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Q1. Describe how you can collect information, evaluate and review presentations— for example, the
three key factors of a presentation: results, response and standards. (220 – 250 words)

A. The first step in preparing the presentation is to collect and read as much information as
possible about the subject. Learn as much about the topic as you can. Prepare detailed notes on
some of the ideas you may want to use during the presentation. Ask yourself what information
you plan on discussing during your presentation, what message you want to deliver to your
audience, and where you can find additional information. Basic methods to collect information
will be questionnaires, Interviews, Internet and Newspapers/Magazines.

While reviewing the presentation you can develop a checklist to document the outcome.
Checklist can be a standard checklist including point’s like- On time arrival, venue setup,
presentation overview, materials/aids, communication barriers, opportunities for questions,
time allocated, feedback etc.

While evaluating a presentation you need to consider three factors-

1. Results- You will need to ascertain whether the desired outcomes were achieved. Consider
whether the correct information was communicated and whether the audience understood
the presentation content. Evaluation methods might include measuring the presentation
against the results and intended outcomes in the presentation plan.
2. Response- Next you need to determine how the audience responded to the presentation. It
 getting general, informal feedback from the presentation team
 following up and discussing reaction with audience
 issuing a questionnaire for audience members to complete
 sharing email address for feedback response
3. Standards- Need to evaluate how the presentation is mapped against the predetermined
standards. Evaluation methods might include:
 reviewing the checklist after the presentation
 discussing individual performances as a team
 having an observer to check and report
 asking participants to complete the checklist or an evaluation sheet

Q2. What regulatory and organisational obligations would be relevant when preparing and giving
presentations? (120-150 words)

A. For legislation to be complied with, it is necessary that all employees understand the legislation,
regulations and codes that are relevant to their jobs. Employees need to be given the requisite
training and information to ensure understanding and compliance. Training will ensure that all
employees understand the legislation in the same way and will, therefore, in most cases apply it

When preparing the presentation, the presenter must ensure full knowledge of and awareness
of the Acts relating to anti-discrimination and privacy. This prevents the presenter from
discussing other audience/participant's information or personal details as well as advertising
personal information of participants and organisations.

Environmental issues are important as the presenter can take steps to enhance sustainability by
reducing the amount of paper handouts, presenting via computer aided devices instead. The
presenter must take into consideration the health and safety needs of the participants by
advising them of any hazards, fire exits, toilet locations and ensuring that any cords for electrical
devices are not in an area where participants can trip or fail.
Q3. Explain the principles of effective communication used in making presentations. (220-250 words)

A. Communication is a two-way process of giving and receiving information through any number of
channels. Whether one is speaking informally to a colleague, giving presentation the following
basic principles apply:
 Know your audience
 Know your purpose
 Know your topic
 Anticipate objections
 Present a rounded picture
 Achieve credibility with your audience
 Follow through on what you say
 Communicate a little at a time
 Present information in several ways
 Develop a practical, useful way to get feedback
 Use multiple communication techniques

Every time you stand in front of a group, you must achieve two basic goals. First, you need to
communicate a message. And second, you need to communicate your personality- who you are
as a professional and an individual.

Correspondence / Communication ought to be clear and succinct when giving presentations—

for instance dispose of lengthy expressions, just incorporate significant material and maintain a
strategic distance from pointless redundancy.

Ensure the data is precise and accurate—for instance particular, positive, and distinctive instead
of obscure and general, place activity in your verbs, choose vivid, image building words.

Use non-verbal communication i.e. body language and observe non-verbal communication from
the audience- for instance eye contact is vital when talking, use hand signals and facial
appearances. Watch the gathering of audience and their non-verbal communication—it will give
you a thought of the level of interest.

Dynamic listening aptitudes ought to likewise be utilized—listen to the group of audience and
gather information and feedback from them.

Persuasive communication techniques are utilized as a part of securing the enthusiasm of the
audience- gather information about them, discover what will engage them and discover things
like in the event that they are religious, moderate, political, genuine, youthful or elderly.

Q4. List six aids you might use to support a sales presentation.
A. For sales presentation to a customer you will probably use the products you are discussing and
selling as presentations aids. Using products as materials is necessary because it might be the
first time the customer has seen the product you are offering. A good presentation will involve
demonstration, discussion and opportunities for the client to interact with the product.

Sales aids might include-

1. the product itself or product samples
2. models
3. photographs, posters or drawings
4. graphs and charts
5. printer materials- handouts, brochures
6. videos or audio presentation

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