Teacher: O Ms. Trisha Centeno / O Ms. Ivana Torres

Read the instructions first before answering. Failure to follow the instructions automatically
invalidates your answers. Avoid erasures.

I. IDENTIFICATION. Supply each item with the correct answer. Write your answers at the back. (5pts.

Book: Stylistics: A Resource Book for Students

Authors: Paul Simpson
Year: 2004
Publishing house: Routledge
Place of Publication: New York
Quote: Literature is, by definition, written language. This truism might suggest then that literature is
not a medium especially well-suited to exploration either at the linguistic level of phonology or in
terms of its phonetic substance. (page 16)

1. In-text citation, direct quote in the APA format

2. In-text citation, paraphrased in the APA format
3. Parenthetical citation, direct quote in the MLA format
4. Reference citation in the APA format

II. GRAMMAR. Encircle the word/s that will make each statement grammatically correct.

1. You should obey the rules, (shouldn’t you, should you)?

2. He (doesn’t work, works) hard, doesn’t he?
3. I hurt you, (am I, didn’t I, did I)?
4. Each of the girls (look, looks) good on skirts.
5. (Is, Are) each of the girls ready to leave?
6. All of the pies (is, are, were) gone.
7. Most of the seats (is, was, were) taken.
8. Margaux and her parents (goes, go) to the church every Sunday.
9. The committee (works, work) hard for the betterment of the organization.
10. Either Cassie or Marga (was, were) here.
11. Mumps (is, are) one of the most uncomfortable diseases.
12. Neither of us (is, are) going to work.
13. 60 minutes (is, are) the time limit for the test.
14. (Doesn’t, Don’t) they know when to quit?
15. There (was, were) several dents in the car.

III. TRUE or FALSE. Draw 😊 if the statement is true, and ☹ if it is false.

________1. Sources found on television or magazine are always reliable.

________2. IEEE format is appropriate for the field of natural sciences only.
________3. Citations aim not to uphold academic honesty, to promote scholarly writing, and to help
readers identify original sources.
________4. Using appropriate capitalization and punctuation marks is not deemed important in citation.
________5. Sources published online should be used as references.
________6. Medical practitioners use the APA style guide for referencing.
________7. In-text citation requires the writer to cite the details of the reference used in a certain part
of his/her essay.
________8. Sources that are personal and editable such as blogs and Wikipedia are acceptable if they cite
their references.
________9. In APA style guide, we need to follow this sequence in writing the names of the author: Last
name, First name initial, and Middle name.
________10. In APA style guide, we put “n.d.” (no date) for sources with dates.

IV. Go over the list of references in the box. Encircle the letters of items that are acceptable sources for
an essay about English Language Tourism in the Philippines, then box the letters of those which
are not acceptable.

a. Breaking the Language Barrier in Tourism (10 July 2015). The Philippine Star. Retrieved
b. Crystal, D. (2003). English as a global language. NY: Cambridge University Press.
c. History: It’s more fun in the Philippines (2009). Department of tourism. Retrieved from
d. Hutchinson, T. & Waters, A. (1987). English for specific purposes. A learning-centered
approach. UK: Cambridge University Press.
e. It’s More Fun in the Philippines (2012). [Video File]. Retrieved from
f. Koreans in the Philippines (n.d.). Wikipedia. Retrieved from
g. Learning English: More Fun in the Philippines (2013). American English. Retrieved from
h. Llorito, D. (2007). Philippines should master the English language or perish. Retrieved
i. Nunan, D. (2003). The impact of English as a global language of educational policies in
the Asia-Pacific Region. TESOL Quarterly, 37(4) 589-613.
j. Prince, S. (2015). A Review of “The making of a cultural landscape: the English Lake
District as tourist destination, 1950-2010”, edited by John K. Walton and Jason Wood.
Tourism Geographics, 17(1) 168-172.

V. Identify the term being described. Write your answer on the space provided.

______________1. This requires the writer to cite the details of the reference used in a certain part of
his/her essay.
______________2. This criterion pertains to the time when the source was published.
______________3. This style guide is used for non-academic periodicals.
______________4. A material qualifies to be _____ if it is impersonal and solely based on facts.
______________5. The abbreviation we put in the reference page for sources without publication date.
______________6. If a reading material doesn’t have this, think twice before you use it as a source.
______________7. What kind of sciences use the AMA style guide?
______________8. This means submitting part or all of an assignment twice for separate subjects or
______________9. We apply this in reference citations of APA, it means the lines following the first line in
an entry should be indented from the left margin.
______________10. What does the first E in IEEE stand for?

VI. Read and analyze each item, then box the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following cannot be considered as a criterion in evaluating sources?

a. Accuracy b. Affiliation c. Currency d. Relevance
2. Which one best describes currency of sources in academic writing?
a. Sources published in a reputable journal c. Sources published in the internet
b. Sources published in the 90s d. Sources published within the last five years
3. As an academic writer, which of the following internet sources should you avoid?
a. blog site b. government site c. university site d. advocacy site
4. The following can be useful in evaluating the validity of your sources, except
a. Determining the reliability indicator through citations in a reputable journal
b. Determining the reliability indicator through links from a credible site
c. Determining the reliability indicator through teacher recommendation
d. Determining the reliability indicator through classmates
5. Which one does not serve as purpose of citing sources?
a. To aid the readers locate the source c. To guide the writers in organizing ideas
b. To avoid copying works of others d. To make the paper appear scholarly
6. What makes in-text citation and reference citation similar?
a. Content b. Format c. Purpose d. Style
7. Which of the following is not common among all types of citation style guide?
a. Content b. Format c. Purpose d. Style
8. This pertains to a format used in referencing, citation, footnotes, endnotes, bibliography, and research
a. Referencing style b. Watermark c. Reference d. Academic Paper
9. This is a technique of rewriting a passage by altering the sentence structure and wordings making use
of your own simple words.
a. Summarizing b. Paraphrasing c. Condensing d. Outlining
10. This is an act where a certain person copies or imitates the works of an author without permission and
making it look like it is his/her own.
a. Feminism b. Marxism c. Freewriting d. Plagiarism
11. This is the focal or overarching point of the whole text.
a. Topic b. Main Idea c. Topic Sentence d. Thesis Statement
12. According to APA format, the list of references which appears at the end of your paper is called…
a. Bibliography b. Works Cited c. Sources Used d. List of References
13. Identify the correct parenthetical citation for a quote that comes from page seven of this book:
Tannen, D. (1998). The argument culture. Toronto: Random House.
a. Every issue we see on television appears to be set up as an argument: “In the argument culture,
criticism, attack, or opposition are the predominant if not the only ways of responding to people
or ideas” (Tannen, 1998, p. 7).
b. Every issue we see on television appears to be set up as an argument: “In the argument culture,
criticism, attack, or opposition are the predominant if not the only ways of responding to people
or ideas” (p. 7).
c. Every issue we see on television appears to be set up as an argument: “In the argument culture,
criticism, attack, or opposition are the predominant if not the only ways of responding to people
or ideas” (The argument culture, 1998, p. 7).
d. Every issue we see on television appears to be set up as an argument: “In the argument culture,
criticism, attack, or opposition are the predominant if not the only ways of responding to people
or ideas” (Tannen 7).
14. The reference at the end of your paper should appear
a. in alphabetical order by authors’ surname or by title (if there is no author), regardless of any
type of reference.
b. under separate subheadings according to type of source.
c. first under those with authors, then those without.
d. numbered in the order in which they appear.
15. Identify the correct parenthetical citation for a quote from page one hundred and three from this source:
Keaveney, S. (2004). When MTV goes CEO. In D. Brundage & M. Lahey (Eds.), Acting on words (pp.
99-103). Toronto: Pearson.
a. According to Keaveney, “Before mid-millenium, Gen Xers will be the CEOs of the future” (103).
b. According to Keaveney, “before mid-millenium, Gen Xers will be the CEOs of the future” (p.
c. According to Keaveney, “Before mid-millenium, Gen Xers will be the CEOs of the future”
(Brundage & Lahey, 2004, p. 103).

Do your future self a favor: study hard! 😊

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