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About Halloween
Halloween is on the 31st of October. It’s a day in which we celebrate the Celtic new year or
also called Samhain. In the past, on this day the harvest had arrived and the seed for next year
was ready. This means no work; time for a day off. Halloween was mostly celebrated by the
Celts. The Celts believed that the spirits of the people that died last year came back on one
day to take a living body for next year. Those spirits would rise out of dead were attractive to
the food people left in front of the door. To scare the spirits the Celts wore masks.

When the Romans took over Great-Britain, they took over their tradition as well. Later this
spread along more countries.

When we celebrate Halloween nowadays, we dress in a scary way. In the evening kids are
going past decorated houses with lampions to collect candy, by saying ‘trick or treat’.

How did I celebrate Halloween?

Normally I don’t celebrate Halloween, but this year I celebrated Halloween with my school.
In the afternoon we went to carve pumpkins. First, a story about Halloween was told, it was
called ‘the story of stingy Jack’. Then we got a pumpkin and some examples of how to carve
the pumpkin and a carving set. After we had an idea of how to carve it, we could start and
make something nice out of it. During the activity, we got something to drink and eat. And
also, a prize was awarded to the person who was nicest dressed.

I had a really nice and fun afternoon celebrating Halloween. I really enjoyed it.

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