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United States Discovered in the Bible

Lesson 1

I. Endtime - what does that mean?

A. The end of human government and the beginning of the Kingdom of God
B. Another 1,000 years of human existence

II. Prophecy sealed until the time of the end (Daniel 12:9)
A. Words are sealed until the time of the end
B. Placed in the hands of the people of the endtime

III. Can we identify these nations? (Daniel 7:1-8)

A. Lion with eagle's wings
B. Bear with three ribs
C. Leopard with four heads
D. Ten-homed beast

IV. What do these beasts symbolize? (Daniel 7:23)

A. Beasts - king and his kingdom or nation along with the ruler of that nation

V. When will these nations exist?

A. The thrones were cast down and the ancient of days did sit (Daniel 7 :9-12)
B. The transition from human government to the Kingdom of God

VI. The beast or Antichrist and the False Prophet

A. Words which "the horn" spake (Daniel 7: 11)
1. The beast - the Antichrist and the False Prophet will be destroyed (Revelation
2. Nations have dominion taken away, yet their lives were prolonged
3. Jesus will reign as King of kings during the Millennium
B. Jesus Christ will return to earth during the lifetime of these nations

VII. The ram and the he goat (Daniel 8:20-21)

A. The ram was the king of Media-Persia
B. The he goat was the king of Greece

VIII. The lion (Daniel 7:4)

A. Great Britain
B. Lion is the official symbol of Great Britain

IX. The bear (Daniel 7:5)

A. Russia
B. The bear is the official symbol of Russia

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X. The eagle (Daniel 7 :4)
A. The United States
B. The eagle is the official symbol of the USA
1. Declaration of Independence
2. A man's heart was given to it - symbol of Uncle Sam

XI. The leopard (Daniel 7:6)

A. Germany
B. The leopard is the official symbol of Germany
1. Dominion was given to the leopard
2. Germany sells Leopard tanks to the Netherlands - The Daily News, luly
3. Germany started the last three major wars

XII. The Miracle of Dunkirk

A. Turning point of WWII

XIII. The four heads (Daniel 7:6)

A. Four heads, given dominion
1. First Reich, Second Reich , Third Reich (Hitler) and Fourth Reich (now rising)
B. Fourth Reich now rising
1. Germany dominates Europe

XIV. The wings of a fowl (Daniel 7:6)

A. France
B. The fowl is the official symbol of France
1. Franco-German alliance

XV. Ten-horned beast (Daniel 7:7-24)

A. Like no other beast on the earth
B. Ten horns are ten kings
C. Ten kings that will form a union and support the Antichrist (Revelation 17: 12-
D. The Antichrist and the ten kings will rule until the return of Jesus Christ
1. These shall make war with the Lamb

XVI. The called and chosen and faithful (Revelation 17:14)

A. When Jesus returns they that are with Him are called and chosen and faithful

XVII. The Holy Roman Empire reborn (Daniel 2:44)

A. Holy Roman Empire historically was in Europe
1. Political leader from Europe and spiritual leader from the Vatican
2. Totally unified economically

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XVIII. The Antichrist will come out of the midst of the ten kings (Daniel 7:8-
A. Little horn comes up and uproots three
B. Start of the Great Tribulation
C. Antichrist will rule during the Great Tribulation
D. Antichrist will make war against the saints
E. Antichrist and False Prophet will rule until Jesus Christ returns

XIX. The fourth beast = World Government = Holy Roman Empire

A. Will devour the whole world (Daniel 7:23)
B. Antichrist will rise out of the Holy Roman Empire (Revelation 13: 1-2)

XX. Jesus will return and the Antichrist will be cast into the lake of fire
A. Kingdom given to the saints (Daniel 7:27)
B. Antichrist reign will end at the Battle of Armageddon (Zechariah 14:2)
C. Jesus Christ crowned King of kings and Lord of lords (I Thessalonians 4: 16)

XXI. Summary
A. Recap Daniel 7 prophecy
B. All prophecy will be fulfilled (Matthew 24:35)

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