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The 4th A form Summative Evaluation, module 3 Date: December,11th

Name __________________________________________

I. Translate the words:

1. doorbell 11. gentle
2. ghost 12. helpful
3. pumpkin 13. may
4. be afraid of 14. take care
5. be puzzled 15. invitation
6. straight hair 16. lollipop
7. curly hair 17. scissors
8. hazel eyes 18. invite
9. devoted 19. balloon
10. friendly 20. borrow
A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
II. Read the text and do the follow-up task:
Today is October, 31st. It is Halloween. Halloween is a fun holiday in Canada and the United States of
America. People wear funny clothes. Children eat candy. Kathy is ten. Kathy likes Halloween. She loves
candy. Kathy has a little brother. His name is David. He is four. Kathy and David go outside on Halloween
night. They walk down their street. They knock on the door of all the houses. They ask the people for
candy. They say "Trick or Treat”! The people in the houses give all the children candy.

1. What is the name of the holiday?______________________________________________

2. Where is Halloween a fun holiday? _____________________________________________
3. What do people do? _________________________________________________________
4. What is Kathy’s little brother’s name? ___________________________________________
5. Where do Kathy and her brother go on Halloween night. ____________________________

A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

III. Insert words to complete the descriptions of the people:

Tom has ________ hair and _____________eyes.

Jane has ________________ hair and _____________eyes. Jane is ______________.

A 1 2 3 4 5
IV. Write the correct pronouns.
1. My cousin Kate loves books. This book is for (she)_______________.
2. My friend likes cars. The lorry is for (he) _______________________.
3. We love sweets. These sweets are for (we)_____________________.
4. My parents like classical music. The CD is for (they)______________.
5. I like watches. This nice watch is for (I)_________________________.

A 1 2 3 4 5
V. For each sentence use the appropriate modal verb (may, must, can).
1. ________________ I borrow your pen for a minute?
2. Bill _______________ not speak French.
3. They _______________ do homework every day.
4. I ________________ understand what he’s saying.
5. I don’t know how to complete this exercise. ______________ you help me?

A 1 2 3 4 5
VI. Describe your mother in five sentences. Include information about her name, age, hair, job and hobbies.

A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 p. - descrie subiectul indicat
2 p.- Respectarea cerințele din sarcină
1 p. – Scrierea îngrijită
3 p. - Posedă și ortografiază corect vocabularul necesar.
3 p. -Utilizează, ortografiază corect modurile, formele şi structurile gramaticale.

Total points__________________

100% - 90% 40- 45p - FB

;  89% - 65% 39- 29p -B

 64% - 34% 28- 15 p -S

 33% -1% 14 – 1 p - Recuperare

The 4th form
Teacher: Vasilachi Svetlana

Summative evaluation module III

Objectives: During the evaluation the students applies the abilities to:
O1 – translate twenty learned words (module 3)
O2 – answer five questions on the text
O3 – describe a person using a picture or a clue
O4 – write the correct pronounce in five sentences
O5- identify and write the correct modal verb - can, must, may- in five sentences

The criterion of correction:

I. 0.5 point is obtained for each correct answer. 20* 0.5 = 10 p.
II. 2 points are obtained for each correct answer. 5 * 2 = 10 p.
III. 1 points is obtained for each correct answer. 5 * 1 = 5 p
IV. 1 points is obtained for each correct answer. 5 * 1 = 5 p
V. 1 points is obtained for each correct answer. 5 * 1 = 5 p
VI. 1point for identifying the subject
2 points for following the clue
1 point for neatness
3 points for grammar structure
3 points for spelling
(cut 1 point for 3 mistakes)

100% - 90% 40- 45p - FB

;  89% - 65% 39- 29p -B

 64% - 34% 28- 15 p -S

 33% -1% 14 – 1 p - Recuperare

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